
keanubjsnider, oh, i didn't even think about that.  on the other hand, i've tried karmic from both a livecd and upgrading from jaunty, and the problem exists. i haven't changed the system font size, but is it possible that the default was changed in karmic?00:00
bjsnideri think the default should be 1000:00
bjsniderkeanu, wait, all versions of firefox on karmic are borked?00:01
bjsniderwhat about a webkit-based browser?00:01
bjsnidermidori, for instance00:01
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=== lifesaglitch is now known as keith
sparrblackest_knight: related, possibly.  helpful, definitely00:02
sparrin the span of a 20 second skype call i got...00:02
sparrI: client.c: Created 463 "Native client (UNIX socket client)" D: protocol-native.c: Protocol version: remote 16, local 16 I: protocol-native.c: Got credentials: uid=1000 gid=1000 success=1 D: protocol-native.c: SHM possible: yes D: protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM: yes D: module-augment-properties.c: Looking for .desktop file for skype I: client.c: Freed 463 "ALSA plug-in [skype]" I: protocol-nat00:03
sparr463 of those00:03
sparrcounting up from 100:03
bjsniderok, karmic has a _development_ version of pulseaudio00:03
keanubjsnider, yeah, all versions of firefox on karmic have this happening.  it's also occurring on midori00:04
bjsnideris this a web-based torrent app?00:04
greg-gBUGabundo: cool.00:05
keanubjsnider, yeah00:05
blackest_knighthmm i'm looking a bit stuffed I need working audio and a cpu thats not being maxed out00:05
bjsnideris there a newer version in karmic or something?00:06
sparrblackest_knight: im not having the cpu problem, sorry00:06
keanuwhat do you mean? being a web based app, wouldn't it not depend on the operating system?00:06
blackest_knightis it possible to dump pulse and add oss4 or is that not going to be practical00:07
keanubjsnider, i noticed that in opera though, it appears fine (on karmic)00:07
bjsniderkeanu, i mean the package in karmic is it newer than jaunty?00:07
aciculablackest_knight: possible yes, will it break stuff, probably00:07
keanubjsnider, sorry, little confused. which package are you referring to?00:08
bjsniderthe torrent app00:08
aciculabjsnider: everything in karmic is newer then jaunty(not necesarilly better mind you)00:09
bjsniderwrong, sir00:09
bjsnidernice try though00:09
Severianblackest_knight, I have seen several people refer to getting rid of pulse and using ALSA directly.  That may be easier.  Pulse is still a little rocky, but I like the direction it is going and the capabilities.00:09
blackest_knightacicula: I guess when things are broken already either revert to jaunty and wait or mess around and see if it can be broke into a more useable system00:09
aciculablackest_knight: it's a development version, stuff breaks constantly00:10
keanuah, it's one of my websites, not on either of my jaunty/karmic boxes. both jaunty and karmic are accessing the same page though00:10
aciculablackest_knight: so basically yeah :)00:10
blackest_knightSeverian: well i guess i may go that direction00:10
* DanaG is really irrated at Skype for giving Linux and PulseAudio a bad name.00:10
bjsniderkeanu, alright give me the link and i'll try it00:10
DanaGIt's probably one of the single most-often-broken and most-often-complained-about apps.00:10
blackest_knightpulse or skype ?00:11
DanaGAnd it hasn't been updated in, like, a full year... if I remember correctly.00:11
aciculastill ships for 7.04 on the download page i think00:12
DanaGcorrection... they just finally updated it YESTERDAY.00:12
SeverianSkype is a bad idea for several reasons.  Use a SIP client.  Twinkle works well for me.  It is not perfect.00:12
bjsniderskype has many paying customers, most of them not on linux00:13
aciculaheh seems that way00:13
blackest_knightSkype just works for most of its userbase. which is a problem since its so useless for anything less basic00:14
aciculai still have to get it to work again on jaunty (no mic sound)00:15
blackest_knightthey are supposed to be working on a skype sip gateway but i signed up for it months ago and never heard anything back00:15
bjsniderkeanu, works perfectly on ff 3.5 here00:15
bjsnideri'm looking at the settings page00:15
keanubjsnider, and the 'connection' tab on the settings page displays to the right instead of down below?00:16
bjsnideryes the whole settings page looks exactly like it should00:17
keanuhmm...that's odd. unless my resolution is somehow playing a role in it, i'm not sure why it's doing that. i've tried both reinstalling firefox as well as booting from a karmic livecd00:18
keanuboth the reinstalled version and the livecd have it parsing improperly00:18
bjsniderwhat screen resolution is it?00:19
bjsniderhere it's 1152x86300:20
keanumine's 1280x80000:20
bjsniderwhat graphics driver?00:21
bjsniderwell, we've both got a vanilla desktop here, the only difference is hardware. i'm running it inside a vm00:23
keanunot sure of the graphics driver.  it's an intel GM965 though00:23
bjsniderwell, maybe it's intel's fault00:24
bjsniderbut i doubt it00:24
keanui remember seeing on the alpha page that in karmic the graphics driver for intel cards was switched from exa to uxa, but i'm not sure if that'd make a difference00:26
bjsniderit has to do with using vram for pixmaps instead of normal ram00:26
komputesKarmic is missing gnometris! Oh noes!!00:27
keanuah, k00:27
alankilait would be fantastic to get rid of the almost habitual blitting that goes on in linux graphics APIs00:28
bjsnideryou can disable uxa in the xorg.conf file if you want to try that00:28
bjsniderand uxa is not in use in jaunty, so that could explain why it works in jaunty00:28
DanaG!find gdk-pixbuf.loaders00:28
ubottuPackage/file gdk-pixbuf.loaders does not exist in karmic00:28
alankilaI deal with an emulation program that shows a 800x600 sized screen and it takes at least as long to get the RGBA buffer dumped on screen as it takes to calculate it.00:29
alankilaand that's when you are lucky and it works near-optimally... when you aren't so lucky, it takes up to 3 times as much00:29
alankilaso you spend like 10 % of host CPU on the hard part and then 30 % blitting the crap00:30
alankilaso yes, having pixmaps in video ram is about the best thing ever linux could do to make all sorts of nice things *fast*00:31
bjsniderare you being sarcastic dude?00:31
keanubjsnider, kind of a noob question, but how would i disable uxa?00:32
bjsniderlook in the ubuntu wiki for the intel graphics driver00:32
alankilanot sarcastic at all. I'd be thrilled to have equivalent of directx in linux.00:32
bjsniderare you being sarcastic dude?00:32
alankilahardware screen surface mapped to process. That would be awesome.00:33
keanui noticed in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting that it says to enable it, add the AccelMathod line to xorg.conf, except mine doesn't have that line00:33
bjsnideri think it's enabled int he driver by default00:33
bjsnideri hope they didn't remove exa though00:33
bjsnideralankila, if you're serious you should try using nvidia hardware00:34
alankilaanyway, that gdk pixbuf is one of the most annoying things ever. The worst part about it is that every conversion is always a 3-step process. For instance, if you need to go from ARGB to BGRA or something, it does ARGB -> RGB -> BGRA conversion because it has RGB as common format. So it spends twice the time it needs to copying stuff around.00:34
alankilaurr, 2-step process.00:34
DanaGhey, I managed to get skype to use qgtkstyle.00:35
bjsnideris that even packaged at this point? qgtkstyle?00:35
alankilabjsnider: yes, I'm a nvidia user, relatively happy too... Anyway my complaints have somehow been addressed because these days the 3x slowdown is gone and instead I see 1x slowdown, so clearly people have been working on it. That's great! But I'd really want to write directly to graphics RAM, because that eliminates moving 96 MB of memory per second00:36
DanaGYeah, it's now part of upstream QT.00:36
bjsniderthe nvidia blob does write directly to vram00:36
bjsniderthe nvidia blob has a working memory manager00:37
DanaGIt took a bit of hackery, though -- somebody's wrapper script, and using getlibs to get my gtk theme engine.00:37
DanaGgotta' go nowzzz.00:37
alankilabjsnider: I tried to use texture-from-pixmap extension at some point to write directly to texture-in-gfx-ram, but I was unable then to make it work. I'm not sure if that extension is supposed to work together with compiz00:39
alankilathere are some programs around which were supposed to use that extension but all which I tried crashed after I compiled and ran them00:39
bjsnidertell nvidia about it00:40
alankilamaybe it matures to a point where I can just write to the mapped texture area and have it just work, albeit it is a veritable bitch to set this up, a ton of weird calls that you have to make instead of a simple function that just hands you a texture shared with gfx card00:40
bjsniderand it's also available on the intel platofrm too at this point00:41
alankilaanyway, that is still probably the most optimal solution available, a "better-than-xvideo" xvideo, because xv uses the yuv format which has half the chromatic resolution of RGB data.00:41
bjsnideruse vdpau00:42
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
blackest_knightdid i exit ?00:46
blackest_knightdid the old skype do sms ?00:47
keanubjsnider, i just tried jaunty on a vps and it appears to display fine as well00:48
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
blackest_knighthmm uninstalling pulse audio dropped system load from 3.5 to 0.0701:04
blackest_knightonly thing how to get working sound again without it going mental with cpu use01:05
simba_dang "aptitude safe-upgrade" just broke my mplayer dependencies (medibuntu files)01:11
NoelJBAnyone know what it takes to get 2.6.31-8-generic to install?  (q.v., https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/418509/comments/41)01:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418509 in linux "[Karmic] Hangs during shutdown with kernel 2.6.31-7" [High,Fix released]01:30
NoelJBI'm not getting it to install automatically on either amd64 or i386.01:32
eurythmia_crap ...01:33
NoelJBeurythmia: /part ?01:34
billybigriggeryou might need to wait a bit for -8 to come down the pipe01:35
NoelJBI was wondering, but others appear to have gotten it to install, hence the question.01:35
NoelJBAccording to replies on that bug.01:35
billybigriggeraptitude safe-upgrade01:36
billybigriggerwell you can install the mainline kernel if you'd like01:36
NoelJBLOL Already tried.  dist-upgrade, safe-upgrade and full-upgrade, just to see what they reported.01:36
NoelJBIf it is still pending, I can wait.01:36
billybigriggermainline kernel isn't even out01:36
billybigriggerrc8 isn't even released01:37
NoelJBWhat do you mean by "mainline" kernel in this context?01:37
billybigriggerso i don't know what they're talking about01:37
NoelJBAh, OK.01:37
NoelJB-8 is already out from Ubuntu because -7 was broken.01:37
NoCodeIs it possible to setup Karmic with the Jaunty sound or at least something similar?01:37
NoelJBbadly broken, in fact.01:38
NoCodeThis cracking is starting to annoy me.01:38
NoelJBbillybigrigger, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.31-8.28/+build/119202301:38
NoCodebillybigrigger: That just made my day01:39
billybigriggerthat's odd01:40
NoCodebillybigrigger: Can those mainline PPAs be used in Kardy too?01:40
NoCodeerr Hardy01:40
billybigriggeri don't see why not01:40
NoCodeAwesome. I need to bookmark that and log into Jaunty. :D01:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399565 in extace "extace crashed with SIGSEGV in fftw_execute()" [Undecided,New]01:41
NoelJBNoCode, I'd be careful mixing and matching kernels across releases.  But if you're prepared for the "fun" ...01:42
NoCodeNoelJB: What will happen? Dependency hell?01:42
billybigriggeri think you'd have better luck with those kernels on jaunty01:42
billybigriggernot so much hardy though01:43
NoCodeI ment Jaunty. :(01:43
billybigriggerhaha did anyone seen any new artwork for the ArtworkFirstDrop?01:49
NoCodeI wish there was a way to remove HAL and get Karmic performance in Jaunty. :|01:52
NoelJBupdate-manager -d ;-)01:52
NoCodeNoelJB: What would that do?01:53
NoelJBJaunty->Karmic  ;-)01:53
NoCodeI already have Karmic on another partition. No need for that01:53
NoCodeSerious sound issues here still01:53
NoCodein Karmic01:54
NoCodeI wish I could install Jaunty's PA setup into Karmic. :P01:54
NoelJBYou've reported the PA bugs?  (Other than people considering PA to *be* the bug)01:55
NoCodeYeah I've reported.01:55
NoCodeit's a ffmpeg bug01:55
DanaGI have issues with my USB sound card; I'll deal with filing them this weekend, I think.02:03
keanubjsnider, still on?02:04
keanuslight correction to before - when testing karmic on the vps, it worked when i didn't have ubuntu-desktop and its dependencies installed (just a barebones install + firefox + vnc). however, installing ubuntu-desktop and then trying it causes the bug to appear02:05
bjsniderdid you try disabling uxa?02:06
keanubeing a vnc, i don't think uxa is enabled - the vps is on a server, not my laptop with the intel chip02:07
bjsniderwell,, then i don't know. it works fine here, is all i can tell you02:08
keanuk, thanks02:09
keanui'll see if i can keep testing to find out any more info02:09
DanaGhere's my bootchart... takes a rather annoyingly long time to reach desktop.02:13
DanaGAnd the bootchart is rather poorly drawn.02:14
NoCodeI'm just guessing, but I guess I just have to install the linux-image, and linux-headers deb files from the mainline?02:20
NoelJBNoCode, are you 32 or 64 bit?02:22
NoelJBand don't ask for help.  LOL02:22
NoCodeOo, new launchpad. wth. :(02:23
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=== [keanu] is now known as keanu
IdleOneare the iso's at www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha4 daily builds?02:34
billybigriggerIdleOne, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/02:35
IdleOnethank you02:35
NoCodeIs there any easy way to update grub with a new kernel installed?02:39
billybigrigger$ sudo update-grub02:41
NoCodevery nice!02:43
x1250archive.ubuntu.com slow to anyone?02:47
kanuhahow do I change the login screen in alpha 5?02:50
IdleOneyou dont02:51
IdleOneleast not until it is released02:51
kanuhaI thought I read somewhere before about a command line command that would work02:53
billybigriggeralpha 5!?!?! :-O02:53
* billybigrigger must have missed the memo02:53
kanuhasorry, meant alpha 4, typo02:54
MindVirus1Hello. GDM will not work on my system but startx works.02:55
MindVirus1Any advice?02:55
MindVirus1I type /etc/init.d/gdm restart and it shows "starting" and "stopping" properly but doesn't do anything.02:55
NoelJBfor anyone wanting the new kernel, I just posted scripts for installing it to the bug report, since it still hasn't hit the mirrors.03:02
NoelJBMindVirus1, what do you see in /var/log/gdm/ ?  Most recent log (or tail -n 0 -F /var/log/gdm/* in a separate tty while restarting gdm).03:05
NoelJBMindVirus1, And please don't paste it into IRC.  :-)03:05
MindVirus1NoelJB: no such directory.03:05
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:05
MindVirus1Don't worry, I know all about that.03:06
NoelJBMindVirus1, you don't have /var/log/gdm ??03:06
MindVirus1I am running tmpfs on /var IIRC.03:06
MindVirus1No, on /var/log.03:06
NoelJByou don't have /var/log?03:07
MindVirus1I have /var/log.03:08
MindVirus1And I have shit in /var/log. Just not /var/log/gd.03:08
NoelJBand where do you have log files owned by gdm?03:08
MindVirus1My guess as to the reason GDM logfiles are not there is that GDM hasn't run yet.03:09
MindVirus1As /var/log is tmpfs, it's cleared out every time I restart my computer.03:09
MindVirus1So it looks like GDM has never been run.03:09
NoelJBHas it worked since you changed /var/log to use tmpfs?03:10
MindVirus1Yes. /var/log has been tmpfs ever since 8.10.03:10
MindVirus1It stopped working as soon as I got 9.10.03:11
MindVirus1Which was just now.03:11
MindVirus1GDM is failing in a way that it doesn't even log.03:11
MindVirus1When I run /etc/init.d/gdm restart, it doesn't take long enough of a time -- in other words, it's obvious it's not doing anything.03:12
NoelJBtry creating /var/log/gdm, make it owned (for this test) by root:gdm and 777, and see if anything happens.03:12
MindVirus1I will have to exit from this X session.03:12
MindVirus1I will connect through irssi.03:13
MindVirus1One minute.03:13
MindVirus1I will BRB in irssi.03:13
[MindVirus]Hello there.03:14
[MindVirus]What did you want me to do?03:14
kanuhaMindVirus, maybe this thread will help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1248803&highlight=login03:14
[MindVirus]Alright, let me get links.03:15
[MindVirus]How does one paste with GPM, again?03:16
[MindVirus]kanuha: I'm really sorry; reading threads in links is a big bitch. Could you paraphrase or something, please?03:18
[MindVirus]NoelJB: you there?03:18
danbhfive[MindVirus]: the thread says to use startx03:19
[MindVirus]danbhfive: that's what I'm doing.03:19
[MindVirus]The problem is that I have to; I'd like to use GDM.03:20
NoelJBMindVirus, am now.03:21
[MindVirus]Hello. What did you want me to do?03:21
NoelJBtry creating /var/log/gdm, make it owned (for this test) by root:gdm and 777, and see if anything happens.03:21
NoelJBAre you using nvidia?  Which driver?03:22
[MindVirus]No. I have an Intel 945GME.03:22
NoelJBOK.  So not the nvidia problem mentioned in the thread.03:23
[MindVirus]NoelJB: I got GDM to work.03:24
[MindVirus]Give me a minute; let me reboot.03:24
NoelJBYou did?  How?  :-)03:24
DanaGweird... I keep seeing this notification icon showing "window with arrows pointing out of it" appear.03:26
DanaG... and then it disappears when I move my mouse.03:26
MindVirus1It seems like the problem was that /var/log/gdm was not there.03:29
MindVirus1This is stupid.03:29
MindVirus1Someone patch up GDM; if /var/log/gdm does not exist it should be created silently.03:29
NoelJBI had a feeling that was going to be the problem.  :-D03:30
MindVirus1One second. I will confirm this.03:30
NoelJBMindVirus1, want to create the bug report?03:30
MindVirus1I am not sure this is the problem yet.03:30
MindVirus1I want to be sure.03:30
MindVirus1When I start up Ubuntu regularly, I get a flashing white cursor at the top-left of the black screen.03:31
MindVirus1You know what I'm talking about, I'm sure.03:31
bjsnidereverybody's had problems booting and shutting down the -7 kernel release03:31
NoelJBbjsnider, yes03:31
NoelJBthe new -8 fixes them.03:32
MindVirus1BRB; testing my hypothesis.03:32
DanaGah, it's window-fullscreen.png03:33
NoelJBbjsnider, is -8 updating for you yet?  If not, I posted a script for installing it, to Bug 41850903:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418509 in linux "[Karmic] Hangs during shutdown with kernel 2.6.31-7" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41850903:33
DanaGso, the question is, why do I keep getting a "window fullscreen" icon appearing in my notification area?03:34
MindVirus1It was exactly the problem.03:34
MindVirus1Good job.03:34
NoelJBSubscribe me to the bug report, if you don't mind.03:35
MindVirus1I tried running GDM; it did not work. Then I made the folder and retried running GDM and it worked.03:35
MindVirus1No problem. Excellent work.03:35
MindVirus1Bugs don't get fixed this fast.03:35
NoelJBOr just post the bug # once you get it posted.03:35
NoelJBAre you going to post it now?  If so, I'll wait.  Else I'm going to reboot.  :-)03:36
MindVirus1Not yet.03:36
NoelJBMindVirus1, already present as Bug 40522703:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405227 in gdm "gdm fails to start if /var/log/gdm does not exist" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40522703:37
MindVirus1The priority should be raised to critical.03:37
NoelJBFeel free to comment.03:37
MindVirus1Many EeePC users have /var/log set to tmpfs.03:37
NoelJBIn the meantime, you can add a call to rc.local to create it.03:38
NoelJBactually, that might be too late.03:38
NoelJBbut you could modify /etc/init.d/gdm to do it.03:39
MindVirus1Too late?03:39
NoelJBrc.local would run too late, I believe.03:40
NoelJBIn any event, you can see the exact fix on that bug report.03:40
MindVirus1This shouldn't be in /etc/init.d/gdm, though.03:40
MindVirus1There should be a real fix.03:40
MindVirus1 /etc/init.d/gdm doesn't have any logging code.03:41
MindVirus1There. I'm done with this.03:42
MindVirus1NoelJB: thank you for your speedy help.03:42
keanubjsnider, wow i feel like an idiot03:43
MindVirus1BRB, 9.10 is beautiful. Good work, guys.03:44
keanui finally went through and found that having ttf-thai-tlwg installed is what caused the display issue. apparently font-family Tahoma's size 11 text is larger than san-serif's03:45
MindVirus1Also, booting up should fail gracefully.03:46
MTeckSo... I'm trying to upgrade everyting linux-image-generic and linux-generic were removed during updates. I try to install linux-image-generic again and it gets upset because there's an unmet dependency (linux-image-2.6.31-8-generic). It won't install that03:50
MTeckNo candidate version found for linux-image-2.6.31-8-generic03:50
billybigriggerit hasn't been released yet03:50
bjsniderkeanu, actually that's right in line with some of the things i've seen in ff 3.503:51
MTeckwhen will it be released?03:51
MindVirus1Man, 9.10 is a huge improvement, even though bugs are rampant.03:52
MTeckMindVirus1: agreed - they kind of go hand in hand though :P03:52
MindVirus1This is probably the most drastic since 8.10.03:52
keanubjsnider, yeah. toggling between having that package installed/uninstalled seems to fix it for me though03:53
MTeckany idea when linux-image-2.6.31-8-generic will be available?03:53
DanaGweird, ibus LaTeX method eats spaces.03:55
NarethSo I'm using 9.10... And everything was working very well, and then suddenly, (I wasn't installing packages or anything) I lost sound in firefox and exaile. Chromium and totem still have sound. Rebooting did not help, I wonder if I'm missing something obvious?03:56
billybigriggeri don't know why the dev's have released a 2.6.31-8 kernel04:08
billybigriggermaybe its a virtual package or psuedo kernel or something04:08
billybigrigger2 hours ago Linus Torvalds Linux 2.6.31-rc8  master v2.6.31-rc8 commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot04:09
NarethSolved my problem.. it was in the "Applications" tab of sound preferences.04:09
billybigriggerlast commit to rc8 was 7 hours ago04:09
billybigriggermaybe ubuntu dev's pulled it early knowing there were no more commits04:10
billybigriggerwho knows04:10
MTeckrc8 is supposed to have some fixes (reverts) that might make this system work better04:11
MTeckI know rc7 will kill this system04:11
billybigriggermaybe fixes on the ubuntu side04:11
DanaGhmm, I don't see -8 kernel on the repos yet.04:12
billybigriggerDanaG, linus'04:12
billybigriggerlinus' git tree just released rc8 2 hours ago :P04:13
billybigriggeri think the dev's created a psuedo rc8 kernel for some reason04:13
DanaGhmm, well, I don't see that one, either.04:13
billybigriggerbecause rc8 isn't in mainline yet04:13
DanaGThat's what I meant.04:13
DanaGoh yeah, who here was it that recommended I try deluge?  I'm having odd behavior... Deluge has horribly slow upload speeds, for some reason.04:13
billybigriggerit was built for all arch's about 10 hours ago04:14
billybigriggerPUBLISHED: Karmic pocket Release in component main and section devel04:14
billybigrigger    * Published 12 hours ago04:14
billybigriggershould have hit repo's already04:14
billybigriggerbut no one is able to pull it04:14
=== dtchen changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel | Karmic is NOT RELEASED and may break your system - LVM users should avoid 2.6.31-7.27-generic (#418514, fixed in -8.28-) | Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule | Please join #ubuntu for all other support questions | Alpha 4 Released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha4 | 100 Papercuts: http://u.nu/9gvu
MTeckdtchen: are you SURE about that fix?04:15
dtchenbillybigrigger: it's awaiting binary NEW by archive admin.04:15
dtchenMTeck: quite sure04:15
dtchenLinux errno 2.6.31-8-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 27 14:42:57 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:15
dtchen^^ this is my dev machine with encrypted lvm /04:16
MTeckdtchen: I think something broke in repos :(04:16
MTeckbillybigrigger: fix it? :)04:16
dtchenMTeck: ?04:18
dtchenbillybigrigger: sorry, i hadn't refreshed.04:18
dtchenbillybigrigger: it has been accepted already.04:18
dtchenbillybigrigger: so, depending on your mirror, it should be available within a couple hours.04:18
MTeckdtchen: -8 isn't available in the repos yet04:18
dtchenMTeck: see what i just typed to billybigrigger04:18
dtchenit was just binary NEWed, so it'll take a full publisher run to farm out04:19
MTeckoh - missed that04:19
MTeckcan you explain what you just said?04:19
dtchenMTeck: ok, so there are two phases at which packages generally need to be accepted into the Ubuntu archive04:21
dtchenMTeck: one is called source NEW, which is the introduction of a new source package name04:21
dtchenMTeck: the other is called binary NEW, which is the introduction of a new binary package name04:21
dtchenMTeck: the former (source NEW) is not applicable here, because a source package with name 'linux' already exists in the Karmic archive04:22
keanubjsnider, i also noticed that downgrading to the jaunty version of ttf-thai-tlwg (0.4.11) fixes the problem - think that's enough to be considered a bug in the package?04:22
dtchenMTeck: the latter (binary NEW) is applicabel here, because many new binary packages generated from the 'linux' source package are built04:22
MTeckmakes sense04:23
billybigriggerdtchen, news to me04:23
dtchenbillybigrigger: what is news?04:23
billybigriggeri thought once the package was published it was in repos04:23
billybigrigger    * Published 12 hours ago04:24
dtchensee above :-)04:24
billybigriggerthat just means it's awating binary acceptance04:24
billybigriggeryeah i read it :P04:24
dtchenbillybigrigger: published into the NEW queue, yes04:24
dtchenfortunately it has been accepted, so it'll be available shortly04:24
MTeckso farm means, upload to repos?04:24
dtchenMTeck: dinstall, rsync, etc.04:24
MTeck!info dinstall04:25
ubottuPackage dinstall does not exist in karmic04:25
billybigriggerdtchen, any insight as to why -8 was built 10 hours before it was actually released in git?04:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dinstall04:25
dtchen(see dak)04:25
billybigriggernot that it really matters04:25
dtchenbillybigrigger: right, it doesn't ultimately matter to end users04:25
billybigriggeri'm just used to seeing the rc kernel in mainline a few hours AFTER being released in git04:25
dtchenthe PPA buildds don't have the same process04:26
dtchenthey're auto-accept04:26
bjsniderkeanu, yes04:26
dtcheni.e., soyuz treats the archive proper different to PPA archives04:26
* MTeck slips knowledge stream from dtchen to self04:26
dtchenbillybigrigger: -8 does not correspond to 2.6.31-rc804:27
dtchenbillybigrigger: it corresponds to KSM being reverted, hence the ABI bump to -8-04:27
dtchenbillybigrigger: in fact, the rebase against 2.6.31-rc8 has not yet occurred in ubuntu-karmic.git04:27
billybigrigger31-8 doesn't = 31-rc8?04:28
billybigriggeri'm flabber gasted04:28
dtchenthe KSM addition in 2.6.31-7.27 caused the spectacular LVM boot failures04:28
* MTeck is excited for ksm reversion - idk what ksm is but I don't like the change04:28
billybigriggeri was always under the assumption it was04:28
dtchentim/andy will rebase against rc8 in the morning04:28
billybigriggerboot failures!?!? haha what about the shutdown hangs? :P04:28
dtchen(i.e., a few hours?)04:28
dtchenbillybigrigger: well, i can't speak for those, but it's probable those are resolved, too04:29
dtcheni.e., if 2.6.31-rc7 mainline did not hang on reboot/shutdown, then 2.6.31-8.28 does resolve that symptom04:29
DanaGUGH, stupid Deluge makes instantly-expiring UPnP port-forwards.04:29
billybigriggerDanaG, you must have something configured wrong04:30
billybigriggeri see you were complaing about slow upload speeds04:30
DanaGNope, I see the ports appear for one refresh cycle in the router's web ui, and then they immediately disappear.04:30
billybigriggerif i let deluge run free it will max upstream and downstream bandwidth for me04:30
dtchenMTeck: you may find http://lwn.net/Articles/330589/ enlightening, then04:32
MTeckI'll read04:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419417 in libtorrent-rasterbar "Sync libtorrent-rasterbar 0.14.5-1 from Debian unstable." [Wishlist,Fix released]04:32
bjsniderdtchen, what do you think of oss4?04:34
DanaGIt breaks OSS3 protocol by giving spurious signals, so I couldn't use PA on top of it.04:35
DanaGI'm sticking with ALSA.04:35
bjsnideryou wouldn't need pa since it does software mixing04:35
DanaGI do use the multi-device features, though.04:35
DanaGyay, new libtorrent fixes upnp.04:36
DanaGCool, now I can stop griping about that, at least.04:36
DanaGoh, I see... only one peer -> slow.04:40
MTeckdtchen: interesting04:41
dtchenbjsnider: deprecated, really- Hannu's already thinking about OSSv504:43
MTeckdtchen: so the cost to keep comparing is lower than the cost of duplicate pages?04:43
dtchenbjsnider: and he's musing about moving things into userspace (sound familiar to, say, ALSA?)04:44
bjsniderthat's not exactly the "i hate it i hate it i hate it" that i expected04:44
dtchenbjsnider: why would i hate it?04:44
judgenhmm i did an update today and now the volume control panel applet does not work.04:45
dtchenOSS and ALSA have their pros and cons04:45
bjsniderwell, you've obviously thrown your lot in with alsa/pulse04:45
dtchen"my" lot?04:45
bjsniderwell, you work on alsa and pulse04:45
bjsniderthat seems to be an endorsement to me04:45
dtchenthat's practical. It's where Ubuntu decided to head, and that's where i work.04:46
bjsnideri see04:46
dtchenbesides, i'm not overzealous WRT ALSA or PA- i know from experience that reinventing the wheel- even if it's a better, faster, stronger wheel- still has disadvantages04:47
DanaGdtchen: just yesterday, Skype finally released a version that fixes the brokenness with PulseAudio.04:47
dtcheneleven years in Linux audio tends to do that04:47
dtchenDanaG: yes, i'm aware04:48
DanaGIt takes a bit of wrapping to get it to use qtkstyle on 64-bit.  =þ04:48
DanaGAnd I don't even have any friends who use it, anyway.04:48
dtchenia32-libs should be going away in Karmic+1 anyhow04:49
alankilahmm, what, no more support for 32 bits?04:49
judgenAnyone know how to fix the volume control issue?04:49
dtchenalankila: dpkg will be gaining native multiarch.04:49
MindVirus1What's that xorg.conf-generating program?04:49
bjsnidersudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:51
MindVirus1Also, why do I have two copies of "Software Sources", "Update Manager", and "Add/Remove Programs" -- each with slightly different names and icons?04:51
MindVirus1bjsnider: it didn't generate anything.04:52
bjsniderwait, alsa runs in userspace?04:54
bjsnideralsa doesn't run in userspace04:54
dtchenbjsnider: ALSA has two components, one in kernelspace and one in userspace04:55
DanaGhmm, is policykit supposed to have lost the "remember authentication" options04:55
dtchenthe former is known as alsa-kernel/alsa-driver (what in Ubuntu is triaged against 'linux' source)04:55
dtchenthe latter is alsa-lib04:55
dtchensome extensions are packaged as alsa-plugins04:55
DanaGhmm, new snapshot of PulseAudio.04:56
dtchenyes, changeset db835deb9814e26b2999f66bdd455a1fd4ff004404:56
DanaGAnything specifically new, besides the loopback?04:56
DanaGoops, I type a bit slowly there.04:56
bjsniderwell, skype can still take down the kernel for me, so there's stuff exposed to the user that runs in kernelspace04:56
dtchenwell, some of the asm fixes from Wim04:56
MindVirus1I'm getting weird screen-shakes.04:57
MindVirus1At random times. Though it seems like they only occur right before a libnotify window appears.04:57
dtchenbjsnider: err, take down linux?05:01
dtchenbjsnider: it's likely we're not doing sufficient bounds-checking in pcm_lib.c (linux)05:01
judgenHow do i stop nautilus from relaunching itself after i kill it?05:07
MindVirus1UbuntuOne is completely functionless.05:10
MindVirus1I cannot sign in and I cannot click Not Now.05:10
MindVirus1I am of the understanding that HAL is being phased out. Why?05:15
MTeck-8 not yet available :(05:15
MTeckMindVirus1: I was curious too..05:17
MindVirus1Anyone around that can answer this?05:17
MTeckMindVirus1: I think many of the smart guys are on their way to sleep05:19
MindVirus1Sadly in any other room, you'd be the smart guy.05:19
MTeckme? I'm only the smart guy in a few rooms - I don't visit most of them....05:20
tgpraveen1MTeck: MindVirus1Hal is being phased out05:20
tgpraveen1as it has become too old05:20
tgpraveen1and bloated and buggy05:20
tgpraveen1and all05:20
tgpraveen1and some of it's function were incorporated in other softwrares like kernel,etc05:20
MindVirus1I love it when #ubuntu+1 exists -- this channel has the highest signal-to-noise ratio of any channel, I'd say.05:21
tgpraveen1so now it is being replaced by devicekit05:21
MTecktgpraveen1: if you read the first line you wrote - what you said sounds mean05:21
MindVirus1tgpraveen1: OK. It's just that in my xorg.conf a few lines were commented out -- they said that things were replaced by HAL.05:21
MTecktgpraveen1: My xorg.conf is blank05:22
MTeckYou can probably empty it and be jsut fine05:22
MindVirus1I know I can.05:22
MindVirus1Only thing: I can't use UXA.05:22
MindVirus1Too slow.05:22
tgpraveen1hmm xorg.conf wasnt it like removed/lost its significance in jaunty cycle05:22
tgpraveen1what is release date for alpha 5?05:25
MTecktgpraveen1: topic05:25
tgpraveen1damn empathy doesnt display topic sometimes05:26
MTeck /topic05:26
tgpraveen1gotta file a bug for that05:26
tgpraveen1doesnt work in empathy05:26
tgpraveen1irc commands05:26
MTeckSept 305:26
MindVirus1My graphics performance is abysmal. Could someone help me debug? Things were great in 9.04.05:26
MindVirus1I remember trying UXA and having this crap.05:27
tgpraveen1sometimes i also think empathy move is a bit premature05:27
tgpraveen1MindVirus1: which graphics card?05:27
MindVirus1Intel 945GME.05:27
MindVirus1Also, I prefer Pidgin.05:27
MTecktgpraveen1: irssi ftw - the devs are seemingly all pricks - but they did a pretty good job05:27
MindVirus1Will Rhythmbox be phased out in favor of Banshee?05:28
tgpraveen1MTeck: yeah even with pidgin devs thats the case05:28
tgpraveen1MindVirus1: NO05:28
tgpraveen1not for karmic05:28
tgpraveen1mostly for karmic+105:28
MindVirus1Whoa, buddy.05:28
mpontilloso in Karmic pulseaudio is forcing my PCM volume to be 100%... I need it to be lower than that, or my laptop speakers sound awful. anyone have an idea where to look? I don't see anything obvious in /etc/pulse...05:34
andresmhthe Xorg update from today disabled my Compiz and it's not allowing me to renable it due to lack of drivers: Desktop effects could not be enabled05:34
andresmhI have an intel video card05:34
andresmhhow do I report this bug?05:35
x1250mpontillo, same happened here. My fix: sudo aptitude purge pulseaudio, and make a menu item with: alsamixer -c 005:35
MTeckandresmh: bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - it's likely already reported - you should look for it first05:36
andresmhhow would i search for it? is it a bug in Xorg or Compiz? Or both? MTeck05:36
DanaGx1250: that's not a fix.  that's a workaround.  =þ05:36
mpontilloyeah - a little brute force, but I might have to try it if I don't find a way to make pulse behave ;)05:37
DanaGSome time this weekend, I'll file a bug report on PA's bad behavior with my USB sound card.05:37
DanaGWhat the sound card does: it has one "Speaker" slider and one "Speaker 1" slider.05:37
DanaGPulseaudio uses only one of them.... and only one of them works.   ........05:38
MindVirus1tgpraveen1: you there?05:38
DanaG.... the OTHER one.05:38
MTeckandresmh: can you pastebin the output from compiz --replace ?05:38
tgpraveen1MindVirus1: wassup?05:38
MindVirus1Do you know what to do about my slow graphics?05:39
tgpraveen1MindVirus1: not exactly but i have seen similar problems posted on forum05:39
tgpraveen1many times i think u should search there. a solution was mentioned in many posts iirc05:40
andresmhMTeck, http://paste2.org/p/40273805:40
andresmhMTeck, I must say that it has not returned yet, it's stuck on that last line. I'm tempted to Ctrl+C it...05:41
mpontilloandresmh: if you run 'gnome-appearance-properties' from the terminal it also prints some tracing output (though it may be [pretty much] the same as 'compiz --replace')05:41
MTeckandresmh: if it's hanging there - it means compiz is running05:42
andresmhmy Xorg crashed for some reason MTeck, sorry if I missed your message05:42
andresmhyou're right, compiz is running now05:43
andresmhit's weird that starting it from Appearence app didn't let me start it05:43
mpontilloandresmh: if you run 'gnome-appearance-properties' from the terminal it also prints some tracing output (though it may be [pretty much] the same as 'compiz --replace') <-- I said that but didn't realize you had left the room05:43
andresmhargh, my Xorg crashes when I do alt+tab while running compiz05:44
andresmhit has happened 3 times now05:44
andresmhthanks mpontillo, I'll try that too05:44
mpontilloDanaG: think there's any debugging to try w/ my 100%-volume-pcm w/pulse problem, or should I just file a bug?05:45
DanaGeh, probably file a bug -- if it gets distorted with PCM at 100%, I'd think the kernel should have a quirk to limit it, right?05:45
andresmhmpontillo, MTeck: so I tried to enable compiz with gnome-appearane-properties from the terminal. It failed. Here are the errors: http://pastebin.com/d29237a2905:47
mpontillo(heh, my X crashed too, that's what I get for following along with andresmh and running compiz --replace in a terminal, then closing the terminal without thinking)05:47
andresmhhehe mpontillo05:47
MTeckandresmh: ya - file a bug05:48
andresmhMTeck, which package does the bug belong to?05:49
MTeckandresmh: compiz05:49
andresmhwhat was the command to file bugs from the terminal?05:49
MTeckidk the syntax though05:50
mpontilloI think it would be: apport-cli -f -p compiz05:50
andresmhseems to be working mpontillo, take a while05:52
Lunisalrighty, so i did a dist-upgrade earlier. all went well until the new kernel modules were installed. now the kernel can't and won't read my external usb drive05:58
Lunisit's the whole "error -71" thing... "device descriptor read/64, error -71" to be precise05:59
Lunisso according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=797789 there's two fixes06:01
Lunisboth require actually booting in to the system, but i can't do that since it's the external usb drive that i'm booting from06:01
Lunisin my olden gentoo days i could use chroot, but that doesn't seem to work so well anymore. how can i rebuild the initrds without being able to actually boot in to the system?06:02
DanaGgrr, stupid notify-osd... I skip 3 tracks, it takes like 30 seconds to show all 3 notifications.06:02
judgenanyone here using xwinwrap?06:04
DanaGin fact, it's faster to kill notify-osd than to wait for it to finish notifying.06:04
Lunisheh, 200 people and noone with any ideas?06:06
DanaGhmm, chroots have worked fine for me.06:08
DanaGWhat's breaking on chroot?06:08
burneranyone know how to get my keyboard shortcuts to work again?  I can't even open the preferences for it anymoe06:13
MindVirus1I can't open gnome-terminal.06:19
MindVirus1Some assertion fails.06:19
MindVirus1Furthermore, gedit is severely dumbed down.06:19
MindVirus1Anyone around?06:21
=== keanu is now known as [keanu]
burneropen xterm :)06:26
MindVirus1I need gnome-terminal to work.06:27
burneri can't do alt+f2 to run either one06:28
burneralt+tab is my only hotkey that works06:28
MindVirus1burner: would you like help?06:30
burnerhence my blathering06:32
MindVirus1burner: Do you know about Ctrl+Alt+F1-6? DON'T try them if you don't.06:32
burneri do06:33
MindVirus1Good. I was hoping to help you by telling you to make a shortcut to gnome-terminal or xterm on your desktop for now.06:33
* burner notes this is #ubuntu+1 and not #ubuntu :)06:33
MindVirus1burner: I cannot make assumptions.06:34
burneri have it on my panel... but that's lame ;)06:34
burneri like my ctrl+alt+t for terminal06:34
MindVirus1I use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Del.06:34
burnercrunchbang's extensive use of hotkeys is awesome06:34
DanaGoooooooooooooh.  now THAT.... is high-dpi!06:36
krushiaseems kexec is broken in the kubuntu-alpha4. can anyone confirm?06:41
krushiaas in, kexec is not used for reboots when installed06:41
DanaG237 DPI / PPI, to be exact.06:44
MindVirus1I can't start gnome-terminal. Any suggestions?06:54
MindVirus1Ahh. I cleared out my /tmp.06:55
mpontilloDanaG: so yeah, I'll likely file a bug, but I'm going to see if I can do due diligence and ask around in #pulseaudio first06:56
judgenDoes noone else have problems with broken volume control applet after update, or is it just me?07:05
nzmmdescribe broken, there is lots of broken when it comes to sound07:06
MindVirus1judgen: me too.07:06
judgennzmm, the applet is just not working, but sound and everything works.07:07
judgennzmm, the icon does not even show up..07:07
nzmmoh, well mines still there, but then i havn't updated today07:08
judgenis there an alternative volume control i can use with the gnome panel?07:09
judgeni mean i can use the mixer and all that, but i find it so handy just to move over the applet and use the scroll wheel.07:09
douglasawhnzmm: amen to that07:10
nzmmjudgen:  yes i like to be able to scroll the volume up and down as well.  Pitty the new stepping is quite small so you have to do lots of scrolling nowadays07:14
MindVirus1direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set)07:16
MindVirus1What do I do about this?07:16
nzmmgoogle turn this up: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66466107:17
judgenWhen im trying to add a new volume control applet instance to a panel it tells me that its aged....07:18
MindVirus1nzmm: that's from pre-2008.07:18
MindVirus1judgen: there is a volume applet in the notification area now.07:19
judgenMindVirus1, i do not have one of those.07:19
judgenMindVirus1, how do i enable it?07:20
MindVirus1I have no clue.07:20
MindVirus1I got it for free.07:20
MTeckhurray -8 is in the repos07:21
raymondjtothhi any one here07:21
raymondjtothhow i play mms streams in ubuntu 9.1007:22
nzmmi was07:22
MTeckthere's not 202 people aside from you in here07:22
MindVirus1MTeck: a lot of people are idle.07:22
nzmmraymondjtoth:  vlc?07:22
raymondjtothhow i play mms streams in ubuntu 9.10?07:22
raymondjtothnzm i want to use what all ready installed in ubuntu 9.1007:23
raymondjtothto learn how to do it with default player07:23
MTeckI really hate it when they do that in #ubuntu - with over 1,000 people in there07:23
nzmmhave a link?07:23
nzmman example stream to try07:23
raymondjtothi have it telling me i dont have mms support07:23
raymondjtothlike hsn or my church site07:24
raymondjtothnzm i have movie player07:24
raymondjtothnzm what ii do to play mss streams?07:25
raymondjtothi mean not mss mms streams07:26
raymondjtothsee no help for my problem :(07:27
nzmmraymondjtoth:  well i tried a random mms stream i found on the net an it seemed to break totem07:28
nzmmon the other hand if you install vlc it works ok07:28
raymondjtothnzm how i get it to work in totem meny of my sits use that plasyer only07:28
raymondjtothnzm any thing i can do?07:30
nzmmnot sure at this point07:30
raymondjtothnzmm is there any plug in i can use for it07:30
nzmmraymondjtoth:  i just tried this mms stream in totem and it worked07:33
raymondjtothok is there any plug in i can use07:33
nzmmcoy that and open totem then go to open location paste i there and see what happens07:33
raymondjtothok will do07:33
raymondjtothnzmm any plug in i can use?07:35
raymondjtothor codex07:35
nzmmwell its wmv stream that i pasted so you would need to install the ubuntu restricted meta package07:36
raymondjtothnzmm how i do that07:36
nzmmApplications > Add/Remove packages > show 'all available applications' > search for 'restricted' > check  the package called 'Ubuntu restricted extras' > Apply07:38
nzmmsee what happens07:38
raymondjtothnzmm i have it install any other07:39
MindVirus1I am not dierct-rendering with an Intel 945GME. Any suggestions?07:39
nzmmraymondjtoth:  i think i am out of ideas07:40
raymondjtothnzmm will try gstreamer bad set07:40
nzmmraymondjtoth:  yea good thought07:42
judgenif you use xine backend instead of gstreamer you can use mms07:45
nzmmwell for me mms worked ok with totem07:46
tbryantNoticed a couple things with Karmic so far: USA layout is used by default in GDM even when I try to switch to Dvorak, I can't use it. And I can't reboot from within GNOME (haven't tried from GDM), I get sent to a console with a blinking "_" until I hard reboot.07:46
raymondjtothnzmm how i install the gstreamer bad set07:47
raymondjtothi cant finde it and in add remove i get need somthing way eles to isntll it07:47
nzmmtry searching for it in synaptic07:48
raymondjtothnzmm what its called in there07:48
raymondjtothwill look07:48
tbryantraymondjtoth, "sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad"07:48
raymondjtothgot it found it07:49
raymondjtoththanks tbr07:49
raymondjtoththat found it07:49
tbryantraymondjtoth, no problem.07:49
raymondjtothwill try my mms07:49
tbryantraymondjtoth, you can try using "apt-cache search what-you're-searching-for" when you want to find the name of a package, or use Synaptic.07:50
raymondjtothi used synaptic07:50
raymondjtotheasyer for me07:50
tbryantThat's what it's there for ;]07:50
raymondjtoththat fixed it07:52
raymondjtoththe bad set07:52
raymondjtothi think07:52
MindVirus1Has anyone experience with graphics issues?07:53
tbryantMindVirus1, I think getting a bit more specific would get you more help.07:54
MindVirus1tbryant: being more specific gets me ignored.07:54
tbryantWell then no one can help I assume :P07:54
MindVirus1I'm running an Intel 945GME.07:55
tbryantWhat's the problem? I doubt I'll be able to help, but you never know.07:55
MindVirus1I don't get direct rendering.07:55
tbryant"sudo updatedb" and then "locate libGL.so"07:56
tbryantWhat is the output of the second command?07:57
tbryantCan you paste your xorg.conf to http://pastebin.ca/ please?07:59
tbryant/etc/X11/xorg.conf *07:59
MindVirus1It is empty.08:00
Innomenmy macvhine hangs at checking battery state, is this a known issue (and this machine has no question mark key colon or right parin lol08:03
qzioI've just upgraded to 9.10. problem: the keyboard third switcher isn't working in gui apps. It works in gvim, but not in firefox, not in empathy, not in the keyboard-setting window either08:16
qziobut it works in terminals, gvim.08:16
alteregoahow can i increase text resolution? e.g 160x50?08:17
qzioxev says08:17
qziostate 0x0, keycode 134 (keysym 0xfe03, ISO_Level3_Shift), same_screen YES, XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: 9208:17
MindVirus1I forget with whom I spoke08:23
MindVirus1judgen: I remember talking to you. Could you scroll up and tell me who offered advice?08:24
MindVirus1Right-o. Does anyone know how to get direct rendering?08:29
MindVirus1This is the 3rd time my computer screen turned black for no reason.09:09
MindVirus1I assume this has to do with UXA.09:09
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taneliwhat's up with Packages.bz2 hash sum mismatches?09:15
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eagles0513875hey guys seems like the error with the ttf-mscorefonts links to the repos have changed :( what do i need to do to remedy the situation so i can finish installing kubuntu-restricted-extras?09:26
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Brandon_it says insert disk to cdrom/ but the disc is already inserted, what have i done?09:42
EduardWitteveenserver: how do i get the proxy_ajp modules? this module is not provided, but is default with the apache > 2.1 IIRC. Should i download apache 2.2.12 binairy and extract the specific module? recompile the package?09:51
Hiratoknetworkmanager needs some love...09:58
Hiratohow would you manually go about connecting to a wireless network you've made a "connection profile" for?09:59
Hiratoknetworkmanager completely refused the obvious (clicking on the network) as an attempt to connect to said wireless network, and it also completely avoiding connecting, despite being told to connect to said network in start up10:00
Hirato(I've since removed the profile, and readded it, and it connected succesfully)10:01
EduardWitteveenserver: how do i get the proxy_ajp modules? this module is not provided, but is default with the apache > 2.1 IIRC. Should i download apache 2.2.12 binairy and extract the specific module? recompile the package?10:05
eagles0513875hey guys10:36
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ali1234i just updated, got a partial update, it hard locked half way through, now the machine is not booting11:39
gnomefreakali1234: can you boot into recovery mode?11:49
ali1234gnomefreak: i realised it is actually booting, just X isn't starting11:49
ali1234i'm running dpkg to fix it now11:50
gnomefreakali1234: ok11:50
gnomefreakbrb testing 2.6.31-811:51
eagles0513875anyone wanna help me confirm this bug with kubuntu-restricted-extras12:25
shappieHi, im encoutering this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/405828 (kubuntu 9.10 fully updated)12:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405828 in util-linux "fsck always fails (superblock last write time in future) on ext4" [Medium,Invalid]12:29
shappieThe guy in the bug report got it fixed but i cant find out how...12:30
shappieThe only diffence is that if i boot my system i get the error (then i run fsck manually) but if i reboot immediatly again i can boot into kubuntu12:32
shappieSo to get into my desktop i need to boot it twice (first time to run fsck second time normal)12:33
oldude67ok im running kde on karmic, and i just went to system settings and installed some splash screens, where does it download them too, and why didnt it just put it where the rest of them are?12:33
arvind_khadrishappie, i confirm that12:35
shappiearvind_khadri: you got same problem?12:35
alankiladamn, every karmic bootup these days requires me to fsck the root fs12:36
shappiealankila: Indeed...12:36
arvind_khadrishappie, yes, see alankila also confirms12:36
shappieThere is no workaround or fix for this atm?12:36
alankilaoh, someone else is already complaining about it12:37
shappielol yea12:37
shappiebtw i got another little question: What is the little mail icon right corner of my taskbar?12:38
alankilawell, I got more complaints. My damn ubuntu never shut downs correctly in halt mode. It used to work a while ago, but it usually rebooted right back in halt. Now it halted with previous kernel, with this it just crashes in halt. How/why is it so hard to shut down the damn box?12:38
shappieindicator display or something...12:38
arvind_khadrishappie, its the one with pdgin thing12:38
shappiepdgin thing?12:38
shappiewith clean install it came left of the time...12:38
shappieI cant find out what it does12:39
arvind_khadrishappie, yes, same here... i guess its a mail indicator, which is quite buggy as of now, as it doesnt say anything12:39
shappieYea lol, if i press on it it shows some weird white thing above my taskbar...12:39
shappieand no options (except shortcuts) to...12:40
arvind_khadri:), btw can you shutdown? i cant12:40
shappiearvind_khadri: Just shutdown (halt) or reboot?12:41
oldude67arvind_khadri, if you update and get the new -8 kernel it will help with the shutdown.12:41
arvind_khadrialankila, mine doesnt shutdown in normal mode, and also hangs up when rebooting12:41
shappieif i halt while in the terminal with fsck error i cant halt indeed12:41
alankilawell, I haven't tried reboot option yet, but somehow I bet we have the same issue.12:41
shappiehe didnt go further with stopping (cont / stop) RC12:42
arvind_khadrioldude67, but when i did that aptitude complained of it being broken and i had to remove it12:42
oldude67arvind_khadri, mine wouldnt shutdown right for the last 2 days and i installed the new -8 kernel this morning it was fixed.12:42
oldude67arvind_khadri, ah sorry i didnt have that problem..it just went right threw.12:43
shappieOoh i still got kernel 712:43
shappieIm updating it right now12:43
oldude67-8 was out this morning.12:43
arvind_khadriWARNING: WARNING: /usr/share/pyshared/lsb_release.py is linked but does not belong to any package. what about that?12:44
shappiedidnt see it before...12:44
shappiei did get weird errors with package manager yesterdya12:44
oldude67arvind_khadri, mine always says that, i just ignore it and let it go.12:44
shappieWhen it finished it says that is doesnt have a option: requireRestart or something...12:44
shappiePretty weird coz i did get the popup with required restart12:45
oldude67shappie, everyone was having issues yesterday.12:45
shappieOk, i installed it yesterday evening...12:45
shappieI have to go, hope things het fixed asap, bb12:46
arvind_khadrioldude67, do i need to have linux-image?12:46
oldude67arvind_khadri, i dont remember for sure but there are a few packages held back, and it might be one.i didnt look real close.12:47
alankilaOkay, best get that -8 in...12:48
oldude67arvind_khadri, i just installed it, cause of the shutdown issue i was having, hoping it would fix it.12:48
arvind_khadrioldude67, ok :)12:48
oldude67arvind_khadri, after i installed the -8 kernel when it said to reboot i had to reach down and manually shut it all the way off, but after that i tested shutdown and reboot, and both worked.12:49
arvind_khadrioldude67, ok...its getting installed now...12:50
gnomefreakeveryone was having it12:50
oldude67ya i know, but the -8 kernel fixed mine did it help you gnomefreak ?12:50
gnomefreakoldude67: not on first reboot no i am finishing up bug work and trying again12:51
oldude67oh ok, when i got it loaded and it said i had to reboot, mine still hung up, but i rebooted into the new kernel and it was fine since.12:52
oldude67now i just have to figure out the easiest and best way to get rid of the 3 extra kernels in my grub so i dont have them just laying around...thank god for google..:D12:53
arvind_khadrioldude67, uninstall them and remove from menu.lst12:56
oldude67the last time i tried that i still had them in grub..and i know im about to have problems again as i have 5 of them in there now.12:57
gnomefreakanyone have the shutdown bug handy?13:01
oldude67i dont :(13:04
gnomefreaki commented in the kernel channel13:04
gnomefreakit is bug 41850913:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418509 in linux "[Karmic] Hangs during shutdown with kernel 2.6.31-7" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41850913:10
mac_vgnomefreak: you made me unnecessarily reboot ! ;p13:25
mac_v"I take my last comment back it is fixed here"13:26
gnomefreaksorry too many things at once here13:26
gnomefreakbe back in a min13:26
eagles0513875gnomefreak: :(13:50
eagles0513875ttf-mscorefonts is broken one of the fonts is using a bad link to the server as well as bad link to the mirrors13:50
gnomefreakeagles0513875: what did i do now ;)13:50
oldude67well just got rid of all the old kernels and did a update-grub,now lets see if i have grub issues..brb.:D13:50
gnomefreakOli``: its a good idea to keep one other kernel that the one you are using13:50
eagles0513875gnomefreak: im just upset i cant get kubuntu-restricted-extras fully installed due to the andal32 font having bad links to the servers for wget13:51
gnomefreakdamn i ment olddude13:51
gnomefreakeagles0513875: still? is there a bug on it?13:51
eagles0513875i filed one against it13:51
eagles0513875would you like me to link it13:51
eagles0513875gnomefreak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/42041513:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420415 in msttcorefonts "repos for ttf-mscorfonts changed" [Undecided,New]13:52
eagles0513875no problem13:53
eagles0513875gnomefreak: just to add to it i tried to ping those repos and seems like they are down13:54
eagles0513875mirrors included13:54
gnomefreakeagles0513875: are you able to load http://kinotip.cz/ without any problems?13:55
eagles0513875none of the mirrors work13:55
eagles0513875they all time out13:55
oldude67yeah! i finally did something with the kernels and didnt bork anything up...:D13:55
gnomefreakok looking at bug and thinking eagles051387513:57
eagles0513875gnomefreak: if you feel like trying it out try install it13:57
gnomefreakbtw the link test is for bug 42039613:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420396 in firefox-3.0 "When I go to the Firefox page http://kinotip.cz system reboot" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42039613:57
gnomefreakeagles0513875: i dont have kubuntu installed atm13:57
eagles0513875go ahead and try it on ubuntu im sure ubuntu-restricted-extras is the same and contains that package13:57
gnomefreakeagles0513875: Recommends: ttf-mscorefonts-installer  the installer is why it grabs the .exe  ill be back in a few13:59
eagles0513875me 2 im off to have lunch14:00
c_kornapt-get update currently fails with "W: Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch"14:05
c_kornwhen are the mirrors updated usually ?14:05
gnomefreakc_korn: hourly IIRC14:06
gnomefreakc_korn: try using gb instead of de14:06
gnomefreakgb works here fine14:07
c_korngnomefreak: yes, works. thanks14:10
gnomefreakeagles0513875: commented on bug, sorry i know you are not here14:11
gnomefreakc_korn: c_korn gb is best to use since it is updated first as i recall14:11
* gnomefreak in us but us repos suck14:11
c_korngood to know14:11
maxpayneisnotavahi folks, does anyone know how to use stardict(qstardict) with okular?14:15
gnomefreakdoes anyone have cupsddk installed?14:24
gnomefreakor even cups-ppdc14:24
Milos_SDanyone has any problems with 2.6.31-rc8 kernel?14:26
Milos_SDmy can't boot... As I can see, it stops before loading my tv card tuner (winfast 2000/xp expert -> cx8800)14:27
shadeslayerhey anyone in KDE?14:38
rippsI'm not sure I like the vertically centered notify-osd14:41
geniishadeslayer: Yes14:42
shadeslayergenii: can you get composting to work?14:43
geniishadeslayer: I expect you mean compositing. Yes., it works fine on my Nvidia 8300m with 185 drivers14:43
shadeslayerhmm.... i compiled the nvidia drivers for the 2.6.31-7-generic kernel....worked till about yesterday night when the updates broke something14:44
geniishadeslayer: I installed the stock 185 driver when in -6 kernel, survived all the updates and is working righ now in -714:46
shadeslayergenii: theres a new kernel out :P14:47
shadeslayergenii: http://pastebin.ca/154580214:47
shadeslayeroh got it to work :P14:49
geniishadeslayer: I just checked now for updates on this box and looks like there are some available. Might be the -814:49
shadeslayerhopefully it solves the hang problem14:50
* shadeslayer crosses his fingers14:50
tgpraveen1nice blog post i came across14:57
* shadeslayer bookmarks.... LUG meeting on Monday14:58
geniishadeslayer: I'm also getting the fail to poweroff thing when shutting down. Real annoying14:58
shadeslayergenii: yeah... but thats what alphas are all about ;)14:59
shadeslayerim currently trying to get xsplash to work :P15:00
itswhatevi can readily repro some intelfb_panic from libdrm.. i saw it in a sysrq dump.  how do i capture that info?15:07
vakhi all#15:15
vakI am going to try a package from Karmic, but I don't want to upgrade all things from Jaunty to Karmic yet.15:15
mac_vgenii: its is fixed in the latest kernel update -8 , update and shutdown twice :)15:15
vakhere is the package from Karmic: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/bugzilla315:16
geniiI just noticed the last 29 updates have in there acpi-support15:16
vakI thought, that I could use temporarily "deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu karmic main universe" to upgrade bugzilla3 and then comment out this line from sources.list15:17
geniivak: You should use instead the deb-src, get and build15:18
geniiWork, afk15:18
vakgenii: would the package be auto upgraded later if I do so?15:19
Machtinhm.. when i use thunderbird on windows with googlemail imap, i receive my emails when they arrive - with maximum 2s delay, i'd say..15:29
Machtinwhen i use claws-mail here, it's just the usual delay like on pop (client checks every 10minutes).. why is that so fast on thunderbird?15:29
geniivak: If an official repo version supercedes it, yes15:30
vakgenii: OK15:30
vakgenii: thanks15:30
eagles0513875genii: do you have kubuntu installed on a vm or machine15:39
geniieagles0513875: On my physical box... separate partitions for my 9.10 and 9.04 installs15:40
arandHello, is anyone up for some bug-confirming: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/418135 it's interesting ;)15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418135 in nautilus "Permissions on user home directory (source) set to 777 after copying it via nautilus" [Medium,New]15:40
eagles0513875genii: could you test out installing this fonts package and confirming https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/42041515:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420415 in msttcorefonts "repos for ttf-mscorefonts changed" [Undecided,New]15:41
arandum, that's wrong... nvm15:41
geniieagles0513875: I'm currently in the middle of a big update15:42
eagles0513875ok genii seems like for me this one package which is part of kubuntu-restricted-extras is my issue15:43
eagles0513875not sure if the rest is installed15:43
arandBug #41813515:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418135 in nautilus "Permissions on user home directory (source) set to 777 after copying it via nautilus" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41813515:45
arand^ Thats the one, anyone up for some confirmin' ?15:46
geniiMan. This lat upgrade sure wants a lot of CLI input :/15:54
mistyahttp://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=61453 why?15:56
buchmistya i have the same bug with latest updates - but i havnt got time to check it out :(15:58
mistyabuch, good.. if not an error on my computer.. someone fix it xD16:01
geniiBTW sudo apt-get install --reinstall lsb-release cleared up that annoying "WARNING: WARNING: /usr/share/pyshared/lsb_release.py is linked but does not belong to any package."  for me16:05
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xcdfgkjhgcvikonia: Hi.16:37
BluesKajany update probs this morning ?16:38
ikoniaBluesKaj: which ones ?16:38
hggdhor is this a preemptive type of question?16:39
BluesKaja simple question, it is what it asks , nothing implied about it16:41
hggdhthen the answer is -- seems no update issues so far16:42
alex_mayorgaanyone having to un-plug, re-plug a Huawei E220 to have it appear on nm-applet? Known issue?16:42
douglasawh-workthis isn't exactly an ubuntu+1 question, but not exactly ubuntu-offtopic either.  I have some questions about gconf...specifically I'm using Fedora (at work anyway) but I think the same would hold true for Ubuntu. Anyway, should I take the questions elsewhere?16:46
mistyahttp://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=61453 why? ?16:50
ikoniamistya: well for a starter you may get a better response without the need for "WTF" in the middle of your screen16:50
ikoniamistya: secondly, are you complaining about the position of the alert ?16:51
mistyaikonia, yep16:51
ikoniamistya: never seen that positioning before16:52
alex_mayorgaFWIW, I'm also seeing what mistya sees16:52
ikoniaalex_mayorga: ooh really16:52
ikonialooks like it could be a little more than an isolated incident16:53
alex_mayorgayep, doesn't bother me that much, but I recall on Jaunty those notifications started just below the top panel16:53
natewiebe13its a "feature" according to the ayatana team16:53
ikonianatewiebe13: really ?16:53
natewiebe13they just changed it16:53
ikoniauntil just now I've not seen anyone mention it16:53
natewiebe13also the notify-osd wiki page16:53
natewiebe13from what i know, they are not planning to change it back16:54
natewiebe13we talked about the location yesterday for a long time16:54
alex_mayorgaI see, how about some config option16:54
mac_vnatewiebe13: ^ you are wrong16:54
natewiebe13mac_v: what am i wrong about?16:54
alex_mayorgabeing that the case I'd like those to start at the bottom, "ala win32 toasters"16:54
mac_vnatewiebe13: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg00557.html16:55
mac_valex_mayorga: ^16:55
natewiebe13so they are changing it back?16:55
mac_vthey are just waiting for UI freeze16:55
natewiebe13im relieved16:56
natewiebe13i hate the position16:56
alex_mayorgamac_v: thanks, so what would be the "final" position?16:56
alex_mayorgamaking it user selectable would be a plus IMHO16:56
natewiebe13alex_mayorga: but as of right now, its not a bug, it was made to be in the middle16:56
mac_valex_mayorga: "final"  , in the sense no user selection will be possible , not in the near future16:57
natewiebe13mac_v: so are they changing it back to where it was?16:57
mac_vnatewiebe13: most probably , that was mark's response , you can follow the thread. everyone is against it16:58
natewiebe13mac_v: awesome.. i really liked where it was and im glad they are changing it back.. thanks for the information [such a relief]16:59
alex_mayorgaare the hal changes related to me having to unplug, replug my HSDPA USB modem?16:59
natewiebe13mac_v: i wasnt sure where it was going.. there isnt much response from the #ayatana channel16:59
mac_vnatewiebe13: yeah , this question was asked so many times there , now peopl have gotten tired ;p17:00
mac_vi just responded here , since you were conveying wrong info :)17:00
alex_mayorgaso they're much probably going back to the top, right?17:01
natewiebe13i figured that.. and i was giving the info that i knew at the time.. on the bug report, mirco sounded like it wasnt going to change back to how it was17:01
mac_vnatewiebe13: mirco never said that ;p , you misunderstood17:02
natewiebe13he didnt say that, but thats how it sounded17:02
natewiebe13and i did say "as far as i know" before i said that, so i didnt say that it was set in stone17:02
natewiebe13but it doesnt matter17:03
mac_vnatewiebe13: people usually never remember "as far as i know" ;) BTW the bug report > Bug #41989417:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41989417:04
natewiebe13he did say "its a feature"17:05
natewiebe13but i do like notify-osd, wayyy better than the notifications in intrepid, so im not going to complain17:06
MindVirus1Hello. How do I get direct rendering on my Intel 945GME?17:06
alteregoai got a error in module bursaoo.ccc17:06
MindVirus1direct rendering: Yes17:07
MindVirus1That's not what it says, sorry. direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set) is what it says.17:08
dvz-hey...i have terminator fullscreen on one workspace - when i change workspaces and progs - then come back to terminator workspace, i have to click it to bring it front...is there a way to disable this feature and keep it on top when i switch to the workspace?17:12
natewiebe13mac_v: you said they are waiting until ui freeze? (sept 10)17:19
mac_vnatewiebe13: huh?17:19
MindVirus1Anyone have any suggestions?17:19
natewiebe13for changing the notification locations17:19
mac_vnatewiebe13: if you follow the thread it is mentioned in there17:20
natewiebe13okay.. thanks17:20
mac_vMindVirus1: you could also ask in #ubuntu-x17:23
alteregoameowagi from karate kid said: oni shiwa harairi masai17:31
alex_mayorgawhy can't I enable my MSN account on empathy?17:32
MindVirus1mac_v: I asked. Thanks.17:35
mac_vMindVirus1: np :)17:36
MindVirus1Anyways, if anyone around here has advice for me, I'm all ears.17:37
bjsnideris direct rendering available on intel systems?17:39
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MindVirus1How do I disable UXA? It crashes my desktop every half an hour.17:39
MindVirus1I get random jitters as well.17:40
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.17:40
geniiIt's in one of those links someplace about the UXA stuff17:40
MindVirus1genii: thank you. Are you Russian?17:41
geniiMindVirus1: No, Canadian17:41
MindVirus1Ahh. "genii" in Russian is "genius".17:42
geniiMindVirus1: When i chose this name years ago, it was for the obscure meaning of "the essence or spirit of a place", also it can also be made to mean the plural of genius in english also17:43
MindVirus1I see.17:44
MindVirus1genii: hmm, I don't know what to follow. I already have the ubuntu-x-swat repos.17:53
MindVirus1Apparently my shit's DRI2 capable and UXA works fine.17:59
gbs-wesdoes anyone else have the notifications displaying in the center of the screen vertically suddenly?17:59
jussi01MindVirus1: watch the language please17:59
MindVirus1So, DRI2 and UXA work, but UXA freezes my desktop every 30 minutes. Any suggestions?18:00
penguin42MindVirus1: Report the bug, try turning UXA off and see if it fixes it - then you know it is the UXA?18:00
MindVirus1penguin42: I can't turn UXA off -- AFAIK, EXA was disabled.18:01
mac_vgbs-wes:  > Bug #41989418:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41989418:03
Michalxogbs-wes, haha18:03
Michalxoanother angry user :) welcome18:03
penguin42hmm I've just noticed that's happening to me18:04
MindVirus1Me too. But it doesn't bother me as much as my abysmal graphics performance.18:05
gbs-wesMichal, whats funny?18:06
Michalxowell.. I have my own deb package for amd64 which fixes that middle screen notifications...18:06
gbs-wesand that's funny?18:06
Michalxogbs-wes, yes, I was angry whole yesterday on that :)18:07
gbs-wesah ok18:07
gbs-wesi was wondering if it was a feature, myself18:07
gbs-wescan't decide if i hate it or not18:07
Michalxoaha :)18:07
Michalxoif you want that deb, just ask, :) or make yourself one :) a friend of me helped me to do that (I am newbie :)) )18:08
gbs-wesi don't run 64bit18:08
gbs-wesill just wait, must be an easy fix18:08
Michalxogbs-wes, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/419894/comments/1218:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid]18:08
gbs-wesah, so it is a feature?18:09
Michalxoyes :D18:09
Michalxoread ayatana discussion.. even mark post there :)18:10
* penguin42 is getting a bit pissed off with GUI features that are really poor18:10
Michalxoor rules there? :)18:10
arvind_khadriwhats the use of the indicator-applet?18:12
Michalxohttps://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg00525.html ?18:13
* penguin42 wonders why there is a little x next to my username on the panel18:13
Michalxoarvind_khadri, I found it useless, so I always remove it.. all indicators...18:13
arvind_khadriMichalxo, how do i remove it?18:14
Michalxoright click on it ;)18:14
arvind_khadriMichalxo, only gives me an About option :)18:14
penguin42Michalxo: It also seems cofusing - I mean a closed envelope looks like a mail notification18:14
arvind_khadriMichalxo, got it18:14
Michalxopenguin42, it has to be some kind of "shortcut" to things like IM afaik18:15
adelie42anyone here that might be able to help me with an Ubuntu on coLinux issue?18:16
penguin42Michalxo: I can't see how - IM already gives me notify messages (you just gave me one!) and the drop down on indicator-applet-sus (?) seems to do that18:16
arvind_khadripenguin42, Michalxo i guess its supposed to be associated with IM... but its not completely operational yet18:16
* penguin42 wonders what the difference is between indicator-applet-sus and indicator-applet is18:16
Michalxono idea too18:16
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: i have it in jaunty and i get notifications from pidgin that way18:16
Michalxomaybe it cummulates all IMs to it :)18:17
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, i too get it on jaunty, but i guess that notifier came with pidgin itself, and it works well... the one in karmic doesnt work18:17
natewiebe13it doesn in jaunty18:17
Michalxopidgin/gajim/xchat(??)/kopete into 1 :D18:17
natewiebe13i think you are correct Michalxo18:18
natewiebe13penuguin: but the x beside your name is your status for whatever IM you are using18:18
arvind_khadriin karmic its empathy, they removed pidgin :(18:18
Michalxobut who uses more then 2 IM programs?18:18
natewiebe13after an update i did today i can no longer change my status that way18:18
Michalxoarvind_khadri, yeah, but nothing hard to install it back :)18:19
natewiebe13i still use pidgin.. i dont like empathy18:19
cdE|Woozymy window decorations (using compiz) seem to go away after I resume, does that happen to anybody else?18:19
arvind_khadriMichalxo, yup, i use their PPA :)18:19
natewiebe13same [thumbs up]18:19
DanaGI don't like Empathy, either.18:19
Michalxolike all say, emapthy is pre-mature... too young to be mainstream :(18:19
natewiebe13anyone know why they switched?18:19
Michalxonatewiebe13, default gnome project?18:20
arvind_khadriafaik , they brought in empathy as its supporting voice and video... but the new pidgin is also doing that...18:20
natewiebe13imo, if they were to make any switch, it would be to replace rhythmbox with banshee18:20
Michalxoyes, so it's still not 100% that empathy will go in final :)18:20
MindVirus1Do they listen to us?18:20
natewiebe13MindVirus1: not usually18:21
arvind_khadriMichalxo, nope its final :), feature freeze over18:21
Michalxooh :(18:21
MindVirus1That's silly.18:21
Michalxobut still maybe..18:21
natewiebe13i vote pidgin18:21
MindVirus1I as well.18:21
mac_vpenguin42: the "x" you mean image missing?18:21
natewiebe13mac_v: no, offline statue18:21
penguin42mac_v: Well I'm not sure - next to my 'dg' name is a little red 'x' button18:21
natewiebe13i have a grey circle with an x in the middle18:22
mac_vthat is a know bug , its the icon of image missing , its fixed upstream18:22
penguin42ah right; what's it supposed to be?18:22
mac_vpenguin42: its supposed to have an icon , i'm just not sure which18:23
penguin42is it what was the little green ball?18:23
natewiebe13penguin42: i have a grey circle with an x in the middle, but its the offline status icon18:23
MindVirus1Does anyone here have any experience with Intel graphics?18:23
penguin42natewiebe13: But I'm on line!18:23
mac_vpenguin42: its not yet implemented , i think the coded the wrong icon label18:24
penguin42mac_v: Ah OK18:24
mac_vso it keeps showing image missing18:24
MindVirus1Nobody, eh?18:25
penguin42MindVirus1: Well I use them18:26
MindVirus1penguin42: do you have UXA?18:26
penguin42MindVirus1: Yes - (II) UXA(0): Driver registered support for the following operations:18:27
MindVirus1And your performance is normal?18:27
penguin42MindVirus1: Somewhere between normal and better than Jaunty I'd say18:27
penguin42MindVirus1: I'm on a 945GM18:27
MindVirus1GM? Not GME?18:28
MindVirus1My last question after I find out what card you have is the output of `glxinfo | grep render`. I don't mean to bother you.18:28
penguin42MindVirus1: It seems to say 945GM - (--) intel(0): Chipset: "945GM"18:28
penguin42(II) intel(0): Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) 945GM18:29
penguin42I don't run compiz; what monitor arrangment do you have?18:29
MindVirus1I have a different chipset than you -- I'm on GME.18:29
MindVirus1I have a single monitor on my netbook.18:29
penguin42nod; I have an internal LCD and a big external monitor on my laptop18:30
MindVirus1Man, I wish I knew that GME could possibly work.18:30
penguin42has it always been so grim or is this a karmicism?18:30
MindVirus1It worked great with EXA.18:31
penguin42MindVirus1: It's worth seeing if you can find any comments on here - http://intellinuxgraphics.org/  - oh, :xf86-video-intel 2.8.0 released, with XAA and EXA removed, VLD/Mpeg2 support added, and various fixes for UXA/DRI2 and kernel modesetting, together with Intel 2009Q2 graphics package released.18:32
penguin42that's why your EXA doesn't work18:33
MindVirus1I know.18:33
MindVirus1EXA was rermoved. ;(18:33
penguin42MindVirus1: Certainly worth bug reporting I guess - I think for me UXA is better off18:33
* penguin42 was hoping dtchen might be around - I noticed a kernel fix to fix a kernel bug with intel video and wondered if it could be helping sound18:35
arvind_khadripenguin42, i guess you can talk about it in #ubuntu-kernel18:35
penguin42yeh, it's just a particular audio bug that's been plaguing me for a while18:36
geniiIs 2.6.31 using CFS scheduler by default?18:37
penguin42back in a sec18:42
penguin42right, that's better - you're in the right window now18:42
* penguin42 submits a pidgin enhancment, then finds out it can already do it - oops; closes it....18:46
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slaytonwhat is the code name for 10.04?18:56
natewiebe13i dont think its decided yet18:57
MichalxoLucky Llame? :)18:58
Michalxoor llame llame :)18:58
natewiebe13here are a list of ideas on the wiki19:00
natewiebe13source: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames19:01
natewiebe13slayton: ^19:01
slaytonnatewiebe13, thanks! I was actually just reading that19:01
MichalxoSuggestion for Ubuntu 9.10: Kinetic Kiwi. :D19:03
rippsI've been lucky, I've never had too many problems with pulseaudio since it became default in Hardy. It's always worked alright for me. But now, in Karmic, it's a peice of crap. Volume control makes no sense, and I can even change it manually in alsamixer because pulse defaults everything to mute if it's touched. Also, now programs that play audio will crash if I try to change volume. What the heck is up?19:07
Michalxoi'd please guys in #pulseaudio with this :)19:08
natewiebe13Michalxo: its kind of interesting how we always refer to a version by the adjective not the noun.. (gutsy, hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic)19:08
natewiebe13its almost as if its not important what animal it is, but what the animal is like19:09
Michalxoyeah :) but it;s probably in human nature to call things by it's first names :)19:09
natewiebe13(doesnt matter what version it is, but whats its like)19:09
MichalxoI'll start to call it koala :)19:09
natewiebe13start a trend.. i like it19:09
penguin42loyal lion?19:10
DanaGLeaping.  I like that adjective.19:10
Michalxovery royal penguin42 :)19:10
natewiebe13too bad leopard was taken by apple :( ive always liked the word leopard19:10
Michalxoyeah jaguar was taken too :(19:10
natewiebe13promiscuous penguin19:11
rippsI say leave the cats to apple19:11
DanaGEh, we want positive connotations, not negative ones.19:11
rippsI personally like leaping lemur19:11
* penguin42 looks at natewiebe1319:11
natewiebe13DanaG: just joking19:11
natewiebe13penguin42: didnt even think about that..19:12
phoenixzJust a small hint for ubuntu developers: Please automatically disable any auto suspend or auto hibernate options while upgrading..  I was doing the upgrade, went downstairs to eat and when I got back, it was hung up trying to hibernate RIGHT in the middle of package install...19:12
rippsphoenixz: file a bug report19:13
phoenixzripps: where?19:13
natewiebe13phoenixz: i would put it in launchpad19:13
Michalxophoenixz, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu19:14
rippsI wouldn't come here with hopes of a developer reading a word you say. Only come here if you need help from the community (or just vent angrily about how a broken app sucks)19:15
Michalxolike PA? :)19:15
natewiebe13or notify osd >:(19:16
natewiebe13[mad face]19:16
MindVirus1ripps: sounds like a plan.19:16
Michalxowell.. I have it repaired natewiebe13 :)19:16
MindVirus1Does anyone have any experience troubleshooting Intel GFX?19:16
MichalxoI compilled my own deb file, and everytime an upgrade comes I upgrade everything and install my own deb using all placement :)19:16
Michalxogot 64bit deb :)19:17
natewiebe13nope.. 32bit19:17
Michalxobtw I posted manual to it to that bug page... so you can make your own too :)19:17
Michalxoa friend of mine showed me how to make it, so I am pretty happy now...19:17
natewiebe13from what i know they are changing it on sept 10th19:17
Michalxochanging to what?19:18
natewiebe13(dont shoot me mac_v)19:18
natewiebe13back to how it was19:18
Michalxobtw... they don't want to make UI to it :(19:18
natewiebe13yup.. i heard19:18
natewiebe13but from what i know, they are putting it back in the top right on the UI freeze19:19
Michalxoyeah, I think that mark wrote it on ayatana :)19:19
natewiebe13mark didnt seem to like the notifications in the middle19:19
Michalxopretty nice thing :)19:19
natewiebe13read it19:19
DanaGoh yeah, my gripe with notify-osd is the horrible lag.19:20
DanaGI can skip like 20 tracks in my media player, in the time it takes to display ONE track-change notification.19:20
natewiebe13DanaG: i dont like how the volume control flashes when its maxed out19:20
MichalxoI even emailed mark cause I was unable to post to ayatana :D19:20
DanaGAnd hammers the cpu!19:20
DanaGAnd llaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaags.19:20
Michalxonatewiebe13, I have ntohing like that here19:21
DanaGoh, and having volume change WAIT on the notification..... horrible.19:21
natewiebe13DanaG: i dont have the lag or cpu problems..19:21
DanaGTry holding volume-up for a while19:21
natewiebe13Michalxo, i havent tried it on karmic, but i know on jaunty, if the volume was maxed and you use the volume control to go louder, it glows white (flashes almost) and lags really really bad19:22
Michalxonatewiebe13, KOALA19:22
natewiebe13sorry.. [forgot]19:22
Michalxodid not happened to me :)19:22
DanaGI should make a video of it on my system.19:23
natewiebe13maybe its fixed in Koala19:23
DanaGThe volume change itself is not smooth... it jumps and skips.19:23
ali1234if i press "next track" banshee pegs the CPU for about 3 seconds - if i lean on it for 5 seconds it can freeze the machine for half an hour19:23
natewiebe13DanaG: what graphics card are you using?19:23
arandANyone fancy some confirmation/refution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/418135 (It's a quickie)19:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418135 in nautilus "Permissions of symlinked source file/folder set to 777 if symlink is copied via nautilus" [Medium,Triaged]19:23
MichalxoI think I remember.. but for me it was always fixed natewiebe1319:23
Michalxobasnhee is bigger crap then rhytmbox :)19:23
Michalxothat's why I use rhbox :D19:24
natewiebe13*cough* banshee is better *cough*19:24
ali1234you don't need to tell me that. i only use banshee to demonstrate how bad it is19:24
natewiebe13i use nvidia 8800gt, and 285 glx and i have no issues with changing tracks and volume control (except the maxing out issue)19:24
DanaGStill lags horribly for me.19:24
Michalxonatewiebe13, really I used banshee too.. but I sticked to rhytmbox.. although I hated it frist.. :)19:24
MichalxoI have about 7500 songs in it and RHBox works great, while banshee lags as ....19:25
arandgmusicbrowser ftw.19:25
natewiebe13i switched to banshee because no spaces between tracks and better device support.. and i have 60ish GB of music19:26
ali1234my main problem at the moment is ath5k is still silently corrupting packets - and has been for six months now19:26
natewiebe13and no lagging for me. Q9550 and 285 GTX19:26
MindVirus1natewiebe13: I'd be surprised if anything lagged for you.19:27
natewiebe13volume control glitch when maxed19:27
DanaGMy CPU is a Core 2 Duo P8600.19:28
DanaGoh yeah, handy thing: I have my hdd-protection LED set to be a heartbeat timer.19:29
DanaGSo, I can see that resuming from suspend takes like 15 seconds of high load.19:29
DanaGIt "beats" faster when load is higher.19:29
shadeslayerdoes usb-creator-kde work?19:29
DanaGargh, exaile doesn't seem to have a command-line way to "toggle" the main window.19:31
DanaGoh, that's the default.19:31
BUGabundoso kernel 28 is good to boot?19:32
shadeslayerBUGabundo: works here19:32
Michalxo31-8 here :D19:34
shadeslayerMichalxo: i think he meant 2.6.31-8-generic #28-Ubuntu  << see #28 ?19:36
arandBUGabundo: Hia, all good?19:36
BUGabundonot really19:36
BUGabundobad ROM on my android after upgrade arand :(19:36
Michalxowhat does that #28 stands for anyway?19:36
arandBUGabundo: ack :(19:37
BUGabundoarand: does anyone else have OSD 3/5 of the screen??19:38
BUGabundoits not on TOP any more19:38
BUGabundo*really* annoying19:38
dotblankmy osd is completly broken19:38
arandBUGabundo: yep, just noticed that...19:38
mac_vBUGabundo:   > Bug #41989419:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41989419:39
mac_varand: ^19:39
BUGabundois it just me or we are getting LOTS of big updates after FeatFreze?19:40
natewiebe13its a "feature"19:40
natewiebe13to be distracting in the middle of the screen19:40
BUGabundoohhh I'm killing someone19:40
mac_vBUGabundo:  https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg00557.html19:40
BUGabundonatewiebe13: well put it UNDER the mouse cursor then19:40
BUGabundoyou are jokeing righ?19:41
BUGabundois this true???19:41
natewiebe13dead serious19:41
mac_vBUGabundo: read the mail19:41
MichalxoI am starting to laugh at it :)19:41
mac_vBUGabundo: its actually just an "experiment" , will be reverted before the 2nd UI drop19:41
natewiebe13i do like how notify-osd blurs now19:42
BUGabundonatewiebe13: NOT in the middle of the screen19:42
natewiebe13that part makes me mad19:42
SKBblur doesn't work without compiz :\19:42
Michalxothere is some blur? :D19:43
natewiebe13its really nice19:43
Michalxoso I should start compiz then :)19:43
natewiebe13started that 1 month ago i think19:43
DanaGI think the #28 means it's the 28th time that source tree has been compiled?19:43
mac_vBUGabundo: this was actually proposed 4 months ago ;) and hadent been implemented because mirco got tied up19:43
Michalxobtw fedora 12 has som great artwork ;19:43
SKBi prefer giving 70MB or RAM to apache or something else19:43
BUGabundomac_v: I hope you slapped marc in our name ?!?19:43
natewiebe13compiz: 35.5 MB of ram19:44
mac_vBUGabundo: yeah sure back then i was the only one how opposed it , now that its in everyones face all are up inarms19:44
Michalxoah thaat blurry effect.. I don't need it19:44
natewiebe13i use compiz for the cube..19:44
natewiebe13its nice to drag windows to other workspaces19:45
mac_vBUGabundo: 4months back > https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg00106.html19:45
SKBmy transparent panels had a shadow last time i used compiz19:45
arandI remeber reading about it actually, I'm really not sure what to think...19:45
alteregoaubuntu gets a new splash screen19:46
BUGabundonatewiebe13: $ sudo atop 2 , then type 'm'19:46
arvind_khadricompiz is really useless, its obsolete, other than attracting migrating users...it causes more trouble than good19:46
BUGabundomac_v: the only question is WHEN WILL THIS BE REVERTED?19:46
alteregoagnome is obsolete, i hope someone port nautilus with kde19:46
* BUGabundo take the piece of chocolate cookie from caps19:46
natewiebe13BUGabundo: sept 10th?19:47
DanaGI happen to use many features of Compiz.19:47
arvind_khadrialteregoa, :P KDE sucks!!!19:47
DanaGLamp on minimize, sidekick on close, "dream" on open, and menus do the "vacuum" thing.19:47
mac_vBUGabundo: most probably before 2nd UI drop > https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana/msg00559.html19:47
alteregoakde is very user friendly19:47
natewiebe13BUGabundo: xorg, then compiz19:48
natewiebe13alteregoa: too plasticy and synthetic19:48
arvind_khadrikde is highly bloated....19:48
BUGabundonatewiebe13: I'll get an air plane ticket and drive it into canonical before that :)19:48
natewiebe13BUGabundo: :P Michalxo has a fix19:49
DanaGI have my effects set at "snazzy but not too over-the-top".19:49
mac_vyeah , who's up for sponsoring BUGabundo 's trip19:49
* genii hands over his pocket lint19:49
* mac_v too ;p19:50
ali1234did somebody mention kde? http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/random/kdefail.png19:50
natewiebe13BUGabundo: if you can get to london, ontario.. i'll donate a car19:50
alteregoaa mapple gagintosh19:50
mphillalteregoa: did you use gnome before kde?19:50
BUGabundonatewiebe13: I don't care who has it, I just want it on my system NOW19:50
DanaGugh, exaile sucks at keyboard control.19:50
mac_vBUGabundo: do you know that canonical has the craziest security , similar to stuff you see in sci-fi movies o.019:51
BUGabundonext one saying bad things about KDE, gets kicked .... in the ass19:51
BUGabundoI know all core devs, so bare with them, ok ?19:51
MichalxoBUGabundo, if you're still speaking about notifications... just cahnge in src/bubble.c PLACEMENT_NEW to PLACEMENT_OLD and compile ;)19:51
BUGabundonatewiebe13: is it so dirty it needs to drive the Atlantic to get clean???19:51
* arvind_khadri zips his mouth and sulks in the corner19:51
mac_vthey have hand scanners that only allow certain people to enter19:51
BUGabundoMichalxo: I don't do code!!! not even to save me19:52
BUGabundoI'll just kill OSD for now19:52
mac_vBUGabundo: use mumbles19:52
BUGabundo$ watch -n 1 pkill notify-osd19:52
natewiebe13BUGabundo: i have a used car lot.. id give you a car :P19:52
MichalxoBUGabundo, are you on amd64? :)19:52
BUGabundomac_v: I'll get A- Flu19:52
BUGabundoand stuck my hand on the scanner19:53
BUGabundoMichalxo: yep19:53
Michalxoso I can send you a cure :)19:53
RagnarokAngelBUGabundo: yeah, my OSD notifications are coming up part way down the screen19:53
mac_vhehe , seriously they have MI6 security stuff19:53
BUGabundoMichalxo: put a PPA up and you get a download record :)19:53
RagnarokAngelMichalxo: so, if I'm on 32bit I'm screwed w/ OSDs?19:53
MichalxoBUGabundo, I have no idea how  :)19:53
BUGabundoask on #ubuntu-motu19:54
Michalxonah no need to :)19:54
natewiebe13Michalxo: if you can send it to me, i'll host it19:54
DanaGI tried mumbles... it doesn't do anything.19:54
Michalxonatewiebe13, uploading...19:54
DanaGAt least, mumbles-send blah foo bar   ..... nothing at all happens.19:54
Michalxobut i need better host server :-/19:54
Michalxomediafire sux19:55
natewiebe13i have a server i can host19:55
mac_vMichalxo: use filebin19:55
natewiebe13not a website hosting service19:55
RagnarokAngeldrop.io was pretty nice if your files weren't too big....19:55
RagnarokAngelor Michalxo you could use filedropper.com if you only need them for about 24hrs....19:55
SKBumm i somehow deleted the package with desktop pixmaps, anyone know how that package is called?19:56
natewiebe13I'll host the files until they are up in repos if you want..19:56
BUGabundodude use U1 or dropbox19:56
Michalxonatewiebe13, fine19:56
BUGabundoneed an invite?19:56
MichalxoI don;t use any :D19:57
Michalxonatewiebe13, BUGabundo http://www.edisk.cz/stahni/75875/notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb_168.54KB.html19:57
mac_vBUGabundo: can we share files using U1? if so how? i couldnt figure it out19:57
Michalxoit's czech.. but it's good19:57
Michalxowrite numbers and "stahnout soubor" = download19:57
alteregoai do the electric boogaloo19:58
buckySKB, apt-cache search pixmaps |grep data  could be any of the first four or so19:58
Michalxonatewiebe13, but it's only 64bit...19:58
BUGabundoMichalxo: I'm sorry but I won't install anything not compiled on LP19:58
BUGabundomac_v: sure. PM your email19:58
buckySKB, sudo apt-get install --reinstall   those19:58
SKB ty19:59
BUGabundoMichalxo: Launchpad19:59
Michalxoit works fine so I see no probelm why you should not give it a try :-/19:59
natewiebe13it will be up until fixed in repos19:59
BUGabundowe got UM back???19:59
BUGabundoare this guys crazy??20:00
aboSamoordoes anyone have a problem with notify-osd ? The bubbles appear in the mid of the screen !20:00
BUGabundoI mean, update-notifier, of course20:00
BUGabundoaboSamoor: yep20:00
mac_vBUGabundo: no , no UN20:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid]20:00
MichalxoaboSamoor, cure on http://www.wiebeswheels.com/notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb for 64bit systems :)20:00
DanaGnice... the server is serving it up as a text file.20:01
natewiebe13just do a saveas20:01
=== aubre_afk is now known as aubre
aboSamoorMichalxo, did not get it, I am using 32bit packages :)20:01
alteregoai am using the new kernel20:01
natewiebe13DanaG: save the webpage, and it saves the .deb20:01
DanaGyeah, I did that.20:01
Michalxonatewiebe13, compile 32bit too :)20:02
Michalxoinstructions are in bug, comment #12 I think20:02
natewiebe13i dont compile things :P20:02
Michalxoah, me neither.. bu it works :)20:03
aboSamoorBUGabundo, do you know if is it reported ?20:03
natewiebe13if someone compiles.. i'll host it20:03
aboSamoorBUGabundo, sorry I did not notice the Bug reported :)20:03
shadeslayeranyone using usb-creator-kde ?20:04
buckyyou don't have to apologize aboSamoor... BUGabundo has been in here complaining about it for the last hour20:04
Michalxoshadeslayer, usb-creator-gtk worked nice.. dunno what about kde20:05
shadeslayerMichalxo: apparently it does everything except create a startup disk20:05
Michalxoheh I am using gnome, so sorry :(20:05
aboSamoorbucky, I see :)20:06
natewiebe13is there a #kubuntu+1 channel?20:06
Michalxo* #kubuntu+1 #ubuntu+1 :Forwarding to another channel20:06
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, lol... use /list :P20:06
aboSamooris there any room for boot performance improvements ? The last 2 updates of the kernel made the booting slower than in -6 kernel20:07
Michalxonatewiebe13, why don't you want to compile it? if a noob like me managed it, then it should be no problem for everyone :)20:07
natewiebe13meh.. i dont like code20:08
arvind_khadriaboSamoor, #ubuntu-kernel maybe20:08
arvind_khadriMichalxo, compile what :)20:09
BUGabundodinner. bbl20:09
shadeslayernatewiebe13: this is it20:09
BluesKajnatewiebe13, it's not code, it's just decompressing , do a ./configure in the path and make & make install20:09
natewiebe13shadeslayer: i was just wondering.. no offense20:09
natewiebe13BluesKaj: you can compile, and i'll host it..20:10
* BluesKaj shrugs20:11
Michalxoarvind_khadri, 32bit version of "fixed" notify-osd20:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid]20:12
Michalxoinstructions there20:12
shadeslayernatewiebe13: i use KDE myself.... :P20:12
SKBam i the one who has nautilus bug which rearranges icons every start/refresh?20:14
* shadeslayer watches his bkodama vanish into plasma20:14
MichalxoSKB, mybe ? :(20:14
buckySKB, is there an arrange icons menu item when you right click on the background of nautilus?20:15
buckyit doesn't save your config?20:15
SKBcalled clean up by name20:15
shadeslayerwhere are the usb-creator-kde logs saved?20:15
SKBcfg should be in home :\20:15
buckyit doesn't save your changes when you use clean up?20:16
SKBno idea actually whether it does save or not20:16
buckyprolly does20:16
Michalxoshadeslayer, /join #kde ? :=/20:16
natewiebe13or #kubuntu ?20:17
shadeslayerMichalxo: its a kubuntu KK package....why would i ask in either of those 2 channels20:17
Michalxowell... i dont know how kde stores.. but maybe in ~/.config? .local?20:18
Michalxoif it has such a folder20:18
natewiebe13how about /var/log/ ??20:18
DanaG"pidgin wants to install a font" -- whaaa?20:19
natewiebe13DanaG: what font?20:19
DanaGIt says "N'Ko".20:19
natewiebe13never seen that one before20:19
SKBumm where are nautilus settings?20:20
DanaGIt's a packagekit thing, it seems.20:21
DanaGI think N'Ko is the locale it wants to find a font for... not the font name.20:21
MichalxoSKB, gconf-editor I think apps -> nautilus :)20:22
Michalxomaybe there are more on which I have no idea20:22
sdestis there an issue with the keyboard shortcuts app?20:24
natewiebe13has anyone got one of those lg dvd burners with "bluebirds" in the firmware?20:24
penguin42sdest: Yep20:27
penguin42sdest: There's already a bug on it20:27
sdestokies just making sure20:27
natewiebe13well it has dvd burning software embedded in the firmware.. it shows that a disc labelled "bluebirds" is in the drive when it is empty.. lg has a fix for it, but it requires flashing the firmware.. i dont know if i trust wine to flash the firmware on the drive..20:28
natewiebe13my guess is wine would brick it?20:28
DanaGWow, that is a really, really stupid design.20:29
penguin42natewiebe13: Yeuch that's awful20:29
natewiebe13so there is an icon on the desktop showing a disc.. i had to disable nautilus putting media icons on the desktop :(20:30
ali1234that sounds interesting, i wonder if you could hack the software to flash whatever you wanted in the memory20:31
ali1234like for example a cd that autoruns and installs CIH :)20:31
penguin42ali1234: Of course20:31
penguin42natewiebe13: So I think there is a standard IDE command for uploading firmware - I don't know if it uses it or there is any tools etc that use it20:32
penguin42ooh -hdparm --fwdownload20:32
penguin42natewiebe13: are you brave?20:32
natewiebe13i thought it was an exe flashing utility?20:32
natewiebe13 penguin42: i dont know if i want to risk bricking a new drive20:33
ali1234natewiebe13: return it, it's the only way they'll learn20:33
penguin42natewiebe13: If you aren't up for doing that then probably the best thing is to take it to a windows box and do it there20:33
dan457hmm, give a vm with windows direct access to the drive maybe?20:34
* penguin42 guesses wine might work; in principal there are probably only one or two calls it has to do to let that magic happen20:34
ali1234wine probably has more chance of working than a VM which abstracts the hardware20:34
penguin42ali1234: Yeh that's my guess20:34
dan457some vm's allow direct access though20:34
natewiebe13im going to stick it on a windows box then...20:35
ali1234i still recommend to take it back :)20:35
penguin42it seems reasonable given that it always claims to have a disc in the drive20:35
penguin42such a dumb, dumb, dumb design20:35
DanaGyeah, vote with your wallet.20:36
shadeslayerpowerdevil is not working....20:36
natewiebe13its not mine.. i built a computer for a friend.. its really nice (coolermaster case, q9550, 260 gtx w/ 216 cores, and an lg drive with adware)20:37
natewiebe13thats why you dont outsource20:38
DanaGpowerdevil?  makes me think of a vacuum cleaner.20:38
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natewiebe13so i guess thats the first adware for linux :P20:40
SKBThe folder contents could not be displayed.20:41
SKBSorry, could not display all the contents of "trash": Operation not supported20:41
alteregoai apologize20:42
alteregoaby the name of dog20:42
natewiebe13SKB: is nautilus running with sudo?20:43
SKBboth say the same20:43
SKBsudo and regular20:43
natewiebe13strange.. sudo gives me that, but standard works fine20:43
SKBcan i compile the nautilus on top of the existing .deb?20:43
alteregoai run gnome commander with sudo20:43
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
natewiebe13BluesKaj: just finished build-dep for notify-osd21:01
natewiebe13whats with : fakeroot debian/rules binary21:01
BluesKajhmm, notify-osd is in the repos21:02
natewiebe13making a .deb21:03
SKB0.9.18 is buggy, right?21:04
natewiebe13i changed the bubbles.c file and have done build-dep..21:04
natewiebe13wrong placement21:04
natewiebe13so how do i make a .deb from here?21:04
natewiebe13fixing the placement of notify-osd21:07
natewiebe13michalxo already fixed it for 64bit.. i would have asked him, but hes not on21:07
BluesKajseems ok to me21:07
BluesKajit's listed in the package manager so ..21:08
natewiebe13can anyone help with making a deb file?21:08
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.21:08
penguin42natewiebe13: debian/rules binary from the top level is normally the way I do it21:09
natewiebe13penguin42: never made a deb before..21:11
natewiebe13is what he wrote: fakeroot debian/rules binary21:11
natewiebe13what do i do with that?21:11
mphilldebian packaging is not fun imho21:11
mphillyou can use checkinstall if you don't want to spend 20 hours reading documenation, but people will lol at you21:12
penguin42natewiebe13: cd into the top level of your package and type it21:12
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, use checkinstall21:13
natewiebe13penguin42: got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/261120/21:14
penguin42natewiebe13: Looks like you edited something as root?21:15
natewiebe13penguin42: how would i have edited it?21:16
penguin42in your favorite text editor?21:17
natewiebe13penguin42: i now get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/261125/21:17
arvind_khadrifakeroot must be run with sudo i guess21:18
penguin42arvind_khadri: I thought the whole point of fakeroot was that you didn't run it as root21:18
mnemosince last kernel update I got this horrible bug which means I get data loss on every reboot :( what happens is that when I shutdown the machine almost shutsdown completely but just before its about to power of it just stays there doing nothing (doesnt respond to ping, I can vt switch but I cant login to the text based terminals).. if I power off at that point I get a nasty fsck when I boot back up.. ?21:19
arvind_khadripenguin42, am not sure... ask in #ubuntu-motu , and if the person doesnt know packaging, its better to use checkinstall21:19
arvind_khadrimnemo, fixed in
mnemoarvind_khadri: bug number?21:20
arvind_khadrimnemo, dont remember :(21:20
arvind_khadrimnemo, search it in LP21:20
mnemohmm I just installed -821:21
mnemotrying to power down again now21:21
mnemoaah you're right21:21
mnemoits fixed21:21
mnemopew =)21:21
mnemoI was afraid I was going to get stuck with that bug in stable version21:21
mnemothat would have sucked :o21:21
arvind_khadrimnemo, that wouldnt have happened :)21:22
arvind_khadripenguin42, fakeroot doesnt need sudo..the cause of the error is something else21:22
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, see if debian/notify-osd exists21:23
penguin42arvind_khadri: Right, that's what I thought21:23
Twigaathygoddamn pile of arse pulse >_<21:24
arvind_khadripenguin42, i am learning packaging btw :) , do we need to run a make before doing fakeroot? if yes then did make run fine?21:24
TwigaathyIf I hit pause in mplayer the video "sticks" and then goes really quickly again on unpause21:24
Twigaathyanyone else seeing this?21:24
mnemonatewiebe13: i think you accidently created some files as root instead of regular user.... for example, did you do "sudo apt-get source blah" ??21:25
penguin42arvind_khadri: I've not needed to - personally I don't actually normally use fakeroot21:25
mnemonatewiebe13: no "sudo" for apt-get source, only for apt-get install21:25
natewiebe13how about dpkg-source?21:26
maxbIs notify-osd *supposed* to be putting notifications in the middle of the right-hand side of the screen these days?21:26
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, yes for which one?21:26
natewiebe13sudo dpkg-source -x notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1.dsc21:26
natewiebe13sudo or no?21:26
penguin42what I normally do is apt-get source package   then debian/rules binary   to get the package then the packages arrive in the directory above; then install with dpkg -i21:26
penguin42sudo only on the dpkg, and I think in principal you're supposed to do fakeroot on the debian/rules binary21:27
mnemoyeah I dont think sudo is needed for dpkg-source21:27
mnemoi've found that "debuild -uc -us -b" is more reliable than "fakeroot debian/rules binary"21:27
natewiebe13its going21:28
natewiebe13getting rid of sudo was the trick21:28
penguin42mnemo: Ah that's probably better - not that I'll remember those options21:29
BluesKajpenguin42, what are the advantages of using dpkg only ?21:29
penguin42BluesKaj: for what? The installation? How else would you do it?21:29
maxbAvoid using "debian/rules binary" directly, at least use "dpkg-buildpackage", if not "debuild" (each command being a higher level of abstraction than the previous)21:30
natewiebe13can someone send a message with my name in it?21:31
drs305natewiebe13: Sent21:31
natewiebe13drs305: thanks21:31
natewiebe13notifications in the top right21:31
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, you are talking about that indicator-applet?21:33
natewiebe13alright.. so for everyone who wants notifications in the top right and not in the middle, here they are:21:33
natewiebe13http://www.wiebeswheels.com/notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1_i386.deb for 32bit21:33
natewiebe13http://www.wiebeswheels.com/notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb for 64bit21:33
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: notify-osd21:33
buckyyay natewiebe1321:33
buckythat should be a factoid21:34
natewiebe13i'll host them until they fix it in the repos21:34
arvind_khadri!info notify-osd21:34
ubottunotify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.19-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 166 kB, installed size 852 kB21:34
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: look at http://www.macslow.net/ he has screenshots and video21:35
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, ok got it21:36
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, so from where did you get the source?21:37
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, from the repo?21:37
natewiebe13from apt-source21:37
natewiebe13Michalxo compiled the 64bit version21:37
natewiebe13and I stuck up the links for those on the bug report.. [#419894)21:38
natewiebe13BUGabundo: have you fixed notify-osd yet?21:38
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, where did you compile it ? /usr/src ??21:39
natewiebe13no idea21:40
natewiebe13its the exact same as notify-osd from the repos, except in bubble.c i replaced POSITION_NEW with POSITION_OLD21:41
natewiebe13so they are back in the top right21:41
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, where can i find that file?21:42
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, yes21:43
natewiebe13in the source code21:43
natewiebe13under the src folder21:43
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, i cant find any such pattern21:44
penguin42just had something weird happen - the battery charge LED on my laptop came on - but it's plugged in21:45
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, ??21:46
Technovikingis there a quick fix for Karmic not detecting USB drives?21:47
natewiebe131 sec21:47
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: im gonna find out which line21:47
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: line 225421:48
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, thats PLACEMENT :D thats why i couldnt find the pattern, thanks21:49
natewiebe13sorry.. i said position21:49
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, now what should i do ?21:50
natewiebe13compile it21:50
DKcrosshello people21:50
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, as in run ./configure?21:50
natewiebe13no idea21:50
natewiebe13i would guess so21:50
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, how did you do it?21:50
DKcrossi have question... how i can configure my touchpad in karmic koala21:50
natewiebe13its probably easier just to take my deb file21:50
natewiebe13i did fakeroot debian/rules21:51
natewiebe13* binary21:51
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, didnt run configure?21:51
DKcrosskarmic koala dont have xorg.conf21:51
natewiebe13i'll give you the page with instructions21:51
penguin42DKcross: you can put one in21:51
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, thanls21:51
penguin42DKcross: If you just put it there it'll get used21:52
DKcrosspenguin42, sorry i dont undestand21:52
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/419894 comment 1221:52
simba_DKcross, i configured my tuchpad in mouse setup21:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Invalid]21:52
natewiebe13no sudo in the first 2 commands21:52
arvind_khadriDKcross, since 8.10 xorg.conf has nothing in it, you will need to write whatever you want into it21:52
penguin42but for most configs in principal you shouldn't need it21:53
DKcrossarvind_khadri,  then i need create my xorg.conf?21:53
arvind_khadriDKcross, yes, if you want to, or say if you use nvidia cards...nvidia-xconfig does that for you21:54
DKcrosssimba_, how i can configure my touchpad ?andy idea?21:54
DKcrossintel arvind_khadri21:54
arvind_khadriDKcross, you can configure it under System->preferences...21:54
arvind_khadriDKcross, no idea about intel, google it up21:54
DKcrossi have a netbook, acer aspire one21:55
bjsniderdo not use nvidia-xconfig21:55
simba_DKcross, start -> system -> mouse -> touchpad21:55
bjsnideruse jockey21:55
DKcrosssimba_, oh thanks21:55
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DKcrosssimba_,  mouse preferences its the front end, you know the file configuration?21:56
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arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, do you know if is it compulsory to use dpkg-source?21:57
simba_DKcross, there is info on how to edit the files for synaptic touchpad at gentoo wiki21:58
DKcrossi will search at google21:58
DKcrossarvind_khadri,  how i can reconfigure xorg, i'm trying with  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:01
arvind_khadriDKcross, thats right... you can use it...with sudo though22:02
DKcrossbut i like root22:02
DKcrosssudo su22:02
DKcross dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:02
arvind_khadriDKcross, never do that22:02
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:02
arvind_khadri!sudo | DKcross22:03
ubottuDKcross: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:03
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: no idea22:03
natewiebe13i did22:03
* penguin42 tends to use sudo -s but to be honest I think sudo su is probaly more portable22:03
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)22:03
DKcrossmm yes i know..22:04
DKcrossbut i am configure some files like root22:04
arvind_khadripenguin42, its not a good practice to use it that way...22:04
TechnovikingIs there a quick fix for Karmic not mounting USB drives?22:04
penguin42Technoviking: Seems to mount it for me22:04
arvind_khadriDKcross, you can use sudo vim <file name>22:05
penguin42hmm, although maybe not automatically? I was doing it from the drivemount applet22:05
simba_DKcross, rather use sudo -i than sudo su if you absoltely want to rome arround as root22:05
Technovikingpegntfs drivw22:05
Technovikingpenguin42: ntfs drive22:05
DKcrossyes i know arvind_khadri  in this case i prefer  dont repite more sudo , sudo and sudo..22:06
BUGabundoppl still use SU on ubuntu??22:06
* BUGabundo picks up hammer and a few nails!22:06
BUGabundowhere is that BIG board?22:07
rippswhy use su when sudo -i works just fine22:07
DKcrossits similar or not?22:07
penguin42I think the -i is a bit none portable, where I think sudo su works on pretty much everything with sudo22:08
buckysudo -s  leaves you in your home dir22:09
buckysudo -i   cd's to /root22:10
buckyi get so confused22:10
buckytype pwd22:10
DKcrosswith sudo su22:11
DKcrossnot move22:11
DKcrossbut with sudo -i move to root22:11
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, i am getting struck, free to help me?22:12
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: ummm.. http://www.wiebeswheels.com/notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb or http://www.wiebeswheels.com/notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1_i386.deb ??22:12
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, i want to build it on my own :)22:13
BUGabundook this has gonne OT22:13
natewiebe13BUGabundo: overtime? kinda like the tf2 glitch?22:14
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/261151/22:15
BUGabundoanyone wants to file a bug on gwibber?22:16
BUGabundoI'm too lazy to do it now22:16
DKcrosssorry dear friends22:17
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, what to do22:17
DKcrosswhere i can configure the notify osd22:17
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: did you do "sudo dpkg-source" or "sudo apt-get source"22:17
natewiebe13DKcross: just want the .deb packages?22:17
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, no sudo...22:18
natewiebe13its easier22:18
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: then i have no idea22:18
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, what if i did sudo?22:18
DKcrossnatewiebe13,  deb package?22:18
natewiebe13i had a similar problem, but it was because i was using sudo22:18
DKcrossbut i have notify installe22:18
natewiebe13DKcross: you want notify-osd in the top right and not the middle?22:18
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, what if i did sudo??? what do i need to do then?22:19
natewiebe1364bit or 32bit?22:19
natewiebe13then delete the folder and start again, but dont put sudo in the first 222:19
natewiebe13save that, then install22:19
DKcrossis normal that start at the  middle?22:20
natewiebe13DKcross: they changed it to the middle yes22:21
natewiebe13from what i know they are changing it back on the second UI Freeze22:21
natewiebe13which isnt until sept 10, so this is a temporary fix22:21
natewiebe13but if they update the package, i'll change the code again and post it on the bug page #41989422:22
DKcrossthanks natewiebe1322:22
DKcrosshave any file to configure the position?22:23
natewiebe13its in the source22:23
natewiebe13you'd have to change the file and then recompile yourself.. i compiled it for you in the .deb22:23
DKcrossyes i understand22:23
natewiebe13no probs22:24
DKcrossnatewiebe13,  you know how i can configure the xorg?22:24
DKcrossbecause in /etc/X11 dont have file xorg.conf22:25
natewiebe13never touched it after intrepid22:26
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: let me know how you turn out22:26
DKcrossnatewiebe13,  ok, but in jaunty i remember that i have xorg.conf22:26
natewiebe13DKcross: no idea22:28
DKcrossnatewiebe13,  no problem thanks22:28
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, got it :)22:28
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, pulseaudio crashed... did you revert back to alsa yet?22:28
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: pa is working fine for me22:29
natewiebe13DKcross: have you tried: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ?22:29
natewiebe13okay.. thats all i can think22:30
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, ping me22:30
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, with my name :)22:31
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: okay..22:31
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, nope... nothing ...22:31
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: nothing?22:31
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, do i have to remove the old version?22:31
natewiebe13was the window in focus?22:32
natewiebe13thats why22:32
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: make sure you have something else in focus22:32
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, ok do it now...22:32
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: test22:32
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, do i need to have that indicator-applet running?22:33
natewiebe13i dont know... i installed the package and it worked right off the bad22:33
natewiebe13i have indicator-applet-session running22:33
natewiebe13try it on me22:34
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, test22:34
natewiebe13yeah worked here22:34
natewiebe13DKcross: have you tried it yet?22:34
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, i will be back... i had quit that indicator...22:34
DKcrossnalioth,  yes22:35
DKcrossnatewiebe13,  yes,, sorry22:35
natewiebe13DKcross: it works for you?22:36
DKcrossnate what? dpkg ?22:36
DKcross-reconfigure ....?22:36
natewiebe13no.. notify-osd22:37
DKcrossoh yes22:37
DKcrossits working fine!22:37
natewiebe13i was really happy when it fixed my problem22:37
DKcrossnatewiebe13, thanks :D22:37
natewiebe13its now in the top right22:37
DKcrossyes, i dont like.. in the middle22:38
natewiebe13no probs.. full credit to Michalxo22:38
natewiebe13(he gave me the instructions)22:38
DKcrossoh ok22:38
DKcrossthanks then! Michalxo22:39
natewiebe13hes off right now, but you can thank him some tiem22:39
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: status?22:41
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, indicator is crashing :D22:41
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: that sucks22:42
penguin42wow - my indicator applet just lit up - I hate to think what determines if it does that22:42
* penguin42 suspect it's somehow related to notify22:42
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, apport is sending a report22:42
natewiebe13you should try it with my package22:43
DKcrosswhen i start the session ubuntu try mount partition and have problems22:43
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: its working for both myself and DKcross22:43
DKcrossbut its other partition..22:43
DKcrossarvind_khadri,  yes, its working fine22:44
ubottuError: This bug is private22:45
hashbrowncipherdoes anyone know any issues in Karmic where bootup hangs for just about 3 minutes, and then continues correctly22:46
natewiebe13plus you have a modified version of notify-osd22:46
natewiebe13hashbrowncipher: i had that, i blacklisted floppy and it fixed for me22:46
natewiebe13"blacklist floppy" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf22:46
stefghashbrowncipher: prolly looking for a non-existant floppy drive. check launchpad, iirc there'S a bug filed22:46
natewiebe13i think there is a bug22:47
natewiebe13i remember seeing one22:47
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, test now?22:49
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, test now22:51
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: test22:52
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, am using xchat, does that change anything?22:52
natewiebe13im using pidgin22:52
natewiebe13did xchat use notify-osd?22:52
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, nope :D22:53
natewiebe13so it wont now22:53
natewiebe13umm.. do you have volume control on your keyboard?22:53
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, btw i dont get any notifications even when my friend is pinging me on pidgin22:53
natewiebe13 do22:53
natewiebe13*i do22:53
natewiebe13there is a plugin "libnotify popups" version 0.1422:54
natewiebe13make sure its on22:54
natewiebe13back in 5 min22:55
aciculadoes anyone know about a regression with GSM broadband and network manager, with karmic it wont setup the network connection anymore and i'm not really sure where to troubleshoot the problem22:55
BUGabundoacicula: asac is on vacations22:56
BUGabundoso you won't get much help22:56
BUGabundoAFAIK trunk ppa has many fixes for it22:57
aciculaBUGabundo: asac?22:57
aciculaBUGabundo: and who's PPA?22:57
BUGabundodaily ppa network manager22:58
aciculaah i'll have a look22:58
durthey folks, glxgears reports 5000 frames per 5 secs. unprivleged user, about 5300 frames per 5 secs. root. (DRI?), but googleearth is as slow as if it was using software openGL. Nvidia 6200. Any thoughts?23:01
ali1234durt: using compiz? GE doesn't like it much23:01
natewiebe13what version of nvidia drivers?23:02
durtalso nvidia-18523:02
natewiebe13im using 190.18 they seemed to give me better performance23:02
natewiebe13durt.. have you tried the 190 drivers?23:03
durtno, in PPA?23:03
QPrimeanyone else experiencing hard lockups almost immediately after login with the latest updates (last 3 days)23:03
natewiebe13yeah to durt.. not QPrime23:03
durtI'll give it a try.23:04
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, this weird... now indicator-applet is running... but no notifications.i even set the plugin in pidgin23:04
bcurtiswxhey all, how do I change the default kernel loaded at startup with grub?23:04
QPrimenatewiebe13: yeah had to read the backlog but I figured that out23:05
natewiebe13durt: https://launchpad.net/~thefirstm/+archive/karmic-testing23:05
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: make sure that the window does not have focus23:05
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, it doesnt have focus23:05
natewiebe13are you running your irc in pidgin?23:05
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, actually notifications also come when i connect to the internet23:06
durteven so, GE shouldn't be using software GL, it's at ~80% cpu. makes me wonder why.23:06
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: do you get notifications then?23:06
natewiebe13or still no?23:06
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13, wait let me check that... be back in few mins23:07
bcurtiswxhey all, how do I change the default kernel loaded at startup with grub?23:10
BUGabundome too23:11
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13: got it.... i actually hadnt changed buuble.c :S23:12
natewiebe13so you recompiled? or ?23:12
penguin42bcurtiswx: There's a defaults line in the /boot/grub/menu.lst   - for Grub 1 - hmm I don't know with Grub223:13
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13: am on pidgin now, just do a test. i just changed the value in bubble.c and recompiled23:13
bcurtiswxbecause my Karmic install gets preference, but since I host a website on my jaunty install i want that to load by default23:13
natewiebe13arvind_khadri:  test23:14
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13: nope... doesnt matter... anyways... it works for what it should23:15
natewiebe13all i know is im glad notifications are back at the top where they belong23:15
arvind_khadrinatewiebe13: did you revert back to alsa yet?23:15
natewiebe13nope.. pa works23:16
bjsniderdurt, that old card is junk23:19
bjsniderglxgears is not a reliable benchmark23:19
penguin42well, it doesn't do much with the card23:20
durtI just mentioned it to show that the hardware is working. GE is not using it for some reason.23:23
durtok, just ran GE with sudo and it's back to it's normal speed. reg users don't get video privileges? or what ever that group is.23:29
sparrWhen looking at the Sound Preferences panel in Gnome, on the Applications tab, sometimes I see an app that is playing audio appear and disappear repeatedly, and the audio cuts in and out.  What might cause that?23:32
penguin42now just a matter of figuring out which group23:32
Twigaathyoo, I have a new update manager type dooberry in the system tray next to the clock ...23:42
BUGabundoI do23:42
BUGabundowhat the heck is it doing thre?23:42
TwigaathyExcept I can't see any way to turn it off, and the 'show updates' thing is broken...23:43
BUGabundoI don't have any updates pendign23:43
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: so everything is working correctly?23:53
natewiebe13arvind_khadri: and you asked if i switched to also, but pulse audio is still working fine for me23:55
Neonexusanyone had problems with firestarter in karmic?23:55
connexHi, I have issues with pulse not starting without X.23:57
* penguin42 wonders if anyone else has tried running it without X23:59
NeonexusI was very excited about the new artwork, such a let down !23:59

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