
nightrid3r!ask | Guest5613400:00
ubottuGuest56134: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:00
erUSULIdleOne: i was trying "to kill two birds with one shot" (literal translation of spanish)00:00
simranGuest57469: do you use nvidia gfx card?00:00
Guest56134basically i need to know if its possible, without too much problems to get dual screen running with compiz?00:00
rayluBor33D: again, depends on your load00:00
bazhang!xrandr | Guest5613400:00
ubottuGuest56134: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1200:00
simranGuest57469: I dnt know, isnt it just better to update..00:00
Wasserthingy, thanks, i will try that00:00
IdleOneerUSUL: lol got ya!00:00
Bor33Draylu: well i have a 8gbs ram00:00
erUSULIdleOne: lol; i am far from perfect trust me00:00
legend2440roffe: yes i installed the latest nvidia drivers manually. but i went back to the ubuntu provided drivers because every time there is a kernel update i had to reinstall them and i didnt really see any difference in performance.00:00
Bor33Draylu: that would be ok to start?00:00
cmpbazhang, it didnt work out00:01
pre12164help please new user here and lost00:01
rayluBor33D: indeed. i'm running on much less00:01
erUSUL!ask | pre1216400:01
ubottupre12164: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:01
Guest57469simran updating is better if you do it with ubuntu updater, manual updating is never good since that can and will result in conflict with the ubuntu updater if you don't really know exactly what you are doing00:01
raylu!wireless | pre1216400:01
ubottupre12164: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:01
ftabhow do I disable the keyring prompt for evolution?00:01
nightrid3rBor33D: i'have run hosting off a PIII 900mhz with 256M ram, worked nice00:01
Bor33Draylu: do you run, a company? or just a few sites?00:01
bazhangcmp, what is the theme in question? please provide a link00:01
rayluBor33D: none of the above :P just a small personal server00:01
simranGuest57469: ok, thanks for the advice mate00:01
Guest56134ah thank you :)00:02
simranim learning something everyday00:02
Bor33Draylu: im thinking of running a company of it00:02
Guest56134will that work in 9.04?00:02
stowawayis there a linux proggie that can limit bandwith to certain IP addresses ( and als oset quotas, and set times during the day where the bandwidth is unlimited ect ect) ?00:02
simranive beeen using ubuntu for 5 days00:02
pre12164ok i am having a problem installing my wn121t on ubuntu x64 any ideas?00:02
Guest57469simran, if you really want to, follow that guide exactly step by step, but do not complain if you fuck up, which is a real possibility00:02
rayluBor33D: you're thinking of running a hosting company and you're asking for help in #ubuntu?00:02
nightrid3rstowaway: ipcop00:02
simranGuest57469: lol i said ok and thank you00:02
IdleOne!ohmy | Guest5746900:02
ubottuGuest57469: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.00:02
erUSULpre12164: what is a wn121t ?00:03
pre12164wireless card00:03
simranGuest57469: are you an experienced user...do you know much about nvidia chipsets on laptops?00:03
nightrid3rraylu: he could do worse, like #windows00:03
simranGuest57469: im having some issues with not being able to control brightness issues00:03
Bor33Dnightrid3r: raylu: so do you think i should run a company of a home dedicated server or dedi fro a d/c? and yes raylu i am good when it comes to running the server, ive just never connected one to the internet before and d/c deal with this side00:03
bastidrazorGuest57469, apparently you haven't used ubuntu very long.. prior to 8.04 manually installing drivers was the easiest way to get drivers for nvidia to work.00:03
LeoJust to be clear, I already check at ALSA support, and they do not have the drivers for the ICH9 family, and the explanation for how to fix it is too technical for lowend computer technitian.00:03
rayluBor33D: you are nowhere near qualified enough; forget it00:03
stowawaythanks nighttrid3r00:04
cmpbazhang, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/search.php00:04
Bor33Draylu: just answer please, home or d/c00:04
Guest57469bastidrazor, you must be mistaken, i have used ubuntu until 7.04 or something, but none later...00:04
Omertamy laptop doesn't shut down, i need help. searched forums and and all didn't find any solutions.00:04
rayluBor33D: i already did00:04
rayluBor33D: none of the above00:04
Bor33Draylu: also i stated i normaly use centos00:04
rayluBor33D: that's not an excuse for not knowing how to set up a static ip or port forwarding00:04
nightrid3rBor33D: don't try to run a proffessional service on a home line, you'll get in trouble00:04
celthunder0merta what does it say when you put shutdown -h now00:05
ftabhow do I disable the keyring prompt for evolution?00:05
Bor33Dnightrid3r: so use a d/c00:05
Omerta"[..........] Power down."00:05
Guest57469simran, check changelog if thats fixed in the new driver, it likely won't be since brightness on laptops is not a function of nvidia drivers...00:05
Omertaand nothing happens00:05
celthunder0merta try halt00:05
Bor33Dnightrid3r: raylu: thank you for all of you help, it has been much appreceated00:05
Omertait doesnt help either00:05
drissi just begin using ubuntu00:05
BrixSathow do i make my dhcp server give a static ip to a machine in my network knowing its mac address?00:06
bazhangcmp, I would need an exact link to a theme, not to the gnome-look home pate00:06
Bor33Dnightrid3r: raylu: both of you have a good day/night and thanx =)00:06
pre12164has anyone been able to get wireless working on ubuntu x64 for a netgear wn121t?00:06
thingyIs there a command to identify which initscripts are set to run on which runlevels in a standard ubuntu install? redhat has a chkconfig -l command and I was looking for an equivalent00:06
nightrid3rBor33D: you can get a dedicated server starting from €29 + taxes http://isgenoeg.nl (duth site)00:06
ftabBrixsat: I guess you need to set the ip address against the mac address of specific computer00:06
ftabI mean LAN00:06
Omertai also changed menu.lst  /etc/module00:06
Omertadidnt help00:06
bazhangnightrid3r, please dont advertise in here00:06
BrixSatftab where?00:06
erUSULpre12164: we need the chipset the card uses... it is pci or usb ?00:06
sharperguyAnyone know of a multiplayer sega emulator (preferably compatible with one that works on windows too)00:07
simranGuest57469: yep i no, it has nothing to do with the driver, but the gnome-power brightness applet only works with intel chips i think...because i just get a cross mark over it and it doesnt work....im using smart dimmer at the moment but its a pain to keep on havin to adjust it via terminal and everytime ubuntu restarts00:07
pre12164marvel usd00:07
SirmimerHello, i need help installing a plugin.00:07
cmpbazhang, the link i sent you now is the link where i have got my theme  - is there any other kind of link you mean ?????00:07
celthunder0mega can you restart it ?00:07
epaphusAnybody know how to delete an extension from firefox..? or at least how to remove firefox totally and install it again?00:07
Omertayeah celthunder00:07
bazhangcmp, yes, a link to a specific theme, not the search page00:07
Omertano problem with rebooting00:07
Bor33Dnightrid3r: i personal use http://ovh.co.uk or http://www.kimsufi.co.uk/ ( kimsufi = £19.99 )00:07
erUSULpre12164: do « lsusb » on a terminal. paste output on paste.ubuntu.com00:07
celthunder0merta, okay that's odd, what happens if you boot to single user mode and try to shut down?00:08
cmpbazhang , give me an example please00:08
nightrid3rBor33D: thats the one :)00:08
SirmimerI need help installing a certain plugin, i think its divx, can anyone help??00:08
Omertasingle user mode?00:08
bazhangBor33D, nightrid3r please take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic or ##hardware00:08
Omertai'm the only user00:08
Bor33Dbazhang: sorry00:08
erUSULSirmimer: plugin for what program ?00:08
Guest57469simran, consider putting it into the autostart, also you can make your own launcher buttons to launch smartdimmer with different parameters00:08
celthunder0merta runlevel 100:08
iPoRnhy, i've started my ubuntu, and a have a small icon that says: One or more disks are failing...i already boot a live cd, and made some fsck tests, but i still have the problem...here the output of the fsck : http://pr0n.no-ip.org/disco.log00:08
pre12164Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0846:7100 NetGear, Inc. WN121T Wireless Adapter00:09
Omertasorry i dont understand00:09
Omertarunlevel 1?00:09
Omertatype that in terminal?00:09
bazhangcmp, an example of a theme? there are many out there, just choose one from the most downloaded/most popular and try some00:09
ftabBrixsat, have no idea you have to google that00:09
ftabsorry :(00:09
simranGuest57469, yeh i read about that mate, but again ive been using linux for 4-5 days now...i can follow instrictions but cannot do things myself....if you have the know how, and time i would be grateful00:09
celthunder0merta type telinit 100:10
simranlol so does anyone here want to help me make an applet for smartdimemr00:10
=== amit is now known as Guest50076
cmpbazhang, thats why i gave you the link to show you what i choose - why you are confusing me ????00:10
Dominik1i am running ubuntu life right now and it is now showing two of my drives, these drives however show up during the install process, what is going on here? I guess those are the two drives that are on the PCI IDE controller.. but why do they not show up nwop?00:11
Omertarecovery menu showed up00:11
celthunderwha?  it should have put you at a root prompt....00:11
Omertano, it didnt00:12
Omertait showed the recovery menu00:12
Christopherhello, is there a tool or something to make ubuntu show free disk space under desktop hdd icons (like in os x)00:12
Omertai typed sudo telinit 100:12
drissya salam 3ala loubnan00:13
celthunder0merta try init 100:13
Dominik1how can I format disks under ubuntu00:13
cmpbazhang, thats why i gave you the link which i choose - why you are confusing me ?00:14
celthunderDominiki mkfs.<type> /dev/partition00:14
pre12164anyideas on getting netgear wn121t wireless card working on ubuntu x64?00:14
erUSULpre12164: all i found was this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2314800:14
=== guest354 is now known as smartasstronaut
zopiachow do i change the panel part of a gtk theme? i want to use my own graphic for it.00:14
Omertacelthunder, i got to the recovery menu again00:14
Christopherhello, is there a tool or something to make ubuntu show free disk space under desktop hdd icons (like in os x)00:14
pre12164would u know if that works in the x64 version of ubuntu?00:15
celthunder0merta okay, can you open /etc/menu.lst and add single at the end of the boot line with kernel in00:15
thingyChristopher: would this be acceptable? http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Disk+Space+Screenlet?content=7071800:15
celthunder0merta and then restart00:15
Omerta"single" ?00:15
cmpbazhang , are you going to answer ?00:15
IdleOnecmp the link you gave goes to a search page00:15
Dominik1ok this is kind of frustrating, when I run the life cd I see two our of 4 hard drives, but when I install the system FROM the life cd then i see the OTHER two hard drives and when I install WITHOUT booting life first then I see all 4, whats going on here, BTW: two hdds are on a PCI IDE controller00:15
Christopherthingy: no, i mean like just show the size below the actual desktop icon of the mounted drive00:16
IdleOnecmp: patience please, nobody here is at your disposal. WE HELP because we want to not because we have to00:16
Omertai see two kernel builds celthunder00:16
Omerta28-15 the new one and 28-11 the old one00:17
bazhangcmp, please be patient00:17
GoldenjoIs there a way in Metacity, to make the WM to remember the windows positions or center the windows when an aplication is opened?00:17
celthunder0merta what shows up when you get to the recovery menu?  cause apparently thats what it'll put you at if you try to get to single user mode00:17
ccunhaubuntu br00:17
Dominik1celthunder: is there a GUI for formatting disks?00:18
jerriyI have a problem: Firefox downloads sound records (or continuous streams) but DOES NOT automatically open. I have to keep manually tick and open what sound I just downloaded00:18
melmexDominik1: gparted00:18
ccunhachat em portugues00:18
Christopherany idea thingy?00:18
Omertathere are 5-6 options00:18
celthunderDominik1, probably00:18
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:18
Omertarepair, xpxi and plenty more00:18
jerriyUbuntu jaunty is giving me headache!00:18
celthunder0merta is there one to drop you into a shell?00:18
IdleOneccunha: /join #ubuntu-br00:18
buckypre12164, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119312300:18
celthunder0merta terminal?00:19
Dominik1mlmex thanks00:19
thingyChristopher: I think there was an option to do that for files but i dont know if it applies to devices like hdds00:19
drissjaunty is wonderful i use it for only one month00:19
Omertayou mean the big terminal screen00:19
jerriyHow do you set 'download manager' to AUTOMATICALLY open what it just downloaded????00:19
celthunder0merta yes the black screen with white text00:19
Omertactrl+alt+f4 i guess00:19
thingyChristopher: I don't have gnome installed and so can't test...can you look at the settings for the file manager and see if the show something00:19
celthunder0merta i meant from recovery mode though can you get to that00:20
Omertadunno i can check it00:20
jerriyEarth calling ununtu00:20
Christopherthingy: i will try00:20
jerriyHow do you set 'download manager' to AUTOMATICALLY open what it just downloaded????00:20
celthunderjerriy, depends on your download manager?00:20
Dominik1ok, now how can I find out which drives are on the PCI IDE controller and which ones I can boot from so that I install it on the correct one????00:20
jerriycelthunder: meaning what?00:20
bazhanghttp://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Shiki-Colors?content=86717 cmp try these; download both the icon pack and the theme pack00:21
pre12164lol does not say if they got it working? i have tried ndiswrapper with no luck allthough i could be doing something wrong00:21
celthunderjerriy, meaning you can use multiple things to download software and each one has different methods of "autoopen"00:21
jerriycelthunder: I can't auto open ONE thing since I recently upgraded to 3.500:22
Omertachethunder: here are the options: resume,clean,dpkg,fsck,grub,netroot,root,xfix00:22
jerriydunno what on earth is going on00:22
Omertaroot will take me to the shell, so will netroot00:23
swayricIs there any support for liveCD issues here?00:23
Dominik1is it bad idea to upgrade to 9.04 from older life cd?00:23
StupidWeaselHey folks, would this be the correct channel for general alsa support on ubuntu? Or is there a more specific channel I can pester people in =3 ?00:23
StupidWeaselDominik1: I did not have any problems.00:23
celthunderDominik1, shouldn't be bad00:24
jerriySomebody help me fix Firefox download manager pls00:24
Dominik1now really important, I have 4 disks, two sint on a PCI IDE controller that are NOT bootable, how do I find out which ARE BOOTABLE, thanks?00:24
Omertacelthunder: here are the options: resume,clean,dpkg,fsck,grub,netroot,root,xfix00:24
Omertain the recovery menu00:24
swayricDominik1: tried booting them yet?00:25
celthunder0merta uh try root00:25
Omertayeah ok00:25
Omertawhat will i type there?00:25
hajarplease can any one help me to solve hibernate problem?00:25
celthunder0merta shutdown -h now00:25
Dominik1swayric: I know two of them will not work but I don't know which one they are, I want to avaoid installing and then haveing to reinstall00:25
* StupidWeasel is trying to work out why he needs to force-reload with alsa each restart, to be able to use his headphone jack.00:25
DILis it still possible to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.0400:26
Christopherthingy: i cant find any setting that would show the space/free space left of icons/devices on the desktop00:26
DopeGhotiStupidWeasel: you could work around that by putting the commands you need to run into /etc/rc.local00:26
celthunderDIL, yes00:26
DopeGhotiChristopher: thingy: df -H doesn't work?00:26
StupidWeaselDopeGhoti: Mmhmm, it's a dirty fix though =P00:26
DILcelthunder: anything special as i am unable00:26
adelie42Have a strange new problem. Running Xubuntu 9.04 and when getting to the GDM sometimes the password works or doesn't between restarts. I have never seen this problem before. Any suggestions?00:26
DopeGhotiStupidWeasel: dirty, yes. but effective while you look for a real cure00:26
StupidWeaselTrying to work out why I have to force it to reload at all.00:26
hajarplease can any one help me to solve hibernate problem?00:27
StupidWeaselThe headphones have to be in the jack as well00:27
DopeGhotiStupidWeasel: any interesting logs?00:27
celthunderDIL, as far as i know you should just have to update your mirrors aptitude update and then aptitude dist-upgrade00:27
DopeGhoti!ask | hajar00:27
ubottuhajar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:27
ChristopherDopeGhoti: of course it does, it's just a matter of appearance, i like the option of os x to show free space of devices below their desktop icons and am wondering if gnome can do that00:27
celthunderDIL, and most of the mirrors i believe keep older versions around for a while00:27
swayric!repeat hajar00:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat hajar00:27
swayric!repeat | hajar00:27
ubottuhajar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:27
celthunderhajar what's your hibernate doing?00:28
Dominik1how can I set up my ubuntu box to be a print serveR?00:28
DopeGhoti!cups | Dominik100:28
ubottuDominik1: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:28
swayricShould LiveUSB work better than LiveCD?00:28
hajarhibernate not work , just display off screen and cant back without turn off and start again00:29
DopeGhotiswayric: advantages of USB over CD is taht it's faster, and you can save your changes.00:29
Dominik1thanks DopeGhoti00:29
fretlessdavisis there a seperate channel for netbook remix?00:29
mattgyverI want to start using KDE, would there be any problems with my existing programs if i just download the kubuntu-desktop package?00:29
pre12164any other ideas on installing netgear wn121t to ubuntu x64?00:29
DopeGhotiDominik1: anytime00:29
Christopherany other idea DopeGhoti00:29
celthunderswayric, depends on your usb (1.1 or 2.0) and how much data is already going through them...00:29
DILcelthunder: ty, getting error message indicating that i cannot connect to repo - assume it is down will keep trying00:29
DopeGhotiChristopher: I know there's a way to do that sort of thing..  are you using GNOME or KDE?00:29
ChristopherDopeGhoti: GNOME00:30
pre12164with ndis wrapper i get the drivers installed and they say they are present but the card never powers on00:30
jedcmattgyver, you can just install the kde package00:30
epaphusAnybody know how to uninstall firefox?? i already tried doing apt-get remove firefox but it still runs00:30
Omertacelthunder, i got this whole message: "*will now halt halt: unable to iterate ide devices: no such file or directory [2192.581899] Power down."00:30
celthunderDIL, try a different mirror otherwise at least a few should have the older ones up yet00:30
DopeGhotiChristopher: look into gdesklets, I think there's disk-usage meter widgets in there that may do what you want00:30
jedcmattgyver, then choose it under options->sessions before logging in00:30
Omertaand it didnt shut down00:30
celthunder0merta well at least now we can limit it to an ide problem, making progress00:31
DopeGhotiepaphus: do you know which version if firefox you're looking to uninstall?00:31
Omertayeah that's right :)00:31
mattgyverjedc, will gnome (gtk) apps run within kde?00:31
DopeGhotiepaphus: you could try apt-get remove firefox-3.0 or firefox-3.5 for example00:31
Omertamy laptop's internal hdd is ide00:31
ChristopherDopeGhoti: they do the job but are not what i want, i "simply" want the disk size and space to be shown below the mounted devices desktop icons (maybe im wanting too much)00:31
DopeGhotimattgyver: yes, they will00:31
Omertaso, that's the problem?00:31
mattgyverThanks guys00:31
jedcmattgyver, yes00:31
fretlessdavisis there a seperate channel for 9.04 netbook remix or can anyone help me with configuring it's 'desktop'/menu?00:32
jedcmattgyver, be aware that the kde package will also install a bunch of kde apps00:32
DopeGhotiChristopher: I believe there is a way do to this, but unfortunately, I do now know what it is00:32
epaphusDopeGhoti, thanks.. do you know how to remove all the configs?00:32
=== lynx is now known as Guest69975
cmpbazhang, i dont want to download any themes - i want the themes that i sent you ... ok i will sent you the link as you want now00:32
DopeGhotiepaphus: apt-get --purge remove <package>00:32
ChristopherDopeGhoti: too bad, im looking for this kinda thing for ages and never found a way but thanks for the support00:33
cmpbazhang , http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/bluehack?content=10273100:33
Dominik1how do I set up a file server with my ubuntu mashine?00:33
GiioooHello ..im installing webalizer and i get the error : Can't open log file /var/log/apache2/access.log.100:33
DopeGhotiChristopher: I'm sure it's out there somewhere; I'm nearly sure I've *seen* it before, I just can't find a link right now00:33
mikejetWhat's the easiest way to upgrade my OpenOffice from 3.0.1 to 3.1? Is that just an 'apt-get uninstall' 'apt-get install' thing?00:33
unop!samba > Dominik100:33
ubottuDominik1, please see my private message00:33
celthunder0merta does /proc/ide exist00:33
Dominik1unop: thank you00:33
ftabDominiki,  I guess you need just to share your file00:33
Omertai'll check00:34
ftaband assign appropriate permissions00:34
DopeGhotimikejet: if the package is in the repos, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade00:34
Omertano it doesnt celthunder00:34
unopmikejet, or just.  sudo aptitude install openoffice.org00:34
Dominik1ftab yes correct00:34
hlfshellhello - i really need to allow a friend to SSH into my computer- how do i gedt this to work and let them SSH into me?00:34
celthunder0merta okay, and i think you said you checked already but does your computer use acpi or apm00:34
unopmikejet, or specify the version.  sudo aptitude install openoffice.org=3.1.blah00:34
DopeGhotihlfshell: apt-get install openssh-server00:35
hlfshellDopeGhoti - alright, I did that much. Then what?00:35
cmpbazhang, here is another link i want to install it   ( http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Azenis?content=106608  )00:35
=== Giiooo is now known as g3org3s
Omertai have no idea celthunder00:35
g3org3sHello ..im installing webalizer and i get the error : Can't open log file /var/log/apache2/access.log.100:35
DopeGhotihlfshell: once the server is running, they can, from their system, use 'ssh username@' (with your IP address)00:35
celthunderhlfshell, aptitude install openssh-server;nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config edit as needed, /etc/init.d/sshd start00:35
hlfshellthanks DopeGhoti00:35
swayrichey I do "$ sudo fdisk -l" but fdisk does not print anything. help?00:36
Omertaa friend from ubuntu-tr told me to change menu.lst00:36
Omertaso it wasnt me00:36
Omertai added lines such as noacpi nolapic acpi=off00:36
DopeGhotihlfshell: anytime :)00:36
swayricI mean.. knoppix can read the partition table fine, but ubuntu has trouble...00:36
Omertaand also acpi=force00:36
celthunder0merta try adding apm power_off=1 to /etc/module00:36
celthunderer 0merta er to /etc/modules00:36
Guest76976hi everyone, when somebody has a minute, i need some help over here, im installing ubuntu on a friends computer, and it just wont let me :P00:37
Omertai did that, it didnt work00:37
zopiacwhat is the gtk theme file that determines the alpha of the gnome-panel00:37
ftab<Dominik1> what happened ? still investigating ?00:37
DopeGhoti!ask | Guest7697600:37
ubottuGuest76976: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:37
swayricdoes any ubuntu livecd have testdisk ?>"00:37
celthunder0merta okay, do you have ide ports at all?00:37
Omertamy hdd is ide00:37
hlfshellDopeGhoti - it asks for hostkeys but i dont know wht those are/etc. plus /etc/init.d/ssh but not sshd exists00:37
Omertabut i dont know about the rest00:37
lincoln_Hey, does anyone know where to access the system sound control?  My sound has stopped working and I assume it's just because the so00:38
Omertait had no problem with ubuntu 8.04 and win xp00:38
cmpbazhang , did you get my links ?00:38
lincoln_ftware volume is down00:38
Dominik1ftab yes I am still reading the samba page, what are you refereing to, did I miss one of your comunications?00:38
DopeGhotihlfshell: the first time you SSH in to a new system, you are asked if the host key is correct.  in most cases, teh answer is 'yes'00:38
=== Ln557dD55 is now known as Uplink
UplinkHi everyone00:39
DopeGhotihlfshell: /etc/init.d/ssh is the script used to start and stop the SSH server00:39
hlfshellDopeGhoti- ok, i did almost no edits to the config file, as i saw nothing needing change. i then ran /etc/init.d/ssh start, got an [ OK ]00:39
poyntzhi folks00:39
hlfshellDopeGhoti - but now neither of us are seeing much success connecting. Could I just be a fool and using the wrong IP?00:40
poyntzwhen I print PDFs in Ubuntu on a DeskJet 930C it misses borders00:40
DopeGhotihlfshell: good, your SSH server is running.  To test it from your local machine, you can 'ssh username@'00:40
poyntzhow can I fix this problem?00:40
Uplink\hi poyntz00:40
bastidrazorhlfshell, are you both on the same network?00:40
celthunder0merta okay, can you try turning acpi off?  is there any bios options for it?00:40
ftab<Dominik1> Samba is for sharing files with windows OS00:40
poyntzUplink: how are you/00:40
hlfshellbastidrazor - nope. miles and miles apart.00:40
Omertabut i added it to menu.lst00:40
celthunder0merta instead of acpi=force acpi=off and then check?00:40
bastidrazorhlfshell, are you behind a router?00:40
hlfshellDopeGhoti - that worked :-)00:40
Omertadidnt work as well00:40
hlfshellbastidrazor - yes, a wireless one00:40
UplinkI am teaching myself to program C, could  anyone give me good starting points? and basic understanding of all the different programs and processes of it?00:40
cmpbazhang, have you got my link?00:41
DopeGhotihlfshell: what IP is your friend using?  does it start with 192.168 ?00:41
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hlfshellno... i know that the 192.168 one is local. its 67.85 something.00:41
mattgyverjedc, DopeGhoti, know off hand if compiz will work out of the box in kde since i have it working in gnome00:41
celthunder0merta oh okay...i'm pretty much clueless then.  Sorry00:41
Omertathere isnt such an option in bios celthunder00:41
hlfshellbut that ip is not working, DopeGhoti00:41
lincoln_Uplink, do you know another language?00:41
Dominik1ftab: precisly what I need00:41
UplinkI know basic html00:41
bastidrazorhlfshell, normally you'll need to forward port 22.. and most ISP's block port 22 for home networks.. you could try changing which port ssh listens to.. or add multiple ports.. like 222 for example00:41
Artanis00hi, for various reasons I'm on a live cd, and I need to get package selections, and the key list for my software sources off my previous install (ie: normally data accessed by `dpkg --get-selections` and `apt-key exportall`) so I can recover quickly from a reinstall if needed. Though on a live cd obviously these give me only the data from the live cd. I can mount the old install partition, so is there a way to get to this data through00:42
Dominik1ftab: id like to be able to move files from my windows mashines onto my linux box00:42
Omertabut i added the line "acpi=off" to menu.lst00:42
Omertathe error changed00:42
bastidrazorhlfshell, i stated that wrong.. most isp's block port 22 for home service00:42
celthunder0merta what was the error then?00:42
DopeGhotihlfshell: it your friend on the same network as you, or on the other side of the itnernet?00:42
poyntzdoes anyone have the same issue as me with printing PDFs?00:42
Omertait showed me [.....] System halted. instead of [..........] Power down.00:42
lincoln_oh okay, it's different in the fact that html is a markup language, not really a programming language00:42
DopeGhotibastidrazor: really?  I've never seen an ISP block port 2200:42
Dominik1can ubuntu do somehting similar to ZFS where it merges all 4 hdds WITHOUT useing raid00:42
hlfshellother side, DopeGhoti00:42
miguelonnnnplease 1 question: when i plug a drive , it gets mounted at 2 different places: at /dev/disk, and at /dev/media, why?00:42
Omertaand it shutted down with one single press to power button00:42
bastidrazorDopeGhoti, i have. mine is. and i know more than a few others that have it blocked.00:42
DopeGhotihlfshell: you need your actual IP address.  go to www.ipchicken.com; you'll see your actual IP there in large blue numbers00:43
bazhangcmp, yes, I already have that one installed; just download the tar.gz and drag to theme manager00:43
a94060miguelonnnn: u mean /media/disk?00:43
SeaPhorOmerta, do you have BOTH noacpi and acpi=off  in the menu.lst?00:43
DopeGhotihlfshell: you will also need to set up SSH forwarding on your router00:43
miguelonnnnyeah a9406000:43
Omertabut the line was "noacpi nolapic acpi=off"00:43
miguelonnnnwhy it gets mounted twice?00:43
DopeGhotihlfshell: see http://www.portforward.com/00:43
ftab<Dominik1> http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-home-fileserver00:43
ftabthat might help you00:43
Dominik1ftab thanks00:43
a94060miguelonnnn: its just standdard setup. You can access it via the desktop then. You cannot directly access a device for file i/o unless it is mounted00:43
ftab<Dominik1> you are welcome :-)00:43
bastidrazorDopeGhoti, if all your suggestions still don't work.. then trying a different port would be a good idea. keep up the good advice.00:43
Omertayes seaphor, i had but not now00:43
lincoln_Uplink, just go look up a good tutorial, learn some basics and then work on some actual applications of the language.  I learned C in classes, so the finding of things to do with C was easy00:44
a94060miguelonnnn: you can format it and stuff,but you canno access the information on it00:44
cmpbazhang , my dear i did as i told you before - and i drag it as you said to me before - and its not working at all - and i cant see it in the list of my themes00:44
miguelonnnnyeah, i actually know it, but why mounted twice? one at /dev/disk and one at /dev/media?00:44
hlfshelldo i have to enable the port forwarding DopeGhoti ?00:44
celthunder0merta if it says system halted you can push the power button safely nothing is runningat that point00:44
UplinkThanks Lincoln I will do that00:44
SeaPhorOmerta, good rule of thumb (not necessarily needed though) is to have both if any00:44
bazhangcmp, then you need to scroll to it and click on it; try redragging to theme manager one more time00:45
a94060miguelonnnn: you sure its /dev/media? or is it /media/disk00:45
DopeGhotihlfshell: yes- your are connecting through a router. when your friend tries to SSH in, the router doesn't know what to do with the SSH request if the forwarding isn't set up00:45
miguelonnnnsorry media disk a9406000:45
hlfshellThanks DopeGhoti, brb00:45
Omertayeah celthunder, but i want it to be automated00:45
DopeGhotihlfshell: quite welcome00:45
cmpbazhang , you are the best ...00:45
Omertait's pretty annoying you know00:45
cmpbazhang , its working ... yahoooooooooo00:45
UplinkCould someone explain to me how glibc works?00:45
a94060miguelonnnn:  i think its just a feature of gnome. you must mount a device before you can read from it00:45
bazhangcmp, good00:46
PuterPutterI am running a Broadcom wireless on the laptop. Is it characteristic for the wireless to  slow down and then drop out?00:46
a94060miguelonnnn: the second statement is standard for almost all filesystems i think00:46
DopeGhotia94060: that's not just GNOME, that's POSIX ;000:46
Guest76976When installing ubuntu, after writing my password, etc, it says "installing system" and in about 15% i get an error: "Input/output error during read on /dev/sda" (retry, ignore, cancell) and if i ignore it (wich i think isn't any good) it says"The creation of swap space in partition #5 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed." and i'm stuck here, can anyone help me please?00:46
a94060ahh,alrighty DopeGhoti . im not sure exactly,logic is just takling =]00:46
Uplinkits a library for sub-programs. Does that means a list or "group" of programs that make up an application?00:46
miguelonnnnhmm ok00:46
Omertait wasnt me who did that seaphor, it was a friend's recommendation :)00:46
cmpbazhang , then tell me now - how to control my transperant00:46
DopeGhotia94060:  no worries :)00:46
miguelonnnni'm asking this because i read somewhere that to make a bootable usb i must first umount it00:47
bazhangcmp, transparency in compiz?00:47
miguelonnnnso fdisk and mkfs can work properly on the drive00:47
a94060DopeGhoti: would u be able to give a better explanation to miguelonnnn about why the drive is mounted twice? /dev/drive and /media/disk?00:47
SeaPhorOmerta, what is exactly the issue?00:47
a94060Ill thank you now DopeGhoti ,im going afk00:47
Omertamy laptop wont shut down00:47
miguelonnnnbut i duno what i should umount00:47
geniinothing gets mounted to /dev00:47
DopeGhotimiguelonnnn: a94060: /dev/… is the location of the actuall device itself; /media/… is the point on which the deveice is mounted.00:47
miguelonnnnok see you l8r a94060 ! and thankss00:47
SeaPhorOmerta, by what process will it not shut down?00:48
miguelonnnnahh ok dope00:48
Omertawell ubuntu doesnt do it automatically00:48
Omertai press on shut down button00:48
bastidrazora94060, you're reading the output of fdisk wrong.. /media/xx is the mountpoint00:48
Omertacelthunder, i got this whole message: "*will now halt halt: unable to iterate ide devices: no such file or directory [2192.581899] Power down."00:49
miguelonnnnyou mean that linux makes a directory, then executes mount -t /dev/disk  /media/disk00:49
celthunder0merta yeah, i googled that not much came up lol sorry mate00:49
miguelonnnnam i right?00:49
Omertalol i typed that for seaphor :)))00:49
DopeGhotimiguelonnnn: well, the directory should be there before the mount command is run, but basically, yes.  though after -t comes the type of filesystem00:50
miguelonnnnin that case, the directory made by linux would be /media/disk00:50
Omertawell celthunder i'm googling it for two days00:50
Omertaso it's normal :)00:50
DopeGhotimiguelonnnn: for example, 'mount -t vfat /dev/sdd /media/disk'00:50
miguelonnnnyeah , ok i get it. So when i'm told to umount the drive, all i need to do is umount the /media/drive, not the /dev/drive right?00:51
DopeGhotimiguelonnnn: exactly right00:51
miguelonnnngreat!!! :)00:51
Omertai assume it's external though00:51
DopeGhotimiguelonnnn: (actually, either should work, but I generally umount the mount point)00:51
bradleyhi. i just tried for the first time to play a dvd put i get a message saying i may not have permission.  when i go to the properties of the dvd, under permissions, it says "the permissions of "cdrom0" could not be determined.00:52
bradleywhat should i do?00:52
miguelonnnnbut what means umounting the /dev/disk? that isn't mounted, is just a file isn't it?00:52
BlueLagunaIs there any way to rename a user on the system?00:52
twintgood night could ajudarme the install apache php mysql phpmyadmin00:53
mibhi.what is the difference between Linux and Linux (x86-64)00:54
DopeGhotimiguelonnnn: if /dev/foo is mounted at /media/bar, then 'umount /dev/foo' and 'umount /media/bar' mean exactly the same thing, just parsed differently.  One is "Unmount whichever device is mounted at /media/bar" and the other is "Unmount the device /dev/foo, wherever its mount point is"00:54
twintor turritorial good to do that00:54
Flannel!lamp | twint00:54
ubottutwint: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:54
BlueLagunamib: x86-64 is designed for 64bit machines00:55
mibhow can i check wehther mine is or not BlueLaguna?00:55
BlueLagunamib: In most cases, it'll probably make your life easier to just use the 32bit version regardless00:55
jacheehi folks, i've tried to switch to xfce, but I've still got some gnome stuff coming up when i start a new session... any insight?00:55
zopiacwhat is the gtk theme file that determines the alpha of the gnome-panel?00:55
BlueLagunamib: What kind of CPU do you have?00:55
miberr..not sure..its the department machine00:55
=== sharperguy2 is now known as sharperguy
BlueLagunamib: Just install the 32bit version00:56
mibthe one where Linux itself?00:56
mibokie.will try now.00:56
=== macEats is now known as mac9416
twintthank you friend! Flannel ubottu00:58
bastidrazorjachee, you want xfce only and to get rid of gnome all together?00:59
cmpbazhang, iam talking about transparency in compiz00:59
bazhangcmp, help for compiz , /join #compiz00:59
[TOP]kanguQuick Question... when playing video games only tested it with 2... Quake and Counter Strike.. but the same thing accures in both... every 1-2 mintues i get a lag spike or it freezes for 1-3 seconds and it comes back into the game...00:59
jacheebastidrazor: i'd like alll the gnome panelss to go away, for sure01:00
bastidrazor!purexfce | jachee .. not sure if this is what you want. as it will get rid of all of gnome.01:01
ubottujachee .. not sure if this is what you want. as it will get rid of all of gnome.: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »01:01
cmpbazhang, how to do it01:02
=== melissa is now known as RabidWeezle
[TOP]kanguQuick Question... when playing video games only tested it with 2... Quake and Counter Strike.. but the same thing accures in both... every 1-2 mintues i get a lag spike or it freezes for 1-3 seconds and it comes back into the game...01:02
PuterPutterI am running a Broadcom wireless on the laptop. Is it characteristic for the wireless to  slow down and then drop out?01:03
mveranybody online who  is  using virtualbox;  I have  questions.01:03
SeaPhor[TOP]kangu, check in #cedega or #winehq01:03
MTeckPuterPutter: broadcom does suck - what version are you running?01:03
bastidrazormver, #vbox  may be a good channel to visit.01:03
RabidWeezleAlright folks... My toshiba laptop worked fine until the last update, now no wireless on my rtk8187se01:03
PuterPutterMTeck it is 431801:03
MTeckPuterPutter: version of ubuntu01:04
PuterPutteroh sorry 9.0401:04
odinsbaneHow can I turn off the update notifier?01:04
mverbastidrazor: right, but the channel only has me on it  right  now01:04
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, reloade the module?01:04
RabidWeezleI've rebooted about 20 times01:04
bastidrazormver, what does that mean?01:04
RabidWeezleI've recompiled the module and rebooted01:05
miguelonnnnok i got it, sorry for my late response DopeGhoti01:05
MTeckPuterPutter: go to system > adminsitration > hardware devices01:05
mvermeans nobody but me; no  dialogue01:05
RabidWeezleI've tried ndiswrapper with the linux driver and rebooted..01:05
MTeckPuterPutter: see if there's a closed source driver for it01:05
RabidWeezlewindows driver01:05
twintmy Linux desktop and install apache php mysql phpmyadmin LAMP01:05
twint> alterar01:05
FloodBot2twint: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:05
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: why are you using ndiswrapper?01:05
jacheebastidrazor: i'd like to flop back and forth, until I'm sure I like xfce enough to swap permanently. thanks though. :)01:05
bastidrazormver, i am in #vbox and there are quite a few people in there..01:05
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, whoa!! no need for ndiswrapper with that driver...01:06
RabidWeezleodinsbane, because nothing else was working, I was grasping for straws at that point01:06
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: is it your wireless?01:06
a94060bastidrazor: Im back. Sorry how i phrased the question. I know what i meant, but i didnt phrase it correctly. I know that /dev is the device01:06
RabidWeezleit's a wireless controller01:06
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: is the light on saying that it works?01:06
RabidWeezleit's orange01:06
odinsbanewireless controller?01:06
Artanis00In case anyone was curious, I figured it out. I was able to get some instructions on how to chroot into the install partition from the live CD and was able to use the commands to export the data I needed to a safe location.01:06
bastidrazorjachee, okay, when you switch sessions you're switching from gnome to xfce and still have the panel?01:06
RabidWeezlethe light is orange01:07
bazhangcmp, I have no idea how to transparency in compiz, that is why I suggested you /join #compiz and ask there.01:07
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: what card is it?01:07
nat2610I just added a SATA hard drive to my pc, I currently have a HD on /dev/hda1 but I can't find the new harddrive, how can i detect that ?01:07
PuterPutterMTeck there is a B43 driver listed01:07
cmphow to join them ?01:07
MTeckPuterPutter: enable it, you'll need to restart after01:07
SeaPhorRabidWeezle,  rtk8187se should work fine WITHOUT ndiswrapper,01:07
ejvnat2610: what's: sudo fdisk -l say?01:07
Dr_Willisnat2610:  check output of 'sudo fdisk -l' to see what 'device' it is. You will need to partition/format/moiunt the thing for it to be used01:07
jacheebastidrazor: even on a fresh boot the gnome paels pop up, but yes. :)01:07
bastidrazorcmp, type /join #compiz01:08
RabidWeezleSeaPhor, after the last update/reboot it doesn't01:08
ejvlol @ Dr_Willis01:08
RabidWeezleit see's it, it's just stuck on orange01:08
ejvso much more detailed than my response hahaha01:08
miguelonnnn1 more question please, this is fast. I usually read that an hdd has 512 byte blocks, but is that a phyisical limitation? or is it possible to split them into 128 byte blocks, or gather them into 2 Mb ones?01:08
Dr_Willisejv: :) you learn what people will ask next.. :)01:08
bastidrazorjachee, in xfce you should be able to remove the panel from the desktop.. right click and delete panel01:08
ejvim just lazy01:08
RabidWeezleand the enabler thingy isn't it's own button like most laptops, it's a FN key combo01:08
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: what did you update?  Your kernel?01:08
giikermiguelonnnn: you can change it01:08
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, wait... is this a laptop?01:08
PuterPutterMTeck i have it activated01:08
RabidWeezleodinsbane, to be honest, this is my wife's laptop01:09
Dr_Willismiguelonnnn:  why do you think you need to worry about blocksize? some special use?01:09
RabidWeezleyes, it's a laptop, a toshiba satelite01:09
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: what type of laptop?01:09
miguelonnnnjust to know it Dr_Willis . Thanks giiker01:09
giikermiguelonnnn: bigger block size it is better used with multimedia files01:09
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, there's a hardware switch, is it turned on?01:09
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: type uname -r from your terminal. (after doing what seaphor says)01:09
Dr_Willismiguelonnnn:  i think its an option to the mkfs command. I reall seeing it somewhere. :)01:10
RabidWeezlethere isn't a hardware switch on this, it uses a FN key combo to enable the wireless01:10
RabidWeezlemost of my laptops have a hardware switch01:10
RabidWeezlebut not this one01:10
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, turn it off, turn it on, then reboot01:10
RabidWeezledude, the fn key combo does nothing in ubuntu01:10
miguelonnnnI knew yet that actual OS sizes can be changed, (clusters and so on), but i wondered if the 512 byte sectors could be modified.01:10
ejvif you're dealing with larger files, use a more appropriate filesystem01:11
ejvlike XFS01:11
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: my wireless button doesn't wor so I do echo 1> long/path/to/some/wlan01:11
PuterPutterMTeck i 'll try this driver and see what happens01:11
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, yes it does, its on the left side,, i have a customer with that toshiba,,,01:11
giikermiguelonnnn: nop01:11
MTeckPuterPutter: ok01:11
zopiacdo pixmaps allow transparencies?01:11
nat2610ejv, and Dr_Willis it doesn't find it01:11
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ejvXFS allows file systems to be created with block sizes ranging between 512 bytes and 64 kilobytes, allowing the file system to be tuned for the expected use.01:11
nat2610it only find hda1 and hda201:11
cmpbazhang, how to install boot theme ?01:11
nat2610which are boot and /01:12
giikermiguelonnnn: sectors are created by the manufacturer, one can deal only on the logical matter01:12
PuterPutterMTeck well it immediately dropped to 1 Mb/s from 54 mb/s and stalled01:12
RabidWeezleL505d-s5965 satelite has no hardware switch, just a FN key01:12
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: does your wireless show up when you do ifconfig?01:12
Dr_Willisnat2610:  no sd## then eh? Hmm.. i would reboot - see if the BIOS is seeing it..   perhaps you missed a cable, or somthing isent plugged in all the way.. or the sata controller is disabled..01:12
Frank83Greetings, I'm trying to get the total output of a program (Ran through Terminal) to do some debugging. My problem is that after some lines I can't scroll further up. Is there any way to get over that limitation?01:12
RabidWeezleunless your customer bought his laptop from bestbuy, it's not the same system, this was a bestbuy exclusive01:12
RabidWeezleodinsbane, yes01:12
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: and you can do ifconfig wlan0 up01:13
miguelonnnnahh that was my question sorry if you didn't understand01:13
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: and iwlist wlan0 scan01:13
RabidWeezleit scan's nothing01:13
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, what about when you do iwlist scan01:13
Dr_WillisFrank83:  programname | less01:13
superjoewhat do you do if an install script fails in aptitude?01:13
superjoeis there a way to skip this package and install the other ones?01:13
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: I'm guessing you did sudo ?01:13
miguelonnnnpurge and reinstall it?01:13
Frank83Dr_Willis, Thanks!01:13
iameliteEASY QUESTION: What is a good stand alone program to read my linux drive from windows?01:14
RabidWeezlewlan0     No scan results01:14
RabidWeezleI sudo'ed it01:14
SeaPhorhow about this RabidWeezle  do sudo lshw -C network01:14
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: how about dmesg is your wlan0 in there01:14
Dr_WillisFrank83:  theres other ways also to pipe output to a file.01:14
superjoemiguelonnnn: ok I'll try that01:14
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: ie dmesg | grep wlan001:14
Frank83Dr_WIllis: That would be awesome to know.01:15
miguelonnnnok superjoe, :)01:15
Frank83Dr_Willis: Would be of awesome help.01:15
RabidWeezle[  149.317257] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready01:15
Dr_WillisFrank83:  command > output.txt    (bash basics here man)01:15
MTeckPuterPutter: that's after the reboot?01:15
Dr_WillisFrank83:  or for old-skool ussate the 'typescript' command01:15
SeaPhorodinsbane, some mfgs auto name it something else, like "ath001:15
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: sometimes when iwconfig/ifconfig are missbehaving I kill the network manager.01:15
PuterPutterMTeck yes01:15
giikerFrank83: also here http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html01:16
Dr_Willis!bash | Frank8301:16
ubottuFrank83: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:16
RabidWeezleso killall -9 nm-applet?01:16
Frank83Dr_Willis, Many thanks. :-)01:16
MTeckPuterPutter: my next suggestion is a bug report...01:16
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: something like that , I usually ps ax, and find any network manager to be found01:16
MTeckRabidWeezle: don't use -9 if you don't need it01:16
Frank83Dr_Willis, BTW, I have that exact page on my favs, I'll give it another look. Thanks once again!01:16
PuterPutterMTeck yes i just lost connection01:16
PuterPutterMTeck it came back at 1 mb/s01:17
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: also wha do you get from a uname -r.  Maybe you should reboot with a previous kernel.01:17
RabidWeezleno scan results still01:17
SeaPhorhow about this RabidWeezle  do sudo lshw -C network01:17
MTeckPuterPutter: exact same issue with or without proprietary driver?01:17
RabidWeezleI have rebooted with -14 and -13 and still nothing01:18
PuterPutterMTeck  yes   how do i go back to old driver01:18
MTeckPuterPutter: same way as what you already did01:18
RabidWeezleit's the hardware switch I know it, and the only way to fix that is to boot back into windows... (and I have no windows install on this)01:18
kholerabbiDoes last.fm work for anybody else. I have tried banshee and rhythmbox and neither will play anything :(01:18
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: look for this /sys/devices/platform/toshiba01:19
RabidWeezleno toshiba folder01:19
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: I have to manually switch my wireless card on but my is an asus so the path would be different01:19
RabidWeezleFixed MDIO bus.001:20
FloodBot2RabidWeezle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
Supersaiyan_IVRabidWeezle, if you do iwconfig, what mode is it in?01:20
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: What folders are there, pick on that makes sense, and see if it has a wlan file.01:20
ejv!irc etiquette01:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about irc etiquette01:20
{RR}Superyo wut up01:20
geniithat n more01:20
KB1JWQRabidWeezle: Paste to a pastebin, not to the channel. :)01:20
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, is it turned off in BIOS?01:20
RabidWeezleit's on01:21
PuterPutterMTeck now i have no connection it does not list wireless01:21
RabidWeezleI tried switching it in the bios on and off and on... nothin01:21
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: you could also go to /sys/devices/platform, do an ls -R | grep wlan01:21
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: also do a ps ax | grep Network, and see if any other proccesses might influence what you are working on.01:22
twintthank the LAMP no longer serve in that same link could solve my doubts thanks01:22
MTeckPuterPutter: you should be able to go to system > administration > hardware devices and stop using the driver - then reboot01:22
SeaPhorRabidWeezle, there HAS to be a hardware switch, i believe its according to FCC and energy-star,,,, look around....01:22
RabidWeezlethe wifi switch is on the f8 key for a FN combo01:23
odinsbaneSeaPhor: my wireless is only wit a button01:23
PuterPutterMTeck i did that and it killed wireless all together  lol01:23
RabidWeezleI can hit that till I'm blue in the face01:24
RabidWeezleit does nothing01:24
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: I would suggest rebooting into rescue and when you get the option take a root login w/out networking.  THen01:24
MTeckPuterPutter: I'd file a bug on it - This is beyond my ability01:24
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PuterPutterok thanx01:24
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: did you find a wlan file in a sub directory of your platform devices?01:24
urthmoveris karmic alpha 4 the latest?01:26
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* RabidWeezle get's out the windows xp x64 cd...01:26
bastidrazorbazhang, ... no wonder cmp isn't able to install themes in the way described.. he isn't  even using ubuntu.01:27
bazhangbastidrazor, aha, what os?01:27
odinsbaneRabidWeezle: it seems odd that your led is on.  I would suggest rebooting in rescue mde, go to root no network support, and try your ifconfig wlan0 up; iwlist wan0 scan01:27
RabidWeezlegimme a minute01:27
bastidrazorbazhang, wait.. he stated 9.04 gentoo.. :|  i think he meant ubuntu ?01:28
bazhangurthmover, #ubuntu+1 for karmic01:28
bazhangbastidrazor, could be :)01:28
DevrethmanHow do I make windows not map with their title bars under the top menu bar?01:28
urthmoverbazhang: thx01:28
Devrethmancause having to alt-drag something to be anle to max/min/close it sucks01:29
irunbackwardsanyone else's Internet seem to go horribly slow after last weeks update01:29
irunbackwardsi've tried disabling ipv6, using alternate nameservers01:29
irunbackwardsstill goes horribly slow01:29
swayricanyone know how to recover from an unreadable partition table as per this link? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-909981.html01:30
twintwhat would be the best version of jEdit am programmer in php or a text editor rather than jedit01:32
irunbackwardsgedit is good for php, has proper syntax highlighting01:34
DevrethmanSeriously, am I the only one who thinks it's really annoying that I open somethign and the window decorations area all underneath the top toolbar?01:34
Devrethmanor is it not happening to anyone else.01:35
twobitspriteDevrethman: you mean the title-bar, etc?01:35
twobitspritenot happenning to me... what's your resolution?01:35
Devrethmanit maps them so that the top of the window is at the top of the screen01:35
Devrethmanand the menu bar along the top of the screen goes over top of them, and is exactly the same height as the title bar andsuch01:36
Devrethmanand maximizing does the same thing01:36
SuperMiguelis ext4 the fastest FS of ubuntu?01:38
odinsbaneSuperMiguel: yes01:39
swayricPascal cleans clock for ubuntu01:40
datadudeAny recs on an alarm clock application?01:40
SuperMiguelswayric, no?01:40
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inergI need help with grub01:43
Dr_Willisdatadude:  check the package manager.. i recall a few in there...01:44
Dr_Willisdatadude:  sort of annoying the gnome clock dosent hagve that feature. :(01:44
inergWhat do you mean01:45
odinsbaneSuperMiguel: google it, there are some bench marks ext4 can speed up your bootup time.01:45
twobitspriteSuperMiguel: what do you need a "fast" FS for?01:46
SuperMigueltwobitsprite, i was just asking :) if ext4 was the fastest one01:46
swayricDr_Willis: how do I "remove GPT and just create msdos label partition" ?01:47
twobitspriteSuperMiguel: performance is not a simple one-dimensional thing01:47
swayricIf I'm using GPT, does that suggest I'm using a macintosh-based computer?01:47
swayricintel-based mac?01:47
twobitspritejust stick with the standard FS unless you really need something faster, then figure out why what you are using is slow and what sort of speed you need01:47
swayricpascal is pretty quick01:48
swayricgets the job done01:48
swayricor if you want a neat easy to mantain programming code, go with perl01:48
twintsee if you understand me, wanted to get a doubt in Linux when I give a permission to a certain directory pretend chmod 766 var / www /01:48
twobitspriteswayric: last I checked, pascal was a programming language... not a filesystem01:48
FloodBot2twint: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
KB1JWQtwint: That don't work well. :)01:49
KB1JWQDirectories need the execute bit set.01:49
swayrichow do I "remove GPT and just create msdos label partition" ?01:51
swayricfirst, how do I remove GPT? do I have GPT? isn't GPT for intel-based macs?01:51
twintok KB1JMQ01:51
odinsbaneswayric: msdos label?  as in fat16 or as in you want to label the drive "msdos"01:52
twintok how do I do after giving permission to the directory chmod 777 how can i return the previous settings01:53
odinsbanetwint:  there are no "previous settings"01:53
swayricodinsbane: isn't GPT referring to mac's intel-based? wouldn't msdos lable in GPT's place set the drive for windows01:54
twinthow can i find out what the default directory Linnen var / www01:57
danI'm having trouble with ET true combat elite in linux what is the correct room to go to ?01:57
Guest98000âñåì  ïðèâåò!01:57
JohnRoveinerg: what do you need help with?01:58
danI've got it all set up, and ET works great (with the sound fix) but I'm experiencing random lock ups01:58
danso bad I have to reset my pc01:58
l3dlinuxI have to say that the longer I use ubuntu the more I am switched to it. and  shall never return to winblows01:59
zopiacfor some reason i have no sound...i did eariler today01:59
swayricodinsbane: isn't GPT referring to mac's intel-based? wouldn't msdos lable in GPT's place set the drive for windows02:00
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twintI installed an apache server running right over I'm not getting or edit or save files and files within the directory var / www02:01
SealedWithAKissHow do I change the animation used when opening a window in Compiz?02:01
SealedWithAKissYou know when you click on a window on the taskbar and it opens, there are animations for those in Compiz, which setting is it though?02:01
twintwhich the appropriate permissions for these types of directories to keep my security02:02
DevrethmanSealedWithAKiss: I think that's "animations"02:02
IdleOneSealedWithAKiss: #compiz02:02
Um_cara_qualqueri'm having this little problem to unzip a file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259585/02:02
SealedWithAKissIdleOne, thanks man! Spot on!02:03
KB1JWQUm_cara_qualquer: And your command string would be...?02:03
Um_cara_qualquerright button mouse, extract here02:03
KB1JWQUm_cara_qualquer: What does `file /media/disk/Quinquilharias/Lineage II/CT2.3_Live_152.zip` return?02:03
swayrichow do I "remove GPT and just create msdos label partition" ?02:03
jiohdiI think one of the updates took my sound... how do I get it back?02:04
CydeWeysIt's happening to me ~twice a week now that X just completely freezes up while I'm using it.  Well, I can move the cursor around, but that's it.  Nothing responds to the cursor and even the NumLock/CapsLock keys fail.02:04
Um_cara_qualqueri don't understood what you said now... but when i'm in windows, it is no problem to unzip it02:04
smogattackwhen is Firefox 3.5 out for ubuntu? or how can i get it?02:04
Dr_Willis!ff3.5 | smogattack02:05
ubottusmogattack: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY02:05
jiohdismog, you can get it right from mozilla.com02:05
Dr_Willissmogattack:  install that packatge.. you will have it  alongside 3.002:05
zopiacanyone want to help me get my sound back? :)02:05
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:05
smogattackDr_Willis, sudo apt-get install firefox 3.5?02:05
jiohdizopiac I lost my sound too02:05
IndyGunFreakzopiac: whats your sound device?02:06
zopiacthe main thing is, it was just working not an hour ago02:06
zopiacits onboard02:06
IndyGunFreakzopiac: how does lspci identify it02:06
AvonGenesisHow do you fix a broken package?02:07
zopiacIndyGunFreak: http://pastebin.org/1209102:07
Um_cara_qualquerKB1JWQ, sorry but i don't understand you question02:08
CydeWeysI can log into my computer with SSH and do stuff, but the keyboard and anything interactive with the mouse are completely disabled.02:08
KB1JWQUm_cara_qualquer: Then nevermind. :-)02:08
IndyGunFreakzopiac: i read something about that device, but i think it was in regards to intrepid,.02:08
CydeWeysHow do I restart X from the terminal without rebooting?02:09
smogattackIndyGunFreak, you have PM02:09
Um_cara_qualquerKB1JWQ, heh sorry again... i'm not american/english :P02:09
Lars_GIs there an ubuntu packaged equivalent to yakuake but gtk based?02:09
IndyGunFreakzopiac: use a freakin pastebin that doesn't redirect me every 5sec02:09
Um_cara_qualquerKB1JWQ, but do u have any idea of how could i fix it?02:09
SealedWithAKissI have downloaded a torrent with loads of seeds, yet BitTorrent hasn't downloaded a single KB in 10 minutes now. Why not?02:10
IndyGunFreakzopiac: just use the ubuntu pastebin02:10
KB1JWQUm_cara_qualquer: Not if I have to spend two hours giving a primer in terminal first, no. :-)02:10
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic02:10
zopiacIndyGunFreak: i dont understand what you mean02:10
KB1JWQzopiac: That JMicron controller is... interesting.02:10
IndyGunFreakzopiac: its ad based, and redirects you after 5sec of looking at it.02:10
Um_cara_qualqueranyone else can help me fix this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259585/02:10
TheFunkbombare any of you familiar with completely removing the akirad repositories?  Every time I reboot, they come back02:11
zopiacIndyGunFreak: doesn't for me. anyways, http://paste.ubuntu.com/259588/02:11
smogattackzopiac, www.pastebin.ubuntu.com02:11
zopiaci got it, smogattack02:11
zopiacKB1JWQ: how so?02:11
IndyGunFreakzopiac: well it did it to me 4x.02:11
IndyGunFreakzopiac: i take it your sound was working till recently, or did itnever work02:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about roboto02:12
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KB1JWQzopiac: I've never had decent luck with that until I disabled anything jmicron touched.02:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about futbol02:12
IndyGunFreak!botabuse ? ToStItOs02:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:13
IndyGunFreak!botabuse | ToStItOs02:13
ubottuToStItOs: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:13
zopiacIndyGunFreak: it was working up to about a half hour to an hour ago. only thing i did tat might do anything is install awn (which isnt even running right now, and even the login sound isnt working)02:13
ubottuies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!02:13
zopiacKB1JWQ: what sorts of things would 'jmicron touch'?02:14
krisHi. Is there an equalizer or normalizer program for ALSA?02:14
KB1JWQzopiac: fakeRAID controllers, primarily.02:14
IndyGunFreakzopiac: i take it you've tried restarting02:14
os11hi, when i install ubuntu 9.04, should i pick ext3 or ext4?02:14
zopiackris: in the terminal, alsamixer02:14
zopiacIndyGunFreak: yes, i have02:14
IndyGunFreakos11: if you have to ask, just use ext302:14
os11what are advantage and disadvantage02:15
IndyGunFreakos11: just use ext302:15
os11IndyGunFreak, what is the diff?02:15
manuel_hi guys, i'm looking for radio channels to use with banshee, but can't find them, could you help me?02:15
kriszopiac: I want an equalizer, not a mixer. By equalizer, I mean a program that allows me to adjust the relative levels of different frequencies of sound.02:15
IndyGunFreakos11: well, google will tell you that02:15
zopiackris:  right ;) didnt catch that02:15
zopiacoh i figured it out, guys02:15
kriszopiac: No prob! Thanks, though.02:15
zopiackris: actually thank you. since i mentioned alsamixer, i opened it up and solved my own problem ^_^02:16
ToStItOsIndyGunFreak: are you familiar with ies4linux?02:16
IndyGunFreakToStItOs: yes02:16
kriszopiac: Cheers, then! ;-)02:16
zopiacbut, does anyone know why randomly my sound is down to 3% and muted when i restarted my computer???02:16
IndyGunFreakzopiac: well that desn't make any sense02:17
ToStItOsIndyGunFreak: Is there a guide to install IE 702:17
zopiaci know, its happened like 10 times over a few months tho02:17
zopiacbut usually i get a clue that i did that other than no sound02:17
os11IndyGunFreak, should i choose primary or logical?02:17
os11IndyGunFreak, got winxp on it too02:17
kriszopiac: Take a look at the amixer command.02:18
IndyGunFreakos11: how are you setting up the drive02:18
ToStItOsIndyGunFreak: Or can I run ies4linux on the terminal02:18
krisIt allows you to specify on the command line volume levels.02:18
krisFigure out the command to use for you, and then put it in you ~/.bashrc?02:18
os11IndyGunFreak, 250GB, 125 ntfs, 125 free02:18
IndyGunFreakos11: so you're giving 125gigs to ubuntu, or what?02:18
os11IndyGunFreak, yes02:19
IndyGunFreakToStItOs: there's a script or something out there that lets you install ie, i do believe02:19
IndyGunFreakos11: is the drive already partitioned into two 125gig partitions?02:19
krisToStItOs: ie4linux, I think.02:19
os11IndyGunFreak, before 125ntfs, 125ntfs, in ubuntu setup i delete second ntfs, now is free02:19
IndyGunFreakToStItOs: why on earth would you want to use ie4linux?02:20
krisToStItOs: Oh, you got it already. Lol.02:20
krisHi. Is there an equalizer or normalizer program for ALSA?02:20
IndyGunFreakos11: have you created a swap partition on the free space yet?02:20
os11IndyGunFreak, no02:20
IndyGunFreakwell, create a 3gig swap partition.02:20
os11IndyGunFreak, do i do that first?02:20
IndyGunFreakyou don't really have to do it, but the installer will piss and moan if you dont02:20
IndyGunFreakos11: yes02:21
os11IndyGunFreak, do i pick primary or logical?02:21
IndyGunFreakos11: primary, then on filesystem type, choose swap02:21
os11mount point = swap?02:21
ToStItOsIndyGunFreak: long story Some sites I visit frequently don't play nice with Firefox so I am trying to install IE 7 but I am wondering if can run ies4linux in the terminal02:21
IndyGunFreaksorry, meant mount point02:21
os11IndyGunFreak, 2GB ram should i choose 2GB for swap?02:22
os11IndyGunFreak, or more?02:22
redvamp128Okay quick question about the opera 10RC -- What is the difference between Gcc4 Qt3 and Qt4 ?  and which would be better Jaunty 9.0402:22
ToStItOsI don't like IE personally but02:22
IndyGunFreakos11: well, they say swap should be 1.5-2x system ram.. but i would think 2gigs is plenty... you'll probably never need it02:22
ToStItOsI hate  windows overall02:22
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os11IndyGunFreak, should i pick primary or logical??02:23
IndyGunFreakos11: for swap?02:23
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Paddy_NIhey IndyGunFreak :)02:23
os11IndyGunFreak, yes02:23
IndyGunFreakPaddy_NI: sup.. :)02:23
IndyGunFreakos11: yes, primary is fine02:23
Guest30108I'm having some trouble installing the GnuMenu02:23
os11IndyGunFreak, for / should it be logical then?02:24
os11i have no idea02:24
IndyGunFreakos11: no, primary02:24
IndyGunFreakos11: and just make the filesystem ext302:24
redvamp128IndyGunFreak:  which would be the prefered .deb of opera10 for jaunty -- gcc4 qt3 or gcc4 qt4 ? or is there a big difference?02:25
os11IndyGunFreak, so 3 primary in one hdd is fine?02:25
IndyGunFreak3 primary?02:25
IndyGunFreakit shouldn't hurt anything, but whats the 3rd one?02:25
WaffylesYaywith a max of 4 right?02:25
os11IndyGunFreak, first one is winxp, then swap then / ?02:26
IndyGunFreakos11: oh ok, yeah, thats fine02:26
ToStItOsSo can I run ies4linux in the terminal?02:26
IndyGunFreakToStItOs: why don't you try, and see what happens02:27
redvamp128ToStItOs:  I noticed that with ies4linux didn't want to run IE7 on a different install though I might suggest--- running Play on Linux -- its IE7 runs better02:27
* IndyGunFreak thinks an abacus runs better than IE02:27
redvamp128ToStItOs:  Also I think Play On Linux is in the repository also02:28
ToStItOsredvamp whats play02:28
alvinAnyone know a good reference for debugging GRUB? Having trouble with partition order, Linux detects them in 1 order BIOS in another - when I try to adjust device.map and run setup in grub I keep getting invalid device requested02:28
redvamp128ToStItOs:  it gives scripts to wine to get files and configure games and applications02:28
alvinratehr drive detection order02:28
ToStItOsWhere do I get play02:29
os11IndyGunFreak, the should i put swap in the beginning of the partition or the end?02:29
redvamp128ToStItOs: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/02:29
redvamp128you can also change the language as well02:29
IndyGunFreakos11: i typically put it at the beginnig... but i'm not 100% certain it really matters02:29
ToStItOsredvamp what will play do will it allow me to run IE 702:30
redvamp128Are there and major gains by running Gcc4 qt3 or Gcc4 qt4?02:30
Um_cara_qualquerthis is what shows when i try to unzip a specific file -> gzip: CT2.3_Live_152.zip: unknown suffix -- ignored Anyone knows how can i extract it?02:30
redvamp128ToStItOs:  yes on a different install -- I tried the Ies4linux but the IE7 ran than crashed-- so I tried play on linux to get and install ie7 and it ran like a charm02:30
IndyGunFreakRedeuxx_: what are you tryhing to install?02:31
DevrethmanUm_Cara: You're using gzip to unzip a zip file/02:31
IndyGunFreakredvamp128: what are you trying to install02:31
DevrethmanGzip opens .gz files02:31
ToStItOsredvampwhat do you mean a different install02:31
IndyGunFreaksorry Redeuxx_02:31
redvamp128IndyGunFreak:  Opera 10 RC02:31
IndyGunFreakredvamp128: well, its a release candidate, but i think qt3 will be ok02:32
ToStItOsredvamp what did you mean a different install?02:32
redvamp128ToStItOs:  I have a dual boot of Jaunty (both jaunty) and have Play on LInux installed on the other one02:32
alvinI take it that's a no?02:32
redvamp128ToStItOs:  For me I found that Play on linux configured the correct wine that it would run IE7 the best02:32
ToStItOshmmmm I didn't want to do a dual boot any other options02:33
redvamp128ToStItOs:  what I have and you have are different -- I was just saying that i don't have it installed on this Jaunty02:33
veinorMy system seems to be randomly pasting things.02:33
redvamp128ToStItOs:  I was planing on this weekend upgrading the other jaunty to karmic02:33
ToStItOsOh so I can install Play right?02:34
redvamp128ToStItOs: yes02:34
ToStItOsgive me the link so I can bookmark it02:34
ToStItOsis the installation easy02:34
redvamp128ToStItOs:  I tried the ies4linux script and ran the ie7 install on it-- then the IE7 it configured crashed after a few minutes-- then I tried the play on linux to install ie7 and it runs like a charm with no errors02:35
redvamp128ToStItOs:  http://www.playonlinux.com/en/02:35
ToStItOsredvamp thats what I want so I have intrepid there should be no problems right02:36
hipitihopcan someone recommend a channel to help me with a basic akw or sed commands ?02:36
redvamp128ToStItOs:  should run it also runs on hardy as well02:36
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mdghipitihop: #bash02:36
ToStItOsgreat you are a lifesaver02:36
hipitihopmdg: wthanks looking02:36
mdghipitihop: your welcome :)02:37
ToStItOsThanks a lot redvamp128 I can't thank you enough02:37
redvamp128ToStItOs:  here is the exact page -- http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html select ubuntu and copy paste the commands02:37
IndyGunFreakos11: i take its working?02:37
ToStItOsredvamp128 where did you find that02:38
redvamp128I use wine a lot02:38
ToStItOsany other benefits with Play on linux02:38
IndyGunFreakredvamp128: does that program work pretty well02:38
redvamp128ToStItOs:  and IndyGunFreak -- well it is a bit like using winetricks -- but it configures games/applications with the recomended wine02:39
IndyGunFreakhm, cool02:39
ToStItOsredvamp128 I wonder if Ms-word will run with that02:39
redvamp128ToStItOs:  yes I think it can configure wine to run them02:40
AvonGenesisHow to fix package install error: libglu1-mesa-dev: Depends: libglu1-mesa (= 7.4-0ubuntu3.1) but 7.4-0ubuntu3.2 is to be installed.02:40
ToStItOsMicrosoft word really02:40
redvamp128ToStItOs:  all it does is provide scripts to help the install of programs in wine02:40
IndyGunFreakredvamp128: i hardly use wine for anything, but its good to know about.02:40
ToStItOswell I just learned something new today02:40
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: what were you trying to install?02:41
redvamp128ToStItOs:  also you may want to get winetricks02:41
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: libglu1-mesa-dev02:41
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: what were you trying to install, that depended on it.02:41
ToStItOswinetricks give me the link02:41
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: I was trying to install libglu1-mesa-dev, it depended on libglu1-mesa02:41
ToStItOsredvamp 128 I have IE 6 and runs ok it tends to freeze sometimes02:42
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: ok, why were you trying to libglu1-mesa-dev02:42
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: To compile a game on linux02:42
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: and the truth shall set you free.02:43
xixorYo everyone, just a quick question: I've posted my /boot/grub/menu.list here: http://www.pastebin.org/12107,  I want to make the windows vista installation default, so, I think that I should change default  0 to default 9, I just am looking for some confirmation, if anyone is willing to have a peep02:43
redvamp128ToStItOs:  what play on linux does is also grab the known wine version to work with an application and wine configure them to install and run02:43
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: what game, and are you sure its not in the repos?02:43
ToStItOsThats fantastic one day maybe Windows will be obsolete02:43
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: Trying to compile Egoboo, but the repo version is outdated so I have to compile the latest one.02:44
IndyGunFreakToStItOs: one day, we're all gonna be using whatever OS Google comes up w/02:44
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: how did you install the dependencies?02:44
Kirbonhow do you reinstall dpkg02:44
CavalierPrimebah google02:44
ToStItOsIndyGunFreak You read my mind02:44
Devrethmanxixor: 8, by my count.02:44
aj_44_4Anybody here an expert on UNR?02:44
xixorDevrethman: does line 175 count as one?02:44
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: My guess was that the dependencies were installed when I installed my IDE, code::blocks02:45
Devrethmanxixor: nothing catestrophic will happen if you set it to the wrong number though02:45
xixorDevrethman: the title other operating system02:45
Kirbonhow do you reinstall dpkg02:45
ToStItOsMy first Pc I ever operated was a Mac mini that tells you how old I am02:45
xixorDevrethman: My computer is currently "headless", and I need to get into the windows vista to rescue some files via remote desktop, it would be great if I could stop guessing on the grub menu with the keyboard02:45
ToStItOsSo winetricks is another go download uh?02:46
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: link me to where you downloaded the source02:46
os11IndyGunFreak, the wired network isnt auto detecting, how to fix?02:46
xixorDevrethman: According to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS, the Default OS title line should be counted as well, which makes default 9 what I want, as far as I can tell02:46
redvamp128ToStItOs:  well my first Pc was an AT and I changed the chip to make it an XT-- which -- going from 8mhz to 12mhz was a fast computer02:46
CavalierPrimexixor go d/l supergrub and fix it02:46
IndyGunFreakos11: that could be all sorts of fun02:46
aj_44_4I'm having issues getting the wireless on my asus eee pc 1005ha running UNR to work. Anybody know how to fix the issue?02:47
os11IndyGunFreak, how fun?02:47
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: http://sourceforge.net/projects/egoboo/files/Linux%20Source%20Distro/2.7.4%20%28Stable%2032-bit%29/egoboo-2.7.4.tar.gz/download02:47
IndyGunFreakos11: are you still on the live CD, or are you installed?02:47
ToStItOsredvamp128 times have changed haven't they02:47
IndyGunFreakos11: well02:47
IndyGunFreakos11: so how are you here now?02:47
redvamp128hold on gettign the winetricks page02:47
os11i am using my netbook02:47
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: Basically, it says I have 7.4-0ubuntu3.2 installed, but libglu1-mesa-dev needs 7.4-0ubuntu3.102:47
ToStItOsredvamp why whats up02:47
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: ok, hang on a sec, its downloading02:47
redvamp128ToStItOs:  http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks02:48
ToStItOsoh ok redvamp02:48
os11IndyGunFreak, the desktop has internet in winxp, but not in ubuntu 9.0402:48
IndyGunFreakos11: open a terminal and type "lspci" no quotes, then hit enter.. and its gonna spit out a bunch of stuff, look and see how it idenfies your LAN device02:48
aj_44_4I'm having issues getting the wireless on my asus eee pc 1005ha running UNR to work. Anybody know how to fix the issue?02:48
CavalierPrimeos11 if you have a network icon by your clock, click on that and "enable networking"02:49
ToStItOsredvamp I really really appreciate this thanks02:49
IndyGunFreakCavalierPrime: its not enabled by default?.. it always has been for me02:49
CavalierPrimesometimes not02:49
os11CavalierPrime, it is already enabled02:49
IndyGunFreakCavalierPrime: i'll be honest, i don't thin i've ever saw it not enabled by default02:50
IndyGunFreakand i've installed linux a lot02:50
IndyGunFreakactually, i don't think iv'e ever saw any disto not enable wired out of the box.. wireless, yes.. but not a wired connection02:51
IndyGunFreakos11: how does it identify the device02:51
os11IndyGunFreak,  03:00 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. Device 1063 (rev c0)02:51
mdgos11: did updates disable your ethernet connection?02:52
Guest30108install -d /etc/gnomenu /usr/bin/ /usr/lib \02:52
Guest30108/usr/share /usr/lib/bonobo/servers02:52
Guest30108install: cannot change permissions of `/etc/gnomenu': No such file or directory02:52
Guest30108make: [install] Error 1 (ignored)02:52
Guest30108/bin/sh: cannot create /etc/gnomenu/prefix: Directory nonexistent02:52
FloodBot2Guest30108: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
Guest30108make: *** [install] Error 202:52
os11mdg, what update?02:52
IndyGunFreakos11: are you using 64bit?02:52
mdg9.04 updates?02:52
os11IndyGunFreak, it is gigabyte motherboard, i am not sure02:53
os11mdg, i fresh install 9.04 moment ago02:53
gwildorGuest30108, looks like /etc/gnomenu doesnt exist...02:53
IndyGunFreakos11: and a fairly new one as best i can tell.. did you not think to test this before trying to nstall?..lol02:53
mdgos11: no working ethernet?02:53
os11IndyGunFreak, in liveCD, it has no connection neither02:54
os11IndyGunFreak, i thought it will fix itself once i install. haha02:54
mdgos11: is this an acer aspire?02:54
IndyGunFreakos11: thus my point probably should've researched it before installing.02:54
CavalierPrimecould be an ipv6 prob with router02:54
IndyGunFreakos11: ?  how in the world would it do that02:54
os11mdg, no, it is desktop02:54
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: haven't forgotten you, these dependencies are taking a while to install02:54
os11IndyGunFreak, so now what can i do?02:54
CavalierPrimeos11: disable ipv6 in ubuntu and see if that fixes it02:55
IndyGunFreakos11: may i suggest a whole grain, goat blood, 3 hairs off a wolf, an onion, and a big pot02:55
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: Lol thanks :P I'm currently downgrading my libglu1-mesa to see if that would fix the problem.02:55
mdgIndyGunFreak: that one works great!02:56
wfiuewfewHi! I just reinstalled on my machine now when I ssh I get a scary warning about rsa key. Is this expected?02:56
Dr_Williswfiuewfew:  yes.02:56
Dr_Willisyou just made a new key02:56
os11IndyGunFreak, the mobo is gigabyte G31M-ES2L02:56
Um_cara_qualqueris there some download manager for ubuntu 9.04?02:56
IndyGunFreakos11: yeah, does it have an onboard wireless device?02:57
wfiuewfewDr_Willis: Can you explain why I made a new key? Is that default with reinstalling?02:57
os11IndyGunFreak, i dont think it is wireless02:57
IndyGunFreakos11: thats a very new motherboard02:58
os11just got this machine today02:58
Guest30108i'm having a problem installing the GnoMenu, whenever i use the command "make install" (while the terminal is in the directory "~/Desktop/gnomenu") it'll try to install but it'll say>   '/etc/gnomenu': No such file or directory   <02:58
IndyGunFreakos11: thus my point02:58
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: Hey! I think I solved my problem. I just downgraded the package and everything worked out fine! Whats funny is that I had a version installed that wasn't on the ubuntu repos. Odd...02:58
fiveironok, am i wrong to think that putting a job in /etc/cron.daily and setting the mode to 755 will cause it to run daily?02:58
mdgos11: what came preinstalled?02:59
fiveironrun-parts --test doesn't show it as running02:59
os11mdg, winxp pro02:59
Dr_Williswfiuewfew:  it generates one if none exists.. thus it MADE a new key when you reionstalled02:59
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: ok.. did you try running apt-get build-dep?02:59
mdgos11: are you dual booting or full-blown linux?02:59
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: Nope, whats that do?02:59
wfiuewfewDr_Willis: Thanks!02:59
os11mdg, dual boot02:59
Dr_Williswfiuewfew:  read up on ssh and how keys work for more info.02:59
pyrohotdogWhy won't my new machine with a fresh install not respond to pings on the network!?02:59
IndyGunFreakAvonGenesis: when you're downloading the source for a program, and there's an older version in the repositories02:59
fiveironpyrohotdog, does it have an ip address?03:00
Guest30108i'm having a problem installing the GnoMenu, whenever i use the command "make install" (while the terminal is in the directory "~/Desktop/gnomenu") it'll try to install but it'll say>   '/etc/gnomenu': No such file or directory   <03:00
IndyGunFreakmake sure all the source repos are enabled, and then run sudo apt-get build-dep packagename... ubuntu will then download all the dependencies of that package, w/o installing it03:00
Dr_WillisIve seen some wireless routers auto-block pings..03:00
IndyGunFreak99% of the time, when you go to compile the new version, the dependencies will all be met03:00
pyrohotdogfiveiron: Yes, it can reach other machines on the lan, and the internet.03:00
AvonGenesisIndyGunFreak: Ah I see. Thanks!03:00
IndyGunFreaksorry AvonGenesis didn't mean to split that up, i went return crazy03:00
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pyrohotdogDr_Willis: Other wireless devices respond to ping...03:01
fiveironpyrohotdog, do you have some sort of firewall installed on it?03:01
pyrohotdogfiveiron: Nope. Out of the box Ubuntu 9.0403:01
Dr_Willisdoes networking actually WORK? and just pings dont?03:02
Dr_WillisYou are pinginb by ip and not the  hostnale?03:03
FoolsRunQuestion: if, say, transmission was downloading a bunch of files to a directory that didn't exist, where would they actually go?03:03
tankNo offense intended for Ubuntu developers, but I'm just about fed up with my hw support for Ubuntu 9.10.  If I do a clean install of Ubuntu 8.10 will Ubuntu pester me to do an upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10?03:03
tankI mean 9.04.03:03
pyrohotdogDr_Willis: Networking work perfectly fine, I can even ssh from it to other machines. Yes, pinging by IP03:03
darlek!microphone | darlek03:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone03:04
syntaxi keep getting hits on firestarter any ideas?03:04
Dr_Willistank:  there were a lot of changes in some core areas caused a lot of issues for some hardware.. thats just how things happen..   and yes 8.10 will proberly mention upgrading.. but wont force you03:04
MindVirusHello. My mouse pointer is no longer functional.03:04
Dr_Willistank:  you may want to test out the next release  see if it works any better in there.. (it is alpha4 at this time)03:05
os11so anyone with suggestion how to get LAN working in ubuntu?03:05
darlekany tips on testing a microphone?03:05
tankDr_Willis, I'll still be able to do kernel and app upgrades without doing a distro upgrade, right?03:05
IndyGunFreakMindVirus: are you sure its plugged in03:05
mdgMindVirus: how did you pick that nick?03:05
IndyGunFreakos11: a motherboard that new, you're gnna have all sorts of fun03:05
Dr_Willistank:  yes.03:05
MindVirusmdg: Natural selection. Duh. :P03:05
tankThanks. :)03:05
Dr_Willistank:  also depending on the hardware there are PPS updates to a lot of things.03:05
MindVirusIndyGunFreak: It's a laptop.03:05
Dr_Willisoops PPA updates03:05
MindVirusmdg: to be honest, I picked it because I found a domain name hack: http://min.dvir.us/.03:06
IndyGunFreakMindVirus: i take it your touchpad works otherwise03:06
mdgMindVirus: thought you were into memetics03:06
MindVirusIndyGunFreak: no clicking either.03:06
mdgMindVirus: sorry03:06
MindVirusmdg: I am.03:06
MindVirusmdg: but I don't know enough.03:07
fiveironwhat step am i missing in adding a job to cron.daily?  i've created the job, given it the proper permissions, and put it in /etc/cron.daily03:07
fiveironbut run-parts --list and --test dont show it03:07
FoolsRunOkay, slightly different question: after some updates (apache, some other stuff) today I now have 100% usage on my filesystem (/). I've cleared out /tmp, /var/tmp and /.Trash  and only saved 1GB. Anywhere else I can look?03:08
Mordercan anyone help me with my screen resolution? it keeps resetting if i have my monitor (HDMI) turned off xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/259599/ i'd like it to be 1280x720 permanently03:08
IndyGunFreakFoolsRun: why are you so low on disk space?03:08
FoolsRunIndyGunFreak: that's what I'm trying to figure out. It sudden.03:08
IndyGunFreakFoolsRun: well how much space did you give it when you installed?03:08
MindVirusPlease help. My mouse pointer doesn't function.03:09
FoolsRunwell / is 18GB03:09
adasdasdasdasi need some help resinstalling ubuntu .. my problem is close this persons ... http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-users/2009-08/msg00829.html03:09
IndyGunFreakFoolsRun: that should be plenty03:09
IndyGunFreakor do you have a bunch of music, etc there?03:09
mdgMindVirus: what kind is it?03:09
digmoreHi, I just update apache/php on ubuntu. I try http://localhost on firefox. It refuses to connect. I am able to ping localhost, any idea?03:10
mdgMindVirus: mouse?03:10
MindVirusmdg: It's a trackpad.03:10
atrocitynot being able to save the screen resolution is driving me bonkers03:10
MenZadigmore: Is apache running?03:10
FoolsRunIndyGunFreak: that should all be un external drives. ... I wonder if a drive got unmounted and I copied stuff into the mount point...03:10
Um_cara_qualqueranyone knows how use d4x?03:10
xtagonCan I make the gnome-panel only show up on one of my virtual desktops, and not the rest?03:10
MindVirusmdg: I uninstalled synaptics-elantech because it was in Computer Janitor.03:10
IndyGunFreakFoolsRun: anything is possible03:10
MindVirusAnd it's not in the repos.03:10
adasdasdasdasi need some help resinstalling ubuntu .. my problem is close this persons ... http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-users/2009-08/msg00829.html03:10
mdgMindVirus: it worked fine before you.....03:10
IndyGunFreakatrocity: well why aren't you saving it?03:10
atrocityi am, silly03:10
XoooWhere do i go to get my apache web server to resolve the domain to an IP i set03:10
atrocityif i hit apply, it sets just fine03:11
atrocityi can't save because i'm not running as root03:11
joschtcan someone help me with amarok 2.1 not being able to log into last.fm on ubuntu 9.04?03:11
MindVirusmdg: yes. I am not upset that I uninstalled it; it is obsolete.03:11
IndyGunFreakatrocity: well, at least you're not blaming the OS03:11
Xoooor just in ubuntu in general03:11
digmoreMenZa: ps ax | grep apache2 --> 5736 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep apache2 (I think apache is running)03:11
MindVirusmdg: now all I need to do is find a better package.03:11
atrocityif i do gksudo nvidia-settings and click save after adjusting, it saves fine03:11
d0wnwhen working in command line and i need to stick the output of another command in an argument of another command03:11
MenZadigmore: It's not, that's just your grep command. Try sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start03:11
atrocityeven the line in the config file is set to 1920x108003:11
d0wnhow would i do that*03:11
atrocitybut then after a reboot, it's back to my previous 1440x900 or whatever03:11
FoolsRunthat doesn't appear to be it.03:12
FoolsRunI have no idea where all the space went.03:12
adasdasdasdasi need help setup is not reconizing the old deleted partion .. it is empty but the setup sees it as the old ubuntu03:12
IndyGunFreakatrocity: that is wierd, when i run gksudo nvidia-settings, it saves fine03:12
MenZaatrocity: Are you pressing "Save to xorg.conf" (or whatever it says)?03:12
anarooti have this machine but i couldnt get its sound drive .can somone help me for that please ?:)03:12
anarootsystème :            Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel03:13
anarootVersion :                         5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 version 260003:13
anarootFabrication of système:                       HP-Pavilion03:13
anarootModel of système:                          GM268AA-ABF a6167.fr03:13
anarootType dof système:                            X86-based PC03:13
FloodBot2anaroot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:13
IndyGunFreakatrocity: when you run gksudo nvidia-settings, you are saving all changes to X configuration file, right?03:13
digmoreMenZa: --> apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName03:13
MenZadigmore: That's alright; it should run anyway. Try now.03:13
Flanneldigmore: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Troubleshooting%20Apache03:13
FoolsRunI'm running Disk Usage Analyzer right now03:13
MenZadigmore: It just tells you you didn't set a ServerName for it, and that it's using instead.03:13
FoolsRunkinda taking a while03:13
MenZadigmore: Also, have a look at Flannel's link if you want it to stop doing that. :)03:13
digmoretype localhost on firefox. No, not working03:14
atrocityi'm clicking "Save to X Configuration File"03:14
=== tien is now known as jove
atrocity    Option         "metamodes" "1920x1080 +0+0"03:14
atrocitythat line is in there...no other resolutions are mentioned03:14
MenZadigmore: that's... quite odd. Is it timing out? Is it refusing to connect entirely?03:14
Morderatrocity: let me know what you find out - i'm having a similar problem03:15
mdgMindVirus: are you sure there is a better package?03:15
NFischerhi all! i have a new home-partition. Now it seems that the gnome-trash isnt linked correctly.. deleted files do not appear in the bin on the Desktop but in home/USER/.local/share/Trash/files. How do i fix this?03:15
digmoreMenZa: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.03:15
atrocityMorder, stay hre, i'm going to reboot03:15
atrocityi may have found a fix03:15
MindVirusmdg: no.03:15
MindVirusmdg: But I will try to find one anyways.03:15
Morderit seems to reset the resolution to 800x600 for me03:15
MindVirusmdg: If all else fails I'll get the old driver.03:15
MenZadigmore: Have you attempted to force refresh?03:15
adasdasdasdasi need help setup is not reconizing the old deleted partion .. it is empty but the setup sees it as the old ubuntu03:15
MenZa!repeat > adasdasdasdas (Please see the private message from the bot)03:16
mdgMindVirus: what was the main problem?03:16
=== br34l_ is now known as br34l
jovehello all, does anyone know howI add mp3 to SoundConverter  ?03:16
digmoreMenZa: what do you mean by force refresh03:16
darlekanyone use a microphone on Ubuntu?  I have a headset but I can't record03:16
MindVirusmdg: Mousepad doesn't work.03:16
FoolsRunAh. Found it.03:16
MenZadigmore: Ctrl+F503:16
MindVirusmdg: *Trackpad.03:16
FoolsRunscheduled rsync sucks if the drive you're syncing to gets unmounted :)03:16
mdgMindVirus: I know there is a tweak - let me ask in another forum....03:16
MenZadigmore: Actually... are you currently on Skype? Skype uses port 80, like Apache, so that could be upsetting it.03:16
MindVirusmdg: thank you. :)03:16
os11IndyGunFreak, do u mean ubuntu has no driver for this new motherboard?03:17
IndyGunFreakos11: thats how it would appear03:17
os11IndyGunFreak, so how long do i have to wait?03:17
joveUbuntu had flac & wav  option, but mp3. Does anyone know how to add mp3 to SoundConverter  ?03:17
IndyGunFreakos11: who knows.03:17
IdleOneos11: until it is released?03:17
XoooCan someone here give me a hand with getting my web server back online03:17
os11IndyGunFreak, or should i try other distro??03:17
IndyGunFreakos11: you could try another distro.03:18
digmoreMenZa: not using skype.03:18
jovedoes anyone know how to add mp3 to SoundConverter  ?03:18
mdgjove: seach ubuntuforums.com for "sound Juicer mp3"03:18
MenZaXooo: State your issue in its entirety. It'd help us if we didn't have to scroll back to find out what it is.03:18
IndyGunFreakos11: but.. ubuntu typically has hardware support second to none.. if it doesn't work w/ ubuntu, i wouldnot get my hopes up of it working w/ another03:18
MenZa!repeat > jove (Please see the private message from the bot)03:18
mdgMindVirus: what kind of computer?03:18
MindVirusmdg: Eee.03:18
adasdasdasdasI don't like what the bot has to say (^_^) i need help i did search and i found nothing03:19
WaffylesYayStreaming matroska (blu ray rips) over network with ubuntu....any experience fellas?03:19
MenZaadasdasdasdas: Then wait.03:19
adasdasdasdaslol impetient03:19
atrocitythat didn't do anything03:19
os11IndyGunFreak, thx i am going home.  fix it later thx03:20
XoooMenZa, when i got html pages other then the index.html default page in the web dir for some reason its prompting me for my router login03:20
atrocityresetting again...03:20
MenZaadasdasdasdas: Note that a lot of people are trying to find answers in here. If people kept repeating their question, it would completely flood the channel. Give it some time, then ask again; I'm sure someone will know at some point. If your search still doesn't yield any response, try the !forums.03:20
MindVirusmdg: BRB.03:20
mdgMindVirus: okay03:20
IndyGunFreakos11: ok.. if i was gonna try another distro, i would probably try the current version of fedora03:20
MenZaXooo: Is your router setup to accept connections at port 80 (or, whatever port you're trying to use for Apache)?03:20
MenZaBecause, to me, that sounds like a router configuration issue. You could attempt to look up Apache on http://portforward.com03:21
adasdasdasdasMeza: thanks for puttin up with me03:21
XoooMenZa, my port forwarding shows that the http port forwarding is set03:21
MenZaadasdasdasdas: Not a problem at all; we're here to help. :)03:22
MenZaXooo: that sounds very odd. It still sounds like a router configuration issue, though. :/03:22
WaffylesYayXooo, put your external ip in your browser. Same issue? http://www.ipchicken.com/03:22
JoshDreamlandCan anyone tell me why the notifications libnotify sends from pidgin are only causing the envelope to glow, not actually showing a bubble?03:23
XoooWaffylesYay, well it works like that, but i should be able to just use my domain03:23
MenZaJoshDreamland: Are they enabled in the Pidgin settings?03:23
Morderheh, does your domain resolve to your ip address, xooo?03:23
JoshDreamlandMenZa: Is there a setting for that? THey were working not long ago...03:23
zrutyHow to set a PCL driver for a printer?03:24
MenZaJoshDreamland: I suppose there is. I suggest you check03:24
JoshDreamlandPRetty sure it's just a plugin. and the plugin's enabled.03:24
WaffylesYayXooo I agree with Morder look at your domain name resolution03:24
XoooMy real ip, just pulls up the same router prompt03:24
=== adriano is now known as good
XoooMaybe i dont even have apache and dyndns running03:24
MenZathat would be a pretty good place to start03:25
XoooWhats the command to start a service on boot03:25
atrocityi got my video mode to stay!03:25
atrocityMorder, do you use nvidia?03:25
Morder^ atrocity03:25
atrocitywhen you start the display config utility, does it say that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions then asks you yes or no?03:26
atrocityDO NOT CLICK YES03:26
atrocityclick no instead03:26
atrocityand use the default display manager and set your reso03:26
atrocitythen save and reboot03:26
FloodBot2atrocity: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:26
shane2peruwhen I print from command line using lpr, where does it get it's printer settings?  such as draft, 300dpi etc. ??03:26
atrocitymine stayed like that03:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lpr03:26
Morderheh, testing now (i never thought to click "no")03:26
Mordertesting now03:27
atrocityMorder, me neither :P03:27
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:27
MenZashane2peru: I think it just uses default settings; you can probably set the rest with some flags. Try man lpr.03:27
mralexandrowhen i type in emerald --replace it changes to desired window theme, but i can not keep it after restart. any sugestion?03:27
mdgMindVirus: perhaps a look at the eeepcp forums could shed some light?03:28
shane2peruMenZa: I would think it would take the normal settings from cups right?03:28
MenZamralexandro: Make emerald boot on startup in System -> Preferences -> Settings03:28
MenZashane2peru: if it's installed in cups, yes.03:28
MenZashane2peru: (I assume)03:28
shane2peruMenZa: right, the printers are all under cups for me, so I would assume too.03:28
Morderatrocity: worked like a charm!03:28
jovedoes anyone has any experience of SoundConverter of Ubuntu ?03:29
MindVirusjove: I do.03:29
MindVirusIt works.03:29
JoshDreamlandMenZa: It's definitely enabled. And I can tell the notification is sent. I don't know what's responsible for showing the bubbles, though,03:30
atrocityMorder, haha great!03:30
atrocitymy work here is done :P03:30
joveMindvirus: in SoundConverter had only Flac and Wav options, how do I add MP3 into SoundConverter ?03:30
atrocitynight all03:30
Morderthanks again :)03:30
mralexandroMenZa, well there is no settings under preferenses, do you mean settings inside emerald program?03:30
MenZaJoshDreamland: me neither. :(03:30
aj_444I'm looking for a backports deb file03:30
JoshDreamlandIs that indicator-applet's job?03:30
aj_444whee would I find it?03:30
MenZamralexandro: no, no, System -> Preferences - > Session03:30
MenZamralexandro: add "emerald --replace" to that03:30
MindVirusjove: I don't know about you but my SoundConverter had MP3, OGG, and ALAC.03:30
MindVirusI think.03:30
MenZajove: Have you downloaded lame?03:30
syntaxi keep getting hits on firestarter any ideas?03:31
mdgjove: have you added medibuntu repos and updated?03:31
jovemindvirus: what is your soundconverter version ?03:31
numberGreyhey I am trying to get my new laptop setup with ubuntu (but I also have a 23 inch monitor connected too) ideally I would like to have both connected.  The graphics card in the laptop is Nvidia GeForce 8200M. The laptop worked (with the correct resolution) at first but was choppy.  I installed the nvidia restricted drivers and all of a sudden i am seeing 6 tiled 640x480 windows on my laptop.  I was able to get the larger m03:31
mralexandroMenZa, can not find session under preferences either03:31
MenZamralexandro: hmm, they may have removed that in recent builds. And I can't even check now, because I'm on Windows. :(03:32
MenZanumberGrey: have you checked out your setup in nvidia-settings?03:32
mralexandroMenZa, heh ok:)03:32
jovemindvirus: mine is 1.3.2, dies ubuntu has the ver 1.4.1 out there ?03:32
aj_444Okay people, here's the deal. I have an asus eee pc 1005ha running Ubuntu netbook remix. On the compatibility page, it said that I needed to download backports modules deb file to get the wireless working. where can I find these files?03:32
arvind_khadrimralexandro, its called startup application in 9.0403:32
MindVirusjove: I'm on 9.04.03:32
MindVirusjove: think about upgrading to Jaunty.03:32
mralexandroarvind_khadri, thanks03:32
mdgjove: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse03:32
numberGreyMenZa: for what specifically in that? Yeah that is how I got the larger of the two screens to work03:33
arvind_khadriaj_444, enable the backport repo03:34
arvind_khadri!backports | aj_44403:34
ubottuaj_444: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging03:34
MenZanumberGrey: Just look at the dual-screen settings, and check if that's setup properly.03:34
mdgjove: any luck?03:35
jovemdg: after running your suggestion "apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse" , then relaunch SondConverter, it has the same old version, does it need to reboot ?03:35
aj_444ubottu, I'm currently on XP if that changes anything.03:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:35
coolkidHi, I booted to Ubuntu with an 250GB external HDD, and now i want to install Ubuntu to the same HDD, in another partition. But when i start the installation, it is not showing my USB Disk. Only the internal HDD (sda1).03:35
numberGreyMenZa: No I know that much and have played with it for a while.  The problem is ubuntu will not recognize the true resolution in my laptop.  It only allows 640x480.  It is showing 6 repeated smaller versions (titled desktops) rather than one.  A very unusual error...03:35
arvind_khadriaj_444, you must boot into ubuntu then..03:35
jovemdg: any idea ?03:35
mdgjove: I wouldn't think so.... but....03:35
jovemdg: let me check if mp3 option is included ?03:36
aj_444arvind_khadri: The ubuntu doesn't connect to wifi.03:36
mralexandroMenZa, after installing os x theme, i think it became a emerald theme by default. because when i restart it has the maximize minimize and close at the left side. any idea how i did that ? cause i can not remember how i did it:)03:36
NFischerhi all! i have a new home-partition. Now it seems that the gnome-trash isnt linked correctly.. deleted files do not appear in the bin on the Desktop but in home/USER/.local/share/Trash/files. How do i fix this?03:36
MenZamralexandro: that's how the theme works, I guess.03:37
arvind_khadriaj_444, you dont have a wired connection? it would be better if you find a wired connection and download the package03:37
mikejetWhat does this mean?  error: Failed dependencies: openoffice.org3 is needed by openoffice.org3-writer-3.1.0-9399.i58603:37
jovemdg: yee haa...it has the mp3 option included. THANKS SO MUCH mdg!!!!03:37
mdgjove: your welcome :)03:37
mralexandroMenZa, yeah but i have complete changed it out, there was a different theme, different icons and a diferente emerald theme. so is it ubuntu default to have it on the left side. i dont think it is?03:37
aj_444arvind_khadri: neither wireless or ethernet work out of the box. So its one or the other and the ethernet setup is supposedly way more confusing03:37
jovemdg: Really appreciated your help!!!!03:37
MenZano, mralexandro03:38
mralexandroMenZa, hmm ok. thanks for the help anyway:)03:38
mdgjove: glad to help !03:38
mikejet  ... I just downloaded the openoffice.org lastest download and ran "setup". I am not Spock.03:38
UbunturusI'm having trouble with my sound card, dmsg shows it, everything looks fine with pulseaudio, the mixer is set correctly, but no sound comes out of it03:38
arvind_khadriaj_444, ok, is it a static connection??03:38
MenZamralexandro: np, sorry I couldn't be more helpful.03:38
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Ubunturuscat /bin/bash >/dev/dsp executes and seems to be streaming data to the card, but no sound comes out03:38
mdgmikejet: what version  of OOO? 3.0?03:39
jovemdg: would you please explain what is "  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse " ?03:39
mikejetWhy on earth would openoffice's latest download not include the openoffice.org3 "dependency"?!?03:39
aj_444arvind_khadri: I'm not exactly "tech savvy" so, could you rephrase that?03:39
mikejetmdg: I downloaded that 3.1 binary from openoffice.org.03:39
guillaumep#ubuntu sur freenode03:39
mdgjove: is the plugin written to help handle mp3 files03:40
arvind_khadriaj_444, :) ok see there are two types of connections one is static, where a IP is assigned and stays with you forever,another is DHCP where your IP is assigned to you dynamically that is you get a new IP every time you logon to the net03:40
mdgmikejet: what's the differences between 3.0 and 3.1?03:41
jovemdg: Thanks for your explanation.03:41
MenZamdg: 1. </badjoke>03:41
mikejetYou know, failure is the joy of geeks. There is this huge incentive to make simple tasks fail so the people who know the archane details seem smart.03:41
aj_444arvind_khadri: I'd assume that I have the same IP all the time.03:41
mdgjove: your welcome :)03:41
MenZamdg: ...0.1*03:41
mikejetokay, im ot again. bye.03:41
blue0488is there a way to add a resolution?03:42
mdgMenZa: I didn't get your humor....03:42
MindVirusmdg: I cannot find a suitable driver.03:42
jovemdg: how about "ACC" option in SoundCoverter still grayed out, do you know how to enable it or add in such as MP3 earlier ?03:42
=== Caplain_ is now known as Caplain
MindVirusmdg: the driver was removed from array.org's repos.03:42
MindVirusEven though they still describe it.03:42
MenZamdg: You asked me what the difference between 3.0 and 3.1 was. It's 0.1 But I'm going to stop this, because I'm violating channel rules. ;)03:42
coolkidwhere do i check, ubuntu installation problem?03:43
arvind_khadriaj_444, then you would need to set it up, login to ubuntu.right click on the two computers next to the sound level... Edit connections, there play with the settings03:43
jovemdg: I meat "AAC" instead of ACC.03:43
mdgMenZa: sorry I meant mikejet03:43
jovemdg: I meant...not I meat03:43
arvind_khadriaj_444, enter your IP, and other details, and try03:43
mdgMenZa: and difference between Openoffice 3.0 and 3.103:43
Flannelmdg: http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/features/3.1/index.html03:43
aj_444arvind_khadri: ubuntu doesn't even detect my wireless card.03:43
=== tommy is now known as Guest51820
arvind_khadriaj_444, ok, i was talking about making wired connection work03:44
CaptainCrookany good tool to decode/encode shellcode in ubuntu?03:44
bruenigCaptainCrook: shellcode is in plain text03:44
aj_444arvind_khadri: I should've said that differently, the atheros ethernet and wireless I have in my netbook are not detected by UNR.03:45
DaZ-shellcode? :f03:45
mralexandroMenZa, if i write metacity --replace, remove the emerald --replace from the startup. will i be booted with a default ?03:45
bruenigbash zsh sh, etc03:45
bruenigI assume03:45
MenZamralexandro: should do.03:45
MenZametacity should launch by itself, though.03:45
mralexandroMenZa, alright, but what excactly do metacity --replace do?03:46
mdgjove: not seeing anything for AAC - Apple is figley to get to play nice03:46
MenZamralexandro: it launched metacity (the standard window manager), replacing whatever is already running.03:46
mralexandroMenZa, nice, thanks for calrification03:46
aj_444arvind_khadri: if you scroll down to the asus eee pc 1005ha on this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks it says I need to download the backport deb files and save them to a usb drive, then manually install them. I have the drive, I don't know where the files would be or how I would install them.03:46
MenZamralexandro: no problem :)03:46
MenZaalso, s/launched/launches.03:46
arvind_khadriaj_444, packages.ubuntu.com03:47
blue0488how do you add resolutions?03:47
ShivamI have a .emerald file and I imported to the emerald program, how do i make it show on my desktop now?03:47
aj_444arvind_khadri: do you know where I'd go from there?03:47
MindVirusMy trackpad does not work.03:48
MenZaaj_444: You can download them with apt-get download <package> if you're in an Ubuntu environment right now, and then you can install them on Ubuntu later with sudo dpkg -i <packagename>.deb03:48
CaptainCrookbruenig,  well... those aren't user friendly: "\x31\xc9\xf7\xe1\x31\xdb\x99\x50\x6a\x01\x6a\x02\x89\xe1\x43\xb0\x66\xcd\x80" and i want to decode /encode those...03:48
MindVirusCan someone please help?03:48
mdgFlannel: those are nice improvements :)03:48
ShivamI have a .emerald file and I imported to the emerald program, how do i make it show on my desktop now?03:49
aj_444menZa: I have no clue what that means.03:49
bruenigCaptainCrook: that is not shell code03:49
MenZaaj_444: Alright - my bad. Are you in Ubuntu right now?03:49
MindVirusCaptainCrook: those are just bytes.03:49
MindVirusWould you like to view those bytes in ASCII?03:49
FloodBot2GencfenerLi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:49
MenZa!hi | GencfenerLi03:49
ubottuGencfenerLi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:49
aj_444MenZa: I'm on the machine that has ubuntu, but its a dual boot, so I'm using the XP half. I have a desktop that I could switch to if need be though.03:50
arvind_khadriaj_444, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7525735&postcount=203:50
MenZaaj_444: No, you can easily use Windows for what you want. First, go to http://packages.ubuntu.com in your browser and find the packages you need.03:50
mdgnight all o/03:50
arvind_khadriMenZa, his package his not in the repo03:50
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  i would like not to disassemble it... but make it readable... and know what it's doing...03:50
MenZaOh? What packages are you looking for, aj_444?03:50
MindVirusCaptainCrook: ...03:51
Ubunturusanyone have any idea why my sound would stop working shortly after installing ubuntu?03:51
MindVirusCaptainCrook: those are bytes. They do nothing.03:51
aj_444MenZa: if only I knew.03:51
arvind_khadriaj_444, read the post i gave you03:51
GencfenerLiyou aj_44403:51
MenZaaj_444: Right, I'm afraid I didn't follow your issue before. Try looking at arvind_khadri's post above.03:51
MenZaGencfenerLi, please mind your language.03:51
arvind_khadriaj_444, you got it ??03:52
aj_444arvind_khadri: I got it.03:52
MindVirusCaptainCrook: try this: Open up a command line and run "python".03:52
Pici!language | GencfenerLi03:52
ubottuGencfenerLi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:52
arvind_khadriaj_444, ok gtg, drop in a PM , when it works03:52
MindVirusCaptainCrook: then type `print "<put bytes here>"`. This cannot damage your computer.03:52
UbunturusCaptainCrook: or python3 ;-)03:52
aj_444MenZa: I checked the support page to see if my netbook was compatible. It said I needed to download a backport deb file03:53
aj_444arvind_khadri: will do.03:53
MenZaaj_444: Which netbook is this?03:53
mralexandroMenZa,  did not work. the close minimize maximise is still on left side. hmmm. could it be anything else i need to do?03:53
aj_444MenZa: the dreaded asus eee pc 1005ha.03:53
MenZamralexandro: I'm afraid I have no idea.03:53
MenZaaj_444: oh dear. Let me have a look around. I'll return to you in a minute.03:53
mralexandroMenZa, ok:)03:53
MindVirusCaptainCrook: I cannot do it myself right now as I have no mouse with which to copy and paste. Please tell me the result.03:53
mralexandroaj_444, where can i check if my netbook is compatible? if i get one? :)03:54
arvind_khadriaj_444, the link that i gave you, explains what to do, just follow it... a .deb has not been ported yet03:54
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  yeah and once aligned... they do something...03:54
MindVirusCaptainCrook: ... No they do not.03:54
MindVirusThey are bytse.03:54
MindVirusI am typing bytes to you right now.03:54
FloodBot2MindVirus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:54
aj_444mralexandro: just go to the netbook remix tab on the main page, there should be a compatible units link.03:54
mralexandroaj_444 thanks03:54
aj_444arvind_khadri: I attempted to follow that earlier. It didn't end well.03:54
arvind_khadriaj_444, using AR318 drivers?03:55
DaZ-CaptainCrook, it always can be something like `rm -rfv /*` <:03:55
aj_444arvind_khadri: I'd assume so03:55
MindVirusBytes are not mystical or magical, CaptainCrook. The only bad thing that can come from those bytes can come if you run them (which may not even be bad). Which you cannot.03:55
aj_444mralexandro: let me know if you find it.03:55
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MenZaaj_444: The post appears to be what you want, no doubt about it. If you can access an Internet-enabled computer while running these things on your Ubuntu install, I could guide you through it, if you'd like?03:56
Code_Bleuwhen trying to do a lvchange -a n vg1, i get LV vg1/data in use: not deactivating How do i tell what is keeping the LV in use?03:56
MindVirusCaptainCrook: I promise you, the only damage you can do to your computer is if you press "enter" at a non-empty command line.03:56
CaptainCrookallright anyway i'll decode it using python...03:56
aj_444MenZa: sure thing. I just need to switch to the desktop so I'll be back in a few.03:56
MenZaaj_444: sure. I'll be waiting.03:57
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  it returns some ascii text... that looks like a command...03:57
MindVirusCaptainCrook: print it out here.03:57
c0l2ehow can I disable ipv6 in ubuntu???03:57
mralexandroaj_444, found the page and found the desired laptop in tier one, however i do not understand why not just install normal ubuntu?03:57
The_biggest_TurkI lick your mother03:57
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  some is readable some is not...03:58
FlannelThe_biggest_Turk: Is there something we can help you with today?03:58
MindVirusCaptainCrook: like it was said earlier, Linux shell code is readable.03:58
irunbackwardsugh, still having horrible internet problems, anyone else experiencing slow internet since updating last week?03:58
IdleOne!ot > The_biggest_Turk03:58
ubottuThe_biggest_Turk, please see my private message03:58
cc4I have probs with the trash. how can I do it with command line?03:58
MindVirusCaptainCrook: it's probably just garbage characters.03:58
MindVirusCaptainCrook: just don't run anything with it.03:58
FloridaGuyvbox ?.....anyone know why opengl ....glx screen savers are chopy under vbox in windows xp..xp as guest...ubuntu as host03:58
cc4I have probs with the trash. how can I do it with command line?03:58
irunbackwardsseems like ns lookups is the issue03:58
CaptainCrookMindVirus, it's supossed to be something...03:58
MindVirusCaptainCrook: says who?03:59
aj_444_MenZa: i'm back.03:59
The_biggest_TurkIdleOne ??03:59
MindVirusIt could be an x86 instruction, CaptainCrook, but I doubt that.03:59
MenZaaj_444_: That was quick. Do you have access to your Ubuntu machine now?03:59
keldinwow, glad to get 9.04 working in vmware fusion, took about an hour not too bad03:59
IdleOneThe_biggest_Turk: do you have any questions concerning ubuntu?03:59
cc4I have probs with the trash. how can I do it with command line?03:59
aj_444_MenZa: Yes. It's up and running.03:59
MindVirusCaptainCrook: remember: all data is just data. The only difference is that some data does something when ran.03:59
cc4help someone guys03:59
MenZaaj_444_: Perfect. And you have a means of transferring data to it (i.e. a flash drive)?03:59
upsuperhello, everybody04:00
aj_444_MenZa: is 4gb enough?04:00
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  that what i'm saying...04:00
MenZaaj_444_: more than enough.04:00
MindVirusCaptainCrook: then don't run it!04:00
mralexandrocan anyone clarify the difference between remix and normal ubuntu, for a netbook? is it a performance enhanced version or something?04:00
MenZaaj_444_: I'll probably not even need 1/1000 of that.04:00
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. Sounds good.04:00
MindVirusCaptainCrook: if you don't run it then you're more than safe.04:00
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  just wanted to see what those data were doing when ran...04:00
c0l2eHow can I disable ipv6 in ubuntu 9.04 ???04:00
MenZaaj_444_: First, you want to grab AR813X-linux-v1.0.0.9.tar.gz04:00
MindVirusCaptainCrook: the data itself cannot be "ran".04:00
MenZaaj_444_: http://partner.atheros.com/Drivers.aspx <- from this page (it's actually
MindVirusCaptainCrook: could you paste here what Python printed?04:01
MenZaaj_444_: I'm just modifying the guide as I go along)04:01
The_biggest_TurkYes you son of a bitch mother hee04:01
MenZa!ops | The_biggest_Turk04:01
ubottuThe_biggest_Turk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:01
ubuntufreakcc4: If i get you right you want to access the trash items through CLI04:01
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. Thanks in advance.04:01
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  i'm decoding the whole file using python now...04:01
IdleOnethank you04:01
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. I saved it to the desktop.04:01
cc4ubuntufreak: can't do it with nautilus I get an error04:01
MenZaaj_444_: Transfer that to the Ubuntu box.04:01
keldinit was harder to get vmware tools working with 9.04 than normal found a patch.sh script that someone made that simplified it.04:02
cc4ubuntufreak: sec04:02
aj_444_MenZa: Via usb?04:02
MenZaaj_444_: Yup. Just put it in your Home folder.04:02
MindVirusCaptainCrook: in Linux, shell codes are simply command lines. Just characters and spaces with some punctuation.04:02
ubuntufreakcc4: You wanted to access it through CLI or delete the items ?04:02
cc4ubuntufreak: The folder contents could not be displayed.04:02
cc4ubuntufreak: just delete04:03
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  yeah... that what i wanted to know... what the command is...04:03
ubuntufreakcc4: try out this command sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*04:03
MenZaaj_444_: Once you've done that, I need you to pop in the Ubuntu CD you installed the system from, and install the 'build-essential' package from System -> Administration -> Synaptic. I'm going to put some coffee over, excuse me for a few minutes.04:03
kermitso many apps say "for KDE" in add/remove apps, will they work if i'm not running KDE?04:03
MindVirusCaptainCrook: ... I understand this. If you can't read it then it is not a command.04:03
aj_444_MenZa: I installed it from a USB.04:03
MenZaaj_444_: Oh, you have build-essential already? Excellent.04:04
IdleOneubuntufreak: ~/.local/share/Trash04:04
MenZaaj_444_: I will be *right* back.04:04
Flannelkermit: They will.  They'll have a little more overhead (at least for the first one) because you've gotta download some KDE libs for them to work (and likewise, when running, load those libs into memory)04:04
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. Sounds good.04:04
Flannelkermit: but, they'll work just fin.04:04
DaZ-kermit, most of them depend on kdelibs/kdebase04:04
cc4IdleOne: is it?04:04
yellowgeishahey all04:04
yellowgeishafirst time ubuntu user here04:04
yellowgeishai'm enjoying it so far04:04
yellowgeishabut i need to now how to increase my screen res04:05
yellowgeishait's at 800x600 right now. argh.04:05
kermitFlannel,daz-:  thanks04:05
MindVirusyellowgeisha: it's under System->Preferences->Screen Resolution.04:05
ubuntufreakcc4: it works good, did you check it out ?04:05
MindVirusyellowgeisha: oops. System->Preferences->Display.04:05
MenZaaj_444_: Alright, I'm back. What steps have you taken before this to get it working?04:06
cc4either worked04:06
cc4ubuntufreak: no it doesn't04:06
cc4ubuntufreak: I have a /,trash folder on each partition. how can I delete whats inside?04:06
aj_444_MenZa: I attempted to do the thing you're helping me with.. and this other online tutorial. Everything was too vague.04:06
ubuntufreakcc4: it works for me though :-(04:07
MenZaaj_444_: Ah, alright. How far did you get before giving up?04:07
cc4anyone knows this?04:07
yellowgeishanew to IRC, sorry about the PMs04:07
MindVirusNo problem!04:07
aj_444_MenZa: Pretty much nowhere.04:07
ubuntufreakcc4: oops then you can try out the IdleOne suggestion04:07
cc4sorry not .trash its .Trash004:07
yellowgeishawhen i go to the display settings04:07
cc4doesn't work either04:07
cc4ubuntu 0.9.404:07
yellowgeishathe max res is 800x60004:07
MenZaaj_444_: Oh, okay. Is the file in your Home folder now?04:07
irunbackwardsugh, still having horrible internet problems, anyone else experiencing slow internet since updating last week? seems like ns lookups are the issue04:08
MindVirusyellowgeisha: have you installed your restricted drivers?04:08
aj_444_MenZa: It is sitting on my desktop.04:08
IdleOnecc4: sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*04:08
MenZaaj_444_: Right. Here comes the scary bit - open a terminal.04:08
komputescc4: gvfs makes those, if the drive is mounted and you empy trash it will remove the files inside, no?04:08
yellowgeishamindvirus: how do i do that?04:08
aj_444_MenZa: I actually know how to do that.04:08
MenZaaj_444_: Perfect. Type 'cd Desktop' to change to your desktop folder.04:08
MindVirusyellowgeisha: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers.04:09
komputesIdleOne: cc4 said on other partitions04:09
aj_444_MenZa: Done.04:09
cc4yes other partitions04:09
rajWHy is my connection slow on wifi? I need a new driver for trendnet tew-424ub help anyoone? the opensource ones preinstalled suck soo bad .. slow connection / unstable / and inconsistent .. anyone? HELP please?04:09
leaf-sheepThe package configuration is corrupted.  How do I start again with a clean slate? :<04:09
IdleOnecc4 gksudo nautilus04:09
MenZaaj_444_: Okay. Now, what you want to do is unpack the .tar.gz archive. You can do this by running the command 'tar -xvf AR81Family-linux-v1.0.0.10.tar.gz'04:09
komputescc4: if you want to see them, press ctrl-h, to erase them, just erase them, or empty trash. if you don't have proper permissions change user to root04:09
cc4IdleOne: and then?04:10
rajthe windows drivers when installed makes me see my connection posted twice under available connections any1 can help?04:10
ubuntufreakcc4: you can try this cd /media/<partition>/<trash>/files04:10
ubuntufreakcc4: sudo rm -rf *04:10
komputescc4: you want to do this command line or graphically?04:10
IdleOnecc4: nautilus will open with sudo privs and then navigate to your trash folders and delte the contents04:10
MindViruscc4: NO!04:10
MenZaaj_444_: To give you a better understanding of what it does, tar is a program to work with tar archives, the flag x means 'extract', v means 'verbose (i.e. shows you the extraction as it happens), and f means 'force' if I recall correctly. This should unpack most tar archives.04:10
komputescc4: do not run rm-fr04:10
rajWHy is my connection slow on wifi? I need a new driver for trendnet tew-424ub help anyoone? the opensource ones preinstalled suck soo bad .. slow connection / unstable / and inconsistent .. anyone? HELP please?04:10
IdleOne!ops | ubuntu7904:10
ubottuubuntu79: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:10
MenZa!stop | ubottu04:10
ubottuMenZa: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.04:10
MindVirusubuntufreak: this may delete . and .. and ../..04:10
MenZa!stop | ubuntufreak04:10
ubottuubuntufreak: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.04:10
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. Thats done.04:10
MenZa!dangerous | cc404:11
ubottucc4: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:11
FlannelAlright.  Chill out with the factoids people.04:11
ubuntufreakMindVirus: Sorry i didn't know it04:11
komputescc4: to open the file browser as root, press alt f2 and enter "gksudo nautilus /media"04:11
MenZaaj_444_: Perfect. It should have shown you a list of files it unpacked. Confirm?04:11
MindVirusubuntufreak: it's OK. Next time just suggest "rm -r dir/to/files".04:12
vorianFlannel: maybe that should be a new factoid?04:12
komputescc4: then be sure to ontly delete the .Trash# files... (this is really a last resort)04:12
cc4komputes: I know this. when I enter .Trash-0 and do send to trash it might be sent but I can't use the emty trash04:12
aj_444_MenZa: If thats a bunch of src/etc stuff, then yes. It has.04:12
ubuntufreakMindVirus: Yep would do that for sure :)04:12
MenZaaj_444_: Perfect. Try going to the 'src' directory, using the same command I gave you to change to the Desktop folder.04:12
cc4I just done it04:12
aj_444_so cd src?04:12
GuidMorrowsomeone pulled a false fire alarm04:12
MenZacorrect :)04:12
IdleOneubuntufreak: you just gave us all a heart attack :)04:12
aj_444_MenZa: I'm there.04:13
CrippsMenZa, you should have read what was said before mentioning the rm command ... it may not be ideal, but it's not dangerous if instructions are followed to the T04:13
MenZaaj_444_: I'm trying to teach you stuff as we go along here. :)04:13
andresmhhow can I find the /dev where the webcam is working (from the command line)?04:13
cc4selected the whole Trash-0 folder istead of the inside ones04:13
MindVirusandresmh: should be /dev/video0 IIRC.04:13
ubuntufreakIdleOne: Sorry guys it my bad would correct it from now :)04:13
komputescc4: congrats04:13
aj_444_MenZa: I appreciate that. (:04:13
MenZaCripps: Indeed I should. In my experience though, evacuating a building before confirming a fire alarm is often a better safety procedure, though. ;)04:13
CrippsIdleOne, also, that hardly called for the "ops" factoid.04:13
TheMiNdk i feel intelligent... how do i access the analogue to the Windows task manager in ubuntu :\04:13
MenZaaj_444_: Right, have you installed the build-essential package yet, or is it still sitting on your USB drive>?04:13
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  all i get using this method for the whole file is some /bin/sh some ? some h/bin or /h//sh ... i want it to display the whole code...04:13
andresmhMindVirus, how come lsusb doesn't seem to list my camera though04:13
CrippsMenZa, true enough.04:13
aj_444_MenZa: I have no idea. I booted the thing up, and hit install.04:14
MenZaCripps: I got nervous someone was trying to have a user remove their entire home folder, or similar.04:14
andresmhit's a built-in camera MindVirus04:14
MenZaaj_444_: Hit install where?04:14
IdleOneCripps: your right it didnt but I didnt know about !dangerous04:14
MindVirusandresmh: I don't know. I'm sorry.04:14
aj_444_MenZa: When I did the live boot. It was an option. This was hours ago.04:14
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aj_444_MenZa: Is there a specific program I should look to see if I have?04:14
CrippsMenZa, yeah ... easily confused.04:14
MindVirusCaptainCrook: /bin/sh is the location of the default shell.04:15
MindVirusCaptainCrook: pastebin the output to http://pastebin.com/.04:15
madh2oratI made a mistake, I tried to compile the 2.6.30 kernel using kernelcheck, everything seemed to compile ok, but after a reboot it tries to go into a display and I just get a bunch of skewed lines and boxes (like it tried to do it but there is a problem with the video driver, or xserver)04:15
MindVirusCaptainCrook: then print the link.04:15
MindVirusmadh2orat: I hope you kept an old kernel lying around.04:15
madh2oratI do, but as i try to boot into it, the same thing happens, even with
MenZaaj_444_: Right, could you try and run "dpkg -l | grep -i build-essential" and see if you get any output?04:16
CaptainCrookMindVirus,  yeah you see it's doing something... not much interesting stuff beside this... need a better decoder...04:16
CrippsMindVirus, "rm -rf *" will not remove '.' or '..' or '../..' ... etc ... iirc, this behaviour is specified in the POSIX standard. Either way, the implementation of rm doesn't allow for it.04:16
O__oIndyGunFreak, hello04:16
aj_444_MenZa: You want me to type that into the terminal?04:16
MenZaaj_444_: Yep. Sorry for not being more verbose :)04:16
MindVirusCripps: I am aware. It poses a danger if the user neglected to "cd" first.04:16
CrippsMindVirus, this is true.04:16
MenZaaj_444_: That is an L flag at dpkg, and an I at the grep.04:17
MenZaaj_444_: Just to clarify.04:17
* Cripps sighs at setarch04:17
madh2oratthe only thing i can get into is a root console, which is ok, but I just don't know where to go from there.  I've tried to reconfigure the xserver but no avail.04:17
aj_444_MenZa: dpkg: unknown option -104:17
MindVirusmadh2orat: try using vesa drivers.04:18
IdleOneI not 104:18
MenZaaj_444_: an L04:18
MenZaaj_444_: it stands for 'list'04:18
IdleOneGood night Ubuntu04:18
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aj_444_MenZa: I thought I typed l. could've been wrong though. I'll do it again.04:18
MindVirusCan someone help me with my non-functioning trackpad?04:18
cc4gn IdleOne04:19
GuidMorrowcan't you believe that this is 64-bit ubuntu? Yet each time I do heavy file transfers, one or more windows I'll have up will freeze up and turn dark?04:19
MenZaaj_444_: success?04:19
rajWHy is my connection slow on wifi? I need a new driver for trendnet tew-424ub help anyoone? the opensource ones preinstalled suck soo bad .. slow connection / unstable / and inconsistent .. anyone? HELP please?04:19
Trajkovichey. is ubuntu 9.04 stable?04:20
celthunderTrajkovic, yes04:20
aj_444_MenZa: what would success look like?04:20
=== Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
MenZaaj_444_: Do you get any output after running it?04:20
Trajkoviccelthunder: okey, thanks for a quick answer. :)04:20
RedmanHi every one, I'm new to this channel of this irc. Does I should give help ?04:20
aj_444_MenZa: Not that I know of.04:20
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:20
MenZaaj_444_: Correction - when you type that command, and hit enter, do you see anything?04:20
celthunderRedman, if you have the answer to someones question you should...04:20
CrippsI'm using "setarch i686 -v -B -F -I -L -R -Z bash" to run bash as a 32 bit application so that I can run a 32 bit ELF executable ... "file binary" yields the output "binary: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for FreeBSD 7.0 (700112), not stripped" but "./binary" gives the error "bash: ./binary: No such file or directory" ... any ideas? (for the record, ia32-libs are installed, and my uname04:20
Cripps -a is "Linux trotsky 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux" where uname -a run under the bash session spawned by setarch is "Linux trotsky 2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux") Thanks in advance.04:20
MenZaOr does it simply return to a prompt.04:21
MindVirusCan someone help me with my non-functioning trackpad?04:21
celthunderMindVirus, how is it "nonfunctioning"04:21
MindVirusI recently uninstalled gsynaptics-elantech and I think I need it again but I can't find it in any repo.04:21
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:21
MindViruscelthunder: I can't move the cursor or click.04:21
aj_444_MenZa: It just gives me that aj@ADAM:-/Desktop/src$04:21
SuspectZeroany tools on how to make an iso?04:21
CrippsSuspectZero, man mkisofs04:21
GuidMorrowno drivers?04:21
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:21
MenZaaj_444_: Right, that would mean the package itself wasn't installed. I can try explaining what that command does, if you want me to?04:21
SuspectZeroty Cripps04:22
aj_444_MenZa: Sure.04:22
CrippsSuspectZero, no problem.04:22
GuidMorrowgot a mouse MindVirus?04:22
MenZaaj_444_: Right. First, it invokes 'dpkg -l' - this lists all the packages installed on the system. dpkg (Debian Package Manager) is the package manager Ubuntu uses. The second part, grep -i build-essential, check the output (i.e. a list of all installed packages) for "build-essential". The -i makes it case-insensitive.04:22
MindVirusGuidMorrow: not right now.04:22
MenZaaj_444_: OK. Which version of Ubuntu are you running? We'll need to download the build-essential package from your Desktop computer and transfer that to your Eee.04:23
aj_444_MenZa: I am running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.0404:23
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MenZaaj_444_: 9.04 was all I needed. One minute.04:24
MenZaaj_444_: Also, 32-bit. Correct?04:24
aj_444_MenZa: Yes.04:24
Redmanis there an irc channel for dev ?04:24
MenZaaj_444_: Good, good.04:24
FlannelRedman: What sort of dev?04:24
=== SuspectZeroDunce is now known as SuspectZero
celthunderRedman, yes #ubuntu-dev i think04:25
Redmanpython with gliblade(gtk+) or pure python gtk coding04:25
Redmanok, thank you04:25
FlannelRedman: try #ubuntu-programming04:25
MenZaaj_444_: Actually, correction. Put the Ubuntu 9.04 CD in you used to install the system with.04:25
jovemdg: are U still around ?04:25
aj_444_MenZa: I actually reformatted the flash drive to get rid of the installation disk. I still have the ISO Image on my desktop though.04:26
MenZaaj_444_: Right, burn it onto it then.04:26
jovemindvirus? can I have a question ?04:26
MindVirusjove: here, have two.04:26
aj_444_MenZa: I'll let you know when it finishes.04:26
MenZaaj_444_: Good, good.04:27
SJrWhat are some modules for express card controllers04:27
Bukodenis there a way to access Windows system when booted of an Ubuntu live CD without installing?04:27
SeaPhorBukoden, yes'04:28
b3rz3rk3rBukoden, yes04:28
jovemindvirus: my current firefox was removed and I installed the latest firefox into /var/tmp/firefox. How do I pluggin into the GUI, so I can click it from the left icon of the desk top ?04:28
MindVirusjove: you installed Firefox into /var/tmp?04:28
MindVirusDo you understand what you're doing?04:28
Bukodenhow would i be able to do that(currently got a virus that i need to remove and cannot access Windows normally on a desktop)04:28
jovemindvirus, no.04:28
MindVirusjove: sudo apt-get install firefox.04:29
SeaPhorBukoden, i have used ubuntu live cd many times to fix windows issues04:29
MindVirusThat's all you need to do to get a brand spanking new Firefox installation.04:29
b3rz3rk3rBukoden,  if u go to "computer" you should see the drives there04:29
MindVirusjove: remove the firefox in /var/tmp.04:29
MindVirusjove: and every other change you've done in relation to this.04:30
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. Its been written and is now plugged into the ubuntu machine04:30
b3rz3rk3rBukoden, you can then just click them to mount them, and away you go ;)04:30
Bukodenthe live CD is not allowing me to open "computer" (i tried it a few times before coming here)04:30
MenZaaj_444_: Right, could you run the following command: "less /etc/apt/sources.list" for me, and tell me what the first line says?04:30
jovemindvirus, after rerun apt-get install firefox, then click on the icon, it does not launch04:30
rocca354i have probleme with sudoers file i'm getting lost here04:30
urthmoverI need to download and install the latest nmap version.  What are the best practices for a 5 point install?  I seem to recall there being a CLI tool that would keep custom installations organized of software that is not in synaptic.  Does anyone know what that cli tool is called?04:30
MindVirusjove: in a command line run `firefox`.04:31
SeaPhorBukoden, have to mount it first,, but i can help you better in my channel04:31
KB1JWQurthmover: I build the dailys from subversion.04:31
MindVirusjove: does it give you any odd messages?04:31
KB1JWQurthmover: That may or may not work for you.04:31
BukodenSeaPhor, how can i switch to join your channel04:31
SeaPhorBukoden, see pm04:31
urthmoverKB1JWQ: do you know of a command line tool though that I can use to always put these installations in the right place and create the appropriate links?04:32
AshKydHi all. I'm trying to recover Grub after installing Windows (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows) but Im' using a crypto disk, and I'm not sure how to mount it. Anyone got any pointers?04:32
aj_444_MenZa: #deb cdrom: [Ubuntu-Netbook -Remix 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalop_ - Release i386 (20090421)]/ jaunty main multiverse restricted04:32
urthmoverKB1JWQ: something that kinda keeps source built applications organized04:32
jovemindvirus: The following packages will be upgraded:04:32
jove  firefox04:32
jove1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 156 not upgraded.04:32
KB1JWQurthmover: autoconf and automake generally take care of this; I'd probably recommend you use Synaptic if that's beyond you.04:32
uncmarurthmover: either aptitude or use apt-get and apt-cache.04:32
KB1JWQurthmover: Im not aware of anything offhand.04:32
rocca354is not in the sudoers file04:32
b3rz3rk3rBukoden, i dont think that is normal behaviour for the livecd, is is the same on other machines?04:32
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MindVirusjove: right.04:32
MenZaaj_444_: Perfect. That's a good thing, but that does mean we have to burn that CD image to a CD... and I don't assume you have CD drive handy for that computer, do you? Even an external would work.04:33
uncmarurthmover: apt-get install program.  apt-cache search something04:33
MindVirusjove: did you run "firefox" or "sudo apt-get install firefox"?04:33
aj_444_MenZa: Sadly, I don't have either of those handy.04:33
jovemindvirus: run firefox by cmd --did not launch at all04:33
MenZaaj_444_: Right, let me see if I can find a solution.04:33
MindVirusNot at all? Did you give it some time?04:33
jovemindvirus, yes I did run apt-get install firefox without error.04:33
Bukodenb3rz3rk3r, i have not attempted the live cd except to install Ubuntu on my laptop(currently what i am using and working perfectly)04:33
rocca354i cant install anything cause of that sudoers file crap .can someone give me a link to fix this04:34
urthmoveruncmar: KB1JWQ ok thanks for the advice  but I'm looking for the CLI tool that organizes apps that I build from souce  not apps found in apt-get/synaptic....I'll keep hunting around for it04:34
webbbim trying to find out how to add browser bookmarks into the gnome panel  any ideas04:34
MindVirusjove: I don't know. Ask in #firefox.04:34
Flannel!checkinstall | urthmover04:34
ubottuurthmover: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!04:34
uncmarurthmover: sorry, I don't know about managing source. :(04:34
aj_444_MenZa: http://www.jfwhome.com/2009/08/06/perfect-ubuntu-jaunty-on-the-asus-eeepc-1005ha-and-1008ha/ thats the tutorial I was attempting to follow. Perhaps it'll make more sense to you.04:34
MenZaaj_444_: I'll explain the problem: You want the package build-essential. build-essential is a "meta package" (i.e. it only contains instructions for the package manager to download a series of other packages), so that's unhelpful. It pulls down a few packages, but each of those packages have individual dependencies. And I don't want to force you to download 30 individual packages, stick them on your USB drive and install them one-by-one04:34
aj_444_MenZa: That doesn't sound like fun. xD04:35
jovemindvirus: but the firefox that was in /var/tmp/firefox that I could lanuch from there...but my question was: how to copy the firefox binary into the pluggin ?04:35
MenZaaj_444_: Exactly. ;)04:35
MindVirusjove: you should NOT have firefox in /var/tmp.04:35
MindVirusjove: even if it works.04:35
MindVirusjove: if you downloaded the binaries for Firefox instead of downloading them through apt, you are doing something wrong.04:36
b3rz3rk3rjove, /var/tmp is a "temporary" dir04:36
jovemindvirus: in that temporary, therefore I want to move it tinot the appropriate place, do U know how ?04:36
MindVirusAll software installation should be through apt.04:36
aj_444_MenZa: I also posted for help in the forums, another guy suggested I install the 9.10 alpha version.04:36
MindVirusjove: no.04:36
MindVirusjave: you should not modify anything like this.04:36
MindVirusUse the package manager and fix existing problems.04:36
madh2oratMindVirus: Thank you, overwrote the xorg.conf with the failsafe file, and it booted into it just fine, will I be able to install the proprietary drivers as I did before?04:36
MindVirusInstead of making new ones.04:36
MenZaaj_444_: Bad, bad idea.04:36
MindVirusmadh2orat: yes.04:37
MindVirusmadh2orat: :)04:37
aj_444_MenZa: mmkay. You're the expert.04:37
MenZaaj_444_: I may have a solution, which is going to sound silly. Try re-formatting the flash drive, put the actual ISO on it, and copy that to your Ubuntu machine.04:37
MindVirusmadh2orat: I don't even remember what I told you.04:37
MenZaaj_444_: I'm hardly an expert. I prefer "enthusiast" ;)04:37
aj_444_MenZa: just drag an drop the iso?04:37
MenZaaj_444_: yup04:37
MenZaaj_444_: We can trick Ubuntu into thinking it's a CD when we mount it on the computer.04:38
MenZaaj_444_: ... I hope.04:38
SmithXi'm having trouble remounting an image file read/write. "mount -o loop,rw filesystem.squashfs /tmp/mountpt" only mounts read-only04:38
linux_stuis the a channel for ubuntu netbook remix?04:38
madh2oratOne other thing, If I put my /home/user folder into a clean install of ubuntu, will it carry my program prefs over into the new installation?04:38
MindVirusmadh2orat: generally, yes.04:38
aj_444_MenZa: No harm in trying04:38
AmmoHello, I am new to Ubuntu, and I have not tried to install yet, but I am thinking of formatting my vista based PC (Laptop) for Ubuntu, I was wondering if there was a list of laptops that would have supported drivers built in to ubuntu?04:38
madh2oratthanks again04:38
MindVirusmadh2orat: only stupidly-designed programs will behave differently. In the ideal case, /home/<user> has all user prefs.04:39
SmithXAmmo: best bet is to try an ubuntu live cd on your laptop04:39
_TJAmmo: try live cd if it works on ive it'll work on installed version04:39
aj_444_MenZa: okay. I've done so and the usb is now back in the eee pc.04:39
AmmoWhich one is ubuntu live? The one that boots from the disk drive?04:39
SmithXAmmo: yes04:39
_TJAmmo:  yes04:39
AmmoCan you give me a link? I only see 9.04 and server edition04:39
AmmoOr is there a version I can boot off a 8GB flash drive?04:39
bit324lifeHi, I need some help.04:39
uncmarAmmo: and make sure everything you will need works.  Wireless and such.04:39
b3rz3rk3rAmmo, nearly all hardware that i have come across works just fine. You can test out yours by getting the 9.04 livecd04:39
_TJ9.04 is live04:40
SuspectZeroif i dd a 10gb partition (with 2gb used up) to an iso file, will the iso file be 10gb or 2gb?04:40
jovemindvirus: do U know how to remove firefox ?04:40
BukodenAmmo, i believe there is a list on the Ubuntu.com site of compatible laptops as well for reference04:40
MindVirusjove: how to remove it?04:40
MindVirusjove: sudo apt-get remove firefox.04:40
bit324lifeMy gnome display manager failes  to load due to wrong permissions.04:40
Shihani dont suppose anyone here is using linphone by chance? (mine just crashes on startup)04:40
AmmoBukoden: Do you know where the link is, I tried looking but maybe im not so savy?04:40
MindVirusAll program management should be done, again, though apt.04:40
bit324lifewhat permissions does gnome display manager need?04:40
BukodenAmmo, one sec, i will see if i can find it04:40
SmithXAnyone know why "mount -o loop,rw filesystem.squashfs /mnt/filesystem" mounts read-only instead of read-write??04:40
AmmoBukoden, I thank you very much. =]04:41
MenZaaj_444_: Perfect.04:41
MindVirusSmithX: squashfs is readonly.04:41
arand_SuspectZero: 10GB, but I think you could get it down quite ab bit using compression (gzip)04:41
MenZaaj_444_: Could you run "ls /media" in your terminal and paste the output, if more than two lines, please use a pastebin.04:41
SmithXMindVirus: surely there must be a way to switch the permission bits?04:41
SuspectZerothanks Aragon04:41
uncmarSmithX: a squashfs is a compressed copy of a set of files.  you have to decompress it, make your changes and then re-squash.04:41
SuspectZerothanks arand_04:41
jschallMy hp deskjet 6940 printer ("works perfectly" according to openprinting.org) prints this test page after EVERY job: http://jon.pmtech.com/~jschall/testpage.jpg04:42
MindVirus_TJ: why do I need this?04:42
aj_444_MenZa: l as in the letter, not the number?04:42
bit324lifeWhat permissions does the gnome display manager need?04:42
_TJits for ammo04:42
MenZaaj_444_: correct04:42
MenZaaj_444_: It's short for 'list'04:42
_TJAmmo: http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso04:42
SmithXuncmar: "mount -o loop" decompresses it properly, so it would seem I just need to set the permission bits properl04:42
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AmmoThank you TJ04:43
aj_444_MenZa: In a cheerful blue color, I got "cdrom cdrom0 disk"04:43
bit324lifeI can't get gnome display manager to laod it fails because of wrong permissions04:43
arand_SuspectZero: Otherwise, confider using tools like partimage or ntfsclone which reads the filesystem rather than raw bytes (that one will make it ~2GB or less depending again on compression)04:43
jovemindvirus: it did not completely remove firefox, do U know about Synaptic pakage manager to remove it ...Have you done it ?04:43
MindVirusSmithX: you can't edit compressed data.04:43
AmmoBut I dont think my laptop will run it. I found that list of verified laptops, I have an HP pavillion, and its not listed.04:43
webbbcan someone give me a hand  for some reason gnome do stoped launching when i click on it in the menu and i doesnt launch when i hit the keybinder04:43
AmmoBut I can try the live.04:43
MenZaaj_444_: That's perfect! Have you copied the ISO file to your Desktop yet, and if so, what is the filename of that?04:43
madh2oratAmmo: What model do you have?04:43
BukodenAmmo, i am currently using and HP Pavillion zd800 and it works great04:43
MindVirusjove: what firefox are you trying to remove? /var/tmp/firefox?04:43
MindVirusIt's not going to remove that firefox.04:43
uncmarSmithX: no, that mounts it. Just like mounting a CD.  Yes it decompresses, but not in entirity such that you can alter the files and then stuff the back in.  Think of it as a giant zip file.  You can't easily just alter one file and stuff it back in place after you change it.04:44
AmmoBukoden, Madh2, Let me look I will find out in a minute.04:44
=== onchoe is now known as chewe
SuspectZeroarand_, i think i'll just mkisofs the files i need04:44
MenZaAmmo: Give it a go. It'll most likely work, but it might have some caveat (such as wireless not working properly when you first boot it, but that'll just require you to install the necessary drivers). Have any issues, feel free to come back here.04:44
bit324lifeI need help on setting right permissions to gdm (gnome display manager).04:44
jovemindvirus: I want to remove from the default pkg...04:44
SuspectZeroarand_, thanks for the the help though04:44
MindVirusjove: what?04:44
commander_can i run fedora 11 in ubuntu?04:44
leaf-sheepWhere is dpkg configuration file usually kept in?04:44
aj_444_MenZa: I have. its ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img - shortcut.lnk04:44
uncmarbit324life: my limited understanding is that gdm must run as root.04:44
MenZaaj_444_: That's a shortcut.04:44
MindVirusjove: I told you how to remove Firefox. You probably messed up or did something stupid, like download firefox binaries into /var/tmp.04:44
aj_444_MenZa: which is not good I'm guessing?04:45
bit324lifeuncmar, yep. I have it as owner and group as root04:45
AmmoHP Pavilion dv2225nr Notebook PC Is the Laptop I am using.04:45
MenZaaj_444_: And, as far as I know, you should have a .iso file, not a .img file. Where did you get this file from?04:45
bit324lifewith a chmod of 0440 or 44004:45
MindVirusjove: I don't mean to bully or make fun of you. Don't screw around with things that you don't understand yet.04:45
jovemindvirus: firefox was installed original where the user can launch it from the Application (top left of the desktop). So I want to remove the firefox 3.0 .04:45
mazda01does anyone know how to get pulseaudio manager Devices output more then 100% using the volume up and down? i can turn it up to decent level, (something in 200% range) but then when I turn it down, it goes below 100% and then won't go above 100% again using volume controls.04:45
MindVirusjove: I told you how to remove it.04:45
bit324lifebut gdm would still not load at all.04:45
aj_444_MenZa: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-netbook04:45
mazda01aplay -l outputs this: card 0: VT82xx [HDA VIA VT82xx], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]04:46
MindVirusjove: you remove the default-installed Firefox by running "sudo apt-get remove firefox".04:46
AmmoI am downloading the iso now, I plan on installing it at school tomorrow or maybe tonight if its quick enough. My laptop isnt quite quick enough for vista, and I figured ubuntu would be faster than XP even. I only use the laptop for firefox and microsoft word.04:46
bit324lifeI by mistake chown -R user /04:46
joveyes  did as you suggest04:46
AmmoBut I can use open office I guess, it will open word docs I hope.04:46
SmithXuncmar: MindVirus: how does mount -o loop know that it needs to decompress it?04:46
MenZaaj_444_: Oh, that does have an img extension. My bad. Please *ensure* you have the file itself, and not a shortcut while I go check something out. :)04:46
uncmarbit324life: explain how this problem has come about?04:46
macobit324life: reinstall04:46
bit324lifethen I just use the same command but used root instead to get it back to04:46
MindVirusSmithX: because it reads its partition type and sees "squashfs".04:46
macobit324life: but it wanst all owned by root by default....04:46
jovemindvirus: What I want to do is to remove the original and reinstall.04:46
MindVirusSmithX: take it as a fact that you can't write to squashfs.04:46
bit324lifeI don't have backups ...well I did on my external drive04:46
aj_444_MenZa: How do I go about doing that?04:46
SmithXMindVirus: what other things can it decompress? could I "mount -o loop" a zip file?04:47
macobit324life: backup /home and reinstall04:47
jovemindvirus: please disregard the firefox from /var/tmp.04:47
macobit324life: or just reinstall and let hte fact that hte installer doesnt overwrite home if you tell it not to format be useful04:47
MindVirusSmithX: mount -o loop only works for partitions.04:47
MenZaaj_444_: Try right-clicking it, choosing 'Properties' and check the filesize, for instance.04:47
BukodenAmmo, i believe it will find the drivers needed just fine04:47
MindVirusSmithX: squashfs is a partition.04:47
BukodenAmmo, and work without problems*04:47
MindVirusSmithX: a .ZIP file is a file on a partition -- not an entire partition.04:47
aj_444_MenZa: Its not the file. I think that would be stored in my downloads folder back on the vista computer.04:47
c0l2ehow can I disable ipv6 in ubuntu 9.04???04:47
MenZaaj_444_: Ah. You want to copy that to your Ubuntu machine.04:48
MenZaThe file itself, that is.04:48
MindVirusjove: I am going to repeat one last time.04:48
MindVirussudo apt-get remove firefox04:48
SmithXMindVirus: I see. So squashfs must have a header that -o loop recognizes04:48
AmmoBukoden, Is there something built into Ubuntu to find them on the internet automatically? Or do the come with it? Either way I can find them myself, I did it when I had XP on it. xD ALSO, I was always curious, does Ubuntu run .exe's? Like can I install some of my games like tron and stuff?04:48
MindVirusSmithX: exactly.04:48
jovemindvirus: Do U know what directory of Ubuntu contain all of the application start up ?04:48
MindVirusjove: Ubuntu is not Windows04:49
BukodenAmmo, if finds them automaticaly, and you can get a program called wine to run any .exe programs04:49
bit324lifehold up04:49
aj_444_MenZa: It would seem as though this is going to take awhile.04:49
bit324lifehere is the whole story: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124573004:49
MenZaaj_444_: I would expect it to.04:49
Flanneljove: What are you trying to accomplish?04:49
BukodenAmmo, without WINE or other such program, .exe will be useless04:49
MindVirusAmmo: Wine sucks for many purposes though.04:49
AmmoIs WINE free?04:49
aj_444_MenZa: About five minutes, give or take.04:49
MindVirusAmmo: most things on Ubuntu are open-source and free.04:49
AmmoWhat is wrong with Wine, MindV?04:49
RedmanYeah wine is free04:50
brummbaerbukoden: not useless, they do fill up the trashcan. :)04:50
MindVirusAmmo: it doesn't run .exes as well as Windows.04:50
Bukodenammo, yes04:50
AmmoI am excited because open source things, well, im learning to work with these things thanks to college.04:50
MindVirusAmmo: also, try typing the first few letters of my name and pressing <Tab>.04:50
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
RedmanI think wine is don't work so well with all exe and games04:50
AmmoMindVirus: Thank you. Thats a neat trick. I am on pidgin, and I never have been good with IRC04:50
Bukodenbrummbaer, good point =)04:50
MindVirusRedman: you are right; Wine isn't that great.04:50
MindVirusBut it works.04:51
MenZaaj_444_: Oh, that's not too bad.04:51
uncmarAmmo: Wine is not an emulator. It does not act exactly like windows. It will run many windows programs but not all.04:51
AmmoWould WINE run photoshop, illustrator, and Word? If anyone knows I'd LOVE your results.04:51
aj_444_MenZa: actually, that time has been cut in half.04:51
MindVirusAmmo: depends on your setup and the version.04:51
MenZaAmmo: Photoshop, and Word, yes.04:51
Flannel!appdb | Ammo04:51
ubottuAmmo: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:51
TimReichhartthere anyway that I can configure squirrelmail just accept just the username and not the full email address?04:51
MenZaAmmo: Most people have had good results with those. But as MindVirus says, it depends on your setup a lot.04:51
MenZaTimReichhart: I'd try in one of the official SquirrelMail support channels, be they IRC, mailing lists, forums, or whatever.04:52
MindVirusAmmo: Wine is for all intents and purposes a hack. Try avoiding it.04:52
joveFlannel: I want to know what the directory that contains the application launch...for ex: I want to launch soundconverter from the "Sound & Video"...do U know where the soundconverter binay file resides ?04:52
MenZaTimReichhart: I think you'd have more success there.04:52
uncmarAmmo: I most cases you could use Open Office instead of MS Office for replacing word.04:52
AmmoAnd gimp for photoshop right?04:52
BukodenAmmo: do not need photoshop, GIMP is freeware version and almost exactly the same04:52
MindVirusAmmo: yes, Open Office isn't as great as Word but it does the trick very well. GIMP isn't great.04:52
RedmanMindVirus: I've a problem under Ubuntu, I should type 4 times ^ to get ^^, how to fix it ?04:52
uncmarAmmo: similarly for photoshop their is gimp and inkscape for illustrator.04:52
AmmoWell, I could use the school PC's for my college work.04:52
MindVirusRedman: I don't understand.04:52
Flanneljove: /bin or /usr/bin or /sbin or /usr/sbin04:52
c0l2eanyone here knows how to disable IPV6 in ubuntu 9.04 ???04:53
MindVirusAmmo: OpenOffice saves as .doc and whatever other extension. It is completely interopable with MS Office.04:53
Redmanfor exemple here I type ^^ but in reality I should type ^ 4 times to get ^^04:53
RedmanGimp isn't great ? :o I think yes04:53
AmmoMindVirus: What do you mean its a hack?04:53
MindVirusAmmo: it isn't elegant.04:53
legend2440c0l2e: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/04/howto-disable-ipv6-at-ubuntu-jaunty.html04:53
MindVirusRedman: it is bad, simply, compared to Photoshop.04:53
BukodenAmmo, all in all, i suggest Ubuntu as you can find most programs you need for free and with ease(especially using ubuntu site)04:53
c0l2elegend2440: is it working?04:53
RedmanYeah but it's almost photoshop04:53
Bigshot_where can i get 64bit ubuntu?04:54
MindVirusRedman: it is a long ways away from Photoshop for any real purpopses.04:54
RedmanMe the only problem I've a gimp is to cut around an object04:54
MenZaGimp is just as good as Photoshop, function-wise, but it is far less usable than Photoshop is. If this discussion is to continue, please continue in #ubuntu-offtopic, however.04:54
BukodenAmmo, wine creates a false c:\ drive to run windows extensions through such as .exe04:54
c0l2eah nah.. don't want to modify the original kernel for 9.0404:54
Bigshot_deos 64bit ubuntu exist?04:54
MindVirusBigshot_: yes.04:54
AmmoMindVirus:  I dont mind if its not appealing to the eye.04:54
AmmoBukoden: Alright. I am going to install it. I will def be back soon.04:54
mazda01aplay -l outputs this: card 0: VT82xx [HDA VIA VT82xx], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]04:54
FlannelBigshot_: The same place you get 32bit ubuntu.  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download04:54
zvonkorpon the registration of a vehicle, under the box that says Val-cd/Year it says 70,000/1989 - is that the last reported mileage? or what the hll is the 70000 for04:54
mazda01does anyone know how to get pulseaudio manager Devices output more then 100% using the volume up and down? i can turn it up to decent level, (something in 200% range) but then when I turn it down, it goes below 100% and then won't go above 100% again using volume controls.04:54
MindVirusAmmo: no, the Wine infrastructure is a hack.04:54
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. It is now copied to the desktop on the ubuntu machine04:54
c0l2eis there any other way to disable ipv6 in ubuntu 9.04 ?? without using newer kernel version than for 9.04 ??04:55
MindVirusAmmo: they do it as elegantly as they can but there is no avoiding the hackish nature.04:55
MenZaExcellent, aj_444_. I really, really hope this works.04:55
AmmoMindVirus: Is it possible to just dual boot XP? How easy would it be to install XP after installing Ubuntu?04:55
uncmarAmmo: I suggest you have a method to reinstall your Vista if you don't like your results with Ubuntu.04:55
MattPhilieI need help with removing Ubuntu completly04:55
MindVirusAmmo: simple, but remember that Windows is zealous and overwrites the MBR (master boot record).04:55
BukodenAmmo, you can install a partition for Ubuntu04:55
rocca354plz need help for sudo04:55
Bigshot_can i create amd64 live usb?04:55
FlannelAmmo: It's easier to install Ubuntu afterwards, but it's still easy to do it the other way around too.04:55
MindVirusAmmo: you'd need to reinstall Grub.04:55
FlannelBigshot_: you can.04:55
uncmarAmmo: you don't.  You install Windows and then install Linux.  Linux will let you dual boot.  Windows is much less friendly.04:56
aj_444_MenZa: I do too.04:56
Bigshot_Flannel: from where?04:56
FlannelMindVirus: Alright, what do you need help with?04:56
BukodenAmmo, it is an option given when talling04:56
MindVirusFlannel: me?04:56
FlannelMattPhilie: Alright, what do you need help with?04:56
AmmoAlright, I will install XP first then.  Will Ubuntu help me partition?04:56
MenZaActually, aj_444_, I apologise for wasting your time, but is it possible that I can have you download MagicISO on your Windows desktop, open the .img file, and convert it to a .iso? It just occured to me, while you copied that file, that it would be much easier to do this directly on Windows, because we'd, again, need a lot of packages to do it on Ubuntu.04:56
aj_444_Ammo: Yup04:56
MattPhilieFLannel: Could you explain how to remove Ubuntu from my computer and put Windows on it,04:56
BukodenAmmo, yes, it allows you to choose that as an option04:56
MindVirusFlannel: that question wasn't directed to me, was it? :(04:56
FlannelBigshot_: Any Ubuntu system (or liveCD) will give you an option to create a USB system thing.04:56
FlannelMindVirus: No04:57
FlannelMattPhilie: Pop in the windows CD and go!04:57
MattPhilieDosen't work Flannel04:57
MattPhilieIt just loads Ubuntu04:57
FlannelMattPhilie: Just have it overwrite the Ubuntu partition (generally using your wnidows partition)04:57
MindVirusMattPhilie: make sure your BIOS options are set correctly.04:57
aj_444_MenZa: Do you have a link?04:57
FlannelMattPhilie: You need to make sure your computer is set to boot to a CD04:57
MindVirusMattPhilie: you need your BIOS to load from a CD like Flannel said.04:57
AmmoAwesome. Well its Midnight here, and I have to get up at 6. I will be back tomorrow for sure with my results.04:57
=== captaincrook_ is now known as CaptainCrook
MindVirusAmmo: I hope you enjoy Ubuntu.04:58
uncmarFlannel: I'd like to know when it will be easy to create a live USB from windows or another linux system.  Requiring a CD to create a USB is unpleasant.04:58
AmmoActually can I just leave this idle over night?04:58
MindVirusAmmo: Ubuntu's a beautiful thing, mate.04:58
MenZaaj_444_: http://www.magiciso.com/ - I feel bad linking you to this, as it's not open source, but it does the job, as far as I can tell.04:58
MindVirusAmmo: by all means04:58
MattPhilieMindVirus: Flannel: Explain the BiOS and how to set to load a CD04:58
Redmanyes is it04:58
MindVirusMattPhilie: changing your BIOS options is very system-dependent.04:58
MindVirusMattPhilie: generally you can do it by pressing "Del" at startup and changing boot order so CD is before HDD.04:58
brummbaeruncmar: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/04:58
Flanneluncmar: It is, but there's more steps.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  goes over how to create a USB install04:58
aj_444_MenZa: is it free?04:58
DigitalKiwiall bios are different >.>04:58
AmmoMindVirus: I have heard only great things. Thats why I am so interested. I actually have wanted to install linuxfor many years, but only now did I find how easy ubuntu is.04:59
MenZaaj_444_: Free as in beer, yes.04:59
c0l2ehow to disable ipv6 in ubuntu 9.04??04:59
DigitalKiwinever got how beer was free04:59
MindVirusAmmo: I would be happy to personally help you if nobody else did. Please highlight me or PM me if you need help.04:59
DigitalKiwiwhen is beer free?04:59
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MenZa!offtopic | DigitalKiwi04:59
ubottuDigitalKiwi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:59
MattPhilieMindVirus: Arg.. ok.. I hope this works.. Thanks. I don't want to be stuck with Ubuntu. Bye all04:59
BukodenAmmo: i only recently installed Ubuntu on my laptop and am loving it04:59
MenZa!free > > (Please see the private message from the bot)04:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about free >04:59
DigitalKiwiyou're the one who brought it up !04:59
brummbaerDigitalKiwi: when you're a hot chic04:59
MenZa!free > DigitalKiwi (Please see the private message from the bot)04:59
lstarnesc0l2e: why do you need to disable it?04:59
aj_444_MenZa: Downloading05:00
DigitalKiwii have 120 buffers open i don't need/want more from a stupid ubuntu bot, thanks05:00
uncmarbrummbaer: Unless unetbootin has improved in the past 6 months.  i did not like the half-baked results when used with Ubuntu.05:00
neil_dtrying to Brasero to burn a video DVD, I set to the 'Video Project' put in a few avi files, but when I go to burn, it says "Not possible to write with the current set of plugins" :( what plugins do I need?05:00
MindVirusFlannel: are you available to help me with my issues?05:00
bit324lifehere is the full story: http://dpaste.com/85433/05:00
=== neu is now known as neurario
MindVirusFlannel: I only ask because I noticed you are an op (by extension a genius) and made the mistake of accidentally asking if I need help.05:00
brummbaeruncmar: Flannels link has got the goods, buddy actually just completed the USB install a couple days ago from a windows system.05:01
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. Its downloaded.05:01
FlannelMindVirus: You're best off just asking the channel05:01
bit324lifeany ideas?05:01
brummbaeruncmar: it had no functional cd drives, btw.05:01
MindVirusFlannel: I'm aware, but the channel has no advice for me.05:01
MindVirusI'll ask again.05:01
=== tyler_ is now known as TylerD
MindVirusMy trackpad doesn't work -- probably because I uninstalled gsynaptics-elantech -- and now I can't reinstall it because the package is gone. Is there any way I can re-retrieve the package or fix my trackpad another way?05:02
RedmanHow to relaunch nautilus and keep the desktop ?05:02
MindVirusRedman: nautilus --replace05:02
bit324lifeSo their is no permission recovery software that exists?05:02
Redmanor just relaunch nautilus05:02
MenZaaj_444_: Alright, install it. Then try using this guide to convert it to a .iso file, aj_444_: http://www.yasasoft.com/press_release/convert_img_to_iso.htm05:02
MindVirusRedman: yes.05:02
bit324lifethat can help recover major permissions to major files like system files.05:02
gstwat is super key in keyboar05:03
MindVirusbit324life: try using the recovery kernel.05:03
DigitalKiwithe one with windows logo on it05:03
MenZagst: the "Windows" key, as some people call it.05:03
FlannelMindVirus: Where did you get gsynaptics-elantech?05:03
bit324lifeMindVirus  I already tried it.05:03
MindVirusFlannel: array.org repos.05:03
MindVirusbit324life: what happened?05:03
FlannelMindVirus: Also, it may still be in your package cache05:03
MindVirusFlannel: it isn't.05:03
bit324lifeit dosen't make any difference. I can access my own systems terminal root area.05:03
FlannelMindVirus: And it's not on array.org anymore?05:03
MindVirusFlannel: no, even though they talk about it.05:04
MindVirusAnd tell me to install it.05:04
bit324lifenothing happened. It didn't help at all.05:04
bit324lifethe recovery area in grub05:04
MindVirusFlannel: which is surprising as array.org is largely a respectable site linked by many.05:04
BukodenMindVirus: i am new to this, but wouldn't using the sudo aptget work?05:04
FlannelMindVirus: Not much you can do except find it somewhere, I imagine.05:04
MindVirusFlannel: I'm sure there's some driver I can use to get my cursor to move.05:04
bit324lifeMindVirus are you talking about the recovery kernal that appers in grubs options?05:05
MindVirusBukoden: to what do you refer?05:05
MindVirusbit324life: yes.05:05
aj_444_MenZa: I get a "can't find the file or the file isn't an image" pop up box.05:05
MenZaaj_444_: oh dear.05:05
brummbaermindvirus: package avail from debian repos...05:05
bit324lifeMindVirus: yep then I tried it and it was no different then using the reglar terminal of my system.05:05
MenZaaj_444_: aj_444_ Right. I have a solutions. It won't be pretty, but I'll try it. One second.05:05
BukodenMindVirus: something such as 'sudo aptget install [filename]'05:05
bit324lifeI can access my own systems terminal and be logged in as root.05:05
MindVirusbit324life: if you use the root console then you can change permissions from there.05:06
bit324lifeI just cant get gdm to boot.05:06
cmvkkanyone with experience loading 8.10 onto a ps3?  i'm having installer hang issues (and not the 6% thing, it hangs at 60% while "installing gconf")05:06
MindVirusBukoden: I know how to install (we don't install filenames, BTW, we install package names). The problem is, the package doesn't exist on my system anymore.05:06
Ammo@ EVERYONE -- Alright, I am going to bed. Have a nice ngiht. =] THANKS for reassuring me to choose linux05:06
bit324lifeyep, but what permissions would I need for gdm05:06
bit324lifeis thier any logs I can access to help me figure out why gdm fails at startup ?05:06
bit324lifewell booting into ubuntu. or booting gdm or the desktop.05:07
MindVirusbit324life: I was under the impression you had permissions errors, sorry.05:07
MindVirusWhy do you think the problem lies in GDM permissions?05:07
bit324lifeMindVirus I do have permission errors.05:07
BukodenMindVirus: well you got my point, and i was not sure as to how aptget worked which is why i only mentioned it in question(so at least i learned something =P)05:07
AmmoHow do I set my status, I thought it was "/status" >w<05:07
MenZaaj_444_: You're not going to like this, but I'm going to ask you to download every package listed on the following page, and dump them in a folder on your flash drive. There's no other way, it seems. Go to http://apt.alturl.com/, put "i386" in the second option, put "build-essential" in the "What package do you need to install?" and run it.05:07
MindVirusHow do you know?05:07
uncmarFlannel: you say trackpad.  Is that a laptop? and which one?05:07
MindVirusAmmo: you don't have a status on IRC.05:08
bit324lifeI have nothing but permission errors to many files. I just want the gui desktop to be bootable.05:08
uncmarsorry, I meant MindVirus: you say trackpad.  Is that a laptop? and which one?05:08
aj_444_MenZa: alright.05:08
AmmoMindVirus:  Oh. xD Thanks guys. Im still new to irc05:08
MindVirusuncmar: yes, Eee 1000.05:08
MindVirusAmmo: You learn quickly.05:08
MenZaaj_444_: It's no fun, but I don't see any other options. I'd create an aptoncd mirror for you, but my server runs Hardy. (05:09
AmmoMindVirus: Well, I been in college since 13. I would hopeso. But it sucks having no friends my age. xD05:09
simranwhat should video/audio output be on mplayer (plugin)05:09
simranx11 or gl05:09
Ammookay Im really going before I get off topic. THANKS!05:09
RedmanHow to relaunch nautilus ? I lagged05:09
MindVirusAmmo: most important on IRC is to make sure you respect everyone else. Then others will come to respect you. If they don't, either you're doing something wrong or you didn't want to be there.05:09
webbbi need some help i did a update but i got a libmono error  and now gnome do wont start at all  is there anyone who an help me out05:09
MindVirusAmmo: I learned this early on.05:09
AmmoMindVirus:  And I assume I am learning from the best. ;D Goodnight.05:10
appAnyone know the OSSIM install process? Trying to create a guest VM on VMWare server, which Linux version should I tell it the OSSIM install .iso is? "Other Linux 2.6"?05:10
bit324lifeMindVirus: yes I have permissions errors but it's not just with gdm but with many other files. I just want to get the desktop to boot so I have a gui to change permissions again.05:10
MindVirusAmmo: Good night.05:10
app(no one answers on the #OSSIM)05:10
MindVirusbit324life: well, if you aren't scared to mess anything up, you can use 777, but this is a huge security risk and potentially dangerous.05:10
RedmanHow to relaunch Nautilus ?05:11
bit324lifeMindVirus: would that at least get me a bootable system?05:11
bit324lifeI won't care about the security right now.05:11
MindVirusbit324life: I was under the impression that you were in a bootable system.05:11
MindVirusBy bootable, do you mean with GUI?05:11
bit324lifeif I do that wouldn't some files not boot because it's the wrong permissions set.05:11
bit324lifenope, I can boot in termanial.05:12
bit324lifelike I can still access the terminal of the system.05:12
RedmanAnybody know ?05:12
bit324lifejust can't use a desktop.05:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bulletin05:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:12
uncmarRedman: nautilus --replace &05:12
Redmanthank you05:13
bit324lifeMindVirus: they system does boot but the desktop graphical aspects wont boot due to a permission problem.05:13
MindVirusbit324life: your system is bootabble.05:13
RedmanIt does'nt work05:13
Redman"nautilus --replace"05:13
bit324lifeMindVirus: yes.05:13
bit324lifeMindVirus: only to termial.05:13
Redman"Could not parse arguments: Option inconnue --replace05:13
MindVirusbit324life: why are you so sure it's a permissions issue? I just want to make sure.05:13
aj_444_MenZa: http://www.jfwhome.com/2009/08/06/perfect-ubuntu-jaunty-on-the-asus-eeepc-1005ha-and-1008ha/ could that help?05:13
bit324lifeI can log in as root user.05:14
MenZaaj_444_: I'll have a look05:14
ctmjrsimran: try the different settings and find the one that looks best, you will not hurt anything changing the options might get an error or 205:14
Redmanuncmar: It doesn't work : "Could not parse arguments: Option inconnue --replace05:14
brummbaerbit324life. are you getting an error related to ~/.ICEauthority?05:14
bit324lifeinMindVirus:  I just can't get the gnome display manager working  due to permission problems. I can't also log in as my home user dues to permission problems.05:14
MenZaaj_444_: That's *basically* what I'm trying to do.05:15
MenZaup to the ethernet networking at least05:15
bit324lifebrummbaer: I don't get a specific error. I get a fail message.05:15
MenZaaj_444_: the problem is, you don't have the stuff required for it, and that's what we're trying to get right now.05:15
aj_444_ah. okay.05:15
bit324lifeI assume it's permissions because I screwed up the permissions of /05:15
simranctmjr: what do you use :P05:15
brummbaerbit324life, if that's really what happened, my advice is to boot from live cd, copy your home folder out, then nuke & pave.05:16
bit324lifeWhat happens is that the system tries to boot into desktop but instead after 5 min it then boots into termianl asking for user and password.05:16
MindVirusbit324life: that makes lots of sense.05:16
ctmjrsimran: xv05:16
MindVirusbit324life: brummbaer is right.05:16
RedmanWhy "nautilus --restart" doesn't work ?05:16
MenZaRedman: killall -9 nautilus05:17
MenZathen, from a terminal, nautilus&exit05:17
MindVirusbit324life: with great power comes great responsibility. You messed up your /. I recommend reinstalling.05:17
bit324lifethe problem Is I can't backup anything even in the live cd05:17
MindVirusWhat do you mean?05:17
bit324lifeI don't have permissions to copy from hard drives I get some errory about that I don't have write permissions from the device.05:18
uncmarbit324life: and everything is under a single partition?05:18
webbbcan anyone help me figure out why i can not get gimmie to run05:18
MindVirusbit324life: AHH!05:18
bit324lifeI did have the gdm working before.05:18
aj_444_MenZa: Well, I officially hate Asus.05:18
MindVirusbit324life: you probably have / mounted as read-only.05:18
bit324lifenope, not a sigle partician  I have a dual boot system. One is windows xp.05:18
Redmanthe second worked not the first05:19
Redmanthank you05:19
MenZaaj_444_: Heh - it might be a bit faster if you were a bit more savvy with the OS. It can be a pain, but the system should run fine once you've at least got an ethernet connection. It will make things a *ton* easier. Trust me on this.05:19
bit324lifeI even tried to backup the system using windows xp since it can access linux hds05:19
gsthow to check the version of a software?05:19
Redmanthat's weird that in terminal with man it's not shown05:19
bit324lifebecause I installed the ifds driver05:19
SmithXanyone know if it's possible for a hacker to write permanently to my liveusb somehow?05:19
oenchoecwo cakep05:19
bit324lifeI have 2 years of website work that I worked on and I did had a backup of it on the external hd but reformatted it before this happend.05:20
bit324lifeMindVirus: do you think I can just chmod everything to 777?05:20
legend2440MindVirus: i think this page has the gsynaptics driver you need? http://simosnet.com/debian/packages/eeepc/05:20
MindViruslegend2440: I found it and installed it. Thank you.05:20
MindVirusI'm not sure if it works because I have yet to reboot.05:21
uncmarbit324life: you can do that chmod for everything to get things working.05:21
MenZaIt might work, but it might make your computer die completely at some point, bit324life. I suggest taking a full backup of your system if your work is that important (using dd), and then re-install05:21
aj_444_MenZa: I've got everything on the usb05:21
MindVirusbit324life: it probably won't work as I'm guessing you have / mounting RO.05:21
uncmarbit324life: but that should only be for the purpose of getting it all backed up.  the /home/ directory.05:21
MenZaaj_444_: Excellent. Plug that into your Ubuntu computer, and save that in a folder on the desktop. Open a terminal, and change to that folder.05:21
oenchoe_cwo baik05:21
MindVirusbit324life: in fact, I bet that's the case.05:21
uncmarMindVirus: you mean, remounted as RO due to a errors?05:21
MindVirusYou can try to change to 777.05:21
MindVirusuncmar: he said he can't change permissions.05:22
MindVirusI don't know, he's not very verbose.05:22
webbbwhat is Enlightenment.desktop05:22
MindVirusAnd I'm not very inquisitive.05:22
TannerSguys whats diffrence between ubuntu 8.04 and 9.04?05:22
webbbe17   ????????05:22
MenZaTannerS: loads of updates.05:22
MindVirusTannerS: a year and a bunch of features.05:22
DigitalKiwiabout a year05:22
TannerSworth 9.04?05:22
bit324lifeMindVirus: I can change permissions since I have access to termial of my system.05:22
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.05:22
aj_444_MenZa: So I type in cd -insert  folder name here-  in the terminal?05:22
bit324lifeI can use the terminal. I am not completly locked out.05:22
MindVirusbit324life: OK. I thought you couldn't change perms.05:22
HABtannerS Ubuntu 8.04 is a long term release from a year ago and 9.04 is a new six month release05:23
MindVirusUse 7777.05:23
bit324lifeit's just the desktop wont boot due to gdm not having the right permissions.05:23
uncmarTannerS: lots.  Intel graphics issues with 9.04 that worked with 8.04 but I think after all the updates they have that fixed now.05:23
MenZaaj_444_: cd Desktop/foldername, if it's in your Desktop.05:23
MindVirusTannerS: if you're on a desktop, use 9.04. If you're on a server, use 8.04.05:23
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. I've got it up in the terminal.05:24
TannerSwell i want a desktop, yes but want to make sure everythign is updated, so far not haerd any really good reason about which ones to choose except ones outdated05:24
bit324lifeMindeVirus: I will use chmod 777 then. Are you sure I won't get locked out of the system completly?05:24
MindVirusTannerS: 9.04 is more bleeding-edge; 8.04 is more stablee.05:24
MenZaaj_444_: excellent. Try running "sudo dpkg -i *" and, if you're a religious man pray. If not, cross your fingers. ;)05:24
MindVirusTannerS: you want 9.04.05:24
HABTanners 8.04 strives for stability as a long-term release, my buddy uses it for gaming because he doesn't want to break his configureations05:24
uncmarthere are wireless drivers in 9.04 that aren't in 8.04.  You have to search for the drivers in 8.04.05:24
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TannerShmm hard to choose05:25
MindVirusTannerS: it shouldn't be. I can all but guarantee you want 9.04.05:25
aj_444_MenZa: I prayed.. and I got something.05:25
Bigshot_uncmar: does 9.04 have 4322 broadcom driver?05:25
bit324lifeMindVirus: so you think chmod 777 will not lock me out of the system?05:25
uncmarTannerS: it really depends on what you plan to use it for.05:25
MenZaTannerS: For most people, 9.04 would be fine. If you desperately need 8.04, it'll be because you need stability as your main thing.05:25
MindVirusbit324life: 777 is the least restrictive permissions you can do.05:25
aj_444_MenZa: dpkg: --install needs at least one package archive file argument05:25
MenZaaj_444_: No error messages?05:25
bit324lifeMindVirus: cause I right now have access  to root.05:25
MindVirusTannerS: what MenZa said.05:25
brummbaerbit324life: if you're concerned, you can also just apply perm changes to /home05:25
HABYea go 9.04, and if you feel adventurous go 9.10 its in its forth alpha release and I am on it now05:25
MenZaaj_444_: Oh. Hmm. Are you sure you are in the folder you copied the packages to?05:26
MindVirusHAB: don't recommend it.05:26
MenZaWhat MindVirus said.05:26
aj_444_MenZa: All 34 of them, yes.05:26
uncmarBigshot_: I think broadcom drivers are still a broadcom legal issue. Still a matter of ndiswrapping but done a little closer to the kernel in 9.04.  Only as a module in 8.0405:26
bit324lifebrummbaer: what do you mean perm changes?05:26
TannerSwell i wanna use it for anything, from watching movies to editing them to games to dvd burnering to c++ complailing? (misspelled) and etc, o and downloaidng torrents05:26
MenZaNever run 9.04 on a production system, unless you're as stupid as me, or keep constant external backups.05:26
MenZathat's fine, TannerS05:26
MenZaTannerS: Go for 9.04.05:26
bit324lifeThe only thing is that I am concern about losing my website work.05:26
aj_444_I didn't put the *05:26
darlekanyone for pulseaudio in ubuntu?  I'm trying to record with sound recorder and test my mic but nothing05:27
MindVirusTannerS: then it is settled. Get 9.04.05:27
MenZaaj_444_: Ahhh, there's your problem. "*" installs everything in that folder.05:27
bit324lifeI already experienced losing 3 years of website work last time when windows xp decided to reformat my root linux hard drive.05:27
aj_444_MenZa: Now something is happening.05:27
bit324lifethat is the reason I bought a 500gb external hard drive.05:27
MenZaaj_444_: I'm glad to hear that. Keep praying. ;)05:27
aj_444_MenZa: I haven't stopped.05:27
MindVirusbit324life: setting 777 may potentially mess up some things but will not lose data.05:27
TannerSnow does 9.04 32 bit read 4 to 6 gb of memory? or is it capped at like 3.3 like windows?05:28
brummbaerbit324life: if you're getting access denied errs when accessing those files from XP system, MindVirus is probably right about it being RO, if the files you need are in /home, don't bother to make big over-arching changes to the whole system.05:28
aj_444_MenZa: I think it finished.05:28
uncmarhow much space does the webwork take up?05:28
Bigshot_uncmar: so yes or no?05:28
darlekanyone with a mic input to ubuntu?  trying the pulseaudio tutorial but now I can't even get a stable recording.  It was quiet now it's all scratchy05:28
MenZaaj_444_: Any error messages that you can see?05:28
TecR0ci had windows and linux on to seperate hds on my computer. now i have reinstalled ubuntu over my windows hardrive. however, now the boot menu when i turn the computer on is messed up05:28
MindVirusI will be back shortly.05:28
HABBIt for life ubuntu has Ubuntuone coming soon for online storage, backup is always key no matter where your at. But google Ubuntuone. you can save anything there up to 2gigs free05:28
bit324lifeBrummbaer: so should I just give the permission 777 a try?05:28
aj_444_MenZa: Nope. It all looks good to me.05:29
TecR0cit is only booting into my old ubuntu05:29
MenZaaj_444_: Awesome. Now we can get cracking with the real stuff.05:29
aj_444_MenZa: its about time.05:29
* MenZa hops up and down delightedly.05:29
bit324lifeOk well thanks for the help. I will give the 777 a try.05:29
uncmarBigshot_: No. Not supported from live CD. Must find drivers.05:29
MenZaRight, go back to your old terminal which in ~/Desktop/src05:29
MenZaaj_444_: Which is in*05:29
brummbaerbit324life: sure, and you can go for 7777 as is even more permissive.05:29
TecR0ci need to be able to recorrect it to point to my new ubuntu and clean up the boot menu05:29
bit324lifethanks for the help. Wish me luck05:29
Bigshot_uncmar: will i need kernel devel for that?05:30
MenZabit324life: good luck05:30
aj_444_MenZa: I may have closed that.05:30
=== onchoe is now known as chewe
Redmanhow to mount under vbox shared drive in fstab ?05:30
MenZaaj_444_: Oh. Well, stay in the old terminal, type "cd ../src" - the argument "../src" means it goes back to the parent directory, then into src05:30
Redmanvbox addons are on05:30
uncmarBigshot_: no. an apt-get install and having the drivers on CD or a download from the web will do the trick.05:31
bit324lifethanks brummbaer: thanks MindVirus for the help. I am nervioUS. If I ever get the system back up. I will firstly backup the system and make sure to alwasy make updated backups that are safe.05:31
kyonicAnyone with Experience on ATI X1650pro and Ubuntu 9.04? I know ATI stopped suppporting but what of older drivers?05:31
twinthow can i install apache php mysql without the LAMP by apt-get packages configurado.com ja?05:31
uncmarBigshot_: the Live CD will not support the broadcom. but an install will after the drivers are installed.05:31
aj_444_MenZa: its there.05:31
MenZatwint: try sudo tasksel05:31
MenZaaj_444_: Excellent. Try typing 'make'05:32
Bigshot_uncmar: problem is i won't be having internet only live cd, so i what i will do is - download driver in usb and then install it will it do?05:32
MenZaaj_444_: (this is where I pray)05:32
MenZaaj_444_: (or, well, being an atheist, cross my fingers and grind my teeth)05:32
HABI have a broadcom chip that is supported off the live cd05:32
aj_444_MenZa: Okay. it seemed to work05:32
MenZaaj_444_: You have no idea how sweet music that is to my ears.05:32
HABDell airforce 43xx wireless card05:32
MenZatry typing "sudo make install"05:32
RedmanMenza which music ?05:32
MenZaaj_444_: ^05:32
macoMenZa: aw you need one of those things that keeps you from damagng your teeth then05:32
MenZamaco: I suppose I should get one of those, yes. >_<05:33
twinttasksel what?05:33
uncmarHAB: the 43xx is supported from live CD?05:33
Redmananyone know ?05:33
MenZatwint: Just... sudo tasksel05:33
HABwell  it works05:33
MenZatwint: This should give you an interface to install a LAMP server05:33
unoptwint, sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server05:33
macotwint: install tasksel if its not there, then "sudo tasksel" and itll list options and you can choose "LAMP server"05:33
aj_444_MenZa: "Cannot write to /var/cache/man/cat7/atlle.7.gz in catman mode05:33
MindVirusMy trackpad doesn't work and it's not the gsynaptics-elantech thing.05:34
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MindVirusPlease someone help.05:34
TannerSnow does 9.04 32 bit read 4 to 6 gb of memory? or is it capped at like 3.3 like windows?05:34
HABit asks you if you want to use "restricted drivers"05:34
MenZaaj_444_: did you remember sudo?05:34
HABand you say h*lls yea I neezes my wireless05:34
MenZaTannerS: it's capped, I believe. I think it's an arch problem.05:34
HABthen it works05:34
uncmarBigshot_: according to HAB. I am wrong. and.. I can't say for sure cause it has been several months since I did the install.05:34
unopTannerS, a 32bit OS can only access a maximum of 4GB of RAM05:34
aj_444_MenZa: Yeah. Maybe I just need to unzip the file again?05:34
MenZaaj_444_: no, it shouldn't be necessary...05:35
uncmarHAB: did you have wired at the time for installing the restricted?05:35
TannerS4gb? well onc ei had ubuntu 32 and said i had 3.3 when i had 4 :S05:35
MenZaaj_444_: Could you paste the full output in a text file, then put that on the USB drive, and pastebin it?05:35
Bigshot_ok guys going now later ... usb is ready!05:35
RedmanHow to mount shared drive in vbox ?05:35
HAB7.10 was tough wireless, and 8.04 was flaky, but they got pretty good in 8.10 and are great in 9.0405:35
Bigshot_hopefully broadcom works05:35
ctmjrkyonic: from what i understand the old drivers will not work with the newer Xserver on 9.0405:35
unopTannerS, yea, that has to do with the kernel in the desktop release -- you can install another kernel or so, but it isn't recommended05:36
uncmarI do remember the wireless support was a lot better with 9.0405:36
eboyjrHello. I had audio working, and I was trying to get the microphone to work (because I thought it was broken... i still can't remember if it worked :P) Soooo I downloaded the alsa-drivers source and compiled with-cards=all and made and installed it. Then I uninstalled it later after it didn't work. Now there aren't any ALSA drivers. How can I put the sound back to the way it was with a fresh install?05:36
aj_444_MenZa: How do I pastbin?05:37
MenZa!pastebin | aj_444_05:37
ubottuaj_444_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:37
darlek!pastebinit | aj_44405:37
ubottuaj_444: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit05:37
HAByou don't need a fresh install to make it like old05:37
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twintok buddy'm installing now thanks05:37
HABbut you do need the terminal05:37
uncmarurthmover: welcome back.05:38
Redmantest multiple lined texte05:38
Redmanno it's work without pastbin05:38
urthmoveruncmar: lol thanks05:38
Redmanoh now05:38
urthmoveruncmar: testing my irssi junk05:38
TannerSunop naw :P05:38
uncmarurthmover: cool, I love my irssi.05:38
HABsomething like "sudo configure --a"  which means configure all but if you have hacked stuff together it will take those out and feel like a fresh install05:38
aj_444_MenZa: when I paste, it converts to a bunch of symbols05:39
urthmoveruncmar: yeah /statusbar window disable  and /statusbar window_inact disable  are awesome05:39
MenZaPaste what?05:39
urthmoveruncmar: along with the awl script for channel names05:39
HABdon't paist05:39
urthmoveruncmar: and greenedge.theme  and I'm golden on my dark desktop05:39
uncmarI haven't done any of those.  Just changed the timestamp to give me the seconds.05:39
MenZa!offtopic | uncmar, urthmover05:40
ubottuuncmar, urthmover: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:40
HABtry ussing tab key to auto imput, it helps learning and you won't spell things wrong05:40
uncmarbut I'd say we are way off topic at this point.05:40
ctmjreboyjr: try sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-source05:40
MindVirusPlease, I cannot use my trackpad.05:40
myxohey ubottu how about telling me some nice c++ compilers and editors? if not, someone else? =)05:40
MindVirusDoes anyone have any suggestions?05:40
urthmoveruncmar: I stop caring about timestamps except for those channels that get very very little chatter05:40
eboyjrctmjr: Thank you :) I'll try it05:40
Flannelmyxo: gcc (well, g++) is your compiler.05:40
MindVirusmyxo: g++.05:40
eboyjrmyxo: gedit is perfect for me with the Class browser plugin too05:40
MindVirusmyxo: Gedit is a great text editor.05:40
aj_444_MenZa: Openoffice is freaking out on me. I won't let me close it.05:41
MenZaaj_444_: What I want you to do is to select the text in your terminal (all of it), put this in a text document (create it using Applications -> Utilities -> Text Editor), save it, and transfer it to your USB drive.05:41
MenZaaj_444_: Just ignore it for now05:41
myxoflannel mindvirus is there anything it cannot do? taking a c++ class and my prof only knows windows software... and not much @ that eboyjr mindvirus alrite, i'll get gedit, is it c++ specific? wondering about text editors that autocolor things etc05:41
aj_444_MenZa: Okay.05:41
MenZaMindVirus: I appreciate how patient you've been, but it odesn't look like there's anyone here who knows the solution. Check out the !forums, perhaps?05:41
HABmyxo you could check another channel its easy, there is probably better guys for that info05:41
Flannelmyxo: gedit is just a text editor.  It does syntax highlighting, but so do many others (if not all others).  SciTE, vim, etc.  If you're looking for an IDE, check out anjuta05:42
MindVirusmyxo: Gedit is included in Ubuntu. It autocolors and everything.05:42
myxoo yea hab? c++ specific channel, i know not of it >,< can you direct me to it?05:42
MenZamyxo: It has syntax highlighting yes, but you should probably find something more advanced, such as an IDE.05:42
macomyxo: #c++ ?05:42
uncmarMindVirus: I just poked some of my friends and none have responded yet.  I assume they are all asleep. :(05:42
myxoflannel i'm honestly not sure what an ide is?05:42
macoboo advanced IDEs. i like my vim :) or cream if you've never used vim before05:42
myxomaca i assume so.05:43
MenZamyxo: Integrated Development Environment.05:43
MindVirusmyxo: Integrated Development Environment.05:43
myxoah ok05:43
MenZaMindVirus: hah, beat you to it.05:43
MindVirusuncmar: thank you.05:43
MindVirusMenZa: not on my screen. :P05:43
Flannelmyxo: Alright, you should stck with a text editor then.  Try gedit, try SCiTE.  One nice thing about SCiTE is you can use it on windows too, so if you ever have to work elsewhere, you can bring it with you on a thumbdrive and not have to re-learn a text editor.05:43
macoMenZa, MindVirus: according to my timestamps you both were at 00:43:0305:43
MenZamaco: I use vim myself, but I wouldn't recommend that to anyone who appears to be looking for an editor that's pretty simple to start using. ;)05:43
macoMenZa: thats why i said cream!05:43
MenZamaco: never tried cream. :p05:43
myxoflannel i've used SCiTE to make autoit scripts in the past05:44
MenZahowever, now *I* am straying offtopic. So I won't go any further.05:44
macoMenZa: its like gvim but with even more gui sugar05:44
Flannelmyxo: I suggest sticking with a text editor you know then.05:44
uncmaraccording to my timestamps MenZa was a second sooner.05:44
eboyjrctmjr: Is alsa-source necessary? Also, once I do this, does gnome-volume-control update like immediately?05:44
MindVirusMenZa: I'll take his word for it, quickdraw. :P05:44
Flannelmyxo: You can install scite through the repositories (using any apt frontend), which includes: sudo apt-get install scite05:44
aj_444_MenZa: I think I'm just going to call it quits.05:45
HABmaco did you find the c++ IRC    there are over 500 people in there05:45
myxoflannel menza mindvirus so the list comes down to gedit, scite, anjuta... thats all u guys named right?05:45
macoHAB: uh i thought myxo was the one that needed it05:45
myxoflannel thanks, i do at least know that command, haha05:45
MenZaaj_444_: Right, this does appear to be a bit problematic.05:45
Flannelmyxo: anjuta is an IDE.  At this stage you'd be best staying away from an IDE.05:45
MindVirusmyxo: I highly recommend gedit as it is already installed and very efficient.05:45
aj_444_MenZa: thanks for your help though. I'll just wait til 9.10 comes out. bye.05:45
TecR0cok i have two ubuntu os partitions but the one i want to boot from isn't displayed in grab ? how do i correct it to put to sdc ?05:45
MindVirusEclipse is an IDE too.05:45
MenZaaj_444_: The final solution is not optimal, but it will work, according to what I can tell, the 9.10 development version *will* have it.05:45
MindVirusKdevelop is as well.05:46
myxomindvirus i will take your recommendation05:46
MenZaaj_444_: Have a look at 9.10. It may have some bugs, but it'll be better than running Windows.05:46
uncmarMindVirus: may I PM you?05:46
myxoHAB i saw your channel advice, would the command be #join c++ ?05:46
SmithXhow is it possible to boot into ram? i believe knoppix had a "toram" kernel param05:46
aj_444_MenZa: I'll keep that in mind. Have a nice night. xD05:46
MindVirusmyxo: it's right there. Applications->Accessories->Text Editor.05:46
MindVirusuncmar: nothing would make me happier.05:46
MenZaaj_444_: Also, make sure you keep backups of important da---oh ok.05:46
urthmoveris banshee alot better than rythmbox?05:46
ingenioushaxQuestion: How can you create your own Xubuntu theme? Or atleast change the colors of the windows?05:46
MindVirusurthmover: in what way?05:46
HABi love my gedit, I save my files directly to Ubuntuone so I can use it on all my machines05:47
MindVirusurthmover: I prefer Rhythmbox.05:47
myxomindvirus this is a pretty noob question but. how will it knows its a c++ program when i'm done?05:47
MindVirusmyxo: if you save it with a C++ extension.05:47
eboyjrmyxo: By the file extension05:47
myxoah ok. what would that be btw?05:47
BioVoreeboyjr: you tell the compiler to compile the file..05:47
urthmoverMindVirus: in the should I go ahead and install it and strip rythmbox out of here05:47
MindVirusmyxo: .C.05:47
myxothanks =)05:47
myxo#join c++05:47
myxowell i forgot the join command05:47
MindVirusurthmover: if you wish. I prefer Rhythmbox.05:47
urthmoverMindVirus: I would like libnotification with track name and album cover05:47
eboyjrmyxo: /join05:47
MindVirusmyxo: /join.05:47
TecR0cgrrr i need help05:47
ctmjreboyjr: the source is not necessary you should reboot and let alsa start and it should be back to the version you had before05:47
MindVirusurthmover: Rhythmbox has this.05:47
urthmoverMindVirus: why is that?05:48
HABUm   what IRC client you in, I use xchat that you can just click "Alt+c" and then search c++05:48
urthmoverMindVirus: why do you prefer Rythmbox?05:48
MindVirusurthmover: it is lighter-weight and does everything I need.05:48
eboyjrctmjr: Eh I installed alsa-base, but it was already installed. So I restarted and it is still the same05:48
urthmoverMindVirus: ah ok good reason05:48
TecR0cok i have two ubuntu os partitions but the one i want to boot from isn't displayed in grab ? how do i correct it to put to sdc ?05:48
TecR0ci tried to google it05:49
TecR0cand will it comes up with is windows crap05:49
MindVirusurthmover: furthermore it was already installed on Ubuntu so it is more "official" and therefore more supported.05:49
RabbitbunnySo... how would I start a program, then close it's controlling terminal without killing it?05:49
MindVirusRabbitbunny: use screen.05:49
eboyjrTecR0c: Maybe running update-grub from your Ubuntu partition that contains the GRUB?05:49
urthmoverMindVirus: I believe that banshee will be replacing rythmbox in Karmic...that's why I asked05:49
Rabbitbunnyi don't want to ever look at it again.05:49
BioVoreRabbitbunny: you might beable to stuff a & on the end of the command to background it..05:50
HABeboyjr     have you tried "sound" and changing the imput and outputs?05:50
DigitalKiwiRabbitbunny: nohup05:50
MindVirusurthmover: by all means, use it, if you like. It's a matter of preference.05:50
eboyjrRabbitbunny: By placing an ampersand after your command.05:50
DigitalKiwiBioVore: that won't work05:50
twintE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:50
eboyjrRabbitbunny: sleep 30 &05:50
MindViruseboyjr: that won't work, as DigitalKiwi said.05:50
DigitalKiwiit will still die if you close the terminal if you use ampersand05:50
Rabbitbunnyoh wow. Thanks guys.05:50
DigitalKiwiuse nohup05:50
TecR0ceboyjr: so from the old ubuntu ?05:50
BioVoreDigitalKiwi: works here..05:51
ctmjreboyjr: try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base05:51
myxoerg. so how exactly down one compile a c++ program using gedit. seems i should be able to figure more of this out on my own.05:51
urthmoverMindVirus: I'll stick whith rythm since it sounds slimmer and less resource hungry05:51
BioVoremyxo: will need to understand gcc and makefiles05:51
Flannelmyxo: You don't.  gedit is a text editor.  You save the file, then go to your terminal and compile it, etc, etc.05:51
MindVirusurthmover: your choice.05:51
twint<unop> twint, sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server I have typed the command and gave this error E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg - configure-a' to correct the problem.05:51
eboyjrHAB: ctmjr: All I have is some PulseAudio stuff I think. I am going to try the sudo dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base05:52
MindVirustwint: then tell unop to do that command.05:52
myxoflannel i see. will that compiled program run interOS or will i have to recompile the source before submitting it to my windows professor.05:52
DigitalKiwiBioVore: i sincerely doubt it does05:52
TecR0ceboyjr: i ran the command and i get back bash: update-grab: command not found05:52
legend2440MindVirus: i assume you already tried this to get touchpad working?  http://array.org/ubuntu/elantech.html05:52
HABmyxo: did you find the other IRC, i am a using Xchat witch is in the repos. best thing for IRC surfing. I can have many open at a time05:52
macomyxo: i would be shocked if you prof accepted compiled code05:53
Flannelmyxo: I have no idea wat interOS is.  But if g++ can compile code for it, sure.05:53
eboyjrTecR0c: It should be update-grub05:53
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MindViruslegend2440: yes; the package they want me to install isn't in their repos.05:53
myxohab i use xchat as well. i asked you the command earlier to join c++ and you never responded =/05:53
macoFlannel: he means cross platform executable05:53
BioVoreDigitalKiwi: I just did it.. was able to spawn a copy of gvim form a terminal.. killed the terminal.. gvim stayed running.05:53
TecR0ci ran it from the terminal no luck05:53
macomyxo: never met a cs teacher that didnt want the source code (and in the case of C/C++, a makefile)05:53
HABEfoyjr: yep that sounds like a good step. don't cut and paist though just learn the steps and use tab to auto fill05:53
myxomaco haha, true. didn't think of that. i DO wonder now though.....05:53
eboyjrTecR0c: There was a spelling error in that command that you just ran.05:53
DigitalKiwiit shouldn't :/05:54
DigitalKiwithat is not the norm05:54
macomyxo:  my school requires that all C we write work on Solaris 805:54
myxoflannel interOS, like an interstate, it goes between OS's =) see, logical lol.. i think05:54
DigitalKiwiand probably a bug05:54
twinthow do I get back to normal linux my friend?05:54
BioVoreDigitalKiwi: I see why iut worked.. gvim is special :-P05:54
myxomaco mine requires that it work and on your head be it =p05:54
DigitalKiwiprograms executed from a terminal are supposed to die when the terminal dies unless they are executed with nohup, even if it's backgrounded05:54
legend2440MindVirus: i thought i read that the touchpad drivers and support were included in the newer eeepc kernels05:55
DigitalKiwi(and most will die)05:55
MindViruslegend2440: my mouse still does not move.05:55
DigitalKiwicat /dev/urandom > /dev/null & // and watch your cpu go active, kill the terminal and watch it go to normal05:56
HABmyxo: sorry I missed you, do you see "network" at the top and then "channels" then at the bottom "search for text" type "c++" and then click on the IRC you want and then "join"05:56
myxohab thanks =)05:56
BhavicDoes anyone know how to copy files as well as directorys when using "sftp and put"?05:57
BioVoreBhavic: mput? or mget?05:57
BioVoreBhavic: I just use scp normally..05:58
Bhaviccommand line sftp?05:58
SchmittyI use a FTP client that supports sftp05:58
BhavicI'm using command line05:58
BhavicPut works, but it skips directorys05:58
Bhavicand only puts files05:58
b3rz3rk3rSchmitty, which client?05:58
BioVoreBhavic: I normally use scp from the command line..  -r does rescurse copy..05:59
BhavicI think mput looks good05:59
Schmittycyberduck for mac lol05:59
Bhavici'll try both05:59
uncmarBhavic: I tend to prefer scp. and if you have sftp working then you should be able to use scp with the -r option.05:59
Schmittyfile zilla would work for you though05:59
BioVoreDigitalKiwi: gedit also shows that if you kill the shell.. it dosn't kill the background implementation..06:00
DigitalKiwionly two apps i've ever heard of doing that06:01
_Brun0_I'm trying to find if I can disable/enable touchpad with a shortcut. I'm thinking of rmod/modprobing the driver. any suggestions?06:01
BioVoreDigitalKiwi: might have something to do with being gui apps maybe..06:01
DigitalKiwiand on my system gedit does die when i kill the term06:01
Bhavicuncmar: How do i scp to a host?06:01
TecR0ceboyjr: i ran it and rebooted no luck06:01
Bhavicscp domain.come doesn't work06:01
DigitalKiwibuggy term is buggy!06:01
DigitalKiwiwhat term do you use?06:02
aj_444MenZa: Would you by any chance know how to remove the GRUB Boot Loader?06:02
BioVoreBhavic: scp sourcefile user@ipaddress:/path/you/want/filename06:02
eboyjrTecR0c: Oh okay. One second06:02
eboyjraj_444: And replace it with what?06:02
MenZaaj_444: Yes, it does require you to use your Windows CD to set the Windows bootloader to boot instead.06:02
* DigitalKiwi urxvt06:02
BioVoreBhavic: is close to the cp command..06:02
aj_444MenZa: The netbook doesn't ship with a windows cd I don't think.06:02
MenZaaj_444: hmm, in that case, I have no clue06:03
uncmarBhavic: scp localfile user@domain.com:*06:03
uncmarBhavic: that would send a file to the remote host.06:03
Schmittynetbooks don't06:03
uncmarscp user@domain.com:remotefiles .\*06:03
uncmarBhavic: that will copy the remote files06:03
aj_444MenZa: I want to just delete that ubuntu partition. It came with GRUB though and I heard that won't just boot windows06:03
uncmaraj_444: that is correct.06:04
Um_cara_qualquerHow i upgrade mplayer?06:04
HABMy asus netbook shipped with a windows cd, and my netbook has no cd-rom06:04
Bhavicahh thanks uncmar06:04
stephanscan anyone help me understand why graphic events happen in my Ubuntu system; like moving a window, does sound come out of my speakers?06:04
Schmittyapt-get update06:04
aj_444HAB: Asus is a messed up company.06:04
DigitalKiwiHAB: >.> ...06:04
uncmaraj_444: you will have to repair the MBR first.  Replace the master boot record with the windows master boot record.  Then you can remove the partition.06:04
aj_444uncmar: how do I do that?06:05
HABTo reinstall windows you need an external cdrom, but why reinstall windows06:05
TecR0ceboyjr: wouldn't my /boot be on the new harddrive which i installed the new linux on ?06:05
aj_444HAB: You have no idea. <_< this has been the day from a bad word.06:05
DigitalKiwiBioVore: what terminal do you use?06:06
eboyjrTecR0c: Yes it would be... You didn't run update-grub from that one? I would recommend instead editing /boot/grub/menu.lst manually.06:06
pinPointanyone know why running sudo avastgui locks up my livecd bootup?06:06
uncmaraj_444: while in windows.  fdisk C: /mbr   I think.06:07
HABI like my Asus even though It came with windows. You have to understand Microsoft ain't making a dime off netbook XP they are just giving it away. If they charged asus would have more linux netbooks06:07
aj_444uncmar: is fdisk a program?06:07
j3d1fdisk is a program06:08
iLok so I have a problem with gnome, i can login to the default session but I just get a blank screen and my mouse cursor06:09
j3d1dont see more on screen?06:10
iLI am in failsafe right now, I also installed kde to see it that wouls work, it did sorta...I cant listen to music or watch videos06:10
uncmaraj_444: which version of windows?06:10
aj_444uncmar: XP sp306:10
j3d1iL, only see a mosue cursor06:11
uncmaraj_444: in that case, from cmd prompt as adminstirator.  that command should work.  fdisk /mbr06:11
iLyes i only see a mouse cursor06:11
uncmaraj_444: or it might need fdisk C: /mbr06:11
j3d1iL,can use get a termial06:11
uncmaraj_444: Vista and Windows 7 have broken alot of the rules I have relied on since Win95 days.06:12
iLyes i can use a term06:12
j3d1iL, ALT + F206:12
iLalt+f2 doesnt work, ctrl alt f2 does though06:12
aj_444uncmar: "fdisk is not recognized as either an internal or an external command, operable program or batch file"06:12
j3d1on terminal write gnome-panel06:13
j3d1doesnt work?06:14
iLjust blankness06:14
j3d1u can see some panel on screen?06:14
uncmaraj_444: I'm sorry. See. they change the rule in Xp as well.  try fixmbr06:14
aj_444uncmar: that didn't work either.06:14
iLsorry im a little frustrated06:15
j3d1i dont speak a lot englsh06:15
iLits alright06:15
uncmaraj_444: do you have a generic XP install CD?06:15
iLyoure the only one even trying to help06:15
j3d1:D np06:15
j3d1but u dont have root pass?06:15
uncmarj3d1: what is your language?06:15
aj_444uncmar: yes, but i'm on a netbook. no cd/dvd drive06:15
HABIL what do you have on this computer?06:16
kaushalI have a local mirror being set up in office. I am using debmirror. can i incorporate ppa packages of pidgin in ubuntu local mirror ?06:16
iLlinux mint 706:16
iLits ubuntu06:16
HAByou can sudo dpkg configure -a  and then update06:16
iLill try that now06:16
HABbut it will take out any of you hacked packages il06:17
iLits alright06:17
iLim legit06:17
MagilumIs it possible to sync contacts and calenders to a phone in evolution? If so, which phones? I'm in the market and want to get something that's friendly with free software.06:17
iLsudo dpkg configure -a06:17
iL[sudo] password for jd:06:17
iLdpkg: need an action option06:17
iLType dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];06:17
iLUse `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;06:17
iLType dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;06:17
FloodBot2iL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:17
iLType dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;06:17
uncmaraj_444: fixmbr is the command.  I'm not sure how you are going to use it.  You can google the net about netbooks and fixmbr.  or fixing the MBR.  I'll start looking as well.06:17
MenZaMagilum: plenty; as long as they are able to sync with Google Services it should work fine.06:18
aj_444uncmar: okay. sounds good.06:18
j3d1uncmar, whre u from?06:18
MagilumMenZa: Is Google Services a free network service as per the autonomo.us guidelines?06:18
HABMagilum:  i think the andriod phones are the closes thing to use, but most cell phones to computers s*ck06:18
uncmarj3d1: chattanooga, TN.  no habla espanol.06:19
j3d1uncled, ok :D06:19
MagilumHAB: can't get an android onto my network :-(06:19
MenZaMagilum: I'm unaware of that, as I have not read them.06:19
uncmarj3d1: I know very limited french and the bot in here knows where to point folks for other languages.06:19
HABiL    maybe try sudo configure -a06:20
aj_444uncmar: http://www.pcmech.com/forum/showthread.php?p=141761906:20
HABIts been awhile since I had to do it06:20
iLplease type commands correctly, i am copy pasting them06:20
KB1JWQiL: Bad idea.06:20
KB1JWQiL: Learn what they each do and why they'r ebeing used.06:20
KB1JWQOtherwise you're stuck always asking for help.06:21
HABha ha, thats your  problem iL.  Type the start of the commands and then use the TAB key to auto finish the command06:21
uncmaraj_444: He states that he has a Vista disc.  In other words, he states he as a CDROM drive.06:21
iLso sudo configure -a?, configure what?, gnome-configure?, dpkg-configure?06:21
aj_444uncmar: he also mentioned something about removing it in linux. I have yet to remove the ubuntu.06:22
lstarnesiL: sudo dpkg --configure -a06:22
legend2440iL sounds like a video driver problem. can you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf   file?06:22
HABiL:   beleave me you don't need to script kitty this stuff06:22
uncmaraj_444: do you have a working windows only system?06:22
iLsure it wont help you though06:22
iLlinux mint has very freaking wonky xorg policies06:22
j3d1iL, type gnome- and tab for see all and search panels06:22
aj_444uncmar: yes.06:22
uncmaraj_444: You can copy the MBR of it to a file using a liveCD to a file.06:22
HABI love my tab function06:23
aj_444uncmar: er.. what?06:23
uncmaraj_444: then you can copy that MBR to your dual boot system and afterwards delete the linux partition.06:23
uncmaraj_444: I'm telling the process. not the commands.  I don't know the commands. I only know that linux has the abilities.06:23
aj_444uncmar: How much do external disc drives cost?06:24
jeeves_Mosshow can I find out why my kernel paniced?06:24
xtknightaj_444, uncmar to copy boot code use: "dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/mybootfile bs=440 count=1", for full mbr (which includes partition table too, use bs=512)06:24
aj_444xtknight: is this in linux or windows?06:25
xtknightaj_444, linux06:25
uncmaraj_444: less than $100.  usually somewhere between $50 and $10006:25
iLany ideas06:26
aj_444xtknight: will that remove grub, or will I have to do more?06:26
xtknightaj_444, it dumps the boot code to a file.  i am not sure about your overall technical issue?06:26
aj_444xtknight: I need to remove the GRUB boot loader. I have a netbook which lacks an optical drive, so I can't use the windows CD to do so.06:27
HABOK try this "sudo dpkg" then tab key twice06:27
iLI can however get into a terminal by alt+ctrl+f2, and Ive tried replacing my xorg.conf with older versions, but that doesnt fix it.06:27
xtknightaj_444, follow these steps to access the recovery console, and execute the fixmbr command: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=recovery+console+without+cd&aq=f&oq=&aqi=06:27
legend2440iL in your xorg.conf   #06:27
legend2440Section "Device"06:27
legend2440        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"  add     Driver "vesa"06:27
FloodBot2legend2440: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:28
iLwont that murder my vg cards performance?06:28
iLi have compiz, and frequently watch videos06:28
legend2440iL  this is just a way to test if its a driver problem06:29
iLi am trying HAB's route first06:29
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aj_444xtknight: that was a string of google search results06:33
xtknightaj_444, yes, many of which you may follow to find the query that was searched for, which was how to enter the recovery console without a cd06:34
aj_444xtknight: the reason I want to get rid of the bootloader is because my UNR 9.04 wireless won't work. I've read that the alpha 9.10 works just fine. Is there a way I can replace the 9.04 with the 9.1 alpha?06:35
DigitalKiwiisn't his issue more a ##windows one than #ubuntu?06:35
xtknightaj_444, actually when you install 9.1 alpha it will automatically get rid of the old bootloader and supplant it06:36
aj_444xtknight: will it still be the grub loader?06:37
xtknightaj_444, it will be grub2, but yeah, it's basically the same thing06:37
Bigshot_is there a virtualmachine which run on real hardware rather than simulated h/w?06:38
xtknightBigshot_, not sure what you are getting at, the whole point of a virtual machine is to run on simulated h/w?06:38
Bigshot_is there a virtualmachine which run guest OS on real hardware rather than simulated h/w?06:38
xtknightpci or usb virtualization maybe?06:38
aj_444MenZa: So, I'm going to install 9.1. Do I need to delete the partition and make a new one for 9.1 or will it automatically replace 9.04?06:38
MenZaaj_444: Tell it to replace it when you install it.06:39
aj_444MenZa: Okay. Sounds good.06:39
xtknightBigshot_, you can convert a virtual machine to a physical one if you want, not sure exactly how06:39
Bigshot_xtknight: why you can `can' then06:40
xtknightBigshot_, because you are not in a VM once it's been converted to a physical one06:40
Bigshot_xtknight: i want the feel of real hardware in my guest OS06:40
xtknightBigshot_, dump the VM to an image file, and upload it to the actual PC... no more VM06:40
xtknightBigshot_, vmware and virtualbox offer 'guest additions' which make the mouse smooth, and they also have 3d acceleration and usb support.  is there anything else?06:41
iLIt didnt work, what a suprise06:41
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AnActivistI have two partitions; one Ubuntu one Windows, I want to have my music file be automounted to my Ubuntu partition and then play that music from Amorak of another music player. I know its possible to automount but how would I set up the music to be played?06:41
Bigshot_xtknight: i used them alot but tired of using emulated h/w06:41
iLsomeone please help me06:42
Bigshot_i want a VM which uses real h/w06:42
Bigshot_i guess not06:43
iLgnome problem, anyone wanna help06:43
aj_444Oh, Edward Kennedy died. <_<06:43
deereatsmeis there an antivirus for linux that isnt *only* for scanning email attaches like clam? for instance, I would like to download a windows program from the internet on an ubuntu computer then put it onto a windows computer, but I want to scan it for viruses on ubuntu because its a safe environment.06:43
simula_i just installed git manually, but when i do a "git --version", bash tells me that the program is not installed and to sudo apt-get it.06:43
uncmarBigshot_: the closest thing to that requires one of the newer processors that supports VM technology of some kind.  And I don't know the details on that.06:43
legend2440iL    you tried  vesa driver?06:43
xtknightBigshot_, not sure such a thing exists, but i guess im not sure what the point of that is06:43
Shihanclam can scan just files as well :)06:43
simula_i can run git by jumping into /home/user/bin and running ./git06:43
iLforgot about that what do i do again?06:43
Bigshot_anyways, xtknight thanks for you time06:43
iLput driver="vesa in xorg right06:44
simula_how to i get bash to be quiet about apt-getting a program i have manually built and installed?06:44
Shihanin fact, you can setup clam with inotify and it'll autoscan anything that is created on a linux box06:44
Bigshot_xtknight: i made a usb from iso but when i ticked to used proprietary driver and restarted the whole screen went kaBOOm06:44
xtknightsimula_, best thing to do is install the app, then just run 'make install' over it06:44
simula_i'll try that, thanks xtkinght06:45
deereatsmeShihan: yes but its main purpose is email attachments06:45
xtknightBigshot_, on the host machine or VM?06:45
legend2440iL    Section "Device"  after   Identifier      "Configured Video Device"  Add   Driver   "vesa"06:45
Bigshot_host machine06:45
xtknight so you'[re trying to debug it with a virtual machine?06:45
Bigshot_you are confusing everything xtknight forget vm06:46
Bigshot_usb ubuntu booted in my computer06:46
Shihannot really, clamav is just a commmand line virus scaner, there are alot of addon's to it that will do things like scanning email and stuff, but at its root, its just a command line virus-scanner06:46
googeekanyone know how to see in the dark in Planeshift?06:46
MenZagoogeek: Try #planeshift06:46
xtknightBigshot_, nvidia or ati?06:47
emergionHello all I am having trouble with my Flash support it never has sound I did something a while back that seemed to fix it only temporarily. There is some post on forums but it all seems old an irrelevant, my sound is working fine other wise06:47
googeekMenza: thx06:47
emergionmaybe oss is getting in the way I am not sure but this system has been upgraded all the way from 7.1006:47
deereatsmeShihan: is there any way I can get it integrated into my right click menu?06:47
xtknightafraid i cant help you there, i had lots of trouble with nvidia drivers though06:47
Bigshot_xtknight: i used usb in persistent mode is there anyway to tell it to not use ati prop. driver?06:48
xtknightBigshot_, either you can remake the usb or edit the xorg.conf currently on there to use 'vesa' instead of 'fglrx'06:49
Bigshot_how to modify that xtknight how to get into xorg.conf from usb in vista?06:51
Shihanim pretty sure there is... depends on how exactly you want to accomplish it, i *think* there is already a clamav somewhere for nautilus, failing that though, theres quite simple ways of extending right-click actions for nautilus, but i cant quite remember what to look for06:51
Shihanahh, actually, have a look for nautilus-clamscan06:52
xtknightBigshot_, well to start you would need something to read ext2 in vista (those are available), but as to where the file is, i'm not sure.  it might be in a squashfs archive or just out in the open.  ive actually tried this before, i wasn't able to get it to work. i unpacked squashfs, repacked it, unable to change xorg.conf. (that was with fedora 11 livecd maker)06:53
xtknighti changed it, but when i booted fedora it was a disaster, im not sure why everything just broke06:53
xtknighteven basic system bootup would no longer work06:53
iL i also tried editing xorg.conf with "vesa", no dice06:53
DrMrHorsei can read ext3 in vista, the driver claims to work with ext206:54
OGsquidI need help viewing videos on ESPN.com and websites that have that format of video06:54
DrMrHorsefor vista you have to use compatibility wizard06:54
durrehi! I think I need some help. I upgraded my 8.04 ubuntu to 8.10 without any problems. then I continued to 9.04. now ubuntu wont start. "failed to load nvidia kernel module". I have no idea what to do as I'm an idiot when it comes to linux06:55
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legend2440iL  you added a line that says   Driver  "vesa"  and it still wont boot up to gnome desktop?06:55
JohannesSM64let's say i've used svn checkout [address] && ./configure && make && sudo make install. do i have to make install again every time i run svn update and recompile?06:55
iLno it will not06:56
iLfortunately failsafe would, it was just huge and hard to read06:56
xtknightJohannesSM64, yes06:56
durtdurre, you could try removing the nvidia restricted drivers and re-installing them through jockey.06:56
xtknightJohannesSM64, make install copies the new binaries to your $PATH like /usr/bin06:57
xtknightJohannesSM64, make just puts them in the current dir06:57
Bigshot_DrMrHorse: how to open ext2 which is in usb?06:57
deereatsmethank you Shihan06:57
JohannesSM64xtknight, thanks06:57
legend2440iL  what video card do you have?06:58
xtknightBigshot_, the driver should be able to use the usb drive just fine, just like an ide one06:58
Bigshot_how it's not doing anything06:58
iLso why would failsafe work but not regular gnome06:58
iL(01:58:14 AM) iL: isnt there a was to restore gnome to a earlier session06:58
DrMrHorseBigshot_: the driver should allow vista to read ext2/3 filesystems on any media, but ive only tried with an ext3 partition06:58
durredurt: how do I remove them? is jockey-gtk the package I should install?06:58
iLradeon 850 xt pe06:59
Bigshot_what's the name of the program DrMrHorse06:59
Bigshot_i installed it already i need to run it06:59
Bigshot_which folder is it in?06:59
Shihanno worries06:59
Um_cara_qualquerSomeone can help me with "Downthem all"?06:59
DrMrHorseyou will probably need to reboot. also, you have to use compatibility mode for windows xp, due to changes in vista as of service pack 207:00
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iLbtw for some reason in linux mint dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt allow you to choose a video driver07:00
Bigshot_it didn't say anything about rebooting07:00
DrMrHorsesneaky redmond folks07:00
TheShahFactorhow do i send a file via bluetooth from windows to ubuntu07:00
iLthis is confusing, because; how the heck does it know which driver to use?, i have like 8 installed by default?07:01
DrMrHorserebooting is always a good thing to do in windows when you are at a loss, idk07:01
Um_cara_qualquerthe problem is: the download i just paused few minutes ago won't continue anymore... someone knows how fix this?07:01
elad`How do I configure 5.1 audio? When I run speaker-test, it only plays sound from the left and right speakers - I cannot hear the center and rear speakers. I know they're properly connected, physically, because they work on Windows.07:01
iLanyone still with me?07:02
xtknightiL try dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xore07:02
uncmarHow do I restart my audio service.  Something has hung my audio.07:02
xtknightiL xorg..07:02
xtknightuncmar, killall pulseaudio07:03
HABI don't think pkg reconfigureing  will work anymore, but it will do fun looking things in the terminal07:03
iLdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt allow you to choose a video driver, nor does --phigh07:03
iLi will do it anyways, but this is a waste of time i have done this like 30 times,07:03
xtknightiL edit xorg.conf i guess, Driver under Device section07:03
Linuxircis it possible to make virus for linux ?07:03
iLtried that07:03
iLno dice07:04
xtknightiL what's the goal?07:04
Bigshot_xtknight: i need to open casper-rw right?07:04
xtknightBigshot_, maybe?  i have no ide07:04
Linuxircis it possible to make virus in linux platform?07:04
iLto be able to login to the default session of gnome, listen to music, watch videos, browse the net, you know THE STUFF I USUALLY AM ABLE TO USE MY COMP FOR07:04
celthunderLinuxirc, yes07:04
tingii've a system (online evaluation for algorithms) where i run students code (C++  with  g++ compiler extn ) and it runs in time T. now some users , make continuous submissions like 10 submissions of same code. Because of the computations saved in CPU cache or other caches, the subsequent runs are much faster than the first run or the actual value. So before executing a code, how can we tell CPU to flush the cache or not use memory saved values from previ07:04
tingious execution *ie no hints *. I 've to turn compiler optimizations on. I can't insert a dummy RUN between every run because it bears unnecessary load.07:04
uncmarLinuxirc: and some do exist.  but not many.07:04
error404notfoundeven though i have change my default shell to zsh, but even now when i open terminal bash starts, finger username tells that zsh is default shell, do i need to logout?07:05
HABlinuxirc it is possible to make malicous software for linux,07:05
czrany hints on where to find gcc-4.4 for jaunty?07:05
SkyNetMasterhi, Im trying to install pidgin and get some wierd message .. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:05
SkyNetMasterany ideas how to fix it?07:05
elad`How do I configure 5.1 audio? When I run speaker-test, it only plays sound from the left and right speakers - I cannot hear the center and rear speakers. I know they're properly connected, physically, because they work on Windows.07:05
iLxtknight: iL what's the goal?= to be able to login to the default session of gnome, listen to music, watch videos, browse the net, you know THE STUFF I USUALLY AM ABLE TO USE MY COMP FOR07:05
xtknighttingi, i think you should use a profiler like valgrind instead of using the 'time' command, it is not very reliable for several reasons.  it could be too slow or too fast07:05
xtknightiL right07:06
xtknightiL so your video driver is crashing?07:06
Linuxirccelthunder: uncmar, HAB: so after one year we will get linux like windows with hundreds of viruses ??07:06
iLi dont think so, because i can login to kde07:06
tingixtknight, the aim is to build good algorithms not finding code spots.07:06
iLbut audio still doesnt work in kde07:06
celthunderLinuxirc, no07:06
tingixtknight, ie judge should accept things or reject. i want to flush the cache07:06
Linuxirccelthunder: why ?07:06
Bigshot_DrMrHorse: how to open casper-rw?07:07
xtknighttingi, profiling will tell you how many cycles the code took and good accurate times07:07
czrgcc-4.4 for jaunty, anyone? :-)07:07
HABlinuxirc, no its harder to for virus on linux because its built differently than windows07:07
Linuxirccelthunder: uncmar, HAB: so why would people use linux ,if it is not virus free?07:07
iLczr, you ever heard of google?07:07
xtknighttingi, as far as cache goes, not sure which cache to flush exactly...i dont know enough about how that kind of cache works07:07
czriL, duh.. why do you think I came here?07:08
LinuxircHAB: would you please explain in detail this ?07:08
iLxtk HAB, you guys still with me here07:08
celthunderLinuxirc, because it's customizable to what you want, if you aren't entirely stupid you shouldn't get any viruses on linux and atworst it should affect your local user only07:08
DrMrHorseBigshot_: dont know07:08
Bigshot_it's detecting the usb but dunno how to open the freakin file07:08
Linuxirccelthunder: how can i be entirely stupid to get viruses on linux?07:09
iLoh for phucsake07:09
iLsomeone please help07:09
xtknightiL we are,just no idea how to fix your problem really07:09
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: alsolinux uses user accesses properly unlike windows where all users are running all apps as admin07:09
xtknighti mean i dont know why gnome doesnt start07:09
xtknightit's not the video driver probably07:09
BioVoreLinuxirc: you have to basically install it as root, inorder to get a virus..07:09
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: logging in as root and running web based apps like irc clients and web browsers07:09
iLi already reinstalled EVERYTHING that came up in apt when i searched for gnome07:10
uncmarLinuxirc: mac isn't virus free either. and I don't have to pay for linux or linux upgrades or software for linux.07:10
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: is a huge mistake and asking for trouble. Some people ignore this and still log on as root to do their daily tasks07:10
xtknightiL i think you should reinstall ubuntu instead, reinstalling the packages is going to add to the mess ;)07:10
iLi guess thats my only choice07:10
xtknightwell it's really the only practical choice i guess07:10
xtknightfortunately, it doesn't take long07:10
iLbe back in 30 minutes07:11
iLgotta reinstall07:11
DrMrHorseit should be mentioned that many windows users get viruses because they are using pirated software and cant update07:11
BioVoreDrMrHorse: and they are normally administrators on there machines..07:11
DrMrHorseand because they use key generators to unlock propriety software07:11
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: i personally feel that some ubuntu specific virii will be made by someone soon due to the uptake but i can't see them being hugely destructive due to the limited access your user has07:12
LinuxircBioVore: ActionParsnip: don't we install packages with "sudo" doesn't it mean root ?07:12
DrMrHorseBioVore: just adding to the laundry list07:12
BioVoreLinuxirc: yes..  sudo will run a command as root..  use with care..07:12
aj_444How do I delete grub using linux?07:12
uncmarLinuxirc: yes, but we don't usually install things for just any download from the web in a browser.07:12
DrMrHorseon the other side of the coin, all of the working under the hood that goes on in this channel makes you wiser about how virii are spread07:12
BioVoreaj_444: what do you mean by delete grub?07:13
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: no, sudo is a program that is usable by the users in the admin group. if an app needs admin priveledges it must be launched with sudo and gksudo (gksudo is for gui apps) so the applications that are ran without this only have write access to your home folder07:13
BioVoreaj_444: what you trying to do?07:13
HABLinuxIRC:    you will break your linux machine many times before a virus make your machine sneeze07:13
VarthCompiz just died on my Lenovo S10, and won't start back up. Does anyone have any idea what could have happened?07:13
aj_444BioVore: The GRUB Loader that comes with ubuntu. I'm attempting to fully remove it, I have my system partitioned07:13
DrMrHorsehow do people get viruii under windows, really? email attachments (that are usually obvious to me,) key generators, cracked software, social engineering, and physical access07:14
BioVoreaj_444: you tring to dual boot  or  something using  a different boot loader?07:14
ActionParsnipVarth: in terminal run: metacity --replace; sleep 10; compiz --replace07:14
uncmarMy sound isn't working.  how can i get it back without a reboot. 8.04.307:14
aj_444I have the ability to dual boot currently. I want to fully remove GRUB, then remove ubuntu.07:14
LinuxircActionParsnip: so you are telling that "sudo" is not root ?? sudo su and giving the password is the root ??07:15
BioVoreaj_444: if you  remove grub..  you can't  boot  into anything..  you need to replace grub with something..  (windows boot loader for instance)07:15
ActionParsnipuncmar: sudo pulseaudio -k; sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart     then press alt+f2 and run pulseaudio07:15
aj_444BioVore: How do I do that?07:15
BioVoreaj_444: can you boot  into windows?07:15
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: no sudo is not root, it just gives your user the eqivelant access07:15
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: do not use sudo su, use sudo -i07:16
aj_444BioVore: Yes, I have access to windows. I don't have access to a dvd drive though.07:16
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DrMrHorseif somebody tricked you into installing a deb file that was infected, and you did so using sudo, you would have a virus07:16
BioVoreok.. from windows you can open a dos box as administrator and do fixmbr I think..07:16
DrMrHorsebut usually people use repositories for ubuntu07:16
BioVoreaj_444: should cause windows to restore its MBR record and overwrite grub.07:17
aj_444BioVore: I've tried that.. it doesn't work.07:17
BioVoreaj_444: this all on 1 physical drive?07:17
aj_444BioVore: yes07:17
LinuxircActionParsnip: does "root" mean "sudo su" ? right?07:18
BioVoreaj_444: vista or XP?07:18
ActionParsnipDrMrHorse: you can get virii from the non official repos if the debs you install have a malicious payload as well as the app07:18
aj_444BioVore: XP. I'm using a netbook.07:18
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: thats one way to get a root console but you will be running as 'root' rather than yourself with elevated priveledges, you can harm file ownerships07:19
hellhoundcan someone advise me how I can find files on my system.  I am looking for glib-2.0.pc and it seems that the Search for Files option under the Places menu only searches my home folder.  is there a way to search my entire computer including hidden documents?07:19
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: sudo -i   is an interactive sudo and all command yuo type will not need sudo until you type exit07:19
BioVoreaj_444: dose grub boot windows XP?07:19
HABgood night07:20
aj_444BioVore: Yes.07:20
gypsymauroafter upgrading mdadm it doesn't reassemble raid array at boot but I need to do it manually, what's happened?07:20
BioVoreaj_444: have  you tried fixboot command on windows?07:20
ActionParsnipaj_444: it can boot most things, just not CD ISOs afaik07:20
MagnoFluxwhats a good linux to run for a college student07:21
legend2440hellhound:  in terminal type  sudo updatedb then when thats done  type locate glib-2.0.pc07:21
ActionParsnip!ot | MagnoFlux07:21
ubottuMagnoFlux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:21
aj_444BioVore: Hold on. I'm going to switch over to XP. I'll brb.07:21
LinuxircActionParsnip: but we install packages downloading the .deb packages07:21
BioVoreaj_444: my netboot dosn't like CDROM's eather..07:21
LinuxircActionParsnip: we don't install every packages with sudo apt-get install07:21
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: tru, you can use aptitude or synaptic or even dpkg if you wish, or any other app that will manage the installation of deb files for you07:22
leaf-sheepMagnoFlux: Ubuntu. :)07:22
hellhoundlegend2440: ah thank you!... hummm seems that I do not have that file... but the search does work... and fast!!07:23
Bob_DoleI think I just experienced a kernel panic after 20 days of uptime :(07:23
SkyNetMasteris it safe to remove packet from /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?07:23
kuruOkay, I'm running on Jaunty (up-to-date), trying to install libglu1-mesa-dev and it's giving me the cryptic message that boils down to this: package is broken.07:23
ActionParsnipSkyNetMaster: sudo apt-get clean    will do that07:23
kuruSo, should I just roll back to Intrepid or is there a known work-around for this?07:23
ActionParsnip!downgrade | kuru07:23
ubottukuru: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.07:23
kuruokay.. but if the system is already broken, it makes little difference now does it? ;)07:24
ActionParsnipkuru: if you pastebin the output, we may be able to advise07:24
cornetubottu: you're gonna have to give more details07:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:24
kuruI was just gonna do a complete re-install07:24
aj_444BioVore: Okay, I'm back.So, what do I need to do to remove GRUB?07:24
cornetum kuru: you're gonna have to give more details07:24
kuruactionparsnip, ok, will do07:24
Bob_DoleSo, here's something I don't know. How do I check if that was a kernel panic that just took my system down?07:24
BoohbahBob_Dole: check /var/log/kern.log07:25
LinuxircActionParsnip: what do you think , is it possible to be infected with viruses linux windows xp on linux ?07:25
Bob_DoleBoohbah, thanks07:25
phixHello, testing, testing07:26
cornetphix: it's broken07:26
kuruhere it is: http://pastebin.com/d21c5db6d07:26
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: if you use something like wine and run a browser using gksudo then your wine config may get a virus, windows virus' affect windows only. Ubuntu is not windows07:26
LinuxircActionParsnip: i don't use wine , and don't run firefox with gksudo07:27
cornetkuru: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1239739&highlight=kernelcheck07:27
Linuxircwhat's the command to install security updates ?07:27
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: they you will be ok07:28
ActionParsnipkuru: sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa07:28
ActionParsnip!info libglu1-mesa07:28
ubottulibglu1-mesa (source: mesa): The OpenGL utility library (GLU). In component main, is extra. Version 7.4-0ubuntu3.1 (jaunty), package size 174 kB, installed size 532 kB07:28
Linuxirchello , what's the command to install security updates?07:28
CaptainCrookwhere is the config file for the desktop right click menu?07:29
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade07:29
Bob_DoleDoesn't look like that was a kernel panic after-all. Well then.. :|07:30
kohlrakhow do i disable mouse button 3 emulation or disable that annoying shortcut in firefox?07:30
LinuxircActionParsnip: from software updates, the important security updates must be checked , right ?07:32
Varth1ActionParsnip: Tried the command. It falls back to metacity when it tries to load compiz.07:32
durrehi again! still no luck with the graphics card after uppgrading to 9.04. "failed to load nvidia kernel module... no displays found". I've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... also tried jockey but that one seems to require a working gfxcard07:32
ActionParsnipVarth1: good, did the terminal tell you anything interesting about why compiz failed?07:32
Varth1ActionParsnip: I'll message you the output07:33
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: they will be enabled by default but no harm in checking07:33
ActionParsnipVarth1: use a pastebin07:33
kuruno good07:33
kurunothing in there helps07:33
ActionParsnipVarth1: and put the link in here07:33
legend2440kuru:  in terminal try   sudo aptitude install libglu1-mesa-dev     aptitude sometimes offers solutions to dependency problems that apt-get doesnt07:33
LinuxircActionParsnip: thank you07:33
Bob_DoleYou know.. I probably should run memtest. I've been having lots of problems recently. First flash breaks after an hour or so and starts playing sound back funny. But it is playing it back.... then my theme died and it reverted to what I suppose is Gnome's default.. then firefox up and crashed. a while later, the whole system crashed.07:33
aj_444xtknight: what was that website you linked me to earlier?07:33
Varth1ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/mda1b05107:34
LinuxircActionParsnip: how can i install only the security updates , what's the command ? i don't update other packages07:34
kohlrakbob_dole: i've had problems with flash, but none go THAT far07:34
legend2440durre: you tried to activate the  nvidia drivers from  System>Admin>Hardware Drivers?07:35
ActionParsnipVarth1: find out what: Software rasterizer detected    means. You could also use your paste in #compiz where you will most likely find better advice07:35
ActionParsnipLinuxirc: not sure, ive always just updated the entire system07:35
Varth1ActionParsnip: I'll check there. Thanks07:35
LinuxircActionParsnip: ok07:35
JohannesSM64say, if i'm in a folder that has a program called app, and there is also a program called app in /usr/bin (a different program) and i type app --params, which of the apps will be used?07:36
durrelegend2440: no, that sounds like a menu? which requires me to actually reach the ubuntu desktop? it hangs during boot. I can only get into recovery mode with prompt07:36
kohlrakthe one in bin07:36
Bob_DoleKohl, slow, sound breaking up, playing fast, playing in bursts, etc. It tends to lock up for a fraction of a second, enough to notice it in flash games. a lot of fun dealing with it.07:36
kohlrakyou have to use ./app to use the one in te fold you're in anyway johannesSM6407:36
legend2440durre: oh ok07:36
kurulooks like I'm just gonna have to do a fresh instal..07:37
kuruthis is sucky07:37
m_law2009hello could someone tell me how i can register my nickname please07:37
kohlrakBob_Dole: Which ubuntu and which flash?07:37
JohannesSM64what's the difference between ./bash.sh and bash bash.sh? i only know that the former requires chmod +x07:37
kohlrakm_law2009: try nickserv?07:37
b3rz3rk3r!register | m_law200907:37
ubottum_law2009: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode07:37
m_law2009thank you07:38
Bob_Dolekohlrak, Ubuntu 9.04, I don't have firefox up, but it should be the latest installed by the updates.07:38
=== m_law2009 is now known as m_law
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com07:39
kohlrakJohannesSM64: all executables need the x flag, even for double click. ./ is how you execute non shellscript files07:39
kohlrakBob_Dole: But which flash are you using? Adobe, Gnash, the other?07:39
legend2440kuru: you tried  aptitude?07:39
Bob_Dolekohlrak, adobe.07:39
JohannesSM64kohlrak, yes, but bash bash.sh doesn't require the x flag07:40
chuy_maxas of now, what are the disadvantages of running 64 bit version of ubuntu?07:40
kohlrakBob_Dole: I usually have problems with adobe flash konking out too, but i just close and restart firefox (seems that there might be some kind of memory leak or something with it), but it should never go as far as messing with gnome.07:40
kurulegend2440, i don't think it matters what tool, the package is broken07:40
legend2440kuru:  in terminal try   sudo aptitude install libglu1-mesa-dev     aptitude sometimes offers solutions to dependency problems that apt-get doesnt07:41
dododomoBob_Dole, do you get the same problems running off of a livecd?07:41
kohlrakJohannesSM64, really? I always made sure it got it... Oh well...07:41
dododomoi suspect ram too07:41
kuruworth a shot07:41
r0y4lHi guys, I can't change the color of my windows under "Appearance" anymore, if i select another one nothing happens? What can that be?07:41
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com07:41
kurulegend2440, nice ;)07:41
=== yeison is now known as jaynano
kurulegend2440, offered to downgrade some packages.. works for me, thanks!07:42
legend2440kuru: your welcome07:42
Bob_Dolekohlrak, I don't know if it was. Gnome lost it's theme when I opened up a save file dialog. dododomo I havn't tried a live CD yet. I had 20 days of uptime, I didn't want to restart yet.07:42
r0y4lAnd, so i think, the theme isn't correctly applied to other gtk applications like firefox07:43
kohlrakBob_Dole: hm... could be a firefox bug too, but i'd have to say that it's best to reboot and see if a livecd also gives you the trouble, though07:43
dododomoBob_Dole, make sure to try the livecd next time you reboot07:44
dododomocache the whole disc in ram and run it07:44
dododomoyou'll find out quickly if something's wrong with the ram07:44
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com07:46
kohlrakbtw, bob, Full screen flash?07:46
uncmarMy audio still isn't working on my 9.04.  It has been hung by some unknown process.07:47
r0y4lIt looks like that all the Appearance Settings does not take any effects, only the window decorator things. :(07:47
kohlrakuncmar: try reboot?07:47
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124998507:47
m_lawhey is there anyway I can set pidgin to automaticly log me into an IRC room?07:48
kohlrakm_law: add the room to your bl07:48
=== Relip^SV2 is now known as Relip^
ActionParsnipm_law: you sure can07:49
m_lawwhats the bl please? is there a config file?07:49
ActionParsnipm_law: in the conversation menu click on alias, then ok07:50
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124998507:50
kohlrakm_law:buddy list, friend list, etc07:50
chuy_maxas of now, can I run Flash in Ubuntu 64 bit?07:50
ActionParsnipm_law: much easy than that duder, once its in the pidgin main window,  right click it then select autojoin07:50
chuy_maxI've read that there were problems with flash using 64 bit in the past07:50
dehqangood day everybody ,how can this error be fixed ?internel error ,could not perform immediate configuration (1) on libc607:51
ActionParsnipchuy_max: yes, you can either run: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree    or you can download the tar.gz file and put it into your plugins folder07:51
kohlrakchuy_max: yea, adobe wisened up a little, but not muc. It's really leaky though.07:51
uncmarkohlrak: this happens periodically and I'd really prefer not to reboot.  if I have to reboot. I'll just go to bed.07:51
chuy_maxkohlrak, ok, so I'll give Ubuntu 64 bit a try07:52
kohlrakuncmar: I get it a lot honestly, i find that closing the program locking it and using another program that produces sound forces a bunch of sounds out all at once...07:52
m_lawthe alias option isn't available ? and I can't see the autojoin option :S07:52
kohlrakm_law: right click, the one just below join07:53
ActionParsnipm_law: sorry, its conversation -> add07:53
ActionParsnipm_law: conversation is in the menu list on the irc channel07:53
georgehow do i connect my lap wirelessly to bsnl broadband connection07:54
georgeneed hel[07:54
kohlrakgeorge: firstly, do you have a router?07:55
kohlrakgeorge:what's the ssid?07:55
georgei mean i am on lap07:55
georgeso i think there is a o=in built router07:55
kohlrak....... oh boy.....07:55
dehqanany opinion ?07:56
georgeso wat do i do07:56
kohlrakgeorge: that's a NIC... That allows you connect to a router, but you must have a WAP (Wireless Access Point) which is usually a wireless modem or a wireless router connected to a modem07:56
georgeofcourse the bsnl wireless modem07:57
georgethe thing is i am able to connect it in windows07:57
m_lawok got the add chat window up, is there any way I can configure it not to open the chanserv and nickserv messages on connection?07:57
georgebut not in ubuntu07:57
kohlrakright, what type of wireless nic do you have? Sometimes wireless cards aren't supported by ubuntu (due to various laws prohibiting creation of drivers and such)07:58
ActionParsnipgeorge: thats because you have configured the wifi adapter in windows and not in ubuntu07:58
georgehow do i check07:58
kohlrakthere's a fix for that too if that's the case07:58
georgebut how do i do it07:58
kohlraki can't remember te name of the program, lemme look for it07:59
georgekohlrak: how do i do it07:59
kohlrakgeorge, what's your native language?08:00
ActionParsnipgeorge: sudo lshw -C network | grep product08:00
ActionParsnipkohlrak: should give you a clue ^08:00
kohlrakActionParsnip: tahnks XD08:00
dehqangood day everybody , how can this error be fixed . E:internal error , could not perform immediate configuration (1) on libc608:01
kohlraki was thinking of the GUI hardware manager and couldn't find it. Forgot about lshw08:01
georgePRO wireless08:02
kohlrakdehqan: what did you do to generate that?08:02
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124998508:02
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124998508:02
george3945 abg08:02
FloodBot2catmando: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:02
georgeso waat do i do08:02
dehqankohlrak , it is long history08:02
m_lawhow do you guys automaticly get the other users name your addressing to appear in the text?08:02
georgePRO wireless 3945 abg08:02
m_law*soory for all the noob questions08:03
dehqanbut apt-get -f install generate that error08:03
ActionParsnipm_law: press tab after typing some of their name08:03
dehqankohlrak apt-get -f install generate that error08:03
ActionParsnipm_law: works in terminal with commands and filenames too08:03
kohlrakgeorge: it appears there's a restricted driver for it... Go to system->administration->hardware drivers08:03
georgewat do i do08:03
ActionParsnipm_law: exactly08:03
m_lawthank you08:03
georgethen wat08:03
ActionParsnipm_law: try in terminal, tpe nau then press tab  or fire then press tab08:04
kohlrakgeorge: is there anything in there to enable?08:04
sabotNot entirely sure if anyone can help me, but I am trying to install a .sh file by chmod +x and the ./file It keeps saying ./INSTALL: not found. Yet I absolutely did get this to install somehow on another ubuntu machine08:04
OkropNickcatmando: hmmm? :)08:04
georgethere is no propiretry drivers08:04
ActionParsnipsabot: if you run ls do you see the filename?08:04
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124998508:04
uncmarsabot: because that .sh file calls another file that isn't there?08:05
codeyman could someone please tell me what "sort -n -t'|' -k2b,2 -k5b,5" does?08:05
ActionParsnipsabot: try: sudo chown $USER:$USER ./INSTALL08:05
georgeso wat so i do Kohlrak08:05
m_lawActionParsnip: I have heard of tab completion in the terminal, but wasn't aware of it in IRC :p08:05
codeyman-k2b,2 is confusing08:05
Lord_DeviDoes anyone know how I can tell vmware workstation 6.5.2+ what specific IPs to use for it's virtual network devices?08:05
kohlrakgoogle ndis, george?08:05
sabotOh, no the INSTALL file is not present. It seems to unpack it08:05
ActionParsnipm_law: irc clients are made by linux users, some will use command line so will be used to tab completion08:05
georgeActionParsnip itried everything08:06
georgedono wat to do08:06
catmandohi there I was wondering if someone could take a peek at my thread on ubuntu.com http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124998508:06
catmandomy question is MORE Important!08:06
m_lawActionParsnip: ahh ok, well thanx for the help anyway :)08:06
catmandoplease help08:06
georgeActionParsnip:it is asking for default keyring08:06
m_lawcatmando: i did reply to it, im hellomoto :)08:06
georgewhenever i try to connect08:06
sabothttp://pastebin.com/m2f8fcc95 <-- My problem08:07
ActionParsnipgeorge: what is the output of: lsb_release -c08:07
sabotAlso, disregard the fact that its for solaris, linux version does the same thing08:07
kohlrakdehqan:you still here?08:07
sabotjust testing it08:07
ActionParsnipgeorge: you set the keyring password when it first gets asked about08:07
catmandom_law no it does not08:07
georgei did nothing08:07
ActionParsnipgeorge: if you read this and in your head, replace all instances of hardy with intrepid, it should be ok: http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/making-intel-wireless-3945abg-work-better-on-ubuntu-hardy/08:08
georgethat is wat it says08:08
m_lawgeorge: coming in halfway here, but whats the problem?08:08
georgeActionParsnip: wat do i do08:09
catmandom_law, thanks for the reply; however, when I load deluge and look at my download it is not showing any peers08:09
catmandoor any up/down time08:09
sabotAny ideas? This is an important program for me to install :/08:09
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m_lawcatmando: have you tried a few diffrent torrents? Also I know that on transmission there is an option to "search for more peers" have you tried that?08:10
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catmandom_law,  no but i will try it now.08:11
catmandoI have tried several different torrents.08:12
georgem_law: how do i connect ubuntu lap on bsnl wireless broadband connection08:12
haxorfirewall, router maybe?08:12
m_lawcatmando: try downloading a couple of torrents from diffrent sources, it maybe that there are just no seeds for the particular torrent you are trying to download, and you would have better luck with a diffrent one08:13
catmandom_law,  ok08:13
kohlrak!ubottu > kohlrak08:13
ubottukohlrak, please see my private message08:13
haxortry a torrent that you know will have alot of seeds, such as an ubuntu distro from canonical08:13
sabotAny ideas? This .sh file is unpacking 'INSTALL' and tries to use it again but cant find it08:13
m_lawgeorge: bsnl? is that a make of router? sorry for my ignorance if its a type of connection08:14
uhokHow can I find where my webcam is mounted?08:14
Boohbahuhok: a webcam is not a filesystem, you cannot mount it08:14
kohlrakgeorge, it's your NICyou ahve to worry about, not your router08:14
Shihansabot: whats head -1 INSTALL Say?08:14
m_lawuhok: is a usb mounted webcam08:14
uhokm_law, Yes08:15
kohlrakGeorge:did you bother reading the link te action guy sent you?08:15
sabotShihan, I dont know, its a temporary file and is quickly deleted08:15
m_lawuhok: in a terminal type lsusb, does it show08:15
georgei did reaf08:15
uhokYes, thank you.08:16
georgei did read08:16
Shihanwhen it says its unpacked "INSTALL", can you hit ctrl-z and have a look?08:16
kohlrakgeorge: did you follow the instructions?08:16
georgebut it is not possible i am already having ubuntu 8.1008:17
sabotShihan, #!/bin/csh -f08:17
georgethere is no option for hardy08:17
sabotI suppose I need to be running tsch then08:17
Shihansabot, is csh installed?08:18
kohlrakgeorge: he said replace hardy with intrepid everywhere you see it and it should work08:18
linuxson25I know this is not the CUPS channel, but I need som help08:18
kermitwow i just found out about: miro tv (amazing), filelight, and guake08:18
Shihansabot: try "apt-get install csh"08:18
sabotjust did08:18
kermitmiro tv is like ubuntu tv ;)  free, legal, high quality, lots of variety08:18
sabotOh hey08:18
sabotThanks Shihan :)08:19
FloodBot2sabot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:19
linuxson25Set up my unbuntu laptop to print to winXP networked pc with shared printer08:19
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linuxson25Used  device uri: ipp:// SCX-4x2108:20
Shihanno probs08:20
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linuxson25Am I right in using this? Shouldnt I be using AppSocket or some other protocol?08:20
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llutzlinuxson25:  if your printer "speaks" ipp, it's fine08:21
linuxson25llutz: And how will I be sure of this?08:21
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llutzlinuxson25:  look into printer-manual08:22
linuxson25llutz: Ok08:22
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catmandom_law,  Hey thanks a lot man it is working now I really appreciate your help08:23
DeGhostwhat version 'wine' will work with 'photoshop cs3' and 'flash cs3'08:23
song_sunnew  ,and choice windows printer via samba08:24
linuxson25DeGhost: You can try version 1.1.1708:24
m_lawcatmando: no problem... glad i could help08:24
wookienzhi, in my /lib/modules dir i have 2.6.22-15, 2.6.24-generic and 2.6.24-xen. uname -r says im using the xen one. Can i delete the other two dires/08:25
DeGhostlinuxson 25 thx08:26
shampooHi guys, i wondered if there is a ubuntu package for jdk 6u16 :)?08:26
ruslanhi world08:27
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Boohbahshampoo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:30
shampoo@ Boohbah: Well, they are not in the official packages ;), there only 6u14 (or 13?) is provided08:32
Dayofswordsi hate hw ubuntu doesnt work on my pc...08:34
llutzDayofswords:  don't use it then08:34
vallhalla81hi there all i am having trouble getting the drivers for nvidia to work as the hardware drivers program keeps crashing can any advise?08:34
Dayofswordsi want to use it ='(08:34
Zoxchow do you disable compiz from the command line?08:35
exapidAnybody in here use irssi by any chance?08:36
psycho_oreosexapid, I use it every now and then, why?08:36
exapidYou wouldn't know the command to view users in the selected channel08:36
exapidCan't manage to find it anywhere08:36
Boohbahexapid: http://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/nicklist.pl08:38
exapidThanks mate08:38
psycho_oreos /names08:38
juicycant compile cpp files in jaunty any help08:38
exapidAnd thanks again XD08:38
Boohbahpsycho_oreos, exapid: yeah /names i didn't know that one :)08:39
psycho_oreosjuicy, think you need g++08:39
juicyi installed g++ and its not working08:39
banisterfiendhey guys anyone know of a flash video player that allows me to play .swf files outside of a web browser?08:39
juicythese are the errors i am getting. iostream.h not a file08:39
psycho_oreosBoohbah, I thought it was /users which it wasn't.. checked /help because I've used that command before, turns out to be /names :)08:39
psycho_oreosjuicy, that's because you are missing dependencies08:40
dehqangood day every body ,how can this problem be fixed ? > http://paste.debian.net/4503408:40
psycho_oreosnot because you can't compile cpp files08:40
juicythanks psycho_oreos. how do i fix this proble.08:40
KB1JWQdehqan: Not breaking your system in the first place?08:40
juicycould you help?would appreciate it.08:40
psycho_oreosjuicy, can't help if you can't tell me what program is it. I'd say pipe that filename into google and see what you get08:41
amitesAnyone have twinview running that could send me an example xorg.conf? I'm having trouble getting the 2nd monitor to be detected properly - limiting resolution to 640x48008:41
dehqanwhat do you mean KB1JWQ08:42
juicyso i need to install dependencies?08:42
psycho_oreosjuicy, you need to locate and place the missing files as specified from the cpp08:42
KB1JWQdehqan: You removed key parts of your OS.  You get to reinstall from backup now.08:43
majukHmmmm... so I've had my comp on for about 4 days and I'm starting to get windows drawn out, but the interior is all white. The programs are running and responsive, so it looks like a problem with Compiz possibly? Anyone shed any light?08:43
juicyok thanks will be on it now. will update you how it goes08:43
dehqanwhich backup ?  KB1JWQ08:43
juicythanks alot pycho_oreos08:43
KB1JWQdehqan: If you don't have backups, that was your FIRST mistake.08:43
KB1JWQdehqan: Removing critical libraries is a Bad Thing unless you know EXACTLY what you're doing.  And even then it's rarely smart.08:44
legend2440juicy:   sudo aptitude install build-essential08:45
KB1JWQdehqan: That's also not Ubuntu, and hence is off topic here.  Try #debian08:45
_Brun0_Does ubuntu 9.04 uses USplash by defualt?08:45
martinjh99Is there an official Ubuntu Server channel?08:47
dehqanok a user that uses ubuntu and debian both on his system can use here .cann't he ?08:47
legend2440martinjh99: #ubuntu-server08:48
martinjh99Thanks Legend...08:48
juicyon it now.08:48
dehqanok a user that uses ubuntu and debian both on his system can use here .cann't he ?<KB1JWQ08:48
KB1JWQdehqan: Not if he wants help with Debian. :-)08:48
=== sharperguy2 is now known as sharperguy
numberGreyHey all, I am trying to get the drivers working correctly on my laptop and external monitor, but the laptop has 6 small replicated screens of what should be the single laptop image.  I cannot change the screen resolution past 640x480.  I found someone with the same problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1248317 but attempting the fix in the second post does not work for me.  Surprisingly, the external monit08:50
=== root is now known as Guest8789
Guest8789nvidia or ati08:51
numberGreynvidia 8200m08:51
Guest8789using restricted drivers?08:51
numberGreytried all of them to the same result08:51
Guest8789what is the thread solution08:51
Guest8789and does the external display work?08:52
numberGreyto add             Options "ModeValidation" "NoTotalSizeCheck"            to my  xorg.conf file08:52
disappearedngHey right now when I try to mount my drive with this, which has always worked, sudo mount -t ufs -o ro,ufstype=ufs2 /dev/sda2 /mount/350gb/, I am getting mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2, any idea how I could check what went wrong?08:52
LSNI'm sorry, I'm french, so my english isn't really goog08:52
numberGreyyeah i am typing on it now it works great at the correct resolution08:52
Guest8789did the drivers install ok?08:52
niko!fr | LSN08:53
ubottuLSN: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr08:53
Guest8789try running nvidia-settings I think08:53
LSNniko : #ubuntu-fr isn't really helpfull... There's not anyone...08:53
nikobe patient08:53
Guest8789get the control panel and refresh screens08:53
numberGreyI did that is how I was able to get the external monitor working08:53
Guest8789replace x config file with new and restart08:54
numberGreycontrol panel and refresh screens?08:54
Guest8789I dont think it is detecting the display properly08:54
Guest8789and then *replace* x.conf w/ new one08:55
Guest8789lsn what do you want?08:55
numberGreydumb question, but is x.conf the same as xorg.conf?08:55
Guest8789Qui est-ce vous desiers08:56
numberGreyyeah it is not detecting the laptop display correctly08:56
Guest8789ok so auto refresh does nothing08:56
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=== wertik_1 is now known as werti
song_sunyou video card is interl?08:57
LSNGuest8789} So, yesterday, I made an update of Firefox 3.508:57
Guest8789yeah, its a lappy08:57
Guest8789then.. (lsn08:57
LSNAnd then, when I want to run it, I've only an error message : "XML Parsing Error: undefined entity08:57
LSNLocation: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul08:57
LSNLine Number 34, Column 1:<window id="main-window"08:57
FloodBot2LSN: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:58
Guest8789lsn] so it doesn't start at all?08:58
LSNThat's it08:58
numberGreydo you have to fully restart after updating the xorg.conf file or can you log in and out?08:59
Guest8789log in and then out08:59
palin1441I have a kubuntu machine that I want to to be able to handle only via network (i.e. no keyboard or screen). When the keyboard is connected, the system loads great. When I disconnect the keyboard, the system load but without network. Any ideas?08:59
LSNGuest8789} I made a reboot, that is the same thing, no ?08:59
scriptwarlockhello anybody knows about checkinstall?09:00
Guest8789lsn) wrong converation, try reinstalling via synaptic or whatever else hunt down bad file09:00
Guest8789what about check install09:00
llutz!checkinstall | scriptwarlock09:00
ubottuscriptwarlock: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!09:00
AdvoWorkhi there, when im in / i go df -h, and it says 20gb used out of 20gb. What folders are included within / directory?09:01
scriptwarlocki made a deb but the problem is the prerequisit for this program09:01
doohanwow...that's a lot of users09:01
Guest8789"/" everything (root)09:01
doohanAny thoughts on why when I turned my box on this morning X has limited the res to 640x480?09:01
Guest8789"/" everything (root - system install (C: on windows09:01
Guest8789tried restarting? doohan09:02
AdvoWorkGuest8789, ok but how can i get a list of folders, im trying say /home and theres only 400mb used so thats not much, /srv has 128gb used, which doesnt fit within the 20/20gb ?09:02
palin1441any thought on how to solve this?09:02
Guest8789advo I dont understand do you mean ls /09:02
scriptwarlockso any idea?09:02
song_sundu -sh *09:03
Guest8789doohan nvidia drivers09:03
norenhi all need help in enabling the thesarus in Oo309:03
theatrodoohan, had you run and upgrade before you close the machine?09:03
Guest8789nvidia-settings refresh config09:03
doohantheatro, nope09:03
Isaacariahanyone got any idea how I can get Network Manager to run a script on Wifi Connect??09:03
doohanI've learned from that09:03
LSNGuest8789} I don't know if I did it how you want I do, but it doesn't work09:03
Guest8789issca - wicd does this09:03
juicyhey guys i keep getting this error message as i compile any .cpp file09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thesarus09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dict09:04
juicy error: iostream.h: No such file or directory09:04
Guest8789LSN } apt-get remove firefox --> apt-get install firefox09:04
palin1441I have a kubuntu machine that I want to to be able to handle only via network (i.e. no keyboard or screen). When the keyboard is connected, the system loads great. When I disconnect the keyboard, the system load but without network. Any ideas?09:04
Guest8789you miss a header09:04
juicysecond error is 'cout' was not declared in this scope any ideas??09:04
Guest8789cpp errors did you write file juicy09:05
LSNGuest8789} I'll past you the error message09:05
juicyi am using #include <iostream.h> and i tried to use <iostream>09:05
=== Ubersoldat_ is now known as Ubersoldat
doohanGuest8789, you mean rewrite-config-file?09:05
LSNOh no, I can't go to Internet, I'm so stupid09:05
Guest8789doohan yes09:05
Guest8789LSN - try install a old firefox off cd09:05
AdvoWorkGuest8789, basically, df shows: /dev/mapper/main-root 20G   20G  310M  99% /  im trying to find what folders are within there?09:05
LSNGuest8789} How ?09:06
juicyi cant compile any file. i have codeblocks installed09:06
Guest8789iostream should work - bad compiler ??09:06
juicyi have geany installed and still cant compile.09:06
Isaacariahif i install wicd, do I have to uninstall network manager09:06
Guest8789LSN) put in CD run synaptic09:06
juicyi think bad compiler.09:06
Guest8789issa - probably09:06
Guest8789just don thave both running at the same time09:06
LSNGuest8789} I don't understand >__<09:06
juicywhat do you suggest?09:06
Isaacariahok cheers09:07
doohanIt's still gimped09:07
Guest8789LSN) do you have the ubutnu install cd09:07
juicyi have tried to reinstall g++ but still getting same error09:07
palin1441Where can I look to see why my network doesn't work if I restart the machine without a keyboard?09:07
AdvoWorkGuest8789, when you have a sec, any ideas?09:07
LSNGuest8789} An old version, not the one I use =s09:07
swtaarrshow can I tell networkmanager to scan for wireless networks?09:07
Guest8789LSN) might still help then update09:08
legend2440juicy: in terminal  sudo updatedb  then when that finishes  locate iostream   anything found?09:08
Guest8789advo) have you tried ls /dev/what09:08
juicyhang on09:08
Guest8789swtarr) should autp09:08
Guest8789swtarr) should aut009:09
DJNoMaDI have a ipod ,what should I use to add songs to it ?09:09
Guest8789palin ; look at the screen any errors09:09
AdvoWorkGuest8789, ie ls /dev/mapper/main-root?09:09
Guest8789advo) yeah try that09:09
juicyi hope this works09:09
DJNoMaDI use gnome09:09
juicyi hope it works09:10
Guest8789or auto ubuntu promt09:10
norenwhere can i find some help to learn how to eanable the thesarus in oo309:10
DJNoMaDrhythym dont sem to add songs to it09:10
Guest8789try 003 forums09:10
Guest8789try drag in nautilus09:10
juicymy pc is a bit slow. will update you in a while what happens09:11
Guest8789LSN) you still here09:11
DJNoMaDGuest8789 K just drop them in the ipod control>music folder?09:11
juicysudo updatedb gave me nothing09:11
Guest8789DJ) I think that should work with IPODS09:11
juicygot no message09:12
LSNGuest8789} Yes, but I'm not shure I understood what you said, and I'm talkin' with Frenchs to09:12
jiohdiafter a recent update no sound... tried live cd, sound... what can I do?09:12
Guest8789juicy) can you find an external iostream file and leave in same diectory09:12
Guest8789LSN) can you run apt-get in terminal09:12
Guest8789ji ) try sound settings top right corner by default09:13
LSNGuest8789} I do it09:13
LSNW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: Les signatures suivantes n'ont pas pu être vérifiées car la clé publique n'est pas disponible : NO_PUBKEY DE62F7B1165B283609:13
Guest8789Issac) yes09:13
Isaacariahwicd installed09:13
jiohdiguest... what does that mean?09:13
palin1441Guest8789: no errors09:13
doohanGuest8789, I tried resinstalling the nvidia driver but no luck with that either09:13
Isaacariahand it uninstalled network manager on ts own09:14
jiohdiguest, I am running Xfce09:14
Guest8789LSN) try going to software sorces09:14
juicythis is chewing my mind....09:14
legend2440juicy: sudo updatedb only updates the database you wont get anything   locate iostream is the one that tells where iostream is09:14
Guest8789doohan) what wrong again09:14
Guest8789palin) whats wrong agains09:14
juicyok thanks09:15
doohanWell, I turned the box off last night, and I turned it on this morning and the only resolution it has is 640x480 or 320x24009:15
Guest8789issac) do you see the script settings09:15
jiohdiis there a way to revert back to the sound settings from the live cd?09:15
juicy/usr/include/c++/4.3/iostream got this message09:15
palin1441Guest8789: when I have a keyboard connected to the machine - it boots perfect. If I remove the keyboard, then the system loads but with no network.09:15
Isaacariahwicd keeps working in the background?09:15
Guest8789doohan) did you replace xorg.conf from nvidia panel;09:16
Guest8789ISsc) yes09:16
doohanGuest8789, yup.w09:16
Guest8789palin) do you have a screen09:16
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palin1441guest8789: yes09:16
MyrttiGuest8789: try pressing tab when you've typed in couple of the first letters of a nickname09:17
Guest8789palin) cool desktop or terminal09:17
legend2440juicy: line in program  should be     #include <iostream>  not     #include <iostream.h>09:17
palin1441guest8789: cool dektop (kde)09:17
Guest8789doohan try turning off screen, unplug and replug09:18
LSNGuest8789} I removed Firefox 3.5 \o/09:18
Guest8789palin) no idea09:18
juicyi have tried that too09:18
Guest8789LSN) now just apt-get install ]09:18
juicybut i am still getting error messages09:18
palin1441guest8789: is there anyplace I can look for something?09:18
jiohdiis there any way to get the sound settings back to the live cd, because that works09:18
Guest8789See you got to go sorry (init.d networkings09:18
legend2440juicy: can you paste your cpp program?09:19
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:19
LSNGuest8789} But, before install Firefox, I think that's a better idea to remove the sorce of Firefox 3.5 to use the 3.0 version, no ?09:19
juicy#include <iostream.h> int main() { cout << "hello world " ;}09:20
palin1441any one else have a clue what can be done about the keyboard problem?09:20
juicyi just installed Ubuntu and was testing if gcc is working09:20
jiohdipalin, why are you trying to run without a keyboard?09:20
palin1441jiohdi: because this is a "file server", and I want it to run with no screen and no keyboard09:21
juicyseems the compiler is not running or something is wrong with the compiler.09:21
jiohdipalin, I suppose some programmer could make something for a usb stick that could fool it09:22
jiohdibut other than that I dont know09:22
legend2440juicy: try compiling this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/259718/09:22
AdvoWorkdf shows: /dev/mapper/main-root 20G   20G  310M  99% /  im trying to find what folders are within there? tried ls /dev/mapper/main-root it just shows "/dev/mapper/main-root" :S09:22
juicyok thank you much09:23
jiohdipalin, there may be something under handi capped accessibility settings?09:23
palin1441jiohdi: where do I check this?09:23
jiohdiunder system preferences accessibility09:24
NeXstaRcan anyone please help me concerning a virtual machine WinXp with virtuabox in ubuntu... , mounting hdd's etc09:24
juicyit works well09:25
palin1441jiohdi: what should I look for there?09:25
palin1441jiohdi: there doesn't seem to be anything a miss09:25
LSNVoilà, Firefox 3.5 n'est plus dans ma liste de sources09:25
jiohdipalin, I do not see anything useful... sorry... I dont suppose there is a way to make it run with the keyboard and the unplug the keyboard... it has to be unattended right?09:26
legend2440juicy: ok good09:26
palin1441jiohdi: that is what I wish for. If not, I can buy a cheap keyboard and have it conencted - but that is not such a good solution...09:26
pretenderwhat can encode to Microsoft WMV 720 HD.in ubuntu09:26
b3rz3rk3rpretender, i have an answer for you.. but why encode to wmv?09:27
Myrttipalin1441: your computer bios should have the setting for allowing it to be booted without a keyboard, you've checked that?09:27
song_sunNeXstaR:virtualbox version ?09:27
juicyi have tried to compile again and this are the errors i am getting 3.cpp:(.text+0x1c): undefined reference to `std::cout'09:27
juicy3.cpp:(.text+0x21): undefined reference to `std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::operator<< <std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&, char const*)'09:27
juicy3.cpp:(.text+0x29): undefined reference to `std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& std::endl<char, std::char_traits<char> >(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&)'09:27
juicy3.cpp:(.text+0x31): undefined reference to `std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >::operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& (*)(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&))'09:27
FloodBot2juicy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:27
b3rz3rk3r!paste | juicy09:28
ubottujuicy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:28
palin1441Myrtti: haven't check it, but the linux loads when there is no keayboard - so I guess the BIOS allows it. no/09:28
NeXstaRsong_sun: 2.1.409:28
juicysorry guys. my bad. didnt know thanks for correcting me09:28
LSNThanks for helping !09:28
LSNGood bye09:29
song_sunNeXstaR: I use the 3.0.4 r50677. than 2.1.4 simpler09:29
jiohdianyone know how to revert sound software to live cd... after an update I lost the sound -still works from live... ?09:29
NeXstaRsong_sun: how do i upgrade my existing one ?09:29
legend2440juicy: is that with code::blocks?09:30
juicyno with geany09:31
timeouthey, I've lost a toolbar in OpenOffice using compiz, anyone no how to fix it?09:31
song_sunNexstaR:you can 1 、apt-get remove virtualbox and 2、see http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads09:31
juicyand from the terminal09:31
juicywith codeblocks it works fine09:31
legend2440juicy: g++ <filename>.cpp?09:31
timeoutAll I can see is a titlebar, without buttons or anything else, which I can't even move09:31
timeoutAnyone else familiar with this funky feature?09:31
AdvoWorkif df shows / as having 20gb which 20gb is used. I need to find exactly how much space is in all folders. What command can i use?09:32
NeXstaRsong_sun: what would be the beter vmware or virtualbox ?09:32
legend2440juicy: you installed  build-essential?09:32
MindVirusHow do I disable tapping on my touchpad? It is already disabled in System->Preferences->Mouse and gsynaptics.09:32
timeoutNeXstaR: virtualbox is incredibly easy to use09:32
llutzAdvoWork:  use "du" with some options, taken from its man-page09:32
palin1441Myrtti: any other ideas?09:33
timeoutNeXstaR: but I have no experience with wmware, so can't really compare09:33
UbersoldatAdvoWork: ie du -csh09:33
MindVirusAnyone know?09:33
b3rz3rk3rMindVirus, since you have disabled it in the mouse prefs, have you restarted X server?09:33
MindVirusb3rz3rk3r: yes.09:33
NeXstaRahh oky...09:33
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b3rz3rk3rMindVirus, and it still isnt working?09:33
song_sunNexstaR:I dont know ?i like vmware on windows,but i think virtualbox better  on linux.09:34
NeXstaRsong_sun: is virtualbox faster on linux as vmware on linux ?09:34
juicy_sorry my pc shut down09:34
legend2440juicy: you installed  build-essential?09:35
timeoutAny compiz users here?09:35
juicy_yes i did09:35
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MindVirusAny advice?09:36
juicy_seems like i will be using codeblocks only09:36
AdvoWorkUbersoldat, im doing that BUT its listing /opt/ as 157gb.. but thats over the 20gb so im not sure if its including things it shouldnt be09:36
legend2440juicy:  in terminal try    g++ <filename>.cpp? it should give program called  a.out or similar  if it compiles09:36
MindViruslegend2440: I got my touchpad to work BTW.09:36
legend2440MindVirus: great!! how?09:36
UbersoldatAdvoWork: then go inside /opt and do a more granular du in there09:37
llutzAdvoWork:   du -cxh --max-depth=1 /09:37
song_sunNexstaR:virtualbox lastest verison use is very easy ,even speed .i dont know09:37
MindVirusproto=imps instead of elantech=1 in /etc/modprobe.d/eeepc.conf.09:37
Guest30612hello, i'm running the ubuntu's distro latest version. It's already the second time the upgrades include a new kernel image but every time i install a new kernel image package in my menu.ls is deleted the "windows" entry. Is there a way to setup grub in a way every new kernel update i can avoid to put hands into menu.lst file? thank you for your attention09:37
MindViruslegend2440: but I'm still having some issues with the trackpad.09:37
juicy_i have realized  how to solve it09:37
llutzAdvoWork:  /opt on own filesystem?09:37
|KaE|hi all!09:37
legend2440juicy: you installed  build-essential?09:38
AdvoWorkllutz, i think so, but thats the problem, i basically need to free up that 20gb, and move some stuff to another file system?09:38
juicy_g++ <filename>.cpp enter then ./filename09:38
chessnutmushroomhi guys, I keep getting black rectangles on my desktop, when i move the mouse they go away, whats the problem here?09:38
juicy_yes i did but no change09:38
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|KaE|juicy_: ./a.out09:38
NeXstaRsong_sun: oky thanks, do i just do a "sudo apt-get autoremove virtualbox" , where and how can i install the latest virtualbox from virtualbox.org site?09:38
juicy_gents thanks alot .09:39
juicy_it works fine now09:39
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, the one in the repos isnt working?09:39
juicy_it works fine now09:39
legend2440juicy  good09:39
AdvoWorkllutz, would i run du -cxh --max-depth=1 within / ?09:39
NeXstaRb3rz3rk3r: where can i dl a stable version of virtualbox ?09:40
llutzAdvoWork:   just run "du -cxh --max-depth=1 /"09:40
NeXstaRim running jaunty09:40
MindVirusSomeone please help me disable tapping on my touchpad. I turned it off in System->Preferences->Mouse and gsynaptics to no avail.09:40
llutzNeXstaR:  virtualbox.org09:40
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, just open the add/remove app.. and get it there09:40
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, or use Synaptic09:41
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, its called Virtualbox OSE in add/remove09:41
song_sunNeXstaR:1、add "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian jaunty non-free" to /etc/apt/sources.list 2、wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -    3、apt-get install virtualbox-3.009:41
disappearednghey how do I do this mv *.stm *.htm09:42
b3rz3rk3rsong_sun, thats really unnecessarily complex if he is just wanting a stable version09:42
song_sunNeXstaR: ubuntu version?09:42
MindVirusAnyone know?09:42
NeXstaRsong_sun: im using jaunty09:43
chessnutmushroomhi guys, I keep getting black rectangles on my desktop, when i move the mouse they go away, whats the problem here?09:43
b3rz3rk3rMindVirus, if the changes have stuck, and you have restarted X, i dont know what else to suggest :(09:43
llutzMindVirus:  use rename09:43
MindVirusllutz: eh?09:43
song_sunNeXstaR:that 's right,we are same09:43
llutzdisappearedng:    use rename       sry MindVirus09:44
legend2440MindVirus: something here maybe?   http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/10/tweaking-your-synaptics-touchpad-laptops-ubuntu-6061-610/09:45
AdvoWorkllutz, i did that: http://pastebin.com/d28ff6f97 but that only comes to 8gb, so wheres the other 12gb to make up 20gb being used?09:45
NeXstaRsong_sun: where can i obtain the deb file for the installation of virtualbox coz when i try clicking on the one on virtualbox.org it just idles ;/09:45
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, please just use the Add/Remove dialog to get it, its much safer and quicker09:46
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, Applications -> Add/Remove09:46
MindViruslegend2440: that deals with qsynaptics which is just the Qt version of gsynaptics. :)09:46
NeXstaRb3rz3rk3r: im there but can't see virtualbox anywhere09:46
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, have you checked that the top dropdown menu is set to "all availble"09:47
song_sunNeXstaR:ubuntu auto download and install09:47
legend2440MindVirus: oh ok.  i havent bought my eeepc yet. so i havent had to deal with this stuff yet09:47
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, see it now?09:47
alfatauhello, i'm running the ubuntu's distro latest version. It's already the second time the upgrades include a new kernel image but every time i install a new kernel image package in my menu.ls is deleted the "windows" entry. Is there a way to setup grub in a way every for any new kernel update i can avoid to put hands into menu.lst file? thank you for your attention09:47
NeXstaRb3rz3rk3r:  yes i have ... ahh there it is, but its the older version of the program09:47
MindViruslegend2440: if you ever need help and nobody helps just PM me.09:48
bmzCan anyone recommend a good linux development channel? Not kernel development, application development.09:48
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, you said you wanted stable version?09:48
legend2440MindVirus: ok thanks09:48
llutzAdvoWork:  "df -h /" gives you 100% full? there often are differences between df/du, but 12GB.... sry no idea09:48
MindViruslegend2440: I've dealt with plenty of shit from the Eee. :)09:48
juicy_try editing menu.lst09:48
NeXstaR b3rz3rk3r: yes stable version but up tp date one aswell09:48
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, plus, that still has all the latest features, including using the GPU directly09:48
song_sunNeXstaR:1、add "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian jaunty non-free" to /etc/apt/sources.list 2、wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -    3、apt-get install virtualbox-3.009:49
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, its the same as the other one, dont worry about it09:49
legend2440MindVirus: by the time i get mine you'll be an expert. is the #ubuntu-eeepc  channel very helpful?09:49
Pawangparted on 9.0409:49
MindViruslegend2440: it's usually too quiet.09:49
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:49
b3rz3rk3rNeXstaR, what do you need from the latest version that isnt in that one?09:50
MindViruslegend2440: I don't bother with that channel -- only on rare occasions when I have a niche Eee problem.09:50
AdvoWorkllutz, that shows: /dev/mapper/main-root 20G   20G  315M  99% /09:50
legend2440MindVirus: yea i was in there for a while and no one said anything for quite a while09:50
MindViruslegend2440: nobody pays attention to your questions in that channel -- that's the only problem I see.09:51
fredlhello, I have a server with a flamed out rootdisk and two disks that were part of a Debian LVM setup. I installed a temp rootdisk and temp Ubuntu install and want to access the LVM volumes. The Ubuntu install seems to use different UUID's for the disk, can anybody help with this?09:51
NeXstaRsong_sun: how to update the etc/apt/sources.list ?09:51
* b3rz3rk3r facepalms09:52
song_sunNeXstaR:sudo apt-get update09:52
legend2440MindVirus: well good luck. its about 5 am here so i'm gonna take off09:52
MindViruslegend2440: thanks for all your help.09:52
legend2440MindVirus: no problem take care09:52
juicy_legend2440 thanks alot for your help09:53
dr3mroubuntu installation date ?? please how to know it using the terminal09:53
NeXstaRsong_sun: now its stuck 92% [Connecting to download.virtualbox.org (]09:53
dr3mroubuntu installation date ?? please how to know it using the terminal09:54
irocksuis there a ati gui tool?09:55
tolisome1 pls help me how to reinstall my network manager since i have probs with my wicd09:55
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:55
irocksui only have aticonfig09:55
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=== Eneloop13 is now known as Eneloop
forthhow to istall games?09:56
prince_jammysdr3mro: see if head /var/log/dpkg.log gives you what you want.09:56
toliguys, some1 pls help me to restore my network manager09:58
MenZaforth: That... certainly depends what game(s) you mean.09:59
Xconheya guys could someone help me please?10:00
forthhow to install games?10:00
DJones!games | forth10:00
ubottuforth: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php10:00
Xcon<Xcon> working fine this morning, now when im booting up i get the following error:10:00
Xcon<Xcon> (EE) NV(0): Couldnt find the DCC Routing Table10:00
Xcon<Xcon> (EE) Screen(S) found. But none have a usable config10:00
Xconive done sudo nvidia-xconfig10:00
Xconbut i get10:00
Xconalex@alex-ubuntu:~$ sudo nvidia-xconfig10:01
XconUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".10:01
XconVALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.10:01
Xcon                  Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a Driver10:01
Xcon                  line.10:01
XconBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'10:01
XconNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'10:01
DJones!paste | Xcon10:01
ubottuXcon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:01
Xconoh sorry mate10:01
forthI mean new games!10:01
MenZaforth: What games?10:01
maxagazi have a segmentation fault when clicking on "extract" with sound-juicer, is there another application i can to replace it (a kde equivalent?) ?10:02
VincemanI cannot press the receive mail button of evolution mail anymore, what could be the problem?10:02
Vincemanevolution mail is like the best e-mailclient there is, no?10:03
MenZaforth: You're not being very specific. This is making it rather difficult for us to help you troubleshoot your issue.10:03
llutz!best | Vinceman10:03
ubottuVinceman: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:03
MenZaVinceman: In my opinion yes. A lot of people use Thunderbird. But !best is probably what you want.10:03
dayoanyone has any experience with snort?10:03
MenZaVinceman: i.e. what llutz just triggered.10:03
devon1anyone on?10:03
DJonesVinceman: I've had that problem in the past, can you check whether Evolution is set as online/offline, I've found that when the send/receive button is disabled, its normally set as offline10:04
otto349Good morning10:04
MenZa!morning, otto34910:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:04
* MenZa has been using the bot too much.10:04
VincemanDJones, great, that was it!10:05
DJonesVinceman: Your welcome10:05
zvonkorpi have pure-ftpd installed on a ubuntu 9 box with apache, i made users and gave them their own directories in subfolders of the /var/www/ root, that way they can access files through http - but if i try to login as any of the users, they have no permission to do anything in any of the directories - what could be causing this?10:07
devon1ok my ubuntu crash on me and i couldnt boot it back up so i had to install a new copy on my hard drive i was wondering if there was a way to get back in it and get some of the files off of it using the fresh copy of ubuntu10:07
fredlhello, I have a server with a flamed out rootdisk and two disks that were part of a Debian LVM setup. I installed a temp rootdisk and temp Ubuntu install and want to access the LVM volumes. The Ubuntu install seems to use different UUID's for the disk, can anybody help with this?10:08
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VincemanDJones, do you know why the X-spam flag is not there in the message filter window?10:09
Shtlhello all10:09
Shtlis it possible to add and ubuntu DVD .iso into synaptic as repository????10:10
AdvoWorkllutz, any further ideas?10:10
llutzAdvoWork:  no sry10:10
DJonesVinceman: Sorry, I don't, Its not something i've heard of10:10
asfjiohello, i've updated my evolution and now it asks me to store my password in the keyring. how can i avoid or disable this, because after i store it the password could be showed inside the keyring manager?10:12
Ddordahow can i get a list of all the packages installed in my pc?10:14
rokstaCan't you just view them in the synaptic manager?10:15
llutzDday:  dpkg -l|grep ^ii10:15
DdayWhat llutz?10:15
Ddordaroksta: i want to get a list into a file.. so no10:15
llutzDdorda:  :  dpkg -l|grep ^ii10:15
llutzsry Dday10:15
Ddaylol np10:15
Ddordallutz: thanks10:15
Ddordallutz: i need only the packages names10:17
S_AHi! I am trying to connect to internet on mu 9.04 machine. All the configuration is good but it is not working10:17
llutzDdorda:  :  dpkg -l|grep ^ii | awk '{print $2}'10:17
S_AI am able to ping outside IP address but nto hostname10:17
S_Ae.g. ping google.com returns Unknown host10:18
DeGhostwhat version 'wine' will work with 'photoshop cs3' and 'flash cs3' i tested 1.1.17(geco bug), 1.1.21 not work, 1.1.28 not work, 1.0.1 not work10:18
llutzS_A: check you nameserver setting /etc/resolv.conf10:18
S_Abut ping google's IP address works good10:18
Ddordallutz: awsome! thanks :D10:18
asfjioanyone can help about my problem?10:18
llutzS_A: check you nameserver setting /etc/resolv.conf10:18
llutzS_A: if you can ping IPs but not hostnames, its most likely a dns issue. so check it plz10:19
DeGhosthelp ?10:19
S_Allutz: How to chk dns. I can see that DNS is given properly in system (I had net working properly few days back)10:20
llutzS_A: "nslookup google.com"10:20
S_Allutz: already tried this but returns "connection timed out; no server could be reached"10:21
DeGhostfree photoshop and flash ubuntu becomes worthless for me10:21
llutzS_A: "grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf"10:22
KoenigseggTrying to connect my WII to the net with wireless laptop, Jaunty and wicd. WII says "Unable to find access point", is there a way to sniff packages to see where the connection fails?10:22
Ahadiel!appdb | DeGhost10:23
ubottuDeGhost: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:23
dr3mroubuntu installation date ?? please how to know it using the terminal10:23
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S_Allutz: thx it's worknig now10:25
llutzS_A: without any changes?10:25
rblstKoenigsegg: there is an app called kismet, but i found it difficult to use; have you tried iwlist <device> scan?10:25
marleenim trying to find an evolution plugin to import Outlook2k3/2k7 PST files.10:26
marleenI know it exists, but it appears to not be available according to this bug:10:26
S_Allutz: I changed ip address. Don;t why still the old address was there although network configuration GUI had the updated address10:26
jacquesdupontdhi everybody10:27
llutzS_A: that's why i suggested "check you nameserver setting /etc/resolv.conf" :)10:27
Koenigseggrblst, No, I'm all new to linux/ubuntu, so this is totally new territory for me. I'll try them both right away.10:27
tOliguys, how to completely remove the wicd ffrom my system?10:28
llutzt0h: sudo aptitude purge '~nwicd'10:28
pagixsudo apt-get purge10:29
rblstKoenigsegg: wifi cards can sometimes be a nuisance to set up; first you should make sure that wifi is active; iwconfig is a useful command for that10:29
tOlillutz: yes?10:30
llutztOli:  sudo aptitude purge '~nwicd'10:30
jacquesdupontdis someone needing help ?10:30
x802how to disable sound module?10:30
jacquesdupontdi have a bit of time10:30
jacquesdupontdx802, what do you mean by sound module ?10:31
tony68u/j #ubuntu-offtopic10:31
tOlillutz: is it possbile to use this sudo apt-get remove wicd | sudo apt-get autoremove10:31
rblstjacquesdupontd: that's very thoughtul, what do you offer help in? :)10:31
jacquesdupontdi don't know tell me what you need and then i'll see if i can do anything for ya10:32
Hekosreading on liveusbpendrivepersistent that hardy's casper is broaken. how's jaunty's ?10:32
rblstt0li: to completely remove wicd, you can use: sudo apt-get purge wicd10:33
rblstt0li: to completely remove wicd, you can use: sudo apt-get purge wicd10:33
GoogleDidntHelpI heard Grub2 can load iso images using a loopback command. I really want to make a multi-boot DVD using Grub2 to load various distro isos, is this possible? the isolinux version of multiboot DVDs is very involved and requires a lot of tweaking depending on the distro, Grub2 DVD would be much easier. Any ideas?10:33
rblsttOli: to completely remove wicd, you can use: sudo apt-get purge wicd10:33
jacquesdupontdrblst,  --remove purge10:33
purefusionHekos, jaunty has a built in usb drive installer10:33
tOlithx rblst10:33
llutzjacquesdupontd: just "purge"10:34
Isaacariahanyone got any idea why WICD isnt running scripts on connect??10:34
zaggynlmarleen: From what I gather on the comments on the bug you can add the Import PST feature manually: http://www.go-evolution.org/Libpst10:34
tOlirblst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259745/ - what does 1 not upgrade means?10:34
x802jacquesdupontd, disable sound10:35
jacquesdupontdjust remind me to make a little sudo apt-get clean :)10:35
jacquesdupontdx802, hrm it's easy to disable sound10:35
jacquesdupontdx802, just put it on mute10:35
x802jacquesdupontd, thanks for such insight full suggestions10:36
NeXstaRhow can one change your file manager from nautilus to thunar or dolphin etc?10:36
jacquesdupontdno but really i don't exactly see what you mean10:36
jacquesdupontdx802, you could remove alsa for example remove pulseaudio10:36
jacquesdupontdx802, would be easier if you tell me why you wanna do that10:37
rblsttOli: it means that there is one package of which a newer version is available than what you have on your machine; sudo apt-get upgrade10:37
x802ubuntu boots up, sound card screws up. and hang my system10:37
jacquesdupontdx802, or maybe remove modules on ubuntu starting10:38
x802how to disable sound module?10:38
x802that's why i asked10:38
jacquesdupontdx802, ok lemme 2 minutes10:38
tOlirblst: thx10:38
indusjacquesdupontd: hi10:39
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jacquesdupontdhey indus10:39
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rblstNeXstaR: i think you should use xfce instead of gnome to be able to use thunar, i don't know if the file manager in itself can be switched, never tried myself10:40
jacquesdupontdx802, you edit by sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist this file and then you put the module that you don't want to be loaded on startup10:40
indusits blacklist.conf now10:40
jacquesdupontdindus, how do you do ?10:40
indusplease use that file10:40
jacquesdupontdoh ok10:40
indusgood jac thanks10:41
jacquesdupontdx802, you edit by sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf this file and then you put the module that you don't want to be loaded on startup10:41
NeXstaRrblst: oky will try10:41
indusboth files work btw, but will be dropped from newer releases i believe10:41
kinyoobiGrr. Bout to throw my Radeon HD 4870 out the window.10:41
NeXstaRhow to fix the error that i get in openoffice when i open a office doc ? edit has not been able to detect the character coding.10:42
NeXstaRPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.10:42
NeXstaRSelect a character coding from the menu and try again.10:42
jacquesdupontdx802, by the way if you want to see the modules you should remove for sound just do in a terminal "lsmod"10:42
jacquesdupontdx802, still here ?10:42
kinyoobiAnyone able to help a bit with fglrx (catalyst 9.8) + dual monitors?10:44
jacquesdupontdx802, i would advice you to blacklist modules 1 by 1 and see if it resolve your problem but for the sound maybe the module called "snd" is sufficient10:44
kexmanis there anyone here using dovecot+postfix ?10:44
jacquesdupontdx802, ok no problem for the help, come back to me when you'll have checked i'm gone for a cig and i come back in 5 minutes10:45
x802jacquesdupontd, ok, thx.10:45
tOliguys, is there any way to make my bttery life time end for long time?10:47
tOliguys, is there any way to make my bttery life time end for last while running ubuntu10:48
stealth-whats a decent dissasembler for linux?10:50
stealth-wow, its so quiet10:51
hawodihello all. Something weird is happening to my ubuntu installation. After rebooting, my system no longer displays the GDM login screen. It just shows a brown screen with the mouse pointer just displaying. After about 30-40 seconds interval, it will try to refresh the screen. Right now, am using a live cd to browse.10:52
indushawodi: use safe graphics mode to boot cd10:52
indushawodi: aah u mean u have problems with the installed version?10:53
adacstrange: I can't lock my screen anymore....10:53
adacany ideas?10:53
tOliindus: what is the memtests in grub use to?10:54
industOli: to test memory for defects10:54
industOli: because the live cd loads into ram,if ram has a problem it wont boot properly10:54
tOliindus: thx for info10:55
hawodiindus: yes, am having problem with the installed version. sorry for leaving that info out.10:57
indushawodi: what happens when u click on lock screen? u using nvidia/ati ?10:58
hawodiIt doesn't even get to my desktop. I don't see lock screen. Am using intel Graphics and its been working fine for months now.11:00
SerendippoWhen i start certain KDE-applications in ubuntu jaunty, i get the message "Could not find mime-type ; application/octet-stream". Amarok 1.4.10 & Klibido give that popup but work nonetheless. Tellico however gives me that popup but won't start the application. I tried several possible solutions i found via google (deleting octet-stream.desktop file ; changin it contents ; running update-mime-database, reinstalling kdelibs & several other packages), but to 11:01
rblsttOli: you want to save energy to have your machine run longer on batteries?11:01
tOlirblst: yeah11:02
tOlirblst: in only can stand for about 45 mins on batteries11:03
banisterfiendanyone know the name of a free standalone flash video player package?11:04
rblsttOli: there are some tweaks you can make; be back in a few minutes11:04
tOlirblst: take ur time buddy11:04
indushawodi: did u upgrade recently11:05
indusbanisterfiend: try swfdec player11:05
indusbanisterfiend: btw, totem movie player will play flash videos11:05
hawodiindus: Nope. I have not done any update recently.11:07
hawodiIts really weird.11:07
indushawodi: happens,i have suspend hibernate going misssing sometimes11:07
rahmetlithere a lot of mans about mounting devices but I havent seen any info that is mentioning if there is no device in dev. I see the hdd in bios, but cant boot into, operating system not found11:08
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banisterfiendindus: hey there is no such package as swfdec :(11:08
indusbanisterfiend: there is11:09
indus!info swfdec11:09
ubottuPackage swfdec does not exist in jaunty11:10
banisterfiendindus: apt-get install swfdec didn't work11:10
indus!info swfdec-gnome11:10
ubottuswfdec-gnome (source: swfdec-gnome): Tools to play SWF files (Macromedia Flash) on GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-1 (jaunty), package size 68 kB, installed size 924 kB11:10
SerendippoWhen i start certain KDE-applications in ubuntu jaunty, i get the message "Could not find mime-type ; application/octet-stream". Any ideas to resolve this?11:10
indusbanisterfiend: also,please file bugs in software if any11:11
jussi01indus: are you aware if there is a kde/DE agnostic version of that?11:11
banisterfiendindus: did you code it?11:11
skimpyHello, just purchased another monitor, so i'm using 2 screens. I enabled twinview with nvidia-settings11:11
indusbanisterfiend: aah no but its a software i like a lot over the other 'famous' open source version gnash and works much beetter11:12
skimpyand it works, but my new monitor, seems to be the main11:12
skimpyand i want my old one to be. But when changing "Make this the primary display for the X screen", nothing changes11:12
indusjussi01: well,iam not aware of that11:12
banisterfiendindus: are you a C programmer11:13
indusbanisterfiend: you will have small issues playing flv i believe because 90% of people use adobe flash,so iam glad you want to try it11:13
indusbanisterfiend: no python  sometimes11:13
indusiam NOT a programmer11:13
banisterfiendindus: oh ok, why not ruby?11:13
indus!offtopic | banisterfiend11:14
ubottubanisterfiend: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:14
commander_i got realplayer on here but it won't play my dvds as  my vlc 1.0,and smplayer11:15
mohanohii want list the content of the directory with the path of the directory and filenames...11:15
mohanohiwhat is the command?11:15
mohanohilike "/home/mohan/1.png" and next "/home/mohan/2.png"11:15
banisterfiendindus: ok, this is my last q, what's your opinion of ruby?11:16
hawodiindus: Do I have to reinstall?11:16
indushawodi: no that wont solve it11:16
indushawodi: hmm try more tests to reproduce it ,does it happen always? if yes , try file a bug on launchpad11:16
TecR0cah no matter what i do i can't get rid of GRUB error 22 i have been on this for about 3 hours now !11:16
indusbanisterfiend: i dont know,never seen its code11:17
banisterfiendis there any free software for linux that let's me manipulate videos a la microsoft movie maker?11:17
indus!grub | TecR0c11:17
ubottuTecR0c: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:17
indusTecR0c: ill help you with this also11:17
mohanohiAnybody pls ?..11:17
TecR0cwell im not trying to recover my windows partition. which is what came up with i googled11:18
TecR0ci have deleted my windows partition and my old ubuntu partition then installed a new copy of ubuntu on sdc11:18
hawodiIndus: this is the first am having this issue. I can't login because gdm doesn't come on but everything works in the command line. Could this be the problem of X?11:18
TecR0cwhich i did all in the ubuntu install11:18
TecR0ci have tried to reformat and install it but i keep going back to error 2211:19
kelly_nick HJody11:19
=== Fraeon^ is now known as Fraeon
indushawodi: ya maybe an nvidia update did it or a gdm updatemwhich version of ubuntu are you using?11:20
TecR0ci also looked in the live cd but couldn't work out anything that can fix my grub boot loader11:20
hawodiam using 9.04 with intel graphics.11:20
jacquesdupontdim back11:20
jacquesdupontdx802, are you here ?11:21
hawodiIndus: am not using nvidia graphics card. Its Intel11:21
indushawodi: hmm kk, intel with 9.04? i hear about problems with that11:21
indushawodi: i guess try a different kernel for now ,one below the first11:22
EvilGuruI got the following when doing an update to my 9.04 system today: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259766/11:22
EvilGuruI am not totally sure what it means11:22
jacquesdupontdi like when i'm helping someone and that i don't even know if it worked or not...11:22
emergionHello I am receiving this error when trying to store some information into a table. Could someone please give me some tips on how to debug this correctly. I have the table in tables/thecorrectcontroller.php and I still receive the error. Table perfectcomponent not supported. File not found.11:22
__8472hi, anybody skilled a little with the "packet injection" problematics? i'm making some tests while learning some HOWTO in the wi-fi network of mine. i'm using some atheros wifi card, while using the ath5k driver. and the utilities are simple, from the aircrack-ng. when i start the airodump-ng to capture traffic, then i start the aireplay-ng -9 DEV to test the packet injection, and most of the time it doesn't work, but sometimes it does11:22
__8472 "Injection is working!", and i can't find why it works like this :(11:22
emergionoops wrong channel!11:23
hawodiIndus: heard abt the problem too but I have been using it for months now. I have tried the other kernels but no luck.11:23
vikasguys how do i copy all files over 100k to a dir ?11:23
indushawodi: hmm i dont know11:23
jacquesdupontd__8472, can depends on many things, drivers can be not stable, do you manage to create other wlans ?11:24
hawodiindus: last qu. if I reinstalled, do I lose my installed applications? I have a separate home partiton.11:24
__8472jacquesdupontd: to create other wlans, you mean if i can connect to my AP?11:25
TecR0cindus ^ any ideas ? :(11:25
indushawodi: hmm yes because installed applications are in root folder11:25
indusTecR0c: aah sorry forgot about u11:25
indushawodi: home partition is for data,not programs11:25
jacquesdupontd__8472, no nevermind, it's like if you were creating others wifi cards so you can still be using the main one and be sniffing packets at the same time11:25
TecR0cjust that this is driving me crazy lol11:25
jacquesdupontd__8472, but can't remember if it works on atheros chipset11:26
indusTecR0c: so now u have  a live cd?11:26
jacquesdupontd__8472, anyway injection depends on too many things to be able to tell you why it can work or not, first is it always on the same wifi connection that you're trying the injections ?11:26
TecR0ci just booted into the ubuntu installation cd11:26
rblsttOli: the basic settings in Gnome are accessible via System->Preferences->Power Management11:27
indus!who | TecR0c11:27
ubottuTecR0c: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:27
indusTecR0c: open a terminal and type sudo grub11:27
TecR0cindus: just booting into the livecd now11:28
rblsttOli: you can also try power top, it's an advanced app (meaning for advanced users): sudo apt-get install powertop11:28
nothern00bhi there. can ask a question about Pidgin bundled with Jaunty here?11:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:28
indusnothern00b: ask the question11:30
nothern00bdespite clearing .purple folder from everything, Pidgin 2.5.5 constantly crashes when "Plugins" selected from menu11:30
rblsttOli: here's an article on this topic http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_battery_life&num=111:30
=== theGussi is now known as Gussi
indusnothern00b: please run pidgin from terminal and check what error it gives when doing that11:31
__8472jacquesdupontd: one thing, i'm quite new to the wifi problematics. but as a technician i'm learning quite quick, but of course there i still a lot to learn. therefore i may ask sometimes as a BFU. well, what do you mean by creating those others wifi cards. like turning the device to the monitoring mode? because this i do, turn the airmon-ng start DEV , then i airodump-ng DEV to scan the area, and while running that i start capturing of11:31
__8472 pactets with some BSSID and CH. selected. after this i start the packet injection test with the -9 choice. you dunno if it works with atheros chipset? well, i've read somewhere that there're good one. anyway, as i've told you before, sometimes it work, sometimes not, but mostly not. if it's on the same wifi conn. like on the channel and so?11:31
nothern00bPidgin 2.5.5 ran from terminal:  pidgin(process:7818): Segmentation fault11:32
b3rz3rk3rdoes anyone know of an ftp server with gui frontend? Id normally use filezilla but it seems the server is windows only :(11:32
indusnothern00b: ok you should file a bug,was this happening before?11:33
nothern00bindus: nope11:33
indusnothern00b: hmm create the .purple folder again and leave it empty11:33
jacquesdupontdx802, i have a tutorial that is explaining quite well everything but it's in french may you know how to google translate it and there you are : http://www.tuto-fr.com/tutoriaux/tutorial-crack-wep-aircrack.php11:34
x802jacquesdupontd, aircrack?11:35
ketilwaaDoes anyone know of a good command to *add* soemthing to an id3 and vorbis comment? I need to do it to many files at once, preferably across hierarchies11:35
nothern00bindus: emptied/deleted/recreated .purple folder in Home, did not configure any accounts, still Segmentation fault on Plugins menu item call.11:35
indusnothern00b: ok file a bug then,this is only way,you will find similar bugs on launchpad11:36
jacquesdupontdx802, i have to go , go on the webpage and look at it after translating it it's very easy cta11:36
indusTecR0c: u there?11:37
__8472jacquesdupontd: that tutorial was meant for me? or?11:37
indusjacquesdupontd: bye11:37
TecR0cindus: yep i just ran sudo grub11:37
indusTecR0c: now type find /boot/grub/stage111:37
nothern00bthank you indus11:37
TecR0cindus: (hd2,0)11:38
indusnothern00b: i didnt solve ur problem so no thanks :)11:38
indusTecR0c: now type setup        (hd2,0)11:38
indussorry wait11:38
indusTecR0c: now type root        (hd2,0)11:38
indusTecR0c: there is one more step, but before that i wnt to see output of sudo fdisk -l11:40
TecR0cindus: yep done11:40
indusTecR0c: do that in a new terminal11:40
TecR0cindus: yep i ran that command in a new terminal, what part of the output do you want ?11:40
indus!paste | TecR0c whole11:41
ubottuTecR0c whole: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:41
indussudo fdisk -l11:41
nothern00bgtk version 2.16.1-0ubuntu2 gives this error on every gtk app launch --> Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.11:41
indusnothern00b: thats normal11:41
indusnothern00b: ignore it11:42
nothern00bwill do11:42
TecR0cindus: i know about pastein but this is on a seperate computer running a live cd11:42
Guest37693how do I make a dhcp server on an ubuntu ltsp server start at boot time, rather than launching the init script manually11:42
TecR0cindus: can i just type do you the part you want in pastein then ?11:42
indusTecR0c: you dont have internet on that one?11:42
indusTecR0c: ok just pm me the output11:43
TecR0cindus: one sec11:43
TecR0cindus: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259773/11:44
AmmoIf I put ubuntu 9.04 on a flash drive, can I boot it that way? Or must I burn it?11:44
indusTecR0c: whats sdc?11:45
TecR0cindus: /dev/sdc is the disk i want to use. that is the disk i installed the new ubuntu on11:45
TecR0cindus: its my raptor :)11:45
indusTecR0c: ok last step  in grub prompt type11:45
KoenigseggTrying to connect WII to net via laptop jaunty and wireless. Routing table for wlan0 says Dest: Gw:  Mask: Does that mean that WII packets are never routed outside wireless? (Provided WII can find the laptop, of course)11:46
indusTecR0c: setup     (hd2)11:46
* Blizzerand waves at everyone11:47
indusTecR0c: that sets up grub on 3rd device11:47
indusBlizzerand: hi waves11:47
TecR0cindus: how come it is not (hd3) then ?11:47
indusTecR0c: numbering starts from 0 :)11:48
TecR0c:) thanks11:48
TecR0cindus: time to test it out11:48
Blizzerandindus : Howdy ,11:48
indusTecR0c: it can be set up anywhere actually hd0 1 or 211:48
indusTecR0c: ok good luck reboot11:48
SerendippoWhen i start certain KDE-applications in ubuntu jaunty, i get the message "Could not find mime-type ; application/octet-stream". Amarok 1.4.10 & Klibido give that popup but work nonetheless. Tellico however gives me that popup but won't start the application. I tried several possible solutions i found via google (deleting octet-stream.desktop file ; changin it contents ; running update-mime-database, reinstalling kdelibs & several other packages), but to 11:48
TecR0cindus: same error, Error 22 :(11:49
indusTecR0c: huh strange11:50
rblstKoenigsegg: you should have a default gateway11:50
TecR0cindus: i thought we had it aswell11:50
indusTecR0c: how many entries do u see in grub11:50
indusTecR0c: u have 3 disks i believe11:50
TecR0cindus: it just goes straight to Error 2211:50
TecR0cindus: yes i have a 750 500 and a 15011:50
Koenigseggrblst: Yes, but how to set it?11:50
indusTecR0c: ok then set it on hd0 this time11:51
indusTecR0c:  setup   (hd0)11:51
indusshould work11:51
indusu have any windows os?11:51
indusTecR0c: use live cd again11:51
TecR0cindus: i did but i deleted it11:52
indusTecR0c: ok11:52
TecR0cindus: and replaced ubuntu on that hd11:52
indusTecR0c: whats on the other disks11:52
nothern00bhow do we get a backtrace with "gdb" command?11:52
indusTecR0c: how many ubuntu's11:52
rblstKoenigsegg: sudo route add default gw <host> but i think your problem is not likely about routing11:52
indusnothern00b: programname  --gdb11:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdb11:53
indusnothern00b: just double check11:53
TecR0cindus: i did have a windows hd and a ubuntu hd. then i formated both and put ubuntu on the windows hd11:53
indusTecR0c: right now you have how many versions of ubuntu?11:53
indusTecR0c: is that on sdc?11:54
Koenigseggrblst: Thanks. But my adhoc network shows up on the WII, shouldn't that mean that my wireless interface on the laptop is active?11:54
TecR0cindus: i should only have the new one no others11:54
lechuzohi... i have a problem with evolution11:54
TecR0cindus: yes on the sdc the 150gig hd11:54
qe2eqeThe output of my script has it's words cut in half... is there any way I can make it so words don't get dumbly split over lines?11:54
Koenigsegglechuso: Well, we all want to evolve I guess ^^11:55
indusTecR0c: try this step in live cd grub-install /dev/sda11:55
lechuzoi try to configure evolution, but when i press Shit+Crt+S the screen goes crazy and there's no way to save changes11:55
TecR0cindus: how come sda?11:55
snadgewhere does firefox-3.0 get its link to the sun java plugin from? i have installed my own version of sun's java in /usr/local and updated the symlink in /etc/alternative/firefox-javaplugin.so to point to the new library.. but about:plugins still shows the old one?11:55
indusTecR0c: just some change in that command11:56
lechuzoi can't also resize the window11:56
TecR0cindus: sda was the old ubuntu11:56
theatroqe2eqe, come in #linuxhelp if you want and elaborate a little more on the problem11:56
indusTecR0c: doesnt matter, we are installing grub there for boot11:56
TecR0cindus: ill give it a shot nearly booted in11:57
qe2eqetheatro, thanks a bunch11:57
rblstKoenigsegg: ah, so you have an adhoc network; yes, that should mean your wlan device is up11:57
indusTecR0c: or nvm, we follow old steps11:57
=== glink3r_ is now known as karmincteszt
Ubuntuuser_Hi, i need help installing this font, i have extracted the .TFF files but idk what to do now, i'm using Jaunty11:57
TecR0cindus: i dont mind whatever will work ! im happy11:58
rblstKoenigsegg: so you don't want to get out on the internet, right?11:58
indusTecR0c: sudo grub, root    (hd2,0)         setup        (hd0)11:58
prassyyhello, may i ask some question regarding Operating System here11:58
rskprassyy: only if it's about ubuntu11:58
indusprassyy: ask11:58
Ubuntuuser_anyone please?11:58
prassyyits regarding "fork" system call, i've tried reading loads about it11:59
indusUbuntuuser_: you need to move it into /usr/share/fonts/some folder11:59
prassyybut am bit confused..may i please ask these type of questions11:59
indusprassyy: just aksk your question11:59
indusprassyy: aah system call, try in #programming12:00
Ubuntuuser_prassyy, can you tell more specificaly please, i'm kind of new12:00
indusTecR0c: hello? u done?12:00
prassyyindus: ty so muc12:00
Ubuntuuser_indus, could you help me too please?12:00
TecR0cindus: still taking awhile to boot into the live cd just got in now12:00
prassyyUbuntuuser_: i'm new too, i will simply follow the link given by indus12:01
indusprassyy: thats not a link its a channel12:01
indusprassyy: ##programming12:01
Koenigseggrblst: Actually I do. I'm trying to connect the WII video game to be able to play online. It should work by connecting to adhoc on the laptop, which has wired internet access as well(of course) My very uneducated guess is that packets from the WII aren't routed to the wired part, therefor WII says it can't find an access point12:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about programming12:01
NeXstaRi downloaded the virtualbox 3 package deb ,and installed it but i can't find the menu item where it installed to ...12:02
prassyyindus: sorry, im just new to this.. i'll follow that channel12:02
Ubuntuuser_Hi, i need help installing this font, i have extracted the .TFF files but idk what to do now, i'm using Jaunty12:02
indusprassyy: also,dont be disappointed if some one is rude , it happens ,people must be having a bad day12:02
TecR0cindus: after i type those commands i reboot ?12:02
indusTecR0c: did u do       setup         (hd0)?12:03
prassyyindus: no problem.. i only am asking for help as i could not get my ideas clear..and am up for sterness as this is a very basic concept..thank you :o)12:03
indusprassyy: what topic are you specifically looking for?12:03
KoenigseggUbuntuuser_, google for "how to install ttf fonts ubuntu". Can't explain it myself, but that should do it12:03
Ubuntuuser_Koenigsegg, i did that but its not working for me12:04
MenZaUbuntuuser_: You can simply copy them to ~/.fonts12:04
indusUbuntuuser_: all fonts go to the location /usr/share/fonts12:04
Ubuntuuser_indus, should i just paste them there?12:04
rblstKoenigsegg: i see, hmm, i think your laptop should be an AP to your wii, which means a little bit of setup12:04
Xcon!paste Ububegin12:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste Ububegin12:04
indusUbuntuuser_: inside there there are many other folders so the best way is to use the instructions from site where u got the fonts12:04
TecR0cindus: same error still12:04
prassyyindus: i'm trying to create a zombie process though i get the output..but i am not being able to understand it properly.. what i understand is not what is being reflected in the output.12:04
indusTecR0c: your ubuntu install seems to be messed up really12:05
marlunWhat is the program I can use after make instead of "make install" which adds application to synaptic so it can be easily uninstalled?12:05
Koenigseggrblst: Exactly :). I think the adhoc setup is ok(?), which leads to routing?12:05
Ubuntuuser_indus, i got it from nome-look and the author had no instructions :/12:05
indusprassyy: ok so this is c language?12:05
TecR0cindus: what is the best way to wipe everything because i have reinstalled like 10 times :(12:05
indusTecR0c: usb hard drives?12:05
indusTecR0c: maybe i missed something here12:06
TecR0cindus: sata12:06
indusTecR0c: has it ever worked befoer?12:06
Ubuntuuser_indus, ?12:06
TecR0cindus: when i had windows and ubuntu it did12:06
Xconcould someone help me please? my comp was fine this morning but when I started it up after, i got the error: (EE) NV(0) Couldnt find the DCC Routing table. (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable config12:06
indusUbuntuuser_: wait please12:06
XconI have pasted what ubuntu says to me when I type sudo nvidia-xconfig12:07
XconMany thanks in advance12:07
Ubuntuuser_indus, should i do this http://www.detector-pro.com/2009/04/how-to-install-fonts-on-ubuntu-904.html , it wont have any negetive affect on my OS right? and alright thanks12:07
rblstKoenigsegg: i never used an adhoc network before, and don't know much about it either, but i can help you with setting up your ubuntu to be a wireless access point12:07
indusUbuntuuser_: give me link to where u got the fonts12:07
Ubuntuuser_one second indus12:07
prassyyindus: yes the "c" code12:07
Ubuntuuser_can i pm you?12:07
Ubuntuuser_i'm having hard time keeping up with activity in channel12:07
indusprassyy: please go to #c12:07
indusprassyy: they will help12:08
indusok i need a break :)12:08
TecR0cindus: want me to boot back into the livecd ?12:08
indusTecR0c: no wait12:08
TecR0cindus: ok12:08
Ubuntuuser_i pmed you link indus :)12:08
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Koenigseggrblst: That would be great, thanks a bunch. Or if you know some - detailed - guide that I could use? Less work for you12:08
rblstKoenigsegg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless12:09
indusUbuntuuser_: aah system wide fonts, i guess follow that link you have12:10
indusUbuntuuser_: that .fonts folder etc12:11
Ubuntuuser_one last question12:11
indusUbuntuuser_: it wont effect your OS12:11
Ubuntuuser_when i boot back will it automaticaly use that font?12:11
Ubuntuuser_or will i have to configure it12:11
indusUbuntuuser_: maybe :)12:11
Ubuntuuser_and when i dont want to use it, i simply delete the folder right? no bad efefcts? :P12:11
prassyyindus: ty i'll join that channel now12:11
Condeanybody knows if print HP laserjet is combatible with the last version of ubuntu?12:12
indusUbuntuuser_: ya no bad effectc12:12
indusConde: all hp is12:12
Ubuntuuser_thanks a lot indus12:12
embrikis it possible to create a new user with the same settings, Desktop, shortcut on the desktop as an existing user?12:12
UbersoldatConde: probably... HP's printer support in linux is very good12:12
indusConde: just plug it in and its enough12:12
Condebecause my print doesn't work12:12
indusUbersoldat: its outrageously good12:13
Condecan you help me?12:13
Ubuntuuser_indus, one last question again, the file i extracted had 4 .tff files, do i copy all of them?12:13
indusUbuntuuser_: yes all12:13
indusUbuntuuser_: its ttf not tff12:13
industrue type font12:13
CondeI plug it and I install it but the print doesn't work12:13
Ubuntuuser_my bad, i'm new indus sorry12:13
Ubuntuuser_and thanks a lot m812:13
indusme too12:13
embrikcan i create a new user with trhe same desktop as an existing user?12:14
cousteauUbuntuuser_: extract it to ~/.fonts and run fc-cache12:14
indusConde: in menu>system>admin>printer print test page12:14
Ubuntuuser_i already created a .font folder and pasted then there cousteau , wont that work?12:15
Ubuntuuser_i'm about to reboot12:15
rblstKoenigsegg: sorry, i didn't fully realize your plight earlier :)12:15
cousteauUbuntuuser_: run `fc-cache`12:15
indusConde: or accessories > print jobs i think12:15
cousteauyou shouldn't need to reboot12:15
rblstConde: what type is it exactly?12:15
CondeOk thank you I try12:15
indusUbuntuuser_: follow him, he is correct12:15
Ubuntuuser_cousteau, may i please pm you, i'm totaly enw to linux12:16
SeySayuxWhich package for libintl?12:16
cousteauUbuntuuser_: it's easy, just open a terminal, write fc-cache, and press enter12:16
embrikIs it possible to crate a new user based on an existing user's settings?12:16
Ubuntuuser_dont cousteau12:17
indusTecR0c: hi12:17
indusTecR0c: can u boto live cd again one time12:17
leachim6_I just installed the latest updates on jaunty12:17
leachim6_and now I can't suspend12:17
leachim6_or shutdown12:17
leachim6_can someone help?12:17
indusTecR0c: i want to see your menu.lst12:17
leachim6_I need it for school today :(12:18
Conderblst: HP laserjet 101812:18
rblstConde: i have a 1018, it works with Ubuntu12:19
cousteauleachim6_: well, the long way to shutdown is press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and run sudo poweroff now12:19
TecR0cindus: ok i will let u know when i am back into the livecd12:19
CondeI tried but I fail because computer says that the print isn't connected12:19
leachim6_cousteau, tried it, it hangs12:19
Condebut my print is connected!12:19
leachim6_it has something to do with gnome..12:19
leachim6_cause if I log out of gnome12:19
indusConde: remove the printer cable, restart pc then reconnect it12:19
leachim6_then sun "sudo pm-suspend"12:20
leachim6_it works fine12:20
indusConde: i had this issue sometimes12:20
Condeok I try12:20
indusConde: power it off12:20
cousteauleachim6_: and pressing Alt+PetSys+REISUO ?12:20
leachim6_that works12:20
leachim6_but it's not idea...12:20
indusConde: once u restart pc, power it12:20
leachim6_what does the O stand for12:20
leachim6_I've done RSEUIB12:20
indusi like sudo shutdown now12:21
indussudo shutdown -r 8012:21
indusoops wrong12:21
iPoRnis there a way to "download" an history file, with all the files (packages) that i've installed on my system?12:22
indusTecR0c: iam not sure,but grub seems to have a problem finding your 3rd disk12:23
indusTecR0c: or it should show boot menu12:23
indusTecR0c: did u try press esc during boot?12:23
TecR0cindus: wasn't giving me a option?12:24
safruhanihi i install vbox via ubuntu-tweak, i realized that it is an older package (2.0.4) can i find a repo for vbox include newer versions?12:24
icerootsafruhani: on there website you will find the repo-adress12:24
indusTecR0c: install to 2nd hard disk12:25
indusTecR0c: could be an issue with disk too i dont know12:25
safruhaniiceroot: do you mean  on vbox website ?12:25
indusTecR0c: try12:25
icerootsafruhani: yes12:25
cousteauleachim6B is for reBoot, O is for powerOff12:25
safruhanithank you iceroot12:25
TecR0cindus: not that i know of i might have to run spinrite on it12:25
theatroiPoRn, you can browse throught these files /var/log/apt/term.log*12:26
TecR0cindus: i am now in the livecd, what commands dou want me to run12:26
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indusTecR0c: no commands, just install ubuntu to 2nd disk12:26
iPoRnok, will check that out, tks12:26
indusTecR0c: its empty right?12:26
jakerueI'm trying to copy my ext3 partition to a new, bigger one.  I can't seem to find a way to boot from it after I have copied it using gparted12:26
TecR0cindus: as far as i know yes12:26
indusTecR0c: so install it there12:27
jakeruedoes it make sense to try and create a dedicated grub partition and then see if that can detect and boot off my new cloned partition?12:27
Pirate_HunterI have a training course CD and wish to run it however how would i do it in ubuntu compared to windows (the .exe is not recognised)?12:28
TecR0cjake: i think indus tried that12:29
jakerueWine is your answer....or a VM12:29
rootwhat for12:29
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CondeI tried but I fail12:29
Guest46796Any problems12:30
Pirate_HunterI have a training course CD and wish to run it however how would i do it in ubuntu compared to windows (the .exe is not recognised)?12:31
Condeyes, my print HP laserjet 1018 doesn' work12:31
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Guest46796wine should12:31
jakerueTecRoc how successful has he been?  I missed the beginning12:31
Guest46796Conde, what eith printer12:32
jakeruePirate_Hunter: I just told you....wine or a VM12:32
TecR0cjakerue: well i had windows/ubuntu on to seperate drives. then i formated them and installed ubuntu where the windows OS use to be all in the ubuntu install12:33
TecR0cthen i started getting Error 2212:33
Pirate_Hunterjakerue: oh that was for me sorry didn't realise since you didn't use my name12:33
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Conde<Guest46796>: I tried to restar my pc but nothing12:33
TecR0cso i reinstalled ubuntu a number of times and still no luck12:33
jakeruePirate_Hunter: right, my bad12:33
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orzhello anyone good with graficdriverissues ?12:33
TecR0cjakerue: then indus starting troubleshooting with me12:33
TecR0cthis is my fdisk -l http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259773/12:34
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TecR0cjakerue: sdc is where i was trying to install my ubuntu12:34
jakerueTecR0c: I am on a single drive, trying to expand my fs size.....I too deleted a windows part and used gparted to copy.  I am not getting any errors, I just can't seem to boot.12:35
safruhaniiceroot: http://pastebin.com/m7e05367712:35
safruhaniiceroot: should i remove the old one ?12:35
TecR0cu might not have a grub boot loader anymore not sure12:35
jakerueI can boot....but only to my old partition....not my new one12:36
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orzCan anyone help me explain why my result in glxgears went from 11 000 fps to 70 fps ?12:37
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CondeGuest46796: I tried to restar my pc but nothing12:37
mralexandrois there any other place than in system preferences start up aplications, that i could have typed Metacity composite --replace or emerald --replace12:38
AnActivistHello fellow Ubuntuers, I am in desperate need of a webspider similar to Teleport Ultra for windows, I need a program the will be able to actually download the files off the site and not just mirror the page, open source software has never let me down but I can't seem to find an answer to my problem, any help would be appreciated :)12:38
innomenhi guys, i have a bunch of ogg files that are extremely quiet i'd like to increase volume on them as a group, easymp3gain dosent apear to know how to handle them because they aren't music they are voice recordings12:38
innomenAnActivist, have you tried scrap book or httttrack? i think even wget the cli thing might be able to help you12:39
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BoohbahAnActivist: wget12:40
AnActivistinnomen, I was checking out wget but I couldn't seem to figure out how to get it to download the files12:40
BoohbahAnActivist: -r, the recursive flag12:40
AnActivistalright, I'll do some more reading12:40
AnActivistthanks guys, I'll report back in a couple minutes12:40
innomendr willis!12:40
innomendoc doc gimmie the news...12:41
innomenhow would i increase the volume on a bunch of ogg files :)12:41
Dr_Willis'put the lime in the coco nut. and drink it right up'12:41
Dr_Willisinnomen:  No idea. but i bet ffmpeg/mencoder could proberly do it. :)12:41
jakeruewhere is GRUB loaded from?  I want to boot sda1 but am only able to boot sda6.....where should I edit menu.lst?12:41
Dr_Willisi know mencoder has a volume normalize feture.12:42
Dr_Willisjakerue:  menu.lst is defined in /boot/grub/menu.lst12:42
Dr_Willisjakerue:  backup that file and read up on the grub docs befor messing with it. :)12:42
Dr_Willisjakerue:  there is an example entry in it to boot windows from sda1 near the top of the file12:42
jakerueDr_Willis I am using a liveCD now...I what should I mount to find this /boot/grub ?12:43
AnActivisti think this is what I'm looking "wget --mirror -w 2 -p --html-extension --convert-links -P <dir> http://www.yourdomain.com" however how would I specify it only to download a certain file type when following the links?12:43
Dr_Willisjakerue:  its on teh root of the instlled drive unless you made a seperate boot partition.12:43
Dr_Willisjakerue:  why are you using a live cd?12:44
jakerueDr_Willis I have copied an old partition into a new partition to increase fs space.12:44
AnActivistI'm also not sure if wget requires you to specify the depth, I'll keep reading but any help innomen or Boohbah could give me, thank you :)12:44
Dr_Willisjakerue:    the grub menu.lst uses the 'UUID' 's of the various drives to tell the system qwhat/where to boot. You may need to correct those also.12:45
jakerueDr_Willis I can boot into Grub and get into my old sda6 just fine....but I want to get into the sda1 where I copied my sda6 using gparted12:45
jakerueyeah the UUIDs are equal as far as I can tell12:45
innomenAnActivist, all i know is that wget is a took that downloads things from the web, i use scrap book for grabbing pages, it'sa  firefox plugin and it will do what you want12:45
Dr_Willisjakerue:  having 2 filesystems with identical uuid's may cause much confusion.12:45
Dr_Willisthe point of differnt UUIDs is to tell the filesystems apart. :)12:45
innomenit really depends on what you are trying to accomplish12:46
AnActivistinnomen, can I use scrap book to download only the files12:46
jakerueDr_Willis:  one is a copy of the other......can I just change them somehow?12:46
AnActivista specific file12:46
Dr_Willisuuid is changeable by the tune2fs command12:46
AnActivistsorry a specific file extension12:46
innomenAnActivist, maybe not ina  single step but you can use scrapbook to grab the whole page plus files and then lift out what you want from the folder where it puts stuff12:46
innomenAnActivist, i'm about 90% sure you can12:46
innomenhonestly though in the long term you're better off learning wget i'm posative about that12:47
AnActivistlol true12:47
innomenfor one it's never going away12:47
Dr_Williswget = WonderFull Get. :)12:47
innomenfor two since its cli you can script it really easy12:47
AnActivistI'll keep reading about wget :)12:47
jakerueDr_Willis: so does it make sense to mount both sda1 and sda 6, change the uuid on sda6 and let grub do it's thing by booting the old uuid?  Will it actually recognize sda1 as the one I want?12:48
innomenfor three the doctor just said so, seriously that would ahve been number one if i had known he would do that12:48
Dr_Willisjakerue:  depends on the  grub. ive not tried copy/cloneing drives in years.12:48
Dr_Willisjakerue:  you dont mount to change UUID.12:48
innomendr willis works for the NSA but he's not allowed ot talk about it12:48
jakerueDr_Willis...right.  OK I will try changing it and see what happens12:48
Dr_Willisand the uid change will also only be seen after  you reboot..12:49
innomenin fact i think there' a 30% chance dr willis is actually an AI12:49
Dr_Willisjakerue:  I Would of just mounted sda1 somewhere and used it as a storage/home drive/parittion. heh12:49
* Dr_Willis says Welcome to Skynet Users...12:49
jakerueDr_willis.....yeah I just didn't think of that.....I want to use it as my home/desktop storage.....it seems to make more sense to do it that way huh12:50
Dr_Willisjakerue:  yes. :)  thats a 10 min task.. vs a few hrs to copy it.12:51
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Dr_WillisIt is worth while to learn grub.. but the next ubutnu release will be using Grub2.. i gotta go learn some Grub2 someday soon12:51
jakerueDr_Willis: I like it.12:51
AnActivistDr_Willis or innomen do you know how to specify what directory you want wget to download files to? From what I'm reading it looks like it downloads them to the current directory12:52
AnActivistthat your residing in when you invoke wget12:52
majukUh huuuuuu.... so my sdb drive, a member of my RAID5 array, just tripped out for the second time. Totally shut off and then reinitialized while the system was going, causing havoc. Can anyone shed some light as to why? dmesg output-> http://dpaste.com/85552/12:52
matrix_hey guys i downloaded a movie its has lot of .vob files how can i watch it or do i need to burn it12:52
innomeni dont, my wget usage is limited ot copypasta from tutorials :/12:52
Dr_Willismatrix_:  vlc can play .vob files12:52
AnActivistDr_Willis, any words of wisdom :)12:53
innomenmatrix_, vobs files are from a dvd right? you can probably just open them with a video player12:53
Dr_Willistell it to play the 'directroy' everything is in.12:53
jakeruematrix_: VLC12:53
Dr_Willismplayer can also do that I think.12:53
matrix_yes but i don't want to play all files i want to play one single file there are lots of .vob files12:53
innomenand totem12:53
innomenmatrix_, right click open with movei player12:53
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innomenor drag drop ontp movie player12:54
Dr_Willisif its a dvd movie.. how do you know its one file?12:54
Edicowhat are the keys to switch between desktops?12:54
Dr_WillisYou can play a single vob in mplayer/vlc also.12:54
rblstAnActivist: use the -P option; default is .12:54
Dr_Willisor convert vobs to other formats12:54
AnActivistcool terrific thank you rblst12:54
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matrix_thanks inomen it worked perfect12:56
matrix_innomen thanks12:56
AnActivistdarn, failed I don't understand whats wrong I'm using the -r option but wget is not following the links12:57
matrix_iam watchin pelham 1 2 3 looks great movie12:57
innomenmatrix_, np12:57
indusAnActivist: why dont you try gwget12:57
innomenindus, what is this thing of which you speak?12:57
AnActivistindus, it is not specific enough, I can't tell it to only download a specific file12:57
AnActivistit also refuses to follow links12:57
indus!info gwget12:58
ubottugwget (source: gwget2): GNOME front-end for wget. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 223 kB, installed size 1344 kB12:58
indusinnomen: this thing i speak of is capable of doing wonderful things :)12:58
AnActivistindus, can you specify a file extension? and tell it to follow links? I've tried both with it already and wasn't able to do it12:59
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blip-I want a buntu.  which model ?12:59
Dr_Willisblip-:  depends on your needs and hardware13:00
Dr_WillisNormal Desktop Ubuntu - works for most people13:00
Guest46796what do you want to do with it13:01
Guest46796hack - backtrack13:01
indusAnActivist: i think its an option in preferences13:01
Guest46796serve - server13:01
blip-Dr_Willis: so I know about the mainstream 3, of those I like xubuntu. but what do you think of the other ones like fluxbuntu and such13:01
indusblip-: model number 9.0413:01
Guest46796mint - coolness13:01
Omertahello guys13:01
AnActivistindus, alas it is not, I feel so let down :(13:01
Omertawhat's the best alternative linux distribution to ubuntu13:01
blip-indus: does that come with a sunroof ?   :P13:01
Dr_WillisI would avoide 'linux mint'13:01
indusAnActivist: ok what does 'follow a link' do13:01
Dr_WillisOmerta:  depends on  your needs.. as to what disrto to use.13:01
Guest46796I've never had to relay on it13:02
Omertai use ubuntu13:02
Guest46796so do I, so do I13:02
rblst!poll | Omerta13:02
ubottuOmerta: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:02
AnActivistindus, there is a "follow related links only" tab, I'll try it again and let you know in a moment13:02
Guest46796try as many live cds as you can13:02
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)13:02
Omertaeasy to use, great visuals13:02
blip-hey I remember playing that game Omerta like a million years ago13:03
Guest46796ubuntu server is good to setup13:03
blip-was good fun13:03
Guest46796what game13:03
AnActivisthmmm for some reasons my prefrences arent being saved13:03
blip-online mafia game13:03
arvind_khadrihi, if we change the instances of jaunty to karmic in sources.list and do a dist-upgrade would it lead to karmic?13:03
AnActivistmaybe thats why it wasn't working13:03
Guest46796AnActivist, in what13:03
Omertaso guys, what's the best alternative to ubuntu13:04
Guest46796arvind_khadri, I think so13:04
Dr_WillisOmerta:  Depends on your needs.13:04
rskOmerta: ubuntu-alternative.13:04
indusblip-: dont know about the sunroof,but it has a powerful engine and good tyres13:04
AnActivistgwget, my recursive prefrences are not being saved13:04
Omertawell i need something like ubuntu13:04
rskOmerta: what's missing in ubuntu that you need13:04
Dr_WillisOmerta:  then use ubuntu?13:04
indusAnActivist: who is gwget ?13:04
Guest46796Ometra, red hat, debain13:04
Omertamy ubuntu doesnt shut down13:04
Omertait's a bug i suppose13:04
rskthat's a feature!13:04
AnActivistindus, no the probably gwget, my recursive prefrences are not being saved13:04
indusAnActivist: so there is an option then13:04
rblstarvind_khadri: it should13:04
Guest46796omerta,  press off13:04
innomenoh god thats the worst thing i hate, when an application refuses to die13:05
rskOmerta: tried sudo halt ?or sudo shutdown13:05
Dr_Williswith 5+Mo uptimes.. i rarely shutdown.13:05
Omertayeah ofc13:05
Guest46796pull the plug KILL13:05
indusAnActivist: but what does it do,follow links mean13:05
AnActivistindus, yes I knew about it and I checked the box however the prefrences do not appear to be saving13:05
Guest46796Anyone have any problems13:05
indusAnActivist: hmm13:05
innomenGuest46796, when the process manager says "uninterruptable" it means it13:05
AnActivistI check the box then close the prefrences and then open it again and the prefrences are not saved13:05
AnActivistperhaps I should reinstall?13:05
Guest46796innomen, no, it lies, trust me13:05
innomensudo kill -9 and it just laughs atyou13:06
indusAnActivist: yes perhaps13:06
shreymechhi i am unable to logiin in yahoo messenger from my pidgin.. can any one suggest a solution13:06
Guest46796innomen, then use kung-fu13:06
AnActivistrighto one moment, indus do you think I should purge the unistall?13:06
indusAnActivist: yea good idea13:06
innomenGuest46796, i did, and hti he power button ehehh13:06
legend2440Omerta: is it a laptop? what make and model?13:06
rblstDextorion: hi there13:06
indusAnActivist: sudo apt-get remove --purge13:06
Guest46796shreymech, got username/pass13:06
AnActivistindus, thank you one moment13:06
Omertayeah a laptop: packard bell easynote v708413:06
innomenGuest46796, change your name i have to like type the whole thing before it will tab complete lol13:07
Guest46796innomen, something like that13:07
indusAnActivist: ok ill give u another software13:07
Guest46796how do I change names13:07
shreymechbefore i cud login to yahoo by pidgin but few days before it stopped13:07
Dextorionhey lvh13:07
lvhevolution shows a different date field for recent (last week) emails than long-term emails13:07
lvhI cant figure out how to just get it to display hh:mm dd/mm/yyyy for all emails13:08
Guest46796lvh did you change time zones13:08
ipatelhi guys... im hoping you can help me out.... I have XEN installed on ubuntu, i need to boot in single user mode, any ideas?13:08
krushikhi. if I download ubuntu installer/live dvd and boot on it with live option, can I then install packages from it?13:08
Guest46796whats XEN13:08
lvhGuest46796: No, I mean the date format is different.13:08
DextorionGuest36417, try /nick <nick>13:08
ipatelxen -> hypervisor13:08
Guest46796krushik, just stick it a ubuntu install then synaptic should work its magic13:08
innomenGuest46796, /nick newname13:09
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machetyes it worked13:09
innomenthere we go machet13:09
machetdamm it didn;t13:09
rblstkrushik: yes, you can, but of course they will disappear if you reboot13:10
AnActivistindus, well I unistalled/purged gwget and then reinstalled and the options did remain checked this time, however they still failed to follow the links and download the files with the extension I'm looking for; what is this other software your reccomding?13:10
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innomenOpenSourceStuden, bravo13:10
indusAnActivist: install d4x13:10
indus!info d4x13:10
ubottud4x (source: d4x): graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 711 kB, installed size 2056 kB13:10
OpenSourceStudeninnomen, I'm really new to IRC, what does red mean?13:10
Dr_WillisUninstaling/reinstalling - is 'windows' thinking.13:10
AnActivistindus, cool is there a help file with it?13:10
* Dr_Willis wonders what red?13:10
OpenSourceStudenred text13:11
innomenOpenSourceStuden, its just to let you see that someone has used your name13:11
indusAnActivist: just install and follow help13:11
AnActivistindus, alright cool, I'll report back in a few, thank you very much13:11
innomenOpenSourceStuden, so you can follow a conversation even in the midst of other chatter13:11
indusAnActivist: you are utmost welcome13:11
innomenOpenSourceStuden, for example, type inn and then hit tab13:11
Chips0ftCan someone help me with external harddrive permission problems?13:11
OpenSourceStudeninnomen, I noticed that13:11
innomenwell good13:12
indusChips0ft: tell us the problem and someone will help13:12
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, sure13:12
blip-Chips0ft: make sure it's not Fat3213:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:12
Chips0ftWell, i have this 1500Gb harddrive13:12
Chips0ftand i had to mount it via the terminal13:12
Chips0ftthat went fine13:12
phoe6I screwed something with my File System. It is now Read-Only. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1250152  can someone help me with troubleshooting?13:12
Chips0ftBut now i can't copy my music/pictures etc from my first harddrive to my 1500GB13:12
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, did you plug into windows13:13
Chips0ftcause i have to be root for permission13:13
Chips0ftYes i did13:13
indushey guys check this out download manager for linux http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Internet/HTTP-WWW-/QuickDownloader-834.shtml13:13
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, can't you mount from nautilus13:13
indusChips0ft: 1500 gb wow13:13
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, windows adds annoyiong flags if you don't saftely remove13:13
Chips0ftnautilus = file manager?13:13
blip-indus: I'll stick with DownThemAll :)13:13
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, yes13:13
Chips0ftYeah OpenSourceStuden i've read about that13:13
indusblip-: that sucks,this seems to be professional13:14
Chips0ftBut can i change the permissions via the terminal somehow?13:14
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, I have to deal with all the time13:14
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indusblip-: also,i cant see it in synaptic this down them all13:14
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, If there are no flags13:14
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, did you use sudo13:14
blip-indus: yeah it's ffox exten13:14
Chips0fti did sudo mount vfat locationofharddrive mountlocation13:14
innomenindus, someone once told me i'm not allowed ot say stuff sucks, in here so i todl them they suck, it sucked13:14
Chips0ftfor mounting13:14
Chips0ftBut that went fine13:14
hipitihopanyone know if there is a way to retrieve password for a nick from nickserv ?13:15
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, it now belongs to root13:15
blip-hipitihop: #freenode13:15
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, sudo cp may work13:15
indusinnomen: hmm13:15
Chips0ftOpenSourceStuden,  i tried sudo cp13:15
Chips0ftbut it didnt work13:15
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, error msg13:15
krushikrblst, thanks. should I add the dvd to my sources.list with apt-cdrom?13:15
innomenok i gotta ask again can anyone help me mornalize the volume ona  bunch of ogg files?13:15
indusinnomen: ya its a bad word anyway13:16
indusinnomen: whats mornalize13:16
Chips0ftOpenSourceStuden, i have to do the sudo cp again cause i closed the terminal window13:16
innomenindus, i dont believe in bad words13:16
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, sure13:16
indusinnomen: maybe the recording itself ws done poorly13:16
OpenSourceStudenkrushik, yes add to sources13:16
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innomenindus, well thats what i'm trying to fix :P13:16
Chips0fto fuck xD13:16
innomeni just need ot make them louder13:16
Chips0ftjohan@johan-desktop:~$ sudo cp /media/HDDRIVE2GO/* /media/1500GB13:16
Chips0ftcp: omitting directory `/media/HDDRIVE2GO/Cartoons'13:16
Chips0ftcp: omitting directory `/media/HDDRIVE2GO/Fotoverzameling'13:16
Chips0ftcp: omitting directory `/media/HDDRIVE2GO/muziek'13:16
Chips0ftcp: omitting directory `/media/HDDRIVE2GO/Recycled'13:16
Chips0ftcp: omitting directory `/media/HDDRIVE2GO/System Volume Information'13:16
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:16
Chips0ftThat lol13:16
indusChips0ft: do mind language13:17
OpenSourceStudenI missed that13:17
bazhangChips0ft, watch the language13:17
rblstkrushik: i'm not sure how to add it, but you can install packages directly by their name with dpkg: sudo dpkg -i <filename>13:17
indusrblst: add what13:17
OpenSourceStudenkrushik, goto software sources and sources13:17
Dr_Willisinnomen:  http://movingparts.net/2007/12/10/mencoder-dvd-rip-volume-increase-your-psp-and-you/13:17
innomeni hate when people say "language" when then mean curse words or bad word13:17
Dr_Willisinnomen:  check out the options they use perhaps. :)13:18
rblstkrushik: *by their file name13:18
innomenDr_Willis, checking13:18
indusinnomen: true13:18
buchCan it really be true that adobe has messed flash 10 to really bring poor preformance quality? And theres no way to either tweak or hack it to gain the wanted preformance?13:18
lvhis it possible to convince evolution to always use hh:mm dd/mm/yyyy, and not revert to dayname, hh:mm for mails in the last 7 days?13:18
rblstindus: to have a live session recognize the dvd as a software source13:18
Chips0ftOpenSourceStuden, you got my error messages?13:18
OpenSourceStudenbuch, it adobe need I say more13:18
Dominik1my screen resultion is 640 x 420, and it will not allow me to increase it, this was after I installed nvidia driver, please help13:18
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, no I didn't13:18
Chips0ftill pastebin it13:18
OpenSourceStudenDominik1, restart x server13:19
indusrblst: well,just having the cd in drive will automatically ask for it to be added13:19
innomenindus, i think they say it that way because they know they are being childish hall monitors, like there's ever beena  child in the room that didn't already know thw full spectrum of curse words plus a few new ones13:19
buchOpenSourceStuden: what?13:19
Dominik1OpenSourceStudent: they disabled crtl alt backspace13:19
indusrblst: or of course add from software sources13:19
rblstindus: yes but is it the same when you boot from it?13:19
OpenSourceStudenDominik1, restart x server then update config w/ detection13:19
innomenanywho brb13:19
Dominik1OpenSourceStudent: how do I do that?13:19
Chips0ftOpenSourceStuden, : http://pastebin.com/d3258956713:19
OpenSourceStudenDominik1, restart computer13:19
OpenSourceStudenChips0ft, I don't know how to do that :(13:20
Dominik1OpenSourceStudent :( there used to be a faster way then that13:20
indusrblst: good question,but whats krushik trying to do13:20
OpenSourceStudenDominik1, yeah logout or13:20
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.13:20
OpenSourceStudenDominik1, yeah logout or conrol-alt-backspace13:20
indusrblst: depends if the cd has stuff other than live cd stuff i think13:20
rblstindus: install packages in a live session form the dvd the machine booted from13:20
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innomenDr_Willis, the files in question are audio not video13:20
rblstindus: the dvd does have13:20
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innomenAnubisss, thee's a good pupppy *rubs nose*13:21
indusrblst: well, actually thats not how to do it, the dvd will install everything during install itself13:21
krushikindus, it is a installer/live dvd13:21
induskrushik: the install process will install all on the dvd13:21
OpenSourceStudenAre we being DDos13:21
krushiki want to install some packages within a live session13:22
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sina U0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU013:22
tolgahan M5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM513:22
abrar U0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU013:22
Whately J4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ413:22
Bowers S8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS813:22
debra S8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS813:22
DonJuan S8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS813:22
pedro S8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS8 mS813:22
EMRE777 M5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM513:22
rAppEr M5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM513:22
HeLLaS M5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM513:22
Rindos U0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU013:22
McHancer U0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU013:22
Repetto J4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ413:22
CenaZe C3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC313:22
UsaMan W7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW713:22
Tatar T1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT113:22
HeXeN T1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT113:22
Nisenson T1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT113:22
quaKe C3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC313:22
MUHENDIS24m J3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ313:22
Gulseren T1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT1 yT113:22
Ozan22m C3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC313:22
Kleckner W7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW713:22
Esra W7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW713:22
Guest12078 C3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC3 zC313:22
Haydar W8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 f13:22
WeZiR J3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ313:22
Bagnold M8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 x13:22
ramana M8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 x13:22
Svir M8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 x13:22
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Koray M8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 x13:22
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SeconD M8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 x13:22
Falorsi M5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM513:22
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FiNsY J3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ3 pJ313:22
mauro T5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT513:22
Keith T5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT513:22
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Morrison B5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB513:22
ERMAN B5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB513:22
Nese M5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM5 gM513:22
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gobLiN M8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 xM8 x13:22
Maccormac C6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 w13:22
Charles C6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 w13:22
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kopolimer G5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG513:22
Guest96193 K5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK5 tK513:22
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Raney C6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 wC6 w13:22
kimyager G5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG5 dG513:22
Haluk T5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT513:22
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Berke-Jenkins V6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV613:22
nobuko G5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG513:22
Croxton G5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG513:22
Guest48503 W0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW013:22
Busetta W0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW013:22
shlee T5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT513:22
GaRiP T5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT513:22
Anaconda T5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT5 nT513:22
Multi X1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX113:22
sevdim X1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX113:22
Sukran X1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX113:22
Cumhur W8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 fW8 f13:22
Isaievych E2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE213:22
ozan07 E2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE213:22
sechang E2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE213:22
Vahan U0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU013:22
Elmerick U0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU013:22
BreaKDance1 U0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU0 gU013:22
choong-h R3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR313:22
shihming R3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR313:22
Huntington V6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV613:22
haLay G5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG513:22
Drinker W0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW013:22
Buchan D5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD513:22
Theforeigner F3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 m13:22
chandra P3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP313:22
HIYAR P3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP313:22
GENCEBAY P3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP313:22
Sertap F3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 m13:22
Kontre_GeRiLLa X1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX1 sX113:22
dalibor F3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 m13:22
moirentes F3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 m13:22
yew-shin V6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV613:22
Collard F3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 m13:22
SevdA F3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 m13:22
figeneneeeeeee F3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 m13:22
g3nlus V6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV613:22
Yildiz D5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD513:22
yatakda D5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD5 iD513:22
Zoldak G5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG5 kG513:22
itaLiano F3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 mF3 m13:22
CApKiN W0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW013:22
soman E2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE213:22
baypipo P3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP313:22
Panadero E2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE213:22
Warshafsky E2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE213:22
UGUR E2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE213:22
AskeR P3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP313:22
Rish R3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR3 pR313:22
saifalla W0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW013:22
MicaN F1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF113:22
Fortes F1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF113:22
SonYolcu V6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV613:22
Benmi F1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF113:22
seviL F1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF113:22
TheaTRe F1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF113:22
Boniface V6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV613:22
Plous V6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV613:22
sanh W7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW713:22
BreaK W7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW713:22
Johannesson W7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW713:22
NEOnazi W7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW7 pW713:22
Bartoo W5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW513:22
filiz24 W0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW0 hW013:22
Guest79704 W5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW513:22
EMRAH W5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW513:22
Guest23904 W5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW5 jW513:22
nalini F1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF113:22
masimasi F1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF113:22
Tai D5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD513:22
Pearlberg D5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD513:22
Menzies P3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP313:22
coventry P3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP313:22
Turgay P3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP3 nP313:22
Politis E2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE2 nE213:22
Verghese J4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ413:22
samir J4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ413:22
Kardelen D5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD513:22
bailey D5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD513:22
Botosh R8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR813:22
Cappuccio F1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF1 mF113:22
CHOSEN V6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV6 eV613:22
Polanyi R8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR813:22
Guest82257 J2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ213:22
shin R8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR813:22
ephitaph R8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR813:22
Edit J2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ213:22
Zengin R8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR813:22
Muzisyen J2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ213:22
Proietti R8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR813:22
yuehwern J2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ2 mJ213:22
Harrigan R8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR813:22
EMRAH20 R8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR8 lR813:22
Caratozzolo J4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ413:22
Frazier-Davis J4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ413:22
chanshin D0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD013:22
DeSTaN D0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD013:22
Addison D0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD0 uD013:22
Muge J4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ413:22
NicKMicKYoCk J4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ4 bJ413:22
santiago B5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB5 bB513:22
OpenSourceStudenkrushik, cant have to compile with13:22
tolgahan P2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP213:22
Frazier-Davis K3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK313:22
EMRE777 P2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP213:22
Whately K3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK313:22
rAppEr P2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP213:22
HeLLaS P2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP213:22
Muge K3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK313:22
debra T4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT413:22
Caratozzolo K3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK313:22
Verghese K3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK313:22
samir K3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK313:22
abrar O7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO713:22
Nisenson C1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC113:22
DonJuan T4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT413:22
NicKMicKYoCk K3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK313:22
Rindos O7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO713:22
sina O7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO713:22
quaKe W9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 u13:22
McHancer O7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO713:22
Repetto K3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK3 yK313:22
Bowers T4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT413:22
pedro T4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT4 sT413:22
CenaZe W9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 u13:22
pirie P7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP713:22
Tatar C1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC113:22
WeZiR Z7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ713:22
FiNsY Z7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ713:22
UsaMan R4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR413:22
Kleckner R4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR413:22
HeXeN C1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC113:22
Gulseren C1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC1 bC113:22
Esra R4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR413:22
Boniface B7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 x13:22
mauro C4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC413:22
Maccormac D5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD513:22
Knuff N0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN013:22
SonYolcu B7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 x13:22
Charles D5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD513:22
Guest96193 N0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN013:22
gobLiN E8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE813:22
Bagnold E8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE813:22
ramana E8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE813:22
TuRNa P7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP713:22
DiLek O6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO613:22
Koray E8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE813:22
Hartman E8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE813:22
SeconD E8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE813:22
Nese P2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP213:22
soman V1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV113:22
Huntington B7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 x13:22
Multi Z9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ913:22
Polanyi J7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ713:22
BreaKDance1 O7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO713:22
barb P2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP213:22
NuCLeaRUsER P2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP213:22
Falorsi P2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP2 mP213:22
Svir E8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE813:22
RekLamCi E8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE8 wE813:22
Guest38388 N0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN0 sN013:22
Morrison O6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO613:22
ERMAN O6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO613:22
Muzisyen R3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 z13:22
play P7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP713:22
Basavappa E1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE113:22
Haydar E1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE113:22
Anaconda C4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC413:22
sevdim Z9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ913:22
EMRAH20 J7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ713:22
TheaTRe N6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN613:22
UGUR V1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV113:22
Haluk C4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC413:22
shlee C4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC413:22
Zengin J7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ713:22
Guest82257 R3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 z13:22
nobuko L7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL713:22
Vahan O7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO713:22
GaRiP C4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC413:22
Sukran Z9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ913:22
nalini N6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN613:22
Hemphill B6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB613:22
kimyager B6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB613:22
yaz B6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB613:22
Edit R3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 z13:22
Croxton L7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL713:22
Keith C4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC4 aC413:22
choong-h U3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU313:22
DOGA E1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE113:22
Isaievych V1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV113:22
ZirvedeYim D5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD513:22
Elmerick O7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO7 vO713:22
Tai K8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK813:22
Kontre_GeRiLLa Z9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ9 nZ913:22
Plous B7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 x13:22
haLay L7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL713:22
BreaK R4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR413:22
dalibor I4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI413:22
Raney D5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD5 fD513:22
Harrigan J7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ713:22
g3nlus B7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 x13:22
Johannesson R4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR413:22
Cumhur E1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE113:22
Zoldak L7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL713:22
kopolimer B6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB6 kB613:22
shihming U3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU313:22
Rish U3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU3 uU313:22
moirentes I4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI413:22
ephitaph J7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ713:22
Collard I4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI413:22
Berke-Jenkins B7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 x13:22
Guest48503 V8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 r13:22
sanh R4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR413:22
yatakda U5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU513:22
yew-shin B7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 x13:22
SevdA I4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI413:22
Busetta V8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 r13:22
Yildiz U5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU513:22
NEOnazi R4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR4 bR413:22
Morani E1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE1 xE113:22
Buchan U5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU5 oU513:22
Theforeigner I4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI413:22
itaLiano I4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI413:22
Cappuccio N6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN613:22
figeneneeeeeee I4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI413:22
CHOSEN B7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 xB7 x13:22
yuehwern R3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 zR3 z13:22
Drinker V8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 r13:22
Sertap I4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI4 xI413:22
Bartoo P7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP713:22
ozan07 V1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV113:22
Carnage L7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL713:22
filiz24 V8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 r13:22
Mcelroy L7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL7 eL713:22
CApKiN V8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 r13:22
masimasi N6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN613:22
Benmi N6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN613:22
seviL N6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN613:22
saifalla V8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 rV8 r13:22
Guest79704 P7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP713:22
EMRAH P7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP713:22
MicaN N6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN613:22
Guest23904 P7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP7 fP713:22
Fortes N6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN6 uN613:22
Proietti J7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ713:22
Botosh J7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ7 aJ713:22
Politis V1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV113:22
Pearlberg K8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK813:22
bailey K8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK8 qK813:22
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sechang V1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV113:22
Panadero V1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV113:22
Warshafsky V1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV1 kV113:22
HIYAR R0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR013:22
Menzies R0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR013:22
coventry R0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR013:22
Turgay R0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR013:22
MUHENDIS24m Z7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ7 vZ713:22
AskeR R0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR013:22
chandra R0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR013:22
baypipo R0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR013:22
santiago O6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO6 eO613:22
Ozan22m W9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 u13:22
Guest12078 W9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 uW9 u13:22
GENCEBAY R0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR0 tR013:22
elkythanks tomaw13:22
rblstindus: what i gather is that krushik wants some app to be available in a live session, that is, w/o installation13:22
OpenSourceStudenwhat just happened??13:24
Computechwhat just happened?13:24
Dr_WillisOpenSourceStuden:  bot attack... dont worry about it.13:24
elkyOpenSourceStuden, it's a botnet. zombie computers.13:24
OpenSourceStudenit was hex13:24
rblstuh, some hard bot attack i figure :)13:24
OpenSourceStudenWhats the point13:24
Dr_Willisnow the channel bots are catching up.13:24
AnActivistindus, well another failed attempt, this looks like its what I'm looking for but it might be time to call it a night :(13:25
orochiOpenSourceStuden: Probably that they don't like someone in charge, that's usually the reason...either that or they're just bored13:25
OpenSourceStudenI got a msg from lnX2 asking if I was a botnet13:25
Dr_Williswell are you? :)13:25
lvhHi. Long term Debian user here that's configuring an Ubuntu box.13:25
indusAnActivist: what do u mean failed attempt13:25
silv3r_m00nhi there13:25
OpenSourceStudenno but I'm backtrack13:25
lvhIs there anything special about pinning in ubuntu that I need to know about?13:25
rocky_is there a way to rescan for wireless networks in ubuntu?13:25
OpenSourceStudenlvh, no13:25
lvhI need a few packages from karmic, but I don't want to put my entire system on it13:25
RichiHelky: we klined everything13:25
silv3r_m00nwhen I print to pdf in openoffice....the pdf has bigger letters than what's in the odt doc13:25
silv3r_m00nhow to make it look proper ?13:25
marsharocky_: sudo iwlist scan from terminal13:26
AnActivistindus, well the attempt to connect failed13:26
MyrttiRichiH: but the bots aren't feeling too well...13:26
ondo999ako si nainštalujem qip?????13:26
Dr_WillisThe wireless gui tool/config tool at the top right has a scan stuff also.13:26
indusAnActivist: aah ok13:26
RichiHMyrtti: they never do ;)13:26
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto13:26
OpenSourceStudenour kung-fu is good13:26
rocky_marsha, thankyou, I'll probably make a script of it and add a button on the top bar ^_^13:26
AnActivistindus, its ok though thank you for all your help13:26
bazhang!sk | ondo99913:26
ubottuondo999: Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.13:26
marsharocky_: your welcome13:27
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
jakerueback with the partition issue....formatted sda1 to ext3 with intentions to making it my sda6 home folder.....now booting and using grub gets me error 1513:27
elkyRichiH, is the floodbot removing actual bans, or just making noise?13:27
thingyWasn't there a requirement in place that would force users to register before speaking on #ubuntu? They should put that back in place to stop this kind of situation13:28
Myrttielky: looks legit13:28
orochithingy: It really doesn't matter, the harder you try to stop botnet attacks the harder some other person works on getting around it13:28
Computechwhat is that floodbot doing whole the time now?13:28
RichiHelky: /mode #ubuntu +b13:28
krushikso, have an ideas? can I "apt-cdrom add" ubuntu installer/live within a live session when boot from itself?13:29
thingyorochi: you just need to be less lazy than the other guy then! :-)13:29
Dominik1I have three additional hdds in my comp by they do not show up, how can I acces them? btw: they are unformatted13:29
lvhworks fine for #python13:29
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:30
Dr_WillisDominik1:  partition, format, them mount.. then you access them via their mountpoints13:30
Dominik1Dr_Willis but in GParted only two of my 4 hdds show up, whats wrong?13:30
Halitechkrushik, I don't think the live cd can be used as a source for installing apps13:30
RichiHelky: i'd say they are not doing anything useful13:30
szczymhelo, i have a problem installing ubuntu server with no cdrom (from usbstick). install stops on detecting cdrom (demands flopy drivers). could you help me please ?13:30
elkyRichiH, seems over now13:31
HalitechDominik1, do they show up in the BIOS?13:31
Dominik1Halitech: yes, I already installed an OS on them a min ago13:31
HalitechDominik1, the 2 that aren't showing in gparted?13:31
Dr_WillisDominik1:  bad cables/missing/jumpers, or bios is confused...13:31
Dominik1Halitech: yes13:31
Dr_Willisor missusing gparted i gues.s..13:32
krushikactually, the question is "does ubuntu use the live cd after booting or I can safely unmount it?"13:32
Dominik1Dr_Willis: ill try a restart maybe13:32
jakeruefind /boot/grub/stage1 from liveCD also gets me error1513:32
HalitechDominik1, what OS and what format?13:32
Dominik1Halitech: Solaris ZFS13:32
Halitechkrushik, yes it uses the cd13:32
Dr_Williskrushik:  boot, install, reboot.. eject cd as it reboots is normally what happens here13:32
HalitechDominik1, maybe gparted doesn't recognize that format13:32
Dr_Williskrushik:  it does run FROM the cd durin the 'live session' Some mini disrtos dont.13:32
Dominik1Halitech: and one of em has a bad version of UBUNTU on it, that I need to blast13:32
Dominik1Halitech: it should allow me to format it tho??13:33
Dominik1Halitech: let me do a restart and see what comes of it13:33
Dr_Willisgparted does partitioning. it should show the drives at least.13:33
HalitechDominik1, one would think13:33
krushikthat is a pity. thanks all13:33
sim_im running smplayer with latest mplayer on a core duo dual processor 2.27GHz x2 ....and im still getting screen tear when using xv on hi def movie files...any ideas? ...it seems im sacrificing too much by not using windows vista, when linux cant handle basic stuff13:33
Beynart H9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH913:34
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Tambiah H9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH9 tH913:34
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Eardley L1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL113:34
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sechang L1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL1 hL113:34
Fujii-Abe T4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT413:34
Kimmel T4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT413:34
falc T4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT413:34
habib T4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT4 mT413:34
Theodos N1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN113:34
hovarda N1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN113:34
Ankara N1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN113:34
berhanu N1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN1 aN113:34
KAFKAS F8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF813:34
Tuanna F8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF813:34
KAFKAS R0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 h13:34
Tuanna R0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 h13:34
Moreton F8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF8 uF813:34
Halitechsim_, are you using compiz?13:34
Moreton R0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 hR0 h13:34
sim_Halitech: yes13:34
Halitechsim_, try turning it off, seen lots of tearing issues when using compiz13:34
=== wesley is now known as ilse
sim_hali, how to turn it off13:35
sim_in appearances?13:35
Dr_Willistheres also some forum threads i see on smplayer and reduceing tearing  http://smplayer.berlios.de/forums/viewtopic.php?id=94413:35
ondo999_How do I install icq ?????13:36
xsenselo lo mahsun13:36
Halitechsim_, I believe so, I don't use it13:36
Dr_WillisRclick -> change desktop background -> last tab -> disable  effects13:36
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Dr_Willisondo999_:  use one of the many instant messenger tools that can do ICQ13:36
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete13:36
sim_Halitech:  do you know much about the video settings in mplayer..i.e which to keep on etc?13:36
xsenseDr_Willis icq oldü bea13:36
guentiondo999: apt-get install pigdin13:36
Halitechsim_, no, I use vlc and xine13:37
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=== who is now known as whoiS
ondo999_and qip13:37
sim_Halitech:  what is xine?..13:37
Dr_Willis!info xine13:37
ubottuPackage xine does not exist in jaunty13:37
Halitechsim_, xine is a media player13:37
sim_Halitech: a backend?13:37
Dr_Willisheh. not in jaunty.. never noticed that befor.13:37
guentioops pidgin13:37
=== whoiS is now known as Sky_Sea
Halitechsim_, no, front end13:37
leira_my everyone~13:38
HalitechDr_Willis, I use Debian :)13:38
sim_Halitech: using gstreamer?13:38
Halitechsim_, I think so13:38
Sky_SeageL pc pc13:38
xsensene alaka a.q13:38
xsenseIp lazým13:38
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:38
Sky_Seala bunlar ne edi burda :D13:38
FloodBot1xsense: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:38
xsensekapalý a.q þeyi13:38
xsensebilmem ne diyorlarsa13:39
xsensebu bot ne dityor a.q13:39
Sky_SeakafasIna gôre oynuyor13:39
Dr_Willis!find xine13:39
ubottuFound: libxine-dev, libxine1, libxine1-bin, libxine1-console, libxine1-dbg (and 34 others)13:39
linziyanzhe  shi  han  yu  pin  yin   ni  men  kan  de  dong  bu   ?13:39
xsensehee az önce saldýrdým kafayý yedi :D13:39
xsensea.q yerinde türk yok mu :D13:39
Dr_Willisaha -  its 'gxine'    :)13:39
Dr_Willis!info gxine13:39
ubottugxine (source: gxine): the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.903-4ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 508 kB, installed size 1512 kB13:39
HalitechDr_Willis, there is also xine-ui13:40
xsense!info Sky_Sea13:40
ubottuPackage Sky_Sea does not exist in jaunty13:40
leira_I wan't ask some question maybe not so related to ubuntu, I have a 750GB external USB hard drive, which have only one ext3 partition. I copied some files in Ubuntu Jaunty, then attached this drive to my nas My Book World Edition, but some files can13:40
Dr_WillisHalitech:  thats not in the  packages taht i see. :)  but it may be included i guess13:40
xsensesen kýzsýn sanýrým versene :D13:40
leira_I wan't ask some question maybe not so related to ubuntu, I have a 750GB external USB hard drive, which have only one ext3 partition. I copied some files in Ubuntu Jaunty, then attached this drive to my nas My Book World Edition, but some files can't be read in My Book13:40
sipiorxsense: do you have an ubuntu-related question we can help with?13:40
HalitechDr_Willis, I think its more an XFCE program then gnome13:40
sipiorxsense: the question was simple enough, surely.13:41
leira_When I sshed to My Book, use ls to show this file, it said "No Such File or Directory"13:41
linziyani'm neglected?!....13:41
t__Eesthi guys, how to install "cdbs" packet ?13:41
leira_it's quite strange, they both runs Linux~13:41
Dr_Willisleira_:  just a guess.. but i bet its ownership/permission differances.. if it can read Some of the files.. see what/who owns them.13:41
Dr_Willisleira_:  the fact they both run linux  means you got to pay attention to the owner/groups of the files/dirs and permissions on them13:42
leira_Dr_Willis: they all owned by www-data, and if it's the permission, won't it say "permission denied"?13:42
Aijselinziyan, Ask what you want to ask and else don't ask it13:43
Dr_WillisNo idea. I just know that moving a usb ext2/3 from one linux box to others.. can cause issues.13:43
leira_Dr_Willis:  all the files owned by www-data, some of them can be read, some of them can't~13:43
t__Eesthow to install the "cdbs" pakcet  ? can someone help13:43
Dr_Willisleira_:  via SSH you cant read some of them? or vya the samba/network share stuff?13:43
leira_is there any way I can get some more infomation?13:44
leira_Dr_Willis: I can read some og them via ssh13:44
leira_and the ones can be read can also be read by samba~13:44
cagdasamarok 1.4 problem help!13:44
Halitecht__Eest, sudo apt-get install cdbs13:44
Dr_Willisleira_:  perhaps theres some world-book hacking site/channel/guides that may have info..  Not sure what to even check.  May be somthing trivial we are overlooking.. or something deeper.13:45
cagdasi cant instal amarok 1.4 in 9.0413:45
linziyanAijse:ok   i  just come here  and  have a  look  ,it's my first time to join ...13:45
cagdaskeyserver timed out error13:45
Dr_Willis!info amarok13:45
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): easy to use media player based on the KDE 4 technology platform. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.0.2mysql5.1.30-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 9448 kB, installed size 27676 kB13:45
Dr_WillisThese version #'s from !info always confuse me.13:45
t__Eestokay thanks Halitech, same for  "fakeroot" ?13:46
Halitecht__Eest, yes13:46
leira_Dr_Willis: well, thanks anyway~13:46
Dominik1when setting up a file server useing samba, should I format my disks in FAT or ext3??13:46
Dominik1!samba Dominik113:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about samba Dominik113:47
Dr_WillisDominik1:  you can share ext3 filesystems just fine.13:47
Dr_WillisDominik1:  or you oculd use ext4 :)13:47
HalitechDominik1, doesn't matter, samba will take care of making sure they are readable by windows13:47
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, do you need windows machines to be able to write to disk?13:47
Dominik1Dr_Willis thanks, can you .... ext4?13:47
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, remember FAT has a 4GB file size limit too, incase you are hosting .ISO's or something?13:47
Dominik1b3rz3rk3r only over network13:47
Dr_WillisYou could use about any filesystem you wanted.... using fat in fact could make it harder to 'share'13:47
Dominik1b3rz3rk3r good point13:48
Dr_WillisI use ext3/ext413:48
Dominik1id like to see ZFS in linux :(13:48
jakerueOK I need some help with Grub error 15.....can't get back into my machine13:48
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, i ran into that problem a lot with my iPod :p13:48
Dominik1b3rz3rk3r was that fat or fat32?13:48
Dominik1can someone tell the bot to send me the link for samba?13:48
t__Eesti tried to install my ATI driver now but, after extracting it says "requested package is not supportet" what can i do ?13:49
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, regular FAT i believe13:49
Halitech!samba > Dominik113:49
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:49
ubottuDominik1, please see my private message13:49
beastyisn't it a dance ?13:49
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, id say use EXT2 unless the disks are running the OS, then use EXT3/413:50
kannan02which filesystem is best ex2 or ex4?13:50
Dominik1can I seemlessly distribute storage over disks without useing raid?13:50
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, the Journaling in 3/4 can cause issues with storage disks from what iv heard13:50
Dominik1b3rz3rk3r please explain the diff between ext2 and ext3/4 ?13:50
sipiorDominik1: sure, have a look at LVM13:51
jiohdiext3 is ext2 with something called Journaling added13:51
jiohdifully compatible13:51
t__Eest"x server" unable to detect , what does that mean ?13:51
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, EXT2 doesnt have Journaling, meaning changes are written straight away, and this can cause problems when powerfailures occur, or when things become corrupted13:51
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, Journaling was implemented in EXT3 and helps solve those issues13:52
kannan02how can i convert ex2 to ex313:52
jiohdiof course journaling causes something else to go wrong at times and so ext413:52
induskannan02: use live cd to format it13:52
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jhattaramy wife just called me from home that our computer shows just a single orange star after startup and nothing happens after that, what should i do about it?13:53
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, EXT4 is recent implementation, and still currently considered "unstable" (though all my machines run it, and i havent had a prob)13:53
Halitecht__Eest, means something happened to xorg or the video driver13:53
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indusjhattara: how big is the star? is it at top left corner of screen13:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pulsedriver13:53
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions13:53
kannan02indus: i dont want to format .without formatting can i do that..13:53
t__Eestokay Halitech, iam trying to set up my ATI driver since two days but i doenst work , i really dont know why13:53
induskannan02: no13:53
b3rz3rk3rDominik1, For storage, i use EXT2. For OS Drives i like EXT413:53
Halitecht__Eest, what video card?13:54
t__Eestati radeon 920013:54
Halitecht__Eest, running 9.04?13:54
jhattaraindus, icon sized, in the center left of the screen13:54
t__Eesti have 8.0413:54
indusjhattara: sorry impossible to diagnose13:54
indusjhattara: its probably the bios boot screen13:55
Halitecht__Eest, 8.04 should work fine, are you using the driver from ati or from the restricted drivers?13:55
kkwhat does gvfsd-http do13:55
t__Eestthis is the file i use13:55
jhattaraindus, what would an orange star in top left mean ?13:57
indusjhattara: the energy star logo,butits not oragnge generally green13:57
indusjhattara: we need more details about this man13:58
indusjhattara: ask her more info13:58
Halitecht__Eest, this is different, just looked it up and it only has rpm files unless you are trying to install on Xfree86 4.313:58
Halitecht__Eest, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/linux64-radeon-prer200.aspx13:58
t__Eestyea this is the one i have13:59
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t__EestHalitech:  its an .run file13:59
Halitecht__Eest, ubuntu doesn't use Xfree86 (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)13:59
tonsenhello everybody14:01
t__EestHalitech: but a .run is okay for installing it or not ?14:01
Halitecht__Eest, yes if you have Xfree86 instead of Xorg14:01
aethelrickubuntu uses Xorg, but Xorg is a fork of the Xfree86 project14:01
tonsenhave a qustion because my firefox on new ubuntu dont run well14:01
aaron11helo does anyone know how to execute my .py file on a terminal14:01
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org14:02
t__Eestmhmh installing it right now14:02
aaron11helo does anyone know how to execute my .py file on a terminal14:02
t__Eestand it stucks by "continuning package build"14:02
aaron11!repeat aaron1114:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat aaron1114:02
IdleOneaaron11: pythong filename.py14:02
Halitecht__Eest, that driver is from 2006 so it may not work14:02
Guest37693how do I make a dhcp server on an ubuntu ltsp server start at boot time, rather than launching the init script manually14:02
om26erqt application's font is so large. i have changed the qt font in the qt settings and also restarted but the font is still huge14:03
aethelrickt__Eest: give it some time, it's probably building a new kernel module14:03
IdleOneaaron11: python filename.py14:03
aaron11will it run the correct one14:03
IdleOneGuest37693: google for ltsp ubuntu I was looking at an extensive wiki page last night14:03
aaron11caus in got a million14:03
IdleOneaaron11: you change filename for the correct file name14:04
t__Eestoh dear, i just need this driver for my ati, but i think all time i have the wrong14:04
t__Eestcan some one help me with that ?14:04
jhattaraindus, there's something on the console #114:04
indusjhattara: is this a linux system she is booting?14:05
jhattaraubuntu 8.0414:05
indusjhattara: what is 'something' on console1, cant she boot into a display14:05
IdleOneGuest37693: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP14:06
jhattarasomething like this: starting up; loading please wait; usplash getting mode 1152x864 failed; usplash using mode 1024x768; kinit: name_to_dev_t (/dev/disk/by-uuid/...long alphanumeric string...) = sda5(8,5); kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/...; kinit: no resume inits doing normal boot...14:07
indusjhattara: ya then hangs on black screen?14:07
indusjhattara: type startx on console14:07
raven_hello: i am trying to start a tool with jack using the "script at startup" line but jack freezes when the tool comes up - what can i do? tnx...14:08
jhattaranothing else in the console and just that orange star on black screen in x-view14:08
t__Eestsry pc crashed14:09
t__Eestso can anybody help me with that pls ?14:09
tehgargothMy domain name resolution is taking an unreasonably long time.  i have done endless searches on google and have found a lot of fixes telling me to disable ipv6 with newer kernels and i have tried this and it doesnt work.. it happens when i put the DNS servers directly into the network properties box, and on multiple networks, with and without ipv6 enabled14:09
s11mdadm is reporting a drive faulty when creating an array14:10
Halitecht__Eest, you may be stuck with whatever ubuntu installs by default, I don't think any of the other drivers will work for that old a card14:10
s11changed sata cable but still no go14:10
EspenAhow can i set my locale? Running locale returns LC_CTYPE="POSIX" ??14:10
s11is there a way to check the drive?14:10
t__Eestokay, so no way for me to game or smth ?14:10
Halitecht__Eest, not with your current card14:11
t__Eestokay thanks anyways14:11
s11starting the array without that drive included works14:11
indusjhattara: sorry too little info14:11
Halitecht__Eest, just seen a post on the forum where the OP had a 9600 and someone suggested an Nvidia 9400 series card that worked perfectly as soon as it was plugged in14:12
aaron11helo does anyone know how to execute my .py file on a terminal ive tried going to /hame/aaronvarghese/desktop and typed squareroot.py but it says comand not found14:12
Halitechaaron11, python squareroot.py14:13
legend2440EspenA: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale14:13
orochiaaron11: I think the answer has been mentioned at least four times but: python squareroot.py14:13
=== corge is now known as fdd
t__Eesthow to find out if it is 32bit or 64 ?14:14
indusaaron11: got it? type python then the filename14:14
tehgargothis slow DNS resolution a common issue?14:14
Halitecht__Eest, uname -m14:14
indust__Eest: uname -a14:14
indusboth work14:15
nibblertehgargoth: use a better/nearer server?14:15
t__Eesti686 it says14:15
Halitechindus, the -m is for the machine itself isn't it?14:15
indust__Eest: its 32 bit14:15
indusHalitech: ya -m is for machine true14:15
indusHalitech: there is a -p for processor but it never gives anything14:15
Halitechindus, guess if someone had a 64bit machine but a 32bit install that wouldn't help much14:16
aaron11indus wtf nothing happened it shows aaronvarghese@tedy132:~/Desktop$14:16
orochiaaron11: Does the program actually have any output14:16
jhattaraindus, do you think it's safe to shutdown the computer ?14:16
tehgargothnibbler: problem exists on all networks, with and without ipv6 enabled, ive also tried other DNS and even using my work domain server as the DNS which runs super fast even on other linux boxes14:16
aaron11i tried in the py shel14:16
indusHalitech: it would say with -m true14:16
alexsanderI'm running a DB application on Wine; it connects to a PostgreSQL database with UTF8 encoding. Under VMWARE the Windows app gets the portuguese characters correctly; under WINE they are all messed up. Any ideas?14:16
indusHalitech: about the installation it says with -a14:17
orochiaaron11: /join #python14:17
indusaaron11: wait14:17
indusaaron11: is the file on the desktop?14:17
indusaaron11: the python programme is not designed to give u output so it isnt doing anythiung14:17
indusaaron11: is there a print commadn inside it?14:17
nibblertehgargoth: so you have a ubuntu box, and resolving takes ages? what is the latency/ping?14:17
Halitechindus, yeah, I usually do -a and look at both parts14:18
nibblertehgargoth: (to the used DNS)14:18
aaron11indus yes14:18
aaron11indus which program wont have print "........";14:18
indusaaron11: well,some dont14:19
tehgargothnibbler: pings are quick, if i do like ping yahoo.com i get ~98ms, but theres 10 seconds in between each ping, which doesnt happen when i ping -n yahoo.com.. which only takes 10 seconds to get the ip initially14:19
Halitechaaron11, files are case sensitive, are you typing it in right?14:19
indusaaron11: if the program is jusst some class maybe14:19
indusaaron11: python filename(press tab)14:19
aaron11ill try another one14:19
indusaaron11: does hello indus program work?14:19
tehgargothnibbler: also happens with my ethernet plug and my wireless14:20
indusaaron11: hello world :)14:20
nibblertehgargoth: i mean, ping the machine that is your dns server14:20
aaron11indus thats for babies14:20
aaron11indus it doesnt work14:20
indusaaron11: so iam not sure what your problem is then14:20
indusaaron11: send me the program14:20
orochiaaron11: Well if you can't get a console program to run in Python from the command line you might want to start taking other people's advice :> It doesn't sound like you know what you're doing14:21
pozicI have a problem with power management on my laptop. Sometimes for no reason at all, the screen is dimmed to a state where it is impossible to see anything. It is not black, it is just very dimmed. When I have it connected to the power network, this never happens. The battery is also not empty.14:21
aaron11indus how do you do that14:21
pozicAlso, this never happened with Ubuntu releases of a year old or so.14:21
mementomoriwhich kb shortcut makes change the desktop?14:21
induswell, send from irc chat program14:21
aaron11indus ok14:22
pozicIt could be that my screen is already broken, but that would be quite fast.14:22
aethelrickaaron11: first make sure you actually have python in your path. Type "which python" into the console and press enter14:22
aethelrickaaron11: tell us what you get back14:22
indusya worth a try14:22
aethelrickaaron11: once you have done that, make sure you are in the right directory, type "ls" into the console and verify you can see the file you are trying to execute14:23
nibblertehgargoth: also, use "dig www.cnn.com" and if this lags, too, use "strace dig www.cnn.com" and see where it hangs14:23
aaron11aethelrick ive tried dir and the file name is under it14:23
indusaaron11: are u using windows?14:24
tehgargothnibbler: aha, you are smarter than me :)14:24
aaron11what no ubuntu14:24
indusbad question14:24
aethelrickaaron11: then carefully type "python <yourscript>" where <yourscript> is the name of the script you are trying to execute. Note that this is case sensitive.14:24
tehgargothnibbler: resolvconf is pulling down DNS servers that are not even pinging to me, and is third on the list14:24
aaron11indus why would i be in the ubuntu chanel14:24
induswell,we already told him that step aethelrick14:25
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tehgargothnibbler: where would resolvconf be getting these fake dns servers from?14:25
aethelrickaaron11:  any output you see on the console will be from the script or from the python interpreter if the script has errors in it that cause it to fail14:25
nibblertehgargoth: i assume you checked /etc/resolv.conf?14:25
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tehgargothnibbler: yes, but its autogenerated by resolvconf daemon14:25
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aethelrickindus: I'm repeating it because it didn't seem to go in the first two times :P14:25
tehgargothnibbler: i wonder why it would be getting bad dns servers on every network i go on14:26
klynchey folks, i'm still having problems with pidgin and icq, after following the instructions in the ticket on their tracker to change the server address, wondering if anyone knows the solution14:26
jakerueok now after messing with partitions I am getting permission denied /bin/sh when trying to boot...last try then it's a reinstall14:26
aaron11aethelrick i ran the squareroot file in the python idle (shel) and it works just as my brain does14:26
indusaaron11: send me the file please14:26
frojndHello there. I was trying to install rtorrent 8.0.4 and I did it. The only problem is that when I start it it eats CPU and then it exit with: rtorrent: PollEPoll::open(...) called but the file descriptor is active I asked on #rtorrent channel that I need to upgrade libcurl (curl.haxx.se) I've search for the package libcurl and I don't know which package exactly do I have to upgrade. Can someone please help me out? I'm using ub14:26
aaron11aethelrick i ran the squareroot file in the python idle (shel) and it works just as my brain does which means it works like fine14:26
indusaaron11: i want to see14:26
aaron11indus i sent you it14:27
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nibblertehgargoth: well... are those servers in resolv.conf14:27
jakeruewhere the hell is the GRUB coming from?  I have a partition and a copy of it.....where i grub?14:27
indushuh what? without telling me ?14:27
aethelrickaaron11: can you pastebin the python file please so we can see it14:27
jakerueer where is Grub?14:27
indusok wait a sec14:27
indusya just use pastebin and well copy and use it14:27
krushikI have tested that issue. If you boot from installer/live dvd, you could just "apt-cdrom add" it after installation to sources.list and install packages from it!14:27
aaron11indus sending...14:27
krushikin the live session*14:28
indusaaron11: ok its stucj at 0 %14:28
indusaaron11: just paste the program14:28
aaron11indus accept14:28
indus!paste | aaron1114:28
ubottuaaron11: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:28
rblstkrushik: thanks for that info14:28
brutushow do you print a backspace in c?14:28
Supersaiyan_IVjakerue, /boot/grub/14:28
tehgargothnibbler: if i change resolv.conf to only use it works fine, if i run resolvconf -u it replaces them with non-working dns servers again14:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about playonlinux14:28
indusstupid xchat wont ask for accept14:28
jakerueSupersaiyan_IV: which partition?14:28
indusdont know why14:28
aaron11indus please dont start ubottu14:28
Supersaiyan_IVjake, main etx3 partition14:29
jakerueSupersaiyan_IV: how can I figure out which is main?14:29
nibblertehgargoth: maybe you have nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces?14:29
Supersaiyan_IVjakerue, sudo fdisk -l14:29
indusaaron11: just paste it at paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url14:29
indusjakerue: grub is a boot loader which helps u boot operating systems14:30
jakerueSupersaiyan_IV: I am in the liveCD....so which one is main?14:30
treadHi all.  My external hdd worked fine until today, but now when I plug it in, nothing happens.  I can see it through GPartEd, but with a warning icon (exclamation point in yellow triangle) next to it.  Right-click>Properties, and the warning is: "Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operations may be unavailable."  Can anyone help me with the goal of recovering the data on this drive?14:30
tehgargothnibbler: nope14:30
indus!patience | indus14:30
ubottuindus, please see my private message14:30
ToStItOsanyone see redvamp128?14:30
Halitechtread, what format is the drive in?14:30
nibblertehgargoth: maybe have a look in /etc/resolvconf/* dont know much about this tool14:30
treadHalitech, ntfs14:30
uhokWhere would I look within the source folder (I'm compiling) for a list of dependencies? The site does not list them. Do I just have to manually install each one, as it comes to each required dependency error when I run ./configure?14:30
jakerueSupersaiyan_IV: fdisk done and I see one with a * under boot14:30
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matt777hey can someone help me with blackberry syncing i have been toiling at it for about a week and can't figure it out lol14:31
Halitechtread, was it unmounted properly?14:31
jiohditread, do you have another system you can plug it into to make sure the drive is not fried?14:31
treadHalitech, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04, which ships with ntfs3g, and it has never had a problem reading this drive before.14:31
jakerueindus: got that but I am having problems with partitions which seems to be snowballing14:31
Supersaiyan_IVjakerue, i see, so you're on a livecd and you want to fix grub?14:31
indusjakerue: open terminal and type sudo grub14:31
treadHalitech, it's possible that it was unmounted improperly once or twice.14:31
jakerueSupersaiyan_IV: For now, yes.14:31
indusjakerue: Supersaiyan_IV ill take it from here if you dont mind14:31
Dominik1!samba > Dominik114:31
ubottuDominik1, please see my private message14:31
jakerueindus: done14:32
rblstbrutus: printf("\b");14:32
treadjiohdi, I've plugged it in to 3 computers, and none of them can mount it.14:32
Supersaiyan_IVjakerue, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 read this14:32
indusjakerue: now type find /boot/grub/stage114:32
Halitechtread, if its been unmounted improperly it will usually lock the file system so you can't damage it further14:32
jiohditread, all of them linux?14:32
brutusrblst, that prints some ascii equivalent picture14:32
jakerueindus: looking good14:32
aaron11indus http://paste.ubuntu.com/259837/14:32
treadjiohdi, nope.  Ubuntu, Mac OS X (which is still Linux), and Win Vista.14:32
tehgargothnibbler: me neither, do you know if there is a command to request dns servers from a local dhcp server so i can at least set it manually?14:33
Halitechtread, even windows can't see it?14:33
ToStItOsAnyone familiar with Play on Linux?14:33
aaron11tread mac os x is not linux it's a family of Unix14:33
aethelricktread: just for clarity... OS X is not Linux...14:33
orochitread: Mac OS X isn't even similar to linux. :>14:33
treadHalitech, It can see the drive, but can't mount it.14:33
treadIsn't it based on the Linux kernel?14:33
indusaaron11: dear friend its just a function , you have to call it to get any output14:33
nibblertehgargoth: dnsclient eth0 ?14:33
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orochitread: Mach kernel14:33
Halitechtread, sounds like the drive may be toast14:33
frojndHello there. I was trying to install rtorrent 8.0.4 and I did it. The only problem is that when I start it it eats CPU and then it exit with: rtorrent: PollEPoll::open(...) called but the file descriptor is active I asked on #rtorrent channel that I need to upgrade libcurl (curl.haxx.se) I've search for the package libcurl and I don't know which package exactly do I have to upgrade. Can someone please help me out? I'm using ub14:33
orochitread: It's based on the Mach kernel with parts of FreeBSD's user-land...aka no Linux14:34
Halitechtread, Mac OSX is based on Darwin which is a BSD fork14:34
tehgargothnibbler: i dont have that command14:34
aethelricktread: nope, Darwin (the underbelly of OS X) was based on BSD Unix among other things14:34
jakerueindus: setup (hd) returns Error 12: Invalid device requested14:34
treadah ok then.14:34
arandjakerue: whatever you got there, use it in "root (hd#,#)"14:34
indusjakerue: thats wrong14:34
aaron11indus found the ans14:34
nibblertehgargoth: sorry, dhclient eth014:34
indusjakerue: what was output of find?14:34
aethelrickaaron11: what was the problem?14:35
treadBut anyhow, my hard drive.  Might be toast, but as long as it's spinning up, is there any way I can try to recover data?14:35
aaron11you gies there14:35
indusjakerue: root       (hdx,y)            substitute x,y with whatever you got from find14:35
Halitechtread, you can try the freezer trick14:35
indusaaron11: i told you what the problem was14:35
jakerueindus:(hd0,0)  (hd0,5)14:35
indusjakerue: hmm so u got 2 ubunt uinstallations, use the latest one14:36
ToStItOsPlay on linux does anyone know how to use it?14:36
indusjakerue: ok lets try with root        (hd0,5)14:36
indusjakerue: dont forget the spac14:36
GreyGhost!data recovery | tread14:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about data recovery14:36
frojndAnyone, any ideas?14:36
rblstbrutus: i've just tested it, it works fine for me in gnome-terminal; it should be a shell issue14:36
GreyGhost!recover | tread14:36
ubottutread: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel14:36
jakeruearand: same issue from last time I spoke to you about this copied part.  I don't want to copy it anymore, I will just format and create a separate partition for home.  However in the process I f'd up grub14:36
aethelrickindus: aaron11: oh right, sorry I missed indus' post14:36
HalitechToStItOs, http://www.playonlinux.com/en/14:36
klyncanyone know of problems with pidgin connecting to icq? tried changing the login server, but still doesn't work14:37
indusaethelrick: he wrote a function but didnt call it in the program14:37
jakerueindus: ok....no output but no error either14:37
brutusrblst, i think so too...i'm using the bochs emulator for x8614:37
aethelrickindus: is saw... needed a bit of scrolling backwards though :)14:37
ToStItOsHalitech I am trying to figure out if it was installed correctly14:37
treadHalitech, just plugged in the drive again to my Ubuntu box and it mounted it.. hmm.14:37
indusjakerue: so last step  setup  (hd0)14:37
tehgargothnibbbler: thing i have noticed, when i sudo bash this issue made it take longer, any idea why "sudo bash" would use the network?14:37
indusjakerue: reboot14:37
treadHalitech, but sometimes Nautilus gives me an error when I try to list a directory.14:37
HalitechToStItOs, all I know about it is its supposed to take WINE another step towards playing games14:38
jakerueindus:  Ok see how that all goes.  Thanks14:38
Halitechtread, sounds like the drive is dying, UBCD has some tools to test drives14:38
indusaaron11: aethelrick btw i got the answer of square root 2 :)14:38
frojndHello there. I was trying to install rtorrent 8.0.4 and I did it. The only problem is that when I start it it eats CPU and then it exit with: rtorrent: PollEPoll::open(...) called but the file descriptor is active I asked on #rtorrent channel that I need to upgrade libcurl (curl.haxx.se) I've search for the package libcurl and I don't know which package exactly do I have to upgrade. Can someone please help me out? I'm using ub14:38
indusmahiti@mahiti50:~$ python sq.py14:39
indusso you want to do math huh. Well lets try your sqareroot skils:214:39
FloodBot1indus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:39
ToStItOsklync pidgin didn't work for me either try Xchat if you don't have it14:39
klyncToStItOs: thx ... i'll give that a try14:39
aaron11indus whats the prob14:39
indusaaron11: u need to call the function i told u14:39
indusaaron11: add in next line math()14:40
treadHalitech, well since it's mounting now, I'd like to try to backup as much data as it will let me immediately?  Is there a better app for me to use than dd at the cli?14:40
ToStItOsklync your welcome14:40
indusaaron11: you defined the function but didnt reference it or call it14:40
klyncfrojnd: if you're talking to the ppl who make the app, they're probably not thinking about your distro's dependency chain - i.e. a newer version of curl than ubuntu provides. ... which means (just my guess, here) compiling from source14:40
frojndklync: aha14:40
klyncfrojnd: i don't use that app, but wondering if you took a look at ubuntu's bug tracker for that issue14:40
frojndklync: is there a guide how can I compile from source a certain package'14:40
frojndklync: or library..14:40
Halitechtread, dd will copy everything including empty blocks, might be better off using clonezilla or just copying things with nautilu14:40
paranoidihttp://pastebin.com/m7883994e - mdadm acts in weird ways ...14:40
Ddordahow can i install packages from a list?14:40
frojndklync: I entered the google, no ubuntu was there..14:41
frojndjust a few links14:41
klyncfrojnd: usually, it's in the "readme" or "installation" file with the source code, or instructions are on their site ...14:41
indusaaron11: http://paste.ubuntu.com/259839/ see this14:41
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TonyTheTigerhi guys i have ubuntu installed but i would like to complete re-install it, is there any way I can do this without creating a cd?14:41
klyncfrojnd: in this case, you'd have to find the dependencies and possibly compile them too (if the versions provided by ubuntu aren't recent enough for the source of the target app you've downloaded)14:41
treadHalitech, Ah, thanks.  Will clonezilla know how to deal with bad blocks (retry them, skip them?) or will the first one cause the whole backup to fail?14:41
Halitechtread, not sure,  I havent used it14:42
DdordaTonyTheTiger: with Disk On Key14:42
kannan02is there a defragmenter for ext2??14:42
frojndklync: but how come ubuntu 8.04 don't upgrade...14:42
klyncfrojnd: this could be a bit time consuming, but i've done it, e.g. for my little mp3 player loading app14:42
mikebeechamhi guys...how do I downgrade from Firefox 3.5 (Shiritoko) back to Firefox 3?14:42
klyncfrojnd: it's a long process for the distro to integrate a newer version - i'm sure the team's working on it14:42
Ddordahow can i install packages from a list?14:42
klyncfrojnd: for example, they've got to look at this newer version of curl, and make sure that upgrading curl doesn't break any other pkgs14:43
Dominik1question about samba: when configuring it unsecure with guest acces, it says that "the above configuration gives all access to any client on the local network. for a more secure, bla bla ..." does that mean that people can access it from the internets?14:43
frojndklync: what's curl?14:43
HalitechDominik1, only if your router is set up to allow access14:43
Ddordahow can i install packages from a list?14:43
TonyTheTigerbtw how can I get an older version of ubuntu as the download will be the latest version.14:43
Dominik1Halitech: I would have to set it up as DMZ, right?14:43
klyncfrojnd: a set of tools for grabbing URLs - e.g. if you have it installed, you can do "curl http://www.google.com/" and it will d/l that page ... people also use it's libraries to handle url fetching in their code, which is what your app is doing, i'm sure14:44
HalitechDominik1, DMZ or port forwarding14:44
jakerueindus: OK I'm back.  Fail, but this time with /bin/sh permission denied14:44
Dominik1Halitech: I don't have that setupt, does that mean its secure from the internets?14:44
HalitechDominik1, as secure as any system would be thats connected to the net14:45
Dominik1Halitech im just wondering weather some remote person not on my local network could get access to the server14:45
dhalsimmhi, I need to use trickle command but I want to control my already running processes14:46
Dominik1btw, the guide doesn't go over what I have to do on the windows side14:46
dhalsimmor is there any alternative tools like netlimiter beside trickle14:46
HalitechDominik1, if there is no port forwarding and none of the systems are in the DMZ then you should be safe14:47
TonyTheTigerand does anybody know how to install drivers for radeon xpress 200m on 9.04?14:47
Dominik1k thanks Halitech14:47
dhalsimmbut I need control by process14:47
HalitechTonyTheTiger, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate14:47
tehgargothnibbler: thanks, i just made a cron to use opendns.com to overwrite resolvconf's settings :)14:47
aaron11indus what is the solution14:47
aaron11indus :/14:47
HalitechTonyTheTiger, we went over this yesterday with you, the only drivers you can use are the open source ones that are installed by default when you installed14:48
Dominik1after upgrading to 9.04 and installing samba it seems as though my printer is no longer shared, can there be a conflict between the samba server and the non samba print server?14:48
rblstmikebeecham: it's not recommended to downgrade, it's not easy to do either14:48
TonyTheTigerHalitech, yeah but today i booted up the computer and it doesnt even recognise anything, my resolution is offkey aswell. its like everytime i restart the comp it gets worse.14:49
nationhey whats good all :)14:49
mikebeechamrblst: I have to though, as my bank does not recognise the browser...I need to get back to 314:49
Dominik1once samba is installed how do I access it from the windows side?14:51
nationok here is what i got going on i setup a network bridge with the bridge utils and made a shared to other computers network connection for use with my x box 360 and it works for live but limited conections says im behind a nat i would like to open ports installed firestarter once installed throws up an error when i try to share the internet connetion14:51
TheGuyUpstairsHave installed the remix on my netbook but for the life of me I can't find the volume control.  Any suggestions?14:52
mikebeechamrblst: huh?  It's not difficult after all, it would appear....I uninstalled all files in the repository that linked to 3.5, then reinstalled 3 from the repository and all is well14:52
ab2qiknot able to view movie through f.f? Example: http://uk.webmessenger.yahoo.com/14:52
b3rz3rk3rmikebeecham, why not just use another browser for your banking if you are happy with it otherwise? unless you are trying to keep your system lightweight?14:53
nibblertehgargoth: hehe well... nice if it works, but i'd at least do a grep -R /etc/*     (with the wrong dns ip ofc) to find the reason for this strange behaviour14:53
rblstmikebeecham: which release are you using?14:53
HalitechTonyTheTiger, maybe you should reinstall 8.04 which should work nicer, did it do any upgrades yesterday?14:53
nationi know there is a default t command line firewall how do i access this or what cran i do about firestarter14:53
mikebeechamb3rz3rk3r: it makes no sense to use 2 browsers...one for banking and one for everything else.  I tend to use FF because I've 'grown' up with it, so to speak14:54
mikebeechamI tried Epiphany and there were a few things I didnt like about it14:54
b3rz3rk3rmikebeecham, sure i understand that sentiment completely14:54
mikebeechamrblst: I was using "Shiretoko"...3.5.  My bank does not support anything other than 2 or 314:54
cheezespreadHi all . a small question regarding the updates in Ubuntu . I am getting updates for packages which are part of KDE . Is there anyway i can disable this and recieve only relevant ones ?..14:54
Halitechmikebeecham, try opera, I have 1 chat site I go to that FF lags like crazy but opera works fine14:54
nationi love this distro got everything to work but my mic14:54
Halitechcheezespread, do you have any kde apps installed?14:55
mikebeechamHalitech: `I did think of Opera, but I've not really have very good experiences with it over the years14:55
ab2qikIs there a movie player for f.f.?14:55
ratapoilmy system started taking a much longer time to boot lately (especially during the gnome loading). I don't know what could have made it so slower. The only changes I made recently to the system was installing a bunch of desktop themes, and I don't see why they would slow down my system. I also did install gnome-art and removed it after, which didn't solve the problem... is there a way I can find out what takes so much time to boo14:55
Halitechmikebeecham, I hadn't either but the latest release seems pretty good14:55
rblstmikebeecham: it's strange that you have the older version in the repo; anyway, you are lucky :)14:55
nationnobody can help me :(14:55
TonyTheTigerHalitech, im not sure. but thats my plan to go back to 8.0414:55
cheezespreadHalitech , i haven;t installed anything apart from the default ones.14:55
mikebeechamrblst: thats me to a 'T'!14:56
Ddordahow can i install file-list of packages?14:56
mikebeechamHalitech: may try that then14:56
HalitechTonyTheTiger, did you get my link earlier?14:56
Halitechcheezespread, no k3b or any other apps?14:56
nationi got k3b running:)14:56
rblstmikebeecham: generally, it is not easy to do a package downgrade14:56
cheezespreadHalitech , let me check once . WIll update now. Thanks14:57
mikebeechamrblst: I guess I was lucky :D14:57
TonyTheTigerHalitech, yeah, but rather than burn cd im looking for a method which doesnt require me to burn a cd or a usb flash.14:57
mikebeechamI'm just waiting for chromium to get properly sorted14:57
nationmaybe try apt-get ddorda14:57
TonyTheTigerhow can i uninstall ubuntu?14:57
HalitechTonyTheTiger, unetbootin runs in Ubuntu14:57
nationsudo apt-get14:57
mikebeechamhaving come over from an XP environment, I quite liked it, but I want chrome to have proper gtk support first14:57
heatmzzrI need a graphical text to speech program for ubuntu.... any suggestions??? I have festival but its console and i dont know how to use it...??14:57
HalitechTonyTheTiger, you would need to boot some other OS or gparted to wipe the drive14:58
arandratapoil: Unfortunately I have no idea either, you could install bootchart to maybe get an idea which process is delaying.14:58
mick_laptophi everyone14:59
cheezespreadHalitech , I just checked . No, i dont have k3b installed . Are there any KDE apps installed by default ?. Just wondering14:59
TonyTheTigeri see, thanks a bunch Halitech. I know im not that knowledged and must be asking lots of stupid things.14:59
Halitechcheezespread, shouldn't be by default14:59
HalitechTonyTheTiger, no worries, I used to ask a lot of stupid questions when I started with computers as well ... oh wait, I still do :D15:00
mick_laptopi have an EeePC and my battery life is about 2 hrs. i just noticed this comment on /. -> http://hardware.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1347015&cid=2918811715:00
t__Eestis there a big different between gnome and kde ?15:00
cheezespreadHalitech , ok . I was wondering why i am getting the KDElib updates . Any way to turn these specific ones off ?. ( I dont mind installing them though .. still )15:00
mick_laptophow the hell did he get that much battery life?15:00
mick_laptopi'm used powertop to tweak my settings15:00
Halitechcheezespread, if you are getting updates for kde libs then there must be something you have installed from the kde side15:01
induscheezespread: yes15:01
mick_laptop7.5 hrs would be great (and he is complaining) :)15:01
Halitecht__Eest, different set of apps, different look to the desktop15:01
cheezespreadHalitech , Ok .. will check . Thank you .15:01
indust__Eest: gnome is easier and less cluttered15:02
mick_laptopanyone else here have a netbook? i'm curious to know what kind of battery life you get15:02
miraclezhao如果用中文的话用加入这个应该最好 #ubuntu-cn15:02
Halitechcheezespread, not that its a problem to run kde apps in gnome or xfce, I use xfce and I use gnome and kde apps15:02
indust__Eest: kde has a lot of options ,might get boring after some time, but kde looks gorgeous15:02
TecR0cfor some reason my usb wireless keyboard takes ages for ubuntu to pick it up. does anyone know a way to make it pick it up straight away ? or atlest quicker15:02
mick_laptopalso, how can i turn off certain hardware? (webcam, builtin NIC...)15:02
Quaoarmick_laptop, blacklist the modules15:03
mick_laptopQuaoar: i guess i can do that15:03
Halitechmick_laptop, disable them in the bios?15:03
mick_laptopHalitech: you can do that now?15:03
Quaoarmick_laptop, how's battery life?15:03
AijseChinese invasion, I knew they'd do it15:03
mikebeechamHalitech: I just downloaded Opera 9 from the website, and the file, edit, view text, etc is disgusting?15:03
majnoonthat LOOKS like korean15:03
mikebeechammonspace font15:03
mick_laptopQuaoar: i get 2 hrs15:03
cheezespreadHalitech , ok. Not that I have a problem with that ;) ..15:03
Quaoarmick_laptop, is that much or little?15:03
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, that doesnt sound right to me15:03
mick_laptopfor me it is a little15:04
Quaoarmick_laptop, with windows, how much do you get?15:04
mick_laptopi hear other people get 7.5 hrs on the same hardware15:04
Halitechmick_laptop, I'm guessing, I can disable things in my old toshiba laptop15:04
mick_laptopi don't use windows15:04
Quaoara, ok15:04
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, 2hrs is far too little for such a low power netbook15:04
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b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, is it new? how many cells?15:04
mick_laptopi just got this a few days ago15:04
TecR0cquestion for some reason my usb wireless keyboard takes ages for ubuntu to pick it up. does anyone know a way to make it pick it up straight away ? or atlest quicker15:04
Quaoarmick_laptop, did it come with ubuntu?15:04
mick_laptopi installed the netbook remix15:05
mick_laptopAsus EeePC 1005HAB-BLU001X15:05
Halitechmikebeecham, tools - appearance and you can change the look15:05
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, how many cells in your battery? or tell the me the make and model and il take a look?15:05
mick_laptopb3rz3rk3r: ^^^15:05
Guest67004how can i view the other linux as remote desktop viewr15:05
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, ah.. lol. thx15:06
mick_laptopGuest67004: run a vnc server (there are more ways to do this -- i'll tell you one way)15:06
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:06
mick_laptopGuest67004: you need a vncserver on one side and a vncviewer on the other15:06
TonyTheTigerif i am looking to install ubuntu 8.04 which iso do i download? there is alot of alternate discs, why do i need the alternate disc?15:06
erUSUL!alternate | TonyTheTiger15:07
ubottuTonyTheTiger: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal15:07
mikebeechamHalitech: yup, but not to change the font on this panel by the look of it15:07
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b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, its a 3 cell Li.. on an atom processor you should be looking at 3-4hrs under load constantly.. more like 5-6 during normal use15:07
Quaoarmick_laptop, does it have 3 cells?15:07
b3rz3rk3rQuaoar, yes15:08
Halitechmikebeecham, haven't tried, I hardly look at the toolbar15:08
mick_laptophow do i know how many cells it has?15:08
DJonesTonyTheTiger: Generally, if you're just looking for the standard Ubuntu 8.04, all you will need is the desktop live cd, that will let you boot up from the cd and test that it works on your hardware before you install15:08
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mikebeechamno worries...sorted it now thanks15:08
indusTonyTheTiger: its also pretty easy to use and fast15:08
HalitechTonyTheTiger, where are you located?15:08
eMyllerhello. anyone here using nginx 0.7+ on ubuntu?15:08
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, assuming you havent changed the battery, it does15:08
TecR0cfor some reason my usb wireless keyboard takes ages for ubuntu to pick it up. does anyone know a way to make it pick it up straight away ? or atlest quicker15:08
TonyTheTigerHalitech, im located in london, east.15:08
indusTecR0c: hi did u solve your installation problems?15:08
mick_laptopthen it does :)15:08
t__Eestwhich format is better, ext2 or 3 ?15:08
indust__Eest: ext315:09
TecR0cindus: installing it on another hd fixed the problem thanks !15:09
eMyllert__Eest: 415:09
mick_laptopb3rz3rk3r: any idea why the power sucks so much?15:09
indusTecR0c: cool15:09
legend2440mick_laptop: this lets you set powersaving mode  http://greg.geekmind.org/eee-control/15:09
mick_laptoplike i said i have run powertop15:09
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, you might want to look at some battery care sites.. specifically to do with charging/maintainance15:09
indusTecR0c: i think the installation was messed up15:09
HalitechTonyTheTiger, http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04.3/ubuntu-8.04.3-desktop-i386.iso15:09
TecR0cindus: but now my wireless keyboard takes ages to pick up at logon screen. unwell  i repair them each time15:09
mick_laptopb3rz3rk3r: have an example?15:09
TonyTheTigerhalitech im already downloading the desktop one linked on the webpage.15:09
t__Eestokay thanks indus15:10
indusTecR0c: what do you mean repair?15:10
TonyTheTigerbtw what does LTS stand for?15:10
MoryddI'm trying to mount my home directory from my desktop on my laptop and I'm getting Error 111: connection refused.15:10
DJones!lts | TonyTheTiger15:10
ubottuTonyTheTiger: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0415:10
indust__Eest: what are you trying to achieve btw?15:10
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, optimally you should be pluggin in and out often to maintain good life with an Li batt.15:10
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, il find you some now.. brb15:10
Moryddin /etc/fstab I have // /mnt/locutis       cifs    credentials=/home/sean/.creds,uid=sean,gid=users,user,rw,hard,intr,noauto   0015:10
Quaoarmick_laptop, #  Mfr estimated battery life  4.3 hour(s)15:10
Newbe_onehii all15:10
Quaoar23 Wh15:10
TecR0cindus:  if i keep the connect bottoms on my keyboard and toggle each time15:10
TonyTheTigeroooh so DJones is 9.04 not actually supported then?15:10
mick_laptopQuaoar: and 4 hrs would be awesome :)15:10
indusTecR0c: sorry dont know this one15:10
Newbe_onehow to make xp boot from ufd with hardy15:11
TonyTheTigerthis makes sense as to why i had issues.15:11
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, can i pm you?15:11
TecR0cindus: np thanks anyways15:11
Ipse-Dixithi, could anyone help mounting one my hd's? here's my fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/259852/ the one thatz not working is "Archive" it doesnt automount it at boot and if i try to access it it says "mount point is already occupied" anyone? thanks15:11
TecR0cindus: it picks up after like 5 minutes :(15:11
HalitechTonyTheTiger, yes 9.04 is supported but its considered a normal release that is supported for 18months15:11
Newbe_onehii all15:11
t__Eestcan i move my xchat folder to another folder without crashing any settings ?15:11
Newbe_onehow to make xp boot from ufd with hardy15:11
DJonesTonyTheTiger: 9.04 is supported, its just that it is part of the 6 monthly release cycle, 8.04 is a LTS version which is supported for a lot longer15:11
indusTecR0c: maybe its a hardware problem15:11
TonyTheTigeri understand the situation now. thanks guys.15:12
Quaoarmick_laptop, i find it hard to believe that the eeepc uses 6w/hour15:12
indust__Eest: probably yes15:12
TecR0cindus: works fine in windows, livecds, instllatoin cds, bois etc just with linux it has a problem15:12
indusTecR0c: ya its just my way of escaping help when i dont know the problem15:12
TecR0cahahaa np prob thanks for the other help anyways !15:13
t__Eestindus, and other installed application too ?15:13
AijseIpse-Dixet, you trie using another mount point?15:13
indust__Eest: i suggest you dont move stuff like that15:13
indust__Eest: why do you want to move it?15:13
arandNewbe_one: ufd?15:13
legend2440Ipse-Dixit: instead of using   LABEL=Archive  try /dev/sda115:13
t__Eestits installed on desktop, and i want to put in my home flder15:14
Ipse-Dixitlegend2440: i tried that and UID but none of em works15:14
legend2440Ipse-Dixit: and there is a   /media/archive  folder?15:14
speedhunt3rhey how do I deny an application access to the net? I have installed doom3 natively and it keeps checking my cd key I want to add a firewall rule...15:15
Ipse-Dixityes sure15:15
Ipse-Dixitspeedhunt3r: sudo ufw default deny → to close all the ports, and then u open only the ones u need15:16
speedhunt3rIpse-Dixit, how do I figureout what port a program is using?15:16
Quaoarmick_laptop, as far as i can see, 2 hours is pretty normal for 3 cells, look here http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/asus-eee-pc-1005ha/4505-3121_7-33698873-2.html?tag=txt;page15:17
Ubuntu_n00bhi there - n00b here, having some problems installing skype - can I just ask questions in the open channel?15:17
Ipse-Dixitspeedhunt3r: u want to do as it follows "sudo ufw allow **/tcp" where ** is the number of the port15:17
indusTecR0c: do wireless keyboards work good generally?15:18
b3rz3rk3r!ask | Ubuntu_n00b15:18
ubottuUbuntu_n00b: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:18
mick_laptopQuaoar: well my point is that other people get better battery life15:18
Ipse-Dixitspeedhunt3r: to find out what port an app is using u go like this "netstat | less"15:18
MaGicMaXguys im trying to install a temp monitor applet http://sensors-applet.sourceforge.net/ i installed it via synaptic already but i dont see it...15:18
MoryddI'm trying to mount my home directory from my desktop on my laptop and I'm getting Error 111: connection refused.15:18
mick_laptopeee-control seems cool - i just installed it and i turned off the card reader and webcam15:19
need_helphey need help! when i install ubuntu it give me error black screen! LAPCI can't be allocated! why ? how i can fix this ? thx15:19
Quaoarmick_laptop, the netbook with 6 cells, 63Wh has almost 7 hours15:19
arandMaGicMaX: right-click panel, choose "add to panel"15:19
mick_laptopcan i get another battery for it?15:19
MaGicMaXarand: i did that i dont see it in the list15:19
Ipse-Dixitlegend2440: any other ideas?15:19
Quaoarmick_laptop, you have 23 Wh, that one has 63Wh15:19
ibuclawQuaoar, Samsung Laptop? :)15:19
TecR0cindus: yep its bluetooth. love this keyboard it is the logitech edge15:19
arandMaGicMaX: Ok, then I don't know..15:19
hvgotcodeshow do i get the 'su' command to work?15:19
uramagetOn my Ubuntu Jaunty set-up, it seems my audio drivers are acting very buggy. For one, as much as I lower the master volume, it refuses to be put into actual effect (i.e. volume lowering). The problem also extends between other sites such as YouTube where even if my audio is muted, audio for the videos still play. What can I do to check out what's going on?15:19
t__Eestso can i move installed applications on another partition without crashing them ?15:19
Quaoaribuclaw, no, an eeepc15:19
cheezespreadHalitech , I have klibc-utils installed in Synaptic. Any way i can check which application needs the package for ?15:20
mick_laptopQuaoar: i'm just asking if i can swap batteries to get better battery life15:20
ibuclawQuaoar, ahh ... so I suppose that you don't get a door to the RAM then.15:20
arandt__Eest: How do you mean exatcly?15:20
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, yes you can buy another bigger one15:20
* ibuclaw has 4GB RAM in his netbook15:20
Quaoaribuclaw, i don't know15:20
palin1441If I disconnect my keyboard and restart my kubuntu machine, it loads without network. If the keyboard is connected - it loads ok. What can I do to fix this?15:20
indusTecR0c: ok15:20
Quaoaribuclaw, why do you need so much ram?15:21
mick_laptopb3rz3rk3r: what would i look for?15:21
t__Eestarand: i have installed some stuff on the desktop, and now i made a new  partiotion, can i move them on this partiotnion and they will still work proper ?15:21
Quaoarmick_laptop, if you have the knowledge, make a minimal install15:21
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, ideally a 6 cell replacement15:21
ibuclawQuaoar, virtual machines.15:21
Quaoarmick_laptop, with lxde or fluxbox15:21
MaGicMaXarand: i see a different one there but when i load it, it says no sensors enabled, when i do properties, then sensors, only my HDD sensors are available to enable...15:21
legend2440Ipse-Dixit: is that an external drive?15:21
ZAKhanis there a command to display directory permissions in 999 format instead of drwxr-xr-x?15:21
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, then just the 3 cell for extra capacity, or a spare15:21
jacquesdupontdx802, are you here ?15:21
Halitechcheezespread, according to http://packages.debian.org/sid/klibc-utils it's used with initramfs15:21
mick_laptopQuaoar: what wm is on the netbook remix?15:21
x802jacquesdupontd, yes15:22
Ubuntu_n00bI installed Jaunty yesterday, and installed skype this morning (manually). The sound isn't working in skype, but rythmebox is working fine. I read on a couple of forums that skype-static-oss is the way to solve audio issues, so i added medibuntu to my source list and installed it, but now when i try to run it from terminal, it says "command not found"15:22
cheezespreadHalitech: and thats for boot process ?15:22
Quaoarmick_laptop, it's a modified gnome15:22
Halitechcheezespread, yes15:22
arandMaGicMaX: Could be that that it doesn't dance along with your hardware well enough.15:22
b3rz3rk3rUbuntu_n00b, you need to change the audio in Skype options15:22
ibuclawmick_laptop, Ubuntu netbook remix? I think it is a gnome-like wm15:22
Ipse-Dixitlegend2440: nope, is actually an internal one fresh formatted in ext3, before it was ntfs and it was automounting it without any prob, since i formatted it and changed in the fstab from ntfs to ext3 itz giving me a hard time15:22
Quaoarmick_laptop, they say that the koala will be better with netbooks15:22
jacquesdupontdx802, so you finally managed ?15:22
cheezespreadHalitech: Ok. thanks15:22
mick_laptopi rather like it so i think i'll keep the wm. i hate fluxbox since the config takes days to get right15:22
b3rz3rk3rUbuntu_n00b, i cant tell you what to, as its diff for everyone, but just keep using the test service and you will get it within 5 mins :)15:23
arandt__Eest: SO you have installed these "applications" using the package manager?15:23
mick_laptopthe koala?15:23
Quaoarmick_laptop, :)) yes, it does but i use it15:23
ibuclawmick_laptop, there are some other distros out there to keep an eye on15:23
t__Eesti installed them via terminal15:23
Quaoarmick_laptop, if you know what you're doing fluxbox is great15:23
Halitech!9.10 | mick_laptop15:23
ubottumick_laptop: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:23
Ubuntu_n00bthere are a number of (repeated) Intel devices in the audio options, but none on them seem to work15:23
x802jacquesdupontd, no. i haven't tried. cause i wiped out ubuntu a month ago. so i wait till oct for new release, then install again15:23
mick_laptopi really don't want to install another distro15:23
Quaoarmick_laptop, ubuntu has it15:23
Quaoarin the repos15:23
b3rz3rk3rmick_laptop, if you are wanting something that will fly on a light machine, check out Xubuntu15:23
Kobazany time i boot an ubuntu live, i'll get an ip address from dhcp, and then 5 minutes later it will change... and then it will stick... i don't have any problems at all with any other clients on my network15:23
mick_laptopQuaoar: i agree, but it sucks to configure15:23
ibuclawmick_laptop, okies ... but here is food for thought if you want to look round at the choice out there: http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2009/06/09/which_linux_for_netbooks/15:24
Quaoarmick_laptop, yes it does15:24
x802jacquesdupontd, this box ubuntu is fine. but laptop ubuntu is the crappy one. which i will reinstall after oct15:24
Quaoarb3rz3rk3r, xfce isn't very lightweight15:24
Ubuntu_n00bb3r, sorry about the n00b-ness, but what is the test service?15:24
b3rz3rk3rQuaoar, compared to Gnome15:24
HalitechQuaoar, actually xfce is very light, Xubuntu isn't15:24
bruenigxfce is not very light15:24
legend2440Ipse-Dixit: did you verify that its ext3  with  sudo fdisk -l. maybe something went wrong with formatting?15:24
bruenigcompared to the *boxes and tilers?15:24
bruenigcome on now15:24
bruenigxfce is a beast15:25
QuaoarHalitech, tell me a light xfce distro15:25
Ubuntu_n00bi am confused as to why I cannot launch the skype-static-oss application when it seemed to have installed correctly?15:25
jacquesdupontdx802, ok then15:25
HalitechQuaoar, minimal debian install with XFCE15:25
t__Eestcan i pm someone that he helps me with this question?15:25
QuaoarHalitech, how about a debian minimal install with fluxbox, i have it15:25
Ipse-Dixitlegend2440: no itz actually good http://paste.ubuntu.com/259858/15:26
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HalitechQuaoar, probably lighter but then we are comparing DE's and WM's15:26
QuaoarHalitech, yep15:26
palin1441anyone know what I can do to solve this?15:26
QuaoarHalitech, i like my old p3 1GHz, 128 MB RAM notebook15:26
HalitechQuaoar, so not really a truely fair comparison :)15:26
ab2qikHi,  is it normal for the display to flicker continuously as im tabbing between windows on 9.04?15:27
QuaoarHalitech, it eats up only 20 MB RAM on this thing15:27
musashi39Hey I just recompiled my kernel for the first time since 2000 and now everytime I boot it removes the nvidia driver and puts it back15:27
Quaoarab2qik, not really15:27
Ddordahow can i install several packages from a list?15:27
HalitechQuaoar, I have a Cel 1gig with 256 and XFCE runs nicely for me, keep thinking of trying Ice or another *box but haven't gotten around to it15:27
Quaoarab2qik, what graphics card do you have?15:28
cheezespreadab2qik: i dont think so.15:28
dos|equisanyone knows a program in linux that is base in java?15:28
musashi39I have an nvidia card not sure which one15:28
ab2qikQuaoar,  nvidia15:28
ibuclawdos|equis, open office? :)15:28
dos|equisibuclaw : besides open office15:28
dos|equisibuclaw : just a small apps15:28
QuaoarHalitech, i tried zenwalk but it was too bloated, entered swap immediately15:28
ab2qikQuaoar, where can it be checked from?15:28
speedhunt3rguys, how do I check what port an application is accessing so I can block its access in ufw? the application is full screen...15:29
b3rz3rk3rQuaoar, personally for light machines i run Vector 6 or FreeBSD, but if you are comfortable with Ubuntu its the best option now?15:29
Quaoarab2qik, try a lspci15:29
deanydos|equis, JBinUP15:30
Ubuntu_n00bwhat is the best way to use windows apps in ubuntu? i understand that wine can do it, but how does it work? do you have to run the installer as usual, or copy the program files (including files in windows folder etc)?15:30
deanydos|equis, Ninan15:30
itswhatevi inadvertently installed some hud thing that shows up in my gnome session.. have no clue what this is called so i can remove it.. any ideas?  it's got a left-hand panel and some other icon panel at the top of the screen15:30
dos|equisI'll go check it up15:30
MyrttiUbuntu_n00b: you run the installer with wine15:30
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=== brand_new_to_lin is now known as new_to_Linux
HalitechQuaoar, I started with Ubuntu then changed to Debian, find its nice and I have everything set up the way I like it now15:31
ab2qikQuaoar, shall i put on pastebin15:31
new_to_Linuxthanks myrtti - how??15:31
Quaoarab2qik, no, you should have a agp15:31
Quaoarsomewhere there15:31
ibuclawdos|equis, I think gnome-shell is based on javascript ... perhaps have a look round sourceforge.net for language specific projects15:31
ToStItOsUbuntu noob also there is something called playonlinux15:31
new_to_Linuxdo u execute the installer with wine?15:31
Quaoarb3rz3rk3r, yes, vector is light15:31
stevr1it_hello i have an acer laptop 4810T and ubuntu 9.04 does not read the cd and dvd, can you help me?15:31
Myrttinew_to_Linux: wine installer.exe15:31
irc_ircwhat's the command to know the dependecies for a package?15:31
b3rz3rk3rwow, that messed up bigtime. what i miss?15:31
Quaoarb3rz3rk3r, never tried freebsd15:31
new_to_Linuxcool, thanks!15:32
legend2440Ipse-Dixit: i would try creating another folder like  /media/test or whatever and check permissions on that folder and try again15:32
irc_ircinfo Myrtti15:32
QuaoarHalitech, me too but still keeping ubuntu on a partition15:32
musashi39Is anybody here good at troubleshooting boot problems?15:32
Ipse-Dixitlegend2440: alright15:32
mikebeechamHalitech: Opera is fantastic15:32
mikebeechamloving it already15:32
HalitechQuaoar, I have 4 systems kicking around that I play on :D15:32
arandmusashi39: If you specify the problem we'll see.15:32
Halitechmikebeecham, glad you like it15:33
need_helpi need really help when i install ubuntu give me error on black screen : IO APIC resources could not be allocated message upon boot. ! how i can fix this :( thx15:33
michaelasdfcould anyone help me installinga driver?15:33
mikebeechamHalitech: is there any way to hide the menu bar, like you can in FF?15:33
johehi there15:33
Halitechmikebeecham, not sure, never tried15:33
deanyspeedhunt3r, netstat15:33
legend2440Ipse-Dixit: maybe just use   defaults     under options15:33
irc_ircIs there any command to know th dependecies of a package , i want to remove a package with it's depencies.15:33
Quaoarab2qik, if you can't find it, do a pastebin15:33
irc_ircMyrtti: Is there any command to know th dependecies of a package , i want to remove a package with it's depencies.15:33
t__Eesthow to uninstall wine ?15:33
ab2qikQuaoar, http://pastebin.com/m20d7f4b215:34
Quaoarirc_irc, apt-get autoremove15:34
arandneed_help: have you tried booting livecd with acpi=off or nopaic options?15:34
johea question, i installed ubuntu via debootstrap on an /mnt (extern disk) now i wanne install grub or lilo, but after chroot, there is now hda sda whatever? any idea15:34
Quaoarab2qik, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller15:34
need_helparand it work when i boot live cd with nopaic! but when i try to install ubuntu won't work15:34
new_to_Linuxi am still looking for a solution - i installed skype-static-oss from the medibuntu source, but now i can't run it. running 'skype-static-oss' in the terminal results in 'command not found', and i don't see any new launchers in my menus??15:34
Myrttinew_to_Linux: how about just plain skype?15:35
t__Eestis there anyway to deinstall wine ?15:35
irc_ircQuaoar: what's the command to know the dependency of a package? if i type apt-get install <packagename> it shows the dependecy15:35
Halitecht__Eest, sudo apt-get autoremove wine15:35
b3rz3rk3rt__Eest, apt-get remove wine ?15:35
Quaoarirc_irc, apt-get -f install15:35
new_to_Linuxmyrtti: plain skype is giving me issues with the sound, can't hear anything. this is an old laptop, not even sure if it has a microphone yet ....15:36
Halitechnew_to_Linux, thats not a program that you run, its adding extra support for skype15:36
arandirc_irc: apt-cache policy packagename15:36
new_to_Linuxthanks halitech - i didn't realise that!15:36
t__Eestokay thanks halitec, wine is away, but there are still wine- > programms  , how to remove them ?15:36
jacquesdupontdanybody is needing help ?15:36
Halitechmikebeecham, not finding anything in my opera to hide the menu bar15:36
Myrttinew_to_Linux: but the command with which to launch it15:37
ab2qikQuaoar, i see. So any known issues to cause flicker when tabbing over f.f window. Non f.f. windows are fine15:37
Halitecht__Eest, did you unistall the programs from wine first?15:37
t__Eestyes i did, but the folders are still there under pllication -> wine15:37
Quaoarab2qik, maybe it's affected by the intel drive regressions15:37
mikebeechamHalitech: looking at a config change to see if that works15:37
musashi39Can anybody help me with my Nvidia boot problem?15:37
ab2qikQuaoar, ok thanks15:38
Halitecht__Eest, you should be able to just delete those folders15:38
b3rz3rk3rt__Eest, you can remove those by right-clicking on the application menu15:38
Quaoardoes anyone know if intel gm965 is affected by the intel driver regressions?15:38
Quaoarab2qik, koala should work better than jaunty15:38
Quaoarab2qik, you can move to the LTS15:38
Quaoarab2qik, fedora has solved some of it's problems15:38
t__Eestmh there is just add to menu and add to panel15:38
b3rz3rk3rQuaoar, yes, iv got the 965 in my 2910us i think15:39
arandQuaoar: fyi KK is not LTS.15:39
Quaoararand, i wasn;t talking about it :)15:39
Quaoararand, 8.04 is the LTS15:39
ab2qikQuaoar,  whats koala15:39
sim_i would like to ask about wine - is it used to INSTALL windows exe or to run already installed .exe15:39
Quaoararand, you can wait for koala and try it15:39
Quaoarab2qik, 9.1015:40
orochisim_: Both, when it works...unfortunately it barely ever does15:40
b3rz3rk3rsim_, both15:40
sim_i want to install my coreavc15:40
sim_need a bit of help if anyone has time15:40
sim_im fed up of screen tearing, atm im havin to boot windows to watch my movies15:40
b3rz3rk3rsim_, what GPU u running ?15:41
ab2qikQuaoar,  i did not see that version when downloading. Has it just been released after 9.04 jaunty15:41
Quaoarab2qik, don't try mandriva or opensuse because they have intel driver problems too15:41
zfefolks, is it possible to format using ntfs?15:41
Quaoarthe latest15:41
irc_ircif i type sudo apt-get remove epiphany , got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/259864/ , i don't want to remove php-mysql , how can i do this?15:41
sim_gforce 9300m GS15:41
Quaoarab2qik, no, the LTS is old15:41
=== rajesh is now known as rajesht
kinkexHello guys, i have been downloading Ubuntu 9.10 Alpha 4 and when im try to update my system i get this error: Failed to fetch http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/cups/libcupscgi1_1.4.0~svn8773-1_i386.deb 403 Forbidden [IP: 80]15:41
b3rz3rk3rzfe, yes, no reason you can i guess?15:41
Quaoarab2qik, 1,5 years15:41
sim_b3rz3rk3r: Gforce 9300m GS15:41
cheezespreadab2qik: Koala is next in line .15:42
irc_ircarand: Quaoar: if i type sudo apt-get remove epiphany , got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/259864/ , i don't want to remove php-mysql , how can i do this?15:42
Quaoarab2qik, 9.10 comes at the end of october15:42
sim_b3rz3rk3r: 512MB15:42
zfeb3rz3rk3r, ?15:42
rajeshtHello guys15:42
b3rz3rk3rsim_, ok, have you got the restricted drivers installed?15:42
zfei need to make a ntfs partition15:42
rajeshtive been having an issue with utorrent + wine15:42
zfeon my usbstick15:42
b3rz3rk3rsim_, running compiz?15:42
zfeis it possible with ubuntu?15:42
sim_b3rz3rk3r: yes15:42
uramagetOn my Ubuntu Jaunty set-up, it seems my audio drivers are acting very buggy. For one, as much as I lower the master volume, it refuses to be put into actual effect (i.e. volume lowering). The problem also extends between other sites such as YouTube where even if my audio is muted, audio for the videos still play. What can I do to check out what's going on?15:42
Quaoarirc_irc, apt-get autoremove15:42
arandzfe: I think ntfsprogs can do that...15:42
m_lawrajesht: what is it15:42
b3rz3rk3rsim_, to both?15:42
zfethanks arand15:42
sim_b3rz3rk3r: shouldnt my laptop be able to handle them both15:42
ab2qikQuaoar, so 9.10 is available now as beta?15:42
rajeshtthx m_law15:42
rajeshti use a 100 mbit server15:42
sim_b3rz3rk3r: yes i have restriced drivers15:43
Quaoarab2qik, yes15:43
b3rz3rk3rsim_, yes, thats more than enough, but it may be specific to that card.15:43
t__Eestb3rz3rk3r: i cant remo them , by right click there is just add to menu and add to panel15:43
sim_b3rz3rk3r: one min, ill give u a list of wot i have15:43
rajeshtthe box is stable with 1/2 torrents but when i add few more , it lags a lot15:43
ab2qikQuaoar, thanks15:43
Quaoarab2qik, alpha 4 i think15:43
b3rz3rk3rsim_, have you tried turning compiz off and playiong vid?15:43
mikebeechamHalitech: sorted it: http://www.aswinanand.com/2008/12/hide-menu-bar-in-opera/15:43
rajeshtso all speeds go down and it takes soem time for the server to gain back the speed15:43
frojndI've installed rtorrent like this ./configure and then make, but I've already removed files.... How can I uninsstall it?15:43
Halitechrajesht, try deluge15:43
irc_ircMyrtti: arand: Quaoar: if i type sudo apt-get remove epiphany , got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/259864/ , i don't want to remove php-mysql , how can i do this?15:43
m_lawrajesht: when you say lag do you mean system performance or utorrent performance15:43
Halitechmikebeecham, cool15:44
rajeshtutorrent performance15:44
b3rz3rk3rt__Eest, right click on Applications and choose edit menus, then naigate to them and remove15:44
new_to_Linuxwhat is the easiest way to see if my laptop has a microphone?15:44
yellowgeishahey all. quick question15:44
new_to_Linuxthere is a jack for it on the side15:44
Halitechnew_to_Linux, what laptop?15:44
sim_w32codecs, non-free-codecs, ubuntu-restricted-extras, mplayer15:44
Quaoarirc_irc, do the remove, after that, install it, it will be cached so it will not download it15:44
yellowgeishai'm trying to install the facebook plugin for pigin15:44
Myrttiirc_irc: you can reinstall them afterwards?15:44
new_to_Linuxit's an inspiron 1150 (ancient)15:44
b3rz3rk3rnew_to_Linux, there should be a hole for the mic in the lid usually if ther is one15:44
rajeshthailtech, thx but the site that i use utorrent on , will not accept deluge15:44
sim_b3rz3rk3r: no not really...could it be somehting to do with my gfx card driver settings....vsync etc15:44
Halitechnew_to_Linux, most sound cards have a jack, built in is another question15:45
Halitechrajesht, bummer15:45
b3rz3rk3rsim_, have you made changes to setting in the nvida manager?15:45
new_to_Linuxis there an equivalent to device manager in ubuntu?15:45
arandzfe: ANd when you've "sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs" you can use the command "mkfs.ntfs"15:45
sim_b3rz3rk3r: only to try and improve it...but with no luck15:45
irc_ircQuaoar: Myrtti: how can i avoid this reinstalling ? is there any way to avoid this ?15:45
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zfethanks arand15:45
m_lawrajesht: ahh thats a shame because its so similar to utorrent. what site is it, is it invite only?15:45
yellowgeishawhen i get the deb file and try to install it via the bdebi package installer i get the following message: the file could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences.15:45
t__Eestguys there are still this wine programms in , what can i do ?15:45
yellowgeishawhat do i need to do?15:46
frojndCan ayone help me uninstall rtorrent? I've installed it like this: I wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/rtorrent-0.8.5.tar.gz into /usr/local/programs/ I've done ./configure and after that make.  I've already removed rtorrent-0.8.5.tar.gz and rtorrent-0.8.5/ directory. How can I uninstall rtorrent?15:46
b3rz3rk3rsim_, im not familiar with the card so id say check the forums for others with your card15:46
rajeshtlol m_law, true its invite only15:46
iiiii@new_to_Linux use terminal "lscpi"15:46
sim_wouldnt coreavc solve my probs15:46
Quaoarirc_irc, i don't know how :)15:46
b3rz3rk3rsim_, at least you dont have an ATi :p15:46
sim_whats wrong with ati15:46
b3rz3rk3rsim_, well known for poor support, esp with linux due to their driver release policy15:46
b3rz3rk3rsim_, anyway15:47
orochisim_: Currently nVidia is the only chipset that has 3d acceleration support decent enough to be used for high performance applications15:47
b3rz3rk3rsim_, check out forums for your card model15:47
arandzfe: or you could use gparted for the formatting (since it makes use of ntfsprogs if they are installed).15:47
yellowgeishai'm trying to install the facebook plugin for piginIM. when i get the deb file and try to install it via the bdebi package installer i get the following message: the file could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences. how do i fix this?15:47
sim_b3rz3rk3r: if im using multithread mplayer, and i habe intel core 2 dup @ 2.26GHz.....how many threads shall i tell mplayer to use15:48
m_lawrajesht: Im afraid I don't use wine myself, so im not much help. Im supprised that you can't use deluge though, have you given it a go anyway?15:48
=== hey` is now known as grumete
new_to_Linuxlscpi 'command not found', also not found in snaptic??15:48
Halitechnew_to_Linux, install hardinfo if you want a gui to look at your info15:48
Quaoarnew_to_Linux, lspci15:48
rajeshtno, m_law, if i use deluge, i may be banned on that site....15:48
b3rz3rk3rsim_, you might try another player first..15:48
b3rz3rk3rsim_, though mplayer is good. didnt know it supported multi-core15:48
sim_b3rz3rk3r:  im increasing my cpu performance to full too15:49
irc_ircMyrtti: is there any way to avoid reinstalling packages after removing epiphany?http://paste.ubuntu.com/259864/15:49
b3rz3rk3rsim_, thats good. give it max power15:49
sim_b3rz3rk3r:  mplayer-mt15:49
new_to_Linuxi don't really need a giu, just want a quick way to check the installed devices, if possible?15:49
Halitechnew_to_Linux, lspci or lshw15:49
b3rz3rk3rsim_, as compiz is eating your GPU, your processor may be doing the heavy lifting in the vid dept.. so that may explain the flicker15:49
m_lawrajesht: ahh i see, but is there anyway you can tell and have you asked as to why there policy is to stick to only utorrent?15:49
drico_Hi, we have a problem creating a package, it seems that the max path length for dpkg is 100 characters and then it puts the file on /15:49
new_to_Linuxthanks halitech15:50
sim_b3rz3rk3r:  i thought compiz was known for it efficiency in gpu usage15:50
Quaoarirc_irc, man apt15:50
rajeshti dont know, its the trackers rules :P15:50
ibuclawnew_to_Linux, don't forget lsusb for USB specific devices ;)15:50
Quaoarirc_irc, man apt-get15:50
b3rz3rk3rsim_, its good, but does have issues with OpenGL on lower spec cards, and sometime causes issues with video playback too it seems :p15:50
cheezespreadyellowgeisha: Have you saved the file or are you trying to install from the download list in firefox ?15:50
Halitechnew_to_Linux, lspci will be a very brief description, lshw goes into details15:51
b3rz3rk3rsim_, im guessing when u turn compiz off, everything is fine?15:51
sim_b3rz3rk3r:  kool15:51
sim_b3rz3rk3r:  i will try15:51
irc_ircQuaoar: thank you:-D15:51
Quaoarirc_irc, :))15:51
yellowgeishasorry all, just found out it's in the ubuntu reps15:51
tOlianyone can explain to me what is the difference between ~$ and /$ in the terminal>15:53
sim_b3rz3rk3r:  yeh no tearing with compiz off...but that kinda sucks, seeing that my spec is more than capable.15:53
NetUser_1 i have ubuntu installed with encrypted lvm,how can i change the passphrase wich appears on the first screen?15:53
kannan01i have created swap area using gparted but it is not include when i look at system monitor ..how to add it ....15:54
danbhfivedrico_: package question?  maybe try #ubuntu-motu15:54
cheezespreadtOli: ~ refers to your home folder .. so the prompt in terminal normally is ~$15:54
b3rz3rk3rsim_, it will ge better in time.. i couldnt even enable compiz on my laptop 3 months ago, then the devs fixed the issue, and now its perfect15:54
=== root is now known as Guest15869
kylskop / is root15:54
Guest15869jeje ahuevoo15:54
grawitycheezespread: actually, it's "user@hostname ~$"15:54
sim_b3rz3rk3r:  lets hope so hey ;p15:55
Guest15869tumama weyy15:55
b3rz3rk3rsim_, you could also change your drivers for updated/older versions15:55
Guest15869ches mamadas15:55
b3rz3rk3rsim_, see if that helps15:55
Guest15869help meeee15:55
cheezespreadgrawity: Yeah .. guess he was asking what ~$ stood for15:55
IdleOne!es | Guest1586915:55
ubottuGuest15869: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:55
kannan01i have created swap area using gparted but it is not included when i look at system monitor ..how to add it to process....15:55
drico_danbhfive, thanks15:56
majukUh huuuuuu.... so my sdb drive, a member of my RAID5 array, just tripped out for the second time. Totally shut off and then reinitialized while the system was going, causing havoc. Can anyone shed some light as to why? dmesg output-> http://dpaste.com/85627/15:56
sim_b3rz3rk3r: i was considering updating to 185. for nvidia, but ubuntu havnt officially called an update for it on their update manager...so im assuming there are still a few bugs to be fixed..although many are using it15:56
danbhfivekannan01: is it in your fstab?15:56
b3rz3rk3rsim_, if the current one isnt working the way you want, what do you have to lose right?15:57
vallhalla81i am having trouble with dvd play back when i incert a disk it say cant open location maybe you dont have permittion15:57
b3rz3rk3rsim_, you can always revert back if it doesnt work15:57
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danbhfivekannan01: so you need help putting it in there?15:57
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:57
Guest98378hello could anyone help me with ubuntu+ati rage 128 pro drivers?15:57
kannan01danbhfive: ya yes..15:57
cheezespreadtOli: ~$ - home folder ( /home/tOli ) . /$ - / folder .. you are in the root folder.15:57
danbhfive!fstab | kannan0115:57
ubottukannan01: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:57
sim_b3rz3rk3r: im not to sure on the procedure of updating drivers (been using ubuntu form 5-6 days)15:58
tOlio ok15:58
tOlicheezespread: now i understand15:58
danbhfivekannan01: look in the example section, and copy the line that has a 'swap' in it.  Change UUID=cee15eca-5b2e-48ad-9735-eae5ac14bc90 to the location of your swap partition15:59
b3rz3rk3rsim_, im not sure how to do it either, though id imagine it would mean uninstalling the current one, and compiling+installing the new one15:59
danbhfivesim_: usually, drivers are updated with each new release16:00
ActionParsnipyo yo yo16:00
danbhfivesim_: AFAIK, this is especially so for nvidia drivers16:00
ActionParsnipwhat filetype does ubuntu use for icons?16:00
b3rz3rk3rsim_, or you can just wait till next release (Oct)16:00
kevdogWhats the command line for starting alsa-mixer?16:01
ActionParsnipkevdog: type alsa then press tab a few times16:02
mneptokkevdog: strangely, it's "alsamixer"16:02
thiebaudeyo yo16:02
cheezespreadkevdog: alsamixer16:02
kevdogalsamixer, hmm imagine that??16:02
b3rz3rk3rmneptok, shame.. play nice :p16:02
kannan01danbhfive:# /dev/sda6 UUID=cee15eca-5b2e-48ad-9735-eae5ac14bc90  none  swap  sw  0 016:02
kannan01danbhfive: am i right this line16:02
mneptokb3rz3rk3r: uhhhh ....16:02
cheezespreadkannan01:  UUID one in the next line , rt ?16:03
tOliin order to understand unix, is it important to understand the filesystem hierarchy standard?16:03
sudheerhai friends16:03
danbhfivekannan01: yes, just keep in mind the # is a comment, you should delete everything before none, and put in the location of your swap16:03
HalitechtOli, no16:04
g8torhello all can O rub ruby 1.8 and 1.9 at the same time16:04
sudheeri'm usng the ubuntu16:04
geniitOli: Yes16:04
arandkannan01: If that your UUID? use "blkid" to find it16:04
geniitOli: Because understanding where files go and why is important16:04
sudheeri hav a prob can any one help me16:04
kris_whats your problem16:04
HalitechtOli, makes it easier but not if you just want to use it then no16:04
kevdogWhats the command line to bring up the gnome menu where you can switch fonts?16:04
legend2440kannan01: i would use either  /dev/sda6 or UUID=  not both16:04
thiebaudesudheer: what is your question>16:05
cheezespreadtOli: the filesystem is easy once you start using a distro . You learn as you use the command line..16:05
tOlii want to learn about the command line how everything works inside16:05
danbhfivekannan01: can you post the location of your swap?16:05
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:05
yellowgeishahey. i know yall probably get questions about world of warcraft in here fairly often. sorry to be a noob. anyways. i've been installing warcraft with wine without any problems until i got to the 'lich king' dvd. when i try to open it with the wine program loader i get an 'access denied' message. is this because 'lich king' is on a dvd unlike the others?16:05
new_to_linuxhi all. I am trying to run the Nokia PC Suite installer with wine, but get a bunch of these errors: "err:syslevel:_EnterSysLevel (0x7ee429e0, level 2): Holding 0x7ed1fee0, level 3. Expect deadlock!"16:05
sudheeri have installed cooiris addon for mozilla but when i use that my system is getting strucked16:06
thiebaude!cli | tOli16:06
ubottutOli: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:06
kris_use the sudo command16:06
sudheerwhat might be the problem16:06
kris_sudo wine then the app16:06
cheezespreadtOli: A newbie here too ..I would recommend you to start with command line ..make mistakes ..you learn better ;)16:06
kevdogIs there anything such as a font-cache?16:07
thiebaudesudheer: did you restart firefox?16:07
kannan01danbhfive: legend2448: arand :actually this what it displays /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"16:07
kannan01/dev/sda1: UUID="d698f355-0932-4c70-a5f4-969ba260df05" TYPE="ext2"16:07
kannan01/dev/sda5: UUID="F0B9-E72A" TYPE="vfat"16:07
kannan01/dev/sda6: UUID="09A4-2736" TYPE="vfat"16:07
FloodBot1kannan01: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:07
sudheeri hav restarted16:07
danbhfivekannan01: hmmm, are you running the live cd?16:07
kannan01danbhfive: no no16:07
legend2440kevdog:   gnome-appearance-properties16:08
new_to_linuxi now get an error "/home/user/.wine is not owned by you when launching with "sudo wine ...."16:08
sim_haha my linux is crashing16:08
sim_vista has never crashed on me before :o16:08
kris_ok well in that case16:08
kris_do a graphical sudo16:08
danbhfivekannan01: can you install pastebinit?  sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:08
kris_gksudo wine16:08
kevdogMy fonts on my screen keep getting corrupted -- meaning after 20 min or so they are totally unreadable -- its really annoying -- I  need to change the font and restart firefox for example to make the screen legible. They after a while appear like a block16:08
kris_then the app16:09
kris_that might make things a little easier16:09
new_to_linuxhow do i do a graphical sudo?16:09
danbhfive!enter | kris_16:09
ubottukris_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:09
=== Nicolas is now known as sdasd
tOlicheezespread: does ubuntu pocket guide a good guide?16:09
cheezespreadtOli: Yes , it is ..16:10
kris_so you would type "gksudo wine"16:10
new_to_linuxthanks kris - that solved the issue!16:10
kevdognew_to_linux: gksu16:10
thiebaudegksudo apt-get install16:10
kris_glad to have helped16:10
new_to_linuxthe installer isn't showing the colours very well - you said that there was another alternative to wine?16:10
kevdoggksudo works but the real command is gksu -- its 2 letters shorter -- faster to type16:11
new_to_linuxi'm sure there are a bunch of alternatives, but which one do you use?16:11
thiebaudekevdog: my bad i should have said sudo apt-get install16:11
cheezespreadtOli: Check this link . There are many links which can help you with Ubuntu as a whole for start : http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php16:11
Bigshot_when i chose to install atil proprietary driver my screen went crazy and dark, how to fix this?16:11
kris_there are a bunch of wine alternatives and most specific to games but most you would have to pay for which is why i favour wine16:11
JediMasterHey guys, I've had to reduce myself to running windows on this laptop temporarly to get a decent wireless connection, anyone else had problems like this? I get much better signal in windows than in ubuntu, it's an inbuilt Realtek wireless card. It's so bad in ubuntu I have to be 6-10ft away from the WAP, any further and I get huge packet losses or no connection at all.16:12
thiebaude!ati | Bigshot_16:12
ubottuBigshot_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:12
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new_to_linuxok, thanks. most of the objects in the installer are just blacked out actually - any idea why that would be?16:12
JediMasterIn windows 7 I can be 30-50ft away through several walls and still get no packets dropped16:12
kylskopJediMaster: thats a bug16:13
kris_perhaps lack of graphical support lol16:13
kris_yeah a bug16:13
kevdogMy fonts on my screen keep getting corrupted -- meaning after 20 min or so they are totally unreadable -- its really annoying -- I  need to change the font and restart firefox for example to make the screen legible. They after a while appear like a block16:13
JediMastercan you point me to the bug report?16:13
Bigshot_thiebaude: i can't even get to terminal -- hitting ctrl-alt-F116:13
kevdogIs there like a font cache?16:13
dgm_jaunty: worst upgrade experience *ever*   :(16:13
thiebaudeBigshot_: what about ctrl alt f2?16:13
danbhfiveJediMaster: what model?16:14
JediMasterRealtek RTL8187B 802.11b/g16:14
new_to_linuxanyone know if there is a USB driver in linux for nokia phones that works? i hadn't thought of that until now...16:14
kevdogdgm_: Just a tip -- dont upgrade -- just reinstall >)16:15
thiebaudeBigshot_: restart and when you get to log in ctrl alt f216:15
thiebaudeBigshot_: just before you log-in16:15
dgm_kevdog: yeah that's the next step I guess, but it's a pain that should not be needed16:15
Bigshot_i see no log-in screen thiebaude16:15
yellowgeishaquestion: i'm trying to drag files from a dvd to the HD16:16
danbhfiveJediMaster: have you tried LBM?  sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-<release>-generic16:16
dgm_no network, nothing on the screen when I log in...16:16
Bigshot_just few lines of colors on the top of my screen thie16:16
kris_why did they take out "ctrl alt enter"?16:16
yellowgeishabut i'm gettin a permission denied error16:16
thiebaudeBigshot_: hmm16:16
kris_it makes restarting xserv really annoying16:16
yellowgeishaon the DVD files there is an extra icon at the top right of an x inside of a box inside of a circle16:17
yellowgeishahow can i "unlock" this dvd16:17
mixfixhi all!!16:17
JediMasterdanbhfive: is that newer kernel modules backported to jaunty?16:17
charles01hi lovely people16:17
nztali have a bluetooth mouse that is working under the bluetooth manager under jaunty.  can i turn the bluetooth mouse off after i shut down the computer ?  i'm afraid that if i turn it off, it wont connect again.  i seem to remember having trouble after turning it off, at other points in time.  i'm not sure16:17
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JediMasterI'll have to download it on windows then dpkg -i the files lol16:17
JediMasterwill try now, thanks danbhfive16:18
mixfixsay me please why my pidgin don`t want to connect??16:18
kris_could be a number of reasons16:18
Refried_hey guys -- is there any tool i can use to tell me what files on my drive are changed or otherwise not the version installed by packages?16:18
Refried_like an apt-diff16:19
kris_jaunty should already come with one16:19
kris_have you sorted the universe and multiverse repos?16:20
new_to_linuxanyone know if there is a USB driver in linux for nokia phones that works?16:20
nztalthere is a cruft manager, Refried_ , but i dont believe it will work for things you'd compiled yourself, only .debs.  it wont tell you much information other than to remove those that didn't come from the repo16:20
danbhfiveRefried_: i doubt it.  Usually packages just overwrite all files.  There is probably a way to take 2 packages, and find out which files are change.  Maybe its called a deb-diff16:20
Refried_nztal / danbhfive: hmm16:20
nztalRefried_, allow you to16:20
yellowgeishatrying to install 'wrath of the lich king' with wine. for some reason it's not letting me drag files from the DVD to the HD and there is an extra icon to the top right of the files on the DVD. how can i fix this?16:21
kevdogAnyone actually know the proper way to make a deb file -- not using checkinstall16:21
Refried_*nod* i'd like to see, for example, which files in /etc have been changed  (for the purposes of cloning configuration changes to a new install)16:21
danbhfivekevdog: ask in #ubuntu-motu16:22
olivierya quelqu'un qui peut aider un nouveau sur ubuntu ?16:22
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kevdogdanbhfive:  What channel is that? motu?16:22
new_to_linuxanyone know if there is a USB driver in linux for nokia phones that works?16:23
yellowgeishanot trying to spam. just keeping the question fresh. trying to install 'wrath of the lich king' with wine. for some reason it's not letting me drag files from the DVD to the HD and there is an extra icon to the top right of the files on the DVD. how can i fix this?16:23
danbhfivekevdog: it's for immortals16:23
danbhfiveyellowgeisha: have you looked at the appdb?  see !appdb16:23
kevdogImmortals? ??16:23
yellowgeishanoob here. what's !appdb?16:24
Refried_it's for universe maintainers16:24
danbhfive!appdb | yellowgeisha16:24
ubottuyellowgeisha: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:24
Halitechyellowgeisha, why not just install from the dvd?16:24
yellowgeishai tried installing from the DVD16:24
danbhfivekevdog: masters of the universe.  They do lots o packaging16:24
gabriel_Hi everyone16:24
yellowgeishait says permission denied. or something like that16:25
ipatelhi, anyone come across this issue: "dropping netif_f_ufo since no netif_f_hw_csum feature"16:25
gabriel_I have a problem with flash on ubuntu 9.04, to be more specific, with farm town and other facebook apps, they dont work well, how can I fix this flash problem?16:25
majnoongabriel_, i'm having same prob :(16:26
greyfoxI need help on fixing the audio, my laptop sound isn't working perfectly,like I cannot controle the volume,,etc, so here's my audio devices >> greyfox@greyfox-laptop:~$ lspci|grep -i Audio16:26
greyfox00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)16:26
greyfox01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 Audio device [Radeon HD 34xx Series]16:26
greyfoxAny suggestion.16:27
majnoongreyfox, 2nd one looks like tvcard16:27
greyfoxmajnoon : What do you mean ?16:27
majnoonor a radio card16:28
greyfoxI don't have a tv card nor a radio card :/16:28
gabriel_Does somebody here knows how to fix the flash issues on ubuntu 9.04?16:28
majnoonmy tv/radio card showed up as sound card16:28
gabriel_I have Ubuntu 9.04 64 bits16:28
LoneWlfso... which metapackage do you install to get the xwindows environment onto a box? I forget16:28
majnoon32 bit ubuntu here16:28
redthehatHey guys, I'm kind of getting the hang of this whole ubuntu thing, but I keep getting this error message in terminal, can anyone help?16:29
nztalgabriel_, at times that flash from the repo failed for me, going to adobe and using their packaged deb, has worked for me16:29
unopLoneWlf, xserver-xorg16:29
gabriel_I have installed the package from adobe but most ot the facebook apps freezes on me16:29
majnoonok nztal i'll try that ,it adobe.com right ??16:29
redthehatsorry, I know this is the first time I have been here, no one knows me, if I paste the error in here, can someone give me a point in the right direction16:29
JediMastercan't remember who it was I was talking to about the realtek wireless problems, but the backported modules have fixed it, got a much better signal and very little dropped packets if any.16:30
redthehatI'm trying to install apache16:30
greyfoxredthehat: Pastebin the error16:30
gabriel_redthehat, go to pastebin.com and post the error from there16:30
LoneWlfunop: thx16:30
redthehatoh, its only a small error16:30
redthehatJust going to copy it16:31
redthehathere we go16:31
redthehat* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *16:31
redthehatg                                               g16:31
redthehato /     \             \            /    \       o16:31
redthehata|       |             \          |      |      a16:31
redthehatt|       `.             |         |       :     t16:31
FloodBot1redthehat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
redthehats`        |             |        \|       |     s16:31
gabriel_I have a Realtek Wireless pci card and it works great on ubuntu 9.04, no probs16:31
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:31
bumbulahi all.....i am new to linux..still a windows user....i want to switch with my usb drive between windows pc and linux pc.....can i format the usb drive with ntfs or????  thx16:31
gabriel_Im looking for some help, most of the flash apps on facebook freeze and dont work well, how can this be fix? I have Ubuntu 9.04 64 bits16:32
ZAKhanis there a command to display directory permissions in 999 format instead of drwxr-xr-x?16:32
majnoonok now have url to setup / turn on wireless from the console ??16:32
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greyfoxbumbula: keep the ntfs16:34
nibblerbumbula: you can use ntfs, but i'd strongly recommend vfat/fat3216:34
bumbulaahhh  ok  thx a lot guys16:34
gabriel_Im looking for some help, most of the flash apps on facebook freeze and dont work well, how can this be fix? I have Ubuntu 9.04 64 bits16:34
greyfoxkeep the ntfs, then install linux in a ext316:35
majnoon ok now have url to setup / turn on wireless from the console ?? USUALLY use blackbox for WM16:35
nibblerbumbula, greyfox: as i can see, its about using a pendrive in 2 different computers, so one just needs a fs with proper support on both sides16:36
bumbulano idea what ext3 is   i am absolut new in linux...guess its an external drive16:36
majnoonno fancy gui setup in blackbox16:36
kevdogbumbula: ext3 is the journaling system -- similar to fat32 or ntfs used in windows16:36
darkness05ext3 is a type of filesystem16:36
NauTiluSpxe boot lan on ubuntu ?16:37
greyfoxfat32 and the fat16 sucks16:37
kevdogyellowgeisha: straw16:37
kevdoggreyfox: who cares?16:37
yellowgeishanoob question: there was a button that i could click to shut down/restart on the panel16:37
yellowgeishatis gone now16:37
yellowgeishakevdog: mashed potatoes16:37
nibblergreyfox: please see this in the context of a pendrive..... and tell me why fat32 would be bad there.16:37
kevdogyellowgeisha: brocolli16:37
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bumbulanibbler   ooookkkkk  all i do on computer is 3d (3dsmax) sorry no idea what u all say  and sorry for my english too  lol16:37
yellowgeishaso yeah, i'm basically just trying to restart my computer and failing16:38
yellowgeishakevdog: geese16:38
br34lbumbula: then why u dont in the german support?16:38
nibblerbumbula: no worries... just install some ubuntu, and use ntfs or fat32... both will work :)16:38
legend2440yellowgeisha: right click top panel choose add to panel  choose Shutdown16:38
greyfoxbumbula : There is Wings3d on linux , it's like 3dmax in windows.16:38
yellowgeishaawesome. thanks16:39
raven_hi - when i start a tool with jack at startup ("script at startup") jack freezes as long as this tool is open - what can i write in that line to get it working? tnx16:39
d1ablo_delwhat controls Transmissions behaviour related to my desktops file manager?16:39
dgm_weird. there was a directory of html files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/readline-common.postrm instead of a script16:40
bumbulabr34l  i did...they said the same...just want another  aehhh opinion ? u understand :-)16:40
dgm_removing that, and continuing the upgrade process16:40
br34lbumbula: sure :)16:40
gubuntucan someone suggest where I should start looking for informaiton that would help me accomplish the following: I have a SQL database with a list of regex filenames in one column and a string of a destination for those files in another column.. i need a method of reading the table and running a move command based on those variable16:40
credobytewhat was the name of LoCo chanel ?16:41
MikeSethgubuntu: do you mean glob expressions and not regexps?16:41
bumbulabye all and thx16:41
nibblergubuntu: for that you most likely need an order of the regexes, just in case one file fits two16:41
gubuntuMikeSeth: i just mean they contain wildcards16:41
nibblergubuntu: so you just itereate, and mv $1 "$2"16:41
MikeSethgubuntu: so glob expressions, not regexps16:42
ftabgubuntu could you please paste the script in pastebin?16:42
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MikeSethgubuntu: use mysqldump to dump the sql table in a parseable text format, then write a short shell snippet to loop over the data and move files16:42
gubuntuftab: no script yet, i should use bash and connect to mysql within bash?16:42
ftabyes that is possible16:42
ftabyou want me to send you a bash script for how to connect to mysql?16:43
gubuntuftab: that would be great16:43
rocca354linux is hard 2 understand.......16:45
rocca354cannot acces sudo16:45
ftabgubuntu this might help you http://pastebin.com/mbe4a11616:45
Halitechrocca354, no, its different then windows16:45
wektwhy are there both themes "Murrine" and "UbuntuLooks"?  Is one considered 'the future'?16:45
a1tobiwitch pack do i need for ubuntu grafic driver?16:46
Halitechrocca354, are you the admin/first user created?16:46
yellowgeishahaving trouble installing a dvd with wine16:46
yellowgeishai can't copy the files16:46
ftabaltobi there is not ubuntu graphic driver16:46
yellowgeishaor open directly with the program loader16:46
ftabdrivers are for graphic cards16:47
yellowgeishasays i don't have permission16:47
ftabaltobi which card are you using?16:47
ftabgubuntu does that helps?16:47
a1tobii must install the grafic driver in my terminal16:47
a1tobinvidia gforce 660016:47
gubuntuftab: im looking now, trying to understand what it is doing16:48
Halitecha1tobi, what video card?16:48
ftabaltoni you want to have a driver installed for that right?16:48
d1ablo_dela1tobi: oh dear god, thats troublesome <.<16:48
ftabaltobi run this command, lspci | grep nvidia16:48
ftaband paste the result in pastebin16:48
ftabgubuntu: good luck for that :-)16:48
a1tobii come from germany i cant not so good in englisch16:49
ftabI am not very much familiar with bash16:49
gubuntuftab: it just looks like it is saving auth info for a connection command16:49
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:49
ftabwell it connects you to the mysql database.16:49
ftabI am passing that information to some other script which I can't mention here16:50
ftabyou can call grab those variables and pass that to a script16:50
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:50
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.16:51
mneptokftab: please stop abusing the bot in the channel16:51
emilhaukAnyone knows which service/bot irc.ubuntu.com uses for the chatlogging to irclogs.ubuntu.com?16:51
a1tobiwhen i go to linux ubuntu the desktop is black and the pc is no working can only go to the terminal an jet must install grafic driver but what packet16:51
ftabmneptok, I am not abusing but was just checking you should not be worried16:52
ftabfthat wonn't hurt you any where16:52
ftabI hope16:52
mneptokftab: /msg works16:52
mneptokftab: please use it16:52
IdleOneftab: but you are adding to channel scroll so please use /msg ubottu16:52
d1ablo_delExactly what controls Transmissions behaviour related to my desktops file manager? I got some problems with it(it opens my FM search instead of opening a torrents downloaded location)16:52
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ftabaltobi did you run the command lspci | grep nvidia16:53
a1tobiwhen i go to linux ubuntu the desktop is black and the pc is no working can only go to the terminal an jet must install grafic driver but what packet16:53
ftabmneptok, IdleOne thanks for the info. no please do your work16:53
a1tobii must test16:53
IdleOneftab: drop the attitude and please follow the rules16:54
mneptokftab: making sure the channel runs smoothly IS my work.16:54
IdleOneor you can go away16:54
mneptokftab: any questions in that regard?16:54
Resistolis there any way to run combofix on a windows partition from ubuntu?  i've got a very sick windows...16:56
malko_hi my wifi lan is off16:57
garchotronsomeone with a little squid experience? i'm having trouble using refresh-ims in the refresh patterns16:57
cPFis there anyone experiencing this issue? ctrl+c not interrupting processes and various zombie processses https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/40297316:57
Martin_vWHello, I have an annoying issue with several of my Ubuntu computers (not sure if all are affected): all windows start minimized, e.g. when I open a window in Firefox or when I click on Places->Home Folder. I always have to notice the new entry in the window list and click on it to actually see the window. Any ideas on how to fix this?16:57
MoryddI'm trying to mount my home directory from my desktop on my laptop and I'm getting Error 13: Permission denied16:57
malko_how restart wifi?16:57
Moryddin /etc/fstab I have // /mnt/locutis       cifs    credentials=/home/sean/.creds,uid=sean,gid=users,user,rw,hard,intr,noauto   0016:57
Gallezwhat's the name of the package that contains flash, java etc.? something with "restricted"16:57
Martin_vWmalko_: click with your right mouse button on the network symbol in the upper right16:57
Martin_vWmalko_: you should be able to re-enable the wireless there16:57
IdleOne!flash > Gallez16:58
ubottuGallez, please see my private message16:58
ftabMorydd: how are you trying to do that, I mean what is the command and path you are using?16:58
offsense@gallez, ubuntu-restricted-extras package16:58
Moryddftab: mount /mnt/locutis16:58
GallezIdleOne, offsense, thanks16:58
malko_martin no my wifi signal is off on the pc16:58
malko_it's a driver problem16:58
Martin_vWMorydd: you have to run mount as root, eg sudo mount. Is that the problem?16:59
Moryddftab: running that command as root16:59
Gallezand xubuntu-restricted-extras for xubuntu right?16:59
Martin_vWMorydd: oh, ok16:59
malko_sudo lspci16:59
malko_Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 510016:59
Gallez!restricted > Gallez16:59
ubottuGallez, please see my private message16:59
a1tobiwhen i did run the command lspci | grep nvidia than is comming login incorrect an then login timed out after 6 0 seconds  an than ubuntu 9.9416:59
malko_you know this controler?16:59
a1tobiand now ftab ?17:00
ftabaltobi what did you tried?17:00
ftabI am lost could you please post your message again I might have missed that.17:01
a1tobiwhen i did run the command lspci | grep nvidia than is comming login incorrect an then login timed out after 6 0 seconds  an than ubuntu 9.9417:01
a1tobiwhat can i do now ?17:02
IdleOnea1tobi: login17:02
IdleOnea1tobi: enter your username hit enter, then enter your password ( you wont see anything but it is typing ) and hit enter17:03
IdleOnethen type that command ftab gave you17:03
SirmimerHi, i would like to know how to voice/op people on pidgin IRC client?17:03
a1tobiok wenn i will login it cames last login....... and than 192 packed can be update ect17:03
raven_hi - when i start a tool with jack at startup ("script at startup") jack freezes as long as this tool is open - what can i write in that line to get it working? tnx17:03
ftabaltobi: that should not ask you for login17:03
IdleOneSirmimer: /mode # +o user or +v user17:03
Prodegoassuming you are opped17:04
IdleOneftab: that is if he is logged in. only reason he would get that error is if he is not17:04
irc_ircis pidgin 2.6.1 stable?17:04
cheezespreada1tobi: ftab: lspci | grep " nVidia " .. aint it ?... a bit case sensitive i believe17:04
wektan answer: murrine is more popular.17:05
d1ablo_delExactly what controls Transmissions behaviour related to my desktops file manager? I got some problems with it(it opens my FM search instead of opening a torrents downloaded location)17:05
lolekhello all,17:05
IdleOnenow I'm curious mneptok :)17:05
IdleOnebut I'll mind mine17:05
a1tobiwhy do you kick ftabe mneptok17:06
loleki have a question, i'm looking for some info about hp pavilion integrated gsm module, google gave me nothing, or maybe i just type wrong keywords... maybe someone has got some info about a webpage where i could find how can i enable it ?17:06
IdleOnea1tobi: he probably did or said something he should not have. the reasons why a OP decides to ban someone is not up for discussion.17:06
irc_ircis pidgin 2.6.1 stable?17:07
IdleOneirc_irc: there is a .deb on the pidgin site17:07
IdleOneit works fine for me17:07
Barkhornworks fine on hardy17:07
cheezespreadirc_irc: works for me ... Soon to be replaced by Empathy in Koala ( next release )17:07
orochiIdleOne: Actually why they ban someone is up for discussion, that's why they have a supposed appeals process :> Of course talking about it here will get you kicked out, but that's another story17:08
mneptoka1tobi: failure to respect channel guidelines and ops.17:08
irc_irccheezespread: will pidgin be gone in karmin kola?17:08
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IdleOneorochi: I have never seen the ops in here ban someone without cause....offtopic17:08
sash_irc_irc: yes. empathy will be the default instant-messenger17:09
mneptoka1tobi: are you able to login to the GUI now?17:09
cheezespreadirc_irc: I believe so..17:09
a1tobiwho is the gui17:09
mneptoka1tobi: can you get to the desktop? can you login?17:09
Barkhornwhat benefits does empathy offer? don't know it17:10
westhermI have a question about compiz17:10
a1tobiwhere do i must login?17:10
cheezespreada1tobi: are you already logged into Ubuntu ?17:11
IdleOneBarkhorn: there is some info here www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha4 KARMIC WILL BREAK YOUR SYSTEM17:11
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Barkhornthanks, IdleOne17:11
delamandoes or will empathy support facebook?17:12
karl1hey i have a question for you..i used xrandr to get my resolution and refresh rate correct using this command (xrandr --output VGA! --mode 1024x768 --rate 60) how can i make this perminent?17:12
IdleOnedelaman: it does but not default17:12
IdleOnedelaman: yet17:12
grampaj0eSo there's an actual protocol for Facebook chat?17:12
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delamanIdleOne: needs a plugin?17:13
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a1tobii already logged into a german ubuntu forum :)17:13
cheezespreaddelaman: sort of ..17:13
apparlehelp me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/259925/17:13
raven_please give me a hint how to enter something in the lines "run at JACK-STARTUP" tnx17:13
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cheezespreaddelaman: http://philliptweedie.wordpress.com/2009/05/18/facebook-chat-with-empathy-in-ubuntu/17:13
IdleOnedelaman: google empathy facebook should take you to the page with info and instructions17:13
westhermirc_irc: pidgin will still be in karmic,  they are testing new features for the release17:13
a1tobibut this still does  not17:14
delamancheezespread:  thank you17:14
cheezespreaddelaman: u're welcome17:14
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westhermCan anyone answer a quick one about compiz?17:14
IdleOnea1tobi: #ubuntu-de if you prefer to get help in german17:15
d1ablo_delExactly what controls Transmissions behaviour related to my desktops file manager? I got some problems with it(it opens my FM search instead of opening a torrents downloaded location)17:15
apparlehelp me with this guys http://paste.ubuntu.com/259927/17:15
mazda01i always have problems with scp. can some tell me how to copy a remote file to my local machine. i am trying this.   scp fred@machine1:/etc/sbackup.conf     but that just returns the help info for scp. what am I doing wrong?17:15
ubuntuwhy ubuntu gives low priority to i/o17:16
arandwestherm: don't ask to ask, just ask and you'll see if anyone knows...17:16
a1tobiok but I want to learn better English and when I write here I learn faster17:16
loleki have a question, i'm looking for some info about hp pavilion integrated gsm module, google gave me nothing, or maybe i just type wrong keywords... maybe someone has got some info about a webpage where i could find how can i enable it ?17:16
westhermwhen I have compiz enabled none of me shoortcut keys work17:16
westhermi.e. ctrl z ctrl a ctrl c17:17
westhermeven though those shortcuts aren't being used by my effects17:17
Barkhorndoesn't look too shabby that empathy, just hope it's stable enough to compete with pidgin17:17
d1ablo_dela1tobi: the best way to use english is to also rembering punctations and all that(its quite common in alot of languages anyway)17:17
ubuntuwhy ubuntu gives low priority to input/output operations17:17
westhermubuntu: is that a question?17:18
mazda01i always have problems with scp. can some tell me how to copy a remote file to my local machine. i am trying this.   scp fred@machine1:/etc/sbackup.conf     but that just returns the help info for scp. what am I doing wrong?17:18
cheezespreadapparle: What are you trying to install ?..17:18
ubuntuwestherm: i have noticed this thing because copying in ubuntu is slow17:19
westhermapparle: I got my dual monitors to work the other day17:19
apparlecheezespread: I just run 'sudo apt-get update'17:19
apparlewestherm: congrats17:19
Barkhorntry specify a target directory/file mazda0117:19
westhermubuntu: copying files?17:19
proqI have a HP DX9000 with a touch screen.  does anyone know a good source on making the touch work?17:19
ubuntuwestherm : yes17:19
westhermapparle: just had to purge fglrx, the open source drivers were better17:19
apparlecheezespread: can you help17:20
mazda01Barkhorn, how would the syntax be then? man scp says nothing about a target17:20
westhermubuntu: are you moving them between folders, partitions, over the internet?17:20
jpb0104what's the lightest weight way to have outgoing emails on ubuntu17:20
ubuntuwestherm: from usb to hardisk17:21
IdleOneproq: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158666 this is a start, might help you17:21
cheezespreadapparle: I had read about it ..just trying to find it ..17:21
exodus_msscp -r username@ mazda0117:21
d1ablo_delExactly what controls Transmissions behaviour related to my desktops file manager? I got some problems with it(it opens my FM search instead of opening a torrents downloaded location). PLEASE GIVE ME AN AWSER <.< :(17:22
SirmimerDo anyone know how to give OP/Voice with pidgin irc client?17:22
Prodegoyour question was already answered Sirmimer17:22
fixxxermetTrying to use checkinstall.  I just want it to create the deb package and NOT install the package or touch the filesystem otherwise.  --install=no isn't helping17:22
Barkhornmazda01, just say scp user@host:/dir/file .17:22
SirmimerProdego, oh im sorry17:22
IdleOneSirmimer: type /mode #whatever +o username17:23
Prodegosame as any other client, when you are opped /mode #channel +o/v nick17:23
Prodegonote that on some networks there may also be services to do this, which is a seperate command17:23
Prodego(including this network)17:23
d1ablo_delWhat controls what application information is sent around?17:24
Uqbarfixxxermet: I don't think checkinstall can do that. --install=no means it won't try to install the .deb, not that the installation of the actual files will be prevented17:24
mazda01Barkhorn, i tried that as I said in my post. i have tried  scp fred@machine1:/etc/sbackup.conf   and all it does it just return the help info for the scp command17:24
lssdhello guys is there a way to check if i did right software raid and lvm cause when i start my ubuntu server it gives me an error....17:24
Uqbarfixxxermet: anyway, dpkg -r yourpackage, removing the .deb checkinstall created to justify the existence of those files, will also remove the files that have been installed.17:25
Refried_i can't figure out where i should send bug reports for karmic ppc+ps3.  is there a different tracker for ports?17:25
fixxxermetUqbar: what about --fstrans?17:25
llutzmazda01: scp fred@remote:/etc/sbackup.conf /local/path17:25
cheezespreadapparle: Sorry . No luck .17:25
IdleOneRefried_: #ubuntu+117:25
Uqbarfixxxermet: never tried that17:26
Abhi_hi all17:26
Abhi_how r u?17:26
apparlecheezespread: no prob I'll find out somehow17:26
Refried_IdleOne: thanks17:26
johnmn3excuse me, what is the correct room for questions about koala?17:26
mazda01llutz, i figured it out, to transfer from local host to remote host I did this: scp sbackup.conf fred@machine1:/home/fred17:26
IdleOne!welcome | Abhi_17:26
ubottuAbhi_: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.17:26
fixxxermetUqbar: Looks like it should work.    "--fstrans Enable/disable filesystem translation. Filesystem translation enabled causes the install to proceed in a temporary directory, thus not actually touching your system."17:26
jhattarafinally... fourth restart finally brought the recovery console up, ran the check disk and now everything seems to be back ok17:26
mazda01thank you all17:26
llutzmazda01: right, mine was from remote to local17:26
modellerdid you know how to make PATH17:27
cheezespreadapparle: Can you check this if you havent already : http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2007-01/msg00885.html17:28
modellerI want to type "blender" and it run blender.17:28
d1ablo_delTransmission is not working :(17:28
johnmn3pardon me, wondering, what is the correct room for questions about koala?17:28
modellerchange path whare I like17:28
johnmn3modeller: where is blender located?17:28
llutzmodeller: export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/blender17:28
arandjohnmn3: #ubuntu+117:28
johnmn3arand: thank yoiu17:28
llutzmodeller: make it permanent in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile17:29
d1ablo_delTransmission refuses to open folders, help?17:29
johnmn3llutz, modeller: or symlink the executable into a folder in the existing path17:29
ihategfwi love people here from UK17:29
ihategfwi hate GFW17:29
Martin_vWI have an annoying issue with several of my Ubuntu computers (not sure if all are affected): all windows start minimized, e.g. when I open a window in Firefox or when I click on Places->Home Folder. I always have to notice the new entry in the window list and click on it to actually see the window. Any ideas on how to fix this?17:29
llutzjohnmn3: only work if executable don't expect other files in PWD17:29
magicorbhow to delete all gnome panels from desktop, i searched and found that it can be done using sessions utility, but i cant find it, i am using, Ubuntu 9.04 !17:30
IdleOneihategfw: do you have an ubuntu support question?17:30
d1ablo_delMartin_vW: have you modified anything "special"?17:30
johnmn3llutz: true, that could get tricky then17:30
Martin_vWd1ablo_del: not that I know of17:30
modellerJohnmm3, this is my location to locate blender ||| Home$ cd renderFarm17:30
ihategfwIdleOne: im here because i run ubuntu as my only OS17:30
llutzjohnmn3: / modeller short script in ~/bin would do it too17:30
modellerllutz, I use Mac OSX.17:31
d1ablo_delTransmission refuses to open folders, help?17:31
ihategfwits gonna be a big rain17:31
modellerllutz, it same ?17:31
IdleOne!ot > ihategfw17:31
ubottuihategfw, please see my private message17:31
llutzmodeller: no idea, never used that17:31
=== d1ablo_del is now known as ddd
irunbackwardsugh, still having horrible internet problems, anyone else experiencing slow internet since updating last week? seems like ns lookups are the issue17:32
stoikos_oi monitor17:32
dddTransmission refuses to open folders, help?17:32
modellerllutz, I think it same can config it by command line.17:32
IdleOne!patience > ddd17:32
ubottuddd, please see my private message17:32
=== ddd is now known as Guest91287
Martin_vWwhen I create a new user, the problem does not persist for this new user17:32
Guest91287IdleOne: then help me?17:32
Martin_vWlooks like it must be some config setting that is causing this17:32
IdleOneGuest91287: if I knew the answer I would. relax and stop repeating please17:33
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Guest91287IdleOne: Then how i get transmission into verbose modus?17:34
Guest91287Martin_vW: delete .gnome in ~ maybe?17:34
Martin_vW.gnome contains only a single file, but I have rsynced .gnome2 to the test user's .gnome2 and he is still not affected17:35
Xcon  n #bnt-17:35
master_hej Xcon17:35
krishna_i have a big unallocated chunk in my partition table. I know that entire chunk is an ext3 file system. Is there a way to fix the partition table so it recognizes that as an ext3 partition?17:35
cheezespreadGuest91287: transmission has a CLI version if thats what you are reffering to17:36
Martin_vWwill try the gconf directories next17:36
corecodeis there a way to install all -dev packages for all installed packages?17:37
corecodeor maybe even install -dev packages automatically when installing any package17:37
Martin_vWhm, test user is still not affected, even with all gconf settings17:37
Guest91287cheezespread: GTK GUI, it refuses to open folders(aka the folders of things I have downloaded). Any way of getting it into verbose modus?17:38
llutzGuest91287: use http://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/Support   or #transmission on freenode17:38
krishna_could I17:39
johnmn3anyone know how to repair an fstab?  fsck, on bootup, is now unable to match the UUID in the fstab with my home partition on /dev/sda217:39
Guest91287llutz: thank you17:39
krishna_could I just make a new partition, not format it and save the partition table?17:39
llutzjohnmn3: ls -l /dev/disk-by-uuid    shows you your UUID, set it in fstab17:39
cheezespreadGuest91287: Sorry .No idea.17:39
fsckrootjohnm3: forget about the UUID17:39
fsckrootjust replace it with /dev/whatever17:39
llutzjohnmn3: if you follow fsckroot make sure not to connect other hdds to your system17:40
johnmn3llutz: just what I was looking for.. thank you so much... and btw, this might be a bug in koala.. it happened after a partial upgrade... but nobody is answering over on the #ubuntu+1 room17:40
Johnmllutz: it'll be a challenge to connect another disk on the same bus, with the same bus ID.17:40
stroyanJohnm:  You should take a moment to think about how it got broken and when that will happen again.17:40
westhermSo, why don't my keyboard shortcuts work when compiz is running?17:40
sim_hi guys, i keep gettin spam on pidgin msn..somethin i never used to ge ton windows msn....what to do/?17:40
Johnmstroyan: I should?! :)17:40
shreymechhello... i tried all my torrent downloading clients (transmission torrent + bit torrent + deluge) but none of them is downloading the file... there are sufficient seeds to download but still they r unable to download.. plzz help me17:41
llutzJohnm: connect another sata-disk and you cannot be sure, your old /dev/sda1 will be sda1 or sdb1 or....17:41
=== Author is now known as Author_away
llutzJohnm: that's what UUIDs or better labels are made for17:41
stroyanJohnm:  Yeah.  Then tell johnmn3 about it. :-)17:41
Johnmllutz: not true, its generated based on the bus location as well. Replacing it, sure. Adding a new disk.. no.17:42
cheezespreadshreymech: Hope you are not downloading anything form pbay ...17:42
johnmn3johnm, llutz: what is this?17:42
Martin_vWomg, I believe I've found the reason17:42
shreymechcheezespread: no , i am downloading from mininova17:42
Martin_vWI have a console window with the option "always on top" set. If I minimize this window, all new windows will start minimized too17:42
Pavel__anyone know an irc support channel for osx? (trying to help a coworker)17:42
Martin_vWcan anyone reproduce this?17:42
cheezespreadshreymech: want me to try if it works in mine ?17:43
llutzjohnm definetly wrong: my internal s-ata /dev/sda  becomes sdb when connecting e-sata disk at boottime17:43
shreymechokk u just check17:43
shreymechi am sending u the link17:43
=== kb is now known as Guest4376
shreymechcheezespread: http://btjunkie.org/torrent/Enrique-Iglesias-Insomniac-2007-CD-Cov/432472df346502ad4fd88a67a9d120a4289acfa125fd17:43
Johnmllutz: then you likely have a slightly buggy bios. equally, you can uuse udev rules to enforce a naming convention.17:44
digitalvaldostaHello everyone. Can you tell me why a USB 2 external hdd would be running slow? ALso, why I was only able to copy about 3 Gb of 55 Gb and it just hangs. When I start the process over it does this: http://tinypic.com/r/sq6ng1/3 >:o17:44
MichaWlanhello guys!17:44
johnmn3johnm: I'm not adding a new disk, I don't think.. it worked fine, did a partial upgrade, now no hardward changes have been made... is it possible the UUID of my /dev/sda2 changed?17:44
shreymechcheezespread: but why i am unable to download ... ????17:44
llutzjohnm no need, i use UUIDs :)17:44
Johnmllutz: most ext2 partitions don't have a generated uuid.17:45
johnmn3ext4 here17:45
llutzall my ext3 have17:45
Johnmllutz: which is probably why johnmn3 has this problem17:45
Johnmjohnmn3: in which case just run "blkid" and ensure it's correct ;)17:46
shreymechhello... i tried all my torrent downloading clients (transmission torrent + bit torrent + deluge) but none of them is downloading the file... there are sufficient seeds to download but still they r unable to download.. plzz help me17:46
shreymechplease help me17:46
llutzyou cannot trust "blkid " without cleaning it's cache before17:46
MichaWlani got here a atheros wifi card in my laptop. it is connected fine with the router but i got only 1mbit/sec but 100mbit on windows. can anybody help me?17:46
MindVirusHey. I can't change my touchpad options through System->Preferences->Mouse, gsynaptics, or xorg.conf. Can someone please help?17:46
cheezespreadshreymech: not downloading for me as well . Problem with the trackers may be17:46
Johnmjohnmn3: you might seesome oddities if using any form of raid so ensure you use the uuid of the presented dm-raid device.17:46
Phreaif you unselect a program in Synaptic, it should deinstall right?17:47
johnmn3Johnm: no raid here17:47
Phrea[it doesnt work in my Jaunty install]17:47
shreymechcheezespread: but i tried others too.. still unable to download17:47
Martin_vWcan anyone try to reproduce this: open a console window, set it to 'always on top', minimize it; click on the chat window so it has focus; click on places->home folder. On my computer the new window will always be behind the chat window when there is a minimized always on top window.17:47
Johnmllutz: you believe the uuid's to have been recreated since 5 minutes or so ago when this was presented? :)17:47
HalitechPhrea, yes but it will leave the config files unless you select complete removal17:47
Johnmjohnmn3: and they match?17:47
MichaWlani have a signal quality of 84% and low bandwitch17:48
johnmn3johnm, llutz: all I can think of, is that my /dev/sda2 partition's UUID got regenerated somehow, so now the fstab isn't consistent?17:48
MichaWlandont know why..17:48
llutzJohnm: blkid often shows UUIDs from partitions which no longer exist17:48
PhreaHalitech: it doesnt uninstall at all17:48
HalitechPhrea, you click apply after making your selections?17:48
Phreajust like when you install something17:49
shreymechhello... i tried all my torrent downloading clients (transmission torrent + bit torrent + deluge) but none of them is downloading the file... there are sufficient seeds to download but still they r unable to download.. plzz help me17:49
Johnmllutz: that shouldn't matter, since this partition does exist. and if it doesnt, why are we trying to mount it?17:49
Martin_vWPhrea: try to circumvent synaptic by typing 'sudo aptitude remove <package>' in a console. It should print an error message if it can't remove a package for some reason.17:49
HalitechPhrea, did it ask for your root password when you started synaptic?17:49
johnmn3it existed.. the data is still in there17:49
sim_anyone want to help me make an applet for smartdimmer so i can control brightness levles on my laptop17:49
=== richard is now known as Guest91813
llutzJohnm: right, i meant it more generally when suggesting blkid17:49
PhreaMartin_vW: I'm still a new user, and a bit scared of the terminal, but I'll give that a try :)17:49
PhreaI'll look up the commands online :)17:50
cheezespreadMartin_vW: Nope .. works ok for me ..opens normally for m17:50
Phreathanks for the tip17:50
HalitechPhrea, what program are you trying to unistall?17:50
Johnmllutz: all blkid really does is show you the info in sysfs anyway17:50
=== Nicky is now known as Guest26733
Phreasome games17:50
Barkhornwhat's going wrong when i have an untrusted source in aptitude but imported the key of the PPA? any ideas?17:50
shreymechcheezespread: hey man plzzz see any solution17:50
HalitechPhrea, sudo aptitude autoremove (name of game)17:50
shreymechcheezespread: else no one is replying me here17:50
Martin_vWcheezespread: my boss also tried to reproduce it without success, but he has several displays. Do you have one display or multiple?17:50
llutzJohnm wrong, it just shows content of /etc/blkid.tab17:51
PhreaHalitech: I'll try, thanks for the info, and please excuse my ignorance17:51
cheezespreadMartin_vW: one display .17:51
Martin_vWshreymech: try to download the ubuntu torrent from ubuntu.com and see if that works17:51
llutzJohnm which might be outdated, therefore "blkid -g" is to be used from time to time17:51
Phreanew user, but a dedicated one, it's the only OS on that pc [and I'll keep it like that too ! :) ]17:51
Phreathanks !!17:51
Johnmllutz: no, thats just the default cache file. you can even re-fresh it with blkid -w17:51
PhreaI'm out17:51
HalitechPhrea, no worries, but don't be scard of the the command line, its nothing to be scared of and is the most powerful tool we have17:51
cheezespreadshreymech: That download link didn't work for me . Try downloading a torrent from someplace else ...17:51
Johnmllutz: what do you think populates blkid.tab initially?17:52
Martin_vWshreymech: torrent should work at least a little bit even when the ports are not opened17:52
Martin_vWcheezespread: hmm, then I'm out of luck. Will try to reproduce this on my home computer and notebook as soon as I'm back home, if it persists there, then I'll report it as a bug. Thanks for your help!17:53
shreymechMartin_vW: i tried almost all the torrent clients .. no one of them is working... i think a common problem is stopping all the clients to all... but i am unble to identify it..17:53
cheezespreadMartin_vW: you're welcome17:53
sim_when im watching streams via mplayer...where do the streams save to ? ...17:53
Martin_vWshreymech: don't try different clients, try different torrents ;)17:53
johnmn3so how do I find out what the UUID of /dev/sda2 currently?17:53
llutzls -l /dev/disk-by-uuid17:54
Johnmjohnmn3: blkid17:54
Halitechshreymech, try this http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent17:54
cheezespreadMartin_vW: The torrent he is downloading is not working for me either ..issues with trackers i believe17:54
johnmn3I'll see if they both return the same thing17:54
stroyanjohnmn3:  Or "sudo vol_id /dev/sda2"17:54
Kapacehello, can i request one of those free cds of the next ubuntu to be shipped to me?17:54
llutzjohnmn3: sry, ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/17:54
Martin_vWcheezespread: yes, that would explain it. Pirate Bay still down? ^^17:54
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs17:54
MancUUniAN_REd /join #freenode17:54
zafycan I have webcam in pidgin in ubuntu hardy ?17:55
spOdoes rm have a setting so i delete only empty subdirectories and not files in my current direcotry?17:55
johnmn3ls: cannot access /dev/disk-by-uuid: No such file or directory17:55
MancUUniAN_REdI want a cloak17:55
cheezespreadMartin_vW: was up yesterday ..Court tryin hard to pull it down ..17:55
MindViruszafy: yes.17:55
zafycause I upgraded but I can't see the media menu in conversation17:55
HalitechMartin_vW, pirate bay is working for me17:55
llutzjohnmn3: sry, ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/17:55
MindViruszafy: do you have 2.6.1?17:55
Kapacethiebaude, the problem is that i have jaunty, but i want to get the next version as CD17:55
zafyMindVirus, yes17:55
g_what's the difference between the desktop version and the notebook version?17:55
MindViruszafy: best thing you can do is ask in #pidgin.17:55
g_i'm looking for a version for a usb stick17:55
Martin_vWHalitech: yeah, for me too, that was just a joke ;)17:55
shreymechHalitech: heyyy  it worked... but others diidn't.... ???  whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy17:55
johnmn3vol_id not found17:55
HalitechKapace, you will need to wait till karmic is released before they ship it17:56
KapaceHalitech, ok17:56
shreymechMartin_vW: hey that ubuntu torrent wokrd.. but others are not...???  why..??17:56
HalitechMartin_vW, ahhh, missed that17:56
johnmn3looks like they're the same17:56
zafyok thanks17:56
stroyanjohnmn3:  dlocate vol_id produces  udev: /sbin/vol_id17:56
Halitechshreymech, probably a tracker issue17:56
cheezespreadshreymech: you tried to download teh same torrent in different clients ?17:56
Martin_vWshreymech: the torrents you are trying to download seem to specify a dead tracker, or a tracker that requires authentication17:56
Barkhornwhat's going wrong when i have an untrusted source in aptitude but imported the key of the PPA and did an update? any ideas?17:57
johnmn3everything is telling me that the the UUID in the fstab is the same as the one currently attributed to /dev/sda217:57
Martin_vWshreymech: if the tracker does not work, the torrent cannot work at all17:57
Halitechshreymech, or your computer is smarter then you and its trying to protect you from doing anything illegal ;)17:57
madLyfeis there some app for ubuntu that will auto add shares on the network?17:57
MancUUniAN_REdHow can I hide my cloak17:57
shreymechcheezespread: yaaa17:57
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, put it in a closet?17:57
shreymechHalitech: he he :-) yaaa friend17:58
MancUUniAN_REdHalitech: How can17:58
thiebaudeKapace: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha317:58
Guest91813anybody tries utube-ripper here? any similar apps tat works?17:58
shreymechMartin_vW: but i wonder why others cudn't17:58
MancUUniAN_REdHalitech: Whats a closet17:58
apnmadLyfe: do you mean auto-mount smb shares?17:58
johnmn3so why is fsck complaining when I boot up about UUID and dumping me into console?17:59
cheezespreadshreymech: ;) .. LOL @ hALI;S comment .. ( may be all the torrents you tried are having dead trackers ...phew ..thats unlikely ..still ;) )17:59
madLyfeya.. like i dont want to have to manually add them every time there is a new one..17:59
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, a place where you store cloaks and jackets and boots and umbrellas17:59
=== Guest91813 is now known as Richard
madLyfei just wanna go to network and have it show up..17:59
cheezespreadshreymech: pm me another link you tried17:59
stroyanjohnmn3:  Perhaps the /etc/fstab or device driver modules in your initrd does not have the right uuid or support for /dev/sda.17:59
MancUUniAN_REdHalitech: How can i hide it mate17:59
=== Richard is now known as Guest98976
irunbackwardsbla, had to go afk, didn't see if anyone read/answered my question :[18:00
shreymechcheezespread: ok . wait18:00
irunbackwardsstill having horrible internet problems, anyone else experiencing slow internet since updating last week? seems like ns lookups are the issue18:00
johnmn3stroyan: /dev/sda1 is mounting to / just find18:00
Martin_vWshreymech: the client should tell you if it can't contact the tracker. You can also look into the torrent's properties, the tracker should be listed there, then you can check for yourself whether the tracker is reachable.18:00
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, are you sure you mean CLOAK ?18:00
aubretry openDNS?18:00
shreymechMartin_vW: ok wait i m checking18:00
aubremy isp dns servers suck so I use opendns18:01
johnmn3how do I change over to another vty from the console, so I can search for the error log file that fsck spit out, so I can tell you guys the output18:01
geniiaubre: Here too18:01
MancUUniAN_REdHalitech: yes18:01
aubregenii: generally faster lookups for me18:01
johnmn3I thought it was something with th function keys18:02
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, unless cloak means something different to you then it does me, a cloak is an old style jacket that they used to wear years ago18:02
stroyanjohnmn3:  <ctrl><alt><F2> (and back with another Fn)18:02
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloak18:02
johnmn3stroyan: hmm, seems like shells aren't running on the other vtys18:02
shreymechcheezespread: http://www.seedpeer.com/details/1950586.html18:02
yeswanthumount: /media/iso is not in the fstab (and you are not root18:02
johnmn3just a cursor with no prompt18:03
yeswanthcan any body help with this error while mounting18:03
MancUUniAN_REdHalitech:Common man18:03
stroyanjohnmn3:  You are probably at a busybox shell prompt very early in the boot.18:03
MancUUniAN_REdHalitech:  I want to hide my IP18:03
bigbosshello everybody! i have an error testing a "home-made" gdm theme... could anyone help me?18:03
johnmn3I am probably in the recovery.. didn't know it was busybox18:03
apnmadLyfe: so you want to mount all shares automatically whenever it's possible, even if they are new and you don't know what they are. You don't want nautilus just show you the shares. Correct?18:03
stroyanjohnmn3:  And / may actually be the initrd rather than the normal / that you think it is.18:03
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, you didn't say anything about your ip, you said how can I hide my cloak18:04
shreymechMartin_vW: okk dear ... now i checked almost 10 torrents with healthy seeds... none of my download client is downloading(transmission giving an error"data insufficient" : same error for all the torrents))18:04
shreymechcheezespread: okk dear ... now i checked almost 10 torrents with healthy seeds... none of my download client is downloading(transmission giving an error"data insufficient" : same error for all the torrents))18:04
johnmn3stroyan: hmm.. mount says /dev/sda1 is on /18:04
Halitech!proxy | MancUUniAN_REd18:04
ubottuMancUUniAN_REd: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks18:04
Halitech!tor | MancUUniAN_REd18:04
ubottuMancUUniAN_REd: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks18:04
MancUUniAN_REdHalitech: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IRC/Cloaks18:04
MancUUniAN_REdHalitech: From this i thought cloak means IP18:05
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, basically you want a proxy18:05
stroyanjohnmn3:  okay.  I wasn't sure what evidence you were basing your conclusion on.  The mount output is reliable.18:05
hangmanumm.. how do i SIMPLY get Java to download, install and work on mozilla???18:05
N1ghtCrawlerI have som problems with writing to a mounted fat32 drive on my computer (ubuntu server 9.01) this explains the problem: http://n1ghtcrawler.pastebin.com/d57e81f8f18:05
Martin_vWyeswanth: what are you trying to do? You probably forgot to put sudo in front of the command.18:05
J_5I have truecrypt install on 9.04 , but I don'tsee the option for whole disk encryption? Am I missing something18:05
cheezespreadshreymech: the second torrent  gave was also out of tracckers ..Not dowloading as well ; )..18:05
johnmn3stroyan: yea, I mounted /dev/sda2 on /home manually and everything is in there.. I'm afraid to do a startx cause I don't want to wipe anything out18:05
|]Spectre[|hi,can you concil me regarding a good download manager like getright for windows ? thanks18:06
cheezespreadshreymech: Can you try this and reply : http://www.mininova.org/tor/288719618:06
shreymechcheezespread: but it was with highest seeds18:06
=== Barkhorn is now known as Barkhorn_
stroyanjohnmn3:  If you exit from the busybox shell prompt the boot is likely to finish mostly okay.18:06
Martin_vWshreymech: are you sure you are downloading from a public tracker? A private tracker requires you to authenticate, then you can't download anything without having credentials for the tracker.18:07
madLyfeapn: yes, it is my home network..18:07
dragonrigshi people18:07
johnmn3stroyan: ok, I'll give that a shot18:07
shreymechMartin_vW: i am downloading from www.mininova.com  and www.btjunkie.com18:07
m_lawcould anyone tell me how i get pidgin to recognise and alert me when certain keywords are said in IRC18:08
apnmadLyfe, if it is your home network and you know the shares, the easiest way would be to add it to fstab18:08
johnmn3trying that.. later yall.. thanks18:08
Martin_vWshreymech: hm, I'm afraid then I'm out of ideas18:08
cheezespreadMartin_vW: still there ?18:09
shreymechcheezespread: hey that one is downloading.... its a magic.... the one which i selected .. all of them were not....  :-(  ..!!! ??? so cheeze what to do nowwwwww18:09
apnmadLyfe: or you can write an easy script to scan the network and mount it every minute. stick the script to chrontab18:09
Martin_vWcheezespread: yes18:09
shreymechcheezespread: lolzzzzz i m going mad with this... :-D18:09
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, from the context of what you posted to me, that is something else altogether and only relates to hiding your IP when you log into IRC18:09
cheezespreadMartin_vW: The one you mentioned : its as you said now with the new window ..opens behind the chat window with a terminal minimized with always on18:10
jonii3hi guys18:10
Martin_vWcheezespread: just found the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/metacity/+bug/19728818:10
cheezespreadshreymech: maybe issues with the tracker you downloaded ...may be all dead ..unlikely ..still ;)18:10
m_lawcould anyone tell me how i get pidgin to recognise and alert me when certain keywords are said in IRC18:10
jonii3my dad uses ubuntu linux, and I really want to use it, but I have one question. I know my wireless doesn't work out of the box, what are my chances of getting it working.18:11
shreymechcheezespread: okkk lets try with the last one....... wait i will slelect this time a live one... most suitable one...18:11
madLyfeapn: im not sure really how to do all that..18:11
Martin_vWjonii3: have you tested with the latest livecd? If it doesn't work, rather bad18:11
Halitechjonii3, depends, probably pretty good but you may need a wired connection to get it going18:11
cheezespreadshreymech: bring em on ;)18:11
grawitym_law: You can't - Pidgin isn't designed for IRC, and doesn't have such features.18:11
ba1dyhi all... any1 know how can i install xen on a new 9.4 server?18:12
Martin_vWjonii3: the drivers for the wireless card have to be compiled in the kernel, and it's not easy to modify the kernel18:12
Brazzanyone here plays DOD Source on ubuntu 9.04 using an old ati video card?18:12
ba1dyaptiude install ubuntu-xen-server isnt installing any xen kernel18:12
m_lawoh ok thankyou18:12
Barkhorn_how can i find out which key belongs to a PPA or why a PPA shows as untrusted even though i'm thinking i have the right key imported into apt-keys?18:12
HalitechMartin_vW, why modify the kernel when you can use ndiswrapper?18:12
jonii3martin_vWL I think I tested with 8.10? or 9.01 if there is such athing, I can't remember for sure.18:12
Martin_vWjonii3: you could google which kernel version is compatible to your wireless; if newer kernel version support it, it's possible that an update will make it work18:12
m_lawgrawity: is there any irc client that does such a thing18:12
grawitym_law: A lot.18:13
grawitym_law: Try Xchat, irssi, Konversation18:13
Martin_vWHalitech: ok, I'm afraid I have no idea what ndiswrapper is, because I never had problems with wireless :)18:13
jonii3I would love to use ndiswrapper, would there be someone who could help me find the driver thingy I need?18:13
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:13
ArnoldI have a question18:13
jonii3I tried wrapper, but I couldn't find the files18:13
HalitechMartin_vW, its a program that allows you to use windows .inf files to get wireless cards workign18:13
jonii3yah, inf files18:13
epaphusHello , is it true that flash in 9.04 has certain bugs that prevent pages to be viewed correctly ??18:13
jonii3can you help me find mine?18:14
deostroll!ruby on rails18:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ruby on rails18:14
ArnoldWhat do I do if I cannot get a voice in #defocus no matter how long I wair?18:14
shreymechcheezespread: okkkk friend .. try this one.. i m also trying... lets see... !! reply back18:14
Halitechjonii3, you need the windows driver files, usually the inf and .sys files18:14
jonii3I have them, but I don't know where they are.18:14
deostrolldoes any1 knw the room for ruby on rails discussion...18:14
Martin_vWjonii3: I would suggest that you try to install ubuntu first, maybe on a spare hard disk, and install all updates. Then you'll see if the most recent version works out of the box.18:14
Halitechjonii3, what do you mean you have them but don't know where they are?18:14
amitesAnyone here setup twinview with an nVidia card? I'm having trouble getting the 2nd monitor to detect correctly18:14
=== john is now known as Guest60183
=== Guest60183 is now known as johnmn3
jonii3I have windows. my wireless works under windows. is there more I need? i'm sorry, i'm really new to linux18:15
grawityArnold: Wait longer? Also, #freenode is the IRC help channel.18:15
ArnoldI waited hours gavity18:15
apnmadLyfe: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/mounting-an-smbfs-using-fstab-461202/18:15
Halitechjonii3, do you have a cd that came with the wireless card? they are usually on there18:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rails18:15
johnmn3ok, so I did that.. got into the desktop just fine.. then rebooted, and the same thing happened18:15
jonii3no I do not, it's a laptop18:15
m_lawjonii3: do u have the windows setup cd for your wifi card>#18:16
Halitechjonii3, ok, you should be able to get the wireless drivers from the laptop site18:16
amitesjonii3: try the manufacturers web-site, search for wireless drivers18:16
jonii3halitech, thanks. would you be able to help me get ndiswrapper working if I install ubuntu?18:16
Halitechjonii3, I would suggest using the windows 2000 drivers if available and not the XP drivers18:16
jonii3what about the vista drivers18:16
Halitechjonii3, I can try, I'm not the best at it but will try18:17
johnmn3where are the bootup logs stored?18:17
Halitechjonii3, not sure on the vista drivers18:17
jonii3ok, thanks. you will definetly be better than me18:17
m_lawjonii3: if u type lspci |grep Network into a terminal does your wifi controller show18:17
jonii3halitech thanks18:17
Halitechm_law, he doesn't have it installed18:17
johnmn3log file viewer, got it18:17
jonii3I can't remember, it's been awhile since I had it on here18:17
m_lawoh soz18:17
Halitechjonii3, before you try an install, maybe try the live cd and see if we can get it working there18:18
m_lawHalitech: +118:18
stroyanjohnmn3:  I wonder if "sudo update-initramfs" would help the boot by updating the files in the initrd.  That shouldn't be broken, but something is broken.18:18
EugenMayercan i install the 2.6.31 kernel of karmic under jaunty?18:18
jonii3ok. if I restart with the live cd, will I lose everything we have tryed?18:18
Halitechjonii3, if not, it will at least give us info about the card18:18
Halitechjonii3, yes18:18
jonii3halitech, ok, I will see if I can find the live cd18:19
jonii3be back when I find it18:19
harleypigI'm trying to update my hardy server to jaunty, but do-release-upgrade reports 'No new release found'.  I know I can just replace all occurrences of hardy with jaunty in the apt.source and related files, but I'd rather avoid that if possible.18:20
johnmn3ok, I can't find the message from boot up.. fsck spit it out somewhere18:21
ltcabrali cant ssh to my own machine can anyone help?18:21
m_lawHalitech: would be better if jonii3 could boot ubuntu on a usb to be able to download packages save them and have a good go at getting his wireless running18:21
johnmn3ltcabral: is ssh running? sshd18:21
m_lawItcabral: have u installed openssh-server18:21
Halitechm_law, I don't have any experience with creating a usb boot device so if you want to help with that..18:22
m_lawHalitech: just a thought, it may well be easier to do it with a live cd18:22
ltcabraljohnmn3: how do i check that18:22
cheezespreadHi , a general question : Pirate bay trackers are working for anyone ?18:23
ltcabraljohnmn3: thers no sshd inside init.d just ssh18:23
joaopinto!ot | cheezespread18:23
ubottucheezespread: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:23
m_lawcheezespread: was yesterday18:23
jonii3Halitech, I have a 2 gig usb stick, would that be big enough?18:23
Mioncheezespread: use opentracker18:23
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:23
Halitechm_law, even if we can just get the chipset info from the cd, may be enough18:23
cheezespreadjoaopinto: Sorry . Some one had issue with Transmission not downloadin and found all of them had pbay trackers..so asked ..Apologies18:24
johnmn3go to System -> services18:24
johnmn3I think it can be loaded from there18:24
Halitechcheezespread, working for me18:24
m_lawHalitech:  yeh18:24
Halitechjonii3, yes18:24
MancUUniAN_REdHow can i get my Cloak18:24
MancUUniAN_REdHelp Please18:24
HalitechMancUUniAN_REd, ask someone on the page that you gave me the link for18:24
jonii3I will go find that, and I have to re download it, as the last version we have is 8.04 and that is outdated I believe?18:24
garryznI want to upgrade using a server located in South Africa. I see there is a server for SA but don't think it is actually in SA18:25
Halitechjonii3, not outdated, just an older version, 9.04 would be a better option now18:25
jonii3ok, i'll start the download18:25
johnmn3hmm. maybe not18:25
m_lawjonii3: drivers for wifi are updated all the time i know that on 8.04 i had to use ndiswrapper but with 9.04 it worked out the box, so yeh its worth getting the latest and greatest18:25
MindVirusI can't disable tap-to-click on my trackpad. Can someone please help?18:26
jonii3m_law, thanks, I am picking a server now18:26
Halitechm_law, jonii3 I've got to take off, won't be back around for 3 days, drop me a message on the board if you need help from me18:26
ltcabralssh localhost is giving me Segmentation fault please help :P18:26
m_lawjonii3: im afraid im going to work now, but good luck and hope you get it sorted18:27
johnmn3I think there's a "right way" to set up sshd from the gui, but I'm guessing a sudo aptitude install sshd would work too18:27
jonii3Halitech, no forum acccount, might get one though18:27
Barkhorn_how can i find out which key belongs to a PPA or why a PPA shows as untrusted even though i'm thinking i have the right key imported into apt-keys?18:27
jtragHey guys, I currently dual boot Vista and openSUSE Linux using the openSUSE grub bootloader.  If I install Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit would it mess up my bootloader or would I still be able to boot to openSUSE and Vista from the Ubuntu Bootloader?18:27
jonii3thanks for you guyses help and cya later18:27
Halitechjonii3, should, very useful to have18:27
jonii3i'll ask my dad, thanks18:27
Halitechjonii3, same name there as here for me18:27
jtragHey guys, I currently dual boot Vista and openSUSE Linux using the openSUSE grub bootloader.  If I install Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit would it mess up my bootloader or would I still be able to boot to openSUSE and Vista from the Ubuntu Bootloader?18:28
babein french, possible ?18:28
geniijtrag: GRUB doesn't care what OS you have18:29
jonii3jtrag, yes, it will18:29
apnjtrag: it will add SuSE and Vista along with Ubuntu to the new grub.lst18:29
jtragokay cool, I just wanted to make sure18:29
jtragthanks guys18:29
jMylesIf someone can't login because of compiz issues, how to replace compiz with metacity?18:29
jtragI suppose I'm going to install Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit18:29
amitesAnyone know a good place to go for help setting up nVidia Twinview? My 2nd monitor is not detecting properly and stuck at 640x48018:30
stroyanjtrag:  You will be able to boot openSUSE because the ubuntu installer will see that it is there.  But updates to openSUSE kernels will fail to update the /boot/grub/menu.lst on the ubuntu partition.18:30
Besogonjtrag: You shouldn't install grub when you install ubuntu in these case.18:30
t0si just installed ubuntu, im having sound problems i turn the volume all the way but it isnt as loud as it should be. is there a way to find out what type of audio drivers or whatever i need?18:30
hanasakiis there a command that will print the uuid of all volumes and partitions... ? like cat /proc/partitions but including uuid18:30
deanyjMyles, metacity --replace18:30
jonii3how do I put ubuntu on a usb stick? does downloading the iso and burning it onto the usb work or is there more to it?18:31
g0tchawhen installing ubuntu on a new machine, it should b /dev/sda as 1gb, Ubuntu 9.04 as 36gb and swap as 630mb?18:31
g0tchadoes that sound about right?18:31
jonii3how much ram do you have?18:31
g0tchaor /dev/sda1 should have the most disk space?18:31
jMylesdeany: Yeah, but if they can't even get to the desktop?  So they drop to a terminal, run export DISPLAY=:0 and then metacity --replace.  Fine, but how to boot with metacity from now on?18:31
g0tchajonii3, me?18:32
jonii3g0tcha, yes18:32
Guest31541Hey, whenever i start my Ubuntu the loading thing looks fine, then the screen looks all messed up and its crashes/hangs18:32
boiinngboiingdoes anybody know about numerical  methods?18:32
jonii3ok, then those specs look just fine g-tcha18:32
jonii3g0tcha, sorry18:32
boiinngboiingcan anybody please help me with numerical methods?18:32
g0tchaok thanks18:32
jtragshould I just leave the openSUSE bootloader to boot to Ubuntu?  Or would that cause the same problem for Ubuntu?18:32
=== taube is now known as Taube
differentIs anyone having tracker issues? O_O18:33
Houba1986 hey, i have a question, i have an hp tx2524ca tablet laptop, and i just installed ubuntu on it, but can't get the wireless, sound, or touchscreen to work, i tried almost everything, can someone please help me?18:33
llutzhanasaki:  ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/18:33
jonii3g0tcha if you have something like 2 or 3 gig of ram you can get a bigger swap, but that looks fine for your ram18:33
Besogonhanasaki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks18:33
Guest31541jtrag you can just use any bootmanager, i prefer gdm18:33
stroyanboiinngboiing:  This _can't_ be the right channel to discuss numerical methods.18:33
boiinngboiingnumerical methods anyone?18:33
deanyjMyles, can they boot to the desktop after metacity --replace?18:33
boiinngboiingwhich channel i go to>?18:33
jonii3how do I put ubuntu on a usb stick? does downloading the iso and burning it onto the usb work or is there more to it?18:33
jtragPerhaps I'll just remove openSUSE alltogether and install Ubuntu instead18:34
zvonkorpi have samba configured through webmin on a ubuntu 9 box, when i use pyneighborhood to view other workgroup computers, it just scans and eventually fails after a few minutes. http://www.webmin.com/samba-howto.html i followed that guide step by step, am i not able to see windows machines from my ubuntu box?18:34
Guest31541jtrag why have em bnoth :D18:34
jtragbecause I wasn't sure if I would like the new ubuntu better than openSUSE 11.118:34
Besogonhanasaki: sudo blkid18:34
Guest31541Hey, whenever i start my Ubuntu the loading thing looks fine, then the screen looks all messed up and its crashes/hangs18:34
boiinngboiingdoes anybody know about numerical methods and what they are?18:35
boiinngboiingjust the  basics18:35
pmatulisanyone using likewise-open with pam_mount and pam_mkhomedir?18:35
catmandoHi I'd like to add more workspaces on my ubuntu 9.04 how is this possible?18:36
Guest31541catmando right click on the workspace thing18:36
boiinngboiingnumerical methods !!! please someone!18:36
stroyanboiinngboiing:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_analysis18:36
earthlinghi all, want to install ubuntu without gnome.. how can i do that?18:36
Guest31541earthling get a server cd18:36
jtragdownload Kubuntu18:36
epaphusHello , is it true that flash in 9.04 has certain bugs that prevent pages to be viewed correctly ??18:36
boiinngboiingi read that but i dont know what the prerequistes are18:37
jtragI've heard that Flash works pretty good in 9.0418:37
earthlingGuest31541, i have a desktop edition only.. how to go about it from there?18:37
boiinngboiingcan you atleast tell me what i should know about mathematics before learning numerical methods18:37
boiinngboiingwhich topics18:37
Guest31541earthling sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop :)18:37
Guest31541earthling will remove gnome and lots of stuff18:37
Guest31541earthling i recommend installing a new manager first.. like xfce18:37
b3rz3rk3rhey Berzerker18:38
Qtpaxadoes anyone know pam_usb (usb authentification) ?18:38
earthlingGuest31541, yeah all easy way out.. but i wanted to "install it " without gnome.18:38
catmandoWhere is workspace?18:38
ltcabralsomeone help me plz... ssh localhost is giving seg fault18:39
ZatharaAnybody help-me. I try to configure gdm with domain box select,  but no have idea how start.18:39
shreymechhttp://www.seedpeer.com/details/2449703.html        hey can any1 try this torrent and can tell me that it is working or not... plzzz18:39
Berzerkerb3rz3rk3r, hey lol18:40
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, 500 error18:40
b3rz3rk3rwhen i try access the page i get internal error18:41
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: i cudn't get u18:41
BerzerkerSomeone in my Organic chemistry class just said "As far as nomenclature blo---, goes ..."18:41
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: wait i will give i anther 118:41
mihalately i've seen lots of 'input-output errors' in Transmission... first torrent is 100% done.. then it says it is 99.9% done.. starts downloading and after 30 secs it says input-output error. files are fine, but i thought i'd seed?!18:41
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: http://btjunkie.org/torrent/Enrique-Iglesias-Insomniac-2007-CD-Cov/432472df346502ad4fd88a67a9d120a4289acfa125fd18:42
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: can u try this plzzz18:42
mihaanyone knows about it? do i need to change to a less buggy torrent program?18:42
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: r u using transmission..??18:42
Berzerkermiha, what kind of torrent program are you using?18:42
a94060miha: i havent really liked transmission. One that id reccomend is deluge18:42
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, that site is blocked for me here, and i dont feel like disconnecting to activate my VPN.. sry18:42
mihaTransmission 1.51 (7963)18:43
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, no i use Deluge for torrents18:43
mihaas found in ubuntu (gnome?)18:43
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, transmission is good too tho, just not enough options for me to play with :p18:43
mihai used to use azureus18:43
Besogonmiha: try rtorrent. (I like that for downloading torrents, but it not make torrent files.. just for downloading)18:44
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: i tried almost 10-15 torrents in transmission and deluge but both failed to download even a single torrent18:44
jtragwhich is better in general, Ubuntu or Kubuntu?18:44
Berzerkermiha, sudo apt-get install transmission18:44
jtragI kinda like KDE better, but Gnome seems more stable/faster18:44
Berzerkermiha, excellent torrent app.18:44
shreymechmiha: listen18:44
Berzerkerjtrag, nothing is better, it's just differnt.18:44
mihatransmission is being buggy lately18:44
mihait used to work just fine18:44
jtragI see18:44
Berzerkerjtrag, More windows-like, KDE. More OS X like, GNOME.18:45
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: i tried almost 10-15 torrents in transmission and deluge but both failed to download even a single torrent18:45
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, is your ISP blocking your ports?18:45
OrganizedHey guys18:45
jtragokay I see, thanks... I think I'll just go with Ubuntu 64 bit and I'm going to wipe out openSUSE completely18:45
OrganizedI installed JuK with the packet-management but now no sounds are working18:45
Berzerkerjtrag, Yeah, I'm using Ubuntu netbook remix, I used Kubuntu for a while, but GNOME is more clear and less bloated.18:45
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, both of them failing points to another issue, like your ports being blocked, or an incorrect setup on your side18:45
Organizedno system-sounds, no music....18:45
ltcabralshouldnt i have a sshd deamon in init.d?18:46
jtragBerzerker, yeah, that's what I figured too18:46
jtragokay thanks for the help guys.  I'm going to get started on my Ubuntu Installation18:46
Berzerkerjtrag, GL.18:47
Berzerkerremember, sudo apt-get install xchat18:47
Organizedcan nobody help me?18:47
jtragI will :)18:47
Organizedokay :)18:47
BrazzHey, after I installed java my firefox keeps on giving the message that it has been updated and needs to be restarted, even tho I have restarted it several times... any sugestions?18:47
b3rz3rk3r!ask | Organized18:48
ubottuOrganized: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:48
Organizedi installed JuK but now i dont have any sounds no more, no system, nothing18:48
Organizedmy english sucks, sorry for that18:48
Berzerkerwhat language do you speak?18:48
Berzerker!de | Orest^bnc18:49
ubottuOrest^bnc: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:49
mihafsck: fsck.ntfs: not found <--- what do i need to install?18:49
Organizedin ubuntu-de nobody can help me18:49
Berzerker!de | Organized18:49
ubottuOrganized: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:49
FloodBot1Berzerker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:49
stroyanltcabral:  /etc/init.d/ssh starts /usr/bin/sshd18:49
* miha wants to check if it is transmission or filesystem problem18:49
peercehey.  friend is building new high fallutin workstation, spent too much money on toys.   coreI7 extreme, dual ATI Radeons (for 4 24" screens), 12GB ram.  wants to run linux 64bit and win7 64bit as VMs.    how well does ubuntu+xen handle multiscreen in a workstaion environment, I know nearly zip about xen.18:49
b3rz3rk3rflooding with bots, nice18:49
ltcabralstroyan: hm... ok thanks18:49
ltcabralstroyan: any idea why my ssh localhost gives seg fault?18:50
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: actually i checked everything... i don knw whats the problem18:50
BrazzHey, after I installed java my firefox keeps on giving the message that it has been updated and needs to be restarted, even tho I have restarted it several times... any sugestions?18:50
b3rz3rk3rpeerce, from my experiences.. not well. But some time with manual configs of X and lots of patience will see your friend though18:50
mihacan i check NTFS partition from linux?18:51
aj_444I'm new to ubuntu, how do I install flash?18:51
ubuntistasflash player for firefox any clue>18:51
mihaaj_444 install adobe-flashplugin ?18:51
peerceb3rz3rk3r; thats what i was afraid you'd say.  :-/18:51
Brazzaj_444: just google "adobe flash player" and click on download18:51
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, disk full? trying to DL to a dir. that you dont have writer permissions in?18:51
Brazzubuntistas: read above18:52
aj_444Brazz: Will it work the same as windows does?18:52
cheezespreadaj_444: try any video site like Youtube and it will promt you for installing plugins for Flash18:52
sim__im in appearance, Fonts ...how do i make the fonts the same as xp/vista...cos ubuntu fonts blow...(ive dl the mscorfont pack)18:52
shreymechb3rz3rk3r:  i checked...18:52
Brazzaj_444: once you press download it will show options for download to other operational system and in there it will show option for download to ubuntu 8.10+ which is the one you want to download18:53
b3rz3rk3rpeerce, multi-monitors, esp with multi-GPU's is a nightmare on linux in general.. very rewarding whenyou get it right though :p18:53
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, i dont know then :(18:53
aj_444Brazz: Okay. I hit save and the FF downloads box popped up18:54
stroyanltcabral:  You could have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/371659    If it isn't the same as your problem it could at least give you tips on trouble-shooting ssh.18:54
Brazzaj_444: precisely18:54
ltcabralstroyan: thanks18:54
aj_444Brazz: Is it now installed, or do I need to do more?18:54
Brazzdid you download the java for ubuntu 8.10+?18:55
Brazzaj_444: did you download the java for ubuntu 8.10+?18:55
aj_444Brazz: I don't think so. I just downloaded adobe flash player18:55
Brazzaj_444: ok let me do it with you18:56
aj_444Brazz: Okay.18:56
MefeHey, is here anybody, who could help a little to understand few things. Im talking bout login on Desktop18:56
Brazzaj_444: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ then you'll see there "Select version for download"18:57
t__Eesthi guys ,how to deinstall ATI catalsyst control center ?18:57
aj_444Brazz: Download the .deb?18:57
Brazzaj_444: precisely18:57
aj_444Brazz: Do I save it?18:58
Brazzt__Eest: "add/remove" should do it pal18:58
Brazzaj_444: well as long as you open the package once you download it18:58
t__EestBrazz its not under add/remove18:58
lolekok guys, good info: ubuntu works very well with hp dv4-1190 the only not working device is gsm modem (integrated).. no changes made to the live cd.. just, pure 9.0418:59
MkaI have changed ext3 to ext4 in Jaunty and everything was fine until I upgraded some kernel files. I could no longer boot to Jaunty anymore18:59
Brazzt__Eest: did you select all available applications?18:59
aj_444Brazz: it says I need to choose an application.18:59
Brazzaj_444: did you download .deb ubuntu 8.10+?18:59
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aj_444Brazz: Yes.19:00
Brazzt__Eest: and its not under the "graphics"?19:00
t__Eestnope its not there19:00
Brazzaj_444: did you try to open the package?19:00
t__Eestsearched and everything19:00
aj_444yes. I get a dialog box telling me to choose an application to open it with19:00
aj_444Brazz: ^19:01
Mefein few words. I installed just today ubuntu. I tried to configure it, everything went great, instaled few updates, and went away, while processing those. But then i returned, check'd out, that i see on monitor just black screen, nothing else. Okey, restated my pc. Then i wrote login, press enter, then i wrote in password, press enter, and then i stack in there. but i could move mouse, click left click, but nothing else. just stack. And i need to help to understa19:01
Brazzaj_444: like Morzilla?19:01
aj_444Brazz: So I should select firefox to open it?19:02
t__EestBrazz any chance to do that wia terminal ?19:02
Brazzaj_444: oh I got it... well its weird it asks what app to open it with, this time instead of saving it just download it to open without saving19:02
Brazzt__Eest: did you install it via wine?19:02
x404xMefe the black screen is a default screensaver, you can disable that under screensaver and also power management19:03
neurochromeok folks, bit of a dilemma.... I have a laptop that obviously has some sort of balance sensor that means that when I play certain games, the angle of the laptop steers cars/moves paddles in pong etc...... How do I turn this off at a hardware level?  There are no ways to deselect it in any games.....19:03
jonii3how do I put ubuntu on a usb stick? does downloading the iso and burning it onto the usb work or is there more to it?19:03
deany!usb | jonii319:04
ubottujonii3: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:04
aj_444Brazz: I still need to choose an application to open it with19:04
jonii3thanks deany19:04
Brazzt__Eest: I dont know how to uninstall it via terminal because I never needed to19:04
coreymanI got this blue line down the last third of my screen about 1px wide, any techs know that this is a cabling connection issue or an actual monitor issue?19:04
Brazzaj_444: what are the options?19:04
t__Eestand a normal uninstall via terminal , how dies that work ?19:04
coreymanIt is a laptop19:04
deanyjonii3, usb-creator (already there in ubuntu) and unetbootin are the easiest methods19:04
aj_444Brazz: It just gives a browse button. and then it takes you to the file system19:05
jonii3thanks deany19:05
sim_guys, my mplayer was running slow on 1080, i used coreavc to use multithreading to speed things up and now movies are playin to fast and it sounds like chipmonks19:05
archmancan someone tell some network manager except nm-applet and wicd?19:05
archmanad-hoc support needed...19:05
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DigitalKiwiwhat's wrong with wicd?19:05
archmani need to remove nm-applet to install wicd19:06
archmanso, no19:06
Brazzaj_444: weird, well I tryed to help u out but it goes beyond my knowledge which is not much but enough to get flash player installed properly on my computer. I suggest you report your issue more detailed over here or try to check out google to see if people have had problems installing flash player before.19:06
Brazzaj_444: that's what I would do19:06
aj_444Brazz: Okay. I'll play around with it a bit.19:07
ventolinHi, where can I get a guide to setting openvpn (client only) up on ubuntu with access to ONLY the shell?19:07
archmanis there a list of network managers for linux?19:07
bhabalinuxhow can I activate stereo mix?19:07
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zanberdoI am running apache2 installed from repo on ubuntu 9.04. I am getting an error 403 when attempting to access a symlink. I have confirmed that /etc/apache2/sites-available/default includes DocumentRoot /var/www <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory>  I have created the symlink from /var/www to /home/foo/htdocs/bar. I'm stumped.19:07
Brazzt__Eest: maybe you haven't even installed it then, anything you install should be in add/remove and graphic drivers are no different.19:07
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t__Eestis there a way to change screen resolution witth the standart vesa driver ?19:07
kopfHi, where can I get a guide to setting openvpn (client only) up on ubuntu with access to ONLY the shell?19:08
shreymechhello .. can anyone confirm me that on DELL with 8.10 .. wi-fi installation works or not19:08
shreymechany guide link is welcome19:08
CaptainCrookanyway to edit right-click menu (tranparency, content, etc)19:08
Brazzshreymech: its not about the brand... but why would you install 8.10 instead of 9.04?19:08
stroyankopf:  If you only want shell access then ssh will get the job done in a much simpler way.19:08
kopfstroyan: No.. I want to set up a computer to connect to my vpn, but I need to do it over only ssh19:09
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, LTS19:09
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: LTS?19:09
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, long term support19:09
shreymechBrazz: man u shud know that 9.04 was complete failure19:10
aj_444Brazz: I apparently need to download a gdebi package installer19:10
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: well... indeed its until 2012 isn't it?19:10
Ben648.04 is the LTS19:10
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, yes it is19:10
Ben64next one is 10.0419:10
shreymechBrazz: just see the response of general people... it was a complete failure with intel graphics card19:10
jonii3deany,neither of those programs are available for my system. (opensuse stinks, need to get rid of it.) is there a konsole command I could use instead, or not?19:10
Brazzshreymech: well not a complete failure imo. But certainly I'm waiting for 9.1019:10
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, yeah but that has been fixed months ago19:11
jonii3would you recomend getting 8.10 instead of 9.04 then?19:11
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, really was fubar on release tho :p19:11
Brazzshreymech: I use ati too, but when I want to play something I just go windows ;)19:11
shreymechBrazz: no dear.. i tried somefixes but they r not working... many of the person failed with those fixes19:11
b3rz3rk3rjonii3, no, 9.04 is great now19:11
jonii3ok, thanks b3rz3rk3r19:11
deanyjonii3, unetbootin afaik works on any linux19:12
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, if you run your updates, 9.04 is far superior to 8.10 these days19:12
deanyjonii3, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/   make it executable and run it.19:12
Brazzjonii3: dont let other people's opinion tell you what is good or trash, experience both for yourself. one thing I can say tho, if you're a gamer and own an old ati card, install jaunty side-by-side with windows or go 8.1019:12
xand_hello all, pidgin ppa's update for some gstreamer libs broke songbird here, can anybody please help me to get my system back to good ?19:12
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: man i tried  everything... yesterday only i reinstalled 8.10 after failing with 9.0419:13
jonii3deany, thanks19:13
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: and even most of the TECHIES told me to shift to old version.. bczz this 9.04 prob. was severe19:13
rfdfdsfdfdfdfhi Just a quick Question19:14
jonii3brazz: just looking for other peoples opinion, and I have a fairly old nvidia, so intel bugs don't matter to me19:14
lolekrfdfdsfdfdfdf: no19:14
johnsenI have a problem where distcc crashed with error code 102. any hints?19:14
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rfdfdsfdfdfdfif Legally you can't use MS colours, logo etc right?19:14
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, i have an intel based lappy that is purring on 9.04 these days.. you just have to stay current with the updates.. a few months ago nobody wanted 9.04, but its great now, esp with EXT4 support19:14
bazhangrfdfdsfdfdfdf, ask in ##windows please19:14
Brazzshreymech: everybody is entitled to have an opinion. Because you failed doesn't mean that the OS is a failure, ATI haven't supported 9.04 therefore its harder to get things running properly with old ati cards, there are many articles about this issue and it is indeed very complecated to get it fixed, but a few have got it good.19:14
rfdfdsfdfdfdfThen why does MS Site look like a Ubuntu site? http://www.microsoft.com/businessproductivity/default.mspx19:15
apnrfdfdsfdfdfdf: without permission, correct19:15
bazhang!ot | rfdfdsfdfdfdf19:15
ubotturfdfdsfdfdfdf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:15
shreymechbrazz: yaa dear,,,,, but even 8.10 is very good19:15
Brazzjonii3: alright, then I can honestly say that I'm glad with 9.04, even tho I own an old ati video card myself.19:16
Dominik1I had a print server set up, just through the printer > server... then I installed SAMBA and I can't access the printer anymore, do those two services conflict?19:16
rfdfdsfdfdfdfok I just figured it shuld be here, well you must be popular then :)19:16
shreymechb3rz3rk3r: hey man even 8.10 is very good... it is doing gr88 for me...... i m waiting for a new release... and this time i think ubuntu community will fix al issue in new119:16
bazhangshreymech, do you have a support question?19:16
jonii3Brazz, thank for the info. I think since you are cool with it and my dad runs it, that will definetly be my choice19:16
b3rz3rk3rshreymech, over to #ubuntu-ot otherwise :p19:17
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: now I have an issue of my own, firefox sends me a message constantly that I need to restart it due updates but I have restarted it several times and the message keeps poping up19:17
gubluntuomeone please help, mysqldump to file, parsing the file in variables and looping to preform move actions.. getting: cp: cannot stat `/allfiles/Active_Campaign_WTD*': No such file or directory  which does exist but its not interpreting the wildcard pulled form the database19:17
Brazzjonii3: Karmic will bring great improvements19:17
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shreymechbazhang, i wanna know any good wi-fi installation guide for my DELL 1525 with ubuntu 8.1019:18
Dominik1brazz what are the issues?19:18
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, thats weird, never heard of that. perhaps reinstalling it might solve that. you shouldnt lose any of your config as long as you dont delete the settings in your /home19:18
bazhangshreymech, what chipset19:18
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: it all started to happen after I installed java.19:18
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, the dev tools? or the regular one19:19
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: first time it happens to me and I have installed and reinstalled ubuntu a few times, but this is the first time I see this issue, but indeed reinstalling it would be one solution19:19
unopgubluntu, /join #bash19:20
Dominik1how do I access my samba server from the windows mashine?19:20
shreymechbazhang, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259980/   check it dear19:20
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g0tchai dont get it.. why is 9.04 not auto-selecting the partitions and everything19:20
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, i say just reinstall it mate. you wont lose your configs, but backup bookmarks etc just incase ;)19:20
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts19:20
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Brazzb3rz3rk3r: sure i will reinstall it and see what happens. thanks for the help-19:20
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, maybe its just the plugin for FF giving you hassle?19:21
illikawnhi Im wondering how to get a lucent winmodem working in 9.04?19:21
s11does anyone know why I cant install nvidia drivers in 9.04?19:21
bazhangshreymech, that is the intel 3945 ; works out of the box here, open a terminal and type ifconfig and tell me if you see wlan019:21
illikawnthere are 2 sources i tried to compile 1. ltmodem 2. martian19:21
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: what do you suggest then?19:22
s11there are no nvidia-glx-180 packages in apt19:22
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: I believe its that19:22
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b3rz3rk3rBrazz, see if you can find the plugin and disable it for now, just so the updates run correctly19:22
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, then you can re-enable it afterwards19:23
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: I disabled it but the message continues to pop up19:23
bazhangs11, sure there are; do you have all the necessary repositories enabled?19:23
dumontwhats the command to untar a file?19:23
shreymechbazhang, see..  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259981/19:23
bazhangshreymech, is that a yes or a no19:23
jmiteI've got a really quick question, if anyone can help. I can't find where in network manager you enable roaming mode. I'm sure it's relaly simple, but I just can't find it. anybody know where it is?19:23
t__Eesthow to kill a spezial prozess ?19:23
Hydridhow to see if vsftpd is installed in my machine?19:23
shreymechbazhang, u plzz check pastebin.. i am new19:23
ltcabralcan anyone help? my machine is not receiving ssh: http://pastie.org/59575419:23
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, hmm.. yeah just reinstall that badboy, and see if that fixes it19:24
bazhangshreymech, please run ifconfig, there should be eth0 wlan0 and lo ; do you see them when you run that command19:24
shreymechbazhang: no i can't see wlan019:24
Jordan_Ultcabral: Do you have openssh-server installed?19:24
dumontwhats the command to untar a file?19:25
bazhangshreymech, is there a wifi switch on your computer (ie a toggle)19:25
ltcabralJordan_U: yes19:25
shreymechbazhang, yess19:25
Hydridhow to see if vsftpd is installed in my machine?19:25
bazhangshreymech, you will need to start up with that switched to on19:25
Jordan_Ultcabral: Does it start working after you run "sudo invoke-rc.d ssh start" ?19:26
shreymechbazhang: i switched it on19:26
bazhangshreymech, at what point did you switch it on? after startup?19:26
ltcabralJordan_U: no19:26
shreymechbazhang, i cudn't get u19:26
jmitecan anybody tell me where to change the roaming settings in wireless?19:26
Jordan_Ultcabral: Did you get any error from that command?19:27
shreymechbazhang, right now my wi-fi light is glowing...19:27
ltcabralJordan_U: no, but ssh localhost gives me seg fault after that19:27
stroyanltcabral:  What does "sudo service ssh status" report?19:28
guntbert!tar | dumont19:28
ubottudumont: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression19:28
ltcabralstroyan: * sshd is running19:28
Dominik1how do I change firewall settings on ubuntu?19:28
ltcabralJordan_U: http://pastie.org/59576819:28
b3rz3rk3rstroyan, no need for sudo there surely?19:28
shreymechbazhang,  man check this.. this time i can see one more than eht0 , l0 and wlan0 ... + one more19:28
stroyanb3rz3rk3r:  Just a habit of mine with service.19:29
shreymechbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/259984/19:29
ltcabralooooooh i found out... maybe its trying to authenticate with GSSAPI through kerberos and cant find the realm!19:29
guntbertjmite: with roaming you mean that it uses different acces point of the same WLAN automatically?19:30
shreymechbazhang,  man check this.. this time i can see one more than eht0 , l0 and wlan0 ... + one more19:30
shreymechbazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/259984/19:30
jmiteguntbert: I think so, I"m not sure. It's okay, I got it figured out19:30
bazhangshreymech, yes I see, no need to paste more than once, please be patient19:31
shreymechbazhang, sorry19:31
Kitar|sthttp://www.justin.tv/kitarist Futurama Online Now!!!19:32
guntbertKitar|st: not here please19:32
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, did that fix your problem?19:32
danbhfive1Dominik1: see !iptables19:33
bazhangKitar|st, dont paste that here19:34
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: it seems to be fixed now19:34
Brazzb3rz3rk3r: thank you indeed that was bugging me19:35
b3rz3rk3rBrazz, good stuff! glad it worked19:35
aj_444Okay people, I downloaded Ubuntu Netbook Remix from a flash drive. I'm new to ubuntu. How do I download stuff?19:35
sim_how do i remove the folders containing config files of programs i uninstalled ?19:35
shreymechbazhang, still there...??19:35
bazhangshreymech, there is a bug with the iwl3945 in Intrepid ; it is fixed in Jaunty however, there may some workarounds for Intrepid, as I am still looking19:36
Jonii3aj_444 do you know how to start synaptic?19:36
chthpHello anyone here familiar with Xubuntu 9.04 Live USB (Pendrivelinux) ?19:36
aj_444Jonii3: nope.19:36
dotblankJonii3, alt-f2 type synaptic19:36
shreymechbazhang, man how can i know that my wi-fi driver is installed or not...??19:36
Jonii3I know how to19:36
dotblankoh whoops19:36
shreymechbazhang, and which bug u r talking about,,.,19:36
savidHi, I'm having trouble connecting to an ad-hoc wifi network (my nm-applet icon only gets one green dot, not the other, then gives up).   Is there a way to find out what went wrong? I'd like to troubleshoot this...19:36
Jonii3aj_444, I guess try alt-f2 type synaptic19:37
bazhang!pm > sinyoali19:37
ubottusinyoali, please see my private message19:37
aj_444Jonii3: okay, its open.19:37
Jonii3that is your installing program19:37
Jonii3what do you need to install19:37
epzthi, my kubuntu jaunty is blocked on GRUB at start time19:38
sim_What newsgroup program do people use?19:38
sim_Klibido ?19:38
Jonii3aj_444 that is your installing program19:38
Jonii3aj_444 what program do you need to install19:38
aj_444Jonii3: Adobe Flash19:38
Jonii3did you download it?19:39
chthpwhat part on a Live USB is persistent ?19:39
aj_444Jonii3: I saved it.19:39
bazhangshreymech, do you have a wifi hotspot to test the wireless on, and if so, is it encrypted or not19:39
Jonii3ok, try going to the folder where you saved it and double click it.19:39
chthpthe actual USB disk or the loop file (1gb)19:39
stroyansim_:  Some people use "tin" to read newsgroups.  But that may be weird. :-)19:39
chthpor both even ?19:39
CaptainCrookwhere can i find the config file for menu transparency? (compiz doesn't have what i want)19:39
aj_444Jonii3: it asks me to choose an application to open it with19:40
xand_hello all, pidgin ppa's update for some gstreamer libs broke songbird here, can anybody please help me to get my system back to good ?19:40
shreymechbazhang, actually i don have any wi-fi near by..... can u just tell me how can i check that my wi-fi driver is installed or not.. bczzz yestreday only i made a fresh installation of 8.10 and till now i havn't insatlld anything for wi-fi but still my wi-fi light is glowing....19:40
legend2440sim_: pan is a good newsreader19:41
Jonii3ok. well, in synaptic you could search for adobe flash19:41
epztwhat are th reasons kubuntu stop booting and give me the GRUB shell ?19:41
bazhangshreymech, hard to test if its working / troubleshoot if you dont have a hotspot to test it on; Jaunty has it working perfectly after a regression in Intrepid though19:42
Jonii3aj_444 ok. well, in synaptic you could search for adobe flash19:42
epztI reinstalled kubuntu but get the same think19:42
aj_444Jonii3: I found it in synaptic.19:42
Jonii3ok, then click the checkbox next to it and click apply19:42
sim_legend2440: is it good for files ?19:42
vociferous666anyone know how to stop a program from starting when i log in?19:43
sim_lol wot the hell is this19:43
sim_tin ..pan libido19:43
Dominik1!iptable > Dominik119:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iptable19:43
bit324lifeHi, I need some help. I can't login to ubuntu. I get an errory saing that the home/.dmrc file dosen't have right permissions19:43
bit324lifeor something in that order19:43
Jonii3aj_444 ok, then click the checkbox next to it and click apply19:43
vociferous666ah i can help with that mate19:43
legend2440sim_ you mean encoding files and such? yes it is19:43
kisielkwhat happened to the net install CD?19:44
vociferous666log in a root terminal19:44
kisielkI can't seem to find it on the downloads page19:44
sim_legend2440:  and for pars?19:44
aj_444Jonii3: I mark it for installation,but i can't hit apply19:44
vociferous666and go to your home folder19:44
Jonii3aj_444 Why not?19:44
vociferous666its gonna be home in the root directory, then your username19:44
stoffelhi,  i'm on kubuntu 09.04 on amd64. How can i uninstall a 32bit library package installed with getlibs?19:44
guntbert!root | vociferous66619:44
ubottuvociferous666: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:44
aj_444Jonii3: If only I knew.19:44
legend2440sim_i never bothered with pars but i'm pretty sure it handles them19:44
vociferous666shit i always use sudo su19:44
ctmjr!iptables > Dominik119:45
ubottuDominik1, please see my private message19:45
bazhangvociferous666, please watch the language19:45
Jonii3aj444: is it grayed out? or can you not see it?19:45
vociferous666dang sry19:45
aj_444Jonii3: its grayed out19:45
legend2440sim_: http://pan.rebelbase.com/19:45
vociferous666ok how do i help this chap out without spamming up this thread?19:45
bazhangvociferous666, you should use sudo if at all possible, sudo -i in rare cases19:45
AbAzAJ/ #linuxac19:45
Jonii3aj_444: try restarting synaptic19:46
bit324lifeHi, I have the same problem as this person: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37105219:46
guntbertvociferous666: as to your question: go to system/preferences/starup applications19:46
bit324lifethat is the same error I get when logging in.19:46
vociferous666ah thx gunbert but ive already tried that19:46
aj_444Jonii3: when I run it, it starts without administrative priveledges. could that be the problem?19:46
Jonii3aj_444 yes, that is the problem, You need administrator priviledges to install software19:47
aj_444Jonii3: ahh. I went through and opened it as an admin19:47
guntbertbit324life: try going on the console with ctrl+alt+F1, can you login there?19:48
Jonii3ok, good. now search for adobe flash again and check it, then hit apply aj_44419:48
aj_444Jonii3: Its currently installing. (:19:48
Jonii3aj_444: great :)19:49
guntbertvociferous666: what program are we talking about?19:49
Jonii3if you mean aj_444 and me19:49
aj_444Jonii3: Well.. it installed. I still can't play youtube vids though.19:50
Jonii3aj_444 what error does it give you?19:50
Dominik1when I try to connect to my samba server it asks for a password but I never set that up, whats wrong? how do I troubleshoot?19:50
aj_444Jonii3: Youtube? I didn't get any error message.19:51
guntbert!samba | Dominik1 have you seen19:51
ubottuDominik1 have you seen: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:51
Jonii3aj_444 do you know why it won't play then? what happens when you try to play one19:51
darwishHi .. anyone knows what's the metacityu hotkey for volume-up ?19:51
aj_444Jonii3: I get a "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. "19:52
aj_444Jonii3: Do I need to turn javascript on?19:52
Jonii3aj_444 if you have it off, then yes, it needs to be on19:52
jeremiamy kubutnu doesn't boot anymore since the last update19:52
guntbert!welcome | jeremia19:52
ubottujeremia: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.19:52
jeremiai get the following boot error: http://pastebin.com/m444da39f19:52
aj_444Jonii3: Is that something I'd need to do through firefox?19:52
jeremiacan anyone hlep me?19:52
Dominik1guntbert: thank you but I went through that guide and it no work, I can ping it tho19:53
Jonii3aj_444 if you didn't do anything to turn it off, then it should be on19:53
dr3mrohey guys i need help i have ubuntu on my laptop and it works gr8 but i have an old p4 1.5ghz with 512mb of ram and gpu 64MB ati and i have a network with 2 mbps broadband i need to make the old machine a  DHCP server and a torrent downloader that i can access over the internet so when i am out i can add torrents and it balance the downloads between users ... and be able to run 2 programs firefox and ooo writer thats it any hint or help is apreciated19:53
aj_444Jonii3: I didn't do anything to turn it off.19:53
Jonii3aj_444 then javascript should be working ok, it is flash19:53
guntbertDominik1: ok, sorry - I'm not good with samba either :-/19:53
Jonii3aj_444 one moment.19:54
aj_444Jonii3: Okay.. I downloaded the .deb file. was that the wrong one?19:54
Jonii3aj_444 no, that is right19:54
Slurpeehow can I scp directories?19:54
Jonii3aj_444 double clicking it doesn't work?19:54
SlurpeeI can scp files, but not the directories?19:54
jeremiakernel is 2.6.28-13-generic19:54
aj_444Double clicking on what?19:54
koolhead17i have install Pidgin 2.6.119:54
danbhfive1dr3mro: regular ubuntu will work.  it may not be fast, but it will work.  Keep in mind, firefox is a memory hog19:55
Jonii3aj_444 the .deb file19:55
koolhead17wanted to know how will i b able to run the video and audio19:55
aj_444Jonii3: I'm pretty sure. I'll try again.19:55
guntbertjeremia: if no one else knows better: you could try to boot to failsafe (set NOAPIC)19:55
Jonii3aj_444 ok19:55
jeremiai tried to boot in recovery mode, same result19:55
ZoraelIs there a trick to bridging a wireless and a wired network? I'm using brctl to create a bridge interface (br0), then I bind eth0 and wlan0 to it, and set eth0 and wlan0 to be ip Then I dhclient br0 which properly gets eth0's IP and sets up routes to get me internet access, but wlan0 isn't bridged19:56
aj_444Jonii3: do I need to restart the system?19:56
dr3mrodanbhfive1, i know it works on that machine i have it installed before and the only problem was the io latency caused by the kernel then but now i think its better with the new kernel i am asking what are the programs i shoud use19:56
Jonii3aj_444:  just firefox19:56
vociferous666can someone send me in IM if you can help with startup applications19:57
aj_444Jonii3: All of the windows, or just the youtube one?19:57
guntbertjeremia: what are the "common problems" you left out of your pastebin?19:57
Jonii3aj_444: all of the windows. what irc client are you using?19:57
aj_444Jonii3: I'm using the webchat.freenode one.19:58
jeremiaguntbert: ?19:58
Dreamglideri need help logging boot messages, im running 8.10/Intrepid Ibex i tried to follwo this guide > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49925 but the boot file only shows "(Nothing has been logged yet.)" anyone have an idea to what i should to to fix it ?19:58
Jonii3aj_444: ok, you will have to reconnect to freenode and rejoin #ubuntu once you open it back up, but yes, you have to close all of the firefox windows19:58
aj_444Ok. I'll brb.19:59
guntbertjeremia: I expected several lines instead of line 6 [...]19:59
xand_hello all, pidgin ppa's update for some gstreamer libs broke songbird here, can anybody please help me to get my system back to good ?19:59
reinisnice, I like the color scheme for Terminal here19:59
miguelonnnnel mejor manual de informatica que pueda existir es la web esa q he encontrao19:59
danbhfive1xand_ do you want to use the regular pidgin?19:59
reinishow would I set up a paswordless user that automatically logs in?19:59
jeremiaguntbert: oh, it says:19:59
miguelonnnnlol sry i spoke in spanish ehhe sry sry20:00
reinisalso, why doesnt Ctrl+E work in Firefox in Ubuntu20:00
aj_444Jonii3: You are amazing. thanks so much. it works. (:20:00
reinisit's supposed to focus the search bar20:00
Jonii3aj_444: In no way am I amazing, but you are very welcome20:00
xand_danbhfive1: well, if thats the only way to get my songbird back...20:00
JoeUD9hi i am just starting with linux / ubuntu, where can i get a list of mirc scripts that will work in ubuntu? i am looking with something i am familiar with20:01
vociferous666can anybody help with stopping a program from running every login?20:01
jeremiagutnbert: http://pastebin.com/m391ffda20:01
bazhangJoeUD9, mirc via wine?20:01
reinisJoeUD9: in Google20:01
bazhangreinis, please dont suggest that here20:01
jsteelDoes anybody know how ubuntu kernels are versioned? Specifically I'm looking for what exactly the 60 means in 2.6.24-24.60.20:01
farhanCan Ubuntu run as a Virtual machine inside of VMWare?20:01
vociferous666yes farhan20:02
jsteeldefinitely farhan20:02
guntbertfarhan: yes, of course20:02
Dreamglidervociferous666: have a look in System > preferences > Sessions20:02
danbhfive1xand_ I don't know.  You probably have to ask the pidgin folk?20:02
farhanwhere can I download that? i haven't been googling the right things20:02
vociferous666dreamglider, no this is not where it is20:02
vociferous666ive got everything turned off in there20:02
Jonii3farhan: VMWare?20:02
bazhangfarhan, from their website; virtualbox-ose is in the ubuntu software repositories20:03
guntbertjeremia: sorry, that doesn't give me any hints either :-/20:03
jsteelAnybody know any reference for how the ubuntu kernel is versioned, or where I can find a reference that describes the scheme.20:03
vociferous666google it20:03
jsteelhaha. well I've been trying20:03
legend2440reinis: open Stem>Administration>Login Window  choose Security tab put checkmark next to Enable Auto Logun and choose user from drop down box20:03
jeremiaguntbert: it sounds like udev isn't running the right way20:03
danbhfive1xand_: but if that is the direction you wanted, you probably could remove the repository, and reinstall pidgin20:03
Dreamglidervociferous666: do  sudo gedit /home/your user/.gnome2/sessions maybe it's there20:03
guntbert!google | vociferous66620:03
ubottuvociferous666: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:03
maria_i did something silly a while ago and i cant remember how to undo it20:03
bazhangDreamglider, vociferous666 gksudo for graphical apps20:04
jeremiagutnbert: there were 4 packages that were in conflict while updating, but I didn't pay much attention to them...20:04
maria_I used a command in firefox to stop the buffer for videos....how do i undo that?20:04
maria_Ubuntu 9.0420:04
xand_danbhfive1: already did..they don't know about it...will reinstall pidgin get my system rid of the gstreamer plugins pidgin's ppa installed ?20:04
guntbertjeremia: yes... but I got no idea how that could happen or how to handle it - sorry20:04
bumbahi friends, i have just started using ubuntu and already facing a problem, my bluetooth dongle is not working under ubuntu. later i find it was only compatible to Windows. is there a way out?20:04
vociferous666Dreamglider: nothing about sessions in my .gnome2 folder20:05
farhanbazhang : where's the Unbuntu software responsitory?20:05
guntbertjeremia: thats a tricky thing - what kind of update was it?20:05
danbhfive1xand_: I don't know actually.  It depends on how the ppa packaged it.20:05
jeremia¨can't remember20:06
Dreamglidervociferous666: have a look at -> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/how-to-get-programs-to-stop-auto-starting-620000/20:06
jeremiathe packages i mean20:06
jeremiawas just a common update20:06
vociferous666thx mate20:06
bazhangfarhan, they are where nearly all software is installed from20:06
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bazhang!repos > farhan20:06
ubottufarhan, please see my private message20:06
sphenxesI have configured my samba server and it works fine. When i log in Windows I can see and write folder on my linux computer. that is fine but now I would like to change it to read only (from window). i have the following configuration: [myMedia] path = /myStore/ browseable = yes write = mw, user.20:06
KebertHello all, is anyone out there familiar with madwifi and packet injection?20:06
Jonii3sudo /home/jonii3/Desktop/unetbootin-linux-35620:07
Jonii3unetbootin-linux-356: cannot connect to X server20:07
ZoraelIf I want to bridge two networks, do I need to be
Jonii3first line is the command I put in, second is the output.20:07
legend2440maria_: in firefox  url address bar  type  about:config   search for term  buffer20:07
Jonii3I cannot get unetbootin to work, could someone help me?20:07
Jonii3!repos > Jonii320:07
ubottuJonii3, please see my private message20:07
guntbert!who | jeremia (and <tab> is *very* useful too :-))20:08
didier74j'ai une adresse mirc ...20:08
farhanwait...this link isn't helping me20:08
didier74mais ça ne marche pas20:08
farhanhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware does not provide the information I need20:08
xand_danbhfive1: alright...is there a place where i could see anything related to get back my old gstreamer packages ?20:08
guntbert!fr | didier7420:08
ubottudidier74: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:08
KB1JWQ!fr | didier7420:08
farhanit tells me where ti DL a VMPlayer, but not the image.20:08
farhanThat's useful...20:08
farhanerr, useless20:08
bazhangdidier74, #ubuntu-fr pour francais20:08
janianyone know any guides on setting up  filesystem encryption to already installed ubuntu ?20:09
bazhangfarhan, vmware.com ?20:09
farhanbazhang : The link you kindly sent me only links the VMPlayer, not the images.20:09
guntbert!who | jeremia20:09
ubottujeremia: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:09
farhanbazhang : I have the player. I need the image.20:09
bazhangfarhan, I sent you no such link20:09
farhan....you're right20:10
maria_does anyone here know the about:config location of the buffer for firefox?20:10
farhandamn, i can't find the damn images20:10
Dominik1where can I monitor my network activity in ubunut?20:10
bazhangfarhan, check the vmware site ?20:10
bazhangfarhan, they are called appliances by the way20:10
legend2440maria_: in the Search box type   buffer20:10
Jonii3sudo /home/jonii3/Desktop/unetbootin-linux-356 unetbootin-linux-356: cannot connect to X server first line is the command I put in, second is the output.20:11
ejvthere are better solutions than vmware for ubuntu, use virtualbox or kvm20:11
Jonii3I cannot get unetbootin to work, could someone help me?20:11
Dominik1how can I permanently mount drives?20:11
jeremiaguntbert: oh, right20:11
guntbertjeremia: what version of ubuntu do you have?20:11
ejv!fstab | Dominik120:12
ubottuDominik1: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:12
maria_legend2440....did that....seems thats not what i changed20:12
Dominik1i was told not to use ext3/4 for storage drives, why, can someone confirm?20:12
legend2440maria_: oh ok not sure where else you would change that20:12
ejvDominik1: your choice, you can use ext3/4/xfs/reiserfs depends on your requirements; if you're a newbie, then you should stick with ext320:13
ejvcuz chances are you don't even know the differences lol20:13
Dominik1ejv can you explain the differences between the file systems? iim no expert but id like to belive im not a noob either20:14
CanageekI'm having some trouble: For some reason web access with my new Ubuntu machine is really slow, but not NET acess: I can download updates and talk with pidgin without problems but webbrowsing in firefox doesn't seem to work, and even text only with lynx takes forever20:14
maria_legend2440....found it...seems firefox is pretty smart....lists all user changes in bold20:14
wildc4rdevening all20:14
ejvDominik1: that's outside the scope of this channel, im sorry. Please use google or wikipedia.20:14
maria_i changed network.prefetch to false20:14
maria_got it thanks20:14
danbhfive1Dominik1: windows vista can't access ext* filesystems.  That might be why someone suggested that, just for dual booting20:14
legend2440maria_: thats good to know20:14
camilojdanyone knows how is the best way to install postgresql 8.2 on jaunty server? i cannot use my app with 8.320:14
Dominik1danbhfive1 they suggested ext2 instead of ext3/420:14
guntbertcamilojd: maybe #ubuntu-server is the better channel for that20:15
danbhfive1Dominik1: no idea.  But you should rely on backups too, not just the filesystem type20:16
camilojdcool guntbert, i'll check it out20:16
ejvDominik1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems20:16
ConfieldIs there a good, working app that is similiar to Gtalk on Windows, where you get a 'pop up' notifying you of when you get mail? I thought Pidgin might do it but it looks likes it's mainly for Instant Messaging.20:16
Dominik1danbhfive1: my ubuntu box is going to be the third and final back up location for my oh so precissious data20:16
ejvConfield: even with libnotify, it doesn't do the alert you want?20:16
bazhangConfield, checkgmail ?20:17
deanyI use thunderbird and new mail icon20:17
erUSUL!info gnubiff20:17
ubottugnubiff (source: gnubiff): A mail notification program for GNOME (and others). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.10-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 482 kB, installed size 1612 kB20:17
cjnodellIf more than one person contributes to an application, who "owns" it and gets to choose things like what license to use?20:18
guntbert!ot | cjnodell20:18
ubottucjnodell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:18
CanageekI'm having some trouble: For some reason web access with my new Ubuntu machine is really slow, but not NET acess: I can download updates and talk with pidgin without problems but webbrowsing in firefox doesn't seem to work, and even text only with lynx takes forever (Its currently sitting on "Making HTTP connection to google.ca" I've gotten pages in firefox & prism before but it involved leaving them for long amounts of time. However I20:18
cjnodellopps... sory!20:18
erUSULcjnodell: the original develper sets the license... people that come afterwards either accept the license or do not contribute20:19
akornhey guys, i just got back from 3 months of not using my laptop and ran a bunch of updates, now compiz / desktop effects can't be loaded, anybody here that can help?20:19
pigflu2^-x = (100-y)/y20:20
pigfluhow do i solve this for x?20:20
KB1JWQot | pigflu20:20
KB1JWQ!ot | pigflu20:20
ubottupigflu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:20
pigfluwhoops, wrong channel.20:20
pigfluOK OK OK20:20
danbhfive1slightly ot, but anyone know when the next IRC council meeting is, or where that info is posted?20:22
bazhangdanbhfive1, the ubuntu fridge? #ubuntu-meeting is likely a better place to ask though in future20:22
danbhfive1bazhang: mk, thanks20:22
bit324lifeI got another problem.20:24
user__asta e. azi primesti numa muie ofiziel20:24
nperry!ask | bit324life20:25
ubottubit324life: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:25
akornhey guys, i just got back from 3 months of not using my laptop and ran a bunch of updates, now compiz / desktop effects can't be loaded, anybody here that can help?20:25
Confieldbazhang: heck yeah, Checkgmail is perfect. Thanks.20:25
bit324lifeI get an error saying cannot execute etc/gds/xsession defaultgds [6263] this is in the error log.20:25
bit324lifethis is when I try logging into my user account with gdm.20:26
user__mata ramine  na mea20:26
bit324lifeI would get a error window saying can't start session.20:26
edbianIs there an app in the repos that can read Microsoft .pub (publisher) files??20:26
bit324lifethen another window pops up with the error log.20:26
MindVirusI can't disable tap-to-click. Could someone please help?20:26
bit324lifeany idea how to fix this?20:26
=== tien is now known as jove
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=491917 edbian20:27
user__jove ceti atirnan gura?20:27
SeySayuxMindVirus: I have a solution that involves disabling your entire touchpad...20:27
edbianbazhang: Thanks20:27
MindVirusSeySayux: how about one that keeps my touchpad enabled?20:28
bazhanguser__, english here please20:28
SeySayuxMindVirus: I haven't found the Holy Grail of Ubuntu yet, sorry.20:28
MindVirusWe can all look. :)20:28
MindVirusDoes anyone know how to disable tap-clicking?20:28
SeySayuxEspecially because i've got this huge touchpad ;)20:29
jovehello everyone: my old firefox was currupted -- and I installed a newer firefox version into /var/tmp/firefox, I want to pluggin to the Application launch, could someone show me how to plug it in ?20:29
MindVirusbit324life: chmod 700 ~/.dmrc20:29
MindVirusI think it's 644.20:29
=== janne is now known as Skiesi
=== Skiesi is now known as Skiessi
RowleyHey... I was wondering, how do you install Java on ubuntu 9.04?20:30
bit324lifeMindVirus: why? I chmodded it to 644.20:30
MindVirusbit324life: .Xauthority should be 600.20:30
* user__ face un sandwici20:30
MindVirusbit324life: there are some things that could be stopping you from logging in properly (assuming that's your problem).20:30
bit324lifeMindVirus .xauthority  where is that located?20:30
SeySayuxMindVirus: a quick google doesn't give any results for >= inteprid (which I assume you use)20:30
MindVirusI'm on jaunty.20:30
SeySayuxRowley: throught synatpic20:30
SeySayuxMindVirus: so, that's >= inteprid20:31
RowleyDo you mind elaborating? In query if prefered20:31
MindVirusSeySayux: and I'm telling you I'm on jaunty so you don't have to do any guesswork.20:31
bit324lifeMindVirus: where would the .xauthority be located?20:31
bazhang!java | Rowley20:31
ubottuRowley: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository20:31
MindVirusbit324life: ~.20:31
bit324lifeI know you siad permission 600 it should be.20:31
bit324lifeor user?20:31
MindVirusbit324life: User.20:31
=== trinium is now known as foo_
user__mata raSUFLA20:31
MindVirusbit324life: Linux is case-sensitive. It's .Xauthority.20:31
=== foo_ is now known as trinium
user__IAR NUI BUN?20:31
bazhanguser__, please take chat elsewhere20:31
bit324lifeMindVirus: thanks I will give that a try.20:32
SeySayuxMindVirus: sorry, it involves digging in to hal fdi's, which aren't understood by anybody but the hal devs (and even they don't understand them)20:32
MindVirusSeySayux: I've already dug into them.20:32
MindVirusNothing seems to help.20:32
SeySayuxSo unless you find a step-by-step tutorial by somebody that has a degree in cryptography, I'm not going to suggest anything but to disable20:32
MindVirusI set MaxTapTime to 0 but that doesn't help.20:32
MindVirus!english | user__20:32
ubottuuser__: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:32
user__FAK U20:33
SeySayuxMindVirus: yup, I tried every possible methoud too20:33
za119I am trying to install ubuntu and I keep getting an error during the base system install that it cannot determine the codename for the release, how do I fix this, I am REALLY stuck!20:33
MindVirus!ops | user___20:33
ubottuuser___: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:33
Redmanhi all20:33
MindVirusSorry to bother you, bazhang.20:33
bazhangMindVirus, thanks for the heads up20:33
mikejetAny idea on why openoffice3 installation fails?  http://pastebin.com/m4869731520:34
MindVirusSeySayux: luckily I am working on a degree in number-theoretic crypto.20:34
SeySayuxYou need that. fd.o stuff severely lacks documentation20:34
Zzeissis there an easy way to search for what package contains a particular library (for example, the Lesstif developer library?)20:35
MindVirusZzeiss: usually libraries' package names start with "lib".20:35
bazhangmikejet, from a PPA?20:35
SeySayuxAgain, it's a miracle I managed to "disable" (it's not really disabled... but you need a sledgehammer for tap-to-click to work... and moving it requiresvery high pressure too)20:35
ZzeissMindVirus: I mean, the package I need to install via apt-get.20:35
aj_444I'm back. Okay, where would I find the add/remove programs?20:36
MindVirusZzeiss: I understand. Tell me exactly what you're trying to do.20:36
vltHello. Is there a repository w/ "usb_modeswitch" available for 9.04?20:36
MindVirusaj_444: Applications menu.20:36
aj_444MindVirus: Okay. Thanks. I feel like an idiot now. xD20:36
mikejetbazhang, I just downloaded the tar.gz, extracted it and ran ./setup -- then it fails.20:36
MindVirusaj_444: no problem. :)20:36
ZzeissMindVirus: OK, I'm trying to build the VHDL simulator called "herb".  Herb requires lesstif (or equivalent; the ./configure requires it).  Hence the need for lesstif.20:36
SeySayux_Connection interruptus?20:36
=== SeySayux_ is now known as SeySayux
Sevenupaj_444 : dont feel that way, we all started by asking those questions :)20:37
fatbrainhi, can I somehow use the LiveCD to boot from my 2nd partition on my hdd?20:37
MindVirusZzeiss: you're trying to build it -- meaning, you have exhausted all PPAs with the package containing it and have last-resorted to building, or you've decided to build on your own?20:37
buckyZzeiss, apt-cache search lesstif20:37
aj_444Sevenup: I've been here on off for the last two days, but, i'm learning.20:37
mikejetWhy isn't openoffice 3.1 put into the apt-get database?20:37
buckyZzeiss, apt-cache search lesstif |grep dev20:37
bazhangnot installed it myself, and again this is completely at your own risk (ie not supported) but there is a PPA for open office 3  jaunty open office ppa search terms first link will tell more20:38
MindVirusZzeiss: unless you know what you're doing you generally don't need to build ever.20:38
mikejetWhat is a PPA ?20:38
Sevenupaj_444: you started with the right linux anyway! youll be the one helping people soon, if you enjoy it20:38
bazhang!latest > mikejet20:38
ubottumikejet, please see my private message20:38
MindVirusmikejet: personal package archive.20:38
CloudyHi, I get spaces in my typing when using terminal. Of course that denigrates its effectiveness :)20:38
ZzeissMindVirus: the homepage specifically says "there are no packages- build it yourself.  Here's how."20:38
erUSUL!ppa > mikejet20:38
SevenupAnyone here running 'buntu on PPC???20:39
buckyZzeiss, apt-cache search lesstif20:39
bazhangSevenup, best to just ask your real question20:39
MindVirusZzeiss: that just means that there are no official packages. There may be some 3rd-party ones.20:39
CloudySo, I might open the terminal and type 'help' but what i get is 'hel p'20:39
MindVirusZzeiss: let me check.20:39
aj_444Sevenup: Where do the added programs go when using add/remove?20:39
ZzeissMindVirus: Ahhh- good point.  But I'm halfway there already.  :)20:39
DigitalKiwiSevenup: keyword started with, soon he will learn and move on to greener pastures! :P20:39
buckyMindVirus Zzeiss there are packages.. they're called lesstif220:40
Cloudyor even 'h elp' just for a little variety. What the heck is that about?20:40
erUSULaj_444: where every other program... scattered under /usr/20:40
Sevenupaj_444, they will usually be found in your apps menu, otherwise, take note of the name of the package you downloaded, and it can usually be run from terminal if there is no reference to it in your menu20:40
MindVirusbucky: Zzeiss is trying to install herb that requires lesstif2.20:40
RedmanI'm looking for someone who have dual boot with Ubuntu and Vista, I would like to get boot files for Vista which I loss in a bad manipulation20:40
Zzeissbucky: yes, I saw those- that's what I installed, and it seems to satisfy ./configure.  Now, on to "make"!20:40
legend2440pigflu: did you get answer to your math problem?20:40
MindVirusbucky: Zzeiss doesn't want the library. He wants the package to pull it in as a dep.20:40
buckyZzeiss, apt-cache search lesstif |grep dev20:40
erUSUL!info lesstif2-dev | Zzeiss20:40
ubottuZzeiss: lesstif2-dev (source: lesstif2): development library and header files for LessTif 2.1. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.95.0-2.1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 837 kB, installed size 2976 kB20:40
MindVirusOh boy.20:41
buckyZzeiss, you need the dev files as usual to build anything20:41
arandRedman: which boot files, you mean bootmgr or the BCD folder?20:41
ZzeissNow, on the other hand, perhaps I should create a PPA and put it there, along with the new CRM114.20:41
geniiSevenup: I'm sure some people in the channel #ubuntu-powerpc might be running Ubuntu :)20:41
aj_444Sevenup: How would I run it from the terminal?20:41
Sevenupbazhang : i ask because im unsure what version of gnash they have included in the PS3 version of ubuntu on the site, youtube is important to me, took ages getting it working on yellowdog, and if ubuntu aint youtube capable, ill probably be leaving YDL installed.20:41
Zzeissbucky: got 'em.  "make" is grinding away.20:42
Sevenupaj_444, what u installed matey?20:42
bazhangSevenup, not sure sorry, dont run Ubuntu on a PPC capable machine/console20:42
aj_444Sevenup: amsn.20:42
MindVirusZzeiss: I couldn't find a PPA for you. Sorry.20:42
Sevenupamsn shuld be in your menu20:42
ZzeissMindVirus: No problem.  It's building as we speak.20:42
Redmanarand yes, bootmgr20:42
mneptokSevenup: YouTube works really, really well in the PS3 OS20:43
creichenHi!  I'm working on a machine with Ubuntu 7.10 here.  How do I set up 32 bit binary executable support for that?20:43
MindVirusZzeiss: I would personally prefer to get updates and stuff.20:43
aj_444Sevenup: in the applications? What tab would it be under?20:43
Redmanand autoexec.bat and othe files for windows booting20:43
Sevenupunder internet or network.. i really ought to be in ubuntu to advise you further, but it got into the menu when i used 8.1020:43
ZzeissMindVirus: Ahhh, hence the justification to get it packaged and such?  (building on this machine is *fast* - it's a Core 2 Duo with the X25M solid state disk.)20:43
MindVirusDoes anyone know how to disable tap-to-click?20:43
RowleyOn the Java thing, I did all it said, yet on the JAva site, it still says I'm running a different version, and Java doesn't work20:43
MindVirusZzeiss: yes. Packages also pull in deps automatically.20:44
MindVirusAnd when you remove a package, deps will go too.20:44
aj_444Sevenup: Ah. I found it. Me, in my awesome failureness, didn't see it the first three times I looked.20:44
ZzeissMindVirus: Yes.  Go up to "System->Preferences->Mouse" third tab, second box.20:44
MindVirusI like to keep my machine very clean, Zzeiss, and if there is crust I freak.20:44
Sevenupmneptok : thanks for that mate, might be worth a look in that case, gnash dont work for cobblers on YDL, and im youtubing with a VLC greasemonkey script :s20:44
MindVirusZzeiss: that doesn't work and I know this.20:44
MindVirusZzeiss: nor does gsynaptics nor xorg.conf nor shmconfig.fdi.20:44
ZzeissMindVirus: Oh?  I.W.F.M.  On this very machine.  Ohhh... I saw that before.20:45
bazhangMindVirus, on a macbook ?20:45
Sevenupaj_444: nothing fail about that mate, stop putting yourself down - and youll enjoy you linux ;)20:45
MindVirusbazhang: Eee.20:45
aj_444Sevenup: I'll be back, no doubt. Thanks for your help.20:45
ZzeissMindVirus, bazhang: Yes, I am on a Macbook and tap-to-click works if you set that checkbox.20:45
MindVirusaj_444: the important thing is that you learn.20:45
creichenWould I be able to run 32 bit executables (on amd64) if I were to upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu than 7.10, or is this a general limitation with the amd64 environment on Ubuntu?20:45
MindVirusZzeiss: what is IWFM?20:45
creichenIWFM = 'it works for me', I believe.20:46
ZzeissMindVirus: IWFM --> It Works For Me.20:46
MindVirusAhh, I see.20:46
mneptokSevenup: just boot the PS3 OS, run the browser, and navigate to YouTube. the custom Flash plugin does the rest, and it's swanky.20:46
smogattackwhat's the irc channel for clonezilla?20:46
ZzeissMindVirus: What machine are you using?20:46
MindVirusZzeiss: Asus Eee 1000.20:46
RowleyOn the Java thing, I did all it said, yet on the Java site, it still says I'm running a different version, and Java doesn't work, what should I do?20:46
ZzeissAhhh... OK.  What's the touchpad on that?20:46
MindVirusZzeiss: I don't know. I think it's called an elantech touchpad.20:47
mneptokRowley: sudo update-alternatives20:47
MindVirusbazhang: do you have any advice?20:47
ZzeissMindVirus: It might not support multitouch or tapclick.  Lemme google a bit...20:47
MindVirusZzeiss: it does.20:47
RowleyAnd then what, mneptok?20:47
=== Nicky is now known as Guest56583
MindVirusIt supports both, Zzeiss. This driver update made it fail.20:48
mneptokRowley: it should present a way to choose which Java is used by default20:48
smogattackhow come my ubuntu 9.04 screen keeps dimming like it wants to save energy...?20:48
bazhangMindVirus, there is a thread at eeeuser forum, but it involves using adam's kernel (ie not supported here)20:48
ZzeissMindVirus: So, you have a fail due to upgrade.  Uh-oh.  Roll back?  Definitely bugtrack it.20:48
MindVirusZzeiss: I cannot roll back.20:48
MindVirusbazhang: I'm using a different kernel already. Why the hell is tap-to-click compiled in?20:49
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:49
bazhangMindVirus, no idea20:49
MindVirusIt's like a freaking conspiracy. Nobody even likes tap-to-click.20:49
ZzeissMindVirus: Well, I use it when I'm surfing por... er, working late at night and my toddler son is asleep.  Otherwise, it is indeed a PITA.20:49
RedmanDoes anyone has boot files for Vista ?20:50
smogattackhow come my ubuntu 9.04 screen keeps dimming like it wants to save energy...?20:50
mneptokMindVirus: it's quite clear that the NSA and CIA want you using tap-to-click. please go to the front window and smile to the unmarked black van across the street.20:50
DigitalKiwimy gf uses tap to click all the time on windows >.>20:50
MindVirusmneptok: hey, they're using Ubuntu too!20:50
mneptokMindVirus: that's 2 black vans and a helicopter now. quit while you're ahead.20:50
CampusanoI need help for win xp20:50
MindVirusmneptok: :P20:51
ZzeissCampusano: You're on the wrong channel... sorry.20:51
bazhangCampusano, ##windows20:51
Campusanoera una broma20:51
MindVirusbazhang: so there's no way to fix it without changing kernels? I'm using linux-netbook-eeepc BTW.20:51
smogattackhow come my ubuntu 9.04 screen keeps dimming like it wants to save energy...?20:53
MindVirussmogattack: your desktop? Check your Power settings in System->Preferences.20:53
mneptoksmogattack: it's so that the guys in the black van can see into MindVirus' windows without glare from your screen.20:53
guntbertcreichen: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit#How%20to%20make%2032-bit%20work%20on%20a%2064-bit%20machine20:54
smogattackwow. somehow, the default power settings were changed...20:54
mneptoksmogattack: black van again.20:55
Dominik1which player do you guys suggest for mp3, what is ur favourite20:55
FBIandCIAsmogattack: we saw it anyways.20:55
smogattackmneptok, those black vans!20:55
bazhang!players > Dominik120:55
ubottuDominik1, please see my private message20:55
codazodaI installed Ubuntu 9.04 on /dev/sda1 from Ubuntu 8.10 on /dev/sda2 (cd was copied to /dev/sda3 and that booted).  The install finished, but 9.04 wasn't added to Grub.  Where do I find the vmlinuz file that I need to add to Grub?20:55
Dominik1bazhang: I was asking about personal preferences20:56
bazhangDominik1, #ubuntu-bots ; no polls here20:56
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:56
Dominik1bazhang: what?20:56
apnDominik1: I like audacious or xmms.20:56
MindVirusDominik1: I prefer Rhythmbox or Banshee.20:57
Dominik1apn: thanks, why?20:57
Dominik1MindVirus Im leaning towards rhythmbox right now, what are your reasons?20:57
MindVirusDominik1: it is lightweight, supported more than any other, and does everything I need.20:57
apnDominik1: simple, little requirements and dependencies, stability, easy of use.20:57
Dominik1apn MindVirus thanks for the input : )20:58
DaZapn, mocp is better.20:58
MindVirusOK. How do I turn tap-to-click off?20:58
apnDaZ: in what regard?20:58
DaZsmaller <:20:59
apnDaZ: yes, but doesn't have alarm :-)20:59
apnDaZ: ncurses player for me is mp3blaster21:00
paul__Fedora sucks21:00
apnpaul__: are you in emotional distress right now?21:00
DaZi'm using kalarm but you're right <:21:00
arandcodazoda: I think you can use the update-grub command.21:01
DigitalKiwipaul__: that's not very nice21:01
paul__no just had a random thought21:01
DaZpaul__ sucks21:01
paul__just wanted to see who was here21:01
legend2440MindVirus: still at it? have you read this? http://strabes.wordpress.com/2006/11/04/turn-off-annoying-touchpad-tap-click-in-ubuntu/21:01
baaany f-spot experts?21:02
DigitalKiwiDominik1: mpd + ncmpcpp-git (assuming ubuntu has it or ncmpcpp) for audio and mpdscribble to scrobble to last.fm, smplayer for video21:02
baamy f-spot crashes when I try to load to flickr.  It was successful before, but it's now not working21:02
DaZbaa, does image viewer really need an expert? >:21:02
DigitalKiwiis awesome21:02
Dominik1DigitalKiwi thanks21:02
baaDaZ, it's more than an image viewer21:02
baasomeone wrote some extensions for it, that could be useful, but seem not to be.21:03
firecrotchbaa: Try running the program from a terminal, and get it to crash, and see if it provides any useful output21:03
embixI have a suspicious info from "top" cpu0 and cpu1 are about 100% idle - but load avg is 1.0 1.0 1.0?!21:07
codazodaMy new 9.04 install is not in the Grub boot menu.  I'm not sure where the vmlinuz file is, to add it, or if there is one.  In /boot on /sda1 (the new install) there is no vmlinuz file.  Not sure how to add it.  update-grub didn't work.  Other thoughts?21:08
embixsomeone has an idea? maybe some nearly crashed process?21:08
codazodaOr, if you could give me the lines in your menu.lst file for a 9.04 install, that might give me some clues.21:09
Sevenupcuppatea : yes please :)21:09
CuppaTeajust had one21:10
mralexandrox server or xorg or what it is called. could there be something put into there that messes with emerald/compiz/metacity in the startup? cause i have messed it up in some way after installing mac4lin, after writing metacity --replace and restarting computer it still have the maximize minimize and close buttons on the left side21:10
codazodaMaybe it didn't install...  I have a new Ubuntu 9.04, memtest96+.  But, I don't have a regular boot for 9.04, only for my old 8.10.21:10
pelle__hey guys! I'm trying to run a 64bit guest (ubuntu install cd) in virtualbox 3.0.4 (the non-free variant), but it keeps hard locking ubuntu (which is 32bit btw). Any ideas?21:12
NetEchomralexandro find the old mac4lin install guide from 0.3 and look for the part on moving the buttons21:12
nineclocki need to remove gij java library how can i do ?=21:12
Dreamglideri need help logging boot messages, im running 8.10/Intrepid Ibex i tried to follwo this guide > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49925 but the boot file only shows "(Nothing has been logged yet.)" anyone have an idea to what i could do to get the boot up messages logged ?21:12
naftilos76hi guys, is there a site like pastie where images instead of text can be uploaded?21:12
mralexandroNetEcho, that is by doing it in emerald right?21:12
NetEchouh I don't think it uses emerald for that21:13
mralexandrooh ok, wil look it up then thanks21:13
NetEchoIIRC it uses some gnome config21:13
Dreamglidernineclock: you can probably remove it from system > administration > synaptic package manager21:13
guntbertpelle__: you need a 64bit host for 64bit guests - but you will get better answers in #vbox - or read the manual in /usr/share/doc/virtualbox-...21:13
DigitalKiwinaftilos76: omploader.org21:13
nineclockDreamglider im in command line21:13
=== vorian is now known as poopsmith
guntbert!screenshot | naftilos7621:14
ubottunaftilos76: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.21:14
DigitalKiwiyou can upload just about anything actually21:14
Dreamglidernineclock: the use "sudo apt-get remove package"21:14
nineclocknot works :(21:14
Dreamglidernineclock: you need the exact name of the package21:14
nineclockfrom java version it give me21:15
nineclockill do apt-get remove21:15
pelle__guntbert, but i was reading that: "Starting with Version 2.1, you can even run 64-bit guests on a 32-bit host operating system, so long as you have sufficient hardware." but you're probably right. will go to #vbox, thanks21:15
nineclocknot works21:15
Dreamglidernineclock: sudo apt-get remove libgcj ?21:15
guntbertpelle__: than you read more than I did - sorry21:16
nineclocknot work21:16
nineclockfound nothing21:16
nineclockbut in java-version there is21:16
pelle__guntbert: thanks anyway :)21:16
xand_i've installed an updated version of gstreamer0.10-plugins-base thru another ppa, but later found out that it broke some apps. Now i want to remove this version and reinstall the old one, so i removed the ppa but aptitude won't let me reinstall the package, and if i remove it, a lot of other packages will be removed too. How proceed guys ?21:16
leachim6I updated to the latest on ubuntu jaunty, and now I cannot suspend21:16
leachim6this is on two separate computers21:16
guntbertpelle__: :-)21:17
Dreamglidernineclock: type in "sudo apt-get remove libg" and press TAB a couple of times it should list what ever starts with "libg" the find the correct package21:17
leachim6both w happened when I updated21:17
nineclockok ill try21:17
CirfaHi everyone ! :)21:17
mralexandroNetEcho, i can not find the 0.3 guide anymore:/21:17
mralexandroNetEcho, just 0.4 wich uses emerald already21:17
uffhi guys, im trying to install jaunty on my desktop and the installation wont work, it gives strange outputs like "squashfs error" and "input/output error" till at some point it gets stuck, whatz goin on? thanks21:17
leachim6is anyone else having trouble suspending to ram after the latest updates?21:18
NetEchomralexandro should still be the same guide but its a feature thats built into gnome21:18
NetEchoemerald is just for theming21:18
guntbertuff: did you check the iso before burning?21:18
leachim6am I being ignored?21:18
guntbert!patience | leachim621:19
ubottuleachim6: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:19
macoleachim6: file a bug21:19
macoleachim6: well 2, if the computers are different models21:19
mralexandroNetEcho, should i just # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? that way it would reset emerald, metacity compiz to default right?21:19
uffguntbert: yes i did the iso check and the memory test, both went alright21:19
leachim6maco: right yeah21:19
Dominik1my volume controll does NOT work, when I controll the HEADPHONE volume it works, but id like the master to controll the volume is there away to link headphone volume and master volume?21:19
=== Floops[w]1 is now known as Fringe
guntbertuff: then there is still the CD check in the install menu...21:20
uffguntbert: sorry, thatz what i meant21:20
nineclocknot worked Dreamglider but i have founded the dir of the gcj in ./usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj-4.2- ,21:20
NetEchomralexandro open the documentation and follow the part pretaining to gconf-editor21:21
goku12205problem in metasploit21:21
aj_444Is there a way for a clock to be displayed on the toolbar?21:21
=== poopsmith is now known as vorian
goku12205when i try my exploit on my web server21:22
mralexandroNetEcho, documentation from mac3lin 3.0?21:22
NetEcho-0.4 works too21:22
mralexandroNetEcho, roger:)21:22
buckyaj_444, right click... Add to Panel ?21:22
Dreamglidernineclock: i can not help you more, i dont know how to. But ask again and wait, there is usually someone that can help you here.21:22
nineclockok ill try thks :=)21:22
goku12205it keeps saying exploit finshe, but session was not made21:23
guntbertuff: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=994979 (#3!), perhaps...21:23
aj_444bucky: thanks.21:23
buckynineclock, you might have to adjust your java version with update-alternatives or even install non free java21:23
resnoI am doing: "grep -r /directory  searchtext" and am not getting anything back21:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sun-java6-jre21:24
nineclockjes but to remove this gij :/ ?21:24
nineclocki have installed jdk from .bin file21:24
nineclockbut this gij make me errorns21:24
DigitalKiwiresno: searchtext goes before path I think21:24
thiebaudenineclock: what about sun-java6-jre?21:25
buckynineclock, why didn't you install the deb file from the repos?21:25
resnoDigitalKiwi: yep, just got it LOL21:25
uffguntbert: it apparently seems to be the corrupted disc, i burnt another one now and after trying it, it works, still the cd check was ok21:25
nineclocki have installed the .bin files of jdk from sun site21:25
buckynineclock, why didn't you install the deb file from the repos?21:25
nineclockand set hava_home21:25
nineclocki think it was the same21:25
buckynineclock, it wouls have set this all up for you21:25
DigitalKiwiwhy are there three floodbots?21:26
Dominik2my volume controll does NOT work, when I controll the HEADPHONE volume it works, but id like the master to controll the volume is there away to link headphone volume and master volume?21:26
uffguntbert: even if it works when the partitioner starts it only sees one of my disks, not all of my hd's so i cant choose on which install i21:26
guntbertuff: the CD check checks the files on the CD against a checksum file (also on the CD), so maybe the CD was not "totally bad" and could be read once...21:27
GneaDigitalKiwi: in a channel with over 1000 people, it's not obvious?21:27
nineclockbucky im going to apt-get remove java*21:27
DigitalKiwiwell unless all 1000 of them start flooding i don't see why one would have a problem doing it on its own ;p21:27
nineclocke reinstall from apt21:27
guntbertuff: start a live session and look at your disks from there21:28
GneaDigitalKiwi: clearly, there's been precedents set that justify their existance.21:28
CrAzYoNiHi all21:28
mralexandroNetEcho, it dit indeed lay inside Gconf under metacity, i do not know how to thank you enough. a 2 day mystery solved!!21:29
CrAzYoNiI'm using gftp as my ftp client for a long time now.21:29
GneaDigitalKiwi: but basically, it helps keep the chatter and scrolling in the channel at a decent level so that it can function like it should and does21:29
CrAzYoNiTough last week I decided to configure my backup server to run ftp server with implict ssl priv's.21:29
CrAzYoNiI downloaded gftp source code and compiled it with --enable-ssl option.21:29
xand_i've installed an updated version of gstreamer0.10-plugins-base thru another ppa, but later found out that it broke some apps. Now i want to remove this version and reinstall the old one, so i removed the ppa but aptitude won't let me reinstall the package, and if i remove it, a lot of other packages will be removed too. How proceed guys ?21:30
usser_CrAzYoNi: why not just use ssh?21:30
DigitalKiwieven without floodbot getting activated I can't follow this channel...maybe if I turned off joins/parts would help, but still >.>21:30
CrAzYoNiThough, I still cannot connect to it, from another computers with Windows and ftp clients I succeed.21:30
GneaDigitalKiwi: it's usually not worth bothering to follow unless you're trying to get a problem solved or helping to solve a problem21:30
guntbert!enter | CrAzYoNi21:31
ubottuCrAzYoNi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:31
CrAzYoNiWell, my server was configured for ssl, and i spent money on it, now will be too late to change it.21:31
Gneaguntbert: eh, it wasn't that bad21:31
GneaCrAzYoNi: that sounds a bit odd, I thought gftp had ssl enabled by default in the package21:32
usser__xand_: in synaptic you can choose versions of a package from whats available, package->properties->version21:32
guntbertGnea: noted :-)21:32
CrAzYoNiGnea, noop.. FSP it has.21:33
GneaCrAzYoNi: aah, and it also handles ssh, which is better than ftp+ssl as it is21:33
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:34
GneaDigitalKiwi: there's another reason why they're there ;)21:34
Vincemansomething went wrong, some setting is wrong, it must be possible to go back to default settings with your entire ubuntu!21:34
batistahi to all21:34
batistaare here russians?21:35
Gnea!ru | batista21:35
ubottubatista: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:35
|Dreams|can someone help me with  intel 4965 wireless  please21:35
Out_Coldare we fixed now?21:35
Gnea!someone | |Dreams|21:35
ubottu|Dreams|: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:35
Passahello everyboddy21:35
=== Out_Cold is now known as Guest83077
Gnea|Dreams|: could you please explain your problem? just ask it, if someone knows what to do, they'll help21:36
batistaа как зарегестрироваться.21:36
ltcabralok new problem... ssh to my ip gives me: Connection closed by 192.168.0.xxx and ssh localhost works!21:36
Gnea!english | batista21:36
ubottubatista: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:36
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:36
Jonii3why does the mode keep changing so often?21:36
=== Guest83077 is now known as Out_Cold
GneaJonii3: netsplits21:37
Jonii3Gnea: thanks21:37
batistahow can i register?21:37
Out_Coldanyone know why I have nothing in my xorg.conf?21:37
buckybatista, /msg NickServ HELP21:37
batistamaybe you delete all)21:37
Gneabatista: /msg nickserv help register  (asking in #freenode can get you better help on that)21:38
Out_Coldis there another file i should look at?21:38
GneaOut_Cold: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg should get it filled21:38
buckyOut_Cold, they're moving away from using it... dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  or use nvidia-xconfig21:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pvt21:39
nuckableis there an official ubuntu server room?21:39
Out_Coldbucky, nvidia-xconfig returns that there is no data in xorg.conf21:39
Gneanuckable: #ubuntu-server21:39
Out_Coldi will try the first idea21:39
nuckableGnea, thanks21:39
urthmoverdoes anyone else experience this...when I plug my iphone in via usb 3 Apple iPhone icons appear on my desktop rather than one.21:40
Gnea!iphone | urthmover21:40
ubottuurthmover: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:40
Gneaurthmover: sorry for the canned response, I don't own an iphone21:41
urthmoverthanks ubottu .... but any real live humans with this experience would be helpful as well21:41
urthmovernp Gnea21:41
RowleyI'm having a serious problem with Java - Could someone possibly pm me and help?21:41
GneaRowley: no, but we can help you here in the channel21:41
_TJanyone know any accounting software that allows me to run in terminal?21:41
_TJso i can ssh in and do it from my other computer?21:42
thiebaudeRowley: what is your question?21:42
Gnea_TJ: what sort of accounting?21:42
Rowley; ;. K. So I have Java 6 installed, but it always uses a different version, when I go onto the Java site, it says I'm using the incorrect version, and nothing that requires Java works either21:42
_TJGnea: something like http://www.conetic.com/html/cbooks.htm21:43
=== Zathara is now known as Zathara_OFF
batistai cant register21:43
thiebaudeRowley: just do a sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre and see if that is installed21:43
batistain ru21:43
buckyRowley, what says update-alternatives --list java21:43
batistawhot i need make for register?21:44
Jonii3I'm trying to install ubuntu to a usb stick, using isostick.sh, but it gives me the correct usage instead of doing anything. I type it in with the correct paths, and everything is correct, but it still just tells me the correct usage.21:44
Gneabatista: ask in #freenode please21:44
buckyRowley, how about update-alternatives --list mozilla-flashplugin21:44
GneaJonii3: with sudo?21:45
RowleyNo alternatives for mozzila-flashplugin.21:45
Rowleyo, typo21:45
buckyRowley, mine says /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so  because i installed the deb from the repos21:46
sim_anyone know why firefox closes when i try to play an apple trailer?21:46
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RowleyWell, I installed ubuntu today.. So it's all new, I don't really know what to do. :x21:47
trimetasim_: Does it happen whenever you play a QuickTime movie?21:47
xand_usser_: that is so cool, am i able to do that via aptitude ?21:47
SevenupMight be worth having a look for something called unetbootin, Jonii3, i use that for setting up live boots/installs on a usb stick21:47
sim_trimeta: where else can i play a quicktime movie to test it ?21:47
roffesim_, does it happen when you fullscreen a youtube-video?21:47
ozzerrhi all. here's my problem. I've installed a program from source following the instructions on the website and it works fine. so i thought i'd be helpful and make a .deb package for it. but all the instructions i've come across involve using ./configure but it doesn't have a configure file and when i installed it it used cmake instead but otherwise seemed similar to a normal install from source. what can i do about this?21:48
trimetasim_: I can't think of one offhand...try roffe's thing first.21:48
id1000Is it possible to manually configure a wifi connection to router that is not broadcasting the Essid?21:48
sim_roffe: no youtube fullscreen/HD is fine21:48
Jonii3Sevenup I looked for that, but that didn't install correcctly21:48
sim_do i need quicktime-utils ?21:48
guntbert!packaging | ozzerr21:48
ubottuozzerr: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports21:48
Jonii3sevenuphow do I use unetbootin. I can't get it to run.21:49
buckyRowley, open up your repos in System=>Adiministration=>Software Sources and install adobe-flashplugin21:49
roffesim_, Ok, because there's a major bug with FF3.5 and Nvidia cards, if I recall correctly21:49
buckyRowley, sorry i mean java21:49
nipplebutterany of you guys had a chance to play with crunch bang?21:49
uninvertedI keep getting kernel panics; it can't locate /sbin/init, even though the file is there and executable. Also, before it shut down last, I couldn't run any other (again executable) programs. I know the problem is not with my $PATH.21:49
SevenupJonii3, did you try installing the latest .deb from http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:49
Out_Coldid1000, i use wicd and you can conect to a hidden essid easily. not so sure with network-manager21:49
sim_roffe: wow, really?21:49
uninvertednipplebuttter: Yeah, it's nice.21:49
buckyRowley, open up your repos in System=>Adiministration=>Software Sources and install sun-java5-plugin21:50
bluebaronI need to refetch apache.  I'm running apt-get install apache2 and it says it's successful but it's not copying any files at all.  Anyone know what's wrong?21:50
sim_roffe: where can i read up on that, i have nvidia gfx chipset21:50
Sevenupnipplebutter, the channel is #crunchbang, youll find me sat in there with a few more :) i like it, its quirky.21:50
RowleyWhat's a repos? :| Sorry21:50
Out_Coldid1000, it's another network app.21:50
roffesim_, I'm not sure it applies to you if it doesn't happen when you fullscreen a flash-video21:50
sim_Rowley: repos are like private store houses with goodies in it....u need a address and a key to access it21:51
buckyRowley, System=>Adiministration=>Software Sources check off the boxes21:51
Out_Coldanyone using nvidia that did not have s-video enabled during installation?21:51
bluebaronAnyone know why apt-get install apache isn't actually copying any new files?21:52
Gneabluebaron: are you sure you have the packagename correct?21:52
sim_check that out21:52
Out_Coldbluebaron, is there any output to that command?21:52
bluebaronUnpacking replacement apache2 ...21:52
bluebaronSetting up apache2 (2.2.11-2ubuntu2.3) ...21:52
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mralexandroNetEcho, it seemed you knew a lot about graphic engine screen engine etc. if i press alt-f2 then type emrald --replace. will my computer start up in emerald? or do i have to add it to xorg conf in some way?21:52
bluebaronbut none of the apache files exist21:52
sim_its a conflict between mplayer plugin and firefox/quicktime21:53
Gnea!info apache221:53
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.11-2ubuntu2.3 (jaunty), package size 45 kB, installed size 100 kB21:53
Out_Coldbluebaron,  then it seems that the deb package may already be on your system21:53
Jonii3I can't use unetbootin because yast is messed up, so I can't get dependancies21:53
nikolaj_basherhow can I see what's in the system variable $?21:53
Gneabluebaron: sudo apt-get install apache221:53
buckybluebaron, there is no package named apache21:53
bluebaronGnea: yes that's what i'm doing21:53
Gneabluebaron: you said apache, not apache221:53
roffesim_, are you not running Shiretoko?21:53
Rowleyokay, I ticked off the boxes, now what?21:53
=== Deadly is now known as Guest81997
Jonii3is there any other way to burn it to a usb stick?21:54
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:54
bluebaronOut_Cold: http://pastie.org/59596121:54
sharperguyHow come every time I log in some random panel appp fails to load?21:54
Jonii3I looked there already21:54
Jonii3I can't get any extra packages21:54
buckyRowley, install what you want from System=>Adiministration=>Synaptic21:55
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
arandJonii3: Have you looked on unetbootin's homepage, they have several packages and also a platform independent binary for linux it seems21:55
sharperguyThis time 4 of them didn't load so I have to add them all back in manually21:55
mralexandrohow do i edit xorg.conf?21:55
guntbertsharperguy: on what ubuntu version is this happening?21:55
Jonii3I got the platform independant, I can't figure out what to do with it21:55
Gneabluebaron: apache2 is already the newest version.21:55
VCooliomralexandro: emerald and xorg are different things; emerald is just a window decorator, it changes the way your window borders look; that command takes immediate effect but only for the current session21:55
Out_Coldbluebaron, are you connected to the internet21:55
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Jonii3how else could he be on irc?21:56
Out_Coldbluebaron, can you ping google.com21:56
bluebaronOut_Cold: ...21:56
bluebaronOut_Cold: http://pastie.org/59596321:56
Gneabluebaron: it's already installed.21:56
Rowleybucky, any idea what I will need, just for Java + adobe flash?21:56
bluebaronGnea: http://pastie.org/59596321:56
buckybluebaron, your apache2 is already installed the exec you want is called apache2ctl21:56
roffemralexandro, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:56
VCooliomralexandro: edit xorg with a text editor you like and with root permissions (gksudo gedit or sudo nano), but know what you're doing21:57
Gneabluebaron: you're doing it wrong.21:57
bluebaronbucky that's not avail either21:57
Gneabluebaron: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start21:57
VCooliomralexandro, roffe: use gksudo with graphical apps like gedit21:57
buckyRowley, adobe-flashplugin and sun-java5-plugin  ?21:57
bluebaronjames@james-laptop:/etc$ /etc/init.d/apache2 start21:57
bluebaronNo apache MPM package installed21:57
Gneabluebaron: you have to use sudo21:57
bluebaronjames@james-laptop:/etc$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start21:58
bluebaronNo apache MPM package installed21:58
bluebaronwhat happened was that i manually installed apache ... now i can't get it to deb install21:58
roffeVCoolio, Why gksudo?21:58
mralexandroVCoolio, thanks21:58
Sevenupjohnii3, what your trying to tell us is, yast aint picking up the dependancies for unetbootin, what distro you on?21:58
VCoolio!gksudo | roffe21:58
ubotturoffe: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:58
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Gneabluebaron: then you must remove the original manual install before installing the deb21:58
bluebaronGnea: how do I do that?21:59
bluebaronI deleted the files21:59
Gneabluebaron: how did  you install it?21:59
bluebaronGnea: make21:59
roffeVCoolio, Ok, I've been using sudo fine. Guess I've been lucky not to encounter any issues then21:59
Gneabluebaron: make uninstall21:59
RowleyBucky, it still says I don't have the correct java version installed21:59
buckyRowley, did you close your browser and start it again?21:59
bluebaronGnea: [sudo] password for james:22:00
bluebaronmake: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.22:00
buckyRowley, what site are you visiting?22:00
Gneabluebaron: you're going to need to remove *every* apache2-related package from your system, do the make uninstall, then install the apache222:00
Gneabluebaron: read the Makefile, there must be an uninstall function22:00
RowleyI get the error "You don't have the recommended java installed", and nothing works22:00
Rowleynothing requiring java works22:01
Gneabluebaron: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep apache2   will list them22:01
pixlboxim having trouble with subversion on my ubuntu machine22:01
buckyRowley, is  sun-java6-plugin  available in your repos?22:01
JohnTeddyIs there a list of all the time zones for tzconfig, like US/Eastern US/Mountain US/Central US/Pacific, etc etc.22:02
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:02
RowleyHow do I check that? Like I said I'm sorry, completely new to me >.>. Only had it for a few hours22:02
VCoolioroffe: it's about ownership / permissions that can get changed on a file if I understand correctly; most of the time it won't matter but if it does, you can be in trouble; at least remember to gksudo nautilus if you must, because that's a general app with which you can do a lot of damage in root mode22:02
buckyRowley, there's a lot of java packages you might need more than one depending on what you are doing and you need to keep the version in mind22:02
pixlboxhas anyone had any experience with installing and setting up subversion ?22:03
buckyRowley, install what you want from System=>Adiministration=>Synaptic22:03
GneaRowley: apt-cache show sun-java6-plugin22:03
Gnea!anyone | pixlbox22:03
ubottupixlbox: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:03
buckyGnea, i think he install ver 522:03
Gneabucky: maybe22:03
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
pixlboxubottu: ok22:03
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:04
RowleyOkay, I got a whole bunch of stuff on my screen from it22:04
pixlboxive installed subversion, but im having trouble setting up the repositories, is there a step by step idiots guide or something ?22:04
GneaRowley: okay, it should have a description - that means it's in the repos22:04
Rowleyyes it does22:05
Gnea!subversion | pixlbox22:05
ubottupixlbox: subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion22:05
JaneDoeare there still significant problems with ATI video cards and ubuntu?  need to get a new laptop and the dells tend toward ATI22:05
pixlboxcool cheers22:05
billybigriggeranyone aware of a 2.6.x live usb that is less than 60MB?22:05
Out_Coldcan someone tellme the name of the hardware manager app from the sys menu??22:05
Flare183Out_Cold: jockey22:06
GneaJaneDoe: which model are you looking at?22:06
gwildorbillybigrigger, did you check slax ?22:06
Out_ColdFlare183, thx22:06
JaneDoegnea: XPS or XPS Studio22:06
billybigriggergwildor: no22:06
Flare183Out_Cold: No problem22:06
cmpjoin #compiz22:06
GneaJaneDoe: any specific model #?22:06
JaneDoegnea. sure one sec22:06
rhlin99_TJ: did you find an accounting program?  I am also interested in one!22:06
gwildorbillybigrigger, hold on 1 second22:07
billybigriggergwildor: it's 200mb22:07
Out_ColdFlare183, i installed vanilla style and am missing a lot of things i took for granted....22:07
Flare183Out_Cold: I know what you mean.22:07
cmphi every body - how to join compiz22:07
JaneDoeGnea: XPS 16, with 1080 vertical res22:07
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gm|lapcmp: type this in: /join #compiz22:07
gwildorbillybigrigger, you can build your own... cut out what you dont want... it uses modules, so you can add/remove with ease22:07
Flare183!hi | trinium22:08
ubottutrinium: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:08
ThRixXxIf i'm in terminal and i CD'd to a location, what do I type to display the files and folders ?22:08
smogattack"An application is preventing the volume from being umounted". How can I unmount it?22:08
gwildorok, gotta go..22:08
JaneDoebillybigrigger: seen damnsmalllinux.org22:08
ThRixXxlike a list22:08
_TJrhlin99: none that are command line written... found plenty of GUI ones22:08
triniumsorry, i am testing register of the nick in xchat22:08
Flare183ThRixXx: ls22:08
arandbillybigrigger: TinyCore Linux ? (Shingledecker!)22:08
DJCharlieAfternoon al. I'm having a spot of trouble configuring eth1 on my ubuntu server. Specifically, eth1 isn't receiving an IP from the modem it's plugged into.22:09
mrwesAny ideas why my Intel pro 2200 bg wifi card is now giving me this error: [  208.913770] ipw2200: Firmware error detected.  Restarting.22:09
rhlin99_TJ:  I am okay with GUI ones.  Can you give me a name of a good one?22:09
mrwesany dropping connections?22:09
ThRixXxFlare183: Very much appreciated : )22:09
guntberttrinium: don't test your client here please :-)22:09
Flare183ThRixXx: Your welcome.22:09
_TJrhlin99: going to PM bc this is off topic :)22:09
billybigriggerJaneDoe: ya i looked at DSL but it has 2.4 kernel, i need 2.6.x for ext4 support, i'm trying to chroot into my ubuntu system that is on an ext4 fs22:09
DJCharlieCan someone help me configure my eth1 properly please?22:10
billybigriggerarand: will check out tinycore now22:10
JaneDoeGnea: were you asking to be able to answer?22:10
mrwesSeems like its since the last kernel update22:10
GneaJaneDoe: http://www.linlap.com/wiki/dell+studio+xps+1622:10
Out_Coldcrud.... any ideas why i can't activate my recommended driver?? it starts to process but does not enable..22:10
smogattack "An application is preventing the volume from being umounted". How can I unmount it?22:11
JaneDoeGnea: cool.  so no GLX.  but not terrible22:11
GneaJaneDoe: yeah, looks like it's a work-in-progress22:11
JaneDoeGnea: well there's been issues with the ATI stuff, so its not really a dell thing22:12
aj_444How do I add icons to the desktop?22:12
GneaJaneDoe: true, but it becomes a dell thing22:12
buckyaj_444, for which program?22:12
Out_Coldaj_444, the easiest way to add an icon is to drag it from the menus22:12
smogattack "An application is preventing the volume from being umounted". How can I unmount it?22:12
aj_444bucky: I would like to add my opera browswer and amsn to the desktop22:13
triniumhow to mask my ip on irc??22:13
GneaJaneDoe: anyway, it looks like a nice system, hopefully it has a better survival rate22:13
JaneDoeGnea: umm survival rate?22:13
buckyaj_444, what Out_Cold said is the easiest if you can.. if not right click and Add Launcher22:13
GneaJaneDoe: have you ever owned a dell computer before?22:13
tvjudgeduh I forgot how to set the label on a disk can someone help unstick my memory it is ext2 with a msdos label set22:13
Out_Coldtrinium, you need to register and ask an admin for it... /join #freenode for more info22:13
aj_444bucky: ok. it worked. thanks. :)22:13
JaneDoegnea: about a dozen22:13
GneaJaneDoe: well then you know.22:14
JaneDoegnea: I must just be lucky.22:14
smogattack"An application is preventing the volume from being umounted". How can I unmount it?22:14
GneaJaneDoe: either that or you treat your hardware better than most people22:14
mrwesAny ideas why my Intel pro 2200 bg wifi card is now giving me this error: [  208.913770] ipw2200: Firmware error detected.  Restarting. And I'm getting dropped connections. So I put a brand new Intel Pro 2200 card in and I'm getting the same error22:14
trippshello! i'm trying to update kiax though I'm running ubuntu (and not kubuntu) but don't see it anywhere in my software sources or synaptic. how do I update?22:14
=== Seidos is now known as seidos
JaneDoeGnea: eh, mabes22:14
Gneatripps: kiax?22:15
DJCharlieCan someone please help me configure my eth1 to run directly off my DSL modem?22:15
buckyDJCharlie, what does eth0 run off?22:16
GneaDJCharlie: plug the ethernet from the DSL to eth1, then use NetworkManager or wicd to tell eth1 to use dhcp22:16
DJCharlieGnea, it's a headless server. No X.22:16
DJCharliebucky, eth0 is on my local lan.22:16
GneaDJCharlie: edit your /etc/network/interfaces file and add a couple of lines like this:    auto eth1    iface eth1 inet dhcp22:16
DJCharlieBasically, I want to keep eth0 as it is now, for Samba file shares, and ssh. eth1 should be the main internet connection for the server.22:17
GneaDJCharlie: after that, just:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   and it should pick it up22:17
Out_Coldanyone have any ideas why i can't enable my restricted video driver from the hardware manager??22:18
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buckyOut_Cold, ATI ?22:18
DJCharlieOkay, trying.22:18
=== Cuddles is now known as YDdraigGoch
Out_Coldbucky, nvid22:18
trippsGnea kiax a iax2 softphone22:18
Out_Coldbucky, i have the drivers installed just not enabled22:18
buckyOut_Cold, try sudo nvidia-xconfig  ?22:19
Gneatripps: ah ok. i don't see it in the repos.22:19
Al1_I cant get the photo uploader for Facebook to work, i think it has to do with my Java but ive tried a ton of different versions and FireFox crashes each time22:19
DJCharlieGnea, that worked! Now the next part. How can I force the server to use eth1 for all the internet stuff?22:19
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GneaDJCharlie: it should be doing that already22:19
DJCharlieGnea, so I don't need to set a default gateway or anything?22:20
GneaDJCharlie: just make sure the default gateway is set to eth1 only22:20
DJCharlieGnea, okay, how?22:20
buckyDJCharlie, you need some iptables and firewall rules to protect your samba share on the lan22:20
GneaDJCharlie: that's what dhcp does22:20
DJCharlieRight now route -n is showing a gateway on both eth1 and eth022:20
GneaDJCharlie: how is eth0 getting an ip? dhcp or static?22:21
trippsGnea, oh ok it's not in kubuntu repo either?22:21
TheDracleWhat package do I need to install in order to get all of the header files for my linux build tree?22:21
DJCharlieGnea, DHCP on both.22:21
Gneatripps: no, maybe on the website22:21
TheDracleI'm missing drivers/usb/core/hcd.h22:21
TheDracleThe directory is basically baron.22:21
GneaDJCharlie: okay, what are you using for the dhcp client software? dhcp-client or pump?22:21
DJCharlieGnea, whatever comes by default.22:22
sim_anyone using shiretoko22:22
GneaDJCharlie: install pump and then setup a /etc/pump.conf file22:22
Out_Coldi am sim_22:22
aj_444how do  I uninstall a program?22:23
sim_any good Out_Cold22:23
GneaDJCharlie: put something like this in it:  device eth0 { no-gateway }22:23
buckyDJCharlie, you could add a line to that inet eth1 that says gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx22:23
Gneabucky: but he's using dhcp22:23
sim_Out_Cold: im on the website. clicked on the dl for linux, and get a "file not found"22:23
DJCharlieGnea, put that where exactly?22:23
trippsGnea, roger that I guess I installed from tarball22:23
Out_Coldsim_, i like some of the new toolbar options22:23
buckyGnea, will that over ride it?22:23
sim_Out_Cold: whee can i get it from22:23
billybigriggerarand: have you used tinycore before?22:24
GneaDJCharlie: in /etc/pump.conf  (basically, you're replacing dhclient3 with pump, you'll need to restart networking again for the change to take effect, maybe reboot)22:24
azlonhow can i show a list of connected drives?22:24
Gneabucky: no, it only works if the directive is set to static22:24
=== dreamy_ is now known as dreamy
Out_Coldi think i got mine from firefox22:24
roffesim_, you can get it from the repositories.. firefox 3.522:24
DJCharlieGnea, no such file. Do I need to install pump?22:24
JohnRoveaj_444: Applications>Add/Remove... and deselect the program you want to remove22:24
GneaDJCharlie: yes. the file needs to be created from scratch.22:24
Out_Coldgotta restart x22:25
arandbillybigrigger: unfortunately not, reading a bit about it I'm not sure if you need to add the ext4 module to kernel... (I've heard about it countless times on linuxoutlaws podcast ;)22:25
aj_444JohnRove: Is there a way to find installed programs? I'm looking for google desktop but I can't seem to find it.22:25
JohnRoveaj_444: on the Show Menu Choose Installed applications only22:26
Gneaaj_444: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep google22:27
DJCharlieGnea, restarted networking after installing pump, and eth0 still shows a gateway.22:27
GneaDJCharlie: I would reboot then22:27
DJCharlieGnea, rebooting.22:27
rhlin99hello, what command do I need to type in terminal to find the ip address of my linux box?22:27
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aj_444JohnRove: it isn't there.22:28
DJCharlieGnea, rebooted, still there.22:29
DJCharlieGnea, http://pastebin.com/d24a069c422:29
__bryn__rhlin99: ifconfig22:29
schoolteacherifconfig to find ip address22:30
aj_444Gnea: I type that into the terminal?22:30
rhlin99_bryn_: thanks, kept trying ipconfig...duh22:30
buckyDJCharlie, there is a command line option for --no-gateway    pump eth1 --no-gateway22:30
buckyDJCharlie, or    pump eth0 --no-gateway22:30
trippsis there a better iax softphone for ubuntu that's in the repos?22:30
DJCharliebucky, pump: no extra parameters are expected22:31
__bryn__rhlin99: ya, it works as well as typing ifconfig on a windows machine :)22:31
buckyDJCharlie, http://pwet.fr/man/linux/administration_systeme/pump22:31
Schmittyhow can I delete all files in a certain directory with a certain suffix as in all files ending in (Small).jpg22:32
buckyDJCharlie, maybe   pump -i eth0 --no-gateway22:32
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roffeI wish Ear Candy would pause audio instead of just muting it22:32
nicknot sure if in the right rom for thsi22:33
rhlin99_bryn_:  I typed it but it doesnt show me a WAN ip for accessing outside from another pc.  Am I missing something?22:33
nickbut will the iriver work in linux?22:33
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Guest62099i id punk22:33
CaptainCrooki have two desktop how to completly remove one of them? tryed sudo apt-get purge xubuntu-desktop it juste remove a small part of it...22:33
billeniumHey, i used to always use convertXtoDVD on windows to burn xvids onto a DVD... how can i do that in Ubuntu?22:34
Guest62099i ahve an iriver mp3 devivce22:34
ShawnRI am trying to get the tap zones working on my 9.04 x64 install, but all the guides tell me to edit xorg.conf (which is mainly empty) and when I try to edit it, I get errors loading X22:34
Guest62099iwann know if it work in gpodder22:34
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tux11think it set up as mtp22:35
blizzkidlo all, anyone here that is on planet.ubuntu and would like to do me a big favor please?22:35
StraightDavehi folks, how do i rotate the spreadsheet ?22:35
StraightDaveso  ihave row after row of long data....but i want to make this horizontal22:35
buckytux  apt-cache search ifp  ... there is a ifpgui for KDE22:35
Schmittyhow can I delete all files in a certain directory with a certain suffix as in all files ending in (Small).jpg22:36
buckytux  apt-cache search ifp  ... there is a ifpgui for KDE  for iriver22:36
tux11its mtp though22:36
DJCharlieI think it's working...22:36
tux11dow aht?22:36
buckyGuest62099 apt-cache search ifp  ... there is a ifpgui for KDE  for iriver22:36
tux11apt get in the old terminal?22:36
tux11nota guset22:37
tux11not on kde22:37
tux11on gnome22:37
tux11ubuntu with gnome22:37
tux11oh well22:37
ShawnRanyone know how to get full features of synaptics touchpad working in 9.04?22:37
buckytux11 you can run it in gnome it will install a few QT libs22:37
buckyDJCharlie, let me see if I can access your lan from here22:38
tux11ok command please?22:38
DJCharliebucky, i'm on my lan with this ip.22:38
Schmittyhow can I delete all files in a certain directory with a certain suffix as in all files ending in (Small).jpg22:39
tux11but theres many diffrent iriver devices22:39
buckyDJCharlie, i'm kidding.. you should check it from a remote host if you can22:39
DJCharlieDoing so now bucky. :) I pulled the server's eth0 cable, and the stream stayed up.22:40
misse-Schmitty: rm /path/*\(small\).jpg22:40
buckyDJCharlie, that's good security22:40
tux11no idea i'll just search for it thanks for lill or no help22:40
DJCharliebucky, the whole reason behind this was that our net radio station has grown too large to share a connection with us. :)22:41
tux11won't show up in goppder an mor eor rythm boox22:41
buckyDJCharlie, you're doing a good job22:41
tux11found it22:42
sim_wot are the practical uses of virtualbox ose running an iso of xp if you cant run your own XP/vista with it ..22:42
DJCharliebucky, ty. :)22:42
jonnymachi guys wprking off an old laptop for a friend, soundcard is detected but there is no sound I found a post here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=349491&page=14 but feel a bit out of my depth as I have no idea how to upgrade a BIOS, any ideas?22:43
buckyDJCharlie, my dad lives in Maysville.. you're not my half brother are you?22:44
critical_threadii was wondering if there are still repos for 7.04 or 7.1022:46
ikoniacritical_thread: on oldreleases.ubuntu.com22:46
critical_threadikonia, so oldreleases.ubuntu.com will contain all the software via synaptic ?22:47
ikoniacritical_thread: correct22:47
sim_i installed ffox 3.5 package but cannot see it (plus it didnt offer me to upgrade my existing ffox)22:47
stapelcan I have ubuntu and kubuntu on the same machine and choose at login wether I want a gnome or kde session?22:48
Joniistapel: yes22:49
stapeljonii: how?22:49
Pici!ff35 | sim_22:49
ubottusim_: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY22:49
sim_thanks pici22:50
Joniistapel, I don't know the exact way to do it. it has to do with installing the kde packages22:50
Joniistapel: I don't know for sure how, but my dad uses it that way22:50
stapeljonii: thanx22:51
Joniistapel: np22:51
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Joniistapel, I'm sure someone else here could tell you exactly how22:51
stapeljonii; i will google around a bit22:52
sim_oo 3.5 and bug with youtube/flash22:52
jon_high9000Hi there. :) Does adding ssh or ssl add anything to broadband in terms of speed when downloading torrents?22:53
Joniijust ask again22:53
LnxSlckhello guys22:53
ib_hello, anyone knows how to use freedict?22:53
LnxSlcki have a laptop connected to an external monitor22:53
LnxSlcki want to extend the desktop from the laptop to the monitor22:53
uffhi guys, trying to install ubuntu with no success, once got to step 7 at the 50% it stops giving error #5 (input/output), tried different versions (hardy and jackalope) on different supports but nothing, any help? please22:53
sim_think ill stick woth ffox 3.022:53
LnxSlckinstead of the mirroing that i have.. is that possible?22:53
DJCharliebucky, a favor please?22:53
TheDracleWhat package do I need to install for the module source for my kernel?22:54
buckyDJCharlie, my dad lives in Maysville.. you're not my half brother are you?22:54
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DJCharliebucky, not as far as I know. :)22:54
ib_hello, anyone knows how to use freedict?22:54
DJCharliebucky, can you try pinging kjsr.ath.cx please, and tell me the IP you get?22:54
ib_i have installed dict-freedict-fra-eng package, but i don't know how to use it... anyone can help?22:56
buckyDJCharlie, did you get that?22:56
DJCharlieGot and replied, thanks.22:56
LnxSlckany ideas on extending desktop to an external laptop?23:02
aj_444Is there sort of like a task manager for ubuntu where you can force close applications that aren't responding?23:04
Kapaceaj_444, killall from terminal23:04
IonutBhi guys. i have a question. i'm using ubuntu 8.10. can i update my gnome to 2.26.1 ?23:04
LnxSlckaj_444, it's called the konsole with command kill23:05
cmphello,  i want to know now - this Xchat its about ubuntu ..... who is th supplier and how you work on here - and how people can join your team - and is it free or paid work?23:05
Joniitime to start ubuntu installation! see you guys in a bit23:05
guntbertaj_444: system monitor will do it, killall *can* be a bit "unprecise"23:05
aj_444guntbert: how do I access system monitor?23:05
guntbertaj_444: go to system/administration/system monitor23:06
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cmpguys ,  i want to know now - this Xchat its about ubuntu ..... who is th supplier and how you work on here - and how people can join your team - and is it free or paid work?23:06
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Lars_Gis there a channel dedicated to the netbook remix?23:07
critical_threadwhat was the release name for 7.10 ?23:07
guntbertcmp: its not "work" -its service to fellow people - and its unpaid23:07
aj_444guntbert: I'm attempting to close add/remove programs. I can't find it n the proccesses list though23:08
cmpwho is the owner?23:08
guntbert!ot | cmp23:08
ubottucmp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:08
cmpok - how to make my system getting faster23:09
cmpis there any way to make my system run smoother and faster ?23:09
ReX0r_I want to search multiple pdf's, as possible with acrobat reader. Do I merge them together first? Or is there a better way?23:09
GPLwhen i open something which uses OpenGL, it flickers a lot, which is very annoying any solution ?23:09
LucidGuyI'm dealing with a number of odd glitches with Jaunty x64.  I'm thinking its because of my most recent 8.10 -> 9.04 upgrade as apposed to a full install.  Anyone else having similar issues?23:09
lluaUsing virtual box and i cant see my usb wifi card23:10
ubuntuany body here use xubuntu23:11
guntbertaj_444: in that case (I don't know the name myself) you could add an applet to your panel - its called "force quit" and does just that23:11
savidIs it possible to refresh the internal DNS cache for linux?23:11
ubuntuany xubuntu users23:11
imduffy15Hi, anybody know how i can set preference for ipv4 over ipv6?23:12
aj_444guntbert: thanks. that did it.23:12
guntbertubuntu: you will find more of them in #xubuntu :-)23:12
unopimduffy15, do you have an ipv6 network at all?23:12
guntbertaj_444: nice :-)23:12
imduffy15unop, Nope I'm using a ipv6 tunnel23:12
loop8is using nautilus' standard file moving functionality via copy & paste reliable (meaning that the destination file is guaranteed to be an exact copy of the source file, before the source file is deleted)? If not, what tool should I use instead? rsync?23:13
cmphow can i make my system running smoother and faster23:13
GPLwhen i open something which uses OpenGL, it flickers a lot, which is very annoying any solution ?23:13
guntbert!repeat | cmp23:13
ubottucmp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:13
bruce89loop8: nautilus would be rather useless if it didn't guarantee copies to be exact23:14
cmpok - how can i run my ubuntu faster and smoother ?23:14
imduffy15disabling compiz would be a good start :P23:14
buckycmp, cpu oil23:14
LnxSlckcmp, install slackware23:14
cmphow can i install it23:14
loop8bruce89: agreed, but does it check via some hash or does it just assume that the underlying hardware does its job?23:14
GPLcmp : use Character User Interface, No GUI = The fastest23:15
cmplnxslck, how can i install what you said ?23:15
buckycmp apt-get install slackware23:15
bruce89loop8: no, it won't do anything very exciting, I'm not sure if even rsync does23:15
guntbertcmp: please keep to the topic of this channel, ask clear questions, tell us what problem you have23:15
LnxSlckcmp, google for it23:16
MariachiACHello. I've currently have arch linux installed. I woudl like to have ubuntu installed as a secondary operating system. I installed from the cd onto a my second hard drive and hit no to installing the boot loader. I then went to my main menu.lst file can some one help in a private message?23:16
buckycmp, what's wrong with your ubuntu.. what's slow about it23:16
e17-loverim struggling trying to complie one of the e17 librarys its saying "configure: error: unable to find Lua" i tried using apt to grab a copy of "lua" but it says its allready installed23:16
gene420anyone familar with setting up ubuntu snmp as a client .....I seem to need help with snmp.conf since snmpwalk works locally23:16
DigitalKiwiMariachiAC: you're doing it wrong23:16
DigitalKiwiubuntu to arch, not the other way23:17
MariachiACDigitalKiwi: Ok, how shal I do it then?23:17
cmpwindows is slow - moving my curser is slow - and so on23:17
MariachiACDigitalKiwi: I've got plenty of thing in my home directory... I don't want to get rid of arch right now.23:17
KikkomasoQuick question, does ubuntu have an expand command? Like "expand winlogon.ex_"23:18
buckycmp, what kind of video card is it?23:18
LucidGuyInteresing ran apt-get update; apt-get dis-upgrade with no updates needed.  Changed software sources and did the same and now I got a bunch of updates.  Kinda Scarry.23:18
bruce89 /home partitions are great23:18
DigitalKiwino no, that's not what i said, I said you install ubuntu then be like "there must be something better" then you install arch ;p23:18
DigitalKiwianyway you have to point grub to that drive23:18
loop8Kikkomaso: if you are in command line, hit tab.23:18
loop8Kikkomaso: not sure if that's what you want.23:18
buckycmp, that's the problem and all distros have the same problem.. let me see if i  can find a link to some help for you23:19
cmp Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)23:19
KikkomasoAh. Thanks.23:19
guntbert!intel | cmp23:19
ubottucmp: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.23:19
e17-loverim struggling trying to complie one of the e17 librarys its saying "configure: error: unable to find Lua" i tried using apt to grab a copy of "lua" but it says its allready installed23:19
MariachiACDigitalKiwi: Grub is pointed ot that drive. You can take a look at mygrub file if you woud like.23:20
zambaanyone been using gnucash for a business? i have some questions about invoicing.. more specific (since one shouldn't ask to ask); how do i specify the account # that my customers should pay my invoices to?23:20
DigitalKiwiMariachiAC: sure23:21
krubuntuamaga kde sucks23:21
MariachiACDigitalKiwi: what address do I use?23:21
DigitalKiwi!ot | zamba23:21
ubottuzamba: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:21
krubuntuhow hard is it to switch back or should i just clean reinstall since i just did already23:21
DigitalKiwijust pastebin it MariachiAC23:21
cmpi dont want to go and look for something which is not going to help for now - if its only information then no need to go  there - but if you are giving me the link which will fix the problem then thanks -  so which one you give me now   Ubotto????????23:21
e17-loverhow was that not ubuntu related the program runs on ubuntu =s23:21
zambaDigitalKiwi: which channel would be better suited?23:22
zambai'll try #gnome23:22
krubuntue17-lover: just use ubuntuforums.org they're 10x as quick 100x as smart these guys are just assholes mostly ill take my comment off the air23:22
DigitalKiwimeh i don't care, ask here if you want ;p23:22
e17-loverkrubuntu: thanks for your advice =/ im starting to think forums will be quicker23:23
e17-loverwho'd have thaught eh ? :P23:23
GlubHi, can anyone give really basic instructions on getting online with Ubuntu Desktop?  I have a cable modem with an ethernet output.23:24
sim_in software sources - should the source ppa be ticked too ?23:25
DigitalKiwie17-lover: people are pretty picky here about what is or isn't "ubuntu support" I could care less if the guy wanted help here with a specific program that runs on ubuntu, but the ops generally don't seem incredibly tolerant in that regard23:25
MariachiACDigitalKiwi: here is the file  http://pastebin.com/m1c4f6b7d23:26
e17-loveryou should support most things tech related if they have some relivance to ubuntu even if there not distro spesific23:26
buckyGlub, isn' there something in System=>Administration23:26
DigitalKiwiyou said it's an external drive not a different partition MariachiAC ?23:26
e17-lovernm-applet should handle ethernet stuff23:26
e17-loverit should autoconnect23:26
guntbert!attitude | e17-lover23:26
ubottue17-lover: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:26
MariachiACDigitalKiwi: Its a different drive. Sda is arch sdb is ubuntu23:26
Glubblucky: there's alot of stuff in that menu.23:26
e17-loverguntbert: i think my attatude is fine thanks23:27
buckyGlub, listen to e17-lover ^^23:27
DigitalKiwiwell you have it set up to look at the second partition of the first drive, you don't want that then23:27
e17-loveryou will find nm-applet up in the top right23:27
Glube17-lover, "should" - perhaps.  "did" - no.23:27
MariachiACDigitalKiwi: oh ok... I guess I need to put it on the first drive since the masterboot record is is on the first one.23:27
e17-loveralt + f2 > type "nm-applet"23:28
GlubThe top right of what?23:28
DigitalKiwiyou want to change hd0 to hd1 for the ubuntu entries23:28
DigitalKiwii think :/23:28
DigitalKiwii hate grub23:28
e17-loveruse lilo then23:28
sim_anyone here with laptop+nvidia gfx card ??23:28
DigitalKiwililo can't chainload windows can it?23:28
FloridaGuyanyone know if the E17 packages from searofsouls...SoS will work with ubuntu 9.0423:28
GlubType nm-applet and... then what?23:29
rCXI'm leaning regular expressions. Is there was a program or webpage that highlights regex matchs?23:29
e17-loverim trying to complie e1723:29
usserDigitalKiwi: whats the problem?23:29
buckyFloridaGuy, ask e17-lover23:29
e17-loveri don't think anyone has packaged it not for a newish ubuntu23:29
MariachiACDigitalKiwi: brb23:29
lluaUsing virtual box, i cant see my usb wifi card23:29
FloridaGuybucky, ok23:29
e17-loveri think there is some hardy packages around the internet23:29
Glube17-lover, you're throwing terms at me like I'm not someone who just came in and admitted he needed help with something extremely elementary.23:29
prince_jammysrCX: grep --color=auto  someBasicRegex filename23:30
buckyGlub, why didn't it set it up automatically?23:30
GlubIt wasn't plugged in during install.23:30
e17-loverGlub: i wasn't, press the alt + F2 key then a box will come up type in it "nm-applet" without the quotes and look in the top right23:30
FloridaGuye17-lover, whats you think about the e17 from searofsouls...he stop at dapper drak23:30
GlubThe top right *of what*?23:31
FloridaGuye17-lover, for 9.0423:31
e17-loverFloridaGuy: =/ im tryin to complie from the svn's23:31
DigitalKiwiof the screen23:31
rCXprince_jammys: Is there a way to test a string instead of a whole file?23:31
prince_jammysrCX: that works for basic regexes (BREs) or (extended regexes (EREs) if you use grep -E --color..etc. )23:31
e17-loverGlub: your screen it will have a bunch of like little icon thingys23:31
e17-loverFloridaGuy: you could try23:31
DigitalKiwiyou're at the desktop right? with panels and stuff?23:31
GlubThere are several icons in the top right of the screen, none of them is new since typing the command.23:31
DigitalKiwiand not a tty23:31
prince_jammysrCX: grep --color=auto '[123]*' <<< 'Foo 12 Bar 3'23:32
e17-loverGlub: maybe its running then you sure its not23:32
GlubYeah, gnome.23:32
e17-loverit will be like a little computer or something23:32
DigitalKiwinetworkmanager is crap anyway >.> use wicd23:32
Out_Coldi can't seem to enable my restricted drivers for my GPU, it won't activate23:32
GlubYes, the internet is definatly not running.23:32
e17-loverthats not what i was asking but anyways23:32
Out_Coldi agree with DigitalKiwi: use wicd23:32
GlubThere is a network type dilaog there, but that was always there.23:32
rCXprince_jammys: Thanks.  That's exactly what i needed.23:32
Lars_Gso are netbook remix questions welcome here?23:32
e17-loverGlub: it allways should be there when you click it what does it say/do ?23:33
e17-loverLars_G: i guess23:33
e17-loverFloridaGuy: im having issue's with lua23:33
e17-loveri can't see to find it i isntall lua5.123:33
buckyFloridaGuy, which version are you looking for23:33
e17-lover=/ it still says there is a missing dependancy =/23:33
GlubDrop down menu> wired connections (greysd out), setup vpn.23:34
GPLis this driver https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run appropriate for Sapphire Radeon X1300 Series Graphic Card .. running on Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope ???23:34
prince_jammysrCX: make sure the type of regex you give as an option to grep matches the type you're learning. no-option: BRE, -E: extended regex, and i *think* -P: perl-compatible.23:34
buckye17-lover, which version of lua23:34
GlubThis where I got info on the LAN when I had it connected to that.23:34
e17-loverno idea, doesn't say23:34
Lars_GIs there any way visually compatible or harmonious to the connection manager (I guess it's the standard gnome on, I'm not normally a gnome guy) to add another broadband connection to my phone but via bluetooth (and rfcomm) rather than using the usb cable and /dev interface it creates?23:34
Out_ColdGPL, find the driver from the repositories23:34
GPLOut_Cold: please suggest, then23:34
usserGPL: x1300 wont work with jaunty since ati deprecated your card in the newest driver23:34
FloridaGuybucky, what ever will work with 9.04...havent used e17 for sometime23:35
GlubIs there not just a wizard?23:35
rCXprince_jammys: Ok Thanks23:35
Out_Coldgpl search for ati and match your card for compatibility23:35
usserGPL: and old ati linux drivers wont work on jaunty because it uses new xorg23:35
e17-loverGlub: applications > accsessories > terminal > type "ifconfig eth0" without the quotes23:35
Out_ColdGPL, from synaptic23:35
buckye17-lover, you prolly need liblua5.1-0-dev23:35
e17-loverwww.pastebin.com for the output23:35
GPLusser: isnt there some way, i can make it work ?23:35
FloridaGuye17-lover, whats lua23:35
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e17-loverFloridaGuy: no idea23:35
GPLusser: workarounds ? lol23:35
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usserGPL: not that i know of, theres an opensource driver 'radeon' which works quite well, also theres a new experimental opensources driver 'radeonhd' released with the help from ati23:36
sim_doesn anyone know how i can make a smartdimmer applet?23:36
guntbertGPL: use the open source driver - runs fine on my x130023:36
e17-loverFloridaGuy: you run 64 bit or 32 bit ?23:36
Out_Coldi just wanna enable my damned propietary gfx driver23:36
usserGPL: you can try radeonhd but its still very buggy23:36
Glube17-lover:  Unfortuntely the I can't send to the output to pastebin, I'm not online, remember.23:36
FloridaGuye17-lover, 3223:36
e17-lovero damn that was dumb23:37
e17-lover(of me)23:37
e17-loverbucky: thanks it worked23:37
GPLguntbert: please link ;) to the PPA23:37
e17-loverFloridaGuy: complie them from the svn's it will take about 10 mins23:37
GlubWhich line would you like to know about?23:37
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DigitalKiwilua is awesome!23:37
buckye17-lover, lua is a scripting language you might need the regular package too23:37
FloridaGuye17-lover, ok23:37
e17-loverGlub: try dhclient eth023:37
zebrafusionyo I just deleted my "Desktop" folder by accident, can anyone help me recover it23:38
e17-loveroo it will need sudo wont it23:38
zebrafusionnow all my files23:38
zebrafusionare on my Desktop23:38
e17-loverGlub: sudo dhclient eth023:38
Out_Coldzebrafusion, how did you delete it?23:38
zebrafusionOut_Cold: to be honest I have no idea, I thought restarted the system would fix it but it didn't23:38
e17-loverFloridaGuy: http://wiki.enlightenment.org/index.php/E17_User_Guide/Installing_Using_CVS23:38
zebrafusionIt was a strange bug23:38
Glub"can't create dhclient.lease: permission denied"23:38
Out_Coldzebrafusion, check your trashbin otherwise you are screwed23:38
IonutBi need a tutorial to install GNOME 2.26 on Ubuntu 8.10.23:39
Gluboh, sudo, okay, hangon23:39
MoheroI think this is a perfectly acceptable place to post this one.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymbB8RT6Aas23:39
Moheroenjoy my ubuntu friends :)23:39
e17-loverGlub: see my revision "sudo dhclient eth0" without the quotes23:39
e17-loverit will ask for the password it gives it root23:39
prince_jammyszebrafusion: try: mv ~/.local/share/Trash/Desktop ~23:39
guntbert!info xserver-xorg-video-radeon | GPL23:39
ubottuGPL: xserver-xorg-video-radeon (source: xserver-xorg-video-ati): X.Org X server -- ATI Radeon display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.12.1-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 445 kB, installed size 932 kB23:39
MoheroIonutB: why do you want to install gnome 2.26 on Ubuntu 8.10?23:39
savidUgh,  how do I get visudo to use vim instead of nano -- you'd think it'd default to vim, seeing that it's called *vi*sudo23:40
IonutBMohero, because i have some problems on 9.10 ( intel x3100 )23:40
e17-loverGlub: the command basically tries to get a ip from your modem/router23:40
GPLguntbert: thanks :P23:40
buckyFloridaGuy, here's the launchpad for e17 https://launchpad.net/~e17-packaging/+archive/ppa23:40
GlubOkay, so if I plug in the modem to ubuntu machine now, and retype that command, shoudl i get connected?23:40
guntbertGPL: :)23:40
e17-loveri really should have looked for that before compling should it =/23:40
GlubOkay, I'll have to leave to do that.23:40
GPLguntbert: let's see, how it goes :P23:40
e17-lovershouldn't i23:40
MoheroIonutB: what about 9.04?23:40
GlubIf I'm not back, it's because you've helped and I'm grateful.23:40
guntbertGPL: good luck23:40
prince_jammyszebrafusion: that's if it ended up in Trash. If you rm'ed it, you're in trouble23:40
e17-lover=] ok Glub23:41
IonutBMohero, srry, i said 9.10 instead of 9.0423:41
Moheroand what is on gnome 2.26 that you need from 2.24 ?23:41
buckye17-lover, keep running ./configure and add packages until you get no errors23:41
e17-loverbucky: i know =]23:41
GPLguntbert: thanks, it's really necessary, for me right now23:41
e17-loverbucky: its ./autogen.sh in e17's case23:41
FloridaGuybucky, ok23:41
=== imduffy15 is now known as imduffy15|away
M4ur0how do i fix bad sectors on my HD?23:42
Out_ColdM4ur0, fsck23:42
zebrafusionprince_jammys: ya that did not work23:42
e17-loverM4ur0: make sure the partition is unmounted before running fsck23:42
zebrafusionprince_jammys: how can I make the simlink so it appears as a Desktop and everything23:42
prince_jammyszebrafusion: you got a message about "no such file" ?23:43
M4ur0its not a partition23:43
M4ur0its my whole HD23:43
e17-loverM4ur0: which will have partitions on it23:43
prince_jammyszebrafusion: you mean how do you create a new Desktop directory?  mkdir ~/Desktop23:43
buckyzebrafusion, right click on the desktop  Create Folder23:44
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as Buttsock
M4ur0i format it to erase everything on it and now i cant install anything because it says error something bad sectors23:44
e17-loverhmm im curious (not going to do it but im intrested) would fsck /dev/sda do my whole drive, error or would it do like my mbr or something :S23:44
usser_e17-lover: probably will error out, since fsck only works on partitions23:45
zebrafusionI need to remake this Desktop23:45
zebrafusionso that it contains a simlink to the X11 desktop23:45
zebrafusionlet's go team23:46
e17-loverthanks usser_ =]23:46
e17-loveri feel like im on gentoo again :D go make goooooooooooooooooo23:47
aj_444I'm looking to conserve energy on my netbook, is there a way to make ubuntu use less power?23:48
dergringoHi. I'm looking for some kind of automount/autoumount for smb shares.Means:I'd like to mount an smb share whenever it's available and dismount it automatically when I disconnect the network. Any hint?23:48
GlubNo joy.23:49
lvhPutting things that aren't in ascii (utf-8) in __repr__ is a sure-fire way to make people really angry at me, right?23:49
foster04hello there. Can anyone say which book to buy in order to learn PHP programming? please23:49
lvhWhoops, wrong channel.23:49
e17-loverGlub: on the face of it im going to say no idea23:49
GlubWho should have an idea?23:49
losherM4ur0: your hard drive has already failed. Backup any data you can't live without immediately. Then go and buy a new one...23:49
dergringoaj_444, try powertop:sudo apt-get install powertop && sudo powertop23:49
unopusser_, e17-lover, actually, fsck only works on filesystems not partitions -- and there are instances when a device has no partitions but has a valid filesystem, so in some cases  fsck /dev/sda works - but only if it has a valid filesystem23:49
buckyGlub, what did ifconfig say.. do you even have a eth023:50
e17-lovercool =] thanks for the info unop23:50
e17-loverwoop e17 has finished compling23:51
e17-loverbrb =]23:51
Glubyeah, I can connect to the lan fine, it's just when I unplug the lan and plug in the modem cable, it doesn't work.23:51
magical_walrusI ran a batch script that created a text file that contained what "ls /file" returned, but it created this text file in the root of my filesystem ( / ) and now it will not detect the file when I try to delete it23:51
aj_444dergringo: Okay. I'll try that.23:51
magical_walrusCan someone help me with that?23:51
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: how do you mean "it will not detect the file" ?23:52
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
magical_walrusprince_jammys, It says "File does not exist" when I try to delete it23:52
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: what's the full path of the file you created?23:52
aj_444dergringo: I have it installed. How do I use it?23:53
jiohdianyone know why the sound system would turn itself down to nothing on reboot?23:53
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: ls -Q / and check whether that's the real name23:53
magical_walrusprince_jammys, You mean the file the bash script creates?23:53
ReX0r_why won't firefox upgrade from 3.0.1?23:53
Mauroidk how to use fsck can any one help?23:53
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: yes, the file you're trying to delete.23:53
dergringoaj_444, start it by "sudo powertop" It will make suggestions on how to use less energy. The software comes from Intel.23:54
magical_walrusit returns this, prince_jammys:23:54
jatthi, I have a custom compiled kernel installed and now I want to add the jaunty's default kernel to menu.lst, is there a way (for example with dpkg-reconfigure) to add the kernel information to menu.lst?23:54
GPLguntbert: it's already installed, but whenever i run something based on OpenGL, the app. flickers a lot23:54
magical_walrusprince_jammys: "bluebird.txt\r"*23:54
Guest95700can anyone tell me if I can find out what the root password is, I can't remember stating one when I installed23:54
prince_jammysmagical_walrus:  there's a carriage return at the end of the filename. sudo rm $'/bluebird.txt\r'23:55
arandjatt: afaik, you normally use update-grub to add available kernels23:55
sebsebsebjatt: why did you do  a custom kernel?  ppa  for 2.6.30 or something?   get jaunteys  installed and add  the stuff for it manualley to  menu.lst,  that will work I think23:55
DaZ-Guest95203, there is no root password23:55
aj_444dergringo: is there any software that I can use to control how much energy my pc uses?23:55
DaZ-Guest95700 i mean :f23:55
jiohdiguest95700, there is not one by default, you can set one though, but most functions can be accomplished with yours23:55
magical_walrusprince_jammys, It worked, than you!23:55
andresmhI'm trying to help my mom remotely about a, I think, resolution problem she has. Basically everything looks humongous. She sent me this screenshot: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/285483/tmp/screen.png23:55
jattyes I had 2.6.30 installed for several weeks before I upgraded to jaunty. That kernel is working fine I want to try the default kernel out though.23:56
IdleOnejiohdi: all commands that require root can be done with sudo. ALL of them23:56
dergringoaj_444, well usually you can use the battery manager in your taskbar to enable powersave or performance mode23:56
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: check the script for carriage returns: cat -e yourscript.  go to #bash for how to remove them.23:56
jattI guess during the upgrade I told the installer to don't adjust menu.lst23:56
mneptokandresmh: please move the question to ##windows23:56
andresmhAny ideas on how to debug this? I am afraid of getting her to mess with X.org and I also think it might be just themeing issues?23:56
sebsebsebjatt: try the default why?23:56
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: you23:56
Guest95700I was trying to install a version of Java in the browser and I'm having trouble doing that.23:56
jiohdiidleOne, yes... so no need to change root's hidden passwd23:56
andresmhmneptok, why Windows mneptok ? It's an Ubuntu machine with a Windows skin23:56
stealth-whats the alternative to vmware called again? openbox or something?23:56
magical_walrusprince_jammys: ok23:56
DaZ-stealth-, virtual23:56
sebsebsebjatt: if  2.6.30  ppa is working fine,   then  you may as well just stay with that,   espesially if your using Ext423:56
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: you'll see '^M' at the end of each line of your script if it uses windows-style line endings23:56
adaptrstealth-: Sun virtualbox is ONE alternative23:56
mneptokandresmh: oh .. ewwww23:57
dergringoaj_444, disabling bluetooth and wifi when notinuse helps a lot ;)23:57
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andresmhI put WIndows skin so it's easier for her :)23:57
stealth-DaZ-: thats it, thanks23:57
dergringo*not in use23:57
jattI see23:57
DigitalKiwiandresmh: nice23:57
Out_Coldvmware is another virtual machine23:57
stealth-adaptr: yeah, I was looking for virtual box23:57
aj_444dergringo: It doesn't offer up those options.23:57
DaZ-andresmh, but it's.. wrong >:23:57
sebsebsebjatt: anyway once  karmic is out loads of people should clean install for full Ext4 support :)23:57
iklahow do you stop nautilus from popping up new windows?23:58
magical_walrusprince_jammys: I've made the scripts in windows Notepad++ (not sure what character encoding that is) and put them on a Linux machine through SSH, could that be the problem?23:58
iklafor folders23:58
andresmhanyway, I have no idea how to start. Any ideas on what could be causing this issue? DigitalKiwi Daz mneptok ?23:58
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: yes, there's going to be '\r' (carriage returns) at the end of every line, which will mess up the script.23:58
arandikla: as in when you are browsing new folders in it?23:58
MauroI need help fixing my bad sectors for my Hard Drive. some one told me to use fsck but i dont know how to use that , can any one help?23:58
id1000I just did a system update the update packages were 400mb+ this maxed-out my little ssd laptop hd, is there someway I can clear the temp files/update installers23:58
mneptokandresmh: is it all apps, or just aMSN?23:58
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: tr -d '\r' < yourscript > tempfile && mv tempfile yourscript23:58
DaZ-andresmh, what graphic card? :f23:59
magical_walrusprince_jammys, what will that do?23:59
arandid1000: apt-get clean/autoclean23:59
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: it will zap every carriage return in the file23:59
prince_jammysmagical_walrus: make a backup if you have doubts.23:59
inkoim use chromium web browser, and i dont know what exactly it is but when im like on the forums and click a picture link it brings up like a black box on the page(im guessing where the image is suppose to be) but its all clear and no way to close it, any idea on how to fix this?23:59
magical_walrusprince_jammys, No doubts, just wondered what it did23:59

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