
mrooney|wHello, I noticed the installation instructions say "If you see "Could not find package 'ubuntuone-client-gnome'.", just click the install button a  second time. This is a known issue" but the bug is marked as Fix Released in 9.04+, should that be removed?01:06
arandPrivacy concern: Bug reports of ubuntuone contains file .home.mw..cache.ubuntuone.log.syncdaemon.log.txt which lists all files in ubuntuone,11:26
thisfredmorning folks12:41
* jblount_ waves a hello13:17
statikhi rodrigo_, using todays version of tomboy in karmic when i go to the sync tab, it is pre-filled to www.ubuntuone.com/notes, but clicking the button immediately returns with 'server not responding'. we don't use the www prefix, so i wonder if tomboy can't handle the redirect?13:42
jblount_statik: Hi! Does removing the www cause the applet to crash for you?13:44
=== jblount_ is now known as jblount
statikjblount, it sure does. can you report it? ubuntu-bug tomboy i think13:46
statikjblount, are you back today?13:46
jblountstatik: will do, I'm FACEing it up today, so seems right within my jobs.13:46
jblountYes! back in action.13:47
arandBug #41982113:47
ubottuBug 419821 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/419821 is private13:47
jblountRemind me never to go to a church meeting that is all day... ever again.13:47
arandsorry Bug #41989513:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419895 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone bug reports lists possibly private filenames/paths" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41989513:48
arandShould privacy concerns like this be marked as security* as well?13:48
jblountarand: I saw you mention that earlier, sorry no one got back with you.13:48
statikarand, no; because they are not security concerns. i'm very interested in getting the privacy thing solved though13:49
statikthe file name is a pretty key piece of information when trying to sort out a bug report in a file sharing tool13:50
statikbut it's also probably surprising to some people that the log would have the filenames13:50
jblountstatik: Would a warning solve most of the problem?13:51
arandjblount: no probs. got some help over in #ubuntu-bugs, so now it's reported as a bug at least.13:51
statikjblount, arand: we hook into ubuntu's apport system for collecting logs and reporting bugs, we may be able to flag our reports as containing sensitive information, or change how we log, or both13:52
statiktoday my main focus will be getting the metadata update related crashers in the version of ubuntuone-client that was released to karmic yesterday fixed.13:53
arandstatik: yea, masking the log like I've done does leave out a lot of information... Preferable would be if specific attachments can be marked as private whilst the whole report remained public... but that's a feature request in LP I guess...13:55
jblountarand: That's assumming that the person submitting the log is cool with lp:~ubuntuone-hackers looking at their log, which may not always be the case.13:58
arandIndeed... Hm.. it seems the automatic set-to-public was done after my bug was declared a duplicate: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/419821 The 'original one' is still private... Is this an error on apport retracing service's part?14:01
ubottuError: This bug is private14:01
jblountAh, right on. This is an interesting problem though, I do appreciate you bringing it up.14:01
statikthat sure sounds like a bug on the retracer14:05
arandjblount: statik: should I add apport (ubuntu) to this bug report then?14:06
LordMetroidWhat the hell, what kind of useless synchronization service is this if I can not keep my folders and symlinks synced...14:08
LordMetroidI have more than 700 files in my developement workspace I can't sit and upload each and everyone individually14:08
jblountLordMetroid: Hi! I'm not sure I understand "upload each and everyone individually", have you tried out the desktop client?14:09
LordMetroidIt opens the firefox browser14:10
jblountLordMetroid: Absolutely :), it should do that just the first time though in order to get your computer associated with your Ubuntu One account via Oauth. Did you see a largish "add my computer" button?14:11
LordMetroidI added my computer14:11
jblountLordMetroid: Nice! With your computer added, moving folders and files into ~/Ubuntu One/ should get them started syncing / uploading, does that work for you?14:12
LordMetroidBut where is the gnome client14:12
LordMetroidThat was sneaky14:12
jblountLordMetroid: It is a client, but the real beauty is that we're using the awesomness of Nautilus and the Gnome desktop to hold your files. We're just doing some nice stuff to keep them sync'd up :)14:13
LordMetroidInteresting though the update seem to take sometime to say the least or maybe that is because I only have 25KiB/s download speed14:22
LordMetroidThough the symlinking really needs to be added, that way I can reach my synchronized files right from the desktop14:23
LordMetroidAlso having the download status bar would be nice14:23
jblountLordMetroid: Agreed (on both). We'll be doing a "sync arbritary files" instead of symlinks, so you right click on some folder somewhere and say "sync with Ubuntu One" or similar, and it's added.14:24
jblountLordMetroid: And we'll have some more progress / notification stuff very soon. It's already in trunk if you feel like running lp:ubuntuone-client (although I wouldn't suggest it, we have a stalwart QA team that need to look over the work there)14:25
dobeyif you left-click on the applet now, it opens a menu and shows you the status14:25
jblountdobey: Nice, has that rolled to the beta ppa?14:26
LordMetroidtheir is no applet to click on14:26
jblountLordMetroid: You are on Jaunty or Karmic?14:26
dobeyjblount: oh, maybe not14:27
jblountLordMetroid: That may have something to do with it. dobey has been working hard on getting stuff done for Karmic, and I don't think we've rolled that stuff into the Jaunty ppa yet.14:27
jblountdobey: It's hard to keep my head straight, with 3 or 4 versions rolling around. I can't wait to use your notification stuff, it's going to be great.14:28
LordMetroidDo people update their system with every new release of Ubuntu... I do so I'll get the new and improved features pretty soon14:28
dobeymore like before the release...14:28
jblountYeah, we update a few months before, to help test and make the new release exponentially better.14:29
LordMetroidHmm, maybe one should do that oneself14:29
LordMetroidIs their a netinstall for the alpha 4?14:30
dobeyupdate-manager -d14:31
rodrigo_statik: hmm, maybe14:53
rodrigo_statik: what happens if you remove the www from the url?14:54
jblountrodrigo_: It crashes14:56
jblountI was trying to report the problem via ubuntu-bug, but it was having trouble too :)14:56
rodrigo_I was getting invalid certificates here, looking now14:56
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountOH HAI HAKERz I HAZ MISSED U (a simple "me" will get you into the meeting, documenting DONE / TODO / BLOCKED will get you out)15:00
jblountstatik, urbanape ?15:01
dobeyyou forgot me!15:02
dobeywhere is the love15:02
* jblount hugs dobey 15:02
jblountCardinalFang: When you are ready15:03
teknicoBlue Nile come to mind15:03
CardinalFangDONE: desktopcouch 0.315:03
CardinalFangTODO: gwibber fixes.  desktopcouch polish / bugfixes.15:03
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:03
CardinalFangI, for one, would love to hear what teknico is up to.15:03
teknicoDONE: analysis of the current web ui code and markup for contacts and phones15:03
teknicoTODO: discussing the the contacts CRUD web ui with matt, working on the contacts CRUD web ui15:03
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:03
tekniconext: jblount15:03
jblountDONE: Being AFK for two days, trying to stay sane15:03
jblountTODO: FACE duty, so triage irc and searching for ways to communicate awesomness15:03
jblountBLOCKED: Nope (although I could use some breakfast)15:03
jblountrodriogo_: rocknroll15:03
rodrigo_• DONE: changes polling in couchdb-glib15:03
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. oAuth authentication and signing of all couchdb-glib requests. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers)15:03
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:03
rodrigo_dobey: go15:03
dobey☭ DONE: Hooked up bw throttling dbus calls to UI, 0.93.0 feature freeze released15:03
dobey☭ TODO: Minor crisis, OAuth forking15:03
dobey☭ BLCK: None.15:03
dobeystatik: rock and roll15:04
statikDONE: desktopcouch 0.3, erlang MIR stuff15:04
statikTODO: figure out what to do since contacts sync missed feature freeze. help with ubuntuone-client crashes15:04
statikBLCK: nope15:04
* jblount tags urbanape for statik15:04
urbanapeDONE: Minor branch pushing for ubunet. Bindwood noodling.15:04
urbanapeTODO: Bindwood15:05
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:05
urbanapeI think that's it?15:05
jblountMEETING ENDS15:05
arandstatik: jblount: I reported the apport duplicate->public issue as separate (419895), so (419895) stands on it's own: whatever should be done with U1's report attachments.15:06
urbanapeso, my mac crashed yesterday evening. Was there a resolution to the pqm test problems we'd been seeing?15:06
statikarand, thank you very much!15:06
arandhang on, first one should be (419929).15:07
dobeywell i guess the new server is deployed15:13
james_wdobey: hey, do you have an eta for the first pass?15:13
dobeyjames_w: of the oauth fork?15:13
dobeyjames_w: should have something working by EOD today15:14
james_wlaunchpadlib is currently broken in karmic due to the oauth issues, and there will be increasing clamour to fix it15:14
dobeyjames_w: minor crisis with latest ubuntuone packages in karmic, and as soon as i get that fixed, it's on to oauth :)15:14
james_wI think I still need to fix launchpadlib in some manner15:14
pfibigerurbanape: yes, pqm is sorted, but it's in 'release critical' mode which means branches have to be approved by statik to be submitted, since there are critical bufxies that are en route.15:15
rodrigo_statik, jblount: http://www.ubuntuone.com redirects correctly to https://ubuntuone.com in FF for me15:15
dobeyjames_w: so i shouldn't update launchpadlib yet on my machine? :)15:16
james_wwell, python-wadllib15:16
rodrigo_jblount: can you pastebin the crash from tomboy? (running tomboy --debug)15:16
jblountrodrigo_: yep, one moment15:16
jblountrodrigo_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/260356/15:20
urbanapepfibiger, k, no worries.15:20
rodrigo_jblount: indeed, it seems it doesn't get the redirect correctly15:20
jblountrodrigo_: I guess it happens when I click "connect to server", I get a nicer error message when I just click "save"15:21
jblountrodrigo_: FWIW When I put 'https://ubuntuone.com/notes/' it fails also.15:32
rodrigo_jblount: with the certificate error?15:32
jblountrodrigo_: Yeah, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/260360/15:34
rodrigo_statik: does that give you some clue if there's some certificate missing on the server??15:35
rodrigo_although it would have failed in FF also?15:37
rodrigo_or did I add an exception to FF some time ago? /me wonders15:37
CardinalFangstatik, I made three bugs for the problems I need to work on with desktopcouch.  Bug#419969, Bug#419973, Bug#419975.15:55
* CardinalFang wonders where the bot went.15:56
jblountBug #41996915:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419969 in desktopcouch "at pairing time, change couchdb pairing address to public" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41996915:56
* jblount slaps the picky bot15:56
CardinalFangBug #419973, Bug #419975.15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419973 in desktopcouch "in replication daemon, be sure local couchdb bind address is not 127/8 ." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41997315:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419975 in desktopcouch "for pairing, do not display hosts or servers that are already paired" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41997515:57
statikrodrigo_, sorry haven't had a chance to look15:59
statikCardinalFang, thanks!15:59
rodrigo_jblount: can you file a bug with that tomboy's output pastebin and assing it to me?16:17
jblountrodrigo_: Yes, but I'm going to assign it to you instead, if that's ok :)16:18
rodrigo_yes, it's ok :D16:18
jblountrodrigo_: I should just file it on tomboy?16:18
rodrigo_jblount: yes, on the source package project, since it's specific to our package16:19
jblountrodrigo_: Bug #41999216:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419992 in tomboy "Crash when dealing with redirects and server certificates while setting up syncing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41999216:24
rodrigo_jblount: thanks16:25
CardinalFangaquarius, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/260399/16:31
aquariushrm. it doesn't trap that error.16:31
aquariusit shoudl do, though :)16:31
aquariushow do you not have a keyring daemon? is this in pbuilder or a CLI-only server or something?16:32
CardinalFangaquarius, It's a SSH-tunneled X session.16:33
CardinalFang$ ssh host gwibber16:33
aquariusI don't know how to fix that, since you need to tunnel d-bus requests back to the machine you're on as well as X requests.16:33
LordMetroidSyncdaemon keeps crashing on my karmic alpha4... Is this a known?17:03
rmcbrideLordMetroid: Yes. We're working on a fix now17:07
* jdo is using the latest client from trunk and it's working great17:10
jblountjdo: I tried to just run the client from trunk, but was still getting weirdness last night. Are there updates?17:10
jdojblount, yes17:10
* jblount bzr pulls17:10
jdojblount, ooh wait17:10
jdojblount, I'm using what's on its way to trunk17:11
jdothe new preference dialog is nice too17:12
jblountYeah, that'll be super good.17:13
jblountrmcbride: Forgive me for losing track of this, but did we ever sort out the slow uploading stuff? I remember you working on some testing stuff, but have no idea where that went.17:14
rmcbridejblount: never got all the data on that. moving target and all17:33
jblountrmcbride: Sure, I kind of figured. Thanks for the update.17:34
rmcbridejblount: getting metrics on that is something I'm working towards. My tests for that have been broken by recent changes and I need to fix them once we have the client working again17:35
VK7HSEjust rebuilt my PC and have just read all the mail regarding the current issue! keep up the great work statik, rmcbride :D17:36
statikVK7HSE, thanks for the encouragement :) we're just testing a fix, should have something published soon17:37
VK7HSEwell I'm off to bed! getting close to 3am (again!) ;)17:38
thisfred /join ##couch-oauth18:19
haggisbasherukhi guys i just installed ubuntu118:32
jblounthaggisbasheruk: Neat!18:32
haggisbasherukhttps://updown.ubuntuone.com/e0de3b3b-a7a4-478a-8103-304f4f9b5b4a  test me18:33
haggisbasherukjust an html file18:33
jblounthaggisbasheruk: Those links only work when the other person has access to the file through a share.18:33
jblounthaggisbasheruk: So it will work for you, and for anyone that you have shared the folder that file is contained in.18:33
haggisbasherukokay , seems that i don't know these details , how do i do that then ?18:34
jblounthaggisbasheruk: Select a folder inside ~/Ubuntu One/ that you want to share, right click on it in Nautilus and select "Share with Ubuntu One" or similar. Enter the persons email to share to, the click ok.18:36
haggisbasheruki have this in the root of ~/Ubuntu One/  , i use pcman and have no right click , on tablet pc and the email thing , whats that all about ?18:38
jblounthaggisbasheruk: If you can't right click to get a contextual menu, one option is to use the website. Go to https://ubuntuone.com/files/ and you can select a folder on the left, the select "sharing" to enter in a persons email to share that folder with them.18:40
jblounthaggisbasheruk: As far as "the email thing , whats that all about ?"; I'm not sure I understand you.18:40
haggisbasherukwhy no share without the email and just use the link ?18:41
jblounthaggisbasheruk: We are still working out how best to do public links, one signifigant factor is the bandwidth cost.18:43
haggisbasherukohh i understand that18:44
haggisbasherukand i guess the email thing is actually a good security measure18:45
jblounthaggisbasheruk: :)18:45
haggisbasheruksorry i was expextiog a dropbox type of thing lol18:47
jblounthaggisbasheruk: We do have some similar features, a lot of people assume that we're identical.18:47
mrooney|wHello, I pointed this out yesterday but no one seemed to be around. At https://ubuntuone.com/support/installation/ under Step 2 it says "If you see "Could not find package 'ubuntuone-client-gnome'.", just click the install button a  second time. This is a known issue" although that bug is marked Fix Released for Jaunty and Karmic18:47
mrooney|wShould that warning perhaps be removed, so it isn't talking about bugs it doesn't have?18:48
jblountmrooney|w: Hi! I saw that in the traceback, and it should absolutely be removed. Do you have a free moment to file a bug regarding that?18:48
jblountmrooney|w: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubunet would be the appropriate project.18:48
jblountmrooney|w: Thanks very much, I appreciate having lots of people to help keep the attention to detail high in our project.18:49
mrooney|wjblount: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+bug/42008118:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420081 in ubunet "installation page warns about bug which is now fixed" [Undecided,New]18:52
jblountmrooney|w: Thanks very much, I'll triage it a bit further and try to get a update rolled out quickly.18:53
mrooney|wthanks, no problem!18:53
haggisbasherukin galeon the share thing doesn't popup lol , firefox works though18:59
haggisbasherukdoes the person i want to share with have to have ubuntuone client installed also ?19:01
haggisbasherukso does the person you wan to share a file with get a link via email i guess19:04
jblounthaggisbasheruk: Yeah, they get a link to "accept the share" so they need to have a Ubuntu One account (they'll get when through the process) but they don't need to install the software locally for the links to work.19:05
haggisbasherukso i take it this will become part of ubuntu , ie installed and ready to go even from live cd , once of course it passes beta19:06
jblounthaggisbasheruk: Yep, it's already in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) :)19:08
haggisbasherukohh , i never even notice it in kubuntu netbook edition , would be really handy on netbooks19:08
haggisbasheruki will stick this in kuki linux when its stable also19:10
haggisbasherukunless you want loads of testers , i'll throw it into the next release also :P19:11
haggisbasherukthis weekend19:11
jblounthaggisbasheruk: Sounds great :)19:14
haggisbasherukexpect your servers to get a battering at the weekend the :P19:15
haggisbasheruksome1 send me a file so i can see the recieving side , haggis at kuki.me19:23
haggisbasherukohh , i guess it has to be with my launchpad id ,oops hagisbasheruk at msn.com19:25
jblounthaggisbasheruk: It shouldn't matter, when you click the link in your email, the web browser will use your LP cookies and ask you if you want to use your LP identity.19:26
haggisbasherukahh cool19:26
haggisbasheruki have kuki guys testing it now also :)19:27
haggisbasherukahh , this is really quite good jblount :)19:31
* haggisbasheruk is excited and making things19:32
haggisbasherukyup , both mails work jblount :)19:36
jblounthaggisbasheruk: This is good news.19:36
haggisbasherukthis will be great to sync /home/$USER/Documents on multiple devices19:38
jblounthaggisbasheruk: One of my favorite uses is to keep my desktop background files sync'd, I always lost them before I had Ubuntu One around.19:40
=== Chipaca is now known as ChipAway
haggisbasheruk:) it is really good :)19:41
haggisbasherukawe , /home/haggisbasheruk/Ubuntu One/My Files/Shared With Me   is empty19:44
jblounthaggisbasheruk: You may have to stop and restart the client software to sync down to your desktop. We are not yet sending notices from the server down to the client.19:45
haggisbasherukahh ,okay , testing upload to a shared folder now19:46
haggisbasherukuploaded a file into your folder19:48
=== ChipAway is now known as Chipaca
jblounthaggisbasheruk: Those are very interesting installation notes.19:50
haggisbasheruk:) just started to write those up tonight  , feel free to add and share back19:51
haggisbasheruki got side tracked so never finished the remastersys part lol19:52
statikrodrigo_, still around? can you update this blueprint? i think things are much farther along than 14% that the blueprint shows https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-evolution-couchdb19:54
haggisbasherukubuntuone-client-applet icon looks nice :)20:10
LordMetroidDoes the current trunk works or has it yet to be uploaded?21:44
LordMetroidAlso how do I install from the trunk?21:44
statikyou shouldn't install from trunk21:44
statikthe version in karmic has an annoying crash bug, a fix will be uploaded soon21:45
LordMetroidWill the update manager get the fix by itself even on alpha?21:46
LordMetroidI've never been running alphas before21:46
greg-gLordMetroid: yes, if you are running Karmic you will get all updates to Karmic not matter when you installed it.21:48
LordMetroidSo shall i apt-get ubuntuone-client-gnome again even though it crashes21:48
greg-gso you just roll with the updates and then on Karmic release day you are already running the released version :)21:48
greg-gjust keep it installed and when the update is ready Update Manager will tell you.21:49
LordMetroidHmm, I think I'll just reinstall it on release day to be sure I get everything nice and dandy21:49
statikgreg-g, have you seen desktopcouch yet?21:50
greg-gstatik: seen it? I haven't really taken a close look at it yet but saw 0.3 was released yesterday :)21:51
statikgreg-g, i'm excited about the possibilities for it. there is a pairing tool in desktopcouch-tools, you can do laptop-laptop replication of couch databases21:53
statikeven if you don't have an ubuntuone account21:53
greg-goooo, neat, I like.21:54
statiki've got a little tiny hack script that stores launchpad bugs from the API into couch21:54
statiksince the API is all json documents under the covers anyway21:54
greg-gso you can see your bugs from anywhere, never leave home without 'em, nice.21:54
statikyeah, and possibly even update status etc and push the updates back to launchpad21:55
statikwhen you get back online21:55
kenvandinedesktopcouch rocks!21:56
greg-gnow _that_ would be neat. Like offlineimap but with bugs (or anything that has an API)21:56
statikthe people working on prophet have been making some noise yet, i think they are further along but couchdb feels a bit more general purpose/robust21:56
statikwe're going to put contacts data in there too21:56
* dobey has been talking about similar things for ages22:10
dobey(because e-mail and web are a pain in the ass)22:10
* thekorn googles for desktopcouch22:19
thekornwow, cool22:23

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