
MootBotMeeting started at 18:10. The chair is nhandler.00:10
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:10
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:10
nhandler[TOPIC] Issuing the quiz to Padawans00:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Issuing the quiz to Padawans00:11
nhandlerRocket2DMn: Do you want to discuss this? Or should we defer it until bodhi is around?00:11
Rocket2DMnnhandler, we need to wait for bodhi on that one00:11
nhandler[AGREED] Wait to discuss Issuing the quiz to Padawans until bodhizazen is present00:12
MootBotAGREED received:  Wait to discuss Issuing the quiz to Padawans until bodhizazen is present00:12
nhandler[TOPIC AOT]00:12
nhandler[TOPIC] AOT00:12
MootBotNew Topic:  AOT00:12
nhandlerAny other Topics to discuss?00:12
yvan300why are we the only ones participating?00:13
starcraftmanDon't really have anything to add....00:13
pleia2I'm here, nothing to add :)00:13
y_leeyeah same here00:14
popeyme too00:14
Rocket2DMnI't pretty typical for late summer to be slow00:14
nhandlerIf there are no other topics to discuss, I would like to give a status update about some outstanding actions that I have been working on00:15
nhandler[TOPIC] Status update on outstanding actions00:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Status update on outstanding actions00:15
nhandlerThe ##beginners-classroom channel has now been dropped. All classroom sessions should take place in #ubuntu-beginners00:15
yvan300nhandler: what do you mean?00:15
nhandleryvan300: About what?00:16
pleia2nhandler: wow, not in -classroom anymore?00:16
pleia2er #ubuntu-classroom00:16
popeythats surprising00:16
yvan300nhandler: outstanding actions topic00:16
nhandlerpleia2: That is what I meant, sorry00:16
pleia2oh good :)00:16
popeyback to sleep pleia2 :)00:16
popey(and I)00:16
starcraftmanoh ok, sounds fine then.00:16
nhandlerThanks for catching that pleia200:16
nhandleryvan300: Outstanding actions are items from previous meeting that people were assigned to take care of00:17
yvan300nhandler: link00:17
nhandleryvan300: Meeting logs are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings and the Team Reports are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/TeamReports00:17
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:18
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings00:18
nhandler[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/TeamReports00:18
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/TeamReports00:18
nhandlerI have also made some progress on the new mailing lists. An RT request has been filed, and it has been assigned to the appropriate owner. I will continue to follow up with this to ensure the list gets created00:19
nhandler[ACTION] nhandler to follow up on new mailing list creation00:19
MootBotACTION received:  nhandler to follow up on new mailing list creation00:19
nhandlerSince yvan300 has to go, lets do his membership vote00:20
nhandler[TOPIC] yvan300 membership00:20
MootBotNew Topic:  yvan300 membership00:20
nhandleryvan300: Care to say a few words about yourself?00:20
yvan300well, i'm yvan pierre, a young lad who loves programming and helping others00:21
nhandleryvan300: What have you been doing with the Beginners Team?00:22
yvan300well since i began back in feburary, i spent my time getting to know the team, getting ck linked and helping other whenever i can in ubuntu-beginners-help00:22
yvan300i also became a part of ubuntu-beginners-ynu so that i can become a better, more polite person over the internet :P00:24
nhandlerAnyone else have anything to say, or sould we vote?00:24
Rocket2DMnbring on the vote!00:25
swoody+1 Rocket2DMn00:25
nhandler[VOTE] Should yvan300 become a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team?00:25
MootBotPlease vote on:  Should yvan300 become a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team?.00:25
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:25
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:25
MootBotAbstention received from nhandler. 0 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 000:25
MootBot+1 received from swoody. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 100:25
MootBot+1 received from tim_sharitt. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 200:26
MootBot+1 received from Rocket2DMn. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 300:26
MootBot+1 received from y_lee. 4 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 400:26
MootBot+1 received from starcraftman. 5 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 500:26
nhandlerAny more votes?00:27
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 6 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 600:28
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 1 abstained. Total: 600:28
nhandlerCongrats and welcome to the team yvan300 !00:28
yvan300nhandler: well met , and thanks everyone :D00:28
Rocket2DMnwelcome yvan300 , good to have you on board00:28
* starcraftman gives yvan300 his own personalized stuffed squirrel with nut gun as present!00:28
y_leecongrats yvan30000:28
yvan300thank you Rocket2DMn y_lee and tkanks for the squirrel starcraftman :P00:29
nhandleryvan300: You have been added to ~ubuntu-beginners on Launchpad. Be sure to subscribe to the mailing list. You will get voice in #ubuntu-beginners once someone with +f shows up. You are also entitled to a VoteBot factoid.00:30
starcraftmanyvan300: your welcome, welcome aboard and have fun.00:30
nhandler[AGREED] yvan300 to join the Ubuntu Beginners Team00:30
MootBotAGREED received:  yvan300 to join the Ubuntu Beginners Team00:30
starcraftmannow if only bodhi magically appeared, like when I mention Rocket2DMn....00:30
nhandlerSo, anything else to discuss tonight?00:31
yvan300nhandler: ok, i'm gonna check it out now, but anyway i have to go , may be back later, nite team :P00:31
swoodybye yvan300 and welcome again :)00:31
nhandlerGood night yvan300, and congratulations!00:31
* Rocket2DMn appears00:31
starcraftmanRocket2DMn: hehe, ya can't appear if ya didn't dissapear first.... then its not magic!00:32
nhandlerAre there any FGs that have anything to share with the team?00:32
nhandlerLast call for anyone with topics to discuss. Otherwise, we will end this meeting.00:34
Rocket2DMni think thats it, thanks for hosting nhandler00:35
nhandlerGo ahead swoody00:35
swoodywas there something we needed bodhi here for? Are we going to restart the meeting if he does come online?00:35
nhandlerswoody: Rocket2DMn's agenda item needed bodhi. We will not restart the meeting though if he shows up later. We will just defer the item until the next meeting00:36
swoodyok sounds good :)00:36
nhandlerAh, here is bodhi_zazen now ;)00:37
nhandlerRocket2DMn: Want to do your agenda item?00:37
Rocket2DMnah, he mad eit00:37
nhandler[TOPIC] Issuing the quiz to Padawans00:37
MootBotNew Topic:  Issuing the quiz to Padawans00:37
bodhi_zazen'lo all00:38
bodhi_zazencan't stay long =)00:38
Rocket2DMnI think the general consensus is that BT members want padawans to continue to be given the ritual quiz00:38
Rocket2DMnif bodhi_zazen wants to share his list of questions with some others authorized to give the quiz, that would take some burden off of him00:39
bodhi_zazenorly ?00:39
nhandlerBy "authorized", who did you have in mind Rocket2DMn ?00:39
Rocket2DMnidk nhandler , whoever bodhi_zazen wants.  It doesn't have to be the council00:40
starcraftmanWell I'd have an opinion if I actually saw the quiz. In general, I've never thought quizes to be that essential though, usually its not hard to tell when people meet set requirements for membership.00:42
bodhi_zazenwell, I think the current process of mentoring is best00:42
Rocket2DMnstarcraftman, it's just sort of a rite of passage :)00:43
bodhi_zazenI think it would be ideal if members would help the new ones integrate into the team00:43
swoody+1 bodhi_zazen00:43
Rocket2DMnagreed bodhi_zazen , but it would still be good to use the quiz to see how much people actually know00:43
bodhi_zazenif that is happening the quiz is almost unnecessary, as it really does not add much00:43
swoodyI think a mentor would have a much better feel about a new candidate than a quiz could give us00:44
starcraftmanbodhi_zazen: I'm wiht you on mentoring being more important, as I mentioned in the UA meeting I think it could be improved a bit.00:44
nhandlerRocket2DMn: The quiz rarely ended up testing knowledge. It almost always tested personality. Although, we could change that00:44
bodhi_zazensome members (mentors) have been kind enough to review posts on the forms, review wiki pages, etc00:44
Rocket2DMnnhandler, equally important :)00:44
bodhi_zazenIf the mentoring program can not be revised we need to re consider much, the whole membership process, re-writing wiki pages , etc00:45
bodhi_zazenso it is not a small decision00:45
Rocket2DMnok, well i didnt mean for this to be a discussion about the whole membership process00:47
Rocket2DMnI dont think the quiz and Padawan system are mutually exclusive, I think the system works great00:47
Rocket2DMnI just didnt want the quiz to fall by the wayside, as it's been tradition for as long as I've been around00:48
bodhi_zazenI thought we decided to abandon the quiz00:48
bodhi_zazenIf not, it is easy to do00:48
starcraftmanRocket2DMn: Well nobody gave to me.00:49
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: We dropped it as a requirement for membership00:49
bodhi_zazenI can post the questions if you would like00:49
bodhi_zazenwho would like to dish it out ?00:49
nhandlerShould it be another individual? Or a team/FG ?00:49
bodhi_zazenthat's pretty much abandoning it nhandler =)00:49
bodhi_zazennhandler: before we go there we would need to decide to bring the quiz back00:50
Rocket2DMnstarcraftman, i know, but we're all well aware about your skill level00:51
nhandler[VOTE] Should we revive the quiz?00:51
MootBotPlease vote on:  Should we revive the quiz?.00:51
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot00:51
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting00:51
MootBot+1 received from Rocket2DMn. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 100:51
nhandlerbodhi_zazen: +000:52
MootBotAbstention received from bodhi_zazen. 1 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 100:52
MootBot+1 received from nhandler. 2 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 200:52
MootBot+1 received from y_lee. 3 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 300:52
MootBotAbstention received from starcraftman. 3 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 300:52
MootBot+1 received from swoody. 4 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 400:52
MootBotAbstention received from Snova. 4 for, 0 against. 3 have abstained. Count is now 400:52
nhandlerAny more votes?00:53
bodhi_zazenNo clear direction there, a trend =)00:54
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 3 abstained. Total: 400:54
bodhi_zazenmasters can let me know when people are ready for a little quiz then00:54
bodhi_zazenanyone interested in administering the quiz, let me know00:55
nhandlerMaybe we could discuss this on the mailing list?00:55
bodhi_zazenI would probably like to watch one or two =)00:55
bodhi_zazenmailing list is all but dead =)00:55
bodhi_zazenalmost no one uses it for "discussion"00:55
nhandlerThen send something to it and make it active ;)00:55
nhandlerThe few discussions we have had got pretty good responses00:55
nhandlerPeople are just hesitant to start them00:55
bodhi_zazenIf you like00:56
SnovaI have a few things I would say, but nothing I can say immediately; I shall probably post something later.00:56
bodhi_zazenI am going to have to run00:56
Rocket2DMnmailing lists dont have to be extremely active to be useful :)00:56
starcraftmanlater bodhi_zazen00:56
Rocket2DMnthanks bodhi_zazen , see you later00:56
bodhi_zazenMy only issue is to see they mentoring program revitalized00:56
bodhi_zazenI think that is much more important, really00:57
starcraftmanbodhi_zazen: agreed.00:57
bodhi_zazenIMO the quiz is secondary00:57
nhandlerWould someone like to take the action to start some discussion about this topic on the ML ?00:57
Rocket2DMnis it needed nhandler ?00:57
Rocket2DMni can if you want00:57
nhandlerI think we should get some more discussion on this topic00:57
nhandlerThanks Rocket2DMn00:58
nhandler[ACTION] Rocket2DMn to start discussion on mailing list about quiz/mentoring program00:58
MootBotACTION received:  Rocket2DMn to start discussion on mailing list about quiz/mentoring program00:58
nhandlerAnything else to talk about, or can we end the meeting?00:58
starcraftmannhandler: I'll add too later, I just remembered an idea I had at UA meeting. Sometime, wanna relax a bit first....00:58
nhandlerOk, thanks for coming everyone. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 23:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting01:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 19:00.01:00
starcraftmanthanks for chairing nhandler, appreciated of course :)01:00
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=== WelshDragon is now known as Richie
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
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MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is robbiew.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
* slangasek waves16:00
* mvo waves16:00
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2009/0826#Agenda16:02
robbiewcjwatson: Keybuk: around?16:02
robbiew[TOPIC] Karmic Feature Freeze Exceptions16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Karmic Feature Freeze Exceptions16:04
robbiewwho needs'em?16:04
mvoI will need one for app-center16:04
mvoeh, software-store16:04
Keybukdo I need them if I set the spec for beta in the first place? :)16:04
mvo(thats the new name)16:04
robbiewmvo: heh...no hyphen (-)16:05
robbiewKeybuk: uh, I believe so16:05
mvoand maybe for compiz, there is rumor of a new upstream release (0.8.4)16:05
robbiewmvo: why are you still doing compiz?16:05
Keybukrobbiew: then I'll file bugs like last time ;-)16:05
cjwatsonI uploaded an initial version of cloud installer support to the archive today; it's quite incomplete in some ways, specifically it doesn't yet generate the preseed file for the node. However, it does have the basic avahi stuff in place16:05
robbiewKeybuk: ack16:05
mvorobbiew: don't ask16:05
robbiewcjwatson: okay16:06
robbiewmvo: hmmm16:06
* robbiew will take compiz stuff offline16:06
cjwatsonon GRUB2, I'm still working with upstream on some of the backward compat details (specifically making sure that it doesn't completely break people who forgot to run grub-install after update-grub); it's looking very promising though, and if the remaining bits are considered a feature I'd like an exception for them16:06
james_wmight need one to get the last of the new launchpadlib in place, blocked on python-oauth being suitable for main16:06
james_wplus, bzr16:07
mvorobbiew: seriously, there is some stuff in git that looks pretty useful, fixes and the infamouse crasher that has so many dupes that it makes LP timeout :)16:07
cjwatsonupstream would like us to get the grub 1.97 release into karmic if at all possible; I'll upload a fresh snapshot before feature freeze, and from then on it should be primarily bug fixes16:07
cjwatsona current snapshot will have some basic auth support, which I know is a requirement from some quarters16:07
robbiewmvo: sure...I just think the desktop team should handle it...but I'm fine with you helping, if it doesn't impact other work ;)16:07
robbiewjames_w: ack16:07
robbiewcjwatson: okay...thnx16:08
slangasekcjwatson: are we going to be pulling in grub2 by default on upgrade to karmic?  I thought that was planned at UDS, but would've expected it to land by now if so16:08
cjwatsonslangasek: I thought we explicitly decided against that16:09
slangasekhmm, not what I had remembered :)16:09
slangasekbut ok16:09
james_wI also have the MIR and seed changes for kerneloops to complete once it's out of binary NEW16:09
cjwatsonthe spec is fairly explicit about this16:09
slangasek(we spent an awful lot of time in that session spec'ing out how to make the upgrade flawless)16:09
cjwatsonthe upgrade is relatively smooth, and that's a useful feature, but I don't think that implies that we should inflict it on everyone16:10
robbiewimho, it's a bit dangerous to simply force folks16:10
cjwatsonKickstart: preseedable LVM-on-RAID is done and will land today as soon as the sync is available from Debian, and that's by far the most useful bit; I'm fighting with adding RAID support to Kickstart as well, and think I should have that done by FF16:11
cjwatsonI would like to defer iSCSI support in Kickstart, sorry16:11
slangasekI may be biased having dealt with update-grub, but I disagree there :)16:12
robbiewcjwatson: no problem on the deferal16:12
cjwatsonI know update-grub is horrible, but it basically works for several million people16:12
robbiewis there a way to ask people during a dist upgrade if they want to keep grub or switch to grub2?16:13
cjwatsonI'd like to consider that in karmic+116:13
james_woh yeah, slangasek feature freeze is midnight tonight, is that correct?16:13
cjwatsonthe only way would really be extra UI in update-manager16:13
slangasekjames_w: yes16:14
evandone debconf question closer to becoming Debian :)16:14
cjwatsonwell, or maybe have grub legacy depend on grub2 and ask a debconf question16:14
cjwatsonbut honestly I'd rather not muck about with it now16:14
robbiewI'm just thinking that the boot experience work relies heavily on grub2 being installed16:14
mvopython-packaging> other than some talk with debian I have not put a lot of work into it, there is some proposal work on the debian side, I hope we can use that. in the meantime we should change the crritial stuff to use DH_PYCENTRAL=include-links16:15
cjwatsonit's much more of a priority for that to work perfectly on fresh installs, isn't it?16:15
cjwatsonmaybe computer-janitor could offer to switch things over ...?16:15
slangasekpriorities> agreed, certainly16:15
robbiewyep...not worried about it...just making a note16:15
robbiewwe can simply include something in the release notes about it16:15
slangasekI was just confused becuase the spec didn't match how I remembered the outcome of the session16:15
robbiewcjwatson: hmm...that's a good idea16:16
robbiewliw: ?16:16
liwcjwatson, janitor suggesting grub2 if grub is installed: that should work fine16:16
robbiewslangasek: stay off the drugs16:16
cjwatsonif I misremembered the session while writing the notes, well, that's possible and if so I'm sorry - but at this point it's an error that was left to stand for several months, and so (as you say) it really ought to have landed by now already16:16
liwcjwatson, it'd be easy to do, if it's enough to just install the grub2 package -- is that enough?16:16
cjwatsonliw: there's a post-reboot step, which is a little non-trivial16:17
cjwatsonyou install grub2 (actually grub-pc), do a test reboot which chainloads through grub to grub2, and if that worked you run upgrade-from-grub-legacy16:17
robbiewevand: before I forget, will you need an FFE for the Migration Assistant stuff?16:17
liwcjwatson, hm, then it's not so easy, but let's discuss that later16:17
cjwatsonideally, the last ought to be hooked up to a notification or something16:17
evandrobbiew: I'm actually keen to defer that.  I don't think it's feasible to get it in reasonable enough shape, and get it tested by release, while making sure my others specs don't suffer as a result.16:18
mvosounds like we want a post-upgrade hook for this16:18
robbiew[ACTION] liw and cjwatson to discuss possibility of moving users to grub2 via computer janitor16:18
MootBotACTION received:  liw and cjwatson to discuss possibility of moving users to grub2 via computer janitor16:18
robbiewevand: no problem...deferred! ;)16:19
robbiew[ACTION] robbiew to defer Migration Assistant16:19
MootBotACTION received:  robbiew to defer Migration Assistant16:19
evandeverything else is in good shape and either in place or awaiting archive processing.16:19
robbiewslangasek: Multiarch Support....I feel a deferral coming :P16:20
slangasek"ask again later"16:20
Keybukslangasek: but it's FF today! :D16:20
slangasekthere's still slow progress; I don't have a sense yet of whether it's going to come together in time, because development is so bursty16:21
robbiewI think we gave it a week (or two) past FF16:21
slangasekI have a bit that I'm working on for dpkg right now which I hope to get to guillem today/tomorrow16:21
robbiewso I'll keep asking ;)16:21
slangasekyeah :)16:21
slangasekbut the bit I'm working on is a relatively small piece16:21
robbiewmvo: is there anything waiting on us for the Distribution Upgrade Testing work by the QA team?16:21
slangasekwe're still missing, um... the database changes to handle multiple arch packages, and the dep resolver changes to DTRT with multiarch packages16:22
mvorobbiew: I'm not aware of anythin16:22
robbiewmvo: cool16:22
robbiewKeybuk: have you even looked at the RAM /tmpfs stuff? :P16:23
Keybukrobbiew: yes16:23
Keybukand I uncovered pretty serious bugs in the kernel's virtual memory system16:23
Keybukthat made me want to go away and hide16:23
Keybukit looks like they'll be fixed for .32 or .33 or so16:24
KeybukRAM /tmpfs depends on growable swap, which depends on swapfiles, etc.16:24
cjwatsonwhat were the bugs?16:24
Keybukit turns out that the kernel has some major issues when it nears the top of available virtual memory16:24
Keybukcjwatson: kernel refuses to sacrifice any page cache16:24
robbiewtranslation: deferred!16:24
Keybukkernel refuses to swap contents of tmpfs16:24
robbiewKeybuk: do you have bug numbers for the kernel stuff?16:25
Keybukif you have a swap file, kernel goes into a loop of paging things in and out of it16:25
Keybukif you don't have a swap file, kernel OOMs just about every process16:25
Keybukand for luck, it often PANICs16:25
cjwatsonoh, lovely16:25
Keybukrobbiew: lkml posts16:25
cjwatsonyeah, I'm in no rush to tickle that kind of bug16:25
robbiewKeybuk: cool...I'll go and look...or you can send me a pointer ;)16:26
Keybukrobbiew: will dig up the discussion16:27
robbiewthank you sir!16:27
robbiew[TOPIC] Archive Admin help16:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Archive Admin help16:27
robbiewso there was a bit of a backlog for some Eucalyptus related work16:28
robbiewthanks to james_w for helping16:28
robbiewI'm just bringing it up for those with the AA "power" and who have some time to help16:29
cjwatsonI think my eucalyptus-related time is better used completing the installer work16:29
cjwatsonthough I'm happy to do small reactive things on request16:29
robbiewcjwatson: +10016:29
cjwatsonone man, 100 votes16:30
slangasekAA - I'm confused, wasn't the backlog on the MIR side?16:30
slangasekor are those sorted and we're on to component mismatches?16:30
cjwatsonthe MIR team asked for some archive admins to help out with the reviews16:30
cjwatsonparticularly for those packages that didn't come from Debian16:31
robbiew[TOPIC] Sponsorship Queue16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Sponsorship Queue16:32
robbieweveryone's favorite!16:32
* mterry relaxes16:32
dholbachmore sponsoring ... please!16:33
dholbachand please add yourselves to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews16:33
mterry:)  dholbach has an IRC alert for 'sponsorship'16:33
slangasekI think it's just 'sposn'16:33
dholbachmterry: coincidence :)16:33
robbiewmdz watches the numbers like a hawk16:33
robbiewwhich translates to emails to me...and you all get the rest16:34
liwin a normal company we would say it flows downwards -- in Ubuntu, it's a floodfill algorithm?16:35
robbiewin a "normal" company, we would say the $#!t rolls downwards ;)16:36
Keybukfor the record, I actually tried to do some sponsorship this week16:36
Keybukbut cjwatson had STOLEN the opportunity16:36
robbiewsure....sure ;)16:36
Keybukclearly he has too much free time on his hands ;)16:36
robbiew[TOPIC] Good News16:36
MootBotNew Topic:  Good News16:36
cjwatsonso pick a different package :)16:37
Keybukit was a package I was bug contact for and *everything* :D16:37
robbiewKeybuk "tried" to do some sponsorship this week!16:37
cjwatsonwhich, automake1.10?16:37
al-maisanMy first bzr-builddeb branch landed :)16:37
cjwatsonI was doing sponsorship in my calendar-reserved hour for sponsorship ;-)16:37
* robbiew is REALLY close to an Austin, TX Platform sprint :P16:38
evandspeaking of events, do we have a definite location for UDS yet?16:38
robbiewthat's probably only good news to me :D16:38
robbieweh hem16:38
cjwatsonthe last two times I went to Austin, Global Bad Stuff happened16:38
Keybukevand: "definitely not anywhere but one particular place, but not definitely there" :)16:38
cjwatsonso, you know, pay up on those insurance premiums16:38
evandwhat happened?16:39
slangasekgood news: ucf should be a little less painful now16:39
cjwatsonthe first was 9-16 September 200116:39
liwslangasek, oh?16:39
cjwatsonthe second was when Bush gave his ultimatum to Iraq16:39
mvoslangasek: wehhh - that is great news16:39
mterrycjwatson, stay away16:39
slangasekKeybuk: have you sponsored the bug that's in the sponsorship queue and has been assigned to you since March? :)16:39
Keybukslangasek: there's a bug assigned to me? :)16:39
slangasekliw: three-way-merge failure: debconf prompt, then drop back to menu, instead of exit !016:40
slangasekKeybuk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpid/+bug/28553116:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285531 in acpid "acpid initscript speedup" [Wishlist,Triaged]16:40
cjwatsonyour last comment is "16:40
cjwatsonSorry, missed this one being assigned to me - will look in karmic16:40
* mvo hugs slangasek16:40
robbiewFEEL THE LOVE!16:40
Keybukslangasek: nope ;-)16:40
* slangasek snorts16:40
slangasekKeybuk: oh, "nope" you haven't sponsored it, rather than "nope" it's not assigned to you... ok :)16:41
Keybukwow, I can actually view my LP bugs page today16:41
liwslangasek, that _is_ good news16:41
cjwatsonslangasek: ucf> that's excellent16:41
Keybukit's been doing TIMEOUT ERROR! for days16:41
cjwatsonucf is still used for grub2, btw, just not for the whole configuration file16:41
Keybukdo we even still use acpid? :)16:41
liwmy best attempt at good news is that I have looked at C++ code and I am not entirely crazxze5rqw34wvqw34523416:41
slangasekyeah, there were lots of other bug reports about this bit of ucf badness happening with other packages16:42
cjwatsonacpid is no longer installed by default, but it was installed by default up to jaunty16:42
slangasekKeybuk: sadly, until we can completely rid ourselves of acpi-support, yes16:42
slangasekcjwatson: no, acpi-support still pulls it in16:42
cjwatsonor is it still?16:42
slangasekit's just not seeded16:42
cjwatsonthe installer no longer has explicit code to separately install it by default, then :-)16:42
slangasekright :)16:42
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB16:43
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:43
robbiewcjwatson: could you hit "submit" on your objectives...so I can avoid HR nastygrams :P16:43
cjwatsonoh, sorry, I forgot that was on me16:44
robbiewno worries16:44
robbiewanything else?16:44
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:44.16:45
james_wthanks all16:45
Keybukcjwatson: you *so* wouldn't say "wilco" there :-)16:45
al-maisanThank you!16:45
slangasekthanks, all16:45
cjwatsonKeybuk: roger that16:47
* Keybuk sighs and hands cjwatson a copy of http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/cap413.pdf16:48
cjwatsonsimply means "will comply", no?16:48
Keybukyeah, but when given an instruction you read back the instruction16:49
Keybuk<me> "G-VT holding alpha, ready for departure"16:49
Keybuk<tower> "G-VT take off at your discretion"16:49
Keybuk<me> "take off G-VT"16:49
Keybukand I'm just being a tiring geek pedant for amusment purposes ;-)16:50
Keybukwilco is more for replying to suggestions or requests16:51
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is marjo.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
marjoHi folks!18:00
pedro_hello everybody!18:00
marjoUbuntu Bug Day - Pedor18:00
marjoSRU testing - sbeattie18:01
* fader waves18:01
pedro_I have a short announcement too, forgot to add it to the agenda18:01
marjo[TOPIC] Ubuntu Bug Day - Pedro18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Bug Day - Pedro18:02
pedro_Last week we celebrated a bug day based on Rhythmbox: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009082018:02
pedro_~53 bugs were triaged , thanks a lot to Kamus and Scifly for their work18:03
pedro_and continuing with the multimedia apps18:03
pedro_Tomorrow we are going to have a bug day based on Totem: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009082718:04
pedro_so again if you have some time during the day please join us and help your lovely Ubuntu project ;-)18:04
bdmurraypedro_: speaking of totem have you seen many symptom based bug reports come in?18:05
pedro_bdmurray, mm nop18:06
marjoanything else Pedro?18:07
davmor2bdmurray: to be fair though I've found totem in karmic to be pretty stable.18:07
pedro_marjo, nope that's all from me18:07
bdmurraydang! ;-)18:07
marjo[TOPIC] SRU testing - sbeattie18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  SRU testing - sbeattie18:07
sbeattieSRU activity over the past week has been pretty light, probably due to vacations and the rush for karmic's feature freeze.18:08
sbeattieSRU Activity for the past week (since 2009-08-19):18:08
sbeattie* jaunty: 4 new -proposed packages (gitosis, packagekit-gnome, tzdata, zabbix), 1 pushed to -updates (tzdata)18:08
sbeattie* intrepid: 1 new -proposed package (tzdata), also pushed to updates, kernel for intrepid-proposed is pending18:08
sbeattie* hardy: 5 new -proposed packages (compiz-fusion-bcop, ganeti, linux, tzdata, zabbix), 1 pushed to -updates (tzdata)18:08
sbeattie* dapper: 1 new -proposed package (langpack-locales), also pushed to -updates (same timezone issue as tzdata packages)18:08
sbeattieThanks to sothis, Benjamin Geer, and Tico for testing SRU fixes this week.18:08
sbeattieAs always, help in testing out SRU fixes in the various -proposed pockets would be appreciated.18:09
marjoThx sbeattie; anything else?18:09
sbeattieThat's it on the SRU front.18:10
marjopedro: you had an announcement to make?18:10
pedro_ah yes just a quick one18:10
pedro_this Friday - August 28th Daniel T Chen (dtchen) is going to give a talk about How to Triage Sounds Bugs on Ubuntu18:11
davmor2pedro_: where?18:11
pedro_time? 2200 UTC at #ubuntu-classroom18:11
MootBotLINK received:  http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/6418:12
pedro_i know that a few people is suffering audio issues with Karmic, so it might be worth to go there and learn more about the audio stack18:12
pedro_and what the developers are looking in order to fix those bugs, etc18:12
marjothx Pedro; anything else18:12
pedro_marjo, that was it :-)18:13
marjo[TOPIC] Any other topics from anyone?18:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Any other topics from anyone?18:13
bdmurrayI wanted to mention something18:13
bdmurrayI added a script to ubuntu bugpatterns called search bugs which allows you to run a pattern against a package bug list18:14
bdmurrayThis is useful for cleaning up duplicates after the pattern has been written18:14
marjothx bdmurray; anything else?18:15
bdmurrayI've done quite a few but there are a few duplicates of some of the kernel patterns that could use some cleanup.18:15
bdmurraymarjo: that's all18:16
sbeattiebdmurray: awesome, that sounds quite useful.18:16
marjoany other new topics?18:16
marjook folks, if no other topics, we're done18:17
marjothx for attending & see you next time!18:17
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:17.18:17
davmor2thanks bye18:17
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
=== porthose is now known as porhtose|AFK
=== imlad is now known as imlad|away
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader
=== imlad|away is now known as imlad
=== vorian is now known as poopsmith
=== poopsmith is now known as vorian
=== Cuddles is now known as YDdraigGoch
=== fader is now known as fader|away
=== porhtose|AFK is now known as porthose

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