
Flannelmneptok: There's plenty of ways to promote free software without resorting to FUD00:20
Flannelor smear campaigns00:20
mneptokFlannel: add in the human factor, and FUD almost becomes inevitable.01:14
Flanneljussi01! you dare disturb our silence!07:16
jussi01/kickban Flannel what?07:17
Flanneljussi01: It's been six hours since someone disturbed our silence in -ops, yet you dared to.07:17
MyrttiFlannel: I've got one word for ya07:18
Myrtti:-รพ *PLLLLLRRRRRRLLLL*07:18
Myrttimac_v: hello07:19
mac_vMyrtti: hi... i want to have a look at the #ayatana irc log  , could you point me to the right url07:19
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:20
mac_vMyrtti: oh! thanx  :)07:20
elkyayatana is what?07:37
* elky googles07:37
elkyoh that07:37
ubottuleaf-sheep called the ops in #ubuntu (axle (Bot))12:24
* elky facepalms: * iPoRn has quit ("going offline")12:26
Mamarokbazhang: that HHDS guy, I wouldn't even ask, just would have removed him12:26
bazhangMamarok, well if I had access I would have considered :)12:27
bazhangthe bot seems to be Madgirl elky12:27
elkybazhang, wha? i dont see that...12:28
Mamarokbazhang: what bot?12:28
Mamarokah, in #u12:29
bazhangelky, every time he/she it responds to the phrase 'ubuntu' is identical12:29
elkybazhang, well ok, but i could not see that from the scrollback then, you may want to chase it up in -tw and -cn too, 3 ubuntu chans compared to only one of other projects means the botmaster is probably in one of those12:32
bazhangelky, have done so in the past with no leads, will continue though12:32
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=== Amaranth is now known as Amaranth__
Myrtti!away > daBomb|Not-Here13:42
Mamarokgah, what's with the people today14:11
Mamarokin #k every now and then somebbody comes in and talks nonsense brable or just says a silly thing and quits again14:11
eurythmiaThis may not be the right place to ask ... but if I was harassed by someone in a private message (unaffiliated with any of the #ubuntu rooms), how would I get the authorities at freenode to consider my case?14:14
bazhangeurythmia, PM staff in #freenode ?14:14
eurythmiabazhang, that seems like a good place to start, thanks :)14:14
bazhangrohff94, hello14:40
rohff94hello bazhang14:40
bazhangrohff94, how may we help you today14:40
rohff94you are a good gay bazhang, thanks14:42
rohff94without rancor  for what i told you14:42
bazhangrohff94, did you have something specific you needed?14:42
rohff94no i just would to saying you that14:43
bazhangrohff94, okay. Please don't idle in this channel if you have nothing further to discuss, thanks.14:45
rohff94ok bye14:46
* topyli wonders what the link is about, will not click14:48
ikoniawhat's the status of pidgi in 9.04 with yahoo, is it currently working ?15:56
ikoniaI of course meant to type pidgin15:57
topyliemail your jabber id to all your yahoo buddies and forget it :)16:04
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.16:04
jussi01no idea how current that is16:04
jussi01ikonia: also, pm16:04
* jussi01 sings away happily16:09
jussi01:D :D16:09
ikoniajussi01: ahhh it's still borked in 9.04 than16:11
ikoniaI'll look at PM's now too16:11
=== SportChick is now known as Guest59018
* jussi01 prods and pokes ikonia17:04
=== Guest59018 is now known as SportChick
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (odahilys)19:40
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (linux)20:31
=== essy is now known as Guest51107
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (BSDLICENCE)20:57
nikohe does ascii art flood on ##linux too20:58
nikoand also don't respond to pm20:58
=== Guest51107 is now known as SportChick
ikoniaje's toast then21:16
nikoquieted by me, sorry21:29
nikono time to alert21:29
ubottuTrijntje called the ops in #ubuntu (unnamedkiller)21:29
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (jebus)22:05
ikoniaon it22:06
ikoniait's fine22:06
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=== evilNiko is now known as niko
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
=== evilGary is now known as goodGary
=== njan is now known as evilnjan

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!