
lifelessI haven't seen that00:00
lifelessbzr list?00:00
vilapoolie: I submit a backport on lp:bzr/1.18, hope it's ok with you (windows lock)00:00
poolievila, you mean a mp back into 1.18?00:00
poolieor something else?00:00
vilano here, yesterday, you didn't remember at first and then siad you edited it00:00
lifelessvila: oh yes, that wiki page.00:01
lifelessvila: uhm, something less broad00:01
lifeless'problems to solve'00:01
vilapoolie: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/1.18/revision/459900:01
vilalifeless: ok, I will think about it, at least I should brain dump a bit about incremental selftest00:02
lifelessvila: testing based on changes?00:02
lifelessvila: I should give you my code that does that then :P00:02
vilaYou surely should push that somwhere :)00:03
poolieok i see00:03
poolieyes, that's fine00:03
vilapoolie: great00:03
* vila goes to bed00:05
lifelessvila: gnight00:05
lifelessvila: theres another test patch for your pleasure tomorrow :P00:05
* lifeless sighs at check00:06
lifelessits still a very ugly duckling00:06
pooliequick poll: how does http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30906325/download.png look for a mockup of the downloads page00:06
lifelessseems fine. The how-recently-it-was-downloaded text is a bit awkward00:08
lifelessit makes the table taller00:08
lifelessfor something ~ noone looking at the page cares about00:09
pooliethis bug was actually about including the release notes00:09
poolieat the moment the page is too barren=00:09
pooliebut it's a good poitn00:09
lifelessoh right00:09
lifelessperhaps expandable?00:09
lifelessThis release of Bazaar marches on ... \n00:10
lifeless[more ...]00:10
lifelesssome projects have very long release notes00:10
AfCpoolie: feedback: "so Bazaar is a Windows only project?"00:11
AfC"Lots of Windows and .exe on that page. I use Linux, though. Guess I'll go elsewhere"00:12
poolielifeless: lp distinguishes the notes from the changelog00:12
pooliethe former is supposed to be fairly concise00:12
poolieafc, excellent point00:12
lifelesspoolie: we're pushing it on that page then00:12
pooliethough kind of a larger bug00:12
lifelesspoolie: Alternatively, put them under the table.00:13
AfCpoolie: (ie, even if it's essentially no-op, links to either direct .deb & .rpm files, or at the very least links to instructions one per distro. Windows should, at best, just be another distro.00:13
lifelessWindows PPA's!00:13
pooliedirect integration with Steam00:13
lifelesspoolie: have you spoken to valve?00:14
AfCpoolie: (ie, you and I know what to do with a .tar.gz, but ...)00:14
pooliethis is kind of the 'details' view of downloads00:14
poolieboth on the bzr site and the launchpad project page, there should be an easy way to say00:14
lifelesspoolie: I think the blurb we have should include links back to the wiki downloads page, or something00:15
lifelesspoolie: as a workaround00:15
AfCpoolie: also, I wouldn't include download numbers. Who cares? My software gets downloaded approximately 4 times per release. Once by Gentoo, once by Debian, once by Launchpad for it's own twisted and nefarious purposes,...  hm yup, that's about it.00:15
poolie"i'm running (windows/ubuntu/mac os/...) and I want the (latest stable/latest beta/...) release"00:15
AfCpoolie: yeah, I'd do it with icon pairs:00:16
poolieanyhow i spent ages yesterday afternoon on launchpad00:16
poolieit's enough for now00:16
AfCTux / Shadowman ; Tux / Debian Swirl ; Tux / Ubuntu thing ; ... ; Apple logo / MacOS smile ; Microsoft logo / Windows logo00:16
pooliebialix, re https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/60728 shouldn't bzr on win32 automatically use paramiko if you don't have putty?00:17
poolieor is that only after your change?00:17
poolielifeless: are you doing bug 416732 now, or today?01:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416732 in bzr "check reports "Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT'..." for trivial non-rich-root branch" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41673201:05
lifelesspoolie: nearly finished01:10
pooliegiven your comments about assignment, you should have assigned it:)01:10
lifelessI wish launchpad wouldn't mail me twice01:11
* lifeless files a bug01:11
pooliefor what?01:15
poolieor just at all? :)01:15
jmlpoolie, spiv just told me about your quandary with the review system01:16
jmlpoolie, change the review team of the 2.0 branch to something that you're a member of, and I think everything will work out just fine.01:17
pooliehow do i do that?01:17
jmllook for "Review team"01:17
pooliei can see it there01:18
pooliei can't see any control to change it01:18
jmlthere's a bootstrapping problem!01:18
lifelessspm: hi01:18
pooliethat's one word for it :)01:18
spmlifeless: hey hey01:19
lifelessspm: you can loging as pqm-launchpadthingy right?01:19
pooliespm, would you please strap our boots?01:19
lifelessspm: so please do ^ the above to make it bzr-core [thats right isn't it poolie?]01:19
spm-ENFI what you're talking aboot ? :-)01:19
jmlpoolie, I find it odd that you have a branch _created_ by a robotic user.01:19
lifelessspm: and update the docs, to do that on every new release branch01:19
lifelessjml: it pushes, the branch is made01:20
pooliejml, also, (and this is now your problem :-P) launchpad has a bit of a general problem in describing why you can't do something, or who is allowed to do something01:20
pooliespecifically it doesn't :)01:20
jmlpoolie, yes.01:20
poolieit reminds me a bit of interacting with some govt departments01:20
lifelessspm: go to our bzr2.0 branch01:20
lifeless on launchpad01:20
poolieyou're just told you're wrong01:20
poolienot what to do01:20
jmlpoolie, that's a low blow.01:20
spmlifeless: the link above? yup.01:20
pooliefortunately we have very helpful developers :)01:20
lifelessspm: not quite01:20
lifelessspm: that the milestone01:21
pooliedid spm make the branch while logged in as bzr-pqm?01:21
lifelesspoolie: pqm made it when pushing01:22
poolieoh i see01:22
lifelesswhich spm will have done from the shell on balleny01:22
poolieit almost seems like you need a separate acl for "allowed to modify the branch" from "allowed to modify branch metadata"01:22
lifelessspm: ok, are you there?01:23
pooliei want the second, and _not_ the first01:23
spmlifeless: I think so :-) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.001:23
jmlpoolie, maybe.01:23
lifelesspoolie: you want ^pqm to have^ , right?01:23
pooliebut that would complicate it01:23
poolieno i want ~mbp to have01:23
poolieor ~bzr-core01:23
lifelessspm: on the right, set the reviewer01:23
pooliei want bzr-pqm to be able to push01:23
pooliethere's a longstanding request that project owners should be able to sudo change any contained object, but that's controversial01:24
lifelesspoolie: I think you've confused me with your defintions of branch / branch metadata01:24
lifelesswe want bzr-core as the reviewer team, right?01:24
poolie~mbp should be able to change eg the review team of this branch01:24
spmlifeless: the review team is currently bzr-pqm01:24
poolie~mbp shouldn't be able to push to this branch01:24
pooliethat's the behaviour we actually want01:24
lifelessspm: change it please, to bzr-core01:24
poolieit's what we're executing indirectly through spm here01:24
lifelesspoolie: yes, fully acking here. One way to do that would be to add permissions to series branches01:25
spmlifeless: done01:25
lifelessI don't mean manual config, I mean 'the owner of a series can alter data about the branch the series is connected to'01:25
pooliei'm not immediately suggesting coding that in because it may magnify complexity01:25
spmpoolie: by proxying thru me - doesn't that imply you have the sudo perms? eg sudo spm do XYZ. ??? ;-)01:25
lifelessspm: thanks01:25
poolieright, thatseems to make sense01:25
lifelessspm: sudo make me a sandwich01:25
poolieshut up and make me a sandwich01:25
* jml has to go01:25
lifelesspoolie: reviewer team set to bzr-core; please ack that that was the desired team.01:26
spmlifeless: I said poolie; not you; this attempt has been logged.01:26
lifelessspm: sudo make me a sandwich01:26
lifelessspm: sudo make me a sandwich01:26
lifelessspm: sudo make me a sandwich01:26
lifelessspm: sudo make me a sandwich01:26
spmnagging doesn't work either. I haz a 6yo recall. :-D01:26
lifelessits fine, I don't like sandwiches anyhow01:26
glyphdoes bzr allow concurrent writers to a shared repository?01:27
glyphspm: was that an answer to me? :(01:27
poolieglyph: yes01:27
lifelessglyph: yes01:27
spmglyph: no, sorry. to a thread with lifeless. :-)01:27
lifelessglyph: no the answer was not to you.01:27
pooliefor about a year or more01:27
spmmy coworkers. charming folks.01:27
glyphso, I'm checking out Twisted trunk, and a branch, from Launchpad01:28
lifelessglyph: it doesn't allow concurrent writers to a branch01:29
glyphand the twisted trunk checkout is spewing "inconsistent details in skipped record"01:29
lifelessglyph: because of domain model, nottech.01:29
glyphlifeless: right, that makes sense.01:29
glyphshould I be worried about these errors?01:29
lifelessglyph: so, that means either a bzr-svn bug01:30
lifelessor you [or launchpad] have reconciled and the other has not01:30
lifelessits nothing to do with the concurrency01:30
lifelessglyph: I will note though that you probably have a lot of duplicate data being pulled doing that.01:30
glyphlifeless: I'm going to try this again because I've screwed up a bunch of stuff and I don't know if I can reproduce this repository reliably01:31
lifelessglyph: you can just ignore it01:32
lifelessglyph: file a bzr-svn bug with the log/output01:32
lifelessglyph: and keep on working01:32
lifelesspoolie: launchpad has way to many bits01:33
lifelesse.g. whats a confirmed-assigned vs in-progress-assigned vs inprogress-unassigned01:33
poolieregarding ACLs?01:33
pooliethere's only one logical state change here: robert is working on it01:33
pooliebut it's getting better!01:34
pooliei'm pretty sure there used to be priority and severity?01:34
poolieand look at all the bits on blueprints!01:34
glyphlifeless: bugs in my VCS scare me :-\01:38
glyphlifeless: is it a harmless bug?01:39
lifelessglyph: yes; it means that two bits of inferred metadata (file graphs) differ in the two repositories, *and* that one repo chose to send that text to you though you already have it.01:39
lifelessThe worst thing that can happen(assuming you're using 1.RECENT) is that 'bzr log file' might show too much/too little.01:40
glyphman, this is taking a really long time01:41
lifelessglyph: the pull?01:42
glyphis there any option or configuration that I might have forgotten which would cause a download to come down at 2kb/s?01:42
lifelessglyph: ~/.bazaar/locations.conf, set [/]\ngo_slow=False01:42
lifelessglyph: more usefully, what protocol are you pulling over?01:42
glyphlifeless: bzr+ssh01:43
lifelessglyph: are you suffering any packet loss or the like?01:44
glyphmtr says no01:45
lifelessspm: ping01:46
lifelessspm: meet glyph. glyph is seeing 2/kb [do you mean bits or bytes] a second downloading from codehosting over bzr+ssh01:47
lifelessglyph: also, is your machine thrashing01:47
lifelessdo you have spare memory01:47
spivglyph: whihc branch?01:47
lifelessis your cpu maxed01:47
glyphlifeless: nope01:47
glyphspiv: lp:twisted01:47
glyphlifeless: my CPU seems to be oscillating quite a bit; between 5% and 80% utilization, roughly01:48
glyphlifeless: sorry, KB/s, as reported by bzr itself.  I don't know ;)01:49
glyphyou tell me if it's bits or bytes01:49
spivbytes :)01:49
spivOh, and which version of bzr are you using?01:49
glyphspiv: 1.1701:50
glyphspiv: most recent from the hardy PPA01:50
spivHmm.  Into an empty shared repository?01:50
glyphcreated as --2a, as suggested by the web page01:51
spivYou're hitting two bugs,01:51
* spm defers all codehost slowness operational issues to spiv as bzr bugs for the forseeable future01:52
spivthe first is relatively minor, and it's that branching into an empty shared repository wastes a bit of time recursing through the remote revision graph first looking for common history with the existing repo that is your target.01:52
lifelessglyph: capital B - bytes01:53
spivBut the second is that with that version of bzr cross-format fetches over the network do a ridculous number of round trips.01:53
lifelessglyph: stop the operations01:54
lifelessglyph: do this:01:54
lifelessbzr branch <launchpad's trunk> /tmp/old01:54
lifelesscd /old01:54
lifelessbzr reconcile01:54
lifelessbzr upgrade --2a01:54
lifelessdelete the repo you had made01:54
lifelessand bzr push /path/to/repo/trunk01:54
lifelessthen go back to doing whatever01:55
lifelessglyph: 2a is radically different to older formats. It would be wonderful if twisted upgraded all its branches.01:55
glyphlifeless: I'm really confused :(01:56
lifelesspoolie: bug 42024701:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420247 in malone "assigning bugs generates spam [and not just the bug-metadata-change]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42024701:56
spivThe cross-format slowness is fixed in 2.0rc1 (but requires both client and server to be that new)01:56
glyphis that page wrong?  lp:twisted doesn't require rich roots?01:56
lifelessglyph: 2a is more than rich roots; its a change from xml to temporal hash tables01:56
spivglyph: lp:twisted requires rich-roots, but on launchpad it's in 1.9-rich-root format, not 2a format.01:57
spiv2a is newer, faster, smaller, sexier.01:57
lifelesslets fix launchpad01:57
lifelessglyph: -> #twisted01:57
spivBut it's a different format than 1.9-rich-root, so it hits a crummy code path that only got fixed a couple of weeks ago.01:57
spivOr rather, a code path that was optimised for local fetches.01:58
glyphlifeless: I'd rather not discuss the specifics of Twisted.  Obviously in order to use bzr I need to know a lot about formats and conversions in general.  So I'd appreciate it if you could explain how to detect the format of a branch before fetching it, so I can create an appropriately-shaped shared repository first01:58
spiv"bzr info URL"01:58
lifelessglyph: bzr info -v url, to be robust01:59
spiv(or look at the branch's web page on Launchpad...)01:59
lifelessbzr info url won't tell you enough sometimes01:59
lifelessglyph: we're trying to fix the issue with formats.02:00
lifelessglyph: its a great sadness that its the way it is02:00
glyphlifeless: well, to your credit, at least when it flat out doesn't work it tells me why :)02:00
lifelesssmall mercies ;)02:02
glyphI created with --1.9-rich-root-pack and now everything's working great.02:03
glyphHow come sometimes 'bzr diff -r ancestor' works, and sometimes it doesn't?02:04
spivglyph: sometimes it doesn't?02:05
spiv(more details, please :)02:06
SamB_XPlifeless: so ... what's the client-side upgrade picture going to look like after lp:bzr is converted ?02:14
lifelessSamB_XP: for branches of bzr itself?02:15
SamB_XPI, for one, don't think I have enough RAM to convert an entire branch to 2a02:16
lifelessof bzr?02:16
SamB_XPat least, not in a reasonable amount of time02:16
lifelesshow much ram do you have?02:16
SamB_XP512 MiB total02:17
lifelessthats tonnes02:17
SamB_XP... well, it was taking forever 2--3 weeks ago ...02:17
lifelessSamB_XP: please try and file bugs02:17
lifelessworst case though, pull fresh, make a repo, branch your old branches into it after trunk from the web is in it.02:18
lifelessI have a train to catch -> poolie02:18
SamB_XP... anyway, I was just hoping there would be well-publicized directions for how to upgrade without converting lp:bzr itself02:18
dvheumenlifeless, hi, about the "Missing inventory" bug ... I've been looking through the source code yesterday, but I couldn't make much of it (because of my very limited experience with python and bzr). But I did notice that *every* revision is reported as missing and this same set of keys is reported as absent in bzrlib/knit.py line 1416: absent_keys = keys.difference(set(positions))02:23
dvheumenHopefully it's some useful information02:23
dvheumenanyway, you don't seem to be here at this moment so I'll post it as a comment in the bug02:25
* igc lunch and medical appointment - bbl04:38
* SamB_XP suddenly wonders what prominent bzr devs do bzr-relevant blogging ...04:54
SamB_XPhmm ...04:55
SamB_XP... probably don't want to subscribe to that ...04:56
lifelessSamB_XP: I'm on advogato if you want to subscribe directly; or twitter or facebook05:07
lifelessreview wanted: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/bug-416732/+merge/1082805:07
lifelessthis is for 2.0 and trunk05:07
SamB_XPlifeless: ah, that's a bit more my size ;-)05:09
poolie1spiv, how is bug 406687?06:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406687 in bzr "insert_stream doesn't check references are satisfied" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40668706:11
mwhudsoni have the very vague impression that there's a bug where bzr up in a checkout attempts to write lock the source06:14
mwhudsoncan someone confirm/deny this?06:14
AfCmwhudson: that sounds familiar (and horrid)06:16
poolie1mwhudson: yes07:05
vilahi all07:06
vilalifeless: check your comment 'is da... below' doesn't make sense to me, the rest is ok though ;D07:06
vilalifeless: and you dind't assign the bug to yourself it seems... (despite your comment reserving it... (you're obeying your own rules a bit too much here :))07:07
vilaerr, strange... ha ok, page refresh missing, forget me07:08
poolie1cheer squad :)07:12
poolie1hello vila07:12
igchi vila, poolie107:14
vilahi igc07:14
mwhudsonpoolie1: i found the relevant but report in the end07:14
vilahi poolie1 (1!1!! :)07:14
spmvila: there can be only ... 1 ;-)07:16
vilaspm: Referring to 'The One' with Jet Li you are ? :)07:17
spmnope - never seen a Jet Li movie. was actually thinking Highlander :-)07:17
vilaspm: pff so last century... showing your age here ;-P07:18
spmvila: I have 2.5 months of being "young" for values of "young". I intend to maximise that period!07:19
spm2.5 months *left*07:20
vilaspm: I personally decided, a couple of months ago, that I will stay as young as I was 20 years ago, for the rest of my life. Sounds good so far :D07:21
spmvila: !?!?! why would you want to stay 63? wouldn't you be better off aiming for .. say.. .30? :-P07:21
vilaspm: your forgit do divide by 3, 63 is 7 * 9, so people born that year got a special exception :)07:22
spmI don;t suppose there's any chance of that exception being extended to those from 69?07:24
jmlspm, it depends07:25
jmlspm, when did you get your first real six string?07:25
spmjml: sadly still waiting....07:25
jmldammit now I have that song stuck in my head07:26
spmha! revenge is sweet! ;-)07:27
vilaspm: 69 is 3 * 23, 23 is prime but 17 in hex so that's too young, sorry07:34
spmvila: I think my brain just imploded on that!07:35
vilaspm: Try http://bazaar-vcs.org/Quotes any day :) (Search for SHA256 for example :)07:37
poolie1why does russel have to use such breathless subject lines?08:01
vilapoolie1: nice reply... :)08:16
poolie1mm, to russel?08:17
poolie1i probably should have changed the subject myself08:17
bialixpoolie1: paramiko used by default even without my patch08:17
poolie1bialix: hm i wonder what's happening then08:17
bialixwithout looking in .bzr.log I even don't guess08:18
vilato your initial question, I was thinking that I noticed a trend in being harsh with us to get more/quicker feedback... dunno what we can do about it, I think it's human :-/08:18
bialixanswer opened in February, today is August08:18
poolie1mm, i think it is08:18
bialixsomething bad with topic starter install08:18
bialixpoolie1: my best gues he can BZR_SSH=plink but removed plink at some point08:20
poolie1we should probably change that detection code08:20
* bialix wonder what was initial question to vila, but maybe I should not ask08:21
vilabialix: you asked. You're right. You shouldn't have :-P08:21
vilatoo late to explain the joke obviously :)08:23
poolie1about him being harsh to get a response08:29
poolie1vila, i'm just going to send a metronome08:29
poolie1kinda rusty mentronome actually :)08:29
poolie1what are you planning to do today?08:29
vilagetting back to conflicts resolution I hope08:32
vilawhile keeping an eye on a couple of reviews for jam08:32
vilabug #402652 looks too tied to what jam is working on already to be addressed before he finished #40264508:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402652 in bzr "smart fetch for --2a does not opportunistically combine groups" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40265208:35
vilabialix-mute: oh, you got the joke finally :-D08:35
* bialix-mute got the mail. vila you're absolutely right08:40
poolie1vila i'd expect Mr 3-minute-test-suite not to have typos in his tests :-P08:41
poolie1vila, could you see if he wants a buddy on them when he wakes up?08:41
poolie1otherwise, conflict resolution ++08:41
vilaLOL, just got the typo joke :)08:46
vilarats, he's gone, did my jokes smell bad today or what ?08:47
vilafullermd: will you run away if joke about freebsd being loser to geentoo than I thought ? Or will I make Afc goes away instead ?08:48
vilaHa, Afc quit *before* the joke even...08:48
LarstiQmaybe you should stop now ;P08:53
vilafullermd: ha ha, no reply, very funny08:53
vilaLarstiQ: You're kidding ! I've got an infinite supply of jokes for the day with such a start :)08:54
vilamontywi, mneptok : did you file a bug about keyring ?08:58
ggaHello! I have some trouble when using " bzr test-gtk". Can somebody help me ?09:01
cody-somervilleLets say I've branched a branch and I've committed some changes09:10
cody-somervilleAnd I want to create a patch to send to a mailing list09:10
cody-somervilleHow would I go about doing that?09:11
cody-somervilleThe upstream uses git so I don't want to create a bundle09:11
cody-somervillebesides using bzr diff I mean09:14
cody-somervilleI'd like it to work like the git command does I guess09:14
LarstiQcody-somerville: if you have bzr-git, `bzr send` should generate a git consumable patch09:14
* cody-somerville tries.09:15
cody-somervilleHow can I tell that its git consumable?09:16
cody-somervilleLarstiQ, how do I consume with git?09:24
LarstiQcody-somerville: git apply or somesuch?09:25
* LarstiQ hasn't used it, only knew jelmer wrote it09:25
vilacody-somerville: I think you need an option to send to specify the git format...09:40
sabdflmorning team bzr09:45
sabdflis it possible to tell the version of a remote bzr server?09:45
sabdflfor example, bzr version bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk/09:45
vilasabdfl: from the command line, I'm pretty sure you can't09:47
sabdflthanks vila - can you file a bug on that please? seems like a reasonable thing to do09:48
vilasabdfl: I'll check the existing one first, the subject comes back often, may be on 'bzr info' instead of bzr version though...09:49
sabdflwhy? it's the version i want09:51
sabdfli don't mind if it's also displayed on info -vv09:51
vilabzr version is for the client09:51
sabdflsays who09:51
vilayou don't specify an url to bzr version09:52
vilabzr info <url> gives you info about the url, including ... bug #30847209:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308472 in bzr "bzr info should show the server version" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30847209:52
vilasabdfl: here you are, enjoy the patch :-D09:53
sabdfli would like this information on bzr version if a URL is supplied09:54
sabdfldon't tell me that "version does not take a URL"09:54
sabdfli'm asking that you add that ability09:54
vilasabdfl: while filing a bug for that, I came across bug #308472, which already implements that on bzr info, I could add your comment there but... I think it makes more sense to accept that patch than to change the meanign of bzr version...09:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308472 in bzr "bzr info should show the server version" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30847209:58
vilathe rationale for adding it to info rather than version is that:09:59
vilaversion url can gives info only if url is a smart server,09:59
sabdflthat's true for info, too09:59
vilawhereas info will display it additionally when talking to a smart server09:59
vilanow, it may seem weird to not be able to ask for the server info with 'bzr version <server>' but....10:00
sabdflok, i hear you, and appreciate the feedback, but the decision is to add an optional <url> to bzr version10:00
vila...but maybe we can fill the other slots that bzr version displays for the server...10:00
vilathat's more work though, so I'll see that the info patch lands and file a bug for bzr version with that discussion10:01
vilasabdfl: what prompted your question at start ? Only the bzr version or also the python version used there, the various paths the revid, etc ?10:02
sabdfli just wanted to know the version of a server i was using10:02
sabdfland that was the command i typed10:02
sabdflthen i remembered i did the same thing previously10:02
sabdfli believe others will have done the same10:03
vilaI agree10:03
sabdflplease, file the bug and implement it after 2.010:03
vilaSo the basic info you wanted is what the info patch provides, adding an url to bzr version is what I file the bug with10:04
sabdflpost-2.0 we will focus on user experience, and I'll be part of the review of that, so i'm confident this will pass review10:04
vilasabdfl: :-D10:04
vilasabdfl: bug #420408 if you want to subscribe10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420408 in bzr "bzr version URL should display smart server information" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42040810:07
=== bialix-mute is now known as bialix
fullermdvila: Whutwhut?  You?  Joke?  I didn't authorize that...10:46
=== vila is now known as vila-bike
vila-bikehehe, timing is everything, I should quit though ;)10:47
=== vila is now known as vila-bike-for-re
=== vila-bike-for-re is now known as vila-bike
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bialixabentley: hello16:54
abentleybialix: Hi.16:54
bialixabentley: I want to ask about your nested trees16:54
bialixas you maybe know I have plugin scmproj which is poor emulation of NT16:54
bialixbecause there is still no working solution I want to continue improve my plugin, because I'm using it in my real job16:55
bialixI'd like to reuse as much as possible of your work16:55
bialixI think I need your CompositeTree16:55
bialixis it possible to reuse it regardless of entire NT infrastructure?16:56
bialixabentley: i.e. how standalone CompositeTree is?16:56
bialixerr, sorry. I wonder if I can just get your code hack it a bit and reuse for my needs?16:57
abentleybialix: it requires the contained trees to be referenced by TreeReferences.16:57
abentleybialix: I don't think that it would be easy to change that requirement.16:58
bialixcan I create fake TreeReferences?16:58
bialixI wonder if some generic solution possible here16:59
abentleybialix: The code is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~abentley/bzr/nested-trees16:59
bialixi.e. for Bzr-Trac plugin there is used some generic code that represents multiple of standalone branches as big mixed branch17:00
bialixabentley: your mereg proposal for NT docs seems to be approved. At least it in the approved but not merged queue. Or am I wrong?17:01
abentleyIt's a bit fuzzy what state it's in.17:01
abentleybialix: Martin approved the text without approving the plan.17:02
bialixdo you think you will continue to work on NT in next 3-6 months?17:02
bialixabentley: it seems a bit controversial?17:02
abentleybialix: I don't think it's likely.  I was working on Canonical time, and my team needs me right now.17:03
bialixI understand.17:03
bialixBut I need something like scmproj right now too, so I'm trying to figure out what I can reuse17:04
abentleybialix: That's a sane thing to do.17:05
bialixin the ideal worls I'd like to make scmproj as much as possible similar to future NT so I can switch painless17:05
bialixsome of you rideas (AFAI) is very close to my implementation17:05
bialixyour ideas, sorry17:05
bialixI'll try to read your current code, so I'll have more specific questions17:06
bialixabentley: last question: did you try to use your current code for real trees?17:08
abentleybialix: Like real codebases?  No, not for a couple of years.17:10
bialixcouple of years? ok, it's a joke17:10
bialixwe're using scmproj for ~ 6 months17:10
bialixI have enough feedback to understand what's wrong with my current scmproj17:11
bialixso do you think you'd like to change something in your current concept?17:11
abentleybialix: Not a joke, I started work on nested trees in 2006.17:12
bialixsorry, I misunderstood17:12
bialixI knew you started them a lon ago17:13
bialixbut it seems they were more prototype17:13
bialixscmproj is ugly but we realy using it17:13
abentleybialix: They weren't meant as a prototype, and they haven't changed significantly since I stopped working on them in 2007.17:15
bialixok, but there was no much news so most of the people know they're planned but not exist. at least I was under this impression.17:16
bialixmaybe I was wrong17:16
abentleybialix: They're planned, there's an implementation, the implementation is out-of-date with the current plan.17:18
bialix"the implementation is out-of-date with the current plan" -- what it means?17:19
bialixyou said Martin did not approved plan17:20
bialixok, sorry for bother you. thanks17:33
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=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
ajbCan anyone explain what "M 040000 - content" means in the context of a fast-export?17:56
Woxsomeone that has time for a question?18:41
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mgedminhi folks!20:45
mgedminsuppose I've got an svn repository full of unrelated little tools, and I'd like to extract the history of a single file into a new bzr repository20:46
mgedminhow would I go about that?20:46
mgedminsvnadmin dump + svndumpfilter + ?20:46
mgedminsvnadmin import + bzr-svn?20:46
phinzesorry if this is a FAQ, but what is the current status of Cherry-pick metadata in bzr?  i.e. if i merge a single revision from one branch to another i get the file changes but no pending-merge revisions20:49
phinzeand i found a blueprint from 2005 about it but no other info20:50
phinzemgedmin: that sounds like it would work20:51
mgedminit did work :-)20:51
phinzehuzzah ;)20:51
bialixhi garyvdm21:04
bialixis there any deadline for 0.14.1?21:04
garyvdmbefore bzr 2.0 final21:04
=== bialix is now known as bialix-qbzr
* garyvdm is working on bug 42053421:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420534 in qbzr "When in ui-mode, some errors go to the console." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42053421:05
bialix-qbzrgaryvdm: look at util.py open_tree21:05
garyvdmfunny - was just looking at it.21:05
bialix-qbzrI'm working on better wrapper class to open tree or branch and show errors better21:05
garyvdmI don't even think we need a wrapper class.21:06
bialix-qbzrdo you want to use some universal error handler instead?21:06
garyvdmWhich is currently in place21:07
bialix-qbzrI need wrapper class to simplify args passing21:07
bialix-qbzrand to solve bug #.. wait21:07
bialix-qbzrbug 38732021:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387320 in qbzr "qgetupdates doesn't refresh working tree when asked" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38732021:08
bialix-qbzrI'm tired about duplicating the same code to support both treeless, standalone and light co cases21:08
bialix-qbzrso I want wrapper21:09
bialix-qbzrgaryvdm: btw, weird question that bother me a bit: can we move some of our GUI-specific code to some subpackage e.g. lib/ui and keep in lib/ only algorithmic stuff?21:10
bialix-qbzrwe have ~66 files in lib/ now21:11
bialix-qbzrhalf of them is auto-generated UI files and simple dialogs21:11
bialix-qbzrother half very complex algorithms and com[lex GUI like qlog, qdiff, qann, qbw21:12
bialix-qbzrI wonder if we split them does it makes the code base any clearer? or you better keep current layout?21:12
bialix-qbzrgaryvdm: ^21:13
garyvdmI was thinking we could split in into 1. reusable widgets (currenly log, treewidget), 2. browseing windows (log, annotate, browse, diff), and 3. actions windows....21:13
bialix-qbzrand 4. inner stuff21:13
bialix-qbzrlike bugs.py, commmmit_data.py21:13
garyvdmutil, trace,21:13
bialix-qbzrcommands is special21:14
bialix-qbzrI like your 3 categories21:14
garyvdmor subprocess could go with all the actions windows.21:14
bialix-qbzror keep it in the utils category21:15
bialix-qbzrso 4 is utils category21:15
bialix-qbzror something like that21:15
bialix-qbzrthe edge is fuzzy here21:16
garyvdmbilaix-qbzr: I would leave the common thing in lib/ - like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/261126/21:18
bialix-qbzrgaryvdm: +121:19
bialix-qbzrI think I'll wait with such serious changes till 0.14.1 is out21:20
garyvdmThis is not important to me, but I might help new contributors. There are lost of other things I would prefer to spend time on..21:20
* bialix-qbzr too21:20
garyvdmIf you want to do it thats fine..21:20
bialix-qbzryes, I want if you do not object21:20
garyvdmNo objections..21:20
bialix-qbzrright after 0.14.121:21
bialix-qbzryear ago I moved everything into lib/ now time came to change layout again because qbzr is growing too much!21:21
garyvdmDoes not have to wait. Last time I checked, the version control we use is very good a handling renames :-)21:22
bialix-qbzrI'll have to change a lot of imports statements21:22
garyvdmbailix-qbzr: I remember that was just after I started contributing...21:22
bialix-qbzrthis may introduce conflicts on merging 0.14 branch back21:22
garyvdmNot a problem.21:23
bialix-qbzrgaryvdm: you joined in June or July 200821:23
bialix-qbzr~ year ago ;-)21:23
bialix-qbzrand this was a great year, you rock21:23
garyvdmOnly a year - seems much longer.21:23
garyvdmAh - I was doing some hacking on bzr-gtk before qbzr21:24
bialix-qbzrcheck qlogs :-D21:24
bialix-qbzrI was under impression you working on bzr-gtk a lot21:24
bialix-qbzralways wonder why you switching21:24
bialix-qbzrdo you remember?21:25
garyvdmThe people I was developing for are Windows users.21:25
fullermdHe's making the rounds of toolkits.  Next year he'll be working on bzr-motif.21:25
garyvdmqbzr much better than bzr-gtk on windows21:25
bialix-qbzrfullermd: lol21:26
bialix-qbzrgaryvdm: yes, qt is much nicer on windows21:26
bialix-qbzrso I'm grateful to those people21:26
garyvdmI actually started on bzr-xul - but did not do much...21:26
bialix-qbzrnever heard21:27
garyvdmxul is mozilla's toolkit21:27
fullermdThat's pretty frightening...21:27
garyvdmfirefox, thunderbird, etc are built with xull21:27
bialix-qbzrI'm slightly aware. Never heard about "bzr-xul"21:27
garyvdmAh - it never got further than mu hdd21:28
bialix-qbzrbug 42075721:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420757 in qbzr "[todo] change code layout" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42075721:33
=== bialix-qbzr is now known as bialix
garyvdmYhea - I stared porting viz to qlog late june 200821:39
garyvdmActual the revision that I started working on way may 2008 - maybe my branch was just out of date when I started.21:40
garyvdmMy first commit to bzr-gtk was in August 2007 - 2 years ago21:41
bialixI've discover qbzr ~ 2 years ago21:42
garyvdmI started working almost straight away on the viz algorithm - That was crazy....21:43
bialixseptember or cotober 200721:43
bialixand there is still a lot of things we can do to improvw it21:44
bialixgaryvdm: btw, about that bug with report to console21:58
bialixopen_containig* methods could emit nagging message about deprecated wt/branch format21:59
bialixdocstrings insisst this info emits via ui module22:00
bialixwe either need supress it, or show accordingly22:00
bialixthis will become a problem in the future (post 2.0)22:01
* bialix ~22:04
SmileyChrisin a bit of a mess...23:42
SmileyChrishad a bound branch, did bzr unbind to do some local work23:43
SmileyChrisafter restructuring entire project and checking it all in, i did bzr bind23:43
SmileyChristhen ran bzr up, which checked out the pre-unbound revision23:43
SmileyChrisbzr status showed all the files changed, with a pending merge23:44
SmileyChristried bzr merge, but it said there were uncommitted changes23:44
SmileyChrisso i ran bzr revert...23:44
SmileyChrisand now it's the pre-unbound revision, with no pending merge... did i just lose everything?23:45
garyvdmrun bzr up23:53
garyvdmYou will then get "bzr status showed all the files changed, with a pending merge"23:54
garyvdmNow run bzr commit23:54
garyvdmNo need to run bzr merge, bzr up does that for you23:54
garyvdmSmileyChris ^23:55
garyvdmSmileyChris: "pre-unbound revision" Should have all of your restructuring work.23:56
mgedminI think I did once lose some data that way23:57
mgedminthere ought to be a bug about bzr bind not complaining when you've diverged23:57
mgedminby "there ought to be" I mean "I either filed or found a bug already filed, but now I'm too lazy to look up the url"23:58
garyvdmjam: KnowGraph has shaved off 1.5 sec off loading mysql in qlog :-)23:58
mgedminit's possible that the commits still exist in the revision graph somewhere23:58
garyvdmjam not here ::-o23:58
mgedminshaving secs is nice23:58
mgedminhow many are left?23:58
garyvdmmgedmin: 15sec - but thats on a KnitIndex repo (1.6)23:59
mgedminI remember reading release announcements saying "bzr someoperation is now 50% faster" and wondering if that means it's still very slow, just not as horribly slow as it used to be, or if it's now actually fast23:59

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