
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
hyperairis anyone noticing notify-osd place notifications in in the middle-right portion of the screen08:42
mac_vhyperair: are you subscribed to ayatana mail?08:50
hyperaireh no i'm not08:50
mac_vhyperair: thats a new "Feature"08:50
mac_vMacSlow: just a small doubt , how are the bubbles classified? the ones over the line and the ones below the line? is it user triggered and non-user-triggered?08:52
mac_vhyperair: yup a feature08:52
hyperairthis looks pretty annoying.08:52
mac_vhyperair: take it to the man ;)08:52
hyperairi didn't really like removing them actions on notifications, but at least that was tolerable08:53
hyperairthis is *ridiculous*08:53
MacSlowmac_v, atm the sync. notifications appear above the "half line" and async. ones below it08:53
mac_vhmm... 08:54
hyperairit looks like it's floating in the middle of nowhere.08:54
* mac_v checks notify-osd wiki for sync and async difference08:54
hyperairimo, i have text in the middle of the screen more often than at the corner08:55
MacSlowmac_v, synchronous bubble = feedback bubble08:55
MacSlowmac_v, e.g. like screen-brightness, volume etc.08:55
mac_vMacSlow: so those are usually user triggered right? except for switching from DC to AC , which is actually user triggered08:56
mac_vthe async are just mail/wireless notifications and stuff08:56
MacSlowmac_v, correct08:56
mac_vMacSlow: ah... thanx :)08:56
mac_vhyperair: if you are irritated you *need* to discuss this in ayatana mailing list and convince sabdfl08:57
hyperairmaybe i will.08:57
hyperairi still have to read through that entire thread first08:58
Michalxohello MacSlow . What is going to happen with notifications? 10:37
MacSlowMichalxo, could be a bit more specific with your question?10:39
Michalxothat irritating middle section.. will you move it to top/bottom right or are you going to keep it as it is now?10:40
MichalxoI like notifications very much, but that middle is *yuck* 10:40
mac_vMichalxo: you need to express your dissent to ayatana mailing list10:43
Michalxook thank you :)10:44
mac_vMichalxo: the discussion has already started against the position , but awaiting a bigger response to revert to top10:45
Michalxowell.. few of us has already "signed" this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/41989410:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid] 10:46
mac_vMichalxo: oh... didnt notice that bug , kindly add that bug in your response too :)10:47
MacSlowMichalxo, be sure to read the "New notification placement" thread there.10:47
Michalxoayatana seems to be "down"? I can't connect to server10:47
Michalxook thank you very much guys :)10:48
MacSlowMichalxo, in http://macslow.net/?p=381 I explicitly wrote "experiment with centering bubbles vertically ..."10:48
Michalxowell.. I think I missed that.. but at first we thought it's a bug :)10:50
Michalxosilly questoin.. how can I respond on that mailing list?11:05
MichalxoI am not in any subscribed team...11:06
shakaranMicahlxo: Go to https://launchpad.net/~ayatana, near to "Members" section, click on "join the team"11:14
Michalxoahaaa :)11:21
* MacSlow -> lunch12:10
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
hyperairwhat's the ayatana list address?13:03
kholerabbiayatana@lists.launchpad.net I think13:05
hyperairalright, thanks13:05
* hyperair is *very* annoyed with the new notify-osd behaviour13:06
hyperairbecause some people appear to have in the top right corner, notify-osd now renders its notifications in the middle, right of the screen, as if i don't have things there >=(13:07
hyperairso much for staying out of my way. it's not blocking everything i do, from emails to terminals to web pages, among other things13:07
hyperairhmm wait, there's already a thread about it13:11
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
hyperairMacSlow: what do you think about the new notifications position, honestly?13:16
mac_vhyperair: everyone agrees they need to be back on top , but Mark is waiting for dissent from a lot of users , so pls show dissent ;)13:18
mac_vhyperair: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg00557.html13:18
hyperairmac_v: i'm afraid i might not be able to keep a civil tone if/when i do begin showing dissent.13:18
mac_vhehe , we need to try :)13:19
MacSlowhyperair, I like it better (because it revmoves a bit of complexity from the code, if stays like that) :)13:19
* mac_v > reboot13:19
hyperairbut it now gets in my way without fail :-(13:20
hyperairi have thunderbird in its three-pane layout mode, and hence the email contents are all squashed in the right side13:20
hyperairnow, when a  notification appaers, it completely blocks a few rows of text13:20
hyperairafter my previous rant here, i was trying to keep an open mind about it, but when that happened while i was reading my mail, it seriously got on my nerves.13:22
MacSlowhyperair, I move the mouse over it and it fades13:22
hyperairMacSlow: yes, good idea. move your mouse over it. but there's another bug in that.13:22
hyperairMacSlow: have you tried having an entire *queue* of notifications?13:22
hyperairleave your mouse over it, and see what happens when the next notification comes in13:22
hyperairthe new notification doesn't fade, and now i have to keep moving my mouse every time a new notification comes in13:23
MacSlowfor that case we're considering to skip the initial fade-prevention13:23
hyperairi still find it annoying that it gets in my way. =\13:24
hyperairjust fyi, when i'm programming, i generally have a two-paned editor13:24
hyperairwhen a notification comes in, it completely blocks my view of the file on the right.13:24
hyperairand when you're using something like emacs or vim, chances are that one of the reasons you're using it is *because* you don't want to touch your mouse.13:25
shakaranI have a question. Why not make a GUI where the user can choose?13:26
shakaranJust a window with a dropdown list for the position. Many people would welcome this.13:27
hyperairyeah, i'm rather curious about that as well13:27
mac_vshakaran: why dont you ask on the ML? or MacSlow you wanna answer that ;p13:27
shakaranI do not mean that ML13:28
mac_vshakaran: hyperair: repeating from yesterday  "if keep saying perfs MacSlow will strangle you ;)"13:28
mac_vML= mailinglist13:29
hyperairmac_v: perfs?13:29
mac_vuser preference for changing the position13:29
hyperairmac_v: and i'd say bring it on. i'm going to need someone to strange if notify-osd stays like this.13:30
mac_vlol 13:30
mac_vits a tough coding , but sure coding help is welcome from all sources :)13:30
* mac_v wonders what he has to do with notify-osd anyway and shuts up13:31
* hyperair stamps "User" on mac_v's forehead13:32
shakaranSome users have made to customize the color patches, I've also seen patches to restore the former position13:32
mac_vcorrection  "notify-osd User" ;)13:33
shakaranwell, customization is needed13:33
shakaranIf you give it to the users, you have more users and the more important thing, good desktop experience13:34
* hyperair nods13:35
hyperairit would be nice to be able to customize notify-osd even if gconf-editor needs to be used13:35
hyperairalso it appears that i now get two updates available icons13:36
shakaranor a simple file, only give the option13:36
hyperairtoo hackish13:36
shakaranwell, I have to write this on ML for the record?13:37
hyperairgo ahead, imo13:37
hyperairand while you're at it, please post a post dripping with sarcasm about the whole change in position on my behalf.13:37
hyperairsarcasm being the most important ingredient.13:37
hyperairdon't quote me, though13:38
shakarandont respect is more important13:38
hyperairnono respect is important. be very polite13:39
shakaranSarcasm is not a good way to ask for things.13:39
hyperairdissent needs to be shown ;)13:40
* hyperair shuts up before he leads anybody astray13:40
MacSlowmac_v, shakaran, hyperair: I really don't like preferences in general... it is usually a sign that interaction-design failed or missed something... furthermore it makes code more complex, in order to avoid or intercept "stupid" inputs.13:56
hyperairMacSlow: but lack of preferences makes software rigid and takes away freedom of choice, somewhat13:57
shakaranyeah notify-osd is being rigid more and more13:57
MacSlowmac_v, shakaran, hyperair: and once you start to move in that direction, the tendency is to have people tweak the s**t out of things... just look at the gazillion options you can tweak in compiz and its plugins13:57
hyperairMacSlow: you're looking at an extreme case.13:58
MacSlowhyperair, shakaran: finding the right balance here is the "art" I guess.13:58
hyperairimo just a little bit of tweaking would be nice13:58
shakaranyes, but your balance for now is zero prefs13:58
mac_vMacSlow: i really dont care much for prefs  , but would be fun to have , just bling for me... 13:58
shakaranif the people make a lot patch for prefs you could include in the official branch13:59
MacSlowshakaran, there is some work for gconf in the pipe already... but it'll take some time before I can turn to that.14:00
hyperairhmm nice14:01
shakaranWell, it's a start14:01
hyperairactually i don't really care about prefs as long as it works nicely for me (and appearing in the middle of my screen is *not* nice.14:01
ScottKMacSlow: Unless you assume everyone is the same and uses a computer the same way, I don't see how preferences are avoidable.  It's not just getting design right.14:03
MacSlowScottK, some tweaks will be possible (afore mentioned gconf work) I just stated my general/personal view on the topic... and the ultimate goal of interaction-design (ok it's a bit utopian :)14:06
hyperairwe'd all have to be clones of each other for one size to fit all14:06
ScottKUnfortunately, at least so far, the lack of configurability has been the source of a lot of resistance from people.  I'd care a lot less about default config if things could be changed to suit.14:07
tgpraveen1MacSlow: does the ppa of notify-osd for jaunty have vertical placement of notifications14:07
MacSlowtgpraveen1, I don't know which PPA you're talking about. I did not create one.14:07
LordMetroidHow do I join the mailing list?14:11
LordMetroidI want to send a message14:11
LordMetroidThere we go14:15
LordMetroidthank you14:16
mac_vlololol , notify-osd is creating more interest than the update notifier ;p14:23
Mark__Ttedg: ping15:01
=== ian_brasil is now known as IAO
tedgGood morning Mark__T15:04
zoomy942good morning15:16
Mark__Ttedg: I get 'undefined symbol: indicate_indicator_set_property_icon' with pidgin-libnotify 0.1415:55
Mark__TI guess my indicator patches aren't up to date15:56
Mark__Tanyway, gtg15:58
tedgAh, he left.15:59
tedgYes, you need libindicate-gtk...15:59
tedgIf someone sees him tomorrow... can you mention that?15:59
tedgkenvandine: Do you know Mark__T's mail by chance?15:59
tedgkenvandine: Thanks, mail sent.16:08
mac_vhm... weird, the messaging menu , indicates a new message and as soon as i access evolution via the menu , it changes to regular icon , even when mail is not read... is that the design ? or a bug?16:18
mac_von the contrary if i access from evolution from the window list , the indication does not change 16:18
mac_v*access evolution from16:19
tedgmac_v: It should change back no mater how you select evolution.16:19
mac_vtedg: nope it does not , i checked several times , selecting from the window list does not change the status , [oh i'm using cairo-dock , would that have something to do?]16:20
tedgmac_v: Shouldn't.  File a bug in evolution-indicator if there isn't one already.16:20
mac_vhmm... ok16:21
mac_vactually i think the indication should change only when all the mail is read , not simply on selecting the app ;) so i'm gonna let this bug stay ;p16:22
mac_vBTW tedg ,what is the icon indicator-red gonna be used for?16:23
tedgmac_v: I'm not aware of an indicator-red...  where is it?16:24
tedgInfact, I don't have it on my system :)16:24
mac_vtedg: .. humanity icon theme has a new 3rd icon , indicator-messages-red16:25
mac_vsince that icon theme is directed heavily by sabdfl , i was wondering maybe new feature :)16:25
tgpraveen1already in feature  freeze16:26
tgpraveen1so unlikely16:27
tgpraveen1mac_v: btw mind uploading the icor  a ss16:27
tgpraveen1icon or SS16:27
mac_vtgpraveen1: that was there a long before16:27
mac_vtgpraveen1: SS?16:27
tgpraveen1screen shot16:27
mac_vtgpraveen1: just do ~$ bzr branch lp:humanity16:28
mac_vby long before i mean around 1-2 weeks :)16:29
tgpraveen1hi i wanted to know what was decided for notification for fullscreen apps16:45
tgpraveen1how will it be handled in karmic i rmeember a long discussion taking place16:45
tgpraveen1what is the final decision?16:46
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
natewiebe13probably asked too many times.. but what is the status of notify-osd? (is it being changed back to the top or is there going to be an option as to the location?)16:49
MacSlowtgpraveen1, from what I remember the IM-status should be used to determine if or if not to suppress non-critical/urgent notifications.17:03
MacSlowgee... some folks are impatient17:04
DanRabbitmac_v: I don't know what it is17:06
DanRabbitit was in Human so I just made one ;D17:06
mac_vDanRabbit: yeah , some knows what it is for but who ? 17:07
DanRabbitI bet ken put it in there just to make us freak out17:07
mac_vkenvandine: booo  , 17:08
mac_vany ideas what the icon indicator-messages-red is for?17:08
kenvandinei assume17:08
DanRabbitmac_v: I named it wrong :)17:08
DanRabbitit's supposed to be new-messages-red17:09
mac_vDanRabbit: booo to you too! 17:10
DanRabbithaha, see I have no idea what I'm doing :)17:10
mac_vDanRabbit: i confused tedg with the wrong label17:10
DanRabbitI just draw things17:10
mac_vDanRabbit: btw.. interested in drawing an icon for Software store?17:11
mac_vor hands already full ;p17:11
DanRabbitSoftware Store?17:11
mac_vapp center = software store17:12
mac_vDanRabbit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore/Icons17:12
DanRabbitthe little store ones are cute, but it doesn't really look like anything :D17:13
mac_vyeah i too think its cute , just needs a bit of touch up17:14
DanRabbittoo much detail for a small space17:15
DanRabbitplus, optical media17:15
DanRabbitwe don't use optical media17:15
DanRabbitit's going away17:15
DanRabbitso those icons are going to have to go away pretty soon :)17:15
mac_vDanRabbit: the progress icon is in the branch , they are jsut figuring a way to animate it ;) , the rest are still open to ideas 17:18
DanRabbitsweet :D17:18
DanRabbityea, the progress looks goof17:18
mac_vgoofy? ;017:18
DanRabbitI meant to put good :)17:18
* mac_v was just teasing ;)17:22
DanRabbitmac_v: hmm, I'll think about it17:33
DanRabbitright now I can't think of anything better than the generic package installer icon I have now  :)17:34
mac_vDanRabbit: me too , totally blank :(17:34
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
Mark__Ttedg: so what can I do to make pidgin-notify work again?21:19
tedgMark__T: You just need to add "indicator-gtk" to the PKG_CONFIG check.21:21
tedgMark__T: Sorry, indicate-gtk21:21
Mark__Tokay thx21:21
Mark__Tcan't try before monday though21:22
tedgMark__T: Oh, and probably a "#include <libindicate-gtk/indicator.h>"21:22
Mark__Twill you ship these new splitup packages with 09.10?21:25
=== vorian is now known as stevie
tedgMark__T, yes.21:53
* tedg misses jabber.21:53
djsiegel_mrooney|w: hey, can you try to find where this bug belongs? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/38779122:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 387791 in hundredpapercuts ""Do not disconnect" and "ok to disconnect" device notifications should not use the same icon" [Undecided,Confirmed] 22:16
mrooney|wWant to unsubscribe papercutters from all papercut bugs? ;)22:16
djsiegel_mrooney|w: hmm?22:27

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