
bcurtiswxhggdh: i received no e-mail yet from you. was i supposed to?00:15
hggdhbcurtiswx, sorry, ended up forgetting -- had to fight insomnia ;-)00:33
* bcurtiswx feeds hggdh some caffeine pills00:33
hggdhneed it. I never, ever, could sleep well when traveling alone (i.e., work). Since I travel a *whole* lot...00:37
bcurtiswxnext time you're in DC lemme know. :(00:38
bdmurrayhggdh: did the removed packages output look useful?00:41
micahgor Chicago :)00:42
bdmurraywell Portland too then!00:43
bcurtiswxPortland, ME ? or Portland, OR ?00:45
bdmurraythe latter00:45
bcurtiswxcool, if Portland, ME i was gonna talk hockey with you... but nvm :P00:45
hggdhbdmurray, sorry, yes, it did. I am now thinking on how to best present it00:53
hggdhbcurtiswx, strangle enough, DC is usually only once per year... (I am talking about the metroplex, of course)00:54
hggdhand Chicago... about twice per year.00:54
hggdhAnd I will be happy to call on you all next time ;-)00:54
hggdhbdmurray, I thought you lived on the east coast00:55
hggdhand Portland, of course. Home of The BugMeister :-D00:56
hggdhbut... last time I was in Portland I got lost, and only found I was lost on when I figured I was going back to California00:56
hggdhalready on the highway00:57
hggdhit is a long story, and only funny now. It involves a GPS, battery low, an accident on the road, and a car in front of me that looked like they knew where they were going01:02
hggdhthey did, in fact. Unfortunately, they were going to *their* home. Not *my* hotel. Not even near. I followed them up to the garage door01:03
bcurtiswxi think the only person to blame is yourself on that one :P01:09
bdmurrayhggdh: would you be interested in the code or the results? it took quite a while to run the query01:10
bcurtiswxbdmurray: how hard would it be to have ubuntu install telepathy-idle default with empathy?01:26
bcurtiswxmoving IRC accounts from pidgin to empathy without idle installed is a bad idea01:29
bcurtiswxand since it offers it (even without idle installed) i think that may be a good idea for karmic01:30
hggdhbdmurray, the code, if you do not mind. Then I can adjust it to produce linkable output for the wiki01:40
hggdhbcurtiswx, you would have to ask (i.e., open a workflow request) for it to be included in main01:40
bcurtiswxooh, i've never done this before01:41
hggdhit will be a Main Inclusion Request -- see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements01:44
hggdhthere is always the first time ;-)01:44
bcurtiswxwhat type of bugs go into linux-meta ?01:54
hggdhthat's a good question, I do not know. I *think* linux-meta is just a series of depends. Easiest way to find is to download the source package and check02:02
hggdhpull-lp-source linux-meta02:02
Laibsch1anybody have an idea what I could try to do about bug 334957?02:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 334957 in linux "Mouse begins to drift left under heavy wifi load (shared IRQ problem?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33495702:03
bcurtiswxhmm, request a screencast maybe ?02:03
bcurtiswxother than that IDK02:04
hggdhLaibsch1, I am not sure, it's a long time I am out of kernel.02:05
hggdhLaibsch1, you may try asking at #ubuntu-kernel (or ogasawara)02:05
Laibsch1hggdh: I tried building a vanilla kernel for testing.  I don't know how to build an initrd, though02:05
Laibsch1I need that initrd because my fstab uses LABELs to find partitions02:06
hggdhLaibsch1, you can try one of the mainline kernels in the kernel PPA02:06
Laibsch1I was unaware of that02:06
Laibsch1They are unpatched?02:06
hggdhyou know where to find them?02:06
Laibsch1I'll find them02:06
hggdhthey are mainline, no Ubuntu patches02:06
Laibsch1Or I'll come back02:06
Laibsch1I should have known that earlier02:07
hggdhwe'll be here02:07
hggdhalso -- if I remember correctly, the kernel build scripts should take care of building initrd02:07
hggdhLaibsch1, it should be kernel-package02:09
Laibsch1make-kpkg didn't do that02:09
Laibsch1It built the kernel fine, but no initrd02:09
hggdhI do not remember anymore... I used to build kernels before getting to Ubuntu, here I only had to patch my kernel twice02:10
Laibsch1ubuntu makes it too easy, doesn't it?02:14
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
hggdh:-) yeah, I think it does02:14
micahgLaibsch: I prefer to think of it as freeing up time for what you want to do vs what you have to fo02:18
LaibschI'm not complaining02:21
hggdhI know02:22
bcurtiswxbug 41824402:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 418244 in empathy "Error connecting to the Yahoo network" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41824402:31
bcurtiswxsomeone can't connect to yahoo im guessing because their network stuff changed (EMPATHY BUG)02:31
bcurtiswxit works now (in karmic) but im not sure it got fixed in jaunty02:32
bcurtiswxwould I turn this into a backport request?02:32
bcurtiswxi know the actual package effected is telepathy-haze02:34
bcurtiswxi can change that once I find out what to do with the bug02:34
micahgit was fixed in pidgin, so it could be fixed in empathy02:37
micahgis it in universe or main?02:37
micahgon Jaunty?02:37
bcurtiswxjaunty haze is in universe02:37
micahgI should preface that02:37
hggdhit is possible, bcurtiswx02:37
micahgit depends :)02:37
* micahg is too quick to talk02:37
micahgif it's a simple fix, then yes02:37
micahgif not, no02:38
micahgbut universe is community supported02:38
micahgpidgin is in main02:38
micahgso I guess it is different02:38
hggdhbut you have to check if -haze backported will need other up-to-date dependencies.02:39
micahg1if it's for an SRU, then it would need to just be a patch02:40
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
hggdhyes. It is probable it can be cherry-picked from GIT02:40
micahgotherwise, it would need to be a backport02:40
bcurtiswxwell, im completely confused... one of you two mind taking care of it?02:41
micahgbcurtiswx: what can we clarify?02:41
bcurtiswxwell im not sure what to turn this bug into... a backport request or a bug to fix telepathy-haze in jaunty02:41
hggdhbcurtiswx, start by finding out what fixed the yahoo change02:42
bcurtiswxbackport would require updates to other packages because of it02:42
hggdhright now I think it is a bug on jaunty02:42
micahglook for upstream bug if possible02:42
hggdhyes. So an initial best bet is a SRU02:43
hggdhyou need to find out which fix resolved it on Karmic02:43
bcurtiswxit may just be a libpurple update in jaunty02:44
hggdhit may02:44
micahgFix for pidgin: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/1:2.5.5-1ubuntu8.202:44
hggdhbut the basic question remains: what was changed to fix it?02:44
bcurtiswxim gonna talk to the telepathy people, see what they say02:45
hggdhgood idea. They probably already know02:46
dholbachgood morning06:38
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komputesdholbach: good morning!06:56
dholbachhey komputes06:57
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
szczymhelo, could you please tell me what i could do (im not a programer) to move forward Bug #263442 ?09:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 263442 in mc "mcedit is not longer the default editor" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26344209:57
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
szczymAny of you have keyboard with multimedia keys (play, stop, mute ect.) ? Could you please test if it works with vlc media player and then comment the bug #41979510:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 419795 in vlc "Multimedia keys not working by default in vlc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41979510:27
Alexiaszczym, are you here?10:33
szczymofficial chanel is very busy and its mailny for support10:34
AlexiaOk im installing vlc now and ill let you know the results10:34
Alexiait doesnt work at all in vlc10:36
AlexiaI wonder though if thats a vlc bug and not ubuntu?10:36
szczymthanx alexia, please comment the bug10:37
szczymi dont know but will find out ;)10:37
szczymAlexia: if it don`t work for you also, please comment the bug about that. Developers will have more info.10:47
Alexiaszczym, which bug number wsa it again10:47
Alexiaszczym, please tell me the bug # again and i can comment on it10:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 419795 in vlc "Multimedia keys not working by default in vlc" [Undecided,New]10:49
Alexiaszczym, i havent ever commented on a bug before what information should i include10:53
szczymAlexia: maybe like that: it dont work for me also, i have ubuntu _version_ and keyboard _model_, my vlc is from official repository10:55
szczymalexia: cool, thanx !11:03
szczymits really annoying for me, i hope to make it fixed some how ;) one day11:04
arandHow and where should a privacy concern about ubuntuone's bug reports, be reported. (I noticed in a recent bug of mine they listed all of my ubuntuone files)12:05
thekornarand, there is something like "this report is public" in the top right corner of an existing bugreport, by clicking the yellow pencil button near to it you can set the private flag for this bugreport12:16
thekornarand, if you used apport/ubuntu-bug to report this bugreport, this flag is set automatically12:16
thekornprivate bugreports are only visible to their subscribers12:17
thekornbefore removing this flag to make this bug visible to the developers, make sure to remove your private data12:18
arandthekorn: Indeed I have set it as private, since apport-retrace automatically set it to public (bug?), but I'm thinking that there should be no need for the report to contain this data in this case...12:19
arand(and I have removed the private part and then reverted back to public)12:20
thekornarand, I tend to agree, there is no need to add such private data to a bugreport12:23
thekornso I thinkt this is a bug in the ubuntuone package12:23
james_wit could try and remove the filenames on the user's system before uploading the log12:23
thekornthey should remove all private data from the log before uploading it12:24
james_wreplace it with FILE1, FILE2 or something so that you can still follow the logic12:24
thekornjames_w, hi, exactly12:24
james_whey thekorn :-)12:24
arandYea will try to do that, let's see if I can do some sed magic...12:28
thekornarand, it would be cool if there could be a solution in python, so it can be used directly in ubuntuone's apport hook12:42
arandthekorn: unortunately, my knowledge of python is /dev/zero12:58
thekornarand, hehe ok, I think the first step to fix it is to create a bugreport against the ubuntuone package and ask for replacing filestrings with something usefull in the log files13:00
thekornand actually adjusting the apport hook to fix it should only be a few lines of regex magic13:01
TrijntjeHi all, noob question here: I filed a bug, and now someone asks me the following: "thanks for the report, please attach an example to the report." What does he want me to do?13:02
thekornTrijntje, that depends on the situation,can you please give me the bug id?13:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 417374 in rhythmbox "issue with .wma and crossfade" [Low,Incomplete]13:04
thekornTrijntje, I think pedro_  is asking for an wma file which triggers this bug, so others can try to reproduce your bug13:06
thekornhaha, speaking of the devil ;)13:07
pedro_what about me? :-)13:07
Trijntjepedro_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/417374, do you want me to upload a .wma file?13:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 417374 in rhythmbox "issue with .wma and crossfade" [Low,Incomplete]13:08
pedro_Trijntje, yes please, I've testing that with karmic and a wma file here and don't seem to trigger the issue13:10
Trijntjepedro_: ill upload a .wma file, thanks13:23
pedro_Trijntje, great, thanks13:24
Trijntjepedro_: i've also just found out that sometimes when i pause a .wma rhythmbox will segfault13:25
pedro_Trijntje, that's interesting, could you enable apport and report a bug with it? would be nice to have a backtrace of that13:25
Trijntjepedro_: ill do that13:29
arandIf apport retracing service sets a bug which should be private to public, is that a bug in apport (ubuntu) ?14:17
thekornarand, AFAIK, apport will never do the private -> public switch automatically,14:21
thekorndo you have an example where this happend?14:21
ubot4arand: Error: This bug is private14:22
arandaccording to comments, the visibility was changed by apport, as soon as the bug was declared a dupe (I have since edited it, and it is currently NOT private *glares at ubot4)14:23
thekornok, the flag is removed when apport markes the bug as a duplicate of another one14:24
arandthekorn: seemingly.14:24
thekornin this process apport removes all common attachments created by apport,14:25
thekornbut not the 'random' ones added by a hook14:25
thekornwhich is of course a bug in apport14:25
* arand added apport to the bug report14:26
* arand added apport to the correct bug report ><14:27
thekornarand, adding an apport task to this bugreport makes no sense14:29
arandHmm, I'm guessing Bug #419895 should be two separate bug reports instead?14:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 419895 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone bug reports lists possibly private filenames/paths" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41989514:29
thekornarand, I agree, one for ubuntuone to not include filenames in the log uploaded to launchpad14:30
thekornand one gainst apport to also remove files added by a hook when unmarking a bug as private14:31
arandthekorn: Ok, how does Bug #419929 look?14:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 419929 in apport "Attachments added by a hook become public when bug is marked as a duplicate by retracer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41992914:45
thekornarand, good great14:46
thekornnow it needs some smart people to fix this ;)14:50
arandthekorn: Yea, guess my involvment ends there ;). Cheers for the help.14:54
thekornarand, your welcome. All I wanted to say was: Itried to find a solution for it, but it looks like it is not trivial, so *my* involvment ends here ;)14:56
vanagonmanhi, I'm having trouble getting my usb ports to work on my computer15:51
vanagonmanwhat package would that I need to report for usb issues?15:57
micahgvanagonman: if you need help, you can hop in #ubuntu or post a question to https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu16:00
micahgif you determine there's a bug, then please come back and we'll help you figure out the package16:00
vanagonmanwill do. thank you16:01
micahgoh, vanagonman, if it's karmic, that'll be #ubuntu+116:01
matthewgreylingIf I found a bug in Launchpad that is no longer a bug, ie. Bug #33752, what do I do with it?16:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 33752 in gnome-screensaver "no possibility to turn off a screen saver after some time" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3375216:19
matthewgreylingI'm new to the whole bug system.16:19
micahgmatthewgreyling: do you know what version this was fixed it?16:21
matthewgreylingNo clue, I just noticed that it wasn't updated in over 3 years and isn't a problem anymore.16:22
micahgmatthewgreyling: are you using gnome-screensaver vs x-screensaver?16:22
matthewgreylingYes.  Under Karmic.16:25
micahgOk, you can change status to Fix Released and say that it's for sure fixed on Karmic16:31
micahgUsually it's good to know which version it's fixed in16:32
matthewgreylingmicahg: okay, thanks.  It's the first bug I've "touched16:37
matthewgreyling", so I figured I'd start with an easy one.16:37
micahgindeed, thank you for helping16:38
micahghave you seen the wiki documentation yet?16:38
matthewgreylingI've been slowly working through it.  I just wasn't sure into which category this bug fell.16:41
hggdhoh, matthewgreyling, thank you for helping (and thank YOU micahg!) :-)16:42
hggdhBTW, micahg -- the status == 0 thingy16:43
hggdhwouldn't an error be logged in the FF console?16:43
micahghmmm, sometimes16:44
micahgI saw what you posted16:44
micahghaven't had time to look into it yet16:45
hggdhI will start a sniffer trace on this, and see what is exchanged. I also saw your comment upstream (yes, I signed to g.m.o, finally),16:52
hggdhbut I am not sure this is the real cause16:52
micahgyou mean bmo...16:54
hggdhyes, of course. My bad.16:59
hggdhjust sniffed a refresh from a bug, and... I am seeing a lot of RST flowing from my laptop to edge.bugs.launchpad.net16:59
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micahgI'm wondering if this is all the same issue or now17:00
micahgI won't be able to check till tonight17:00
* micahg has to go to work soon17:00
hggdhno probs. Is there a way to produce debug output on FF?17:01
micahghggdh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs?action=show&redirect=DebuggingFirefox#Firefox-3.517:04
hggdhthanks, micahg. IOU17:04
AnAntcould someone confirm this bug please: LP 418477 ?17:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 418477 in linux "New kernel causes losetup to hog the system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41847717:06
micahgnah, np17:06
hggdhAnAnt, unfortunately, I do not have the time right now. You can try your case on #ubuntu-kernel17:10
AnAnthggdh: thanks17:17
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slacker_nlhi, question is this considered a rc-critical bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/41750820:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 417508 in linux-meta "[karmic] Unable to use USB storage devices on 2.6.31 kernels" [Undecided,New]20:30
micahgslacker_nl: well, there needs to be confirmation20:34
micahgyou might want to check in #ubuntu-kernel20:34
slacker_nlmicahg: k, thnx20:34
thekornhi slacker_nl, you are the reporter of this zsh, bug, aren't you?20:34
slacker_nli can confirm it ;)20:34
* thekorn looks for the bugnumber20:34
slacker_nlthekorn: yes20:34
thekornbug 26464420:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 264644 in zsh "zsh autocompletion not working correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26464420:35
slacker_nli just made a comment20:35
thekornyes, just read your mail20:35
slacker_nlthekorn: for an LTS release i find the comment, upgrade to jaunty a bit disappointing20:35
thekornslacker_nl, are you running karmic now20:35
slacker_nlthekorn: also20:35
slacker_nlhave a server running .0420:35
slacker_nlhardy that is20:35
thekornslacker_nl, can you try the zsh on karmic and check if it works there20:36
thekornslacker_nl, if so, we can file a backport request for the fix20:36
slacker_nlthekorn: same zsh profile, need to check if i disabled the juinkiy quotes20:36
slacker_nlenabled them and not getting the errors i reported20:37
slacker_nlkarmic is running .10 and the bug got fixed in .920:38
bdmurrayI'm unable to recreate the kernel bug w/ 2.6.31-620:38
slacker_nlbdmurray: the failure to shutdown?20:38
slacker_nlahh, the USB device bug20:38
bdmurrayyes, that one20:39
slacker_nli'm going to test it tomorrow with jaunty20:39
slacker_nlsee how that kernel behaves20:39
slacker_nli have two of those disks, pretty irritating that I can't mount them in karmic20:40
bdmurraytwo of what disks?20:41
slacker_nlthe external disks that file20:41
bdmurrayI didn't see any clear indication as to the make or model of the disk.20:42
slacker_nli believe i posted lshw output of these disks20:42
bdmurrayah, it might be helpful to update the summary with type of disk then since it isn't all usb storage devices20:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 417508 in linux-meta "[karmic] Unable to use USB storage devices on 2.6.31 kernels" [Undecided,New]20:43
billybigriggeranyone having problems with ubuntu one?20:48
billybigriggerspecifically on boot, ubuntuone-syncdaemon spawns a buttload of instances and bogs me down completely20:49
thekornslacker_nl, as far as I understand things your usb drive bug could be a duplicate of bug 38716120:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 387161 in libatasmart "External SATA->USB Drive gives lots of USB resets on ATA smart probing" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38716120:51
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
philsfHello. May I ask for some attention to bug #13983? It has a patch available, and I'd like to know if there's any chance that this patch will make it into Karmic, preferably before Beta21:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 13983 in evolution "Evolution virtual trash / "real" trash on IMAP server" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1398321:15
pedro_philsf, only if upstream accept it , it's not really a high priority bug21:22
philsfpedro_, that's the problem, actually. It's annoying, but not high priority, also not a papercut :)21:23
philsfright in the middle ground21:23
pedro_not everything is a papercut :-)21:23
pedro_philsf, talk to the upstream maintainers to have that included in the next release of evolution, that's the best way for now21:24
philsfpedro_, do you happen to know when it's their next release?21:24
pedro_philsf, September 07 is the next release of Gnome (2.27.92) so probably during that time21:27
philsfgracias, pedro_21:29
pedro_philsf, por nada21:30
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slacker_nlthekorn: lemme have a look21:49
slacker_nlthekorn: think it is a dupe indeed21:51
thekornslacker_nl, super,21:59
thekornnow it would be awesome I you could help debugging this issue21:59
thekornby following the steps mentioned in the comments by martin pitt22:00
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eltoozeroQuick question about what package to report a bug on, specifically the bluetooth status indicator.23:49
eltoozeroif it's bluez, gnome-bluetooth, or what.23:50

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