
cprovwgrant: ping01:17
mwhudsonfirefox is annoying the crap out of me today01:17
* mwhudson lunches01:34
wgrantcprov: Hi.01:34
wgrantcprov: Sorry, have to run off to a meeting for a while.02:01
thumperI'm trying to decide between an 80gig and 160gig intel SSD for my new laptop02:11
thumper$300 vs $600 USD02:11
thumperis it worth spending the extra for more space?02:12
mwhudson80 gigs is pretty big unless you expect to have heaps of photos/video/music on there02:17
spm... or a launchpad dev environment. ? :-P02:17
mwhudsonmind you, i'm using 95% of 48 gig currently....02:18
mwhudsonspm: :)02:18
mwhudson2a really is a lot better on that front02:18
spmuntil bzr can make me a sandwich, it's not good enough02:18
thumpermwhudson: yeah, I have 45gig allocated on this laptop right now02:20
thumpermwhudson: if I had all 80 assigned to linux, I'll have almost twice the size02:20
thumperit is just tempting to get the biggest02:20
thumperIf I just have a portable pocked HD with eSATA, perhpas that'll work for big backups and video store02:21
spmthumper: do you get tax deals around laptops similar to here in oz? if so, get the biggest most expensive; is almost as cheap in the longer run.02:21
thumperspm: no idea actually02:21
thumperYay, my redirect view works02:22
spmahh. worth chasing then. in our case, you can claim ~ 50% (subject to bracket) back almost immediately as a work tool; and then depreciate the rest. total cost is so close to zero as makes little diff.02:22
spivspm: you can't do that anymore, actually02:22
spmspiv: really!?!?! depression.02:23
spivthey made it either/or at the last budget, IIRC.02:23
spmspiv: industry specific; or cross the board for all work tools?02:23
spivlaptop/computer specific, IIRC.02:23
spmeg tradies and their plumber et al specific tools?02:23
mwhudsonspm: you can't do that here either, i think02:24
mwhudsonyou need to depreciate assets02:25
mwhudsonand i don't think there are many special categories like that02:25
mwhudson(for all that au and nz are similar in many ways, the tax system in au seems way more complicated than that here, which means we get fewer funny tricks to pull, aiui)02:26
thumpermwhudson: do you know the rate of deprecation for laptops?02:34
mwhudsoni think i looked it up02:35
spivspm: FWIW: http://www.theage.com.au/cgi-bin/common/popupPrintArticle.pl?path=/articles/2008/05/26/1211653939561.html "Under the old rules, employees could use salary sacrifice to get these items exempt from FBT and have also been able to claim depreciation on them - providing a double benefit. The Government has cut out depreciation deductions for any FBT-exempt work-related items."02:35
thumperenable_only for facets uses "branches"02:35
thumpercanonical_url rootsite uses "code"02:35
spmspiv: that it is depressing. no matter how fair it is in closing an abusive loophole. :-)02:36
mwhudsonconsistency is the hobgoblin of the smallminded!02:36
spivI suppose http://www.ato.gov.au/taxprofessionals/content.asp?doc=/content/00143392.htm would be slightly more authoratative :)02:37
spivspm: :)02:37
jtvmorning folks02:37
spmhey jtv! you're in early today02:37
mwhudsonno, 30% i think02:39
mwhudsonoh, 50% by diminishing value02:41
* mwhudson finally found the right bit of the document02:41
thumpermwhudson: hmm.. I wonder when one can write off the last few dollars :)02:43
thumperto 80 or 160? that is the question02:43
mwhudsontest failures on lp!04:14
mwhudsonlooks like abel04:14
* thumper is trying to find the coloured nicks in the new quassel04:20
jmlheh heh04:22
* thumper on kid watch for a small while04:53
jmlnoodles775, hello05:11
noodles775ah, jml - I was just about to ask you if you could review a 1-line test-fix branch :)05:11
jmlnoodles775, sure thing05:12
noodles775(or is the reviewer schedule out of date?)05:12
jmlnoodles775, it's only a little out of date, and I'm always happy to review 1-line patches :)05:12
noodles775jml: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/260692/05:13
jmlnoodles775, r=jml05:16
wgrantthumper: How'd that ec2test go?05:17
thumperwgrant: you should have an email05:32
thumperwgrant: it failed05:32
thumperwgrant: although I'm not entirely sure it was your fault05:32
thumperwgrant: there was another failure on trunk around the same time05:32
wgrantthumper: I didn't get an email, AFAICT.05:35
thumperneither did I05:35
thumperand I've had to reboot since then :(05:35
wgrantBut it probably did fail.05:36
* jml is on the trail05:41
jmlback again!05:42
jmlbloody free wireless connections05:42
jmlanyone around who understands package upload permissions?05:52
mwhudsonjml: ha ha!05:52
* wgrant knows how most of that stuff works.05:53
jmllet me rephrase05:53
jmlanyone around who uploads packages regularly and has informed opinions about it?05:53
wgrantI *used* to upload regularly.05:53
jmlOne of the error messages you can get wrt permissions is: "Signer is not permitted to upload to the component 'universe' of file 'bar_1.0-2.dsc'."05:55
jmljust how useful is the "file 'bar_1.0-2.dsc'" bit of that?05:55
wgrantI never saw the point.05:57
wgrantThere's precisely one file in each upload which can produce that error.05:57
jmlso if I just say "not permitted to upload to the component 'universe'." it would be just as useful?05:58
jml(I'm refactoring code I don't understand, so I want to change the behaviour as little as possible)06:01
wgrantjml: Yes, that would be fine. It removes no meaning.06:02
jmlwgrant, thanks.06:02
jmlmoment of truth... all the unit tests pass, and I think they're complete. will the integration tests pass?06:18
wgrantjml: Is this your branch to extract ACL checks from their currently very, very integrated spot in the upload processor?06:24
jmlwgrant, yes, it is.06:24
thumperoh no06:29
thumperupdate didn't fix kontact06:29
thumperwgrant: no06:31
wgrantthumper: It broke in an update?06:31
thumperwgrant: maybe, but it started crashing yesterday06:32
thumperwgrant: and has crashed regularly today too06:32
thumperwgrant: it is normally really solid06:32
wgrantthumper: It always loved crashing with IMAP for me.06:32
wgrantBut that's a bit strange.06:32
* jml writes a massive cover letter06:48
* mwhudson eods06:53
jmlmwhudson, have a good weekend.06:53
mwhudsonjml: you too06:54
* jml will try06:54
jmlnot that I expect to have to try too hard :)06:54
jmlthumper, found an odd UI bug in code reviews07:00
jmlthumper, look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/launchpad/package-permission-love/+merge/1083007:00
thumperjml: yes?07:01
jmlthumper, it's got the commit message twice.07:01
thumperI'm sure I raised that before07:01
jmlok cool07:01
jmlas long as its known07:01
thumperjml: we're going to be messing around with the page anyway :)07:02
jmlthumper, I figured as much :)07:02
thumperjml: so things will be changing shortly07:02
jmlthumper, want to review a branch?07:08
thumperjml: after 6pm on a Friday?07:09
thumperjml: is it big?07:09
jmlthumper, it's probably too big for after 6 on a Friday :)07:09
jmlI'm moving a class from one module to another07:27
jmlis there a way to update all the imports of it semi-automatically?07:27
mwhudsonjml: sed!07:41
jmlmwhudson, it's really quite tricky.07:41
* jml files a couple more BE bugs :P07:42
spmjml: perl!07:47
spmand on that note EOW. :-)07:47
jmlspm, g'night07:47
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
thumperhow do I add a bug task to an external bug tracker?07:50
thumperfound it07:53
UrsinhaI have one failing test here, and not able to find out why... translations/doc/request_country.txt fails complaining about the lack of geoip db, and asks me to install launchpad-dependencies, which is installed07:58
wgrantUrsinha: Is geoip-data-city-lite installed?08:01
Ursinhawgrant, don't know, lemme check08:01
Ursinhahmm, no!08:01
wgrantIt should be depended upon.08:01
wgrantMaybe only by launchpad-developer-dependencies08:01
wgrantAre you missing that one too?08:01
Ursinhanope, both are properly installed08:02
Ursinhalp-dev-dependencies and lp-dependencies08:02
wgrantUrsinha: You must have geoip-data installed, then?08:03
wgrantThat or -city-lite must be installed for launchpad-dependencies to be happy.08:03
Ursinhawgrant, geoip-data is installed, yes08:03
UrsinhaI see lp-dependencies wants one or another, so it should be fine...08:04
wgrantYou would think.08:04
Ursinhalet's see08:04
wgrantI presume geoip-data is some proprietary thing.08:04
Ursinhathe $*#@*&^ seems to be working now08:05
Ursinharunning more complete tests to be sure08:05
* jml smiles08:07
Ursinhaso I'll write an email asking people why oh why it depends on -lite even the package saying one or another should be fine...08:08
Ursinha...if tests pass now08:08
Ursinhaoh well, it passed the failing test08:09
* Ursinha bangs head on the table08:09
Ursinhajtv, it seems the problem was that ^^^ then...08:09
Ursinhawgrant, how come you know that?08:10
wgrantUrsinha: What do I know?08:10
Ursinhathat the problem was that exact package, did you have this problem before?08:11
wgrantBut it was obvious enough.08:11
jtvwgrant: we're becoming frighteningly dependent on you.  :)08:11
Ursinhaso it comes that lite package is needed, not optional?08:12
wgrantUrsinha: Or your geoip-data is broken.08:14
Ursinhawonder how..08:14
adeuringgood morning08:23
adeuringgood morning08:23
noodles775Moin moin :)08:23
Ursinhawgrant, btw, thanks muchly for the tip :)09:03
wgrantUrsinha: np09:03
wgrantIs mailman on forster really slow, or are my posts to launchpad-users being moderated very quickly?09:04
wgrantHm, no, it seems to hate everybody equally.09:05
wgrant5 or 6 minutes delay incoming, 13 or 14 outgoing.09:05
jmlg'night all09:06
wgrantNight jml.09:06
noodles775Enjoy :)09:06
Ursinhagood night jml09:08
Ursinhagood morning bigjools :P09:09
bigjoolsmorning duderinos09:11
bigjoolsup early Ursinha?09:12
Ursinhayes, yes09:12
mrevelljtv: around for a ten minute discussion?10:01
jtvmrevell: sure10:01
jmuxHi - where can I find some information about lauchpads dbuser mapping? I want to delete an object from sectionselection, but get and "permission denied" error. I know of database/schema/security.cfg, but couldn't find any information, when which users are used.10:36
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gary_posterderyck, irt bug 399856 I see that you lowered bug 399853 to a low importance.  May I lower 399856 also? Is it still important enough for a milestone?14:47
mupBug #399856: Get LaunchpadObjectFactory working in Windmill <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged by flacoste> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/399856>14:47
mupBug #399853: Update Windmill test after plus sign in user name branch <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/399853>14:47
beunonoodles775_, hi!  did the new breadcrumbs get rolled out?14:48
noodles775_beuno: no...14:50
deryckgary_poster, it's not something I'll get back to this cycle, I'm sure.  So it's fine by me to lower 399856.14:50
gary_posterderyck: cool thanks14:51
noodles775_beuno: but I'm just landing another branch that fixes some display issues in konqueror (as well as getting rid of the extra space left at the top of the page), so it was a good thing.14:51
noodles775_beuno: btw, if you have any other 10min branches you want me to do, bigjools says, go jump of a bridge ;)14:51
beunonoodles775_, LOL14:52
beunowell, time works differently in Argentina14:53
bigjoolsit was long walk off a short bridge14:53
gary_posterintellectronica: irt bug 401724, who is qualified to fix this--who can I ask?  This looks like something mars would have fixed.14:53
mupBug #401724: Collapsibles not expanding in IE8 <ui> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/401724>14:53
gary_posternoodles, is bug 411738 still in progress?14:54
gary_postersorry, noodles775_14:55
bigjoolsthe seven hundred and seventy fifth noodles14:55
noodles775_gary_poster: no, we couldn't reproduce it on dogfood, and I didn't get back to check the logs (nor could another archive admin reproduce it).14:56
gary_posternoodles775_: hm...should I mark as incomplete?  or just push it off to another milestone?14:57
noodles775_gary_poster: sorry, wrong bug... one tic14:57
wgrantUm, are we looking at the same bug?14:57
noodles775_gary_poster: updated. I'll add a comment with the revno14:58
gary_posternoodles775_: thank you very much14:58
gary_posterbeuno, do you happen to know the answer to what I asked intellectronica above?15:01
gary_postereh, I should have been more user-friendly, sorry.  That was, "irt bug 401724, who is qualified to fix this--who can I ask?  This looks like something mars would have fixed." :-)15:02
mupBug #401724: Collapsibles not expanding in IE8 <ui> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/401724>15:02
beuno.me reads15:04
beunogary_poster, no idea, tbh15:04
gary_posterbeuno: ok, np, thanks for looking15:05
gary_posterflacoste: irt bug 401724, who is qualified to fix this--whom can I ask?  This looks like something mars would have fixed.15:52
mupBug #401724: Collapsibles not expanding in IE8 <ui> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/401724>15:52
gary_posterflacoste: also, so you know, you had assigned yourself bug 399856.  Should I unassign you?15:53
mupBug #399856: Get LaunchpadObjectFactory working in Windmill <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged by flacoste> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/399856>15:53
flacostegary_poster: yes, i didn't start on that15:53
gary_posternot "so you know" :-) --the so you know was to tell you that I moved the target.  OK cool15:53
flacosteregarding IE8 anybody with JS experience on the team15:54
flacosteso it shouldn't have to be Foundations itself15:54
gary_posterok cool, thanks15:55
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dobeyjames_w: hey. had to get lunch but i've almost got a branch ready to push up to lp. will keep you posted! :)17:47
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dobeyjames_w: i just pushed trunk of poauth, but for some reason the branch is private and i don't see how to change that20:05
james_wdobey: which team did you make the owner?20:16
dobeyjames_w: ubuntuone-control-tower20:18
dobeywhich shouldn't cause that20:18
james_w"Part of Ubuntu One"20:19
james_wthat might have done it20:19
dobeyyeah i think that was it20:19
james_wany admins around to fix this up?20:19
dobeyso i just turned that off, deleted the private branch, and re-pushed20:20
dobeycan tweak that later20:20
james_wI'm not sure I like more of the logic being pushed down in to the store implementations20:26
dobeyjames_w: so i think ubuntuone-storage-protocol, ubuntuone-client, and python-launchpadlib can switch to using poauth with just simple import changes20:26
dobeythere isn't more logic in the storage implementation20:26
james_we.g. def authorize_request_token(self, parameters):20:26
james_wit has to pick apart parameters and act accordingly20:26
james_wthe previous storage implementations had a simpler interface20:27
dobeyjames_w: parameters is a dict(), so that we don't have to break API in the event the protocol changes again20:27
james_wwhat was the reason for that change?20:27
bacjames_w: i can set branch visibility20:27
bacjames_w: what exactly do you need?20:27
james_wbac: thanks, dobey fixed it20:27
james_wa new project unexpectedly inherited private-by-default20:27
bacjames_w: is that the setting on the project group?20:28
dobeyyeah i just unset project group for now20:28
bacjames_w: yeah, that is the intended behavior, even if it does surprise sometimes20:28
bacdobey: i can set it right, if you want20:28
dobeybac: ok, i just added poauth back to the ubuntuone project group. can you make the poauth branch public by default? thanks :)20:30
bacdobey, ok poauth code branches are public20:31
dobeybac: thanks much20:32
james_wdobey: my concern is that you have created an interface that is easy to implement wrongly20:37
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dobeyjames_w: i don't consider it entirely complete yet. i wanted to get something up so that we could perhaps start switching the clients over. i want to make it so that one has to do as little implementation as possible20:41
james_wit seems like you started down the opposite direction though20:43
dobeyi don't think so... but we'll work that out20:45
james_whave you seen the python-openid store API?20:46
james_wI think that would be good for something to work towards20:46
james_wit is certainly well documented as to what the requirements of the store are, and leaves you just to write a shim that stores the info in whatever you are using20:47
dobeyi haven't, but i'll look at that20:52
dobeyjames_w: the rest looks reasonable then?21:02
james_wthe client side looks ok at a glance21:02
dobeyshould i make a release and get a package branch together then?21:04
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
dobeyjames_w: well, i am about to head off toward the weekend. let me know what else i need to do, so we can get this in use and working well. :)21:39
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