
persiaI just received a message telling me that the edge server has a lower timeout, and I might want to use the regular server, except I was using the regular server, and as far as I can tell, I'm not a member of the Launchpad Beta Testers team (which the message suggests I am).  This is related to OOPS-1334A318400:14
wgrantpersia: i filed a bug about that a monthish ago.00:14
persiaIs this a known bug of some sort, just my misunderstanding, or something to report?00:14
wgrantThere's some inverted logic in the timeout template JS.00:14
persiawgrant, Ah.  Thanks.  I';; ignore it.00:14
wgrantBug #40386300:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403863 in launchpad-foundations "Timeout edge redirect notice logic inverted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40386300:15
persiaAh, yes.  (A && B) is (!A || !B) rather than !(A || B).00:16
persiaErr, rather ! ( !A || !B )00:17
radixman we need some schematic tables in our programming languages00:21
MTeckIs there any chance of adding the Drupal bug tracker?00:24
jamaltaout of curiosity, is it at all possible to host proprietary projects in launchpad?00:24
jamaltaor will it be?00:24
intellectronicajamalta: yes, it's possible00:25
intellectronicajamalta: if you're interested, inquire with bac00:25
intellectronicais that the correct spelling?00:26
jamaltaintellectronica: ah, i found this about it https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/20800:26
jamaltathank you00:26
idnarwhat's the status of the beta program?00:31
wgrantidnar: Which? edge.launchpad.net, the API, or something else?00:34
idnarthe one referred to in that FAQ entry00:39
wgrantbac: ^^00:41
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=== cprov-afk changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad login issues are being investigated | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
jtvmatsubara-afk: I may have mentioned it, but I'm a House MD fan.  There's one on now.  But the _only_ time they show episodes I haven't seen yet is Monday night, during the UI calls.05:07
mkanatjtv: You could watch it on Hulu.05:10
mkanatOh, they don't have new episodes yet, do they.05:10
jtvmkanat: I don't think hulu works here....  I'm lucky to get YouTube sometimes05:11
jtvAlthough it's not actually blocked by the government (until some local competitor posts something to insult the king I guess)05:11
wgrantHulu's restricted to the US, isn't it?05:12
wgrantI know it's not usable from here...05:12
jtvwgrant: the site works; I think it's just a matter of performance.05:12
wgrant"Sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed from within the United States "05:13
jtvAh, yes.  I just never got this far.  :)05:13
jtvOh well, at least they realize there are countries outside the US.  Unlike some "international" sites that require your address to contain a State.05:14
jtvOr even more frequently: that don't accept international notation of telephone numbers05:14
jtvAmazing how many of those sites will accept whitespace as a State though05:15
ovnicrafthi folks i want to change logo for my project how i can do this?05:16
wgrantovnicraft: https://launchpad.net/yourproject/+branding05:18
wgrantOr, if you are click-inclined, go to your project, click 'Change details', then the 'Branding' tab.05:18
mwhudsoni think new zealand has postcodes almost entirely so you can put them in forms on the web05:28
thumpermwhudson: :)05:47
thumpermwhudson: actually if you're a business you used to get a discount if you used them, now you *have* to use them05:47
jmlmwhudson, whereas the UK has postcodes simply as a quaint and quirky gimmick for tourists.05:50
jmlthey always strike me as being vaguely steampunk.05:50
mwhudsonjml: in the uk, a postcode gets you down to the level of a handful of houses05:50
mwhudsonhere, it's about half a town05:51
mwhudson(and occasionally, half a town is more than a handful of houses, not always, i guess)05:51
thumpermtaylor: since it's slightly more relevant I'll talk here05:52
thumpermtaylor: I've been meaning to reply to your email on launchpad-users05:52
thumpermtaylor: I'm going to get a wiki page going about the upcoming changes to the code review process05:52
thumpermtaylor: both those for 3.0 (fingers crossed), and proposed05:53
mtaylorthumper: ooh, great. I spend about half of my day doing reviews/merges, so I'm all ears!05:53
thumpermtaylor: are you on the launchpad-dev mailing list?05:53
thumperI ended up covering a lot there05:53
mtaylorjust on launchpad-users05:53
thumperbut I don't want to repeat myself05:53
thumperwiki is best I think05:53
thumperI'll reply to your post with a wiki link05:53
thumperwhere I'll dump stuff05:54
thumperfeel free to annotate the wiki when its there05:54
mtaylorI'll be sure to include jay in the discussion too (the other drizzle merge guy)05:54
thumpers/wiki/wiki page/05:54
thumpermtaylor: so, how likely really is it that you'll get to kiwipycon?05:54
mtaylor(just opening calendar now)05:55
mtaylorI'm booked that weekend (double booked, actually)05:55
mtaylordarn, that would have been fun05:55
thumpermtaylor: anything you can cancel or reschedule?05:55
mtaylorno. it's a show opening and then a 40th birthday celebration for a family member :(05:56
thumperoh well05:56
mtaylorany chance you're coming to LCA?05:56
thumperyou'll miss my cool keynote on Launchpad05:56
thumpermtaylor: definitly05:56
mtaylorcause I'll definitely be there...05:56
thumpermtaylor: may be giving a talk there, still waiting on confirmation05:56
mtaylorI keep missing the launchpad related talks places05:57
mtayloryeah, same here05:57
thumpermtaylor: well, one of my proposed talks was using LP for code reviews05:57
mtaylorI submitted one on "why stewart smith is wrong about c++" ...05:57
thumpernot sure how likely it is that one will be accepted though05:57
thumperwho is stewart smith?05:57
mtaylorcurrent president of linux australia05:57
thumperand what does he say about C++?05:58
mtayloroh, he's a big-time C guy05:58
mtaylorso it's fun to poke at the displeasure05:58
thumperso he doesn't like C++?05:58
mtaylorhe thinks the ways in which it isn't C are all evil and wrong05:59
thumperI wouldn't like to go back to C after my time with C++05:59
mtaylornope. me either05:59
thumperbut saying that, for most work, I'd rather stay with python05:59
mtaylorwell, yes. there is that05:59
mtayloralthough I'm still carping about print() vs. print05:59
thumperalthough occasionally I get a hankering to write some C++05:59
mtaylor(in 3.0)06:00
thumperfunctions are good06:00
mtaylorthe compiler errors/warnings are nice06:00
mtaylorin C++06:00
mtaylorthat's the thing I miss the most in python dev these days06:00
thumpermtaylor: do much template programming?06:00
thumpermtaylor: because those errors suck06:00
mtayloryeah... so _nice_ maybe isn't the right word06:00
mtaylorand yeah - functions are good -but I've got 10 years of muscle memory typing print "foo %s" % bar06:01
mtaylorwell... I'm sure I'll get over it06:02
thumperI'm about to have to retrain my fingers out of 11 years of UK keyboard muscle memory06:02
thumperas my new laptop has a US one06:02
mtayloroh my06:02
thumper@ vs "06:02
thumper£ vs #06:02
thumper¬ vs ~06:02
wgrantthumper: Huh, why did you have a UK keyboard06:02
wgrantDo they use them in NZ?06:02
mtaylorI've had to work on swedish and german before - it's ... interesting06:02
thumperwgrant: because I lived in the UK for 8 years06:02
wgrantthumper: Ah.06:02
thumperand been in NZ for almost 3 now06:03
thumperbut haven't needed to buy any more keyboards06:03
thumper7 of the 8 keyboards in the house are UK06:03
thumpermtaylor: do you know about the person product pages?06:04
mtaylorthumper: no...06:04
thumpermtaylor: so https://code.launchpad.net/~mtaylor/drizzle06:04
mtaylorwhat are those?06:04
thumperkinda hacky right now06:04
thumpernot linked from anything yet06:05
thumperhmm, you aren't mtaylor on lp06:05
thumperyou'll need a code in there I think06:05
mtaylorso, ~mordred/drizzle redirects me instantly to ~mordred/drizzle/pandora-build06:05
mtaylorI wonder if that's brower fail06:06
thumperI get a 40406:06
mtaylorthat's awesome06:06
thumperno other apps yet support it, but we are pushing it along06:06
mtaylorI've been wanting that for a while06:06
thumperI'm just adding +activereviews for that06:06
thumperand some other goodness06:07
mtaylorsweet. it'll be nice for bugs and blueprints too06:07
thumperwhen we get them, yes06:07
mtaylorbut yeah - cause that would actually be what I normally want in activereviews land06:07
mtaylorI _really_ need to retire some of those branches :)06:08
thumpermtaylor: the normal active reviews on a project should be close06:10
thumpermtaylor: what do you want?06:10
mtaylorit is06:10
* mtaylor is now looking back and forth at the two06:11
mtaylorI usually use project/+activereviews06:11
mtaylorinteresting. I hadn't really looked at ~mordred/+activereviews closely before.06:13
jmlit may have changed since you last looked :)06:13
mtaylorso actually, I think drizzle/+activereviews is about what I need it to be06:16
thumpermtaylor: cool06:20
mtaylorI mean, other than all the things from the email :)06:20
mtaylorbut that doesn't really have anything to do with that page06:20
thumpermtaylor: biggest change coming soon to a page near you is diffs that update on push06:25
mtaylorthumper: WOOT06:25
mtaylorthumper: now that _will_ be exciting06:25
wgrantand confusing :/06:25
thumperwgrant: hopefully not too confusing06:26
thumperI want new revisions also showing in the conversation06:26
thumperlike bug status changes06:26
wgrantBonus points for linking to the old diffs there too.06:26
thumperwgrant: we'll link to the revision in codebrowse06:26
mtaylorthat and a simpler way to say "hey, guys, this is ready to be looked at again, I've addressed your concerns" and we'll be golden I think06:27
thumperwgrant: we also want to add footers to the comments06:27
thumperwgrant: that'll say if the comment is on an old diff06:27
thumperwgrant: we'll try to get a nice way to view it06:27
thumpermtaylor: part of that may still be resubmit06:27
thumpermtaylor: but we're working on a nicer workflow06:27
thumpermtaylor: so the conversation from superceded proposals will show on the new one06:28
thumpermtaylor: footer with details06:28
thumpermtaylor: old reviews go to pending06:28
mtaylorthumper: that'll be great06:28
thumpersomething like that06:28
thumpermtaylor: I'm going to write all this on the wiki page06:29
thumpermtaylor: and we should be able to link to bugs, and show progress so you'll be able to see how close we are to review nirvana06:29
mtaylorsort of off topic, but is lp ever going to be an openid consumer? or will it just remain a provider?06:31
thumperthere are some internal arguements06:31
thumperI think there'd still need to be a LP identity for the person06:32
thumpermtaylor: this is more a question for flacoste06:32
thumpermtaylor: I know it has been talked about06:32
thumpermtaylor: but I don't know the current blockers on it06:32
mtaylorwell, I don't mind having a launchpad id06:32
thumpermtaylor: whether technical or people06:32
mtaylorbut I'd love to be able to do the login/auth with my openid server06:33
mtaylorthumper: I hadn't even thought about the possibility of non-launchpad users using openid to interact with things without an account06:34
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
shiki-hi all07:16
shiki-I made a new PPA for LXDE.. thats ok. I uploaded lxpanel and then I saw it wont compile without menu-cache. Ok. Uploaded it, then clicked on retry build.. and it says "Waiting for superseded Source".. that means?07:17
wgrantshiki-: 'Build for superseded Source', you mean?07:18
shiki-yeah (sorry)07:18
wgrantLink to the PPA?07:19
wgrantshiki-: Ah, I see what you've done.07:19
wgrantAn upload creates new builds.07:19
shiki-a mess ? :)07:19
wgrantso you didn't need to retry the old one.07:19
wgrantBut when you did retry the old one, it saw that it was superseded by the new one.07:20
wgrantso it decided it wasn't worth building.07:20
wgrantso don't worry about it.07:20
shiki-ah.. so..delete the lxpanel and reupload it?07:20
wgrantNo need.07:20
wgrantIt's all built fine.07:20
shiki-then how will I get lxpanel?07:20
shiki-but there is no lxpanel package..07:20
wgrantLook in your PPA -- it's there.07:20
wgrant(notice the green tick)07:21
shiki-yeah its at menu-cache07:21
wgrantYou seem to have deleted lxpanel. Why?07:21
shiki-I didnt07:21
wgrant"Deleted on 2009-08-25 by Zsolt Peter Basak"07:22
shiki-I only clicked on retry07:22
shiki-why would I delete them?07:22
wgrantNo idea. But it certainly looks like you explicitly deleted it before retrying.07:22
shiki-reboot and reupload it (I had some job here on the other OS)07:23
shiki-ty for the help07:23
wgrantNo need to reupload.07:23
wgrantClick on 'Copy packages'.07:23
wgrantYou can undelete it.07:23
wgrantSearch for it (you might need to change the selector from 'Published' to 'Any status')07:23
shiki-it was in superseded07:23
shiki-thank you07:24
wgrantNow retry those three builds.07:24
wgrantAnd it will build.07:24
micahgis it better to make another ppa or to ask for a quota increase?08:16
noodles775micahg: it's always good to keep PPAs focused, so if it's for un-related packages, I'd definitely suggest another PPA, otherwise if they're related, a quota increase.08:17
micahgI create a new one :)08:18
micahgnow do I just move stuff over?08:18
wgrant'Copy packages' on the old one.08:18
wgrantThen select the packages, and the new PPA.08:19
micahgdo I need to copy source?08:19
wgrantYou have to08:19
wgrantHow would you just copy binaries?08:19
micahgthere's an option in edge now :)08:19
wgrantyou mean the rebuild vs. don't?08:20
wgrantThat selects whether to copy the binaries *as well*.08:20
micahgoh, so if I select the second option, it copies source and binaries?08:22
wgrantshiki-: Did you retry those builds?08:23
wgrantmicahg: Yes.08:23
wgrantmicahg: It always copies source.08:23
shiki-wgrant, its ok now I guess (I had to go to the bank)08:23
shiki-published..both. Ty08:23
micahgwgrant: should I try to stop the rebuilds or just let it happen now?08:23
wgrantshiki-: Not quite.08:23
wgrantshiki-: The sources are published.08:23
wgrantshiki-: But you need to retry the builds.08:24
shiki-it wont let me oO08:24
micahgwgrant: also, can I now delete the packages from my original ppa?08:26
wgrantshiki-: Hm, you're right. You can't retry superseded builds. That policy was probably implemented before you could undelete packages.08:27
wgrantmicahg: 'Delete packages' on the original PPA.08:27
wgrantshiki-: You might have to increase the version number and upload again.08:27
* wgrant files a bug.08:27
shiki-okkay.. ty08:27
* wgrant disappears.08:28
shiki-accepted the new *ppa2* package, but it still shows the *ppa1*.. should I delete the ppa1?08:38
shiki-okay..some problem with the packages.. I'll manage it08:39
shiki-"launchbar.c:35:24: error: menu-cache.h: No such file or directory"...strange that its uploaded to my ppa08:39
noodles775shiki-: the ppa1 package should be superseded automatically by the ppa2 package?08:42
shiki-itsok now08:43
shiki-I did an epic mistake :)08:43
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad login issues are being investigated | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: allenap | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
mac_vhi... when a new branch is created how do i make the branch private?09:39
thumpermac_v: right now you have to pay for that option10:23
thumpermac_v: I'm considering changing things for security branches10:23
thumpermac_v: but on the whole, LP is public10:23
mac_voh.. ok.10:24
mac_vthumper: how do i start to upload to a branch?10:24
mac_vwhich i'v created?10:24
thumperbzr push10:24
mac_vthat didnt work , does the folder have to be labelled similar?10:25
wgrantmac_v: No. What was the error message?10:25
mac_vwgrant: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/vis/Documents/LP_Branch/".10:27
wgrantmac_v: Well, you can't push a bzr branch that doesn't exist...10:27
wgrant'bzr init'10:27
wgrantBut maybe read the guide.10:27
* wgrant finds the link.10:27
mac_vah... thanx10:27
mac_vwgrant: thanks :)10:28
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
AlexiaI cant reset my password on launchpad10:43
Alexiait is giving me the following error10:43
AlexiaYour account details have not been found. Please check your subscription email address and try again.10:43
Alexiaand I tried to create a new account but was given this error10:44
wgrantAlexia: Try resetting it at login.launchpad.net instead.10:44
AlexiaThe email address is already registered in the Launchpad Login Service (used by the Ubuntu shop and other OpenID sites). Please use the same email and password to log into Launchpad.10:44
wgrantSome accounts need to have their passwords reset there for now.10:44
wgrantBut once you've reset it, you can log in normally.10:44
AlexiaOk thanks10:47
Alexiaworked perfect10:47
=== happyaron_ is now known as happyaron
shiki-okay.. Im in a pinch....11:18
shiki-already using "ppa4" version, yet it says its accepted, yet it wont show it, yet I cant delete it, yet it wont upload it11:19
shiki-ARGL :/11:19
wgrantshiki-: What's saying it's accepted?11:24
shiki-it said accepted.. yet I didnt see it11:24
wgrantWhat said? An email?11:24
shiki-now, it wont accept even if I raise the version number11:24
wgrant'wont accept'?11:24
wgrantWith what message?11:29
shiki-already been accepted11:32
shiki-but thats it...its not there (maybe my fault again.. but beats me where did I make a mistake)11:33
shiki-nvm.. i'll delete the ppa, get the karmic packages, modify/check/test them and upload/build them for 9.04-8.0411:43
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
bigjoolsshiki-: it was probably superseded11:47
bigjoolschange your filter11:47
shiki-tried that also11:48
shiki-okay.. my last question..how to delete my ppa? :))11:51
bigjoolswhy do you want to do that?11:51
shiki-well.. I want to restart this lxde project from scracth11:51
bigjoolssorry to sound repetitive, why?11:51
shiki-well.. I change my strategy from building the packages from 0 to building them from Karmic's repo.11:52
bigjoolssorry I don't follow, "from 0" ?11:53
shiki-from scratch, from zero11:53
bigjoolsyou want to copy packages from karmic into your ppa?11:53
shiki-well.. "copy"...11:54
shiki-get them down, check the "debian" part, modify it if I have to and then... I need these packages for 9.04, 8.10 and 8.0411:54
bigjoolsto clarify, upload a slightly changed version?11:54
bigjoolsLP doesn't support deletion of PPAs very well yet, but we can disable it if you file a question on the Launchpad project11:55
shiki-well.. one guy already sent me an email when will the repo work...so if I could delete EVERYTHING from there it'd be also OK11:55
bigjoolsyou can delete but it remembers previously uploaded versions so you can never upload them again11:56
shiki-ah..ok..then I'll file a question :)11:56
bigjoolswhy can't you bump the versions though?@11:56
shiki-I can...but...11:57
shiki-well..I'll try to do that11:57
bigjoolsthat's surely easier11:57
gesershiki-: what's your PPA and which package you try to upload to it?12:21
shiki-geser, I'll solve it somehow12:21
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nfilusI need help in setting up lp translations14:48
intellectronicanfilus: danilos or henninge_ should be able to help14:49
nfilusintellectronica: can I ask them here in the channel or by direct IM?14:50
danilosnfilus: here is fine14:51
nfilushi danilos14:51
danilosnfilus: hi, so, what's going on?14:51
nfilusdanilos: the project is centreon (maybe you remember my last questions)14:51
nfiluscan I setup a different repository as source for trans imports?14:52
nfilusI mean we have 1 subversion for translations and 1 main code subversion server14:52
nfilusor is there a way to move to bazaar an let it recreate the templates on regular basis as we do now with a cron on our local server14:53
=== menesis1 is now known as menesis
danilosnfilus: you can't have multiple imports right now, as far as I know15:00
nfilusdanilos: how can we move to bazaar for auto-merging of newest strings and newest translations?15:01
danilosnfilus: I have a call right now, it should be done in about 1h, can you please hold on for that15:02
nfilusI have to leave in 45min, I will come back tomorrow15:02
nfilusdanilos: thank you for the help15:03
danilosnfilus: sure15:03
allenapdanilos: Fancy taking a stab at https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+question/81108?15:51
danilosallenap: heh, I can't really decipher weird English either :)15:54
danilosallenap: anyway, it's probably a question about a string in particular program, and not anything related to LP15:55
allenapdanilos: Ah, I *think* he's saying that the program has a mistake in the original string.15:55
danilosallenap: exactly, a typo (s/keyboard/clipboard/)15:55
allenapdanilos: I'll ask him to file a bug against mint thingy.15:55
danilosallenap: yeah, that's right :)15:55
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
fta2bigjools, no offense intended for the dbgsym thing16:38
bigjoolsnone taken16:38
bigjoolsthere have been a very unfortunate set of circumstances that delayed this feature, not to mention it's really very non-trivial16:39
mneptokbigjools: you smell, and your mother dresses you funny.16:39
mneptok(no offense)16:39
fta2bigjools, my comment was just to mention that even if i'm an heavy consumer of dbg packages, i no longer need those dbgsyms as i had to workaround them16:40
* bigjools farts in mneptok's face16:40
* mneptok sniffs.16:40
mneptokmmmmm .... peanuts.16:40
mneptokfta2: at this point, i think you're pretty much assured of not offending bigjools no matter *what* you say about dbgsysms ;)16:41
bigjoolsfta2: no worries, it'll get done, but the guy who maintained the buildds left ...16:41
fta2bigjools, and i also didn't appreciate the "lets wait for 3.0" and target for an arbitrary 3.1.1016:41
bigjoolsfta2: it's not arbitrary at all16:42
fta2maybe, but in the bug, it seems arbitrary, at least for an outsider like me16:43
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
AnAntHello, something seems to be wrong with the buildds in karmic17:01
AnAntI am building a package (wine1.2) for karmic, and it fails with this error:17:02
AnAntThe following packages have unmet dependencies: docbook-utils: Depends: jadetex but it is not going to be installed17:02
AnAntE: Broken packages17:02
AnAntyet it builds well on my machine ( I use pbuilder for building)17:02
AnAnthere's the build log: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30853810/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.wine1.2_1.1.27-0ubuntu2%2Bsabily1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:03
bigjoolsAnAnt: I am checking for you17:06
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad login issues are being investigated | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
bigjoolsAnAnt: can you retry the build and see if it fails the same way?  it might be a transient issue17:23
AnAntbigjools: I am17:23
=== goshawk_ is now known as goshawk
bigjoolsAnAnt: for reference, I am using chdist to track this down17:27
bigjoolsit might be that the required package versions are not published yet17:28
mzzI think I'm just misreading this, but does "We will not accept uploads of packages that are unmodified from their original source in Ubuntu or Debian" mean I can't use a ppa for backports that don't need any source changes?17:33
bigjoolsmzz: backports are fine, you could use the webservice API to copy the package to your PPA and rebuild it for a different series17:34
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mzzthanks, just making sure I wasn't accidentally violating the terms of use :)17:36
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
AnAntbigjools: I checked using rmadison17:40
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
exarkunI keep getting 502 Bad Gateway when trying to check out a bzr branch.17:53
exarkunLately Launchpad hasn't been reliable enough that I actually want to keep hosting my code on it.  Every time I sit down to do some development, I have to stop because I can't actually get my source to where it needs to be.17:55
exarkunA week ago when this came up I filed #417008.  No one has commented on it.17:57
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
AnAntbigjools: build failed again: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30907706/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.wine1.2_1.1.27-0ubuntu2%2Bsabily2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:06
AnAntbigjools: I've been trying this for 3 days btw18:07
bigjoolsAnAnt: I drilled down to two packages that it won't install, libkpathsea4 (>= 2007) and texlive-base (>= 2008)18:08
AnAntthat seems a problem in my own PPA18:08
AnAntI was trying to build a pre-release of texlive200918:08
bigjools2009~svn14580-1~1 is in karmic18:09
AnAntok, sorry for bothering you18:09
bigjoolsno prob, glad to help18:10
AnAntbigjools: yeah, but it might have some dependencies that aren't in karmic18:10
AnAntbigjools: also, I remember that there was a failed build of a TL2009 package18:10
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=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
kfogelAnyone else able to reach http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpad/ml-archiver-ui/revision/8688 ?20:50
kfogelI get timeout every time.20:50
kfogelwell, "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. "20:50
micahgkfogel: nope20:52
kfogelmicahg: I can't help but notice you're online through onshore.com.  I used to work there.20:52
kfogelanyway, your "nope" means you get the same error?20:53
backfogel: i can access that link now21:19
kfogelbac: yah, mbarnett and I fixed it by hitting reload apparently21:19
kfogelsigh :-)21:19
* mbarnett has a powerful reload key.21:20
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
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