
micahgping hggdh02:25
hggdhhi micahg02:26
micahgsorry, I ended up PMing since it was OT02:29
hggdhno prob02:30
bcurtiswxjust finished my HUGE backlog of empathy bugs03:28
bcurtiswxwow that took three days03:28
micahganyone have time to look through a crash report for private info?03:33
bcurtiswxwhich bug?03:33
micahgbug 41373703:33
ubot4micahg: Bug 413737 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/413737 is private03:33
bcurtiswxk brb03:35
bcurtiswxlooks good to me.. changed to public03:43
bcurtiswxbug 41373703:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 413737 in firefox-3.5 "firefox crashed with signal 5 in __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41373703:43
micahgthanks bcurtiswx03:43
bcurtiswxmicahg: you are welcome :)03:43
micahga user was complaining about not being able to see from a dupe03:44
micahgand I'm still at work03:44
bcurtiswxahh, okee dokee03:45
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dholbachgood morning06:23
thekorngood morning06:37
eltoozerosomeone available to answer a question about what package to submit a bug on?07:42
micahgsure eltoozero07:54
eltoozeromicahg,  thanks man07:54
eltoozeromight be two bugs, might be the same, just nailed down steps to reproduce07:54
eltoozeroresults in a full system freeze, screen blacks out, only cursor shows, REISUB does not reboot, only hard reset07:55
eltoozeroif I shut off bluetooth using the icon07:55
eltoozerothen activate, it shows status unknown07:55
eltoozerobut does activate07:55
eltoozeroif I go to properties of bluetooth and hit on, it turns on, connects to devices, but the icon shows unknown and the x remains07:56
eltoozerothat's bug #107:56
ubot4eltoozero: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out07:56
eltoozeroif when bluetooth is in this status I use the rfkill hotkey on my eeepc (fn-f2) I get a freeze as described07:56
eltoozeroubot4,  ?07:57
micahgoh, it thought you wanted it to retrieve a bug07:58
eltoozerooh cool, bug bot07:58
eltoozerowas not aware.07:58
* micahg doesn't know about bluetooth07:58
eltoozerothe rfkill hotkey works like a charm otherwise, I've been slamming it trying to reproduce.07:59
micahgthekorn: do you know about bluetooth?07:59
eltoozeroI've just been digging into testing, and it's really a blast.07:59
eltoozerobeen running ubuntu since breezy, glad you guys are here to help.08:00
micahgwell, the first one is probably bluez-gnome08:01
micahgsecond one I'd file under bluez08:02
eltoozeroI can at least start there, I just wanted a logical place to start.08:02
eltoozerowhat about the freeze, the best way to capture that?08:02
micahgit's easy enough for someone to move if it's not right08:02
eltoozeroor any tips on what files to attach?08:02
thekornmicahg, no sorry, do you need to visit a dentist when you have bluetooth ;)08:02
micahgsorry, I don't know much about bluetooth08:02
micahgjust make sure your descriptions provide detailed reproduction steps like you did here08:03
eltoozeroIf I were involved I would have pushed for including blueman, I was really impressed with it in Jaunty, allowed me to do bluetooth 3g in 1 step.08:03
micahgand you can just create the bug with ubuntu-bug08:03
eltoozeroubuntu-bug bluez-gnome, 10-408:03
micahgit will attach the appropriate files08:03
micahgthank  you for submitting a bug08:04
eltoozeroyou got it.08:05
micahgif you need more help, feel free to come back08:05
micahgand if you like testing, bugsquad can always use help :)08:05
paul_dufrI began to realize that most Segfault bugs on Totem have: "SegvReason: reading NULL VMA". Begin to wonder if it should be seen like a common cause or just... coincidence?08:55
paul_dufrwell, sometimes it is 'executing' NULL VMA.08:57
paul_dufrOn bug #418270, Kamus seems to make a distinction between a stacktrace and a backtrace... I thought they were the same, are they?09:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 418270 in totem "totem crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_set_valist()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41827009:33
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slhkI think bug #404222 is a duplicate of bug #398009, just the language changes, but I can't read the attached log. Am I safe marking it as duplicate or should I leave them separate?11:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 404222 in global "package global 5.7.1-1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40422211:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 398009 in global "global: pkg fails to configure if FQDN unknown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39800911:18
limcorehi, Im creating a tool to recover damaged partition table for LUKS partitions12:24
limcoresince gpart doesnt support it12:24
limcorecould we include it in ubuntu?12:25
limcoresmall program, but a life-saver for LUKS users that had hard drive problems12:25
hggdhthekorn, ping13:04
AnAntogasawara: Hello, should I mark LP 418477 as fix released ?13:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 418477 in linux "New kernel causes losetup to hog the system (dup-of: 418781)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41847713:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 418781 in linux "Karmic 2.6.31-7.27 KSM patchset breaks encrypted swap" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41878113:04
thekornhggdh, hi13:04
AnAntHello, are those bugs LP 416949 & LP 416949 related to the kernel or not ?13:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 416949 in console-setup "Keyboard layout toggle does not work anymore in karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41694913:05
hggdhhi thekorn, do you have any idea why edge is failing on javascript (returning status=0)?13:05
AnAntLP 39029213:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 390292 in console-setup "undefined kernel key code  ( in karmic a2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39029213:06
hggdhc.f. bug 39491213:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 394912 in launchpad-gm-scripts "XMLHTTPRequest Randomly Fails with Status Code 0 During Reload/Refresh and/or Multiple Requests  " [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39491213:06
thekornhggdh, hmm, no, sorry13:07
hggdhthekorn, no problem. I had to try ;-)13:09
bcurtiswxampelbein: any chance you will update your PPA to include empathy 2.27.91 ? O:-)13:37
Ampelbeinbcurtiswx: for karmic or jaunty?13:38
bcurtiswxAmpelbein: karmic13:38
Ampelbeinbcurtiswx: on it. need to sort out a build issue before.13:39
bcurtiswxAmpelbein: much appreciated :-) thx13:39
Ampelbeinbcurtiswx: i bumped the version number. but generally that's not needed since it's a daily snapshot from git.13:47
Ampelbeinbcurtiswx: yet this time i needed to change something to the packaging, needing new gnome-doc-utils and automake1.11 on jaunty.13:48
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bcurtiswxAmpelbein: cool :)14:05
bcurtiswxaww, glib failed to build14:24
bcurtiswxAmpelbein: haha, i guess it sucks the i386 build failed since thats what I was looking for.. lol14:32
Ampelbeinbcurtiswx: ;-) the problem is that empathy now requires mission-control 5 rather than 4 so I tried to workaround that issue to allow building for karmic and jaunty. but I guess I failed. ;-)14:34
* bcurtiswx kicks the empathy devs14:34
Ampelbeinbcurtiswx: nah, it's cool. the build failure was my fault.14:35
Ampelbeinbcurtiswx: and it only fails on i386 because the -common package is arch-indep.14:35
* bcurtiswx kicks the empathy devs14:36
bcurtiswxits still fun kicking them.... because they're not here14:36
Ampelbeinbcurtiswx: fix uploaded (I think) ;-)14:47
bcurtiswxok, cool.. i gotta head to work now.. ttyl14:47
thekornhi bddebian15:17
bddebianHi thekorn15:20
^arky^Hi, Is there a metabug for all 'unable to shutdown karmic' bugs ?15:53
bcurtiswxAmpelbein: whatever you did with empathy.. it doesn't work at all.. just an fyi since i know im just testing htis15:54
pedro_^arky^,  that was fixed, bug 41850915:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 418509 in linux "[Karmic] Hangs during shutdown with kernel 2.6.31-7" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41850915:55
^arky^Thanks pedro_15:55
pedro_you're welcome15:55
mattiHuh ;]17:06
distinctblurHey team. When I start up in 9.04, my notebook picks up the wireless network for about 10 seconds, then drops it, then picks it up again. After it picks up again I have no further issues until I restart.17:25
distinctblurAnyone seen something familiar?17:27
bcurtiswxAmpelbein: yeah your builds don't work. Sorry18:01
bcurtiswxif i knew how to build them myself i would :-\18:04
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mac_vpedro_: hi.. could you look at a nautilus bug?19:04
mac_vpedro_: my nautilus bug > Bug #416251 , where screenshots dont refresh? now has 2 dupes and pls read comment #819:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 416251 in nautilus "Nautilus does not show Desktop thumbnails" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41625119:05
arandshould Bug #418135 be demoted from security vulnerability?19:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 418135 in nautilus "Permissions of symlinked source file/folder set to 777 if symlink is copied via nautilus" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41813519:28
keesarand: no, it's a security problem (suddenly, a person's directory is world-writable)19:29
arandkees: Ok, I wasn't sure what the "threshold" was, since this does not allow privilege escalation, but does stuff you could've done, but unexpectedly... Cheers for heads-up.19:35
keesarand: yeah, thanks for checking.  it's not a priv escalation, but it does allow someone else to muck around in another user's files.  :(19:40
arandkees: Indeed, btw, do you know if it's only the original reporter that can edit bug description in bugzilla?19:51
pedro_arand, the description cannot be edited there.19:54
pedro_arand, you might want to add a new comment if have extra info19:54
pedro_the title is editable though19:55
pedro_mac_v, i know i've marked those as dup, we should send the new info to the upstream report though19:55
arandpedro_: Ok, will have to do that then, thanks for info.19:56
mac_vpedro_: yeah i'v added a comment to ask the user to comment upstream , otherwise i'm the only person commenting upstream :(19:56
pedro_mac_v, awesome, thanks :-)19:57
blueyedCan somebody please try reproducing bug 373506 ? (just start scite)20:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 373506 in scite "scite crashes on startup: scite crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37350620:35
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^arky^blueyed, scite works fine20:43
blueyed^arky^: thanks. using karmic?20:43
^arky^yes, karmic do you have a test case that I can run to reproduce the bug20:43
blueyedI'm just starting it. it segfaults after 1-2 secs.20:44
blueyedWill retry with the latest kernel later.20:45
^arky^Does anyone know why 'pyatspi' module is missing, trying to debug 25010820:47
^arky^Does anyone know why 'pyatspi' module is missing, trying bug 25010820:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 250108 in accerciser "Hardy - installing accerciser does not install needed python-pyatspi package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25010820:48
micahg^arky^: that was fixed in the intrepid package21:39
micahgthe only question is if it's SRU worthy or noy21:40
^arky^so, should it be closed as fixed-released micahg21:41
micahgnot necessarily21:41
micahgit's a problem only in hardy21:41
micahgit was fixed here: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accerciser/1.1.90-0ubuntu121:42
micahgso, apparently, the comment was made, but the change was never implemented21:44
micahgand was fixed in intrepid21:45
micahg^arky^: does the program not work without the library in hardy?21:49
^arky^yes, It will fail21:49
micahgI would suggest talking to TheMuso in #ubuntu-motu about an SRU for Hardy21:51
micahghe's been updating the package recently21:52
^arky^sure, I'll try21:52
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andresmujicaanyone knows about bcurtiswx ?22:57
micahgandresmujica: what do you want to know>23:20
andresmujicahi micahg, nothing really it was about the -chat session for today..23:21
micahgshould've started 20 minutes ago in #ubuntu-classroom23:22
micahgandresmujica: it is going on now23:22

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