
ace_suares!seen ogra02:59
ubottuI have no seen command02:59
ace_suaresYou mean: I didn't see the command.02:59
ace_suaresOr are you polish ?02:59
mhall119are you talking to the bot again?03:08
sbalneavEvening all03:19
ace_suareswhat bot?03:33
* ace_suares winks at Alan03:33
sbalneavThe info bot running in the channel03:33
ace_suarescant we use the ltsp bot, that has the !seen command (ubottu has not)03:34
ace_suaresHey I am forfeiting a trip to a small uninhabited island tomorrow, so the meeting better be good!03:34
sbalneavIf it isn't, you gonna get your money back? :)03:42
ace_suaresJust the tought of it being not, is making me reconsider :-)03:42
sbalneavWhat would make it NOT worth it, I wonder?03:45
ace_suaresLow attendace, dwindling focus, multitasking...03:45
ace_suaresYeah like playing warzone and debugging IO.string.jar and phoning your mom during the meeting03:47
sbalneavAs for low attendence, even if everyone shows up, it's low attendance.03:48
ace_suaresoh yah, i don't agree with that, work with wath you have eh.03:48
ace_suaresI am going to watch some tedtalks. See you tamara!03:49
sbalneavIf I make it.  I may be talking to my mom.03:49
sbalneavhighvoltage: About?03:51
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alkisgGood morning05:36
highvoltagegood morning alkisg06:17
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sbalneavMorning all14:42
sbalneavSo, what time's the meeting today?14:43
alkisg1Hi sbalneav! 17:00 utc, wasn't it?14:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about date14:47
ubottuEdubuntu meetings are (usually) held weekly on Wednesdays, alternating between 12:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC. « @schedule » may show when the next one will be, otherwise check the !fridge. All welcome!14:51
highvoltageheh, that was some time ago15:06
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
ace_suaresman the meeting isnt even listed in the fridge16:03
sbalneavace_suares: No-ones listed it there, I guess16:04
ace_suaressbalneav: logical, so locgical16:05
sbalneavOccam's razor is so very, very sharp :)16:05
sbalneavLaserJock usually handles a lot of the "administrivia" of Edubuntu.  Since he's in the process of moving, some of that sort of thing isn't getting done.16:06
ace_suares17:00 utc is 13:00  GMT-4, right?16:08
alkisgace_suares: give date -u in a terminal16:10
ace_suaresFri Aug 28 15:14:37 UTC 200916:14
ace_suaresand it's Fri Aug 28 11:15:00 AST 200916:15
ace_suaresso 4 hrs difference16:15
ace_suaresI added it to the fridge as in the wiki mentioned it doesn't show up yet16:15
SvenstaroMeeting in 30m?17:30
sbalneavSvenstaro: yep17:37
SvenstaroSo meeting on?18:05
sbalneavSvenstaro: yes, in #ubuntu-meeing18:05
mercurous23hi everyone18:31
mercurous23i need some help18:31
alkisg!ask | mercurous2318:32
ubottumercurous23: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:32
mercurous23i have problems with the quit button, it is just closing the toolbar without showing the logoff, shutdown and restart window.18:34
sbalneavThis on a full desktop, or on a thin client?18:34
mercurous23full desktp18:35
sbalneavWhat happens if you hit control-alt-del?18:38
mercurous23it shows the shutdown options18:39
mercurous23it might be just the quit applet?18:39
sbalneavCould be.  Does this happen all the time, or after a reboot it's ok?18:40
mercurous23yes it happens all the time18:42
sbalneavThen I'd remove the app from the panel, and try re-adding it.18:43
mercurous23i already tried that18:43
mercurous23didnt solve it18:44
alkisgDoes the logout dialog from the system menu work?18:45
sbalneavAll your updates are up to date?18:45
sbalneavSounds like some kind of dbus monkeyshines.18:45
mercurous23yes all are up to date18:46
mercurous23well i could just use the ctl-alt-del command to shutdown18:46
sbalneavDoes alkisg's suggestion work?18:46
mercurous23yes it does work18:47
sbalneavHm, so it's just the app on the panel, eh?18:47
alkisgmercurous23: do you mind resetting the panels? should I give you the command?18:47
sbalneavYeah, that was what I was going to suggest next.18:47
sbalneavA --recursive-unset18:48
alkisggconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel18:48
mercurous23thank you guys it is working now18:50
mercurous23i am also having problem with firefox18:50
mercurous23i could not run it with going to terminal and using the sudo command18:51
alkisgRunning firefox with sudo? Why?!!!18:52
mercurous23it will always say that firefox is already running when i tried to do normal launch18:55
mercurous23sorry i am still new with ubuntu18:55
sbalneavThen you've probably got a dead one in the background somewhere18:57
sbalneavps -ef | grep firefox18:57
mercurous23it will always say that firefox is already running but is not responding even if I restart the system19:01
sbalneavok. lets do this:19:02
sbalneavcd .mozilla/firefox19:02
sbalneavshould have something like wdiudv75.default19:03
sbalneavsome seqence of random numbers/letters.default19:03
sbalneavcd into that19:03
mercurous23i think that is the profile19:03
sbalneavyou got it19:03
sbalneavls -l .parentlock lock19:03
sbalneavgot a .parentlock?19:04
sbalneavif so, just rm .parentlock19:05
sbalneavthen you should be able to start firefox normally19:05
sbalneavok, I have to head out.  alkisg, can you give mercurous23 any more help he needs?19:06
alkisgSure sbalneav, have a nice afternoon19:07
sbalneavNever trust greeks bearing gifts, but *always* trust greeks in IRC channels :)19:07
sbalneavHave fun my friend.19:07
alkisgHeh :) bye bye19:08
mercurous23i still got the same problem. I think i got 2 profiles on it. Do you know the command to delete the profile?19:11
alkisgmercurous23: firefox -ProfileManager19:12
mercurous23do you know this sqlite files are for?19:15
mercurous23alkisg my firefox is now working19:16
mercurous23great help19:16
alkisgThe sqlite files are there to store your bookmarks and other stuff, don't delete them19:16
alkisgYou're welcome19:16
mercurous23bye need to get some sleep it is 2am here =)19:17
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nubaeaaarcgh... missed the meeting22:17
nubaejeez, I slept through it22:17
nubaecan someone tell me what I missed22:17
nubaeI read from the email something about Sugar22:17
nubaeI'd like to be involved with that as I need to package it for guadalinex anyway, which is based on Ubuntu22:18
alkisgnubae: you didn't miss much, except maybe for your membership once again :P22:27
alkisgace_suares is going to work on the wiki, and sbalneav on sabayon & docs22:27
nubaewell, i seee there is another meet for next week22:27
alkisgSugar was mentioned, but just barely at the end22:27
nubaewhich is better for me as Ill have pyclic ready by then22:27
nubaeso can get some people psyched to test it22:28
alkisgnubae: I tried with nbd instead of nfs. Yeah, it was twice as fast22:28
alkisghdparm -tT /dev/nbd0 showed 10MB/sec for 100mbps network22:29
alkisgThat's good. But of course gigabit would be like a native disk22:29
alkisgThe downside is that it's not really live (the partition must not be mounted). The good side is that one can boot with that partition and administer it as usual22:30
alkisg...and of course ltsp-update-image etc isn't needed.22:30
nubaeright... cool22:37
nubaethe biggest isue with nfs isnt even speed though22:37
nubaeits reliability22:37
nubaeit will disconnect, and when it does make the systems temporarily unusable... teachers reallly dont like that22:37
alkisgSounds strange though, for such a widely-used file system...22:37
nubaewell, its an old system22:37
nubaetimes have changed22:38
alkisg:-/ I mostly don't like this because of /home, I don't like rsynching stuff...22:38
nubaei have personally always see it have problems, and talking to the guadalinex folks that created this special local cache using rsync and reconnecting to nfs every 5 mins... guaranteed me that it has always had problems22:38
nubaewell... its a patch hack for sure... the solution uis not to use nfs22:39
nubaeanyways decision was made today here to NOT use ltsp becuase it was too reliant on the network22:39
alkisgSo what will you use?22:40
nubaeand we cant be sure our province wide networks are all cabled properlz22:40
nubaethe simples solution possible22:40
alkisgxrdp? freenx?22:40
alkisgOr just cloning?22:40
nubaexmpp, and totally local machines22:40
nubaeyeah net based cloning, we have a customised system22:41
alkisgHm? you mean xdmcp?22:41
nubaethopugh we are looking for a c coder that could implement p2p like distribution within debinstaller22:41
nubaeno I mean xmpp22:41
nubaeyes... ud be amazed what that protocol can do22:41
nubaeeveryone thinks its just a chat server22:41
nubaebut its a hell of a lot more22:42
nubaeand its super stable, very scalable22:42
nubaeand not reliant on a constant net connection22:42
alkisg...but what can it do? Can it expose a file system?22:42
nubaethink of it like tcp22:45
nubaeu set up a xmpp serve22:46
asanchezhi nubae, what are you doing!22:46
nubaeand using the xep extensions, there are hundreds22:46
nubaehey hey....22:46
nubaeasanchez: is one of my coworkers at guadalinex22:46
nubaemy boss!22:46
asanchezhi all!22:46
asanchezI'm your partner, not your boss!22:46
nubaeyeah yeah :-)22:47
nubaeparactically partner22:47
nubaetechnically boss22:47
nubaealkisg was working on a fatclient realtime partition system22:47
nubaeor... how would u describe it alkisg22:48
alkisgHmmm I can see a lot of extensions there: http://xmpp.org/extensions/ but are they implemented somehow?22:48
alkisgYup, that describes it about right22:48
nubaei told him maybe we are interested in seeing what it is22:48
nubaealkisg: yeah many clients have them implemented... even things like share desktop, whiteboard22:48
asanchezof course, any knowledge is welcome22:48
nubaevideo, audio sophisticated chatrooms22:49
alkisgIt seems easy to handle, as it doesn't involve a chroot. The teacher just manages a desktop pc, and it's disk is shared with the other PCs22:49
nubaesharing of files from a bot like service22:49
nubaeliek config files could be sent for example... imagine the italc stucture being sent for each classroom22:49
nubaeasanchez: alkisg works in the Greek school systenm+22:49
nubaehas the ear of many greek teachers22:50
nubaehe has done some interesting hacks to italc too22:50
alkisgThe problem is that ltsp, and linux in general, is not very widely used in greece :(22:50
nubae?lkisg: whjat was it u did for italc again22:51
nubaewe use it quite  lot at guadalinex22:51
alkisgBut there's interest in it from the ministry and from some teachers... I hope it get used more in the future22:51
alkisgnubae: just some bug fixes, I didn't do much for it22:51
nubaei thought u added some feature22:52
nubaeand also ure work on dnsmasq22:52
alkisgNah... yeah, mostly dhcp-related stuff, for remote booting22:52
nubaeto stabalise network right?22:52
alkisgAnd to make remote booting easier. E.g. here we use dual boot machines, windows + ltsp22:53
nubaeah yeah, we force users to use linux or linux22:53
alkisgSo I did what I could to make it easier to install gpxe to the windows bootloader...22:53
nubaeasanchez: u know sabayon?22:54
alkisgAlso, we use cheap routers as dhcp servers, so I asked the dnsmasq and gpxe developers to implement a part of the pxe standard that would make it easier to boot ltsp clients without adding a second dhcp server22:54
asanchezwe use an older version of ItalC because we made some hard code to fit our needs, maybe we could take a look at the new versions22:54
asancheznubae,  I do22:55
nubaeits been quit improved now22:55
nubaethough i guess itn doest have much use in guadalinex22:55
alkisgiTlac 2.0 will have some major improvements, to speed as well. I hope it gets out soon...22:55
nubaeasanchez: vagrant cascadian put me in contact with the main tech guy at linex22:57
nubaei'll cc u correspondence ok?22:57
asanchezok, thanks22:57
nubaealkisg: can u list some of the improvements of italc 2.0?22:58
nubaebtw.. asanchez = Technical director of Guadalinex-edu22:59
asanchezaudio troubleshooting classroom starts at #ubuntu-classroom, see u later22:59
nubaewow management interface for italc 2 sounds nice23:01
* alkisg doesn't really like vnc... I'd prefer a freenx-based solution, or even better something with multicasting for demo mode :)23:03
nubaefreenx wojuld rock.... guadalinex has a multicasting app, but just for vlc i believe23:04
nubaean inhouse app23:04
nubaethink u ended up doing something similar23:04
alkisgIt didn't use multicasting. Just plain old gstreamer pipelines...23:05
nubaethats what we did i believe... we call it virtual net cannon23:06
nubaeas it shoots out to the machines in question23:06
nubaebut allows teacher to control session23:07
alkisgA program that would *multicast* (so that it would give 30+ fps) the teacher screen would be priceless...23:07
nubaewelll maybe tke a look at this program23:07
nubaemight give ideas... think its python based23:07
alkisgAre the sources available?23:08
nubaevery popular with the teachers23:08
nubaeeverything we do is software libre so shol23:08
nubaeshould be23:08
asanchezyeah, we could upload sources to launchpad23:08
alkisg"virtual net cannon" doesn't return anything in google....23:08
nubaeasanchez: would be good, u never know people might improve on it23:09
alkisgasanchez: that'd be nice23:09
nubaeor give ideas23:09
asanchezyeah, maybe a new project at lauchpad could be the easiest way to do that23:10
asanchezeverything is in spanish: http://murgitic.blogspot.com/2007/02/crv-can-de-red-virtual.html23:10
nubaebueno, I can translate it23:11
alkisgsweet google translate :)23:11
asanchezyes, but i think code is in spanish too23:12
asanchezour coworker luis is the main coder of CRV23:12
alkisgI like your education submenus... ours is flat :) http://users.sch.gr/alkisg/temp/education-menu.png23:15
nubaeyes edu menus in guadalinex-edu are indeed very well thought out23:18
nubaewe had input from teachers I thnk23:18
asanchezwe have recently adopted edubuntu menu system in Guadalinex23:18
alkisgSo how many PCs use linux in spain, approximately?23:20
alkisg(in education)23:20
nubaewell.... think of it this way, we manage 4400 schools23:22
nubaeor some number close to that23:23
asanchezin spain i don't know exactly23:23
alkisgWoah... that's a lot of schools23:23
nubaeschools have between 100-600 students I think23:23
nubaeasanchez knows better though23:23
nubaehe can confirm23:23
asanchezin Andalusia we have nowadays 265.000 and we are going to increment this number before end of this year with 187.100 netbooks23:23
nubaeyes, we are amongst the largest edu distributions in practice in the world23:24
nubaeend goal is every student with a netbook, verdad?23:24
alkisgI hope Greece can learn something from you :(23:24
nubaeasanchez mentioned something very interesting todaz23:24
alkisgHeh german layout ?23:25
asanchezbefore 2012, our goal is 1 computer per 2 students23:25
nubaebasically, everyone is looking to see what we do23:25
nubaewith our netbook deal23:25
nubaeforced guinny pigs23:25
nubaeguinea pigs23:25
asanchezalthough we are going to start to give 1 netbook per children at primary school23:25
alkisgGreece will also offer netbooks this September, but only for 1 class (= kids 13 y.o.)23:26
alkisgBut I don't know if that will continue next year...23:26
nubaeour system is, the gov. gives the netbooks to the students and teachers23:26
nubaeso they can take them home, etc23:26
asanchezwe have to change our model because now students are going to use netbook also at home23:27
nubaebut we only support linux, so if they install windows they are on their own23:27
nubaethis will be a big rpoblem23:27
nubaethe other problem is connectivity to the net from home23:27
nubaelike... should we alow them to connect to any place... (should there be flters hardcoded in?)23:28
asanchezafter 6 years of experience, here people prefer linux because they have direct support23:28
nubaeits all totally poltiical23:28
asancheznubae, i think this is one way to give support at home23:28
nubaethat is the real advantage... students when going into uni actually ask for linux23:29
asanchezand at home to their parents23:29
nubaetrhez wont tolerate windoze23:29
nubaethats super duper!23:29
alkisgAll that in 6 years? !!!23:29
asanchezwhy computer at home are so bored? where is tuxracer? :D23:29
nubaehey... theyve done a hell of a lot... most of the group (at least in development / tech) are some of the best in their fields23:30
nubaethey really know their suff23:30
asanchezyeah, we are so lucky with our team and with nubae now!23:31
nubaeso we work within the absurd demands of the ministry (asanches can give u horror stories for hours)23:31
* nubae blushes23:31
nubaeyeah the team rocks... being able to bounce ideas off each other like that rocks23:32
nubaein all the other situations I was in, I was almost always working alone23:33
nubaemuch harder and half the fun23:33
alkisgIt's really nice that you also do developement, and it would be even better if you could share it somehow...23:33
alkisgI think you're going to send some fixes for the ecubuntu education menus?23:33
asanchezyeah, I think we are now at good political situation to publish part of our work23:34
nubaeheh, I was told today that we have a fulltime canonical dev that kinda works for us, based on the money he is paid for an official support contract23:34
nubaeasanchez: thats a really good point23:34
nubaewe need to some whitepapers and start sending to journals/magazines23:35
nubaeget our name (guadalinex-edu) out there23:35
asanchezI think our deployment system its suitable for a paper (and we need this paper to :D)23:35
nubaeI hav contacts with British press, but article in wired, linux format, new scientist, etc would be unbeliavably cool23:36
* nubae hides from the documentation work23:36
asanchezour "public relations man" has a lot of contacts23:36
nubaeconstant struggle here23:36
asanchezno problem, I like doc and slides, I can do that work23:37
* nubae and asanchez are kinda PR men too but from a tech perspective23:38
nubaeme cuase somehow I got sucked into ubuntu, oopensuse, and wired membership23:39
nubaebtw.... totally oiff note, did u see SCO is suing novell and IBM again23:39
nubaesome court somewhere overturned their appeal to the ownership of unix and linux23:39
nubaeemm..... wired should = sugar membership23:40
nubaeasanchez: una cosa.,... si me invitan a conferencias (un ejemplo es una para suse en Octubre) hay forma de tomar parte, reresentando guadalinex y haceindo una presentation?23:45
nubaeme imagino que a la mejor podria coger esos dias, pero no se pagaria nada, verdad?23:46
nubaelo mismo con un despliege /infrstructuración en Madgascar23:48
asancheznubae, todas las salidas por parte del proyecto tienen que ser aprobadas por la dirección, si la dirección la aprueba no hay problema23:48
nubaevale eso lo entiendo, pero es algo que puede pasar, o es muy dificil??23:49
nubaees que yo veo que asi ganamos información muy importante23:49
nubaey la verdad es que es ipmortante que alguien que este metido de verdad en estas comunidades vaya... es decir... no solo para el tema de marketing23:50
nubaemore information sourcing, intellegence gathering23:50
asanchezi think it could be possible if your company is agree23:52
nubaesadiel in this case?23:53
nubaeok, I would have to talk to them?23:53
asanchezsorry, i have to help my brother with his final degree project at university23:53
nubaeah no problem... good luck, I go to bed now anyway23:54
nubaeIlöl ask another day23:54
asanchezyes, i think Jorge could have more information, i don't know exactly how that works in your co.23:54
* nubae waves and tunes out23:55

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