
SiDiYou're welcome again then00:00
LittleItalyhello, i have a laptop. what is the best wireless pcima card?00:14
LittleItalyBelkin F5D8010 ?00:15
LittleItalyis no one around?00:49
geniiLots round, no one is replying00:57
LittleItalydo you happen to know?01:12
geniiLittleItaly: I have a dlink cadr but I'm not some expert01:16
LittleItalydid you get it and it worked when you put it in?01:17
LittleItalywhat kind do you have?01:21
LittleItalydlink what model01:22
geniiLittleItaly: dwl-g63001:32
LittleItalythank you! so i dont have to download any apps or drivers? just plugged in and played?01:33
LittleItalykernal contains drivers right?01:33
LittleItalyim sorta a linux noob01:33
Kirbonhow do you reinstall dpkg02:44
Kretchfoopg'day, so i'm new to installing linux, of any flavour, I have downloaded xubuntu 9.10. Is it meant to boot to a Command Line rather than gui? or have i done something wrong?05:36
Kretchfoopi'm dual booting with xp.05:37
maduserwhich one did you download the live cd one or the other one?05:37
maduseryou all ready installed it?05:37
Kretchfoopi downloaded an iso, whihc i burnt to a cd05:37
Kretchfoopand ran it of the cd for a while, then installed it onta a partition05:37
Kretchfoopwhen i boot it using grub, it boots to a comman prompt05:38
Kretchfoopis this because it's 9.10 rather than 9.04?05:38
maduserwhat does the prompt say?05:40
Kretchfoopto run a command as admin use sudo.... etc05:40
xyloxKretchfoop, the only ubuntu that doesn't install a desktop is the server version05:45
Kretchfoopkarmic-desktop-i386.iso is the iso i burnt....05:45
Kretchfoopand running off the cd worked fine...05:45
ingenioushaxQuestion: How can I modify my windows? I wanna change the colors and such.05:49
Kretchfoophmmm, still no go, what command would boot up the gui?06:00
Kretchfoopso nobody have any ideas?06:20
durtKretchfoop, 'sudo  /etc/init.d/gdm start' will start the gdm greeter (login screen).06:32
Kretchfoopi tried that, but it claims my password is wrong...06:32
Kretchfoopunless i accidentally typed the wrong password twice...06:33
Kretchfoopat install06:33
Kretchfooptried it06:33
Kretchfoopi think i might have to reinstall, will i be able to go over the current partition?06:34
durtyes, pay close attention to that portion of the install (selecting where to install).06:34
Kretchfoophere goes...06:35
durtKretchfoop, why 9.10? If your new to linux you should be using 9.04, 9.10 is still in alpha developement.06:40
Kretchfoopamateur mistake06:40
Kretchfoopi was looking through a mirror, and just grabbed the latest one i could find. I realised just before it finished that it was an alpha, but thought i would give it a whirl06:41
Kretchfoopi've used linux before, in a limited capacity, but never installed it.06:41
durtmore than likely it will be ok, but you never know if a dev is testing out a new package version or new kernel module etc.06:42
Kretchfoopyeah, i _could_ just grab 9.04 but this is more interesting.06:44
Kretchfoophow much difference is there actually between ubuntu and xubuntu?06:44
Kretchfoopis it just interface?06:44
durtubuntu uses gnome, xubuntu xfce, gnome is much much more of an integrated environment (read huge, mammoth, gargantuan) than xfce. gnome does much more stuff.06:50
Kretchfoopfedora use gnome?06:53
durtI think yes, by default. At least it used to the last time I looked at it.06:54
Kretchfoopok, with these partitions,  the auto option wants to have a 3rd partition, so i'll need to do it manually?06:56
durtI suppose.06:57
Kretchfoop /dev/sda5 is the old xubuntu partition (i think) with sda6 the new one?06:58
durtyou can tell what it is by the file system type, linux is ext4, windows fat or ntfs, swap will be swap.07:01
Kretchfoopok, i've deleted ext407:01
Kretchfoopgotta run, i'll figure this out, eventually07:05
vallhalla81hi there all i am having trouble getting the drivers for nvidia to work as the hardware drivers program keeps crashing can any advise?08:30
psycho_oreosmm you could probably manually try using synaptic, aptitude, apt-get08:35
vallhalla81synaptic dosent seem to want to do them either very odd it install other things just fine but nvidia fails08:41
psycho_oreoswhat, it won't show up on the list?08:42
vallhalla81its on the list but wont download the kernel source08:43
psycho_oreosany reasons?08:43
vallhalla81just re-trying i will pastebin the result08:44
psycho_oreosI'd also try apt-get as well08:44
vallhalla81shall do that next :)08:45
vallhalla81W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/nvidia-180-kernel-source_180.44-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb08:48
vallhalla81  Connection failed [IP: 80]08:48
vallhalla81but it got the rest08:48
psycho_oreostry another repo, or maybe one near you08:48
psycho_oreoswait from the same repo?08:48
psycho_oreosmaybe that repo is missing that file08:48
vallhalla81could be i shall swap and retry08:49
psycho_oreosI'd pipe that filename in full excluding the paths into google and see which mirrors has it08:49
vallhalla81that was the main server should have it all08:49
vallhalla81just jumping on to the uk server sow08:50
durtvallhalla81, ping that ip08:50
durtyou might be blocked, no dns etc.08:50
vallhalla81its not blocked i got other files from it08:51
durt'connection failed' means your not getting through to it. Network issue.08:52
majukHey guys, emerald is giving me hell, what's XFCE's default theme manager?08:52
vallhalla81durt: pinged it it seems just fine08:55
durtnow can you ping archive.ubuntu.com?08:56
vallhalla81its all good08:57
durtwell, I'd say it's not a problem on your end. But it's definitely a network/server issue to get a connection failed.09:00
vallhalla81just seems odd that any thing else i get from either server is fine just wont do the nvidia driver09:01
vallhalla81hehe got it another way09:02
durttry a continental server, or a N.A. se.... oh good.09:03
vallhalla81the error msg had a adddress in it for the file so i just put it in a browser :)09:04
durtI think there's a lot of activity with 9.10 feature freeze. The server could just be overloaded.09:05
vallhalla81could be09:05
vallhalla81got to restart system brb09:06
vallhalla81thank you for your help09:06
timeouthey, I have a compiz problem- using openoffice I lost a toolbar- all I have now is a titlebar, without name or title- implacable in fact09:36
timeoutA titlebar which just sits there and can't be used- not to mention the lack of functionality.09:37
timeoutAnyone know how to fix this?09:37
yesitisjustmeis there a software that could tell you how much ram your computer can handle?09:42
timeouthow much it can handle?09:43
timeoutThat's a hardware issue, isn't it?09:43
yesitisjustmeya like example can it handle like 1gb or 2gb09:44
yesitisjustmethe laptop brand i never heard of it09:44
yesitisjustmeso i couldn't find information about max ram09:45
yesitisjustmeit has 512mb ram now that i put and wanted to try higher09:45
yesitisjustmeis pc270009:46
yesitisjustme1.5ghz processor09:46
yesitisjustmethink it will handle 2b09:47
yesitisjustmewas hoping a software could detect09:48
TheSheepit's not possible09:49
yesitisjustmelike everest detects stuff but i don't think it detects max ram09:50
SiDidamn, they both left12:07
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paul__hello all, where can I find icepref for jaunty ?12:41
majukUh huuuuuu.... so my sdb drive, a member of my RAID5 array, just tripped out for the second time. Totally shut off and then reinitialized while the system was going, causing havoc. Can anyone shed some light as to why? dmesg output-> http://dpaste.com/85552/12:52
_Pete_try google: SError: { Handshk }12:59
_Pete_links there suggest some cases maybe caused by nvidia drivers13:00
SiDipaul__, what is icepref ?13:00
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paul___pSiDi, icepref is a graphical tool for configuring preferinces of IceWM13:24
om26erqt application's font is so large. i have changed the qt font in the qt settings and also restarted but the font is still huge14:00
TheSheepcheck your dpi settings14:01
TheSheepin appearance, I think14:01
om26erTheSheep: other applications are fine14:01
om26erTheSheep: no that does not help14:02
xyloxqt app's are meant to kde14:03
SiDiom26er, the KDE DPI settings you have are probably higher14:03
xyloxuse gtk apps14:03
SiDiThe best thing to do is probably to indeed use GTK+ applications :]14:03
om26erSiDi: then how to change em14:04
SiDiI have no idea, honnestly14:04
Juandevwe try to install xubuntu to a computer, where previously Windows Millenium was installed. When boot from CD, the BIOS refere the disk is not system - whats wrong? how to install xubuntu?14:30
MTec007im having some problems with USB devices, xubuntu acts like i dont have permission to use usb devices or something14:42
geniiMTec007: Are you in the group plugdev ?14:44
MTec007ill check14:45
knomeJuandev, did you burn the disc correctly?14:46
SiDi`LaptopJuandev, usually it means there has been a problem while burning the disc, so the BIOS cant boot on it14:48
JuandevI think I burn the disc correctly14:50
SiDi`LaptopCan you check it from your burning software, please ?14:50
JuandevSiDi`Laptop: once more? why not14:51
SiDi`LaptopYou already did and it said it was well burnt ?14:51
Juandevbut let me controll it once more14:52
SiDi`LaptopOther, do you know what the error message from the BIOS is exactly ? Is there an error code, some cryptic stuff coming with the message ?14:53
JuandevCD looks ok, I can see files from from other computer14:54
Juandevit is in *.iso, is that right?14:54
SiDi`Laptopyou need to burn the iso as a disc image14:54
SiDi`Laptopnot to copy it in the CD as if it was a file CD14:55
Juandevwell, I have downloaded it and burn it like a file - thats wrong?14:55
SiDi`Laptopyes :)14:56
SiDi`Laptop.iso files are images of real discs14:56
SiDi`Laptopburning software allows you to turn discs into .iso files and .iso files into discs14:56
SiDi`LaptopWhat you did it put a file in a data CD, instead of creating an actual CD from this .iso file14:57
SiDi`Laptopit's why your BIOS can not boot it. It's a file disc, and not a bootable CD-rom14:57
JuandevOK, I see here some opportunities in my burning software14:57
MTec007genii, im a memeber of the group plugdev15:00
=== SiDi`Laptop is now known as SiDi
Pres-GasWelcome back cody-somerville! ...and totally diving in as I look at the mailing list I see.15:11
geniiMTec007: Apologies on lag, work required me15:14
geniiMTec007: What says out put from: groups15:14
MTec007matthew@matthew-laptop:~$ groups        matthew adm dialout cdrom audio plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare id: cannot find name for group ID 100115:14
geniiHm. That samba error looks interesting but is likely unrelated to the usb access issue. The relevant groups would be cdrom dialout audio and plugdev, which you are in already15:17
MTec007well actaully its not samba error15:17
Juandevand is there a xubuntu for i686 cpu?15:17
Pres-Gas1001 seems like a system level UID15:18
MTec007i made a group named 'usb' to see if i could fix it, and then i removed the group 'usb' and it didnt clean up15:18
geniiMTec007: Can you access the usb when you are on as the user belonging to uid 1000 ?15:19
MTec007matthew is my only user15:20
Pres-GasMTec007, how did you remove your usb group...how did you create it too?15:20
MTec007via the manager user and groups dialog15:21
geniiOdd that the only user would have a uid 1001. It starts by default at 1000 and counts upwards as users are added15:21
MTec007those are my groups15:22
MTec007not my users15:22
* Pres-Gas tries to remember if the GID sticks around with members when you remove a group in that way.15:22
Pres-GasWhoops, I realized I said UID and meant GID, sorry15:22
MTec007my users are matthew and root and one i made a week or so ago named ssh115:22
MTec007i thought i removed the users before hand15:24
MTec007yeah the error goes away if i recreate the group i made, 'usb'15:27
SiDiJuandev, amd64 is for Intel and AMD 64 bit processors, and i386 for Intel and AMD 32 bit ones15:28
MTec007genii, Pres-Gas: brb15:30
paul___pHello all, I've read on forums, but I can't understand and how to resolve this problem, I upgraded to kern-2.6.28-15 and I have ati 1550 , the problem is(in my case) that not only X hangs, it's freezed all (no text, no numlock, or capslock), If I boot in an older kern , it works, Is there a fix, I read that is from fglx, but how do I resolve it, thanks in advance18:06
basajaunnoticed save as takes for ever how can I troubleshoot that?18:31
basajaunwhy should the process take so long?18:32
chthpHello, anyone here familiar with Xubuntu 9.04 Live USB ? I have some question about persistance and storage. (installed it to a 2gb memory stick, heh).19:32
majukIs there a "Ubuntu Endorsed" way to update mdadm.conf?20:04
majukThat was a stupid question and I apologize for asking it. :)20:08
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bigzeddoes someone know where i find django's standard files after installing it with apt23:03
bigzedbecause i'm searching for the django standard admin template23:03
MTec007hello, im looking for a compiler, for ASM. it needs to produce code for an 8bit microprocessor so like the .asm file will compile into a .hex file with likes starting with :semicolons.   any one have any ideas for me?23:06
SiDiMTec007, depends on the type of asm file23:31
SiDiMTec007, there are as and nasm as compilers for ASM23:32
MTec007would you be able to tell the difference based on the source code or the hex code?23:32
SiDii dont know what kind of file you mean. If i remember well, asm compilers write binary code that then needs to be linked23:32
SiDii dont think i could still recognise the different kinds of asm ^.^23:33
SiDithe hex code is, i assume, the unlinked binary :P23:33
MTec007well what this is for is for a PIC12F683 microprocessor23:33
SiDiyou should have a specific piece of software to write the good binary code for this arch23:34
MTec007they have several for windows23:34
SiDiDid you try wine ?23:35
MTec007theres an IDE called MPLabs23:35
MTec007i could use wine but i would rather not :)23:35
MTec007i managed to find a program to program the HEX onto the microprocessors23:36
MTec007but not a compiler.23:36
SiDiwell you need to build it on a similar arch23:38
SiDidoesnt the IDE contain an emulator with a compiler ?23:38
MTec007it has a debugger which i think isnt an actual emulator23:39
MTec007but i dont have the tools to debug this PIC23:39
MTec007it does have a compiler though23:40
SiDicheckout documentation on nasm23:40
SiDilook for a 8bit format that looks like your chip23:40
jiohdilately I am booting into no volume... it seems that something it setting my volume to zero... whats up?23:42
SiDiand man as too, MTec00723:42
SiDithere MUST be one format that is the good one23:43
jiohdianyone else having volume problems?23:45
SiDijiohdi, do you have pulseaudio running ?23:45
MTec007i dont know:) i do know that the PIC i am using has "Only 35 single word instructions to learn"23:45
jiohdisiDi, I dont think so... it just started a couple of days ago... no sound, then I have to find aumix and turn it back up again23:45
SiDiMTec007, contact the company23:46
SiDiask them what type of arch it is, if they know how to build with as/nasm23:46
SiDior if they can add the pic's format to as/nasm :P23:46
MTec007i might have to23:47

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