
neversfeldeah it is http://ubuntuforums.org/00:00
claydohMonika|K: I don't know, it looks like an email notifier, but I don't have a karmic install atm00:00
claydohneversfelde: from whios, I had also assumed canonical hosted kubuntu-de, but that was just the nameservers iirc00:01
neversfeldeoh kubuntu-de, it is hosted by amu and he is a little bit weird. So we had to move to kubuntu-de.org and that is hosted by me.00:02
neversfeldeI think kubuntu-de points at kubuntu.org now00:03
Monika|Kneversfelde you mean kubuntu.de00:03
neversfeldeoh koffice 2.1 beta seems to be mauch faster00:15
neversfeldehow can I force an overwrite of a file which was installed in 2.02 with kchart-kde4.install and now is installed with koffice-kde00:15
neversfeldeanyway, brave testers can upgrade koffice to 2.1 beta1, it is in the staging ppa. Kformula seems not to work, probably my fault00:18
neversfeldeand kplatowork should probably be a separate package00:28
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: make the koffice-data-kde4 package do a Replaces: kchart-kde (<< 2.1beta1) (or whatever the version is for the beta)00:51
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: k, thanks00:51
macoScottK: i already pbuilder'd it01:01
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macoScottK: does feature freeze mean that if i wanted to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jhbuild/+bug/419363 id need to package, post to REVU, and get 2 advocates in the next 24 hours?03:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419363 in jhbuild "jhbuild is heavily outdated, update it" [Undecided,New]03:00
ScottKmaco: No. It means that it's already past Feature Freeze (see u-d-a), so you need an approved FFe.03:04
macochriscoulson just told me in u-devel03:05
macoso i guess that means it freezes at the *start* of thursday, not the end of it03:05
ScottKFFe for a sane upgrade probably isn't really hard to get at the moment.03:06
nixternalFFe's are super easy to get right now...I used to get them all of the time for smb4k03:12
ScottKAnd if they gave them to nixternal, it should be a snap for you to get one.03:13
nixternalso true :)03:13
macomeh. he probably danced on a bus for them.03:19
* maco ducks03:19
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vorianpaypal works too04:46
nixternalooh, there is a new Kubuntu derivitive!!! ScottK this one is for you04:58
ScottKnixternal: Not new.04:58
nixternalit is for me, so don't ruin that!04:59
* ScottK considered it already for the 6 year old, but I have enough trouble with her letting her sisters use the box already.04:59
ScottKNCommander: I just uploaded kde4libs for lzma support (you may not see it yet, I just uploaded it).  Would you please rescore it so I don't have to sit through all 124 pending ia64 uploads before I upload kdebase for lzma support?05:01
ScottKNCommander: Thank you or nevermind as appropriate.05:43
seelenixternal: ping05:45
nixternalseele: pong05:47
Nightrosehmmm quassel update for jaunty today... - will that break protocoll?09:11
SputNightrose: yes.09:21
Nightrosethx Sput09:24
* Nightrose thinks people should be more careful with this then09:24
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Riddelloh rosetta, why doth thou spam me so10:52
davmor2Riddell: cause you deserve it :)10:55
Riddell_Sime: rdieter http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=543730 !11:33
ubottuDebian bug 543730 in unknown "SIP 4.8 has a new (non-free?) license" [Serious,Open]11:33
Riddell_Sime: any chance you could port pykde to pyside in the next five minutes say?  :-/11:33
neversfeldesomeone tested koffice 2.0.81?11:53
Riddellneversfelde: where is it?11:53
neversfeldeRiddell: in the staging ppa11:54
Riddellneversfelde: installs perfectly12:01
Riddellas an upgrade from previous koffice12:01
Riddellruns great too12:01
Riddellkrita crashed on close12:01
Riddellwe need to create a Beta ppa for this12:01
neversfeldethere are a few problems, kformula is not working and kplatowork is not correctly placed in the menu12:01
neversfeldeI am not sure, if this is my fault because both is new12:02
neversfeldeRiddell: isn't the experimental ppa for such packages?12:06
Riddellneversfelde: no experimental is more anything we want to chuck in to try12:06
Riddellbeta should be released versions of KDE, KOffice, Amarok betas12:07
neversfeldeok, another ppa then :)12:07
neversfeldeI will create Jaunty packages if there are no problems with installing koffice12:08
Riddellneversfelde: please do12:09
Mamarokook, markey did an upgrade to the 185 nvidia driver and can't start x anymore (Karimc that is), any pointers on how to help him?12:12
neversfeldeMamarok: remove xorg.conf, start X again, do an nvidia-xconfig, restart X12:13
neversfeldeat least that is the first thing I would do12:14
Mamarokok, will tell him to do so :)12:14
Mamarokseems to work, thx neversfelde :)12:15
Mamarokyeah, his on again :)12:16
Mamarokmarkey: say thx to neversfelde12:16
Riddelland report a bug :)12:16
neversfeldeprobably the module was not build correctly, if the problem happens again, reinstall nvidia-glx-18512:16
neversfeldehehe, yes that too12:16
markeythx :)12:17
neversfeldesomeone stole the kopete tray icon12:17
* Mamarok hides it but will not tell where12:18
Riddellneversfelde: trying the message indicator in its place12:18
Riddellwhich for some reason is called Indicator Displya12:18
Riddellwhich for some reason is called Indicator Display12:18
neversfeldeis it a widget?12:18
Riddellwe should work out how to get it added to the panel on upgrade12:19
Riddellquestion is if kpresenter is good enough for the talk I'm doing this evening :)12:23
fox___ /msg nickserv register 123456 goufra@gmail.com12:24
neversfeldeRiddell: at least you can report some bugs :)12:25
Riddellfox___: do be careful with that12:26
markeyalright, all is good again12:27
neversfeldethat indicator display is very confusing at the moment12:27
fox___i don't speak english12:28
Riddellneversfelde: agateau is waiting for your feedback :)12:28
neversfeldeI think I have to find out how to use it before :)12:36
Riddellwell it lights up when you get a message and the app isn't in the forground12:36
Riddellassuming you have the latest kopete12:36
Riddelland assuing the indicator plugin is turned on (which k-d-s should do)12:37
neversfeldebut if there is no kopete tray icon, how to start the main app? And why is it the only application that lost it, kontact is still in the tray12:37
neversfeldeso is choqok, akregator and quassel. I guess the user will be very confused, if that is not consistent12:38
agateauneversfelde: the v2 api of indicators should let you start applications from the plasmoid12:39
agateaubut it's not ready yet12:39
neversfeldethere are two notification systems now, kde's own and the indicator display, more confusing. So I could not follow the notification discussion as close as I should to give a good feedback12:40
agateauneversfelde: what do you mean with "kde's own"?12:40
neversfeldeagateau: the kde notification system12:41
agateauneversfelde: this is different: notifications are about instantaneous feedback, indicators give you permanent information12:41
neversfeldeagateau: so all permanent information should go to the indicator?12:43
agateauneversfelde: they can overlap12:43
agateauneversfelde: an app can decide to fire a notification to let you know that something is happening,12:44
agateauneversfelde: and also show an indicator so that if you are away/busy and the notification goes away, you don't miss anything12:44
neversfeldeok, I think I understand and what was the reason for removing the kopete icon from tray?12:46
Riddellit serves the same purpose as the message indicator, but without useful stuff like telling you who has pinged you12:47
neversfeldewasn't it possible to for example change the online status from this icon? I can't remember :)12:48
agateauneversfelde: yes, IIRC12:50
agateauneversfelde: it's now a bit more hidden, since you have to switch to the application (but you can do so from the indicator)12:50
agateauneversfelde: I think we miss a global status plasmoid, similar to what is done on the GNOME side12:51
neversfeldeis it planned that quassel use the indicator display, too?12:51
agateauneversfelde: the patch is done yes12:52
neversfeldeour users will protest^^ but the idea is good.12:52
agateauneversfelde: I guess there will be protests :) but at worst you can turn things off and go back to the previous behavior12:53
neversfeldeagateau: thanks for the info12:53
agateauneversfelde: part of my job to spread the word :)12:54
ScottKNightrose: You're running backports.  So yes, you should be careful.13:10
ScottKagateau: It has to be off by default.  That was the agreement.13:12
ScottKagateau: I can also revert the patch and let everyone go back to the previous behaviour.13:13
agateauScottK: It's up to you packagers, I was just under the impression that k-d-s put it on by default for Kopete13:13
agateaubased on what Riddell said13:13
ScottKRiddell: The agreement at UDS was that this would not be enabled by default.13:14
RiddellScottK: it's on for testing, I think it's a vast improvement and we should keep it on but we should have a discussion and vote about that13:15
agateauScottK: Unfortunately, I do not have time until FF to implement an Ayatana switcher :/13:15
ScottKRiddell: We're at FF.  Things should be configured the way we want to release.13:15
Riddellyou can always turn off features after FF13:16
ScottKWe should be testing what was spec'ed.13:17
ScottKNone of this is upstream yet and our clear agreement was that we would follow upstream in our default configuration.13:18
ScottKIn happier news, ark with lzma support should be available in my PPA.  Testing appreciated.13:20
Riddellupstreaming is on my todo for first thing next week13:22
neversfeldeMamarok: is there a solution for the not working lyrics script in amarok somewhere?13:23
ScottKapachelogger: We ought to look at packaging for quassel-core now that it can support a pg backend too.13:26
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Mamarokneversfelde: there should be a patch available indeed, ask lfranchi in #amarok.dev14:09
neversfeldeMamarok: already found it thanks14:27
Mamarokok :)14:28
ScottKI got lzma support uploaded in kde4libs and ready to go in kdebase-runtime and kdeutils (for ark).  It'd be handy if someone could check and see if any other KDE packages want lzma.  It'll be something like this in the build log if it does: -- Could NOT find LIBLZMA  (missing:  LIBLZMA_INCLUDE_DIR LIBLZMA_LIBRARY LIBLZMA_HAS_AUTO_DECODER LIBLZMA_HAS_EASY_ENCODER LIBLZMA_HAS_LZMA_PRESET)14:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: You might want to take another look at Quassel now.  It's grown up quite a bit last night.14:29
=== yuriy changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Feature Freeze today | apachelogger loves you all | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/karmic-alpha-4 | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
never_webmy quassel-core is borked now :)14:49
ScottKHow so?14:50
never_webI cannot connect anymore, although /etc/init.d/quassel-core status says it is running14:50
never_webprobably it needs some time to restore the sessions14:51
ScottKDid you just upgrade from jaunty-backports?14:51
ScottKYou'll need to upgrade your clients too.14:51
never_webthey are karmic14:51
never_weband 0.5.0-rc114:51
ScottKOK.  That should work.14:51
rgreeningagateau: ping14:52
ScottKMy Jaunty core that I tested it on upgraded fine.14:52
agateaurgreening: pong14:53
rgreeningagateau: some thoughts/questions on indicator app14:54
agateaurgreening: go on, but I have a call in 5 minutes14:54
rgreeningagateau: when I have awaiting messages (like kopete/Kontact(kmail)) shouldn't it allow me to click the listed app in the message indicator and allow me to raise/open the app14:55
rgreeningagateau: otherwise it is kind of useless (IMO)14:55
agateaurgreening: if it does not, it's a bug14:55
rgreeningit does not14:55
agateauwhich app?14:55
rgreeningoh.. let me qualify that14:55
rgreening1) Kopete doesnt14:56
agateauis it when clicking on app or on indicator?14:56
rgreening2) kontact - raises to front only if window was open and in the background. does not if it was closed (but running in the background via the kmail icon in systray)14:56
rgreeningagateau: for kopete, if I click the message indicator and it shows me kopete, and I click it there, nothing...14:57
ScottKrgreening: Doesn't turning off focus stealing prevention help?14:57
rgreeningScottK: ?14:58
agateauScottK: it should not, I am using the same API as taskbar14:58
rgreeningagateau: well the kopete issue could be something else. my kopete icon doesn't even show in system tray anymore... since yesterdays updates...14:59
agateau(call time)14:59
ScottKrgreening: Focus tab in Window Behavior in systemsettings.14:59
rgreeningagateau: however the kontact/kmail not opening when minimized to tray is a bug14:59
rgreeningScottK: that does nothing15:01
rgreeningthe issue is not raising/opening when minimized to system tray15:01
rgreeningthe app is running, but the window is hidden. should be a way to open the window (i.e. unhide it) again15:02
rgreeningthe kopete issue may be something else. need to test something...15:03
rgreeningagateau: If I disable the kopete indicator integration, I get my kopete Icon back in system tray. something is broken with the support in Kopete for the indicator.15:06
ScottKrgreening: OK.  Just a thought.15:06
rgreeningagateau: and it seems that the change to enable the indicator caused all my settings to get lost in kopete. Well I assume that was the culprit....15:08
seeleScottK: quassel 0.5.0 is in your ppa?15:11
ScottKseele: It's 0.5 rc1 and yes.  It's also in jaunty-backports.15:11
rgreeningagateau: also, I can disable integration in Kopete, which is awesome. What about Kontact/Kmail? I couldn't see a way to enable/disable it.. it just seems to be on regardless :)15:17
rgreeningor does it matter?15:17
ScottKIt does matter.15:19
ScottKIt's supposed to be cofigurable and off by default.15:19
rgreeningagateau: hmm.. and now I cannot get into my akregator (which was integrated in Kontact). It just crashes... I am guessing related to the indicator thing. Is there a rc file I can edit to disable the indicator message stuff in kontact/akregator so I can test the theory?15:20
rgreeningScottK: it was on and not via a choice I made15:21
ScottKrgreening: Yes.  I was kvetching at Riddell about that earlier.  He says it's on for 'testing'.15:21
rgreeningand doesn't seem to be configuarble in Kontact. Kopete it was turned on and it may have wiped my account config15:21
NightroseScottK: i am - that's why i noticed ;-)  the thing is other people might not and get locked out of their quassel15:21
rgreeningok... but we need a "on/off" switch15:22
rgreeningI can't get me feeds now :(15:22
ScottKNightrose: True, but there are plenty of people who run karmic desktop and jaunty server so I think I really had to put it in backports.15:22
ScottKNightrose: I did the same thing with 0.4 and intrepid/jaunty.15:22
rgreeningagateau: Object::connect: No such signal Akregator::SubscriptionListView::signalDropped (KUrl::List &, Akregator::TreeNode*, Akregator::Folder*)15:22
rgreeningand then crash15:22
NightroseScottK: *nod*15:23
seeleScottK: ok really confused. so 0.5.0-rc1 is installed but i got a package error because libqt4-phonon isn't installed15:25
seelebut i cant install libqt4-phonon for some reason15:26
ScottKI'm running it on Jaunty here.15:26
seeleoh.. quassel-data installed15:26
seelewould that change the about version text?15:26
seelebut not actually quassel?15:26
ScottKYou need to update quassel-data too.15:26
seelei did15:26
seelei installed quassel-data first then quassel15:27
rgreeningagateau: so, in further testing... when I disable Kopete integration and then readd it, the system tray icon seems to be available again. this is bizarre.15:27
seeleand quassel is what failed15:27
seelei have jaunty-backports enabled15:27
rgreeningagateau: maybe it was a symptom of having it enabled by default with a previously configured and working kopete..15:27
ScottKseele: What was the exact error?15:31
agateaurgreening: /me reads the backlog15:31
rgreeningty agateau15:31
seeleScottK:   quassel: Depends: libqt4-phonon (>= 4.5.1) but it is not installable15:32
seele-f install doesnt help15:32
agateaurgreening: how do you " disable the kopete indicator integration"? unchecking the plugin?15:32
rgreeningagateau: yep15:32
ScottKseele: Looking15:32
agateauHere the systray icon presence is independent of this15:32
agateauI don't see how it could wipe your configuration, given the fact that it has no configuration15:33
rgreeningagateau: it's weird. I disabled the integration and exited and restarted kopete and got my icon back. I re-enabled the plugin and restarted kopete and the icon stayed... seems something broke in the default "enabled" plugin state of the rc file...15:34
never_webagateau: I lost some configuration like meta contacts, too15:34
ScottKseele: Are you sure you don't have some karmic repose listed in sources.list?  According to LP, the jaunty backport doesn't depend on that.15:34
rgreeningIm not the only then :)15:34
ScottKseele: Did you install from my PPA or jaunty backports?15:34
rgreeningAlso, logs seem to br broken since the update . Kopete doesn't show me my chat history anymore... but they are still written and saved to disk.15:35
agateaunever_web: rgreening: I would be interested in a scenario to reproduce that15:35
seeleScottK: first i downloaded the two packages from your ppa, when quassel install failed, i enabled jaunty-backports which didnt help15:35
* rgreening doesn't have time machie.. haha15:35
rgreeningnever_web: do you use kopete chat logs? and can you see if yours work?15:36
seeleScottK: uhm.. well i'm in karmic?15:36
seeleer no i'm not15:36
seelewrong machine15:36
seelethis is definitely jaunty15:36
never_webah here they are :)15:37
agateaurgreening: next item, kmail configuration15:37
agateaurgreening: I added a configuration option to enable/disable indicators in KMail15:37
agateaurgreening: let me dig in the vast pile of sh*t that is kmail configuration dialog15:38
rgreeningagateau: bwahahahahah!15:38
ScottKseele: I'm confused.  I've checked the Jaunty packages in my PPA and backports and neither depends on libqt4-phonon.  Only the karmic ones do.15:38
rgreeningagateau: yeah. I couldn't find it15:38
rgreeningneedle meet haystack15:38
seeleScottK: argh, i wonder if i downloaded the wrong packages (even after checking to make sure i clicked on the jaunty ones..)15:39
agateaurgreening: Go to "Accounts"15:39
agateaurgreening: then in the "New Mail Notification" group15:39
ScottKseele: Please do less /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure there's no karmic references in the file.  Also any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d.15:39
agateaurgreening: there is a "Use message indicator" checkbox15:39
rgreeningnot here15:40
agateaurgreening: oh15:40
rgreeningseems that piece isn't patched in15:40
rgreeningdid you provide patch to someone to upload?15:41
agateaurgreening: this may have been lost when I backported the patch from trunk to 4.3.015:41
rgreeningwe need :)15:41
agateaurgreening: all patches are at http://people.canonical.com/~agateau/indicate/15:41
rgreeningok, will this piece be in one of those patches?15:42
agateaurgreening: it's in the kmail patch, at least the trunk one15:42
rgreeningok. and for the last item... akregator bombs....15:43
agateaurgreening: I am 99% sure I messed up when backporting15:43
agateaurgreening: I didn't touch akregator15:43
agateaurgreening: what happens if you run it alone?15:43
rgreening1 sec...15:43
rgreeningObject::connect: No such signal Akregator::SubscriptionListView::signalDropped (KUrl::List &, Akregator::TreeNode*, Akregator::Folder*)15:44
rgreeningObject::connect:  (sender name:   'feedtree')15:44
rgreeningObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'akregator_view')15:44
rgreeningagateau: I have it integrated in Kontact...15:44
agateaurgreening: I know, but I was wondering if the behavior was different in this case15:45
rgreeningso I assumed the "indicator" should also work with it as it does with Kontact/Kmail...15:45
agateaurgreening: no, it only works with kmail ATM15:45
rgreeningagateau: running seperate causes crash15:45
rgreeningdoes the error above point to anything specific?15:45
agateauit's a bad connect() between a signal and a slot15:46
rgreeningIt worked last night.. today, after reboot it bombs15:46
agateauthis should not cause a crash15:46
rgreeningwindow just closes15:46
agateauyou updated between, didn't you?15:46
rgreeninglast thing was the kde updates15:47
rgreeningand then a reboot this am15:47
seeleScottK: ok think i got it now15:47
seelealthough i thought they changed "Buffers" to a different label...15:47
rgreeningagateau: is there an rc entry I can make to disable the indicator in Kontact/Kmail?15:48
agateaurgreening: yes, let me get it15:48
agateaurgreening: General/UseMessageIndicator15:49
agateauset it to false15:49
JontheEchidnaseele: it should be labeled "All chats"15:51
JontheEchidnaor at least it is here15:51
seeledo i need to remove my quassel data for that to change?15:52
rgreeningagateau: is that in kontactrc or kmailrc15:52
JontheEchidnaI wouldn't think that you'd need to15:52
JontheEchidnathough I did wipe the quassel config (~/.config/quassel-irc.org)15:52
agateaurgreening: kmailrc15:52
rgreeningkk. thought so15:52
rgreeningagateau: doesn't seem to do anything15:54
rgreeningstill indicates when set to false15:54
agateaurgreening: yet another bug, then :/15:54
rgreeningthats what devel is for15:55
rgreeningproducing bugs to be solved15:55
agateauindeed :) and testers15:55
rgreeningginuea pigs15:55
rgreeningso.. the akregator thing may be a seperate issue...15:56
rgreeningI'll just zap my config and try again :)15:56
agateauI think so15:56
JontheEchidnaIn regards to Konversation 1.2: [Wednesday 26 August 2009] [4:06:21 pm] <Sho_> Well, ok, so the deadline is Sept 10th. If the ircview is not in by Sept 10th, we'll have to wire up marker lines the old-fashioned way, fix bidi, string-freeze, release.15:57
JontheEchidnaOn a related subject, I am starting to get a bit worried about K3b15:58
JontheEchidnak3b upstream seems to have died again :(15:59
ScottKagateau and Riddell: I'm just reading my Ubuntu mail and discover that publishing the API for the messaging menu is deferred.  Is it really suitable to be patching in KDE svn KDE core packages to operate with some private API?15:59
JontheEchidnaoh, there's a little bit of svn activity for k3b16:00
agateauScottK: what do you mean with "deferred"? libindicate is an upstream project, with standard releases16:00
ScottKagateau: The latest change in dx-karmic-messaging-menu spec from davidbarth says document/publish API: POSTPONED (xdg process).16:01
ScottKSo I'm just reading what's been published.16:02
agateauScottK: oh ok16:02
agateauScottK: this does not make it "private"16:02
ScottKagateau: The difference between private and unpublished is pretty narrow.16:03
agateauScottK: I don't know how to create an unpublished api in opensource16:03
ScottKagateau: I don't think "Here's a pile of code" is the same as publishing an API.16:04
agateauScottK: at the very least you have the headers files16:04
agateauScottK: it would not be the first library without formal documentation16:04
agateauand at least the headers are commented so documentation can be generated with gtk-doc on the gtk side16:04
agateauand doxygen on the qt side16:05
ScottKIf it's trivial to publish documenation, then I don't see what it's being avoided then.16:05
agateauScottK: what's non trivial is getting the spec approved by FD.o16:05
agateauthat's probably what davidbarth meant with publishing16:06
ScottKCould be.  Is the API documentation in the package?16:06
agateauIIRC you can generate it with "make gtk-doc" or something like that16:07
ScottKOK.  Well then at best it's poorly packaged at this point.16:07
rgreeningfacebook plamoid defaults to french for me... weird...16:09
RiddellScottK: it's in libindicate-doc16:10
Riddellrgreening: facebook plasmoid is just a webview.  maybe facebook is detecting you live near Quebec?16:11
rgreeningRiddell: it's detecting Canada and defaulting toFrench. wtf... English is the first language and french is second. grr16:11
davidbarthScottK: yes, sorry; the doc is actually in the .h files and available of course16:11
davidbarthScottK: it was only meant to say that we'd like that to go through a good xdg process now; and that may bring us to something later than the karmic milestones16:12
Riddellrgreening: I think the Qubecois may disagree with your ordering :)16:12
agateaurgreening: it's part of the French conspiracy };>16:13
rgreeningonly the seperatists.. and they can seperate if they want :)16:13
rgreeningbut they only get quebec city and "Juste pour Rire"16:14
rgreeningoh my16:14
ScottKdavidbarth: OK.  Thanks for clarifying.16:14
rgreeningseriously though... it shouldn't default to french... odd. My profile has english set...16:14
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.16:15
rgreeningRiddell: who do I talk to about the Power Management / Battey Applet not detecting my battery?16:18
Riddellrgreening: the relevant developers of linux, udev, hal, solid, powerdevil depending on where the problem is16:19
Riddellor your hardware for that matter16:20
Riddelljust added ibus-qt4 plasma-widget-kimpanel plasma-widget-facebook plasma-widget-googlecalendar plasma-widget-kubuntu-qa-feedback to the seeds16:23
* JontheEchidna updates QtCurve16:27
JontheEchidnalucky they made their feature release the day of feature freeze16:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: We're past FF now.16:33
ScottKWould have been better if they did it yesterday.16:33
JontheEchidnathink I could sneak it in w/o a FFe?16:33
ScottKIt'd be your sponsor that gets spanked in any case.  Just claim it's bugfixes.16:34
JontheEchidnaalso, what's the policy on sync requests filed before feature freeze, but that still need synced?16:35
RiddellI still recon we're on the edge of feature freeze16:35
JontheEchidna(for example, bug 419210)16:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419210 in strigi "Sync strigi 0.7.0-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41921016:36
JontheEchidnait has a bugfix for a quite visible crash, so we definitely want it16:36
ScottKIf it was filed before FF, I thin kit should get in.16:37
* Riddell makes it so16:37
* ScottK whistles innocently.16:39
JontheEchidnalooks like we can sync kde-style-qtcurve now that debian updated it to KDE416:51
JontheEchidnanevermind, we have a few conflicts/replaces that need keeping16:53
JontheEchidnameans we can't sync until 10.10 :(16:53
nixternalwhere did my kopete icon go?17:17
ScottKnixternal: It went to the Ayatana project.  Talk to agateau.17:17
nixternalhow do I open up my contact list then?17:18
agateauScottK: I didn't touch the systray icon17:18
agateauScottK: I only added a new plugin!17:18
ScottKDunno then.17:18
* ScottK doesn't IM very often at all.17:19
nixternalI went into Kopetes config, and I noticed that "Show system tray icon" was unchecked after update...so I checked it, clicked apply...but nothing happened :/17:19
nixternalok...just needed to uncheck/apply both the system tray icon and the message indicator plugin, and then restart kopete17:23
agateaunixternal: I would not be surprised if,17:24
agateau1: systray icon had been removed from u-d-s,17:25
agateau2: toggling the plugin on and off required a Kopete restart17:25
nixternalagateau: also note that this could be just me, because this system has been dist-upgraded since Dapper :)17:26
agateaunixternal: wow!17:26
* agateau does not do dinosaurs17:26
nixternalno reformat/reinstall in almost 4 years now...because it started in 2005 with one of the Dapper Flights :)17:26
agateauRiddell: new patches, to make KDE apps integrate better with notify-osd: http://people.canonical.com/~agateau/capabilities17:26
macoagateau: u-d-s as opposed to uds. what is this?17:26
nixternalfrom time-to-time I have to clean up some stuff to get speed back, but I want to keep doing it to this machine until the machine dies, just to see how long it can go before it is borked17:27
agateaumaco: I meant k-d-s: kubuntu-desktop-settings package17:27
macoah ok17:27
nixternalya, should have been kds or k-d-s :)17:27
maconixternal: how's fragmentation doing?17:27
rgreeningnixternal: wasn't just you. see backlog17:28
agateauactually it should have been k-d :)17:28
JontheEchidnathere's also a bug report about the kopete systray in Launchpad17:28
nixternalrgreening: oh groovy, then I don't feel lonely anymore :p17:28
agateaupackage name is kubuntu-desktop17:28
nixternaloh, I was thinking of kubuntu-default-settings17:28
agateauoh maybe that's the one17:28
* agateau is not completly familiar with all the package names17:29
ScottKkubuntu-destkop controls what packages are installed.17:29
ScottKkubuntu-default-settings controls default settings in Kubuntu17:29
agateauso it's most probably this one17:29
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rgreeningRiddell, this whole xsplash thingy... do we need to integrate it somehow?17:46
rgreeningapt-cache rdepends xsplash17:46
rgreeningReverse Depends:17:46
rgreening  ubuntustudio-desktop17:46
rgreening  ubuntu-netbook-remix17:46
rgreening  ubuntu-desktop17:46
Riddellrgreening: we need to integrate ksplashx at the same point in the boot cycle, see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicXsplash17:47
Riddellagateau: can you e-mail me about those patches, I'm about to go17:47
rgreeningoooh.... first I heard of this :)17:47
agateauRiddell: sure17:47
Riddellrgreening: yeah they didn't really take us into account :(17:48
RiddellI'm away from internet from now until sunday evening, have fun without me17:48
rgreeningwhich you would think after last UDS, they would be more in tune with us.. time to beat up your boss :)17:48
rgreeningrickspencer3-afk: ^ :)17:48
Riddellrgreening: leave rick alone, he's lovely and we had a meeting last week to thrash out that spec, it shouldn't be much work17:49
rgreeningRiddell: do we have a FFE for this?17:49
Riddellrgreening: I gue4ss so, the whole new boot process isn't due to land until beta I believe and it's part of that17:49
rgreeningI know rickspencer3-afk is lovely. He's a gem for sure. I just like ribbing him :)17:50
ScottKRiddell: I'll try and run boot charts again now that we've switched to sreadahead list.  Hopefully over the weekend.17:50
rgreeningScottK: is sreadahead setup to work on user installed apps or from a prebuild list or combo of both?17:51
ScottKNo idea.17:51
ScottKJust saw it hit kubuntu-meta today is all.17:51
* rgreening gets the source17:52
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
rickspencer3I'll take that ribbing17:55
rickspencer3it's deserved in this case17:56
nixternalbut rgreening is a big dude to be giving ribbings....I have to live with his snoring for a week, talk about ribbing :)17:56
rgreeninghehe. we still love ya17:56
rgreeninghaha nixternal.17:56
jjessenixternal the hard about rgreening giving out a ribbing is he would have to catch you first17:57
* rickspencer3 wonders what Riddell is saying about me in pms right now :)17:57
nixternalrickspencer3: I will copy/paste when he is done ;p17:58
rgreeningjjesse: I don't do the chasing, I have "people" for that17:58
nixternalhaha, what a goomba17:58
jjessewonder if he has chicago thugs17:58
nixternalchicago thugs don't work for anybody but themselves17:58
rgreeningrickspencer3: I can't belive you used Riddell and PMS in the same sentence.. seems wrong :P17:59
nixternalwe have plenty of horse heads and dead fish17:59
nixternalI remember when I was younger, when the mob action in chicago was far more prominent and stereotypical than it is now...I live by a horse farm and like once a week they would find a horse with its head cut off18:00
rgreeningrickspencer3: the indicator applet is coming along nicely. agateau is doing some great work there fro KDE.18:00
rgreeningya. I think I'll actually find it useful :)18:01
nixternalI couldn't cut off a horses head, so I go to the salvation army and buy the old "My Little Pony" dolls and cut their heads off and put them in the beds of my enemies :D18:01
jjesseyou don't go to salvation army you take them out of your toybox18:01
nixternalshhh, dude don't let everyone know about my toybox18:02
nixternalyou think I am kidding, I still have my toybox...it is a giant plastic football with a Chicago Bear on the side :)18:03
jjessei'm not suprised18:03
jjessesome of my toys, my son is now playing w/ ;)18:03
nixternalno toys are in it though :(18:03
nixternalScottK: what do we need to work on for KNE?18:04
nixternalI need a TODO list..18:04
ScottKnixternal: Mostly work on making plasma-netbook more complete.18:05
nixternaland useful notifications...a popup letting me know I got mail or someone is messaging me is useless...I need popups that tell me to work :)18:05
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you sponsor bug 419230 and bug 419233 please?18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419230 in kde-style-qtcurve "New upstream bugfix release (QtCurve 0.68.0)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41923018:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419233 in gtk2-engines-qtcurve "New upstream release (gtk2-engines-qtcurve 0.68.0)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41923318:05
ScottKnixternal: Work.18:05
ScottKThat should provide that.18:05
nixternalno popup18:05
nixternalI use Irssi18:05
nixternalI need to create a new popup for it though...I should do that18:05
nixternaland make it proprietary18:05
ScottKnixternal: MoRpHeUs is going to focus on plasma-netbook next week.  This would be a good time to wring it out and make sure we have a good bug list for him to look at.18:06
ScottKCan we break translations again so I stop getting these import notification mails?18:07
_Groo_hi/2 all18:34
nixternal2009-08-27 12:48:32 Info: Client connected from
nixternal2009-08-27 12:48:32 Info: Closing server for basic setup.18:57
nixternal2009-08-27 12:48:32 Warning: Peer tried to send package larger than max package size!18:57
nixternal2009-08-27 12:48:32 Warning: Disconnecting
nixternalquassel setup is kicking my ass...want to run core on my server and then connect with my desktop18:57
ScottKWhat versions do you have on each?18:58
nixternaloh, derrr18:58
nixternalforgot my server == jaunty, and my desktop == karmic18:58
ScottKnixternal: Enable jaunty-backports and get quassel-core from there.18:59
nixternalhrmm, no they are the same version18:59
* ScottK looks at Sput or jussi01.19:01
* jussi01 looks blankly at ScottK19:02
ScottKjussi01: Maybe you can help nixternal figure out how to get his quassel client and core talking.19:03
jussi01nixternal: so you have confirmed both are same version?19:03
nixternaljussi01: yes19:03
jussi01nixternal: and the client you tried to connect with, did it give any messages?19:04
jussi01nixternal: also, could you check your core version for certain with quasselcore -v19:05
nixternalQuassel IRC: v0.5-rc1 (dist-cb5a116)19:06
jussi01EgS: you around maybe?19:07
jussi01nixternal: so does it do that every time you connect?19:08
jussi01nixternal: ok, 1 sec, Ill get you to attempt to connect to my core, to see what it says...19:09
nixternalI just start the core with 'quasselcore' right? nothing more?19:10
nixternalI have tried with and without cert, same deal19:10
groo_hi ScottK, nixternal19:12
ScottKHello groo_.19:12
groo_did the kubuntu core team decided yet is kubuntu default browser will be rekonq/arora?19:12
groo_i strongly suggest for you guys to check rekonq! latest 0.2 version is a charm to use19:13
ScottKnixternal: Did you just run quasselcore or did you use the provided init script?19:13
groo_ScottK: is there any way to influence that decision, or is it final?19:13
ScottKI think  it's pretty final, but you can bring it up at the next Kubuntu meeting if you want.19:13
groo_ScottK: so kubuntu will ship with firefox also like 9.04? how about the networkmanager? latest svn is getting much better then the mess that was shipped in 9.0419:15
jussi01groo_: is there a rekonq jaunty package around?19:16
ScottKKubuntu didn't ship Firefox in 9.04.19:16
groo_jussi01: yeah, mine19:16
ScottKgroo_: The network manager has been updated and is much better.19:16
jussi01groo_: where?19:16
groo_ScottK: oh... probably i instaled it and forgot19:16
ScottKThat's what most people do19:16
groo_jussi01: let me upload it to my ppa19:17
kuboturgreening listened to "Ride On" by AC/DC [Who Made Who, 1986] 6 days ago; see http://www.last.fm/user/rgreening for more19:20
groo_jussi01: uploaded.. let it compile... paulo.miguel.dias ppa19:22
nixternalSput: what's up with Quassel documentation? You need help? I am definitely going to document wtf I just did to get this running :)19:22
jussi01nixternal: you have seen the wiki, right?19:23
jussi01but I dont think Sput would knock back any documentation help....19:23
ScottKnixternal: What did you have  to do?19:32
jjessethe documentation for quassel is on the wiki19:36
jjessejust would need to b converted to docbook19:36
jjesseif i recall correctly19:36
kubotugroo_ doesn't exist on last.fm, perhaps they need to: lastfm user <username>19:37
nixternalScottK: install quasselclient19:49
nixternalquassel is pretty nice...as soon as the scripting support is there I might have to check it out even more19:57
nixternalwasabi vorian19:57
voriannot much man19:58
vorianI feel like i'm in the 5th circle of moving hell19:58
groo_vorian: whats wrong with 7h cicle? :D19:58
groo_vorian: lich king style19:58
* ryanakca wonders if Quassel supports connecting to irssi proxy yet... I'd start using it then...19:59
voriani'm not hanging out with Ulysses19:59
groo_jussi01: rekonq 0.2 available in my ppa, go get it19:59
* jussi01 rolls his eyes at ryanakca :D20:01
nixternalryanakca: I am still a bit old school...I run Irssi, Mutt, and other server apps in screen...been doing this for 15 years...kind of hard for me to switch to GUI apps20:01
vorianit's hard to beat irssi20:01
jussi01meh, I like my quassel...20:02
voriannay, impossible actually20:02
nixternalI wouldn't say impossible20:02
nixternalI remember when people said "It is impossible to beat BitchX"20:02
voriani don't20:02
nixternalhaha, n00b ;p20:02
vorianso we have some udates to do on the first day of the freeze, I love that!20:04
groo_konversation here, like it a lot20:05
vorian _               _              _20:06
vorian(_) _ _  ___ ___(_)  _ _  _  _ | | ___  ___20:06
vorian| || '_|(_-<(_-<| | | '_|| || || |/ -_)(_-<20:06
vorian|_||_|  /__//__/|_| |_|   \_,_||_|\___|/__/20:06
vorianit's the new default for kubuntu - saves a ton of cd space20:06
jussi01irssi pukes?20:06
macohaha it does look like that20:07
=== groo_ is now known as _Groo_
* JontheEchidna has used bitchx before20:14
JontheEchidnaIt is the official IRC client of the Linux port to the Nintendo DS20:14
JontheEchidnaI think they might have gotten irssi on there after they got the RAM expansion pack working20:15
voriansee, I rest my case20:16
vorianif irssi is good enough for nintendo™, it's good enough for kubuntu20:16
JontheEchidnaofficial-unofficial linux port :P20:17
vorianso, same thing really :P20:17
vorianI'm just excited I actually get to work on an update!  \o/20:17
_Groo_JontheEchidna: hi jon can you sponsor my rekonq 0.2 package?20:18
_Groo_JontheEchidna: in jaunty backports?20:18
JontheEchidnahave you gotten the approval/filed the proper bug reports?20:19
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
_Groo_JontheEchidna: hu??20:19
_Groo_JontheEchidna: paperwork?20:19
JontheEchidnayus :( Can't just go around backporting stuff willy-nilly20:20
_Groo_JontheEchidna: will i get arrested?20:20
JontheEchidnaI think that page outlines the process20:20
JontheEchidna...somewhere in that page20:21
vorianfile a bug, make sure it builds, need testing feedback20:21
vorianit's best if it's a no change backport, if it does need changes - those need explained20:22
vorianthat kind of thing20:22
_Groo_vorian: oh it builds.. its in my paa20:23
_Groo_i always test it there20:23
vorianyes, there is a backport testing team that needs to test and report their findings20:23
_Groo_so basically i dput my package to backports ppa?20:25
* JontheEchidna wonders if the kde3 knetworkmanager even works with NM 0.820:25
a|wenhttp://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/User:Arielch/KDE_Thumbnail_plugin <-- interesting20:27
_Groo_JontheEchidna: knetworkmanager is not NM based, it used other backend... the name is a concidence20:29
JontheEchidnawha? yes it did20:30
JontheEchidnaFrom the kde3 applet's package description: Description: KDE systray applet for controlling NetworkManager20:31
JontheEchidnaa|wen: too bad it's past feature freeze :(20:31
_Groo_JontheEchidna: oh, i was confusing it for KDE network manager (suse) which was independent20:32
JontheEchidnayou mean http://opensuse.org/Projects/KNetworkManager ?20:32
a|wenJontheEchidna: true ... but might be small enough to slide in in any case20:32
_Groo_JontheEchidna: yeah20:34
JontheEchidna_Groo_: same thing20:35
JontheEchidnait used Network Manager20:36
* _Groo_ shuts is mouth..20:36
_Groo_guys do i need clearance to dput to ppa backports or can i just upload rekonq there?20:41
LureRiddell: do we have space on cd for kipi-plugins? import/export plugins for facebook, flickr, picasa...) would help with SocialFromTheStart effort...20:42
_Groo_JontheEchidna: i open a bug and upload package to backport ppa? is tthat correct?20:52
JontheEchidnathere's a ppa for backports?20:52
ScottKNot for official backports.20:53
_Groo_JontheEchidna: acording to the link you pssted here, its the correct thng to do20:54
_Groo_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#Testing and Reviewing Process for Source Change Backports20:54
JontheEchidnaThe person approving the backport will handle the PPA stuff20:56
ScottKOK. kdetuils uploaded, so all the pieces for lzma in ark should be in place.20:56
_Groo_JontheEchidna: so i just create a bug report, thats it?20:56
JontheEchidnayeah, then paste the diff against the package in karmic20:56
ScottKdebdiff to be clear20:58
_Groo_rekonq 0.2 is in karmic?20:59
yuriyJontheEchidna, Riddell: can you get the currently packaged version of userconfig into karmic if it's not there already?21:01
yuriyi was trying to fix something in what's in bzr, but haven't had time in the last couple days21:02
JontheEchidna_Groo_: yeah, I updated it when it was released21:02
_Groo_JontheEchidna: ah..21:02
_Groo_yeah just saw it in packages.ubuntu21:02
_Groo_ScottK: where can i have a cookie recipe for debdiff?21:03
ScottKTake the package you want to backport, update it and make the updated package.21:04
ScottKThen debdiff oldpackage.dsc newpackage.dsc > patchname and then attach patchname to the bug.21:05
* JontheEchidna wonders how easy it'll be to get an entirely new package in to main after Feature Freeze21:06
_Groo_ScottK: and in the case of a new package? thehn to get into backports it needs to be accepeted in karmic first?21:06
ScottK_Groo_: Yes.21:06
_Groo_ScottK: ok noted..21:06
ScottKJontheEchidna: New as in not in the archive at all?21:06
_Groo_ScottK: yep21:06
_Groo_oh.. ignore me as usual21:06
JontheEchidnaScottK: yeah, userconfig sorta languished in a ppa since the beginning of the cycle21:07
ScottKQuassel can do that now you know.21:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: Make an FFe and find an archive admin to agree to New it (I will, so step done) and then ask vorian to approve the FFe.  That'll be enough to get into the archive.21:08
JontheEchidnaok, will do21:08
JontheEchidnayuriy: ^21:08
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Quintasanlol it's mine graphics card or Choqoks icon is bright green now?21:15
_Groo_Quintasan: its something with your eyes... i would get help21:16
sghIt seems that kopete does not display its icon is the statusarea. Also it crashes if stated during login. Can anyone confirm?21:17
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JontheEchidnabug 41947021:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419470 in kubuntu-default-settings "kopete window disappears" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41947021:18
JontheEchidnathis message indicator stuff seems to be becoming a pain21:19
Quintasan_Groo_:  http://imagebin.ca/view/vwVlTYJ.html21:20
=== Unksi_ is now known as unksi
_Groo_Quintasan: LOL LOL Quintasan took the time to paste an image LOLLOLOLOL, i was kidding.. offcourse its green, choqok devs changed it some weeks ago21:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: The agreement at UDS was that it would not be on by default.  Riddell wants it on for a bit for testing.21:22
_Groo_Quintasan: this one really made my day!!!21:22
* Quintasan is not amused21:22
* _Groo_ is laughing so hard hes almost crying!!! oh my heart!21:22
_Groo_Quintasan: did you read the news in choqok site? they changed it some time ago..21:23
Quintasan_Groo_: I did not, I'm not really interested in reading each projects site21:23
ScottKBTW, I saw a Debian ITP bug for Choqok today.  Someone ought to contact the person who filed it and make sure they know they can use our package as a basis.21:23
_Groo_Quintasan: agreeded, but when the icon changed colors between releases, maybe a quick pick would be nice;)21:24
_Groo_Quintasan: before you start thinking its an eye sight problem LOL LOL... oh im dying here!!!21:24
_Groo_this one should go on dot.kde.org!!!!21:24
_Groo_kubuntu dev thinks he has a eye problem cause of changed icon color LOL LOL LOL!21:25
_Groo_well ppl gotta go, gonna tell my wife this amusing little story ...21:26
_Groo_Quintasan: dont be mad at me :) pls :D21:27
QuintasanI think it was lame joke21:27
Quintasan_Groo_: But feel free to share it with whole world21:28
_Groo_Quintasan: but that was the funny part!! it wasnt meant to be a joke!! i was being ironic, just that!!! i thought you had understood that when you did the @.@21:29
_Groo_Quintasan: so, when you opasted the imagebin and i hopened, i almost fell off my chair LOL... it was surprising lol lol..21:30
_Groo_see ya ppl21:30
QuintasanWell, whatever, my question was little different :O21:31
JontheEchidnayuriy: latest userconfig from bzr doesn't build21:43
JontheEchidnaremoivng index.cache.bz2 from CMakeLists.txt worked around the error21:46
JontheEchidnaThe KHC handbook seems to work without it, so I'm just going to remove that from CMakeLists.txt21:50
yuriyJontheEchidna: don't remember putting that in there. but i was saying use the one in ppa, the latest rev in bzr has a broken secondary groups list on the main page22:02
JontheEchidnaoh, ok22:03
yuriyalthough, it doesn't really matter, there should be an update anyways22:06
sghlex79: thanks22:18
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
rgreeninghmm... last batch of updates rendered my keyboard arrow keys non-functional22:41
rgreeningand something removed kpackagekit.. huh?22:42
rgreeningI has gremlins22:42
* JontheEchidna sort've knew things like bug 420193 would happen23:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420193 in kdepim "Untranslatable message in Akregator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42019323:46
JontheEchidnaI don't think we have the translation presence to justify the abort string changes23:46

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