
LLStarksbryce, the bug component statuses should be updated.00:24
bryceLLStarks, go ahead00:25
bryceLLStarks, yeah the bug is sort of a mess00:25
bryceLLStarks, to be honest it seems not too useful to have a bug open for a development branch still in work upstream00:26
LLStarkswell, i had been under the impression that most of the branch merges indicated component readiness00:27
LLStarksat any rate, i think the bug is necessary considering how huge the implementation is.00:28
LLStarksit requires the tracking of multiple code trees00:28
LLStarksand i'm sure mark would like to track this for lucky lemur.00:30
bryceI disagree, I think using bugs to track upstream code branches gives little value00:30
brycebut whatever00:33
brycefor the first time in as long as I can remember, we presently have fewer -intel bug reports than -nvidia09:25
superm1bryce, did you see what i uploaded for that -nvidia problem?  i think it should take care of it..09:34
brycesuperm1, yup sure did, thanks for that :-)09:34
superm1and my you're up late09:34
superm1(although i should speak for myself)09:35
bryceI'm getting a new -ati upload ready.  I've tested it out and it seems pretty solid so far09:35
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
MindVirus1Hello. I'm running Karmic right now on an Intel 945GME. Could someone help me get direct rendering?17:33
MindVirus1"direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set)" is what  Iget.17:33
MindVirus1*I get.17:33
jcristaudon't set LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT.17:34
MindVirus1I didn't set it.17:35
estanhey folks. is the 2.6.30 kernel from karmic copied to the x-updates repo in the same way that it is for the edgers repo?18:10
estani mean for jaunty.18:10
estanseems not.18:18
* estan installs debs instead.18:21
tjaaltonkarmic has .3118:32
Duke`is Sarvatt on hollidays?19:14
bryceDuke, I've not seen him in a long time19:34
kazadebryce, you know that GDM looping bug on R600? Alex Deutchers's R600 3D patch alone fixes the issue, I've updated the bug report. Obviously I don't know which part of the patch fixes it though...it's a big patch19:36
kazades/Deutcher/Deucher :)19:38

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