
MTec007SiDi, it was MPASM  and gpasm will compile it :)00:09
SiDiMTec007, :P00:09
SiDidid you mail them in the end ? :O00:09
MTec007too many ASM's if you ask me00:09
MTec007:( i had to read a really hard to understand technical paper00:09
MTec007more like skimmed it, rather than read it00:10
MTec007it worked!00:16
* MTec007 removes the ghastly windows partition for good now.00:17
MTec007i have a question for you, cant a windows virus infect wine/00:18
MikeChelenyes actually it can01:28
MikeChelenalthough it may have difficulty harming the system since most of the OS is absent01:29
SiDiMikeChelen, there is a paper from the wine devs about it02:03
SiDiit can but it will fail in the vast majority of the cases for different reasons02:03
SiDiwhich makes running windows apps safer on wine than on windows02:03
yesitisjustmeon xubuntu the newest firefox is 3.0.13 can you install a newer firefox?02:09
MikeChelenSiDi, its interesting to explore, because with compatibility also comes some risk02:19
SiDiyeh, but most exploits use some flaws in windows functions02:19
SiDiif theyre implemented differently the flaws are different02:19
SiDialso, windows apis communicate with the windows kernel, not to some linux libs02:20
SiDithings like drivers, emulators and most viruses will never work on wine due to the different system architecture02:20
SiDionly higher level apps using well documented apis can work02:20
MikeChelenyesitisjustme, there is a firefox-3.5 package which will be enabled soon, try the shiretoko package until then which is rebranded ff3.502:20
SiDiyesitisjustme, install firefox-3.502:21
SiDiand remove the old one if you want to02:21
yesitisjustmeok thanks02:21
RiVenoXis anyone here familiar with xubuntu on the playstation 3? because i'm having issues installing it, even after following the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_303:23
RiVenoXthat's about what i expected :D oh well03:27
ceda_wrkI can't find netboot files (initrd.gz and linux) for xubuntu07:41
ceda_wrkI usually do my upgrades/installs like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetbootInstallFromInternet07:42
ceda_wrkextracted from alternate-iso07:54
tamas_how to clean in xubuntu, like defrag or scandisk?08:28
TheSheepno need for that08:44
TheSheepfsck is done at startup08:44
TheSheepdefrag is not needed08:44
TheSheep!fsck | ceda_wrk08:48
ubottuceda_wrk: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot08:48
_Pete_"sudo touch /fastboot" = shutdown -f08:52
_Pete_or atleast sometimes was :)08:53
tamas_thanx for info09:27
=== fran is now known as Guest94765
rameshworhi guys.....  can i have xuubntu 9.04 in my 128 Ram computer ???17:25
TheSheepyes, but it will be slow17:27
TheSheepespecially firefox17:27
TheSheepopera or chrome may be faster17:27
rameshworTheSheep: ok and except the firefox part ?  any other means i can improve speed ?17:27
TheSheepsure, you can disable unneeded services17:28
TheSheeplike cups when you are not printing17:29
rameshworhow can i disable unneeded services at startup ?17:29
rameshworTheSheep :i'm just a general user, i do simple c/c++/java programming stuffs and then internet that's it .. i dont want others.17:29
TheSheeprameshwor: as long as you don't use eclipse for your editor...17:30
rameshworTheSheep: any locations wher i can download xubuntu of 2005/2004  .  hoping that it runs better ..17:31
TheSheepI'm not sure17:31
rameshworTheSheep: ?17:31
TheSheepI think the wiki has links17:31
TheSheepyou may also consider other distros, such as dsl or archlinux17:32
TheSheepxubuntu has a pretty heavy kernel, so thast it works out of the box everywhere and with anything you connect...17:33
rameshworTheSheep: what does it mean by it works out of the box / i have encountered it many times but...17:34
TheSheeprameshwor: imagine you buy something, take it out of the box, connect and it just works, without having to install or configure anything17:35
rameshworTheSheep: oh, so no installing , driver stuffs needed  does it mean so ?17:36
TheSheepin theory at least :)17:36
TheSheepbut in theory, theory is the same as practice ;)17:36
rameshworTheSheep: ok :)17:37
gusigsudo question18:05
rameshworgusig: just put the question.. though i dont know other may help18:06
SiDirameshwor, if you install Xubuntu, you can run it on 128MB18:15
SiDiyou'll have to use the alternate CD to install18:15
SiDionce installed i recommand you to disable stuff like avahi and cups, to disable the daemons you dont need among : hardware notifier, update notifier, power manager, bluetooth applet18:15
SiDibut some distros are more adapted to very low amounts of RAM. 128 is the strict minimum for Xubuntu18:16
rameshworSiDi: ok..18:16
SiDi(note that for kernel heaviness and daemons running you can disable them after install, but installing only what you need may be faster)18:17
SiDiif xubuntu is too slow, i recommand you to try puppylinux or damnSmallLinux18:17
rameshworyes, i tried puppy linux..  but it doesn't feel like runnign full linux system. i feel something lacking here/there.  ..........18:17
rameshwori'd be happy to get download link for ubuntu/xubuntu of 2005/2004   i feel it runs well.18:18
SiDiThey're not supported anymore18:20
SiDiie. no more repositories18:20
SiDithe oldest available is 2008.0418:21
rameshworSiDi: that doesn't matter.  . can't i get from other computer s.?18:21
SiDirameshwor, you wouldnt be able to get software18:21
SiDiie. no java, no g++18:22
SiDiyou wouldnt be able to use it for what you want to do18:22
SiDibecause the ubuntu repositories for these versions are down18:22
SiDiand probably every of the mirrors too18:22
rameshworSiDi: then it won't be good......  ok i think time to get a new computer...18:22
SiDiyou can try xubuntu 8.04 / 9.04 and to lighten them a little18:22
SiDibut computers with 128 MB rams are indeed old :d18:22
SiDiIt's over 8 years old, right, rameshwor ?18:23
rameshworOf Course...18:23
rameshworSiDi: actually i had 256  but one of the 128 got damaged..18:23
SiDiAnd which country do you live in ?18:24
rameshworNepal .18:24
SiDiThat doesn't help to get hardware :/18:25
rameshworSiDi: ? couldnt understand u.18:25
SiDiThere aren't maybe computer shops in your country, right ?18:26
rameshworSiDi: c'mon it's not that poor....... there are.   ..18:27
SiDii know its not so poor that there aren't, but it must be more expensive than here, thats what i meant18:28
rameshworSiDi: yes. it is expensive. and specially for a student like me.. difficult to afford...18:28
rameshworwhat's general specifications of computer that people in your country buy ? i mean RAM / PROCESSOR ?18:30
SiDipeople here are richer than me :P I'd say the average is a 2GHz processor, 2GB ram, 300GB HDD18:32
rameshworhow much does that cost ?18:32
rameshworon average ?18:32
SiDii'd say 50018:32
SiDiIt used to be more expensive but with the netbook wave it became much more affordable :P18:33
rameshwor500 dollars ?18:33
SiDi500 €18:33
SiDithats about 700 dollars18:33
SiDi(ofc you can get a decent computer for ~400 dollars but the risk is that it burns 1 year and a half later :x)18:34
SiDi(most of the recent computers i see lived less time than my good old pentium 2)18:35
rameshworand people generally do not keep old computers so it satisfy their every tasks..18:35
SiDiit depends.18:36
SiDiusually they give them to associations / libraries / schools18:36
rameshwor* though it .........18:36
TheSheepmy good old XT is still working, and boots faster than my current pc18:36
SiDisome people indeed throw computers away, which is plain stupid >_> I still have my 2001 computer somewhere (quite far though :P)18:36
* SiDi goes eat.18:42
SiDirameshwor, let us know if you have trouble with Xubuntu install18:42
SiDii'd try 8.04 if i were you. There probably wont be GPU drivers in 9.04 for your machine if its really old18:42
rameshworSiDi: OK THANKS. I'LL LET YOU KNOW.. ..18:44
rameshworSiDi: downloading that takes maybe a day. and then.. i'll come in this room to trouble you guys..18:46
SiDirameshwor, aw, if you have a low bandwidth you can use the minimal CD, it weights 9 MB :d19:11
SiDiand then manually install xorg and xfce :P19:12
rameshworSiDi: ok.19:14
SiDiThis one for 8.0419:14
SiDithe md5sum is 7e29613f3ce780e79af3cbbcd1127200 if you wanna check after download, rameshwor19:15
rameshworSiDi: thats  minimal ??19:15
SiDiOnce it's installed you'll have to install a lot of packages manually though, because it's _really_ minimal19:17
SiDionce it's installed you'll have a shell, basically. Then, install xfce4, xfce4-panel, xfwm4, and thunar, and it should pull in everything it needs19:18
SiDithat should weight much less than the 600 MB of the CD19:19
rameshworok but i think i'll go with the other one. because no headache of manual packaging.... just start the download let it run for a day  :)19:21
SiDihehe as you wish19:21
rameshworok good bye guys. it's 12 midnigth i'm afraid.. i think i should go to bed..19:33
SiDigood night rameshwor19:40
Pres-GasHey, can someone volunteer their permissions of /dev/rtc for me?  I think I may have some issues with it.  Just do an simple "ls -l /dev|grep rtc".21:15
Pres-GasMine is21:15
Pres-Gascrw-rw----  1 root   root    254,   0 2009-08-25 17:09 rtc021:15
Pres-GasNote that rtc may be a link21:15
Pres-Gasso whatever it is pointing to21:16
MTec007Pres-Gas, ?21:21
MTec007Pres-Gas, i can show you mine if you still need it21:21
Pres-GasMTec007, please do21:22
MTec007lrwxrwxrwx  1 root   root           4 2009-08-26 04:32 rtc -> rtc021:22
MTec007crw-rw----  1 root   root    254,   0 2009-08-26 04:32 rtc021:22
Pres-Gasthat is the same bloody thing!!!21:22
Pres-Gasgerrr to VMware21:23
MTec007your missing a line?21:23
* jarnos lost sounds in Xubuntu karmic.21:23
SiDilrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2009-08-27 10:41 /dev/rtc -> rtc021:29
Pres-GasSiDi, and rtc0 is crw-rw---- root root?21:30
* Pres-Gas wonders if I should have upgraded my VMware workstation from 6.5.2 to 6.5.321:31
MTec007im interested in creating some kind of script, to run a program with certain parameters based on what the script paramaters were22:11
MTec007what im trying to figure out is how i would create something like that. what is the format? maybe there is an example somewhere i can look at22:13
knomebash scripting would be what you want22:14
knomethere are many tutorials on the internet22:14
mxfrHow can I disable restarting, shutting down etc.. from the login page?23:48
mxfrIt's just very annoying when somebody shutdown my system when It was downloading stuff for 3 days :(23:49
forcesblock the screen23:50
=== mxfr is now known as muxfr
muxfror maybe I should just disable the options down there, if I changed the login screen.23:56

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