
sptremblayI just tried to install from the latest version 9.04 and everything goes well until the initial configuration screen show up than I only have a black screen04:58
sebrockrhpot1991, I found another thing that needs update: apache configuration is open for everyone. That's not very good.11:52
sebrockshould deny from outside local lan and/or passworded (except the RSS feed)12:27
gbeethe scaling governors in ubuntu are a little broken? Or is it just me?13:25
gbeewhen starting HD playback the ondemand governor isn't increasing the clock although it's really needed, when I switch to performance and back to ondemand the governor does start to work until I exit playback and then it switches to the lowest frequency and won't switch up again13:27
gbeeok, got to the bottom of this, for some reason the default up_threshold in ubuntu is 95? The core would need to be operating at nearly max before it bumps the frequency?? That's just wrong14:59
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rhpot1991madden 10 for the 360 on amazon.com/goldbox for $45 right now19:43
sebrockrhpot1991, you there?20:48
rhpot1991sebrock: ya, kinda20:48
sebrockdid you see my previous message?20:48
rhpot1991about security?20:48
sebrockabout apache config?20:48
rhpot1991ya just did now20:49
sebrockI think its a pretty big issue20:49
sebrockeither we should probe for the local network or simply ask under install20:49
rhpot1991kinda up to the user at this point, its pretty easy to just .htaccess the folder, but then your RSS feed isn't opened20:49
sebrockI know thats a problem. However I think users only sync when at home20:50
sebrockAt least there should be a warning on this somehwere20:50
rhpot1991I've thought about the idea of trying to jump under mythweb's security as well20:50
sebrockthere must be a way to let apache only let the RSS feed be open20:51
sebrockI've been cheking apache homepage today, but they have had a SSH key compromised so they've shut down20:52
sebrockanyway, also I wonder about the order of the process. I notice the DB is filled with information on exported file even though ffmpeg fails and actually did not produce anythng20:52
rhpot1991sebrock: what version are you on?20:53
sebrocklatest in repo20:53
sebrocknot ppa or anything20:53
rhpot1991testing repo though?20:53
sebrockyeah, I dnt know maybe you've fixed these things20:54
sebrockyes jaunty20:54
rhpot1991I've done some pushed to the PPA after the main release, I gave up on doign SRUs after I had one that I did and none of the users felt like responding to the bugs20:55
sebrockhmm ok20:56
rhpot1991looking at the order now20:57
rhpot1991sebrock: I'd have to test for it to be sure, but ya when an error happen I don't kill anything so it will continue21:04
rhpot1991it used to be the job would end then, but when I daemonized it I didn't want the daemon dieing unless something was horribly wrong21:04
rhpot1991sebrock: put it on my todo list21:05
rhpot1991there are a lot of things I'd like to change actually, just haven't had the time lately21:05
sebrockI understand, no worries. Just helping ya21:06
rhpot1991sebrock: its well appreciated, most feedback I get is "this doesn't work"21:07
sebrockI'm checking on tweaks for ffmpeg right now. Finding 49 fps is way to much for a PAL recorded 25 fps. :P21:07
rhpot1991then 8 days of posting logs later everything is good21:07
sebrockI guess the reason is documentation, or the lack of it. For newbies it could be a hard time figuring everything out. And I know the eager to play with something new :)21:08
rhpot1991I've given myself headaches by making everything too customizable as well, I really need a just setup a working config for me button for most devices21:08
sebrockThe idea in itself is great21:08
sebrockmm yes21:09
rhpot1991most features have been added as requests, its come a long way from the simple user job that it started as21:11
rhpot1991setup of everything needs work though21:11
rhpot1991and its by no means idiot proof at all21:11
sebrockI noticed. Error handling is a really boring when you start with something. You always find ways to stir things up21:12
sebrockbtw, would it not be possible to open the RSS-feed only. Like per file access in apache.21:14
rhpot1991this was my first real work with damonizing something too, so it was really interesting trying to catch edgecases in there21:14
rhpot1991I think .htaccess is directory only21:15
rhpot1991I know in apache you can say you cannot access certain files21:15
rhpot1991I'm not sure if you can say ask for a password for everything but this21:15
rhpot1991I think I'm gonna throw a blurb up on the wiki warning about it, and linking to an example of how to do .htaccess21:17
sebrockis it not possible to deny all except the one file that produces RSS21:17
rhpot1991not sure if you can do it like that or not, I'll have to look21:18
sebrockI will too, bedtime here in sweden now21:19
rhpot1991heh, night21:19
sebrockbtw, I know now it is possible. Will have a deeper look tomorrow.21:20
rhpot1991sebrock: if so then I can add that pretty easily, already doing some apache work in the install21:21
sebrockIf I get a hold of you tomorrow I give you a working config21:22
rhpot1991sounds good21:22
rhpot1991sebrock: feel free to ping me, if I'm not around you can email me21:22
rhpot1991its on the wiki and stuff21:22
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].21:52
ZinnI am alive.21:53
NOT_guru!Mythbuntu Hardware21:53
ZinnIf you are looking for Mythbuntu Hardware to setup a dedicated PVR, why not have it already built and working? Check out http://www.mythbuntu.org/merchandise21:53
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