
uccadminI was asking this in #ubuntu but I feel this channel is more appropriate. Does anyone have any experience with installing and configuring DRBL?00:20
tonyyarussoIs there a way through mail agents or related things to strip all attachments off of e-mails so they aren't stored in the e-mail databases?  (ie, move them into a folder separately instead)00:23
tonyyarussouccadmin: That's the remote boot thing, right?  I haven't worked with it on its own, but have run it through the Clonezilla suite of tools.00:26
uccadminYes it is00:26
uccadminI'm actually trying to get to that point (A Clonezilla setup)00:26
tonyyarussoWell, it's been a little while, but I might be able to help you - what's the holdup?00:27
qman__I've only ever used LTSP00:27
uccadminI have 6 machine that need to be automatically reimaged, so I'm looking into DRBL and Clonezilla. My main problem is that we already have a DHCP server on the network and don't really want to mess with it. I don't know how important it is to have DRBL assign the IPs and I'm wondering if we'll be okay if we have the clients assigned static IPs via MAC address via our Windows DHCP server00:28
uccadminI've found a bit in the way of DRBL support on the issue, but not enough to make me confident enough to deploy DRBL and Clonezilla00:28
tonyyarussoThe best way is to unplug yourself from the rest of the network and just work with an isolated room of those six.00:28
tonyyarussoEven if you can deal with the DHCP thing, your DRBL server will be broadcasting a ton of traffic that will congest the rest of the network if it's not detached.00:29
uccadminWell, the imaging will only be done around 4AM, and at that time there won't be much other network traffic. I figure the impact should be minimal as the server will only image 6 machines and the image is only 6GB or so.00:31
tonyyarussoAre the six machines physically/network proximate to each other?00:32
poseidonI put in a usb drive.  How can I mount the drive?  I think I need to use the mount command.  However, I don't know what I need to mount00:32
uccadminYes. They're all in a single room00:33
tonyyarussouccadmin: Well, ultimately the answer is: yes, I believe it's possible to do what you're envisioning, but it will be WAY easier to just unplug them from their uplink and do that room alone.00:34
uccadminThat makes sense. I don't know why I never thought of that00:34
tonyyarussoposeidon: it will be in as /dev/sd<something> - you'll just have to figure out which one.00:34
uccadminThough I will have to procure another machine to serve as the DRBL server. The one I was going to install it on is already being used for other things and can't be repurposed/moved at this time00:34
tonyyarussoYeah, when I did it we just grabbed an old desktop and put it on a rolling cart so it could be moved around the building.00:35
uccadminI think I have some hardware that will work well. Time to scavenge...00:39
uccadminThank you for all of your help00:39
poseidontonyyarusso, when I plug in the usb drive an sdb and sdb1 show up in /dev/  When I try mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb /mnt/ it says that an NTFS signature is not found00:40
poseidonsame with sdb100:40
kinnazfdisk /dev/sdb00:40
tonyyarussoposeidon: Are you sure it's ntfs?00:40
tonyyarussoposeidon: You will want to be mounting the sdb1 version - sdb is the whole drive, while sdb1 is the partition.00:41
tonyyarussoposeidon: Usually you won't need to specify the type at all - it can usually figure it out.00:41
poseidonIt looks like it's fat3200:44
poseidongot it to work00:45
=== ^grim76^ is now known as Grim76
Alysumhey guys - is mysql server 5.1 available on Jaunty?01:22
Alysumjaunty-updates/main mysql-server 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 [57.2kB]01:22
Alysumnot sure is it's really 5.1 ?01:22
Alysumthe name is confusing.....01:23
=== _Grim76_ is now known as Grim76__
samdhi, im trying to setup an ircd-hybric irc server,, but cant connect from the outside world, ive already routed port 6667 to my server01:30
ballhello Deevz03:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #420277 in openldap (main) "ldap tls refusing to initialize" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42027703:46
poseidonI installed ubuntu-server 9.04.  I got the wireless driver installed, but now I want to set it up so I can use it as a home server and store stuff on it from my ubuntu desktop.03:52
poseidonWhat do I need to do?03:52
qman__there's plenty of options for file servers03:54
qman__if you want to share with windows, samba is your best choice03:54
qman__if not, openssh and sftp should do it03:54
PhotoJimNFS is best if you're networking Linux/BSD machines together, as far as file sharing goes03:55
qman__NFS is horribly insecure though, so make sure to only use it on a secured LAN03:55
qman__since you're using wireless I'd advise against it03:55
PhotoJimWPA-secured WiFi is fine.03:56
PhotoJimSlow.  but fine.03:56
qman__as long as you're using AES and not TKIP, and have a strong passphrase or use some other authentication03:57
qman__TKIP is broken and all WPA is vulnerable to dictionary attacks, so weak passphrases are not acceptable03:58
poseidonI have a laptop and a desktop both running ubuntu.  I want them to be able to store files and retrieve files from it.  Is NFS the best way to go about doing that?03:58
qman__not really, NFS is better when you want to use files from the server03:59
qman__if you just want to send and recieve, more like a backup, sftp/scp/ssh is better03:59
PhotoJimin which case you're not really using a server.  you're just moving files between machines.03:59
PhotoJimfor a server, NFS.03:59
PhotoJimfor a central server, that is.04:00
PhotoJimI have a machine in my basement.  all my important stuff is on it.  NFS and Samba, for Linux/BSD and Windows, respectively.04:00
PhotoJimWPA-secured WiFi, and wired access.04:00
qman__I disagree, and advise against using NFS04:00
PhotoJimSecure WiFi + NFS > insecure WiFi + any other method of transferring files.04:01
qman__there's really no such thing as a truly secure wifi04:02
PhotoJimSecuring file transfer without securing e.g. Internet access is still an issue.04:02
PhotoJimWPA is highly secure.04:02
qman__not really04:02
qman__it's very vulnerable to dictionary attacks04:02
PhotoJimOh, don't use dictionary words then.04:02
qman__it hasn't been broken yet, but the track record is not very good04:02
PhotoJimThen we need to worry about his login passwords, too, then.04:03
qman__NFS is a security nightmare, because the way it works is not nice to firewalls04:03
PhotoJimMy NFS server doesn't listen to the WAN NIC.  it only listens to the LAN NIC.04:03
qman__it also doesn't support user authentication, only IP-based04:04
PhotoJimWAN NFS is insecure.04:04
PhotoJimOh, I agree that it's imperfect.  but this guy isn't the FBI.  he's a home user with two machines.04:04
PhotoJimyou can't spoof an IP from my LAN unless you break into my non-dictionary-word password-protected WPA-encrypted WLAN, or you break into my house and plug into my switch.04:05
qman__in any case, sshfs is a good alternative where NFS-like behavior is needed04:05
PhotoJimSlower.  Agree that it's a good alternative.04:05
PhotoJimI see it as being of primary value for WAN filesharing.04:06
PhotoJimwhen you need to mount filesystems, at least.04:06
* ScottK generally uses sftp.04:06
PhotoJimI use OpenVPN tunneling and NFS.04:06
PhotoJimI use sftp to move stuff around when I'm not here and particularly when I'm not using one of my own machines.04:06
PhotoJimbut there is convenience to having a filesystem mounted.04:06
qman__I have a mixed network, so I use samba and scp04:07
twbsshfs is built on top of sftp, fwiw04:08
PhotoJimSamba isn't really that much more secure than NFS though.04:08
twbCIFS is *less* secure than NFSv4 with kerberos04:08
qman__it has user-based authentication04:08
PhotoJimStill vulnerable to dictionary attacks.04:08
qman__of course, the only reason I use samba is to support windows clients04:09
qman__otherwise it'd all be scp/sshfs/etc...04:09
PhotoJimslower, that's all.04:09
PhotoJimif you have good security in other ways, you can get the speed of NFS working for you.04:09
PhotoJimno need to encrypt/decrypt data on a GigE LAN connection.04:10
PhotoJimor 100BaseTX for that matter.04:10
twbPhotoJim: if all you care about is speed, use socat04:10
twbOr even firehose04:10
PhotoJimtwb: not familiar with either of those.04:10
twbThey turn data streams into network streams, and vice-versa.04:10
twbssh receiver nc -l 1234 \>foo & ssh sender nc receiver 1234 \<foo04:11
twbOr something like that.04:11
PhotoJimNFS saturates my links.  what would be the advantage?04:11
PhotoJimoh.  but ssh adds encryption/decryption.  great for WAN, not great for LAN.04:11
twbPhotoJim: NFS has NFS overhead, obviously04:11
PhotoJimtwb: some overhead.  but not ridiculous.04:12
twbPhotoJim: ssh is only being used to run a command, not for the data channel.04:12
PhotoJimahh, I see.04:12
PhotoJimI didn't read it carefully.04:12
qman__scp and samba saturate my links too04:12
qman__that's not a good measure04:12
PhotoJimoh well.  do what you like. :)04:12
PhotoJimI'll stick to NFS.04:12
qman__samba has a lot of network overhead04:13
twbI'm not telling you otherwise.04:13
qman__where ssh has a lot of CPU overhead04:13
qman__the real question is how much data gets through while your link is saturated04:13
twbI'm just saying that your arguments for NFS especially valid.04:13
twbFor me NFSv3 wins because it's very easy to deploy in a homogeneous Unix environment04:14
twbNFSv3 and NIS, I'm afraid04:14
PhotoJimand it works well with OS X, also.04:14
twbIt certainly isn't secure, and it is only moderately efficient in terms of raw throughput04:14
PhotoJimalthough that's a Unix of sorts.04:15
twbOS X is BSD with heavy makeup standing under a streetlight at 2am04:15
twbI like to think my tastes are more refined ;-)04:16
nick125Mmh. Anyone here know how to get rid of these "Bad source address from client, dropping packet" errors in OpenVPN?04:16
PhotoJimI have a VAX in the basement running OpenBSD (sorry, Ubuntu, you don't work on VAX :) ).  That gets me some taste points.04:16
PhotoJimnick125: I've not seen that problem.04:16
nick125I'm trying to route all of my internet traffic on my laptop through my VPN...it connects and I can connect to the VPN host, I just can't connect to any machines beyond that.04:17
qman__is ip forwarding enabled in the kernel?04:17
nick125I believe so.04:17
* nick125 checks04:17
qman__check the routes on the system too04:18
qman__make sure it knows where all the relevant networks rae04:18
twb"bad source address" doesn't sound like "you aren't a router" to me04:18
ballPhotoJim: Which VAX?04:18
PhotoJimif you can ping the other side of the VPN, it should be easy to set the default route to a router on the other side.04:18
PhotoJimball: VAXstation 4000/60.04:18
ballPhotoJim: Nod bad.04:18
karexHI, why does my homepage in localhost couldn't be updated if I don't connect internet?04:18
PhotoJimball: it's slow.  but it's interesting.04:18
karexhelp, newbie04:19
ballPhotoJim: I tell myself I'll never buy a VAX, but if a VAXstation 2000 or a 4000/VLC came along, I'd be sorely tempted (for different reasons)04:20
ballI miss the 6000 series though04:20
qman__karex, this is #ubuntu-server, if your problem is on ubuntu desktop, join #ubuntu04:20
PhotoJimball: I got this one for free, essentially.  it was hard to say no.04:21
karexqman__: my problem is about apache+php+mysql. help me please04:21
twbI'm sufficiently weary of hardware to view doing ANYTHING outside of a VM as a waste of my time04:22
twbReal PDPs and VAXen are obviously in that list04:22
PhotoJimtwb: duly noted.04:22
qman__karex, try to explain your problem more specifically04:22
twbEspecially since I could emulate them with $100 of gear.04:23
PhotoJimFlying a flight simulator is not the same as operating a jet.04:23
twbI mean, OK, if I didn't spend ALL DAY dealing with bloody computers, it might be a refreshing challenge04:23
PhotoJimVms are useful, but they're not particularly interesting.04:23
PhotoJimyes.  good point.04:23
PhotoJimComputers aren't my day job.  They're my hobby.04:23
twbLemme guess... you're a chemist04:24
karexqman__: when it's not connected to internet, my http://localhost/ homepage couldn't be updated (I'd updated /var/www/index.php)04:24
PhotoJimif you mean chemist as in a person who is in the business of the science of chemistry, no.04:24
PhotoJimif you mean chemist as in a person who is in the business of pharmacy, also no.04:25
twbPhotoJim: what is your day job, then?04:25
PhotoJimI'm an insurance broker, and a part-time lecturer at a university business school.04:26
qman__karex, what do you mean by "couldn't be updated"?04:26
qman__karex, your index.php, is it a web page you've written, or a piece of software you've installed?04:29
karexqman__: it was not changed after I re-write /var/www/index.php (but it does when I connect to the internet or ad-hoc)04:29
karexindex.php is the default page04:29
nick125Hmm. I have eth0 and eth0:0 and I want to setup a bridge with eth0 in it for OpenVPN. How would I do those IP aliases?04:30
qman__karex, if the fact that you are connected to a network is the determining factor, it is most likely either a problem with your web browser's offline mode, or a problem with the web application you are trying to use04:33
qman__karex, other places to check are the website configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and your general apache configuration (if non-default)04:33
PhotoJimnick125: if you bridge tun0 (or whatever your VPN device is) and etho, then there is no need to include eth0:0.  it is on eth0 in hardware, so it will be bridged.  but better to route than bridge.04:42
karex_qman__: Thanx...04:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #420194 in php5 (main) "pecl.php.net is using a unsupported protocal" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42019405:41
luckyonehello all05:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #420310 in openldap (main) "tried to installed openldap,not installed completely, I don't need it now , but havaing pb because i tried to installed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42031006:10
luckyonehowdy - anyone in here with a lot of RAID experience?06:24
luckyoneI am quite newb with this and need some help recovering/mounting the other half of my RAID1 array06:25
oh_noesWhy does it take ubuntu server hardy 5 mins before NTP corrects my clock?06:51
oh_noesIs it possibel to tell it to "immediately fix when you start"06:51
sorenoh_noes: That's what ntpdate does.08:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #420366 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42036608:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #420389 in php5 (main) "php 5.2.6 'random' segfault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42038909:36
force1_hi all, i am searching for something cool to do with my server10:15
force1_something that isnt easy, and probaly wont work out of the box10:16
force1_something i have to do some research for....10:16
force1_my own idea is to sync an iphone withe server' LDAP database10:16
force1_* with the10:18
kaushali get http://paste.ubuntu.com/260795/ in dmesg. is it a hardware issue ?10:26
gnuyogaforce1_: installating windows in linux perhaps10:31
force1_what do you mean? installating?10:31
force1_you mean run a XP image in a virtual machine, with linux as the host?10:32
gnuyogakaushal: looks like hardware issue (hdd perhaps)10:33
gnuyogaforce1_: no no , i was kidding ...10:33
kaushalgnuyoga: ok10:35
kaushalso is it due to busted hdd or busted controller ?10:35
gnuyogakaushal: do u have a failed hdd or something ?10:35
kaushalit doesnot responds10:36
gnuyogai have seen this error in multiple cases10:36
gnuyogahard disk failure, cable fault, bus failure10:36
gnuyoga50% its cable and 50% is hdd10:36
kaushalI am able to login and when i do ls or pwd it doesnot responds10:36
gnuyogaso some sectors have problem, replace hdd :)10:37
kaushalgnuyoga: can we say it 100% as hdd issue ?10:37
gnuyogaforce1_: do u plan to code as well ?10:37
gnuyogakaushal: perhaps 99% ... 1% we shuoud leave it for doubt ;)10:38
kaushal... means ?10:38
kaushalyes or no :)10:38
kaushalI need to generate a report :)10:38
kaushalabout the issue10:39
force1_gnuyoga: i can write c, and php, so it certanly an option :D10:39
colcloughHi, is there a way for me to copy output from a server console to a text file on my desktop? The server is being run in virtualbox.10:42
* gnuyoga suggest force1_ to look at Gnu Hurd Project ... its really coool10:42
gnuyogacolclough: u can perhaps do a folder sharing ;)10:43
gnuyogacolclough: is ur server linux or windows ?10:43
colcloughlinux, ubuntu 8.0410:43
gnuyogaand host OS == ?10:43
colcloughlastest ubuntu10:44
colcloughI can't remember the version10:44
gnuyogano problem, so both are linux ...10:44
kaushalgnuyoga: Thanks10:45
gnuyogakaushal: np10:45
gnuyogacolclough: VirtualBox gives an option of shared folder10:46
gnuyogacolclough: the idea is u can attach a host OS folder to guest OS10:46
gnuyogafor this we need to installed guest addition i suppose (we need a new command mount.vboxsf)10:47
Malekohow do we kill particular established connections, without terminating daemon?10:47
gnuyogacolclough: search for VBoxGuestAdditions.iso it will be in /usr/share if i remember it correect10:49
colcloughThere is an option in my vbox devices->sharded folders - is that what you are talking about?10:52
gnuyogaMaleko: did u try tcpkill10:53
gnuyogaMaleko: http://www.cyberciti.biz/howto/question/linux/kill-tcp-connection-using-linux-netstat.php10:55
gnuyogacolclough: yes10:56
colcloughcool, I've made a new folder but under access it says its full10:58
gnuyogaMaleko: to get tcpkill, apt-get install dsniff10:59
gnuyogacolclough: k11:00
gnuyogacolclough: now u need to enable guest addition11:00
Malekognuyoga: thanks. no wonder i couldnt find tcpkill package11:00
gnuyogaMaleko: ;)11:01
gnuyogacolclough: now install guest addition,11:02
AisonI installed ebox on my ubuntu server (Jaunty)11:09
AisonI can login to the web appllication11:09
Aisonbut I cant enable the modules11:09
Aisoneg when I try to enable network module, the webapplication somehow hangs11:10
Aisoneg. ntp, network, etc...11:11
Aisonevents was possible to enable11:11
colcloughgnuyoga: I'm clicking on the install guest addition but nothing happens, I know it says that it takes a minute or two but its been a while now. Is there another way to install guest?11:13
gnuyogacolclough: didd u find the iso image ?11:14
colcloughAison: do you have an ad blocker installed in your browser? I'm using ebox too and I've noticed that my ad blocker effects changes too. Also you could join #ebox you'll get alot of support from the guys there.11:14
Aisoncolclough, no, no add blocker. I also tried kopete instead of firefox11:15
gnuyogaAison: why dont u ask this in #ebox channel, u might get a better response11:15
Aisongnuyoga, I will now ;)11:15
colcloughit hasn't mentioned anything to me about an iso,11:15
gnuyogaAison: not sure if its thus bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ebox/+bug/37605411:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 376054 in ebox "[karmic] installation of ebox hangs at: restarting eBox module apache" [Undecided,New]11:15
gnuyogacolclough: another way, search for VBoxGuestAdditions.iso in ur host machine11:17
gnuyogacolclough: normally it will be in /usr/share/virtualbox11:18
gnuyogaAison: what version of ebox ? 1.2 or 1.311:18
gnuyogaMaleko: tcpkill did the job for you ?11:19
gnuyogaMaleko: great !11:20
gnuyogacolclough: did u see that ISO ?11:22
colcloughyeah I've found it, I'm just trying to get vbox to use it.11:23
gnuyogacolclough: if the machine is started u can go to "Device -> mount CD/DVD Rom image"11:24
colcloughyeah thats what i've done11:26
Aisongnuyoga, i'm using the one from apt11:27
Aisongnuyoga, in ebox summary it says eBox version    0.12.211:28
gnuyogacolclough: in guest /dev/cdrom /mnt11:29
gnuyogaAison: k11:32
gnuyogaAison: i suggest u check here as well http://forum.ebox-platform.com/11:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #420451 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42045112:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #420459 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42045912:21
=== Sam-I-Am_ is now known as Sam-I-Am
godmodhello guys13:39
ricdangerdoes anyone know how to setup nss-ldap to support round-robin connections, and fallback?13:56
doc777Has anyone successfully gotten the broadcom Netextreme II going under 8.04 LTS?  lshw shows the 2 ports there as "unclaimed" and bnx2 is loaded. Also I have installed the firmware-nonfree-bnx2 package14:04
doc777I formatted the machine and installed 9.04 server and it worked perfectly... But zimbra, which is the purpose of this machine, will not run on that and requires 8.0414:15
Sam-I-Amdoc777: it probably needs the bnx2x driver14:26
Sam-I-Amdoc777: which is newer than 8.0414:26
Sam-I-Amnothing says you can't install a newer kernel on 8.0414:27
doc777Sam, I have attempted that and on boot I get the "cannot load bnx2 firmware" and it still does not load. Also, this box has no network connection so every task is great fun ;)14:32
doc777I actually have about 3 days sank into this thing now as I have formatted it 3 times, tried a couple of kernels, working with 2.6.30 which gives "Can't load firmware file bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-4.6.17.fw"14:39
Sam-I-Amdo you have the bnx2x firmware?14:44
Sam-I-Am(broadcom stuff sux btw heh)14:45
doc777yea I downloaded and installed the firmware-nonfree-bnx2 package14:46
roxy09hi there i have a question, i am purchasin a HP DL G6 server, is compatible with ubuntu, for example hot swap har drive?14:47
uvirtbotNew bug: #420545 in vtun (universe) "package vtun 3.0.2-2ubuntu1 [modified: usr/sbin/vtund] failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42054515:00
doc777Is there  a way to download a DVD with all the packages for 8.04.3 LTS server for an offline install? Trying to build a new kernel without a network connection is just great fun  ;)15:12
giovanidoc777: all of the packages? doubtful -- universe and multiverse are huge15:35
giovaniyou can do a mirror copy though15:35
giovaniand keep a repo locally15:35
* genii thinks about the ~35Gb of repo data15:37
giovaniheh, yeah15:37
giovaniputting all possible packages on a DVD isn't possible15:38
geniiYou could span 7 dvd and use apt-cdrom to add the set, conceivably. I haven't actually done this however15:38
maswaneasier to use a usb drive and put it all in there15:48
maswanor figure out what you actually need15:48
giovaniit would be easier to just have a local network repo15:51
maswanit's even easier to just put the machine on the net. :)15:52
doc777I need to install 8.04.3 but it will not recognize the Dell T410 NICS = BCM5716.  So I have no net access.  When I try and compile a new kernel it fails with various reasons, which is probably some package missing.  Working with internet is rough ;)15:52
doc777The new T410 has no PCI slots, all PCI-X, and I do not happen to have a PCI-X nic laying about.15:53
doc777After 3 days I am about ready to start drinking ;)15:54
Boohbahdoes dell provide a driver for it?15:54
doc777yes, but it will not seem to build on this system at the moment. It is a "loop".  It seems ubuntu has all sorts of bugs with the bnx2 driver at the moment.15:56
Sam-I-Ammore like the bnx2* driver has all sorts of bugs :/15:56
Sam-I-Ambroadcom is known for code blobs15:56
Boohbahdarn binary blobs :(15:57
doc777Yes, I agree. I am debating on centos or overnight an INTEL PCI-X nic15:57
Sam-I-Amthose are nice15:58
Sam-I-Amanything but broadcom and a few other ho-hum companies15:58
doc777I have 8.04 LTS on 3 other Dell power edges but this new T410 seems to use something else. They are all broadcom netextreme II, it says, just the new will not work ;)16:00
doc777Thanks for the help all. I just ordered an Intel NIC and will disable the broadcom trash for now ;)  Take care.16:17
aubrewhen I do a sudo euca_conf -addnode nodename   , it wants a password, and asks for the eucalyptus user's password, but the eucalyptus user doesn't have a password - what do I do?16:24
aubrethose broadcom netextreme II work fine with jaunty16:25
KillMeNowi'm running broadcom on my Dell 1u boxes16:26
KillMeNowwith Jaunty16:26
aubreI have a R610 and 2 R410s no problem16:26
=== dendrobates_ is now known as dendrobates
SirDerigohi people, i need to know what hosting control panel you actually use?17:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #417996 in apache2 (main) "segfault in libphp5.so, I think its because of zend-framework" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41799617:11
giovaniSirDerigo: be more specific -- do you mean like a commercial hosting platform? or something along the lines of webmin/ebox17:13
SirDerigogiovani: something like cpanel but free17:13
SirDerigoa thing that can deal whit subdomains, a script autoinstaller, things like that17:13
giovaniI don't know if one exists17:14
giovanigoogle free hosting control panel17:14
geniiISPConfig isn't too horrible.17:29
SirDerigogenii: not, it doesnt is, but i want to know if another exist17:29
=== aubre is now known as aubre_afk
=== Authority is now known as Guest68719
uvirtbotNew bug: #420639 in php5 (main) "php-pear package problems (Karmic)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42063918:01
=== SirDerigo is now known as SirDerigo-eating
geniiI wonder if that bug affects Horde18:35
baccenfutterI just realized, that `ssh -D 8080 -Nf domain.tld` sems to break down after too long idle time... regular ssh connections don't, though. Does the socks env need a certain config in sshd_config to stay up while idling?18:58
baccenfutter Read from remote host shell.c-base.org: Connection reset by peer18:58
=== xorigin_ is now known as xorigin
=== Guest68719 is now known as Authority
MTeckHow can I make a pointer so when somebody goes to one page, they're actually looking at a different one? So wget site1.com/file.tgz is actually downloading site2.com/long/path/name/file.tgz19:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #419487 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.0.7-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (dup-of: 349469)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41948719:36
armando_Que tal19:45
armando_acabo de montar un Ubuntu Server , con samba pero este cada 5 minutos mas o menos me arroja mensajes de que reinicia19:45
armando_I have a problem with my samba server , i mount Ubuntu Server 9.04 , but when i start the server , the shell show samba is restarting , anybody knows how to fix this problem.?19:49
=== aubre_afk is now known as aubre
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
sorenarmando_: It's not a problem. It's perfectly normal.20:25
sorenarmando_: It's usually becuase your network interface takes a little bit before it gets configured and at that point, samba gets restarted.20:26
armando_ok , but i can remove this mesage from the screen , arent know hide the message.21:30
=== aubre is now known as aubre_afk
omnydevigreetings, trying to install jaunty server on a microdot mobo. seems it cannot detect my hdd's. i googled a bit and found a pci=nomsi option, and tried it at install, but still no luck. any ideas?22:14
omnydevithey are sata drives22:15
omnydevimeh, i'll just try 8.0422:19
BrixSat_im inside a machine using shh and the machine cant ping or acess ubuntu updates like it would not have nety22:24
BrixSat_im over net on the machine22:24
BrixSat_:s i can enter via ssh on the machine using it's domain22:34
BrixSat_and once inside i cant ping nothing22:34
BrixSat_any ideia?22:42
ruben23hi how do i make an application startup automatically upon reboot on ubuntu-server23:11
ruben23anyone have idea23:12
jmarsden|workruben23: If it is a daemon, make sure it has an initscript and use that to start it.23:13
jmarsden|workIf not, look at editing /etc/rc.local or maybe a crontab entry with a @reboot time value23:14
ruben23ok thanks23:14
jmarsden|workNo problem.23:14

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