
jcastrofta: big gwibber merge happening rsn, shouldn't break dailies but just to let you know00:15
ftajcastro, let's hope so, i don't have much time to fix it if it does00:21
ftais the one with the ui and the daemon?00:21
[reed]mozilla bug 51257500:29
ubottuMozilla bug 512575 in Widget: Gtk "Switching out of fullscreen mode and alt-tabbing puts me back in fullscreen mode" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51257500:29
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plasticmilliondoes anyone know what the situation is with branded Firefox 3.5 on Ubuntu?11:43
plasticmillionif I pull 1.9.1 and set the config flag for official branding, will I get a branded Firefox?11:43
plasticmillionand when will the official Firefox be 3.5?11:43
gnomefreakplasticmillion: it will have official branding in Karmic but Jaunty will not change11:43
plasticmilliongnomefreak: and can I simply build my own?11:44
plasticmillionsomeone told me that there are changes in the sources so that 1.9.1 doesn't build as Firefox even if the build is set to use official branding11:44
gnomefreakplasticmillion: if you wish but "simply" is not the same for everyone11:44
plasticmillionbut I haven't confirmed that myself11:44
plasticmilliongnomefreak: well building Firefox is not a problem11:45
plasticmillionis there something different on Ubuntu from other platforms?11:45
gnomefreakplasticmillion: feel free to build it but we can not support it officially11:45
plasticmillionok fair enough11:45
plasticmillionjust out of curiosity, why is 3.5 not being supported on Jaunty?11:45
gnomefreakplasticmillion: i dont know what other platforms you mean/11:45
plasticmillionwell I have more experience building on OS X and Windows11:45
gnomefreakplasticmillion: it is supported in Jaunty but the branding is staying as is11:46
gnomefreakplasticmillion: than yes it is different11:46
plasticmilliongnomefreak: what differences specifically?11:46
plasticmillionI mean I build Firefox on Ubuntu all the time but I haven't tried it with official branding11:46
plasticmillionI just build Minefield or Shiretoko11:46
* plasticmillion hopes he got that right11:46
gnomefreakplasticmillion: you need to change braning in the /debian/ dir. off hand i dont remember what is in rules and *links11:47
plasticmilliongnomefreak: is there any documentation?11:47
gnomefreakplasticmillion: as i recall you need to add the build option in rules. you should be able to get the build option from 3.0 that you need to add11:49
plasticmillion--enable-official-branding probably11:49
plasticmillionokay well let me try it then... maybe I was misinformed11:49
gnomefreak- debian/rules: Added build option --enable-official-branding to build with official branding11:49
gnomefreakthat is my sunbird change11:49
plasticmillionokay, and that will give me Firefox then11:49
plasticmillion(not IceWeasel or whatever)11:49
gnomefreakwe dont package ice*11:50
gnomefreakplasticmillion: you may also what to change the icon it uses either in rules and links files (i cant recall if FF uses a rule to change icon in rules file11:51
plasticmillioncool... thanks11:52
gnomefreakbug 32689713:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326897 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox-3.0.5 crashes when drag-dropping folder bookmark sidebar" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32689713:07
gnomefreak!info firefox-3.5 intrepid13:07
ubottuPackage firefox-3.5 does not exist in intrepid13:07
gnomefreakbug 41917713:22
gnomefreakdamn bot13:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419177 in firefox-3.0 "vertical scrolling stops on some forum pages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41917713:25
jdstrandfta: hi! I was wondering on the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~jdstrand/firefox/firefox-3.5-apparmor/+merge/10109?15:01
bucket529I need a bit of help with a Brainstorm idea: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/21163/ (Popup help to install a Flash player). Is this reasonable? Already implemented? Considered and rejected?15:02
ftajdstrand, i'll have a look later today (after work), sorry, it passed below my radar16:08
ftabucket529, it's already in ubufox16:09
jdstrandfta: thanks :)16:14
bucket529fta: OK, already implemented, thanks.16:47
ejatfta : http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=20045 <-- no updates at all :(17:10
ftaejat, are you sure you have the same problem?17:11
ftaejat, does it crash for you? i mean, not the whole browser, jsut the plugin process. you should have a fresh /var/crash/_usr_lib_chromium-browser_chromium-browser.*.crash17:26
DanaGHmm, how do I get Firefox not to try to do the profile migration?  I want to have both the firefox dir and the firefox-3.5 dir point at the same actual profile, for when I boot Jaunty... but each time I start it, it insists on bringing up the migrator.19:47
micahgDanaG: that is not a good idea19:48
micahgwhat 3.5 does to a profile is not guaranteed to work with 3.019:48
DanaGWhat i mean is, firefox 3.5 in jaunty uses the firefox-3.5 dir, not the "firefox" dir.20:31
DanaGUnless there's now a backport.20:32
micahgno, that's correct20:35
micahgit's also not advisable to go between Ubuntu versions20:35
micahgas plugins and libraries will be different20:35
DanaGIt's worked fine in the past.  I just want to get rid of that migrator.20:36
DanaGI'll deal with any other brokenness myself -- and not file bugs on it, as of course it'll be my fault.20:36
DanaGOh yeah, and when I had the firefox-3.5 dir be a symlink to the firefox dir, it moved it, so I had a symlink pointing at itself.20:37
micahgso, it prompts you for the migrator every time?20:54
DanaGYeah, because anything but "ask me later" moves files around.20:54
DanaGIt'll either make a firefox-3.0-replaced, or a firefox-3.5-abandoned.20:55
micahgDanaG: please file a bug in firefox-3.5, I believe this should only happen once, but our main developer is on vacation20:56
micahgwe'll take a look next week20:56
DanaGhmm, I'll file it this evening, when I get a chance.20:56
micahggreat, thanks20:56
DanaGHmm, what should it be about?  The lack of a "don't touch my files" option?20:58
DanaGThe specific wording is:20:59
DanaGsummary, rather:  "Do you want to import [firefox 3.0], replacing [firefox 3.5 alpha/beta]?"20:59
DanaGbuttons:  keep 3.5, decide later, import settings.20:59
micahgDanaG: I would think the fact that it runs more than once is the actual bug21:05
micahgper user that is21:05
DanaGI'd tried moving the firefox-3.5-abandoned back to firefox-3.5, and it reran the migrator.21:06
micahgso, I think that's the bug, that it runs multiple times21:07
binarymutanthiya, I'm running Songbird-1.2.0 and was wondering what all the talk about xulrunner needing to be patched is about, as I haven't seen anything too buggy :/22:09
micahgbinarymutant: songbird uses a custom version of xulrunner22:11
micahgthat's why we can't include it in ubuntu22:11
binarymutantah okay, thanks for clearing that up for me :)22:12
binarymutantdoes anyone know which songbird bug I should follow on their bts?22:40
ftabinarymutant, what for?22:43
binarymutantthe "songbird uses a custom version of xulrunner"22:43
ftathe ubuntu bug is linked to the upstream bug22:44
binarymutantah ty :D <-- blind22:44
ftahm, not the right one22:45
ftaI'm not sure their is one then..22:46
ftastevel, Mook_sb, ^^22:46
binarymutant"Please package Songbird into a .deb file and get it included in the official Ubuntu repository." that's not really a bug... :/22:47
bdrungbinarymutant: but ubuntu handles that as bugs, too.22:54
binarymutantbdrung, I'm not sure I understand :D22:55
bdrungbinarymutant: it's a "need-packaging" bug :)22:56
bdrungbinarymutant: in debian is it a itp (intend to package) bug22:56
binarymutantbdrung, upstream shouldn't handle that bug I wouldn't think the "please package songbird" bug. But what about the xulrunner bug? I'm guessing because songbird uses a lower version than the one in karmic22:56
bdrungbinarymutant: yes, that shouldn't be forwarded to upstream22:57
binarymutantah it was :/22:57
binarymutantI'm just wondering where the bug that keeps songbird out of the repos is22:59
micahg1binarymutant: it's discussed in the debian and ubuntu bugs23:01
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
micahggetdeb.net has packages23:02
Mook_sbhmm, I'm unaware of the upstream bug to suck less on the XR front23:03
binarymutantMook_sb, I couldn't find one23:04
steveli don't think we have one :(23:08
* stevel goes to file one23:08
ubottubugzilla.songbirdnest.com bug 17708 in Platform: XULRunner "[xr] Upstream all XULRunner patches" [Major,New]23:10
binarymutantstevel, ty :D23:11
micahg[reed]: do you have any idea where the code for mozilla bug 488605 is?23:13
ubottuMozilla bug 488605 in General "XMLHTTPRequest Randomly Fails with Status Code 0 During Reload/Refresh and/or Multiple Requests" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48860523:13
mconnormicahg: see Smaug's comments23:14
micahgyes, but I don't know how to find it in the code base based on that comment23:15
micahgcan I do a code search on mozilla-0central?23:16
Mitchmicahg: http://mxr.mozilla.org/23:16
mconnorsure can23:16
micahgmconnor: Nice :)23:16
micahgthanks Mitch23:19
micahgI think I found it23:19
mconnorthat's code specific to the update service23:20
micahgguess I should look in which file I'm in...23:20
micahgthis seems better: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/content/base/src/nsXMLHttpRequest.cpp#122623:21

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