
=== Guest21595 is now known as Authority
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clustyhey. i am having some trouble getting LDAP based auth to work. i installed and imported data in the ldap server, installed on the client ldap-nss02:12
clustyand configured it to the bets of my knowledge, but getend still does not give out any new entries02:12
clustyhow can I check if it's a server issue or a client conf issue?02:13
clustyrather stuck i gotta say :(02:13
LiraNunais there a way to run apache2 with mod_chroot and provide it to what user to drop privilidges to per vhost?02:31
twbclusty: you must use auth-client-config to enable the lac_example template02:31
clustytwb, would you please tell me how to do it? :D02:32
twbYou need to work from hints because I am too busy to hold your hand.  Sorry.02:32
clustytwb, that profice does not exist02:41
clustytwb, only: 'ldap_example', 'lac_ldap'02:41
clustythat seems related02:41
twbclusty: I can't remember which02:41
clustytwb, if i enable both?02:42
qman__how do I disable the automatic installation of 'recommended' packages? I can't seem to find what I'm looking for on google02:51
qman__I have a package that wants to install X and a ton of deps, and I don't think it needs them02:53
qman__figured it out, it actually does depend on X02:56
ScottKkirkland: I think now I know better than to rely on packages.qa.debian.org for Ubuntu status of a package.  Sorry for the trouble.03:02
twbThey're m03:04
twbBleh, network problems here03:04
twbqman__: disable it in aptitude?03:05
clustytwb, i got the two parts to talk to each other nicely (including PAM). now i got the problem that the passwords in the LDAP db are bad (all set to {crypt}x)03:28
clustyif i remember correctly those are not good for logging in03:28
twbclusty: there's a filthy hack in /etc/passwd03:29
twbclusty: if the hash isn't valid, then there are no passwords which will match it03:29
clustyany clue how can i replace the passwd info from LDAP with the right stuff from /etc/passwd?03:29
twbclusty: I would not advise following that hack in LDAP03:29
clustytwb, what would you suggest i do?03:29
twbLock the account with the appropriate attribute03:30
twbI don't remember which it is offhand03:30
clustytwb, no no. i want accounts to be loggable. the import ldiff file must have been bad03:30
clustyldiff was generated by migrationtools03:31
clustyi want all in LDAP to actyually be able to log in03:31
twbI haven't had to migrate users, so I don't know03:31
twbOh, I see what happened03:31
twbIn passwd, if the password is x it's because you're using shadow passwords03:31
twbYou need to teach migrationtools to get the password from /etc/shadow03:31
clustyohhhh gosh03:32
clustyso i shoul dbe able to log in with x D:?03:32
twbIt's probably just a CLI option03:32
twbclusty: no, not at all.03:32
twbclusty: in /etc/passwd, x has special meaning.  It doesn't in LDAP AFAIK.03:32
clustygot it. lemme look at migran tools03:32
twbx is a hack because passwd is a file and you can't restrict read access to individual fields in a file, like you can in LDAP.  Hence /etc/shadw.03:33
clustytwb, but you would not know how I can replace the stuff ?03:33
twbclusty: no03:33
twbRather: I do not know.03:33
clustythanks a bunch03:33
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uvirtbotNew bug: #346875 in unixodbc (main) "package unixodbc 2.2.11-16build2 failed to install/upgrade: package unixodbc is already installed and configured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34687508:53
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\shhmm...why don't we have in our heartbeat package the iscsi resource.d script? looks like it's gone missing or was never there11:23
ivokswhich version?11:24
ivoksin karmic heartbeat is just a part of pacemaker11:24
\shivoks: jaunty heartbeat 2.1.4-211:24
\shdpkg -L heartbeat|grep resource.d -> no iscsi resource script ;)11:25
\shoh wait11:25
\shit's in /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/ not in /etc/ha.d/resource.d11:26
\shivoks: do you think that this ocf powered shell script can be used in a heartbeat 1 haresource configuration?11:34
ivoksdon't know :/11:35
a_okwhy do i get these errors from /etc/cron.daily/apt: No value set for `/system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy'11:44
cjwatsonsoren: where would be a good place on the filesystem to put the node preseed file generated at cluster installation time?11:45
matttanyone here using LDAP to authenticate system users?11:45
a_okhow can I see what package pulled in gconf2?12:07
alvin_a_ok: aptitude why gconf212:11
a_okalvin_: thank you12:13
sorencjwatson: hmm.. Does it have any information that the user might want to edit?12:21
cjwatsonit's possible, yes12:24
sorencjwatson: In that case, I think I'd stick it in /etc/eucalyptus somewhere.12:25
sorencjwatson: Sounds good.12:26
cjwatsonor I suppose .conf is more in line with everything else there12:26
cjwatsonI was then planning to add a <Location/> section to httpd-cc.conf to make /node.preseed point to that12:28
sorenI was thinking of using an Alias, but that's just a matter of style.12:29
cjwatsonsoren: yeah, I realised that Alias was better myself, and then came back and read your comment :)13:00
cjwatsonsoren: lp:~cjwatson/eucalyptus/installer ?13:00
sorencjwatson: Sorry, I'm sorting out a trainwreck that demands my full concentration. Give me 20 minutes.13:06
sorencjwatson: Looks good (I had a spare few minutes waiting for a build to complete).13:11
sorencjwatson: Feel free to upload. It will ftbfs, though, due to aforementioned trainwreck.13:12
cjwatsonsoren: ok. not tested at all anyway. I'm still working on some of the preseeding details13:16
cjwatsonsoren: I've done the bit to stick the cluster's public key on each node. I think the last major remaining bit is the code to discover avahi-advertised nodes13:35
cjwatsonsoren: any thoughts on the interface? euca_conf --register-nodes already exists - maybe if it's given no nodes it should fall back to avahi? or should it be a different option?13:35
rtg_kirkland, are there any userspace packages that take advantage of KSM yet? I'm considering ripping it out completely.13:41
cjwatsonsoren: (this is all for when you have a moment) I'm having real difficulty setting up a proper test environment for this, though. I only really have one kvm-capable machine and it's a bit low on memory, so setting up VMs takes ages. I heard you have a nice quick server-testing setup ...?13:46
sorenrtg_: kvm does.13:46
mattttrying to understand if libpam-ldap is actually required to authenticate ALL logins against LDAP13:46
rtg_soren, did ti work OK with -rc6 ?13:46
sorenrtg_: It's hard to tell.13:46
garymcanyone know how I could in stall xlite softphone?13:46
sorenrtg_: I don't know how to tell (other than loading up a bunch of identical VMs and see how it affects the total memory usage.13:47
sorencjwatson: I do. It won't work for this, though.13:47
sorencjwatson: How about euca_conf --discover-nodes?13:47
rtg_soren, ok, perhaps I'll restore KSM to the way it was for -rc613:47
sorenrtg_: I'm curious how it manages to break encrypted swap.13:48
garymcive tried sudo apt-get install x-lite13:48
cjwatsonsoren: oh, are your VMs not bridged or something?13:49
rtg_soren, its too deep for me to figure out in a short while, but the KSM stuff reaches into the VM, so it seems likely.13:49
cjwatsonsoren: --discover-nodes would be OK13:49
sorencjwatson: They are, but the server-testing setup won't help you. It's just good for testing a whole bunch of installs really quickly.13:50
sorenrtg_: I'm just surprised encrypted swap breaks, but regular swap doesn't, /because/ it's in the VM layer. I would have thought the vm layer was agnostic as to whether or not the underlying swap device was encrypted or not.13:51
cjwatsonsoren: well, maybe I didn't mean the actual server-testing setup, I was wondering if you had machines beefy enough to be able to test this stuff before the heat death of the universe13:51
sorencjwatson: I suppose I do.13:52
sorencjwatson: They're just busy building stuff for me these days.13:52
cjwatsonI'll see what I can do, but I've tended to end up doing yak-shaving to try to cobble together enough disk space and such when I've tried ...13:53
sorencjwatson: I don't actually need the vm extensions to do the install, I suppose, so if you have other hardware for testing, you can just use that?13:53
sorencjwatson: Err... "/You/ don't actually need" etc.13:54
cjwatsonnot very conveniently :-( I keep having too much to do to maintain the computers around here properly ...13:54
cjwatsonI'll see what I can do but don't hold out a lot of hope just noww13:54
cjwatsonhmm, the iMac over <- there has the VM extensions, that might help13:55
a_oki have a jaunty server that is verry slow at establishing incomming connections but only from an external source. listing arp is very slow aswel. what could be wrong here?14:03
a_okonce connection is established its fast though14:04
cjwatsona_ok: usually slow or broken reverse DNS14:07
a_okcjwatson: but it uses the same DNS server etc as the rest14:08
cjwatsonjust a guess to point you in the right direction, afraid I don't have time to dig into details14:08
a_okcjwatson: besides arp -a should still show entries almost on the fly regardless of dns14:08
sorena_ok: No.14:09
sorena_ok: arp also tries to resolve IP addresses to host names.14:09
a_oksoren: ?14:09
sorena_ok: Try: arp a-n14:09
sorenarp -an14:09
soren-n tells arp to not attempt DNS resolution.14:10
ewooka_ok: is it running apache?14:13
ewookoh, wrong person.14:14
ewooka_ok: disable the lookup in apache and it will run faster.14:14
alvin_What's the alternative for XDMCP nowadays?14:15
a_okewook: nope tomcat, ssh, mysql14:16
ewookwell, is tomcat doing lookups on connections?14:17
a_okewook: don't know but will check if arp -an is fast in a min14:17
henkjanalvin_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NX_technology14:18
alvin_NX is cool. (I'm using it already), but I'm really looking for (more or less) the same functionality as XDMCP. Give multiple users a desktop environment. Server and clients are Ubuntu.14:20
alvin_We're migrating from Solaris CDE desktops to Linux KDE. People are used to XDMCP, but I've noticed  it's hard to set it up on Ubuntu Server.14:22
henkjanalvin_: check the ltsp-server project14:24
sorenalvin_: Really? I find it extremely straightforward.14:26
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alvin_henkjan: ltsp is another cool project, but we will not be using diskless clients. (A mix of Ubuntu clients (well, X servers...) and Exceed on Windows)14:28
sorenalvin_: Find the [xdmcp] section in your gdm.conf. Add "enable=true". Done.14:28
sorenalvin_: What's the problem you're running into?14:29
alvin_soren: Well, there are several. We're not using gdm, but kdm (Kubuntu) or just X. I'd like to be able to use something like 'exec X -indirect {name-of-server}'14:30
sorenalvin_: I don't know how kdm does it. If it helps, you can easily use gdm even though the desktop session will run KDE.14:30
VirtualDisasteralvin_, freeNX?14:31
VirtualDisastersounds better imo14:31
alvin_VirtualDisaster: NX is not an option. They suffer from a bug which crashes TK windows. Some of our software is TK based.14:32
alvin_Thanks soren. I'll do a few tests14:32
VirtualDisasteralvin_, oic, well good luck14:33
ScottKalvin_: You might ask Riddell in #kubuntu-devel.  I think he knows about such stuff too.14:33
VirtualDisasteralvin_, btw thx for mentioning Exceed, never heard of it before14:33
alvin_ScottK: Thanks, I will14:34
alvin_VirtualDisaster: Well, it's costly, but has a lot of functions and works very good14:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #419919 in libapache-mod-auth-kerb (universe) "Segfault when using apache2-mpm-worker." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41991914:36
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a_okalvin_: so how do I fix reverse dns stuff?14:43
a_okits just a test machine in a localnetwork so no need for DNS stuff at all14:44
henkjanalvin_: ssh -X also works great14:45
alvin_henkjan: yes, but only for single applications. I really want a full desktop (even dual screen)14:48
alvin_In the meantime, it works. I was forgotten that I had these problems before: (Bug 86021)14:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 86021 in libxdmcp "XDMCP does not work without reverse dns" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8602114:49
garymcwhen i ssh to my other server connected to my ethernet switch, how do i bring up a terminal window for that server? im in ubuntu 9.04 LTSP14:57
garymcnevermind done it15:05
hattoricaca1hello i have a firewall with filter policy DROP on INPUT and FORWARD. Would i do better dropping in PREROUTING-nat? (as the packets don't have to travel all prerouting, conntrack, routing and most of the input/forward chains to be discarded)15:08
aubreis there some more definitive guidance on how to set up Eucalyptus on jaunty? The community Eucalyptus documentation leaves me with a lot of questions.15:23
giovaniby "the community documentation" do you mean help.ubuntu.com?15:29
giovaniaubre: *15:29
aubregiovani: yes15:33
aubreI think I need to step back , reinstall and follow the instructions more closely15:34
BrixSat_Hello how can i view the spent resources of a process?16:06
clustyBrixSat_, like ram/cputime... ?16:32
BrixSat_clusty yes16:43
clustyBrixSat_, i use htop for that16:43
clustyyou have to install it16:43
clustytop is an ugly version16:44
BrixSat_ok ;)16:45
BrixSat_do yo know any free shell?16:46
monteithmy connection to proftpd times out/fails to retrieve a directory listing while trying to connect16:48
monteithanybody know what config setting i likely missed?16:48
monteithAug 27 15:41:31 fiveunder proftpd[8104] fiveunder (c-24-118-215-40.hsd1.mn.comca                                                                                                                               st.net[::ffff:]): Passive data transfer failed, possibly due to net                                                                                                                               work issues16:51
clustyis there some guide how to get NFS homes working?17:00
sgsaxclusty: many ways to do that17:03
sgsaxwe use the automount daemon17:03
clustysgsax, so i just managed to get auth working with ldap17:04
sgsaxcongrats, that can be a pain17:04
clustysgsax, is it that the mount is a post-auth step and unmount is delog?17:04
clustyor the mounts are persistent?17:04
sgsaxamd leaves the share mounted for a period after it is no longer needed, I don't know for sure what the timeout is17:05
sgsaxhonestly, this was setup before I got here, so I don't know what the reasoning was insted of just nfs-mounting /home directly17:06
clustysgsax, ok. lemme set the server to export the /home and test by hand. will come back with questions after that :D17:07
sgsaxsure, that's easy enough :)17:07
sgsaxyou can skip amd by just adding the nfs mountpoint in your /etc/fstab17:08
clustydo i need to worry about permissions over nfs?17:09
sgsaxnope, they are carried forward17:09
sgsaxuids/gids are looked up in ldap17:10
clustysgsax, you have any suggestion for rsize and wsize or however that stuff is called?17:21
sgsaxclusty: nope, I don't set those values, so it's using whatever the default is17:29
clustysgsax, hard or soft mount?17:30
sgsaxI think hard is the default17:31
sgsaxI don't specify this either17:31
clustysgsax, is there any advantage to have automount do it's thing?17:36
giovaniaubre: the instructions seem very adaquate to me -- they're for getting it installed, they're not meant to be a howto on how to use it in general -- the official project docs are for that17:36
aubregiovani: I'm making progress now, thanks17:37
aubreI may raise some bugs later though17:37
sgsaxlike I said, I don't know what the justification was for going that route17:37
chmacUbuntu 8.04. Jobs created through `crontab -e` work for my user, but jobs created via `sudo crontab -e` are not being run. Any suggestions on how to debug?17:50
Oracle11ggood day guys...17:53
Oracle11gI have a question on partitioning... is advisable install swap space in the lower cylinders?17:55
chmacHola Oracle11g17:55
Oracle11ghola chmac :)17:55
chmacOracle11g: Do you have a single disk?17:56
Oracle11gchmac: theoretically, yes :P17:56
chmacOracle11g: :-)17:56
chmacOracle11g: Personally, I would lay out my disk in a nice fashion orderly fashion purely for recovery purposes, etc17:57
chmacOracle11g: I think seek times are based on where the read head is now and where it needs to get to, so the start or the end of the disk probably isn't any quicker17:57
chmacOracle11g: Statistically, the centre of the disk is probably the fastest to access, it's only ever 50% away from the head, whereas one edge could be 100% from the head17:58
chmacOracle11g: Know anything about debugging cron? root's crontab is not being called on my server for some reason :-(17:59
Oracle11gsorry chmac I don't know about debugging cron :(18:00
Oracle11gchmac: I don't remember where I read about is a good experience install swap and /var in the partitions that could be the edge of the disk18:01
jmedinachmac: probably it is about env varibables18:05
jmedinaI remember there is a option for sudoers or something...18:05
chmacjmedina: Ok, thanks, I'll do some searching18:07
jmedinachmac: are the cron entry actually written ?18:07
jmedinatry sudo crontab -l18:07
chmacjmedina: Yeah, it's being written ok, or at least read back by crontab -l18:08
jmedinachmac: chec your logs18:08
chmacjmedina: Good thinking :-)18:09
jmedinachmac: you need to comment out the line18:09
jmedina#cron.*                         /var/log/cron.log18:09
jmedinafrom /etc/syslog.conf and restart sysklogd and then check your log :)18:09
chmacHmm, I see "User account has expired" in the logs18:10
chmacLooks like because the root account is disabled, cron won't run it's tasks18:10
chmacLogs, logs, logs, always a good place to start. :-)18:14
chmacTurns out the workaround is `sudo passwd --unlock root` then `sudo usermod --lock root` :-)18:18
philsturgeonhey guys. im no linux noob i have just completly forgotten how to go about this. my server has no network connection after a period of inactivity. how to even start debugging?18:33
philsturgeonmy inactivity, i mean i havent fired it up in a few months, now it doesnt work18:33
chmacphilsturgeon: Can you connect to the machine in another way?18:33
chmacphilsturgeon: Are you physically in front of it?18:34
chmacphilsturgeon: I'd start with `sudo /etc/init.d/network restart`18:34
philsturgeongot a monitor and keyboard18:34
chmacphilsturgeon: Run that command without the back ticks :-)18:34
Linaxyshey I'm trying to install ubuntuserver on my new server, it's the first time I install a server, my harddisks are detected in RAID, and when I'm at the partitions table screen setup, I see no partition table at all, I can't install...18:36
Linaxyshas anyone got an idea please ?18:36
Linaxyswhen I use fdisk, it detects my hard drive :/18:36
clustyLinaxys, hardware raid?18:36
philsturgeonchmac: still no luck18:36
chmacLinaxys: Does fdisk show any partitions?18:36
philsturgeonchmac: no18:36
chmacphilsturgeon: sudo ifconfig eth018:36
philsturgeonchmac: No DHCPOFFERS recieved18:36
Linaxyschmac, it shows the hard disk, but I was able to create a new partition inside it with "n" and save with "w"18:37
chmacphilsturgeon: Is your server configured to get an IP address dynamically?18:37
Linaxysclusty, I think yes, it's hardware raid18:37
philsturgeonshould do18:37
Linaxysclusty, I'm not sure how to enable/disable it in the bios18:37
chmacLinaxys: When you go through the installer, can you create partitions as part of the setup process?18:37
philsturgeonchmac: eth0 shows results18:37
chmacphilsturgeon: sudo ifconfig18:37
clustyLinaxys, well you are tryign to install/boot from the raid?18:37
philsturgeonchmac: only eth0 and lo18:38
Linaxyschmac, I really can't at all, it says like "Help for partition setup" "[white space]" "Cancel every partitions modifications", "Back"18:38
clustyLinaxys, if yes, you need to init the raid ARRAY before you start installation18:38
Linaxysclusty, I don't really know, I'm a pure newbie with servers and raids...18:38
clustyLinaxys, ok. tell me how you know it's a raid? :D18:38
chmacLinaxys: Sounds like clusty can help, I'm out of my depth with raid stuff :-)18:38
Linaxyshmm, something that handles the hard disk and prevent it from crashing ?18:38
clustyLinaxys, no no. not what is a raid. how do you know your disks are in raid now?18:39
chmacphilsturgeon: The error message suggests to me that eth0 is trying to get an IP dynamically18:39
chmacphilsturgeon: Does it show the IP via sudo ifconfig eth0 ? If not, you could set it manually18:39
Linaxysyeah because I saw in my config my hard disks are in raid, and the setup always asks me something about raid18:39
philsturgeonchmac: my bad dude its a physical networking issue18:39
clustyLinaxys, using intel matrix storage by any chance?18:39
Linaxyshmmm, I've never seen that, but my serverboard and cpu are both intel18:39
Linaxysgonna check it out in the bios18:40
clustyLinaxys, where are your HDD's plugged in?18:40
clustyin the mobo or in some funny extra card?>18:40
Linaxysi don't know exactly, I've checked that out, I haven't seen a SATA plug into the mainboard18:40
Linaxysbut maybe it's some funny extra card18:40
clustywhen you boot the PC what do you see? any mentions of stuff like: "Loading BIOS" press alt+i or whatever toi enter RAID BIOS ?18:41
LinaxysI try that18:41
Linaxysso, in the bios config, SATA Mode, I see : Enhanced, Compatibility, Ahci, SW RAID18:46
Linaxysshould I use SW RAID ? When I use Enhanced, I see my hard disk in the bios config list, I see it two times, same name, same space :/18:47
clustyLinaxys, is it some ASUS type of mobo?18:47
Linaxyshmm, I think it's Intel18:48
Linaxyscompletely intel, it show the "Intel Serverboard" logo on the boot, I see no other ASUS18:48
clustyi am a bit lost. did you configure the type of raid?18:50
clustyLinaxys, like RAID 0,1,5,10 ?18:50
clustythe RAID scheme to use18:50
Linaxyshmm I haven't touched anything once I received the server18:51
Linaxysit was plugged, ready..18:51
Linaxyssoo, do I have to unplug the hard drive ? which RAID mode should I use ?18:51
ScottKIf it's SW RAID, then it needs a 'driver'.  Consult Google to see if one exists (or might be in the Linux kernel already)18:52
ScottKIf you don't find one, SW RAID is definitely not what you want.18:52
clustywell worse case worst you can use MD18:53
clustythat is the linux soft raid thing18:53
clustybut that will probably suck for a lot of reasons18:53
deathtechHello All18:53
deathtechWere looking to possibly implement a linux based solution ( LTSP ) as a terminal server. I have been tasked with finding out the best software packages to use for linux that would allow us to manage the systems at an enterprise level18:54
deathtechPatching, security, remote usage, reporting, etc18:54
pmatulisdeathtech: begin here -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/18:55
deathtechLandscape appears to do something similar to this, but i was wondering if there are alternative s?18:55
deathtechyes, the LTSP part i have done, its just "Ok , it works great. Now how do we manage 1500 of them ?"18:55
pmatulis1500 LTSP servers?18:56
stefgdeathtech: you mean load balancing?18:56
pmatuliskirkland: do you have much experience in converting from vmdk to quemu disk formats?18:59
kirklandpmatulis: sorry, none at all18:59
LinaxysI've just switched to Enhanced SATA mode18:59
Linaxysthen when the setup asked me to enable the RAID service stuff, I said no18:59
Linaxysand I'm formatting the hard disk now :D19:00
Linaxyswell, I hope I won't need RAID in the future19:01
stefgdeathtech: http://www.nomachine.com/products.php might be worth a look, too19:01
deathtechSorry , no not load balancing19:07
deathtechConf call  :p19:07
deathtechjust mass server management basically19:07
stefgdeathtech: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/landscape-system-management-tool19:09
stefgdeathtech: but forget 'bout the sparc machines... http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NjM5MA19:11
deathtechand that is EXACTLY what im looking for. however, i have looked at that, and im looking for other alternatives, so i have a comparison19:11
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clustydeathtech, i am planing to use puppet19:28
clustydeathtech, to clone confs accros multiple servers19:29
sgsaxdeathtech: you looked at cfengine?19:46
Linaxyshmm I don't really understand... how can I connect to my openssh server with winscp ? I've just done a little sudo apt-get install openssh-server, and rebooted, "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start", and I try to login inside it it doesn't reply at all :S19:47
Linaxysdo i have anything else to do once I've installed it ?19:47
deathtechNo sir19:48
deathtechcfengine ?19:48
sgsaxLinaxys: out of the box config should be sufficient19:48
VirtualDisasterLinaxys, ssh is pretty much plug and play19:48
VirtualDisasterinstall and then connect19:48
sgsaxdeathtech: http://www.cfengine.org/19:48
VirtualDisasterLinaxys, make sure youre using the proper IP and username etc19:48
deathtechLinaxys : Also check your Routing :)19:49
Linaxyshmm yeah I'm using a router, I don't know if it blocks ports but I am in the same network, like
sgsaxLinaxys: and make sure apparmor isn't getting in the way19:49
VirtualDisastersgsax, apparmor?19:49
sgsaxLinaxys: if you can connect via ssh, you should be able to connect via scp19:49
VirtualDisasterubuntu doesnt use that by default does it?19:49
sgsaxI believe 8.04 does19:50
jdstrandapparmor does not confine ssh20:01
jdstrandVirtualDisaster, sgsax: ^20:03
VirtualDisasterah nice ty20:03
sgsaxjdstrand: good to know20:05
=== Oracle11g_ is now known as svTuxRacer
aubrefor some reason when I try to gunzip ubuntu-uec-jaunty-amd64.img.gz (a 600mb file) it grows until it fills the hard disk partition or I kill it20:42
aubrelast time I killed it it had gotten up to 30 GB20:43
nick125aubre: That's possible..20:45
aubrewell it seemed odd20:46
nick125You can compress a lot of zeros down to nothing :)20:46
aubreI got those from here http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/jaunty/current/20:46
aubreare they supposed to be that large?20:46
Sam-I-Amanyone here use xubuntu karmic?20:48
Sam-I-Amer, wrong chan...20:49
aubrehmm maybe I was a decimal point off with that lol20:50
ruben23hi guys i run apt-get as root and i got this output----->http://pastebin.ca/1545008  its like no activity its not downloading any packages or files..21:04
ruben23anyone have ideas on this21:04
ruben23i run apt-get update21:05
ruben23what i mean sorry21:05
qman__looks like it updated fine21:07
qman__if you want to install updated packages, you now need to run sudo apt-get upgrade21:07
qman__apt-get update updates the database information, apt-get upgrade installs new package versions21:08
qman__you need to run both, in that order, to fully update your system21:08
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=== Authority is now known as Guest35136
=== Authority is now known as Guest65388
cemcis there a way to boot with a non-default kernel once, so that grub selects that, but only at the next reboot?23:01
cemcafter that it reverts back to the default kernel23:01
kinnazyou can use e to edit the boot line23:01
kinnazat boot time23:01
kinnazor modify default for one boot23:01
giovanikinnaz: he might be interested in testing a new kernel remotely23:01
kinnaztesting new kernel without drac :P?23:02
kinnazsounds like fail23:02
giovanifreebsd has a feature for this, where you can boot a kernel once, and if it fails to boot, it'll boot the last kernel next23:02
giovanikinnaz: let's not get manuf-specific23:02
giovaniusing non-standard IPMI cards is fail23:02
clustyi am trying to get DNS working on the local host. so far I can ping the DNS server from the rest of network, but i cannot ping the rest of the network from the DNS machine (ping=resolve DNS)23:02
giovanibut not everyone has thatl uxury23:02
clustyany got a clue what could be going on?23:03
giovanis/thatl uxury/that luxury/23:03
cemcyeah, it's like that. It's a remote server and I have impi to reset it,23:03
giovaniclusty: that you haven't set /etc/resolv.conf correctly?23:03
cemcbut I don't have SOL (yet)23:03
giovanicemc: SOL?23:03
cemcSerial Over LAN, to control grub23:03
clustygiovani, the server has a search debian.lan and a nameserver stanza23:04
giovanigotcha -- just hadn't heard the acronym used much23:04
clustydebian.lan being the local domain23:04
kinnazserial over lan23:04
kinnaznever heard of that23:04
giovaniclusty: I don't know what stanza is to you ... but you shouldn't be putting DNS names in /etc/resolv.conf23:04
giovanikinnaz: it's standard in good IPMI cards23:04
giovaniit's serial console for the 21st century23:04
kinnazhmmmz i do have serials on some servers never figured out for what to use them thou23:04
kinnazhow does it work ?23:04
giovanikinnaz: google it23:05
kinnazdo i need some extra hw for that ?23:05
kinnaznot including the card itself23:05
giovaniif you don't have an IPMI card that provides serial console, then yes, you need one23:05
giovanior you can do it the way it's been done for a decade or two23:05
giovaniwhich is to use a serial terminal server23:05
giovanibut then you're using the physical serial port23:05
cemcback to my original question :) can I boot with a kernel once ?23:05
giovaninot a virtual serial interface over the internet23:05
giovanicemc: I'm not sure -- I'd google it23:06
giovaniyou're using grub, I presume?23:06
giovanilook at that23:06
giovanifirst google hit23:06
giovaniwhy I had to do that I don't know23:06
clustygiovani, http://pastebin.com/m7804432823:06
clusty192.168.0.1 is localhost23:06
cemcgiovani: mhm, found it also23:07
giovaniclusty: nope, it's
clustyother is the DSL router23:07
giovanithat's not the loopback23:07
giovaninetstat -anp | grep :5323:07
cemcgrub ftw ;)23:07
clustyshould i switch to loopback?23:07
giovani... sigh23:07
giovanitype in there23:07
giovanibut I don't know that your DNS server is listening on that interface23:07
giovaniso run the netstat line I gave you above23:07
clustygiovani, not working: http://pastebin.com/m71c13e1323:09
clustywill run now23:09
clustygiovani, http://pastebin.com/m464beee723:09
clustyseems to be running23:09
giovaniof course it's working23:09
giovaniyou just pasted output showing that it's working23:09
giovaniI don't know why you're not providing dig with a FQDN23:10
giovanithat's silly23:10
clustywanna see zone file?23:10
clustyand the dns conf?23:10
giovaniI'm not gonna help with configuring that23:10
giovanimaybe someone else has the time23:10
giovaniyou haven't demonstrated that anything's wrong23:10
kinnazmoney can buy anything23:10
clustygiovani, well i spent maybe 1 week to get dns up to this stage :D23:11
cemcgiovani: it worked, with this: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Booting-fallback-systems.html#Booting-fallback-systems23:29
giovanicemc: is that a different method than the url I pasted? (just curious)23:37
cemcjust a little bit different, it's on the same page actually,23:44
cemcon what you pasted23:44

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