
studenthello to who do i need to speak  to get my ubuntu cloak?05:17
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember05:18
studentm4v, i am =)05:18
studenti just want to get my cloak05:18
studentthey told me that i need to come here05:18
nhandlerstudent: Do you have a link to your LP profile?05:19
nhandlerstudent: LP=Launchpad (http://launchpad.net)05:20
nhandlerstudent: It does not appear that you are a part of the ~ubuntumembers team, which is used to keep track of Ubuntu Members05:21
m4vi don't understand him, he already applied once to be a member in the ubuntu council, he should know the process by now...05:26
erUSULniko: ping14:00
erUSULniko: ubotu-fr deleted all bans in #ubuntu-es14:00
m4vit wasn't ubot214:00
nikoo_o ?14:00
m4vit was timido14:00
erUSULsorry not ubotu someone named student14:01
m4vstudent (n=deb@irssi/user/TiMiDo) has left #ubuntu-irc ("Leaving")14:01
m4vI don't understand that guy (i'm saying it again) but he either don't know how to use chanserv or likes to mess things up14:02
nikoor perhaps, he should ask before do something, until he wasn't aware of bans reason14:03
m4vyes, he should have asked, well, the ban list needed a cleanup anyway...14:07
erUSULhe spammed my channel and users within spmmed #ubuntu he is insulting me. what else needs to do to get a ban?22:06
erUSULikonia: ^^22:07
ikoniahe's gone22:07
ikoniaI wasn't aware of the first part and couldn't read the spanish22:07
erUSULno problem; thanks for dealing with it22:08
m4verUSUL: what happened?22:08
nikoerUSUL: the bot do the job ?22:09
nikoor he bypass it22:09
erUSULm4v: he continued in #ubuntu and in private his crusade against me ;P22:09
m4vniko: uses /query22:09
erUSULniko: it was private spam22:09
nikoah ok22:09
nikolike one week ago22:09
nikoone or two22:09
m4verUSUL: ah, I don't follow #ubuntu as closely as u-es :p22:10
erUSULm4v: well he was highlighting me... hard to not notice22:10
ikoniahe's insulting me randomly now22:11
erUSULwellcome to my world22:11
nikoikonia: welcome22:11
m4vyeah, jebus is hard to deal, he'll insult you for anything22:12
m4vthat sad part is that he was right, he just can't said it with proper manners22:13
m4v s/that/the/22:13
ikonianot hard at all22:14
ikoniahe's banned, problem solved22:14
m4vah yes, but I can't do the same in u-es :P22:15
ikoniaerUSUL: can/has22:15
m4vI'm only op in ku-es22:15
niko( in pm with jebus )22:15
ikoniadon't feed him22:16
nikoi spot him to -ops and -es-ops22:16
m4vniko: really don't lose much time with hum, he deserved the ban. All the times I tried to talk to him he didn't listen and insulted me in return.22:21
m4verUSUL: will you mute him in -es-ops? because I'm going to soft-ignore him now.22:24
m4verUSUL: aw, he went to #supremos to stir them up22:32
m4v"<jebus> m4v esta hablando mal de supremos en ubuntu-es-ops"22:32
m4vi didn't say that..22:32
=== niko is now known as evilNiko
=== evilNiko is now known as niko

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