
sorencjwatson: around?00:00
keesmneptok: hah, yeah, but then you have to fix the stuff he ships you.  ;)00:01
cjwatsonsoren: sort of00:01
sorencjwatson: You forgot to commit or push to the eucalyptus packaging branch when you uploaded it.00:01
* cjwatson blinks00:01
cjwatsonturnabout is fair play, I suppose :)00:02
* soren blushes at cjwatson's blinking00:02
cjwatsonodd, normally I use a wrapper script which causes me to remember to do that, in this case I must have forgotten ...00:02
sorenI'm still trying to get used to this setup.00:04
sorenI still haven't quite worked out when to use dch (and which heuristic to use) and when to use debcommit.00:05
cjwatsonI use DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC=changelog, DEBCHANGE_MULTIMAINT_MERGE=yes, dch to add changelog entries (which I do any time I make a non-trivial change), debcommit to commit anything other than trivial changes00:09
sorenDEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC=changelog makes dch put the "UNRELEASED" as the release, right?00:09
sorenSo when you're releasing, you just "dch --release", save, "debcommit --release"?00:10
sorenOr is there a shortcut I'm not aware of?00:10
slangaseksoren: that's the way00:11
slangasek(and DEBCHANGE_FORCE_SAVE_ON_RELEASE=no is nice, but that hasn't been merged to Ubuntu yet :()00:11
sorenCool, thanks.00:13
* soren adds to his .bashrc00:13
slangaseksoren: or .devscripts00:14
sorenslangasek: Ah. Thanks.00:18
cjwatsonyes, you want it in .devscripts, I don't think it works right in .bashrc00:33
cjwatsonI have http://paste.ubuntu.com/260110/ as ~/bin/ubuntu-release00:34
cjwatsonwatch out for dch -r's slightly coarse time granularity - you have to wait a second :-/00:34
* soren hasn't heard of debrelease before00:39
cjwatsonit is for very, very lazy people like me00:39
sorencjwatson: Ah, I see what it does. That's convenient.00:41
* soren wonders if there's more he can reasonably manage to do before FF kicks in.00:43
cjwatsonI have a new grub2 building here, I do hope it works ...00:45
* soren throws in the towel and wanders off to bed00:47
soren11 months old babies don't care much when their parents go to bed. They'll happily wake up at 6 AM even though their father didn't stagger to bed until 2 AM. :)00:48
cjwatsonI noticed that00:55
TheMusoStevenK: That is a close one.02:40
StevenKTheMuso: Which? window-picker-applet? It's all bug fixes.02:44
TheMusoStevenK: ah ok02:44
macohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jhbuild/+bug/419363 would require packaging and getting up on REVU and getting 2 advocates by tomorrow, huh?02:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419363 in jhbuild "jhbuild is heavily outdated, update it" [Undecided,New]02:48
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chrisccoulsonmaco - if you're talking about uploading to REVU and getting 2 advocates by tomorrow in order to meet the FF deadline, then it's too late ;)03:01
macochrisccoulson: ok03:01
macoand FF covers everything or just main?03:01
chrisccoulsonmaco - it's everything. I haven't looked at whats changed in jhbuild though03:02
macomajor version releases, it seems03:02
chrisccoulsonmaco - that would need to follow the process at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess03:05
macoso i guess that means it freezes at the *start* of thursday, not the end of it03:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, it gets all confusing due to timezones ;)03:06
chrisccoulsonbut the e-mail went out about 1hour ago03:06
superm1kees, what's up?03:09
keessuperm1: I'd like to test some changes to fglrx-installer and nvidia, but I don't have ATI hardware that fglrx works on03:37
keessuperm1: it's as simple as:  sudo apt-get install execstack; sudo execstack -c /usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so /usr/lib/libGL.so.* /usr/bin/amdcccle  and then making sure X still loads, and ccc still works, etc03:38
superm1kees, has to be on karmic?03:40
keessuperm1: better if it is -- jaunty i386 -desktop kernel won't break if the executable stack is executed.03:42
superm1kees, well i've got a jaunty box right here actually thats i386.  how do i undo this if this breaks?03:42
keessudo execstack -s /usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so /usr/lib/libGL.so.* /usr/bin/amdcccle03:42
keesif you're running jaunty i386 -desktop it won't break if it's broken.  i386 -server will break if it's broken, though.03:43
keesfor jaunty it'd be better to test on amd6403:44
superm1i've only got i386 -desktop03:44
superm1so still a good test case?03:44
keesunfortunately not, the markings will have not affect there (since -desktop in jaunty lacks PAE and nx-emulation)03:45
keesI can test nvidia amd64, and nvidia i386, but I've got no ATI anywhere.03:45
kees(well, no fglrx-supported-ATI)03:45
superm1kees, i'd say throw something out on ubuntu-devel ML then and see if you can grab someone to help out03:46
keesyeah, it's probably more a bug-fix than a feature, so I probably don't need to rush it in tonight.03:46
Amaranthkees: nvidia actually works with that turned on now?03:56
keesAmaranth: dunno, haven't tested it yet.03:57
keesAmaranth: nvidia is actually worse than fglrx; they're compiling with such an old gcc that it doesn't include ELF header with the stack flags.  :P03:58
Amaranthkees: yay RHEL 2 support03:58
keesAmaranth: yup, seems to work fine with nvidia (at least on jaunty 180)04:15
Amaranthkees: One of their customers must have made it a requirement :)04:18
keesAmaranth: now I wonder if it was just fixed in newer drivers, I don't have -173 -96 or -71 hardware...04:19
Amaranthkees: Pretty sure it didn't work a couple years ago04:19
keeswell, I'll try to find some people with older nvidia hardware to test those.  /me prepares a ppa04:20
StevenKAnd now gnome-orca is broken04:46
StevenKTheMuso: Right, python-speechd is in universe, and gnome-orca is in main.04:51
StevenKTheMuso: This makes ubuntu-netbook-remix and ubuntu-desktop livefses unbuildable04:53
TheMusoStevenK: right I think pitti promoted speech-dispatcher but didn't promote python-speechd.04:56
StevenKNot according to LP, he didn't. The source for speech-dispatcher is still in universe.04:57
StevenKTheMuso: Is there an MIR bug for this?04:58
TheMusoStevenK: yes just a sec.04:58
TheMusobug 41903604:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419036 in speech-dispatcher "[MIR] speech-dispatcher" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41903604:59
TheMusohrm maybe I misread the bug...04:59
TheMusoalthough it is marked fix committed05:00
StevenKFix Commited means "MIR approved", Fix Released means "It's been promoted"05:00
StevenKAnyway, I'll promote it now05:01
TheMusoStevenK: thanks I owe you one.05:02
StevenKTheMuso: Actually, there are a whole bunch of binary packages - do they all need promotion?05:02
TheMusoStevenK: No, you should only need to promote speech-dispatcher, python-speechd, libspeechd2, and libspeechd-ev.05:02
TheMusolibspeechd-dev even05:02
StevenKBah. Just missed the publisher.05:03
StevenKHeh, no, I haven't.05:03
StevenKTheMuso: Done.05:05
TheMusoStevenK: thanks again05:05
StevenKTheMuso: Should I demote gnome-speech while I'm at it?05:06
ScottKStevenK: If you have a few moments, there are a couple of backports sitting in Jaunty New that it'd be nice to get pushed through.05:06
* StevenK grumbles at ScottK 05:07
TheMusoStevenK: may as well05:07
ScottKI can do kontrolpack, but quassel's my upload, so if you could take that one, I'd appreciate it.05:07
StevenKScottK: If I'm going to do one, I may as well do them both05:08
ScottKStevenK: Thanks.05:08
* StevenK fiddles the overrides of quassel-dbg05:14
StevenKScottK: Accepted.05:17
ScottKStevenK: Thank you.05:17
StevenKScottK: I should rescue protobuf from hardy-backports, too?05:18
* StevenK blinks05:19
StevenKlibprotobuf3 is in main in jaunty, karmic and jaunty-backports, but universe in intrepid-backports?05:20
ScottKDoesn't really matter for backports.05:21
wgrantStevenK: It was in universe pre-Jaunty...05:21
ScottKThey are all equally unsupported and Main can build on Universe in backports.05:21
StevenKScottK: Crackports ignores the OGRE model? Ugh05:28
ScottKStevenK: It pretty much has to or you'd end up having to do backports only promotions to backports stuff with new depends and we don't have a mechanism for that.05:29
dholbachgood morning06:38
highvoltageguten morgen dholbach!06:46
dholbachhey highvoltage!06:46
highvoltagedholbach: how are things?06:49
dholbachgood good - I'm just waking up slowly :-)06:49
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highvoltagedholbach: heh, same.06:57
TheMusoDoes anyone plan on filing an MIR for liblqr, as it seems imagemagick has not been built for ages due to requiring liblqr-1-0-dev07:06
TheMusowhich puts it in dep wait.07:06
* TheMuso checks to see if imagemagick can be built without it.07:07
pittiGood morning07:09
pittiTheMuso, StevenK: no, I just approved speech-dispatcher; I still had some questions for it, and seeds need changing07:09
TheMusoMorning pitti.07:09
TheMusopitti: right. The issues pointed out were addressed, and questions answered.07:09
pittiah, read the further backlog07:09
pittiStevenK promoted, was the MIR bug closed then?07:10
pittiand was gnome-speech demoted along?07:10
StevenKI didn't demote gnome-speech, acutally07:10
StevenKShould I drop the lot to universe?07:11
TheMusooh ok07:11
TheMusoYes nothing should be depending on it.07:11
TheMusoin main at least07:11
ttxpitti: good morning07:12
StevenKRight, confirmed with checkrdepends.07:12
pittihey ttx07:13
StevenKpitti, TheMuso: gnome-speech dumped to universe.07:13
TheMusook great.07:13
TheMusook seems imagemagick is doing fine without liblqr. Will upload assuming the build is successful, unless someone does plan to file an MIR for liblqr.07:14
ttxpitti: do you know what was the outcome yesterday night for axis2c and rampart ? Would you consider preemptively promoting them as well to let Eucalyptus reach the CD ?07:15
pittittx: oh, sure; sorry that this got dropped, yesterday was too crazy07:16
ttxpitti: I can only imagine, it was already crazy for me :)07:17
pittittx: promoted07:19
ttxpitti: thanks !07:19
pittikirkland: did you see this in component-mismatches:07:20
pitti o kvm: kvm07:20
pitti   [Reverse-Depends: Ubuntu.Karmic virt-host seed]07:20
* TheMuso is a little surprised at hearing his CPU fan spin up with the imagemagick build.07:20
pittikirkland: seems this needs some seed fix?07:21
* soren hugs pitti07:35
sorenpitti: Thanks for the axis2c and rampart promotions.07:35
pittiyw :)07:36
* soren is puzzled why apport decided to bombard him with crash reports just now07:38
ttxsoren: you're past-FF, now you can concentrate on crash reports.07:39
sorenttx: heh :)07:40
highvoltagehow consderate of apport07:40
ttxhighvoltage: that's part of its AI adaptive features.07:40
pittiI pushed the crash nagging lever up two notches yesterday07:41
sorenpitti: I just tried the Eucalyptus build again, and it ended up in depwait?07:48
sorenpitti: Oh,I need to wait for a publisher run, don't I?07:48
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tkamppetersuperm1: hi08:02
pittisoren: yes08:14
loolDoes someone know why we pull things like ubiquity, casper, or even lupin-casper in livecd-rootfs instead of the live seeds?08:23
loolI mean why LIVELIST="ubuntu-live^ laptop-detect casper lupin-casper" instead of LIVELIST="ubuntu-live^" + seeding?08:23
slangasekI guess cjwatson or lamont might have an answer08:26
StevenKlool: hysterical raisins, I suspect08:27
maxbIf there are any main-sponsors or ubuntu-release members who would like to weigh in on LP 406245 it would be appreciated - it's missed FeatureFreeze whilst waiting for sponsorship, but I think it's important for Karmic09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406245 in subversion "Merge subversion 1.6.5dfsg-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40624509:03
ogracjwatson, u bumped the dove ABI in d-i (just in case you are rolling a package right now, there is a pending change)09:13
* pitti blinks09:24
pittiValueError: Invalid value '"Medium"' for parameter 'importance': valid values are: "Unknown", "Critical", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Wishlist", "Undecided"09:24
pittigo launchpadlib09:24
pittijames_w: did you ever happen to see this by chance? happens since recently, probably with new wadllib or so09:25
* pitti files bug09:25
dholbach'"Medium"' != "Medium"09:25
dholbachor am I wrong?09:25
pittiright, seems wadllib quotes it once too often or so09:25
pittidholbach: right, it's probably that09:25
pittimy code didn't change in ages, though, and I don't see what's wrong09:25
geserpitti: I've seen this yesterday, bug #41880209:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418802 in python-wadllib "requestsync crashed with ValueError in validate_param_values()" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41880209:27
pittigeser: ah, thanks09:28
james_wyeah, I need to update the bug09:29
james_wI forgot that it was blocked by the ugly python-oauth MIR09:29
james_wand I'm not sure what to do about it09:30
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ttxcjwatson: eucalyptus should reach the CD now that all of it was promoted... when should the cloud installer part hit the daily CD ?09:54
cjwatsonttx: it's in the archive, you know the rules I'm sure :)09:59
ttxcjwatson: cool, thanks :)10:00
cjwatsonthe node installation isn't really right yet though10:00
cjwatsonand need a small change to CD bits to get a boot option in place10:00
* cjwatson promotes eucalyptus-udeb10:01
apacheloggermvo: salut, apturl-kde additions pushed to trunk branch (not yet uploaded), please have a quick look (especially at the translation stuff, I am not quite sure how to test pot creation) and upload if you are good with it10:06
mvoapachelogger: thanks, will do10:07
evandpitti: I'm slightly confused by bug 400179.  It says you promoted pywebkitgtk, but it lists udev as the package and I don't see it in the overrrides file.10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400179 in pywebkitgtk "pywebkitgtk main inclusion review" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40017910:07
pittipackage is still pywebkitgtk; I'll re-promote it10:09
pittiit's not the first time that a change-override.py command was just silently not working :/10:09
* cjwatson sighs at people projecting single bugs in grub2 that affect them into "it shouldn't be the default"10:10
pittievand: done10:10
cjwatsonBTW is anyone here successfully running GRUB2 with Windows ME?10:11
cjwatsonthere's a really really weird bug report about WinME thinking it's a virus10:11
evandpitti: thanks!10:11
evandAnyone have a Karmic machine and a USB disk (that they don't care about) handy and want to test for me whether DeviceKit-disks' PartitionTableCreate dbus method is broken?10:12
pittievand: o/10:15
pittiwhat do you want me to do?10:15
pittiI have an 1 GB USB stick which I can trash at will, thath should suffice?10:16
evandpitti: cool.  I'm seeing "Error creating partition table: timeout (10s) waiting for change" when calling PartitionTableCreate with 'none', [] in d-feet.10:16
evandpitti: can you reproduce that?10:16
pitti'none' literally?10:16
evandit will clear the partition table10:17
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pittievand: is 'none' even legal? shouldn't that be "mbr" or so?10:18
pittievand: right, I get the same error10:18
pittievand: it does work fine with 'mbr', []10:18
evandif you say mbr when a partition table exists, you get an error, I believe10:18
evandindeed, "device already has a partition table of given scheme"10:19
* pitti tries10:19
pittioh nice, palimpsest can also partition now10:19
pittiok, I have an existing partition table now10:20
evand(I'm implementing a "format the device" method here, so it needs to wipe everything (including the boot sector), and then create a msdos style partition table and a single fat32 partition spanning the disk)10:20
pitti'org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Error.Failed: device already has a partition table of given scheme'10:21
pittithat's "mbr", [] with an already existing mbr10:21
tkamppetersuperm1: hi10:22
pittievand: so it seems the bug is that 'none', [] works, but doesn't give a proper return code?10:22
evandpitti: indeed, it's timing out, but otherwise works10:22
pittiok, that should be fixed then10:22
evandindeed, I'll file a bug report10:23
tkamppeterpitti, have you ever submitted a patch to a vger.kernel.org mailing list?10:29
pittitkamppeter: no, I didn't10:29
pittithe #ubuntu-kernel folks certainly did, though10:29
evandpitti: filed as bug 41979610:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419796 in devicekit-disks "PartitionTableCreate method times out when 'none' is specified as a parameter." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41979610:34
ddeathThe console application won't display user information when running under X Session10:37
ddeathIt is correct behavior?10:37
IntuitiveNippleWhich would be the correct mailing-list to ask a very technical question about python-support, CDBS, and adding a "python-mlt" binary package to "mlt" - the main issue being how to run python-support only for python-mlt (not all the mlt binary packages), or how to recreate python-support's binary-arch output manually?10:52
directhexhm. it's not clear to me from xorg.0.log which input device is used in the event that xinput thinks there are "multiple" mice10:52
ddeathCould anybody look on my library and ask god to include it into Ubuntu?10:52
slangasekdirecthex: all of them?10:55
directhexslangasek, hm, then i need to debug it. assuming xev isn't lying to me, it's not seeing any events at all from the side buttons or side-wheel10:56
directhex(II) Microsoft Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse? 1.00: Found 5 mouse buttons10:58
sebnerdirecthex: no wonders it doesn't work with ubuntu11:02
sebnerslangasek: now in NEW (again) :)11:02
slangaseksebner: yep, accepted11:05
* sebner hugs slangasek and showers with with cookies :)11:05
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* hyperair wishes mdadm and lvm2 are installed on the livecd by default11:10
Keybukhyperair: you can use the alternate CD to install with them11:23
Keybukor you can just apt-get install them if you need to mount an LV or MD device11:23
hyperairKeybuk: yes, yes i know. but i'd like to avoid having to apt-get install them all the time =\11:23
Keybuk"all the time" ?11:23
Keybukyou break your MD arrays *that often*? :p11:24
hyperairfor recovery purposes11:24
hyperairmore like i'm trouble shooting grub, and it's refusing to read anything11:24
hyperairLoading Stage1.5Read Error11:24
Keybukremember that if they were on the Live CD, they'd be on the default install for everyone11:24
hyperairso i tried grub2, and i got Loading kernel.. Read error11:24
* hyperair whacks grub11:24
hyperaireh? really?11:25
cjwatsonKeybuk: not actually quite true ...11:25
sebnerKeybuk: is it possible that e2fsprogs broke anything? Since the updates fsck fails on boot. Telling me root partition needs a manual fsck. I do and reboot, works. On the next day I start the laptop again, same issue11:25
cjwatsonthe installer would have to remove them for everyone11:25
Keybukcjwatson: well, you could uninstall them, but that's just wasting effort ;-)11:25
cjwatsonKeybuk: consider that ubiquity is not on the default install for everyone :)11:25
Keybuksebner: fsck will give you detailed output, what is it?11:25
cjwatsonthe real reason we don't have them on the live CD yet is that it would cause quite a bit of confusion since ubiquity doesn't support LVM or RAID yet11:25
Keybukcjwatson: actually we *removed* them from the set a while back11:26
sebnerKeybuk: on bootup it just tells me, fsck died on /dev/sda and needs a manual fsck11:26
Keybukwe didn't want LVM or RAID on desktop installs because they're expensive11:26
cjwatsonKeybuk: right, I know11:26
cjwatsonKeybuk: but nevertheless that's the reason they aren't in the live seed11:26
cjwatsonwhat's in the desktop install is a red herring I think11:26
Keybuksebner: and what does the output of fsck -y /dev/sda3 say?11:26
Keybukcjwatson: I'd say that u6y shouldn't support them11:26
cjwatsonI want it to (at least LVM, maybe not RAID), just haven't had time11:27
Keybukthe experience would be much better if we waited to support btrfs instead11:27
sebnerKeybuk: Checking inodes etc, result is always 0.4% non-contiguous11:27
Keybuksebner: see, what you're not doing here is pasting me the exact output11:28
sebnerKeybuk: well, next time I boot up I'll make notes ;)11:28
Keybuksebner: there's a particular e2fsck change that outputs a particular piece of information11:30
Keybukif you don't have that, then no, I don't think the update will have "broken" it11:30
Keybukyou could simply be failing to unmount the filesystem properly on shutdown, etc.11:30
slangasekArneGoetje: was ttf-vlgothic meant to directly replace tt-sazanamic-gothic?  because the bzr log says they're meant to be smaller, but vlgothic is 2MB larger than sazanami-gothic11:31
sebnerKeybuk: Uhhh, that may be a point. since some days it hangs on shutdown11:31
Keybuksebner: there you go then, unclean/dirty filesystem -> fsck required11:31
sebnerKeybuk: not sure if it's because of the -7 kernel. I'll try11:31
ArneGoetjeslangasek: ttf-vlgothic is preferred over ttf-sazanami-gothic by Japanese users.11:33
slangasekArneGoetje: but it cost us 2MB on the CDs that we already didn't have... :/11:34
ArneGoetjeslangasek: together with the other changes I made, we actually gained space according to the Size: numbers11:34
slangasekArneGoetje: which changes?11:35
slangasekthe arabic / chinese changes?11:35
slangasekit's a slight net gain, yes11:35
ArneGoetjeslangasek: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259752/11:36
ArneGoetjeslangasek: I might reshuffle and repackage fonts further to gain extra space while supporting as many scripts as possible on the LiveCD.11:39
torkel_sebner: there are a couple bug reports blaming -7 kernel to hang on shutdown11:39
=== torkel_ is now known as torkel
slangasekArneGoetje: hmm, yep, those numbers look good11:39
slangasekand in fact, alternates /are/ down in size vs. alpha-411:39
slangasekso why are the liveCDs up11:39
slangasekpossibly livefs build failures11:40
* ArneGoetje doesn't know how size calculation for the LiveCD works11:40
slangasekmuch less precisely :-P11:40
torkelsebner: for instance #41850911:41
directhexf-spot should give you a couple of meg11:41
slangasekArneGoetje: right, this libgd2 conflict is breaking the livefs builds.  Why does libm17n-0 care about xpm support?11:43
ArneGoetjeslangasek: no idea11:43
slangasekhmm, I'll have a closer look11:43
ArneGoetjeslangasek: thanks11:43
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pittiStevenK: would you have a minute to source NEW media-player-id? It's a small data-only package, but needed by new rhythmbox11:47
agutierrhello all: I am using preseeds to make unattended ubuntu install. Well, someone knows how to tell installer NOT to install a package (Network-manager :-). Thanks!11:47
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pittiStevenK: it's more or less converted data to hal, and I'll maintain it, so it's fine for main11:47
pittiStevenK: s/to/from/, of course11:47
sebnertorkel: cool, thx for the hint11:51
pittijames_w: retracers just failed with11:53
pitti  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/launchpadlib/errors.py", line 20, in <module>11:53
pitti    from lazr.restfulclient.errors import *11:53
pitti  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/__init__.py", line 19, in <module>11:53
pitti    import pkg_resources11:53
pittiImportError: No module named pkg_resources11:53
pittijames_w: that's just a missing dep from -launchpadlib to python-pkg-resources, do you agree? I'll do the change now11:53
james_wI'll upload, sorrt11:54
pittiah, ok11:54
pittijames_w: don't worry, I can do it, just checking with you11:55
james_walready half way through11:55
pittiheh, ok :) (so was I)11:55
* pitti drops and fixes retracers instead11:55
pittijames_w: thansk!11:55
james_wthank you11:56
james_wI guess pkg_resources isn't something that people are required to put in setup.py?11:56
pittias requires?11:56
pittithey shold, it's not a built in module11:56
james_wlazr.restfulclient_0.9.3-0ubuntu2 uploaded11:59
pittiyay you11:59
james_wand bug filed upstream12:00
james_wI'm concerned about python-oauth though12:00
pittiI thought using the other API version was okay?12:01
directhexi really should work out how to make my mouse not suck12:01
Laneystop using a dyson12:01
directhexit worked before the new hrad disk, so that implies it worked with manual xorg.conf manglement12:01
james_wpitti: I thought so, dobey has objections to using it though12:03
james_wpitti: the issue isn't entirely fixed for server implementations, but we have none of those in Ubuntu12:03
pittijames_w: is it strictly required in p-launchpadlib? it wasn't necessary so far12:03
james_wthe old version had an embedded copy12:04
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james_wu1 still does12:04
james_wand dobey has objections to us using the system copy instead of the embedded one, for reasons that aren't entirely clear to me12:04
pittibut then we can just as well promote it, if it already has been in main covertly12:04
pittian explicit package is so much easier to support than trying to find hidden copies12:05
james_whe has valid concerns about the code, but I don't see why that stops us using the exact same code from a single package12:05
james_whe is proposing a fork to fix the issues as he finds upstream to be too slow responding to his concerns and patches12:05
cjwatsonagutierr: err, it's tricky to exclude a package from a task, easiest way is to use preseed/late_command to remove the package after it's installed12:06
agutierrcjwatson, the problem, on the installer I only have apt-install, not apt-remove command12:06
james_wit's your call as to what goes in, I have made it clear to him that we are not shipping karmic with an embedded copy of oauth.py when it is packaged separately12:06
james_wI'm not sure what the situation will look like when we release though, potentially both projects will use the fork and we drop the python-oauth package12:07
slangasekArneGoetje: ok, no reason m17n-lib needs libgd2-xpm specifically - fix uploaded12:07
slangasekArneGoetje: thanks for your work on getting the CDs smaller :)12:08
cjwatsonagutierr: apt-install is just a wrapper12:10
cjwatsonagutierr: 'in-target apt-get purge network-manager' or similar ought to do it12:10
agutierrso much thanks12:12
slangasekTheMuso: why does speech-dispatcher use libaudio-dev?  Surely nothing should be using that today?12:14
slangasekTheMuso: (pulls it into the CDs now by default)12:14
ograoh my, pulse as it is hacked up for arm support upstream now will never work if you dont compile it on the machine you want to use it on :/12:26
ogra(reads /proc/cpuinfo inline from the code at buildtime)12:26
=== Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth
pittidoko: does dh_pycentral change a #!/usr/bin/python2.6 shebang line into #!/usr/bin/python ?12:42
pittidoko: can I tell it not to? (it really only works with 2.6, and I would like to upload it to debian experimental)12:42
dokopitti: no, not automatically. do you call python2.6 setup.py explicitely?12:43
dokosome build systems replace it automatically12:43
pittidoko: I don't, should I?12:43
* pitti tries, thanks12:43
=== Amaranth is now known as Amaranth__
Keybuk/dev/sda1: Superblock last mount time (Thu Aug 27 14:34:07 2009,12:45
Keybuk        now = Thu Aug 27 12:44:59 2009) is in the future12:45
pittidoko: it's correct in debian/tmp, though, just changed in debian/calibre12:47
pittiso it's not the upstream build system12:47
dokopitti: which package12:48
pittidoko: calibre12:48
pittidoko: that's why I thought it was dh_pycentral12:48
dokopitti: unstable, karmic?12:48
pittidoko: right12:49
dokoright what?12:49
pittioops, karmic12:49
pittican't upload to sid (ENOPYTHON2.6)12:49
dokopitti: well, you call python, not python2.6. that's like setuptools doing this12:54
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pittidoko: ah, thanks12:55
dokolikely even12:55
pittidoko: ah, no, the install command installs into debian/tmp/, and that is correct12:57
pittithe shebangs get changed in the debian//tmp -> debian/calibre mangling (and it's not dh_install, I'm sure)12:58
pittibut anyway, python2.6 setup.py install still does the trick12:58
pittidoko: thanks!12:58
dokopitti: is bug 320743 filed with the help of apport? IMO apport should not file this kind of report, and point the user to remove the corrupt archive13:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320743 in java-access-bridge "package libaccess-bridge-java None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libaccess-bridge-java.list] failed to install/upgrade: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32074313:04
pittidoko: ah, can't build it for 2.6 anyway, since all the dependencies are only available for 2.513:05
pittidoko: looking13:05
pittidoko: indeed; apt shouldn't create those in the first place, but I'll filter them out in the hooks for now; thanks for pointing out13:07
dokois arky an automated tester?13:09
tkamppeterpitti, a question about bug 41983413:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419834 in hplip "Needs porting to policykit-1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41983413:25
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liwhm, in my karmic desktop, I seem to have a sound volume control in the gnome panel that I can't get rid of14:10
liwin the notification area widget14:10
ionliw: System → Preferences → Startup Applications, uncheck Volume Control, i think.14:10
liwwhat a sucky way to control that14:11
pittihi tkamppeter14:14
directhexwhy is mouseemu installed by jaunty's ubiquity install?14:17
tkamppeterpitti, hi14:20
directhexfound it. stupid ubiquity14:21
Keybukis it wrong that I have a post-it note on a netbook with "DO NOT REBOOT!" in large letters?14:24
pittitkamppeter: you had a question about hplip PK-1 porting?14:24
ionkeybuk: Any progress with the mount daemon, btw?14:24
Keybukion: yes14:24
Keybukit's not really a daemon14:25
Keybukion: you can actually do fully native upstart-based filesystem mounting ;)14:25
* Keybuk figured out how14:25
sorenKeybuk: Depends.. Is it turned off?14:25
ionkeybuk: Awesome14:25
Keybuksoren: no ;)14:25
Keybukion: but the fully native upstart one is bloody inefficient ;-)14:25
sorenKeybuk: Then I'd say yes, it is wrong :)14:25
highvolt1gemount daemon? that's called an incubus right?14:26
ionkeybuk: That will handle local mountpoints depending on network mountpoins, fsck et al?14:27
Keybukhighvolt1ge: or a succubus, depending on your inclination14:27
Keybukion: yup14:27
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ionkeybuk: How about the parallelizing of fsck instances that work on physically separate devices?14:28
Keybukion: yes14:28
ion(or blocking fsck instances that work on the same physical device, depending on how you look at it)14:29
sorenKeybuk: I don't think you traditionally get to make a choice between incubi and succubi.14:30
sorenPerhaps that's why they're so dreaded.14:30
highvolt1geKeybuk: indeed14:30
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
LordMetroidIs there a netinstall for the alpha4 or how would I go about installing alpha4 in order to help14:31
LordMetroidAhh, #ubuntuone already answered, sorry14:32
tkamppeterpitti, yes.14:34
tkamppeterpitti, you say in the bug that it is enough to remove the PK support from HPLIP, simply use a ==disable option?14:35
pittitkamppeter: no, I didn't14:35
pittitkamppeter: the PK client code can be entirely removed, but the PK server code needs to be ported14:35
cjwatsonKeybuk: wild speculation from me in bug 412972, wonder if you could look14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412972 in procps "can only kill processes with -9 in karmic from SSH sessions, -TERM does not work" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41297214:36
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pittitkamppeter: previously, the callers of PK-protected methods had to do PK stuff themselves to get authorization after a denied call, etc.; that was changed, PK does it all by itself now14:36
cjwatsonhmm, actually, the most recent SigBlk mask doesn't match14:36
pittitkamppeter: entirely disabling PK is legitimate, of course, but that would lead to reduced functionality?14:36
directhexooh, sigblk mask issues? i remember those from f-spot14:36
pittitkamppeter: do you know what part of hplip uses that, I guess user tools to check ink level and such stuff?14:37
tkamppeterpitti, HPLIP uses it to gain privileges for setting up queues and installing the proprietary plug-in.14:37
al-maisanHello there, I am doing archive administration today and have a question:14:38
al-maisan given a package P listed for demotion to universe: If I don't find P mentioned in any of the seeds and "checkrdepends P" shows no packages in main depending on P then it's safe to demote the latter.14:38
al-maisanIs that right?14:38
tkamppeterFor normal users seeing ink levels ACLs are used.14:38
pittitkamppeter: hm, I thought queues were handled by cups14:38
pittial-maisan: in fact, component-mismatches does that very check14:38
james_wal-maisan: listed by component-mismatches?14:38
cjwatsonal-maisan: yes, that's generally sane, though if I can I usually also try to look through history to find out why it used to be in main, just as a double-check14:38
tkamppeterpitti, HPLIP serves for all distros, also the ones where there are no privileged users in the lpadmin group.14:39
pittial-maisan: if a package appears there, it's _technically_ safe to promote; however, sometimes that's a bug, and it's missing seeding or a dependency14:39
cjwatsonsigblk> I noted that su blocks a bunch of signals, and then (later) calls pam_close_session14:39
cjwatsonwithout restoring the signal mask14:39
pittial-maisan: for example, a common case is transitional packags which don't have rdepends any more; but we need to keep them in main (and seed them) so that upgrades work14:39
cjwatsonso that suggests to me that possibly a PAM session module might end up restarting a daemon on session close, or something14:39
cjwatson(which is obviously crazy but I'd imagine it'd be fairly indirect)14:40
al-maisanpitti: ah, how interesting!14:40
tkamppeterpitti: For us it means that an unprivileged user can start hp-setup and then a login/password dialog appears when finishing queue setup. If a privileged user logs in there, the queue should get set up (not tested by me).14:40
ScottKal-maisan: Or something that got promoted because it's needed as a build-depend, but the new upload hasn't happened yet.14:40
pittitkamppeter: hm, given that we actually use lpadmin instead of admin for printers, the former actually sounds sane as well?14:41
al-maisanScottK: gotcha, thanks!14:41
pittitkamppeter: anyway, if the existing PK functionality is disposable, disabling it is certainly fine14:41
pittibut I have no clue about hplip, and what that would break, so I rather don't do that14:41
tkamppeterpitti: I have build HPLIP simply with PK support all the time. I do not really know whether it is PK client or PK server, or perhaps  both.14:42
pittitkamppeter: both, I presume14:46
al-maisanso, the nvclock/smartdimmer packages are listed for demotion to universe. Can somebody please explain how this came about..?14:46
pittitkamppeter: cups doesn't have PKified calls, so it can only provide these services itself14:47
* directhex bugs ~ubuntu-installer with a buggy bug14:48
pittial-maisan: you can use "checkrdepends nvclock jaunty" to see what it was used by in jaunty14:50
Keybukcjwatson: yeah14:50
Keybukclearly it's a signal mask issue14:50
loolkirkland: Hey I see qemu-kvm pulls bridge-utils as a Depends; neither kvm nor qemu did this in the past, could it be removed or at least relaxed?  I never used it on my laptop and would prefer continuing to avoid setting up a bridge there14:50
Keybukbut from what14:50
al-maisancjwatson: so, when you "look through history", where do you look?14:50
al-maisanpitti: thanks!14:50
pitti-- jaunty/main amd64 deps on smartdimmer:14:50
Keybukcjwatson: there's a sneaky quick fix, of course ;)  make ssh an upstart job14:50
tkamppeterpitti, can you add some references/additional info to the bug report, so that the HP guys can migrate HPLIP easily?14:50
pittial-maisan: so, apparently it was dropped from hal; I'll check the changelog14:51
cjwatsonal-maisan: seeds, .debs, etc.14:51
cjwatsondirecthex: there are already bugs about mouseemu, don't bother14:51
pittitkamppeter: I gave a link to the porting guide14:51
cjwatsondirecthex: there's no way to detect "do you have a one-button mouse", unfortunately14:51
tkamppeterpitti, OK14:51
directhexcjwatson, sure there is.14:51
cjwatsondirecthex: so we just check "is it an Intel Mac"14:51
cjwatsondirecthex: oh?14:51
directhexcjwatson, no intel desktop mac has ever had a single button mouse14:51
directhexcjwatson, only laptops do14:51
cjwatsondirecthex: bluff14:51
cjwatsondirecthex: I have one just to my left14:52
pittial-maisan: ah, I see the confusion14:52
pittial-maisan: I need to add back the dependency, please leave it in main for now14:52
al-maisanpitti: also: "jaunty/main i386 deps on smartdimmer: acpi-support"14:52
pittial-maisan: right, but that's truly obsolete14:52
liwcjwatson, is it the mighty mouse? (the mighty mouse in my apartment has at least two buttons: right side is a hidden button, can be clicked separately though)14:52
al-maisanpitti: right, will do.14:52
cjwatsonliw: I forget, I don't use it much14:53
directhexcjwatson, mighty mouse has shipped by default since october 2005. intel macs appeared in 200614:53
cjwatsonpatch welcome to turn it off for desktops14:53
cjwatsonthe relevant source package is hw-detect14:53
liw(the mighty mouse right button is so well hidden it might as well not exist, though)14:54
directhexcjwatson, isn't it as simple as inserting "laptop-detect &&" or am i missing something?14:55
pittial-maisan: hal uploaded, thanks14:55
al-maisanpitti: thank you :)14:55
directhexliw, the mighty mouse looks physically single-button. if it has a scrollball, it has 4 clickables & is a mighty muse14:55
directhexcjwatson, does the mouse to your left have a scrollball?14:55
cjwatsondirecthex: and depending on laptop-detect-udeb, I suppose14:55
cjwatsonyeah, it does14:55
liwdirecthex, that's the one I mean, yes14:55
cjwatsonok, my apologies14:56
directhexcjwatson, then it's 4-button, and mouseemu would likely prevent one from working14:56
directhexprobably the "squeeze it like you mean it" button14:56
cjwatsonhere's another question14:57
cjwatsonWHY does mouseemu prevent it from working? it should just pass through those events14:57
cjwatsonthere's an argument that that would be a more complete fix14:57
directhexi agree. still working on that bug14:58
directhexlooks 100% by design to me15:00
ogradirecthex, yo15:01
directhexogra, yup?15:01
ogradirecthex, is there any chance i can get some mono people look at Bug 391124 ?15:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391124 in tomboy "tomboy crashes on ARM hardware if notification icon is clicked" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39112415:02
ograi'm a bit lost with it15:02
cjwatsondirecthex: by design> how so? it's definitely meant to pass through mouse events15:03
ograbut we need to include tomboy in the arm images ... its apparently only tomboy having issues, f-spot works fine as expected so no general mono prob imgo15:03
directhexcjwatson, define "pass through". mouseemu for me appears to swallow all real mouse events (event6), and regurgitates them itself under its virtual device (event5) - but the virtual device lacks buttons15:04
directhexogra, have you spoken to sandy?15:04
cjwatsondirecthex: defining it by mouse_event and passthrough in the source code15:04
ogradirecthex, only on the bug yet15:04
ogra(see the last two comments)15:04
cjwatsondirecthex: I'm not saying your symptoms are untrue; but when you say "bad design" that suggests that you think it's deliberate in the code, rather than a bug15:05
cjwatsonthe virtual mouse device does this to set up buttons:15:06
cjwatson        ioctl(ui_mouse_fd, UI_SET_KEYBIT, BTN_LEFT);15:06
cjwatson        ioctl(ui_mouse_fd, UI_SET_KEYBIT, BTN_RIGHT);15:06
cjwatson        ioctl(ui_mouse_fd, UI_SET_KEYBIT, BTN_MIDDLE);15:06
cjwatsonwhat else should it be doing?15:06
directhexcjwatson, passing BTN_SIDE, BTN_EXTRA et al?15:07
cjwatsondirecthex: that sounds sensible. Is it only the buttons after the third that it breaks for you?15:08
directhexcjwatson, yes. well, scrolling works, where scrollwheels are seen in x as buttons 4 and 515:08
cjwatsonand are there any drawbacks to passing extra buttons? presumably, ideally, we should only pass through those buttons which the real mouse has15:09
jpdsMacSlow: Please prod bug #419928 when you have time.15:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419928 in notify-osd "notify-osd ignores postion setting" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41992815:09
cjwatsonotherwise I guess there might be some software that acts differently on the assumption that there's a scrollwheel present when there isn't15:09
directhexcjwatson, yes - or, if X is happy with it, not swallowing button presses for all buttons. i'm not sure about the best approach15:09
MacSlowjpds, "prod"?15:10
MacSlowjpds, what do you mean by this?15:10
jpdsMacSlow: Take a look.15:10
ograMacSlow, prod = stochern/stupsen :)15:11
directhexcjwatson, Bug #419947 if you want to write some notes on it15:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419947 in mouseemu "Mouseemu prevents use of multi-button mice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41994715:12
MacSlowjpds, done15:13
directhexogra, my instinct is that it's a gtk# bug15:14
directhexogra, let me find mkestner15:14
ogradirecthex, thanks a lot15:15
cjwatsondirecthex: thanks15:16
directhexogra, he seems offline. try pinging mkestner@novell.com - he's the gtk# maintainer, and it seems to be dying in the binding in the binding layer - something about menu positioning, perhaps? this isn't on a normal gnome desktop is it?15:17
jpdsMacSlow: So notify-osd bubbles should be coming up half-way down the screen?15:17
ogradirecthex, thats a normal gnome desktop under armel if i either click the tray icon or the "notebook" button15:17
directhexcjwatson, if X uses a composite of all mice plugged in, then could mouseemu simply not swallow events outside the range it emulates, so those few buttons go through "real" event6 rather than emulated event5?15:18
ogradirecthex, and as i said above it must be something tomboy uses that f-spot doesnt, f-spot works fine on the same desktop15:18
MacSlowjpds, see my comment on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/419894 (which #419894 is a duplicate of)15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid]15:19
directhexogra, well, i know tomboy uses non-standard decorations in tis context menu, perhaps that's related15:19
ograyeah, might be15:19
directhexogra, certainly sandy is the first port of call, but i have a hunch it's gtk# - sandy can confirm though15:19
ograi wouldnt call it a general gtk# bug though15:19
jpdsMacSlow: Aha, OK.15:20
directhextime to catch a bus!15:20
ograsince f-spot uses gtk# too and doesnt have any issues, probably that makes it easier to intersect15:20
blackxoredhello all15:28
cjwatsondirecthex: I'm not sure you can do that - AFAICS you either grab all events or none15:36
cjwatsonargh. I HATE PATCH SYSTEMS. (just ate my code)15:37
mvodholbach had this idea of having a "edit-patch" script that would provide a common editing interface on top of all the different ones15:40
mvo(that would at least make working with them a bit easier)15:41
cjwatsondpatch. I hate them all almost equally though15:41
dholbachand prompt you to fill out the PatchTaggingGuidelines stuff afterwards15:41
sistpoty|workedit-patch --eat-my-code :P15:41
chrisccoulsonliw - i'm not sure i agree with bug 41991215:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419912 in gnome-media "gnome-volume-control-applet gives no way to remove it from the panel (notification area)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41991215:42
chrisccoulsonnm-applet (the other persistent notification icon) doesn't have an option to exit either15:43
liwchrisccoulson, the fact that it is a persistent notification is irrelevant to me, I just want an easy way to get rid of it15:43
chrisccoulsonand if you give users an easy way to quit it, there is no obvious way to relaunch it again (because it is a session agent rather than an application that you launch from the menu's)15:43
liwso make it easy to put it back, too, no worries15:44
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm not sure. perhaps you could report it to the Gnome bugzilla though and discuss it with upstream?15:45
liwthe ubuntu default session is under ubuntu's control, right?15:47
chrisccoulsonyes, but adding an option in the applet to exit would be better off coming from upstream15:47
liwthen please forward the bug15:48
pochupitti: hi, do you plan to upload media-player-id to Debian too?15:49
pittipochu: can do eventually, but I'm a little tight on time right now15:51
pittipochu: it needs an ITP first, and all that15:51
pittipochu: do you want to upload the the rb to debian?15:51
pitti(or RFP)15:52
pochupitti: I looked yesterday at switching rb to gudev15:57
pochupitti: but libgudev is in experimental only right now anyway, so no hurry :)15:57
pittiuh, still?15:58
pittiit becomes ubiquituous, debian should get the latest udev..15:58
pochu      udev |    0.141-2 |      unstable | source, alpha, amd64, armel, hppa, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390, sparc15:59
pochu      udev |      146-1 |  experimental | source, alpha, amd64, armel, hppa, i386, powerpc, s390, sparc15:59
pochuso yeah15:59
sebnerpitti: the comments aren't that useful (SATA -USB -71), hmm? :(16:05
pittididn't have time to look at the replies yet, sorry; crazy FF rush with 16-hour days, etc.; will get to it soon, promised16:06
sebnerheh, np16:06
al-maisanquick sanity check: ibus-qt/ibus-qt4 are listed for demotion to universe and were only added in karmic. Is it OK to go ahead and demote them?16:07
pittiArneGoetje: ^ isn't it supposed to replace skim in Kubuntu, too?16:08
pittial-maisan: probably just not seeded yet16:08
Riddellpitti: hmm, I think we want those ibus-qt packages16:08
al-maisanpitti: aha, so I should hold off then.16:08
ArneGoetjewe do want ibus-qt in the kubuntu seeds16:12
RiddellArneGoetje: I'll add that then16:14
al-maisanThanks for the info16:15
ArneGoetjeRiddell: I'm not sure of the kubuntu seeds in the moment, I did some reshuffeling for the ubuntu seeds. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/259752/ I guess, replace ibus-gtk with ibus-qt and the rest can be the same, or what do you think?16:16
cjwatsondirecthex: I'd appreciate it if you could give http://paste.ubuntu.com/260391/ a try16:17
RiddellArneGoetje: and add kimpanel too?16:18
directhexcjwatson, i have an abominable memory. if you email that to me, i'll try it out at home tonight (i'm not at the mac anymore)16:19
Riddellpitti: re bug 418688 can I move it to main for the sake of FF and look into a wrapper script shortly?16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418688 in plasma-widget-kimpanel "[MIR] plasma-widget-kimpanel" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41868816:19
cjwatsondirecthex: shall I just put it in the bug?16:19
directhexyeah, that works16:19
ArneGoetjeRiddell: yep16:21
directhexmaybe i could expense a many-button gaming mouse for the office, that's work16:26
directhexany benefit it would give to my Quake Live scores would be a side-effect16:26
cjwatsondirecthex: indeed, ignore that pastebin URL, since I missed a bit. Updated version in the bug16:31
al-maisanhmm .. what happened to gnome-terminal in karmic so it does not honour cmd line args like "--geometry 110x20+0+5" any more?16:35
al-maisanbug #41855516:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418555 in gnome-terminal "geometry option isn't applied" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41855516:42
al-maisan.. and http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59243516:43
ubottuGnome bug 592435 in general "--geometry not working" [Normal,New]16:43
pittiRiddell: kimpanel> sure, please go ahead; it seems to be by and large fine16:44
pittiRiddell: I'll add some official blessing to it16:44
pittiRiddell: [done]16:46
loolbryce: I'm giving back xorg-server on i386 to see if it builds now; it seels it was just a transient libdrm installability issue which caused it to FTBFS16:50
LordMetroidDang, everything just crashed on my alpha416:59
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
cjwatsonbryce,jdstrand: is bug 407428 still happening for you, right now?17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407428 in openssh "sshd zombie processes and strange behavior after karmic upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40742817:02
Keybukit's amazing how much slower the PPA system is once the US is awake...17:13
ScottKNeeds higher build scores for developers ....17:16
* lool gives three cheers to paulliu, StevenK and others who helped shape http://people.canonical.com/~lool/moblin-virtualbox.png17:16
loolAnd OEM team and every who participated in the moblin beta work17:16
dholbachlool: that looks sweet!17:17
loolStill built from a PPA but on cdimage; hopefully we'll merge as much as possible into Ubuntu proper17:17
dholbachpitti: did you get in touch with Don Scorgie about it? I'm sure he could help17:27
cjwatsonfor the replaces fields? how?17:28
dholbachI though we were pondering a different installation path or something17:29
pittidholbach: no, I didn't; the problem really just occurred to me yesterday; he's the GNOME help guru?17:35
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dholbachpitti: rarian guru and knows a lot about the gnome help stuff17:40
pittidholbach: thanks, I'll talk to him; failing that, lool just had a good idea as well17:41
keespitti: woohoo!  bug 41965817:41
ubottuBug 419658 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/419658 is private17:42
keeswell, it's an assert bug.  :)17:42
pittinice! just saw it17:42
pittikees: I think automatic duplication should work as well, let's see..17:43
keespitti: so, I just noticed that when upstream rewrote my patch, they also renamed the variable (from __assert_msg to __abort_msg), so I'm going to update our eglibc to match upstream's patch, and then swap it in apport.17:43
keespitti: cool!17:43
pittieww, a glibc was detected..17:43
pittikees: eek, I actually did check the upstream patch, but that failed to catch my eye17:43
keesheh, yeah, mdz was complaining a while back that the malloc error string is confusing.17:43
pittikees: yes, we should do that to avoid divergence, thanks17:43
pittikees: oh, it has an address in the assert message, so it might not match after all (for duplicates)17:44
keespitti: I'll get that up today; I built the "fixed" eglibc overnight, and confirmed that it works correctly just now.17:44
keescould the dup-checker learn to ignore 0x[0-9a-f]* ?17:44
pittikees: it should be filtered in def crash_signature()17:45
pittikees: perhaps not *, but [6-]17:46
pittito filter out small numbers like 0x0217:46
keespitti: ah, good idea.17:46
keespitti: should I try to fix the malloc error message to be more clear?17:47
pittikees: is that an ubuntu patch?17:47
pittikees: if so, sure17:47
keespitti: no, the malloc errors are upstream.  I actually meant "should I send a patch to upstream to improve..."17:48
keesI'll see what they say, it's always entertaining...17:48
pittikees: not really important at least to me, but if you wish17:48
pittibut it's so much fun17:48
pittireminds me of the discussion about strings like "OMG computer burning" in the kernel17:49
keeswe need more of those kinds of easter eggs.  :)  /me is sad that the new gdm doesn't include the "insert a quarter" easter egg now.17:49
pittiyeah, that was cute17:50
keespitti: oh, btw, should the retracer learn to unwind to the first non-libc stack location for the source retrace?17:51
keespitti: otherwise, everything will look like:  StacktraceTop:__kernel_vsyscall (), *__GI_raise (sig=6), *__GI_abort () at abort.c:88, etc...17:51
pittithat would certainly be good17:52
pittiwe don't use stacktracetop for dup matching for assertions, so it's not immediately urgent17:52
pittibut stacktracetop is still convenient for developers to look at17:52
keestrue, though it's sometimes really hard to isolate where a fortify crash happens, so I'll likely try to work on that as it would hugely improve the speed of debugging.17:52
keesactually, nevermind, the full stack trace is sufficient.17:53
keesyou're right, stacktraceTop is a cosmetic issue.17:53
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
directhexhalfway there, cjwatson!18:12
brycecjwatson, I've not seen it the last few days18:34
martinaldhi guys, i am looking to create a GUI frontend to dmg2img for ubuntu. i am wondering if anyone in the ubuntu community would be willing to spend 10 minutes going through what the best programming language and GUI toolkit I should use18:42
martinaldi am very experienced in web programming but I have very little experience of linux GUI programming18:43
martinaldor if someone could point me to a correct channel that would be much appreciated18:43
directhexmartinald, c# and gtk!18:55
directhexmartinald, mor generally, i don't know of any generalist channels for development *on* ubuntu, this is for development *of* ubuntu18:55
jdstrandcjwatson: re sshd> it hasn't for a little while, but I've rebooted a lot lately. I'll keep an eye out for it though18:57
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ebroderAnyone from ubuntu-sru that could look at bug #330766? It's causing problems for our site deployment, and we were hoping it would be fixed by the time term starts here (in a week)19:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330766 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio hangs, prevents login, home as ntfs" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33076619:14
=== DrPepperKid is now known as MacSlow
billybigriggeranyone aware of the errors in ubuntuone?20:16
billybigriggercausing %100 cpu usage?20:16
pitti[ubuntu/karmic] fteqcc 3343+svn3223-1build1 (Accepted)20:18
* pitti tries to pronounce that20:18
pittilooks like git revision numbers are actually used as package names now? :-)20:18
voriankeep your teeth together when trying20:18
vorianit makes it much easier20:18
* sistpoty is innocent :P20:19
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ScottKSpeaking of which: Sput shouldn't netsplits be added to the list of events one can hide?21:15
ScottKWhoops.  Wrong channel.21:15
rtg_kirkland, you around?21:27
keesjames_w: did anything ever happen with gnome-system-tools and getting it to launch the "self" password changer?21:37
james_wI completely forgot about that proposal I'm afraid21:37
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
keesjames_w: I'd like to try to get a FFe for it; do you have a guess at how long it might take to implement.  it's the only thing that is blocking the ecryptfs feature for the installer.21:39
james_wah, because it currently bypasses pam and so changing your password means you can't log in?21:40
james_wand you would be happy with changing anyone elses password using that causing them to be unable to log in?21:40
james_wwell, not happy I guess :-)21:41
keesthe idea was that if you went to users&groups and selected yourself, it would change the password tab to match the "about yourself" screen that has a proper password-via-PAM thing21:41
keesnot happy, but we felt at UDS it was a reasonable compromise.21:41
james_wusers-admin seems to be bust anyway21:42
keesjames_w: can I assign 307019 to you, then, as a catalyst for the g-s-t work?21:43
james_wI'm just trying to look at this problem, a first glance suggests it could be serious21:44
james_wbut go ahead, even though having a g-s-t bug assigned to me will make me cry21:44
keesjames_w: is it hard to have it just launch the "about me" dialog?21:44
keesheh, okay21:45
james_wno, I think that would be quite easy21:45
james_wyou can't do groups from there21:45
keesokay, right, that's the work-around that would unblock ecryptfs for karmic.21:45
keesright, I mean, within g-s-t, if you select yourself and go to the password tab, it would just have a single button to launch "About Me", rather than the regular password tab.21:46
james_wit's not a tab, but an area on the first tab21:46
james_wstill possible to have a button of course21:46
james_wplus gnome-about --change-password to get it to show it's password changer only21:47
james_wthat's probably not too much work21:47
james_wit's just the danger of pulling at that hanging thread21:47
keesjames_w: well, the "contact" tab should have the launcher, and the password area should have the launcher.21:48
keesI think it's okay to just launch the entire about-me dialog?  maybe drop the "Contact Information" tab in Account Properties, and just replace the Password section of the "Account" tab with a buttonr eading "Change password or contact informatin" ?21:49
james_woh, the "contact" tab because that's also present in the other one?21:50
james_wI think the gnome-about-me one doesn't use gecos for that info21:50
james_wI think that would be a good suggestion though21:50
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keesoh, heh, yeah, if the about-me doesn't actually change gecos, nevermind on that.  :P21:51
james_wit seems GNOME ignores gecos though, so whatever about-me changes might be more useful to change for the average desktop user21:53
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
eurythmia_if I wished to start contributing as a dev, should I run a dist-upgrade to karmic, or should I perform a clean isntall?22:12
highvoltageeurythmia_: jaunty will be fine22:12
highvoltageeurythmia_: you could use karmic as well, but there are risks associated with it22:13
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
eurythmia_highvoltage: so, there shouldn't be any *major* differences between the libraries I would be building against if I were using jaunty?22:14
highvoltageeurythmia_: look up pbuilder on the ubuntu wiki, pbuilder will sort that out for you, it creates a chroot for the package you want to build and also makes sure that you have the correct build dependencies installed in the chroot22:14
highvoltageeurythmia_: so you can build packages for pretty much any version regardless of the release you're running22:15
eurythmia_highvoltage: ahh. I hadn't gotten around to reading much about pbuilder yet, but that's pretty neat.22:15
highvoltageyou're welcome22:16
eurythmia_there's a lot to read when starting to develop (for any project), but I'm making *some* headway.22:17
highvoltageeurythmia_: if you're interested in packaging, you might want to check out the #ubuntu-motu channel. MOTU is the right place for getting started with packaging, this channel isn't really appropriate for that22:17
highvoltageeurythmia_: yes indeed, there's lots of reading work22:17
eurythmia_highvoltage: actually, I'm interested in the kernel, but it's been suggested that everyone starts with MOTU.22:18
highvoltageeurythmia_: it's a good suggestion, whatever you contribute to in ubuntu, it's pretty much necessary to know how to contribute those changes, and to do that you have to understand some core processes and be familiar with debian packaging22:21
highvoltageeurythmia_: there's also am #ubuntu-kernel channel where the kernel guys hang out. they could probably sponsor your initial patches and contributions22:22
eurythmia_highvoltage: yep, I'm already there :)  ... I suppose I'll also try my hand out at the MOTU thing to get started.22:23
sistpotyerm, highvoltage, eurythmia_: right now, you *should* be using karmic, especially for kernel stuff. otherwise it'd be pretty hard to test changed, wouldn't it?22:24
highvoltagesistpoty: you can test some things in a virtual machine as well, or on the hardware that you're testing the bugs with22:25
eurythmia_is there a testing machine?22:25
eurythmia_or are you referring to a personal test machine?22:25
sistpotyhighvoltage: no, not really in a sufficient matter (for a kernel()22:25
eurythmia_sistpoty: actually, depending on which part of the kernel is being worked on, VMs are ideal for kernel testing.22:26
highvoltagesistpoty: I just can't afford instability on my laptop, and I think it's like that for many other people, I have a bunch of other machines that I run karmic on though22:26
eurythmia_I don't do hardware or drivers ... so it would be okay for me to not run the kernel on a physical machine22:26
sistpotyeurythmia_: that really depends if it's in anyway related to timing/hardware. if it is, no chance for a vm22:27
eurythmia_sistpoty: heh, timing issues are their own special brand of bad ... even with the right hardware, there's no guarantee that they'll be reproducible ;)22:28
sistpotyhighvoltage: you're right, that I wouldn't recommend karmic for the average user ;)22:28
highvoltageanyway, sistpoty has much more experience than me so I trust his judgement. I'm just not that convinced that you always *have* to be on the development version on your actual production system in order to contribute22:32
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sistpotyhighvoltage: sorry for not being clear enough, what you just stated is certainly right... just this occurance is certainly a special case ;)22:33
highvoltagesistpoty: ok :)22:34
eurythmia_highvoltage,sistpoty: thanks, both of you, for your input. :)22:37
highvoltageeurythmia_: pleasure and good luck.22:37
james_wkees: bug updated with some suggestions that you may want to stomp out before we get carried away22:39
keesjames_w: checking, one sec22:50
james_wsorry, shouldn't have pinged you, I'm sure you are subscribed and could respond when ready22:50
keesjames_w: well, it's in recent memory, so my latency is lower.  :)  no problem.  :)22:53
jtimbermanI want to use sbuild for package build testing for hardy through karmic, should the build host node be karmic?22:53
keesjames_w: I'm fine with any of those, but prefer ones that use pipes or fd over dbus.22:53
james_wkees: any concrete reason?22:53
keesjtimberman: yeah, it's easier to set up the debootstrap bits (i.e. no work).22:53
keesjames_w: simply that they are ancient methods that are very well understood.  dbus is still "new", and negotiating ssl over a message-passer just makes me want to cry.22:54
james_woh, I wouldn't have gone for that one, I just like the idea :-)22:55
james_wbut I would characterise that as natural security professional wariness, I wondered if there were reasons why DBus may present a larger surface or similar22:55
james_wthanks for your time22:56
=== paolonaldini is now known as Hattory
keesjames_w: heh, yeah, my programming conservatism really comes out on these kinds of things.  ;)23:00
keesjames_w: np, I've commented on the bug too.23:00
james_wI'll see how Milan feels about the suggestions23:01
james_wcoding suid helpers would be more work, but fits my tendencies better than GUI coding :-)23:01
keesI think that's why I like the named pipe best: no extra helpers.  backend is already running as root, iirc23:03
james_wyeah, probably the easiest to implement as well23:06
directhexcjwatson, poke poke23:24
mathiazjtimberman: my main build server is running hardy - and I build packages from dapper to karmic with it23:34
ebroderAnyone from ubuntu-sru around who could look at either bug #330766 or bug #328575? They're causing problems for our site deployment, and we were hoping to get them fixed as soon as possible23:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330766 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio hangs, prevents login, home as ntfs" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33076623:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328575 in dbus "[gnome-terminal SRU] Cannot start gnome-terminal (or x-terminal-emulator) because of gconf error" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32857523:35
mathiazjtimberman: however I had to fix sbuild in hardy as it broke with karmic23:35
jtimbermanmathiaz: already installing karmic ><23:35
jtimbermanwhich is fine, because i'm going to manage the node with chef, so i can use the chef packages from karmic directly :)23:35
mathiazjtimberman: oh well. in that case - if you find a bug don't forget to report it!23:35
jtimbermanmathiaz: definitely.23:35
mathiazjtimberman: sounds like a good plan23:36
lifelessjcastro: you should hang in #bzr somedays ;)23:40
lifelessjcastro: also  -- bzr-builder < jamesw at u.c>   - is the changelog author for quicklies build23:40
lifelessjcastro: you may want to tweak/fix that23:40
jcastrolifeless: That's a limitation of how he's set it up iirc, he mentioned it at the sprint23:44
lifelessjcastro: sadly I wasn't there23:47
lifelessits just _odd_ to have you uploading his changelog :)23:47
jcastrolifeless: yeah I was just mentioning that it's a known thing.23:48
jcastrolifeless: really james_w is just hijacking everyone's karma23:48
=== dwatson is now known as davewatson

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