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macoJontheEchidna: theyre not translated in upstream trunk yet?01:01
JontheEchidnawouldn't matter; we're using 4.3 translations01:04
JontheEchidnaI suppose in theory one could take the translations for each language from trunk and manually apply them in rosetta...01:05
JontheEchidnathat'd be a ton of work, though01:05
neversfeldehow to specifiy the location of the series file and the dir for patches with quilt?01:15
neversfeldeI can set the dir for patches with QUILT_PATCHES, but then the series file is in that, too01:16
ryanakcaneversfelde: export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches01:16
ryanakcaOh, nevermind then01:16
ryanakcaSo you want to have the series file and the patches dir in two different spot?01:16
neversfeldeI am trying to patch amarok to make the lyric script work again and the series file is in debian/patches and the patches are in debian/patches/kubuntu01:17
ryanakcaneversfelde: CDBS?01:17
ryanakcaMaybe add something to a pre-patch rule to make symlinks from debian/patches to debian/patches/* ... and then find debian/patches -type -l -exec rm {} \;   in clean to remove them.01:18
neversfeldemhh, I hope there is an easyer way to do it01:19
ryanakcaneversfelde: Or you can quilt import debian/patches/kubuntu/*  and then for i in debian/patches/kubuntu/*; do quilt delete $i; done in clean01:20
ryanakcaneversfelde: Worse comes to worse, you could try asking one of the devs on http://savannah.nongnu.org/project/memberlist.php?group=quilt01:27
neversfelderyanakca: thanks, I will probably do, if no one here knows the answer.01:27
JontheEchidnaI do: ln -s debian/patches patches01:37
JontheEchidnathen remove the symlink once I'm done01:38
neversfeldeah, yes. The quilt manpage mentioned something about symlinks01:43
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thank you01:43
JontheEchidnayou're welcome01:43
* Sput notes that Quassel has colored nicks02:39
* Sput also doesn't understand what "prone to disconnects" is supposed to mean02:39
Sputah, also I don't see what's unconvential about /exec02:46
JontheEchidnaoh, colored nicks are just not on by default02:58
JontheEchidnathe thing with the /exec is that there's a lack of scripts, like for /media and /audio and such02:59
neversfeldebug 409407  needs a sponsor03:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409407 in amarok "LyricWiki API no longer works" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40940703:00
Sputwell, that could be helped if someone wrote them. and for amarok, we ship one03:00
Sputactually it'd be trivial to port konvi's script, just exchange their dbus calls by printf :)03:01
JontheEchidnaand if they exist, none are terribly discoverable/have conventional commands03:01
Sputwell, that's a question of defaults, trivially to be changed if need be (and as usual we're input for input, suggestions and contributions)03:03
* maco hugs Sput03:04
maco0.5 netsplit detection rox!03:04
neversfeldeI like the new colors in quassel03:04
Sputmaco: yeah, and I think the couple bugs it still has will be fixed soonish :)03:04
Sputignore list stuff will get a better UI too, we didn't manage to get that part fully done before FF03:05
Sputbut seezer is busy working on that stuff03:05
macowould a feasible feature request be to have people-buffers be greyed out based on their online status instead of their online-and-in-same-channel-as-you status?03:06
Sputalso, something I agree isn't terribly discoverable yet (until we write docs for it) is the fact that Quassel is fully styleable via QSS stylesheets, we've extended it a bit to allow full styling of the ChatView03:07
Sputmaco: it's not too trivial to determine the online status of a nick if you don't share a channel03:07
Sputwe could probably do periodic /ISON though03:07
macoi saw the QSS import box03:08
SputIRC sucks a bit in that respect :)03:08
macobut i dont know the difference between QSS and CSS03:08
SputQSS is a Qt thingy03:08
macoso i decided to leave it alone for now03:08
Sputfor testing, we ship a stylesheet (m4yer.qss in the datadir or /data in the source dir) that changes the default colors to something that looks much more like the old Quassel03:09
Sputplus a few fancy things, like bold nick in highlights03:09
Sputwe're still looking for a good default stylesheet and will probably ship some more (jussi01 has a nice one for dark themes), but again, this is trivial stuff that will be done over the next couple weeks03:10
Sputhttp://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/stylesheet.html is the Qt docs for that, but we did some extensions for styling the chatview (depending on message type, status etc) which have yet to be documented properly03:11
Sputhttp://tinyurl.com/nf8bzx is the default stylesheet, gives you an idea how that looks like in practice03:12
Sputin addition, you can use all the features Qt has for styling its widget... with some talented designer (which I as a partial color blind am definitely not) one could do really fancy stuff03:13
Sputanyway, I need sleep...03:15
neversfeldekoffice 2.1 beta1 is now for jaunty in the staging ppa. I cannot test it, so would be great if a jaunty user can try it03:26
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ScottKOpened my first lzma archive with ark just now \o/05:34
vorianthat is good news06:20
jussi01Can anyone confirm this bug still exists in karmic? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pioneers/+bug/37574507:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375745 in pioneers "unable to register clients with pioneers-server in jaunty" [Undecided,New]07:33
jussi01please :)07:33
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markeyhmm, something is constantly accessing my HDD10:11
markeyit's not nepomuk (disabled)10:12
markeywhat else could it be?10:12
markeyah, maybe it was nepomuk :) seems to have stopped now10:12
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ScottKNCommander: We're past FF now.  Can kdeplasma-addons and packagekit get some armel love now?14:05
glatzorScottK, for sure. I will recreate the disable werror patch hopefully tomorrow.14:06
ScottKglatzor: Glad to hear it.14:07
ScottKNCommander: I guess that leaves kdeplasma-addons for you.14:07
davmor2Riddell: latest live cd isn't showing install in the folderview instead I get home and trash14:31
ScottKdavmor2: He's offline until Sunday PM.14:34
davmor2latest live cd isn't showing install in the folderview instead I get home and trash :)14:35
ryanakcaOdd, can someone confirm that the arrows are inversed on the desktop cube effect? Ctrl-F11 should zoom you out. Then left arrow would presumably bring you to the desktop on the left.... but it takes you to the one on the right14:37
ryanakcaSure, it spins the cube to the left, but I still find it counter-intuitive.14:38
ryanakcaseele: What is the usability point of view on it? ... Should the left arrow move on the desktop cube switch to the next desktop to the left, or spin the cube to the left so that you move to the desktop on the right?14:41
seeledepends on if the user likes inverted mice or not ;)14:41
macohaha this is like when my mom tells me to scroll up so she can read farther down...she means scroll down, but the PAGE moves up so....14:42
seelei think left should mean left. if you click left then you see left14:42
* ryanakca nods14:43
ryanakcaIs it worth a patch to k-d-s?14:43
ScottKWhat was the replacement for gtk-qt-engine?14:48
JontheEchidnaQtCurve for Oxygen-looking gtk, kcm-gtk for configuring gtk look'n'feel in KDE14:52
JontheEchidnathe latter really just controlling widget style selection and fonts14:53
ScottKtxwikinger_work: You were going to update ichthux-meta to fix ^^^ remember?14:59
ScottKDo you need sponsoring?14:59
txwikinger_workHi ScottK14:59
ScottKHi txwikinger_work14:59
txwikinger_workSorry for that.. I did not get to it yet14:59
txwikinger_workcrazy week14:59
txwikinger_workYou need that urgent, right?15:00
ScottKOK, well that's what's keeping gtk-qt-engine/-kde4 in NBS, so we need to get it done.15:00
ScottKIt's not a crisis, but it should get done soon.15:00
txwikinger_workI have it already very high priority on my list15:00
txwikinger_workScottK: is there bug for it in launchpad?15:01
ScottKtxwikinger_work: I didn't look.  I found it on the NBS list: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/gtk-qt-engine-kde415:02
* JontheEchidna files FFe for userconfig15:02
txwikinger_workok.. that helps too .. thanks15:02
ScottKtxwikinger_work: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/kmplayer-konq-plugins too.15:05
yuriyJontheEchidna: oh you need an FFe now? damn i was hoping it'd get in yesterday. ok then i should fix that bug so you can just upload a 0.9 version15:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: vorian can approve that when it's ready.15:08
JontheEchidnayuriy: would have needed an FFe yesterday, but it's not that big of a deal15:08
JontheEchidnaI'll let you make 0.9 before continuing, though ;-)15:09
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ScottKWhat do we have to do to make is so KDE knows ark can deal with lzma and xz files now?15:48
ScottKk-d-s change?15:48
JontheEchidnaark's .desktop file should advertise that15:52
ScottKSo we should fix that when we package
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ScottKI didn't confirm xz works, but lzma does.15:54
ScottKAnyone else missing channel icons on karmic or jaunty-backports quassel?15:57
smarterI do15:57
JontheEchidnaLooking at the desktop, it does advertise support for the lzma mimetype already15:57
smarteron karmic15:57
JontheEchidnawhat mimetype is .xz?15:57
smarterJontheEchidna: application/x-xz15:58
smartersee http://tukaani.org/xz/xz-file-format-1.0.4.txt for more infos15:59
ScottKOK, well when I try to open a .lzma file, KDE always asks me what app should open it.16:00
ScottKsmarter: Would you please try my updated quassel in my PPA?16:00
smarterScottK: sure16:00
ScottKMayb it's some path thing as I have the icons on Jaunty.16:04
ScottKAnyone got news I should pass on the the release team meeting?16:10
smarterScottK: the icons are still missing16:28
ScottKsmarter: OK.  It's weird then.16:28
ScottKSput: ^^ Suggestions?16:28
smarter(the one which should be at the left of the channel name in the buffer view right?)16:28
ScottKExcept we don't use the term buffer anymore because maco didn't like it.16:29
macother's actually just not columns with headings now16:30
Tonio_Riddell: I noticed kopete won't go in the systray by default ?16:32
Tonio_Riddell: means than closing the window closes the app ???16:32
Tonio_Riddell: seems irrelevant for an IM app imho16:32
Tonio_ScottK: was this discussed before ?16:32
ryanakcaTonio_: it works here... is there a setting that got disabled somewheres?16:33
ScottKTonio_: It's agateau's messaging indicator being on by default for testing.16:33
Tonio_ryanakca: yep16:33
Tonio_ScottK: which is nice, but why messaging indicator would imply no systray ?16:33
ScottKTonio_: Talk to agateau.16:34
Tonio_ScottK: yeah I would like to understand16:34
Tonio_agateau: ping ? ;)16:34
agateauScottK: you like to be deaf some times, don't you?16:34
ScottKagateau: I don't recall the details.16:34
agateauScottK: didn't I tell yesterday that I had nothing to do with the systray?16:34
agateauScottK: I wrote a new plugin for Kopete to show in the message indicators16:35
ScottKagateau: The problem appeared when your patch landed.  I'm certain you didn't intend it.16:35
smarterisn't it a bug?16:35
ScottKagateau: I did forget you said that though.16:35
agateauScottK: Riddell integrated it in kubuntu-default-settings,16:35
Tonio_ScottK: the systray thing was disabled on purpose by Riddell16:35
smarterchecking/unchecking the kopete option to make the sys icon doesn't do anything16:35
Tonio_ScottK: nothing to do with a patch or bug or so :)16:35
ScottKagateau: Sorry about that.16:35
smarterI'm pretty sure there's a bug somewhere16:35
Tonio_just it was done in the same time, and except there is a technical requirement for this, no systray is just a nonsense for an app you want to be silently started and hidden most of the time :)16:36
smarterTonio_: I think it's part of the philosophy that the systray is Evil and you should use virtual desktops instead: http://ploum.frimouvy.org/?219-the-aristocratic-desktop-part-3-there-s-no-tray-icon-in-gnome16:36
smartersince it's concept easier to grasp for newbies16:36
Tonio_smarter: part of that philosophy sucks16:36
smarter*a concept16:36
agateausmarter: not exactly16:37
Tonio_smarter: any noob KNOWS about the systray and ignores about virtual desktops16:37
agateauThe whole idea is to avoid cluttering your bar with multiple tiny icons16:37
agateauThe GNOME implementation for example, hides Pidgin systray icon,16:37
Tonio_agateau: which is fine, too many apps going there, *but* some apps should I think16:37
Tonio_and among any other one, the IM should16:37
agateauBut closing Pidgin window does not stop it,16:38
Tonio_agateau: great, then how do you get it back ?16:38
agateauYou can bring it back from the message indicator menu16:38
Tonio_agateau: what if I want to talk to one of my contacts ?16:38
Tonio_and not respond ?16:38
agateauthe menu always contain an entry per application + 0-n entries for indicators16:39
agateauso you can click on the application entry, and bring back the contact list window16:39
smarteroh, that's interesting16:39
Tonio_agateau: in fact you have a systray app that concatenates systray apps ? :)16:39
agateauTonio_: sort of :)16:39
smartermight work more than the use of virtual desktop ploum suggested16:39
Tonio_agateau: oki doki, fine with me then16:39
agateauTonio_: but it gives more power to the app16:39
Tonio_agateau: where is my message indicator right now ?16:40
Tonio_I can't see it16:40
smarterTonio_: it's a plasmoid, I'm looking for it too ;)16:40
Tonio_smarter: ARGH !!!!!!!!!!16:40
agateauI am not sure Kopete behaves the way I described it now,16:40
smarterTonio_: plasma-widget-indicatordisplay16:40
Tonio_agateau: hum, is that plasmoid in the systray or is that a desktop plasmoid ?16:40
smarterit should go in the systray16:41
agateauTonio_: it only shows an icon, you can click on it to display a menu16:41
agateauIf an event occurs, the icon changes16:41
Tonio_agateau: yeah okay right, just that it'll grab a lot more space than if going to the systray :)16:41
Tonio_just my opinion ;)16:41
Tonio_I'm not a fan of plasmoids going to the bar16:41
agateauTonio_: true16:42
agateauTonio_: KDE4.4 has support for embedding plasmoids in the tray16:42
agateaubut not KDE4.316:42
smarterfinally :p16:42
Tonio_agateau: I think the new kde systray has support for plasmoids16:42
Tonio_agateau: okay so when 4.4 is there we can put it there then16:42
Tonio_fine with me16:42
smarterI still think it should be merged with KDE indicator thingy16:42
Tonio_agateau: thanks for the explanation :)16:42
smarterwe don't need two types of indicators, that just complicates stuff16:43
agateausmarter: you mean the (i) icon?16:43
Tonio_agateau: btw, what about the notification and jobs thing of kde ?16:43
Tonio_agateau: will we drop it, leave it in front of your message indicator ?16:43
smarterTonio_: that's what I'm talkin about ;)16:43
agateauTonio_: that's what smarter is talking about16:43
Tonio_agateau: oups, I didn't read smarter, sorry :)16:44
* Tonio_ gives a kiss to smarter16:44
Tonio_yeah, I'm going that can become a mess in the meantime16:44
agateauI am not totally happy with this as well16:44
agateaubut I lacked time to work on a more integrated solution16:45
Tonio_so now we have notifications for messages and notifications for the rest of the system....16:45
smarteryep :/16:45
Tonio_and we don't have a decent bluetooth framework....16:45
* Tonio_ think the priority should be given in doing what misses and not changing what works16:45
smartertoo bad the ubuntu desktop team didn't work with KDE for a common solution16:46
Tonio_at least to start with16:46
agateauTonio_: the idea is that indicators are long term information, whereas notifications are ephemeral16:46
agateausmarter: this is a common solution:16:46
agateauStart pidgin,16:46
agateauit will show up in the plasmoid16:46
Tonio_agateau: I think it's up to the user to decide what is ephemeral and what is not :)16:46
Tonio_my girlfriend pings me in kopete, that's important16:46
agateauTonio_: sure,16:47
Tonio_smarter pings me on konversation : I don't give a sh*t :)16:47
Tonio_agateau: seriously, trying new things is fine16:47
agateauIn this case you will get an ephemeral notification *and* an entry in the indicator16:47
Tonio_I'm just sick of kde right now16:47
smarterTonio_: meh :p16:47
Tonio_and I'm serious16:47
Tonio_changing and reengeneering what already works16:47
agateauif the notification goes away, you don't miss your gf, thanks to the indicator16:47
macognome tme?16:47
Tonio_improving desktop effects when it works16:48
Tonio_4.3 is there and there is still no network or bluetooth manager16:48
Tonio_KDE is not listening to their users I'm affraid16:48
smarteragateau: getting both a notification and an indication seems overkill16:48
agateausmarter: you can configure this16:48
agateausmarter: you can disable one or the other or both16:49
smarterwon't that makes two popups appear for each message?16:49
Tonio_I mean attaching activities to VD is nice, but well... I'd like the basics to be taken care of, and I'm tired of that beeing a standard status in kde for years now...16:49
agateausmarter: no, the indicator does not show popups16:50
agateausmarter: it just changes its icon16:50
Tonio_agateau: man can configure things, but really, really, really usability experts should be in the process there16:51
smarterso the user has to know that when notifications disappear from the (i) icon he has to click on the mail icon?16:51
Tonio_agateau: what does seele think about all that ?16:51
Tonio_cause this can really go to the better or the real mess imho :)16:51
agateauTonio_: don't know :/16:51
agateausmarter: I agree having two indicators is confusing16:52
Tonio_changing this is really "touchy" (sorry for my french)16:52
agateausmarter: the quick (n'dirty) solution is to patch away the (i)16:52
agateauso that applications are always visible16:52
agateaubut it's quite a touchy change, as Tonio_ said16:52
smarterwell, some notifications(like kopete) don't disappear by themselve already16:53
smarterwhich is also why I don't see the point of the indicator16:53
Tonio_hum... I'm not against the concept, but it looks to me that the development was performed following the general idea16:53
Tonio_and now it's done we discover the problems coming with it and only starting to think about what to do with that...16:53
agateausmarter: Canonical Design team thinks permanent notifications are bad, because they clutter your screen and force you to act16:54
ScottKI think there is sense in the concept, but the current implementation seems to me like since it was done it Gnome first, we stuck with some things that aren't ideal for KDE.16:54
* smarter is not really a fan of Canonical Design team :P16:54
agateausmarter: that's the reason behind the message indicator: provide a non-obstrusive way to present permanent information16:54
Tonio_and I'm a bit shocked to read that the guy doing to implementation doesn't know if the usability expert is in the process...16:54
smarterdidn't seele do a review of the ubuntu notification thing?16:55
smarterand it wasn't really positive if I remember correctly16:55
smarterher blog seems to be down unfortunately :/16:55
agateauTonio_: the guy doing the implementation is doing what he is been told to do16:55
Tonio_smarter: no idea, but if that happened, agateau should be aware of that :)16:55
agateauTonio_: I guess you know this situation :)16:55
Tonio_if he isn't, means that there's a real communication issue16:55
Tonio_agateau: yeah, not your fault, of course, just that's bad :)16:56
agateauI am a bit crunched between Canonical and Kubuntu designers16:56
agateaubut I hope you agree that the idea of a message indicator makes sense if you restrict your notifications to only ephemeral ones,16:57
agateauand it also lead to a less cluttered desktop16:57
ScottKagateau: It's the actionless bit that bothers me more than the ephemeral part.16:58
agateauScottK: rest assured I haven't been told to remove actions16:59
ScottKagateau: Glad to hear it.16:59
agateauScottK: what I have been doing with regard to that though,16:59
* ScottK was just commenting on the general Ux design.16:59
agateauScottK: is to make it possible for KDE apps to detect that the notification server does not support them,16:59
agateauScottK: (read running on GNOME with notify-osd)17:00
agateauScottK: and not use actions *in this case only*17:00
ScottKagateau: As long as upstream is willing to take the patches, I think that's good.17:00
agateauScottK: I am in the process of upstreaming the kdelibs changes17:00
agateauScottK: posted them to kde-core-devel@ a few minutes ago17:01
ScottKOK. Good to hear.17:01
smarteragateau: have aseigo or notmart(which were both involved in the notification thing) already commented on your indicator plasmoid?17:08
agateausmarter: no17:08
agateausmarter: Riddell blogged about it, but they did not comment17:08
smarterokay, we'll see what happen then17:08
ScottKQuassel devs gave it a good review.17:09
agateauThe blog is a bit old now, so I don't think they will comment on it17:09
agateauBut other blog post will come17:09
agateauScottK: reminds me I should mail the quassel patch17:10
agateauScottK: unless you already did?17:10
ScottKI did not.17:10
agateauScottK: ok, will do then17:10
smarterTonio_: any idea what's the state of Kaffeine?17:15
ScottKsmarter: Working nicely here on Karmic.17:17
smarterthe svn snapshot we have seems to be a bit old17:17
agateautime to go, have a good weekend!17:17
Tonio_smarter: unreleased, pretty functionnal, poorly maintained17:18
Tonio_as k3b in fact :)17:18
Tonio_this is a bit frightening, to be honnest ;)17:18
Tonio_officially, most of the apps we ship with arent release as stable, 1 1/2 years after kde4 has been released17:18
smartertrue :/17:19
smarterwhat's going on with k3b?17:19
Tonio_smarter: alpha2 released, no news since then17:19
smarterI thought some Mandriva guys were working on it?17:19
Tonio_no news on the official website for 6 month maybe17:20
smartertoo bad that killer-app like that don't have a great community of developers17:21
Tonio_smarter: that's kde's fault17:21
smarterwell, Amarok seems to manage it pretty well17:22
Tonio_they rely on volunteers only17:22
Tonio_there's no global idea of "the team should work on whatever needs love"17:22
Tonio_gnome does that17:22
Tonio_so we have apps overmaintained, things unmaintained and things completly ignored17:22
Tonio_making the all desktop irrelevant, unusable17:23
Tonio_in the list of expected features, priority is very often given to what should be marked "bonus"17:23
Tonio_think about activities on virtual desktops, new plasma plugins, desktop effects17:24
Monika|Khow's Gnome different, they're volunteers, too17:24
Tonio_all of that is nice, but when nobody except from one person seem to use wireless/3G, whatever, or bluetooth17:24
Tonio_solid officially supports bluez and networkmanager17:24
Tonio_great, nobody cares about the gui, no problem17:24
Tonio_let's code new desktop effects instead17:24
Tonio_no captain in the boat, no global vision, that's my feeling about kde right now17:25
Tonio_and honnestly, I've seen so many kde fans switching to gnome not when kde4 was released, but very recently, just sick with lack of network management and blutooth17:26
JontheEchidnait's not like those who code desktop effects could instantly become bluez experts, or would even contribute at all if they weren't doing desktop effect stuff17:26
Tonio_that I'm pretty affraid for kde in the future17:26
JontheEchidnaI myself made a silly little weather wallpaper plugin in kdeplasma-addons17:26
Tonio_their userbase is either left, or very sick, right now17:26
smarterJontheEchidna: and became famous for that ;)17:26
JontheEchidnabut I have no clue how to fix kdebluetooth17:26
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I don't blame anyone17:26
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I just have the feeling that the gnome project is globally "driven"17:26
Tonio_when kde isn't17:27
smarterTonio_: you seem quiet biasé17:27
ScottKTonio_: My understanding is Gnome is much less globally driven.17:27
neversfeldeI have seen many new KDE users in the last few weeks, many users returned and a lot are new, because they have seens screenshots of KDE417:27
ScottKThe regularly deliver unsynchronized compentis17:27
Monika|KI haven't seen anyone move to Gnome recently. They simply use Gnome or konsole network management applications instead of KNetworkManager17:28
macoScottK: components?17:28
nixternalwhy are there images for debian in the iso under the pics/ directory?17:28
ScottKJust a moment17:28
neversfeldeI do not have a negative impression17:28
NightroseTonio_: they also have paied developers taking care of the sh*t no-one wants to fix17:28
Tonio_Nightrose: yep that's true17:29
JontheEchidna^the big difference17:29
smarterSuse guys are helping a lot with that17:29
Tonio_free software generally needs more paid people17:29
Tonio_and that's not specific to kde :)17:29
smarterthey're the main one working on stuff like KNetworkManager17:29
JontheEchidnaAnd KNetworkManager, I might add, is sucking less these days :)17:29
Tonio_ScottK: hum maybe gnome isn't as driven17:30
JontheEchidna^but gnome has more commerical dev support17:30
JontheEchidnameaning the hard stuff gets done (tm)17:30
smarterit's probably me, but gnome doesn't look like it evolves much17:30
Nightroseit's not you ;-)17:30
Tonio_but also gnome, despite having less killer apps, has less "holes" in the global project :)17:30
Tonio_ScottK: just my feeling17:30
Tonio_I'm just expressing it since kde should know/ear/listen to their users17:31
Tonio_ScottK: not the first time this happens to me to be honnest :)17:32
Tonio_ScottK: I even tend to be globally frustrated with free softwarein general :)17:32
Tonio_ScottK: and sometimes, I just don't understand why proprieraty software still exists..17:32
* Tonio_ is just a very "mood changing" type of person17:33
Monika|KTonio_ I am often at Kubuntu booths on Linux events and people like KDE 4 and all those silly desktop effects17:33
Monika|Kjust last weekend there was Froscon and people asked for the most useless desktop effect of all - turning all the widgets by random angles17:33
Tonio_Monika|K: then people are stuopid17:34
smartertrue :p17:34
smarterMonika|K: that's possible? :O17:34
Tonio_should I be there, I'd ask for proper features missing, that not any desktop should miss in 200917:34
Tonio_maybe the users are the problem then17:34
Monika|KI just tell them: KNetworkManager is not good right now, use something else in the meantime17:34
Monika|Kand they are fine with this17:34
Monika|Kexcept for the people with 4 GiB SSDs because they run out of space17:35
Monika|Kbut everyone else doesn't seem to care17:35
Monika|Kme neither17:35
* Nightrose grumbles17:35
Tonio_at some points they seem to ignore their users problems17:35
* Nightrose is one of those poor 4gb people17:35
Tonio_that's what I call "project governance"17:35
Tonio_gnome seems to listen a little more17:35
Monika|KNightrose I am not saying it shouldn't be fixed as soon as possible17:36
smarterNightrose: I have an eee701 with only 4gb too!17:36
NightroseTonio_: that's just your impression17:36
Monika|Kand it looks like it will be alright in 9.1017:36
Tonio_and that's what it appears to me a lot more "consistent" today17:36
Nightrosesmarter: welcome to the club ;-)17:36
Tonio_Nightrose: maybe I'm wrong on the cause of that17:36
smarterNightrose: ;)17:36
Tonio_I'm really convinced about the consequence :) whatever is the cause17:36
smarterNightrose: worst is doing distro upgrade17:36
ScottKTonio_: Earlier I was referring to a Gnome protocol change (I don't recall the details) and Gnome released with half it's apps still using the old version that was gone.  The basic reply was "Meh, it's FOSS, what can you do".17:36
Tonio_I can't use my laptop with kde as any other OS/Desktop allows me to do17:36
NightroseTonio_: really of course not everything is perfect in KDE - but trust me if you stuck with gnome for equally long you'd find fault there too17:36
Nightrosemaybe not the same problems17:37
Nightrosebut lots of problems nontheless17:37
Nightroseand I doN't think they are listening to their users more than we do17:37
Tonio_Nightrose: I'm using gnome right now :) and for month (for working purpose, project, so I have too)17:37
Nightrosesee gnome shell being needing shiny graphics stuff17:37
Tonio_and... sure it has problems, but is allows me to do *all* the basics17:37
Nightrosesame with kde for me ;-)17:38
smarterthe KDE brainstorm forum is a great step in that direction I think17:38
Nightrosesmarter: jep17:38
ScottKsmarter: Do any developers look at it?17:38
Tonio_Nightrose: maybe you don't consider bluetooth support a "basic" feature then :)17:38
Tonio_most people do imho :)17:38
NightroseTonio_: don't have anything bloothothy so yea17:38
smarterit seems to be surprisingly well managed by the forum moderators/admins17:38
Nightrosecan't tyoe today17:38
Tonio_hehe :)17:39
Nightrosebut seriously - KDE isn't a project where you can tell people what to work on - you can push them in the rght direction though17:39
Nightroseand that is happening17:39
* Monika|K gives Nightrose typing water17:40
Nightrosethe holes get fixed one by one17:40
NightroseMonika|K: thx ;-)17:40
Tonio_Nightrose: I agree 100% with your previous phrase17:40
ScottKNightrose: The bluetooth problem is a serious one.17:40
Tonio_Nightrose: and the first part of it is imho a problem17:40
NightroseScottK: not saying it isn't17:40
Nightrosejustnot for me personally17:40
Tonio_Nightrose: might be a global free software project issue, I don't know17:40
Tonio_maybe the BDFL thing is the good thing in it17:41
ScottKI've got this Kubuntu Netbook thing I'm doing and bluetooth DUN support is in networkmanager 0.8 and would totally rock for a netbook.17:41
ScottKNightrose: Right, I'm just curious how to solve it.17:41
ScottKYou're a lot more involved in upstream stuff than me.17:41
Tonio_ScottK: yeah, when it comes to "work", bluetooth is a requirement at some points17:41
NightroseI think it simply needs someone needing bluetooth with coding skills17:42
Tonio_the big problem is the infinite loop17:42
Nightroseso far none of the upstream devs seem to need it much or use other tools17:42
ScottKNightrose: That or convincing someone they can be a KDE hero if they do it anyway.17:42
Nightrosehehe right17:42
Tonio_no corp features, desktop considered irrelevant, no corp distro use it, then no corp features....17:42
Tonio_that is the problem17:42
Tonio_kde lost it's distros17:42
Nightrosenot true17:43
Nightrosewe've just been made default in opensuse again for one17:43
Tonio_Nightrose: ah ? I didn't knew that17:43
Tonio_Nightrose: are you default in the novell desktop enterprise linux ?17:43
Tonio_Nightrose: re-read my phrase :)17:43
Nightrose[18:42:55] <Tonio_> kde lost it's distros17:44
Nightrose[18:43:04] <Nightrose> not true17:44
Tonio_I was talking about corporate oriented distros :)17:44
Tonio_s/it's/it's professional/17:44
Tonio_sorry ;)17:44
Nightrosewell they used gnome back then and they are using gnome now17:44
Nightrosedon't see much of a change there tbh17:44
Tonio_hum the almost death of mandriva is an issue on that point :)17:44
Nightroseyea mandriva is kinda a strange thing...17:45
maco<Tonio_> Nightrose: maybe you don't consider bluetooth support a "basic" feature then :) <--- i think of it as a module to blacklist17:46
nixternalby the time we get bluetooth support all fixed up, there will be a new standard and bluetooth will be like floppy drives :p17:47
macoi havent figured out what point bluetooth on a computer has. bluetooth on a phone...sure...you can hook up a headset. what do you do with it on a computer?17:48
macoreplace your IR cordless mouse & keyboard with a BT cordless mouse & keyboard? oh boy...thats such a BIG difference...17:49
macowell..i mean...i can see a downside to it....people sending badware to your laptop without your knowledge...17:50
smartermaco: to use your Wiimote on your PC? ;)17:50
ScottKmaco: Talk to your bluetooth phone and get mobile internet without having to buy a 2nd data plan.17:50
macoScottK: tethering doesnt requie bluetooth17:50
ScottKOK. .... without a wire.17:51
macojust need a way to connect to adhoc networks17:51
macoer..ive tethered to dan's G1 just fine17:51
macoi use iwconfig17:51
macoiwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-Hoc essid "G1 "17:51
ScottKRight, if the phone has wifi, sure.17:51
ScottKMost don't.17:51
macoso then you just talk to the phone and it doesnt go anywhere?17:52
maco(and yeah seriously, ssid that ends in a space)17:52
* ScottK needs to run.17:52
nixternalScottK: running is bad, you need to walk carefully17:58
neversfeldein which ppa should the koffice beta packages go?18:38
bmungerwill karmic be keeping up with the monthly 4.3.x updates after release in october in official repository, or will it be a PPA like jaunty has for 4.2.4?19:19
JontheEchidnajaunty was special because there were several regressions with KDE 4.2.x misbehaving with Qt 4.5.x19:27
JontheEchidnashouldn't be an issue this time around19:29
markeymy network behaves a bit strangely since latest karmic update19:48
markeyW: Failed to fetch http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch19:48
markeyalso problems with ktorrent19:49
neversfeldemarkey: probably a problem with the mirror, does it work with archive.ubuntu.com ?19:49
markeyneversfelde: bingo, works now :)19:52
bmungerJontheEchidna: cool thanks20:12
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bmungeris there any talk of adding battery health info to the plasma widget?20:41
bmungeralso, is there a reason the weather/globe/virus wallpaper type has disappeared?20:52
JontheEchidnahave plasma-wallpapers-addons installed?20:54
bmungernope guess not.. odd.. thought that would be part of the base install20:58
bmungerinstalling now20:58
bmungerits all there.. thanks for the tip21:07
JontheEchidnanah, the dependencies it drags in are huge, way too big to fit on the CD21:09
JontheEchidnamarble, 60 MB of wallpapers, etc21:09
JontheEchidnabut you're welcome :)21:10
Tonio__hum does the kde printer applet allow access to a remote cups server ? I can't find the option21:27
neversfeldeTonio__: I am using a remote printer, it was detected automatically when searchin for it with the systemsettings module21:30
Tonio__neversfelde: that's slightly different from connecting to a remote cups server anyway :)21:31
Tonio__neversfelde: auto browsing is nice, but that's not what I need :/21:31
Tonio__neversfelde: found it :)thanks anyway21:35
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neversfeldeTonio__: :) good21:35
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bmungerJontheEchidna: oh that makes sense, would be nice to have that option to install it available to the user somewhere in that window that downloads the extra packages21:42
Monika|KCan Arora not do Flash?22:18
Monika|Koh strange, after I click the "in new window" button on the Youtube video it plays, but before it didn't22:19
macouhh opt-in mode for the chat monitor in quassel seems not to work23:02
macooh wait its working ok now23:06
nixternalyowsers..I just shaved my head...I have no hair!! :(23:58
neversfeldenixternal: congratulations :)23:59
neversfeldewhy did you do it?23:59

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