
mwhudsonwoohoooo inbox zero00:32
jmlmwhudson, grats00:39
lifelessis there any chance we could get rid of the 'no new merge proposal while one is outstanding' limit of code reviews?00:50
lifelessI'm having to lie to the system at the moment00:51
jmllifeless, perhaps...00:53
lifelessso my work flow is00:54
jmllifeless, what are you trying to do?00:54
lifelesshack on a branch a lot00:54
lifelesssend of bits to be reviewed when I stop00:54
lifelesslike this morning, did an hour on the test suite00:54
lifelesssent it off00:54
lifelesscode-reviews complained at me that there was a MP already open00:54
lifelessso I go to that MP https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/test-speed/+merge/1072000:54
lifelesstell it its merged (its not, just approved)00:55
lifelesshttp://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/ is busy merging it00:55
lifelessthen send in my new mp00:55
jmlI see.00:55
jmlsounds not entirely dissimilar to a race condition00:56
lifelesswith BB we just said 'send -r -2..'00:56
jmlputting the constraint on branches, rather than on, say, revision ids, seems to be the mistake here.00:58
lifelessI think its fluid01:00
lifelessbut yes, thats part of the thing driving the issue01:01
lifelessIf I were to put it as a use case, it would be: 'a cherry pick merge submission sent while an earlier submission on the same branch is active should be accepted and shown separately'01:02
lifelesstwo scenarios actually01:02
lifelessthe second is01:02
lifeless'a merge subission sent while an earlier submission on the same branch is active adds to that (or resubmits automatically?) rather than being rejected'01:02
lifelessjml: ^ what to do with this01:15
jmllifeless, sorry, the phone rang...01:16
jmlbrain occupied at present :)01:16
spivjml: yes, I agree, I mentally think of merge proposals as being for revisions not branches (as branches can change, but the diffs (and reviews!) don't automatically change with them).01:22
wgrantDiffs will start changing soon, won't they?01:22
thumperwgrant: yes01:22
* mwhudson lunches01:22
lifelessspiv: the followon changes can either be an extension (fixups) or new (different change)01:22
spivjml: and I've also wanted what I think lifeless is asking for here, to be able to file a series of merge proposals off one branch.01:22
lifelessI'd be wary of keying too closely into revision id01:23
spivlifeless: agreed.01:23
lifelessspiv: uick call?01:23
spivlifeless: sure01:23
spivI'd be happy for LP to make it obvious that there are more revs since the diff was generated, for instance.01:24
spivAnd for LP to make it easy to refile for the new revs.01:24
binarymutantis this the right irc channel for mailing list administration?01:26
jmlit's close enough :)01:26
binarymutantjml, my loco is having problems with it's list :(01:27
binarymutantwe can't access it01:27
jmlwhat's actually happening?01:32
wgrantbinarymutant: Aren't LoCo mailing lists on lists.ubuntu.com?01:34
wgrantLaunchpad has nothing to do with lists.ubuntu.com.01:34
binarymutantty for the info wgrant :)01:34
wgrantMaybe #canonical-sysadmin, but I'm not sure.01:35
wgrantOr #ubuntu-locoteams.01:35
binarymutantthank you01:35
=== gary-out is now known as gary_poster
* mwhudson reappears02:30
mwhudsonspm: hello02:31
spmmwhudson: heyo02:31
mwhudsonspm: can i get you to run some queries?02:32
spmmwhudson: only if you use the magic word02:32
mwhudsonspm: select count(*) from codeimport where git_repo_url like '%sourceforge%';02:33
mwhudsonspm: please02:33
spmbzt. wrong. word is "NOW!!!!" :-)02:33
jmlsinzui, you around?02:50
sinzuiI am02:50
wgrantDoes anybody else find 3.0 text to be very squished? It's all a lot closer together and less readable than 2.0.03:47
jmlwgrant, it's hard for me to say, since Firefox 3.5 seems to have different font behaviour to Firefox 303:50
jmlgot a couple of URLs to compare and contrast?03:50
wgrantjml: Look at the comment at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/structural-subscription-security/+merge/10776/comments/28159/+reply. But it affects non-monospaced text as well.03:53
* wgrant finds a good example.03:53
wgrant(does anybody want to land that branch for me, since gary_poster's concerns are unfounded and he's gone?)03:56
mwhudsonwgrant: sure03:57
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks.04:01
jmlmwhudson, oh, and not having the actual failures in the buildbot failure emails :)04:05
jmlkfogel, hello04:06
kfogeljml: hey04:06
mwhudsonand in other news, if people could stop pushing over non lefthand parents to lp-dev-utils trunk...04:06
kfogelmwhudson: ?04:07
wgrantmwhudson: I noticed that going on in lazr.restful a lot.04:07
mwhudsonkfogel: revno's of lp:lp-dev-utils are a bit useless04:07
mwhudsonbecause people merge their branches by merging from trunk, then pushing over trunk04:07
wgrantIt also results in "Merge from trunk" commits down the LHS of trunk.04:08
kfogelmwhudson: it's hard for most people to remain that conscious of the ins and outs of their vc system, I think.04:08
jmlmwhudson, I don't recall doing that, but my sincere apologies if I did04:09
mwhudsonjml: i don't think it was you04:09
* mwhudson lays down the law on the mailing list04:25
thumpermwhudson: did you get the query run to see how many git imports from sourceforge we have?04:27
mwhudsonthumper: yes04:27
mwhudsonthumper: there were 11, i think i fixed all of them04:27
thumpermwhudson: cool04:27
mwhudsonwell, we had some where someone had requested the new form already04:27
mwhudsonfscking bzrtools04:34
jmlphew. all read.04:35
jmlnow I need to incorporate the "Build Branch to Archive" thread into the spec04:36
mwhudsonwgrant: seeing as you were asking earlier: https://dev.launchpad.net/BuildEngineer04:53
jtvwgrant: right ho, I'm on it.04:53
wgrantjtv: Thanks.04:54
jtvwgrant: good thing we're in similar timezones!04:55
wgrantjtv: Indeed!04:56
mwhudsonjtv: oh i meant to ask, have you been using staging codehosting over the last two weeks?04:57
jtvmwhudson: no04:57
jtv(It can't be much longer than two weeks, but I'm sure it's been two)04:57
mwhudsonjtv: because you were trying to use it when i left, and i was trying to fix it04:58
mwhudsonwgrant: btw, do you have a commit message for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/structural-subscription-security/+merge/10776? ?04:58
mwhudson(sorry got horribly distracted)04:58
jtvmwhudson: thanks for asking... there were some more problems, but those were clear from production logs so we could fix, cherrypick, and see that the problem was gone.04:59
wgrantmwhudson: I don't. Feel free to make something up, or convince me to.04:59
mwhudsonjtv: the answer i was hoping for was "yes, we used staging codehosting a lot and it all worked fine"04:59
jtvwgrant: does that latest revision fix both failures?04:59
jtvmwhudson: sorry to disappoint!04:59
wgrantjtv: It does.04:59
jtvwgrant: great, I'll send it back in05:00
jtvnice little three-way series of conversations here...05:00
mwhudsonwgrant: "move structural subscription security checking into the model code" ?05:00
jmlmwhudson, wgrant: a thing I'd like (and might do myself), is write a simple script to make an ec2test submission given only the merge proposal URL.05:00
wgrantmwhudson: Sounds fine!05:00
wgrantjtv: Thanks.05:00
wgrantjml: That would be good.05:01
wgrantAnd public ec2test even better.05:01
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks for making that page public.05:04
jmlmwhudson, do you want me to file bugs for any of the things I mentioned earlier re pain points?05:15
mwhudsonjml: yes please05:15
wgrantjtv, mwhudson: Are both my branches happily ec2testing?05:25
* jtv checks05:25
* wgrant is about to vanish for a couple of hours.05:26
jtvwgrant: not detached yet, but still working05:26
jmlheh "05:26
jmlMoving to launchpad since lp-devel-infra project is deprecated.05:26
mupBug #106936: daily review mails <email> <infrastructure> <Launchpad Foundations:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/106936>05:26
wgrantjml: Bah. Sounds like it needs reviving.05:27
mwhudsonwgrant: the one i'm doing is05:27
wgrantjtv, mwhudson: Great, thanks.05:27
mwhudsonwgrant: it's not detached yet, but nearly there05:27
jtvwgrant: mine just detached05:28
jtvmwhudson: race you!05:28
jmlmwhudson, I've updated the BE wiki page with links to tags, and have moved a few bugs to be b-i tagged05:30
mwhudsonjml: thank you05:30
jmlmwhudson, I've probably let some junk through05:30
jmlmwhudson, and now I've filed a large number of b-i bugs05:54
mwhudsonjml: if only you could subscribe to a tag05:54
* mwhudson is reading buildbot code, please send chocolate05:55
* thumper sends mwhudson chocolate05:55
jtvwgrant: Jesus loves you, but He doesn't seem to care for your branch much.  Got the same failures. Did you push?  The test run was on 9235, not 9238, and that was right off the LP branch not off my copy.06:29
wgrantjtv: Huh.06:31
* wgrant checks LP.06:31
wgrantjtv: I see 9238 on LP.06:31
wgrantjtv: Maybe you caught it before it was mirrored.06:31
jtvwgrant: hm, maybe...  Was some time after you pinged me though.  :(06:32
jtvI'll just try again.06:32
jtvwgrant: ha!  That was an old email.  The new one is still running.06:34
wgrantjtv: Ahhh. That makes more sense.06:34
thumpergot person-product active reviews working06:40
* thumper goes back to the old failing pagetest06:40
thumpersome reviewer is going to hate me06:46
* thumper wanks the 2000 line review limit back06:46
thumperdamn muscle memory06:47
thumpermy branch is getting bigish06:47
* wgrant just got a 1400 line refactor branch down to 800ish.06:47
wgrantMeant replaying the revisions doing bzr mvs slightly differently, though :(06:48
thumperthis branch fixes activereviews for people, and adds project, source package, distro source package and person product active reviews06:48
thumpermost of the new ones were pretty simple06:49
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
thumpermost of the work is done in branch collection06:49
thumperone of jml's great ideas06:49
jmlmwhudson, have you eod'd?07:06
lifelessthekorn: grats07:07
lifelessthumper: grats07:08
mwhudsonjml: more or less07:30
jmlmwhudson, ok.07:30
thumperlifeless: for08:08
lifeless15:48 < thumper> this branch fixes activereviews for people, and adds project, source package, distro source package and person product active reviews08:10
jmlanyone here use dchroot a lot?08:10
thumperlifeless: ah, ok :)08:10
jmlI have this problem where I constantly have to manually update my /etc/resolv.conf08:11
lifelessjml: I have been known to08:11
lifelessjml: the one in the chroot?08:11
jmllifeless, right.08:11
lifelesswhat updates your external resolv.conf08:12
lifelesswhatever that is, hook into that and write to your chroots08:12
lifelessjml: welcome to the house of fun08:20
adeuringgood morning08:28
jmladeuring, I've just started getting errors like these whenever I run any tests:08:31
jmlThere were 1 imports of names not appearing in the __all__.08:31
jmlYou should not import export_destructor_operation from lazr.restful.declarations:08:31
jml    canonical.launchpad.interfaces.hwdb08:31
jmladeuring, know anything about it?08:31
lifelessjml: version mismatch?08:32
lifelessjml: I'm thinking a change to lazr.restful that you don't have yet, to make that public.08:32
jmllifeless, lazr.restful is managed in buildout, and my buildout is up-to-date.08:33
jmlwhich doesn't preclude a mismatch in some version controlled config file, of course.08:34
adeuringjml: as lifeless said: you are using an lod version of lazr.restful. I I landed a lazr.restful branch  that includes export_destrutcor_operation in __all__08:43
maxbI've just seen lp-dev-utils mentioned for the first time on list. Is that something intrinsically Canonical-internal, or should it be public but isn't?08:44
jmlok, so it's _not_ in buildout08:47
jmladeuring, thanks08:47
jmlmaxb, it's in the process of being made public08:47
jmlmaxb, some stuff will be kept private08:48
jmlbigjools, hi09:16
gmbMorning peoples.09:16
jmlgmb, good morning09:16
jmlbigjools, I've got a bunch of stuff I'd like to chat with you about09:17
bigjoolsjml: sure thing09:18
jmlbigjools, but I'm not sure I have brain left today09:18
bigjoolsjml: what time will you be back in your morning?09:19
henningestaging does not let me do QA ... ;(09:19
henningeit times out09:20
jmlbigjools, UTC 21:3009:20
* henninge is amazed what a little complaining can achieve ... ;)09:20
bigjoolsjml: heh, not sure *I'll* have brain left then.  Tell you what, I'll see how I feel tonight else I can get up early tomorrow09:21
* jml tries anyway09:23
jmlI have a note that says ProductSeries.sourcepackages is buggy.09:23
jmlI now want to slap myself for making notes like that.09:23
* bigjools looks09:23
jmlmrevell, g'day09:23
bigjoolsjml: my eyes are bleeding looking at it, and it's only 8 lines09:24
jmlit's not that bad :)09:24
jmlactually that reminds me.09:25
jmlI have a branch that extracts out verify_acl's logic that works, modulo some easily-fixed error message differences09:26
jmlthere's still some more stuff I need to do on top of that, but it's a nice milestone.09:26
jmland it turns out that eyeblood stains wash out of carpet really easily09:27
jmlbigjools, you said I should ask you on IRC why branches are associated with distro and not sourcepackage in breadcrumbs09:27
bigjoolsjml: indeed, and if only I could remember what I was thinking when I wrote that09:28
jmlbigjools, ok. you can get back to me then :)09:28
jmlbigjools, I was looking at the package navigation thread today (first time since I got back from leave) -- how's all that going?09:29
bigjoolsjml: somewhat underwhelmingly09:29
bigjoolssome pages I wanted to trash were apparently important to some people09:29
jmlright, I saw you mention that you wanted to get a longer list of use-cases.09:30
bigjoolsright now I am going for the tactic of improving the pages we said we would and then coming back later with the removal questions09:31
jmlbigjools, good plan.09:31
bigjoolsjml: so for the breadcrumbs, what are the relative pros and cons09:31
jmlbigjools, sourcepackage is more consistent with the way product branches work09:32
jmlbigjools, and it's more consistent with the code09:33
jmlbigjools, but I don't find either of these to be compelling09:33
gmbHmm. So, maybe pasting a huuuuuge list into an iharness session wasn't the best idea I've ever had.09:34
jmlbigjools, you can also navigate from the sourcepackage to distro, distroseries, and distributionsourcepackage more easily09:34
mac_vhi... when a branch is created how do i make the branch private?09:34
jml(btw, lets rename SourcePackage)09:34
bigjoolsfuck yes09:35
bigjoolsjml: so, the breadcrumbs would look like -> Ubuntu/Karmic/source/branch ?09:35
jmlbigjools, visually? I would have guessed "Ubuntu" -> "source in karmic" -> branch09:36
bigjoolsone page that is under my heavy removal scrutiny is the SourcePackage page09:36
jmlbigjools, currently it's Ubuntu -> 9.10 -> "hotwire" package09:37
bigjoolsand I don't want that to block on anything branch-related if it comes to it09:37
bigjoolsoh yeah there's a little debate about what to write for a distroseries title09:37
bigjoolsin my DSP page I use series.title.  it doesn't include the vesion, maybe it should09:38
jmlbigjools, removing the SourcePackage page would probably not be a good thing for branches09:38
bigjoolsjml: it's a useless page :(  go look at one09:39
jmlbigjools, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/hotwire09:39
bigjoolsjml: how would one navigate to that page usually?09:39
jmlbigjools, it's reached by the Code tab from a source package branch09:40
bigjoolsI wonder if I can add links to it in the new DSP page?  (example here: https://dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok)09:40
jmlbigjools, have you seen https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hotwire09:40
jmlbigjools, one of the rationales for linking branches to SourcePackages instead of DistributionSourcePackages was so that there'd be a relevant listing of branches in each cycle of Ubuntu development09:42
jmlbigjools, maybe we can achieve this without a SourcePackage page09:42
jmlbigjools, but it needs at least a little thought.09:42
bigjoolsone of the problems with the package navigation is that there's waaaay too many pages with info spread all over them09:43
bigjoolsit does need more thought09:44
bigjoolswe should get together with Curtis09:44
jmlbigjools, indeed09:46
bigjoolsjml: coming to Europe soon?  you must be due, you haven't been here for a week :)09:47
jmlbigjools, haha09:47
* jml has to go now09:50
jmlg'night all09:50
bigjoolsjml: g'night, and I think +1 for your suggestion on breadcrumbs09:51
jtvwgrant: Jesus feels a lot better about your branch now than I thought earlier.  It's landed.10:08
wgrantjtv: Did you have some trigger for when I became unaway?10:08
wgrantBecause I got that message about a second after my screen reattached.10:09
jtvwgrant: once Jesus gets involved, all bets are off.10:11
jtv(Have I pissed off enough people today yet?)10:12
wgrantjtv: Heh.10:12
wgrantjtv: Thanks for the landing.10:12
bigjoolsmrevell: will you be able to do this? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/39223910:12
mupBug #392239: [PPA] "Read about uploading" link doesn't go to the anchor bookmark #Uploading <ppa> <Soyuz:Triaged by matthew.revell> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/392239>10:12
* mrevell looks10:13
mrevellbigjools: yes, no problem10:14
bigjoolsmrevell: super thanks10:14
jtvwgrant: no worries... the next task is Q/A.10:14
wgrantmwhudson: What happened to my other branch?10:14
jtvgmb, can I get you to Q/A wgrant's export-bug-nominations branch?10:15
gmbjtv: Sure; I can take a look in about half an hour if that's okay.10:15
jtvgmb: that'd be swell, thanks.10:15
wgrantjtv: We don't wait for edge?10:17
jtvwgrant: for actually performing Q/A, yes, you.  But gmb is having his first look in half an hour.10:17
wgrantjtv: OK.10:18
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
gmbjtv, wgrant: So, which branch is it I need to look at?10:52
gmbwell, branch / commit / bug/ item on the QA page10:52
jtvgmb: lp:~wgrant/launchpad/export-bug-nominations will need QA when it shows up on edge.10:53
jtvgmb: thanks.10:57
deryckMorning, all.11:06
bigjoolshey deryck11:16
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
gary_posterwgrant: did you get someone to merge your structural-subscription-security branch?12:29
wgrantgary_poster: mwhudson started an ec2test of it several hours ago, and another of my branches started around the same time landed 2.5 hours ago, so I think something went wrong.12:32
gary_posterwgrant: ok.  yeah, I see your other one.  probably should wait for feedback to you from Michael then.12:33
wgrantgary_poster: Yep, I'll hopefully find something out tomorrow.12:34
gary_posterok cool12:34
gary_posterI'll note that Michael tried to land the branch on the MP so anyone following along there knows we aren't ignoring you ;-)12:35
bigjoolsI am going to shoot the next person who uses regular expressions in a test >:(12:52
wgrantbigjools: You just wait until you start using renormalizer to get traceback tests working on 2.5...12:59
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
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leonardrbarry, can you help me with a python problem?15:35
leonardri'm getting a metaclass conflict even though i'm pretty sure all my classes have the same metaclass15:35
leonardrhere's the code that's causing the problem15:39
leonardri pass the result of make_configuration_superclass into make_configuration and get the error when it tries to use the superclass as a superclass of a new class15:39
leonardrbut i'm using type() everywhere, and __metaclass__ = type in all affected files15:39
* barry looks15:41
barryleonardr: do you have a full traceback as well as the offending code?15:43
leonardrbarry, sure15:43
barryleonardr: or maybe better, a branch15:43
leonardrbarry, i'll push the branch15:44
leonardrgive me just a minute to clean up15:44
barryno worries, i'll be here :)15:44
leonardractually, maybe i can just make it simpler and destroy the problem that way15:45
matsubarastub, Chex, gary_poster, rockstar, bigjools, henninge_, sinzui, intellectronica, Ursinha-afk: meeting in 10 min @ #launchpad-meeting15:50
matsubaras/meeting/LP production meeting/15:51
sinzuibarry:  can you stand in for me in the LP product meeting ^15:51
intellectronicamatsubara: thanks for the reminder15:52
barrymatsubara, sinzui sure15:52
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
matsubarahenninge_, meeting16:01
matsubaraactually now danilos attends the production meeting, right?16:01
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
henningematsubara: at least today, I am about to leave16:10
matsubarahenninge, ok. danilos showed up. thanks!16:10
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
abentleydanilos: Any idea why this would fail this way?  Is order important? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/260413/17:05
barryleonardr: good to see you figured it out17:06
danilosabentley: it's a recent commit by jtv, I'd have to take a closer look17:07
leonardrbarry, thanks for your potential help17:08
barryleonardr: i'm always potentially helpful.  sadly, the converse is often true too :)17:10
danilosabentley: can you fix the problem using assertContentEquals and that should be fine (if you are submitting something to pqm)17:22
abentleydanilos: checking it now...17:23
danilosabentley: every other test works with only one so it's not a problem right now, but if this works for you, please email jtv@canonical.com (CCing me) mentioning what you had to do, and then the two of us can figure out what's the best way forward17:24
abentleydanilos: self.assertContentEquals isn't defined, and I'm not sure what you mean.17:26
abentleydanilos: Found it: assertContentEqual17:27
abentleydanilos: This does work for me.  I'll include it in the branch I land.17:28
danilosabentley: thanks, please do still email jtv@ and danilo@ with this; thanks and sorry for it causing a problem like this!17:29
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bachi bigjools18:23
mrevellnight all18:31
intellectronicaare people seeing failures in lib/lp/app/browser/tests/menu.txt ?18:35
intellectronicai just got failures from ec2 and i don't think it has anything to do with my changes18:35
salgadointellectronica, I just saw a landing that changed something there18:36
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
bacintellectronica: barry has a testfix branch running now19:07
intellectronicabac: cool, thanks19:08
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
barrybeuno: ping19:24
barryintellectronica, bac that should already be landed in devel19:24
beunobarry, hi19:25
barrybeuno: i have a quick u/i-ish question for you related to bug 5173519:25
intellectronicabarry: it has indeed. i got the failure from a branch i sent to ec2 (number of hours it takes to run the full test suite) earlier19:25
mupBug #51735: top level distros page could be improved <ui> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/51735>19:25
barryintellectronica: the joys of a long test suite19:25
beunobarry, sure, what's up?19:26
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
barrybeuno: at the bottom of that bug report sinzui suggests changing the way the read-only asterisk is displayed, but that also (i think) subtly changes the semantics of that star19:26
barrybeuno: right now the ui says about that footnote: * Read-only distribution. Can be browsed in Launchpad, but not altered or managed, and its information might be out of date.19:26
barrybeuno: but with sinzui's suggested change it really means "does not use Launchpad in any way"19:27
sinzuibarry: it does change it.  if you read the code, we have a hack in it19:27
barrysinzui: yep, i've seen that19:27
* beuno looks at the bug19:28
beunoso, has anyone tried LP on karmic?19:48
beunowill I be shooting myself in the foot (again) if I upgrade my work laptop as well19:48
barrybeuno: not yet, though i did install karmic on a vm last night.  haven't tried building lp on it yet19:49
=== beuno changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 2.2.8 | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Please use #launchpad for support. | https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-dev | Get it: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | http://people.canonical.com/~herb/ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 3.0 goal is to convert all templates: http://people.canonical.com/~beuno/conversions.html
beunobarry, I think we don't have the deps in the PPA for karmic19:50
beunoactually, it seems we do19:50
beunoI'll bite19:50
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
mwhudsonwgrant: that ec2test run hung, it seems :(21:13
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thumpersinzui: are you around?21:29
sinzuiI am21:30
thumperok, just checking21:30
thumper1 hour21:30
sinzuithumper: I am on vacation21:30
thumpersinzui: then why are you around?21:30
sinzuiDo you want to talk about pygtk hacking?21:31
thumpersinzui: so our call is off?21:31
thumpernot really21:31
thumperI'll grab rockstar then :)21:31
rockstarthumper, hi21:33
mwhudsongary_poster: hello21:34
gary_postermwhudson: hiya :-)21:34
mwhudsongary_poster: so do you remember what the problem was with the force build button when you turned it on?21:35
gary_postermwhudson: I'm pretty sure that it simply did nothing.21:35
gary_posterIt *possibly* was worse than nothing--causing some kind of glitch, but I lean towards nothing.21:36
* mwhudson is reading buildbot source code21:39
mwhudsonand as usually, i'm getting a little dizzy21:39
gary_posterkfogel: did you happen to propose to flacoste that we put lp-dev-tools in the lp tree?  if not, would you mind sending a note to the list proposing that, pointing out that they use launchpadlib and we don't have anything else that uses launchpadlib in the tree right now?  I don't care personally, and like the idea of our dev tools being in the tree, so I'd like to see if anyone objects.21:42
kfogelgary_poster: will do right now21:43
kfogelgary_poster: why the nick change?21:48
kfogelgary_poster: note that the lp-dev-tools should then get whatever license the other scripts in there have.  If it's AGPLv3, then so be it.21:48
gary_posterkfogel: somebody claimed "gary" on freenode a long time ago21:48
kfogelgary_poster: oh, I didn't notice we're on freenode21:48
gary_posterI'm still gary on canonical.com21:48
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
gary_poster("gary" will still ping me in my client though, just in case)21:49
kfogelbarry: is 'bip' an irc client?21:50
barrykfogel: it is21:50
barrykfogel: it runs in the background and connects to multiple irc servers.  then i use erc (in emacs 'natch) to connect to localhost's irc server from bip's daemon21:51
barrykfogel: it generally works well, except for some warts in both bip and erc that have not yet been worth hacking on yet21:51
kfogelbarry: someday I should watch you use ERC.21:51
kfogelI tried to use some Emacs IRC client (maybe it was erc, not sure) a while back and just wasn't happy, so went to XChat.21:52
barrykfogel: modulo warts, it's changed my life :)21:52
kfogelBut I still long for Emacs editing in IRC.21:52
barrykfogel: xchat irsii etc all drove me nuts21:52
kfogelxchat does drive me nuts, yes :-)21:52
barrykfogel: erc+bip has not yet driving me nuts21:52
barrykfogel: there are two irc clients for emacs iiuc.  erc seems to work pretty well, though there are some changes i'd make if i had the swine flu21:53
kfogelbeuno: ping21:53
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
beunokfogel, hi21:54
kfogelbeuno: privchat, one sec21:54
gary_postermaxb: I saw your reply to bug 413335.  It would be awesome to have a fuller description and an example.  Will you have a chance to do either of those soonish--like by early next week?  If so, I'll wait for you.21:56
mupBug #413335: Figure out what to do about zope.sendmail incompatibility with Python >= 2.5.1 <python-upgrade> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/413335>21:56
maxbgary_poster: yes, I'll definitely sort it over the weekend if I don't before21:58
gary_postermaxb: awesome.  ok, thanks21:59
thumperrockstar: skype?21:59
rockstarthumper, sure.  Early 1-1 then?22:00
thumperrockstar: I actually wanted to talk to you about a review :)22:00
rockstarAre you sure you can take that much rockstar in one day?22:01
barrykfogel: btw, irc + dabbrev ftw!22:02
rockstarthumper, 2 min and I'll be ready22:03
kfogelbarry: I totally believe it22:03
rockstarthumper, ready22:05
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
wgrantmwhudson: Are you trying again?22:16
mwhudsonwgrant: not yet22:16
mwhudsonwgrant: i think i may be being hated by my router, let's get someone else to run it22:16
mwhudsonthumper: can you run "~/canonical/repos/lp-dev-utils/trunk/ec2test.py --headless -s "[r=gary][ui=none] move structural subscription security checking into the model code" lp:~wgrant/launchpad/structural-subscription-security --email=me@williamgrant.id.au" please?22:17
thumpermwhudson: ok22:17
wgrantHuh. Lots of people going on leave and leaving and changing position right now.22:19
mwhudsonhey wouldn't it be nice if i could click force build on buildbot now22:19
mwhudsonspm: there?22:19
mwhudsonor mthaddon22:19
mthaddonmwhudson: 0/22:20
mwhudsonmthaddon: can you edit line 267 of buildbot's master.cfg to pass allowForce=True and bounce buildbot pls?22:21
mthaddonmwhudson: what does that do?22:21
mwhudsonmthaddon: it makes the force build button appear on the ui22:21
mwhudsonmthaddon: which doesn't work, but i'd like to fix that, so debugging info would be useful22:22
mthaddonmwhudson: is currently: c['status'].append(html.WebStatus(http_port=8010)) # , allowForce=True))22:22
mthaddonmwhudson: so what should that be?22:22
mwhudsonmthaddon: also, are the buildbot twistd.log files copied anywhere currently?22:22
mthaddonmwhudson: they aren't currently no - can you RT that?22:23
mwhudsonmthaddon: c['status'].append(html.WebStatus(http_port=8010), allowForce=True)22:23
mwhudsonmthaddon: sure22:23
wgrantmwhudson: Misplaced paren.22:24
mwhudsonah yes22:24
mwhudsonc['status'].append(html.WebStatus(http_port=8010, allowForce=True))22:24
mthaddonmwhudson: exceptions.SyntaxError: invalid syntax (master.cfg, line 267)22:25
mthaddonmwhudson: nm, paste fail22:25
mwhudsonmthaddon: rt #35484 btw22:26
mupBug #35484: Won't load X  <Ubuntu:Invalid by ubuntu-x-swat> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/35484>22:26
mwhudsonmup: shut it22:26
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
mwhudsonmthaddon: is the patched buildbot running?22:32
mthaddonmwhudson: I've made that config change and restarted buildbot, yep22:32
mwhudsonoh right22:33
mwhudsonlatent buildslaves appear to be disconnected the whole time22:33
mwhudsoni guess we'll be needing to patch buildbot a bit then22:33
mwhudsongary_poster: is there a buildbot irc channel or anything?22:35
mwhudsonah, the obvious answer works :)22:35
jmlhello all22:36
spmhey jml22:38
jmlspm, hello :)22:39
jmlbeuno, hi22:39
beunojml, hai22:39
jmlbeuno, I'm working through your email now22:40
beunojml, it's starting to feel more like a wiki than an email   ;)22:40
jmlbeuno, yeah, I know.22:41
jmlbeuno, one more round from me :)22:41
spmmwhudson: am now. but I gather tom's assisted?22:42
mwhudsonspm: yes, thanks22:42
beunojml, give me your best shot, it's fun22:42
jmlbeuno, I was thinking just that -- it's quite fun :)22:43
beunojml, I think that this is what google wave will be all about22:44
beunoreal multiplayer email22:44
wgrantI think the alignment of the main branding heading is a bit strange. Would it look better if it was aligned with the LHS of the Overview button, rather than the text, I wonder?22:47
rockstarbarry, do we have a standard where our pagetests now need to be restructured text?22:55
barryrockstar: yes22:59
barryrockstar: w/conversion as you go23:00
rockstarbarry, thanks.23:00
intellectronicai'm getting lots of errors in test_breadcrumbs. is that a known problem?23:12
jmlmwhudson, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/42019823:28
mupBug #420198: ec2test --headless takes way too long to detach <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/420198>23:28
lifelessjml: hi23:28
lifelessjml: I'm guessing you make test bzr servers in the codehosting tests23:28
lifelessyou may find http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/test-speed/revision/4661 relevant23:28
jmllifeless, a little.23:30
* jml is reminded of other23:30
lifelessspiv: I wonder if ChrootServer should take a server on its setUp rather than a transport on its __init__ (we could make a server that just claims to be at an arbitrary url)23:30
lifelessspiv: that would be more consistent with other Servers23:30
mwhudsonyeah, we do that sort of thing a fair bit23:33
jmllifeless, we have a function in our base TestCase that does foo.setUp(); self.addCleanup(foo.tearDown)23:33
mwhudsonTestCase.installFixture woo23:34
lifelessjml: thats close to this indeed23:34
jmlbut I don't think we use backing servers in quite the same way23:34
jmlthere's also a base class called Fixture23:34
lifelessjml: this is preparation for another change that will deny all access to urls that aren't registered with the test case23:34
jmlwhich has its own addCleanup implementation23:34
lifelessjml: so the reason I'm headsuping you and mwhudson et al23:35
jmlis you're going to break our test suite?23:35
lifelessis that when you start grabbing from the post 2.0 releases, its going to be brutal23:35
lifelessassuming it gets through review23:35
lifelessI'm changing from a 'setup things so that bad code is contained' to 'contain bad code by interception'23:36
lifelessmodel for the test isolation code23:36
lifelessless work++23:36
jmllifeless, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/annotate/head%3A/lib/lp/codehosting/scanner/fixture.py23:36
lifelessuhm, might want to split the zope stuff from the support stuff23:42
lifelessjust a thought23:42
jmlit's totally in the wrong place23:44
jmlbut it's a whole lot better than thinking about it how good it would be to have something like that :)23:44
jmlman, filing all of these bugs for the build system has made me want to do something about them23:54

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