
chrisccoulsonbut yeah, there is also hardcoded paths in yelp too (and all the omf files have a hardcoded path as well)00:01
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, good morning00:10
robert_ancellrickspencer3_, hi rick00:10
rickspencer3robert_ancell: kenvandine: now that the session menu is in, should we not clean up the system menu?00:35
robert_ancellrickspencer3, ?00:36
rickspencer3robert_ancell: never mind00:36
rickspencer3I'll follow up next week00:37
rickspencer3but we shouldn't have all the shutdown options in the session menu and the system menu00:37
robert_ancellrickspencer3, is the session menu the fusa?00:37
rickspencer3yes, what was until so recently called the fus00:39
TheMusoWhat calls xsplash?00:47
TheMusoAnd is there a way for the caller of xsplash to be told what images to use, now that xsplash supports command-line flags to tell it what images to use?00:48
chrisccoulsonTheMuso - it's called from a GDM script01:11
TheMusochrisccoulson: Yeah just found it.01:14
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superm1bryce, i try to not use p.u.c since it's never in sync for a dev release. always refer to launchpad03:09
TheMusorobert_ancell: Afaik libcanberra is not covered by the GNOME freeze exception.06:30
TheMusoSo it will nee an FFE.06:30
robert_ancellTheMuso, ah, ok.  Where is the freeze exception specified?06:30
TheMusorobert_ancell: I put a link in the bug. I replied not yet knowing that you assigned it to me. :)06:31
robert_ancellTheMuso, I was about to do it and then saw you tend to make that release06:31
TheMusorobert_ancell: again as I said in the bug, I think we're better off pulling any important patches we need from trunk. 0.16 also introduces a new symbol/API function.06:33
TheMusoSo unless a piece of gnome will use that, I think we're better off leaving it for now.06:33
TheMusoOn the other hand, the list of changes is quite short, and its only just after FF, so we could still probably get it in rather easily.06:34
TheMusoBut I don't see the real need atm.06:34
dholbachgood morning06:38
dholbachrobert_ancell: IIRC gimp is not part of core gnome - it might need an ubuntu-release ACK06:39
dholbachI'll just subscribe them to the bug06:40
robert_ancelldholbach, thanks.  Where is the list of what is excepted?06:40
dholbachgood question - the core gnome desktop is excepted06:40
dholbachseb128 would know what is and what isn't06:40
dholbachgimp, gthumb - stuff like that isn't06:40
dholbachat least as well as I remember from "back then" :)06:41
robert_ancellare the libraries included or just applications?06:41
Amaranthrobert_ancell: afaik if it's in one of the gnome release sets (desktop, platform, bindings, development) and included in the default install it has a FFE07:00
Amaranthnot sure for things not in the default install like epiphany07:00
robert_ancellAmaranth: ah, thanks07:01
Amaranthrobert_ancell: do you have a way to reproduce bug 153676?07:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 153676 in compiz "New windows placed with focus behind fullscreen window" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15367607:01
Amarantherr, not that one07:02
Amaranthrobert_ancell: bug 16516107:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 165161 in compiz "Compiz places transient dialogs behind currently focused window" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16516107:03
robert_ancellAmaranth: seb128 knows some good ones but you can do it by trying to install software from the software-store07:05
Amaranthoh, that is packaged?07:05
Amaranthrobert_ancell: seems it doesn't happen all the time :/07:08
robert_ancellAmaranth: yes, I see the same thing :(07:08
Amaranthok, will look at that a bit tomorrow07:08
AmaranthI've only done some little stuff in that area of compiz though07:08
robert_ancelldholbach, can you explain the shlibs setting?  I don't think I've been setting them correctly07:10
pittiGood morning07:10
pittichrisccoulson: right, /omf/ too; ugh07:10
dholbachrobert_ancell: if public interfaces get added you bump the shlibs07:10
pittihey robert_ancell07:11
robert_ancelland what uses that information?07:11
robert_ancellhey pitti07:11
dholbachrobert_ancell: so if something links against the library in a new build the new version information is picked up07:11
pittidholbach, robert_ancell: just for your interest, symbol files are a bit more modern and precise07:11
pitti(I didn't follow the entire conversation, though)07:11
dholbachpitti: you're right07:12
robert_ancellso should we be migrating shlibs to symbol files?07:12
pittiif you want07:12
pittiold .shlibs files works as well still07:12
pittibut with symbols files the package build will remind you of new symbols07:12
dholbachit makes sense to coordinate that with debian07:12
pittiso it's less guesswork and you are less prone to forget about the shlibs files07:12
pittirobert_ancell: so I'm not saying "we should migrate" for the sake of it, just pointing out that they exist07:13
pittimatter of preference mainly07:13
robert_ancellpitti, I'm just looking for a one true way to do things so I don't have to know two ways :)07:13
pittirobert_ancell: FWIW, I usually prefer symbols files nowadays07:14
pittisince I also always forgot to bump the shlibs files07:14
pittinow lintian checks it for me :)07:14
pittiand dh_shlibdeps can calculate the precise dependencies according to which symbols a package actually uses07:14
robert_ancellsounds good to me07:15
pittirobert_ancell: can you please push your gnome-power-manager upload to bzr?07:28
robert_ancellpitti, there should be a branch on the report - I couldn't upload to the main branch as i'm not in the power team07:30
pittirobert_ancell: oh, we really ought to change the owner07:30
robert_ancellpitti, shall i push it to ~ubuntu-desktop and update the control file?07:31
pittirobert_ancell: hang on, I try to change the existing one07:31
pittirobert_ancell: changed; yes, please push now and change Vcs-Bzr:07:32
pittirobert_ancell: stop07:33
pittirobert_ancell: while I'm at it, let's also rename it to "ubuntu"07:33
pitti"trunk" is not really justified IMHO07:33
robert_ancellpitti, and can we change the project name from gnome-power to gnome-power-manager?07:33
pittiUbuntu Desktop already has a branch for gnome-power called ubuntu07:33
pittioh, we have?07:33
pittiah, that's correct then07:34
pittiseems you already pushed it there07:34
pittirobert_ancell: I deleted the old "trunk" branch07:35
dholbachI did :)07:35
pittirobert_ancell: ok, let's use lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-power/ubuntu from now on07:36
pittirobert_ancell: you can delete lp:~robert-ancell/gnome-power/ubuntu then (and probably lp:~robert-ancell/gnome-power/bug-419637, too)07:36
* pitti -> breakfast07:37
robert_ancellhmm, lp is timing out07:38
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didrocksmorning everybody :)08:15
pittihey didrocks08:15
didrockshey pitti, have you finally succeeded in all MIR reviewing? :)08:16
pittikenvandine: evo-couchdb seeded now, so we'll see it soon in component-mismatches08:16
pittididrocks: not in all, but at least all assigned to me08:16
pittistill some 20 eucalyptus ones outstanding as well, though08:17
didrockswaow... it seems that eucalyptus brings a lot of components08:17
soren..and pain and suffering :)08:18
didrocksI believe you :)08:18
dholbachdidrocks: once ttx is done with that, java packaging will be easy because we have all java modules in the archive already ;-)08:40
robert_ancellpitti, what do we do about API changes like in bug 419631?08:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419631 in gtksourceview2 "Update to 2.7.4" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41963108:59
robert_ancellbye all09:05
mac_vmvo: hi...aptd keeps crashing > Bug #418766 , but its marked as a dup of a private bug... could you make the main bug public? or is there some reason for the main bug being private ?09:46
ubottuBug 418766 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/418766 is private09:46
mvomac_v: checking09:51
mac_vthanx :)09:52
mvohey glatzor!09:58
glatzorhey mvo!09:58
mvomac_v: the aptdaemon bug is fixed in bzr09:58
mac_vgreat :)09:59
mvoglatzor: I don't want to be anyoing or anything, but do you think you could have a look over the add-repo patch sometimes today ?10:03
glatzorfor sure10:03
glatzorone moment10:03
glatzormvo, do you know why the review diff is not uptodate ? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/aptdaemon/add-repo/+merge/1074410:06
mvoglatzor: no, I was wondering the same10:07
mvoglatzor: I can remove it and request a new merge?10:07
glatzormvo, I can also do it the old fashion way :)10:08
seb128hello there10:15
davmor2just a quickie on the fusa applet on today ubuntu iso the icon is the default icon when one can't be found I'm just checking that this is known10:17
glatzormvo, does it make sense to have separate add/remove repository policies?10:21
glatzormvo, I cannot think of a use case in which a user would be allowed to add repositories and not remove any10:21
mvoglatzor: me neither10:21
didrockshey seb128, do you have some nice holidays? ;)10:22
seb128hello didrocks10:22
glatzormvo, especially if we add remove/disable/enable/change resository in the future10:22
seb128yes excellent thanks10:22
glatzorhello seb12810:22
seb128hey glatzor10:22
didrocksthey were great too, thanks10:22
* pitti hugs seb12810:27
* seb128 hugs pitti10:27
mvoglatzor: yeah, that is something we will support, but I do not plan to work on this for karmic10:27
seb128lut huats10:31
huatshello seb12810:32
huatsget out of here you are on holidays ...10:32
seb128huats, I've been away for over a week if you didn't notice10:35
huatsI have10:35
huatsbut I mean you are still on holidays (and come back monday ?)10:36
chrisccoulsonhey seb128!10:42
chrisccoulsonaren't you meant to be on holiday still? ;)10:42
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:42
seb128hum, seem people are not happy to see me around10:42
chrisccoulsonof course we are - just a little unexpected;)10:43
seb128well I was away one week and was enjoying some catching up with desktop world10:43
seb128I don't see anything wrong with that ;-)10:43
seb128especially that the versions page has an outdated overflow10:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, i really need to do some updates this week10:44
chrisccoulsonit seems robert_ancell did most of them overnight ;)10:45
seb128chrisccoulson, 'most of them', there is still over a screen of outdated versions there looking at the lists10:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll try and look at some of those today10:47
didrocksnow that quickly 0.2 is released an FF in charge, I can do some of them :)10:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've got to the bottom of this gnome-settings-daemon crash which is causing so many duplicates10:52
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, good, what was it?10:52
chrisccoulsonwell, I think part of it is a Xorg bug, as it is returning the wrong error10:53
chrisccoulsonbut I need to speak to bryce about that10:53
chrisccoulsonbut basically what happens is - xsplash gets focus when the window manager loads, then it gets destroyed, and when you open another window which takes focus, libxklavier does XGetWindowProperty on the non-existant window10:54
chrisccoulsonwhich should return BadWindow, but it doesn't because another client created a pixmap in the mean-time which gets the same ID as what the xsplash window hd10:55
chrisccoulsonand that messes things up :-/10:55
seb128ok, I see10:57
pittinew rhythmbox without hal, and media-player-id working10:58
chrisccoulsonhey pitti10:58
pittihey chrisccoulson10:58
rodrigo_is there a bug for 'removable media doesn't get automounted' already?11:00
huatsseb128: I will do some updates too...11:00
pittirodrigo_: works fine here..11:00
seb128huats, thanks11:00
rodrigo_pitti: not here, maybe I'0m missing some package, since I upgraded from jaunty?11:01
rodrigo_pitti: I have to manually mount all of them, not even CDs11:01
pittirodrigo_: ubuntu-bug, select "storage", and walk through the steps11:01
rodrigo_pitti: and running gnome from jhbuild mounts them nicely11:01
pittirodrigo_: it's an excellent test case for my new symptom hook :)11:01
pittirodrigo_: and in fact I'd like to see how it works for you as reporter, and for me as bug receiver11:02
rodrigo_pitti: ah cool, running it11:02
rodrigo_we moved away from hal now, right?11:02
pittirodrigo_: correct11:03
rodrigo_that's why I think I might missing some package, since in jhbuild it works11:03
rodrigo_anyway, running ubuntu-bug...11:03
glatzormvo, I merged your branch with some small modifications11:04
mvoglatzor: wonderful, thanks a lot11:04
rodrigo_pitti: it tells me to specify a PID or package, what package should I tell it?11:05
glatzormvo, It would be nice to be allowed to push to a branch that you review11:05
pittirodrigo_: uh, what did you do?11:06
pittirodrigo_: is this really current karmic?11:06
rodrigo_run ubuntu-bug11:06
pittiubuntu-bug should bring up a dialog asking for a symptom11:06
pittidpkg -s apport11:06
rodrigo_well, I'm upgrading right now some 30MB of packages, so latest might be there11:06
mvoglatzor: I can (from now on) push all my stuff under ~aptdaemon-developer11:06
pittirodrigo_: it's been there for > 3 weeks, hm11:06
pittirodrigo_: do you have the apport-symptoms package installed?11:06
rodrigo_pitti: no, not installed11:07
pittirodrigo_: ah, can you please install it?11:07
rodrigo_yes, installing it now11:07
pittiodd, it's recommended by apport11:07
rodrigo_ah, now it works :)11:07
rodrigo_pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/41982411:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419824 in gvfs "USB devices are not mounted automatically" [Undecided,New]11:13
davmor2Guys shutdown and restart seem to be hanging on asking all remaining processes to terminate11:14
didrockschrisccoulson: I've already updated gnome-themes (refresh your version.html ;))11:17
pittidavmor2: regression in -7 kernel, known11:17
chrisccoulsondidrocks - thanks:)11:17
davmor2pitti: cool11:17
LaneyI couldn't even boot with -711:17
didrocksajaxed LP version is soooo smooth :)11:19
Laneyit is nice, I just hope they can get page loads to be faster now11:20
pittiseb128: can I ask you a favor? would you mind to review media-player-id in source NEW? it's a trivial package, but required by new RB11:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - is HAL the only thing on the CD now which hasn't been ported to polkit-1?11:27
pittichrisccoulson: hplip as well11:27
chrisccoulsonah, ok.11:27
pittichrisccoulson: oh, and network-manager11:28
pittithere's an upstream branch for it, but it didn't land in ubuntu yet11:28
pittiI'll nag asac about it after his vac11:28
* pitti files a hplip bug11:28
mac_vpitti: do you have the bug# for the -7 kernel hangs bug?11:29
mac_vpls :)11:30
pittimac_v: not at hand; I just heard it from several other people11:30
mac_voh... ok... i had to force quit then it keeps asking for fsck on boot!11:31
davmor2pitti: is http://www.davmor2.co.uk/broken-icon.png known too I'm assuming it is11:31
mac_vdavmor2: yes :) tedg says it fixed upstream11:32
davmor2mac_v: thanks I am guessing then that it will be in before alpha5 hopefully then :)11:33
mac_vdavmor2: pls let me know if you find the kernel bug... i cant seem to find it :(11:34
pittidavmor2: yes, the fix is already in code review11:34
mac_vah... found Bug #41929711:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419297 in linux "Shutdown does not turn off the power" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41929711:35
pittichrisccoulson: hplip bug filed and linked to wiki page, FYI11:35
chrisccoulsonpitti, thanks11:35
pittichrisccoulson: ah, and nm just landed in upstream trunk11:37
davmor2pitti: cool :)11:38
pittichrisccoulson: oh, and indicator-session (but that should be trivial to port)11:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. i'm surprised that was written with the old policykit though ;)11:55
chrisccoulsonvuntz - has nobody come forward yet to fix gnome bug 585614?11:57
ubottuGnome bug 585614 in gnome-session "port to PolicyKit 1.0" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58561411:57
vuntzchrisccoulson: read the comments :-)11:59
vuntzchrisccoulson: the patch is committed, but consolekit still needs some work12:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's what i was asking really - whether anyone had offered to work on the new consolekit API (and updating gnome-session to use it)12:01
chrisccoulsonit's probably too late for this cycle though isn't it?12:01
seb128pitti, I can have a look there12:02
pittiseb128: merci12:02
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seb128pitti, the debian copyright mentions a tools dir12:07
seb128but there is no such directory there?12:07
seb128otherwise looks ok12:07
seb128I've to go for lunch, be back in abit12:08
pittiseb128: oh, indeed; tools/ is in git, but not in make dist12:08
pittithe .rules is pre-generated in make dist12:08
pittiseb128: I'll drop that stanza from debian/copyright in the next upload12:08
pittiseb128: rejected and reuploaded, thanks for spotting12:12
vuntzchrisccoulson: it's a bit late, but not too late12:27
=== Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth
chrisccoulsonpitti - is there a polkit-gnome-authorization equivalent in the polkit-1 world?12:43
james_wnot that I have seen12:43
chrisccoulsonthanks james_w12:44
chrisccoulsoni wonder if we should still be shipping the old polkit-gnome-authorization tool?12:44
chrisccoulsonseeing that it manages hardly any policies anymore12:44
pittichrisccoulson: no, we shouldn't really12:44
=== Amaranth is now known as Amaranth__
james_wwhat is left to port in the default install12:44
james_woh, I bet Martin has a wiki page to tell us12:45
chrisccoulsonyes, one second12:45
pittijames_w: for PK-1?12:45
chrisccoulsonthat's not just for the default install though12:45
james_wtold you :-012:45
chrisccoulsonAFAIK, it's just HAL, hplip and NM12:45
pittijames_w: basically, hplip;12:45
pittijames_w: network-manager is done in upstream trunk, hal is a wontfix12:46
pittiand indicator-session is being taken care of12:46
pittijames_w: right, but that's not in the default install12:46
pittiand kubuntu doesn't have a PK-1 GUI yet12:46
seb128pitti, newed now12:46
pittiseb128: merci12:46
seb128de rien12:46
chrisccoulsonlibgnomekbd and gedit-plugins updated now:)12:46
james_wbut they might have a mixed old/new polkit on the CD?12:46
pittijames_w: I don't think that Kubuntu has any PK-1 stuff right now12:46
james_wthey certainly don't use polkit-gnome-authorization though :-)12:47
seb128chrisccoulson, you can probably upload the second?12:47
chrisccoulsonseb128 - done12:47
pittithe only thing that would use it is jockey-kde, and I worked around that by calling the GUI as root12:47
seb128chrisccoulson, cool ;-)12:47
james_wI'll say it again, pitti: you rock12:47
pittijames_w: and so do you!12:48
chrisccoulsonso, should we just disable polkit-gnome-authorization now then, or maybe split it in to a separate package?12:48
chrisccoulson(it's part of policykit-gnome now)12:48
pittijames_w: it's a pity that we have to leave both the hal and PK migration 90% done in karmic, but at least that gives us a good start for LL12:48
james_wI'll take a look at hplip if I have a free weekend between now and release12:49
james_wI doubt it though :-)12:49
james_woh, did you see a mail on advice for shipping a default distro policy from David a couple of weeks ago?12:50
pittijames_w: I didn't, no?12:50
chrisccoulsonjames_w - do you ever have weekends? i always seem to see you working on here at the weekends ;)12:50
james_w"Fwd: Roles and Policy" on polkit-devel12:51
james_wchrisccoulson: don't remind me :-)12:51
james_wseems like it maps to our existing "admin" group quite well12:52
kenvandinepitti, can you please sponsor desktopcouch, bug 41659112:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416591 in desktopcouch "New version, 0.3" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41659112:53
pittikenvandine: will do afterl unch12:53
pittijames_w: reading now, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/polkit-devel/attachments/20090813/825f3bbd/attachment-0001.mht12:54
james_wthat's the badger12:54
james_whmm, I don't have pklocalauthority installed12:54
pittijames_w: so far we just have /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-ubuntu-admin.conf12:55
pittibut it should be enough AFAICS12:55
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james_wlooks like it could be12:55
james_wah, it seems pklocalauthority might just be a man page at this point12:56
james_wit seems we may want something like [Desktop Administrator Permissions]12:58
james_wbut the current situation will work, that just allows us to tweak defaults centrally12:59
james_wscreen-resolution-extra and checkbox seem to be missing from the list13:02
pittiseb128: media-player-id is binary NEW now (please to main again, it's needed by RB; I'll maintain it)13:03
seb128pitti, ok looking13:04
seb128pitti, newed13:07
* pitti hugs seb12813:07
* seb128 hugs pitti13:07
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kenvandinemorning rickspencer314:17
pittihey rickspencer314:17
rickspencer3hiya kenvandine14:18
rickspencer3hi pitti14:18
didrockshey rickspencer314:19
rickspencer3hi didrocks14:19
rickspencer3didrocks, I was stunned to see so much bug mail for quickly ... then realized it was "fix released"14:19
didrocksrickspencer3: ahah ;)14:20
didrocksrickspencer3: we'll certainly release a 0.21 fix release I guess in karmic (even a 0.22 perhaps)14:21
rickspencer3didrocks, sure .. I hope so14:21
Amaranthcan we get the patch from gnome bug 520779 applied in ubuntu at least? doesn't seem to be any activity on it upstream14:36
ubottuGnome bug 520779 in workspace switcher "make mousewheel work on switcher when using viewports" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52077914:36
Amaranththe first patch (mine) would be the better one to use14:37
Amaranthoh, seb128 is back?14:38
AmaranthI'll ask him :)14:38
kenvandinepitti, there will be another refresh of indicat* today... just need to give tedg a good push :)15:07
kenvandinepitti, can the indicator-session MIR get approved before the PK changes?15:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - what shall we do about the transmission update now we are post FF? the new upstream version is only bug-fixes, but...15:18
chrisccoulson...debian have enabled the QT front-end too (which is already in the current source tarball). If we ,erge with Debian, do we want the QT frontend, or shall we just leave that out for now?15:19
pittikenvandine: i-s> if we get a commitment that it gets fixed soon, I think so; what is it blocking on right now (the MIR)?15:19
pittichrisccoulson: we can always leave it in universe if desired15:19
pittiso if it's bug-fix only for the gtk package, it's fine15:19
kenvandineyeah... i will get tedg to commit to fixing it by beta :)15:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, i'll take a look at that unless someone else has already done work on it15:19
chrisccoulsondon't we need a FFe for the QT part though?15:20
pittichrisccoulson: we probably do, but herewith you have it15:21
pittiit's just a new universe package, right? and less effort than to disable it15:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, i'll take a look at that. a FFe for transmission should be easy to justify - charles is very responsive and active around here15:21
chrisccoulsonso if there are any bugs, i'm sure he'll fix them quickly;)15:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you mind unsubscribing u-m-s from bug 406103 for now?15:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406103 in transmission "Please merge transmission 1.73-5 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40610315:24
chrisccoulsonthere's an additional bug open for the 1.74 update too15:24
pittichrisccoulson: shouldn't it just be closed entirely then?15:24
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's probably easier ;)15:24
chrisccoulsoni'll do that15:24
pittichrisccoulson: anyway, unsub'ed15:27
chrisccoulsonthank you too:)15:27
pittikenvandine: so, should we officially bury desktop-karmic-gnomescan for karmic? or do you really want to keep it?15:37
kenvandinepitti, bury it :)15:39
pittimvo: is it okay if I assign bug 391555 to you? it has a plethora of dupes15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391555 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install crashed with AttributeError in itemIsInstalled()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39155515:48
mvopitti: I have a look15:48
kklimondachrisccoulson, thanks for looking into that15:49
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - no problem15:49
chrisccoulsonnot sure when i'll finish it yet though;)15:49
chrisccoulsoni'll use the packaging work you've already done, and the work on the FFe15:50
chrisccoulsonxsplash really doesn't cope well with resolution changes :-/15:53
chrisccoulsonis xsplash running as root still, or as the user?15:53
pittishould run as gdm now15:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks.16:00
rodrigo_how do I build a package from a bzr branch with just the debian/ dir?16:01
pittirodrigo_: does it have a .bzr-builddeb/ dir?16:01
chrisccoulsonyay, gconf is done:)16:01
pittibzr bd -S -> source package, bzr bd -- -b -> binaries16:01
rodrigo_ah, cool16:02
pittirodrigo_: or, if you want to edit it, bzr bd-do is useful, too; throws you into a 'normal' tree that you can edit, and exit 0 will copy back the debian/ changes16:02
pittirodrigo_: /usr/share/doc/bzr-builddeb/README.gz has the details16:05
rodrigo_that's easier than apt-get-source + ....16:06
rugby471can anyone apply debdiff at this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-user-dirs/+bug/20456716:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204567 in hundredpapercuts "Downloads should go to ~/Downloads" [High,In progress]16:10
rugby471it has been waiting there for a long time and goes back to the behaviour of upstream16:10
pittidavidbarth: I updated the DX bits on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus, but not completely; could you please update the remaining bits?16:13
chrisccoulsondapper is not supported on the desktop anymore is it?16:14
mptmvo, just sent you a draft announcement, could you review it before I send it out to ubuntu-desktop@?16:16
* mpt wonders if it should go to ubuntu-devel@ as well, or instead16:16
pittirickspencer3: I just spend a lot of time to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus TTBOMK; since nobody from desktop team can be in the release meeting tomorrow, would you mind giving this an once-over, so that at least the two of us are on the same state?16:17
mvompt: I have a look now16:17
rickspencer3pitti, np16:18
* rickspencer3 reads16:18
didrockspitti: if you want to add the "default application priorities", you can mark it as POSTPONED as we are still in discussion with xdg16:20
pittididrocks: oh, there are many specs which aren't on that page; this is just for major structural changes which are big enough to be on the release team radar16:23
pittiI tought that one was too far down the stack for that16:23
pittididrocks: but either way, I'll update the blueprint accordingly, thanks16:23
didrockspitti: oh ok. I thought you were putting a status on every UDS discussed spec16:23
mptmvo, does it look ok?16:30
mvompt: looks great16:32
mptmvo, ubuntu-desktop@ or ubuntu-devel@ or both?16:32
mvompt: feel free to revert the order of:16:32
mvoMichael Vogt, lead engineer16:32
mvoMatthew Paul Thomas, lead designer16:32
mvoit was you writing the mail afterall :)16:32
mptok :-)16:32
mvoprobably both16:32
pittikenvandine: can you please have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus, the "DX integration" bits and update it to the current word of the day (or tell me what to change)?16:32
pittikenvandine: thanks16:34
mvompt: adding of third party repositories (just the whitelisted stuff as g-a-i) is almost ready btw16:34
mvompt: do you have a opinion about removals? i.e. what if removing a package causes the removal of e.g. ubuntu-desktop - should we warn? or error? or just do ?16:35
mptmvo, what other common examples of that are there? ubuntu-desktop is kind of a speshul case16:35
kenvandinepitti, can xsplash me marked as done? it is feature complete but waiting on more artwork?16:35
pittikenvandine: ah, nice "DONE" flood16:35
pittikenvandine: sure, please just update it as you see fit, you know this stuff much better than me16:35
mat_tpitti: hey16:36
pittikenvandine: (done flood for work items)16:36
pittikenvandine: let's see how tomorrow's CDs explode :)16:36
pittihey mat_t16:36
rickspencer3pitti, any chance you could refresh the burndown?16:36
* rickspencer3 is too impatient to wait an hour16:36
* pitti cranks16:36
mvompt: I need to run a analyzer to be certain, but I assume most of the current apps we offer to not result in removal other stuff, its mostly top-level applications anyway16:36
mvoubuntu-desktop is a exception of course16:37
mat_tpitti: when is the best time for us to look into usplash theming?16:37
pittirickspencer3: done16:37
pittijust about to hit the trend line16:37
mat_tgood job deskrop team! :)16:38
mat_tdesktop even!16:38
rickspencer3if we removed asac's "browsers" blueprint, we would be below, I think16:38
pittimat_t: rather ealier than later; UI freeze is in two weeks16:38
pittirickspencer3: let's keep that boost for next week; let's not spend all our trumps on one day :-P16:38
rickspencer3desktop team rooolz!16:38
rickspencer3pitti, lol16:38
mvompt: btw, I subscribed you to some bugs that are about design decisions in the spec. is that something I should do? or should I rather close them and point people to the spec?16:38
mat_tpitti: cool, I'm ready anytime - just let me know when is best for you16:38
mptmvo, so maybe we could use a special-case warning for ubuntu-desktop, and just send people to Synaptic for anything else (after all, as far as the Store 1.0 is concerned, there's no such thing as a non-application package)16:38
* rickspencer3 retracts statement16:39
mptmvo, I just subscribed to Bugs for the package, so you won't need to do that any more16:39
pittimat_t: well, this week is so crazy, just ask16:39
mvompt: yeah, that behaviour is fine with me16:39
mvompt: a warning is maybe enough? or just refusing it outright?16:39
mat_tpitti: how about I'll ping you some time tomorrow16:39
pittimat_t: I won't be here tomorrow (I'll be at a wedding), I swapped with Sunday16:40
pittimat_t: what are you currently planning to do? I understand this might depend a lot on the fate and state of xplash in karmic, too?16:40
mat_tpitti: well, yes and no16:40
mat_tpitti: basically we're removing the progress bar and replacing the artwork with the simple logo in the middle. We also talked in Dublin about fading in and out using color-palette swap16:42
Amaranthhmm, guess seb128 isn't coming back after all16:42
mvoAmaranth: officially he is one leave16:42
Amaranthah, still?16:42
Amaranthhe was here earlier and said he would be back in a bit16:43
mptmvo, announcement sent16:43
Amaranthok, I'll turn this patch into a branch and see if someone will upload it for me :)16:43
mvothanks mpt16:43
mvoAmaranth: what package?16:43
mptmvo, well, let's see if we can come up with coherent warning text16:43
pittimat_t: right, I still have that half-done branch for fading (not using palette, though, since it's using 16 bit colors, not 8)16:43
mvompt: maybe something like "this application is considered part of your core system, do you really want to remove it"?16:44
mptmvo, first shot: "If you uninstall <application name>, upgrading later to a future version of Ubuntu may not work properly. Are you sure you want to continue?"16:44
mvompt: I guess that is a bit technical still16:44
AmaranthI sent a patch upstream over a year ago to make scrolling the mouse wheel on the workspace switcher work in compiz, want to at least get it in Ubuntu :)16:44
rickspencer3Amaranth, yeah!16:44
rickspencer3do you have a bug that I can subscribe someone too?16:45
mpthm, "future"->"later", because you might be using a non-current version16:45
mvoAmaranth: sure, if its in a branch I have a look16:45
tgpraveen1dx-karmic-os-switcher: not started <--- with the switch to GRUB2 and new boot splash what will be the method to switch to other OSs16:45
AmaranthI think vuntz hasn't done anything with it because he wants to rewrite libwnck to do WnckWorkspace with WnckVirtualDesktop and WnckViewport backends so code using it doesn't have to care16:45
Amaranthrickspencer3: just upstream16:45
mpttgpraveen1, mat_t or dbarth are the people to answer that question16:46
tgpraveen1and if i want to make say windows the default os to boot in is there a method without using CLI?16:46
Amaranthmvo: getting it into a branch now, will let you know in a bit :)16:46
tgpraveen1mat_t:  dx-karmic-os-switcher: not started <--- with the switch to GRUB2 and new boot splash what will be the method to switch to other OSs16:46
mvompt: right, I think part of the problem is the upgrades, part is that it might be stuff the user wants, but is not aware of. stuff like "the panel" - if he has no idea what that is, he may accidentially want to remove it16:46
mvompt: or do you think its too hard to capture both problems in a single sentence?16:47
mvothanks Amaranth16:47
mptmvo, well that doesn't matter so much for 1.0, because the system stuff is mostly not stuff with .desktop files16:47
mptthough that does remind me we need to special-case people uninstalling the Software Store itself :-)16:48
mptbut for version 2+, it will be an issue16:48
mvompt: :)16:48
rugby471it has been waiting there for a long time and goes back to the behaviour of upstream16:48
mptmvo, second shot: "<application name> is a core application in Ubuntu. Uninstalling it may cause future upgrades to be incomplete. Are you sure you want to continue?" want to continue?"16:48
rugby471can anyone apply debdiff at this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-user-dirs/+bug/204567 it solves a papercut and is inline with upstream16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204567 in hundredpapercuts "Downloads should go to ~/Downloads" [High,In progress]16:49
mptmvo, minus those last three words of course16:49
mvompt: I like that16:49
mvompt: I will add it16:49
mptmvo, ok, and I'll spec it16:49
pittikenvandine: is anything major wrt. indicator still planned for alpha-5? (currently the list of intrusive changes is empty)16:50
mvothanks mpt16:50
kenvandinenothing major16:50
kenvandinepitti, there is a round of indicator refreshes coming now16:50
kenvandinewhich includes adding launchers to the indicators16:50
mat_ttgpraveen1: same as now - hold ESC to access grub menu16:50
pittikenvandine: ok, thanks16:50
Amaranthdang, have to do an upgrade to satisfy dependencies, this may take a bit16:50
pittikenvandine: could you stand in for me on tomorrow's release team meeting at 1500 UTC? I have a swap day with Sunday, need to go to a wedding16:51
pittikenvandine: the report should be pretty complete (it's the wiki page), but there might be some questions coming up, and I think you have a pretty good overview what's going on16:51
tgpraveen1mat_t: isnt this a huge regression for people who use ubuntu as a secondary OS? as soon as one installs ubuntu it takes over the system. right now atleast we get the grub menu with a selection of installed OS16:52
pittikenvandine: so it's mainly about collecting questions, answer the ones you know, and distribute the ones you don't know16:52
rugby471mvo : what is the best thing I could do to help with software-store, I have run out of bugs to file :-)16:52
tgpraveen1but with this new system new users might even get confused that ubuntu has taken over and windwos is lost16:52
kenvandinepitti, yeah16:52
pittikenvandine: ok, thanks; I'll send you the necessary stuff16:53
kenvandinethx pitti!16:53
mptmvo, "Remove Anyway" for the commit button16:53
pittikenvandine: erm, for pushing work to you? :_)16:53
pittikenvandine: thanks for covering16:53
mvorugby471: depends on what you like to do :) there is plenty of stuff in the spec that is not done yet. if you like python, the animation button or the different open modes might be nice16:53
* Amaranth wonders what the point of a scrollbar is in synaptic if you can't scroll up16:54
kenvandinepitti, can you sponsor bug 419997 ?16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419997 in indicator-messages "Update to upstream 0.2.0" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41999716:54
mvoAmaranth: hm?16:54
Amaranthmvo: when it's downloading packages16:54
Amaranthmvo: every time the percentage changes it forces it back to the bottom16:54
mvoAmaranth: heh :) yeah, that is a bit sub-optimal :(16:54
rugby471can anyone sponsor : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-user-dirs/+bug/20456716:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204567 in hundredpapercuts "Downloads should go to ~/Downloads" [High,In progress]16:54
Amaranthmvo: it should just say what it is doing with some labels and progress bars and when it finishes a download show the next one16:55
rugby471mvo: cool, I shall have a look16:55
didrocksmpt: the “Where Is It?” button is really a great idea. Not sure it's realistic with current technology but great in theory (you are speaking about the real top panel application menu, right?) :)16:55
mptdidrocks, yes16:55
mat_ttgpraveen1: yes, it's not perfect atm, should be a lot better when we have "proper" OS switcher in Karmic +116:55
mptdidrocks, I was hoping you might see that section ;-)16:55
mvorugby471: the animation icon in the pending view is also a nice target, that one should be fun (but I don't know if we have icons for the animation yet)16:55
didrocksmpt: let me think a couple of days about it and make some research, we'll see if an idea can come :)16:56
mac_vmpt: latest update has a better option > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-store/+bug/419295/comments/416:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419295 in software-store ""Price: Free" in every software description sounds cheesy and is redundant!" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:57
mptdidrocks, meanwhile, a much simpler animation I think would help would be for the home view to slide off the left and the category view to slide on from the right, whenever you navigate to a category, and the reverse when you navigate back to the top level16:58
mptdidrocks, and the same for navigating into an individual application view16:58
didrocksmpt: that's not seem complicated. I have to check what and how widgets are currently implemented (if any) and make some tests.17:00
mptI'll add a mini-spec for each of those to the wiki page shortly17:00
* didrocks schedules that for next week (too busy this week-end) :)17:00
didrocksmpt: yes, please :)17:01
mptthanks :-)17:01
mac_vmpt: mvo: progress icon? is that OK? > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore/Icons17:02
mptmac_v, it's pretty good17:04
* Amaranth grumbles about debconf junk popping up17:04
Amaranthand then freezing :/17:04
mac_vmpt: ok... i'll write up a bug report and add the full animation17:04
Amaranthoh, it was updating initramfs17:04
rugby471mac_v: can you put link to bug report here in channel?17:05
mptmac_v, thanks heaps for helping out with that. Unfortunately there's some boring legal stuff to go through if you haven't signed the Contributor Agreement before. <http://canonical.com/contributors>17:06
mptmvo, hmmm, if you're going to allow removal of ubuntu-desktop, how much extra effort to allow removal of any other metapackage?17:06
mac_vrugby471: i havent written it yet , first i need to complete the animation once done i'll write it...17:06
rugby471ok then17:06
mvompt: none, I mean, the code that checks that can check for any package17:06
mac_vmpt: dont worry i wont sue Canonical ;) , but sure i'll sign it17:06
mvompt: should it be a dialog or do you want to detect it in advance (i.e. label the button before the user clicked on it)17:07
mptmvo, except having a separate warning message17:07
mvompt: ok17:07
mptmvo, ooh, nice idea, like a (!) emblem of something17:07
* Amaranth thinks gnome-panel's build system is a little broken17:07
Amaranth  CC17:07
AmaranthI just get a bunch of lines of that instead of the file name too17:08
Amarantheh, it built17:08
mptmvo, is it fair to say that the purpose of metapackages is always to let the metapackage maintainer direct the installation of new packages later without the user having to choose them specifically?17:10
mptOr is there some other reason for them?17:10
mvompt: that is one (big) reason, I personally think of them also as what defines your desktop. the apps selected there are what makes the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu17:10
mptmvo, so for the non-ubuntu-desktop case I'm thinking something like: "If you uninstall <application name> you will no longer receive new software that is part of the ”<metapackage name>” set. Are you sure you want to continue?"17:13
mptThat's a bit ambiguous though, specifically what "new" means17:13
mptit means new packages, not new versions of already-installed packages17:13
mac_vmpt: just to clarify for progress icon , what size icon are you using in the left pane for the rest?17:14
mptmac_v, I don't know (ask mvo), but you have it as a vector, right?17:14
mac_vmpt: yes svg ,vector imag17:15
mac_vmvo: just to clarify for progress icon , what size icon are you using in the left pane for the rest?17:15
mvomac_v: currently its 32px17:15
mac_vah... ok thanx :)17:16
mpt... "If you uninstall <application name>, future upgrades will not include new items in the “<metapackage name>” set. Are you sure you want to continue?"17:16
mptthat's a bit better17:16
mvompt: ok, I run a tool over the desktop data tomorrow (need to write it first ;) that checks about the possible removals to see how broad the scope of the problem is17:17
mptmvo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore?action=diff&rev2=116&rev1=11517:20
mac_vrugby471: by when do you want the bug report for the icon?17:23
rugby471just when you file it :-)17:23
rugby471I am working on getting the icon on there17:23
rugby471in the mean time I can always use an alternate one, no pressure for time17:23
rugby471mvo: if I have a quick patch, can I submit it here? (using pastebin)17:24
mac_vrugby471: icon for the progress? then why17:24
mac_vdont you write the bug report i'll atach it later17:24
mvorugby471: sure17:25
mac_vrugby471: notify me once you write it ;)17:25
rugby471mac_v: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-store/+bug/42002817:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420028 in software-store "Pending/In Progress view needs icon" [Undecided,New]17:27
mac_vrugby471: thanx , but what about the icon? WIP?17:28
mac_vrugby471: i thought you said you were making an icon? or did i understand wrong?17:29
rugby471I thought you were making the icon, I am simple writing the code to put it in the sidebar17:29
rugby471hehe :-)17:29
mac_vrugby471: yes , i'm making the icon ;)17:30
mac_vrugby471: ok.. great , now , i need to know a bit about the code? have you written it yet? can i have a look , so that get the animation correct without jerks17:30
mac_vso that i*17:31
rugby471not yet, nearly there hopefully17:31
Amaranth1 year old pushes one or two buttons on my computer and it went crazy for 5 minutes17:32
Amaranthcompiz crashing, metacity crashing, apps going fullscreen and back over and over17:32
rugby471mac_v: damn it, I thought gtk would just handle an animation, turns out it doesn't17:32
mac_vrugby471: check out how nautilus handles progress-working17:33
rugby471oh good I think I found something here - http://faq.pygtk.org/index.py?req=edit&file=faq23.037.htp17:33
rugby471mac_v: I would but C is very foreign to me :-)17:33
Amaranthmvo: making sure it still builds after I committed then I'll push the branch17:34
mvoAmaranth: :)17:35
mac_vrugby471: firefox seems to be doing it with a .gif , might wanna confirm with mvo , how he wants it done17:35
mvoAmaranth: I need to leave for dinner for some minutes anyway17:35
mvomac_v: I don't mind as long as it spins :)17:35
Amaranthhrm, was afraid of that17:35
Amaranthdang kids pushing buttons on my computer17:35
Amaranthit killed my build and made my computer crazy17:36
rugby471gif seems the way to go give me a min and I could have it17:36
mvoAmaranth: no worries, I will be back17:36
rugby471mvo : any idea why software-store doesn't exit cleanly?17:36
mvorugby471: what is it doing for you?17:36
Amaranthit keeps running17:36
mvojust with a non-zero exit code?17:36
rugby471dunno, it just keeps running in the terminal and I have to do Ctrl-C to exit17:37
mvouh, missing delete event I guess17:37
* mvo looks17:37
rugby471exit > stop the process17:37
rugby471i thought so17:37
kenvandinepitti, can you also sponsor bug 42003417:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420034 in gwibber "Update to 2.0.0 snapshot" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42003417:38
rugby471mac_v & mvo: just off to have dinner17:38
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
mvorugby471: fixed in bzr17:39
pittiRiddell: if you have a minute, could you please update the kubuntu bits on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus? I can't be on the release meeting tomorrow17:39
Amaranthmvo: when you get back: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~amaranth/gnome-panel/scroll_with_viewports17:41
* Amaranth tries to think of remaining differences in behavior when compiz is running17:42
Amaranthshow desktop works differently, can't drag windows between viewports from workspace switcher17:43
AmaranthI think that's about it other than intentional differences17:43
Riddellpitti: done.  I can't be at the release meeting either17:45
pittiRiddell: cheers17:45
mvoAmaranth: from a first glance the patch looks ok, I have a closer look later (not sure if seb will jump on me or not if I just commit it ;) - so maybe I wait until tomorrow17:45
* mvo -> dinner17:46
Amaranthmvo: alright17:46
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - i just saw your mail about moving documentation17:46
chrisccoulsonhave you done any work on this yet, other than stripping the translations out?17:46
pittichrisccoulson: yes, I have a script to pull them from launchpad and download them17:47
pittichrisccoulson: and the current karmic pkgbinarymangler creates the tarballs (but doesn't strip them yet)17:47
pittichrisccoulson: but I didn't touch rarian et all yet, I wanted to check for alternative solutions first17:48
pittichrisccoulson: so far, lool's idea of replacing them with symlinks clearly beats adding 50 Replaces:17:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, i suppose that's slightly better17:48
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn
mac_vmpt: mvo: rugby471: the problem with gif is , you have color restrictions , 256  , might not look as good on output17:55
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
mptIsn't there something in GTK/GDK/whatever that blits vector images as an animation? oy17:56
kenvandinepitti, and notify-osd is ready to be sponsored, bug 42004617:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420046 in notify-osd "Update to latest upstream version, 0.9.19" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42004617:56
mac_vandreasn: could you clarify^ what mpt said17:56
andreasnthere is some code in nautilus that animate stuff from stills inside one image17:57
mac_vmpt: the question came up because rugby471 wanted to do it the old firefox way and use gif instead of png or svg17:58
andreasnbut I don't know if there is something inside GTK+ itself17:58
dobeythe code to do animations with multi-frame PNG/SVG is pretty trivial with GtkImage/GdkPixbuf17:58
rugby471dobey: I am not that good at the olf gtkImage suff, could you have a look?17:58
dobeylook at what?17:59
rugby471we need a progress  icon in a treeview (an animation)17:59
dobeyheh, i just removed some code from ubuntuone-client-applet to do the animated icon, like 2 weeks ago18:00
rugby471could you put it in a pastebin?18:00
dobeyno, it was a bit spread out amongst the rest of the code in the applet18:01
rugby471oh well18:02
dobeybasically you just need to calculate the frames in the PNG/SVG, and loop through the frames, setting the pixbuf as the image in the treeview18:02
rugby471I am having some trouble with making a listsotre with gtk images for one of the collumn18:02
* mpt -> home18:02
rugby471it won't show18:02
mptthanks for your work mac_v and rugby47118:03
rugby471thats fine18:03
mac_vmpt: np18:03
mac_vrugby471: you might wanna have a look at firefox 3.0 code , it uses png for the throbber18:06
davidbarthpitti: yes, will update that tomorrow morning with the latest on bug fixes listed there18:14
rugby471mac_v: step one towards animation, complete :-)18:24
mac_vnice :)18:27
rugby471try and do it as a gif, however if it is too crappy, we shall try to it with seperate files18:28
dobeyi don't think GtkCellRendererPixbuf supports animated images (gif/apng/etc)18:30
mclasenthere's a progress cell renderer in gtk, and there's spinner cell renderers floating around18:34
mac_vrugby471: apng would be better , pls dont use gif ,it uses crappy color support18:46
mac_vi would say its better to check out how it can be done that to use a crappy gif18:48
mac_vdobey: just an idea , why does the network manager applet use multiple png while animating the re-connection? can similar be done in software store?[several separate  images]19:10
dobeyi don't know why nm uses multiple PNGs19:13
dobeyyou can put all the frames in one PNG19:13
pittidavidbarth: thanks; Ken already did some updates as well19:14
rugby471dobey: GtkCellRendererPixbuf doesn't, however I found a script that makes a gtkimage cell renderer and now it does work (only with gifs at the moment)19:14
rugby471you don't know whether it supports apng or somethign similiar does it?19:15
dobeyif it's a CellRenderPixbufAnimated then it supports whatever GdkPixbufAnimation supports, i would guess19:17
dobeywhat icon are you trying to use for the store?19:17
rugby471yeah but do you know what formats that is :-)19:17
rugby471well I have just tested apng, doesn't work19:17
dobeyprobably gif and gif19:18
rugby471well gif definitely works19:18
mclasen.gif and .ico19:18
rugby471mclasen: thx19:18
mclasenand bunch of frames19:18
dobeyoh right, .ico19:21
dobeymclasen: i don't think there's a GdkPixbufAnimation module that handles bunch of frames is there? you have to do it manually since there's no timing info, right?19:22
rugby471here is the current state of it :http://tinypic.com/r/20s84ms/3 (animation is actually smooth)19:23
mac_vnm animates the applet by a set of 11 icons , couldnt a similar timer be set?19:24
mac_v11icons each for each of the 3 stages19:24
rickspencer3bryce bug #419264 seems related to Intel drivers, can you take a look when you get a chance?19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419264 in compiz "Uses 100% CPU with Intel drivers" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41926419:51
brycerickspencer3, yeah been eyeing that one19:57
rickspencer3bryce, seems spookily timed with mesa update19:57
rickspencer3bryce, can you assign to yourself if you investigate?19:58
brycerickspencer3, well not until a bit more information is collected; there's not enough data to know where it's failing.  Once there is, I can send it upstream, it should be a priority for yingying if it's pinpointed to mesa20:01
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rickspencer3bryce, right20:02
rickspencer3I couldn't install the debug symbols because of some out of syncness in the repos20:02
brycethat's weird20:02
rickspencer3  compiz-core-dbgsym: Depends: compiz-core (= 1:0.8.2-0ubuntu8) but 1:0.8.3+git20090825-0ubuntu1 is to be installed20:03
rickspencer3bryce, ^20:03
brycerickspencer3, what does 'apt-cache policy compiz-core' say?20:08
brycerickspencer3, you might doublecheck if you have some ppa's set up that are trying to pull compiz git snapshots20:09
brycehere's what I get:20:09
bryce$ apt-cache policy compiz-core20:09
bryce  Installed: 1:0.8.2-0ubuntu1520:09
bryce  Candidate: 1:0.8.2-0ubuntu1620:09
bryceso it's curious where that git snapshot of compiz is coming from20:10
rickspencer3I thought I removed the compiz ppa from sources20:10
rickspencer3I'll try later20:10
rickspencer3bryce, I assume you are not seeing the issue on your i965?20:11
brycerickspencer3, yeah, compiz only takes about 2% cpu on my 96520:13
brycelet me update to absolute latest just in case tho20:13
brycegconfd is using up 25% cpu, that's a bit odd20:15
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rugby471see ya guys20:23
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=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
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awefta: i'm working on the NM build failure from last night.  should i just commit changes to the ubuntu.head branch?23:33
ftaawe, yes23:33
awefta: ok, i'll ping you if/when i land my changes.  thanks!23:34
awefyi, it might be 1st thing tomorrow23:34
ftaawe, the bot runs at 7am CEST23:37
ftathat's 5am UTC23:37
aweok.  do you automatically sync your daily build branch with ubuntu.head?23:37
aweok, cool... that makes sense23:38

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