
=== nixternal is now known as handbag_henry
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=== imlad is now known as imlad|away
indushi,can anyone tell me when is next meeting for ubuntu asia oceania?11:57
Xtreme_Greathi indus..12:08
indusdid any asia-oceania meetings happen today?12:09
indusi wanted to become ubuntu member so iam not sure whats going on where12:09
czajkowskiindus: did you mail them like I suggest4ed to you the other day as the wiki had not been updated.12:10
indusyes i believe,in fact one of the guys is a friend of mine12:10
indusbut they all seem busy with their work12:11
indusfridge says asia oceania meet today 10 am gmt12:11
indusi probably missed it12:11
czajkowskino meeting happend at 10am today going by the logs12:12
indusok a question is, do they have any group email so i can send?12:12
czajkowskipopey: do you know if the Asia meting board has a group mail12:13
popeytheir meeting is on the 1st sept12:13
czajkowskiindus: there you go12:13
popeywrong one12:14
indusnp,iam sending from launchpad12:14
popeysorry, their next meeting isn't listed12:14
popeyindus: they have a mailing list12:14
induspopey: they dont12:14
indusso it says on launchpad12:14
popeythey do12:14
popeyits not on launchpad12:14
popeyone moment12:15
induswhere is it12:15
indusczajkowski: hi how r u,thanks for the other day :)12:16
indusomg thats long12:17
czajkowskiindus: no problem.12:17
indusok ill email them later evening12:18
induslast question,what are you guys hanging in here for? any meetings?12:18
popeyi lurk in many channels12:19
indusbye for now12:19
czajkowskiindus: I watch the meetings as more often than not then are interesting , tb is unteresting, foundation has wit, and the kernel team runs swiftly.12:19
popey"tb is unteresting" could be taken two ways.. very tactful ;)12:32
czajkowskishould be interesting!12:33
popeyhttp://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Unteresting :)12:33
czajkowskipopey: sfw ?12:33
popeyplay it safe :)12:33
popeyhttp://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/57169 is SFW12:34
popeycopy/pasted :)12:34
=== fader|away is now known as fader
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=== imlad is now known as imlad|away
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=== ian_brasil is now known as IAO
* lool hey!15:58
* slangasek waves15:58
* fader waves15:58
* kenvandine waves15:59
* czajkowski wonders is the mexican wave about to kick off in here 15:59
* robbiew does a cartwheel16:01
* kenvandine dives to avoid robbiew16:01
* robbiew turns an ankle and lands hard on his @$$...vowing never to try that again16:02
cjwatsonis it Friday yet?16:02
slangasekRiddell, marjo, sbeattie, soren, Hobbsee, rtg, apw, njpatel: here?16:03
ScottKslangasek: Riddell is offline until Sunday16:03
* rtg is here16:03
marjomarjo waves16:03
* ogra sniffs ... 16:03
MootBotMeeting started at 10:03. The chair is slangasek.16:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:03
ograsmells like release meeting here16:03
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-08-2816:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-08-2816:04
slangasek[TOPIC] Actions from previous meetings16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Actions from previous meetings16:04
slangasekcjwatson: I saw mail to Gustavo about landscape, any answer yet?16:05
slangasekfader: any progress on working around that nautilus crash (now that seb128 is back from vac)?16:05
faderWe're still seeing the bug crop up but seb128 has been on holiday so we haven't discussed it.16:06
faderslangasek: I thought seb was back on Monday...16:06
slangasekfader: oh, right16:06
slangaseknevermind then :)16:06
kenvandineslangasek, he appeared briefly yesterday16:06
kenvandinebut not really here16:06
* slangasek nods16:06
faderAh, I didn't see him then :(16:06
cjwatsonslangasek: unfortunately not; however I'm not convinced we need to track this here16:06
cjwatsonwe've delivered something on request of the Landscape team; if it's broken or inadequate then it's their responsibility to let us know :-)16:07
slangasekcjwatson: ok16:07
slangaseksoren: did the AWS page get published?16:08
slangaseksoren: and do we have eucalyptus seeded now?16:08
cjwatsoneuca is seeded16:08
* cjwatson watches it being sucked down in his jigdo run16:08
dendrobates_slangasek: the page has not been published yet16:10
slangasek(oh, I guess soren's not here, there was a conditional in that mail)16:11
slangasekdendrobates_: soren is following up?16:11
dendrobates_slangasek: but smoser followed up with Amazon and is waiting for a response to Amazons internal escatation,16:11
slangasek# njpatel to file bug against unr-default-settings for tracking of message indicator status16:11
slangaseknjpatel: ^^ did that get done?16:11
njpatelslangasek: lool did it during the meeting last week16:11
njpatelone sec, let me get the #16:12
slangasek[TOPIC] QA Team16:12
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Team16:12
slangaseknjpatel: (we'll move on, drop the bug # when you have it)16:12
slangasekmarjo, fader: hello16:12
faderHardware certification16:12
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:12
faderNo real changes.  The only failure result we're seeing is still nautilus leaving logs in /var/crash16:12
fadermathben, our intern, is running tests on netbooks and laptops today, so some of those 'untested' results will fill in throughout the day16:13
faderHowever some of them may not due to issues with the ISOs (particularly UNR seems to be having trouble installing today; I've asked davmor2 to see if he can reproduce the install issues and we'll file bugs if so)16:13
njpatel#417001  fix-released16:13
fadermathben has also verified that bug 404264 seems to be fixed -- the install is proceeding past the network initialization stage but the system is failing an fsck after install, which should be unrelated.  We will investigate the fsck failure and update 404264.16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404264 in linux "karmic installer fails to detect Intel 82567 network card" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40426416:13
faderSpec progress16:13
faderkarmic-qa-extended-audio-testing: this is 'beta available' -- I have written tests to hit a lot more of the detected audio hardware as well as some tests that can be run automatically in the certification machines we have in the lab and datacenter16:13
fader(I won't bore you with a list or gruesome details unless anyone is particularly interested)16:13
fader(that's it from me modulo questions)16:13
marjook, spec status:16:14
marjo* karmic-qa-increase-apport-adoption - Requested current status and plan with the the LP team.16:14
marjoGeneral spec status can be seen here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RoadMap16:15
marjoThat's it.16:15
marjoany questions?16:15
marjothx folks16:15
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RoadMap16:15
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RoadMap16:15
slangasekno questions here16:16
slangasekanyone else?16:16
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop Team16:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Team16:17
slangasekmarjo, fader: thanks16:17
slangasekkenvandine: hi16:17
slangasekdavidbarth, njpatel: also hi :)16:17
kenvandineslangasek, so do i go over the items here? or just highlight issues?16:18
slangasekkenvandine: there's an up-to-date team wiki page about release status?16:18
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicReleaseStatus16:18
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicReleaseStatus16:18
kenvandine[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:18
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:18
slangasekright :)16:18
davidbarththe DX status covers both desktop and unr16:19
looldavidbarth: Thanks BTW16:19
slangasekkenvandine: if there are specific points on there that you think need to be discussed - need more resources from outside your team, or there's something that may affect release scheduling - please highlight those16:19
kenvandineslangasek, ok... no issues atm16:19
kenvandinenothing at risk for the release16:21
kenvandinedavidbarth, you have any?16:21
davidbarthon the dx side, there is a current regression with the session menu16:21
davidbarthpidgin does not reflect its status on the menu16:21
davidbarththe risk is limited as the code is there but a bug still prevents the connection16:22
kenvandinedavidbarth, empathy too16:22
loolI see the firefox bookmark syncing package landed in my package list recently, does that mean we might get it?16:22
davidbarthwe'll add a bug to track that for the UIF16:22
kenvandinelool, no16:22
kenvandineit won't be in by default16:22
kenvandineinstalled via apturl from a u1 utility16:22
slangasekdavidbarth: UIF isn't in effect yet; opening a bug report for tracking is good anyway, but won't this be fixed before then?16:23
davidbarthon the indicator-messages, we also have to update PK calls to the new API (tracked in the MIR)16:23
loolAnd/or indicator-session?16:23
kenvandinedavidbarth, i think that is indicator-session16:24
kenvandinenot messages16:24
loolI think I was this mentionned in -session's MIR16:24
davidbarthindicator-session sorry, i-msg doesn't use that16:24
kenvandinebut that is for beta16:24
davidbarthindicator-session was the hot topic for this milestone, but is now safe in main16:25
slangasekkenvandine: I'm confused about the PolicyKit->PolicyKit-1 migration status; if hal is not being switched, and we've gotten as much hal out of karmic as we can already, does this mean we have to ship both policykit and policykit-1 by default in karmic?16:26
kenvandineslangasek, i don't think so... pitti's plan is just policykit-116:26
slangasekok, so presumably the bits of hal we have to keep don't need PK16:27
davidbarthbtw, n-osd and notifications patches are also safe in karmic; monitoring some regressions; also won't be able to support keyb brightness notifications (upstream regression)16:27
kenvandinewe still have indicator-session depending on policykit though, it needs to be updated to -116:27
kenvandineslangasek, i assume16:27
davidbarthkenvandine: yes16:27
slangasekthe current hal package still depends on policykit, though, so I guess there's cleanup to be done there16:27
kenvandineslangasek, ok, we should double check with pitti16:27
kenvandinealthough i am sure he is aware16:28
* slangasek nods16:28
davidbarthon the topic of kubuntu integration, agateau has provided all the critical parts, and upstream'ed as much as possible; the default settings will depend on upstream's final take on them16:28
slangasekkenvandine: on the filtered spec list I see 'desktop-karmic-integrating-with-ubuntu-one' marked as Essential, but delivery status is 'started' - is that just an inaccurate spec status?16:29
ScottKThere is currently a fair amount of grumbling from early users about their default on status.16:29
davidbarthfinally, xsplash: we released some performance improvements and fixes, but it's there to be fine tuned before UIF16:29
kenvandinethat should be beta available16:29
* kenvandine fixes16:29
davidbarthScottK: yes, agateau mentionned it; I trust your judgment to enable them where you see fit16:30
slangasekScottK: that's grumbling that notify-osd is on by default?16:30
ScottKslangasek: Grumbling that messaging menu is turned on by default.16:31
slangasekdavidbarth: keyboard brightness notifications... so we aren't going to have those at all in karmic?16:31
ScottKWe don't have notify-osd in Kubuntu16:31
kenvandineslangasek, i can't change the status, but will have it done16:31
ScottKdavidbarth: I think it's fine for now for testing.16:31
slangasek[ACTION] kenvandine to get status of desktop-karmic-integrating-with-ubuntu-one fixed up16:31
MootBotACTION received:  kenvandine to get status of desktop-karmic-integrating-with-ubuntu-one fixed up16:31
davidbarthslangasek: nope, there's no such thing in DK atm; njpatel may provide add. details in the bug report16:32
slangasekdavidbarth: which bug report?16:32
kenvandineslangasek, blueprint updated :)16:33
davidbarthslangasek: don't have it listed now; can take the action to fwd it16:33
slangasekkenvandine: thanks16:33
slangasek[ACTION] davidbarth to find bug report regarding keyboard brightness notification regression16:34
MootBotACTION received:  davidbarth to find bug report regarding keyboard brightness notification regression16:34
slangasekok, think I've managed to absorb everything in the report, at least regarding the desktop16:35
slangasekanyone have questions?16:35
ScottKYou want Kubuntu stuff now?16:36
slangasekyes, please16:36
ScottKKDE 4.3.1 got tagged yesterday16:36
ScottKWe expect to have it uploaded before the milestone freeze on tuesday16:36
ScottKspec status is at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic16:36
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic16:36
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic16:36
ScottKA few things got deferred, but nothing essential.16:37
ScottKKubuntu Netbook is going well.16:37
ScottKUpstream is planning on a plasma-netbook sprint next week.16:37
ScottKSo I'll be trying to work snapshots from the sprint in around the freeze.16:37
ScottKI think that's it.16:38
ScottKI guess I'll add that upstream coordination on the netbook stuff is going very well.  One of the upstream devs is in #kubuntu-netbook and our buglist is his work list for next week.16:38
slangasekScottK: heh, nice :)16:39
ScottKWe should be ~6 months ahead of any other distro with a KDE netbook flavor.16:39
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile Team16:40
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile Team16:40
slangasekkenvandine, ScottK: thanks16:40
slangaseklool, davidbarth: hello (again)16:40
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:40
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:40
davidbarthdx back on stage again, with njpatel16:40
lool* News: switched to v7 buildds, v7 toolchain uploaded, new armel+dove image (relatively broken), new moblin-remix image (very broken)16:40
lool* Oliver is looking for some skilled oo.o person to help debug #417009 (oo.o apps crash on startup on armel); ccheney reports being busy and doko is on VAC; cjwatson suggested rickspencer might know16:41
loolah no rickspencer16:41
lool* tracking DX/UNR integration: had a meeting to review any potential integration backlog with dbarth and njpatel and we took various actions to review the current seeds, gconf settings, and we are now reviewing UNR status every week in the mobile IRC meeting; we will also start attending the desktop/DX integration weekly calls starting next week; happy to also cover this in the release meetings16:41
lool* I'd like to know whether we want to track moblin-remix status here just like UNR -- it's a lesser priority spin and an unsupported one though and the meeting is quite long already16:41
lool* not sure how much of low resolution application patches we can still merge before UIF, but that's low prio16:41
loolOh on UNR integration I forgot to mention we actually believe to be up-to-date for everything; I think njpatel was trying out the latest config this morning16:43
loolseeds etc. are all up-to-date16:43
njpatelyep, we're up-to-date with everything. more releases next week with more bugs fixed, though :)16:43
loolSo no more "Why isn't this DX thing in UNR or why isn't this enabled in UNR?"   :)16:44
slangaseklool: moblin-remix status> if it's going to be a deliverable for karmic, we should track any problems with it here in the meeting16:44
davidbarthwe had 2 criticals on UNR, both are fix committed, and fix-released as we speak: #351527 and #41153016:44
loolslangasek: Ok; it's a soft deliverable, unsupported, built from PPA; I think we want to move as much as possible into Ubuntu but it remains a "nice to have"16:45
loolI will give updates here16:45
slangasekoh, built from ppa - do we build that on antimony?16:45
slangasekhuh, ok16:45
loolslangasek: I had the same reaction  :)16:46
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicReleaseStatus16:46
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicReleaseStatus16:46
slangasek(relevant here too)16:46
looldavidbarth even pointed me at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicReleaseStatus#Netbook%20%28UNR%29 earlier16:47
davidbarthslangasek: sure, mostly bug fixes, no new features16:47
looldavidbarth: I think a couple of netbook-launcher are still to land next week but that's about it?16:47
davidbarthlool: yes, but the upcoming releases don't contain additional features16:48
loolOh ok I misunderstood then16:48
looldavidbarth: thanks16:48
njpatelyep netbook-launcher, window-picker-applet, maximus will get updates next week. Most all fixes.16:48
slangasekok, looks good16:49
slangasekany questions on mobile?16:49
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel Team16:49
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Team16:49
rtg[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:49
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:49
slangaseklool, davidbarth, njpatel: thanks16:49
rtgNot all of the release meeting bugs are on that page. Here is up-to-the-minute status:16:50
rtgbug #359338 - no progress16:50
rtgbug #290153 - still in progress (Andy is on vacation through next week)16:50
rtgbug #409233 - no progress, need to reconfirm with newer kernel releases16:50
rtgbug #404264 - patch upstream, definitely in 2.6.31-rc816:50
rtgbug #410198 - fix released16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359338 in linux "apparmor paths are broken when using ecryptfs on jaunty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35933816:50
rtgbug #418265 - should be fix released, will confirm with ogra16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290153 in linux "Fails to find boot device in Intel D945Gnt" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29015316:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409233 in linux "[Regression] Bluetooth Causes Suspend to fail" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40923316:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404264 in linux "karmic installer fails to detect Intel 82567 network card" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40426416:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410198 in linux "'modprobe aoe' on Karmic kernel oopses with AOE device from Jaunty" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41019816:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418265 in linux-fsl-imx51 "Warning in ehci-hcd.c:911 on kernel 2.6.31-5-imx51" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41826516:50
rtgWorking on 2.6.31-rc8 which it has a critical inotify regression.16:50
rtgDropped KSM patch set pending more rigorous testing16:50
rtgWorking with mobile team to improve the ARM platform kernels.16:50
slangasekrtg: you shorted me a bug in that report :) - bug #418265?16:50
* Xtreme_Great wonders if this channel holds official ubuntu meetings16:51
slangasek(and hmm, agenda editing fail; 410198 should obviously not have been in the list)16:51
rtgslangasek, I see it in the scroll back16:51
cjwatsonXtreme_Great: yes, and is doing so right now, so please only interrupt if you have relevant information :-)16:51
ogrartg, fixed for me, broken for GrueMaster16:51
* Xtreme_Great apologizes16:51
slangasekrtg: ah yes - not on the wiki page16:51
rtgslangasek, right, its not one I've been tracking.16:52
ogrartg, might be a different issue though, we both havent seen the warning message anymore16:52
rtgthats mostly it from me16:52
slangasekogra: different issue how?16:52
ograslangasek, GrueMaster cant get USB NICs to work for some unknown reason (the ones i tested here work fine for me)16:53
slangasekogra: ok, but if it's not with this error message anymore...16:53
rtgslangasek, these arm platforms are notoriously unstable IMHO16:53
slangasekAIUI USB disks are working for him now16:53
ograslangasek, xactly16:53
slangasekso I think that should be marked as fixed, and a separate bug opened for the NIC issue?16:54
GrueMasterMaybe I can best describe the issue.  I have two usb nics, one is a Pegasus, the other is a DM9601 (drivers).  Both work fine in UNR, but they fail to detect mac addresses in arm.16:54
* ogra would like to see tobins final comment before setting it fixed16:54
ograGrueMaster, but you dont see ehci warnings anymore anywhere, right ?16:55
GrueMasterThe ehci bug was a kernel oops tat is no longer happening.16:55
ograslangasek, can be closed then16:55
GrueMasterI'll file a new bug on the nic issue.16:56
ograi'D still like to see the -source package come back for imx51 and i think slangasek had concerns about -docs16:56
slangasekrtg: is bug #395358 on anyone's radar, btw?  I suspect, but haven't proven, that this is also the root cause of bug #397698 now16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395358 in linux "thinkpad fn+f5, Asus fn+f2: regression, rfkill toggling in the kernel instead of userspace" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39535816:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397698 in linux "isAnyWirelessPoweredOn in state-funcs always returns 1 in karmic" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39769816:57
ograwe dont have a bug for that yet, i'll file one and might attach a patch for the packaging16:57
slangasekogra: yes, please follow up via LP for that16:57
rtgslangasek, I've not noticed that one. too damn busy with arm kernels.16:57
slangasekrtg: anyone on the team not too damn busy with arm kernels who might take a look? :)16:58
rtgslangasek, I'm short handed right now16:58
* slangasek nods16:58
rtgmaybe I can get ogasawara to look at it16:58
rtgthough smb's name is assigned. I'll prod him16:59
slangasekany other questions on kernel today?16:59
slangasek[TOPIC] Server Team17:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Team17:00
slangasekrtg: thanks17:00
slangasekdendrobates_: hi17:00
dendrobates_A couple things:17:00
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus17:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus17:00
dendrobates_LP: #419515: OpenLDAP 2.4.18 upgrade, needed to complete server-karmic-directory-enabled-user-login17:00
dendrobates_Virtual appliance features (not filed yet), needed to complete server-karmic-virtual-appliance17:01
dendrobates_both are in need of FF.17:01
dendrobates_Hopefully they can be completed next week during the server sprint.17:01
dendrobates_that's all for me. :)17:02
=== dendrobates_ is now known as dendrobates
slangasekno questions here17:03
slangasekanyone else?17:03
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations Team17:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations Team17:04
slangasekthanks, dendrobates17:04
slangasekcjwatson, robbiew: hi17:04
cjwatson[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic17:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic17:04
cjwatsonthe bug statuses there should be largely up to date; there's quite a few of them at the moment but we are making reasonably steady progress17:04
cjwatsonif mvo's around, I wouldn't mind a quick discussion about whether bug 353534 is worth fixing in update-manager17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353534 in linux "dapper->hardy->intrepid upgrade path leaves user with unmaintained kernel" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35353417:05
mvocjwatson: I'm around17:05
mvocjwatson: sorry that I have not replied earlier17:05
cjwatsonand if anyone has an SSD convenient for testing, it would be useful to me if somebody could volunteer to have it abused for testing bug 415888; especially if you have an SSD matching that in the report17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 415888 in parted "Installation fails on Crucial/Micron M225 256gb SSD" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41588817:05
mvocjwatson: I can add code to update-manager that deal with the kernel update if needed17:05
cjwatsonmvo: do you think it makes sense? I wonder if we should have a general practice of trying to get people onto the current optimal kernel, whenever the rules change17:06
mvocjwatson: I think its best to select the optimal kernel based on the cpuinfo content (unless it is a self compiled kernel)17:07
mvonow the probelm seems to be that its not trivial to find a good mapping of cpuinfo to best kernel :)17:07
cjwatsonright, that's exactly the problem that the base-installer code should solve for you17:08
cjwatsonunfortunately it will probably involve cloning-and-hacking it right now17:08
cjwatsonthough it's designed to be called as a quasi-library (albeit in shell), so you could do a ubiquity-style thing of including the whole source package in yours as a submodule or something ...17:08
mvocjwatson: I like that, that sounds sensible17:09
mvobetter than to copy it17:09
mvoI mean, to copy it only once17:09
cjwatsonor else change base-installer to deliver a .deb as well17:09
cjwatsonanyway, whatever's most straightforward17:10
mvocjwatson: I will go with the include-as-submodule approach then I think17:11
mvocjwatson: thanks, I will work on it today17:11
mvo(and update the bugreport)17:11
slangasekok, great17:11
cjwatsonRobbie said he'd do the feature status side of things17:11
slangasek[ACTION] mvo to include base-installer as update-manager submodule for CPU->kernel mapping17:11
MootBotACTION received:  mvo to include base-installer as update-manager submodule for CPU->kernel mapping17:11
robbiewpython-robust-packaging is still waiting on mvo update ;)17:12
robbiewmvo: any news?17:13
slangasekbut not really anything there that's in jeopardy, AIUI, since the agreement is to not change the stack17:13
robbiewI think so17:13
cjwatsonright, though it will affect several reasonably core components (by definition)17:14
cjwatsonat least as of the last discussion we had17:14
mvorobbiew: yes, we will package stuff that is criticial infrastructure with "include-links" and defer the rest (debian is in the middle of a discussion about it)17:14
robbiewmvo: so we'll need an FFE for this stuff, right?17:15
mvorobbiew: well, I would say its more a bugfix, but I let slangasek decide17:15
slangasekthey're bugfixes - so no17:15
robbiewthe landscape stuff is done, at least in my opinion17:16
* mvo nods17:16
robbiewcloud-setup-in-installer is progressing17:16
robbiewcjwatson can speak more to that...but nothing alarming at the moment17:17
robbiewsame with grub217:17
robbiewand I'll let slangasek cover multiarch ;)17:17
Keybukhe's doing very well17:17
KeybukI've never seen anybody work on multiarch this long whilst retaining their sanity17:17
cjwatsonthere are a couple of bits left of cloud, specifically the code to actually go and discover nodes on the local network and add them, and some more debconf questions in eucalyptus-{cloud,cc}17:17
cjwatsonif those require FFes, let me know17:18
slangasekmultiarch - shown in red on the report, and that's accurate :(17:18
cjwatsonand I asked a similar question by mail about grub-reboot/grub-set-default in grub2, which I think is making progress upstream17:18
robbiewoh and Keybuk is landing a ton of boot stuff that will need FFEs17:18
KeybukI'm landing them bits at a time17:18
robbiewand maybe a call for testing via the ubuntu-boot ppa17:18
Keybukthrough ubuntu-boot first17:19
Keybukso there will be "new stuff in ubuntu-boot, plz test" ... then an FFE ... then move to main17:19
Keybukwhile people are testing, I'll queue the next lot up in a second ppa17:19
cjwatsonslangasek: is multiarch a deferral at this point? :-/17:19
slangaseksince this is a blocker for proper sane fixing of alsa on amd64, I followed up to ubuntu-devel and proposed TheMuso a slightly less painful workaround17:19
slangasekcjwatson: I have a weekend yet before I have to decide that17:19
robbiewKeybuk: posting to ubuntu-devel?17:19
Keybukrobbiew: yes17:19
robbiewcool, thx17:20
cjwatsonslangasek: alsa> I think I agree17:20
Keybukobviously don't install from there just yet17:20
cjwatsonwhich is unfortunate, we were trying to *reduce* ia32-libs' size, but hey-ho17:20
slangasekcjwatson: my fortune cookie yesterday said I could take on and accomplish ANYTHING I want to, so I figure that means multiarch will be done by Monday17:20
Keybukbecause there's one bit missing that I'm finishing up today17:20
Keybukslangasek: "...except in bed"17:20
slangasekcjwatson: well, this effectively restores it to its jaunty state17:20
robbiewI'm done17:20
Keybukprobably worth mentioning swap17:21
Keybukand tmpfs17:21
robbiewah, yes17:21
Keybukswapfiles instead of swap partition, and following on, tmpfs-on-/tmp17:21
KeybukI tried this17:21
Keybukand I found very scary kernel bugs17:21
Keybukso I'm deferring it until those are fixed :p17:21
robbiewoh, so both are deferred...i thought it was only tmpfs...noted17:21
Keybukthe tmpfs was fine17:22
slangasekare those bugs open in LP, should they be linked from the spec?17:22
Keybukthe bugs were with low swap, etc.17:22
Keybuktmpfs-on-/tmp had a dependency on that because we didn't want to limit the size of /tmp17:22
Keybuk(ie. growable swap)17:22
Keybukslangasek: I haven't opened them in LP, I've talked to upstream people instead17:22
robbiewKeybuk: don't other distros use /tmpfs and/or swapfiles?....are they also affected by these bugs17:23
Keybukrobbiew: they would be17:23
Keybukit's not swapfile specific17:23
Keybukit's "no swap" specific17:23
Keybukor "nearing the limit of available swap" specific17:23
Keybukswapfiles assume we start with no swap and add more when we need it17:24
Keybuktmpfs-on-/tmp means we can easily near the limit of available swap17:24
Keybukboth trigger insane behaviour from the kernel17:24
Keybukslangasek: actually, I think I did open a bug in LP very early on17:25
Keybukbug #38655417:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386554 in linux "System behaved as if OOM when it had plenty to spare" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38655417:26
slangasekanything else to cover?17:26
slangasekquestions for foundations team?17:26
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU17:27
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU17:27
slangasekcjwatson, robbiew, Keybuk: thanks17:27
slangasekScottK: hi17:27
* sistpoty|work waves17:28
ScottKMotu-release is up and running and reviewing FFe already17:28
ScottKIt's essentially like Jaunty17:28
ScottKWe did add a rule that for new package FFe, finding an archive admin willing to do the New review is a pre-requisite for approval.17:29
ScottKghc 6 transition is done and except IA64 is in good shape.17:29
ScottKIA64 is broken in Debian and Ubuntu and likely to stay that way until upstream fixes it.17:29
ScottKI took a first look at apt-cache unmet recently and it (without any specific work) looks roughly like it did when we released Jaunty17:30
ScottKSo I think things are in a reasonably consistent state.17:30
slangasekhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ looks like it could use some attention still, but certainly not as bad as it was earlier in the cycle17:31
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ looks like it could use some attention still, but certainly not as bad as it was earlier in the cycle17:31
ScottKSo I think we are in good shape.17:31
slangasekok, good17:31
slangasekthanks for the update17:31
ScottKI did do some pinging on NBS today17:31
slangaseklooks like we're at time17:32
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB17:32
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB17:32
ScottKI'm working with R upstream/Debian maintainer to land so new R stuff that should be exciting for people who care about R17:32
slangasekanything else we need to cover (quickly)?17:32
loolslangasek: Couple of things I wanted to check with you after meeting, not relevant to everybody17:33
KeybukScottK: I only care about one R source package ;-)17:33
slangasekScottK: sorry to cut you short, but I suspect Europe wants dinner17:33
ScottKslangasek: I was done17:33
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:33.17:33
slangasekout of here, then17:33
slangasekthanks, all :)17:33
loolthanks all17:34
loolslangasek: One was that manifest thing I sent an email about17:35
loolslangasek: and the other was just that we're way over size for UNR; Tobin Davis (Gruemaster) is working on this and I told him to ping you if he didn't know where to start17:35
lool(over size for the ISO)17:35
=== davidbarth1_ is now known as davidbarth1
* sbalneav present for Edubuntu meeting17:48
flintsbalneav, I am also here for the Edubuntu meeting!17:49
sbalneavHello flint, long time no see17:51
ace_suareshi scotty17:52
sbalneavHello ace17:52
flintsbalneav, excellent seeing your typing my friend.  I am here to discuss recent architectural innovations recently discovered.  Where is Jonathan?17:53
sbalneavNot here yet.17:54
ace_suarescoffe anyone ?17:55
flintace_suares, I like mind dark and bitter... BTW I cannot count.  Are we about to hit 17:00 UTC?17:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about date17:56
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)17:56
sbalneavBy my clock, in 3 minutes17:57
ace_suareshere too, probably using ntpool.ubuntu.com :-)17:57
flintace_suares, change mind to mine...17:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about date17:57
sbalneavsbalneav@feniks:~$ ntpq -p remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter17:57
sbalneav*europium.canoni    2 u  534 1024  377  139.910    0.653  10.94617:57
sbalneavAccording to my clock, my jitter's only 1117:58
sbalneavSo I should be fairly accurate.17:58
ace_suaresflint: yeah i had to look it up in whatisthetime.com or something17:58
flintace_suares, there is a way to do it in irc but I have forgotten...17:58
sbalneavOne minute and counting :)17:59
ace_suaresah well i sent a mail to the list to rouse some more people who where just playing warzone or chatting with the mom17:59
ace_suaresmaybe it's help17:59
ace_suaresflint, I don't know you yet. I am ace, www.suares.an, www.opencuracao.com17:59
sbalneav12 noon18:00
* sbalneav sounds gong18:00
flintace_suares, It is a pleasure to meet you.  I am an old gong...18:00
sbalneavSo, AFIK, there's 3 of us in here.  Anyone else present?18:02
sbalneavflint: You have any questions?18:02
flintsbalneav, I am here to make an announcement.  Would this be a good time?18:03
sbalneavGooder as any18:03
sbalneavAnnounce away18:03
flintPlease note that the Barre Open Systems Institute held a Chautauqua here in Vermont last week with Dr. Walter Bender of Sugarlabs, his staff and our local organization.  The result of this is the impending release of "maple" sugar for Ubuntu Jaunty.  https://launchpad.net/sugar-jaunty18:04
flintQuestions? Comments?18:04
sbalneavIsn't Lns, or alkisg also working on sugar for Ubuntu?18:05
sbalneavVery nice, AAR18:05
flintsbalneav, AAR = ???18:05
sbalneavAt Any Rate18:06
flintsbalneav, I am interested in finding out how we could include this in an upcoming edition of Edubuntu.18:07
sbalneavWell, Guess I'll go next.  Sabayon's now in a useable state in Karmic and Jaunty.  I'll work on Hardy packages.18:07
sbalneavLast night I branched the edubuntu-docs packaged, and started work on bringing the handbook up to day.18:07
sbalneavdate, sorry.18:07
ace_suaresre sugar: great - i'll watch closely18:08
sbalneavflint: Don't see why not, LaserJock'd be the fellow to talk to, as he maintains the seeds.  However, he's between houses at the moment.18:08
ace_suaresre sabayon - great move, will test 'some day'.18:08
sbalneavstgraber's got ltsp in good shape for karmic, and I've got vagrantc helping me with ltsp-docs packages.18:09
sbalneavWe'lll need an exception to get it included, but since it's just docs, I'm sure we can beg the right people.18:09
sbalneavSo, my two committments are coming along.18:09
flintsbalneav, This is great news.  I was hoping that LTSP development had not stopped.  I had heard that LTSP had moved away from Edubuntu.18:09
ace_suaresOf course there's an agenda at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/WikiSite/Meeting/Agenda so my points are known... except with so few people... maybe wait some more.18:09
flintace_suares, thanks for the link... been looking for that for several weeks.  Why not on the old 'fridge?18:10
ace_suaresKalimera alkisg18:10
alkisgWow!! Kalimera ace_suares :)18:11
alkisgHi all18:11
ace_suaresalkisg:  :-)18:11
sbalneavflint: Well, there was someone employed by canonical to help with ltsp.  They just moved on, and ltsp just went back upstream.18:11
ace_suareshi Svenstaro18:11
flintsbalneav, I suppose that was Oliver eh?18:11
sbalneavYeah, he still helps with ltsp, it's just not his "job" anymore.18:12
sbalneavAnyone heard anything from the people who committed to making edubuntu a bootable image?18:12
ace_suaressbalneav: so you working on ltsp-docs (as a package) and not edubuntu docs?18:13
flintsbalneav, a great loss... I like Oli a lot...  but on the other hand, he is German... :^)18:13
sbalneavace_suares: I'm working on both.18:13
ace_suaressbalneav: 'kay18:13
Svenstarohi there18:13
sbalneavHello Svenstaro18:13
SvenstaroDid I miss anything cool?18:14
sbalneavflint: Well, we haven't "lost" him, he's in the channel every day. :)18:14
flintsbalneav, damn, he probably "heard" me... :^)18:14
sbalneavSvenstaro: flint announced sugar packages, I announced a working sabayon and work begun on the handbook.18:15
flintsbalneav, I was really just trying to smoke ogra out...18:15
ace_suaresSvenstaro: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/08/28/%23ubuntu-meeting.html18:15
ace_suaresflint: what's an 'old gong' ?18:15
sbalneavThat's all I have.18:15
sbalneavafternoon, CAN-o-SPAM18:16
ace_suaressbalneav: it's a lot :-) don't forget to include me in the edubuntu -docs stuff, please.18:16
CAN-o-SPAMhi sbalneav18:16
ace_suareshi CAN-o-SPAM18:16
sbalneavace_suares: Did you contribute something to the docs?18:16
CAN-o-SPAMhi ace_saures18:16
ace_suaresFor those who don't know me yet, I am trying to clean up the wiki18:16
ace_suaresflint: frindge didn't accept my meeting addition, don't know why.18:17
sbalneavOr are you just talking about links to with wiki?18:17
flint...a poor player18:17
flintThat struts and frets his hour upon the stage18:17
flintAnd then is heard no more: it is a tale18:17
flintTold by an idiot, full of sound and fury,18:17
flintSignifying nothing.18:17
flintan old gong...18:17
ace_suaressbalneav: no, but want to. at least in the structure, the conversion, that kind of thing and to put it on the wiki (even if it's just a link)18:17
ace_suaresflint: oh...!18:18
flintace_suares, I got the wiki web site in my notes... all is well.18:18
sbalneavace_suares: There will be a bzr branch on my launchpad, just branch that and start making any changes.  I'll be glad to merge.18:18
ace_suaressbalneav: aha!18:18
sbalneavToo bad nubae isn't here.18:18
ace_suaressbalneav:  on this page: https://code.launchpad.net/~sbalneav18:19
ace_suaresnub said he wants to come to get accepted, but the the council didn't say they where coming, so that might be moot ?18:19
ace_suaressbalneav: can not see your edubuntu docs branch, what am i doing wriong ?18:20
sbalneavJust because he's not accepted as a "member" yet doesn't mean he can't show up :(18:20
sbalneavsorry, fat fingers18:21
ace_suaressbalneav: h ehe18:21
sbalneavit's not there yet.  I just branched it last night, and started cleanup.  I haven't pushed it to my repo yet.18:21
sbalneavI'm out to the cottage tonight for the weekend, so there probably won't be one there until tuesday or so.18:22
sbalneavAce, you might just as well go on with your agenda18:22
ace_suaressbalneav: oh but I thought you said.. hmmm... :-)18:22
ace_suaressbalneav: okay18:22
sbalneav"There will be a bzr branch on my launchpad"18:22
sbalneavwill be18:22
sbalneavfuture tense18:22
ace_suaressorry excusez18:23
ace_suaresfat eyes :-)18:23
ace_suaresso on the agenda first point: Wiki Cleanup Efffort (Ace Suares) Proposal will grow over the next days at Edubuntu/Wiki/ProposalWikiHomepage and EdubuntuWikiCleanupEffort18:23
ace_suareshttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu is the current homepage18:24
ace_suareshttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/Wiki/ProposalWikiHomepage is the proposed homepage18:24
ace_suaresIn discussion with LaserJock we opted for makeing all links go to external sites except 'grow edubuntu'.18:24
ace_suaresSo if anyone in favor, i might replace the old homepage with the new homepage if the grow edubuntu page is done (it's not yet).18:25
* alkisg likes the new homepage *except* for too-many-borders18:25
ace_suaresalkisg: yeah the design needs to be improved. most borders will go. We can talk design issues after content issues... ?18:26
alkisgHeh sure :)18:26
ace_suaresIf you look at the old homepage (please do so) then you will see under 'community' the 4 items. Communication is a non-existant page. I did  a rework on teams and meetings. Participate is the one that needs to be merged in to grow edubuntu.18:27
ace_suaresPlease look at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/WikiSite/Meeting and see if you like it.18:28
ace_suaresAlso at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/WikiSite/Teams and see if you like it.18:29
ace_suaresHer eis a proposal for the new namespace: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/WikiSite/NewStructure18:29
ace_suaresNow what can we discuss? Any questions yet?18:30
sbalneavwin 318:32
ace_suaressbalneav: ??18:32
sbalneavSorry, forgot the / in front of the command18:33
sbalneavsomeone just talked in #edubunut18:33
sbalneavSpeaking for myself only...18:33
sbalneavI've always believed that the person willing to do the work should dictate how the work gets done.  If Ace has got ideas on how to layout the wiki, and is going to do the work, I'm happy to just let it happen however he wants to do it :)18:34
* ace_suares wonders why he was waiting for a meeting when he could be done with the job already 18:35
sbalneavI was wondering myself :)18:35
flintace_suares, meetings are fun?18:35
sbalneavBut like I say, that's my opinion: someone else may have another.18:35
ace_suaressbalneav: becasue the absentees insisted on that it would go through a meeting18:35
flintace_suares, ok maybe not...  I vote get on with it!18:35
ace_suaresprobably to prevent more chaos18:35
sbalneavBut for me, I say: carry on seargent major.18:35
alkisgace_suares ++ :)18:35
flintace_suares, ++18:36
ace_suaresbut is also includes removing a lot of 'old pages' that are now redirected. Ogra and LJ expressed concern that it would 'break' links on the www.18:36
ace_suareswhat's your (plural) take on it?18:37
sbalneavI'd say, just make sure you don't delete any content, just move anything you want to get rid of off to "dead" or "holder" pages.  Then ulitimately, if someone has a problem with what you've done, they can just "get it back"18:37
ace_suaressbalneav: my understaindg was that deletions also are revised, so you can undelete pages, i am not sure, but that I would like the best.18:38
flinttoo much time spent on the web site detracts from actually doing anything about the software.18:38
sbalneavWell, the web site's important too.18:38
ace_suaresBut yes, I can move all those pages to wikisite/tobedeleted or so and then they are out of the way. Good for me!18:38
sbalneavAnd if ace wants to make that his area of contribution, then I say just let him fly with it.18:38
ace_suaresflint:  and I don't code so no time is lost., really18:39
sbalneavIf it "breaks" something, then just fix that too :)18:39
ace_suaressbalneav: depends waht you call breaking. Do we really need EdubuntuWiring to stay? A Google search 'does' find that particular page, in the archive of a mailing list from 2005.18:39
flintace_suares, the old saying here is "it is better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission"  go for it.18:39
sbalneavBut having someone who's WILLING to do the work, and willing to COMMIT to it, means we should just let them "get on with it" :)18:39
alkisgThat should be "LTSP wiring"18:39
sbalneavThat's my opinion.18:39
ace_suaresI realluy dont want a thousand redirects just becasue google finds it in a mailman archive. What is breakage?18:40
alkisgIf the URL is obsolete, then the page should be deleted... If not, it should be marked as "needs to be updated"18:40
ace_suaresalkisg: EdubuntuWiring is definately obsolete...18:40
ace_suaresThe cookbook and the handbook too18:41
alkisgThat should move to the ltsp docs18:41
sbalneavCan you rename a page?18:41
ace_suaresalkisg: it DOES redirect to UBUNTULTSPLTSPWiring18:41
ace_suaressbalneav: yes18:41
sbalneavMaybe rather than deleting something, we could just rename the page to "BlahBlahDeleted"18:42
ace_suaresalkisg: but do we need to keep te redirect even if google only finds one hit in a very old mailinglist? NO i say!18:42
alkisgI agree :)18:42
sbalneavIf you do that as a "standard" it makes the page go away, but it's still "there" if we need it for some reason.18:42
ace_suaressbalneav: my poposal was to rename it to /Edubuntu/WikiSite/ToBeDeleted/{OLDNAME}18:42
dgrooshi all (sorry I'm late, just got out of other meeting at the school.)18:42
ace_suaresdgroos: hi!18:42
dgrooshey ace-suares!18:43
alkisgsbalneav: it's a wiki, won't it be easier to find it from the history instead of from a different url?18:43
ace_suaressbalneav: so they are all in one place.18:43
sbalneavalkisg: Maybe.  I'm not a super-dooper wiki expert. :)18:43
ace_suaresalkisg: if you rename a page, the old URL is not availbale and spawns the 'do you want to add' page18:43
ace_suareshowever, if you search for the title then you will still find it, but in a different place.18:44
ace_suaressbalneav: he he i became one i think :_018:44
ace_suaresmor coffee anyone ?18:44
sbalneavToo bad we can't just take a tarball of all the content somewhere.18:45
dgroosace_suares--no thanks, my java's doing just fine ;)18:45
ace_suaresdgroos: make sure you drink it just in time before it cools down!18:46
ace_suaresAnother question, what about the teams? There are so many teams that are defunct (i think). Shall I do a round of mails to the teams and ask them waht there future is, and if possible remove some of the teams from LP and the wiki ?18:47
ace_suareswow, can't people in edubuntu been told to wait an hour till the meeting is over?18:48
alkisgHeh don't worry we got dual screens :D18:49
sbalneavIf a team's dead, I'd say drop the link to it.18:49
dgroosah... multitasking at a meeting...18:49
ace_suaresboth sbalneav and alkisg are helping someone in edubuntu and none answers questions here :-)18:49
sbalneavWe like to help.18:49
sbalneavAnd what makes you think either alkisg or I have the answers? :)18:50
ace_suaressbalneav: I think I oughta ask them first. IE the website team, it's dead I think, I am the last member added, Philippe is off the train, the rest never answered a mail... I think it would be best to remove the team and make sure it is a task for the main team...18:50
ace_suaressbalneav: well you may have opnions18:51
ace_suaresopinions they matter too18:51
sbalneavI already stated mine: it's your show now: run with it :)18:51
sbalneavI'm just happy to see someone doing the work.18:51
ace_suaressbalneav: in fact i was told on several occasions to not go ahead and ask the opinions of the team.18:51
alkisgI think the teams should be discussed with LaserJock around...18:51
sbalneavThe two who probably have the MOST opinions are LaserJock and HighVoltage, but they're not here :)18:52
ace_suaresOnce again I am stating that that process is not helping new people to join and fell valuable.18:52
* ace_suares feels valuable all by himslef already18:52
* ace_suares doesn't really need a team to have strong opinions :-)18:52
sbalneavSure you're valuable.  That's what I'm saying, if you want to do the work, I say just go ahead and DO it.18:52
ace_suaressbalneav: yes i noticed that too18:52
ace_suaressbalneav: i know your stance now and I am happy with this! Is this also an 'official' edubuntu team decision?18:53
dgroosI like the way ace_suares is striving to get some concensus18:53
ace_suaresI guess since this is *the* meeting18:53
dgroosotherwise, we don't have a community...18:53
ace_suaresdgroos: I doubt that edubuntu really works on consensus. It's more like randomly fired opinions :-)18:53
flintace_suares, who is actually involved in the release process?18:54
ace_suaresdgroos: I think the underlying model is sel-reorganizing chaos18:54
dgrooswell, you are pushing to improve it, right?18:54
sbalneavconcensus is very nice if you have 30 people all working on the same thing.18:54
ace_suaressbalneav: the thing being 'edubuntu', isn't it ?18:54
sbalneavIn *our* case, we have ONE person working on the wiki: Ace. :)18:54
dgroosYou gotta start somewhere and if there are only 4 people there, well start there and provide the process/opportunity to all.18:55
ace_suaresdgroos: yes, well, I like the chaos but then i discovered that there are procedures, and I was really told that I should obey the procedures :-)18:55
sbalneavLike I say. I only speak for myself.  And my opinion is: I trust ace with the job.  If someone ELSE wants to express opinions, they're free to do so.18:56
ace_suaressbalneav: but the wiki is one very visible part of edubuntu, as is the website, which i am planning on bulldozering after I stand on the ashes of the current wiki ....18:56
ace_suaressbalneav: lol18:56
dgrooswell, self-organizing organizations and all do work by a kind of chaos, I think, but with a process of concensus-seeking makes for a place I want to be.18:56
alkisgI think ace_suares got about 9-10 ++  for the wiki job, so that's a lot of concensus :)18:57
ace_suaresIt's almost an hour now, I what time the meeting ends anyway? I'd be happy to close it soon with the result that I can hack way on the wiki ;_018:57
flintace_suares, hack away!18:57
dgroosalkisg: I agree, add my +'s to it as well!18:57
ace_suaresdgroos: now there is consensus :-)18:57
sbalneavexactly.  ace_suares++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++18:58
sbalneavgo man fo18:58
sbalneavgo man go18:58
* ace_suares realizes he could be on an inhabited island 30 cliks of the coast with his family and eat roasted chicken from the grill...18:58
ace_suaresthenk you all for your trust and cooperation18:58
ace_suaresPlease do come with remarks if you feel there are things that could be done differently!18:59
dgroosthanks for insisting on ... consensus :)18:59
ace_suaresdgroos: I like the lazy consensus model. Peope who don't disagree automatically agree. That way, meetings withe only 4 people gain an incredible deciding power... Apache uses it in their development. It's cool.!19:00
flint* flint is content...19:01
sbalneavwiki's in ace's capable hands, sabayon's working, handbooks underway.19:01
ace_suaresI am just posting the youtube here for those that havent' seen it: http://www.youtube.com/v/EtSh2GBDY_Q grin19:01
sbalneavAnything else?19:01
ace_suaressbalneav: nice summary! And empowering too. Hey ho, let's go, like the ramones used to say!19:02
ace_suaresI have nothing else.19:02
sbalneavGoing once going twice19:02
sbalneavanyone else?19:02
ace_suaressbalneav: add sugar annoucement to the list: iki's in ace's capable hands, sabayon's working, handbooks underway, sugar announced in launchpad by flint19:02
flintace_suares, thanks!!!!19:03
ace_suareshey, no thanks, I'd really like to see that work on a TC!19:03
flintSee you all next week.19:04
ace_suaresMeeting adjourned, continue help in #edubuntu ;-)19:04
ace_suaresOh next meeting date, week from now?19:04
sbalneavGo ahead and schedule.  I'll be there.19:04
ace_suaresbye then!19:05
sbalneavAfternoon all, heading out to cottage19:05
alkisgBye all :)19:06
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