
elkyjussi01, Pricey, nalioth: please cloak bratsche00:07
naliothwelcome, bratsche :)00:07
bratscheelky, nalioth: Thank you.00:40
mama21mamaI want a cloak03:16
mama21mamaas I do?03:16
nhandlermama21mama: Do you have a link to your LP profile?03:16
mama21mamanhandler, https://launchpad.net/~mama21mama200003:18
naliothubottu: tell mama21mama about member03:18
ubottumama21mama, please see my private message03:18
nhandlermama21mama: Ubuntu cloaks are only for Ubuntu Members (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership)03:19
mama21mamato see03:19
nhandlermama21mama: You can request an unaffiliated cloak in the meantime if you desire (http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks)03:19
juliuxjussi01: btw it is possible to get #ubucon under the controll of the irc council?12:27
elkyjuliux, we tried once before, we can try again though.12:30
jussi01ummm, it is under our control?12:31
juliuxelky: we have the problem with the channel every year;)12:32
elkyjussi01, not afaik12:32
jussi01juliux: check the access list12:33
juliuxjussi01: ah cool12:33
juliuxit is possible to set a topic in there? perhaps with a link to #ubucon-de and www.ubucon.de?12:34
juliuxand to http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/189812:34
ALAYAhi, I'm a ubuntu member (https://launchpad.net/~zied.alaya) and I wanna to have a Ubuntu cloak.14:58
ALAYAI followed  these steps: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup14:59
ALAYAshould I do some thing else ?14:59
nikoelky: ^15:01
elkyjussi01, nalioth, Pricey, please cloak ALAYA.15:03
nikoone second :)15:03
ALAYAhi elky :) , how are you ?15:03
elkyincredibly tired. yourself?15:04
ALAYAthx niko :)15:04
nikoALAYA: you are now cloaked15:05
ALAYAthank you very much niko15:05
nikoyou're welcome15:06
blizzkidlo all, anyone here that is on planet.ubuntu and would like to do me a big favor please?22:38
Priceyblizzkid: What's up?22:38
blizzkidPricey: I would like someone that's on planet to spread my latest blogpost http://martijn.sudo-s.net/content/i-oppose-windows7sins since I don't have access to planet22:39
blizzkidand I believe this is very good for the community22:40
Pricey!member | blizzkid22:40
ubottublizzkid: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember22:40
blizzkidPricey: I know about becoming a member, but that's not the question22:41
Priceyblizzkid: Ubuntu Members can post to the planet. I'm not sure I like the idea of you badgering existing members pushing your own views.22:41
blizzkidIf someone can spread the message on planet that'll suffice22:41
blizzkidI'm pretty sure many share my view22:41
naliothblizzkid: if it's something of importance, i'm sure someone will blog about it22:41
blizzkidThe FSF is completely wrong with this campaign22:41
Priceyblizzkid: You have your blog and are spreading your message, if someone likes it, I'm sure they'll spread it too.22:42
naliothno need to spam folks to push it for you22:42
blizzkidnalioth: don't pick on me for trying to get a bit of attention for a _positive_ campaign22:42
ikoniafor what it's worth I don't like the campaign either but spamming it makes it look worthless22:42
ikoniablizzkid: you're doing more harm than good, you make it look like spam, people have brains and can work it out22:43
Priceyblizzkid: I'd find it pretty positive if I received £5 from each user here tbh.22:43
naliothblizzkid: nobody is 'picking on you'.  we're just stating facts22:43
ikoniaPricey: I'll post mine to you if that's acceptable22:44
naliothpost your what, ikonia ?22:44
blizzkidnalioth: I understand your concern, but I've been a community member since 2004, and the FSF's campaign is an utter fail. We should make clear we're a positive community, so if anyone would like to spread the message (I dont't even need credit for it!!) that would be great22:45
blizzkidI'm not an Ubuntu member, and won't be one because I don't have high karma in launchpad22:46
ikoniablizzkid: you're making your positive message look like a bad message, people have brains, rise above it22:46
ikoniablizzkid: my karma is low, I'm a member22:46
naliothblizzkid: noted. and as you've been told - your current methodology of "getting noticed" (at least on irc) isn't helping22:46
* nalioth has no karma :(22:46
naliothblizzkid: you can post it to digg or /. or any other of those types of places.  you can twit it, facespace it, etc22:48
blizzkidnalioth: I appreciate the suggestions, but imho that would be worse than asking here in terms of "spamming" (digg and /.)22:49
ikoniablizzkid: no it wouldn't22:49
ikoniathat is what those services are for - irc is not for your advertisment22:50
blizzkidikonia: I wasn't trying to advertise here, I was asking if someone would do me a favor, that's a world of difference imho22:51
naliothno, actually those places are very democratic.  if the posted subject is "of importance", it'll get modded up / spread by more folks22:51
ikoniawell - this topic's been done to death, bottom line is from an ubuntu point of view, stop spamming it in channels, from your message point of view, you may want to consider how you present your information22:52
blizzkidk thx22:57
blizzkidand sorry22:57

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