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vladogra: I'm -pretty sure- I tried 2.6.31-100 already with that eth issue, but I'll double check tomorrow08:22
ograok, the bug only mentions -5-imx51 or so08:23
ograwhich was definately not a complete imx51 merge08:23
vlad-5- is wrong, I wonder if i typo'd that08:24
vladone sec08:24
ogra-100 might have other ethernet probs though08:25
ograi know amitk is working on the NIC driver08:25
vladhmm, -5- might have been correct; regardless, I'll verify with -10008:26
vladI haven't had a chance to set up a cross compile env yet, but I'll do that and instrument the fec driver with some debug printks as well, see where it's dying08:27
vladit's probably something relatively simple08:27
ograusplash !12:04
loolWhat?  it works now?12:05
ograif i run it manually from vt it does12:06
ogra*but* it needs to have the resolution from cmdline in usplash.conf12:06
ograif there is none or a different one, the board dies12:07
ogra(babbage that is)12:07
ograi guess we can add something to casper that reads cmdline for mxcfb and creates a usplash.conf12:08
ogragiven that there is no way to use xrandr and there is no DDC detection either at least12:12
loologra: Perhaps we just need to fix that crash?12:19
ograwell, you wont be able to display 800x600 on a 1024x768 framebuffer i guess12:24
ograat least with the mxcfb driver12:24
ogralets see if i can run it from initramfs as well if usplash.conf exists12:25
ograbah, setting break=top doesnt work ...12:27
* ogra changes to break=bottom to have usbhid 12:27
ograWHOPEEEE !!!12:32
ograworks !12:32
* ogra has a boot with usplash, xsplash and all working in the current babbage live image12:33
ogralool, the bug is in mxcfb not in usplash, thats tricky to fix i think12:33
goshawkogra: is it that you were able to have xorg in a qemu emulated environment ?12:33
ogramxcfb currently doesnt even display anything if it doesnt get the resolution from cmdline12:34
goshawkogra: sorry for my absence after my patch, but i've been busy with my degree12:34
ogragoshawk, i havent used qemu-system-arm for ages, last time i used it X worked though12:34
ogralool, the only way i see with the current driver is to add another case statement for mxcfb to the usplash script in initramfs12:35
ograerr s/usplash/framebuffer/12:36
ogralool, /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/framebuffer along the matroxfb and uvesafb special cases12:37
loologra: Well depends of the change13:02
ogracall ?13:02
ograi would just export xres and yres from the OPTS13:03
ograusplash will pick that up13:03
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ogralool, the usplash script in initramfs has just:13:45
ogra        if [ ! -d /sys/class/drm/card0/device/graphics/fb0 ] && \13:45
ogra           [ "$xres" ] && [ "$xres" != 0 ] && \13:45
ogra           [ "$yres" ] && [ "$yres" != 0 ]; then13:45
ogra                /sbin/usplash -p -c -x "$xres" -y "$yres" $varg &13:45
loolSorry which OPTS?13:46
ograso if the framebuffer script extracts xres and yres from the video= line for mxcfb and we export these values it should work13:46
loolit seems to me usplash gets the resolution properly from the kernel when using other backends, cant we fix it to use the current resolution instead of hardcoding it?13:46
loolat least that seems to be the issue to me13:47
ograno, because the kernel doesnt know the resolution at all13:47
ograthats the main prob with mxcfb13:47
loolHow come?13:47
loolIt doesn't support the relevant fb API?13:47
ograyou *have to* hardcode the res. on cmdline for it to display anythng at all13:47
ograall i know from amitk is that it has no fallback mode and no way to detect the monitor13:48
ograand i dont expect a fix from FSL13:48
ograwhich is why we hardcoded video=mxcfb:1024x768@60 on the cmdline atm13:48
ograif you remember (during the sprint)13:48
loologra: You have to hardcode the res in the commandline because the kernel driver is not able to negociate it with the hardware, right?13:49
ograand has no fallback mode13:49
loolI dont see why that relates to *userspace* misdetecting the resolution from the kernel13:49
loolCause the kernel certainly knows it was told to set 1024x768@6013:49
ograthe old driver had 800x600 as fallback, but the driver was rewritten from scratch for DVI13:49
ograuserspace (usplash) only uses what is in usplash.conf13:50
loologra: usplash.conf is empty on my laptop13:50
ograusplash.conf values are written by xrandr13:50
loolYes, so after the boot13:50
lool*if* you have a res set in xorg.conf13:50
loolWhich isn't the case13:50
ograit calls xrandr after the boot as far as i'm aware13:51
loologra: Xorg manages to find out at which res the fb is, right?  So why wouldn't usplash?13:51
ogranot xorg.conf13:51
loolcjwatson told me xres/yres was set from xorg.conf13:51
loolAnyway we dont care, usplash.conf is empty on first boot13:51
ograxorg.conf is empty on karmic13:51
loolWhich is why my usplash.conf is empty...13:51
ograxfbdev has *no* xrandr support at all13:52
ograresolutions are determined by xrandr13:52
loologra: How does Xorg determine the resolution?13:52
loolThat seems wrong13:53
loolxrandr is a Xorg protocol13:53
ograxorg does a lot more indeed ... like DDC probing etc13:53
ograXorg talks to the monitor which mxcfb cant13:53
ografor framebuffer devices Xorg looks up the framebuffer resolution from /proc13:53
loolAre you sure it does DDC probing?  I thought it was using the fb device as such and wasn't reconfiguring it13:53
loolGood so let's fix the usplash fb backend to properly read the res from /proc13:54
ograXorg currently even fails to start on headless devices13:54
ograwe cant13:54
loolwhy cant we?13:54
lool(Am I supposed to fill the dialogue?)13:54
ograoh, wait, we can, /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/framebuffer runs before usplash13:55
ograso fbdev exists13:55
loolusplash wont run in initramfs in a couple of weeks13:55
ograsorry, brainfart13:55
ograwell, given that booting babbage from SD takes a minute i doubt we can drop it13:55
ograbeyond that i'm pretty sure we'll keep it on all live images since they are slow13:56
ograunless there is a way to start X in initramfs which i'm not aware of yet13:56
ograthe changes casper does take very long on a livecd boot13:56
loologra: So we agree that parsing cmdline to set usplash res is wrong?13:57
ograi dont agree, no13:57
ograi agree that there might be a way to do it differently and more elegant13:57
loologra: The kernel cmdline is for the kernel; it's enough that we hardcode the res in this place already (we shouldn't have to at all)13:57
ograbut after all the fb resolution comes from cmdline in any case and we have code to handle it already13:58
loolInstead of kernel cmdline -> usplash, it should be kernel cmdline -> kernel -> usplash which is the expected way for usplash to work in all supported cases13:58
ograright, we shouldnt have to, but i dont expect a fix for that in karmic13:58
loolI dont want to add another kludge which hides the bug in usplash that it doesn't get the res from the kernel13:58
ograwell, it gets the res on all other graphics drivers13:58
loolYes, so what's wrong here?  That's a bug!13:59
ograall i can do is make it read from /proc13:59
loolLet's fix it13:59
ograits just moving the hack to a different level ... to work around a bug in the driver13:59
loolYou didn't prove it's a bug in the driver yet14:00
loolIt could as well be a bug in some fb or usplash code under armel14:00
ograthe driver doesnt work at all without hardcoding a res14:00
ograthats the initial bug we suffer from14:00
loolYes, that's an issue between the driver and hardware14:00
loolNOT between kernel and userpace14:00
loolI agree there's a bug in the driver in that it should detect the res automatically14:01
ograwell, no point discussing that further, i'll look into how to make usplash read from proc14:01
loologra: BTW does it work in qemu?14:01
ogranot that i know of14:01
loolBut qemu doesn't use that mx driver14:03
ograi havent booted any graphical ui in qemu since mid jaunty14:03
loologra: Might be worth checking it out?14:03
ograsigh, ok14:03
loolThat might help pointing out whether it's a bug in the kernel driver or not14:03
loologra: Why sigh?  Tell me a better way14:04
ograadd five lines to /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/framebuffer we remove once mxcfb is fixed14:04
loologra: I'm not going to accept "This driver has one bug with resolution setting, so because I see another bug with resolution setting it must be in the driver"14:04
ograyes, i see that14:05
loologra: Again, for me the bugs dont relate at all14:05
loolIt might very well be that the driver is broken, but the logic you presented so far is flawed14:05
loolIf you prove that the driver is broken in this way too, I'm happy to just call it a kernel bug and use your initramfs workaround until it's fixed14:05
ograthe sigh was just about having a huge effort to get qemu going btw14:06
ograi dont have any rootfs around, we dont have a working karmic kernel ...14:06
ograbut i'll do it just takes extra time14:07
loologra: Well if you find a better way than qemu use it14:07
loologra: I dont really care how you debug the bug; I do care that you call it a bug in a driver when we dont really know, that's all14:07
ograamong the many arm devices that support usplash around me you mean ? :P14:07
loologra: I'm happy to help with the logic or debbugging though14:08
ograwell, usplash might be able to just read /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode ... prob is that sys isnt mouonted when it starts14:08
loologra: Well yeah, if it's quicker for you to work on beagleboard and it uses the same usplash backend, it might be worth trying out on that hardware14:08
loolAlbeit the output on beagle is quite different14:08
ograi dont even think the kernel has everything i need on the beagle14:09
ograand its surely not quicker to build a kernel14:09
loologra: That's interesting, try mounting /sys before starting?  You could use break=top and mount it manually14:09
loologra: Ok; so I dont know what the quickest way is14:09
ograit boils down to the same i guess14:09
ograi need kernels for both ...14:10
loolEh I dont know how to make it quicker14:10
loolYou could try on dove14:10
ogradoesnt have initramfs support at all yet14:11
ograthough afaik the latest kernel in NEW has support for it14:11
ograanyway, i'll dig deeper, i was hoping you are fine with a temporary babbge specific solution ... but lets fix it proper14:12
loolThat's the attitude!14:13
ogralool, looking at usplash code it just relies on the fact that the framebuffer can handle the lowest resolution theme and uses that if no res is set at all14:49
loologra: Oh it doesn't scan for res?14:50
ograso i guess our bug is simply that mxcfb cant handle anything else than the cmdline res while other systems can14:50
loolI thought I saw a loop going over all themes trying to match the res14:50
ogra        /* If xres or yres is 0, use the resolution from the config file. */14:50
ogra        if (xres == 0 || yres == 0) {14:50
ograthats libusplash14:51
ograthe comment refers to the commandline options of usplash14:51
loolWhy would these be zero?14:51
loolIsn't there a call to detect the current res just before that?14:51
lool(That's from memory)14:51
ograif no commandline options are handed over the are unset = 014:51
loolI thought if nothing was set it was detecting the current one14:51
ograright below there is:14:52
ogra                        }14:52
ogra                } else {14:52
ogra                  /* Pick the first one, which by convention is14:52
ogra                           the lowest resolution one. */14:52
ogra                        xres = usplash_theme_width(theme);14:52
ogra                        yres = usplash_theme_height(theme);14:52
ograso in case of mxcfb it tries to show 640x48014:52
ograwhich breaks the dirver hard and locks up the board14:52
ograthat is why you dont get a 1920x1200 theme on your big screen under kms ... but a very small logo and bar in the center14:54
ograit uses 640x480 and just centers it properly14:54
ograand thats why i get a completely streched theme on my 1280x800 laptop screen if i dont specify a widescreen res in usplash.conf14:55
ograand looking closer into proc, there is no info about the frambuffer mode anymore, the only thing i can find info about it is /sys/class/graphics/fb0/mode but thats not available in initramfs at that point14:56
loologra: Could you extract the usplash call into a test case to hand the kernel team?14:57
loolLike "run this and it crashes the board"14:57
ograin a bug ?14:57
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ogralool, bug 42055515:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 420555 in linux-fsl-imx51 "mxcfb framebuffer driver crashes the board hard on attempt to use a different resolution than the one specified on cmdline" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42055515:11
ogralool, should i assign it to the kernel team and see what they do about it ?15:11
ograi dont expect any fixes for mxcfb at all though, neither from them nor from FSL15:12
loologra: Hey didnt you get sound on the babbage earlier?15:12
ograwith todays liveimage15:12
loolso can you close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/linux-fsl-imx51/+bug/420447 ?15:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 420447 in linux-fsl-imx51 "no sound devices on babbage board with linux-image-2.6.31-100-imx51" [High,New]15:13
ograoh, misread, no i didnt get any sound15:13
loologra: Did you confirm the board is dead when running usplash?  I mean no serial console or pings?15:13
loolOr is it just freezing the current VT?15:14
ograthere are no devices compiled in and as i know the imx kernel it has issues with loading the sound device mods dynamically, FSL usually compiles in everything we often see things not work right once they are modularized15:14
ogralool, its hardlocked15:14
loologra: Ok thanks15:14
ograno network pings at least i havent checked serial yet15:14
loologra: Do implement that idea you had in initramfs please  :)15:14
loolFor the usplash workaround15:14
ograyep :)15:14
loologra: Ideally, open a task/bug to revert that when this bug is fixed15:14
* ogra checks serial too, i can probably capture an oops15:15
loologra: Hmm dont you have anything smaller than usplash -c for the kernel team to run?15:15
loolI guess that's ok15:15
ograsmaller ?15:15
loolYeah like a C file to build15:15
ograusplash isd on the daily image15:15
loolTo point them at the problematic syscal15:15
ograits the easiest thing to repro15:15
ograouch, we really need to have serial console setup in upstart for our live images during development :/15:16
ograi wonder why we have it on the cmdline ... it wont work anyway without upstart setup15:17
ograhmm, no kernel messages on the serial console15:19
loolNCommander: What's that bug for the kernel config change again on dove?15:20
loologra: The one on the command line is for the kernel15:20
loologra: The one in upstart is to start an userspace process15:20
ogralool, i know15:20
ograit doesnt gain us much though15:20
loolSo the two are different, even if we dont have an userspace getty15:21
loolWell its better than nothing15:21
ograwe have tty output after uncompressing though15:21
ograbut yes, it may help kernel debugging15:21
loologra: Are the workitems up to date on your freescale spec?15:22
ograshould be, let me check15:22
loolStatus: Waiting on d-i changes to build, then new livefs builds15:23
ograwell, what should i change it to ... pending for next alpha ?15:23
ogra"livefs testing in progress" ?15:24
ograor "daily livefs testing in progress" ?15:24
loologra: that's fine15:35
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tleeogra, good morning17:34
ograhey tlee17:34
tleeI am try to git clone the dove kernel in your server. Do u have the url handy?17:35
ograthe #ubuntu-kernel channel would be better for that kind of question :)17:35
ograi dont do muh kernel development17:36
looltlee: ubuntu:ubuntu/ubuntu-karmic.git mvl-dove branch17:37
loolubuntu: being git://kernel.ubuntu.com/17:37
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ali1234so, i bought a larger SD card to run ubuntu-arm on my htc wizard23:49
ali1234seems to be running quite well but my keymap is messed up and unusable23:49
ali1234it works ok with a simple busybox rootfs23:50
ali1234so where should i be looking to fix this?23:51

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