
konsatntinhi all.12:47
konsatntinone little question, is it posible to install mid ubuntu into nokia e51 ?12:48
playyakonsatntin, nope16:32
z3k3any thoughts on moblin vs UNR?19:12
derekSz3k3: i tried both. i use unr. moblin imho is better (boots faster, nicer UI, etc). It lacked a lot though, and UNR is a much better end user solution19:13
derekSeasy to add extra software19:13
derekSdifferent codecs19:13
derekSmoblin is cool, but not ready for users to use thoguh19:14
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z3k3thanks derek19:44
z3k3what you say pretty much sums up what i'm reading19:44
z3k3rough edges around moblin19:44
z3k3moblin does look pretty tho19:45

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