
=== MythbuntuGuest81 is now known as Xenocide
XenocideHey guys, I have a scientific atlanta 4250hdc hooked up via firewire, I am getting an error of "partial lock" when I go to view live tv00:29
Xenocideno one can help?00:55
mindomsXenocide: maybe try at #mythtv-users01:04
Xenocideanyone familir with mythchanger??02:07
Xenocideanyone familiar with IR blaster setups?02:53
Cyber-DoggI was curious if anyone had any info on why when I'm running mythbuntu, mythtv and xorg are both consuming a TON of processor03:10
ZinnIf you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common03:41
foxbuntuCyber-Dogg, nvidia video card?04:33
Cyber-Dogg8200 on board04:33
Cyber-DoggI tried to the use events04:33
Cyber-DoggI've tried the modeline04:33
Cyber-DoggI'm being told in mythtv-users to try mythtv trunk so I can use vdpau04:34
foxbuntuCyber-Dogg, you need to have useevents enabled and vsync disabled04:34
foxbuntuand enabling UseEvents will require a restart of xorg04:35
foxbuntuthis is the line you have in your xorg.conf correct?04:37
foxbuntuOption         "UseEvents" "True"04:37
Cyber-Doggwell option "useevents" "1"04:37
foxbuntudisable vsync options in nvidia-settings04:37
foxbuntuits a bool value04:37
Cyber-Doggok, I didn't do that yet04:37
foxbuntuit has to be True04:37
foxbuntunot 104:37
Cyber-Doggok... mythbuntu defaulted it to 104:38
foxbuntufrom where?04:38
Cyber-Doggfrom where?04:38
Cyber-DoggI don't know what you mean04:38
Cyber-Doggi installed mythbuntu... it was setup that way :-)04:38
foxbuntuI dont think we modify that04:38
foxbuntuI wonder where that setting came from04:39
foxbuntuits a bug though04:39
foxbuntuguess I should look into that :)04:39
Cyber-Doggso let me change that04:40
Cyber-Doggwhere is the vsynv option?04:40
Cyber-DoggI know in nvidia-settings04:40
Cyber-Doggbut which page04:40
Cyber-DoggI ask because I'm not seeing it04:41
Cyber-Doggis it sync to vblank?04:42
Cyber-DoggBTW... the nologo option is defaulted to a 1 as well04:43
Cyber-Doggisn't that bool?04:43
Cyber-Doggok, I changed them both04:44
Cyber-Dogghow do I just restart x without a full reboot?04:44
Cyber-Doggnot sure how to in ubuntu04:45
foxbuntuCyber-Dogg, I just asked our expert and they changed the driver I think, its not required to be bool anymore04:46
foxbuntuCyber-Dogg, anyhow to answer your question: sudo /etc/init,d/gdm restart04:46
foxbuntuCyber-Dogg, anyhow to answer your question: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:46
foxbuntu. not ,04:46
Cyber-DoggI'm a gentoo guy... :-)04:47
Cyber-Doggbut I couldn't get the sound to work in gentoo with X04:48
Cyber-Doggand I built this box to be a mythbox... so I don't care what it runs in04:49
foxbuntuCyber-Dogg, I was a gentoo guy a looooooong time ago04:49
Cyber-DoggI just want it to work... and ubuntu does that very well04:49
foxbuntuthat it does04:49
Cyber-Doggso are you a dev?04:49
Cyber-Doggfor mythbuntu I mean04:49
foxbuntuone of the core04:50
foxbuntubeen with the project since inception04:50
Cyber-Doggwell thank you for your work :D04:51
Cyber-Doggok, back up04:51
Cyber-Doggchecking top now04:51
Cyber-Doggxorg looks better < 10% now04:52
Cyber-Doggmythfrontend.real though is still at like 50%04:52
Cyber-Doggdoes that seem reasonable?04:52
Cyber-DoggI don't know what it's responsible for :-)05:00
sebrockis MythExport even remotely working?20:40
sebrockomg the bugs in this20:46
superm1rhpot1991, ^21:02
superm1sebrock, what's wrong?21:02
rhpot1991sebrock: what issues you having?21:03
sebrocknah I fixed it.21:13
sebrockrhpot1991, I had a really bad day. Don't take it personal :)21:13
rhpot1991sebrock: well if its a bug let me know and I can fix it up21:13
rhpot1991sebrock: no problem, it has its fair share of duct tape fixes going on21:13
sebrockrhpot1991, however if there is one thing lacking it is proper documentation.21:13
rhpot1991sebrock: wiki is where I try to do it, I fail at english and relating words quite often though21:14
rhpot1991sebrock: if you have any good ideas I'm all ears21:14
sebrockthe ubuntu community page says very little and never goes into the important details. I still don't understand the differance of full and on-the-go21:14
sebrockalso the integration with mythimport should be more seamless21:15
rhpot1991you mean on-the-go, full vs lightweight right?21:16
rhpot1991the idea here is that you are using mythexport on your master backend21:17
rhpot1991and mythimport on a detached backend, that you say take with you in a boat21:17
sebrockI've got the separate frontend/backend21:18
sebrockI might have stumbled on a bug now... wait I will investigate21:18
rhpot1991so you use mythexport to prepare your files and copy them over to the detached backend, and use mythimport to bring them in, for this you would use the full featured version21:18
sebrockOk, I would only like to use it to automatically transfer to my Iphone on sync21:18
sebrockie iTunes feed21:18
rhpot1991then you can do a lightweight on-the-go export, which will just give you a bunch of video files and an xml file that you can open with firefox or whatever you want21:19
rhpot1991sebrock: you don't want on-the-go then21:19
rhpot1991just do an export, and use the rss feed21:19
rhpot1991register it as a podcast in itunes, and itunes will automagically pull them down for you21:19
sebrockyes, I have a user job added to mythweb ow21:19
sebrockIt did work once, now it stopped21:19
sebrockI will check21:19
rhpot1991if you use http://localhost/mythexport21:19
rhpot1991it will create the user job for you from there21:20
sebrock07889jobqueue502009-08-27 22:19:58serverJob "" FinishedFinished "" for "Family guy" recorded from channel 1011 at Wed Aug 26 20:30:00 2009.21:20
sebrock17888jobqueue502009-08-27 22:19:58serverJob "" StartedStarted "" for "Family guy" recorded from channel 1011 at Wed Aug 26 20:30:00 200921:20
sebrockIt's all done that21:20
rhpot1991well the job in your backend will run and be done21:20
sebrockit isnt21:21
sebrockLook, first time it worked21:21
rhpot1991all that does is create an export job for the the mythexport-daemon21:21
sebrockthen I go to File maintenance and delete the exportet file21:21
sebrockI changed the configuration to a higher bitrate21:21
sebrockIf I update job or file maintenace the files are back21:22
sebrockdeleted on disk though21:22
rhpot1991ok so you exported one, and it worked, but then you deleted and the file is gone from disk but the rssfeed/etc still thinks it exists?21:23
sebrockyes, If I press Delete it deletes from exported list and from RSS. I update the page and they are back21:24
sebrockyes reload21:24
rhpot1991hit ctrl+shift+r while on the page21:25
sebrockIm on a mac, I restarted the daemon and now it's permanently gone21:26
sebrockI will redo the whole process21:26
rhpot1991ok, venturing something went wrong then and the daemon died or got hung21:26
rhpot1991look at /var/log/mythtv/mythexport.log (I think thats the location)21:26
rhpot1991look for hints, if there isn't much good in there we can turn on debugging21:26
sebrockanother thing is, which char encoding is used for metadata? Swedish characters are not working21:27
rhpot1991metadata in where, the .mp4 file thats exported?21:28
rhpot1991well I pull that data right from your mythconverg db, and feed it to atomicparsley21:28
rhpot1991so if there is an issue there its gonna be with AP21:28
sebrockIn iTunes swedish/nordic characters are displayed wrong. Its correct in browser though21:28
sebrockand in DB21:29
rhpot1991prob an issue with atomic parsley then21:29
rhpot1991you can 1. submit a bug to that project21:29
rhpot19912. let me know if you have any bright ideas for dealing with it21:30
sebrockI'll check it out.21:30
sebrockbtw, adding a job from mythweb... will that be listed in mythexport?21:31
rhpot1991sebrock: when naming a config in mythexport don't use spaces21:31
sebrockI simply named it iPhone21:31
rhpot1991sebrock: yes it should pull the names from the db, so hopefully you don't overwrite anything usefull21:31
sebrockit should be listed in mythexport?21:32
sebrockuser job is: mythexport_addjob starttime=%STARTTIME% chanid=%CHANID% config=iPhone21:32
rhpot1991well mythexport will list the name of the 4 available user jobs21:33
rhpot1991and you choose which slot you want to use21:33
rhpot1991not sure we are on the same page here21:33
sebrockNo I mean when a user job is running21:34
rhpot1991I'm talking about whats listed on http://localhost/mythexport/userjob.cgi21:34
rhpot1991oh, no21:34
rhpot19912 different queues21:34
rhpot1991so if you look on your backend, or in mythweb you can see mythtv's queue21:34
sebrockI think the metadata ecoding comes from ffmpeg?21:34
sebrockthe -description flag21:34
sebrockno you are right its atomicparsley21:35
rhpot1991you can do a test if the -description flag works better, that can be an option21:35
sebrockdo you know if its possible to change charset with AtomicParlsey?21:36
rhpot1991never looked into it sorry21:36
rhpot1991hmmm some of these screen shots are out of date21:40
sebrockrhpot1991, the name of the file created also lacks swedish chars22:03
sebrockshown as an underscore22:04
rhpot1991sebrock: ohhhh interesting22:04
sebrockatomicparsley should use unicode-8... strange22:04
rhpot1991wonder if my perl regex is stripping it out22:04
sebrockconversion must go wrong somewhere22:04
sebrocksounds like it22:04
rhpot1991# replace non-word characters in title with underscores22:07
rhpot1991my $title_old = $title;22:07
rhpot1991$title =~ s/\W+/_/g;22:07
sebrockso we swedes use non-word chars :P22:08
sebrockalso get this before every export: August 27 22:51:45 server /usr/bin/mythexport-daemon[32039]: ERROR: cannot remove /var/Files/500GB/recordings/mythexport/TV6-Family_guy-Del_67_s_song_5-20090826203000.mp4.tmp. at line 535 in /usr/bin/mythexport-daemon22:09
rhpot1991sebrock: is that a dual pass, or h264?22:10
rhpot1991is it leaving random .tmp files behind?22:12
sebrockno not at all22:13
sebrockjust the mp4 file22:13
sebrockno biggie, just log output22:13
sebrockQuality is awful though22:14
rhpot1991what settings are you using?22:14
rhpot1991and what kinda ipod22:15
sebrockI have an iphone which has 480x32022:15
sebrockso I mage a custom config22:16
rhpot1991what bitrates?22:16
rhpot1991did you put a kb after that?22:16
sebrockmm no22:16
rhpot1991do that22:16
rhpot1991for the audio and video22:16
rhpot1991otherwise its just 1500b22:16
rhpot1991which is terrible :)22:16
rhpot1991I do 600kb for normal and 1200kb for high22:17
rhpot1991and you should be able to just use the ipod config, but in the end its all just a bunch of ffmpeg options22:17
sebrockI see now22:18
sebrockyou fix the regexp?22:18
rhpot1991sebrock: not really sure what the fix is at this point22:19
rhpot1991I could just not regex it, but then itunes gets mad about some chars22:19
rhpot1991and it was a whole readability thing22:20
sebrockI'm talking about the filename now not metadata22:20
rhpot1991I could do something like use mythrename on them, I'll have to think about it22:20
rhpot1991well the regex is prob the source of both issues I think22:20
sebrockYes, that one works22:20
sebrockAccording to AtomicParlsey they use unicode-822:21
rhpot1991which should work22:21
sebrockso it *should* work22:21
rhpot1991\w matches [a-zA-Z0-9]22:21
sebrockDon't know why really. Some conversion22:21
rhpot1991which is the issue22:21
rhpot1991so \W means anything not in those22:21
rhpot1991hence your chars22:21
sebrockoh wait, you still on the filename now?22:22
sebrockthat last part was meant for metadata22:22
rhpot1991well the same issue is effecting both I believe22:25
rhpot1991you can test it if you want, go find anywhere it does s/\W+\ and replace that with s/\s+\22:26
rhpot1991will just replace whitespace instead22:26
rhpot1991would help if I could type22:26
rhpot1991replace this: s/\W+/22:26
rhpot1991with this: s/\s+/22:26
rhpot1991do you get these characters in your callsigns at all?22:27
rhpot1991heading home, will be a delay till I respond22:28
=== MythbuntuGuest55 is now known as Xenocide
XenocideHey guys, anyone able to help me with mythchanger, or another script to get channel changing working on my 4250HDC?22:29
superm1way back when i had hacked some support into one of the firewire scripts but it was hacky so i never submitted it upstream22:49
XenocideHey mario hows it going man22:49
superm1i'd check with the current upstream stuff in the contrib/ directory on svn.mythtv.org to see if it has support these days for the 4250hdc22:49
superm1hey what's up dude22:49
Xenocidethink your daily builds have it???22:49
Xenocideer weekly22:49
Xenocidei had to use mythprime to even get the box going22:49
superm1well the contrib directory doesn't get built i dont think22:50
superm1it's usually a small little c file that's pretty straightforward to compile22:50
superm1gcc -o blah blah.c etc22:50
Xenocidehm, i tried majoridiots newest build of his script and i can't get it to work, ill check there though22:50
Xenocideyea i gotcha22:50
Xenocidehow does the IR blsater work in mythbuntu, i tried going that route ,but after i enabled it in the setup didn't know what to do with it22:50
Xenocideis that easier, or just try to get it going over firewire?22:50
superm1firewire is easier/more reliable etc22:51
superm1i ditched TWC anyway myself though22:51
Xenocidei have no other option22:51
Xenocidehow do i get this off svn.mythtv.org22:51
Xenocidetrying to find the contrib stuff22:52
superm1look in there22:53
Xenocideah i see channel changers22:53
Xenocidenone for mine, but a few other scientific atlantica boxes, I will try them, Thanks22:53
superm1good luck :)22:53
Xenocidethis is actually the same one i found on ubuntuforums22:54
Xenocidedidn't work for me :(22:54
rhpot1991sebrock: was thinking on the way home, does it put underscores in place for both the meta data and files names, or just the file names?22:57
superm1Xenocide, look on the mythtv-users ML for stuff about that box22:57
superm1if you dont find things, i can try to see if i still have the old HD that had my hacked sa4250ch binary22:58
superm1it's so disgusting. i can't believe it worked for me for 15 months22:58
sebrockrhpot1991, underscores is only for filenames. In iTunes (on a mac) metadata is shown as this: "baserad på en klassisk tv-serie, då hans katolska far kommer på besök." Yeah you see where there should be swedish chars23:00
sebrockbut that last one is atomicparsleys fault23:00
rhpot1991sebrock: and those normally work on itunes right?23:01
sebrockYes. Stuff from the Itunes store show with correct formatting23:02
rhpot1991sebrock: ok, lets do this, I'm kinda busy trying to finish something for the feature freeze, so next week I'll get a test build up on my PPA for you to try out, see if we can't fix those at all23:03
rhpot1991atomicparsley error might be out of my reach, but I'll have a look and see if there is an update or anything that might help23:03
sebrocksure thing, I'm going to bed now anyways23:04
rhpot1991ok sounds good, ping me next week so I don't forget about you23:04
sebrockMMmmm, I will look into the atomicparsley stuff and maybe file a bug if it's possible23:04
rhpot1991let me know if you find anything there23:05
sebrockAnd you do me... I have a terrible memory sometimes23:05
rhpot1991heh, ok sounds good23:05
sebrocksure gnite23:05

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