
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
AnnonyMousehi guys. did an update to my thunderBird last week, & since then my header info bar has dissapeared03:35
AnnonyMouseany ideas?03:35
micahgwhich header info bar/03:37
AnnonyMouseon my mail view window/pane (below my subject/sender/date list), where it shows the msg, that bar that shows the header info, like the subject, date, sender, tags, etc03:39
micahgit shouldn't have changed it03:40
micahgdid you check your settings under View03:40
AnnonyMouseyea. been through it all. think it may be a bug or bad update.03:41
AnnonyMouseEventually I'll migrate to TB 3, but this is just a tad annoying for now03:41
micahgAnnonyMouse: maybe try reinstalling the package?03:42
AnnonyMouseyea.... was really hoping it was a simple setting so that I can avoid having to do that. will have to do a complete purge & reinstall, and may end up being a bigger complication than just living withthe bug...03:44
micahgnah, just reinstall the package in synaptic03:45
micahgit won't affect your profile03:45
AnnonyMouseaptitude reinstall u recon?03:46
micahgtry that03:46
AnnonyMousei should probably move 2 evolution @ some point....03:47
micahgTB is nice :)03:47
AnnonyMouseyea... i rly like it. been using it 4 ages...03:47
AnnonyMouselike the fact that I can use many FF plugins too03:47
AnnonyMouse(except NoScript)03:47
micahgjust disable HTML by default03:48
AnnonyMousepity about mailbox.inc03:48
AnnonyMousei use TB to read my RSS's03:48
micahgAh, I used to do that03:48
micahgTB3 fixed some bugs with that03:48
micahgok, I have to go, I'll be back on in a couple of hours if you're still having trouble03:49
AnnonyMousei should b fine, thnx03:49
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
micahgfta: how can I test a build of firefox-3.7.head?16:04
fta2micahg, er? not sure i understand. why not install the one from the ppa?16:35
* micahg is testing a change for a bug fix16:36
fta2a fix not in the branch?16:37
fta2branch the branch, add your stuff on top and bzr bd --merge it16:43
micahgI branched to a local copy16:49
micahgbut I"m wondering how to build/get the orig.tar.gz16:50
micahgI think the problem is I'm trying to build using yesterday's tarball16:51
micahgwhy does it keep tryinig to upload a 34MB tarball?16:52
micahgthat's the directory16:54
micahgok, I'm hoping it works now16:54
micahgI wanted to test the patch before merging16:54
fta2get the last tarball from the ppa, and update your local changelog accordingly16:55
micahgI linked the mozilla daily ppa as a dependency16:56
fta2why are you uploading?16:56
micahgneed a test build16:56
micahgdon't want to build locally16:56
micahgcreated a new mozilla test ppa16:56
micahgfor me16:56
fta2i have 2 bzr aliases for that16:57
fta2bzr alias ppa="bd --merge --build-dir=../ppa --orig-dir=../tarballs/ --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -kB6EE20E8'"16:57
fta2bzr alias ppa2="bd --merge --build-dir=../ppa --orig-dir=../tarballs/ --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sd -kB6EE20E8'"16:57
fta2i do bzr ppa to create a package with the tarball16:58
fta2and bzr ppa2 when i don't need to push the tarball16:58
fta2-sa vs -sd16:58
micahgI'm hoping that linked the mozilla daily ppa will keep me from needing the tarballs16:58
fta2then i dput the *changes from ../ppa16:58
micahgwhat does bd --merge do?17:02
fta2it merges the debian dir with the tarball to create the proper directory, then you can build or create a source package from there17:03
fta2the branch is not enough as it doesn't contain the sources17:04
micahgah, where do I get bdd?17:06
fta2i think asac made a tutorial once17:08
fta2look at the classroom minutes17:08
micahgbut I'm still hoping I don't need the tarballs :)17:08
fta2you need to have it locally, but you should not need to upload it17:09
micahgI'll find out in an hour17:11
micahgI managed to upload my branch to LP last night17:12
micahgfta, you're correct of course, I'll have to play with bd later17:31
jcastrofta: around?19:31
ftajcastro, yes19:40
jcastrofta: nm, figured it out19:40
ftajcastro, i see some patches landed in the gwibber packaging branch, is it ready? should I respin the dailies?19:48
jcastrofta: doesn't hurt to try19:50
fta[reed], is modules/distribution.js gone?20:01
[reed]not sure20:02
ftajcastro, hm, my bot says there's no change. did someone move the branch(es)?20:04
fta[reed], my build failed today: dh_install: firefox-3.7 missing files (debian/tmp/usr/lib/firefox-*/modules/), aborting20:04
jcastrofta: ah, I don't think lp:gwibber is pointing to the new stuff yet20:05
fta[reed], yesterday, there was just /usr/lib/firefox-3.7a1pre/modules/distribution.js20:05
jcastrofta: lp:gwibber/trunk20:05
ftajcastro, hm, the packaging uses lp:gwibber20:07
Mook_sbfta: did you mean .jsm? the .js lives in components/ (and appears to be gone)20:08
ftaMook_sb, eh? my error is when building ff trunk, not songbird20:09
Mook_sbfta: yes, and I was referring to browser/ in m-c :)20:10
ftabetween r32030 and r3197820:15
fta[reed], ^^20:17
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
fta[reed], something's wrong20:26
fta[reed], search for "Removing unpackaged files..." in both http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30909179/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.firefox-3.7_3.7~a1~hg20090827r32030%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30874616/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.firefox-3.7_3.7~a1~hg20090826r31978%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd2_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz20:27
ftabuild/buildd/firefox-3.7-3.7~a1~hg20090827r32030+nobinonly should not be there20:27
ftamozilla 46360520:36
ubottuMozilla bug 463605 in Build Config "make Mac OS X packaging use a packaging manifest (like Windows and Linux)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46360520:37
ftadiff of the 2 build logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/260511/20:47
fta-/usr/bin/perl -I../../xpinstall/packager -e 'use Packager; Packager::Copy( "../../dist", "../../dist/firefox-3.7", "packages-static", "unix", 1, 0, 1);'20:48
fta+/usr/bin/perl -I../../xpinstall/packager -e 'use Packager; Packager::Copy( "/build/buildd/firefox-3.7-3.7~a1~hgXXXXX+nobinonly/build-tree/mozilla/browser/installer/../../dist", "/build/buildd/firefox-3.7-3.7~a1~hgXXXXX+nobinonly/build-tree/mozilla/browser/installer/../../dist/firefox-3.7", "packages-static", "unix", 1, 0, 1);'20:48
ftathis seems wrong20:48
fta[reed], http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/0bd17bd1cbaf#l3.120:59
fta[reed], i won't fix it in ubuntu, it's a regression from mac21:00
[reed]fta: the bug affects ubuntu, though, correct?21:01
ftait affects anyone using make install21:01
[reed]can you file a bug on it at least? you don't have to add a patch. I'll make sure somebody gets on it asap.21:01
fta[reed], mozilla 51306721:10
ubottuMozilla bug 513067 in Build Config "install regression" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51306721:10
ftajcastro, ken's commit went to ~gwibber-team/gwibber/packaging, my dailies are based on ~gwibber-team/gwibber/packaging.trunk :(21:20
[reed]fta: Is this via "make install" or "make package"?21:28
ftahm, make install21:29

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