
ogralool, weird, the nighly alternate build works, the manual build i did before going to bed produced an image that was 512 byte to small to fit the VFAT on09:14
ograi suspect we need to keep an eye on that09:14
loolSo it hit the check on th size of the vfat?09:29
loolIt's hard to tell whether stuff will fit in the vfat; I should probably allocate some extra space but then it's lost space  :-/09:29
ogradid we take the 512 bytes into account we need for the MBR ?09:30
ograit bothers me that its excatly 512 bytes09:30
loolWhat is the vfat on the disk image or in the vfat?09:30
loolWhat's the output?09:31
loolIf it's in the disk image, it might be solved by the CHS work I had done in jaunty09:31
loolBut didnt deploy as I had found the real bug sometimes afterwards09:31
ogracreating VFAT partition...09:33
ograWARNING: You are not superuser.  Watch out for permissions.09:33
ograVFAT partition length is 688913920B and doesn't leave enough room for VFAT 688914432B09:33
ogramake: *** [bin-images] Error 109:33
ograsorry took a moment09:34
loolSo that's in the disk image09:34
ograwe really should have splitted logs09:34
ograits very hard to find something09:34
loolCould you try with antimony ~lool/debian-cd-chs-addressing.patch ?09:34
ograwell, it worked with the automatic build some hours later09:35
ograi'm not sure its easily reproducable09:35
loolWell if it rehappens, please try that patch09:35
ograi will09:35
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