
inanimateCan you mount a drive as a user?00:02
inanimateautomount isn't working.00:03
kaddiyou can try mount /dev/devicename /media/mountname if the fstab allows you to mount it as a user, otherwise you will probably need to use sudo. But if you do not see it in the device manager, the problem is probably somewhere else00:04
kaddior just mount /dev/devicename00:04
inanimatekaddi: That doesn't work because I'm not root/sudo'd, and there is no entry in fstab. The drive exists in /dev, but it's not mounted.00:06
kaddiinanimate: and it does not show up in dolphin or anywhere?00:06
inanimateI'm actually doing this over ssh.00:07
inanimateIs there a way to use automount from the command line, given I don't have access to Dolphin?00:08
kaddiah, I see... well I guess I can't really help you with that then, I don't know how to do that through the command line00:08
kaddiyou can however get access to dolphin, if you use ssh -X to login00:08
inanimateAh, OK. Thanks though.00:08
kaddiif you start dolphin then, it should open on your desktop, however it will be slow as hell00:09
inanimateTrue. It looks like Dolphin got removed from this machine unfortunately...00:10
inanimateI suppose it's not the Kubuntu it once was =).00:10
kaddiare you sure it's a ubuntu? what version of kde is installed on it?00:10
kaddido a lsb_release -a it should tell you what it is00:10
inanimateOh shit, it's Karmic.00:11
inanimateI didn't see that coming.00:11
inanimateI thought it was Jaunty this whole time.00:11
kaddiwell maybe ask at #ubuntu+1 , someone might now.. however dolphin should still exist00:11
inanimateNo, I think the sysadmin removed it.00:12
kaddiwell try konqueror the same basicness applies, it should automatically recognize mountable devices00:12
inanimateYeah, that's gone too. I'm pretty sure 95% of the GUI apps were removed.00:13
kaddiis that a server?00:13
inanimateIt's still [K]ubuntu, but it doesn't have much in the way of GUI left.00:13
inanimateIt's acting as one, yeah.00:14
kaddiok, well I'm no good then ;)00:14
inanimateHeh... No problem. Thanks though.00:14
inanimateAnyone know how to mount a drive from the command line?00:15
kaddimaybe ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 without a gui ubuntu is basically the same ;)00:15
inanimate(I'll rephrase it this time =).)00:16
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kaddimuch more people in ubuntu though ;)00:16
inanimateI'll give that a shot then. Thanks.00:16
inanimate#ubuntu is pretty crazy... I miss my low[er]-traffic KDE land over here =).00:19
sebastianhey im trying to see if my graphic card works correctly, but the command: glxinfo grep rendering wont work i get the error Unknown option `grep' any ideas?01:08
Mamaroksebastian: you forgot the pipe, the syntax is glxinfo | grep something01:10
Mamarokso glxinfo | grep render should tell you, if your graphic card ca do direct rendering01:11
sebastianhehe, ya that worked thx :)01:11
sebastianis there any other commands just to make sure everything is working correctly? im trying to run world of warcraft but got bad fps01:12
Mamarokhm, let me see... man glxinfo gives some infos too01:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glxinfo01:14
sebastianok thank you :)01:14
Mamarokyou are welcome :)01:14
baron86Hello.. I want to set an adhock network sharing internet connection. I got a PCI Tornado wireless Card and the Iphone. I cant find any drivers for Linux. Thnx01:17
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nitin_do i have to download extra packages to be able to listen to music from web?02:28
nitin_there is no sound when i try to play music files from the webpage02:30
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kasperooneydoes anyone in here use the site parked.com?02:51
nitin_i have a problem. when i watch youtube videos there is no sound. what could be the problem?02:58
CoyotesUhm well you sure that sound works?03:00
CoyotesAs in load a media player?03:00
CoyotesOr game03:00
nitin_yes, i can listen to music and video files from my hard disk03:01
CoyotesAnyone here an expert on Mime types?03:02
CoyotesDo any audio sources work in Konquerer?03:02
CoyotesIT could be that you need to get a codec.03:02
nitin_what codecs do i need to install?03:03
nitin_Coyotes: i've downloaded vlc, firefox, and also toem. but in totem when i click on youtube video files it doesn't play.03:05
CoyotesAh....  OK03:06
CoyotesSorry - busy03:09
CoyotesI'll try to help in a second03:09
mayankhow to install Network Management  on Kubuntu03:09
mayankmy wifi is not working :'(03:09
mayankany one thr to help me03:12
TabmowI modified my xorg.conf for my old Asus M6000 laptop so I could get a better screen resolution than 800x600, which boots up ok. Then when iI run System Settings and go to display, my whole screen gets all jumbled up, any ideas?03:21
CoyotesSorry nit, I'll be back in a second.  Just keep getting interrupted!03:25
UltaGO GO GO03:59
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malvso has the kde 4 series ironed out the bugs?04:43
malvis it pretty full-featured and clean now?04:43
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mattgyverJust installed KD4.2.2 and apps are noticeably slower to load on my machine than within gnome, anyone know any tweaks?05:07
douglaskmattgyver: not off hand ... I'm running on 512Mb ram with compositing and it seems ok for speed.05:08
mattgyverdouglask, yeah its really not awful by any stretch of the imagination, but in gnome the apps seem a bit more responsive05:09
douglaskHm... do you have desktop effects enabled?05:09
mattgyverWasnt sure if there were some settings I could look into, or even card configurations that may need to be made05:09
douglaskIn System Settings, Desktop, see if "enable desktop effects" is checked... if so, try unchecking and applying it.05:11
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xp-killeris there a chat for windows xp people06:26
xp-killerguess not06:29
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khaije|amaltanyone bored, I wanna try out the new google video feature in pidgin (but none of my friends are online)07:24
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nikecru666I need some help with my wifi card07:26
nikecru666cant  connect to my wifi network, is detected, but i cant connect to it, using WEP key, idk how to :S someone pleae help me, i would really appreciate it07:27
Martin-KangBlomhi, short information07:34
Martin-KangBlomthe wiki feadback page is not editable for https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha4/Kubuntu07:34
Martin-KangBlomthis one: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha4/Kubuntu/Feedback07:34
codybrucehello world.  looking for some help getting mp3's to play in amarok.  first time using linux.  help would be appreciated.  i copied my music over from my xp partition.  copied fine.  when i load an mp3 in amarok, it blinks like it's going to play, then stops.  kubuntu informs me updates need to be installed for amarok, so I allow it.  the updates never start.07:40
codybrucei dont see any solution on kubuntuguide.org either.07:41
sub[t]rnlcodybruce: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras07:44
codybruceE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.07:45
sub[t]rnldo as it says07:45
codybrucek.  i will sit and think.07:45
codybruceoh wow07:46
codybrucelinux rules07:46
codybrucei was trying to install java07:46
codybrucebut got tired and went to bed07:47
codybruceright in the middle.  now linux is telling me in a chinese voice, "you've been a baaaaaaaaaad boi."07:47
codybrucenow i have to go back and clean up my mess.07:47
codybrucei like that.07:47
codybruceyou there?07:58
codybrucequestion for all07:59
codybrucewhen installing java in kubuntu, i get the EULA?07:59
codybrucei scroll to the bottom07:59
codybrucebut there's now way i can select "ok"07:59
codybruceto close it and continue.07:59
codybrucei'm stuck.07:59
sub[t]rnlpress tab, then hit enter08:01
Lord_Devineed to know the secret handshake i guess08:02
CoyotesIf you see Something like a _ under a letter it means press Alt plus that key.08:03
CoyotesAlt-S does Something08:03
sub[t]rnlncurses and their secrets..08:03
codybrucei hit the right arrow.08:03
codybruceunderstood coyotes.08:03
codybrucewhat a noob mistake.08:03
codybruceshould have known.08:03
CoyotesThat's like from Windows 2.0 or GEOS :)08:03
codybruceit cleaned and installed java perfect, which i will test in a bit08:03
codybrucebut i would like to hear ruin by lamb of god.08:03
codybrucei'm reading the faq for kubuntu08:03
codybruceit's telling me to install libxine1-ffmpeg package08:04
codybrucethat's for gutsy gibbon 7.10 though08:04
codybrucei'll try it08:04
codybrucewhy not08:04
codybruceonly way to learn is to break it?08:04
codybrucemusic is playing.08:06
codybrucei feel08:07
codybrucei feeeeeeeeeeeel08:07
codybruceslightly awesome.08:07
codybruceis this what "going" inside of a girl feels like?08:08
=== Joschi_ is now known as Joschi
shahuli want to get all the usernames who are all not in my contact lists in kopete.. is it possible?08:13
shahulanybody please tell me08:15
tdikshahul: it depends on ICQ or whatever you use08:23
tdikshahul: at least I think so ...08:23
MushroomKingdomWhoa so.. I reformatted and now for whatever reason I can't install a bunch of stuff.08:27
MushroomKingdomNormally after a reformat it allows me to install firefox, irssi, etc etc08:28
MushroomKingdomMy hardware driver as well as alot of basic repo stuff are, well, gone.08:28
Nichodanyone know of a way to dl krita for ubuntu08:45
Nichodthe 2.x series version08:45
shahulsorry tdik.. r u there?08:52
tdikshahul: yes08:53
shahulICQ means what?08:53
MamarokNichod: it is only in the backports PPA, together with KDE 4.3 for now, it will be in the next release08:54
melomanehi, i have a problem with kopete, don't know if it is a bug or no. for my  yahoo account, if one of the contact on my firend list change his status, kopete suddenly shows him as offline and disappears from my list, although he is online. he just changed his status (to anything else, online with sth as status, or busy mode,or away). if i go offline and com back he is shown now with his new status. so i have to log out and come back every few minutes to c08:57
melomane who is online08:57
shahulmelomane: he should authorize you?09:00
shahulhere also the same problem..09:00
melomaneshahul: just as soon as he changes his status to anything,kopete shows him offline. until i go and back online again to c his new status09:03
shahuli too having the same problem..09:04
shahuldo one thing..09:04
shahulremove him from your contact list and add again.. and ask him to do the same thing..09:05
melomaneshahul: did u tried? the problem was solved?09:07
melomaneshahul: i tried it now, doesn't work. again shows offline09:14
eshatHow do I record speaker outpur ?09:25
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shahulmelomane: i tried it.. its worked for some users..10:08
melomaneshahul: i tried a few minutes ago, but didn't work :(10:08
shahulBoth deleted each other contacts uh?..10:10
frinuxsomething happened recently with the torrent trackers? I can't download anymore10:10
melomaneshahul: yes, i asked him to delete me and i deleted him, then i added him again,he accepted and then i authorized him10:10
shahulhe authorized u?10:11
melomaneshahul: then i asked him to change to busy, as he did,he gone offline on my system10:11
melomaneshahul: yes he accpeted, he is on yahoo messenger in windows,10:11
shahulusing kopete?10:11
melomaneshahul: yes kopete10:12
shahultell me ur user name10:12
shahulthat is ur identity of kopete10:12
melomaneshahul: melomane2110:12
melomaneshahul:  yahoo, i have this problem for yahoo10:13
shahulthen i don know.10:15
shahultry in google10:15
shahulsurely it will give answer..10:15
melomaneshahul: i tried google, didnt find anythign10:16
melomaneshahul: i thought it may be just my problem that didnt find anything on googl10:16
shahuldo you have mail id?10:16
melomaneshahul:  in yahoo?10:17
melomaneshahul: for example those .with STH@ymail.com ?10:17
melomaneshahul: it seems the problem is just with yahoo10:18
shahulno.. iits not with yahoo..10:19
shahulits kopete property..10:19
melomaneshahul:  really bad10:19
shahulwhat really bad? i am bad uh?10:20
melomaneshahul: no no, i mean kopete, bad action10:20
shahuljust for fun i asked.. yes its bad..10:21
melomaneshahul: ;)10:21
shahulnot kopete.. kubuntu is bad..10:21
shahulwhats ur mail id?10:21
melomanei dont have10:21
shahulwhat are you doing? Don you have mail id? very bad10:23
melomaneshahul: i decided to use pidgin instead, but pidgin also has some problem these days, when some one for my yahoo account goes offline, it still shows him online, completely in contrast to kopete!!! this problem was not in pidgin before10:24
melomaneshahul: of course i have email address, i though u mean those used in yahoo messenger10:25
shahulis possible to install pidgin in kubuntu?10:26
melomaneshahul:  of course possible, just need some extra packages10:26
shahulwhat packages we need?10:27
melomaneshahul : if u  use adept, or kpackagekit, or its commandline, which is apt-get, it will download and install any other packages it needs10:27
shahulmine id is meed_shah@ymail.com10:28
shahulof you get any info about that.. let me know this?10:31
shahulto this id..10:32
melomaneshahul: ok, i will10:37
melomaneshahul: let me add u10:38
shahulactually i am using kopete..10:38
shahulits my personal mail id10:38
melomaneshahul: ok10:39
melomaneshahul: no, it my id on yahoo, it is not @ymail10:41
shahulwhats your id?10:42
shahulmelomane@yahoo.com am i right?10:42
melomanethere is 21 too10:42
melomanenot melomane, melomane21 ;)10:42
shahulmine also @yahoo.. not ymail..10:42
melomaneshahul: ok,good10:43
shahulwhere are you? what are you doing?10:43
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melomaneshahul: not at IRC10:44
melomaneshahul: thanks10:45
shahuldo u have net?10:45
melomaneshahul: net?10:47
shahulinternet connection?10:47
melomaneshahul: of course, so how i am in IRC right now?10:48
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shahulyes.. sorry i forgot.... go and open your mail id?10:49
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shahulmelomane: you there?10:52
melomaneshahul: yeah i am, i am opening my mail10:53
shahulgot my msg?10:53
melomaneshahul: yes, got it10:55
shahulok..reply by mail10:55
melomaneshahul:  i did10:56
shahulok.. i will see10:56
shahulgot my mail?11:03
shahulmelomane: u there?11:07
invisibleprisonis katapult in the repos? I can't seem to find it.11:12
invisibleprisonor is there a better launcher?11:12
Bou1invisibleprison: alt+f211:13
invisibleprisonlol, thanks Bou111:14
invisibleprisonI've been trying to figure out how to install it...11:14
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melomaneshahul: yes, got ur mail11:23
melomaneshahul: i'll go for now,11:24
melomaneshahul: nice to meet u11:24
melomaneshahul: bye for now11:24
shahulok.. bye..11:24
shahulwe will meet u again..11:24
shahulmsg me when u come ro online.11:24
melomaneshahul: ok11:25
melomaneshahul: bye11:25
shahulbye.. take care11:25
shahulreply for that mail11:25
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frgWir feiern die ganze nacht bis morgen früg12:22
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bazhangHHDS, hi do you have a support question12:22
Vailormsg NickServ identify password12:27
Vailorhow do i reg my name if that is possible?12:28
MamarokVailor: you need to type /msg nickserv indetify and type the password at the end of the line12:29
Mamarokidentify*, sry12:29
Vailorthanks mam12:30
Mamarokyou are welcome12:31
remoteCTR1hi all! can anyone please tell me how to install one of those huawei mobile internet hsdpa usb sticks?12:38
* Bou1 wonders what can be a "huawei mobile internet hsdpa usb stick" ...12:39
remoteCTR1boul a mobile broadband modem?12:48
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Synapse-119Hello everyone. Can you tell me how to add only one application from ppa repository? Because after adding the whole kubuntu PPA and running apt-get update it proposes to update the whole KDE installation, while I require only Amarok13:24
Synapse-119is it possible to do so?13:25
llutzSynapse-119: just apt-get install <your-app> and disable ppa then13:25
Synapse-119simple solution :)13:25
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Synapse-119thank you13:26
=== proteus is now known as panproteus
admin112sfhi kubuntu maniacs13:33
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BluesKajHeyas all14:13
Mamarokhi BluesKaj14:39
BluesKajhey Mamarok14:42
lovetruthhey :)14:52
lovetruthneed some help at kubuntu... :)14:52
lovetruthi have jaunty jackalope and i installed a XP Gnome script, to make my Ubuntu more familiar to my family members...14:52
lovetruththat one worked perfectly14:52
lovetruthrecently i installed vistar7 for kde, which didn't work till i installed compiz also, and then made compiz to autostart...14:53
lovetruthbut now, recently, my vistar7 user (i have 2 users: one for XP Gnome and one for vistar7) does not start,14:53
lovetruthgiving an error like it doesn't have enough space on hdd?... or?...14:54
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lovetruthwhile i have 13.1 FREE giga on the kubuntu system partition!...14:55
Bou1and in the home partition? (if any)14:55
lovetruthwell that's what i use for home partition14:55
lovetruththe about 20 giga partition...14:56
Bou1i meant, your /home is not in a separate partition of your / ?14:57
lovetruthit's on the same partition...14:57
bazhangubuntu, did you have a support question?14:58
geniiubuntu: Yes, we see what you write. Do you have some Kubuntu question?14:58
lovetruthi don't know what can be the problem, i use linux and ubuntu more only from few months, even i use the pc since almost it's apparition...14:58
lovetruthi mean, used linux, but trying to get a little more into it only from recently... so, don't know what can be the problem15:00
Bou1lovetruth: what is the exact error message you get?15:00
DarkSmokehey guys , is there some official guid to install kubuntu on a Netbook15:00
lovetruthi can retry to login, if you have patience, and i'll tell you15:00
lovetruthok so?15:00
DarkSmokei want to install kubuntu on my gf's netbook15:00
mobi-sheepAsk your girlfriend for permission first. :}15:01
Bou1lovetruth: i'll be around15:01
Bou1lovetruth: anyway, it's useful for you to get the exact message15:01
Bou1at least to google it15:01
lovetruthDarkSmoke: i personaly don't think that you need a guide :)) anyway, google can help (i`m first time here, maybe others know more), and you can also install a script to make your ubuntu look like XP, like vista, or whatever, is very configurable :) just that you need to do it almost yourself :)15:02
lovetruthok, thanks, brb! :)15:02
DarkSmokemake kubuntu look like xp ? wtf is this guy saying15:03
BluesKajhiding linux from his windowsloving boss , maybe ?15:03
Bou1no, making it less weird for it's "windows used to" family15:04
mobi-sheepDarkSmoke: What do you mean? Just burn a disc, md5sum verification, run and install.15:04
lovetruthhave to wait few minutes till update manager finishes, then relogin :)15:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about knr15:05
lovetruthtalking about me, Boul? :))15:05
lovetruthok, brb, thanks :)15:05
mobi-sheeplovetruth: Making linux looks like XP?  I think they'll notice it right away after few minutes of usage.15:05
mobi-sheepEmbrace your family to accept and realize the truth -- "We're better off with linux"15:06
Bou1if he can attract them to Linux this way, that's fine15:06
mobi-sheepOh he left. <_<15:06
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Bou1he'll be back15:06
avihayb!kde3 |avihayb15:08
ubottuavihayb, please see my private message15:08
mobi-sheepDarkSmoke: In that case, if your netbook don't have CD/DVD reader. Look for Ubuntu Jaunty boot.img.gz -- ZCAT the file to your USB and stick the usb in netbook.  It'll retrieve and install packages from the trusted servers.15:08
DarkSmoke<BluesKaj> hiding linux from his windowsloving boss , maybe ?15:09
mobi-sheepDarkSmoke: And when everything is done, you run "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" to get the rest.15:09
DarkSmokewell i dunno . but he shouldt give this ideas to other people15:09
mobi-sheepDarkSmoke: But I think you'll be prompted with tasksel automatically so you can scroll down and find "kubuntu-desktop" and toggle it on.  Run it.  That's it.15:10
DarkSmoketoo much complicat15:10
DarkSmokei found a better way15:10
DarkSmokeusing a program called unetbootin15:11
lovetruthback, wrote down the 2 error messages which i get when i login the user vistar715:11
lovetruthand, after the error messages, it get's back to login screen15:12
BluesKajDarkSmoke, could be :)15:12
lovetruthfirst, it appears a themed window (with blue title, etc, as i themed them in compiz)15:12
lovetruthstating this:15:12
lovetruthThe following installation problem was detected while trying to start KDE:15:13
DarkSmokewe should kill you15:13
DarkSmokefor hiding the beuty of linux15:13
lovetruthNo write access to '/home/vistar7/.ICEauthority'15:13
DarkSmokebrb purifing my gf's laptop from its evilnesss15:13
lovetruthKDE is unable to start. (then OK button :) )15:14
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lovetruthDarkSmoke:  - have no option, my family members complained to me so much, that i had to do something :))15:14
lovetruthok, he's gone :)15:14
lovetruthsome of them even said that i have to choose between them and ubuntu :)))))))))15:14
lovetruththat was persecution, like the papal inquisition, indeed :))15:15
lovetruthok... anyone any idea?...15:15
lovetruthafter i clicked OK,15:15
gjulianlovetruth: Idea for what?15:15
gjulianI'm a bit lost lol15:15
lovetruthit appeared a grey window (not themed)15:15
lovetruthCould not start Ksmserver.15:16
lovetruthCheck your installation.15:16
lovetruth(okay   button :) )15:16
lovetruthhere's a quite detailed description of the error messages...15:16
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:16
lovetruthhave to mention, though, that i have added the "vistar7" user to the admin group15:17
bazhanglovetruth, please dont use one or two words and enter15:17
lovetruthok, sorry, did that only because i tryied to better describe the window error messages. sorry, i`ll use pastebin or things like that, thanks15:17
bazhanglovetruth, for any thing over a line or two long (error messages) use paste.ubuntu.com15:17
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lovetruthok, i`ll wait for ideas...15:18
BoumBoumpapal inquisition15:18
BoumBoumyou have a harsh family15:19
gjulianlovetruth: you writed that you had this error: No write access to '/home/vistar7/.ICEauthority'15:19
lovetruthi have, indeed, BoumBoum :))15:19
lovetruththey got nervous because of my ubuntu, when they said that "to choose" thingie :))15:20
lovetruththey were quite mad on me... :))15:20
gjulianlovetruth: try this: sudo chmod 750 -R /home/vistar715:21
makdaknifelovetruth: try `sudo chown vistar7\: /home/vistar7/.ICEauthority15:21
makdaknifegjulian: not the best approach... you're recursively messing with permissions of the users entire home directory15:22
BluesKajlovetruth, i don't like to pry , but are these family members parents , brothers & sisters or your children.15:22
lovetruththe one who told me that is something like the one that i`m gonna live with all of my life :">15:22
lovetruthi mean, life partner :))15:23
gjulianmakdaknife: I think not. Probably, if a file is with wrong permissions, the entire vistar 7 dir can be also  with bad permissions.15:23
lovetruthok, tryied your command, gjulian15:23
lovetruthbrb relogin :)15:23
makdaknifegjulian: that's a MASSIVE assumption to make15:23
lovetruthi`ll tell you a result :)15:23
makdaknifegjulian: also you're changing mode not ownership15:24
lovetruthyes, Bou115:24
cole_Could anyone help me get my buntu machine to authenticate to an ldap, ive tried everything :-/15:24
Bou1just change permission on the .IceAuthority file15:24
BluesKajlovetruth, if they are your children then you must make them understand the coolness of linux and other family members like parents etc should understand the seurity of using linux vs windows15:24
Bou1lovetruth: should be enough15:24
lovetruthok :)15:24
lovetruthdone that :)15:24
lovetruthbrb relogin :)15:24
aziz_всем привет!!!15:26
Bou1gjulian: I think makdaknife is right, changing the ownership on the single file is enough (according to forum topics i just saw)15:26
gjulianmakdaknife: I think you're right... maybe he should have tried first changing ownership15:26
Bou1it seems the problem occured to many people.. it would be good to know why it happens..15:27
lovetruththanks, it works like charm :)15:27
lovetruthnow, just that compiz doesn't autostart anymore :)15:27
Bou1lovetruth: next time, try to google the error message15:27
Bou1i found lots of forum topics about it15:28
lovetruthok, that's what i usually do, just wanted to check in also this IRC channel :)15:28
lovetrutheven i checked the compiz autostart thingie, and didn't work15:28
lovetruthi mean, it worked, but now it doesn't any more15:28
makdaknifelovetruth: first thing to do is make sure that you own all of the files in your own home folder... you could do: chown -R vistar7\: ~/*15:29
Bou1lovetruth: by the way "no write access" error generally means "permission problem"15:29
gjulianlovetruth, a little thing to see if there was a ownership problem, post the output of ls -al /home/vistar7/.ICEauthority15:29
makdaknifethat means that you have appropriate ownership within your own home folder15:29
lovetruth-rwxr-x--- 1 vistar7 vistar7 708 2009-08-26 23:38 /home/vistar7/.ICEauthority15:30
gjulianNot a ownership problem :)15:31
Bou1of course, since he just fixed it15:31
makdaknifelovetruth: that looks okay... although I just have mine -rw-------15:31
lovetruthbut why doesn't start automatically compiz ?...15:31
makdaknifelovetruth: possibly you have other ownership problems... see the command I posted above15:32
lovetruthchown: cannot read directory `/home/vistar7/Desktop/New Folder/atlantis/build':Permission denied15:32
lovetruthah, sudo15:32
lovetruthok :)15:32
makdaknifeso you know that you already had one file that you didn't have permissionson15:33
lovetruthand it's from compiz effects :))15:33
lovetruththe atlantis :)15:33
lovetruthso quite can be :)15:33
lovetruthok, relogin :)15:34
lovetruthi`ll inform you with the results, as i can see that the logging is published online :)15:34
lovetruthheh, works like charm! :)15:37
lovetruththanks! :)15:37
lovetruthGod bless you! :)15:37
AuthorityI have the cups package installed, but don't actually want to run the cupsd daemon.  I've used update-rc.d to remove the startup links and stopped the service, but package upgrades have a tendency to restart the service.  Is there a flag to stop the cups package from starting the cupsd daemon on upgrades?16:02
Abhi_hello all16:28
Abhi_how r u?16:28
Abhi_i am a new kubuntu user16:28
Abhi_its really good looking16:28
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Abhi69is there any web authoring tool for kubuntu?16:31
Abhi69can any body answer?16:31
Abhi69i am asking for web authoring tool for kubuntu16:31
Abhi69anyone answer?16:32
DragnslcrYou can use any text editor for HTML16:32
Abhi69i want something like frontpage/dreamweaver16:32
Abhi69is there any?16:32
Dragnslcr!info komposer16:33
ubottuPackage komposer does not exist in jaunty16:33
Dragnslcr!info kompozer16:33
ubottukompozer (source: kompozer): Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.7.10-0ubuntu6 (jaunty), package size 8417 kB, installed size 26120 kB16:33
Abhi69komposer is freuently crashing in my kubuntu 9.04, & in ubuntu also16:34
Abhi69it not working in my system16:34
Abhi69any other solution?16:35
chuyzozhello, what do i need to do in order to get rhythmbox working in kde ?16:47
josiasYou have already Amarok kde on why rhythmbox Amrok more is better16:53
chuyzozi have all my music on my external hardrive .. everytime i open amarok .. i need to import it16:55
chuyzozor well .. not import it but .. the songs just appear as a list16:55
chuyzozthey are not separated by artist and album and for song length they all have 0:0016:55
josiasI see it does not read17:00
chuyzozits okay ... rhythmbox is workign for me now...17:01
chuyzozjust one question , is there a way to remove unncessary packages, like packages that were installed but are no longer used or needed by a program?17:01
chuyzozdo you know the command?17:05
BluesKajchuyzoz, there's the 'remove orphaned packages' in kmenu apps/system17:05
BluesKaji use, sudo aptitude autoclean17:06
chuyzozperfect thank you17:06
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd17:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd-client17:21
DarkSmokewhat was it17:21
makdaknifeDarkSmoke: what are you looking for?17:21
soumendrahi everyone, can anyone help me writing a bootloader which I can test without floppy? Please17:22
DarkSmokehow to install wicd on kubuntu17:22
llutzDarkSmoke: sudo apt-get install wicd17:22
DarkSmokeyeh good boy17:22
DarkSmokeand leave it running along side NetworkManager ?17:23
chuyzozyou can't17:23
chuyzozbe careful17:23
chuyzozi tried this about 2 days ago .. i messed up severely17:23
LastVikingsudo apt-get install wicd...that will remove kubuntu network-manager and make things right...I was forced into using it after install Kubuntu 4.317:23
chuyzozi uninstalled network manager , then tried to install wicd, but i was left without internet in the middle17:23
makdaknifeLastViking: is it anygood?17:23
chuyzozcouldn't install wicd17:23
llutzDarkSmoke: i doubt that  - Conflicts: network-manager17:24
LastVikingsudo apt-get remove network-manager and then sudo apt-get install wicd...17:24
makdaknifehmmm that could be tricky if you're relying on wifi to do your apt-get ;-)17:25
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makdaknifei suppose you could do apt-get -d wicd first17:25
LastVikingI believe wicd is installable from Kubuntu CD17:25
josias  I want a virtual keyboard on kubuntu17:27
makdaknifeooooh just install wicd... its quite nice17:29
LastVikingJosias:  Type kvkbd in Krunner <Alt+F2> and you have a virtual keyboard in Kubuntu17:29
josiashow to install xampp17:32
LastVikingjosias:  just download and extract into folder...start XAMPP and you have ignitiion...17:36
DarkSmokehey guys17:37
DarkSmokedoes linux support connecting to wireless on channel 13?17:37
DarkSmokecause i tried both with wicd and networkmanager and both dont list my router, but windows xp finds it17:37
DarkSmokebut they do list the ones nearby on channel 617:37
josiaswhich folder17:39
DarkSmokewhat do you mean which folder ?17:40
LastVikingDarkSmoke:  Add the following to /etc/modprobe.d/options... options cfg80211_regdom=17:40
LastVikingSorry after ="EU"17:41
LastVikingAfter reboot....adds channels 12 and 1317:42
DarkSmokecan you tell me again cause idisconnected by mistake17:42
DarkSmokeLastViking ?17:43
LastVikingDarkSmoke:  Add the following to /etc/modprobe.d/options... options cfg80211_regdom="EU" and reboot...should add channels 12 and 1317:44
DarkSmokei dont have the file options in modprobe.d , do i create it myself?17:44
DarkSmokebrb reboot17:45
LastVikingDarkSmoke:  Make sure you are looking at hidden files in your file manager.....options should be there...17:46
DarkSmokeits still not showing my router17:49
jonahhey guys, having a problem with my eee pc s101. everything is fine, and wifi works but only with wep hex or no security hotspots, passphrase hotspots just won't connect whatever i try... can anyone please help?17:50
BluesKajDarkSmoke, which router ? the wifi channel may be set  to default usually ch6 .17:51
DarkSmokeyes i know but i setted it to channel 1317:51
BluesKajDarkSmoke, why ? I don't mean to be critical , I'm merely curious17:54
isscawhich soft can update the Kubuntu?18:01
teemuHey I have a slight problem with KDE 4.3 on 9.04. The new network plasmoid or what ever it is called didn't show up in a new upgrade. What didn't I install?18:03
teemuAccording to apt no packages are missing18:04
teemuOn another computer the upgrade process frmo 4.2 to 4.3 went fine and I had the new network thingie sitting next to clock. It works flawlessly.18:07
teemuOn this another computer upgrade didn't intrduce this new network thingie for some reason18:07
teemuSo what should I use for connecting to wireless..18:08
makdaknifeteemu: you can either install knetworkmanager or wicd18:10
makdaknifeteemu: afaik the network manager plasmoid in 4.3 on kubuntu is not working properly18:10
teemuknetworkmanager doesn't work in this computer. I mean it fails to connect when encryption is used18:11
makdaknifeteemu: I just installed wicd today... and it works a treat18:11
teemuSo what's the name of the.. plasmoid(?) in http://kde.org/announcements/4.3/screenshots/desktop.png that sits next to audio control?18:11
makdaknifeteemu: I think thats plasma-widget-network-manager which is currently not working properly afaik18:13
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erik______is anybody here ?18:42
spacelimeHello! I'm just about to install Kubuntu..... I'm tempted to go for Karmic because i've heard jaunty has a few issues. I don't mind if something would crash on me occationaly as long as it doesn't corrupt my hard drive or anything. Anyone that has experience with both jaunty and karmic and could give me a couple of tips?18:44
spacelimei've installed karmic to try before by the way... seemed to run smoothly for the couple of days i tried it.. but maybe there is some serious issue i'm not aware of yet...?18:45
makdaknifespacelime: I haven't gone with karmic yet... but jaunty is pretty good and you can get kde4.3 with the backports18:45
spacelimemakdaknife: are you using kde 4.3 atm?18:45
makdaknifespacelime: yes18:45
makdaknifespacelime: the only issue I've had is with the networkmanager plasmoid18:46
spacelimemakdaknife: ok! i was thinking perhaps karmic play along better with 4.3 than jaunty but maybe it's not an issue?18:46
makdaknifespacelime: easily gotten around using knetworkmanager or wicd18:46
makdaknifespacelime: yeah its pretty rock solid...18:46
makdaknifespacelime: you need to add backports to get the 4.3 stuff though18:47
spacelimesounds good.... perhaps i should hold my horses and go for jaunty then =)18:47
makdaknifespacelime: I'm always tempted to go bleeding edge... but I guess it depends on how comfortable you are with things breaking occassionally18:47
Byron_Hello everyone. I can't seem to get my nVidia GeForce 7600GS to work. I get TTY instead of a GUI. I tried 180 and 96 for the nvidia drivers and still no luck. It continues to fail.18:48
makdaknifespacelime: its not so long until karmic gets released... so its probably pretty stable18:48
spacelimeyou think it will be all smooth upgrading to karmic when it reaches rc? i'm a little worried i will have to make a clean install of karmic in a few weeks and that would be a bit of a hazzle18:48
makdaknifespacelime: I doubt you will have too many issues with an upgrade...18:49
spacelimegreat..... another thing though... is those nasty ext4 bugs resovled yet?18:49
makdaknifespacelime: but if you're confident and you've already dipped your toe in the karmic waters... maybe you should give it a try18:50
spacelimei heard it could break the system not too long ago18:50
spacelimemakdaknife: hehe.... yes i'm sure tempted to follow the way of the koala18:50
makdaknifespacelime: that's part of the reason I haven't switched up to karmic yet... but I haven't been following the news too closely for a couple of weeks18:50
spacelimemakdaknife: right.... I guess i'll be diligent with the backups18:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:52
makdaknifespacelime: always a good plan18:52
spacelimei'm actually struggling to recover some very important files right now because SBackup messed up.... dangerous application18:53
spacelimemakdaknife: have you tried LuckyBackup?18:55
spacelimemakdaknife: or you do it by hand?18:55
makdaknifespacelime: I use rdiff-backup and I use backupninja to help with the conf18:55
makdaknifespacelime: I backup to central fileserver that is mirror raided with a TB of storage space18:56
spacelimemakdaknife: allright! i will check that out18:56
makdaknifespacelime: admittedly I haven't ever had anything too serious go wrong, so I don't test recovery that often... but I do check that its been running18:57
makdaknifespacelime: good luck...18:57
makdaknifespacelime: I have to go afk for a bit18:57
spacelimethanks for the help, see you!18:58
Byron_How do I find out if I have what it takes to run Compiz+19:01
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:02
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MTGap_Where can I change the status icons for kopete. I tried changing the icons under status in my icon theme but they aren't changing.19:17
Darohej I am using kubuntu 9.04 with pulse audio...I can record adio via audacity without problems...but when I wanna call a friend via skype my mic is not working...although sype in and skype out are set to pulse...any ideas?19:23
virtualim first time ubuntu user19:31
sugianaI use kubuntu hardy and already connected to internet with kppp19:37
sugianaapt-get update running without any problem19:37
sugianabut konqueror can not  connect to any url19:38
sugianakonqueror didn't try to connect19:40
sugianaany one know this problem ?19:40
muskaotikcan someone tell me how close cairo-dock when i leave my session ?19:43
sugianacairo-dock ?19:44
muskaotikyes its a bar like macOS19:45
muskaotiki'm on X server on ubuntu19:45
muskaotiki don't know how to close application when i shutdown my computer19:46
sugianaapt-cache search cairo dock, there is no cairo dock in repo19:46
sugianai use hardy19:47
muskaotiki have cairo dock in package with Kubuntu 9.0419:47
sugianathis is my new hardy installation, konqueror can not load any url19:48
sugianaapt-get install firefox still in progress19:49
MTGap_can you do ping www.google.com19:49
MTGap_in terminal19:49
sugianayes i can19:49
sugianai use kppp19:50
muskaotiki have the same problem yesterday ... reboot and its ok for me ^^19:50
muskaotikbut not with konqueror, with firefox19:50
muskaotikbye all :)19:51
sugianaok, konqueror just for filemanager ..19:51
sugianalooks konqueror didn't try to establish connection19:56
sugianabut sftp load very well19:58
jeerumi need help, my software manager give error20:03
jeerumand i cant install anything20:03
sugianaapt-get update first20:04
jeerumok i try20:05
jeerumjeerum@jeerum-desktop:~$ apt-get update first20:05
jeerumE: The update command takes no arguments20:05
jeerumsorry my bad20:05
sugianajust "apt-get update"20:05
jeerumsudo jeerum@jeerum-desktop:~$ apt-get update first20:06
jeerumE: The update command takes no arguments20:06
marc_hi,  i can't download any album covers in amarok2 ( kubuntu 9.04), could you help ?20:06
sugianawithout "first", please :)20:06
jeerumi get E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).20:06
sugianafollow that instruction, apt-get -f install20:07
jeerumyes thanks20:07
jeerumand i must put first sudo20:08
jeerumnow its do something :)20:08
jeerumfirst time i try without sudo20:08
sugianai see ..20:08
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jeerumthanks now is fine :)20:09
MTGap_ Where can I change the status icons for kopete. I tried changing the icons under status in my icon theme but they aren't changing.20:15
jeerumwhat i need to get youtube work20:18
Dragnslcr!info flashplugin-installer | jeerum20:20
ubottujeerum: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 176 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)20:20
jeerumi try thanks20:22
jeerumdont get it :)20:23
jeerumi use konquero20:24
sugianakonqueror problem with http20:27
sugianabut works with sftp20:28
jeerumok i install FF maybe less problems :)20:28
jeerumis there any chrome browser for kubuntu?20:28
DragnslcrThere's a Linux version of Chrome, but I don't think it's in the repositories20:29
sugianachrome just for windows20:29
MTGap_there's one on launchpad20:29
sugianaalready for linux ?20:29
MTGap_there's probably about 20+ tutorials for installing it just google it20:29
jeerum:) allways i get this "Google it"20:30
bdgrauethere is a native version for linux on launchpad, no need to work around for the win chrome version20:30
jeerumif you know then isvery hard give some more info?20:30
MTGap_chrome owns, once its out of development firefox is being completely removed20:31
jeerumi love chrome20:32
jeerumthanks man20:32
MTGap_can anyone help me:  Where can I change the status icons for kopete. I tried changing the icons under status in my icon theme but they aren't changing.20:34
MTGap_does anyone even use kopete?20:34
sugianaurl https://launchpad.net/chromium-browser20:35
sugianai use kopete20:36
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jeerumff flash works20:38
jeerumbut laging20:38
jeerumis there some fix?20:38
MTGap_sugiana: where are the status icons at?20:38
MTGap_they look awful I think20:38
sugianasorry, i know about status icons from you20:39
sugianathere is no status icon in kopete, kubuntu 8.0420:41
jeerumi have 9.0420:43
jeerumand now its no lag but picture is poor20:45
jeerumand audio is out of sync20:45
jeerumto many must set before something is working correct20:48
jeerumsome good irc client?20:50
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martin____hi everyone. suddenly  my kubuntu 9.04 does not recognizes any USB Drives.21:07
afeijoin windows I had DVD Shrink to copy a original DVD, I need to duplicate one in my current kubuntu 9, how can I do that?21:15
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llutzafeijo: try k9copy21:16
afeijollutz: I will, thanks21:16
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senorpedrowhat is a good audio player for kde with last.fm support ?21:19
senorpedroexcept amarok of course21:19
senorpedroi need somethink qt4, gtk2 only if no gnome-bindings21:19
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adelie42Is there a channel for kubuntu users running the andLinux kernel?21:32
jon_I need help with Amarok2 not playing back21:35
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sebbarhi, what video-chat options do I have on kubuntu? looking for something to replace skype...22:31
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bdgrauesebbar: maybe http://www.qutecom.org/22:44
heerokenshinque chow22:45
sebbarbdgraue: oh wow didn't know wengophone resurrected... had been using it for a while, then suddently stopped working with no explanation from the devs or france telecom whatsoever... wasn't particularly nice22:47
sebbarbut will give this qutecom a try22:48
sebbarintresting that arcor.de is sponsoring it...22:48
bdgrauesebbar: my wengoaccount is suspended, nont know why, did not test qutecom with any other sip22:50
Mamarokbdgraue: I doubt this will go very far, RC1 to 3 had regukar uodates, and nothing since RC3 in december last year, also it is a one-man project22:51
Mamaroklooks like another orphaned application22:52
bdgrauethere is http://ekiga.org/ but its gtk, isnt it?22:53
heerokenshinhey im noobie in this, any help or intro?22:53
bdgraueand pidgin supports google video chat sebbar22:54
sebbarbdgrau: on linux, really? cool!22:55
bdgrauesebbar: http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/22:58
bdgraueVoice and video support is only built on Jaunty (9.04) and up.22:58
sebbarsounds really cool tnx22:58
bdgrauebut also no cool qt/kde app22:58
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smogattackdo you guys like korganizer or sunbird more?23:08
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smogattackin korganzizer, how do I change to time from 13:00 to 1:00? the format.23:21
xsebsxhow can i go about installing opera from the konsole?23:42
xsebsxwhen i sudo apt-get opera-browser it says invalid operation23:43
llutzapt-get install package23:45
xsebsxbut thats what im saying23:47
xsebsxopera and opera browser dont show up23:47
sugianaapt-get *install* package23:51
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