
CIA-33ubiquity: shtylman * r3404 trunk/ (6 files in 4 dirs):03:31
CIA-33ubiquity: fix for (LP: #413159). Acceptable for feature freeze, but still needs03:31
CIA-33ubiquity: work and further review03:31
CIA-33ubiquity: mterry * r3356 plugins/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Some fixes that Evan suggested. Thanks, Evan04:01
CIA-33ubiquity: mterry * r3357 plugins/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py: remove debugging line04:47
CIA-33ubiquity: mterry * r3358 plugins/ (16 files in 3 dirs): use WEIGHT instead of filename ordering05:07
shtylmanmterry: hey...will I need to do any major changes to support this new plugin stuff?05:17
shtylmanI don't really know what all it is about so...05:17
=== mpt__ is now known as mpt
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3405 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Fixes to the slideshow code.10:36
evandkirkland: today's CDs have the updated user-setup/ubiquity (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20090826/) with the changes to zero out encrypted swap partitions.12:37
davmor2evand: in english does that mean that encrypted home partitions might be on the books again?12:39
evanddavmor2: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-installer/2009-August/000475.html - blocked on that12:40
evandin addition to a full review by the security team12:40
evandit's on the CDs (as it has always been), it's just hidden beneath an option that can be manually entered at the CD boot menu12:41
davmor2wounder but it is getting there though which is cool :)12:43
evandinch by inch12:47
evandgood morning mterry.  Just waiting to see if anyone else has the time to look over your branch, then I'll merge it in this evening, barring any other concerns.13:14
mterryevand, morning.  Sweet.  Thanks for shepherding it through.  :)13:15
evandsure thing13:15
mterryevand, and the OEMConfigImprovement spec is still only half-done.  What a beast.  Never should have let you give it to me.  ;)13:17
evandno worries.  Progress is progress.13:18
mterryevand, yeah, I didn't really expect to finish it13:20
StevenKevand: Wubi worked for me -- in as far as I was able to test it on a Windows machine that I can't modify13:48
StevenKevand: I'll be getting someone else to try a full install of UNR under Wubi tomorrow13:51
evandgood deal13:51
cjwatsonoww, kickstart hurts my brain14:04
davmor2cjwatson: Stop putting it inside your head then :)14:06
szczymHelo all, i have a problem installing ubuntu server on box with no cdrom (i do it from usbstick). install stops on detecting cdrom (demands floppy drivers). its bug 378442   Could any one help me please ?14:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378442 in linux "Error 'No common CD-ROM drive was detected' when installing Ubuntu Server via USB drive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37844214:09
evandAs awful as it may be, it's at least separated from the machinery of the installer.  That is, Anaconda can produce a kickstart file sufficient for feeding back into it to produce the same results.  We can't say that about d-i's use of debconf.14:10
evandreplied on the bug14:12
evandszczym: ^14:12
szczymsorry, i was on mission in other rooms looking for a box with cdrom ;)14:17
szczymit not works,  replied on the bug14:23
evandszczym: please refresh the bug report.  I don't expect it to work with 8.04.3.  If you can try it with an 8.10 or later CD, we can narrow down the issue.14:24
evandthough I suspect it's that we did not support cdrom-detect/try-usb in 8.0414:24
szczymthere is no problem with ubuntu 9.0414:39
szczymevand: do you want me to test 8.10 ?14:39
evandszczym: no, that should be sufficient.  So the problem is that we just didn't support that feature in 8.04.  I'll try to get it in for 8.04.414:40
evandAs that's not set to be released until early next year, I'd suggest using 8.10 or any later release (such as 9.04)14:41
szczymevand: i will do so, thanx for information, let me know if you need any help with testing in future14:42
evandsure thing, thanks14:42
evandgood luck14:43
kirklandevand: rocking!  i'm rsync'ing now14:43
evandlet me know how it goes14:54
juancanichello there17:40
juancanicI have a problem trying to install ubuntu over a IBM xseries 22517:41
juancanicit have a scsi controller LSI logic 1020 and the ubuntu installation17:41
juancanicis not detecting the driver17:41
juancaniccould you please help me to get it?17:42
juancanicnobody know?17:45
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r133 usb-creator/ (146 files in 26 dirs): Finally merge with the cleanup branch.20:03
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r134 usb-creator/ (bin/usb-creator-gtk setup.py): Bump version to
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r135 usb-creator/debian/ (changelog control): Replace dependency on parted and mtools with devicekit-disks.20:12
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r136 usb-creator/debian/copyright: Update copyright somewhat. Needs further cleanup.20:26
cody-somervillecjwatson, There doesn't appear to be the gtk d-i stuff in archive.ubuntu.com for karmic - any reason why?21:07
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r137 usb-creator/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.2.321:26
cjwatsondebian-installer (20081029ubuntu48) karmic; urgency=low21:27
cjwatson  * Disable GTK frontend for now; the GDK directfb backend needs some work21:27
cjwatson    in the current development series.21:27
cjwatsoncody-somerville: ^-21:27
cjwatsoncody-somerville: if it works again I'm happy to turn it on21:27
cjwatsonGDK directfb maintenance is a bit ropey21:27
superm1evand, i was trying to give a brief look over mterry's branch.  does it merge cleanly for you?21:37
superm1i saw conflicts for gtk_ui and kde_ui21:37
evandsuperm1: indeed, I'm working through those now21:39
evandsuperm1: what are your thoughts otherwise?21:48
superm1evand, i'm not convinced this won't break mythbuntu in it's current state, but i really like how a lot of  this is implemented21:48
evandI did test a mythbuntu install, and while it was basically just clicking next over and over again, it did work :)21:49
superm1did you by chance have nvidia or AMD graphics in the system?21:49
evandnope, it was a kvm install21:49
evandI do understand that I can easily miss some other cases :)21:49
superm1that's the particular case i'm worried about. there's some extra logic that inserts another page in normally21:49
superm1i'll do a local build and see what happens21:50
superm1if that's the only broken thing, it should be pretty easy to resolve21:50
evandgood deal21:50
superm1this is a /massive/ diff. it's hard to be able to give any sort of thorough review of everything quickly21:51
evandapologies, I should've brought it your attention when I first found out that he was ready for review21:54
evandcan't even remember when that was though.  Brain is shot due to FF panic.21:54
superm1understandable.  i would have had a hard time giving it a look even if i knew sooner :)21:54
evandah, cool21:57
evandbah, dinner.  I've got shtylman's keyboard map stuff properly merged into the new console-setup plugin.  I'll give this another look over to make sure I haven't missed anything else after dinner21:58
superm1ah no, that's not where it broke.  it broke that the final step is coming up at the wrong time22:11
superm1i'm not sure it fits into this model of plugins currently well22:11
cjwatsonI'm sorry I haven't had a chance to look over the plugins branch; I'm really running up against the FF wall too closely for comfort22:14
cjwatsontrying to get LVM-on-RAID kickstart up and running now22:18
cjwatsonI think I have RAID kickstart alone more or less done, at least22:18
cjwatsonthough dear god is it some complicated shell22:18
evandno worries22:40
evandhrm, debating holding off and giving you both a chance to look it over.  I really don't want to rush this kind of thing through.22:44
evandyeah, I think I'll go with that.22:45
evandI'll take my chances with Steve :)22:45
CIA-33partman-auto-raid: cjwatson * r178 ubuntu/ (4 files in 3 dirs):23:16
CIA-33partman-auto-raid: Add raidid= syntax to partman-auto-raid/recipe to make it possible to23:16
CIA-33partman-auto-raid: preseed RAID creation without having to guess partition device names in23:16
CIA-33partman-auto-raid: advance.23:16
CIA-33partman-auto-raid: cjwatson * r179 ubuntu/debian/control: set Maintainer and Vcs-Bzr for Ubuntu23:18
CIA-33partman-auto-raid: cjwatson * r180 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 15ubuntu123:19
CIA-33kickseed: cjwatson * r270 ubuntu/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Add basic RAID support. (LVM-on-RAID won't quite work yet.)23:35
CIA-33kickseed: cjwatson * r271 ubuntu/debian/control: set Maintainer and Vcs-Bzr for Ubuntu23:37
CIA-33kickseed: cjwatson * r272 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.53ubuntu123:39

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