
Igoru-sanhello, i'm here again to say something awful about u1! xD05:11
Igoru-sanits eating all my little upload internet band! >.<05:11
Chipaca_Igoru-san: is that bad?05:24
Chipaca_Igoru-san: if it's bad, i.e. you have ADSL and it eating your upload kills your download, try wondershaper05:24
Chipaca_Igoru-san: if it's bad just in the sense that you want to use your upload for something else, Real Soon Now we'll have throttling05:25
Igoru-sanomg i didn't see Chpaca_ talking to me. what wondershaper do? that's EXACTLY my problem.05:56
Igoru-sanwith this program i can say 'ubuntuone will just use 10kbps'?05:56
thisfredbuenos días #ubuntuone!12:59
aquariushola thisfred13:13
CardinalFangthisfred, aquarius,  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/replication-daemon/+merge/1073213:35
CardinalFangI'm AFK for ~40 minutes to take care of the kid.13:36
aquarius"This daemon shoud probably be merged into the desktopcouch-start program somewhere." ? :-)13:36
CardinalFangYeah, something.  We don't really need a separate program, I think.13:37
CardinalFangRather, when couchdb fires up, it should also bring the replicator up with it.13:37
aquariusyeah. I think that it being so merged is a prerequisite for being accepted, though? Or do you not thing so?13:37
aquariussorry, yes, go away, talk when you come back :)13:38
* thisfred reviews as well, will give wildly biased and unfiltered thoughts in a bit13:38
statikhi aquarius, did CardinalFang tell you about the desktopcouch listening problem (opportunity!)? currently it binds to, so you can't connect to a desktopcouch running outside your machine. this is secure13:46
statikbut for machine-to-machine replication to work, we would need to bind to something like
statikbefore we have OAuth turned on, this is very insecure13:46
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
aquariusstatik, he did14:27
aquariusstatik, this is what I said yesterday about the problem with not enabling auth :(14:27
aquariusstatik, I think the approach is to not enable LAN sharing until dc0.414:28
statikit's easy to change the config for testing/integrating14:30
statikbut by default we should be secure14:30
aquariusI agree entirely; that's why I wanted to get the oauth stuff in for 0.3 :(14:30
aquariusit's only a problem for lan sharing; cloud sharing doesn't need it because it's driven by localhost14:30
urbanapeIt's that special time of the morning.15:03
urbanape(or mid-afternoon or whatever)15:03
urbanapewhen folks in the Desktop+ clan get together to shout their slogan in unison: DONE! TODO! BLOCK! ARGH!15:03
urbanapeif you're a member of the clan, present your tartan, and shout out ME15:03
teknicoin other words, MEETING BEGINS ;-P15:04
* urbanape shouts ME15:04
aquariusme (I must write a bot to do this :))15:04
statikwhat? who? me15:04
urbanapeDONE: Pushed a few simple branches for ubunet. Stared sadly at the ZipStream stuff. Made a separate project for it.15:06
urbanapeTODO: Bindwood tweaking.15:06
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:06
urbanapeaquarius: you're up!15:06
aquarius⚀ DONE: helped chad, thisfred work on existing DC0.3 branches; reviews of DC stuff; tidied up my bug list a bit15:06
aquarius⚁ TODO: piston oauth in snowy; help release of DC0.3; write DC talk for Ubuntu Developer Week15:06
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED:  couchdb patch which lets OAuth read users from the ini file doesn't seem to work15:06
aquariusrock me big teknico15:06
teknicoDONE: reviews15:06
teknicoTODO: more reviews, working on the contacts CRUD web ui15:06
teknicoBLOCKED: many twisted.internet.defer.AlreadyCalledError appear while testing trunk15:06
tekniconext: CardinalFang15:06
CardinalFangDONE: submitted buggy replicator so we can get desktopcouch out the door.15:06
CardinalFangTODO: fix some bugs in replicator, if time permits.15:06
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None.15:06
teknicoaquarius, was it "rock me, big teknico" or "rock me big, teknico"? :-)15:06
statikDONE: Worked on Erlang MIR and embedded zlib/pcre problem. Reviews. Branch to buffer desktopcouch trunk from pqm. Fell asleep.15:07
statikTODO: Write email about tracking bugs in the 18 packages that we have a vested interest in, not just our projects. help aquarius and cardinalfang and thisfred with desktopcouh 0.3 release.15:07
statikBLOCKED: only by my own ambition.15:07
aquariusteknico, I'm happy to be guided by you ;)15:07
statikrodrigo_, welcome to the big time15:07
rodrigo_• DONE: Debugged with Ken an evo-couchdb problem he's having. Fixed uuid dependency checking in couchdb-glib. Finished URL fields support in evo-couchdb/couchdb-glib. Released new versions of couchdb-glib and evo-couchdb. Started looking at becoming a MOTU15:07
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. oAuth authentication and signing of all couchdb-glib requests. Add changes notifications to couchdb-glib. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeve15:07
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:07
rodrigo_dobey: su turno señor :)15:07
dobey☭ DONE: Finished prefs dialog15:07
dobey☭ TODO: 0.93.0 feature freeze release, OAuth15:07
dobey☭ BLCK: None.15:07
urbanapejblount out today?15:07
aquariusstatik, that email sounds interesting15:09
dobeystatik: ambition is a bitch, isn't it?15:09
statiksure is15:09
CardinalFangpfibiger, you'll be happy to hear (!) that Lenovo is sending someone to replace my noisy laptop fan.15:16
pfibigerwow. sending someone, that's pretty cool.15:16
urbanapeHope your fireplace is in working order. They travel by floo powder.15:25
statikaquarius, CardinalFang: hows it looking for cutting a desktopcouch 0.3?15:26
urbanapewhat's the best way to check on the pqm status?15:27
CardinalFangurbanape, I live in the deep South.  We have no fireplace, but I have a barbeque stack outside.15:27
urbanapeCardinalFang, I'm sure they adapted something.15:28
CardinalFangstatik, the reviewers are revolting!15:28
aquariusCardinalFang, yeah, sorry about that15:29
urbanapearen't they just?15:29
* CardinalFang sets up the jokes. That's his job.15:29
aquariusstatik, I believe that once CardinalFang's branch is done and merged, that can be 0.315:29
CardinalFangstatik, I think it's close.15:29
statikaquarius, once we build the package for that everything goes onto the CD. let me know when it's ready to merge :)15:29
CardinalFangthisfred, aquarius, I think I addressed your complaints in my resubmission.15:30
aquariusCardinalFang, what's the best way to test it?15:30
statikrodrigo_, you have such big TODO lists! it inspires me15:30
rodrigo_statik: heh, I just append there everything :D15:31
aquariusps axu |grep couch15:31
statikkenvandine, thanks a million for your patience and help with all our packages15:32
kenvandinestatik, i'll do whatever i can :)15:32
thisfredCardinalFang: will rereview in a bit15:32
statikkenvandine, so when I build the 0.3 package, should I branch from your packaging branch? or how does that work?15:32
jcastrostatik: make him do more!15:33
statikjcastro, i need your help15:33
aquariusCardinalFang, we should use xdg.BaseDirectory to find the cache folder rather than hardcoding $HOME/.cache15:33
statiki count at least 18 different packages that I care deeply about in ubuntu because we have put our dirty code in them15:33
kenvandinestatik, i can do it if you like15:33
CardinalFangaquarius, Eh, it's not easy, and it's probably broken anyway.  Bind couchdb to, turn off authentication (because replication should require admin acct, and that's not available yet).  Then, seed the "management" database with the local ID and a paired-host ID.  Oh, and do this all on two machines (or accounts).15:33
kenvandineis the tarball published?15:33
statikkenvandine, just waiting on the last branch and i'll put up the tarball15:33
CardinalFangaquarius, I have a program for seeding couchdb.15:34
kenvandinestatik, ping me and i will do the packaging15:34
aquariushrm, I can't test on two machines in a hotel room :)15:34
statikjcastro, we have 8 projects under the launchpad.net/ubuntuone suite, but i want to look out for bugs in these other 18 packages too (erlang, couchdb, ubuntuone-client, etc. etc)15:34
statikjcastro, any tips or tricks for managing bugs on both packages and projects? all my experience is with working with launchpad from the project perspective15:35
statikkenvandine, thanks!15:35
aquariusCardinalFang, approved based on code inspection but not testing that it actually works15:36
statiktest it or i kill you15:37
CardinalFangIgnore statik.15:37
statikoops, did i say that out loud? :)15:37
pygikenvandine, ^_^15:37
pygiand rodrigo_ ^^15:37
statikneed me to test anything?15:37
kenvandinepygi, what?15:37
pygijust saying hi xD15:37
aquariusstatik, I'm happy to test it if you're happy for me to go out and buy a second laptop on expenses ;) I only have the one machine here :(15:38
rodrigo_hey pygi15:38
kenvandinepygi, you are in all the channels i am in15:38
pygikenvandine, that is so not true!15:38
pygirodrigo_, how are you doing?:)15:38
kenvandinepygi, close :)15:38
rodrigo_pygi is a spy :)15:38
rodrigo_pygi: doing great, and you?15:39
pygikenvandine, nah, I left a few... PK is not my regular channel anymore, foresight isn't either15:39
pygia bit tired, otherwise good, thank you15:39
aquariusCardinalFang, can I have your program to seed the db?15:39
pygijust discussing KDE client with one folk15:39
CardinalFangpfibiger, the gwibber folks have a problem with images in their web-browser-like widget.  Is it possible to notice in JS/DOM if an attempt to load an "file:///" IMG fails?15:39
jcastrostatik: how about an lp tag? that would cover across projects and packages.15:39
rodrigo_pygi: kde client of what?15:39
pygirodrigo_, U1 :P15:39
rodrigo_ah :)15:40
rodrigo_he's going to write it?15:40
aquariusCardinalFang, pfibiger: trap img.onerror15:40
pygirodrigo_, no, I am thinking of it xD15:40
pygiI've been talking to you about that earlier15:40
jcastrostatik: hmm but then you'd have to have someone tagging them.15:40
rodrigo_yeah, I remember15:40
pygiyou're getting old=)15:40
rodrigo_statik: we should complete dobey's lp-tools, to show branches, bugs, etc, of all the projects you tell it to watch15:41
CardinalFangpfibiger, My idea is to load a default image, and then  do { try: fill-in-real-image; break;  catch error: sleep(3 sec); } while true;15:41
jcastrostatik: you could just subscribe to all the bugmail for each project, but then you'd have to have ninja-mail filtering to make it sane15:41
rodrigo_statik: I had planned to add that, but got no time in the last few weeks15:41
rodrigo_pygi: heh15:41
pygirodrigo_, that was a joke :p15:42
CardinalFangaquarius, Hmm, that may be it.15:42
rodrigo_pygi: I know, I feel like a 10 years boy :D15:42
pygirodrigo_, we should really talk about that tho15:42
pygiI should have some time next month15:42
rodrigo_yeha, whenever you want15:42
statikjcastro, yeah i'm using mail right now but i think we'll end up writing something custom using the launchpad API. was curious if you had any other teams that heavily used launchpad both as an upstream and as a package maintainer15:43
jcastroyou'd be the first I know of15:44
jcastrolemme ask around15:44
jcastrothough I get the feeling a mail to launchpad list would get you more advice from the lp experts15:44
jcastrobeuno knows I bet. :D15:44
statikaquarius, have you done anything with virtual machines? i keep meaning to set up virtual machines on my laptop, but ran into problems with both virtualbox and vmware, and i'm not smart enough to use kvm15:47
CardinalFangaquarius, seeder in email.15:47
aquariusstatik, last time I tried running virtualbox stuff I could use the VM but couldn't make it see the network, and I tried fiddling with all the tun/tap stuff and got horribly confused and borked actual ordinary networknig on my laptop :(15:48
statikouch. i had total system lockup when i tried it15:49
aquarius*nod* virtualisation seems like a good idea, it just doesn't like me very much afaict :(15:49
statikvmware works well for me on stable ubuntu releases, but it never works with the newer kernels in the dev version of ubuntu, which is what i'm always running15:50
verterokstatik: I have hardy and jaunty kvm's, the only weird config bits is the bridge configuration, once you have the bridge working, kvm works like a charm15:59
verterokstatik: let me know if you need to double-check any kvm config file ;)16:00
Chipacadoes vmware still laugh at you when you try to install vmware inside vmware?16:02
verterokChipaca: only you tried to do such thing :)16:04
statikverterok, ah cool, thanks!16:09
Chipacaverterok: evidently not; the dialog says "You just had to try, didn't you?" or something like that16:14
verterokChipaca: :)16:14
* aquarius has virtualbox crash :(16:18
urbanapeI'm using Karmic in VMware Fusion right now16:22
urbanapeit's not been too bad.16:22
thisfredChipaca: it laughed as it ate my OS when I booted the host ubuntu system as the guest one16:23
urbanapeHave to rebuild the vmware tools each time the kernel gets revved, though.16:23
aquariusCardinalFang, so that's two reviews based on "it looks ok on my machine"16:23
CardinalFangaquarius, Thanks!16:23
jcastroI've taken an action to do see if someone can do a "How to set up KVM easily and awesomely" workshop at next UDS.16:23
aquariusdoes anyone have two machines, or working virtualisation, so they can test this last branch...then we can merge it and release 0.316:23
jcastroI personally have the same problem and I see other people having it so I can't be the only one.16:24
kenvandineaquarius, i do16:24
kenvandineaquarius, what branch should i test?16:24
aquariusooo, cool. kenvandine, CardinalFang should be able to talk you through the branch, I think...16:24
kenvandineCardinalFang, what branch should i try?16:49
CardinalFangkenvandine, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/replication-daemon/+merge/1074016:50
CardinalFangkenvandine, Problems:  couchdb binds to addr .  You must turn off any admin authentication it's doing, too.  Finally, add records on each machine to tell it to look for the other machine.  Then, run the replicators on each.16:54
kenvandineCardinalFang, how?16:54
* CardinalFang mails program to seed data into desktopcouch.16:54
CardinalFangkenvandine, er, which part?16:55
kenvandineall of it :)16:58
kenvandineCardinalFang, getting an error17:18
kenvandinerunning desktopcouch-pair17:18
kenvandine    return server.desktopCouch.getPort()17:18
kenvandineAttributeError: _DeferredMethod instance has no attribute 'getPort'17:18
CardinalFangkenvandine, Er, yeah, I didn't change that.17:19
CardinalFangkenvandine, I can fix it, though.17:20
CardinalFangkenvandine, well, I thought so.  Please,  $ ps xww |grep desktopcouch-servic[e]17:26
kenvandineCardinalFang, it's running17:30
kenvandinethis is a python error though17:30
kenvandinefrom desktopcouch-pair17:30
CardinalFangkenvandine, Weird!  aquarius, any idea why ken can't use the getPort dbus function?17:36
dobeykenvandine: #419324 and #41932617:36
kenvandineCardinalFang, TypeError: find_port() takes no arguments (1 given)17:37
aquariuswhy is it returning a deferred rather than a d-bus object?17:38
CardinalFangaquarius, Ah, I think I got it.  Never mind.17:39
kenvandinefind_port has changed17:39
kenvandine  Reads the portnumber from the logfile, now that it is written there by couchdb.17:40
kenvandinedobey, thx17:41
dobeyok, i'm off to get some lunch17:44
kenvandineCardinalFang, fixing it on your branch?17:47
CardinalFangkenvandine, yes.  Maybe discovering that it never should have worked.  Mmm, schroedinbugs.17:48
james_wdobey: hi, would you be the best person on this team to speak to about python-oauth?17:57
aquariusI'm off for dinner with my daughter. Will be back later if people need me18:00
james_wdobey: ah, in fact it's use that has contributed some 1.0a support to them18:01
kenvandinejames_w, dobey is out for lunch... but i think he would be the best person18:10
james_wcool, thanks18:11
james_wwe need to get that unblocked soon18:11
kenvandinedobey, so if you set the applet to "Never" displayed... how do you get to preferences?18:34
dobeykenvandine: i'm not sure yet :)18:35
dobeyjames_w: hey18:35
james_whey dobey18:35
dobeywhat's up?18:35
* kenvandine can't get it back now :)18:35
* kenvandine unsets it18:35
james_wubuntuone needs python-oauth, ubuntuone needs to be in main, therefore python-oauth needs to be in main18:36
dobeykenvandine: you can change it in ~/.config/ubuntuone/ubuntuone-client.conf18:36
james_wpython-oauth had a known security problem, which you fixed18:36
james_wso we need to get that fixed version in to karmic18:36
james_wbut it changes API18:36
dobeyjames_w: well, my changes weren't committed18:36
kenvandinedobey, thx18:36
james_wso we need some co-ordination between the current users18:37
dobeyjames_w: but yes, to fix 1.0a in the server side API of python-oauth, it required API changes18:37
kenvandineCardinalFang, any luck with that find_port issue?18:37
dobeyjames_w: and ubuntuone is still using it's own copy of oauth.py18:37
CardinalFangkenvandine, Not yet.  DBus is weird.18:37
james_wpatched or unpatched?18:38
kenvandineCardinalFang, shouldn't it just be removing pid?18:38
dobeyunpatched (though i'm not sure what that question means exactly)18:38
CardinalFangkenvandine, Yes, but there's a separate problem.18:38
james_wdoes it use the old API or the new one?18:38
kenvandineCardinalFang, i'll wait :)18:38
CardinalFang:(  Sorry!18:39
james_wi.e. do I need to get changes to u1 to allow it to use the fixed oauth?18:39
kenvandineno worries18:39
kenvandinejust getting a little stressed :)18:39
dobeyjames_w: well, the client doesn't use the server API, but the revision of oauth.py in ubuntuone is the pre-1.0a code18:39
dobeyjames_w: upstream is still broken18:39
dobeyjames_w: and is a horrible pain in the ass to deal with18:39
james_wwhat about the change I just pointed to?18:39
dobeyjames_w: yes, it's not complete. and it takes forever for upstream to reply to any e-mails/issues/etc...18:40
james_wbut uploading a fixed one won't break u1, which is good18:40
dobeyno, changing python-oauth won't break u118:40
james_wand why do you use a private copy of oauth.py?18:40
dobeybecause we've always used a private copy18:40
dobeyand i haven't finished poking at the backporting18:41
dobeyand at this point i am set on the idea that it just needs to be forked18:41
dobeybut i haven't had time to fork it with trying to get features in for ubuntuone-client, before the freeze18:41
dobeythe "security issue" isn't entirely clear, and i don't think we are "vulnerable" either, given the way we're using oauth18:43
dobeyi also don't think 1.0a actually fixes the problem, but eh18:43
james_wbug 419365 filed for tracking18:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419365 in ubuntuone-storage-protocol "Uses embedded copy of oauth.py" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41936518:47
james_wif you fork let me know and we'll get that packaged as well, and move launchpadlib as well18:48
james_wI don't want more than one copy of this code in Ubuntu18:48
dobeyjames_w: do we have any time to get it in for karmic?18:48
james_wget what in?18:48
dobeyjames_w: a fork18:49
dobeyin main?18:49
james_wit wouldn't make to much difference to karmic whether it was a fork or not18:49
dobeyjames_w: right. i was just asking about it in regards to feature freeze18:55
dobeyjames_w: entirely new software doesn't tend to get added after FF does it?18:56
james_wnot without good reason18:56
james_wbut, as I said, the karmic package is a defacto fork, so even if you want to fork upstream I don't think there's much benefit to getting that fork in to karmic18:57
james_wunless you plan to rewrite it18:57
dobeyalso the changes to upstream oauth.py don't require 1.0a usage. so it doesn't exactly "fix" the issue18:58
dobey1.0 still works (though servers still need to update for the API change, even if they just ignore it)18:58
james_wwell, 1.0a explicitly allows both sides to work in both versions, and detect what the other side is doing18:58
james_wso I think that is possibly reasonable18:59
james_wit at least allows 1.0a, which is a step in the right direction18:59
dobeythe 1.0a spec doesn't support 1.0 working18:59
james_wbut it doesn't clash with 1.0, intentionally19:01
james_wif you don't get oauth_callback in the first request then it is 1.019:02
CardinalFangkenvandine, Okay, it doesn't crash now.  I also stopped the pairing tool from allowing local pairing, because it doesn't work anyway.19:04
dobeyor it could just be a broken client19:04
kenvandineCardinalFang, locally, like on the same box?19:04
kenvandineCardinalFang, same branch?19:04
CardinalFangkenvandine, same branch.  Locally on this network.19:04
dobeyrelying on any means of detecting a version other than the oauth_version parameter seems like a rather bad idea to me19:04
kenvandinehumm... so no pairing?19:04
kenvandinei am confused19:05
james_wdobey: given that the didn't change oauth_version it makes it rather difficult to rely on it for this change19:05
dobeyand if the problem is in the protocol, continuing to allow the broken protocol to work doesn't exactly seem like a fix to me19:05
CardinalFangkenvandine, no pairing.  couchdb has no authentication yet, so we can't safely replicate anyway.19:06
kenvandinehumm.. so what am i testing then?19:06
kenvandinejust the cloud?19:07
james_wno, but they wanted to leave that choice up to the people using it19:07
dobeyjames_w: and my fork will probably be considered more of a rewrite than a fork19:08
james_we.g. you said u1 isn't vulnerable, so forcing upgrades of clients for something that isn't a problem wouldn't be great19:08
CardinalFangkenvandine, well, I haven't changed the pairing program until just now, so I'm glad you caught that API change.  I'm don't think there's anything new to test.19:08
dobeyby all means, i generally like choice, but sometimes it's just asking for trouble19:08
james_wsee "smooth upgrade path" on http://wiki.oauth.net/OAuth-Session-Fixation-Advisory19:08
dobeyjames_w: i said i don't think we are actually "vulnerable"19:08
dobeysince all our oauth bits are done through callbacks and such19:09
kenvandineCardinalFang, ok... did you seeding script add U1?19:09
CardinalFangkenvandine, No, but the pairing app does add U1.  U1 isn't set up to accept replication yet, though.19:10
kenvandineso pairing is getting punted for 0.3?19:10
CardinalFangkenvandine, yep.  All the features are there, but we can't safely use them for local, and can't use them at all for U1.19:11
kenvandineCardinalFang, let me know when it is ready for release19:12
CardinalFangthisfred, aquarius, Do you mind reviewing rev [51 -- 55] ?   https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/replication-daemon/+merge/1074019:13
CardinalFangNone are earth-shattering.19:14
thisfreddamn, I was hoping for earth shattering ;)19:15
CardinalFangEarth-shattering takes longer to review!19:15
thisfredCardinalFang: it's the next thing on my queue, after reviewing current branch19:15
thisfredtrue, but it's more fun :)19:15
thisfredearth shattering code -> earth scorching reviews :)19:16
thisfredCardinalFang: any particular areas I should concern myself with? I don't see anything wrong (other than long lines...) and the tests pass, so my approve stands19:32
CardinalFangthisfred, Eyeball the diffs, to see if they make sense to you.  Releasing is a big deal, or else I'd just say they're so simple that it's fine.19:33
CardinalFangActually, I have a bug I hope I can fix, too.19:33
CardinalFangthisfred, do you know the couchdb py module well?19:33
thisfredcouchdb-python you mean? a little19:36
thisfredCardinalFang: I've dug through the code before19:38
thisfredso hit me with any questions19:38
CardinalFangthisfred, I want to post a new document to database "_replicate".  I just noticed that  serverobj["_replicate"] gives a value error because "_replicate" isn't a valid database for user use.19:42
CardinalFangI'm hacking out my use of serverobj.__getitem__ and its check, now.19:42
CardinalFangIt's better.  erverError: (405, '')19:43
CardinalFangIt's better.  ServerError: (405, '')19:43
kenvandineCardinalFang, i have a gripe...19:43
kenvandine+""""exec ${PYTHON:-python} -t $0 "$@";" """19:43
kenvandinedpkg hates that!19:43
kenvandineplease just use #!/usr/bin/python19:43
CardinalFangkenvandine, Heh., well, you can replace that and the #!/bin/sh  above it with  "#!/usr/bin/python"19:43
kenvandineyeah... i did that with pair.py :)19:44
* CardinalFang says meekly "Okay.".19:44
kenvandinedpkg wouldn't build a package with it :)19:44
kenvandinei don't see why dpkg gets so upset over it, but it does19:44
CardinalFangkenvandine, Hey!  I have a new change to the source.  You knew that would happen, right?20:06
kenvandineyeah :-D20:06
CardinalFangkenvandine, Okay, what's arriving now, I am happy with.20:11
kenvandinemerged into trunk yet?20:11
CardinalFangHrm, does PQM handle it too?20:16
vbabiyIs there any way to change the dir that ubuntone uses?20:16
dobeydoes pqm handle what?20:16
CardinalFangdesktopcouch.  I just tried submitting a branch to it.20:18
* CardinalFang waits for email.20:18
kenvandineCardinalFang, we merge it manually20:21
dobeywith tarmac20:22
dobeynot entirely 'manually'20:22
aquariusCardinalFang, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/replication-daemon/revision/56 reverses the meaning of the if statements at lines 96 and 104, doesn't it?20:22
CardinalFangaquarius, it sure does.  It was backwards.  :(20:22
aquariusah, good, OK :)20:22
aquariuscor, what's %r in a format string? repr(whatever) ?20:23
* aquarius approves up to r5620:24
* dobey does some updates20:25
aquariusvbabiy, there isn't at the moment, but work is going on to make that happen20:25
dobeyand python-avahi20:25
dobeyand then hopefully desktopcouch tests will all pass20:25
vbabiyaquarius: any idea on date?20:25
aquariusvbabiy, I haven't, but someone else will have, I suspect. statik? :)20:26
dobeycool, i can land desktopcouch branches with tarmac now20:27
dobeyor rather, i can land them and have it run tests20:27
* CardinalFang will learn about tarmac one day.20:28
dobeydo i need to land things?20:28
statikCardinalFang, aquarius: hows the last desktopcouch branch looking?20:32
CardinalFangstatik, It replicates!  At least, between users on my box, using external addresses.20:32
statikhappiness and glory20:33
statikhas it been through review yet?20:33
dobeynobody answered me :-/20:33
* statik reads the backlog20:33
CardinalFangdobey, what's the question?20:34
dobeyCardinalFang, aquarius: are there dc branches that need to land20:34
statikdobey, about landing, i'm not sure yet just looking at the status of the last branch now20:34
statikyay, it looks approved20:34
dobeyah, well CardinalFang was asking if pqm dealt with it20:34
CardinalFangdobey, probably.  We're looking at  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/desktopcouch/replication-daemon20:34
dobeyand i just went through the trouble of fixing my machine to be able to run desktopcouch tests20:34
statiki see stuart approved it 10 minutes ago, so i will land it with tarmac now20:35
statikCardinalFang, can you set the commit message for that merge proposal?20:35
dobeyheh, all that work for nothing20:35
statikdobey, you are welcome to land it20:35
* dobey wonders who on lp team to talk to about oauth20:36
statikdobey, salgado and flacoste i think20:37
CardinalFangstatik, merge message set.20:40
statikok, landing now20:40
aquariusit looks good to me, I think, yes20:42
aquariusit is a big shame that local pairing isn't in it :(20:43
statikCardinalFang, aquarius: I get this traceback when running tests, any ideas? Traceback (most recent call last):20:45
statik  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/trial/runner.py", line 555, in loadPackage20:45
statik    module = modinfo.load()20:45
statik  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/python/modules.py", line 380, in load20:45
statik    return self.pathEntry.pythonPath.moduleLoader(self.name)20:45
statik  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/python/reflect.py", line 456, in namedAny20:45
statik    topLevelPackage = _importAndCheckStack(trialname)20:45
statik  File "/home/emurphy/canonical/ubuntuone/shared/desktopcouch/trunk/desktopcouch/records/tests/test_couchwidget.py", line 25, in <module>20:45
statik    20:45
statikexceptions.ImportError: cannot import name URI20:45
statikgah, shoulda pastebinned that20:45
aquariusreally? all the tests pass for me ;(20:45
aquariusstatik, is this specifically in CardinalFang's branch, or once that branch is merged to trunk?20:46
statikaquarius, once it's merged to trunk20:46
CardinalFangIt should have been no merging, just appending to trunk, fwiw.20:47
aquariusI'll merge trunk into the branch here and see if I get the same failure20:47
CardinalFangI haven't touched any couchwidget stuff, but I'll look.20:47
statikthat _importAndCheckStack thing looks kinda fishy, like a false alarm. line 25 in test_couchwidget.py looks fine to me20:48
aquariuscd ..20:48
CardinalFangHrm.  "PASSED (successes=47)"20:48
joshuahooverdobey: a user gets this when he starts the client from the command line: process 5009: The last reference on a connection was dropped without  > closing the connection. This is a bug in an application. See  > dbus_connection_unref() documentation for details.20:49
aquariusI branch trunk, then bzr merge lp:~cmiller/desktopcouch/replication-daemon and it says "nothing to do"20:49
statikaquarius, it's already merged to trunk20:50
aquariusoh. heh.20:50
statiki'm just paranoid and run tests a lot20:50
aquariusok...all 47 tests pass in trunk too20:50
dobeyjoshuahoover: uhm. that's new to me20:50
dobeyjoshuahoover: and probably python, since we don't drop references...20:50
joshuahooverdobey: ok, wanted to make sure it wasn't known or fixed already...thought you would know :)20:51
aquariusstatik, should you even have test_couchwidget? isn't it test_couchgrid now?20:51
statikooh, maybe it's a stale .pyc file20:51
statikall better, it was a stale .pyc file20:52
CardinalFangDang, I need a beer.20:52
dobeyi need a quantum clone20:53
aquariusdobey, so whenever you do one thing it does the opposite and one of you will definitely get it right?20:55
aquariusCardinalFang, sing it, brother20:55
* aquarius drinks some crappy lemon water20:55
statikaquarius, CardinalFang: can you guys add some release notes here? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/trunk/0.320:56
aquariusomg release notes20:57
dobeyaquarius: no. so that all of us can do different things in an infinite number of universes, simultaneously :)20:57
statikkenvandine, here is the 0.3 tarball for desktopcouch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/trunk/0.320:57
CardinalFangstatik, aquarius, I'll try.20:57
aquariusblimey, so, what's in 0.3, then? can I get a list of all branches that were in it to remind myself? :)20:57
aquariushave we...(hushed voice) released 0.3?20:58
* aquarius watches the world tilt on its axis20:58
aquariusCardinalFang, so, I think in this release there is: replication, oauth token creation (although compulsory oauth is not enabled), the contacts picker, couchgrid, specifying databases/design docs in the filesystem to be loaded on startup, no stupid port finding tricks21:01
aquariusCardinalFang, anything else massive I'm missing?21:01
aquariusCardinalFang, also, a beer is due you for getting the replication stuff done ;)21:01
statikdobey, do you know how to set a tag on trunk? i can create a tag locally on rev48 which is 0.3, but I can't figure out how to get the tag up to launchpad21:01
dobeyyou have to do it before you push21:02
statiki see, so we almost need a dummy revision going through tarmac to do that then21:02
dobeyi don't know if there is a bug already, but it seems like a bug that bzr doesn't let you do a push when you only change tags21:02
statikand tags don't get picked up by the 'missing' command21:03
dobeyi forgot to tag stuff before pushing today when i did releases21:03
CardinalFanghttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/trunk/0.3  Will you please describe the "specifying databases" item?21:07
CardinalFangaquarius, ^21:07
aquariusCardinalFang, done. I knew there was a reason I docuemnted all this in teh readme ;)21:10
aquariusstatik, question about the freeze. Presumably we can still merrily commit new features to desktopcouch, we just don't push the packages into karmic? dobey, doesn't that also apply to -protocol etc?21:13
statikaquarius, yeah we just need to sort the series/branches before polluting trunk21:14
statikaquarius, we'll have a karmic series that stays stable21:14
statikand trunk will be crackful as ever21:14
aquariusso I should avoid committing new stuff to DC trunk for now?21:14
statikyou can still write code and push branches up for review21:14
dobeyaquarius: yeah, we need to figure out the branching/maintanence stuff first21:14
aquariusright, gotcha, cheers21:15
statikwe should just get our story straight before merging branches21:15
aquariusI was assuming that launchpad just had a button with "ahaha! karmic freeze at this point!" written on it or something :)21:15
dobeylaunchpad needs to let you propose one branch for merging into multiple others21:16
dobeyalthough that probably wouldn't be too great21:16
dobeynevermind that21:16
dobeybackporting fixes will just have to be painful i guess21:16
statiktheres a discussion on launchpad-dev about exactly that right now, proposing a bugfix branch for merge into multiple series21:18
dobeyproblem is that it won't work so well21:18
statikyeah, especially once trunk starts diverging21:18
dobeybecause you probably want to propose a branch from trunk21:18
dobeyin which case the merge to !trunk is going to probably end up bringing in all the changes from trunk as well21:19
statikkenvandine, so now that the desktopcouch 0.3 release is out, do you still want to do the package update for it, or should I do that now?21:19
aquariusgood work, CardinalFang, statik, thisfred. We've done it. Thank gawd. :)21:24
thisfredhi fives all around!21:24
statikaquarius, thisfred, CardinalFang: maybe we can have a call tomorrow to brainstorm the OAuth stuff and the FFE for enabling contact sync from the cloud21:26
statikthank you guys for working so hard on this21:26
aquariusstatik, yep, good idea on the call21:26
thisfredsounds like a good idea21:27
CardinalFangYes, please.21:27
CardinalFangI have other oauth questions, which I was just about to harass aquarius about.21:27
CardinalFangIt shouldn't be on the call, prob.21:28
aquariusgo for it21:30
CardinalFangaquarius, I don't yet understand what generates oauth data.  I need to get my machine-a and machine-b paired.  Presumably they exchange information with something or between themselves.  Where does that information come from?21:34
CardinalFangAnd, which parts are shared and which are secret?21:34
aquariusit's done on ini file creation.21:34
aquariusCardinalFang, desktopcouch/start_local_couchdb.py,   create_ini_file21:35
aquariusCardinalFang, that creates a random token, token secret, consumer key, and consumer secret for this server21:35
CardinalFangaquarius, I guess I'm still surprised that everything shares information.  Is this the way I authenticate others, or is this how others authenticate me?21:36
aquarius(we could define a comsumer key and consumer secret for desktopcouch generally and use them; they don't all need to be random. I just didn't.)21:36
aquariusif other people know that key/secret/token/secret then they can authenticate to me21:36
aquariusso someone else can read and write my data if they have those key/secret/token/secret21:37
CardinalFangSo, I give some or all parts away to let others prove themselves to me later?21:37
aquariusessentially, it's a password. it's just broken up into four bits.21:38
aquariusthe thing here is: we could issue a separate "password" to each consumer. We just don't, at the moment.21:38
statikkenvandine, i'm creating the new package for desktopcouch per bug 41659121:39
CardinalFangAh.  That's what I expected.21:39
aquariusSo we're not particularly getting the benefits of oauth (other than unsniffability over the network)21:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416591 in desktopcouch "New version, 0.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41659121:39
aquariusCardinalFang, part of the reason for that is that couch implements two-legged oauth (you give people an access token) rather than the more standard 3-legged oauth (they ask for an access token and the user gets sent somewhere in a browser to say "yes they can have an access token")21:40
diverse_izzuehey. what's new in 0.93? anything special one should test?21:40
arandWhat is the reason for ubuntuone being one of the more memory-demanding processes in standby? (comparable to compiz and Xorg..)21:43
arandOr rather - in idle21:44
CardinalFangarand, is it resident memory or cached of files on disk?21:45
arandHmm, not sure, would top tell me?21:47
arandCardinalFang: category "resident memory" shows 36mb, which seems comparatively high.21:52
kenvandinestatik, cool21:56
kenvandinestatik, sorry i had to walk down the street to meet my daughter's school bus, which was late21:57
statikkenvandine, no worries. i'm hitting an error in the pbuilder about POTFILES.in missing21:58
* kenvandine looks21:58
kenvandinestatik, it needs to be added to MANIFEST.in21:59
statikah, i see that now. so that needs a new branch and a new tarball21:59
kenvandineso that means a new tarball21:59
statik0.3.1 ? or whats the best way to handle that21:59
kenvandinejust delete the old one21:59
kenvandineit has only been a few minutes :)21:59
dobeymove the tag22:00
dobeyif you're going to re-use 0.322:01
statikyep, good point22:01
kenvandineyes... definately22:01
statikfreaking launchpad ajax, i just deleted the wrong tarball22:01
statiki deleted the one i meant to delete, but the labels were wrong22:01
statikkenvandine, so this looks right to you?=== modified file 'MANIFEST.in'22:03
statik--- MANIFEST.in2009-08-20 09:14:26 +000022:03
statik+++ MANIFEST.in2009-08-26 21:02:34 +000022:03
statik@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@22:03
statik recursive-include data *.tmpl22:03
statik include desktopcouch-pair.desktop.in22:03
statik include po/desktopcouch.pot22:03
statik+include po/POTFILES.in22:03
aquariusI'm gonna hit the road, gang, unless anyone needs me for anything right now?22:03
dobey-include po/desktopcouch.pot22:03
kenvandinelater aquarius!22:03
kenvandinedobey, don't need that anymore?22:04
dobeykenvandine: what for?22:04
CardinalFangaquarius, that's all for me.  Thank you!  Good night.22:04
dobeykenvandine: it should get regenerated at every build22:04
kenvandineyeah... we need that22:04
* kenvandine didn't think it was22:04
dobeyPOTFILES.in is needed22:04
dobeyit should be22:04
kenvandineyeah... your right22:04
dobeyit being there isn't harmful22:04
kenvandinewith that it gets generated :)22:04
dobeyjust wondering why it's there :)22:04
kenvandinecause we didn't have POTFILES.in :)22:05
kenvandinei don't think it was being generated22:05
CardinalFangHrm.  Is that for translations?22:05
kenvandinestatik, so yeah -include po/desktopcouch.pot22:05
dobeyhttp://identi.ca/notice/8633544 <- everyone go favorite this :)22:05
kenvandinedone :)22:06
dobeyi hope nobody downloaded the "broken" 0.322:06
dobeysince it's been twitted22:06
statikyay, that built nicely and installed(upgraded) just fine22:09
* kenvandine wished we could pair!22:11
kenvandinebut oh well22:11
statikkenvandine, do i need to attach the .changes file too, or just the .dsc, orig, and diff?22:11
kenvandinejust point the bug at the packaging branch22:12
kenvandineoh you can't...22:12
kenvandinegive me a debdiff22:12
kenvandineactually no22:12
kenvandineyou just changed the changelog right?22:13
statiknew entry in changelog, added a depends on python-setuptools in debian/rules (and mentioned it in the changelog22:13
kenvandinea depends or build depends?22:13
kenvandinecan you push the branch somewhere?22:14
statiki don't have it in a branch22:14
kenvandinegive me those 2 files then :)22:14
kenvandineor a debdiff22:14
* kenvandine is easy22:14
statikok, but the debdiff is going to be big because of the changed .orig.tar.gz right?22:15
kenvandinejust give me those files :)22:15
kenvandineor the changed lines and i can apply them22:15
statikok, so all the work i did to generate and test the package is going to be wasted, and i won't get credit for the upload :P22:16
kenvandineyou will get credit22:16
kenvandineyou are in the changelog22:16
statiki'm just teasing, i don't mind22:16
kenvandinei have a pretty long changelog already prepared for 0.3 actually22:17
statikjust trying to learn the right way to do it. when i saw you process the other new versions, i thought you attached the .dsc and orig.tar.gz to the bug22:17
statikoh nice22:17
statikthat will be better then22:17
kenvandinestatik, there are 22 different ways of doing it22:17
statikso i'm learning22:17
kenvandinethis one is in a packaging branch under ~ubuntu-desktop22:18
statikkenvandine, i attached debian/control and debian/changelog, along with the correct orig.tar.gz to bug 41659122:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416591 in desktopcouch "New version, 0.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41659122:20
statiki've testbuilt in a pbuilder, and installed both binary packages to be sure they upgraded22:20
statiki've moved the tag on trunk, and committed the change to manifest.in22:21
statiki've deleted the old tarball from the project page, and uploaded a new tarball with new gpg signature22:21
statikanything i'm missing?22:21
statikkenvandine, i'm really sorry this one was so close to the wire, i really did try to schedule it with plenty of buffer but it didn't work out that way22:21
kenvandinestatik, understand22:22
kenvandine- python-gtk2,22:23
kenvandine- python-gnomekeyring,22:23
kenvandine- python-oauth22:23
kenvandineis that right?22:23
dobeywelcome to schedules with freezes :)22:23
dobeyis desktopcouch using python-oauth?22:23
dobeynot for long! :)22:23
kenvandineyeah yeah... but for right now it is :)22:23
kenvandinestatik, that doesn't look right22:23
kenvandineoh... nm... that is the diff from 0.222:24
kenvandinei had already fixed it up quite a bit in my 0.3 branch22:24
statikkenvandine, what looks wrong? the couchgrid and contactspicker and pairing tool use gtk right?22:24
statikand we're storing tokens in the keyring22:24
statikand signing requests for oauth22:24
statikusing oauth22:25
kenvandineyes... your changes are removing the deps22:25
statikwow, you totally saved me on that one then22:25
kenvandinelater dobey22:25
kenvandinestatik, no worries22:25
statikkenvandine to the rescue!22:25
statiki really do want to learn how to use these packagebranches, it makes so much sense to be able to accumulate packaging fixes there22:26
statikkenvandine, need anything else from me? my ride is leaving, but you have my phone number if you need it22:27
kenvandinestatik, nope... i just pushed it22:28
statikfabulous! i should buy you a deer at the next UDS22:28
kenvandineno deers for me22:28
kenvandinei prefer beer22:28
statikyeah, but i'm sure everyone buys you beer. if i buy you a deer then it will be memorable22:29
statikalright, back for more pain later22:29

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