
=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training || Now: Feature Freeze and Freeze Exceptions || Upcoming: Fri 28 Aug @ 22:00 UTC: Triaging Sound Bugs; Mon 31 Aug - Fri 4 Sept 2009: Ubuntu Developer Week; Fri Sep 4 @ 21:00 UTC: How to run a successful Jam || Run 'date -u' in a terminal to find out the UTC time
nhandlerIt is time for another Packaging Training Session! slangasek has kindling volunteered to lead a session about Feature Freeze and Freeze Exceptions.01:00
nhandlerslangasek: The floor is yours01:00
* slangasek waves01:00
slangasekwho all is here for the session?01:00
slangasek(as opposed to just idling :)01:00
slangaseker, heh01:01
slangaseknobody else? :-)01:01
Davieyno :)01:01
warnerI'm listening01:02
slangasekoh yay, people!01:02
slangasekso the thing that makes this topical is this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-August/000606.html01:02
slangasekaccording to my UTC clock, Thursday is here, which means we're now in Feature Freeze, which means the rules on how we do uploads for the remainder of the karmic cycle have changed :)01:03
slangasekthe reason we have a feature freeze is to make sure everybody's on the same page as far as preparing a release - so that people use the early part of the cycle for developing / uploading great new things, and the latter part of the cycle is focused on stabilization01:04
slangasekso having a broad rule, that past a certain date we only do bugfixes, helps with that01:04
slangasekbugfixes including everything from fixing segfaults, to typos, to documentation corrections, to translations...01:05
slangasekbut of course, every rule has exceptions, and ours are detailed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess01:05
slangasekwarner: have you had occasion to request a feature freeze exception before?01:05
warnernope, but there's a decent probability that I will need to in the next week :)01:06
warnertell me how it works!01:06
slangasekthat wiki url is a very useful reference - I suggest keeping it to hand when it comes time to file the exception request01:07
* Daviey must go to bed, but looks forward to reading scrollback. nn o/01:07
slangasekbut the basics are described right in the first section - file a bug report, and include:01:07
slangasek# A description of the proposed changes, with sufficient detail to estimate their potential impact on the distribution01:07
slangasek# A rationale for the exception, explaining the benefit of the change01:07
slangasek# Any additional information which would be helpful in considering the decision01:07
* slangasek waves to Daviey 01:08
slangasekand then once you have the bug filed against the package that needs an exception, you subscribe ubuntu-release if the package is in main/restricted, and motu-release if i's in universe/multiverse.01:08
slangasekthat's the gist of it - section 2 on that page gives some more specifics, but if you follow section 1, you're already well on your way01:09
* warner nods01:09
slangasekI don't really have much to add, beyond that... I'll take questions, though :)01:10
warnerso, the most likely FFE that I may have to file depends upon two packages that are on their way into karmic, tahoe-lafs and python-pycryptopp01:10
slangasekI should also link to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-August/028794.html - there are some cases where motu-release has delegated responsibility to a "domain expert" for certain packaging areas01:11
=== zooko` is now known as zooko
slangasekso instead of subscribing motu-release, you can subscribe the delegate instead, which is faster01:11
warnerI may have to FFE tahoe (to change the packaging to relax a version requirement) if only the older version of pycryptopp gets in01:11
slangasekwarner: ok01:11
warneror I may FFE pycryptopp to get the newer version in (which tahoe depends upon)01:11
warnerbut I believe both will fall under the "FeatureFreeze for bug-fix-only updates" clause01:12
slangasektahoe-lafs is currently not in the archive, so I think that needs an FFe regardless01:12
slangaseknew packages are almost always considered "features"01:12
slangasekthe wiki page talks about new packages specifically: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze%20for%20new%20packages01:13
nhandlerWhat are ubuntu/motu -release looking for when deciding whether to accept a Freeze Exception request?01:13
warneryeah, I thought that an MOTUer added it to NEW, but I may be wrong, and we've been scrambling to get the dependencies in place01:13
slangasek(fwiw, I can't speak in detail to that policy since I'm not a member of motu-release, I'm just quoting the wiki page)01:13
slangaseknhandler: it really is as simple as the list from before: why is it important to break the rule, what's in the change that carries a risk of regression01:14
slangasekif the bug is something that's a small annoyance, but the diff is 5000 lines, that's probably not going to get an excepton :)01:15
slangasekwarner: well, the MOTU can upload it to NEW, but it won't be accepted unless it gets a freeze exception from motu-release01:15
warnerso in general, it sounds like I (as an end-user/upstream-developer/non-ubuntu/non-DD) must convince an MOTU member of the need-for/safety-of the update or new package, and they must enforce the FFE policy01:15
slangasekwell, the people who have to be convinced are the motu-release team01:17
slangasekwho are MOTUs, but a specific subset of MOTUs01:17
slangasekyou need to have a MOTU upload the package, but the uploader doesn't have to have any opinion at all about whether it warrants a FFe01:18
zookoSo, I might have missed some of the lesson.  The deadline for Feature Freeze for Karmic passed 18 minutes ago, right?01:18
slangasekthough they may ask for you to get the FFe approved first before they upload01:18
slangasekzooko: yes - which means new packages uploaded from here have to get feature freeze exceptions (FFe)01:18
zookoOkay, and while Tahoe-LAFS *was* already advocated one REVU, it was *not* actually included in the archive by an AA, I think.01:19
zookoIn fact, in addition to being advocated on REVU, Dustin Kirkland also uploaded it.01:20
slangasekhmm, in the specific case of tahoe-lafs, I know kirkland mentioned it was rescinded because it still had other dependencies that need to be in first01:20
zookoOkay, so it was uploaded but then, um, unuploaded.  :-)01:20
slangasekrejected from the queue, yes. :)01:20
zookoSo Tahoe-LAFS is in the state of "advocated on REVU but not uploaded in the queue".  Is that right?01:21
zookoAnd zfec is in the same state.01:21
zookoAnd foolscap 0.4.2 is in a different state -- it doesn't need advocacy on REVU because it is already in Ubuntu, it just needs an upgrade, so its state is01:22
* zooko looks01:22
james_wzooko: note that new packages from REVU generally need two advocates01:22
* zooko looks at REVU01:23
james_wzfec appears to have been uploaded to NEW01:24
zookoHow can I tell?  I think that each of these packages have two advocates already: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/tahoe-lafs http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/zfec01:24
zookoSo, what state is foolscap in? It is in the "request upgrade" state.01:24
slangasekzfec: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+queue01:25
slangaseker, except it's on the second page; I'll have to fix that by accepting some binaries, I guess. :)01:25
zookoslangasek: so zfec is in the "queued" state?  Which is after the "REVU" state and before the "really into Karmic" state?01:25
* Laney wonders what these states are01:26
slangasekzooko: it's in the NEW queue, which is when an archive admin confirms that it's legal for us to distribute and puts it in the right section of the archive01:26
zookoHey, there's a pycryptopp on that page.01:26
slangasekfor new packages after feature freeze, the pipeline is: REVU -> motu-release freeze exception -> upload -> archive admin processing -> into karmic01:28
slangasekthose packages that were uploaded before the FF started can reasonably be accepted by the archive admin without freeze exception paperwork01:29
zookoslangasek: okay, which seems to include Tahoe-LAFS (except that it was rejected from the queue), and zfec, and pycryptopp-
* slangasek nods01:30
warnerwhich means we need to start with getting foolscap and pycryptopp updated (with an FFE for that), and then we can apple for a new-package FFE for tahoe (and mention the two advocates as supporting material)01:31
slangasekand foolscap needs to have a feature freeze requested, by following the procedure at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess and subscribing motu-release01:31
warnerso, I'll start that process once foolscap-0.4.2 (which is now in debian) makes it past the next dinstall run, by using requestsync01:32
slangasekyou shouldn't need to use requestsync to open a new bug, you can just subscribe motu-release to the existing bug report01:33
zookoThanks for the explanations, slangasek.01:33
slangasek(but be sure to fill in the information about why it should get an exception!)01:33
slangasekno problem :)01:33
warnerI'll do the same for pycryptopp-0.5.15. Both will need an FFE, which will be easier to argue for pycryptopp (the 0.5.14-0.5.15 delta was a minor bugfix that doesn't affect debian), than for foolscap (which is a larger upgrade, since both debian and ubuntu had fallen a year behind upstream)01:34
slangasekin cases where there's no bug report open, though, requestsync is a very nice way to request freeze exceptions using the '-e' option01:34
slangasekwhen it opens the bug, it subscribes the -release team for you01:34
zookoI still kind of think we shouldn't bother FFE'ing pycryptopp-
zookoWe have to FFE foolscap-0.4.201:35
zookoAnd we have to FFE Tahoe-LAFS01:35
zookoBut we don't have to FFE pycryptopp-0.5.15 in order to get Tahoe-LAFS in.01:35
warneryeah, if the tahoe package had actually made it in, then we'd need the pycryptopp-0.5.15, but if we can change tahoe a bit before resubmitting it, we can go with 0.5.1401:36
zookoIt doesn't *hurt* to also FFE pycryptopp-0.5.15, but I guess I can't honestly claim in the FFE request that it is important to make an exception for it!  :-)01:37
zookoWell, I really should attend to my family and maybe have a quick nap.01:37
slangasekok :-)01:37
warnerOTOH, accepting tahoe is a much larger decision than accepting a pycryptopp upgrade01:38
slangasekzooko: thanks for coming!01:38
warneri mean, if they accept tahoe, then they're highly likely to accept a new pycryptopp, or something01:38
* zooko lurks01:39
slangasekwarner: I think I would recommend filing a single bug report requesting the freeze exception for both packages, and laying out the options for motu-release to consider01:39
warneryeah, that sounds like a good plan01:40
slangasekif there are no other questions, then, I'm going to wander away from the keyboard now :-)01:42
warnerslangasek: thanks for all the help!01:42
slangasekfeel free to follow up in #ubuntu-motu01:42
slangasekwarner: my pleasure!01:42
=== warner is now known as warner_away
=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training || Upcoming: Fri 28 Aug @ 22:00 UTC: Triaging Sound Bugs; Mon 31 Aug - Fri 4 Sept 2009: Ubuntu Developer Week; Fri Sep 4 @ 21:00 UTC: How to run a successful Jam || Run 'date -u' in a terminal to find out the UTC time
=== Traveler is now known as Guest7144
=== warner_away is now known as warner
=== porthose is now known as porthose|AFK
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== warner is now known as warner_sleep
=== Traveler is now known as Guest98445
=== goshawk_ is now known as goshawk
Bazoulhi !19:48
Bazoulanydody home ?19:48
eurythmiano ... I'm at work.19:56
=== warner_sleep is now known as warner
* limcore leaves his weed in locker room and sits in chair near blackboard21:13
limcorethere should be some ringbell bot that would ping everyone at 21 UTC ;)21:23

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