
mtgeekmanJust wondering if some one can tell me how to change the default sound volume when I turn on my mythbuntu box.  its always muted and turned down at startup.01:47
rhpot1991mtgeekman: its in the settings03:57
rhpot1991general, 3rd page or so03:57
rhpot1991or maybe in playback profiles, check there too :)03:57
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tim183i'm having some trouble with my screen setup11:42
tim183i cannot get my mthbuntu screen to full size on my 23" samsug monitor11:46
tim183ok, fixed it12:40
NOT_guruhello everbody,  I have a fairly fresh build of mythbuntu 9.04 and tried doing the conversion to using tmdb.pl ( http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Tmdb.pl )18:20
NOT_guruafter completeing the process ( which reported as finishing without errors ) I get a and error when I go into manage my media18:21
NOT_guruits still trying to use the imdb.pl file18:21
NOT_guruany suggestions?18:22
NOT_guruFYI I did this the non svn method18:22
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].18:35
orificium_I believe you just need to download tmdb.pl, remove imdb.pl and create a symbolic link to tmdb.pl19:24
rhpot1991there is a spot somewhere in setup for what file to point at, thats prob still ponting at imdb.pl19:26
NOT_gurusorry for the delay  I had to step away19:46
NOT_guruI will try making a symnlink from imdb.pl tp tmdb.pl19:46
NOT_guruactually looking at the folder19:48
NOT_guruimdb.pl -> tmdb.pl already exist19:48
NOT_guruand now it seems to be working19:50
NOT_guruI dunno19:50
NOT_guruthanks  =) LOl19:50
ZinnI am alive.19:56
NOT_guruhow about another question19:56
ZinnI am an IRC bot written in perl, but my code is not yet released.  I am named after Howard Zinn, you can learn more about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Zinn19:56
NOT_guruon the manage media screen19:56
NOT_guruanyway to get rid of the "enter IMDB#" overlay?19:57
orificium_modify the xml maybe?19:57
NOT_guruheh   'the'  I would respond with 'which'  =)19:57
NOT_guruas I have no xml's in http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&um=1&sa=1&q=movie+icon&biw=1280&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g3&start=019:58
NOT_gurumy paste cahce has been all messed up19:59
NOT_gurubut I don't have any xml's in the mythvideo/scripts folder19:59
orificium_In /usr/share/mythtv/themes19:59
orificium_which theme are you using?20:00
* NOT_guru goes a hunting20:00
NOT_guruthe stock mythbuntu20:00
rhpot1991NOT_guru: thats a bug, thought I thought a fix was done20:00
NOT_guruFYI: this is a frsh install / download of 9.04 MAD6420:01
NOT_guruoops  also  I am using the Mythbuntu-8.04-wide20:02
NOT_guruI am guessing20:03
NOT_guruvi video-ui.xml20:03
NOT_guruoops   wrong window20:04
NOT_guruany hints as to where in this file?20:04
orificium_in video-ui.xml there is a textarea for IMDB Num.:20:05
orificium_is that waht you're talking about?20:05
NOT_guruif thats the overlay that never goes away20:05
orificium_I might not be familiar with waht you mean.20:05
orificium_I thought maybe you just wanted to change it ot TMDB20:05
NOT_guruno sir20:06
NOT_guruin my system20:06
NOT_guruwhen I goto settings media20:06
NOT_guruerr  let me make sure my labels are correct20:06
NOT_gurusettings -> video manager20:06
NOT_guruas soon as I enter there20:06
NOT_guruthere is a box that says 'enter IMDB#20:07
NOT_gurunever goes away20:07
orificium_Oh hm, rhpot1991 was saying that's a bug.20:07
orificium_May not be fixable by modifyin the xml20:07
orificium_I guess you could try killing the container20:07
rhpot1991its an issue with the themes I believe20:08
NOT_guruits the container20:08
orificium_there is a container in video-ui.xml20:08
orificium_called enterimdb20:08
NOT_guruthe container is enterimdb20:08
orificium_How do you comment out in xml?20:08
orificium_Is it <!--?20:08
NOT_guruthats answer is above my pay scale20:08
NOT_guruIE I dunno  =)20:08
NOT_guruI guess I could just make a backup copy and delete that container20:09
orificium_Well you could just cut it out and save it elsewhere in case it breaks things :)20:09
NOT_gurubut that will also break where I get to enter imdb numbers20:09
NOT_guruno worries  I will make a backup and test cutting out that container20:09
NOT_guruas soon as I update all my listings first20:10
rhpot1991it works still with that bug there, it just floats in the way20:11
rhpot1991more of a neusance than anything else20:11
NOT_guruand no one else will see the screen so its no real biggie20:11
NOT_gurujust thought I would ask while I was in there20:11
NOT_gurueverything has been going really smoothly with this build20:13
NOT_guruI am quite pleased20:13
NOT_guruso pleased I just ordered up my HDHomerun and a 1.5TB drive20:14
NOT_guruone of the newer 1.5 TB drives with fixed firmware20:14
NOT_gurugoing to move all my DVD's to it20:14
NOT_guruI see that mythphone will not be an official plugin for the .022 release...  will there be a new sip client?20:55
orificium_I'd love to see more automation functionality built into MythUI for .2221:09
orificium_There's LinuxMCE, but honestly, I think its very buggy and a big clusterfuck.21:09
orificium_And one of their lead developers is very hostile. :)21:10
superm1hostile to whom?21:11
NOT_guruI almost looked at linuxmce21:11
NOT_guruglad I chose mythbuntu21:11
NOT_guruno hostility21:11
orificium_This nameless individual likes to call people idiots when they ask questions :)21:15
superm1what an idiot ;)21:16
orificium_superm1: Are you familiar with the Graphite theme?21:18
superm1heard of it, not actually used it21:18
orificium_How about the new theming capabilities?21:19
superm1i've played with Terra a bit21:21
superm1it's much nicer21:21
orificium_On the imagetype widget, using the filename attribute, you can specify a directory which is supposed to display a "random" image from within that directory.21:23
orificium_I was wondering if there was a way to rotate them at a regular interval.21:23
orificium_Hm, actually, does anyone know how to rename a group of files (with various names) to something like image(1 - # of total files).extension in the console?21:28
orificium_Anyone using the pcHDTV-5500 card?21:39
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NOT_guruI thought I saw a bulk rename utility somewhere in mythbuntu21:47
NOT_gurudunno if it will do what your looking for though21:47
NOT_guruI placed a folder.jpg in my 'Movies' folder in my media directory.  is there a way to hide the jpg from the listing?22:04
orificium_When you hit "I" in MythVideo, do you have an option to browse files?22:46
orificium_I know in the weekly build I installed, you can hide anything that isn't in the database22:46
NOT_guruno worky for me  =)22:52
NOT_guruno worries  I will look it over when I get home22:52
NOT_guruthaniks again peoples22:58
NOT_gurugood evening22:58

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