
MilitantPotatobigDaddy: was slow, buggy, and crashed a lot till I upgraded my ATI drivers and installed Shockwave Flash 10.0 r3200:00
jon_MilitantPotato: Scanning Collection now00:00
NeXstaRhow to rename root files in terminal using user account ?00:00
MagnetophonHi, i installed jaunty on my friends pc, and now his xp is acting up. That cannot be related, right?00:00
tildevipx1: I thought Ctrl+Alt+(F1-F6) were all supposed to be terminals00:00
erUSULtilde: but in newer versions instaed of root shell there si some kind of courses menu...00:00
IdleOneMagnetophon: nope00:00
vipx1I was stuck the other night and only F6 worked for me.. I hit them all00:00
gwildorNeXstaR, sudo mv /foo/oldfilename /foo/newfilename00:00
IdleOneMagnetophon: he can still boot into xp?00:00
tildeerUSUL: How do I boot into recovery mode with no monitor?00:00
vipx1Then I used it a few times00:01
tildeI wouldn't know what to type and when :p00:01
tildealright I'll give Terminal 6 a shot.. brb guys00:01
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erUSULtilde: indeed is the second entry in grub.... some guess work needed00:01
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nsptilde: Ctrl-Alt-F1 F2 F3 F4 should give you console terminals if you are logged into the machine directly.00:02
PieroDoes glade2 program that comes with Ubuntu design interfaces to use with python?00:02
nsptilde: But not through a secure shell connection.00:02
MilitantPotatowe need 1 person to connect00:03
zebrafusionhi friend. I accidently rm'd my Desktop folder. Now my home folder symlinks to the desktop and the desktop mirrors the file structure. Can anyone help me get back to the default Desktop folder?00:03
nsptilde: What are you trying to do?00:03
nsahoolooking for a better job manager than shell builtins. In a multi-core system I want to run 100s of different tasks and get the output in a certain order00:03
nspzebrafusion: zebrafusion How did you remove it?00:03
nsahooor rather in the run order00:03
nspzebrafusion: is it in the "trash"00:03
zebrafusionnsp: not sure it was one of those crazy bugs00:03
zebrafusionnsp: no00:03
bobbycheetahany blackberry users out there?00:04
kamikazeplanetanyone have issuses with random freezes in ubuntu 9.04?00:04
DeeleerUSUL, ok, thanks for help, you are nice =D00:05
erUSULDeele: no problem00:05
erUSULDeele: glad to be of help00:05
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bobbycheetahjust switched to 8310 from 8100 and microsd card is not recognized by ubuntu.  worked fine with 8100.  settings are correct afaik.00:05
aciculakamikazeplanet: i did, but not very often, and admitedly i had similar issues on XXP00:05
bobbycheetahhave searched thru countless forums.00:05
vipx1YEs my desktop frooze the other night when I cntrl alt L and then screen saver came on and froze!00:06
miguelonnnnplease 1 fast question, what'st the program to download a whole page?00:06
kamikazeplaneti thought it was my wireless since it first happend 2 times when trying o use it. now it worked but suddenly it froze00:06
aciculamiguelonnnn: wget00:06
erUSULmiguelonnnn: httrack or wget00:06
vipx1I read somewhere it might be an issue with Intel graphics adapter00:06
miguelonnnnwget i know it, but how?00:06
aciculaman wget00:06
miguelonnnnwget "url" give sme only a file00:06
sebsebseb!intel |  vipx100:06
ubottuvipx1: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.00:06
nspzebrafusion: is it in the "trash"?00:06
miguelonnnnyeah, but i'm watching a series at tv hehehe00:06
miguelonnnnno time for manning :P00:07
nspbobbycheetah: I'm a blackberry user00:07
ecumenicalI am trying to share internet connection with a router... Any ideas?00:07
erUSULmiguelonnnn: wget -r --no-parent url00:07
vipx1Yes there is work around but it hasn't done it since and th work around looks scary00:07
neodragonI had shiretoko a.k.a. Firefox 3.5 pre-release installed on my system. I tried to remove it so I could install the official 3.5 meta package in synaptic and I think I think I deleted the symlinks to firefox as well so even though I now have the official firefox 3.5 installed non of my shortcut Icons work, help?00:07
miguelonnnnok thankssss see you l8r00:07
sebsebsebvipx1: also if you  get problems with Gnome screensaver,  and  would like to have screensavers, you could do xscreensaver instead00:07
aciculamiguelonnnn: -r i think\00:07
neodragonwhere are the firefox 3.5 files located so I can fix the symlinks00:07
miguelonnnnyeah thx acicula , erUSUL told me right now thanks both!! bye00:07
MilitantPotatoneodragon: try firefox 3.500:08
BarnoseDoes anyone play full tilt poker on Ubuntu. I used to play it using wine, now I cannot get it to work.00:08
vipx1Nice one I'll check that out, It was an intence 3D screen saver which didn't help I'd imagine..00:08
kamikazeplanetcan someone recomend another linux that is easy to use since ubuntu fails me?00:08
thahaussHi all, I'm new to ubuntu and having a rough time getting my sound blaster audigy 2 work, I try to go to "alsamixer" in terminal and get this00:08
krihi when editing 'main menu ' bla bla.. 'gnome-main-menu.jpg' and have edit it the way i want it (in antoher color) i go to 'gconf-editor>apps>panel>objects>objectX>use custom icon [X] and then set a string?00:08
thahaussalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory00:08
thahaussthahauss@HAUSSDUO ~ $ alsamixer00:08
thahauss- didn't mean 2 paste it like that sorry00:09
sebsebsebvipx1: by the way  the  Intel graphics card issues,  will  be nicely fixed for Ubuntu 9.10,  by  what  I read00:09
bobbycheetahnsp: are you there?00:09
ecumenicalHow can I configure Ubuntu to share the internet (acquired on wlan) with other computers on a lan (connected to eth0)?00:09
erUSUL!ics | ecumenical00:09
ubottuecumenical: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php00:09
kamikazeplanetbut when does 9.10 get released?00:09
jon_MilitantPotato: It didn't work :P00:10
iCHRYSTHey, can anyone help me with a problem I have with ubuntu? I just installed the latest release, and the sound is comming out of my tower speakers instead of my surround sound speakers I have connected.00:10
sebsebsebvipx1: nicely fixed  heh,   and  9.10 comes out at the end of October00:10
sebsebsebkamikazeplanet: see above00:10
ecumenicalthank you erUSUL00:10
vipx1Yes Seb, I can't wait for it's release, I'm looking forward to it!00:10
erUSULkamikazeplanet: 200*9* october (*10*)00:10
kricustom icon for "gnome-main-menu.png"? i have made the edit just need to activate in gconf 'use custom icon' new string what sort? and what data?00:10
tharveylooks like USBView is no longer packaged for Ubuntu?  is there an alternative/solution for jaunty?00:11
kamikazeplanetcan you recomend another distro erUSUL?00:11
thahausscan someone please help me make my sound card work?  I cant get to "alsamixer" in terminal00:11
kamikazeplanetthat is easy and fit on a 700mb disk?00:11
MagnetophonIdleOne: yes he can, but it does not work 100%00:11
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erUSULkamikazeplanet: not really. long time since i tried other distros. opensuse? mandrake? fedora? do a little of googling00:12
jon_My Amarok2 won't play my music, it just skips from song to song. any ideas on what to do?00:12
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alesanhi where do I define a global alias for bash?00:12
MilitantPotatojon_:  that sucks, try running amarok from a terminal, see if it throws errors?00:12
alesanI want "v" to be an alias for "ls -alh"00:13
alesanfor all users system wide00:13
erUSULalesan: on ~/.bashrc ?00:13
alesanerUSUL, that is not global00:13
erUSULalesan: for all users /etc/bash.bashrc ?00:13
MilitantPotatojon_:  amarok --debug00:13
kricustom icon for "gnome-main-menu.png"? i have made the edit just need to activate in gconf 'use custom icon' new string what sort? and what data?00:13
erUSULalesan: you should make your question in one line. less time wasted00:14
BarnoseCan someone tell the keyboard shortcut for Force quit?00:14
erUSUL!ask | alesan00:14
ubottualesan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:14
alesanalesan> hi where do I define a global alias for bash?00:14
erUSULalesan: for all users /etc/bash.bashrc00:14
alesanwasn't that on one line?00:14
kriBarnose: if you have a keyboard shortcut for 'run' then run xkill00:14
vipx1seb: I just built a new machine with Intel DQ45EK m/board onboard DVI so 9.10 will be well received. I've a link to  pictures of the build on my signature in Ubuntu forums00:14
erUSULalesan: the part about for all users was missing00:14
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vipx1The size of that moher board is cool00:14
Dragon_MasterIt okays certain songs00:15
alesanerUSUL, but I wrote "global"00:15
Dragon_Masterbut others it doesn't00:15
Barnosecould someone tell me the keyboard shortcut for Force quit00:15
BarnoseSorry, I pressed alt+F400:15
sebsebsebvipx1: ok00:15
erUSULalesan: i understood global == "for all my bash sessions"00:15
naideldoes anyone know if there's an irc server i can join to ask a very simple java question?00:16
erUSULalesan: anyway. the answer has been given00:16
erUSULnaidel: #java in this network ?00:16
alesanyeah now I wish to have a colorful prompt like Gentoo had... the one I am getting in Ubuntu is black and white00:16
naidelerUSUL, i get some message about needing to be identified to joining that channel00:16
erUSULnaidel: try ##java00:16
aj_444How do I change the boot order in GRUB?00:17
erUSULnaidel: or register your nick is quite easy00:17
uccadminDoes anyone have any experience with DRBL on an Ubuntu server installation?00:17
IdleOne!register > naidel00:17
ubottunaidel, please see my private message00:17
erUSUL!register | naidel00:17
ubottunaidel: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode00:17
* erUSUL oops00:17
kriBarnose: what keys do you press to get up 'Run Application' dialog?00:17
Dragon_MasterMilitantPotato: any other ideas XD00:17
IdleOnealt F200:17
Barnosekri: Alt+ F200:17
naidelah, thanks IdleOne00:18
MilitantPotatoDragon_Master: did amarok --debug show any errors when it fails to play certain songs?00:18
kriBarnose: hit Alt+F2 then type xkill and enter end kill the software you intend to kill.00:18
greenbowlCan anyone help me with a simple problem with Gobby in Ubuntu?00:18
iCHRYSTHow do I get into the terminal in ubuntu?00:18
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:18
greenbowlEvery time I press "Enter" (return key) in the chat, a space is created00:18
greenbowlOr a new line00:18
kriBarnose: Dont know if their is a keyboard shortcut for ending the process.00:18
aj_444How do I change the boot order in GRUB?00:19
Barnosekri: k thanks00:19
greenbowlInstead of outputting what I typed00:19
IdleOnegreenbowl: modify your prefs00:19
kamikazeplanetcan someone recomend me a linux that is nice for noobs and is not ubuntu?00:19
Dragon_MasterNo errors00:19
IdleOnekamikazeplanet: #linux00:19
unopkamikazeplanet, distrowatch.com00:19
kamikazeplanetthanks you00:19
Dragon_MasterMilitantPotato: No errors00:19
MilitantPotatoDragon_Master: No idea, I use RythmBox since they released the feature sparse latest Amarok00:19
IdleOneunop: was my answer wrong? I thought they would know :)00:20
greenbowlNevermind there is a different problem00:20
greenbowlThe text won't show sometimes, and I have to reload the screen00:20
MilitantPotatoDragon_Master: It's as functional, and less buggy00:20
MilitantPotatoDragon_Master: I'd vote downgrading to the old amarok if you can find it.00:20
unopIdleOne, we (in #linux) point people to distrowatch .. saving us a step :)00:20
Dragon_MasterI prefer Amarok over others :P00:20
aj_444is anyone in familiar with GRUB?00:20
kriMilitantPotato: what is rhytmbox i saw it i removed it.00:20
IdleOneunop: will do00:20
kriwhy not xmms?00:20
MilitantPotatokri: media player00:20
krixmms, mplayer, web all you need.00:21
MilitantPotatoAudacious is my favorite, sorta00:21
krino no no00:21
MilitantPotatojust because it's a WinAmp clone00:21
krithat bs00:21
zebrafusionhi friends. I accidently rm'd my Desktop folder. Now my home folder symlinks to the desktop and the desktop mirrors the file structure. Can anyone help me get back to the default Desktop folder?00:21
krii had audacious for over a half year how could i?00:21
krixmms is way more better.00:21
MilitantPotatoWhat frontend do you use kri?00:21
kriMilitantPotato: frontend?00:22
erUSULzebrafusion: mkdir ~/Desktop then edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs and point the DESKTOP var to the correct folder00:22
MilitantPotatoIsn't xmms a CLI app?00:22
zebrafusionerUSUL: LIFE SAVER00:22
zebrafusionerUSUL: thank you so much00:22
erUSULMilitantPotato: no00:22
kriMilitantPotato: i need to change my Main Menu Icon.. Have you done that?00:22
unopkri, xmms is being phased out - actually, it already is00:22
kriMilitantPotato: you mean what resps?00:22
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.00:22
kriunop: well its stable for mp3s00:22
unopMilitantPotato, no, it's a GUI app .. xmms2 is a CLI app00:23
bobbycheetah4 Gb microsd card not recognized by ubuntu, but it used to. It worked in my Blackberry Pearl 8100 with Ubuntu 8.04 fine. I switched to Curve 8310 & Ubuntu does not see it. btool works, and charging is fine. The Mass Storage settings on BB are set as they should be. I have formatted the card via the BB.  Also, I put the card in it's adapter, then inserted into my laptop which is running Ubuntu. It is recognized successfully and auto00:23
bobbycheetahmatically mounted. Any ideas on why I'm not getting the prompt for Mass Storage when used in my Blackberry Curve 8310 and connecting to Ubuntu? Thanks!00:23
MilitantPotatoAh, xmms2 must of been what I installed00:23
tamerguys, i am having a trouble with my apt-get here, it says i should issue 'dpkg --configure -a', but when i do that i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/260602/ I need your help!00:23
kriunop: dunno about flac and losless but audacious is NOT stable in my opinion.00:23
kriunop: and ive runned it for 1000s of hours.. so00:23
unopkri, well, it may be stable - but it's no longer in development, so ..00:24
kriwell anyway do somone know how i change my 'gnome_main_menu.png' to my edited one?00:24
MilitantPotatoIf Amarok got it's EQ working again I'd use it.00:24
BioVoreMilitantPotato: they break it again?00:24
MilitantPotatoI've really had a falling out with KDE4 in a major way00:24
BioVoreMilitantPotato: same.. kde4 just dosn't do it for me anymore..00:25
MilitantPotatoKDE4 feels like a demo, no real features that made KDE3.5 great work, alot of  the apps are incomplete00:25
unopI just adore dolphin - nothing else about KDE400:25
kriAmarok i dont know about. Seems nice.00:25
unopkri, you might like aqualung00:25
MilitantPotatoAmarok's prev version was amazing, they released the latest w/o most of the features it needs to be a complete player.00:26
krino terminal based music player00:26
unopkri, both amarok and aqualung aren't CLI apps00:26
djanatynHeh. If a few more people join, there will be 1337 people :)00:27
MilitantPotatoBioVore: EQ has been missing since they went with 2.0 yea?00:27
BioVoreMilitantPotato: I guess..  I havn't bothered with kde4 atm.  I am still using kde300:27
BioVoreworks better imo00:28
MilitantPotatoBioVore: on Jaunty?00:28
greenbowlCan anyone help me with Gobby?00:28
kriunop: you know how to change the main menu icon?00:28
greenbowlMy chat isn't working properly00:28
BioVoreMilitantPotato: Naw.. I run LTS  8.0400:28
teknopupwith a gun00:28
greenbowlThe text only shows properly when I click "send"00:28
kriunop: whent thru tons of guides the last 4 hours00:28
greenbowlIf I use enter, the text is sent but I have to minimize then maximize the window again00:28
MilitantPotatoBioVore: ahh, If it wasn't such a chore I'd downgrade.  going to gnome was easier00:28
BioVoreMilitantPotato: technically you could build it..  I wouldn't be supprised if someone has some debs..00:29
MinorityStormis it possible to modify a file on a filesystem without changing its mtime or atime ? I know about remounting the filesystem with noatime but I believe there's no such nomtime option?00:29
MilitantPotatoBioVore: There are, I prefer to avoid 3rd party or bleeded edge installs00:29
unopkri, hmm, I don't use gnome for this very reason - every version is so majorly different that it's hard keeping up with what's changed.00:30
unopkri, i think I used this successfully once  - http://www.marksanborn.net/linux/changing-the-default-gnome-menu-icon/00:31
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kriunop: thanks i try that one00:33
kri2nd when i thru can i like compile my deafult system and burn it on a dvd if my disk crash or whatever and i want to reinastall..?00:33
MilitantPotatokri: Ubuntu Tweak00:34
MilitantPotatokri:  on the left, click Gnome, then click the "Click the button to change the menu logo"00:34
Scunizikri: use partimage or clonezilla to image your drive for later restoration00:34
MilitantPotatokri: Ubuntu Tweak also has other handy stuff00:34
dr3mrohey any one here can help me add arabic language support to openbox00:36
linuxi am trying to upgrade from ubuntu-server 6.06 to current, but a sudo apt-get install update-manager-core gives a broken uninstallable package error: python-gnup*, anyone know how to fix this to upgrade ubuntu?00:38
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chalcednyhi linux00:38
linuxhey chalcedny00:38
BioVorelinux: need to dist upgrade00:38
BioVore!dist upgrade00:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dist upgrade00:39
dr3mrohey any one here can help me add arabic language support to openbox00:39
chalcednydoes anyone have luck getting jaunty to support page numbers in open office?  when i try to add page numbers to a footer i get "Page Numbers" .. not numbers :(00:39
linuxBioVore, I don't know much about that either, you mean a sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade?00:39
vaiylinux, apt-get dist-upgrade00:40
BioVorelinux: I believe its apt-get dist-upgrade00:40
BioVorelinux: need to update your apt sources and then apt-get update before hand though..00:40
chalcednyi should add this is a problem in Jaunty, Ubuntu 9.04 NOT other uses of Open Office, which is why i'm asking here.00:40
linuxthat doesn't tell me im upgrading to 9.04, but it is behind the background?00:40
BioVorechalcedny: Its does do it..  But I don't remember of hand how..00:41
losherlinux: wassn't 6.06 end-of-lifed ages ago. Are there even repos for it any more?00:41
BactaHow can I get a list of the last 20 packages I installed?00:41
chalcednyBioVore, if you can try.. i'm sure stuck00:41
linuxlosher: its the only CD I have of ubuntu, so i have to upgrade from 6.06 to 9.0400:41
losherBacta: /var/lib/dpkg/status00:41
kriMilitantPotato: that's cheating.00:42
MilitantPotatoBacta: if you used synaptic, it's in file>history00:42
MilitantPotatokri: nah, if it works safely, is faster and easier, it's just better.00:42
BactaSo the /var/lib/dpkg/status file is in chronological order?00:42
kriunop: that guide did not work.00:42
losherBacta: sorry, no. I meant /var/log/dpkg.log00:43
kriMilitantPotato: well couldnt even find it in E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-tweak00:43
MilitantPotatokri: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/downloads00:43
losherlinux: dunno if that's even possible, from so far back...00:44
kriMilitantPotato: naah i just wanted to change the color of the main menu00:45
BioVorelinux: I know to 8.04 will work from 6.0600:46
losherlinux: my bad: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades says you can upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 LTS00:46
chalcednyBioVore, why not save your data and do a new installation?00:46
renato_hi everyone00:47
BioVorechalcedny: that works to if you can..00:47
losherchalcedny: BioVore: linux: that's what I'd do (a new install). But each to their own...00:47
chalcednythe upgrading over more than one distribution was bad for me, i hope it goes better for you00:47
losherchalcedny: BioVore: linux: it goes without saying (though I say it now) that you need to do a full backup before upgrading, in case it all goes wrong...00:48
coz_which is very likely00:48
chalcednylosher, amen!00:49
voltagexhi, I'm trying to get a Nokia N95 to work as a bluetooth modem in Jaunty - how do I get it to appear as a modem device?00:49
snxdp2question: is there any other firewall, that will maintain your safety as good as firestarter in ubuntu?00:49
coz_chalcedny,  i generally go by the phylosphy,..."If i am not reading to reinstall at any given moment,,then I am doing something wrong "00:49
coz_if I am not ready00:49
coz_not reading00:49
BioVoresnxdp2: farestarter is just a gui front end for iptables..00:50
coz_it loses imapct if there is bad spelling lol00:50
snxdp2so a recomenden firewall would be?00:51
david_hey guys00:51
BioVoresnxdp2: iptables..  (Its the only one..)  unless you rewrite the kernel...00:51
david_anybody know of a ringtone converter for LG (Sprint) phones00:51
david_snxdp2,  software firewalls are not that effective00:52
Guest25910excuse me00:52
Guest25910can someone help me00:53
voltagexdavid_: what format does it use? MP3?00:53
Guest25910just a few minutes00:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:53
losherdavid_: I don't know why you'd say software firewalls are not that effective. They work perfectly well if they're configured correctly...00:53
snxdp2used to win, and got the paranoia, that win includes.. lol00:53
david_losher,  no they don't their software based so their subject to hacks, rootkits, etc....00:53
Guest25910how do i change that grey color in the window00:53
BioVorelosher: I don;t there there are any software firewalls for linux..00:53
SerialKilleri need to get around this damn gameguard thing so i can play my game00:54
david_losher,  but any firewall is only as good as the administrator in the end00:54
SimonP86Beginners question: In terminal I want to run a process but I want to be able to use the same terminal afterwards00:54
SimonP86what do I type to do this?00:54
macoSimonP86: nohup <command> &00:55
MilitantPotatoSimon, put a & at the end00:55
MilitantPotatolike pidgin &00:55
aboSamoordoes anyone knows how can I do chat in terminal like google talk ?00:55
SimonP86maco: thanks :)00:56
losherdavid_: well, I admit I use a linksys wrt54g running tomato firmware...00:56
david_voltagex,  Im trying to ascertain that info on the ringtone format i thought it was qcp but nowim questioning it00:56
SerialKilleranyone know how to get around game guard00:56
moleprinceHi.  I just found this message in my auth.log, but it is really unhelpful, doesn't even show a username or pid.  Is there any way I can find more information on this login attempt?  Thanks!  info (auth) :  subsystem request for sftp00:56
david_losher, a real DMZ is always best i would say00:56
voltagexdavid_: qcp looks correct, but never seen that format00:57
tildensp, erUSUL, acicula: Terminal 6 worked.  For some reason Ctrl+Alt+F1 - F4 didn't work, but F6 worked fine.  *Shrug*00:57
Dominik1how can I rename an external drive?00:57
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david_voltagex, yea its next to impossible to find a converter for, thats why Im here00:58
david_voltagex,  I just have better songs on my drive then i can scam through codes offline00:58
linuxdavid_: what codec does the ring-tone use? or an midi?00:58
RPG_MasterBrasero only goes to 10X and I need 1X :(00:58
wikiaulacomo  les  vaaaaa?00:58
voltagexdavid_: A windows application in WINE maybe00:58
david_Linux i believe its qcp00:58
Tony__i cant openssh into my ipod touch even though i have before.... It says "Error, Permission Denied"00:58
loshermoleprince: looks very like http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openssh/bugs/4560400:58
david_voltagex,  ya i saw that program00:58
voltagexlinux: qcp, seems to be a qualcomm proprietry format00:58
david_voltagex,  I have wine00:58
david_voltagex,  is right its qualcomm00:59
linuxdavid_: try opening it with audacity after finding out how the file format is arranged (big-endian, bitrate, sampling rate, etc)00:59
david_voltagex,  I meant to type I HATE wine00:59
voltagexdavid_: try an mp3 on there first00:59
Guest47814Am I here?00:59
SerialKilleranyone know how to bypass game guard?00:59
moleprincelosher: Already found that, thanks.  So given that it's a known bug, though, is there anywhere else I can check that might give me more?00:59
linuxdavid_: of course using the import raw data in audacity (assuming not a midi child)00:59
sebsebsebdavid_: Hate Wine hmm,   why?00:59
voltagexdavid_: although it sounds like your provider has disabled that...00:59
david_voltagex,  i did it only plays it in the music player it wont recognize it in the ringers section00:59
RPG_Master....Brasero only goes to 10X and I need 1X. How do I set it lower?00:59
TheSpazzz_Hoping someone can help me.  Earlier today my Ubuntu box quit doing DNS lookups or is doing them very slowly.  I can ping google.com and it will literaly hang for minutes before it will get one reply, I can ping by IP address and it works fine00:59
david_sebsebseb,  just a laggy program imho01:00
voltagexdavid_: unfortunaly your provider has crippled the phone01:00
david_sebsebseb,  bulky more to the point01:00
linuxTheSpazzz: a temporary solution is sudo /etc/resolv.conf and add "nameserver" without the quotes (opendns)01:00
vaiyTheSpazzz, is your resolve.conf ok?01:00
Guest47814Vivian Vance would have been 100 years old this month.01:00
david_voltagex,  ya seems its typical lol01:00
TheSpazzz_Even getting into the IRC room here gave me "host not found"01:00
linuxTheSpazzz: *sudo nano ... (correction)01:00
david_voltagex,  and here I was thinking id get Dinosaur JR on myphone lol01:01
sebsebsebdavid_: Wine is  a rather impressive program,  a lot of stuff  just works and works well in it these days,  quite a bit won't though,   but  all  the time and  effort  that had to be made  to make Wine,  if you had some idea about that,  you would probably know it's amzing01:01
blacksaddavid do you jalbreak your i touch to reconize in ubuntu with audacity or amarok ?01:01
sebsebsebdavid_: well  not  amazing, but impressive yes01:01
Sp0dCan anyone here help me try and diagnose my low fps problem while running TF2 through wine?  glxgear gives around 16k fps each loop01:01
WebcamWonderAre there any docs that instruct on howto store password in the key-right, and then how to later retrieve them using scripts/01:01
TheSpazzz_linux: Switching DNS server isn't the issue  Windows does not exhibit the behavior01:01
RPG_MasterAnyhelp with brasero for me?01:01
david_sebsebseb, Im sure your right sadly my only experience with was a few years back and it was just awfully slow01:01
linuxTheSpazzz: does your ISP use DNS blocking techniques that blocks external IP'ed DNS servers? (like mine)01:01
sebsebsebdavid_: well since a few years  back 1.0 come out,  and since then there have been quite  a few releases as well01:02
enthdegreeare there any applications for ubuntu that can check whether popular packages installed from source are outdated?01:02
loshermoleprince: well, there's an openssh user mailing list (among others). I assume that would be the appropriate place to discuss it. http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openssh/01:02
david_sebsebseb,  but you know how it goes first bad taste and then you dont want seconds01:02
TheSpazzz_linux: No idea, Agian, I do not belive my connection is the issue.  A windows XP machine, identical hardware, connected to identical router, connected to the same ISP, DOES NOT exibit this behavior.01:02
vaiyTheSpazzz_,  do you use some sort of firewall / nat or traffic shaping stuff?01:02
coz_enthdegree,  good question   I dont know  generally  checking the site where you downloaded the source pacakge is how I would go about it01:03
BioVoreTheSpazzz_: IPv6 routing issues maybe?01:03
TheSpazzz_vaiy : Nope, PRacticly a vanilla Ubuntu install01:03
david_voltagex,  im gonna try and scam some downloads from sprint i didnt want to be forced to do that01:03
sebsebsebdavid_:   Wine  or  Windows virtual machine, unless 3D Windows gaming or some such, but even that's getting there01:03
moleprincelosher: Thanks, I'll try to look.  Was wondering if there was a program I could use to gather more data [snort?  something else??]01:03
sebsebsebdavid_: oh yeah and ideally people should use native Linux apps on a Linux distro of course01:03
david_sebsebseb,  agreed01:03
enthdegree@coz True, I could always just use some page checker FF extension...01:03
linuxTheSpazzz: maybe try to compile resolv from source code? (its not that stable on ubuntu)?01:03
enthdegreewank you!01:03
TheSpazzz_BioVore: God I hope not, Nivida won't compile on a kernel I can shut it off with (please don't get me started with Ubuntu and IPV6.  I'd like to hang some of the devs for what they did with that)01:03
enthdegreeTHINK YJOU01:03
enthdegreeThank you.. =_=01:04
coz_enthdegree,  I also generally only install  pacakges that are not avialable for my distriburtioni01:04
coz_enthdegree,   but I do compile applications regularly01:04
coz_enthdegree,  I am also inclined to use svn or git revisions and versions rather than release appls01:04
TheSpazzz_linux: Why compile it from scratch when it was working fine up till an hour ago?01:04
david_ok thanks guys/gals/......I'm gonna try some alternatives cheers01:04
blacksaddavid just a question you ask about i touch it is natively reconize by ubuntu or you use wine emulation just a question01:04
linuxTheSpazzz_: it refreshes the files on the system with the correct libraries01:04
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enthdegreegit can't auto-compile/install software, though. Can it?01:05
ubuntu_ircwhat's is alternate cd?01:05
bcjCan anyone point me to a nautilussvn tutorial?01:05
coz_enthdegree,  I believe you can update a git  install01:05
linuxenthdegree: git can do them all01:05
vaiyTheSpazzz_, you could take a look at the traffic with some package capture tool. Wireshark01:05
KenSharpevening all, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/371750  I can't find apport-collect.  which package provides it?01:06
linuxTheSpazzz_: you aren't using vpnc are you?01:06
coz_enthdegree, let me qualify that...you can update the source package but you will still have to recompile01:06
BioVoreKenSharp: apt-get install apport01:06
miketoshmy fonts are all blurred out01:06
jduubuntu_irc, a cd for installing ubuntu that uses a text based installer (ie.  there is no live environment)01:06
enthdegreeWell, that's still better than nothing.01:06
BioVoreKenSharp: looks like that file is in that package.01:06
loshermoleprince: are you saying you suspect the sftp represents a security breach?01:06
ubuntu_ircwhere would i put the ubuntu.iso file to install from hard disk?https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows01:06
miketoshcan't read most words01:06
KenSharpBioVore, it's already installed.  i guess there's something wrong with my paths01:07
coz_enthdegree,  my example would be Inkscape... I only use svn and that has to be update but  I still have to recompile the updated svn directory01:07
linuxmiketosh: try a ctrl+alt+F2 to get to terminal01:07
enthdegreedoesn't fedora have some new appli for that?01:07
miketoshlinux: ok, and?01:07
linuxmiketosh: and a ctrl+alt+F7 to get back01:07
BioVoreubuntu_irc: you need the contents of the iso and grub.. or just use the usb disk creater from the live image on another machine.01:07
miketoshlinux: no luck01:07
bcjCan anyone point me to a nautilussvn tutorial?01:07
miketoshlinux: gets worse over time, more and more letters/fonts get blurred01:08
jduubuntu_irc, you must first burn it to a cd.01:08
NoCodeIs there any way to get the 2.6.31-7 kernel in Jaunty?01:08
jduubuntu_irc, perhaps I missed something, sorry01:08
enthdegreeWait, nevermind. that's for the OS, not applications. :P01:08
sebsebsebNoCode: there's a ppa for a later kernel01:08
ubuntu_ircBioVore: I don't want to use usb, i'm trying to install from hard disk , where to put the .iso file? from windows in c drive?01:08
KenSharpdoesn't look like that package does provide it afaics01:08
loshermiketosh: I can't think why the software would do that. Could it be your monitor gets more blurred as it warms up?01:08
moleprincelosher: Yes.  I know for a fact that nothing on that box should be using that service.01:08
linuxmiketosh: sorry, i don't know what else to do, maybe a sudo apt-get install gnome-fonts* or sudo apt-get install x11*fonts* ?01:09
NoCodesebsebseb: x-updates or something like that?01:09
BioVoreubuntu_irc: and iso is a diskimage.. you have to put its contents on something.   having it as a file on your windows drive dose nothing..01:09
sebsebsebNoCode: x-updates ???01:09
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:   Im not sure you can do a 'wubi' type install from the iso file (you might be able to using daemon tools or alcohol 120%) But i would reccomdne you test Uubntu in Virtualbox, or do a 'normal' install instead of using WUBI01:09
sebsebseb!ppa >  NoCode01:09
ubottuNoCode, please see my private message01:09
jduubuntu_irc, do you want to install on or from the hard disk?01:09
ubuntu_ircjdu: yes01:09
sebsebsebNoCode: you can google for  2.6.30 ppa   or some such,  and  it will be on launchpad01:09
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  you can use Unetbootin to make a bootabel/installable 'flash drive' to install from and play with.01:10
jduubuntu_irc, which?01:10
NoCodeI know what a PPA is. >.<01:10
blacksadcoz inkscape 0.47 devel work fine if you compil direct from inkscape reppository the svn file is bugy01:10
ubuntu_ircBioVore: where would i put the contents in c:\ drive ? or making a partition and there?01:10
blacksadmemorie probleme and some texture and split01:10
loshermoleprince: so your box is running an ssh server which is reachable from the internet? You could sniff incoming tcp connections I suppose...01:10
ubuntu_ircDr_Willis: i do not want to use usb , trying to install from windows hard disk ? is there any way to do this?01:11
ubuntu_ircBioVore: is it must to have the alternate cd to install from hard disk ?01:11
miketoshlosher: possible that it is a screen thing, but it didn't happen in 8.04 or 8.1001:11
BioVoreubuntu_irc: if your tring to install ubuntu with that file.. you will need to put it on some outside media and boot from it..01:11
moleprincelosher: Thanks, I'll see if tcpdump turns anything up.01:11
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  use daemon tools or similer tools to 'mount' the iso to do a WUBI install.. and i DO NOT reccomend wubi..  You could use Virtualbox and run Ubuntu Inside a virtual machine.01:11
loshermiketosh: personally, I downgraded to 8.04 LTS after getting fed up with 9.04 bugs...01:12
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:12
jduubuntu_irc, ditto BioVore.   you need to burn it to a cd, then install it from that.01:12
ubuntu_ircDr_Willis: no , tring to install from hard disk , like a live cd01:12
sebsebseblosher: bugs such as?01:12
NoCodesebsebseb: Is it possible to get the same performance in Jaunty as in karmic? There's a significant difference. I'm thinking I may have to reformat a partition and reinstall Jaunty again and see how that goes.01:12
miketoshlosher: I see that in my future :-(01:12
ubuntu_ircBioVore: what do you mean by outside media?01:12
sebsebsebNoCode: a difference?01:12
bcjNoCode: In what way does the performance differ?01:12
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  thats not doable without burning to cd or flash media then. Unless yoy really know your way around viirtualbox. that 'might' be possible with virtualbox..01:12
sebsebsebNoCode: well  karmic has Ext4 by default,  and a proper kernel for it, where as  9.04  has  a kernel for it that may be a little hmm, but I never had problems with that,  and  Ext4 as optional file system01:13
bcjNoCode: Karmic uses ext4 by default - that might show some improvement.  In addition, I think there are yet more boot-time tunings.01:13
BioVoreubuntu_irc: the iso needs to be burned to a CD.. or you can create a usb bootable installer..  Theres your choices to install..01:13
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  if you had 2 hard drives.. 'unetbootn' can do a frugal type install to one hard drive you could then boot.. and install to the 2nd hard drive.01:13
ubuntu_ircDr_Willis: i got a link http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html , will it do the job?01:13
loshersebsebseb: the usual: sound, flash, wifi, other niggly little things that weren't the same that I now can't recall. Plus nothing in 9.04 I actually *needed*...01:13
NoCodebcj: Overall functionality. In hardy. normally I'd be getting around 400 FPS with glxgears. In harmic, I'm getting over 4000FPS.01:13
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  no idea. ive never heard of that url, or bothered to install that way. I use flash media. Much easier..01:14
bcjNoCode: That might be a driver that's not backported?01:14
sarthorHi, i updated my ubuntu, and Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-15-generic, installed, but now with #uname -r , i see 2.6.28-13-generic, How to update my grub or menu.lst01:14
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  comes to a point where its proberly doable.. but any problems you have. You wont have the experioence to know whats going on or how to fix it..01:14
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BioVoreubuntu_irc: yeah.. technically you can do it that way..  not very simple straite forward though..01:14
sebsebseblosher: yeah  9.04  seems a bit pointless, except for the  Ext4,   but see my comment just now to NoCode01:14
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  that guide may or may not work.. i would guess most likely not. Too many little things to watch out for.01:15
sebsebseblosher: well  on the  other computer  8.10  and  the Internet won't work,  9.04 and karmic, no problem01:15
miketoshlosher: I can fix for a short time if I reset the screen resolution01:15
bcjPersonally, I use 8.10 and I'll wait for 9:1001:15
NoCodesebsebseb: I'm not using ext4 in Karmic atm. I'm not worried about boot time either. I just want usability like in karmic, but in Jaunty.01:15
sebsebseblosher: and 8.04  will work  for Internet on there01:15
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  if you want to test out ubuntu - try it in virtualbox for now if you cant burn to iso/flash drive01:15
loshersebsebseb: I used solaris on sun for years. I guess I got spoiled by the utter stability of that OS...01:16
sebsebsebNoCode:  usabilty in karmic,  explain what you mean by that exactly?01:16
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:16
sebsebseblosher: maybe Debian Stable or some such is more for you01:16
NoCodesebsebseb: Well, currently I have sound issues in Karmic and it's fast. Very comparable to Windows in speed. Jaunty, no issues whatsoever, but it's just slow to do anything.01:17
NoCodeThere's a significant difference in Karmic, but it's just the sound that's boggled.01:18
BioVorelosher: ever looked at opensolars?01:18
sebsebsebNoCode: I  haven't noticed a difference,   when it comes to speed,  9.04  and 9.10.    Ext3 and Ext4 though yep  that faster boot up time01:18
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as DwnwrdSprl
loshersebsebseb: I played with debian under vmware for a while. In the end, I think 8.04 LTS is a good compromise between stability & ease-of-setup, particularly as I don't use gnome/nautilus/compiz or other gui stuff...01:19
NoCodeAnyway. Have a good one.01:19
sarthorHi, i updated my ubuntu, and Ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-15-generic, installed, but now with #uname -r , i see 2.6.28-13-generic, How to update my grub or menu.lst01:19
sebsebsebNoCode: maybe it's, because  HAL isn't in  9.10 or something like that, why apparnatly it's faster for you than 9.0401:19
leonardoxxxxxsarthor, did you reboot it?01:19
TheSpazzz_vaiy : Not using wireless01:20
TheSpazzz_linux : no idea what that even is so I assume no01:20
sarthorLeonardxxxx, yes,j i did,01:20
sebsebsebsarthor: should have done it by itself, but   you can do   sudo  gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and  add it01:20
linuxlinux_: darn, ok01:20
sebsebsebsarthor: uh gksudo01:20
KenSharpapport-collect doesn't show up til Jaunty.  this explains it.01:20
linuxquestion: how to upgrade from ubuntu 6.06 to 8.04?01:20
linuxusing ubuntu-server01:20
sarthorsebsebseb, i can edit it in vi editor, but i dont konw what change or path have to change,01:20
sebsebsebsarthor: use gksudo when   doing  a graphical app as root/sudo/admin01:20
leonardoxxxxxat grub time, did you choose 2.6.28-15-generic kernel?01:21
BioVorelinux: I have done that here using apt-get dist-upgrade01:21
linuxBioVore, what is the command in termianl to check ubuntu verisn?01:21
sebsebsebsarthor: you can copy  the current kernel entry, and change the numbers to the newer one, that  should work01:21
lstarneslinux: lsb_release -a01:21
linuxlsstarnes: thanks01:21
sarthorLeonard, at boot time that is not listed.01:21
lstarnes!upgrade | linux01:22
ubottulinux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:22
NoCodeCould I install 2.6.31-7 if it's in a PPA, and remove HAL in Jaunty?01:22
losherlinux: didn't we start here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades01:22
sarthorsebsebseb, i once change 13 to 15 but then my WLAN stopped working, i thought my fault.01:22
linuxlstarnes: already checked there01:22
linuxlosher: one more min to finish the apt-get dist-upgrade, then checking lsb_release -a01:22
lstarneslinux: what about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades ?01:23
linuxlstarnes: the package to upgrade couldn't be installed because of broken packages01:23
linuxlstarnes: i just installed ubuntu-server 6.06 today and have no other packages on it01:23
sebsebsebsarthor: well maybe it   works better with the older kernel01:23
=== _Grim76_ is now known as Grim76__
sebsebseb!6.06 | linux01:24
ubottulinux: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions01:24
linuxsorry all, apt-get dist-upgrade didn't change lsb_release -a01:24
sebsebseblinux: you probably should have put 8.04 on01:24
mds58is there a drop in replacement for jasper or is there a better way to sync in a webcam to kopete?01:24
linuxsebsebseb: i have the server version installed01:24
sebsebseb!8.04 | linux01:24
ubottulinux: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.01:24
lstarneslinux: dist-upgrade only updates the packages to the most version for that release01:24
sebsebseblinux: yes, but even so,   probably better  to  run 8.0401:24
linuxlstarnes: update-manager-core won't install b/c of broken packages, i have no CD drive and motherboard doesn't support USB boot01:25
sayelHow can i go to the Ubuntu spanish chat?01:25
lstarnessayel: /join #ubuntu-es01:25
sayelty (:01:25
lstarneslinux: what packages are broken?01:25
sebsebseblinux: then again I guess it doesn't really matter for the server version, as long as the  one  you have is being suppourted, which  yours still  is01:26
lstarneslinux: what happens when you use sudo apt-get install python-gnupginterface?01:26
linuxi tried that, uninstallable01:26
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linux(no installation canidate)01:26
=== goodGary is now known as Gary
losherlinux: unetbootin is said to allow you to install from an iso to a hard drive without a CD. http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net01:27
linuxlosher: i can do that, i saved a 1 GB partition (empty) upon ubuntu-server 6.06 installation today01:27
NoCodeunetbootin is awesome. I love not wasting any CDs01:27
caseydok, have a question. I'm sort of new to linux and I have two NTFS internal partitions that I can't figure out how to mount01:27
lstarneslinux: try sudo apt-get install python2.4-gnupginterface?01:27
caseydI can see them in GParted and they look okay.. is there something like Disk Manager?01:28
sebsebsebcaseyd: as long as Windows shutdown the NTFS  partiton properly, Ubuntu shoudn't have a problem mounting them01:28
linuxlstarnes: couldn't find package01:28
linuxlstarnes: maybe i'll track down the *.deb and manual install that one01:29
NoCodeCan I remove HAL in Jaunty and still use 2.6.31-7?01:29
lstarneslinux: try gnupginterface instead of python-gnupginterface01:29
caseydsebsebseb, their in my mythbuntu box.. they haven't seen windows in awhile. They worked inside linux yesterday but not today01:29
Dr_Willislosher:  thats a special 'frugal/live cd ' type install. not a normal install01:29
linuxlstarnes: no package found for that either01:29
lstarneslinux: then I'm out of ideas01:30
sebsebsebNoCode: removing  HAL in  Jauntey  is  probably not a good idea01:30
sebsebsebcaseyd: I don't know01:30
linuxlstarnes: thanks, i'll try to install manually or add sources.list to restricted URLs01:30
caseydokay now I do get, 'The enclosing drive for the volume is locked'... any ideas, I'm looking around google01:31
lstarneslinux: it might be in universe01:31
WebcamWonderIs there a way to access the passwords storedin the key-ring through a bash script/01:31
mds58is there a drop in replacement for jasper or is there a better way to sync in a webcam to kopete? or is there a better way to do video chat with a yahoo messenger (ubuntu 9.04 64 bit)01:31
unopWebcamWonder, no, they're stored in protected memory - and not in clear text either01:32
steppenwolfhola, ¿alguien podría decirme si tiene tb el problema que la instalación de google earth la ventana no es estable en ubuntu 9? no para de pestañear01:32
unop!es | steppenwolf01:32
ubottusteppenwolf: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:32
sim_what program do i use to defrag ubuntu partitions01:32
sebsebseb!defrag | sim_01:32
ubottusim_: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.01:32
Dominik1what does it mean if my files show up as bold and blue when I do ls -l ??01:32
Dr_Willissim_:  normally you dont.01:32
unopsim_, linux doesn't need defragmentation01:32
WebcamWonderunop: Umm... but, still, if other applications can access them (like nm-applet), can a script acess them/ (with the proper authentication that is)01:32
sim_why cos its modular?01:32
commander_does anyone have webcam support for pidigin?01:32
Dr_Willissim_:  'normally' you dont.  its how the fileystem is designed.01:33
xnoxi want to set up "mail" cli utility to send mail via my gmail smtp. the guides exim4-config via google are failing (no route to google host). please help (i want to start receiving unattended upgrades emails)01:33
sebsebsebcommander_: it doesn't have webcam suppourt at the moment, AMSN does though for MSN01:33
linuxlstarnes: that fixed the problem: allowing restricted URLs to be uncommented in the sources.list01:33
lstarnesDominik1: I think it means that the permissions on the file have the sticky bnit set01:33
unopWebcamWonder, other applications do not access them - you provide your password to the keyring application, it computes a secure hash and compares that against the one stored in the keyring -- pretty much like how passwords are stored in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow01:33
Dominik1lstarnes right after the permissions there is a number what does that number mean?01:33
lstarnesDominik1: file size01:34
mds58is there a good yahoo messenger for ubuntu 9.04 that supports webcam??01:34
macomds58: kopete?01:34
WebcamWonderunop: Any documentation I can read up on?01:34
lstarnesDominik1: actually, i think it's something other than the sticky bit01:34
BlehkCan you redirect the stdout of an app when your daemonize it with &?01:34
losherxnox: I use ssmtp for exactly this purpose. 8 lines of config & it's done. It's only suitable for an always-connected machine though...01:34
Dominik1lstarnes one folder says 2 another says 3 and my files say 1, file size doesn't make sense ?01:34
lstarnesBlehk: yes, but put the & after the redirections01:34
Dr_WillisBlehk:  yes.. but i forget how. :)  seen it in the 'advanced bash guide' i recall01:34
linuxmds58: yahoo messenger makes a version of its software for linux i believe01:34
mds58maco kopete wont pick up the webcam without jasper and jasper seems to have been dicontinued01:34
Blehkawesome lstarnes  thanks01:35
Dr_WillisBlehk:  I ve seen examples that make use of &1 and &2  befor to do that in some special cases.01:35
macomds58: empathy? maybe?01:35
unopWebcamWonder, I would start here http://library.gnome.org  looking for the gnome release notes -- wikipedia might have something about gnome keyring/seahorse01:35
nationsup people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:35
coolkourthow do i open a bin file in ubuntu?01:35
mds58maco: hmm havent tried empathy I will install it01:35
NeXstaRhow do i get conky working ?01:35
nationcan someone help me01:35
xnoxlosher: well it is "almost-always" connect and application is not mission critical ;) spare a guide / link ?01:35
WebcamWonderunop: hmm, alright, ty!01:36
sebsebseb!ask |  nation01:36
ubottunation: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:36
nationhow can i open ports in ip tables01:36
Dr_WillisNeXstaR:  install conky, run 'conky' read conky web page/docs/faq for more info.01:36
linuxcoolkourt: you have to use ghex (hex editor) to read the binary hex bits in a *.bin file, or you could execute it with chmod +x filename.bin && chmod 755 filename.bin && ./filename.bin01:36
unopcoolkourt, what are you trying to accomplish by doing that?01:36
NoCodenation: check out gufw if you're using gnome01:36
coolkourti am trying to install something from adobe.com thats a plugin for eclipse01:36
nationtried to use firestarter with my network bridge but failed to get that to work01:37
losherxnox: http://linux.com/archive/feature/132006 for an overview. Let me know if you want to see my gmail config.01:37
nationyeah im using gnome i believe01:37
Chocotosabe que tengo problemas con el wifi en ubuntu01:37
losher!es | Chocoto01:37
ubottuChocoto: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:37
sebsebseb!es |  Chocoto01:37
NeXstaRDr_Willis: i have installed conky but when i tried running it gives me an error01:37
nationin the konsole right gufu01:37
Dr_WillisNeXstaR:  and the error is ?01:37
macoNeXstaR: use the google to find yourself a .conkyrc if you havent already01:37
nationis there a short cut key to bring that up also01:38
* Dr_Willis hates having to dig out the actual 'problem'01:38
judgenwhat is the name of the app where you select wich sound engine to use?01:38
Dr_Willishttp://drop.io/dr_willis  My Conky configs :)01:38
losherDr_Willis: sometimes it's like pulling teeth...01:38
xnoxlosher: thanks01:38
lstarnesjudgen: maybe gnome-sound-properties01:38
judgenlstarnes, i dont seem to have that one... do you know what package its included in?01:39
coreymanlaptop has thin blue line about 1/3 from the right side from top to bottom, what can i do?01:39
Dr_WillisNeXstaR:  dont bother msging.. use the channel.. i can go hrs without ever noticeing a MSG.01:40
lstarnesjudgen: which version of ubuntu are you using?01:40
Dr_Willis!pastebin | NeXstaR01:40
ubottuNeXstaR: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:40
linuxcoreyman: do you get this line in the bootup bios screen, if so, its the physical monitor01:40
macocoreyman: replace the screen01:41
linuxcoreyman: if not, change the resolution and refresh rates (lower)01:41
caseydahh just had to manually mount my 'locked' ntfs partitions using sudo mount01:41
nationgufw wont mess with my networy k bridge will it just make it easy to config ip tables right01:41
caseydthanks m=)01:41
loshercoreyman: you need to find out if it's a software or hardware problem. Does it happen with windows?01:41
NeXstaRDr_Willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/260630/plain/01:42
judgenlstarnes, Karmic01:42
aj_444I decided to download ephiphany browser using the add/remove programs. I can't find it on my system though.01:42
coreymanmaco it's not just cabling problem?01:42
judgenaj_444, try starting a run dialogue and just type ephiphany01:43
linuxaj_444: try in GNOME, left drop down menu, internet; if not there, go to terminal and type ephiphany like judgen said01:43
Bolvadur(applications → internet → ephiphany)01:43
Dr_WillisNeXstaR:  try some diffrent conky configs..  you could of just pasted  that it was seg faulting.. No idea if the config is doing that or not.  Try some different configs like the ones i got on my page.01:43
aj_444judgen: is a run dialouge a terminal?01:44
judgenaj_444, in gnome press alt+f2 if you dont want to run via terminal.01:44
judgenaj_444, that will bring up a run dialogue.01:44
aj_444Bolvadur:  I checked. Its not in there.01:44
aj_444judgen: is there a way I can add an icon of epiphany to the desktop, or do I have to do the run dialouge thing each time?01:45
judgenaj_444, you can add it just like you make any other icon.01:45
sim_is there any main stream tweaks you can do to perform the function of ubuntu out of the box01:45
Eriltoni someonw for help01:45
Eriltoni someone for help01:46
linuxaj_444, try right clicking applications at the top right and see if there is an option to edit menu? might be under system -> preferences -> edit menu also01:46
EriltonI install ubuntu, at the time of installation will have the option to create a new partition?01:46
linux!ask | Erilton01:46
ubottuErilton: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:46
linuxErilton: yes01:46
=== m_ is now known as ventti
Eriltonon my computer already has a windows xp 160gb and I wanted to partition the hd leaving 10gb for ubuntu at the time of installation of ubuntu has the option of partition?01:47
linuxErilton: be sure to select "Manual" if you want to do it by hand01:47
O__ohi how to get compiz??01:47
O__odo i need to install the ccsm?01:47
Dr_WillisO__o:  install ccsm to have more controll of compiz01:47
aj_444linux: judgen: I figured it out. Thanks for the help. :)01:47
sim_lol linux, when did you register your nick? 20 yrs ago?01:47
Dr_WillisO__o:   i also always install/use fusion-icon01:47
O__oDr_Willis, is the command sudo apt-get install ccsm ???01:48
linuxErilton: there has to be 10GB freely unpartitioned first, otherwise you have to resize your xp partition01:48
judgensim_, highly unlikely as linux was released in the 90ś01:48
Dr_WillisO__o:  'apt-cache search ccsm' or just tyr typing 'ccsm' and the shell should tell you01:48
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz01:48
ubuntu_ircproblem with installing ubuntu 9.04 from windows hard disk. anyone there who has installed ubuntu from windows hard disk?01:48
Eriltonlinux: so I'll restart my computer and ubuntu to install, you are sure that there will have the option Manual and the option to partition my hd?01:48
=== jeremy is now known as Riobe
NeXstaRDr_Willis: oky ive got it working how to place it top right and embedded in background like slax one ?01:48
bornforanyone have simple advice on how to get a wireless internet card running, for someone who's computer- and linux- ignorant? :(01:48
x802what the hell is wrong with firefox? it always gray out  since i upgrade to  new ubuntu distro.01:48
linuxErilton: I am sure, it will not overwrite anything unless you tell it to (not automatically)01:48
O__oDr_Willis, thx dude01:48
Dr_WillisNeXstaR:  now is the time to read the Conky docs/faq/guides on  how to make your own configs. Mine are top right/on the desktop. see the 10000s of examples that exist on the internet.01:49
linuxErilton: Do not write to disk anything in the installation if you want to view the partitions01:49
knastohelp, apple quicktime trailers stopped working01:49
knastowhat do i do?01:49
caseydok im totally new to linux.. I've got no sound when playing anything from the system. Is there a device manager or sound manager i could check?01:49
TlalocAnyone have any ideas why playing any sort of video would crash Hardy Heron?01:50
linuxknasto: sudo apt-get install vlc (using alt+f2)01:50
gkahlais there an Official Package(tm) for 9.04 for the 'xz' compression utils?01:50
macocoreyman: if youre talking about a line of dead pixels...no. though i suppose the screen could have a crappy connector to the cable...but i think > 1 pixel would be affected. or is it a wide stripe?01:50
knastolinux: i mean streaming quicktime trailers on firefox01:50
linuxcaseyd: do you have a compaq f7nr* version?01:50
macocoreyman: i mean, i got that its a stripe, but is it 1px wide or like 200px wide?01:50
Dr_Willisgkahla:  none i can see in the package manager.01:50
WebcamWondercoreyman: I have those as well, it is the lcd/cable's fault01:51
bazhangknasto, apple changed something in the past couple of days; you need to wget the avatar or other trailers to watch them01:51
knastolinux: ive never had any problems with the totem plugin, until recently, i guess apple mustve updated their quicktime version01:51
bornforokay, rephrasing since I was ignored the first time. :/  anyone have any idea why my card works fine with windows and not with linux?01:52
knastobazhang: so is it always going to be like this, or are they going to update the totem plugin01:52
caseydi think my problem is that it's reading my hdmi out as a sound card, how can I choose which soundcard I want?01:52
gkahlaDr_Willis, yeah, I've got the lzma stuff installed but there aren't any options to create *.xz files in Archive Manager01:52
bazhangknasto, its not the problem with totem, it's apple changing their website01:52
macocaseyd: pavucontrol lets you set hte default soundcard for pulseaudio to route through01:52
knastobazhang: so how do i wget them?01:52
gkahlaplus, xz doesn't show up with 'which xz'01:52
RPG_MasterI need desktop search. which should I choose?01:53
RPG_MasterTracker or Beagle?01:53
bazhangknasto, there is a thread on ubuntuforums on just this topic01:53
knastobazhang: can you link me?01:53
macoknasto: use "-U Quicktime/screwapple.0" or some such when you pull it so it thinks its quicktime.01:53
ubuntu_irci followed this http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html ,but can't get the installation option like live cd01:54
caseydinstalling pavucontrol, thanks =)01:54
Dr_Willisgkahla:  check the command line tools.. ive never even heard of .xz01:54
ubuntu_irc i followed this http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html ,but can't get the installation option like live cd  , can't install ubuntu01:54
detonationLooking for someone that has alot of experience with eeepc's and ubuntu.01:54
macoknasto: http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9cmj6/no_more_applecom_movie_trailers_for_linux_users/01:55
O__oDr_Willis, why desktop effect cant be enabled??  i have ATI card01:55
Dr_WillisO__o:  I think you may of answered your own question... :)01:55
bazhangdetonation, best to just ask your question01:55
knastomaco, and linux, thanks01:55
detonationbazhang, I hate spamming my paragraph explaining my problem.01:56
quantumthis is as wierd as, lshw -C network claims that eth0 is disabled, yet its the NIC that connects to the internet01:56
Dr_WillisO__o:  I dont use ati.. so cant  tell. ati has been doing some goofy things lately.  Pashaos the forums or someone in the channle has your exact ati card and may know more.01:56
macodetonation: its not spamming if you only say it once?01:57
detonationI have an EEE PC 1000he running an up to date Jaunty NBR. My problems started when I upgraded to the new "partial upgrade". Jaunty originally had a problem with Wifi stopping working after a suspend. I had it fixed, it's back again with a vengance. It kills the wifi card to the point it doesn't show up on ls pci anymore01:57
Dr_Willisubuntu_irc:  i would be suprised iF that guide worked.. plus If you booted an ISO from the hard drive that way. you would have to have your hard drives 'repartioned' to begin with  to install to  the new partitions. The installer would not be able to 'resize' the hard drive - since it would be in use.01:57
detonationI have to reboot into windows, and re-enable it using device manager, then reboot back into linux to use it again. modprobe -r ath9k ; modprobe ath9k shows like it's going to work, but nothing actually happens.01:57
ubuntu_ircDr_Willis: won't that work?http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html  , what to do then?01:58
detonationiwconfig shows no wireless devices and lspci -nn shows no card installed.01:58
O__oDr_Willis, thx01:58
linuxknasto: try synaptic'ing the totem*bad*plugins (they have all the bad propietary codecs)01:58
Dominik1I cant sudo chown or sudo chmod my external drive mount point in /media... why is this so how can I get around it???01:59
quantum1 NIC is on board the other is a realtek01:59
coreymanmaco 1 px01:59
quantumrestarting /etc/networking generates a an error02:00
macocoreyman: i dont *think* a bad cable would only take out one pixel... does sound like some sort of hardware issue though02:00
quantumSIOCADDRT: No such process02:00
macocoreyman: find a repair shop?02:00
JoshDreamlandWhy is #wine invite only?02:00
coreymanmaco that's BS.. cheap peice of...02:00
bazhangJoshDreamland, its #winehq02:00
JoshDreamlandwhat's wine? XD02:01
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:01
mermaJoshDreamland: it's #winehq02:01
JoshDreamlandthank you02:01
detonationmaco, any clue since I typed all of that out?02:01
JoshDreamlandbut what's #wine?02:01
knastolinux, apparantly apple changed their site. maco and bazhang helped me wget them02:01
JoshDreamlandif #winehq is for WINE02:01
alanpananyone knows how to uninstall Amarok02:01
samd hi, im trying to setup an ircd-hybric irc server,, but cant connect from the outside world, ive already routed port 6667 to my server, anyone got any ideas?02:01
mermai guess wine just redirects to winehq02:01
miguelonnnnhey, 1 question. Is it possible to make a virus that plays an ultra loud noise that makes you deaf?02:02
ubuntucam someone help me?02:02
linuxknasto: awesome02:02
linux!ask | ubuntu02:02
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:02
bazhangmiguelonnnn, wrong channel to ask about virus creation02:02
ubuntumy ubuntu crashed and im running off the cd, i have ubuntu 8.10 and i was wondering how i can mount the previous file system so that i can copy some of the files i had to an external hdd02:02
alanpancan anyone tell me how to remove Amarok completely02:02
miguelonnnnsorry bazhang , but i know you are the best virus programmers hehe02:02
nspubuntu: Well, here's how it works.  You ask questions, we answer questions.02:03
bazhangmiguelonnnn, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks02:03
ubuntui asked it.. lol02:03
miguelonnnnok thanks ! byee02:03
detonationI have an EEE PC 1000he running an up to date Jaunty NBR. My problems started when I upgraded to the new "partial upgrade". Jaunty originally had a problem with Wifi stopping working after a suspend. I had it fixed, it's back again with a vengance. It kills the wifi card to the point it doesn't show up on ls pci anymore and have to reboot to windows and enable it in device manager then reboot to linux. Any ideas?02:03
linuxubuntu: sudo mkdir /media/tempdrive && sudo mount /dev/hdaX (or sdaX) where X is the partition number you are trying to mount02:03
ubuntuhow do i get the partion number?02:04
Dominik1why can I not change permissions or ownership of my external drive?02:04
nspdetonation: Don't use suspend.02:04
linuxubuntu: i do it by trial and error; anyone else here know a more precise way02:04
lenny0815alanpan: use the "purge" option in your package manager.02:04
detonationnsp, it's a netbook. Why wouldn't I use suspend?02:04
bornfordoes wubi come with network admin? :/02:04
linuxubuntu: its usually from 1 - 402:04
macodetonation: file bug02:04
macoubuntu: "sudo fdisk -l" will list all partitions and their sizes02:05
macoubuntu: you can compare biggest to littlest and narrow it down that way02:05
nspdetonation: Because it causes more problems than it's worth.02:05
detonationmaco, I'm not sure if it's related to eeepc-acpi-utilties or a ubuntu bug.02:05
ubuntu_ircis it possible to do this in windows "mount -o loop file.iso /dev/sda7" ?02:05
alanpani don't get it where is purge in package manager02:05
quantumSIOCADDRT: No such process Failed to bring up eth102:05
macodetonation: if its normal UNR, its supported02:05
DaZubuntu_irc: microsoft windows? >:02:06
lenny0815alanpan: Depends on your package manager. If you are using "aptitude", just press "p".02:06
linuxquantum: sudo ifup eth0 (or your network adapter; a sudo ifconfig will show them all)02:06
ubuntu_ircdaz: yes02:06
ubuntuok its not working.. i tryed 1-10 on both hda and sda.. =\02:06
macoubuntu_irc: there's a program for mounting isos, yes...but i forget its name02:06
linuxquantum: you can also try a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:06
DaZubuntu_irc: daemon tools?02:06
ubuntuubuntu_irc: MagicDisk02:06
quantumlinux did that, i posted the outcome02:06
alanpancan i do it in terminal02:06
ubuntu_ircubuntu: what's MagicDisk?02:07
nspTo mount iso image:   mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /home/somebody/foobar.iso /mnt/cdrom02:07
linuxquantum: try a different network manager, like wicd?02:07
ubuntugoogle it.. its an iso mounter02:07
quantumfailed that as well02:07
quantumdid lshw -C02:07
quantumit claims that the NIC that's connected to the internet, is actually disabled....02:07
linuxquantum: i take it you didn't find the problem there either? hmmm02:07
quantumi tried to google, but all i found was a gateway error02:08
ubuntunsp: i tried what you said.. it didt work.. :(02:08
linuxquantum: ensure its in the /etc/rc.X folders (lower ones I think) where X = 1, 2...602:08
lenny0815alanpan: aptitude can be done in terminal. Synaptic uses the "remove completely" option for purging.02:08
quantumchecked .../.../70-rules02:08
linuxubuntu: its a hard disk you are trying to mount; i had one that wouldn't mount and the hard disk was broken in the end02:08
quantumeven reversed  eth0 to eth102:09
lenny0815alanpan: You can also use the command "aptitude purge <packagename>"02:09
Dominik1how can I change permission on external drive, please02:09
coffeejthe latest hplip won't install for me.  it attempts to install the python dependencies and gives an error 255.  running jaunty02:09
ubuntulinux: its not.. i can still access it.. but idk how to mount it02:09
linuxquantum: try ipfilter packet forwarding from eth1 to eth0?02:09
ubuntuin windows i installed it in G:\ubuntu02:09
linuxquantum: that might enable it again02:09
alanpanit gave me this error E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)02:09
alanpanE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?02:09
quantumhow do i do that?02:09
linuxubuntu: i could access the broken hard disk too, that didn't mean it was working 100%02:10
lenny0815alanpan: sudo aptitude ...02:10
nspDominik1: You shouldn't need to change permissions on external drive.  What problem are you having.02:10
u-noob-uHi! How can I delete all all packages except those in "base" and the ones I specifically select (with their dependencies) ?02:10
linuxquantum: i have been working on that myself for another project, sf.net has a network sharing program for linux that utilizes the ipfilter program in liux02:10
linuxquantum: forgot the name though02:10
ubuntulinux: it works fine.. i just cant boot ubuntu thats installed on it.. i can still use it normally in windows.. is there a way to list the devices to mount?02:10
lenny0815alanpan: fiddling with administrative stuff always requires a sudo.02:11
linuxubuntu: try editing the partition number in grub, brb02:11
alanpannow it is showing  is another process using it?02:11
quantumlinux - got a keyword i can google? :)02:11
quantumi've frisked the web for the keyword02:11
lenny0815alanpan: Do you have any other package manager open? Like synaptic?02:11
kismethey there.. if i try to hibernate my laptop it says sometimes that i don't have enough free swap available02:12
lenny0815kismet: How much swap and how much RAM do you have?02:12
gwildorthen you need to increase you swap file size... or try closing some apps beforehand02:12
quantumkeyword = error...02:12
nspDominik1: Show us what you have now:  ls /mount/point  ; fdisk -l > pastebin02:12
kismetRAM 2GB and Swap 1GB02:12
lenny0815kismet: there you are.02:12
nspDominik1: pastebininit02:12
coz_is there a terminal command for empying recent documents?02:12
lenny0815kismet: How is your system going to swap out 2GB of stuff onto 1 GB of swap?02:13
nspDominik1: pastebinit02:13
kismetlenny0815: but i read in some installation instruction that it is always 2 times your RAM until 1GB02:13
Dominik1nsp hang on02:13
ubuntuits already mounted...02:13
alanpani tried it again with package manager closed. Now it shows this Couldn't find package "Amarok".  However, the following02:14
alanpanpackages contain "Amarok" in their name:02:14
lenny0815kismet: Well, unless you want to use hibernate, where you need as much swap as you have RAM.02:14
=== Critical_Threat is now known as baba_b00ie
nspDominik1:  fdisk -l > pastebinit02:14
kismetlenny0815: so on hibernate it tries to write all the stuff in swap???02:14
losherkismet: that rule is for swapping. Not suspend/resume. Suspend copies the contents of RAM to the swap partition. Hopefully you can now see the problem...02:14
lenny0815kismet: Swapspace is not used much when you have 2 gig of RAM. But for hibernation, well. See above :)02:14
kismetlenny0815: yeah now i see it. hmm that is s****02:14
alanpanand this 'Couldn't find package "Amarok".  However, the following02:14
bornforthanks so much for helping me <302:15
freddy_engelsHi, I'm using an atheros wireless card and seem to have both ath9k and sky2 drivers active. I get lots of network problems, and I wonder if it's because these two drivers are conflicting. Which driver is the correct one to use for an atheros chipset?02:15
ray66How can I change the position of the image on my splashscreen02:15
O__ohow to install earth desktop?02:15
lenny0815alanpan: it is "amarok" not "Amarok". Unix (and Linux) is case sensitive.02:15
coffeejtrying to update hplip to the latest version via their website does not get past installing python dependencies.  can i install them via synaptic to solve the problem02:15
miguelonnnnhi again, 1 more question please :). I know that bc of bios limitations, kernel must be at first 1024 cylinders of any disk. (CHS). I want(i'm aware there are many tools, but i want do it this way) make a bootable usb installer so i can install ubuntu in any pc. What should i do?02:15
Dominik1nsp fdisk -l produces no output02:16
lenny0815kismet: Extend your swap partition and that's that.02:16
nspDominik1: sudo fdisk -l  | pastebinit02:16
=== _pepperphd is now known as pepperphd
macoDominik1: sudo02:16
kismetlenny0815: i guess.. i made alll primary partitions...02:16
miguelonnnnwhat i mean that there are many tools, is that i want make it by dd to my usb from a mounted iso image of xubuntu02:16
kismetso I can't just resize them.. :( i guess02:16
lenny0815kismet: why not?02:16
lenny0815kismet: parted is your friend.02:17
kismetlenny0815: would my home partition which is after swap not be damaged ...02:17
loshermiguelonnnn: not all pcs can boot from usb. The older the machine, the less likely it is support usb boot. For maximum compatibility, make a bootable cd/dvd...02:17
Dominik1nsp http://pastebin.com/m51bc1be302:17
nspDominik1: ls -l /media/ | pastebinit02:17
alanpanthanks lenny02:18
flandersHas anyone here used FreeNAS and connected to the FreeNAS server through Ubuntu/wireless?02:18
freddy_engelsis sky2 a wireless driver or an ethernet driver? I can find very little information on it.02:18
miguelonnnnlosher, my pc's can02:18
ubuntuhow do i edit grub?02:18
loshermiguelonnnn: sorry, when you said *any* pc, I took you literally...02:19
detonation /boot/grub/02:19
miguelonnnni got 2 netbooks, which can boot from usb but no from cd cause they haven't02:19
alanpanis there fancy music player for ubuntu02:19
miguelonnnnhaha ¯^_^ ok  np ! :)02:19
lenny0815kismet: You will have to shrink the home partition and grow the swap partition. But do make a backup of all important data, before you mess with that. Something might go wrong.02:19
sebsebsebalanpan: Exaile ?02:19
miguelonnnnthen what should i do please?02:19
mdgalanpan: what do you mean "fancy"02:19
flandersalanpan: Songbird, Banshee, Amarok, Rhythm Box, Audacious02:19
sebsebsebflanders: and  Exaile02:20
miguelonnnni'm afraid that making a simple dd to my usb, won't ensure that kernel and all that stuff which should be at first 1023 "cylinders" are allocated there02:20
alanpani just uninstalled Amarok, which gave me a lot of trouble02:20
lenny0815alanpan: what's wrong with rhythmbox?02:20
kismetthank you lenny0815 ...02:20
alanpannothing wrong with rhythmbox02:20
PsylonI prefer exaile02:20
alanpanis that good? cuz i haven't tried that yet.02:20
sim_at the moment my terminal has a white background, how can i customise it to have a black background with green font?02:20
Psylonsonbird is nice, but too buggy and a memory hog.02:21
codigohola alguien que hable español02:21
lenny0815alanpan: well, rhythmbox is the preinstalled music player for gnome.02:21
NauTiluScodigo entra a #ubuntu-es02:21
loshermiguelonnnn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:21
Dominik1nsp my external just got unmounted, hang on pls02:21
flandersalanpan: Banshee is pretty good too. I prefer Songbird though (built on Mozilla).02:22
mdgsim_: Goto the terminal window and choose Edit > Preferences02:22
codigonecesito ayuda alguien me podria ayudar02:22
losherNauTiluS: no se necesita ninguno codigo. Solamente tecla /join #ubuntu-es02:22
nspDominik1: NP02:22
lenny0815alanpan: You can use 123mpg :)02:22
lenny0815alanpan: sorry, mpg123 of course.02:22
losherNauTiluS: codigo: oops...02:22
u-noob-uIs there a way to delete packages I don't use? My ubuntu installation grew to 4GB, and I probably don't use most of it, so I don't want to waste time updating it, etc.02:24
codigohay alguien que hable español02:24
losher!es | codigo02:24
ubottucodigo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:24
alankilau-noob-u: you can try apt-get autoremove, or install a package called debfoster, run it, select the packages you like and let it uninstall anything not pulled in as dependency02:24
losheru-noob-u: the trick is knowing what you don't need....02:25
alankilacareful with debfoster, though, keep the foo-desktop package you have, and probably ubuntu-minimal or ubuntu-standard02:25
Dr_Willisu-noob-u:  most of that is proberly some cache/tmp stuff.. Unless you REALLY started installing things. :)02:25
miguelonnnnyeah thanks losher, i know all that, but they use programs like syslinux , what i want to know is how to put the necessary files at beggining of the disk, and how to set the path so when i boot from usb it know where kernel binary and all that exactly is02:25
alankilaI mean, my stupid ubuntu install is also 4 GB, so I understand perfectly well that it grows large rapidly02:25
u-noob-uDr_Willis: I had this installation longer than a year, and I like to try various stuff...02:26
Dr_Willis4gb is large? :) heh . my C:/windows/winsx directory is like 8+gb on windows.. :)02:26
Dr_Willisu-noob-u:  i always do clean installes with each new release.. helps clean out the cruft.02:26
foobar2khey guys, i'm trying to use postfix to send out mail, but every time i try to send to something like "site@mydomain.com" postfix tries to route it locally02:26
foobar2ki want everything to go externally02:26
foobar2kany advice?02:26
nspDominik1: ls -l /media/ | pastebinit02:26
Dominik1nsp I remounted in a different directory and now it works, thanks02:26
Dr_Willisu-noob-u:  use some of the various directory 'size' display tools see whats taking up the most space.. could be some spare iso/orhter files laying about02:27
nspDominik1: Ok... very good.02:27
u-noob-uDr_Willis: I was kind of looking forward to dist-upgrading to 9.04 instead. Configuring everything again.... argh...02:27
nspDominik1: Be sure and un-mount before pulling it out.02:27
alankilayou don't have to reinstall. Seriously. I keep on running ubuntu installs for as long as they hang together -- it's literally years.02:28
miguelonnnni'll tell you more specifically: i want to make an exact copy of the cd installer into the usb. My plans are to format the disk to fat32, set a partition table, and to dump the image there02:28
u-noob-uDr_Willis: I did `du -sh .` in /usr and /lib - about 4GB together02:28
miguelonnnnthen make it bootable with fdisk02:28
mostafaI can't install my VGA Driver can anyone help me plz?02:28
losherfoobar2k: postfix is huge overkill if you only need simple outgoing mail. Will ssmtp do instead? http://linux.com/archive/feature/13200602:28
mdgmiguelonnnn: unetbottin?02:29
u-noob-ualankila: but how do you delete the cruft that builds up?02:29
alankilawith debfoster mostly02:29
Dominik1nsp why?02:29
alankilait will nuke your system next to nothing if you want it to02:29
u-noob-ualankila: didn't someone just say it can screw up your system, royally?02:29
Dominik1nsp whats unmount command, I can only mount02:29
alankilau-noob-u: I don't know, I've been using it for years, but don't uninstall the wrong stuff with it, or it will remove everything02:29
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detonationI have an EEE PC 1000he running an up to date Jaunty NBR. My problems started when I upgraded to the new "partial upgrade". Jaunty originally had a problem with Wifi stopping working after a suspend. I had it fixed, it's back again with a vengance. It kills the wifi card to the point it doesn't show up on ls pci anymore and have to reboot to windows and enable it in device manager then reboot to linux. Any ideas?02:30
alankilajust keep the packages with names like ubuntu-* and you're probably safe.02:30
nspDominik1: umount02:30
Dominik1nsp what does it mean if my folders show up with green background when doing ls?02:30
nspDominik1: But  you can right-click on the desktop icon and you will see the option to unmount02:30
lstarnesDominik1: it means that anyone can write to it02:31
Dr_WillisDominik1:  check the permissions on them.. the color codes show different permissions02:31
foobar2klosher: i need postfix, im using various milters02:31
Dominik1lstarnes: Dr_Willis your right, question: how do i get drwxrwxrwx permission? 0777 gives drwxr-xr-x permission02:32
mostafa_can anyone help me with my VGA Driver?02:32
losherfoobar2k: then try #postfix ?02:32
Dr_WillisDominik1: use the proper chmod command.02:32
Dominik1Dr_Willis which is?02:33
Dr_WillisDominik1:  this isent on a NTFS/vfat filesystem is it?02:33
Dominik1Dr_Willis ext302:33
Dr_WillisDominik1:  then 777 should do that.02:33
Dominik1Dr_Willis only my external backup drive is fat3202:33
Dr_WillisI cheat and use 'mc' to set permissions a lot. helps ya learn the #'s02:33
nspDominik1: sudo chmod -R 777 /media/whatever-the-mount-point-is  will make all files dirs rwxrwxrwx02:33
Dr_Willistheres also some chmod widgits ive seen. to help learn them02:33
Dominik1nsp: 777 makes them rwxr-xr-x :(02:34
quantumok, lshw -c shows both NICs are enabled02:34
quantumSIOCADDRT: No such process Failed to bring up eth102:35
nspDominik1: I'm sorry02:35
GuidMorrowhey, does Ubuntu suffer from the Year 2038 problem? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem02:35
Dominik1nsp: ive been trying to hunt down the code for it for a while now everybody says 777 but it doesn't seem to do it ": (02:35
nspDominik1: ls -l /media/ | pastebinit02:36
mostafa_no VGA helper? :(02:36
Dominik1nsp: im in /mnt ill pastebin that02:36
nspDominik1: It depends on what filesystem it is.  If it is ext3 (like I have), it will  work. If it is vfat, it will not work.02:36
rightfootmandai have an asus 1005HA netbook(no cd drive), im having many problems with ubuntu 9.04, and i think i might want to go back to windows xp, unless someone can help, my connection constantly cuts out, and videos do not play (and all the updates for flash and whatnot are installed) please someone help?02:37
Dominik1nsp: http://pastebin.com/m6810008902:37
Dominik1nsp: external is giving me problems all the others are cooperating02:37
u-noob-ualankila: from my reading `man debfoster`, you need to be using it since the initial installation to benefit from it. I'm not sure if debfoster helps if your system is already full of junk you don't use.02:37
alankilau-noob-u: no. When you run it, it will traverse the package dependency chains and ask you about every package not required by another package.02:38
etyrnal_any alias experts here?02:38
Dominik1nsp: that is a fat32 mounted, btw02:38
alankilaif you say no, it considers that package lost and reconsiders the packages it depended on until it has complete picture of all you want to keep in the system.02:38
quantumrightfootmanda, have you configured /etc/network/interfaces02:38
rightfootmandaquantum: yes02:38
etyrnal_i want to create an alias, and i generally no how, but i need to create one that has a ' in it02:38
alankilaafter that it will apt-get --purge remove every package not required by another package. You must know what packages to keep or you will probably lose your system. Don't uninstall bootloader, kernel, or the ubuntu metapackages.02:38
quantumcomment everything out except the loopback02:39
alankilayou can stop the questions at any time by either q or x. q loses your decisions, x applies the decisions so far.02:39
nspDominik1: What you have is fat32 which does not have capabilities to assign  file permissions.  If you reformat it to ext3 or some filesystem that has capabilities to assign file permissions, it will work.02:39
Dominik1nsp so I can't share a fat32 file system with samba?02:39
mdgWhat mobile broadband works with Ubuntu?02:39
alankilaonce you have made a set of decisions, debfoster -a shows them, and you can manipulate that list by stating something like "debfoster foo-". It will remove the package "foo". You can add a new package to the list by invoking it without hyphen.02:40
u-noob-ualankila: do you end up with a list of packages that are not needed, or does debfoster go ahead and just delete stuff? I'd be more comfortable passing the list to apt-get myself.02:40
alankiladebfoster goes ahead and not only removes but *purges* the packages. It destroys configuration or any other data the package knows about as well.02:41
alankilathere may be a way to run it such that it outputs just the package list. Don't know, never used it that way.02:41
nspDominik1: Well, you should be able to, but since it is a removable drive, well, not sure how to negoiate the configuration, because it's not always going to be mounted on the same mount piont each time... but well, I don't know, just never tried to use samba to share removable drives, just have no experience with it.02:41
mdgWhat mobile broadband works with Ubuntu?02:42
Dominik1nsp: can I mount it with ownership nobody.nogroup and mount it with a specific set of permissions?02:42
robert__is gyachi still in development?02:42
alankilaperhaps you can turn the RemoveCmd into echo02:43
mrpinkyhelp! i apt-get removed poppler-utils because its pdfimages is broken, but after i apt-get installed it back, System->Administration->Printing can't connect to CUPS server any more :( what can I do?02:44
robert__is gyachi still in development?02:44
brummbaer_!ask | robert___02:44
ubotturobert___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:44
nspDominik1: Because it is a removable disk, it gets mounted automatically with plugdev and, well, it is set up to be for the local user.  I suppose you can create your own mount point for it and mount it manually and that way you could specify how it gets mounted.02:45
Dominik1nsp my terminal tells me that sudo unmount : command not found02:45
Warm_HUG1http://www.forwardtechnology.co.uk/ ^_^02:45
nspDominik1: It's umount02:45
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nspDominik1: You are spelling it wrong.02:45
Dominik1nsp I have already created my own mount point02:45
robert__i didn't ask to ask a question lol bot bug02:45
kanuhaIn Alpha 4 is there a way to change the Login screen?02:45
Dominik1nsp: mount: /dev/sde1 already mounted or /mnt/external busy02:46
Dominik1mount: according to mtab, /dev/sde1 is already mounted on /mnt/external02:46
triniumthe alpha 5 is bets02:46
nspDominik1: So mount it however you want to.  Yea, but you'll have to umount it first02:46
triniumlow days remain02:46
kanuhawhen did alpha come out?02:46
sfynHey all02:46
nspDominik1: umount /dev/sde102:46
triniumtesting alpha by ubuntu in virtualbox02:46
sfynAnyone wanna help me with a tricky configuration of a pcmcia wireless card on a fresh 9.04 install?02:46
Dominik1nsp lol umount not UNmount, anyways how do I mount with 777 and noname.nogroup? whats the syntax? thansk02:46
nspDominik1: sudo umount /dev/sde1 ; mount /dev/sde1 /your/new/mount/point02:47
mdgsfyn: what kind of card?02:47
Dominik1nsp but how do I specify permissions02:47
losherrobert__: I see recent questions on the forum at http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=53396702:47
sfynA linksys 802.11g card - model #wpc54g02:48
nspDominik1: You can not change permissions on vfat filesystems.  vfat / fat32 does not have the capabilities for file permissions.02:48
kanuhaalpha is not ouut yet02:48
nspDominik1: But you can place a line in /etc/fstab02:48
kanuhaalpha 5 is not out yet02:48
IdleOnekanuha: #ubuntu+102:49
mdgsfyn: what exactly is the problem?02:49
kanuhaIdleOne, thx02:49
sfynIn network manager: Device not ready02:49
Dominik1nsp: well darn, I can't share it with samba unless everyone can write to it, but I can't set permissions, so I can't share it with samba02:49
sfynAnd ifconfig cannot bring the interface up02:49
nspDominik1: /dev/sde1 /your/mount/point auto  user 0 002:50
mostafa_can any one help me with my ATI Radeon Driver?02:50
sfynalso, an iwconfig wlan0 commit returns "Operation not supported"02:50
sfynNeedless to say, I cannot find or join networks02:51
sfynA note - it worked fine in 8.04, about two hours ago02:52
CyLCan I install UNR in the same SD Card that I´m running it from?02:52
nspDominik1: sudo echo /dev/sde1 /my/mout/point auto users 0 0 >> /etc/fstab02:52
mdgany idea what driver it needs?02:52
nspDominik1: Where /my/mount/point is your actual mount point.02:52
sfynIt worked with the default drivers under hardy02:52
sfynSo no02:52
Dominik1nsp k thanks02:52
triniummostafa_: install via controladores de hardware, is very easy02:52
loshersfyn: honestly? downgrade back to 8.04 LTS...02:53
sfynThat seems like a good last resort, yes02:53
alanpanwhere can i download mpg12302:56
ahmadwhats cairo dock?02:56
nspalanpan: apt-get02:57
nspalanpan: sudo apt-get install mpg12302:57
CyLam I able to instal the netbook remix on the same sd card I´m running the install program from?02:57
thiebaude!network manager02:57
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager02:57
mdgsfyn: what version isyour card?02:57
Cronambsomg im on wrong irc >.<02:57
ctmjrahmad: it is a dock for applications there is a #cario-dock channel02:58
mdgsfyn: did you try ndiswrapper and ndisgtk?02:59
ctmjr!info cairo-dock02:59
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs easily. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 312 kB, installed size 928 kB02:59
DeathstrikeogCyl I wouldn't try it.02:59
alanpani guess the mpg123 was installed, but where can i find its icon.03:00
ctmjralanpan: it is a terminal program no gui03:00
therecien me estoy conectando a ubuntu03:01
losher"networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work." -- I had no idea ubottu had such a wicked sense of humour,,,03:01
=== the is now known as Guest67548
Guest67548y lo estoy utilizando queria saber si me pueden brindar informacion03:01
losher!es | Guest6754803:02
ubottuGuest67548: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:02
alanpanthen how can i play the music from terminal03:02
alanpanwith mpg12303:02
lenny0815Is there a way to disable UMTS cards when not in use? My laptop is getting awfully warm under my right hand where the card is sitting and I am not using it at all03:02
ctmjralanpan: mpg123 "option" file name or man mpg12303:03
lenny0815alanpan: Just type "mpg123 <filename>"03:03
DeathstrikeogI had some probs with network manager the other day myself running it in kvm instance on proxmox server had to create new lan connection and enable it.03:03
mizerydeariaHow can I configure IP address of an Ubuntu system from a terminal?03:03
TH3RDWARI have my ip and dns staticly set via /etc/networks/interfaces and resolv.conf respectively. Why does my ip address keep going back to what it was when using dhcp? How do I flush that in ubuntu?03:03
lenny0815mizerydearia: ifconfig03:04
alanpanso it won't have a playlist???03:04
mdgalanpan: MOC (music on console) is awesome!03:04
they como hago para entrar03:04
thede este canl03:04
mizerydeariaHow can I save the changes permanently?03:04
alanpani will take a look at it03:04
theal canal español03:04
DeathstrikeogMan pages always good03:04
mdgalanpan: MOC will let you have a playlist03:04
maco!es | the03:04
ubottuthe: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:04
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nspTH3RDWAR: Prolly network manager ... but not sure.03:04
TH3RDWARnsp: using server version03:05
lenny0815alanpan: you can use shell regexp to have more than one file played, I think.03:05
losherthe: tecla /join #ubuntu-es03:05
FragsworthFirefox frequently takes up 800megs of RAM or more03:05
Fragsworthany suggestions for a lightweight browser that runs well in Ubuntu?03:05
nspTH3RDWAR: Are you sure the entries in /etc/network/interfaces are correct?03:06
bboruall: got jaunty working flawless with my hp mini 1000 if anyone needs a hand.  its a pita.03:06
lenny0815mizerydearia: You may want to edit /etc/networks/interfaces03:06
Barridusis Evolution supposed to have any visible 'new email' indicator?03:06
alanpani think i prefer a GUI mp3 player.03:06
lenny0815mizerydearia: for further information: man interfaces03:06
TH3RDWARnsp: yes, when I do /etc/init.d/network restart then ifconfig it shows the new ip address. Then after some time it reverts back to the old one.03:07
mdgalanpan: http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2007/08/27/moc-music-on-console/03:07
CyLbboru: what about installing the netbook remix on the sane nedia you´re running it from?03:07
lenny0815Barridus: Evolution sucks. But it does have a tray icon thingy.03:07
sherl0ckalanpan, use audacious03:07
Barriduslenny0815 i don't seem to have a tray icon.03:07
bboruCyL: you mean as a dual boot?03:08
alanpanwhere can i find skins for audacious, anyone knows?03:08
losheralanpan: I bet google knows...03:08
DeathstrikeogIt is network manager had the prob myself the other day. Create new connectio w/ network manager set it as the default the disable connect auto on the old default connection is what I did to make it work. I heard that you can also uninstall network manager and then edit the /etc/network/interfaces with the correct info.03:08
lenny0815Barridus: Sorry, I purged evolution of my system. But I do remember I had a tray icon. Maybe I fiddled with the options or maybe I installed an extension. Sorry.03:09
nspTH3RDWAR: You may have some script someplace telling it to do dhclient eth1 or...?03:09
CyLbboru: nope... I´ve download the image and wrote it to a sd card... I booted this sd card, and would like to install ubuntu on this same card, but it only gives me options to install it on the hard drive...03:09
arooni-mobilehow do i disable mysql from starting up on ubuntu jaunty?03:09
Barriduslenny0815 if another email program supported exchange i'd be open to try it :)03:09
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:10
detonationI have an EEE PC 1000he running an up to date Jaunty NBR. My problems started when I upgraded to the new "partial upgrade". Jaunty originally had a problem with Wifi stopping working after a suspend. I had it fixed, it's back again with a vengance. It kills the wifi card to the point it doesn't show up on ls pci anymore and have to reboot to windows and enable it in device manager then reboot to linux. Any ideas?03:10
TH3RDWARnsp: this is out of the box, but I'll check. Thanks for the suggestions.03:10
DeathstrikeogFollow my instructs 3dwar and it should work.03:10
lenny0815Barridus: That was my main disappointment. Evolution does *not* support Exchange. At least not Exchange server 2007. So I was stuck to IMAP anyhow.03:10
Barriduslenny0815, works great with exchange 2k303:10
losherarooni-mobile: see the above ubottu message re: bum. Can I say "bum" on this channel?03:11
bboruCyL: ah.  but you want it to give you the option upon boot to choose which os right?  it would require changing the grub loader somehow.03:11
danbhfivedetonation: have you tried LBM?  or the array.org kernel?03:11
arooni-mobilemy load on my 2.0ghz core 2 duo t61 with 2GB of RAM is 1.83 ... do i want load below 1?  and if so, how would i achieve that?  what does load measure?  how do i see a view that sorts processes by cpu (or whatever creates load)?  how do i know whether load is disc writes or ram issues or cpu issues?03:11
detonationNot sure what LBM is, but haven't tried the array kernel03:11
lenny0815Barridus: Well, you are stuck to a sluggish buggy pos mailer then.03:12
CyLbboru: I don´t need to... I can choose what item to boot directly from the bios options...03:12
macoarooni-mobile: top, and press capital P to sort by CPU usage03:12
danbhfivedetonation: sudo apt-get install linux-backport-modules-jaunty-generic03:12
TH3RDWARDeathstrikeog: network manager is not installed..03:12
detonationI have that danbhfive03:12
nspTH3RDWAR: Are you sure you don't have network-manager installed?03:12
danbhfivedetonation: ok, that's the LBM03:12
alanpanwhen i load up my audacious in terminal it says 'failed to load external entity ', but the audacious still shows up on my screen. Does anyone have any idea?03:13
detonationIt was working 100%, I loaded up linux yesterday and saw there were a few updates. I did them including a "partial" that upgraded the kernel. that's when my issues arrose danbhfive03:13
lenny0815Barridus: I uninstalled it, when it started messing up mail folders, deleting mails and showing unremovable double mails in unexpected places.03:13
nspTH3RDWAR: You could show us your config file.  pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces03:13
Barriduslenny0815, might wanna be a little less harsh on software, never know when user123 is a programmer03:13
bboruCyL: guess i'm not understanding.  if you're installing both jaunty and another os on the same media, and you can only select one thing to boot from, how can you select it from the bios?  it would default to the first one.03:13
poseidonDoes ndiswrapper only take .inf files?03:14
losherBarridus: a pox on all of them....03:14
danbhfivedetonation: well, you might as well try the array.org kernel.  Unfortunately, I don't think there is much else to do besides running a different kernel and filing a bug03:14
TH3RDWARnsp: yea, http://pastie.org/59734603:14
DeathstrikeogGoodnight all hope to see you guys later.03:14
lenny0815Barridus: Well, if an Evolution programmer listens in, he should be ashamed of the thing :)03:14
CyLbboru: i´m not installing them on the same media... windows goes on the hard disk, ubuntu goes on the sd card...03:14
mdgposeidon: yes03:14
lenny0815Barridus: To say it positive ... Evolution has great potential for future improvement.03:15
detonationWill do danbhfive. I've been googling everything possible, every error that i've seen is in regards to different symptoms but same outcome03:15
CyLCyL: but since i´m running ubuntu installer from this same sd card, it doesn´t give me an option to install on it (I guess it is)03:15
poseidonmdg, I'm trying to install the driver for the dlink dwa-130, but I can only find drivers in a .exe03:15
mdgposeidon: you have access to windows computer?03:15
nspTH3RDWAR: It may be called network-manager-gnome03:15
poseidonmdg, not currently03:16
bboruCyL: and you want to put ubuntu remix, another os, on the sd card with jaunty? you would need to change the bootloader on the sd card to give you a selection menu.03:16
kevdogboys and girls03:16
mdgposeidon: do you have a windows install disk for your dlink?03:16
nspTH3RDWAR: apt-cache search network-manager03:16
poseidonmdg, yes03:16
mdghave you installed ndiswrapper and ndisgtk?03:16
zrutyHow do I check if my pop is TLS capable?03:16
CyLbboru: sd card -> only ubuntu, hard disk -> only another os03:16
justin__so I have a mac and I just loaded ubuntu on a portable hard drive but when I pull up the boot options on my mac it never gives me the hard drive as a choice for booting....03:17
nspTH3RDWAR: or:  apt-cache search network |grep manager03:17
poseidonmdg, just ndiswrapper.  Setting up home server, so just terminal03:17
* Shingi is switching form Fedora to ubunto, but doesn't no if he should download the Desktop or Netbook for his laptop since it's pretty decent. (<--is nub go soft)03:17
bboruCyL: i thought you're original question was how to put remix on the card with ubuntu03:17
icerootzruty: try using TLS03:17
mdgyou need ndisgtk for ndiswrapper to work03:17
CyLbboru: Bios onption would let me choose wich device to boot, so no need for brub or lilo or whatever03:17
sebsebsebShingi: is it a netbook?03:17
sebsebsebShingi: if it's not a netbook, you put on the desktop03:17
kevdogmdg: you never need ndisgtk03:17
poseidonmdg, I thought ndisgtk was just a gui frontend03:17
danbhfiveShingi: NBR is for screens 10" or smaller03:17
sebsebseb!md5sum | Shingi03:18
ubottuShingi: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more03:18
sebsebsebShingi: and good idea to do that for the ISO03:18
CyLbboru: the card already have a remix version, but is the "live" version, I wnat to make it the definitive version03:18
mdgkevdog: never heard that before....03:18
TH3RDWARnsp: none of those are installed :P I'll do some more searching around.03:18
detonationCyL, I'd go with grub. I haven't seen a bios intelligent enough to load several os's.03:18
detonationWhat's the issue with installing grub?03:18
poseidonLet me see if I can't mount the cdrom and find the .inf file03:18
kevdogmdg: why do you need a gui front end (which is OK), for a command line program?  Just use the command line03:18
justin__please help I have restarted a number of times and pulled up the boot option and every time it only shows the mac built in drive and not the portable even though the ubuntu bootloader is on there03:19
bboruCyL: ok. so do you need to know how to format the sd and make it bootable with jaunty on it?03:19
nspTH3RDWAR: sudo grep -r eth0 /etc/03:19
sebsebsebShingi: no probs03:19
mdgkevdog: could you walk poseidon through setup?  I want to watch and learn (I have INX which uses CENI but it worked oob)03:19
nspTH3RDWAR: or eth1 or eth2  which ever it is..03:19
CyLdetonation: no issue, it´s just that i don´t need it... my bios wont let me choose various oses, but would allow me to correctly choose the device which I want to boot... if i have only one os per device, no problem in using the mbr to boot the first poartition on each one03:19
CyLbboru: yes03:19
detonationCyL, grub has additional uses though. You can easily recover broken linux installations as well03:20
kevdogmdg: OK - Just depends if he has the .inf and driver files03:20
justin__so I have a mac and I just loaded ubuntu on a portable hard drive but when I pull up the boot options on my mac it never gives me the hard drive as a choice for booting only the built in hard drive any ideas???03:20
ericPif some dork (me, as it turns out) scribbled fire all over his screen, how could he get rid of it?03:20
kevdogmdg: Its been awhile for me for ndiswrapper -- what chipset are we talking about here anyway?03:20
mdgkevdog: he said he has the windows install CD03:20
ericPi didn't find compiz in any of system::preferences, system::administration, or applications::system tools03:20
sekyourboxWhats a good DVD burning software for ubuntu.  Brasero isn't doing it for me.03:20
kevdogmdg: What is the chipset?03:20
detonationericG, run a command called ccsm (compiz setting manager)03:21
bboruCyL: i've used a few differnt utilities.  the HP one works for me.  do a google search for 'make bootable usb HP'03:21
sfynsekyourbox: try k3b03:21
sebsebsebsekyourbox: k3b03:21
detonationon the main page there is the settings for plugins, click fire, and see what the "clear fire" button is set too03:21
sekyourbox2 votes for k3b03:21
mdgkevdog: dlink dwa-13003:21
bboruthen just extract the ubuntu iso onto the iso after03:21
mdgposeidon: is that correct?03:21
icerootsekyourbox: three :)03:21
kevdogposeidon: what is the chipset of the device -- not the brand name03:21
sebsebseb!best |  sekyourbox03:21
ubottusekyourbox: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:21
loshersekyourbox: k3b03:21
bboruonto the sd that is...03:21
CyLdetonation: the "broken linux installation" will be on a sd card... it is much easir just to get the sd card out of the reader, um recover it from a running installation03:21
kevdogposdeidon:  This would be found by listing lspci -nnm03:21
detonationvery true cyl, I ran Ubuntu like that for a while on my netbook before upgrading the harddrive03:22
TH3RDWARnsp: looks like it was pointing to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf:#  interface "eth0"; I removed dhcp3-client. Hope that does it03:22
sekyourbox12.7MB oh my god!03:22
mdgkevdog: what's -nnm?03:22
sekyourboxone for windows would be like 312.7mb03:22
CyLbboru: i´ve done it (except that I have extracted the img not the iso)03:22
TH3RDWARnsp: I appreciate it03:23
kevdogmdg: man lspci03:23
nspTH3RDWAR: One thing that I think is convenient is to just leave it set to dhcp and configure the router to give that MAC address the IP of your choosing.03:23
bboruCyL: did you wipe it first?03:23
CyLbboru: yes03:23
sekyourboxWhat is the purpose of the eyes at the corner of the screen? for fun?03:23
bboruCyL: so will it just not boot or...03:23
nspTH3RDWAR: And as I said before, look at the entry in  the config file and make sure it's not still saying auto03:24
loshersekyourbox: so the little guy inside your pc who does all the work can see what he's doing...03:24
nspTH3RDWAR: in /etc/network/interfaces03:24
CyLsekyourbox: they´re watching so you don´t move your pointer out of the screen ;)03:24
mdgkevdog: -n is vendor - m is PCI data, whats the second n?03:24
TH3RDWARnsp: yea that would work. I'm just runninga little ubuntu server vm so I'm trying to keep it static on the box. I'll double check interfaces.03:24
justin__so I have a mac and I just loaded ubuntu on a portable hard drive but when I pull up the boot options on my mac it never gives me the hard drive as a choice for booting only the built in hard drive any ideas???03:25
sekyourboxI let him chill there, I usually dont like things like that03:25
ctmjrericG: if you have not changed the defaults then winkey+shift+c03:25
CyLbboru: it booted perfectly, but when I choose the manual partition, it won´t let me choose the sd card ad the target "disk", only my hard disk03:25
poseidonkevdog, don't see anything pertaining to d-link when I do lspci -nnm03:26
mdgjustin__: intel mac or PPC?03:26
sekyourboxdo I have to manually convert an avi, to get it to dvd?03:26
justin__intel mac03:26
kevdogposeidon:  Is this a pci or usb device?03:26
NoMS_does anyone know how to convert a publisher file in linux?03:26
mdgjustin__: you using a firewire drive right?03:26
poseidonlsusb just says d-link dwa-13003:26
NoMS_OOo will not read it03:26
justin__no usb drive03:27
nspNoMS_: No03:27
poseidonI mounted the cdrom, and there is a setup.inf in the root directory03:27
kevdogposeidon: Ok, maybe usb will be the answer03:27
nspNoMS_: not much you can do with it.03:27
NoMS_ok, well I guess I can convert in win, then move over to linux... thanks nsp03:27
justin__does a usb portable drive make a difference from a firewire drive03:27
bboruCyL: i see. i had a similar problem recently.  i eventually ended up making a small VM using the sd as the physical hard disk.  i know it sound like a pain but it worked.03:27
=== mike is now known as Guest26027
bborunot often i put os's on sds03:28
ctmjrsekyourbox: no03:28
nspNoMS_:  I think you will need to tell the author to use a diferent format.03:28
NoCodeIs there a livecd out there that will automatically add kernel entries to grub? I've fooled around with super grub disk, and I'm having trouble adding 2 distros to grub. Unless I'm doing it wrong.03:28
SerialKillerwhere can i get a winxp iso03:28
poseidonkevdog, lsusb doesn't give the chipset, just name and brand03:28
nspNoMS_:  I think it can be output to html03:28
mdgjustin__: I'm not sure...03:28
macoSerialKiller: you can buy a winxp cd at the store03:28
SerialKilleri have the cd03:28
SerialKilleri need an iso for a netbook03:28
macoSerialKiller: well there you go then03:29
kevdogposeidon:  Ok let just use ndiswrapper then -- what do you have for the files the .sys and .inf?03:29
macoSerialKiller: ah. rip it from the cd03:29
SerialKillerive been trying all nite03:29
justin__I already had another portable drive with ubuntu loaded and it didnt find that one either.....03:29
hcookI'm working with a quad-core opteron dell server and trying to install the amd64 8.04LTS server edition, but it fails with 'cannot mount cdrom' ...i've tried dropping to a shell and attempting to mount /dev/scd0 manually and it tells me 'invalid argument'03:29
bazhangSerialKiller, ask in ##windows yet ?03:29
mibhi.hjow can i query lmutil lmhostid?03:29
macoSerialKiller: youre using ubuntu just now, right? you should be able to right click the cd and tell it to copy to image03:29
CyLbboru: so you´ve installed something like vmware, chose the sd card as the hard disk of the virtual machine, and installed unr on the virtual machine?03:29
hcooki've also used a variety of kernel arguments to no avail03:29
SerialKillerdont have that option03:29
SerialKillerdo i need an install to do that03:30
bazhangSerialKiller, do you have ubuntu installed?03:30
hcookanybody know what might be causing that or have a recommendation for what i should look for?03:30
macobazhang: do you know where the copy cd to iso option that was in nautilus cd burner has moved to?03:30
mibi try to download lmutil software from support.aldec.com but still cant get the command returning me03:30
SerialKilleron it now03:30
macoSerialKiller: possibly in brasero then03:30
mdgposeidon: you want the windows XP files - .inf and .sys03:30
bazhangmaco, not sure, always use k9opy03:30
loshersekyourbox: yes. various programs will convert avi to dvd, nearly all of them are a hassle on linux. Check out DeVeDe...03:30
bazhangerr k9copy03:30
bboruyes, although i believe it was a flash drive (viewed the same by the system in my experience).  it was a shot in the dark but vmware allowed it.03:30
macoSerialKiller: try what bazhang just said?03:30
mibanyone there?03:31
rabarHi, I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on an old IBM T42 Thinkpad things seem to be working OK, but I notice little performance sluggishness with the GUI..some times windows render slowly or menus take another 2-3 seconds to fade away. Is this a gfx drivers issue? I have an ATI Mobility7500 is there some set of drivers that I need to install?03:31
poseidonkevdog, well in /mnt/cd there is an autorun.inf, then in /mnt/cd/setup/Drivers/Drivers/Windows XP/ there is an .sys and .inf file03:31
sekyourboxI have mencoder, already converted to avi03:31
mdgjustin__: what's installed on your mac right now?  Does it see the usb drive?03:31
sekyourboxnow i want it on a dvd, but i guess ill see whats in the repository03:31
SerialKillermaco: try in ##windows??03:31
macoSerialKiller: no the k9copy thing03:32
poseidonSo would I use ndiswrapper -i file.inf file.sys?03:32
SerialKillermaco: oh i can get that in the add/remove right <03:32
macoSerialKiller: i think so03:32
SerialKillermaco: thnx03:32
CyLbboru: i´ll give it atry, although I think this option should be incorporated by default on the unr, qich seems to bee a pretty common use for netbook owners, as I´m seeing...03:32
bboruCyL: the drivers that vmware (hyper-v etc) use are allowed to be put into physical systems. you may have a few driver updates but it will def boot.03:32
bboruCyL: agreed.03:32
justin__just standard OS 10, it does see all the drives. The drive I am trying to boot from is  half a mac drive and the other half is ubuntu linux03:33
SerialKillermaco: when i right click the cd it just opens it03:34
mibanyone knows how to get the lmutil lmhostid in their terminal?03:34
mdgjustin__: so the ubuntu half is bootable otherwise?03:34
justin__yes correct03:34
RiobeIs kubuntu similar enough to ubuntu that it would be worth asking in this channel as well? (Way more users here). I'm new to Linux overall so and as far as I can tell the only difference is that kubuntu uses mainly Qt packages while ubuntu uses GTK.03:34
mdgjustin__: is ubuntu first boot option?03:34
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
mdgjustin__: doh - no it wouldn't be...03:35
mdgjustin__: sorry03:35
linuxRiobe: they are similar, but try kubuntu first then try here if no one there knows03:35
mdgposeidon: any luck?03:35
Riobelinux: I did try kubuntu first, so perhaps someone in here might know how to help me get audio working with the flash player?03:35
linux!ask | kieron03:36
ubottukieron: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:36
kanguhey is anyone here familiar with ndiswrapper ?03:36
justin__had a 350GB mac partition and then seperated a small portion for ubuntu03:36
linuxRiobe: are you using the latest version from adobe?03:36
mdgkevdog: you up for another ndiswrapper ? from kangu ?03:36
Riobelinux: I used apt-get install adobe-flashplugin03:36
kangu=D thx mdg03:36
Riobelinux: I think that's the latest, but I'm not sure.03:36
linuxRiobe: try to go to adobe.com and download their latest version, see if that works03:37
kangu! pastebin03:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:37
RiobeWorth a try. ^^03:37
linuxall: rebooting03:37
SerialKillermaco:im a total dee dee dee in this program can you help?03:37
SerialKilleri have k9 open03:37
duvnellI'm trying to write a bash script that will back up a dvd.. from the cmd line how can I get the title of the dvd in /dev/sr0?03:38
macoSerialKiller: ask bazhang. he uses it not me :P03:38
SerialKillerlol ok thnx03:38
fhensleyPlease forgive if this has been already asked a ga-zillion times, but any recent news regarding Ubuntu Netbook Remix support for the Dell Mini10?  It has the new Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 500, which might not yet have reliable linux driver support, yet it ships with a Dell-tweaked version of Ubuntu 8.04..03:38
poseidonmdg working now03:38
SerialKillerbazhang; can you help me with k9copy??03:38
mdgposeidon: yay \o/03:38
bazhangSerialKiller, what is the issue03:39
mdgposeidon: it was all kevdog !  Thanks kevdog !03:39
macobazhang: he wants to rip a cd to iso03:39
SerialKillerbazhang: i need to get the iso from the disk so i can burn it to a thumb drive03:39
kanguwell anyways someone might know what is wrong... so i installed ndiswrapper and it works great.. just randomly it disconnects and i cannot reconnect unless i reboot my pc several times to make it come online again someone told me last time when it disconnects to run: dmesg | tail so i have and this is the output it gave http://paste.ubuntu.com/260665/me03:39
jthanHello everyone - has anyone setup jabberd2 on ubuntu that could possibly offer me some assistance? I installed it according to their installation docs but have no success.03:39
mdgkangu: what kind of wifi and computer?03:40
kanguwifi is linksys usb adapter03:40
kanguand computer??03:40
sekyourboxdevede, you are the man..03:41
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/K9Copy SerialKiller please read this first03:41
kangulinksys Dual-band Wireless-N usb network adapter.03:41
justin__so I have a mac and I just loaded ubuntu on a portable hard drive but when I pull up the boot options on my mac it never gives me the hard drive as a choice for booting only the built in hard drive any ideas???03:41
mdgkangu: is that info via lsusb?03:41
kanguoh i can check my apologiez03:41
kanguBus 001 Device 002: ID 1737:0071 Linksys03:42
jthanjustin__: the Mac EFI cannot recognize and boot from external USB drives03:42
Bigshot_can i run xournal in cygwin and use stylus?03:42
Bigshot_to annotate pdf03:42
mdgjustin__: I think you need a firewire drive03:42
jaredHay guys03:42
=== jared is now known as hazzy
nspBigshot_: What?03:42
Bigshot_Xournal software03:43
justin__dang so there is no way around it then?03:43
justin__will only work with firewire otherwise I'm stuck03:43
fhensleyJustin - I'm sooo not a Mac guy, but met someone last weekend who installed Ubuntu as a virtual machine via vmware... Looked pretty good..03:43
mdgkangu: you have a windows install cd for that?03:43
kanguyeah but i downloaded the driver via site =/03:44
jthanjustin__: Yes - but even that I'm not sure of. I think the EFI has trouble recognizing ext2 and ext3 partitions.03:44
kanguand it worked03:44
jthanjustin__: you can use rEFIt I think.03:44
justin__is that an application for mac?03:44
NFischerHi Guys!!! i once had the ability to opacify a clicked window by pressing alt+mousewheel-up/down, i did not use compiz for a long time.. now this gadget seems to be disabled, why is that? how can i reactivate it? i dont find it in CompizConfig Manager..03:44
mdgkangu: native linux driver or a windows driver?03:45
justin__what if I reinstalled ubuntu and made it and ext1 or something else in the install options?03:45
fhensleyjustin - yep... You can get vmware for the mac... I'm not a vmware guy either, but thought that might point you in a helpful direction..03:45
kanguwindows driver03:45
jthanjustin__: vbox03:45
sekyourboxyea, one version of vmware03:45
mdgkangu: are you a GUI guy or is this all CLI box?03:45
alanpanI heard that ATI is not good for ubuntu, is that true?03:46
sekyourboxIRSSI all day03:46
sekyourboxI have windows for work, but im in cmd all day.. power shell is unsupported03:46
kangumdg: i do apologize in advance.. i am a new user to ubuntu and i have no idea what that means =)03:46
sekyourboxhave to write my own vb, but wmic usually takes care of what i need03:46
mdgkangu: okay, I assume you are using the Gnome desktop03:47
sekyourboxGraphics are no good for linux in general03:47
mdgkangu: you need to install ndiswrapper and ndisgtk first03:47
ResistolWhat is a good linux alternative to TeamViewer?  (Remote control of keyboard/mouse, sending files, easy for other person to "let me take over")03:47
alanpanis ATI graphics good for unbuntu?03:47
DaZalanpan: no :f03:47
furfleskd os brasileiros aqui???03:47
DaZfurfles: english maybe?03:48
jedcalanpan, nvidia has the best graphics support in my opinion03:48
kangumdg: i had a buddy of mine who knows more about linux then i do.. i have already installed all those applications and i made ndiswrapper work... but my problem is staying connected.03:48
alanpanthats what i heard too03:48
alanpanbut i have ATI, that's good bad for me.03:48
mdgkangu: what network manager you using?03:48
jedcalanpan, they should still work for most things i would think03:49
DaZalanpan: they even work sometimes03:49
kanguhow would i find that out?? defualt that is installed with ubuntu03:49
sekyourboxI cant get this damn webcam to work.. It says its supported in ubuntu03:49
mdgkangu: default gnome, WICD or something else03:49
kanguis there a run command to find out for sure? because i have no idea really.. i downloaded wubi03:49
kanguso w/e comes with wubi03:49
sebsebsebkangu: Wubi :(03:50
mdgkangu: ooo wubi - I have no experience with wubi03:50
sebsebsebkangu: partitioned install is better03:50
alanpanyep it works for most thing, but it does not really work for atlantis fish effects. The graphics came out like crap!!!03:50
sebsebseb!install | kangu03:50
ubottukangu: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:50
sebsebseb!dualboot | kangu03:50
ubottukangu: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:50
kanguwell really...03:50
kangui did get ndiswrapper to work regardless03:50
kangubut for some strange reason it just randomly disconnects03:50
kanguand i have to restart for it to work..03:51
kanguso i dont understand which installation of linux i have it obviously worked on wubi =D03:51
mdgkangu: at the command line you can scan with "sudo iwlist scan" and see what connections are available and their strength03:51
mdgkangu: could be you have interference from other electronics or something03:51
alanpanwhat does command 'iwlist' for?03:52
kanguwindows never gave me this problem i must add...03:52
kanguso it couldnt be electronics.03:52
sebsebsebkangu: ndiswrapper is a bit hmm with Linux,  as a result  better really to use a native Linux driver if there is one03:52
robemanhow can I (can I) upgrade (or switch) Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS to Ubuntu 8.10, from command line?03:52
kanguhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/260665/me someone told me to paste that last night to check for "clues" to whats going on03:53
kangui did that while i got d/c03:53
mdgalanpan: "sudo iwlist scan" makes the wifi adapter scan the networks available and tells you what their strength is, encryption, etc.03:53
sebsebseb!upgrade |  robeman03:53
ubotturobeman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:53
alanpanthat is so cool!!!03:53
hattoricaca1some1 with iptables experience?03:53
mdgalanpan: its pretty hand to know, for sure!! :)03:53
kanguhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/260665/ ***03:54
=== william is now known as Guest13918
DMJC-LI've turned it on03:54
DMJC-Land I get fsck\03:54
DMJC-Land it stops there03:54
DMJC-LI can alt-f1 etc to other terminals03:54
alanpanare you saying it is pretty handy to know??03:54
DMJC-Lno hdd activity tho03:55
NarethSo I'm using 9.10... And everything was working very well, and then suddenly, (I wasn't installing packages or anything) I lost sound in firefox and exaile. Chromium and totem still have sound. Rebooting did not help, I wonder if I'm missing something obvious?03:55
mdgalanpan: yes :)03:55
bazhangNareth, #ubuntu+1 for that03:55
DMJC-LI think something broke in an update03:55
DMJC-Lany ideas?03:55
Narethbazhang: Thanks.03:55
=== Guest13918 is now known as wmcinnis
jonI need help03:56
linux!ask | jon03:56
ubottujon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:56
=== jon is now known as Guest34183
ResistolIs there a way to provide remote assistance to someone using Ubuntu, if I'm using windows?03:56
sebsebseb!iptables |  hattoricaca103:57
sebsebseb!firewall |  hattoricaca103:57
ubottuhattoricaca1: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist03:57
sebsebsebhattoricaca1: hmm bot died or is slow?03:57
claudineiola tem algum brasileiro aqui03:57
sebsebsebclaudinei: #ubuntu-es03:57
sebsebsebclaudinei: #ubuntu-br03:57
DaZResistol: ssh03:57
mdgGuest34183: what's up?03:57
alanpanhow do we use ssh in terminal03:57
ResistolDaZ, can you explain?03:57
Guest34183Amarok won't play mp3 format songs03:57
Guest34183and I have all proper codecs installed03:57
alanpantrying to connect to my iphone03:57
linuxalanpan: ssh username@host -C03:57
DaZi don't know what is here to explain <:03:58
hattoricaca1i just read, but it i have iptables "at hand"03:58
mdgGuest34183: check your preferences in Amarok03:58
DMJC-LI can't use recovery mode03:58
DMJC-Lwhat the hell did they break?03:58
DaZResistol: you can connect using ssh for windows,  that's all :f03:58
DMJC-Lfsck from util-linux-ng 2.16 filesystem is NOT clean03:58
DMJC-Land boot halts03:58
alanpanwhat is -C for?03:59
linuxalanpan: compression03:59
linuxalanpan: you can "ssh --help" or "man ssh"03:59
Guest34183mdg: It's been working fine04:00
Guest34183up until last night04:00
Guest34183It's just stopped recognizing MP304:00
alanpanwhat can we do with ssh?04:00
mdgdid you have any updates install or add any new apps?04:00
Guest34183updates, yes, don't remember which ones ><04:01
linuxalanpan: you can connect to remote computers, forward ports (or services), and bring parts of the screen to your computer (such as certain programs)04:01
alanpancan i connect to window xp with ssh?04:02
linuxalanpan: yes, with special software04:02
mdgGuest34183: you can see a history in synaptic04:02
Guest34183I use Adept04:02
q0_0pi did not know u could connect with windows xp with ssh04:02
mdgGuest34183: ohhh....04:02
q0_0pconnect to windows xp using ssh04:02
alanpanhow you know, cuz linux said it.04:03
linuxq0_0p: you can with special software, such as xming, cygwin, etc.04:03
mdgGuest34183: I would assume there is a log of updates you could view - sorry I have no experience with Adept04:03
linuxq0_0p: you can do it without cygwin if that was the "oh"04:03
q0_0plinux, i just didn't know04:03
DaZq0_0p: yu can connect from windows using ssh :f04:03
t11mI have an ubuntu 7.10 server that has a USB drive plugged into it for backups.  The backup drive errors with a bad superblock, but still functions fine.  When I reboot it always goes to maintenance mode due to the bad superblock error.  is there any way to get ubuntu to skip the error and boot normally?04:04
alanpanwindow has ssh program? That is GUI?04:04
hattoricaca1alanpan google for PuTTY04:04
kamikazepi know this is maybe the wrong place but.. do anyone here know how to use a scanne while on a fedora live cd?04:04
^Phantom^I am having a problem with bluetooth.  I want to transfer a file over to my device, and it does not support ubuntu's "Send file to device..." option.  I then tried to copy it over using the file browser, and it won't let me.  How can I get around this?04:04
linuxalanpan: the ssh server software for windows does not have a GUI installer, but can let you forward GUI on the screen with Xming software installed04:05
alanpando you know what is the difference between winscp and ssh?04:05
linuxalanpan: yes, winscp: ftp transfers, ssh: ftp transfers + more04:05
alanpanso ah ssh has more functions than winscp right.04:06
queso_Is there something in X-windows like "screen" for the console?04:06
linux!ssh | alanpan04:06
ubottualanpan: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:06
mdg^Phantom^: can you use your device to scan your PC and find the file?04:06
alanpanI heard that Putty can not transfer a large amount of file at once, is that true?04:08
mdgqueso_: ???04:08
user1_hi, which msn messenger app on linux supports voice chating?04:08
user1_hi, which msn messenger app on linux supports voice chating?04:08
linuxalanpan: no04:08
linuxalanpan: not true04:08
queso_mdg: yes?04:09
mdgqueso_: are you wanting to use keyboard shortcuts..... ?04:09
linuxalanpan: what you heard is it might go a little bit slower because of CPU usage on both sides and encryption (so no one can see the data transfered)04:10
mdghi RabidNelson04:10
linuxalanpan: its not a noticable difference in speed really04:10
^Phantom^mdg_, I will try, hang on a moment please.04:10
mibanyone knows how to get the lmutil lmhostid in their terminal?04:10
=== ydorg is now known as grody
alanpandoes ubuntu have Putty?04:10
queso_mdg: I'm wanting to do something like screen allows for the console, but in X.  So, for example, I run an instance of Firefox and I can do something (a key combination?) to hide it running in the background, then when I get to work I can ssh in and "reattach" to my firefox session (or X session in general, if possible)04:10
MK-ubuntualanpan, yes04:10
icerootalanpan: you dont need putty on ubuntu04:10
linuxalanpan: not by default, but you can install it, it uses ssh as client and sshd as ssh server04:11
alanpanture, we can just use ssh right04:11
^Phantom^mdg, no it can't.04:11
icerootalanpan: you need a normal terminal/shell04:11
user1_hi, which msn messenger app on linux supports voice chating?04:11
alanpanwhat you mean by normal terminal/shell.04:11
mdg^Phantom^: is this device a phone?04:11
icerootalanpan: what you need from putty? the possibility using ssh?04:12
^Phantom^mdg: yes04:12
icerootalanpan: open a terminal and type ssh user@host   there is your putty04:12
alanpancan i just use ssh instead of putty04:12
mdgqueso_: oh you want to connect to your machine from work, via X environment04:12
linuxalanpan: the GUI in putty is nice, you can try it in ubuntu if you like a GUI04:12
icerootalanpan: yes04:12
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
SuperMIguelanyone having issues with pidgin giving a Invalid certificate authority signature error?04:13
mdg^Phantom^: your computer's bluetooth see the phone?04:13
icerootalanpan: no need for putty using linux04:13
alanpanbut i have to install Putty first right, it is not come with ubuntu.04:13
linuxSuperMIguel: I got that error04:13
SuperMIguellinux, fix?04:13
iceroot!who | alanpan04:13
ubottualanpan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:13
linuxalanpan: correct, you can install with "sudo apt-get install putty" in terminal04:13
icerootalanpan: no, you dont have to install or use putty04:13
nanotubealanpan: putty is just a windows clone for ssh. on linux, you don't need the clone, cuz you have the real thing. :)04:13
linuxSuperMIguel: not yet04:13
icerootalanpan: just open up a terminal and type ssh user@host04:13
linuxiceroot: i think he likes a GUI to see everything04:14
mdgqueso_: maybe what you want is a VPN setup?  Guys what do you think?04:14
icerootlinux: a gui for ssh?04:14
linuxiceroot: affirmative04:14
alanpanhow come it says 'ssh: host: Name or service not known'04:14
alanpani don't know how to use it!!04:14
icerootalanpan: ssh username-you-want-to-connect-with@name-or-ip-of-the-pc04:15
linuxalanpan: is you dns working; try ssh username@sample.com -C04:15
linuxalanpan: do you have an ssh server to connect to?04:15
queso_mdg: Well, I'm using ssh -X and everything works nicely.  Of course, there is no way to "reattach" an already running Xwindows app, I presume.04:15
icerootalanpan: ssh iceroot@ for e.g.04:15
qinzhenis anyone here?04:15
icerootqinzhen: maybe04:15
mdgqueso_: sorry I hae no experience with ssh...04:15
linux!ask | qinzhen04:16
ubottuqinzhen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:16
^Phantom^mdg: yes. it can.  I have been copying pictures and videos from the phone.04:16
mido_Guyz.. I want to open a port in ubuntu 8.1 ,,how to do that?04:16
icerootmido_: which port and for what?04:16
linuxUbuntu doesn't have a firewall by default, try accessing your router's firewall04:16
alanpani get it now, but i have one more question. can i connect a specific user through a distance with different network.04:17
queso_mdg: no prob, thanks for your help. :) I'll try remote desktop and see how good that works.04:17
mdg^Phantom^: that would be frustrating to want to go the other way and it doesn't....04:17
mido_iceroot : 81 for a program that need a port to connect to04:17
alanpanhow can i access to my router with terminal04:17
linuxalanpan: no, you can not forward a user manually through an ssh connection unless you vpn04:17
alanpanwhat is vpn?04:17
Major_QuacksYour router should allow you to open a port for a specific program04:17
linux!vpn | alanpan04:17
ubottualanpan: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD04:18
icerootmido_: all port below 1024 need root. does your porgramm need root?04:18
^Phantom^mdg:  it is.  is there any way to be able to copy them over?04:18
linuxalanpan: vpn = virtual private network, try wikipedia.org for lots of details04:18
=== tommy is now known as Guest98204
* Guest34183 stabs Amarok04:18
mdg^Phantom^: last resort would be a usb-type cable... not sure about other ways...04:18
linux!ask | sidec04:18
ubottusidec: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:18
mido_iceroot : I dont knw ,, but how to open that port ?04:19
icerootlinux: dont spam the people04:19
mdg^Phantom^: no SD card either?04:19
sidecdije ola04:19
icerootmido_: you want to run a daemon on your pc on which clients can connect on port 81?04:19
linuxiceroot, ok, i'll stop the !04:19
icerootlinux: thank you04:19
alanpanhow can i access to my router through ethernet in terminal?04:20
mido_iceroot : yes04:20
icerootmido_: then just start the program, it will open the port automaticly but think of, all ports below 1024 need root04:21
icerootmido_: what is the namer of the program you want to start?04:21
=== DodgerDox^Xbox is now known as DodgerDog
mdg^Phantom^: sorry I don't have something more to offer...04:21
icerootalanpan: depening on what your router can do. ssh?04:21
alanpanmy router can do wireless04:22
linuxalanpan: alanpan, most modern routers do not allow terminal access, you can go through a web browser, such as w3m
mido_iceroot :actually , I'll open it via wine ,, cuz its a windows program04:22
qinzhenselect  auto eth.04:22
^Phantom^dmg:  it says "Operation not supported by backend"04:22
icerootmido_: name?04:22
linuxalanpan: or you could in terminal: firefox
mido_iceroot :biforst04:23
mdg^Phantom^: you mean the phone says that?04:23
CydeAnyone know if apt-get keeps a log of what packages are updated/installed and when?04:23
^Phantom^No, ubuntu.04:23
icerootmido_: bifrost?04:24
mido_iceroot: yes04:24
legend2440Cyde: you can open synaptic and check File>History04:25
linuxCyde: you can save the packages in synaptic through file -> save04:25
icerootmido_: or in other words, do you think we will help you to spread trojans?04:25
CydeWhat if I didn't use synaptic to make those changes?04:25
mdg^Phantom^: perhaps obexpushd could be of help - I have no experience04:25
mido_iceroot:no a just wondering04:25
icerootmido_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bifrost_(trojan_horse)  using trojan server with wine is the funniest think i heard today :)04:26
legend2440Cyde: i think apt-get installs will be in synaptic File>History but not aptitude installs04:26
linuxCyde: its okay either way, synaptic uses apt-get in the background04:26
^Phantom^mdg:  I'll look into it.  Thank you :)04:26
mido_iceroot : :d04:26
mdg^Phantom^: your welcome!  Good luck! :)04:27
mido_iceroot: why ?04:27
CydeThe Synaptic File->History dialog is woefully incomplete :-(04:27
linuxanyone know how to upgrade from 8.04 ubuntu-server to 9.04 ubuntu-server when the do-upgrade* says 8.04 is the latest version?04:27
mibanyone knows how to get the lmutil lmhostid in their terinal?04:27
icerootmido_: if you dont know..... please stop this. script-kiddies are not supported here04:28
^Phantom^One thing...how do I go about launching that service?04:28
mido_iceroot: thnx for helping04:28
icerootmido_: no problem04:28
mdg^Phantom^: not sure ...haven't used that one...04:29
lstarneslinux: you will first need to upgrade to 8.1004:29
mdgnight all o/04:29
linuxlstarnes: thanks again, any command that will do that in terminal?04:29
FloodBot2sidec: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:30
FloodBot2sidec: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:30
icerootlinux: or you can update to the next LTS (10.4 maybe) but for this you have to upgrade each version04:30
xsebsxi can't use transmission to download torrents every port that i use says port is closed after testing port, how can i open up all my ports? i am on a wireless connection from a router from a cable connection04:30
adam_hi all, i know this may be an odd question, i had a script that used "mail" as a command line program to send email, unfortunetly, googling things like "ubuntu mail comand line" doesn't really narrow it down enough04:30
coreymanGood torrent downloader for ubuntu?04:30
adam_what package is that in?04:30
linuxiceroot: can i do it through network update, like a command in terminal?04:30
lstarneslinux: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20%28Recommended%2904:30
iceroot!upgrade | linux04:31
ubottulinux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:31
linuxlstarnes: will do04:31
* ^Phantom^ hugs mdg and hugs them lots!04:31
icerootadam_: mailutils04:32
coreymanAnyone know a good torrent downloader for ubuntu?04:32
alanpanhow to add background picture for cube desktop04:32
=== vo1d is now known as vo|d
^Phantom^mdg:  Very very thank you!  It made the "Send file to device..." option work with my phone!04:32
adam_iceroot: Package mailutils is not available, but is referred to by another package. ?04:33
adam_thats what apt says04:33
icerootadam_: sudo apt-get install mailx   (for the mail command and an MTA (postfix))04:34
icerootcoreyman: why not using transmission which comes with ubuntu?04:35
adam_iceroot: thank you :-) that works04:35
legend2440Cyde: there is  /var/log/dpkg.log and dpkg.log.1 files04:36
icerootadam_: and for testing you can use   echo hello world | mailx -s "my subject" foo@bar.de04:36
coreymaniceroot meh, i'm on kubuntu04:36
icerootcoreyman: then i think ktorrent is installed04:36
adam_thats what my script does :-)  thats what didn't work , i ran it again i got the email04:36
icerootadam_: nice to hear :)04:37
coreymaniceroot ktorrent is bugged it doesn't actually work I already tried it04:37
adam_iceroot: thank you, gnight (at least for my timezone)04:37
icerootcoreyman: apt-cache search torrent   there you can look for some clients like transmission04:37
DaZcoreyman: works for me.04:37
kpkudiwhat command can i put in my openbox menu to take me back to gdm thus locking my screen04:37
coreymanDaZ what platform04:37
DaZcoreyman: platform? :f04:37
arandThe directories: Desktop Music Pictures Videos . in ~/ they are supposed to be 755 by default, right?04:38
mido_guyz ,, how could i connect to my router?04:38
DaZanyway, use transmission04:38
DaZand acces daemon through webaccess04:38
coreymanDaZ 64 bit, 32 bit, kubuntu, ubuntu04:38
bborumido: putty04:38
DaZcoreyman: 32 arch04:38
icerootarand: yes04:38
ugurH all, i installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix to my netbook. Now i want to install Firefox 3.5 but i see only FF 3.0 in repositories although i have updated the cache04:38
coreymanDaZ I'm on 64 that might be the problem.04:38
mido_bboru : is that a package?04:38
DaZcoreyman: no04:39
coreymanDaZ well what is your theory then04:39
DaZit works on 6404:39
icerootmido_: with what? ssh? telnet? http?04:39
arandiceroot: ok, just a sanity check, more info for a bug report, cheers.04:39
coreymanDaZ I'm not a retard04:39
bborumido: yes04:39
Cydelegend2440: Thanks04:39
DaZcoreyman: i don't know how it is bugged <:04:39
mido_iceroot :http04:39
legend2440arand: yes  75504:39
icerootugur: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.504:39
coreymanDaZ it never starts the torrent download04:39
icerootmido_: then use firefox04:40
icerootugur: ubuntu never to a major release to a program, just security fixes04:40
DwnwrdSprlHALP! Ok, so I have a Sony Ericsson and I want to get my photos onto my mini through USB. But the phone isn't showing up. Why?04:40
mido_iceroot : i did that ,, but doesnt work04:40
DaZcoreyman: there's qbittorrent04:40
coreymanDaZ yea I'm using azureus right now, found it somewhere.04:40
icerootmido_: can you give some details? your infos are bad and noone can/will help you04:40
uguriceroot: i will try that but i see it as shiretoko in Kubuntu 9.04 on my other laptop04:41
icerootugur: yes, correct04:41
icerootugur: because it cant called firefox because 3.0 is called firefox04:41
mido_iceroot :  I got "file not found "04:41
bborumido: http://ipaddress04:41
icerootugur: but it is the normal 3.504:41
DaZwhatever, it's almost 6 am here, i won't be helpful :f04:41
mido_bboru : i did this ,, and i got "file not found"04:42
icerootmido_: have a look at the manual from your router04:43
icerootmido_: normally
mido_iceroot :it works perfectly  in windows,,, //ip04:43
icerootmido_: //ip?? you mean http://ip04:44
kpkudiwhat command can i put in my openbox menu to take me back to gdm thus locking my screen04:44
mido_wait to try this04:44
icerootmido_: or do you mean \\ip?04:44
DwnwrdSprlsome help you people are.04:44
kpkudiha ha*04:45
=== DwnwrdSprl is now known as Ithaca
mido_iceroot : i did this "//
alanpanhow can i open files in /bin04:45
icerootmido_: as i told you
powertool08Ithaca: Its probably just missing drivers, no idea how to fix it though.04:45
youknowmeHelp? I used mdadm to make a raid 1 array of two 80gb discs on an old system with a 120gb as /boot, I've since reinstalled the 120gb with the latest ubuntu and I'm trying to set up my array again but I keep getting this error: http://pastebin.com/dc17e54104:45
mido_iceroot : i doesnt work .. i swear04:46
icerootmido_: ping
powertool08Ithaca: check the output of "lspci", may have useful info?04:47
alanpanhow can i open files from /bin such as cp.04:47
icerootmido_: type ping -c 4 in a terminal04:47
mido_iceroot :04:47
draxoi have a windows drive which i was trying to copy stuff from and it wouldnt let me because of permission reasons. so i used the chmod command to hopefully cure this but it did more harm. i can't see any of my files in that drive. can anyone help me please!!04:47
icerootalanpan: you want to write something to /bin?04:47
mido_iceroot L i typed just "" and it works ...thnx a lot man04:48
alanpanno i want to see the script for cp in /bin04:48
alanpani just want to read it.04:48
icerootmido_: is in the adress now https://ip?  (look at the s)04:48
icerootalanpan: vi04:48
icerootalanpan: or gedit or somethink else04:49
mido_iceroot :yes04:49
mido_iceroot :thnx a lot man04:49
icerootmido_: ah ok, https is the secure http04:49
alanpani tried gedit, it is not working.04:49
icerootalanpan: not working is a good description04:49
arandalanpan: those are binary files, if you want to view the source code, you'll have to get the source code package for the concerned binary, in the case of cp I think that package would be coreutils so "apt-get source coreutils" would get it for you.04:49
scott_ino2nano that shiz04:49
alanpaneven vi giving me unreadable words04:49
icerootalanpan: ah sorry its binary....04:50
alanpanso i just need to type "apt-get source coreutils", and it will give me all source codes for all the files in /bin.04:51
kpkudijoin #ubuntuofftopic04:51
myselfhey where are the actual folder/files located for the Applications menu? i wanna edit them not in a GUI but in nautilus04:52
icerootkpkudi: #ubuntu-offtopic04:52
xsebsxis there an ubuntu download for macs? i want to install ubuntu on a mac laptop for my gf and i can't find a download of the img for macs04:52
youknowmeOr at least how to read my files without setting up the array, I can copy em over and start from scratch..04:52
arandalanpan: no, only those which are part of the coreutils package, which should be most basic commads.04:52
icerootxsebsx: yes there is. is it a mac with ppc or x86?04:52
icerootxsebsx: x86 = intel core2dui for e.g.04:52
Raja8183Ive been trying to install ubuntu on my corei7 dell xps 435mt04:53
Raja8183it always ends up with errors on detectign the cdrom....04:53
losherxsebsx: are you sure? Most mac users I know would rather die than give on MacOS...04:53
Raja8183can someone help me on that04:53
losherxsebsx: give on -> give up04:53
scott_ino2Raja8183, what errors04:53
linuxRaja8183: is that computer >2005 (support USB booting)?04:54
xsebsxlosher: well it's her daughters computer she just got as a gift04:54
alanpantoo bad i can see all the sripts.04:54
Raja8183not able to detect the cdrom....after the linux kernel is loaded.....04:54
Raja8183when try to run the check cdrom for errors....04:54
Raja8183it comes back with no drivers04:54
scott_ino2Raja8183, internal cdrom or usb04:54
linuxRaja8183: you can install ubuntu from a usb thumb drive if you get CD errors upon installation of ubuntu04:54
Raja8183I have tried installation by making many different copies of the installation iso04:55
xsebsxlosher: can you point out towards the mac download page?04:55
myselfwhere are the actual folders located for the Applications menu????04:55
Raja8183ok....whould i be unpacking the iso?04:55
arandalanpan: you could use "dpkg -S /bin/#command#" (where #command# is the one you're interested in) to check which package a specifik file belongs to, if you get the source for that package, you should get the source for that binary application as well ;)04:55
scott_ino2Raja8183, is this a usb cdrom?04:55
arquebusmyself- /usr/bin04:55
Raja8183no...a internal one04:56
losherxsebsx: not sure what you're asking...04:56
Raja8183linux: yes it is...just got it a week ago04:56
xsebsxlosher: the link to where i can dl the image for ubuntu to install on a mac04:56
scott_ino2Raja8183, in that case i would try the usb drive route04:56
arandalanpan: good luck! I'm off.04:57
buckyalanpan, are you going to rewrite cp  ?04:57
Raja8183ok....should i unpack the iso? in the usb04:57
alanpanno, I am just interested reading the scripts04:57
losherxsebsx: sorry, no idea. Most mac users prefer to stay with OSX04:57
linuxcan someone link Raja8183 to the USB Ubuntu boot webpage?04:57
linuxRaja8183: there are applications you can download from google that prepare your empty USB flash drive for booting ubuntu for installation or live04:59
linuxRaja8183: by searching google (correction)04:59
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:59
linuxIdleOne: Thank you.05:00
Raja8183thanks guys...ill give it a try05:00
myselfIf I wanted to edit my menu MANUALLY THROUGH NAUTILUS where would I find the folders located with the links or whatever. Like I'm trying to do the same thing that's Edit Menus @ the applications menu but through nautilus05:00
duderzcan anyone help me out by finding how i can use my 32 gig itouch05:00
scott_ino2myself, why would you not use alacarte?05:00
scott_ino2if all you want to do is edit menus05:01
arquebusmyself- R-click on the word Applications of your applications menu05:01
myselfbecause i want to delete something permanently and it just pust it in italics and gives me the oppertunity to restore it, i like deleting the stuff all the way. ive done it before but i forgot where the files were located05:01
duderzcan anyone help me out by finding out how i can use my 32 gig itouch05:01
scott_ino2myself, doesn't alacarte have an option to completely remove or no? I thought it did05:01
myselfno it doesn't05:02
duderzoh btw hello ppls :D05:02
alanpandoes anyone know how does coreutils work. I download it and i have no idea how to use it.05:02
ResistolIs there any easy way to remote to windows computers from ubuntu?  (easy for the windows user who needs my help) ?05:02
scott_ino2myself, maybe through the gconf editor?05:02
losherduderz: does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69770105:02
myselfso none of y'all know where the actual folders are located05:03
duderzno i already tried that05:03
duderzactually i tried a lot of different things05:03
linuxResistol: VNC is compatible with both OSs05:03
duderzand pratically installed everything dealing with ipods05:04
alanpanDo you know how does coreutils work. I download it and i have no idea how to use it.05:04
duderzit works up to the 16gig version but nothing else05:04
legend2440myself: /usr/share/menu05:04
Resistollinux, is there a VNC enabled app that makes it easy for someone to "let me take over" and fix something?  (something like teamviewer for windows)05:04
losherduderz: sorry, dunno anything else about them...05:04
linuxalanpan: try "man coreutils", does that give anything? (use man <program> for details of any program listed)05:04
linuxResistol: TightVNC05:05
linuxResistol: they still have to give you their external IP address through a whatismyip.com05:05
duderzi tried with virtualbox but can get my WD passport to show up05:05
scott_ino2Resistol, or you could have them download yuguu05:05
duderzvery weird05:05
myselflegend2440 there are some files there but they just appear to be straight up scripts or links instead of the folders that contain shotcusts instead05:05
dustanhey all whats up anyone know of a good Linux equivalent to FrontPage05:05
buckyalanpan, you most certainly already have it installed dpkg -L coreutils05:06
linuxResistol: GoToMyPC is a corporation that makes it easy, its not free, but i believe they make a client for linux05:06
scott_ino2linux, nope don't think they do05:06
scott_ino2Resistol, check out yuguu05:06
xsebsxhow do i check which DE i am using? as in which version i'm on? i know i'm  on kde but i don't know which05:06
Resistollinux, will firewalls get in the way of TightVNC?  some clients can't handle that stuff... errrr... most clients can't handle that stuff05:06
linuxdustan: mozilla has software out for a similar one to frontpage, check out mozilla.org for their projects page05:06
Resistolyuguu?  lookin it up now :-)05:06
scott_ino2Resistol, not the best technology but easy for the other user, don't have to worry about firewalls etc..05:06
dustanthanks linux05:07
alanpanso how to use it?05:07
scott_ino2Resistol, it's yuuguu05:07
Resistolthanks scott_ino205:07
linuxResistol: no remote program for Desktop remote management uses upnp to bypass residential firewalls that I know of05:07
linuxalanpan: correct05:08
linux!man | alanpan05:08
ubottualanpan: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/05:08
Resistollinux, what does that mean?05:08
DevrethmanI accidentally my sound, anybody know what would cause this?05:08
gartralDevrethman: you acidentally did _what_ to your sound?05:08
alanpanhow can i read the source code of cp??05:09
DevrethmanI don't know what I did to it, but it was here yesterday and now it's gone.05:09
buckydustan, kompozer  is prolly the best05:09
linux!upnp | Resistol05:09
ubottuResistol: To stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package05:09
losherResistol: gotomypc has a free 30 day trial for 1 pc...05:09
linuxResistol: that really didn't help, UPNP is a program on most routers that open and close the firewall upon requests05:09
scott_ino2losher, i was unaware gotomypc had a linux client05:10
buckyalanpan, man cp05:10
Chimaerahey guise what are u discussing?05:10
linuxscott_ino2 said there wasn't, i thought there was, i trust him over me on this one05:10
scott_ino2linux, i think they make a linux compatable viewer but it just can't be the host pc05:11
linuxChimaera: remote desktop clients that bypass residential router firewalls05:11
alanpanthx guys i am off05:11
scott_ino2linux, :-)05:11
linuxscott_ino2: that makes sense05:11
Resistolscott_ino2, yuuguu says that there is a "100 minutes a month" limit... do you know of any without this limit?05:11
JesusCakeeeeemy open office.org programs will not open05:12
linuxall: im out to, gnite05:12
JesusCakeeeeeand i need to get into it to get some cd keys :(05:12
Resistolg'nite linux, thanks for your input05:12
scott_ino2Resistol, ughh... they must have implemented that recently. I was just hoping to get you squared away for now. It's not even that great of an application but easy obviously05:12
Resistolthanks though05:12
scott_ino2and can hold you off until you can use a more reliable remote administration solution05:12
losherscott_ino2: per their faq, they have a linux viewer but the host must be windows. https://www.gotomypc.com/en_US/helpIndex.tmpl#05:13
scott_ino2losher, ty05:13
JesusCakeeeeeany help..05:14
Chimaerahey I'm having a tiny prob with ubuntu... here's a detailed desc: http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=797234 basically i can't connect to the internet05:14
scott_ino2i was thinking of gotomeeting the entire time anyways lol same difference05:14
Chimaeraand when i run sudo pppoeconf auto eth0 disappears05:14
buckyJesusCakeeeee, how did you install it?05:15
JesusCakeeeeei didnt05:15
JesusCakeeeeeit looks to be preloaded05:15
JesusCakeeeeei just installed 9.0405:15
Devrethmanokay, apparently sound isn't entirely dead. cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp makes noise05:15
hoshengweiHow to install XBMC on Ubuntu05:16
Devrethmanbut totem no longer works, gaim doesn't make sound, and neither does firefox05:16
scott_ino2Devrethman, you mean pidgin :-)05:16
caddyhello all05:17
scott_ino2Devrethman, did your sound stopp after an update?05:17
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Devrethmanscott: same thing05:17
caddycan someone please help me with installing wifi card?05:17
Devrethmanuh, I did an update when I booted up, so it could have been that.05:17
DevrethmanI don't remember what it updated though05:17
hoshengweiHow to install XBMC on Ubuntu05:17
buckyJesusCakeeeee, openoffice isn't in the Application menu?05:17
Chimaerait should be in th e office menu05:18
xsebsxcan ubuntu be installed on an ibook without the parallels?05:18
MoeJoecould someone help me with the line code so I can see my other hard drives or what the list code would be so I can see them and access them ?05:18
scott_ino2Devrethman, but you didnt compile alsa or anythin yourself right?05:18
Berzerkerxsebsx: what kind of ibook05:18
Devrethmanscott_ino2: No, I just installed this system on tuesday. I haven't done anything strange yet.05:18
caddylol can someone help me install wifi card in ubuntu?05:18
Chimaerasudo apt-get install _wifi_card_name_here05:19
Chimaerai think05:19
scott_ino2caddy, yes... just hold up a min there are 1200 people in this room05:19
scott_ino2and no05:19
scott_ino2haha that's not how you do it05:19
caddyya np05:19
BerzerkerChimaera: aptitude is package installation, like firefox or thunderbird05:19
caddywell first i gotta uninstall the .sys which it won't let me do..05:19
Berzerkerit's for installing programs.05:19
Chimaeralol, k05:19
Chimaerai'm a newbie :)05:19
Berzerker!ask | anielsen05:20
ubottuanielsen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:20
Ubiedoodiecan anybody here help me with wireless... Ubuntu 9.04 Kernel 2.6.29 Compaq cq60-211dx ...05:20
hoshengweiHow to install XBMC on Ubuntu05:21
xsebsxBerzerker: it actually is my gf's ibook, her daughter gave it to her as a gift and i don't have it with me, how does it make a difference though if it's an intel mac or not?05:21
Berzerkerhoshengwei: A quick googling gave me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45867505:21
MoeJoeIs there a way to list the hard drives that are on the system ?05:21
tyler_dmy function key is not working - using a toshiba satellite r10 ubuntu 9.04? any assisance please?05:21
scott_ino2Devrethman, one sec05:21
Berzerkerxsebsx: just wanted to see if there's anything received from googling that model working with ubuntu or not05:22
ChimaeraMoeJoe: man pages dude05:22
myselfanyone know where the folders for the Wine menu in Applications menus are located?05:22
inktriis it possible to have my wired network interface connected via one isp to the internet and have my wireless network interface connected via another isp to the internet too and have bittorrent associated with the wireless interface card and all other protocols associated with my wired interface?05:23
Chimaerain the places menyu, there should b sumin that looks like  drive and all05:23
Chimaeraclickk on it05:23
MoeJoeChimaera if I wanted to spend an hour looking for the line code I would not be ehre asking for it right ??05:23
Chimaeraits th win partition05:23
xsebsxBerzerker: is it necessary to get parallels to isntall ubuntu on a mac? it osunds like a virtual machine or a shared partition and truth is i want to completely replace the mac os system with ubuntu05:23
myselfepic win05:23
Devrethmanxsebsx:: you are correct.05:24
tyler_dinktri: may be possible depending on the limitations of the applications not the environment though....05:24
CardinalXimenezHey.... this may sound like a strange question, but how do I enable software rendering of OpenGL?05:24
Berzerkerxsebsx: that's exactly what Parallels is05:25
Berzerkerit's a VM05:25
xsebsxDevrethman: so i cannot install ubuntu on a mac unless it's a virtual machine? i cant replace mac os with ubuntu?05:25
myselfanyone know where the folders for the Wine menu in Applications menus are located? in Ubuntu/Gnome05:25
buckyUbiedoodie, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6895635#post6895635  the ath5k driver is already in the kernel just edit those files like in that post For wifi05:25
Berzerkerxsebsx: You can install it, you need a PPC version.05:25
Devrethmanxsebsx: Parellels is a virtual machine, you can replace OSX without using parallels05:25
histomyself: burried in gconf I assume05:25
BerzerkerAnd boot from the CD05:25
tyler_dMoeJoe: gparted05:25
Berzerkerxsebsx: you can't even run parallels though, since you don't have an intel processor05:26
DevrethmanYou may have to do some tricks to get it to work because macs use an EFI and a different partition table05:26
UbiedoodieTY will have alook see05:26
MoeJoeWhat do you mean Tyler ?05:26
histomyself: you can right click on applications and select edit menus05:26
myselfyeah i know but i want to do it manually05:26
xsebsxBerzerker: how do you know i don't have an intel processor?05:26
=== KnightWhoSaysNi is now known as ObiWanQueNoob
histoNeed someone who is really good with sound issues. I'm trying to get sound working with sdlmame and I need a way of troubleshooting the issue05:26
Berzerkerxsebsx: because it's an iBook05:26
MoeJoetyler_d what do you mean ?05:26
Berzerkerxsebsx: no iBook has an intel processor.05:27
CardinalXimenezMyself, the menu structure of Gnome isn't like windows.05:27
Berzerkerxsebsx: it's either a G3 or a G405:27
tyler_dMoeJoe: use an application called gparted to view all your hard-disks. or refrase your question05:27
myselfive done it like this twice before05:27
myselfi just forgot where the folders were05:27
MoeJoeThanks tyler_d taht should do it..05:27
tyler_dMoeJoe: np, gl05:27
MoeJoeThanks tyler_d05:27
xsebsxBerzerker: So this would be the correct file to download: ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/ports/releases/jaunty/release/xubuntu-9.04-alternate-powerpc.iso05:27
Berzerkerxsebsx: yes.05:28
anielsentotal noob here - just installed ubuntu on  ZOTAC IONITX-A-U and no idea what to do next, how do i install drivers to get the video and sound to work properly? can even install flash for some reason05:28
histoI installed a command line system, xorg, nvidia-glx-173, and sdlmame. However, when I start sdlmame sound isn't working.05:28
CardinalXimenezHow do I enable software rendering of OpenGL? My video card has some hardware problems and I need a fallback solution.05:28
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tyler_d!restricted > anielsen05:28
ubottuanielsen, please see my private message05:28
histoanielsen: system > administration > hardware drivers  should get your proper video drivers05:28
Devrethmananielsen: have you done the system->admin->hardware drivers thing05:28
histoCardinalXimenez: ^^^^^05:29
Devrethmanand seen if there's closed source drivers for your system?05:29
anielsentried that and nothing shows up05:29
Devrethmanwhat video card do you have?05:29
histoanielsen: what type of card?05:29
tyler_d!synaptec > anielsen05:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about synaptec05:29
xsebsxBerzerker: why though? how come i have a non intel processor(AMD) and i simply installed ubuntu on my hp laptop05:29
tyler_d!aptitude > anielsen05:29
ubottuanielsen, please see my private message05:29
Devrethmanxsebx: what kind of mac computer do you have?05:30
anielsenthink its integrated GeForce 9400M05:30
CardinalXimenezhisto, what am I supposed to do there?05:30
Devrethmananielsen: then you should be able to install nvidia drivers, ubless ou already have05:30
myselfanyone know where the folders for the Wine menu in the Applications menu are located? in Ubuntu/Gnome. I want to get there using Nautilus05:30
Berzerkerxsebsx: AMD and intel run on the same architecture05:31
Berzerkerxsebsx: called x8605:32
histoCardinalXimenez: you cn install proper video drivers there.05:32
Berzerkerxsebsx: PPC (Power PC) is a completely different architecutre)05:32
xsebsxBerzerker: i currently have both gnome and kde, i log on kde though because i like the cool visual effects, if i download xubuntu can i get the same cool visual effects? i understand something called kwin and beryl is used, does xfce have an homologue?05:32
Berzerkerxubuntu is uses xfce05:33
Berzerkerit's neither gnome nor KDE05:33
CardinalXimenezhisto, I WAS using the 185 drivers from nvidia until I diagnosed the issue. It is showing up as "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system".05:33
xsebsxBerzerker: i know, that's why i ask, does xubuntu have the cool visual effects you can get on either gnome or kde?05:34
tyler_dDevrethman: find an installed program name(correct caps) and in a term type sudo find / -name "<<name of the app>>" that should find it for you ;)05:34
* cz_jc uses xchat from his neo freerunner =)05:34
xsebsxBerzerker: compiz i  think it's called05:34
theunholyhey guys quick question can i convert from fat32 to ntfs with ubuntu?05:35
ugaguys, anyone can suggest how to proceed once suspected one's machine has been compromised?05:35
tyler_dtheunholy: yes05:35
theGeekPirate<3 Xubuntu for it's speed!05:35
ugaa system root cleanup, reinstall, and keeping home would be safe enough?05:35
Berzerkerxsebsx: yes, compiz runs on gnome and kde05:35
myself/home/ivan/.local/share/applications/ is what iw as looking for05:36
xsebsxBerzerker: but can i get it to work on xfce?05:36
Bookmanis opera browser in the repos?05:36
CardinalXimenezHow do I enable SOFTWARE RENDERING of OpenGL? My video card has some hardware problems and I need a fallback solution.05:36
tyler_duga: get a firewall like guarddog check your logs, ensure you don't have root ssh logins enabled05:36
xsebsxi want to get the same effects05:36
Berzerkerxsebsx: should work, never tried it though05:36
theunholyok then how do i do it? XD05:36
BerzerkerBookman: firefox-3.5. :D05:36
tyler_d!firewall > uga05:36
ubottuuga, please see my private message05:36
thahaussCan some one please help me get my 'Creative Labs SB X-Fi' to work in jaunty?  I was getting this same error before and I couldn't make progress on it, so I just reinstalled Ubuntu 9.04 x64.  Upon boot i went to terminal and typed "aslamixer" and get "function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory".  I dont have a '/dev/snd' folder.  I would really appreciate some help w/ this I've spent hours on google05:36
thahauss and reinstalled :|05:36
legend2440myself: not sure if this is right but check   /usr/share/app-install/desktop05:36
theGeekPirateYes, just google opera linux lol05:37
ugatyler_d: the problem was exactly there... I found shorewall rules in a way I really didn't remember05:37
ugatyler_d: and a setup for ffproxy... which I didn't even remember installing05:37
devrethmanOkay, whenever I go into the sound control panel and try to test my sound card it says it can't open the audio device for playback.05:37
uganot coming from packages from what I can tell05:37
devrethmanand I have no sound05:37
devrethmanbut I can cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp and get noise05:37
theGeekPirateGoogle "ubuntu audio drivers"05:38
ugatyler_d: imagine one day you find that your /etc/shorewall/rules is changed and a new port added05:38
theGeekPirateI wouldn't remember lol05:38
theGeekPirateI never look at it05:38
ugatheGeekPirate: well, if the port has a coment saying #ffproxy, you should look at it05:39
tyler_duga: so it sounds like your on top of it... do you have ssh-server on there?05:39
ugatyler_d: yes, it's my local home machine though05:39
xsebsxi tried sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop and i got E: Invalid operation xubuntu-desktop05:39
ugatyler_d: and changed ports05:39
theGeekPirateCool, I'l google about it05:39
lstarnesxsebsx: you missed the "install" in the command05:39
tyler_dtyler_d: can I hit it from the web?05:39
CardinalXimenezHow do I enable SOFTWARE RENDERING of OpenGL? My video card has some hardware problems and I need a fallback solution. I have been searching on Google for two hours and have no clue.05:39
devrethmanxsebx: apt-get install <package>05:39
tyler_duga: can I hit it from the web05:40
ugatyler_d: port 2105:40
^Phantom^If my friend sends me a request for remote assistance using a windows machine, how can I connect to their machine to view their desktop and help them?05:41
tyler_duga: is root login enabled?05:41
tyler_dyes it is05:41
ugatyler_d: it shouldn't, but let me check05:41
tyler_duga: your system is more likely then not compromized05:42
JoeSomebodyhello, its me that newbie again, if i want xp, win7 and ubuntu on one drive, what order should i install them in? (i will also have a just ubuntu box)05:42
tyler_duga: backup what you can and format...05:42
tyler_duga: and get a friend to slap you and say "DON'T DO THAT"!!!!05:42
ugatyler_d: that's what I'm planning to do, after years untouched, heh05:42
ugatyler_d: honestly, I don't recall ever install ffproxy05:42
ugatyler_d: the package isn't intalled, and is commented open in shorewall05:43
thahaussCan some one please help me get my 'Creative Labs SB X-Fi' to work in jaunty?  I was getting this same error before and I couldn't make progress on it, so I just reinstalled Ubuntu 9.04 x64.  Upon boot i went to terminal and typed "aslamixer" and get "function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory".  I dont have a '/dev/snd' folder.  I would really appreciate some help w/ this I've spent hours on google05:43
ugait's years I run this box, but... I really don't think I installed it for testing05:43
babu_Can anyone help me please? I am getting this error each time try to install any software from synaptic pkg manager or using apt-get:  ca-certificates-java: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 105:44
babu_I am using Janty 9.0405:45
coz_babu_,  see if you can install ca-certificates-java  I think that error was fixed not sure though05:46
caddyhello can someone please help me with blacklist removal?05:46
devrethmanOkay, I got it working by changing it in sound preferences to OSS Instead of ALSA, but that's rather kludgey05:46
joakoIs there an easy way to create a customized install disc? I would need to add some packages and hopefully set some default configurations05:47
babu_coz_: i cant reinstall ca-certificates-java ..it also shows the same error05:47
coz_babu_,  hold on05:47
caddyis there anyone here that knows much about removing stuff from blacklist?05:47
histocaddy: edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf05:48
devrethmancaddy: what blacklist?05:48
aj_444how do I change my default browser in ubuntu?05:48
histocaddy: then you can sudo update-initramfs -y05:48
ugatyler_d: now that i remember, I *did* enable passwordless logins through keys, so that I could open tunnels and keep them alive automatically05:48
ugatyler_d: maybe that was my fault05:48
histoaj_444: you can use gconf-editor05:49
aj_444histo: is that in the terminal, or is that something I need to install?05:49
histoaj_444: you can launch it with terminal05:49
tyler_duga:  I love keys, and use them, however I recommend either keys or passwords not both05:49
aj_444histo: just type in gconf-editor?05:49
tyler_duga: and you can use a null ping to keep concurrent connections open ;)05:49
coz_babu_,  try this link and manually install  http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/132551/ca-certificates-java_20081028_all.deb05:49
histoaj_444: yes and i'll have to find the area hold on05:50
babu_coz_: ok05:50
aj_444histo: okay. I lauched it.05:50
ugatyler_d: well, yes, except it cannot automatically reconnect if connectoin is lost (machine goes down)05:50
legend2440aj_444: open system>preferences>preferred applications  choose web browser to use05:50
histoaj_444: let me look real quick hold up05:50
ugatyler_d: autossh works like charm when using keys05:50
histoaj_444: or listen to legend2440 thats a lot easier05:50
x802how to tell is optical disk is closed or not? finalized, sessions etc..05:51
aj_444histo: haha. yeah. thankis for your help though. you too legend244005:51
xsebsxBerzerker: it's not an ibook!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's a macbook05:51
Berzerkerxsebsx: then you can run a VM05:51
mibhi, how can i query the lmutil lmhostid on my terminal?05:51
xsebsxwill the alternate powerpc install cd still work on it?05:52
xsebsxBerzerker: i don't want to run a vm, i want to wipe mac os away05:52
xsebsxand replace it with ubuntu05:52
xsebsxBerzerker: will the ppc alternate img still work?05:52
mibthere Berzerker?05:52
myselfso anyone know how i can get rid of this stuff: http://i28.tinypic.com/2s0z1g0.jpg05:53
neverbluei want my Ubuntu box to be a mail server05:53
neverbluecan someone point me in the right direction please ?05:53
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tyler_dneverblue: zimbra or squirel mail05:53
colin_agneverblue, google postfix.05:53
colin_agzimbra / squirrelmail are webmail apps05:54
neverblueah, 3 options :D05:54
babu_coz_: oops..it failed to installed also :(05:54
lateralus01I can't get my headphone jack to work05:54
colin_agis local/internet SMTP05:54
coz_babu_,  damn05:54
coz_babu_,   hold on let me check05:54
babu_coz_: ok..sure05:54
xsebsxBerzerker: so should i stop the DL for the power pc version and get the intel architecture version?05:54
Berzerkerxsebsx: no it won't, you'll need the x86 version05:54
Berzerkermib: hi?05:54
lateralus01does anyone know how to get a sound card working? specifically the headphone jack???05:55
mibBerzerker, i need to query lmutil lmhostid but still havent get around05:56
mibBerzerker, can you show me around?05:56
neverbluethanks colin_ag05:56
Berzerkermib: I have no idea what you're talking about lol05:56
miblmutil lmhostid05:56
mibim supposed to find the hostid of my linux system05:56
mapper2009after I login to ubuntu jaunty server, it says "7 packages can be updated", 12 updates are security updates. How can I view the information for these packages, and security updates?05:57
joakolateralus01: Not really the answer, but maybe it's a hardware issue? On my laptop the headphone jack is messed up and I can only get sound in Linux via the internal speakers05:57
coz_babu_,  I am not finding anything useful online at all05:57
babu_coz_: me too05:58
coz_babu_,   if no one can answer here I would head over to the  #linux  channel and see if someone there has a solutions or two05:58
lateralus01my internal speakers work fine05:58
xsebsxis this link correct then? http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/xubuntu-releases/9.04/release/xubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso05:58
myselfso anyone know how i can get rid of this stuff in the Wine Menu: http://i28.tinypic.com/2s0z1g0.jpg05:58
lateralus01but plugging in headphones produces no sound on the headphones and doesn't interrupt sound on the speakers05:58
lateralus01and i'm pretty sure the jack works with vista but screw microsoft :)\05:59
neverbluegood place to purchase a .com  ?05:59
joakolateralus01: I would play around with the mixer....06:00
Lunisneverblue, hostway.com06:00
joakoneverblue: NOT godaddy.com06:00
lateralus01no system sounds come through the headphones06:00
LunisQFT: <joako> neverblue: NOT godaddy.com06:00
babu_coz_: ok. I am already on tht channel and asking for it06:00
coz_babu_,  cool :)06:00
joakolateralus01: It might be called "volume control" but if you double click on the speaker icon it should bring up a screen with more options06:01
joakoneverblue: Oh and any place charging more than USD 10/year (e.g. network solutions) is IMO overcharging (for a .com)06:01
babu_jaunty 9.04 is not suited me :(06:01
xsebsxwhat does WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat, it will be ignored in a future release. mean?06:01
lateralus01ok what should i do with volume control06:01
xsebsxthat came up as i dl xubuntu06:02
nationwhat to do after a power failure to repiar ubuntu so i dont have to reinstall again06:02
Lunisjoako, i use hostway. 8 per year for com/net/org i think06:02
legend2440myself: i think i know how to get rid of them.  can I pm?06:03
lateralus01I posted this in the forums a few hours ago but no replies, if any of you would be so kind could you please look at the post?06:04
myselflegend2440 yeah06:04
drew212i need some help with WINE06:04
lateralus01theres some hardware and driver info06:04
myselfi found it but im trying to figure out how  right now actually06:04
Lunisquestion! how can i rebuild the initrds on my system if i can't get the system to boot?06:04
nationi got tons a queation really but most important is when bridging networks  what is the dns06:05
nationapears to have its own06:05
Lunislateralus01, boot images06:05
lateralus01kernel boot image?06:05
nationissue some strange ip not from my network06:05
lateralus01whats wrong with your kernel?06:05
nationhow do i set the dns to my dns in the nework bridge06:06
Lunislateralus01, it's not booting. i need to rebuild the initrds to see if a fix works06:06
lateralus01how do you know its the kernel, could be the way its booting06:06
ResistolAre there any screen sharing with mouse/keyboard control apps that don't require an install for a client?06:06
lateralus01do you have a custom compiled kernel or something?06:07
Lunislateralus01, no it's not a custom kernel06:07
lateralus01private chat lunis06:08
nationi tell you one thing i did a scan of my network  with n map found more info then i would have liked06:08
nationall my other windows pcs had open ports for some ms crap even with a nice software firewall found no open ports on this lap not sure if its just because n-map is linux lol06:09
Y-Townwhere can i find the latest info on 9.10?06:09
lateralus01lunis you there?06:09
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:09
drew212will break?06:10
Y-TownC-S-B: thanks06:10
coz_hey guys have any of you attempted a response to the java update error    ca-certificates-java: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:12
RohanKhi guys ! is it possible to boot fm thumb drive having a ubuntu ISO06:15
LunisRohanK, yes06:15
mikegerwitzdr3mro: If you boot the live CD, go to System - Administration - USB Startup Disk Creator06:16
mikegerwitzI don't recall which version of Ubuntu that was introduced in, but if you download the newest you'll be fine06:16
RohanKyes I have 9.0406:16
drew212how can i fix the wine registry?06:17
WIGGMPkI am running Jaunty amd64 with Compiz and I am having an issue with a small graphic that is displayed and does not go away. Every time I restart it is there.. If I restart just the x server it is removed.. I have a screenshot of it by my mouse http://imagebin.ca/view/H0sE_7.html06:17
lateralus01hey i updated a while ago and lost compiz functionality, whats the window manager that runs now? is it like metacity or something?06:20
GSF1200Sanyone here have ubuntu netbook remix installed?06:20
mikegerwitzlateralus01: yes, it should be metacity06:20
GSF1200Si have a question or 506:20
lateralus01how do i check if it is?06:20
mikegerwitzps -A | grep metacity06:21
lateralus01 3941 ?        00:00:14 metacity06:21
lateralus01that's the output06:21
mikegerwitzlateralus01: that means metacity's running06:22
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zj3t3mjui have problem with launchpad build system06:22
zj3t3mjuwhere can i ask for help?06:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:22
lateralus01however i don't think it's set to metacity by default, when i boot up my windows are screwed up and i have to go to appearance visual effects and select normal for my windows to go back to normal06:22
lateralus01i think my default window manager is stuck on compiz or something06:23
lateralus01i've heard you can change this with gconf06:23
lateralus01but i don't know how06:23
mikegerwitzlateralus01: compiz usually runs metacity as the window decorator. Type:06:23
mikegerwitzps -A | grep compiz06:23
mikegerwitz(After you boot and the windows are scrwed up)06:24
mikegerwitz(Sorry forgot to mention that)06:24
lateralus01compiz isn't running06:24
lateralus01btw this is after i've selected normal visual effects06:24
albechi accidentally installed kvm while installing virt-manager. now there is a conflict between kvm and virtualbox. I tried to remove kvm, but it seems like i have to recompile the kernel after i remove kvm to completely remove it...??06:24
mikegerwitzlateralus01: After your restart, is the normal visual effects option still selected?06:24
lateralus01no, its on none and all the windows are missing bars at the top and stuck to one size, then after i select normal it says searching for drivers and then my windows disappear and reappear fixed and it asks if i'd like to keep settings06:26
neBulexøØ°_"Experiência é o nome que nós damos aos nossos próprios erros."_°Øø06:26
b3rz3rk3r!es | neBulex06:26
ubottuneBulex: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:26
neBulexdont need help06:27
neBulexall right?06:27
mikegerwitzlateralus01: hmmm, how did you "loose" compiz functionality? Driver issues?06:28
zj3t3mjuno one help me?06:28
b3rz3rk3r!ask | zj3t3mju06:28
ubottuzj3t3mju: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:28
lateralus01i lost it after an update from the package manager, the next time i rebooted compiz didn't start and starting it from the command line screwed up all my windows and produced many errors06:28
zj3t3mjub3rz3rk3r: :|06:28
mikegerwitzzj3t3mju: You could try #launchpad06:29
lateralus01i believe that update installed metacity06:29
GSF1200Scan someone explain the purpose of a 718mb ISO file? I cant install ubuntu netbook remix because it wont burn to a cd06:29
RohanK-- I tried creating startup disk but it keeps showing me my USB drives fulll even though I wiped it clean06:29
RohanKany hints ?06:29
mikegerwitzlateralus01: If you run `compiz --replace` in the terminal, does anything catch your eye error-wise?06:29
RohanKI m booting fm Live CD BTW06:29
mikegerwitzlateralus01: You could also try `glxinfo | grep direct rendering`. that should return a line with "Yes". If that's "No", then it's a driver issue06:30
debian_dwhat's the command to know if it's debian Lenny ??06:30
^a2zanyone can help me with installing tcl?06:31
lateralus01there's many messages how do i paste?06:31
mikegerwitzexcuse me, `glxinfo | grep "06:31
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mikegerwitzexcuse me, `glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"` *** man, bad night06:31
lateralus01that command returns a yes06:31
lateralus01and yea i added the quotes lol06:31
=== Royall_ is now known as Royall
albechi have removed kvm which was accidentally installed with virt-manager, but virtual-box is still complaining.. http://imagebin.ca/view/uuz4Wi1J.html06:32
lateralus01ok here's the output of compiz --replace06:33
luckyoneanyone know some good channels I could join for some RAID help?06:33
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albechluckyone: what help do you need?06:34
b3rz3rk3rluckyone, #hardware and #raid i guess?06:34
mikegerwitzlateralus01: would you be able to paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, or just the "Module" section?06:35
crdlbGSF1200S: the only UNR image I see is much bigger than that, and is meant to be put on a USB drive06:35
luckyonealbech, I am trying to recover/mount the other half of my RAID1 array so I can copy the data off of it06:36
lateralus01it turns out my xorg.conf is missing a module section06:36
albechluckyone: and the device does not appear like /dev/md0?06:36
crdlbGSF1200S: that's karmic (the in-development version); they may be working on squeezing it down to CD image size06:36
lateralus01cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "module" produces nothing06:37
luckyonealbech, the array is gone06:37
luckyonealbech, I only have one of the drives now06:37
luckyonealbech, so I need to mount it somehow and get the data off of it06:37
mikegerwitzlateralus01: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/260713/ try adding that and restart X06:37
GSF1200Sso all I can do is install jaunty, which doesnt support wireless or ethernet on my netbook.. thats really a bummer06:37
mikegerwitzIf that doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling your video drivers. I'm unsure what to tell you from there :/06:38
albechluckyone: 2 sec.. logging in on a raid1 machine06:38
albechluckyone: and what does fdisk -l say?06:38
crdlbGSF1200S: or put it on a USB drive?06:39
lateralus01with startx?06:39
losherGSF1200S: or burn a dvd instead...06:39
GSF1200SI need an img file- I cant use ISO06:39
mikegerwitzlateralus01: You can try Ctrl+Alt+Backspace..but taht's disabled by default in 9.04. If that doesn't work, just log out and log back in06:39
lateralus01ok i'll do that06:40
GSF1200Sthis is confusing.. ive always had no issues installing via ISO06:40
GSF1200Scan I burn a dvd without a 4.7GB image?06:40
luckyonealbech, http://www.pastie.org/59742506:41
KelaosQuestion about the Netbook Remix06:41
Lost_Lobovery nice06:41
zeltakhi, anyone know whats the key in bybou (screen-profiles) to get the menu (f9) when the f's are disabled?06:41
GSF1200SKelaos- ask.. im trying to get it installed06:42
KelaosYeah, same, I've got the HP Mini 11006:42
KelaosBut I don't have a disc drive....06:42
KelaosAnd my BIOS doesn't let me boot from a  USB >.>06:42
lateralus01didn't work06:42
GSF1200Sit HAS to let you boot from USB.. are you kidding?06:42
lateralus01still had to go to effects and set to normal to fix screen06:43
mikegerwitzlateralus01: Alright; I guess try reinstalling your drivers (through the restricted driver manager if you used that, or manually otherwise). I'm not sure what else I can do to help.06:43
KelaosI'm going to try again but it only has one option in the boot order, and it's the HDD06:43
mikegerwitzlateralus01: I find `metacity --replace` easier than going into that visual effects dialog though, if needed.06:43
albechluckyone: and you want to retrieve the data that was on /dev/sda3 and /dev/sdb3??06:43
mikegerwitzIt's late here though, have to get going. Hopefully that works out for you. Good luck06:44
lateralus01where is the default window manager saved tho?06:44
lateralus01in an X config file?06:44
luckyonealbech, I think the data on /dev/sda3 was formatted06:44
lateralus01cause maybe i can edit it06:44
crdlbGSF1200S: I think you can simply use the "USB Startup Disk Creator" to put that oversized iso on a usb disk06:44
GSF1200Skelaos- id let you borrow mine, but thats not possible. THat sucks man06:44
albechluckyone: did you try just to mount /dev/sdb3 and see if the data is there?06:44
luckyonealbech, mounting it failed06:44
KelaosYeah I know, I'm trying to figure out how to work it otherwise...06:44
mikegerwitzlateralus01: Honestly I'm unsure. metacity is configurable in compiz if you install compizconfig-settings-manager. I don't recall where compiz is loaded by default htough06:45
GSF1200Smy main box is Arch, so id have to use the windows currently on the netbook06:45
Kelaosthinking Wubi and putting the ISO on the flash maybe?06:45
albechluckyone: failed?? with what error?06:45
lateralus01i've got compiz config settings manager06:45
syntaxis there a way to close out rhythmbox and still have it playing with a icon on the tray?06:45
TecnaWhen I try to navigate to my Samba shares, I get "Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server" | http://pastebin.com/d6529bc65 (smb.conf) |  http://pastebin.com/d4277c9b5 (samba.log)06:45
KelaosIt's popping up now that I have the flashdrive inserted it seems06:45
luckyonealbech, refrest pastie.org06:46
luckyonealbech, refresh*06:46
albechluckyone: did you run lvm on that raid?06:46
mikegerwitzlateralus01: Worst case (for a temp fix), System - Preferences - Startup Applications, add `metacity --replace`06:46
luckyonealbech, not to my knowledge06:46
mikegerwitzUntil you can resolve the issue. Just note that you'll ahve to remove it when you want to try to fix it06:46
xsebsxis there any way that i can listen to something from ubuntu and play somethign on amarok at the same time?06:47
lateralus01yea thought about that but it's kinda sloppy06:47
albechluckyone: and you are sure its ext3?06:47
luckyonealbech, yes06:47
mikegerwitzI'm sure others have had your issue. Googling for "Ubuntu" followed by anything usually gives me what I need06:47
albechluckyone: hmm and can you mount /dev/sdb4 ?06:48
albechluckyone: or will that give you same error?06:48
luckyonealbech, says it is already mounted or is busy06:49
luckyoneor the mount point is busy06:49
albechluckyone: im pretty sure there must have been some lvm on it06:49
luckyoneI don't think so06:49
luckyoneI just used mdadm to create the array06:49
lateralus01where are the blacklisted drivers stored in compiz?06:50
albechtry lvdisplay06:50
lateralus01i forgot mine was blacklisted and i removed it when i was tryin to get compiz to work06:50
luckyoneI don't have lvdisplay06:50
albechluckyone: ok, good ;)06:50
xsebsxhowcan i check a hash sum?06:51
mikegerwitzlateralus01: In compiz I'm unsure. Are you sure it wasn't in one of the blacklist files in /etc/modprobe.d/?06:51
lateralus01no it wasn't06:52
albechluckyone: checking something rq..06:52
malathii dn't know how to located the php file in  XAMPP?06:53
lateralus01wait there's an ls command that lists my hardware06:54
albechluckyone: and you are doing this as root or with sudo?06:54
lateralus01kind of like lsusb lists usb devices06:54
albechluckyone: when you try to mount it06:55
lateralus01which one lists my graphics card?06:55
DesertEaglehello everyone06:55
neBulex.*°¨(lateralus01)¨°*.: r u a nerd06:55
lstarneslateralus01: either lspci or sudo lshw -C video06:55
lateralus01well it depends on who you are06:55
lstarnes!ot | neBulex06:55
lateralus01to me no06:55
ubottuneBulex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:55
luckyonealbech, just did mdadm -B /dev/md11 -l 1 -n 1 /dev/sdb3 --force06:56
luckyoneand that worked06:56
luckyoneand it started06:56
DesertEaglei have a laptop whose button won't map properly (insists on being XF86Paste rather than Right arrow like I tell it to. Where do I start?06:56
luckyonenow, how do I mount /dev/md11 ?06:56
albechluckyone: mount -t ext3 /dev/md11 /mnt/blabla06:57
CRAY-4is anyone here good at ruby/gtk06:57
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devrethmanman exports06:57
devrethmannot a console06:57
FloodBot2devrethman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
CRAY-4well ttyl guys06:58
CRAY-4time to go to bed06:58
DesertEagleif I use xbindkeys-config, all keys map perfect except 2 (the cursor knob) if I try to do it just with keycodes, xev show'06:58
DesertEagle*xev shows the cursors, but not properly mapped06:58
DesertEaglepls help :)06:59
luckyonedidn't work06:59
ejv_how do I download source code from Launchpad? I want all of: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/jaunty/xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd/jaunty/files06:59
albechluckyone: you just made an array with one disk06:59
luckyonethat is fine06:59
WindmillObsessedat anybody: how do you install new libraries for Ubuntu?06:59
luckyonethere is only one disk in the array now06:59
albechluckyone: i think something else is happening with that disk06:59
avishekcould anyone guide me please?07:00
avisheki would like to use ubuntu server to create a web server for my company, but i need guidance on this matter07:01
DesertEagleWindmillObsessed: look for lib packages in synaptic07:01
celthunderavishek sure, what specifically do you need help with07:01
DesertEagleavishek: look up apache07:01
avishekcelthunder: thank you.07:01
celthunderavishek check pm07:01
DesertEagleanyone know anything about keybindings?07:02
avishekcelthunder: i'm sorry, but what is pm?07:02
DesertEagleprivate message07:02
celthunderavishek private message07:02
lateralus01ok so my graphics card is blacklisted from compiz, any idea why?07:04
albechluckyone: sorry i cannot be more helpful.. maybe someone else here can guide you further07:05
DesertEaglelateralus01: it doesnt support compositing? o_O07:06
WindmillObsessed@ DesertEagle: thanks07:06
DesertEagle=\ i hope it helps07:06
DesertEagleidk, really07:06
WindmillObsessedhas anybody here worked with swft before07:06
lateralus01you see thats the thing it did before07:07
lateralus01then i updated and it was blacklisted07:07
lateralus01i simply installed updates and now compiz will not work07:07
lateralus01even if i manually unblacklist my card07:08
DesertEaglego back one version of compiz?07:08
DesertEaglelook up the older package in ubuntu's repos07:08
DesertEagle(use the ubuntu package search in FF)07:09
kaushalis there a way to know which chipset is the internal modem on my laptop have ? lspci does not show it ?07:09
lateralus01please excuse my ignorance but how do i do that?07:09
DesertEaglefirefox has a search box next to the address bar07:10
WindmillObsessed(oops, I typed the wrong thing...) has anybody here worked with swftools or swfC before?07:10
DesertEagleselect the ubuntu logo from the dropdown menu07:10
DesertEagleand type in compiz07:10
DesertEagleyou'll get a list of prior versions, then compare the one you have installed to the list07:10
DesertEagleand pick the previous one07:10
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tobagohey i try to use grep for searching some files:  grep -Rni "lbl_" views/    but i don't know how to ignore all svn-files?07:11
lateralus01many packages came up how do i know which one?07:12
DesertEagletobago: idk... try this:   locate lbl_ | grep -v svn07:12
DesertEaglepick the previous one07:12
DesertEagledo you know which version you have installed?07:12
googeekHi there, everyone. I was wondering if anyone knows how to get my pppoe to automatically reconnect07:12
tobagoDesertEagle, no. i want to grep the files by line i posted but don't want the svn-files in my responded list.07:13
DesertEaglepipe the result to grep -v "svn" ?07:14
DesertEagle=\ idk07:14
lateralus01compiz --version produces: metacity 2.25.14407:15
tobagoDesertEagle, this didn't work: grep -v "svn" | grep -Rni "lbl_" views/07:15
RohanK_2thanks a lot for helpin me makin this USB drive. :D07:15
DesertEagletake out the quotes07:15
lateralus01DesertEagle: compiz --version produces metacity 2.25.144 but i don't think metacity was installed before this update07:16
tobagoDesertEagle, this worked: grep -Rni "lbl_" views/ | grep -v "svn"07:16
DesertEaglelateralus01: look up the version from synaptic07:17
simihi, i lost  my groups, please someone paste here the output of "groups user-id" i need to know ithe groups i need to add myself into07:17
DesertEaglesimi: users?07:17
DesertEaglesimi: deagle adm dialout cdrom plugdev users lpadmin admin sambashare mysql07:18
lateralus01all packages installed containing compiz are 0.8.207:18
DesertEagleumm... compiz should be it's own package no?07:18
x802how to tell # of sessions on an optical disk?07:19
pheonixcan any one explain me about the cast operation in c++07:20
DesertEagletype casting?07:20
simiDesertEagle: thx07:20
lateralus01so do i roll back compiz-core?07:20
raymondjtothwere the new 9.10 room07:21
raymondjtothfor ubuntu07:21
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.07:21
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:21
innomenon boot my macvhine hangs at "checking battery state"07:21
lateralus01ok this a n00b question but hardy, intrepid, jaunty, and karmic are versions of ubuntu in increasing order right?07:21
innomeni think its an nvidia driver issue, is there a way i can delete that drive or make it ignore it ?07:22
RohanK_2hello is KDE probs solved that was for the version of 8.10 Kubuntu ?07:22
DesertEagleinnomen: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:22
Raja8183i'm having issuesinstalling ubuntu 8 lts on my new dell xps 435mt07:22
DesertEaglereplace "nvidia" with "nv"07:22
Raja8183i keep getting this cdrom not mounted error07:22
lateralus01alright so i'm running 9.04, jaunty, i should install all my compiz to intrepid?07:22
innomenDesertEagle, it hangs at boot i cant get in07:23
Raja8183i've tried mounting it manually, also tried booting from usb using unetbootin tool, it did not help07:23
innomenwhat are those shortcuts called that drop me to a lower level07:23
DesertEaglelook up emergency bash shell07:23
innomenthats it07:23
innomencan you link me?07:23
DesertEagleRaja: using a liveCD?07:23
innomengoogle dosent know what i'm talking aqbout07:24
Raja8183prepared the live cd from the unetbootin tool07:24
innomenis that the proper search term? emergency bashj shell?07:24
innomeni thought it was like magic button or something07:25
blognewbhi guys what are gpu's temps on idle?07:25
Raja8183it does boot, but fails again at the same point, should i be doing any other changes to diable cdrom boot checking07:25
Hasbromen, i hear this that if you do sudo rm -rf / you can get internets?07:25
MTeck!stop | Hasbro07:26
ubottuHasbro: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.07:26
Hasbroi should not?07:26
DesertEagleinnomen: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-recovering-grub-boot-loader-password.html07:26
DesertEaglegoto Change Root Password07:26
MTeckHasbro: saying anything like that in this channel warrants removal07:26
Hasbrooh i am sorry men07:26
grawityMTeck: Even if the command doesn't work?07:27
kaushalchecking in again for my query ?07:27
innomenDesertEagle, thank you but thats not my issue07:27
MTeckgrawity: it does work - and even if it didn't it's still not ok07:27
kaushalis there a way to know which chipset is the internal modem on my laptop have ? lspci does not show it ?07:27
innomenthere is a shortcut that brings up a menu that ;lets me play with displays settings07:27
Hasbroam i do it wrong MTeck?07:27
innomeni've been here before07:27
innomeni cant remeber iotr07:27
innomeni need hotkewys that fdunction at hung boot07:27
DesertEagleinnomen: thats how you're going to get into O.S to edit xorg.conf07:27
MTeckHasbro: hm?07:28
DesertEaglethat's how you get into shell from Grub menu07:28
Hasbroam i doing it wrong?07:28
innomeni didnt have to edit a file before07:28
DesertEagleit's not a file07:28
DesertEagleyou're thinking of sudo init 107:28
MTeckHasbro: doing what wrong?07:28
dfighterhis life07:28
Hasbrorm -rf ting07:28
dfighteran hero on cam pliz07:28
Hasbroam i do that wrong07:28
DesertEagleexcept that sudo init 1 now has a silly menu that sometimes asks for root password (which there is none)07:28
Raja8183anytone on the installation help07:29
Hasbroi want to clean my pc07:29
Hasbromy friend say to rm it07:29
DesertEagleomg dude...07:29
DesertEagleHA HA07:29
DesertEagleget over it07:29
innomenDesertEagle, not knoippix07:29
FloodBot2DesertEagle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:29
w0jrlhello all07:29
MTeckHasbro: on LTS that command isn't patched for that - not everyone in here is using ubuntu either07:29
DesertEagleinnomen: OMG DUDE JUST DO IT07:29
innomenjust do what!!!!07:29
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:29
Hasbroi have windows07:29
Hasbrowhat is lts?07:29
MTeckDesertEagle: stop07:29
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0407:29
DesertEagleinnomen: u said you couldnt get in to change the "nvidia" to "nv"07:30
Hasbrowhat version of windows does ubuntu support?07:30
innomengo away worhtless, does anyone ELSE remember ANY hotkeys that works at hung boot07:30
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MTeckHasbro: hu?07:30
Hasbrowhat version?07:30
w0jrldoes anyone know if karmic is in beta yet?07:30
MTeckHasbro: your question doesn't make sense07:31
DesertEagleanyone know about keycodes?07:31
innomenDesertEagle, i told you the hang is a result of an nvidai display setting i can fix it i've done it before there is a whole menu of thingfs you can get to but i dont recall tghe hotkey07:31
shiki-w0jrl, nope. its in alpha407:31
Raja8183hasbro: i mean i only have a windows system so i cannot prepare a usb that can be able to install the ubuntu....all the commands on the ubuntu installation help are for linux shell07:31
Hasbroi don't understand MTeck07:31
ruby_on_tailsis there a flash slideshow maker which works on ubuntu ?07:31
shiki-alpha5 have to come before beta107:31
MTeckw0jrl: it's alpha now07:31
lateralus01how do I install an older version .deb file?07:31
innomenit was loike alt shift control [pritn screen 5 or some crap like that07:31
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shiki-lateralus01, dpkg -i *.deb ?07:31
shiki-what do you mean exactly?07:31
HasbroRaja8183 how do i clean up my pc with rm?07:31
neverblueanyone else run Ubuntu in VirtualPC ?07:31
Hasbroi am on windows 200007:31
MTeckHasbro: you don't07:31
Hasbrowhy dont??07:32
grawityneverblue: I did, once.07:32
DesertEagleinnomen: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:32
Hasbroi download ubuntu07:32
Hasbroit is .iso on my topdesk07:32
Raja8183anyone on the installation please..........07:32
MTeckHasbro: if you want to talk about windows - go to ##windows07:32
innomenDesertEagle, GENIUS i cant get to a promt ITS HUNG and i dont know how to GET to the promptQ!07:32
innomenlook just stop helpiong me, there are others, i'll wait for someone else07:32
Hasbromy friend say me that if i download ubuntu i can clean up my pc with rm07:32
neverbluegrawity: found lots of issues with it ?07:32
Hasbroso i download iso ubuntu and type sudo rm -rf / and it still dirty07:33
lstarnesHasbro: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND07:33
MTeckHasbro: no - don't try to clean windows from linux unless you're ready for things to break - just do cleaning from windows itself07:33
lstarnesHasbro: that deletes all files on the root filesystem07:33
MTeck!danger | Hasbro07:33
ubottuHasbro: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!07:33
histoMTeck: he's trolling07:33
induslol nice command07:33
MTecklstarnes: second time he posted too07:33
grawityneverblue: Figuring out the boot options was a pain. The rest I don't really remember, but I don't think there were any big problems/07:33
Hasbroi dont understand07:33
histoHasbro: stop07:34
MTeckHasbro: what's your native language?07:34
indusguys i keep getting message fsck failed07:34
MTeckindus: details07:34
HasbroMTeck english you?07:34
neverbluegiving a troll attention, good or day, just adds fuel to the fire07:34
innomenpriont scrfeen alt shift gives me option07:34
histoHasbro: if you ahve a question pertaining to #ubuntu ask other wise sry07:34
innomenbut it dosent launch to window i remeber07:34
Hasbroi do histo07:34
Hasbroi try to clean my pc with ubuntu and it wont work07:34
MTeckHasbro: then you should understand what we're saying - stop trolling this channel07:34
neverbluefor all those new people out there, trolls, when you want them gone, require only lack of attention07:34
indusMTeck: fsck failed on /dev/sda5 , please run fsck manuallly, dropping to maintenance shell07:34
innomenare you seriously telling me no one here know any bash short cuts?07:35
MTeckHasbro: go to ##windows07:35
neverbluethis is a very important lesson for everyone to learn on IRC07:35
Hasbrolike the man under the bridge? i live in a house with my mom07:35
grawityneverblue: I think you'll need a 'vga' option from http://sprunge.us/NSJb -- vga=771, or whatever.07:35
innomenHasbro, get the fuck out of here i have important things to deal with07:35
MTeck!offtopic | Hasbro07:35
ubottuHasbro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:35
histo!ot | hasbro07:35
ubottuhasbro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:35
Hasbroyou curse me???07:35
histo!ohmy | innomen07:35
ubottuinnomen: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.07:35
indusso folks whats going on here07:35
innomenhisto, sorry he's just in my way07:35
ejv_!language | innomen07:35
ubottuinnomen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:35
neverbluegrawity: just finding a few minor issues, console is acting up and i keep losing my network07:36
Hasbroinnomen was it your turn ??07:36
innomenejv_, oh shit, my bad >.>07:36
neverblueno biggy :D07:36
Hasbro!language | innomen07:36
ubottuinnomen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:36
Flannelinnomen: There's absolutely no reason to use such language.07:36
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Hasbrooh cool it works07:36
innomenFlannel, english is the only one i know07:36
histoFlannel: can you help with hasbro07:36
indus fsck failed on /dev/sda5 , please run fsck manuallly, dropping to maintenance shell07:36
Cantinflas9hi all07:36
Hasbrohi u07:36
Myrttiinnomen: and you're misusing it07:37
^Phantom^Does ubuntu have a facebook?07:37
histoFlannel: thought you were an op07:37
MTeckindus: please don't repeat that quick07:37
HasbroMTeck it still does not work07:37
indusMTeck: oki07:37
innomenMyrtti, really? iu'm pretty sure everyone knows the defintion of the word i used and i'm also sure i used it in correct grammaticval context07:37
CodeWargeneral question about patched kernels and distribution: I have a certain kernel source and I ve applied the bigphysarea patch to it and recompiled. Can I circulate this kernel image around to other machines assuming they were all using the same base kernel to begin with07:37
Guest31541^Phantom^ what? a facebook?07:37
FlannelHasbro: Is there something we can help you with today?07:37
indusinnomen: i take offence to that word07:37
HasbroFlannel i was just trying to get my rm rf command to work you see i downloaded ubuntu iso onto my windows07:38
Hasbroand it does not work07:38
Flannelinnomen: Please be respectful of everyone in this channel.07:38
Unholyhey guys quick question how do i restore ubuntu into my boot manager after upgrading to win7?07:38
MTeckindus: did you get it?07:38
innomenlol well its good to know that saying naughty adult words is worse thatn trying to wipe peope's hard drives07:38
indusMTeck: get what07:38
MTeck!grub | Unholy07:38
ubottuUnholy: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:38
Flannelinnomen: Worry about yourself, let the operators deal with everyone else.07:38
innomenFlannel, what about respect for me? oh right, dosent apply, i'm not an op07:38
Unholythx for the reply =)07:38
Guest31541innomen and MTeck and indus PLEASE CALM yourself07:39
MTeckUnholy: I have heard of issues with the Win7 loader - but only briefly once07:39
FlannelHasbro: Right, and I believe you were told that it's not a good idea (which it isn't), is there anything else we can help you with?07:39
Guest31541innomen and MTeck and indus take it to some other channel or make peace witheachother07:39
induslol iam not involved07:39
Hasbronah, I'll stop trolling07:39
Unholyi just want to restore it to my boot manager07:39
MTeckindus: the fsck thing07:39
Hasbrothis is too funny07:39
MTeckGuest31541: stop07:39
innomenFlannel, then giove me my hotkey and i'l leave07:39
ejv_how do I get RV635 hdmi to output sound in Jaunty?07:39
MTeckUnholy: did you read what ubottu told you?07:39
Flannelinnomen: Excuse me?07:39
indusMTeck: ya i get fsck warnings,does it mean my HDD is failing?07:39
innomenFlannel, or are you haveing too much fun flexing?07:40
Myrttiinnomen: you were warned and told to stop it. in many networks you would have been kicked without warning. If you wish to discuss this matter further, you're welcome to do so in #ubuntu-ops.07:40
innomenFlannel, my question that no one will answer that i know you all know07:40
Unholyi just stated reading XD07:40
MTeckindus: not sure, what is /dev/sda5 mounteed to?07:40
HasbroQuit the qq innomen.07:40
indusMTeck: root07:40
HasbroTry #care07:40
lstarnesindus: what hotkey?07:40
innocivEhh.  If I lsof -P  I get a long list.(including apache)  If I lsof - P | grep :80  I get nothing.  What gives?07:40
lstarnesindus: oops, wrong person07:40
Flannelinnomen: I've checked your lastlog, I can't see the question, mind repeating it?07:40
innocivI'm trying to see what is running on port 80 of all my ips07:40
lstarnesinnociv: which hotkey are you looking for?07:40
indusinnociv: well the http service iam sure07:41
lstarnesinnociv: sorry, wrong person again07:41
Myrttilstarnes: roll dice again07:41
grawityinnociv: maybe sudo netstat -lpt | grep :80?07:41
* ^Phantom^ sets innomen's keyboard on fire...so many hotkeys...07:41
induslstarnes: that was innomen's question07:41
innocivhangs, grwity07:41
innomenFlannel, of course, my machine is hung at boot there is a hotkey that i can press that brings up a lower level configurtation tool, i cantr recall it07:41
Flannelinnomen: You mean going to the Recovery console?07:41
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot07:41
innomenFlannel, if i knew it's name i'd have googled :)07:42
MTeckindus: What is /dev/sda5 mounted to?07:42
=== b14ck_ is now known as b14ck
grawityinnociv: if netstat hangs, it's trying to use DNS, I think .... try -lptn instead.07:42
brummbaerinnomen: ctrl-alt-f2?07:42
lstarnesinnociv: I don't recall there being a hotkey for that.  There are the magic Alt+SysRQ combinations, but those might not be what you're looking for07:42
Flannelinnomen: Well, recovery console doesn't require a hotkey, but I'm not really sure what you're talking about if it is a "hotkey"07:42
innomenbrummbaer, testing, one moment07:42
indusMTeck: what ado u mean mounted to? its my root partition ,internal HDD07:42
innocivK got it.07:42
MTeckindus: ok07:42
MTeckindus: boot to a live cd07:42
innomenFlannel, you know where you hold like alt and shift and press something and spo,mething happens?07:42
^Phantom^What's the off-topic channel again?  I keep forgetting. :(07:42
Flannelinnomen: What happens?07:43
indusMTeck: ok i think its cos i didnt shutdown properly,but i dont know why it keeps failing07:43
lstarnes^Phantom^: #ubuntu-offtopic07:43
Flannelinnomen: As someone already mentioned the alt-sysrq stuff, but that won't get you to a console07:43
MTeckindus: from the live cd you can do fsck on that partition07:43
^Phantom^lstarnes, thankies :D07:43
innomenbrummbaer, ok that gave me a prompt07:43
innomenFlannel, define "console" please07:43
indusMTeck: any flags for fsck, or just type fsck07:43
brummbaerinnomen: i presume that's what you were looking for?07:43
innomenin toddler so i can understand :P)07:43
lstarnesinnomen: it's like a command line window07:43
innomenbrummbaer, much closer, yes now there is a blue back ground grey text menu that i can arrow through07:44
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innomenbrummbaer, it looks like a bios window but thats not what it is obnviously07:44
Flannelinnomen: you can read all about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key07:44
MTeckindus: What I normally run is  fsck -pyfv /dev/sda507:44
Cantinflas9i swear man i've been using Live Cd's of Ubuntu and Fedora and neither of them recognize my wireless usb adapter07:44
innomenthats it07:44
innomenthats the word i was missing07:44
indusMTeck: whats p,y and f?07:44
innomenthank you07:44
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brummbaerflannel, that is an AWESOME link.07:45
Flannelinnomen: As you can plainly see, your earlier ranting about people "hiding" the solution from you was illfounded.07:45
MTeckindus: fsck --help07:45
innomenFlannel, wrong, i got your attention first and then my problem got solved :)07:45
Flannelinnomen: Please try and be more considerate in the future.  We're all volunteers here.07:45
Flannelinnomen: That's thew rong way to do things.  If you take that route, you'll be removed.07:45
innomenFlannel, did i tell you i'm a sociology major? :)07:45
yvahi do somebody knows the official ppa for firefox and thunderbird?07:46
innomenFlannel, oh i couldent care less, i also have a huge anarchist streak and absolutly no problem with being "punished ]ik07:46
MTeckinnomen: if you're going to rant further - you should bring it to #ubuntu-ops07:46
fejkjfoeijfI wanted to install virtualbox - listed first is the deb, that doesn't install (missing dependencies) and wifi (wiki) doesn't have apt-get -i written next to it, and below the deb downloads they have sources listed (below) - how can I remove an unconfigured deb from my system?07:46
fejkjfoeijfor can I add the source and apt-get install it and it will configure?07:46
fejkjfoeijfFlannel, that was uncalled for07:47
Myrttifejkjfoeijf: you don't know half of it07:47
ejv_stop bickering, i need help07:47
innomenMTeck, im done, was just answering the question ^.^07:48
MTeck!ask | ejv_07:48
ubottuejv_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:48
MTeckinnomen: stop07:48
innomenl8r guys07:48
ejv_!scrollup | MTeck07:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scrollup07:48
histofejkjfoeijf: sudo aptitude purge <packagename>07:48
indusso lucky innomen can rejoin in a sec,but i was banned for hours07:48
syntaxFor some odd reason i wanna install virtualbox07:48
innomenMTeck, sto what, im leaving07:48
Myrttiindus: do you want to be caught up with this discussion and be rebanned?07:49
Myrttiindus: move along.07:49
fejkjfoeijfThat is true, and I don't want to know, but from 'not being kicked' to 'being kicked' was nothing much, and he even said thank you, seemed like a grudge. So on the matter of dpkg -i going awry, and then wanting to use apt-get to install the package...07:49
MTeckfejkjfoeijf: You tried to install the .deb with dpkd -i vbox.deb ?07:49
fejkjfoeijfso I need to remove it first?07:49
fejkjfoeijfaaha, thanks histo07:49
fejkjfoeijfMTeck, yes I did07:49
indusMyrtti: iam not involved in this one,but that statement was unneeded and threatening indeed07:49
ejv_how do I get RV635 hdmi to output sound in Jaunty?07:49
ejv_i've tried for... 3 hours07:50
Flannelindus: Please help to keep this channel on topic.  Thanks.07:50
fejkjfoeijfMyrtti, why are you adding more noise to the channel, indus just ignore him, let's all drop it07:50
indus'so next question07:50
indusdoes an fsck fail means HDD is dyin?07:50
innocivIf I  sudo ps aux | grep aped07:50
innociv  I get rph       1475  0.0  0.1   3128   776 pts/0    S+   06:50   0:00 grep aped   How do I kill this?  Or see what port it's running on for that matter..07:50
fejkjfoeijfgroup hug, and now to try MTeck's wonderful suggestion that is exempliary of the conduct becoming of this channel07:50
MTeckfejkjfoeijf: You should have a list of unmet dependencies - when you install then, vbox will automatically be configured07:51
ejv_i've toggled every menu, held every variable in control, like a good lil scientist, i've played with alsa, this whole thing is a huge clusterfail07:51
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ejv_i even compiled, by hand, my own xf86-video-radeonhd driver via freedesktop.org07:51
MTeckindus: it's pretty likely - can you list the errors?07:51
fejkjfoeijfyeah, libcurl3, python 2.507:51
ejv_that didn't work, that just creamed X07:52
ejv_and i was thinking that if i made X use radeonhd, and enabled HDMI in xorg.conf, it would work... but NOPE07:52
TheStoneguys, can someone help me please07:52
MTeck!ask | TheStone07:52
ubottuTheStone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:52
fejkjfoeijfinteresting, this is not too bad, I know python is a little version sensitive though - I'll try the remove and apt-get it from sources t make sure I have right python, thanks for the pro-tip MTeck07:52
ejv_so im sorta at my wits end here, open to suggestions, it's a hd3200/rv635 architecture, im back to flgrx for the time being07:53
MTeckfejkjfoeijf: You can also just do apt-get install virtualbox-ose07:53
ejv_again the goal here is audio over hdmi output on a hd3200 / rv635 chipset07:54
fejkjfoeijf... MTeck ... if only there was a way of editing that wiki page ... wiki page... wiki... which makes me wonder why it isn't in 11ft high letters07:54
ejv_!mirror | ejv_07:54
ubottuejv_, please see my private message07:54
MTeckfejkjfoeijf: which page?07:55
ice_creami keep trying to use firefox-3.5 and it sometimes opens 3.0.1307:55
* ejv_ taps foot07:55
joakoejv_: I had problems too but on another distro. The solution was disable sound in the BIOS and create /etc/asound.conf with these contents: http://pastebin.ca/154552207:56
joakodisabling sound is probably not needed....07:56
ejv_assistance :D07:56
ejv_thank you joako07:56
TheStoneE: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) .. an error i get when i enter Synaptic, i added this line in synaptic at settings -> repositories -> third party software -> add --- the line is ( deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/ ) and since then i wasn't able to open both synaptic and add/remove --- btw, i'm new to ubuntu and linux07:56
fejkjfoeijfMTeck, the download page is a wiki page (probably not public editable at all, but honestly, if you are looking for this information, I cannot think of a more canonical source) - I need to grok now though, is the -ose edition limited in any way regarding cloning?07:57
joakoGet the output of aplay -l to see the exact ID of the HDMI audio device07:57
ejv_joako: hw1,307:57
fejkjfoeijfpfffffft, there is too much entropy for this time of day, and not enough caffeine07:57
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox07:57
MTeckfejkjfoeijf: ^07:57
FlannelTheStone: That is a malformed line.  You're missing something at the end, and the getdeb shouldn't have a slash at the end.07:57
joakoejv_: Try speaker-test -c2 -D plughw:1,3 -twav -l107:57
ejv_MTeck: you love those commands don't you07:57
ejv_is MTeck just a really cool bot?07:57
fejkjfoeijfThanks for the espresso of knowledge MTeck07:58
MTeckTheStone: can you pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ?07:58
ejv_joako: ok i've jot it down, will try tomorrow, thank you sir :)07:58
MTeckfejkjfoeijf: np07:58
ice_creamhi, what is recommended to have multiple audio sources play at once? (e.g. gmplayer and flash from youtube)   pulse, or..?07:58
zvonkorphttp://digg.com/autos/Nigerian_King_selling_his_7_series_on_eBay - digg it if you like it, just found one of the best ebay ads i have ever seen- read the info, look through the pics, then enjoy the user questions - also if you like it, please DIGG it - i'm trying to make front page with a friend.07:58
joakoOk.... just so you know the sound-test command should produce some sound from your device07:58
MTeckindus: pulse07:58
MTeckice_cream: pulse07:59
joakoejv_: Oh and FWIW I have issues where sound will stop working and restarting alsa is needed.... happens too in windows (solution = reboot computer)07:59
linuxGuten Morgen!07:59
ejv_joako: :(07:59
joakoAlso I hear a little clicking when sound output from an application starts and also when it stops... in windows it does that even when muted07:59
ejv_joako: my dad wants to move the HTPC from ubuntu to windows08:00
ejv_i won't let that happen08:00
ejv_so i need teh linux community to step up08:00
callum__hello, how come i removed EVOLUTION MAIL etc using synaptics and add/remove and the mail/calendar is still in office,08:00
joakoejv_ I think also those settings are for 2-channel audio, not sure about 5.1 audio since I just wanted to connect my monitor with a single cable08:01
TheStoneMTeck: http://pastebin.ca/1545527 --- here it is and thanks for helping08:01
ejv_joako: interesting, thanks for teh pointers08:01
callum__like the icon for mail and calendar is still in office08:01
joakoejv_: Also take a (quick) look at LinuxMCE. It is based on Ubuntu08:01
ice_creamnice, works as it should MrExcept1on08:02
ice_creamer.. MTeck08:02
MTeckTheStone: wow... where did you get told to add that last line?08:02
ejv_well i think overhauling ubuntu is extreme, i just need the proper driver support08:02
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ejv_but everything ati/nvidia is crap it seems08:02
TheStonesomeone told me that :(08:02
MTeckTheStone: remove it08:02
TheStonewhat line ?08:02
joakoIn my case it wasn't even driver support it was telling alsa to actually use HDMI audio08:02
TheStonethe line with getdeb/ ?08:03
MTeckTheStone: remove just that last line in /etc/apt/sources.list08:03
ejv_joako: i even told my receiver to scan all HDMI input channels, nothing08:03
MTeckTheStone: then things will be fine08:03
ejv_i told VLC to use HDMI, nothing08:03
ejv_i told banshee, nothing, so on and so forth08:03
Simkinhey guys08:03
TheStoneMTeck:  thank you very much08:03
MTeckTheStone: If you had a reason for it - then you need to find the correctly formatted line for it to work08:03
MTeckTheStone: np08:03
joakoejv_: Right, you need to tell the software to use the hdmi output....08:03
Simkinnm-applter is telling me applet_dbus_manger_start_server(): could not acquire the networkmangerusersettings serverice as it is alreayd akten. return: 308:03
Simkini'm not sure what to do.08:04
Simkinbut this is in kde08:04
joakoejv_: FWIW It would be the same hassle with SPDIF....08:04
Simkinif that makes a difference08:04
TheStoneMTeck: You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. --> i got this08:05
TheStoneMTeck is out, can someone help me ?08:06
FlannelTheStone: It'll be easier to just go back through synaptic's third party GUI and remove it08:06
TheStoneFlannel:  ok08:06
TheStoneFlannel : thank you and i'm sorry but i would like to ask a final question when i ever want to update the synaptic list i get this error at the final file http://pastebin.ca/154553108:10
Unholyhey guys is there an easy way to restore wubi ubuntus entry to win 7 boot manager?08:11
innocivIf I  "sudo ps aux | grep aped"  I get:   "rph       1475  0.0  0.1   3128   776 pts/0    S+   06:50   0:00 grep aped"   /   How do I kill this? Or see what port it's running on for that matter..08:12
grawityinnociv: that line shows the 'grep aped' process you just created.08:12
grawityinnociv: seriously, if you need ports -- sudo netstat -lptn08:12
innocivSo there is no aped running.08:13
innocivgrawity, ya did that already adn didn't see aped on that port liek i need08:13
grawity...because there is no aped.08:13
FlannelTheStone: That's odd.  Are you using a proxy of some sort?08:13
TheStoneno, i'm not08:14
TheStoneFlannel:  i'm using a mobil broadband connection08:15
ActiVisionHey I deleted the network widget thing from the top panel, how do I get it back?08:16
yvahi has somebody installed the new firefox 3.5?08:17
xps9000Right click on the panel and click add to panel, Activision08:17
ActiVisionYeah but I can't find it08:17
SimkinActiVision: nm-applet08:17
SimkinActiVision: but i'm having a problem where i run it, but it fails to work08:17
Simkinthis is the problem08:17
FlannelTheStone: Looks like this problem commonly occurs when you're using a proxy (or maybe your ISP is, or somethign like that) and you're getting stale files.  Try running these commands in a terminal, see if either works without error: sudo apt-get update -o Acquire::http::No-Cache=True and sudo apt-get update -o Acquire::BrokenProxy=true08:18
ActiVisionIt was working fine, just can't find it08:18
yvanobody for an upgrade to firefox 3.5?08:18
Flannel!ff35 | yva08:18
ubottuyva: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY08:18
Unholyhey guys is there an easy way to add a wubi ubuntu back in to my boot manager, im on win 708:18
enfwmActiVision: if you re-login??08:18
ActiVisionWould it get back if I do that?08:19
enfwmActiVision: nm-applet is autostarted i think with the option sm-disable or sth like that08:19
yvaFlannel> ok so no ppa for Intrepid?08:19
ActiVisionOkay I'll try08:19
DJNoMaDActiVision,  I believe it is the notification ,I am probably wrong tho08:20
Simkinmy install is just toally combusting :(08:20
Simkinnow the kb doesn't work08:20
Simkinor mouse08:20
Simkinwth is goin on.08:20
Flannelyva: you'd have to ask in #ubuntu-mozillateam08:20
ActiVisionNope It's still not threer08:21
Unholyhey guys is there an easy way to restore wubi ubuntu entry to win 7 boot manager?08:21
DJNoMaDActiVision,  add the notification area applet08:21
ActiVisionOh yeah there it was08:22
FlannelUnholy: There is, yes.  I just don't know how.08:22
ActiVisionBut now it's in the middle of the panel and I can't move it08:22
Simkinis there a way to reinstall ubuntu but keep my home directory without backing it up first?08:22
TheStoneFlannel: http://pastebin.ca/1545539 -- see it08:22
Unholyi see hmm i tried to restore it with some cmd commands i found on the net but they dotn seem to work on win 7 only on vista08:22
ActiVisionAllright thanks08:23
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SimkinUnholy: what is wubu?08:23
Unholyi mean wubi   XD08:23
zvacetSimkin : you can make separate home partition   http://www.ivankuznetsov.com/2008/04/moving-home-to-its-own-partition.html08:23
FlannelTheStone: ah.  Close synaptic first, then try them again.08:23
Simkinzvacet: but i didn't.08:23
Simkinzvacet: am i outa luck?08:23
Simkinoh you can move it08:24
GSF1200Sdoes anybody else get so frustrated sometimes that they think maybe linux isnt worth it? Ive been using it for 3 years and im about fucking done with it08:24
Flannel!separatehome | Simkin, zvacet: this might be a better link:08:24
ubottuSimkin, zvacet: this might be a better link:: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome08:24
SimkinGSF1200S: not at all.08:24
GSF1200Shmm.. more a man than me i guess08:24
SimkinGSF1200S: it gets better by the week!08:24
SimkinGSF1200S: hvae you ever used gentoo?08:24
Aayushwhich file inside /dev represents keyboard device08:24
DJNoMaDonly thing I cant stand in ubuntu is I cant acess my phones sd card08:25
DJNoMaDthe rest is great08:25
grawityDJNoMaD: Why can't you?08:25
GSF1200Sbluetooth wont connect to a mouse with the right passkey.. XP works first try. Latest kernel needed for network cards down due to server, linux driver file corrupted on atheros website, cant use netbook08:25
TheStoneFlannel: both worked fine08:25
TheStoneFlannel: Reading package lists... Done08:26
DJNoMaDI guess if I bought a decent card reader it would fix that but I got the usb cable and the bluetooth dongle and I am determined to not spend any money lol08:26
Aayushany one knows, which file inside /dev represents keyboard device ?08:26
GSF1200Syeah, gentoo was a PITA and I stopped using it. Went back to arch08:26
DJNoMaDgrawity, I just havent figured it out I guess08:26
GSF1200Sits easy, just time consuming and not worth it to me08:26
GSF1200Sim about to restore my netbook to XP because Ubuntu simply will not work. Sad...08:27
DJNoMaDbluetotth will mount the phone but times out on me08:27
DJNoMaD**when trying to acess the card08:28
DJNoMaDI can get in the phones internal memory tho08:28
grawityDJNoMaD: Anything in dmesg?08:28
FlannelTheStone: Alright.  You may be behind some sort of proxy (your ISP may do some sort of caching) and you were getting stale files (sometimes this occurs normally if they're updating the repositories, without any ISP action required).  If it happens in the future (and doesn't fix itself after a few minutes) try using one of those commands08:29
SimkinGSF1200S: just a bad run of luck i spose08:29
DJNoMaDgrawity,  I am not that advanced ,when should I check that ?08:29
usacomputertecI need help installing CNC3 Tiberium Wars in Ubuntu 9.04. I'm using Play On Linux08:29
usacomputertecI can't get the networking to work at all08:29
usacomputertecI have 6 computers08:29
SimkinGSF1200S: i have to work with both. beleive me. windows has far more problems than linux and they are far tougher to work around.08:29
TheStoneFlannel: OK, and thank you for the help08:29
usacomputertecThe internet does not work either.08:29
grawityDJNoMaD: Plug in the USB cable, wait a few seconds, then type 'dmesg' in the Terminal.08:29
FlannelTheStone: No problem08:29
igsenCan somebody tell me how to put entry in /etc/hosts so that i can connect two pc,s.08:30
usacomputertecthen something really strange happens. When I try to go into network mode (LAN) it shows my user name twice (Like I'm logged in on a second computer)08:30
usacomputertecIt use to work just fine in Ubuntu 8.04 and now even that won't work.08:30
AnonYmous2hey guys. i'm trying to install xp onto a flash drive for use with my eeepc. i have a dd'd iso copy of the disk that I use for my vm's, MSDN key (legal all-round), but I'm having trouble getting over that hurdle08:31
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usacomputertecI hate it when they fix things that aren't broken.08:31
grawityAnonYmous2: I doubt XP can boot from removable drives.08:31
usacomputertecI use to find stuff on the net that talked about this problem but now nothing.08:31
usacomputertecI've heard roumers XP can boot from a USB drive but never seen it work.08:31
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alkisgIf I wanted to temporarily disable a service like nfs-kernel-server so that it doesn't load at startup (but I don't want to remove the package) what file should I edit? Should I remove the symlink in /etc/rcS.d ?08:32
grawityusacomputertec: XP might boot from it -- but if you ever plug in something else while it's running, then it'll crash in seconds.08:32
it-linuxhai all, I have a problem on remote desktop, Ive install tightvncserver on my Ubuntu server. And everything goes well using vncviewer, until I've write on terminal in remote server, the keyboard input is different, how to adjust it?08:32
AnonYmous2usacomputertec: there are guides for doing it using an existin xp system, but I don't have an XP system in a very long time08:32
grawityAnonYmous2: rcS.d is for single-user mode, you probably need rc6.d or something like that... I don't remember which is the default runlevel.08:32
alkisggrawity: was that for me?08:33
DJNoMaDgrawity,  here is a little of the last in dmesg08:33
grawityalkisg: ...yeah08:33
grawityAnonYmous2: Igore that message :/08:33
AnonYmous2is the then a way of formatting a usb flash to iso9660?08:34
grawityAnonYmous2: If there was, it wouldn't make any sense. And it still would be a USB flash, no matter what.08:34
Unholyi remeber i managed to boot xp of a usb drive but it was with some sort of program witch i forgot, all it did was remove a shit load of stuff form xp , all in all it dint work well was not meant for evry day use08:35
detonationAfter updating the kernel (through update manager) on Jaunty I have an issue with my wireless card going completely dead after a suspend. After a reboot lspci doesn't pick it up, I have to boot to windows and use the hotkeys to reenable it before linux sees it again. Using ath9k on Jaunty NBR and eee-acpi-utilities. All was well before I updated the kernel.08:35
detonationAny ideas?08:35
MrEgg964b3rz3rk3r: hi! You here?08:36
DJNoMaDI have a old computer that I put a 160 gb hdd in and the bios will not work on that big of hdd "grub error 15" I believe it was,is there a way around that?08:39
nspdetonation: It may have been dissabled before the last boot and just reverts to dissable now.  That is a remote possiblity. but...08:39
nspdetonation: If you still have the old kernel, just boot to it and use it until the problem gets fixed later on.08:39
detonationNSP, I can reboot linux when it's working, and it works on the next boot of linux. I've been googling it and it seems i'm getting some hits on google with some new terms I tried08:39
detonationNot much luck, everything I see is the old error I had before installing the backports package.08:41
detonationI should have just not upgraded the kernel *sigh*08:41
nspdetonation: Well, that's it then.  It just goes to the state it was after shut down.  Just get everything like you want it on a boot up and then from then on use the power button to turn off.08:41
detonationThat negates the use of suspend, though.08:41
nspdetonation: If you  use the power button to initiate the shutdown mode, no settings are saved.08:41
detonationIt's a laptop, it needs to be able to be suspended instead of shutdown and rebooted every few minutes08:42
nspdetonation: Ok then, if it works ok with the old kernel just revert back to it.08:42
detonationTried it, the same issue persists08:43
DJNoMaDanyone know where to get the linux for ipod or something like that,my pod is acting stupid and freezing and I wanna re do it and do it with llinux08:43
nspdetonation: With the old kernel?08:43
detonationSomething must have changed with acpi settings, as the wireless card is actually losing power completely. After a suspend I can reboot the computer, and lspci and dmesg show no wireless card.08:43
detonationYes, if I use grub to boot an older kernel on the list the issue persists08:44
nspDJNoMaD:  http://www.iphone-hacks.com/2008/11/28/openiboot-?-linux-on-the-iphone/08:44
inigoalonsoDJNoMaD: depending on your model you can try: http://www.rockbox.org/08:44
DJNoMaDI got a real old 20 gig ,made by hp08:45
nspdetonation> But you just said  "After updating the kernel (through update manager) on Jaunty I have an issue with my wireless card going completely dead after a suspend"08:46
nspdetonation: If it is not the kernel, what other update could it have been?08:47
detonationYes? And subsequent reboots unless I boot into windows, and use device manager to re-enable the card (or use the hotkeys to do it). A reboot in linux does nothing to reenable it.08:47
detonationBooting an older kernel with newer modules / configuration files always has problems..08:47
detonationTo be sure it wasn't eeepc-acpi-utilities i apt-get remove it, delete all configuration files, restarted, then reinstalled it, and rebooted. same outcome.08:48
DaDa|Urkasomeone firm with subversion?08:50
Flannel!anyone | DaDa|Urka08:50
ubottuDaDa|Urka: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:50
detonationI've literally spent hours on google trying to find anything, but every problem I find is people not using the backports package where a simple unload/reload of the ath9k module fixes the problem. Mine is a bit more indepth as linux doesn't even recognize there is a card there and neither does windows unless i use the hotkeys to reenable it08:50
nspdetonation: detonation ls -ltr /var/lib/dpkg/info08:50
stealth-whats that command line program that can tell me information about my avaliable resolutions?08:50
detonationBig list nsp, anything you want me to grep?08:51
nspdetonation: Rebooting an older kernel does not always cause problems.08:51
panvhi there..08:51
panvplease, i moved newly from debian to ubuntu...08:52
panvthere is something i cannot figure it out..08:52
panvwhenever i mount my fat harddisk.. external08:52
panvit's readonly08:52
panvif i pass user, or rw in the command...08:52
panvit fails to load...08:52
psycho_oreosis there a way to run dkms for all kernels installed on the machine?08:52
panvis there anyway to diagnose the problem >?08:52
grawitypanv: start by reading the error messages?08:53
grawitypanv: What does mount say when you use 'rw'?08:53
DJNoMaDpanv have you tried sudo nautilus and changing the permissions ?08:53
panvInvalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'data'.08:53
panvi am using hal...08:54
panvand i set the options using gconf-editor08:54
nsppanv: do you have a line in /etc/fstab for it?08:54
panvnsp... i use hal08:54
panvso, it creates a folder in media... the folder goes away after unmounting.08:54
Terryhey guys, how to use web cam in ubuntu(as a mobile)?08:55
DJNoMaDI have no clue what the hal you are talking about lol08:55
panvand i change the mount options in gconf-editor , vfat ...08:55
DJNoMaDTerry,  I have read that amsn does the cam thing08:55
nsppanv: Check to see you are in group plugdev08:55
panvand i change the mount options in gconf-editor , vfat ...08:56
panvone second nsp08:56
nsppanv: grep <username> /etc/group08:56
TerryNo, Anybody else please?08:56
Terryhey guys, how to use web cam in ubuntu(as a mobile)?08:56
panvnothing nsp...08:56
panvgrep username /et...08:57
nspTerry: skype08:57
panvgave nothing08:57
detonationyour username08:57
panvsorry... did a typo08:57
nsppanv: grep plugdev /etc/group08:57
panvi am there in that group08:57
Terrynsp, for ubuntu?08:57
nspTerry: Yes08:58
Terryfrom where i download skype for ubuntu, package manager?08:58
DaDa|Urkai have a problem with my subversion post-commit hook: i wanted to know if there are some env-variables created by svn, which shows, which project was yet commited, because i need a hook which exports the yet commited project to another place...08:58
Terryfrom where i download skype for ubuntu, package manager? nsp08:58
FlannelDaDa|Urka: You might have more luck asking in #subversion08:58
DaDa|Urkanope, i might not :D08:58
DaDa|Urkaall developers are sleeping atm...08:58
nspTerry: skype.com08:59
DJNoMaDthere is no 9.04 deb package for skype on their page09:00
nsppanv: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit09:01
nsppanv: With it mounted.09:01
nsppanv: Is this just a usb thumb drive or is it a usb hard drive?09:02
nsppanv: What type of device is it?09:02
ps3my monitor09:02
panvusb hard drive09:02
Terrynsp, i want to use web cam, but right now not for other like internet, my just me, to take pictures of some my products09:03
panvnsp , one minute09:03
ps3my monitor says out of range , input:hd15, 46.4khz/44khz09:03
panvcoz i have to install pastebinit09:03
ps3and i cant see ubuntu load up screen09:03
ps3some 1plz help me09:03
JudderWhat's wrong?09:03
ps3who me?09:04
detonationNSP, I decided to check something out. Turns out when I suspend, I'm actually turning the wifi off in the bios! Does that help any?09:04
ps3i never see ubuntu loading up09:04
ps3u no wen u turn on ur comp09:04
ps3it just says out of range09:04
ps3then comes to the login screen after a while09:04
panvnsp.. please.. http://pastebin.com/f15deefd009:04
nspTerry: sudo apt-get install cheese09:05
NeXstaRhi is there perhaps a slight chance that linux would be infected with a virus?09:06
ps3i dont o09:06
panvnsp, please... did you get the pastebin something ?09:07
MenZa!virus > NeXstaR (Please see the private message from the bot)09:07
nsppanv: Is this the original user that was installed?09:08
panvwhat do you mean nsp ?09:08
wolfgangHey guys.. i'm trying to get spdif 5.1 sound working.. Realtek ALC889A <- that's the chip's name09:09
mattycozeaww I can't get Vmware to work on Ubuntu, can anyone find a tutorial for 9.04?09:09
panvya... this is the original user nsp09:10
panvi didn't change a user..09:10
panvbut i had another os before... now i moved to ubuntu09:10
nsppanv: ls -l /media/ | pastebinit09:10
panvnsp: http://pastebin.com/f484bbe5109:11
wolfgangHey guys.. i'm trying to get spdif 5.1 sound working.. Realtek ALC889A <- that's the chip's name.. I already have stereo sound - but i want to use all of the 6 channels, of course.09:11
nsppanv: Does the USB HD have a switch on it someplace for rw vs ro09:11
DJNoMaDmattycoze, I found a tutorial to use vmware server 209:11
panvnsp, nothing like that...09:11
mattycozeDJNoMaD will Server 2 allow me to run XP-Pro?09:12
panvbut the permissions are for root... root is the owner.. cos i cannot mount it with option user, or rw09:12
nsppanv: Where is it mounted?  (What is the mount point?)09:12
mattycozeDJNoMaD got link?09:13
DJNoMaDmattycoze, I have no clue,I have used qmeulator for that09:13
nsppanv: pastebinit /etc/group09:14
=== Sinchan is now known as Guest52943
panvnsp http://pastebin.com/f5eaa1bd09:14
k1enhi there, is there a firefox 3.5 for hardy?/09:15
mattycozenah DJNoMad that's no good :( sorry mate, i'll checkout the qmeulator though09:15
mattycozedoes qmeulator work well in Gnome?09:15
panvnsp: my username is "panv"09:15
DJNoMaDmattycoze, that is a forum you can read to figure out what you need09:16
Vincemanwhy is skype not yet available for Jaunty?09:16
falco_I've got a dual monitor set up. One 22" and one 15". But when I try to enable that I can't set the resolution of the 22" to maximum. Its maximum has become the maximum of the 15" monitor. How do I solve this?09:17
AscavasaionI am running Ubuntu 9.04 and when I click and move a window the CPU usage in system monitor goes to 100%, MP3s stop playing and hiccup.  I have run glxgears from command line in terminal window and it runs.  I cannot enable any visual Effects which I could with 8.x  how do I know that accelerated graphics is working, and also how do I know it is not software run and that the actual hardware is doing the graphics?09:17
MyrttiVinceman: huh? I've got it in Jaunty just fine... installed from medibuntu09:18
falco_Ascavasaion are you sure you've got the drivers installed correctly? (video drivers)09:18
panvu still around nsp ?09:19
Ascavasaionfalco_, I have no idea.09:19
VincemanMyrtty, you can call people with image right on skype?09:19
falco_new to Ubuntu?09:19
Ascavasaionfalco_, Yes, fairly, and Ubuntu 8.x ran just fine.09:19
VincemanMyrtti *09:19
falco_what graphics card do you have Ascavasaion?09:20
MyrttiVinceman: with image? what do you mean?09:20
DJNoMaDMyrtti,  I think he means video09:20
Vincemancall somebody where you can see the image of the person you're calling to09:20
nsppanv: There may be a jumper on the HD that needs to be changed.09:20
MyrttiVinceman: yes?09:20
xsebsx_anyone here uses xfce? there's nobody at the xubuntu channel09:20
falco_Ascavasaion gotta log out for a moment09:20
k1enhow do i install firefox 3.5 in ibex?09:21
panvno... it's a closed transcend.. and has been working on debian forever.. it's a closed box.. no jumpers nothing nsp...09:21
DJNoMaDxsebsx_, I have used it in the past but by far am I as smart as some of the others here,maybe something basic i can handle09:21
qzioI'm on 9.10 and third level switcher for my keyboard have stopped working for gnome apps. It 'sorta' works in gnome-terminal though..09:21
panvgive me a correct "mount" command including user, and rw.. and i 'll paste the output...09:21
xsebsx_i'm having trouble on xubuntu, i can't open the icons on the desktop unless i right click on it and then select open, for some reason there are two "home" folders on the desktop09:21
panvnsp... i have to go for breakfast... am starving...09:23
panvwill have to solve it later...09:23
DJNoMaDxsebsx_, I am not sure on whats going on ,you might mess with the double click speed of the mouse ...dunno tho lol09:23
nsppanv: umount /dev/sdb109:23
nsppanv: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/cdrom09:23
xsebsx_DJNoMaD, thanks you fixed it09:24
DJNoMaDxsebsx_,  are you serious ?09:24
panvnsp: i have to include rw...09:24
panvcoz like this.. it will mount without any problem.. but as readonly09:24
nsppanv: or just:  mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/09:24
xsebsx_DJNoMaD, yes, i had fiddled around with it while trying to get it to do single clicking for opening files09:24
xsebsx_only apparently you can't do that with the desktop on xfce09:25
DJNoMaDwow cool ,welcome09:25
DJNoMaDthe 2 home folders tho I would proceed with caution on that09:25
NeXstaRthanks for the link...09:25
nsppanv: udev will honor fstab entries so just create your own mount point like /mnt/HD and make an entry for it.09:25
DJNoMaDor just delete one09:25
xsebsx_DJNoMaD, now, the other problem i have is this: one of the two home folders i have says09:25
xsebsx_[Desktop Entry]09:26
xsebsx_GenericName=Personal Files09:26
FloodBot2xsebsx_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:26
DJNoMaDxsebsx_, pastebin.com ...post what you want to there09:26
EduardWitteveenquestion about karmic koala server: how do i get the proxy_ajp modules? this module is not provided, but is default with the apache > 2.1 IIRC09:26
xsebsx_DJNoMaD, that's from kde right?09:27
xsebsx_should i delete it?09:27
nsppanv: sudo mkdir /mnt/HD ; sudo echo /dev/sdb1 /mnt/HD auto user 0 0 >> /etc/fstab ; mount /dev/sdb109:27
DJNoMaDxsebsx_, I have no clue,I havent usd kde but few times09:27
NeXstaRhow do one install xxamp / lamp server on ubuntu?09:27
caddywee got net card workin!09:28
Ascavasaionfalco_: lspci gives me 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]09:29
Administrator__This is the support channel, right?09:30
nspAdministrator__: What is your question?09:31
DJNoMaDAdministrator__, I guess its as close to one you are gonna get09:31
panvsame problem nsp09:31
panvmkdir: cannot create directory `hi': Read-only file system09:31
Administrator__I've run into a problem with dhclient. When I run dhclient, interfaces eth0 and eth1 both try to get an ip address at once on the same port...09:31
nspadd  your self to disk group09:31
Administrator__which prevents me from accessing the internet for more than about ten seconds at a time09:32
EduardWitteveen*bump* karmic koala server: how do i get the proxy_ajp modules? this module is not provided, but is default with the apache > 2.1 IIRC. Should i download apache 2.2.12 binairy and extract the specific module?09:32
nsppanv: Must be a swich on the HD09:32
Administrator__I'll be able to ifdown eth0 then?09:33
laxmiwhere can I find NLTK team to chat ?09:33
nsppanv: mount -o rw,remount /dev/sdb109:34
nsppanv: Try that ^^09:34
nsppanv: sudo mount -o rw,remount /dev/sdb109:34
Administrator__Thanks nsp, I appreciate it :)09:34
laxmi#nltk is empty09:34
laxmiMay I ask a question to ask a questions ?09:35
nsppanv: It could be a switch or jumper on the HD.  You may need to open it up and look inside.09:36
heoaGNU BC: What is the operation % when the scale is not 0?09:38
erika1984hi is the system requirements for ubuntu much higher than for kubuntu09:40
Michalxoin general now.. equal or even a bit lower i'd say erika198409:40
tinlchao ban09:40
erika1984what about compared to xubuntu09:40
laxmianybody knows the freenode address of NLTK ?09:41
erika1984im on xubuntu i installed gnome09:41
erika1984on it09:41
nsperika1984: xubuntu is supposed to be a little lower09:41
erika1984the kde desktop09:41
Michalxoerika1984, Xubuntu should have the lowest requirements.. but it's just "GUI" :)09:41
erika1984seems hard to use09:42
nsperika1984: What is hard to use?09:42
erika1984kde desktop09:42
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Michalxoerika1984, it's relative :) you have to use it for a bit longer period ;) from start everything is hard to use ;)09:42
nsperika1984: Just depends on what you're used to.09:42
erika1984gnome an xfce are similar09:43
DigitalKiwixfce is gnome with more bugs09:43
DJNoMaDerika1984, I have a 733 mhz,512 ram system and it works best in gnome desktop09:43
erika1984can anyone use some faster socket 370 cpus09:43
erika1984i got desktops09:44
erika1984one had 866 mhz09:44
erika1984an one 1 gig p309:44
xsebsx_why cant i both play an mp3 and watch youtube without the sound of one overlapping the other, and the same for a compositor like beryl, kwin or compiz when i watch a movie09:44
erika1984a friend took one motherboard09:45
infidtrying to install php5 in ubuntu. it's all apt-get'd, and my docroot is /var/www, but when i try to load http://localhost/test.php, firefox pops up a 'download / open as' dialog for test.php. i have AddHandler application/x-httpdphp .php in /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf. any ideas?09:45
DJNoMaDI am not sure what socket my 733 is09:45
infidx-httpd-php that is09:45
erika1984he had bought some overdrive for socket 370 an he running an at 1.5 ghz09:45
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erika1984is it name brand09:46
DJNoMaDits a dell gx11009:46
erika1984or white box09:46
DJNoMaDpainted blue metal flake lol09:46
DJNoMaDwith one side missing09:46
erika1984its socket 37009:47
erika1984i looked on dell site09:48
DJNoMaDcool,was wondering how you was so fast with it09:48
EduardWitteveen*bump* karmic koala server: how do i get the proxy_ajp modules? this module is not provided, but is default with the apache > 2.1 IIRC. Should i download apache 2.2.12 binairy and extract the specific module?09:48
erika1984do u live in usa09:48
Myrtti!karmic | EduardWitteveen09:48
ubottuEduardWitteveen: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:48
DJNoMaDyeah in Indiana09:48
NeXstaRhow come my sound plays good and other times a bit crackly etc ?09:49
erika1984no problem to send u cpu09:49
erika1984i scrap out p3 all the time09:49
DJNoMaDthat would be pretty cool of you09:49
EduardWitteveenubottu: thanks and i'm in testing enviroment09:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:49
dayowhat was the command for listing all the installed packages, again?09:50
erika1984ill im u an give u my email09:50
llutzdayo: dpkg -l |grep ^ii09:50
sagacii want to listen to mp3s on another ubuntu machine that doesn't have the internet, how do i copy over the files, is there a deb of the gstreamer package09:51
indussagaci: try packages.ubuntu.com09:51
innocivWhen I do "sudo netstat -lptn | grep :80" I get "tcp        0      ip1:80*               LISTEN      5311/lighttpd"  What is the referring to?09:54
llutzlistening on all interfaces, port 8009:54
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
sagaciwhat's the folder where all packages are kept from synaptic package manager?09:56
Flannelsagaci: /var/cache/apt/09:57
innocivllutz, what's all interfaces mean? :x  All ip's?..09:58
llutzinnociv: lo, ethX etc.pp09:58
icerootinnociv: all network-cards for e.g.09:58
innocivI'm trying to make 2 httpd's run on port 80.  lighttpd, and aped.  I have 3 ip's on the box..09:58
icerootinnociv: everythink with an ip-adress09:58
lokpesthow do I install a .deb from terminal?10:00
icerootlokpest: dpkg -i *.deb10:01
chouchou_pls how many VPS can we get on a dedicated server?10:01
chouchou_and how many shared hosting can we get on 1 VPS?10:01
icerootchouchou_: what you think?10:02
icerootchouchou_: depending on the hardware maybe?10:02
chouchou_doing research10:02
icerootchouchou_: i was always using one vps for each cpu-core10:04
Malekohow do we kill tcp connection in linux10:04
innociviceroot, so lighttpd is listening to everything on port 80?10:04
innocivno matter what ip?10:04
innocivThe nis interferring with this other10:04
balachmarHi, an sudo apt-get upgrade fails because of evince. (Also evince seems not to be recognized as default pdf opener in firefox)10:05
balachmarHow do I fix that?10:05
icerootinnociv: yes, by default10:05
innocivhm.. I have looked on google and can't figure out how to change this :(  I have lighttpd only bound to the two ip's10:05
icerootinnociv: you have to give the web-server only one ip (see the config). i only know apache, so cant help10:05
innocivya.. lighttpd irc has been dead10:05
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Malekohow do we kill tcp connection in linux?10:06
icerootinnociv: why not using apache with vhosts?10:06
innocivbecause.. I'm using lighttpd.10:07
Malekoinnociv, their chan still up10:07
icerootinnociv: ok10:07
chouchou_how many shared hosting can we get on a VPS?10:07
icerootchouchou_: have you read was i was writing?10:08
llutzchouchou_: depends entirely on your hardware and your demands of every vps10:08
takeshi-i install chromium browser and add flash plugin, the first time I it (with --enable-plugins) the flash works perfectly. When I close the browser and restart it (again with --enable-plugins) flash doesnt work.10:10
takeshi-Also if i make apt-get --reinstall install chromium-browser. flash works again until i reopen the browser. Noone knows how to fix it?10:11
xtknight*crickets* :)  has it really been this quiet?10:15
chouchou_ok, let's take a case study of http://www.hostv.com/vps-hosting.shtml10:17
chouchou_how many VPS can they their servers, and how many shared hosting can they have on VPS account?10:18
Davieychouchou_: Do you really need to ask the same thing in at least 3 channels?10:19
chouchou_Daviey: euh, I am doing research10:19
=== PoLiCiA is now known as InDrO
chouchou_i want to have views first, and compile my findings10:20
takeshi-sorry maybe i am not in the correct channel to ask a question of chromium-browser, there is a specific channel for doubts and problemsS?10:20
innocivi realized my problem is.. my box doesn't know of the ip.  Not in the uhh.. forgot what you call it.  Not iptables ..10:20
ubuntuDoes anyone know if shred is limited by the contents of /dev/random or /dev/urandom?10:22
DigitalKiwiyour name is (TM)10:22
daveStyletext test10:23
DigitalKiwiyou will be hearing from our lawyers shortly10:23
heoaWould someone explain the oddities in BC? http://pastebin.com/m69d00ce10:23
ubuntuDigitalKiwi: Well it's the default that I got when I installed xchat :)10:23
Trijntjeubuntu: i thought shred used a fixed pattern?10:24
heoasorry this is correct: http://pastebin.com/m5a6987f010:24
heoaI mean with correct questions10:24
ubuntuTrijntje: It uses "random" data to write to disk10:24
FlannelTrijntje: It cycles through a number of patterns, followswith a random one, and then optionally zeros10:26
DigitalKiwifor a hard drive shouldn't you just need to zero it?10:26
Trijntjeubuntu: see Flannel's post10:27
xtknightDigitalKiwi,   apparently things can be recovered even after zeroing it (it sorta just makes the magnetism less intense,  but not gone).  so randomizing the data confuses data recovery mechanisms for good10:27
fallI have an ubuntu iso and I'd like to extract* filesystem files, how can I do this ?10:27
xtknightfall: you want files off of the ubuntu cd?  what's the end goal?10:28
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:28
fallxtknight: to copy one10:28
xtknightfall: it's best and easier to get an updated version of the file from packages.ubuntu.com10:28
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jpslhello.  I'm running ubuntu off usb, persistent with casper-rw, how can I find out how much "space" I have left, and how can I increase the size of casper-rw & extract the files off it?10:29
ActionParsnipjpsl: df -h10:29
fallxtknight: I don't want an update version I'd like to extract files10:29
DigitalKiwiNO data recovery company says it can restore a drive that has been wiped even just once with dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx so I'm wondering if this shred is just as time wasteful as writing random data to a drive10:29
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jpslthanks ActionParsnip ..10:30
sapfeerHi there!10:30
xtknightDigitalKiwi, well, fbi can apparently10:30
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jpslDigitalKiwi: that's a lie.10:30
xtknightfall, i think there is a squashfs file you can decompress on the cd called casper10:30
sapfeerHow can I reinstall broken package?..10:30
ActionParsnipDigitalKiwi: you can use the ultimate boot cd which will invert the bits 7 times and is suitable for MoD10:30
jpslthe only people can recover it..10:30
fallxtknight: thx10:30
jpsl-the only10:31
xtknightfall as i said though there are few times when you should want to copy a file off the cd, also packages.ubuntu.com has older versions if you want10:31
xtknightit may not do what you expect or even work at all10:31
DigitalKiwisnake oil!10:31
chouchou_ok I am back. let's take this  Dual Core Intel® Pentium® D 3.0Ghz  250GB SATA Hard Drive 2GB DDR2 100Mbit Unmetered*10:31
chouchou_number of Dedicatd and/ or shared hosting?10:31
=== Edward_cullen is now known as andre_cullens
sapfeerHow can I reinstall broken package?..10:31
ActionParsnipDigitalKiwi: if you only echo zeros to the surace you can recover the data with oscilloscopes but its insanely expensive10:31
MrEgg964When setting up quotas on a server, are quota automatically ON after server reboot?10:31
ActionParsnipsapfeer: sudo apt-get --reinstall install <name>10:31
=== PuTrA_caem is now known as andre_cullen
Fenryrhello all, has anybody experiences with ubuntu on amillo la 1703? distribution which would be the best, and where there are drivers? thank you in advance10:32
DigitalKiwi"only those with electron microscopes"10:32
ActionParsnipFenryr: there is no best10:33
jpslDigitalKiwi:  from the site.10:33
jpslwhen it comes to destroying the data just overwrite the header area a thousand times with random garbage. It will take only a second or two, and the whole drive will be useless to anyone.10:33
ActionParsnipMrEgg964: i think its a mount options. see: http://www.windowsvistaplace.com/ubuntu-linux-disk-quotas/othersoftware/10:33
takeshi-"chromium-browser" with flash only works the first time, How can i fix it?10:33
ActionParsnipjpsl: i'd just use a hammer ;)10:33
jpslI'm sure it could be recovered.10:33
xtknighttakeshi-, don't you have to run it with enable plugins each time10:33
jpslwhen only the header area is broken :D10:33
ActionParsnip!laptop | Fenryr10:33
ubottuFenryr: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org10:33
jpslActionParsnip: :p10:33
xtknightapt-get install testdisk, boom, you dont need to first 512 bytes of the disk10:33
xtknightor, partition10:34
takeshi-i always run with --enable-plugins10:34
sapfeerActionParsnip: reinstall doesn't working...10:34
sapfeer/home/user $ sudo apt-get -- reinstall install10:34
sapfeerE: Invalid operation reinstall10:34
ActionParsnipFenryr: best is an opinion so is not concrete10:34
xtknightthere are about 10 backup MFTs on an ext4 partition.  did you know that?10:34
ActionParsnipsapfeer: if you provide the output of the command, maybe i can advise10:34
Fenryrthanks, see you10:34
ActionParsnipsapfeer: use http://pastebin.com10:34
DigitalKiwijpsl: pretty sure that was sarcasm in the article10:34
xtknightweasel words10:34
ActionParsnipsapfeer: no, you need to add the package name, silly10:34
jpslI didn't read it in it's entirety10:35
ActionParsnipsapfeer: and there is no space between -- and reinstall, its --reinstall10:35
sapfeerActionParsnip: I no that I need to add pacckage name...10:35
xtknighttakeshi-, not sure, it works for me with many instances of chromium open10:35
jpslActionParsnip: I don't read the sarcasm :p10:35
ActionParsnipsapfeer: and remove the space I specified also, i gave the whole command so you can copy / paste and then change the package name10:36
takeshi-xtknight i always run chromium with --enable-plugins. Flash seems to work again if i reinstall chromium but again only the first boot10:36
xtknighttakeshi-, but i have trouble with flash just totally stealing my audio, so i have to close them all anyway.  not sure if that's a chromium only problem10:36
DigitalKiwibut that would get rid of all chance of recoverying an encrypted drive (over writing its header)10:36
sapfeerActionParsnip: It works without space between -- and reinstall10:36
ActionParsnipsapfeer: if you read my command, i didnt put a space in it, you did10:36
xtknighttakeshi-, try to do a diff of when you reinstall it and after you execute it once10:36
sapfeerActionParsnip: It's ok. Thank you very much!10:36
ActionParsnipsapfeer: np bro, try to run full and correct commands10:37
ActionParsnipsapfeer: running partial / incorrect commands may harm your system10:37
takeshi-thanks xtknight ( takeshi- runs to find a howto to make a diff, XD)10:38
sapfeerActioParsnip: I know, but I wonder why there is no information about --reinstall command in man apt-get...10:38
xtknighttakeshi-, it looks like ~/.config/chromium is good place to diff10:38
jpslActionParsnip: just reading more into the challenge10:38
jpslYou may not write any data to the drive or disassemble the drive10:38
xtknighttakeshi-, oh dont worry about that, it's just "diff -Nru old_folder new_folder > mydiffoutput.diff"10:38
ActionParsnipsapfeer: http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get10:38
jpsluh, if your read head is broken, doesn't mean your data is dead..10:38
ActionParsnipsapfeer: about 50% of the way down10:38
jpslActionParsnip: I'm pretty sure that challenge is stupid :p10:39
jpslwell. not completely10:39
sapfeerActioParsnip: I've found. Thanks a lot10:39
xtknighttakeshi-, what you want to do is copy a clean reinstall of ~/.config/chromium to ~/Desktop/chromium-good and then diff that ~/Desktop/chromium-good with ~/.config/chromium (the latter folder should reflect AFTER two times have been executed and flash no longer works)10:39
ActionParsnipjpsl: its pointless as users should have backups10:39
ActionParsnipjpsl: and drives are inexpensive10:39
xtknighttakeshi-, now i dont know if that's the problem folder, and when you say reinstall, it might even be the system files that are changing, not the ~/.config/chromium folder.  that's probably true if when you uninstall the package you don't use purge..10:39
takeshi-xtknight ok10:39
AisonI just installed ebox, but now I forgot the port to access it ;)  what's the default ebox webaccess port again? ^^10:40
grozawhat music player is the best in ubuntu?10:40
jpslActionParsnip: .. that wasn't the point of the challenge.10:40
jpslthe point was to prove whether hard drives could be read after zeroed10:40
MenZa!best | groza10:40
ubottugroza: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:40
ActionParsnipjpsl: true but a feasibility study would prove it a pointless excersize10:40
grozabut i cant choose betwen amarok and rythbox10:41
jpslActionParsnip: unless it was absolutely necessary10:41
ActionParsnipjpsl: but if folks wanna have a chuckle then thats their porrogitive (sp)10:41
sapfeerActionParsnip: Maybe you can help me to find out the reasons of some strange behaviour of my system?..10:41
XQbitso uhh, my friend's PC shows a message - An automatic fsck of the root filesystem failed. A manual fsck must be performed in maintenance mode. Maintenance shell started.10:41
grozarythmbox can burn audio cd but ammarok has bettter sound10:41
ActionParsnipsapfeer: tell me a story..10:41
XQbitwhat is he supposed to write then?10:41
jpslI'm trying to figure out how to make rsync not overwrite old files.10:41
ActionParsnip!fsck | XQbit10:41
ikoniagroza: it's a question/decision only you can make10:41
ubottuXQbit: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot10:41
sapfeerActionParsnip: Yesterday It flushes some setting. I can10:42
grozaikonia:ok i remember you banned me once10:42
MenZaXQbit: I suggest booting into a livecd, and fsck'ing all my partitions manually iwth that.10:42
ActionParsnipXQbit: +1 what MenZa suggested10:42
MenZagroza: We can't choose between Rhythmbox or Amarok for you, either.10:42
ActionParsnipXQbit: or boot to recovery root console, you will need to umount the partitions10:42
XQbitWhat is fsck'ing exactly, please?10:42
jpslbetter sound.10:42
* jpsl laughs.10:42
g_giuliosome 1 can help me with a wireless?alice?Thanks10:42
ActionParsnipXQbit: its like chkdsk in windows10:42
sapfeerActionParsnip: Yesterday It flushes some setting. I can't find the link between the settings it reset: some of them I made two days ago and some more than two months...10:43
ActionParsnipsapfeer: settings for what?10:43
MenZaXQbit: File-system check disk. It basically checks if something went wrong with the partitions and tries to correct whatever mistakes it finds.10:43
jpslActionParsnip:  but better =D and faster10:43
jpslwell, when I've tried it anyway10:43
DigitalKiwimpd > amarok || rhythmbox10:43
sapfeerActionParsnip: A lot of stuff: application, system settings...10:43
ActionParsnipjpsl: ive no experience of it10:43
ActionParsnipsapfeer: sounds like your gconf has become corrupted in some way10:43
XQbitThanks guys!10:43
sapfeerActionParsnip: System's log says nothing...10:43
ActionParsnipsapfeer: well your system settings for your user are stored mainly in your home folder in hidden directories and files10:44
ActionParsnipsapfeer: you'll have to wade through all the logs to see whats going on10:44
XQbitOh by the way, what would be a good book for understanding the inner workings of Ubuntu? :]10:45
ActionParsnipXQbit: i suggest getting one thats generic to Linux rather than simply ubuntu specific, it will prepare you for any distro then10:45
sapfeerActionParsnip: Take a look:10:45
sapfeer/var/log/syslog:Aug 27 23:13:06 lenovo-y510ka kernel: [    0Aug 27 23:17:01 lenovo-y510ka /USR/SBIN/CRON[7584]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)10:45
sapfeerActionParsnip: System did10:46
sapfeerActionParsnip: System didn't record it activity for some minutes...10:46
xrfangI am looking for a good PIM kind of software for gnome, any recommendations? thanks10:46
ActionParsnipxrfang: pim?10:46
xrfangpersonal information manager10:47
xrfanglike basket but is for kde...10:47
zaggynladd person to that :+10:47
ActionParsnip!info gnome-pim10:47
ubottuPackage gnome-pim does not exist in jaunty10:47
ActionParsnip!find pim10:48
ubottuFound: kdepim, kdepim-dbg, kdepim-dev, kdepim-doc, kdepim-kresources (and 22 others)10:48
ActionParsnipxrfang: try: apt-cache search pim10:48
ActionParsnipxrfang: https://launchpad.net/gnome-pim states gnome-pim is unmaintained10:49
xrfangyes I saw gnome-pim in google, but looks terrible10:49
ActionParsnipi'd install the kde one and bite the dep bullet10:50
ActionParsnipif looks are so important to you10:50
xrfangok looks are an important factor, but more than that is functionality, I want an *information* manager, NOT a calendar stuff...10:51
zmokeyhi guys10:51
zmokeyi want to install ubuntu on dell latitude e650010:52
zmokeyanyone using them both ?10:52
zmokeyim new with it10:52
ActionParsnip!anyone | zmokey:10:52
ubottuzmokey:: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:52
xtknighttype "echo ~/*"  why does this not escape directory names?  isn't that kind of against the point of completion?10:52
xtknightis it just me on karmic whose does that?10:53
ActionParsnip!karmic | xtknight10:53
ubottuxtknight: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:53
xtknighti understand, but i'm asking if people on jaunty have the problem really10:53
xtknightyou can take me to the guillotine later for even mentioning it :010:54
ActionParsnipxtknight: why not try: type `ls`10:54
ActionParsnipfile `ls` works here on karmic, what are you trying to achieve?10:55
xtknightActionParsnip, i'm not sure, i'm just wondering if bash works properly when it completes directories and so on.  for example, i think this would break "mplayer *" if you had folders with spaces in them10:55
ActionParsnipyou can use "mplayer*" and it will find files starting with mplayer that have spaces too10:56
* ActionParsnip kicks his slow scsi rebuild :(10:56
xtknightfor instance let's say I wanted to play every file in a directory.  mplayer * would not work for video files with spaces in them (that is, calling mplayer with an argument of * on the bash shell)10:56
xtknight(that would add them to a playlist)10:57
DigitalKiwiwait people put spaces in names ? blasphemy!10:57
xtknighti was wondering if that constituted a bug or not, or whether this is really expected behavior10:58
idanhow do i add a channel to favorites??10:58
xtknighti'm not even sure if it's true, but that's what echo is showing10:58
ActionParsnipidan: in pidgin yu click conversation at the top of the channel -> add to favourites10:59
=== jack is now known as Guest6571
ActionParsnipidan: you didnt specify a client so I can only guess can't i. If you provide the client you use maybe we can advise better10:59
DigitalKiwi/ctcp idan version10:59
ActionParsnipidan: as different clients work differently10:59
xtknightnot sure xchat even has favorites but it has network list11:00
DigitalKiwixtknight: have you tried mplayer * or just speculating?11:00
xtknightDigitalKiwi, speculating/asking.  i think echo might be deleting the escape characters?11:00
xtknightbut echo -e and echo -E reveal the same thing11:01
DigitalKiwiPlaying Fight Club 1999.mp4.11:01
DigitalKiwiSeek failed11:01
ActionParsnipwazzag: WinXP, Pidgin 2.5.5. Anything else you want to know?11:02
Frantiquehello all11:02
wazzagSorry man, just mucking about11:02
DigitalKiwifull name and social security number, duh11:03
xtknightDigitalKiwi, never mind i guess, mplayer * works fine.. now the question is, why?11:03
ActionParsnipDigitalKiwi: we dont have social security in england, not everybody lives in america11:03
quantumlol ActionParsnip11:04
Ekusheythat was funny, ActionParsnip :p11:04
ActionParsnipquantum: its true, many dont beleive you tho11:04
quantumi know. i live in isral ans spent quite some time in the UK11:05
DigitalKiwiyeah, it would be unfair if everyone was so privileged to live here11:05
ActionParsnipDigitalKiwi: all countries have downfalls and positives11:06
DigitalKiwinot true, look at greenland11:06
zophymy number is 500711:06
innocivhttp://pastebin.com/m59fec503 What am I doing wrong? :x  Trying to adda 3rd ip.  /etc/network/interfaces11:06
DigitalKiwiwhat does it have in the way of positives? nothing11:07
ikoniagents - the channel is ubuntu support - please try to keep to the topic11:07
ActionParsnipDigitalKiwi: snowboarding11:07
ikoniaActionParsnip: please11:08
ActionParsnipikonia: you got it11:08
ActionParsnipgotta wake some guys up in florida anyhoo :D11:08
zophyi am not a criminal11:08
ikoniazophy: PLEASE11:08
DigitalKiwithat's what she said11:08
leafwan idea for expanding the "Recent documents" of Ubuntu: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/21216/11:09
imguys i have ati radeon 9100 igp and no 3D support anyone help???11:09
O__ohow to install printer driver for Ricoh Aficio(R) MP 6001 ??11:10
theatroO__o, do you have a ppd file?11:11
SkyNetMastergod day, does anyone know the name gui for user management in gnome?11:12
O__odont know11:12
theatroO__o, do you have a driver?11:12
O__otheatro, the printer is connected to router11:12
O__otheatro, i am searching it online11:12
ActionParsnip!ati | im11:12
ubottuim: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:12
ActionParsnipSkyNetMaster: if you look in the admin menu, there is one there11:13
xtknightSkyNetMaster, you mean users-admin?11:13
O__otheatro, ricoh website doesnt have any driver for linux, they only have windows or mac driver11:13
O__otheatro, http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Ricoh-Aficio_MP_6001 i found this site but i am not sure what to do11:13
dayollutz: thanks11:13
theatroO__o, ehm11:14
xtknightO__o, you sure it doesn't just work right off?11:14
O__oxtknight, what do u mean?11:14
xtknightO__o have you actually tried adding the printer yet?11:15
O__oxtknight, i did11:15
O__oxtknight, i cant find MP 600111:15
theatroO__o, run CUPS (printing server) go to http://localhost:631 and setup according to the info on that link11:15
xtknightO__o okay specify the ppd file it talks about... you probably have it11:15
O__othere is MP 6000, i have tried that but it doesnt work11:15
quantumaren't MAC drivers compatible?11:15
SkyNetMasterActionParsnip, I meant user administration panel, it was in system-config-users :)11:16
suppiim getting a error as is /usr/local/libl.so not a symbolic link...can anyone help me out11:16
xtknightO__o, in /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/printer/ i have a bunch of aficio drivers, including MP_6001.xml11:16
O__oxtknight, what version of ubuntu u using?11:16
innociv /etc/network/interfaces http://pastebin.com/m59fec503 What am I doing wrong? :x  Trying to adda 3rd ip.11:16
xtknightO__o i am using karmic actually.  i am trying to see if jaunty has the same thing, but it really should11:16
O__oi am on 8.0411:17
mattycozehey does anyone know how to use a USB human interface device with VirtualBox?11:17
O__oi have installed 9.04 on other machine but i havent have time to try it11:17
xtknightO__o, ok you can update ubuntu or d/l the ppd from that site you linked11:17
xtknightO__o i think just put this PPD file: Custom PPD  in your foomatic folder11:17
xtknightO__o or perhaps using  All architectures (DEB for LSB 3.2)  is easier..11:18
xtknightjust use the deb i guess11:18
milligan_Anyone here familiar with fancyupload? :) I need someone to check out my site and tell me why the upload isn't working.. (without disclosing the url to the whole channel)11:18
O__oput in where?11:19
xtknightO__o, never mind, install the deb.  download the deb to somewhere and type sudo dpkg -i debname.deb11:19
O__oxtknight, can i use ppd for mac?11:20
xtknightO__o what do you mean?11:20
nrasis there a command in the terminal to run update?11:20
xtknightnras: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:20
exapidsudo apt-get update11:20
O__ohere is the site11:21
xtknightupdate grabs new lists, upgrade installs new pkgs11:21
nrasxtknight: tnx11:21
O__oricoh official site there are mac driver11:21
O__othey are ppd11:21
xtknightO__o, use this site http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Ricoh-Aficio_MP_600111:21
xtknightO__o i'm not sure, it may work, it's probably the same file anyawys11:21
xtknightfor now grab it off openprinting.org we know that works11:22
O__owhich one?11:22
O__othere are 2 deb files11:22
O__opxlmono-Ricoh  or Postscript-Ricoh ??11:23
sim_how do i keep my laptop in "perfomance" mode permanently - my laptop is always on AC .... If i use the cpu scale, it goes back to "ondemand" upon restart.....11:23
xtknightO__o recommended pxlmono11:23
O__odo i download the ppd or the deb?11:23
innociv /etc/network/interfaces http://pastebin.com/m59fec503 can someone help?  Adding a 3rd ip, already had 2 working.   Getting error on restart:  ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"11:24
O__oppd sounds easier11:24
xtknightO__o deb will be easier11:24
mattycozehey does anyone know much about virtualbox?11:24
O__oisnt ppd i just go in and add?11:24
mattycozei'm having trouble getting a joystick to work with XP11:24
spOhwo do i delete just subdirectories and not the files in the directy i am in, in console?11:24
mattycoze*via virtualbox11:24
ActionParsnip!anyone | mattycoze11:24
ubottumattycoze: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:24
xtknightO__o with the ppd you may need to engage sudo to copy it and plus edit some config files, i'm not sure, deb should do everything for you and make it easy to uninstall11:24
xtknightguess im not sure really, just try both and whatever works11:25
O__ook i have to try it when i am in office11:25
xtknighti dont know how to install ppds11:25
O__oi am at home now i cant do anything11:25
xtknightbut given the fact that debs are easier for about 95% of activities11:25
SkyNetMasternot an ubuntu question, but how to ignore leav nad join messages in xchat?11:26
=== administrator__ is now known as baizon
spOis there a file browser for console that is graphic with menus but not full graphics requiring x-windows11:27
erUSULSkyNetMaster: right click on the channel button/tab11:28
NeXstaRmy xxamp server gives and error in the myphpadmin ;/ The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured11:28
baizonsp0: midnight commander?11:28
FlannelspO: Check out mc11:28
quantumif i am setting a DNS zone file http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/11/07/how-to-setup-a-dns-server-in-ubuntu/ recommends giving an A record for a pc, but the server runs a dhcp. do i have to add it?11:28
mattycozesomebody tell me how to mount USB devices onto virtualmachines please11:29
ActionParsnipspO: could just use the terminal with cp, mv, cd etc11:29
SkyNetMastererUSUL, jess.. thank you. this is what happens if you dont use guis too often :D11:29
ActionParsnipmattycoze: you need to enable the usb in the virtualbox config11:29
spOactionparsnip, oh good,  how do i delete just subdirectories and not include the files in the directory i am in .11:29
mattycozeActionParsnip, I did try that but I don't know whether to "enable" the device, create a Host Pipe or Host Device...11:30
=== baizon is now known as root
O__oxtknight, thx i will try it tomorrow in the office11:30
mattycozeas well as specify what the IRQ & I/O Ports are11:31
ActionParsnipspO: you could use file `ls` then use some logic on that output11:31
=== root is now known as baizon
lexr.join #ubuntu-jp11:31
ActionParsnipmattycoze: have you tried asking in #vbox11:31
O__oxtknight, today in office i try the MP 6000 driver found in ubuntu and it prints out like 500 blank papers with some weird character on it11:31
erUSULspO: something like « find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs rm -r »11:32
ActionParsnipmattycoze: is the guest Linux based?11:32
erUSULspO: try first without the | xargs rm -r part11:33
erUSULspO: sorry is « find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -r »11:33
sim_i have a sony laptop. what should the keyboard layout be? my hotkeys dont work (Fn key) ...at the moment its on "generic 105-key (intl) PC"11:33
ActionParsnipmattycoze: http://www.howtoforge.com/virtualbox-2-how-to-pass-through-usb-devices-to-guests-on-an-ubuntu-8.10-host11:34
mattycozeActionParsnip, the OS I use is Ubuntu, but the OS i'm trying to run with vbox is Windows XP11:34
ActionParsnipsim_: that is fine, do the keys generate an event?11:34
sim_xev doesnt generate a response to the Fn button11:34
keithwhy do I get a different behavior when I run a link vs. what the link is pointing to? has anyone had experience with this?11:34
sim_which is why i thought the layout may be wrong11:34
ActionParsnipsim_: this is common11:35
sim_ActionParsnip:  for it not to work?11:35
zmokeyubuntu has default suppoort for adsl connections ?11:35
ActionParsnipmattycoze: you could have the device mounted, then simply map the folder as a drive in the virtualbox11:35
ActionParsnip!adsl | zmokey11:35
ubottuzmokey: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:35
SerendippoDoes anyone here use amarok 1.4.10 under jaunty? Since a few weeks I can't retrieve the album covers anymore. That function uses amazon & i wonder if Amazon has changed its site, or maybe it's due to a faulty kde install on my part. Can anyone with amarok 1.4.10 test if retrieving album covers works or not?11:35
zmokeyActionParsnip is a robot ?11:36
ActionParsnipsim_: yes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaptopSpecialKeys11:36
ActionParsnipzmokey: no, ubottu is11:36
ActionParsnip!ubottu | zmokey11:36
ubottuzmokey: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:36
mattycozeno ActionParsnip it's XP i'm trying to run at the moment within Ubuntu via VirtualBox11:36
keithWhen I run a scr11:36
sim_ActionParsnip: sucks :/ ....i can only change my brightness using commands in terminal (smartdimmer)...its really annoying11:36
ActionParsnipmattycoze: yes, you can configure the vbox to access folders on the host like drives, xp will pick them up automagically11:37
ActionParsnipmattycoze: #vbox will have better advise11:37
keithWhen I run a script, it works fine... but when I run it via a symbolic link, it crashes. Why would that be?11:37
ActionParsnipkeith: how are you running your script?11:38
psycho_oreosis there openssl_dev package?11:39
keithActionParsnip: /usr/local/sbin/GCALDaemon/bin/standalone-start.sh11:39
keithActionParsnip: That way works, but using a symbol11:39
ActionParsnipkeith: ok and have you ran: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/GCALDaemon/bin/standalone-start.sh11:40
keithActionParsnip: ic link doesn't. ie. ./standalone-start.sh11:40
mattycozeActionParsnip nah it's okay they're not responding in there; but it seems like the OSE version i'm running doesn't support the USB thing; their PUEL (closed source) version does... not sure if it's free though :(11:40
SerendippoDoes anyone use amarok 1.4.10 under jaunty? Since a few weeks I can't retrieve the album covers anymore. That function uses amazon & i wonder if Amazon has changed its site, or maybe it's due to a faulty kde install on my part. Can anyone with amarok 1.4.10 test if retrieving album covers works or not?11:40
keithActionParsnip: Sorry, my messages got jumbled. It is executable and runs fine when run directly.11:41
ActionParsnipkeith: if you add some echo lines to your script, you can see exactly what point it crashes11:41
keithActionParsnip: It is not myscript, and it works fine when not run via symbolic link.11:42
keithActionParsnip: It is a script for GCALDaemon11:42
ActionParsnipkeith: exactly so you need to find out when it crashes, if you add some echo commands you can output to the terminal, if the outouts stop you know roughly where it dies11:43
quantumrndc: connect failed: connection refused11:44
keithActionParsnip: shouldn't running a link be the same thing as running it directly? it is throwing a ClassNotFoundException.11:44
quantumon bind911:44
hari1hari1: fgfd11:45
ActionParsnipkeith: is it a symbolic link or a hard link?11:45
keithActionParsnip: Symbolic11:45
quantumis there a bind9 channel?11:45
ActionParsnipkeith: strange11:46
ActionParsnipkeith: edit the script and add some lines that output to stdout so you ca see where it fails11:47
O__ohi how to print ps files?11:48
ActionParsnipkeith: something like: echo "start"      at the start, then after a few lines add       echo "step1"  and so on, when the lines stop writing to the screen you will know at what pint it crashed11:48
* syntax LOVES ubuntu+Virtualbox=Windows xp :)11:48
quatar-ithi all! My problem: while camorama and cheese easily find my webcam at /dev/video0 , flash player on firefox says that no camera is found.11:49
syntaxbut i got a quick question..is there a way to share ubuntu foldiers in virtual box?11:49
keithActionParsnip: It is 2 lines. lol. I think I might know why though. The first line is GCALDIR=`dirname "$0"`/..11:49
ActionParsnipO__o: open it in a viewer app and print it11:50
O__oActionParsnip, if the printer supports ps can i just lpt file.ps?11:50
ActionParsnipsyntax: if you get the virtualbox to be actually on the LAN and have a LAN IP, you can access it as if it were a true system on your lan11:50
O__olpr file.ps?11:50
syntaxHow do i go by doing that ActionParsnip?11:51
innociv /etc/network/interfaces http://pastebin.com/m190e1389 can someone help?  Adding a 3rd ip, already had 2 working.  Tried two ways, errors in pastebin.11:51
ActionParsnipO__o: could work, or you could open it with some gtk app which will let you view it, openoffice/abiword may do it11:51
ActionParsnipsyntax: i did it ages ago dude. I ot bored of virtualbox11:51
O__oopenoffice can read ps file?11:51
albechHow do I disable the KVM kernel extension?11:51
ActionParsnipO__o: not sure, why not try it instead of asking. it doesnt cost11:52
ActionParsnipsyntax: you will need to bridge the connection somehow11:52
syntaxActionParsnip: that would be tight11:53
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:53
O__oActionParsnip, openoffice cant read ps11:53
ActionParsnipO__o: then try a different app11:54
=== nuclear is now known as qnuclearq
omgdhow can i install 32bit firefox?11:54
O__oActionParsnip, i can use xdvi to open ps file, but i have like 120 ps files i want to be able to print them without opening them11:54
dattai seem to have a problem with the keyboard right after booting up the computer and then it doesnt work so i have to unplug it from the back of the computer and plug it back it to make it work11:54
]Spectre[Hi,I'm looking for a freeware program like "windows getright" for ubuntu gnome,thanks11:55
O__oi wonder if i can do it with command like lpr ?11:55
ActionParsnip!info ghostscript-x11:55
ubottughostscript-x (source: ghostscript): The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter - X Display support. In component main, is optional. Version 8.64.dfsg.1-0ubuntu8 (jaunty), package size 64 kB, installed size 176 kB11:55
dattadid anyone face this type of issues with their keyboard11:55
Serendippodatta: is it a usb keyboard?11:55
ActionParsnip!info firefox32 | omgd11:55
ubottuomgd: Package firefox32 does not exist in jaunty11:55
indusActionParsnip: hi11:55
dattaSerendippo yes11:55
dattaat first i thought maybe it was something at the back of the computer that was doing such a thing but now i think it is something with ubuntu11:56
Serendippodatta: try enabling 'legacy usb mode' in your bios, helped with me11:56
indus]Spectre[: what does windows getright do?11:56
]Spectre[ok,I'll run getright from wine11:56
dattaSerendippo how do you do that?11:56
ActionParsnipomgd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins#Installing%2032-bit%20Edition%20of%20Firefox11:57
ActionParsniphi indus11:57
Serendippodatta: when your pc boots, go to setup in BIOS (probably with the del-button), then look for legacy mode usb & switch it on, save changes & reboot.11:57
dattathank you Serendippo11:58
omgdthank you11:58
SerendippoDoes anyone use Amarok 1.4.x in Ubuntu 9.04? Retrieving album covers doesn't work overhere, i wonder if its just me or if everyone has this problem.11:58
DigitalKiwii thought this channel was unusually quiet11:59
DigitalKiwijust turns out i got kicked for no reason -.-12:00
DigitalKiwiactually i'm not even sure why i'm here12:01
indusDigitalKiwi: hi12:01
GneaDigitalKiwi: there's usually a good reason.12:02
indusDigitalKiwi: would you like to ask a n ubuntu question12:02
DigitalKiwisure, why do i come here?12:02
jriverahi everyone! question - in iptables how do you block all hosts to access VPN?12:03
shakaranhi, I need some help for create a .deb (exactly with signing gpg)12:03
Myrttishakaran: #ubuntu-motu might be able to help a bit more12:04
NeXstaRmy xxamp server gives and error in the myphpadmin ;/ The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured12:04
Gneashakaran: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment#Packaging12:04
ZAKhanhow do i reset kerberos once i have joined active directory and the server is not accessible anymore?12:07
qnuclearqI amarok does not work is mostly of12:07
kedarsI have one static and one dhcp interface. I want that the "gateway" of the dhcp interface should take effect, but it always picks that of the static ip address12:08
kedarsany idea how to fix this?12:08
Gneakedars: how are you setting the static interface?12:08
kedarsGnea: here is my sample interfaces file http://pastebin.com/m6450780b12:09
qnuclearqthough he was old12:09
kedarsmy gateway always shows up as instead of that received with the eth0 dhcp12:09
ugurhi all i am usin ubuntu netbook remix on an msi wind u100 and traceroute and ping dont work with ethernet card12:10
ugurifconfig and route seems correct and i can download from internet but ping doesn't work any ideas?12:12
nikesh im here12:14
DigitalKiwiwe see12:14
krishanis it different12:14
Gneakedars: are you using regular ubuntu or ubuntu-sever?12:14
ace__I am trying to install drip on my laptop. I downloaded it from sourceforge.net. I extracted the package and tried following the directions to install it but I'm not getting anywhere. Can someone help me with the install?12:15
krishanGmail chat better hai12:15
kedarsGnea: I am actually using this on ubuntu-arm. I just did "apt-get install network-manager"12:15
=== Sonderbla is now known as Sonderblade
arvind_khadri!info drip12:16
ubottuPackage drip does not exist in jaunty12:16
Gneakedars: okay, then the network-manager should be used to set the interface static, not the interfaces file - as soon as you edit interfaces file, network-manager won't touch it12:16
arvind_khadri!compile | acalvo12:16
ubottuacalvo: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:16
arvind_khadri!compile | ace__12:16
ubottuace__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:16
arvind_khadriacalvo, sorry12:16
ohletmeinnowjesuhey guys12:16
hoeq^Anyone who is good at scripting?12:16
=== hoeq^ is now known as hoeq
ohletmeinnowjesuwhats the command to check mounted harddrives?12:17
kedarsGnea: I am not sure I understand. Do you mean use the NetworkManager gui?12:17
Gneakedars: if you'd like to reset it and start from scratch with networkmanager, then use this: http://pastebin.com/m512e1d6312:17
kedarsGnea: this is a text-only system,12:17
ace__arvind_khadri: Thanks, I'll try that12:17
arvind_khadriohletmeinnowjesu, sudo mount12:17
Gneakedars: okay, i thought ubuntu-arm would be a gui12:17
Gneakedars: if you're going to use only the /etc/network/interfaces file, then you don't need NetworkManager12:18
DigitalKiwihoeq: scripting in what?12:18
Gneakedars: you can use one or the other, but not both12:18
kedarsGnea: Oh I see. So is there any other configuration file for NetworkManager that I should edit then?12:18
Gneakedars: it doesn't work that way. you either use the networkmanager GUI, or edit the file. that's it, there is no other way (Except for wicd, but even that's GUI too). since you have no GUI, stick with /etc/network/interfaces and make sure you add more than you have... sec12:19
hoeqDigitalKiwi: well, not Ubuntu-specific, but shell scripting in general.12:19
DigitalKiwi#bash has been rumored to have such people12:20
hoeqSame network?12:20
indushoeq: true try #bash12:20
indushoeq: ya same one12:20
callum__Hi My FIREFOX doesnt let  me install FLASH on uBuntu 9.0412:20
indushoeq: all tech stuff is usiually on freenode12:20
DigitalKiwinuh uh12:20
callum__I try to install it and it dooesnt let me install package12:20
hoeqindus: great, thanks!12:20
arvind_khadricallum__, 64 bit ?12:20
kedarsGnea: oh ok. But the /etc/network/interfaces solution doesn't seem to work... :(12:20
DigitalKiwiirc.oftc.net has a lot of other projects12:21
induscallum_ whats the error12:21
callum__no, i just cant watch flash12:21
induscallum_ what do you mean doesnt let you intall package12:21
Callum_never had this happen before =P12:21
arvind_khadrikedars, after you edit the file you need to restart networking, and also /etc/resolv.conf, its the place where you put DNS12:21
=== heterosa1kari is now known as heterosankari
Gneakedars: try to make it look like this: http://pastebin.com/m6fb31ef112:21
Thunderstormi like ubuntu12:21
Gneakedars: that's because you didn't put enough12:21
DigitalKiwiall we need is callum and we have a full set12:21
callum__and when i got to flash site it doesnt work and isntall package12:22
Callum_hi callum__12:22
omgd~$ linux32: /usr/local/firefox32/firefox: Permission denied12:22
callum__Who are you Callum?12:22
callum__:S LOL12:22
Gneaokay, too many Callum's12:22
omgdi get that error why?12:22
Gneaone of you please change12:22
induslol there are 2 of them12:22
kedarsGnea: ohh ok. let me check that12:22
callum__I just want to watch youtube :(12:22
Gneathat's just wrong, are you trying to be confusing on purpose?12:22
ohletmeinnowjesuarvind_khadri: hey thanks, how do i know which is what? Im looking for my flash drive12:22
Callum_callum__, install ubuntu-restricted-extras then =P12:22
callum__Is there a SUDO-APT line12:22
arvind_khadricallum__, did you restart after you installed it?12:23
Thunderstormdo you use kde12:23
induscallum_sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:23
Thunderstormor gnome?12:23
arvind_khadriohletmeinnowjesu, sudo fdisk -l lets you know more12:23
__theIdiotBoxhello everyone12:23
callum__ok im running that apt-get thanks12:23
__theIdiotBoxhow to test the validity of my ext3 fs journalling file system?12:24
arvind_khadri!hi | __theIdiotBox12:24
ubottu__theIdiotBox: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:24
Callum_live and prosper, my clone12:24
kedarsGnea: no luck :| same problem12:24
arvind_khadri!flash | callum__12:24
ubottucallum__: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:24
DigitalKiwi__theIdiotBox: fsck if you mean what I think12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about television12:24
arvind_khadri__theIdiotBox, fsck12:24
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out12:24
callum__im a gay callum12:25
arvind_khadriindus, /msg the bot12:25
Callum_I'm a Callum that understands Japanese =312:25
Callum_hence me being in #ubuntu-jp12:25
callum__ok that installed12:25
callum__now what do i do ?12:26
indusarvind_khadri: how do u message the bot? /msg nick <message>?12:26
Callum_callum__: just restart Firefox12:26
callum__said flash plugin worked and installed and set up12:26
callum__oh ok12:26
induscallum_restart firefox12:26
arvind_khadriindus, yes12:26
callum__thanks x12:26
Myrttiindus: /msg ubottu message12:26
indusMyrtti: thank you12:26
indusMyrtti: got it now12:26
__theIdiotBoxarvind_khadri, DigitalKiwi : off late i've noticed some weird post logout messages which i guess were related to bad sectors so I did a complete check for this using fsck and badblocks and it came out clean...so i think my ext3 journaling got corrupted12:26
indusMyrtti: also i want ubottu to update some messages , how to do those12:27
arvind_khadriindus, go to #ubuntu-bots and talk to terence12:27
Myrtti!factoid > indus12:27
ubottuindus, please see my private message12:27
Callum_DigitalKiwi: You actually from New Zealand? If so, hi from Wellington =312:27
omgdty it worked12:27
Callum_fair enough12:27
callum__ok i must try now12:28
NeXstaRmy xxamp server gives and error in the localhost myphpadmin ;/  :    The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured12:28
__theIdiotBoxDigitalKiwi, how do I make sure that my journalling sys is fine and not corrupted? any command for that?12:29
natureshadow__theIdiotBox: fsck?12:29
callum__THANKS SO MUCH GUYS12:29
callum__MY FLASH IS WORKING!!!!12:30
Callum_no problem callum__ my clone12:30
arvind_khadri__theIdiotBox, let ubuntu run fsck when it boots12:30
callum__my names callum irl?12:30
arvind_khadri!caps | callum__12:30
ubottucallum__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:30
__theIdiotBoxnatureshadow, have a look at this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7800909#post780090912:30
Callum_So is mine, callum__ =P12:30
callum__oh ok lol12:30
__theIdiotBoxarvind_khadri, i'm done with all those things but to no avail12:30
indus!factoid flash12:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about factoid flash12:30
DdayI have a bunch of files called r01, r02 etvc12:30
DdayThey are rars i believe12:31
DdayHow do i open them?12:31
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:31
psycho_oreos!rar | Dday12:31
ubottuDday: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:31
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
duski am trying to install sndfile from source, but i get some errors some help ?12:31
=== dusk is now known as Guest85213
quatar-ithi all! Since there is much more activity than an hour ago, i paste again my problem: while camorama and cheese easily find my webcam at /dev/video0 , flash player on firefox says that no camera is found.12:31
indusDday: sudo apt-get install unrar12:31
=== Guest85213 is now known as Dusk
indusDday: then just right click on file and extract12:31
DdayOkay cheers12:32
callum__ok i have one other question please x12:32
=== Dusk is now known as Guest47118
indusDday: sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree is better12:32
__theIdiotBox!ask | Callum_12:32
ubottuCallum_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:32
callum__I removed EVOLUTION MAIL, using Synaptics package manager and add/remove and the icon is still in Office/Tab12:32
arvind_khadridusk explain your problem12:32
=== Guest47118 is now known as Dusk_
induscallum_right click on menu>edit menus and remove it12:33
Ddayindus, do i have to pay for it?12:33
Dr_Willisquatar-it:  i belive the flash port on linux does not support webcams.  Ive heard a lot of people in here asking about it.. but never seen them get an answer as to how to get  it to work.12:33
indusDday: no12:33
Callum_ubottu, I love how thats pinging me instead of callum__ because of the underscores =P12:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:33
indusDday: it will also unlock some non free rar file formats12:33
=== Dusk_ is now known as Algdusk
quatar-itDr_Willis: okay, i'll resign12:33
__theIdiotBoxCallum_, sorry it was me... :-(...yeh upper case diff12:33
Algduski am trying to install sndfile from source, but i get some errors some help ?12:33
indusAlgdusk: what errors12:34
callum__indus thanks so much x12:34
callum__that worked well12:34
induscallum_for what12:34
callum__Thank you all for your help that will be all for now, happy computing babes x take care thank you12:34
indusCallum_: for flash hmm most welcome12:34
__theIdiotBoxAlgdusk, whats the prob?12:34
indusdamn wrong Callum_12:34
Dr_Willisquatar-it:  i could be wrong.. check the forums perhaps.12:35
indusAlgdusk: non existente foldera12:35
__theIdiotBoxDigitalKiwi, arvind_khadri : any idea on my last question? how to fix a corrupted journaling sys?12:35
indus:) bad italian sorry12:35
HalabundHello!  When I try to use the wireless at the university, the connection is dropped every couple of minutes (even though the signal strength is good).  This has only happened here.  It worked with other access points.  It also works fine on Windows.  How would I go about solving this problem?  (I have Jaunty)12:35
ohletmeinnowjesuarvind_khadri: hey, thanks12:35
Algduskso what can i do12:35
arvind_khadriohletmeinnowjesu, np :)12:35
__theIdiotBoxHalabund, which kernel? this is quite a know issue12:36
arvind_khadri__theIdiotBox, did you google??12:36
Algduskindus, what can i do12:36
Halabund__theIdiotBox: it's a fully updated Jaunty.12:36
indusAlgdusk: maybe create that folder /home/dusk/area?12:36
__theIdiotBoxarvind_khadri, yep...but nothing...12:36
moonshineanyone here that can help me?12:36
indusAlgdusk: mkdir <foldername?12:36
indusAlgdusk: mkdir <foldername>12:36
Algduskambiente de trabalho is the Desktop folder12:36
Algduskbut  in Portuguese12:36
indusAlgdusk: i think you enter directory name wrong when compile?12:36
arvind_khadri__theIdiotBox, did you look into bugs?12:36
oldude67!ask | moonshine12:36
ubottumoonshine: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:37
__theIdiotBoxHalabund, i guess googling prividing your h/w details will help you how to fix it12:37
indusmoonshine: what is it that bothers you dear12:37
__theIdiotBoxarvind_khadri, launchpad archives?12:37
Algduskindus, i only unzipped the files did ./configure and when i was trying to make the error comes12:37
indusAlgdusk:  Ficheiro ou directoria inexistent12:37
indusAlgdusk: i think it says directory does not exist12:37
arvind_khadri__theIdiotBox, yes12:37
indusAlgdusk: can u try again12:38
__theIdiotBoxarvind_khadri, i did check it there some time back...i think i should do it again...thansk for reminding12:38
neil_dHi, child got to my hot-swap raid array. see http://paste.ubuntu.com/260846/ for /proc/mdstat :(  when ever I try to do anything with mdadm I get the error "mdadm: cannot get array info for /dev/md/0"  what do I do about this?12:39
azloni have a volume control knob on my keyboard... how can i make it control my "Master Volume"? currently it controls the "Front" volume control bar12:39
indusAlgdusk: did it ask for some questions before make?12:39
__theIdiotBoxazlon, reconfiguring din't help ?12:39
azlon__theIdiotBox, hrmm... what do you mean reconfigure? what conf file would i be looking for?12:40
Algduskindus, but area de trabalho is desktop in portuguese12:40
__theIdiotBoxazlon, i need to google to get the exact answer...wait a min12:40
indusheh ok12:42
indusAlgdusk: change into the folder where source is then you run .configure?12:42
indus!flash is12:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flash is12:42
Algduskindus, i the downloaded folder on my desktop, shell i put it on another folder ?12:42
arvind_khadri!compile | Algdusk12:42
ubottuAlgdusk: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:42
arvind_khadri!checkinstall > Algdusk12:43
ubottuAlgdusk, please see my private message12:43
indusAlgdusk: hmm no not important12:43
indusAlgdusk: what source is this? which software?12:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nobrain12:43
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.12:44
* pshr lol12:44
Myrttipshr: play with it in pm12:44
__theIdiotBoxpshr, lol12:44
IdleOne!botabuse > pshr12:44
ubottupshr, please see my private message12:45
indusMyrtti: but then we dont get to share the laughs12:45
__theIdiotBoxMyrtti, right12:45
ikoniaindus: it's not a joke channel12:45
__theIdiotBoxindus, you are right as well12:45
ikoniaindus: as you've been told12:45
Myrttiindus: and newbies don't get confused and flooded with it12:45
Algduskindus, i am trying to install guitarix , but first i was installing the dependencies12:45
pshrsorry guys12:45
Algduskindus,  one of them is sndfile, so i went into the website and downloaded the latest version12:45
indusloosen up ikonia, i prefer Myrtti's answer here12:45
__theIdiotBoxpshr, cool dude ...everyone learns it that way12:45
indusmoving on12:45
Algduskindus, so i did the ./configure, no problems, but now i was trying to do the make and it comes with that error12:46
Seriouslyikonia: Where can we joke and socialize with our fellow ubuntu community through IRC12:47
ikoniaSeriously: #ubuntu-offtopic works12:47
ikoniaSeriously: or your loco - eg: #ubuntu-uk if you are in the uk12:47
SeriouslyHmm, why are they seperate?12:47
Algduskindus , woww now its working12:48
Algduskindus, loOl12:48
Algduskindus, i just putted the folder into documents and run the all process again, its compiling now...ehehh12:48
indusAlgdusk: ok thtas nice12:48
indusAlgdusk: but also strange12:49
Algduskindus, is not good to install things from the desktop ?12:49
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arvind_khadriAlgdusk, no, you must compile mostly from /usr/src12:49
kholerabbihey, how can I find out what my motherboard is?12:50
Algduskindus, i installed snd ersion 1.0.20, but after the installation process i was checking using sndfile-info to see if 1.0.20 was install and it says its 1.0.17 :S how ?12:50
ComputechHow can you see what version of ubuntu you have?12:51
MyrttiComputech: lsb_release -a12:51
Algduskindus, do i need to reboot or something?12:51
codemonkholerabbi, lspci command may do the trick12:51
indusAlgdusk: no dont think so12:51
kholerabbicodemon: thanks12:51
arvind_khadriAlgdusk, first run 'which'12:52
Algduskarvind_khadri, hum ?12:52
ubottubzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.  See http://bazaar-vcs.org/QuickHackingWithBzr for a quickstart guide.12:52
arvind_khadriAlgdusk, which snd12:52
Algduskwhich returns the pathnames of the files which would be executed in the12:52
Algdusk       current environment, had its arguments been  given  as  commands  in  a12:52
Algdusk       strictly  POSIX-conformant  shell.   It does this by searching the PATH12:52
Algdusk       for executable files matching the names of the arguments.12:52
Algduskah ok12:52
FloodBot2Algdusk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:52
MyrttiAlgdusk: ew12:52
Algduskarvind_khadri, /usr/bin/snd12:53
Algduskarvind_khadri, is that ok ?12:53
arvind_khadriAlgdusk, ok, where did you compile your snd? afaik it must be pointing to the one you compiled, not sure though12:54
Algduskarvind_khadri, i did it from the documents folder ...12:54
Algduskarvind_khadri, if it was that waht u were asking eheh12:54
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avishekgreetings everyone! is there any channel that provides help with the bazaar VCS12:55
arvind_khadriAlgdusk, ya... i am not sure... ask someone else too12:55
NeXstaRmy xxamp server gives and error in the localhost myphpadmin ;/  :    The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured... how to fix the prob ?12:55
=== Guest95136 is now known as change
changeNeXstaR, Isn't that windows??12:56
changeNeXstaR, sorry confused12:56
Algdusknow it asks for the gtk+- 2.012:57
Algduskcan i sudo apt-get that ?12:57
changeNeXstaR, is this one that is just uncompress and run or install?12:57
changeAlgdusk, yes12:57
NeXstaRchange: no i have installed the xxamp server on my ubuntu 9.04 ....12:57
changeNeXstaR, have you started Mysql12:58
Algduskwhat is the proper name of the file12:58
Algdusksorry :S12:58
Algduskthe package o mean12:58
changeAlgdusk, try looking in Synaptic12:58
JK89what is better option with USB Drive installing Ubuntu on USB Drive or Making startup disk with documents and settings12:58
NeXstaRchange: yes the one for linux12:58
=== spritelol is now known as pigflu
changeNeXstaR, but is it running12:59
changeJK89, for what12:59
changeJK89, for what do you want to do with it12:59
JK89making USB Drive Ubuntu12:59
JK89so I can carry it12:59
arvind_khadriAlgdusk, run sudo apt-get build-dep snd12:59
NeXstaRchange:  yes i have started the xxamp server in terminal and went to xxamp , aka localhost but when i click on myphpadmin it gives me that error12:59
changeJK89, I'd install it with my own partitions13:00
Algduskarvind_khadri, snd is done now13:00
NeXstaRchange may i send you a screenshot of localhost error ?13:00
Dr_WillisJK89:  on a real usb hard drive.. or a flash drive?13:00
arvind_khadriAlgdusk, oh ok13:00
changeNeXstaR,  I am not familar with the specific xxamp package13:00
Algduskarvind_khadri,  ehheh, i am trying to install gtk +- 2.0 like it says its missing when trying to compile guitarix13:00
changeNeXstaR,  sure13:00
JK89flash drive13:00
arvind_khadriAlgdusk, why are you compiling?13:00
changeNeXstaR,  But can you ls processes13:00
Xconafternoon guys, im needing a little help if you wouldnt mind, i have a sony vaio computer, ive put ubuntu on, and i wanna change it to windows and dual boot it with ubuntu instead, does anyone know how i can activate the recovery section of the vaio during boot without grub loading first?13:01
indusAlgdusk: you compile a lot of things13:01
Xconnormally id press f9/f10, but grub is loading too early for this to kickin13:01
changeJK89,  I change to startup disk13:01
Algduskarvind_khadri, because there is no deb file for that, so i am installing all the dependencies one by one untill all ok eheh13:01
NET||abuseI am so screwed, does anyone know how to use OpenOffice Impress animations properly? I need to animate an image in a slide, making it slightly smaller, makes space for text.13:01
Dr_WillisJK89:  a 'normal install'  may wear out the thing faster.  I use the 'usb startup disk' creater tool on my 4gb flash drives and  find it very useable.13:01
NET||abuseCan anyone tell me how? I have searched, googled, watched dozens of howto vids.. nothing tells me how to do this...13:01
Dr_WillisJK89:  some times i had to do a little tweaking of the disk. but it seems to work very well on  different machines.13:01
changeJK89, Its IO that wears them out13:02
ikoniaNET||abuse: you may want to try #openoffice13:02
ikoniaNET||abuse: some reasl specialists in there13:02
JK89but should I enable documents and settings storeage option13:02
NET||abuseikonia, ok, i will.13:02
NET||abuseikonia, it's very empty13:02
bzrk_hey all, has anyone ever tried upgrading a 32bit ubuntu to 64bit or knows if this is even possible?13:02
ikoniaNET||abuse: check the topic - #openoffice.org is the correct channel13:02
arvind_khadribzrk_, no its not possible13:03
indusbzrk_: well,no13:03
changeNET||abuse, can you just progressivly change slides13:03
NeXstaRis there a method of posting the screenshot into a pastebin?13:03
NET||abusechange: what, like stop motion animation?13:03
indusNeXstaR: use imagebin.org13:03
indus!paste | NeXstaR13:03
ubottuNeXstaR: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:03
changeNET||abuse, Yeah like that, only thing I can think of13:03
melgohey I get a bunch of ATA DRTY errors upon boot. This is probably because I shoved like 3 dicks in the box plus like 4 disc drivers in and(oh they aren't all detected because i screwed up the IDE jumpers). ANyway afterwards I boots fine, are there any scripts I should look at and modify so its skips those checks because i'm not opening this box up again13:03
changeWho has the SQL error13:03
NET||abusechange, ugh,, i'm not sure i like that idea.13:03
changeNET||abuse, yeah same13:03
changeNET||abuse, what are you trying to do13:04
changeNET||abuse, can't you instantly change13:04
JK89Should I enable documents and settings option while making a startup disk ?13:04
changePHPmyadmin error guy are you here13:04
changeJK89, I would13:05
=== melgo is now known as meglo
shazbotmcnastyI've once again, got a little problem with my video card. The restricted device manager says I need a driver, but it won't install it. But if I try to apt-get it, it says it's already installed. I used the .run file from ATI and installed their driver, with no avail. I can't watch youtube videos in fullscreen or firefox crashes. All of my movies end up looking like trash, plz halp.13:05
NeXstaRthanks i have posted the error what i get in xxamp  on http://imagebin.org/6144113:05
NET||abusechange, just trying to make it look well13:05
changeNET||abuse, Yeah I would too, I share your pain with Ooo13:06
NET||abusechange, a smooth transition, then slide the text in underneath, it would be impactful.13:06
Halabund__theIdiotBox: I finally found this, I'll reboot into Linux and I'll try if it works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60343713:06
changeNET||abuse, I see the idea, have no idea though13:06
changeNeXstaR, Are you here13:06
NET||abusechancegarcia, well, thanks anyway.13:06
JK89tnx 4 help *change* and others I'm just wonderin where does the firefox cache go it stays in RAM or wat13:07
=== Deadly is now known as Guest58589
changeJK89, the tmp dir13:07
waseemhi guys, here is my situation. I had a perfect ubuntu set-up and did a dist-upgrade which destroyed everything, to the point ubuntu wouldnt load anymore. Now I have re-isntalled 8.04 and want to make sure that wont happen again, but would still like to update stuff. How can I?13:07
megloJK89, encrypt your disks13:07
__theIdiotBoxHalabund, fine ....if that applies to your h/w details, then it shud definitely work...coool dude...13:07
changeJK89, the tmp internet folders??13:07
changeJK89, Yeah look at encryption13:08
NET||abusechange, urg,, sorry, meant to say thanks to you :)13:08
changeNET||abuse, no problem13:09
__theIdiotBoxNET||abuse, i like your funcky nick :-)13:09
changeNeXstaR, are you here13:09
NET||abuse__theIdiotBox, :P I had origionally tried to use NET::abuse  as i was a perl head in the day.13:09
changeha ha13:10
NeXstaRi have clean installed the xxamp server on my localhost host but still gets the error http://imagebin.org/6144113:10
NET||abuse__theIdiotBox, i had been using NET::  modules at the time.13:10
changeNeXstaR, cool13:10
__theIdiotBoxlollll, NET||abuse ...cooool13:10
NeXstaRchange yes i am13:10
changeNeXstaR, have you started mysql indivally13:10
__theIdiotBox!hi | robotronics13:10
ubotturobotronics: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:10
changeNeXstaR, are you gome13:11
robotronicsI have install ubuntu in my laptop13:11
robotronicsubuntu 8.1013:11
NeXstaRchange:  im using gnome 9.04 jaunty13:11
changeNeXstaR, great13:11
__theIdiotBox!enter | robotronics13:11
ubotturobotronics: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:11
ugurhi all, i am using UNR and i dont understand the xorg.conf file. I try to patch the system for intel performance problem13:11
changeNeXstaR, can you open up process manger?13:11
NeXstaRchange:  i have /opt/lampp/lamp start in root13:11
robotronicsi have problem in establishing PPPOE Connection.13:11
robotronicsi have broadband connection13:12
NeXstaRchange:  its opened13:12
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, whts the tool u trying for the same?13:12
changeNeXstaR, can you check if SQL has started , use mysql kill if all else13:12
__theIdiotBox!hi | aLinux13:12
ubottuaLinux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:12
aLinuxcan any 1 tell me if this is normal ?13:12
changeaLinux, what is it13:12
changeaLinux, got no internets13:13
aLinuxit drops fps13:13
Dr_WillisWould someone using 9.04 and gmplayer see if you can drag/drop a video from a directory onto the player and have it play the video?13:13
aLinuxwith latest nvidia driver OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 9600 GT/PCI/SSE213:13
changeaLinux, can you tell me about it13:13
Dr_WillisI think this used to work.. but its not working now for me.13:13
aLinuxcan i pm you ?13:13
NET||abusechange, you IRC by TPS ?13:13
robotronicsis there is any application available in order to configure PPPOE connection in Unbuntu 8.1013:13
changeNET||abuse, something like that...... (ghost in the machine)13:13
NeXstaRchange: system ---> admin --> system monitor?13:14
ugurrobotronics: kvpnc works well in kubuntu13:14
changerobotronics, yeah networkmanager can do it13:14
changeNeXstaR, yes comes up with graph and then process tab13:14
mandarahi all! Need help with rsync. I'm using --exclude-from option and I have list of directories in exclude.txt which I don't wont to sync obviously. So the question is how to put 'My Folder' directory in that list? I have tried many combinations but it always sync it. It doesn't work with My\ Folder or "My Folder"13:14
robotronicsHow i can find the network manager in Ubuntu 8.1013:15
changerobotronics, top right13:15
NET||abusechange, think i got my acronym wrong,, ,tsp maybe,, ummm, whichever one means through supernatural ability :P13:15
changeNET||abuse, like I said, I'm a ghost in the machine13:16
NET||abusewell you got it which is the main thing :)13:16
aLinuxchange: i pm you13:16
robotronicsWhere excatly at top right?13:16
NET||abuseright, back to ... groooaaan... impress13:16
Dr_Willisrobotronics:  should be some little network icon in the panel13:16
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, do you have notification applet out there in the upper panel?13:17
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, if not , right click on the panel, click on add applet, serach for notification applet and add it ..then you can see the network applet as well13:17
d_rwini tried unetbootin hard disk image install but i have usb modem can i install minimal 9.04 without DHCP13:18
robotronicsi found when i rigth click then it ask for Edit information then it open network connection13:18
changerobotronics, thats the one13:18
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, yeh thats the one...13:18
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, then you can see the available networks as detected by ur sys13:19
henrifromtexhomaanybody know of a guide to setting up skype wiht pulse?13:19
zambaif i have control over every computer in my network and want to redirect ALL web requests through a proxy.. what would be the best way of doing that?13:19
zambausing iptables and redirect it that way?13:19
robotronicsNow where i can configure PPPOE Connection13:19
__theIdiotBoxzamba, want to setup a proxy server?13:19
SeriouslyI'm interested in learning how to use Linux from a server perspective13:20
changerobotronics, hang on a sec13:20
d_rwinunetbootin hard disk install13:20
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, are u using wired net or wireless?13:20
zamba__theIdiotBox: want to use squid in conjunction with danguardian13:20
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, you device must have been detected13:20
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE13:20
BoohbahSeriously: /j #ubuntu-server13:20
__theIdiotBoxzamba, okey cooll...dont have much idea on that...wait for others response13:20
changerobotronics, right click edit connections13:21
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, go thru the ubuntu help and try doing it urself13:21
[tla]hi.  can someone tell me what process to follow to do a dist-upgrade on a non-internet connected Hardy server?  i have a separate internet connected Hardy server I can use to download files.  Thanks.13:22
change[tla], put in new cd13:22
__theIdiotBox[tla], use apton cd13:22
changerobotronics, you found it13:22
__theIdiotBox!aptoncd | [tla]13:22
ubottu[tla]: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:22
robotronicsthere are total 5 option in Network connection.13:22
robotronicsIn which last one is DSL13:23
change robotronics DSL13:23
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, add the detaisl there in13:23
[tla]is there a way to do the install without using a CD?  The server is a few hundred miles away...13:23
[tla]i can copy files to the server over the network13:23
[tla]just not from the internet directly13:23
change[tla], oh, hang on a moment13:24
NeXstaRchange: i have prvted you...13:24
d_rwinunetbootin ubuntu 9.04 installation help13:24
changeNeXstaR, got you13:24
change[tla], point synaptic or software soruces at good folders13:25
robotronicsIn DSL connection there is ADD button.. then i add user name and password13:25
__theIdiotBox[tla], then have the cd image copy that over the network and follow the same steps...13:25
change[tla], there is a ubuntu community wiki page on this13:26
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, okey...then restart the network manager13:26
changerobotronics, still going strong??13:26
robotronicsand trying to connect, but it is not connecting.. but same LAN cable i connect to WIndows machine then PPPOE connection is established. WHat to do?13:26
rashed2020Anyone here with experience using mpich2? It doesn't seem to want to bind to a port!13:26
AlgduskChecking for header boost/program_options.hpp : not found how do i solve this :S ???13:26
=== aksci_ is now known as aksci
[tla]change: a url would be handy if u have it to hand13:26
rashed2020Or rather, not using a port.13:26
__theIdiotBoxchange, he's kinda of done....13:26
d_rwinubottu, unetbootin hard disk install help please13:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:27
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, u 're almost done....put all the network detaisl and restart the network13:27
change{tla} sorry don't have http at the moment13:28
__theIdiotBox!unetbootin | d_rwin13:28
ubottud_rwin: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:28
d_inevitablehey guys ive used the repository to install drupal5, sudo apt-get install drupal5, it put some files into /usr/share/drupal5, do i need to copy them over to /var/www to be able to use them?13:28
__theIdiotBoxd_inevitable, i guess yes13:28
changeNeXstaR, are you here13:28
__theIdiotBoxd_inevitable, but do confirm...lets others respond13:29
change_theIdiotBox, are are you13:29
change_theIdiotBox, sorry13:29
__theIdiotBoxchange, yep buddy13:29
__theIdiotBoxchange, no probs13:29
changed_inevitable, what is drupal5 ?13:30
d_rwinubottu, i cant find any help on plain hard disk installation with support for disk image installation13:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:30
d_inevitablesome kind of cms system i need for ideatorrent13:30
changed_inevitable, web based goes to /www13:30
changed_rwin, just install normally then go from there13:31
robotronicsHow to configure the PPPOE connection in Ubuntu 8.1013:31
__theIdiotBoxrobotronics, dint that link help you do the same?13:31
changerobotronics, Did networkmanager not work?13:31
d_rwinchange, do i need to to configure DHCP13:31
d_inevitable__theIdiotBox, change: ok, ill give it a shot13:31
__theIdiotBoxd_inevitable, coool13:32
SeriouslyI have a dilemma where I need a name for my program13:32
=== ObiWanQueNoob is now known as udk
rashed2020How do I allow root to SSH?13:32
changed_rwin, are these disk images for vware or similar13:32
d_rwini cant i am using ppp0 ,no eth013:32
__theIdiotBoxSeriously, what kinda ?13:32
robotronicsit work for LAN connection only but for PPPOE account it doesn't work.. plz help me.13:32
JK89How much space should be allocated for Documents and Settings in a Start Up FLASH Drive? Less or More I cant decide. My Flash Drive is 1GB.13:32
d_rwinchange, i got the mini.iso13:32
changed_rwin, are you trying to install this13:33
__theIdiotBoxJK89, better skip those directories...13:33
d_rwinchange, got unetbootin and mini.iso for 9.04 minimal ubuntu13:33
changeJK89, how many docs do you have need for13:33
Seriously__theIdiotBox: I want it to be really good, but... I can't tell what it is and my motivation for even programming is I wanna be the first to do iiiiit so I can't really say!13:33
SeriouslyThe name to be good I mean13:33
changed_rwin, so you need to run or install mini13:34
d_rwinchange, yes13:34
__theIdiotBoxrashed2020, can't u ssh? generate a key using ssh-keygen put it in the other machine wich needs to be connected thru ssh..done13:34
Algduski have this problem :13:34
AlgduskChecking for program g++                 : ok /usr/bin/g++13:34
AlgduskChecking for compiler version            : ok 4.3.313:34
AlgduskChecking for program cpp                 : ok /usr/bin/cpp13:34
AlgduskChecking for program ar                  : ok /usr/bin/ar13:34
AlgduskChecking for program ranlib              : ok /usr/bin/ranlib13:34
FloodBot2Algdusk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:34
changed_rwin, run & install then?13:34
indus!paste | Algdusk13:34
ubottuAlgdusk: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:34
__theIdiotBoxSeriously, unless we know what the product is all about how do we suggest a name13:34
d_rwinchange, i tried13:35
indusAlgdusk: paste the output there, then give the url here13:35
Sukieboyhi house13:35
change_theIdiotBox, but windows does that all the time13:35
SeriouslyI'll be a bit vague13:35
d_rwinchange, itr didnt work13:35
SeriouslyIt's for games13:35
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:35
indusAlgdusk: paste,then write name and press paste, you then copy url and give here13:35
changed_rwin, start from the start what do you need to do13:35
changed_rwin, you have a mini.iso that you want to install yes?13:36
fixxxermetI want to use checkinstall to install ffmpeg.  ffmpeg however requires both 'make install' and 'make install-libs'.  So I should do a checkinstall for both of those, right?13:36
d_rwinchange, do i need to download anything after unetbootin in grub menu13:36
d_rwinchange, yes13:36
palin1441I use x11vnc. It works fine for the first connection. second connect an one don't work. Anyone know why?13:37
mandaraok, I've found solution13:37
Algdusklike this ?13:37
JK89 I dont know how much MB I m gonna need for Doc n Settings Can I install xta softwares & some firefox plugins on same startup disk13:37
changed_rwin, no, just boot then install as normal yeah?13:37
changeJK89, yes13:37
d_rwinchange how do i proceed13:37
changed_rwin, can you private me i dont know how...13:38
__theIdiotBoxJK89, i think 1GB is pretty low for an flash installation..it will work though...have a bigger thumb if possible13:38
changeBacktrack needs at least 213:38
changeI GB will run slow13:38
JK89anyhow this is Ubuntu dedicated I ll use 200 MB as doc n settings13:39
palin1441anyone know about x11vnc?13:40
changeJK89, that will work nice, me thinks13:40
JK89and Its not my main installation13:40
intgrHi, I've got a server with an ICH9 motherboard/SATA controller. However, even though I configured the BIOS to use the "enhanced" interface (which I assume means AHCI), disks Linux still uses the "ata_piix" driver and IDE emulation which is insanely slow.13:40
JK89I have HDD install too13:40
intgr00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801IR/IO/IH (ICH9R/DO/DH) 4 port SATA IDE Controller (rev 02)13:41
changeJK89, cool I like13:41
changeintgr, please tell me how to do this, my XFX board drives me nuts with this13:41
intgrchange: Do what?13:42
=== SirStan is now known as pr
robotronicsI want to configure PPPOE connection in Ubuntu 8.10 how to do?13:42
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:42
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henriquelmHello there...13:42
Dr_WillisHmm.. they need to link to that vnc wiki page also..13:42
__theIdiotBox!hi | henriquelm13:42
ubottuhenriquelm: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:42
henriquelmDoes anyone here knows how to open all ports on iptables?13:42
jpt9Hey.  My mom has a laptop running Ubuntu 8.10 and Skype  Any ideas for relatively cheap webcams?  I have a Logitech QuickCam Chat, which works with Cheese, but doesn't seem to work with Skype, and I'd probabaly want to get her a slightly fancier one.13:43
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Dr_Willishenriquelm:  by default they are open.. unless you have rules closeing them13:43
__theIdiotBoxhenriquelm, that wud be disastrous13:44
changenot always13:45
henriquelmit's just for a while13:45
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Dr_WillisErr.. 'sudo iptables --list' shows what rules you got. and if any are closing any ports.13:46
indushenriquelm: you cannot i believe but specify a range13:46
shazbotmcnastyI've once again, got a little problem with my video card. The restricted device manager says I need a driver, but it won't install it. But if I try to apt-get it, it says it's already installed. I used the .run file from ATI and installed their driver, with no avail. I can't watch youtube videos in fullscreen or firefox crashes. All of my movies end up looking like trash, plz halp.13:46
platiusjpt9;  I am running 9.04 with skype and a Quickcam chat and it works with skype13:47
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vaiyhenriquelm, , iptables --flush , then set the default rules to allow13:47
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist13:48
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lianimatorhow do I set keyring to allow WIFI key access to nm?13:48
henriquelmDr_Willis, thanks13:48
henriquelmvaiy, thanks13:48
indushenriquelm: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 6881:6999 -j ACCEPT13:49
indushenriquelm: that will accept packets from 6881 to 6999 tcp protocol13:49
indushenriquelm: so open a range like that13:49
henriquelmindus, ok13:50
Dr_WillisEitehr im missing somthing here.. or not.. but if theres no iptables rules.. then they are all  going to be accepted...13:50
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henriquelmWhat does this mean: http://paste.ubuntu.com/260887/13:50
Dr_Willisunless you mean forwarding the  ports.. :)13:50
changesee you13:50
indusDr_Willis: no ,no rulesmeans, only apps which request a port to be opened will open13:51
indusDr_Willis: wont let anyone from outside do anything13:51
indusDr_Willis: neither accept nor reject is more like it,13:51
AlgduskChecking for header boost/program_options.hpp : not found ??13:51
* Dr_Willis is missing somthing here.. :) but i got a router handling all that.. so its not an issue.13:51
indusDr_Willis: no rules ,so nothing happens without permission13:51
Dr_Willisindus:  Hmm..  Thats now how i understand it. but its been ages sicne i last messed with iptables.13:52
vaiyhenriquelm, that means all ports are open13:52
indusDr_Willis: i too never touch it,but i did learn it once a little13:52
Algduskdoes any one use guitarix ?13:52
Dr_Willisvaiy:  thats how i understand it also.. they are all open by default. so all the apps can use the ports by default.13:53
doc777Hello everyone. I am not sure this is the right place to ask, if not please tell me where.  But I am trying to install 8.04.3 LTS on a Dell Power Edge T410 and it will not recognize the onboard broadcom BCM5716... I have 3 days in this "episode" now and could use a little help ;)13:53
henriquelmvaiy, then I don't know what blocking users from getting online on msn messenger and sending e-mail13:53
shazbotmcnastyI've once again, got a little problem with my video card. The restricted device manager says I need a driver, but it won't install it. But if I try to apt-get it, it says it's already installed. I used the .run file from ATI and installed their driver, with no avail. I can't watch youtube videos in fullscreen or firefox crashes. All of my movies end up looking like trash, plz halp.D:<13:53
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vaiyhenriquelm, are you using a nat or  router?13:54
shazbotmcnastyokay, if you can't help with that....I've got another problem13:54
shazbotmcnastyMy terabyte external hard drive won't mount.13:55
shazbotmcnastyit recognises that it's there13:55
indushenriquelm: do the iptables --F13:55
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: does the hard drive have a file system on it? or is it blank?13:55
shazbotmcnastyit's got a file system13:55
henriquelmvaiy, well a file server that also act as domain, firewall, squid, dhcp, dns, etc13:55
indusDr_Willis: all apps cant use any port they like,thats user specified13:56
henriquelmindus, will try that also13:56
henriquelmindus, thanks13:56
indusDr_Willis: so badly coded software might open some port unusual,not close it back etc13:56
indusbut iam not uptodate on these now13:56
indushenriquelm: what are you tryin to do?13:57
shazbotmcnastyI was going to try to reinstall to see if the video would be better13:57
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: how big is the partition(s) on the hard drive?13:57
indushenriquelm: your ports are not open13:57
Ozzah_Hi, does anyone here have any experience with Flickrfs?13:57
shazbotmcnastybut I can't back up any of my stuff.13:57
* Dr_Willis thinks this is a port 'forwarding' sort of thing being discussed.. so will let it slide. :)13:57
indushenriquelm: thats default output when no rules are specified13:57
henriquelmAll I know is that after I forced users to access the internet through the server with squid they can only use port 8013:57
shazbotmcnastyjust one 900something gig partition13:58
Giddionhow large is the Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop ISO?13:58
Dr_WillisGiddion:  about 700mb13:58
Dr_Willisone cd size :)13:58
mquinGiddion: 699MB13:58
Giddiondam lol,    going at 275kbs... soo slow13:58
henriquelmI want them to be able to send and receive e-mail and chat with windows live messenger13:58
indusDr_Willis: but yes default policy is to accept packets henriquelm vaiy13:58
Giddiontried 12 different mirrors and they are all the same13:58
shazbotmcnastyI'm going to try to mount it now.13:58
indussorry who am i speaking with :)13:59
shazbotmcnastyIf it doens't work I'll ctrl+alt+backspace and I'll be right back probably13:59
bizkuta story from one of our ubuntu member13:59
indusso in a secure environment you need rules to accept drop or ignore13:59
pradeepanone there13:59
shazbotmcnastyyeah... it's not working13:59
pradeepi needed a help on setting up a file server13:59
doc777Has anyone successfully gotten the broadcom Netextreme II going under 8.04 LTS?  lshw shows the 2 ports there as "unclaimed" and bnx2 is loaded. Also I have installed the firmware-nonfree-bnx2 package.13:59
henriquelmindus, I'll try reset iptables rules and also to stop it, to see what happens...13:59
shazbotmcnastymy desktop is now completely blank14:00
ceil420how can i tell mplayer to use JACK if it's running, ALSA if not? i tried ao=jack[newline]ao=alsa in ~/.mplayer/config, but that went straight to trying alsa (which didn't work cos jack was running at the time)14:00
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: any errors? or just silence? also what mount command did you use?14:00
mUrshEdany 1 help me for what the best distro for Celeron 900mhz and Ram 256. please help14:00
shazbotmcnastyi just clicked the icon in file browser14:00
indushenriquelm: please be careful when editing firewalls,its risky if you dont know what you are doing14:00
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  depends on your needs.. ubuntu can run on that.. may be a tad slow.. more RAM would help a lot14:00
indus!gufw | henriquelm14:00
coz_hey guys ... is there a command to delte recent documents?14:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gufw14:00
pradeepreply for my query please14:00
indus!ufw | henriquelm14:00
ubottuhenriquelm: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:00
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  theres some lower-ram ubuntu variants out also.14:01
mUrshEdplz PM14:01
grawitymUrshEd: Maybe something like ARch or Xubuntu?14:01
shazbotmcnastyaethelrick, I don't know mount commands14:01
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  i dont pm. good luck.14:01
indushenriquelm: use gufw for gui control14:01
pradeeppython -m SimpleHTTPServer 991214:01
mUrshEdyah i think xubuntu.... but i want sugetion.. its ok my dear frnd Dr_Willis14:01
indushenriquelm: i have firewall in router so dontreally need it14:01
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  i would suggest tracking down some more RAM. :)14:02
pradeephelp regarding my python command please14:02
shazbotmcnastymy cpu is back down to 7%, but it's not mounted and my desktop is still completely black14:02
mUrshEdDr_Willis my sister PC. not my PC.... so she do not buy a RAM14:02
coz_shazbotmcnasty,  which video card?14:02
shazbotmcnastyradeon x80014:02
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  there are some uber-minimal-non-ubuntu disrtos out.    but they wont be as handy. Ive ran Ubuntu on a Pent 1 100, with 128mb ram. Slowly...14:03
coz_shazbotmcnasty,   oo damn I know absolutely nothing about ati14:03
mUrshEdand HELP me also NEC 1550v not forund in UBUNTU or linuxmint14:03
shazbotmcnastyomg, it's mounted!14:03
shazbotmcnastyjust takes days to do so, and my computer slows to a standstill...14:03
changeXubuntu goes well on minimal14:03
mUrshEd Dr_Willis  but i need fast running14:03
melik1wow did u know pidgin has a IRC interface lol14:03
mUrshEdi'm from BANGLADESH14:04
henriquelmubottu, is there something like that for squid?14:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:04
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  then check out the various ultra-mini disrtos.14:04
ceil420ubuntu with openbox or e16 goes better on minimal, imo :)14:04
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org14:04
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: you may find it's going to be VERY slow running a FAT32 partition that big. That's why MS put a hard limit on FAT32 partition size which is far less than what you have there14:04
mUrshEddear bro  change  it support BANGLA fonts?14:05
changem$ fails use ext214:05
shazbotmcnastywhat should I use as the file system?14:05
changemUrshEd, It should, it uses ubuntu core optimised14:05
changeshazbotmcnasty, ext414:05
shazbotmcnastythat's compatible with a windows computer14:05
Dr_WillisI want ext6 :)14:05
changeshazbotmcnasty, ext10014:06
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org14:06
changeext3 is hard to get working if on usb14:06
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: ext3 is probably the best way to go.14:06
changenetwork access is fine14:06
changeext4 is fater14:06
mUrshEdchange so i start Xubuntu for 900mhz 256 RAM :)14:06
changeext4 is faster14:06
shazbotmcnastyand there will be no problem sharing this hard drive with a windows computer?14:07
changemUrshEd, yeah14:07
mUrshEdext4 realy faster14:07
changeshazbotmcnasty, not with samba14:07
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:07
pradeephelp needeed14:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext414:07
pradeepregarding setting up a file server14:07
pradeepanyone there14:07
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: you won't be able to use the drive with a windows host without further messing about, alas14:07
changespeak and you shall be answered14:07
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:07
changeshazbotmcnasty,  it will14:08
mUrshEdDr_Willis ubottu  change r u know? what is most powerfull and most useable distro in LINUX WORLD?14:08
induspradeep: yes14:08
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  vague specificitions.. thers is no 'one'14:08
changemUrshEd, prob red hat commerial or ubuntu14:08
induspradeep: aah sorry didnt read that14:08
=== Deadly is now known as Guest69629
induspradeep: cant help14:08
changepradeep, I can help14:08
mUrshEdRAD HAT is ver RED HOT14:08
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  for your system specs try Ubuntu and see how well it runs.14:08
shazbotmcnastywhat's the largest you're supposed to have a fat32 partition?14:09
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  go use what you want...14:09
mUrshEdits commercial14:09
mUrshEdi love ubuntu14:09
mUrshEdi use it in 1.5years :))14:09
changeshazbotmcnasty, not much its more file size issues14:09
mUrshEdplz dn mind... and i'm also LOVE LINUX Mint14:09
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  id suggest avoiding Mint and sticking to Normal Ubuntu.14:10
changeshazbotmcnasty, what is your issue anyway?14:10
mUrshEdLinuxMint Based on UBUNTU14:10
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: windows 2000 and windows XP had a limit on them of creating FAT32 partitions no bigger than 32GB14:10
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  Yes I know.. I still suggest avoideing it.14:10
oldude67!mint | mUrshEd14:10
ubottumUrshEd: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)14:10
mUrshEdavoiding MInt14:10
shazbotmcnastymessed up video drivers, and difficulties mounting14:10
mUrshEdcan u describe me14:10
shazbotmcnastythat's not very big at all14:10
FloodBot2shazbotmcnasty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:10
mUrshEdcan u describe me Dr_Willis14:10
Dr_WillisTheres lots of ubuntu-spinoff's that you should avoide.14:10
changebut other which are good14:11
indusDr_Willis: the reasons being?14:11
mUrshEdMint very SLOW Dr_Willis14:11
change*sarcasm* Ubuntu Christan Edition Here  I come!!14:11
Dr_Willisindus:  its not got anything really to offer that normal ubuntu dosent.14:11
indusDr_Willis: hmm i guess thats true14:11
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: it is possible to have MUCH bigger partitions than this and windows 2000/XP will even read them, but MS recommend you don't make them bigger because of the performance implications14:11
changeI really dont know why that exists,14:11
Dr_Willisuse mint - you learn 'mint' not 'ubuntu'14:11
mUrshEdDr_Willis tell me what is the best PC for ubuntu14:11
shazbotmcnastyI see.14:12
mUrshEdp3 or p4?14:12
changeaethelrick, its file size which kills it14:12
dejurenSeveas: ping14:12
indusDr_Willis: u really a doctor :P14:12
changemUrshEd, anything with a HDD and a CPU14:12
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  best PC? whatever fits your budget. What sort of question is that.....14:12
shazbotmcnastyso the only actually good other file system is ext3 and ext4 for large hard drives?14:12
changeshazbotmcnasty, no there a few14:12
indusshazbotmcnasty: whats wrong with ntfs14:12
changeshazbotmcnasty, mac journelling14:12
mUrshEdi have 1.8 Celeron D, 1GB ram and 160GB HDD ... but why it slow my PC14:12
ceil420what's wrong with xfs?14:12
mUrshEdi talk UBUNTU os14:13
changeshouldn't be14:13
mUrshEdr u clear? Dr_Willis14:13
changethats what I have14:13
ceil420indus, is that the one with a 4gb file-size cap, or am i thinking FAT?14:13
shazbotmcnastyI don't know much about either of those14:13
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: there are lots of file systems :) but if you want to use the disk in conjunction with windows and linux... then it's a less than perfect world14:13
shazbotmcnastyor actually, file systems at all14:13
changeno thats NFTS14:13
C_Alain /MSG nickserv REGISTER password email14:13
ceil420then that's one thing wrong with it :p14:13
indusceil420: well,i think its FAT14:13
aethelrickshazbotmcnasty: 4GB file size limit is FAT3214:13
changeI know his passwords14:13
changesorry wrong one14:14
indusceil420: 4gb huh what?14:14
mUrshEdwhy my PC slow?14:14
changeindus, NFTS is limited to 4GB14:14
ikoniachange: no it's not14:14
Dr_WillismUrshEd:  no idea.  how do you expect me to know when you just give basic system specs? Perhaps you  need to install proper video card drivers.. how are you even 'benchmarking' fast/slow.14:14
=== Deadly is now known as Guest17781
Xcon!paste xcon14:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste xcon14:15
changeikonia, oh shit, really14:15
ikonia!paste | Xcon14:15
ubottuXcon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:15
* Dr_Willis just guesses14:15
ikoniachange: please control your language14:15
changeyes mum14:15
aethelrickchange: NTFS is not limited to 4GB files14:15
ceil420change, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems says ntfs goes exabyte14:15
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:15
indusceil420: ya sorry and FAT32 each file size yes14:15
llutzNTFS (from linux side) is limited in speed :(14:15
changeceil420, yes but it is indivial file size to ~4 GB14:16
ceil420fat16 maxes at 2gb, fat32 at 4gb, ntfs at 16eb14:16
mika___hi! how i can see what dev name do i have on my USB-stick-modem14:16
mika___dmesg is saying SR114:16
changels /dev14:16
indusbut iam wondering how that matters14:16
ceil420change, ntfs max file size is 16EiB, max partition size is also 16EiB14:16
ikoniachange: how will that show his modem device name ?14:16
indusprobably off topic14:16
aethelrickchange: no, NTFS does not have a 4GB file size limit. Please check your facts14:16
changeikonia, should show active usbs14:16
changeaethelrick, my bad then,14:17
ikoniachange: no - that will show all device nodes for the whole machine14:17
ceil420llutz, full ntfs functionality in linux is still relatively new14:17
serpyah i got a 39GB file on an ntfs right now14:17
changeikonia, but also highlight the active ones14:17
ikoniachange: you seem to be giving out dubious advice, try to think through what you're saying to people before saying it14:17
ikoniachange: no it won't14:17
aethelrickchange: ok, no problem, just don't want to misinform peeps :)14:17
ikoniachange: it will show all device nodes14:17
llutzceil420: ntfs-3g is not very new, but still f...ng slow14:17
changeikonia, it does this on mine14:17
ikoniachange: no it doesn't14:17
changeikonia, lists all and highlights active ones14:17
ikoniachange: it doesn't14:18
ikoniachange: it shows all device nodes14:18
changeikonia, this is what happens one mine14:18
ikoniachange: it is not14:18
mika___i want that WVDIAL would work but it doesnt find my device14:18
changeikonia, What does it do on yours14:18
ikoniachange: it will show you all the device nodes created on your system14:18
llutzmika___: should be something like /dev/ttyUSBx14:18
changeikonia, mine lists all of /dev14:18
ikoniathat ls just lists anything in the directories14:18
oldude67change lsusb will show usb's14:19
pussyhello )14:19
ikoniachange: yes, thats right all of /dev14:19
changeikonia, mine lists all of then highlights the active ones with a different color14:19
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=== pussy21male is now known as pussy21m
ikoniachange: no - they are different file types, block character, links etc14:19
mika___llutz on my /dev directory there isnt any ttyUS*14:19
ikoniachange: that is what the different colours mean14:19
ceil420how can i tell mplayer to use JACK if it's running, ALSA if not? i tried ao=jack[newline]ao=alsa in ~/.mplayer/config, but that went straight to trying alsa (which didn't work cos jack was running at the time)14:19
changeikonia, but also active, AT LEAST ON MY INSTALL14:19
ikoniachange: no active has nothing to do with it14:20
changeikonia, what are you using14:20
FloodBot2pussy21m: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:20
ikoniapussy21m: what ?14:20
changepussy21m, yes14:20
ikoniachange: ubutu14:20
pussy21mgirls? sex? cum? photo?14:20
ikoniapussy21m: stop14:20
ikoniapussy21m: this channel is for ubuntu support only14:20
changeikonia, dude there are a lot of versions14:20
nottakenjust tried to burn a directory to dvd and the disc creator borks (the logs simply say an error occured, no message given) but if i tar the directory up first then it CAN burn it to disk14:20
ikoniachange: no there are not14:20
indusstop arguing and take it pm maybe14:20
nottakenis this normal? or a bug?14:20
changeikonia, I count at over 10014:20
changenottaken, bug14:21
nottakenahh good (from the perspective of me not doing something stupid)14:21
changeikonia, Ubuntu core , then deraitives then different versions14:21
ikoniachange: this channel is for official ubuntu releases only14:21
changenottaken, sure, just make sure it launch pad14:21
llutzmika___: there was a tool needed for some usb-sticks to switch between mass-storage and modem, i can't recall it's name...14:21
changeikonia, yeah the 10 I can think of now14:22
changeikonia, there is more than just "ubuntu"14:22
ceil420change, i don't think this channel supports any more than Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu14:22
ikoniachange: no - the releases are listed on ubuntu.com - that is all that's supported14:22
mika___someone did put on wvdialconfig file /dev/sr1 and it worked on that guys computer....but not on mine....14:22
lenny0815Is there a way to stop vince opening directories when attaching a USB storage?14:22
ceil420and i think they even stopped releasing Edubuntu as a separate entity14:22
changeceil420, yeah but the different versions14:23
changethats my point14:23
ceil420change, you mean 9.04, 8.10, etc?14:23
changeceil420, yes14:23
ikoniachange: what version are you using that has active nodes hilighted in /dev14:23
changeikonia, 8.10 hitting it for me now14:23
ikoniachange I'm on 8.10 too and that is not how it works14:23
changeikonia, but it does on mine14:24
ceil420maybe it's your terminal. or your shell.14:24
changeikonia, could be14:24
ikoniachange: I promise you it doesn't - it's just the different file types, block/character/link etc14:24
ceil420are you still using gnome's terminal and bash?14:24
ikoniachange: udev and "ls" are not clever enough to do that14:24
ceil420or screen?14:24
ikoniachange: ls is aliaed to "ls --color"14:24
Algduskguys i need some help14:24
changelook, mine might not work as the defult14:25
ikoniachange: that has no ability to know what devices are active/dead14:25
induschange: thats correct actually, the colors are differnt types,blocks,links etc some characters14:25
changeAlgdusk, yeah14:25
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ikoniachange: just accept that's not how it works, it's not a big deal but it has to be corrected as your advice is miss-leading people14:25
induschange: i think if device is not active it wont show at all? ?14:25
changeYes but mine does further, could be some dev packages14:25
vassilevskyhi everyone!14:25
ikoniaindus: correct as udev wont create it14:25
ikoniachange: no it doesn't14:25
ikoniachange: ls is a binary that has no awarness of hal/dbus/udev14:26
vassilevskydoes anybody know a decent FTP client (NC-style)14:26
indusikonia: cos i was recently searching for /dev/video and couldnt see it14:26
changeikonia, can you not accept that this is how it works on my system14:26
ikoniachange: because it's not14:26
sim_for vbox to work , can i just put the windows 7 install disk into my dvd drive and chose to visualise the contents of the drive14:26
vassilevskygFTP has no hotkeys AFAIK14:26
changeikonia, OPEN SOURCE mean anything to you14:26
ikoniachange: how did you do it ?14:26
oldude67change, just cause it does it on your system does not mean that it will on everyone elses.14:27
changeikonia, I don't know14:27
indusikonia:please take change to ops14:27
ikoniaindus: /dev/video used to be a link but I believe all video cards are named now /dev/vide0 /dev/video114:27
changeoldude67, yeah,14:27
ikoniaindus: there is no need to go tot he operator channel14:27
sudsanyone have a good doc on setting up ubuntu server with lamp and smtp/pop?14:27
indusikonia: ya but iam having trouble with .video14:27
shazbotmcnastyokay, I'm going to reinstall...14:27
ikoniaindus: in what way14:27
Aijse Any one working with RAW photos in Ubuntu? looking for a good way to proces my photos14:28
changeoldude67, yeah, I just lost track of what is common now14:28
indusikonia: it looks really bad when you aer arguing but nvm that ill come to topic14:28
ikoniaindus: I'm not arguing, it's an ubuntu discussion14:28
indusikonia: i was trying to use tvtime program14:28
khaoshi guys, is anyone of you familiar with the cairo-dock?14:28
changeikonia, exactly that what is good14:28
ikoniaindus: set it to use /dev/vide0 - assuming you have /dev/vide014:28
indusikonia: thats the question,why do i not have /dev/video randoml14:28
indusikonia: needs restats sometimes14:29
Cptnodegardcan i run gparted from ubuntu usb live 8.04?14:29
changekhaos, what is this14:29
changekhaos, what is this/what is wrong14:29
ikoniaindus: because video cards are now named to allow multiple cards eg: /dev/video0 , /dev/video1 etc etc14:29
ikoniaCptnodegard: you sure can14:29
indusikonia: ok nvm ill see14:29
amitprakashhi.. how do i upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 w/o using gui?14:29
ikonia!upgrade > amitprakash14:29
ubottuamitprakash, please see my private message14:29
khaoschange: it's a dockbar for gnome which im trying to install, i just wanted to ask if anyone knew it, if it's worth it or if there's something better14:30
greyhati want to create a fake wifi network14:30
greyhaton this 8.10 box14:30
Cptnodegardikonia thanks :)14:30
indusamitprakash: there is one way but risky14:30
Dr_Williskhaos:  I perfer 'gnome-do' and its 'docky' them for a dock type interface14:30
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI14:30
indusamitprakash: cos you upgrading from LTS to non lts14:30
ikoniaindus: thats not a risk14:30
amitprakashindus, well if the gui isnt risky then why should non-gui be risky14:30
greyhatwifi anyone?14:30
ikoniaamitprakash: it's not risky14:31
khaosDr_Willis: what's different? have u tried em both and u noticed docky's better?14:31
indusamitprakash: i mean, you could edit sources.list14:31
ikoniaamitprakash: 8.04 -> 8.10 is an acceptable update path14:31
amitprakashikonia, the documentation uses gui.. i was looking at something like aptitude dist-upgrade14:31
ikoniaindus: that is not the process14:31
khaosDr_Willis: of yes, could u tell why, thanks14:31
ikoniaamitprakash: there is something in the docs - one moment14:31
indusikonia: ok14:31
Dr_Williskhaos:  gnome-do actually works.. :) the other docks ive tried are all buggy14:31
khaosDr_Willis: gnome-do you say, is it in the repos?14:31
Dr_Willis!info gnome-do14:32
ubottugnome-do (source: gnome-do): Quickly perform actions on your desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 410 kB, installed size 1976 kB14:32
khaosDr_Willis: ok, ill give it a look, thanks14:32
adrenalinkhello!! is there somebody whio know ppa launchapd for ubuntu sources?14:32
ikoniaadrenalink: what packages ?14:33
Dr_Williskhaos:  gnome-do is worth using.. :) the dock is just extra iceing on the cake14:33
indusamitprakash: here http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-8.04-to-ubuntu-8.10-desktop-and-server14:33
amitprakashindus, yes.. found the do-release-upgrade.. thanks a lot14:33
adrenalinki would know what's the meaning of insert deb-src in the repository14:33
indusamitprakash: check last paras, need to edit a releases file14:33
sim_shit the ppl in vbox are assholes  lol14:33
indusamitprakash: woont happen direct cos it wont upgrade from lts to non lts14:34
IdleOnewhat is the command to see installed kernels?14:34
maco!language | sim14:34
ubottusim: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:34
ikoniaIdleOne: use the pakage manager14:34
amitprakashindus, seems to be happenning :)14:34
ikoniaIdleOne: or dpkg14:34
sim_maco for real?14:34
indusamitprakash: thats strange14:34
sim_kidha amit, where u from india?14:34
amitprakashindus, no its not.. releases_upgrade is set to normal14:34
amitprakashsim_, yes14:34
IdleOneikonia: I wanted a quick list of all kernels on the system14:34
ikoniaIdleOne: look in /boot then14:35
IdleOnethank you14:35
indusamitprakash: then fine14:35
indusso good luck with upgrade then14:35
macosim_: yes for real14:35
khaosDr_Willis: i've seen what it is, but im not really interested in gnome-do, id rather prefer a simple dock14:35
sim_!language | amitprakash14:35
ubottuamitprakash: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:35
Dr_Williskhaos:  gnome-do has a simple dock theme.14:35
sim_nice ... it works14:35
amitprakashsim_, ?14:35
macosim_: i dont see amit sweaing...14:35
Dr_Williskhaos:  go try what you want.. have fun.14:35
amitprakashsim_, whats wrong with my language?14:35
sim_maco i was testing it14:35
khaosDr_Willis: thanks14:36
indussim_: wrong nick14:36
Dr_Williskhaos:  once you learn to use gnome-do - you realize that docks are a bit of a waste. :)14:36
Snailerhey hey all14:36
sim_sup snailer14:36
indusok guys gtg14:36
sim_bye indus14:36
indushave a nice weekend14:36
sim_you too baby14:36
indusi have to do some karmic upgrades14:36
indusikonia: bye14:36
Snailernot alot hey14:36
sim_anyone here like windows 714:36
ikoniasim_: this channel is for ubuntu support only14:37
Dr_Willissim_:  go ask in #debian14:37
ikoniasim_: please keep on that topic14:37
IdleOnesim_: ##windows14:37
sim_i think windows 7 > KDE14:37
ikoniaDr_Willis: don't !14:37
aethelrickDr_Willis: you're evil...14:37
* Dr_Willis instslls ubuntu and tells people its windows714:38
mostafa_can anyone help with my VGA Driver to be installed?14:38
sim_why would i want to ask in debian Dr_wikkis14:38
ikoniasim_: please forget that14:38
Dr_Willissim_:  why do you want to even ask in here...14:38
IdleOnesim_: focus on ubuntu support please14:38
mostafa_no one answer?14:39
sim_i dnt know, i thought just maybe we could free chat14:39
sim_for a few14:39
sim_the channel isnt called ubuntu-support14:39
ikoniasim_: sorry, check the /topic14:39
Dr_Willissim_:  that would be what #ubuntu-offtopic is for.14:39
amitprakashmostafa_, what help would you need?14:39
sim_so i thought the talk could be a bit more broad14:39
Dr_Willissim_:  and yes this is Ubuntu Support.14:39
macomostafa_: helps if you say what ubuntu version and what graphics card and all that14:39
HalabundHello!  I am trying to get a Broadcom wireless driver working with ndiswrapper, I use the ndisgtk UI.  I selected the .inf file, and now it says that the driver is installed.  However, Network Manager still doesn't show any wireless options.  Does anyone have experience with this?14:40
sim_yes Sir14:40
HalabundIs it necessary to do anything else to get it working?14:40
mostafa_9.04 and my VGA driver is ATI Radeon14:40
Halabund(I have Jaunty)14:40
macoHalabund: ndis shouldnt be necessary. there are native drivers for 'em all now14:40
mostafa_maco: amitprakash: 9.04 and my VGA driver is ATI Radeon14:40
macoHalabund: allt he broadcom i mean14:40
panko_hi, how can i make picture thumbnails from video file? (tool, ... ???) thx14:40
Halabundmaco: Yes, there are, but I cannot use them at university.  At other locations it works fine, but here it disconnects every 2-3 minutes14:41
Dr_Willispanko_:  depends on how you want to do it.. ffmpeg and mencoder both can do that I recall. (i think i saw it in the mencoder faq)14:41
macooh. :(14:41
ceil420how can i tell mplayer to use JACK if it's running, ALSA if not? i tried ao=jack[newline]ao=alsa in ~/.mplayer/config, but that went straight to trying alsa (which didn't work cos jack was running at the time)14:41
=== Deadly is now known as Guest7016
Halabundmaco: I tried to Google the problem, and found some threads saying that installing a driver with ndiswrapper should solve the problem14:41
mostafa_maco: amitprakash: 9.04 and this is the exact name "ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3650"14:41
IdleOne!ati > mostafa_14:42
ubottumostafa_, please see my private message14:42
adrenalinksorry. does somebody know why i have to insert deb-src... in my repository of  Synaptic?14:42
Dr_Willisceil420:  could make an alias to run one way or the other.. but you have to then know if jack  is running or not.. guess ya could script that some how also.14:42
macoadrenalink: nope no idea. why are you choosing to insert it?14:42
Dr_Willisadrenalink:  to get the 'source' packages. ?14:42
mostafa_IdleOne: yeah ati14:43
Dr_Willisadrenalink:  yes to what? :)14:43
adrenalinki need to update a repository14:43
macomostafa_: you got a pm from ubottu about it14:43
adrenalinki've done it14:43
panko_Dr_Willis:  it doesn't matter .... i would like small pictures in one picture file14:43
IdleOnemostafa_: look at the private message you received from ubottu14:43
macoadrenalink: er...maybe you could tell us what you're trying to get help with14:43
mostafa_ubottu: thanks I check it14:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:43
ceil420Dr_Willis, guess i'll do 'alsa' in the config and just '-ao jack' on demand (i use it more when not running jack anyway; only use it when jack's running when i need a break from production)14:43
adrenalinkbut in a previous updating i don't inserte the deb-src and it works fine ,14:43
macoadrenalink: because so far all youve said is you have access to source packages14:43
ceil420thanks anyway14:43
Dr_Willispanko_:  i belive i saw example mencoder  command line examples of that in the mencoder faq/docs I was reading throgh just the other day.. or fire up mplayer and use its screenshot feature.14:44
adrenalinki don't know if there could be a problem later14:44
macoadrenalink: you shouldnt need access to source packages to install updates14:44
legend2440mostafa_: open system>administration>hardware drivers  any drivers listed there?14:44
HalabundSo, anyone has any experience with ndiswrapper.  Should the wireless just work after installing the driver using the GUI tool or do I need to do anything else?14:44
macoadrenalink: im guessng the refresh button you hit afte adding the repo is what didit14:44
panko_Dr_Willis:  ok, i'll try, thx14:44
molaka99I am online any nice man14:44
molaka99any nice man or woman14:45
molaka99to chat with me at msn mlceesay@hotmail.com14:45
erUSUL!ot | molaka9914:45
ubottumolaka99: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:45
b3rz3rk3r /kill molaka9914:45
* Dr_Willis resists :)14:45
GPLhow to reverse this command : $ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/ ????14:45
b3rz3rk3rnot working14:45
FloodBot2b3rz3rk3r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:45
Dr_WillisGPL:  chown it back to the proper user?14:45
adrenalinkmaco go in private14:46
Agionhi, can anyone suggest a panel that is mac-alike and supports the same zoom thing?14:46
tp_Hello ppl14:46
Dr_WillisGPL:  you may want to use the actual path instead of ~ also. that would suck if the sudo used /root/ when  you ment /home/username14:46
Dr_Willissame for the $USER part.. use the actual username..14:46
GPLDr_Willis:  $ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www14:47
ugacan anyone tell what ubuntu guys have done to the sftp command?14:47
tp_I was trying to stop the telnet service on my computer - xubuntu. can anyone help ?14:47
GPLi typed the command exactly as above14:47
ugamine doesn't recognize command "get" anymore14:47
GPLno changes in it , lol14:47
macouga: i thought the command was mget14:47
Dr_WillisGPL:  theres reasons that www is not owned by a user. But i dont mess with the web servers much, so im not sure what you are trying to do14:47
adrenalinkmaco see the private chat14:47
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
ugamaco: not even mget14:48
macouga: your stuff broke then14:48
macoadrenalink: keep it in the channel14:48
HalabundNow that's what I hate about Linux, something is *always* broken, sometimes critical things, and then I just waste the time trying to fix it, often with no results14:48
mostafa_maco: ubottu: IdleOne: amitprakash: at the link ubottu send to me which way should I use to install my VGA Driver fully?14:48
macoadrenalink: that way if i get lost, someone else can pick up where we leave off14:48
Dr_WillisHalabund:  i often say the same thing about Windows.. golly...14:48
GPLDr_Willis: the condition now is, when i start, it cant resume using the boot image, so i have to type my username and pass in CUI and type startx manually14:48
legend2440mostafa_: open system>administration>hardware drivers  any drivers listed there?14:49
QuarterstaffYou people in here do a great job. I find if I sit quietly and watch, eventually all of my questions get answered. Thank you.14:49
Dr_WillisGPL:  you need to  sudo chown -R YOURUSERNAME.YOURUSERNAME /home/YOURUSERNAME     I belive14:49
ugamaco: uhm, I think I found what's going on... something pretty weird with my current setup ;)14:49
Plankt0nhello world14:49
Dr_WillisGPL:  unless i missunderstood the question14:49
mostafa_legend2440: when I install driver in this way I can't run compiz fluently14:49
adrenalinkok. i would know information about launchpad:14:50
adrenalinkwhen I insert in my Synaptic a new repository, why I have to put the two strings :14:50
adrenalinkdeb ... and  deb-src....   ?14:50
adrenalinkwhat's their meaning?14:50
b3rz3rk3rQuarterstaff, nice to have some recognition of the time that everyone in here volunteers.. good on ya ;)14:50
Dr_Willisdeb - defines it as a package entry, deb-src for the 'source' packages...14:50
tp_posting again : How to disabl the default telnet service on xubuntu (I havent installed a server)14:50
HalabundDr_Willis: Well, several things I *need* are broken in Ubutnu.  I always end up going back to Windows, even if at first it seems that it would be possible to use Linux.  Nothing that I need is broken in Windows, only non-essential stuff.14:51
Quarterstaffb3rz3rk3r, You are most welcome14:51
Plankt0nhalah ngmeng apa kie?14:51
Dr_WillisHalabund:  go do what you want I guess. Have fun.14:51
Plankt0nhai cak05414:51
Dr_WillisHalabund:  or hang in here and learn. (thats all i do)14:51
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my14:52
Cptnodegardif I install ubuntu on a free partition and have XP on another, will the bootloader automatically work with both?14:52
Dr_WillisCptnodegard:  it should.14:52
HalabundDr_Willis: I almost never get any help here.  I've been trying to get this wireless stuff working for a week now.14:52
tp_Cptnodegard, yes14:52
macoadrenalink: you only need the deb line14:52
macoadrenalink: that's what'll let you install binary packages14:52
Dr_WillisI just run wires.. what  can i say. :)14:52
CptnodegardDr_Willis tp_ thanks14:52
macoadrenalink: the deb-src line is if youre a developer and want to get source packages so you can modify or rebuid them14:53
GrimJack I am having a MAJOR hard drive issue involving superblock backups on ext3... anyone feeling helpful?14:53
GPLDr_Willis: Nope: didnt work :( | i guess, reinstallation is the only way | actually this happened after i installed lamp-server :( i uninstalled it after, but still14:53
HalabundDr_Willis: It's university policy not to allow mobile machines on the wired network... I can't access the internet except through wireless14:53
sdousley|workHiu, I'm looking at setting up a private mirror of ubuntu, but the only guide I can find on setting up mirrors will mirror the archive, rather than the latest release.  Is there some documentation somewhere that would describe mirroring only the latest release?14:53
adrenalinkah ok..14:53
tp_how do u resize the windows/partion on an machine with ubutu insatlled over windows14:53
aethelrickHalabund: what card do you have and what problem are you having?14:54
Dr_WillisGPL:  im missing what the 'www' stuff -  is doing with your /home/user stuff.. the 2 shouldent be affecting each other... Unless you did a REAL bad typo and did the chown on /  not /home/14:54
adrenalinkbecause installing vlc the instruction says to  me to put deb and deb-src14:54
GPLDr_Willis: i am confused with the same.14:54
Dr_Willistp_:  windows has features to resize ntfs that work very well. (faster then the ubuntu  resizer tools)14:54
b3rz3rk3rHalabund, and do the admins there provide a linux client for you, as im sure they have some stupid "security requirements" too right?14:54
GPLDr_Willis: i am sure, i did typed this exactly | sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www14:54
Dr_Willistp_:  i resize ntfs and leave part of the hd at the end unallocated14:54
GPLno changes in the above | even i didnt changed the user14:54
ppobada adymannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn14:55
=== ppob is now known as Plankt0n
Dr_WillisGPL:  that directory should have nothing to do with the system 'booting' or logging in/starting X.14:55
tp_was trying to setup voice on skype. i can hear my friends voice but he cannot hear my voice.. any solutions?14:55
erUSUL!details | GrimJack14:55
ubottuGrimJack: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:55
Cptnodegardanyone know about how long gparted should take to shrink a partition 20GB? or is it all relative14:55
GPLDr_Willis: yeah, that's the mystery14:55
Plankt0nada adymannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn14:55
Halabundaethelrick: I have a broadcom card that works at most places, except at the university (where I'm forced to use it).  I googled and found some threads suggesting to use the windows driver with ndiswrapper instead of the one that comes with Ubuntu.  That's where I'm stuck.  Not sure how to get the driver working (with ndiswrapper) after installing it with the GUI tool (or the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.14:55
xendonCptnodegard i nedded up to a hour14:55
macoPlankt0n: please stop14:55
Dr_WillisGPL:  check your users Home directories see who they are owned by.. and perhaps  pastebin the exact error/logs/problems so others can get a better grasp of the issue.14:56
xendonPlankt0n ?14:56
Plankt0nhow can i register??14:56
Plankt0nwhy maco?14:56
prower'wh09s -pajot0n14:56
maco!register > Plankt0n14:56
ubottuPlankt0n, please see my private message14:56
genii!register | Plankt0n14:56
Cptnodegardxendon ah no need to stare at it and wait then xD take it the reason I couldnt choose "create new partition" was because i had to shrink it first14:56
ubottuPlankt0n: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:56
GrimJackRunning Jaunty. I've used mke2fs -n to locate backup copies of the superblock, but when I try to "fsck.ext3 -y -n [superblock backu#] /dev/sdb2" I get a message about it not being a valid ext2 superblock...14:56
Dr_WillisHalabund:  so the wireless works in linux at 'most places' but Not the University wireless network?14:56
adrenalinkmaco: will the loading of my synaptic be faster if I remove the deb-src   line??14:56
macoadrenalink: when you do the "refresh" to refresh message lists, yeah14:57
Plankt0n Plankt0n, please see my private message == ok14:57
b3rz3rk3rHalabund, so it works everywhere except university, where they have crippled access.. i think you have you answer. I would speak to your IT dept if i were you. I had to ask them to manually add my MAC to the network at my university.. give it a go14:57
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:57
NeXstaRi have clean installed the xxamp server on my localhost host but still gets the error http://imagebin.org/6144114:57
HalabundDr_Willis: Yes.  I haven't used it at many places though.  I mostly use the wireless.  "Doesn't work" means that it disconnects every few minutes14:57
Plankt0ni cant register = maco14:57
HalabundDr_Willis: *I mostly use the wried network, I mean14:57
aethelrickHalabund: is this a WEP vs WPA or similar problem? Perhaps some extra config options on the linux driver may solve your problem? I would avoid ndiswrapper unless absolutely required14:57
khaosDr_Willis: how can i make appear minimized windows in a specific panel? "add function to panel" but which one? thx14:57
adrenalinkbut when I start it doesn't it make a refresh automatically?' i think so...14:57
Dr_WillisHalabund:  ok..  ive heard of 'frequent disconnects' with some drivers.. :)14:57
macoPlankt0n: do what the bot tells you to14:57
Cptnodegardwoot it finished14:57
macoPlankt0n: its been PM'd to you and said in the channel twice14:57
GPLDr_Willis: i guess : reinstalling Ubuntu would be an easier way, thanks anyways | i dont want this to be a mess | i ll just need to reinstall the packages14:58
Dr_Williskhaos:  not sure.. start adding them and see what one is what. ;) - windows list perhaps?14:58
mika___hello all again..i tryed to modprobe usb-storage and usbserial to get ttyU* but i doesent work :/14:58
khaosDr_Willis: maybe is windows list, thanks14:58
mika___so i cant get my usb-stick-modem to work14:58
adrenalinkI have a netbook and it takes a longi time to load my synaptic14:58
HalabundDr_Willis: Many people have the same problem, most of them complaining that it doesn't work at university/school/etc.  I don't know why are these school networks different than a home one14:58
tp_i think wireless increases the energy density in the air and is not harmless... i have stopped using my mobile phone too..14:58
iluminator101Can someone tell me how i can manually add program to /etc/rc2.d14:58
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Dr_WillisHalabund:  could be interfearance14:59
Halabundaethelrick: I disabled the driver that comes with Ubutnu.  The wireless option disappeared from network manager.  Then I installed the windows driver with ndiswrapper, but the wireless option doesn't reappear, not even after a reboot14:59
Dr_WillisNight all...14:59
geniiiluminator101: Use update-rc.d14:59
HalabundDr_Willis: It works just fine in Windows.14:59
b3rz3rk3rHalabund, they restrict access to machines that done run win/mac usually14:59
erUSULGrimJack: in the man page of e2fsck you can see other values for the backup superblock to be found... with 4 kiB blocks it is 32768 so it would be « e2fsck -b 32768 otheroptionshere »14:59
b3rz3rk3rHalabund, speak to the IT dept15:00
Dr_WillisHalabund:  that proves its not inteferance then? :) actually windows drivers do have more features then many of the linux ones.. so it could be be due to interfearince..15:00
erUSULGrimJack: fsck.ext3 is a link to e2fsck15:00
iluminator101genni: how do i create link manually though15:00
adrenalinkhalabund: if your wireess connection do not works try to installa wicd15:00
Plankt0ni cant register in #freenode..why?15:00
HalabundDr_Willis: I wasn't even asking for help with that.  I just want to get this ndiswrapper thing working ...15:00
adrenalinkit will remove network manager15:00
macoiluminator101: ln -s <location> <link name>15:00
macoPlankt0n: ask #freenode?15:00
trismHalabund: does it show ndiswrapper registering the wireless interface in dmesg?15:00
macoPlankt0n: theyre the server ops15:01
mika___does anyone know how i get ttyU* to my dev directory?15:01
Plankt0ni write command /msg nickserv registe passw email but i cant maco15:01
Plankt0ni write command /msg nickserv register passw email but i cant maco15:01
SodaCanHow can I get a service to start on boot? I'm running a headless machine and trying to get vnc4server to start on boot but when I don't have a screen plugged in it won't start?15:02
macoPlankt0n: ask in #freenode15:02
geniimika___: like /dev/ttyUSB0-9 ? The usbserial driver normally makes theose15:02
=== ian_brasil is now known as IAO
adrenalinkthanks to everybody, goodbye15:02
aethelrickHalabund: I hear your question, but I can't urge you enough... don't use ndiswrapper until you've exhausted other possibilities. It's flaky at best. Why not try to get the linux driver for your card up and working correctly??15:02
Plankt0nmaco /join #freenode15:02
GrimJackis there an ext3-specific command I ought to be using then? (I'm booted into a system rescue CD; sysresccd.org) I've already used mke2fs to locate all the backup superblocks... or should I be using mke3fs...? Is there such a thing?)15:02
mika___genii well i made that sudo modprobe usbserial but it didnt make those15:02
geniimika___: Then likely it didn't see anything on the usb hub corresponding to a serial device15:03
pcSodaCan: I think you can just add it to /etc/rc.local15:03
mika___but there is....i have vendor and product ID with lsusb command15:03
erUSULGrimJack: no you where using the worng options. is not "fsck.ext3 -y -n [superblock backu#] /dev/sdb2" is "fsck.ext3 -y -n -b [superblock backu#] /dev/sdb2"15:03
=== jay is now known as Arcitens
Halabundaethelrick: Because I have no idea how to do that, and during last week I didn't even get a single repsonse to questions here.  Googleing didn't help.  The best I found is the thread about ndiswrapper.  If you have better idea about where to look, please tell me.15:03
erUSULGrimJack: you forgot the -b15:03
mika___genii i have USB-stick-modem.... huawei15:04
GrimJackI will try that, one sec...15:04
ArcitensHey folks. Does anyone know of any aircards/wireless modems that work well with Ubuntu in the U.S.? And if so what tweaking what if any do I need to do to get them to work?15:04
Plankt0n!seen maco15:04
ubottuI have no seen command15:04
Halabundtrism:  I don't think so.  If I type dmesg, one of the last messages is "ndiswrapper version 1.53 loaded)"  No mention of ndiswrapper after that..15:05
mika___its huawei E155215:05
vG|qum^Good morning15:05
macoPlankt0n: stop highlighting me. stop saying offtopic channel names.15:05
b3rz3rk3r!hcl | Arcitens15:05
ubottuArcitens: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:05
aethelrickHalabund: I could possibly help, but I don't even know what card you have other than "a broadcom" what model number is it?15:05
tp_linphone configurations.. anyone?15:05
macoPlankt0n: this channel is for ubuntu support only. if youre having issues with the server, ask in #freenode. if you want to chat about other channels...well just join those channels15:06
Halabundaethelrick: How can I find that out?  Windows says it's a "Dell 1370 wireless"15:06
geek-in-destressubuntu (x64) boots to blank screen... got a live cd and sudo cp'd failsafe xorg.conf to xorg.conf - still booting to a blank screen - any help?15:06
trismHalabund: does ndiswrapper -l list the correct driver installed and the device present?15:06
GrimJackI get a "only one of the options may be used -p/-a , -n , -y"15:06
Plankt0nmaco sorry .. but i cant register nick n my private channel15:07
cambazzhello. how do I check which services I am starting at boot15:07
cambazzand how do I add apache to sttart at boot15:07
IdleOnePlankt0n: #freenode for help with registering15:07
aethelrickHalabund: type "lspci" in a console to see a list of identified devices15:07
Arcitensb3rz3rk3r: there doesn't seem to be anything on either of those pages for what I need15:08
GrimJackSo instead of "fsck.ext3 -y -n -b [superblock backu#] /dev/sdb2" I should use "fsck.ext3 -y -b [superblock backu#] /dev/sdb2" ??15:08
GrimJackDrop the -n ??15:08
Plankt0ni cnat idleon15:08
b3rz3rk3rHalabund, if your card works everywhere but university, dont you think that it is your university causing the problems?15:08
erUSULGrimJack: the -n is to do a read only (no repair) run15:08
SodaCanIs there anyway to trick ubuntu into thinking it has a screen?15:08
IdleOnePlankt0n: you cant what?15:08
Halabundtrism: It says, "bcmwl5 : driver installed" and "device (14E4:4318) present (alternate driver: ssb)" And before that a "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release."15:08
erUSULGrimJack: also please adress me or i would miss your replies15:08
erUSUL!who | GrimJack15:08
moonshineb3rz3rk3r: can i pvt you? :D15:08
ubottuGrimJack: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:08
b3rz3rk3rmoonshine, sure15:09
Plankt0ncant register my nick name15:09
macoPlankt0n: ask in #freenode. how many times do you need to be told??15:09
IdleOnePlankt0n: go to #freenode and ask for help15:09
erUSULGrimJack: read the man page « man e2fsck »15:09
IdleOnePlankt0n: /join #freenode and say " Hello I need help registering my nick"15:09
Halabundaethelrick: It's Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]15:09
GrimJackerUSUL: I will... brb15:09
trismHalabund: the warning isn't a bit deal, it can be fixed by renaming /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper.conf15:10
aethelrickHalabund: cool... I'll see if I can find you a solution15:10
trismHalabund: you could check iwconfig to see if it lists the wlan interface15:11
Halabundb3rz3rk3r: No, because it works just fine on Windows for me, and for everynoe else.  Also many people report problems like this with Ubuntu.  I suspect it's because there are actually several devices scattered throughout the building providing the network rather than one (as in the case of home wireless routers)15:11
trismHalabund: it could be the the ssd driver got loaded instead, I usually have to blacklist the alternate drivers so ndiswrapper grabs them instead15:11
Halabundtrism: it doesn't list it15:11
Halabundtrism: ow do I blacklist drivers?15:12
trismHalabund: check lsmod | grep ssb and see if anything comes up15:12
mneptoktrism: through the atmosphere, by prism!15:12
Halabundtrism: Yes, it does15:12
b3rz3rk3rHalabund, yes, my university blocks access to linux machines too.. when in windows they work fine. Its to do with the "security" packages that they install to allow you to use the network15:13
trismHalabund: you can try adding blacklist ssb to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and rebooting to see if ndiswrapper picks up the interface instead15:13
b3rz3rk3rHalabund, the fact that the card works everywhere else but university doesnt trouble you?15:13
itswhatevhow do i capture a sysrq dump?15:13
mneptokPlankt0n: do NOT /msg users who have asked that you stop doing so.15:14
erUSULitswhatev: with a digital camera ? sometimes is the only way ...15:15
GrimJackerUSUL: I looked at the -y and -b switches for e2fsck. From the sysrescue live CD, I issue "e2fsck -y -b ##### /dev/sdb2" and I get a "block cannot be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem"15:15
deanyThere is a b43 driver in the hardware drivers program, it actually fw-cutter, but works ok15:15
SodaCanWill rc.local still execute even If the system doesn't fully start up?15:15
GrimJackerUSUL: I need to verify where the superblock backups are kept15:15
erUSULGrimJack: what number did you used ? the ####15:15
erUSULGrimJack: should be 3276815:16
moiubuntuhi all15:18
kapizillaIs there a gmail notification applet that uses the Ubuntu Notify OSD? The ones I have tried insists on using their own popups...15:18
moiubuntui need help configuring intel card on intrepid 2.6.27-14-generic ( i just upgrade my kernel)15:18
moiubuntuand the xserver crashes15:19
moiubuntuanyone to help? thanks :)15:19
GrimJackerUSUL: I issued "e2fsck -y -b 32768 /dev/sdb2" and got Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sdb2. Is this a zero-length partition?"15:19
Administrator_moiubuntu, which intel card is it?15:19
deanykapizilla, there is one in the addons site, I cant remember its name15:19
deanykapizilla, in fact I think there is more than 115:19
erUSULGrimJack: :| seems like the disk is really foobared ...15:19
kapizilladeany: for the gnome panel?15:20
GrimJackerUSUL: same result using 819315:20
moiubuntuAdministrator_: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller [8086:2592] (rev 03)15:20
deanykapizilla, sorry, I`m talkin about thunderbird15:20
moiubuntuAdministrator_: there ya go.15:20
erUSULGrimJack: can you describe what happened to the disk ?15:20
moiubuntuAdministrator_: any idea?15:20
Administrator_moiubuntu, did you see this,15:20
kapizilladeany: thats ok.. I hope someone will point me to a program that works :-(15:20
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.15:20
moiubuntuAdministrator_: will read the second one. hang on15:21
deanykapizilla, well you can use gmail accounts in thunderbird..15:21
Critical_Threatis it me or is it quiet in here lol15:21
kapizilladeany: I prefer not to15:21
Administrator_moiubuntu, does x freeze up?15:21
moiubuntuAdministrator_: yep. fails.15:21
moiubuntuAdministrator_: had to change to Driver "vga" in xorg.conf15:22
moiubuntuso i am currently running on vga driver :(15:22
richardcavellIf I know that my video set up is integrated Intel, can I remove every xserver-xorg-* that is not for Intel?15:22
jcmarinigidday from oz15:22
Administrator_moiubuntu, i had to put "DRI" "off" and then mine worked15:22
Administrator_moiubuntu, try that15:23
GrimJackerUSUL: the disc is a separate /home partition. Ever since I upgraded to Jaunty, I've been plagued with file system errors. Generally, I leave the system running all the time. I sat down at the machine a few hours ago and loaded Firefox and discovered my saved passwords were all gone. I closed Firefox and tried to re-launch it. When I did, I was given a message that said FF was already running. Issuing a "ps ux" from a terminal showed no FF15:23
moiubuntuAdministrator_: dude, mine is empty. if i try inserting drm, intel-agp, i810, i915 (modprobe), it just borks15:23
moiubuntusudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm.ko insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module15:23
erUSULGrimJack: can you paste the output of « sudo fdisk -l »15:23
Administrator_moiubuntu, i have intel 8081515:24
moiubuntuAdministrator_: ok15:24
bmungerHow would I setup a user's computer to connect back to my computer using vncserver in connect mode to traverse the firewall?  I'm looking for a way to have a icon to be clicked when support is needed15:24
=== hey` is now known as grumete
shark63hi, someone can give me a link for a tutorial about installation of miniDLNA from the scratch (I'm new of Ubuntu/linux). thanks15:25
Administrator_moiubuntu, which ubuntu version are you using?15:25
moonshineanyone particularly familiar with ptching kernels?15:25
moiubuntuAdministrator_: 8.1015:25
GrimJackerUSUL: processes. The message suggested restarting the machine. Since I've been having problems, instead of a clean restart, I booted into the live rescue CD and told it to FSCK my /home, /dev/sdb2. It gave hundreds of errors and asked to fix many blocks.15:25
moiubuntulsb_release -a                                                  (08-28 23:53) No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 8.10 Release:8.10 Codename:intrepid15:25
eurythmiaI have an openoffice.oeg spreadsheet with several thousand rows. I noticed that when I scroll, my audio cuts out, so I went to check it out. It turns out that when I scroll in my spreadsheet document, Xorg's CPU usage goes up to >90% for a burst. Can anybody help me to figure out why this is and/or how I can fix it?15:25
moiubuntuAdministrator_: ^^15:25
moonshineanyone particularly familiar with patching kernels?15:25
erUSULmoonshine: ask15:25
Administrator_moiubuntu, i dont know what to say about your problem15:26
eurythmiamoonshine, what do you need to know?15:26
moiubuntuAdministrator_: thanks dude appreciate it15:26
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eurythmiahey erUSUL .15:26
GrimJackerUSUL: I'm on a different machine while in this channel, so I cannot paste. Let me try doing sudo fdisk -l from the live prompt.15:26
Administrator_moiubuntu, np15:27
GrimJackerUSUL: fdisk doesn't even show the device15:27
shark63hi, someone can give me a link for a tutorial about installation of miniDLNA from the scratch (I'm new of Ubuntu/linux). thanks15:27
moonshinei have ubuntu 8.10 with kernel 2.6.27-14 and i installed 2.6.25-2 in order the b43xx injection to work, and when i started the computer with the 2.6.25 kernel, i dont have wireless network at all...but in 2.6.27-14 i have it15:27
Administrator_moiubuntu, if you cant fix it, have you though about stcking with the LTS's15:27
moiubuntuAdministrator_: trying Part B (Safe/Optimal)15:27
moiubuntuAdministrator_: maybe15:28
erUSULGrimJack: o.0! can you check « dmesg | less »15:28
erUSULGrimJack: things related to the disk15:28
Administrator_moiubuntu, this is what i would do re-install and before update i would edit my xorg.conf15:28
erUSULmoonshine: what does that have to do with patching kernels ?15:29
moiubuntuAdministrator_: fetching packages just a sec15:29
netyireerUSUL: coffee15:29
moonshinecause the b43xx injection works until version 2.6.25, it is not supported for higher kernels...15:29
erUSULmoonshine: maybe it is just that the 25 kernel does not support your wifi card at all15:29
GrimJackerUSUL: just about everything in dmesg is disc related, I/O errors.15:30
moiubuntuGrimJack: your disk is crap i reckon15:30
GrimJackerUSUL: I am going to power the machine down and reboot into the live15:30
moonshinei dont understand...they make the injection but it is not supported? confused...15:30
moiubuntuGrimJack: or either the drive's fscked15:30
ReX0rhow do I automatically rejoin when kicked in X-chat?15:30
erUSULGrimJack: your disk has died/is dying? not sure if anything can be done about it. you can not mount the partitions anymore ?15:30
moonshinefirst, they assure it is supported for the kernel version15:31
GrimJackerUSUL: It mounted when I initially ran fsck from the live disc15:31
GrimJackerUSUL: I didn't mount it before running fsck, but fsck was able to 'see' it...15:31
erUSULGrimJack: if you can mount it i would backup any inportant data ASAP15:32
moonshinewell? no idea? anyone?15:33
arandAre links always lrwxrwxrwx (777) Yes/No?15:33
erUSULarand: no15:34
xnoxHello I've deleted files with "rm" is it possible to restore them somehow?15:34
llutzxnox: restore from backup15:34
erUSUL!undelete | xnox it is very difficult15:34
ubottuxnox it is very difficult: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel15:34
Shirotokoxnox, in your /home/share/.trash15:34
aranderUSUL: is it possible to change their permissions with chmod?15:34
mrwesxnox, going forward it might be useful to add this to your .bash_aliases file alias rm='rm -i' -- it will prompt you for deletion15:35
llutzarand: no15:35
Shirotokoxnox, sorry /home/.local/share/trash15:35
deanyare these to do with the ati radeon driver?  libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa mesa-utils15:35
arandllutz: then how?15:35
Uuuso, symlinks are always 777 :)15:35
mrwesShirotoko, not if he rm'd it15:35
GrimJackerUSUL: Understood. Rebooting into live CD now.15:35
erUSULarand: yes a link is just another file15:35
Houba1986hey, i have a problem, whenever i go to login to a site such as facebook, it says waiting for login.facebook.com, but then nothing loads.... til it times out. how do i fix this??? some other sites aren't loading as well... i know the problem isn't in my internet, cuz my other laptop with windows is working fine15:36
xnoxShirotoko: there is nothing there =( Oh well gonna read links now15:36
aranderUSUL: I tried using chmod on a symlink and it failed with no errors (i.e. permissions remained 777 after chmod 75515:36
GrimJackerUSUL: rebooting into the life CD and issuing fdisk shows the drive now...15:36
mrwesxnox, files deleted from the command line with rm do NOT goto your trash folder15:36
Cpudan80arand: symlinks do not need chmodding15:37
Uuuarand: you change permissions for destin=ation file, not symlink itself15:37
mrwesxnox, use the rm -i alias I posted earlier15:37
Cpudan80arand: chmod the thing it points to15:37
Houba1986does anyone know what the problem could be?15:37
erUSULGrimJack: as i said i would backup all important data ASAP.15:37
GrimJackerUSUL: I will again try "e2fsck -y -b 8193 /dev/sdb2"15:37
arandCpudan80: Uuu: so you are saying symlinks are _always_ 777 then?15:37
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
erUSULHouba1986: try this « echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling » then try to access the probelmatic sites15:38
coderedHi, can anyone help me with transferring files?15:38
Uuuarand: it seems so :) it's no need to worry, permissions are available for files they point to.15:38
mrwescodered, to and from where?15:38
coderedfrom an mmc card into another folder (samba?)15:39
GrimJackerUSUL: bad magic number error, trying with 3276815:39
coderedim trying to copy binary files and its saying symlinks is not supported or something15:39
arandUuu: yes, I'm not worried, just collecting info for a bug.15:39
Houba1986erUSUL: nope, same problem15:39
erUSULHouba1986: undo the change « echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling »15:40
Uuuarand: if you need to know file perms, try ls -lL symbolic-link15:40
Uuuor so15:40
GrimJackerUSUL: some progress, I got a /dev/sdb2 was not cleanly unmounted message and a forced check15:40
arandUuu: I know, cheers15:41
Houba1986erUSUL: any other suggestions as to how to fix this??? :S15:41
coderedis anyone familiar with samba and transferring files into it?15:42
erUSULHouba1986: nope sorry15:42
UuuWhy my irssi with /join joins to current "window"? (/join is not an alias to something else.)15:42
Cpudan80arand: they use the permissions of hte thing they point at - but if you do ls -a you see they have like rwxrwxrwx15:42
Cpudan80arand: they aren't actually 777 though15:42
Paavi2_0Uuu: irssi opens a new window for that channel you joined and moves focus to that one as well?15:43
UuuPaavi2_0: No; it joines to current window, no new one is created.15:43
Paavi2_0Uuu: or does it replace the current channel (number n) with a new one (the same number?15:44
UuuPaavi2_0: It behaves so after /wjoin and then /join... A bug?15:44
Lost_Loboweird, I can get online via my broadband modem ... while in liove cd version, but not in the native hd version15:44
UuuPaavi2_0: When I'm on channel 1 and /join 2, current window is connected to the two channels.15:44
GrimJackerUSUL: I suspect that because this happened when I went to Jaunty that something in the kernel isn't happy with the Dell BIOS. (My Ubuntu is on a Dell e520)15:44
Lost_Loboliove = live15:44
buch!reset panel15:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reset panel15:45
arandCpudan80: yea, if you "enter" a link you get the permissions of target, but the linkfile in itself always are on lrwxrwxrwx perms right?15:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panel15:45
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:45
Paavi2_0Uuu: is the channel #2 also window number 2?15:45
* Lost_Lobo is just going to RTFM though :)15:45
GrimJackerUSUL: Pass 1 complete, Pass2 in progress15:45
Lost_Lobointeresting though15:45
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:45
UuuPaavi2_0: "2" is only an example, and it means #channelname ;)15:45
infridhi there, does wget store certificates locally?15:46
Paavi2_0Uuu: i know what you meant but i have to exclude the possibility of user error :)15:46
GrimJackerUSUL: All passes complete. It auto-fixes a LOT of inodes, but finished.15:46
UuuPaavi2_0: clear :)15:46
infridI've got a problem with a cert on my box.. I wget https://urlThatHadABrokenCert15:46
infridand I can only access it with --no-check-certificate flag15:47
infridis it possible it is storing a cert locally on my box?15:47
GrimJackerUSUL: would it worthwhile to issue a 'fsck.ext3 /dev/sdb2' again, just to safe?15:47
Paavi2_0Uuu: seems like a strange error, not sure if that could be a bug or just some mis-tweak in your settings15:47
infridI didn't think wget would store cert's locally15:47
SodaCanI'm trying to get vnc4server to startup without a screen plugged in. When there is no screen plugged in ubuntu complains about it being in low resolution and vnc doesn't start up.. When I've got a screen plugged in ubuntu logs me in and starts up vnc4sever. Any ideas?15:47
moiubuntu!tell moiubuntu about intel15:47
ubottumoiubuntu, please see my private message15:47
erUSULGrimJack: do not think so15:48
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moiubuntuok hang on where is intrepid support? #ubuntu-1 ?15:48
Paavi2_0Uuu: are the channels in split windows?15:49
vG|qum^Good morning.ץ15:49
moiubuntudoes anyone here have any idea about intel card on 8.10?15:49
UuuPaavi2_0: I have Hardy's  irssi 0.8.12 (20071006 0939)... I'll try to reproduce this and check if it would be possible with a new version if installing it would not mean to compile too much or so ;)15:49
W0lightHello all15:49
GrimJackerUSUL: since I've now run fsck on /dev/sdb2 and it completed clean, would it be safe in your opinion to reboot again and try to log in so I can do a rsync to a backup USB drive?15:50
coderedIs anyone good with transferring files into samba?15:50
IdleOnemoiubuntu: support for Intrepid is in this channel15:50
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UuuPaavi2_0: more than 1 window on screen? No, I use "fullscreen" windows (inside screen program).15:50
erUSULGrimJack: i would do the rsync from a livecd. but you can try what you say.15:50
moiubuntuIdleOne: ok. that's good i need help with intel card you got a clue?15:50
Paavi2_0Uuu: http://irssi.org/documentation/startup#c215:50
moiubuntuand thanks15:50
* W0light just noticed how easy it would be to typo "ass" for "all" on a dvorak KB 15:51
IdleOnemoiubuntu: describe your issue and what card is it. someone will help if they can15:51
IdleOne!ot > W0light15:51
ubottuW0light, please see my private message15:51
Paavi2_0Uuu: i assume that you also understand the concept of window as it's meant to be understood in the context of irssi15:51
moiubuntuIdleOne: sounds good.. intel card on 8.10 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03) with 2.6.27-14-generic. X is not starting up!15:52
erUSUL!intel > moiubuntu15:52
ubottumoiubuntu, please see my private message15:52
Paavi2_0Uuu: ...since it's not the same thing as in KDE or Gnome.15:52
GrimJackerUSUL: I will try to log in, but will stay in this channel... thnak so much for your time and patience thus far.15:53
moiubuntuerUSUL: that does not help. its for jaunty and kernel 2.6.30 does not install15:53
erUSULGrimJack: no problem; good luck15:53
Guest41696I am a linux_newbie and i like to know what i can do witch linux15:53
moiubuntui dont want to do a dist-upgrade for intel now is that a joke!! haha15:54
IdleOnemoiubuntu: unfortunately it is not15:54
moiubuntuIdleOne: but it is15:54
UuuPaavi2_0: I know that there are window modes etc. I understand windows to be "regions" I can switch :] /// Reading docs you gave me link to.15:55
IdleOnemoiubuntu: yeah I hear you15:55
moiubuntuIdleOne: i can save my pain just by reverting back to 2.6.27-11 and be done with it.15:55
moiubuntumoiubuntu: wanted to try the newer kernel and oh the suffering!!!15:55
bmungerHow would I setup a user's computer to connect back to my computer using vncserver in connect mode to traverse the firewall?  I'm looking for a way to have a icon to be clicked when support is needed15:55
Guest41696how i do know if i have the right linux kernel for ubuntu15:55
erUSULGuest41696: sudo aptitude install linux-image15:56
Guest41696what is that15:56
FloridaGuywhats some good printing packages for photo's that have different templates ...like for my printer in windows i can print oval shape photo's15:56
moiubuntuoh well back to square one.. either dist-upgrade|live_with_2.6.27-1115:56
Paavi2_0Guest41696: what do you mean by "the right linux kernel"?15:56
Guest41696does the kernel up dated15:56
moiubuntuthanks anyways no matter how pathetic the solution is15:57
Chun1Any way to temporarily disable compiz with a command?15:57
erUSULChun1: metacity --replace15:57
JohnMcClanewho's the behind linux kernel that we are using right now?15:57
tp_i have a problem in voice using voip.. any solutions?15:58
moiubuntuJohnMcClane: some kernel moron15:58
Chun1erUSUL: awesome, thanks. I don15:58
Chun1I don't suppose there's a way of disabling compiz plugins by command?15:58
BoohbahGuest84981: what do you mean by updated? are you looking for a particular driver? if you mean security fixes, all current releases have kernels with backported security fixes15:58
my_keyFloridaGuy:  you could use phatch (or imagemagic if you want to do it the hard way) and the gimp15:58
my_keyI don't know of any particular printing packages15:58
moiubuntusudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko  insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.27-14-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i915/i915.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module15:58
Guest84981Wrong guest15:59
Boohbahoops wrong guest15:59
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erUSULmoiubuntu: use modprobe15:59
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moiubuntuerUSUL: same15:59
FloridaGuymy_key, ok......what you mean the hardway15:59
Paavi2_0Chun1: no, you only can disable some effects from compiz's settings or disable compiz altogether by replacing compiz with metacity15:59
coderedIs anyone good with transferring files into samba?  I'm getting an error about symlinks not being supported16:00
moiubuntuerUSUL: http://pastebin.com/ma05df0216:00
bobbob1016I have an eeepc, I have full ubuntu installed, and configured, but I'm using the generic kernel, on array.org the jaunty kernel is "testing" has anyone used this kernel?  Is it stable enough to use or no?16:00
Chun1Paavi2_0: thanks, ok. replacing with metacity seems to work fine, but when I switch back to compiz, I seem to lose my panels16:01
GrimJackerUSUL: I was able to boot to my desktop. It seems to have 'forgotten' my desktop resolution, but that's easily fixed. Right now I'm formatting a new 1TB HDD in a USB enclosure to start the rsync16:01
erUSULmoiubuntu: Invalid module format <<< o.0! file corrupted ? try reinstalling the kernel16:01
my_keyFloridaGuy:  phatch is a way easier image batch processing tool (nice GUI, point and click, very clear) and imagemagic is a bit more involved (long command lines or script writing)16:01
moiubuntuerUSUL: ok.. let's that a go16:01
coderedIs anyone good with transferring files into samba?  I'm getting an error about symlinks not being supported16:01
erUSULGrimJack: ok; during fsck many files could have been lost or moved to /lost+found/16:01
Paavi2_0Chun1: that's strange... that is either temporary or you might just have to restart the panels manually. first check if there's a process present for the panel...16:02
noobezhi guys, i want to add new backgrounds files to "wallpapers", if i do when i reboot it doesnt find em cuz my hd's dont get automounted, how do i copy my background files to /wallpapers in order to make ubuntu get them from there instead of searching em in a path that is not automounted? thanks16:02
Paavi2_0!u | noobez16:03
ubottunoobez: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.16:03
FloridaGuymy_key, ok ill give phatch atry16:03
moiubuntuerUSUL: time for a reboot you say?16:03
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moiubuntuoh well, how sweet we got a notification16:03
erUSULmoiubuntu: no; try again to load the module agpgart16:04
moiubuntusure thanks16:04
sproingiereal quick Q, how do i get a compose key?  i'm not seeing anything in system->preferences->keyboard that jumps out at me16:04
moiubuntuerUSUL: same16:04
noobezhi guys, i want to add new backgrounds files to "wallpapers", if i do when i reboot it doesn't find em because my hard drives don't get automounted, how do i copy my background files to /wallpapers in order to make ubuntu get them from there instead of searching them in a path that is not automounted? thanks16:04
Paavi2_0noobez: cp /path/to/background/file /wallpapers16:04
erUSULmoiubuntu: :|16:04
moiubuntuerUSUL: back to -1116:05
noobezPaavi2_0: this is if i do it from a terminal but where do I "physically" find /wallpapers?16:05
sproingieah nevermind, found it under layout options16:06
GrimJackerUSUL: I will check /lost + found/ for residue... still formatting my backup monster.16:06
Paavi2_0noobez: that's a very good question. :) are you using gnome or kde? in other words: ordinary ubuntu or kubuntu?16:06
legend2440noobez: /usr/share/backgrounds16:07
noobezPaavi2_0: ordinary ubuntu16:07
omnomnOMINOUShi! should i be using tracker or beagle, or something entirely different? which is going to be officially supported in upcoming releases?16:08
[tla]Hi.  I used aptoncd and have moved the iso to the target system.  I have mounted the aptoncd iso on a loop fs.  The target system does not have aptoncd installed but I see it in the mounted /packages directory.  How do I install aptoncd on the target so I can restore the aptoncd disk image?  Thx16:08
Paavi2_0noobez: /usr/share/backgrounds16:08
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CodeRedIs anyone good with transferring files into samba? I'm getting a symlinks is not supported error16:09
Spike1506sometimes compiz glitches (mostly after using the system for a while). I have to press alt+f2 and restart compiz to fix it (windows just show half etc.) im having a ati graphics card16:09
Paavi2_0noobez: if you're unable to copy with cp then add sudo in front...16:09
noobezlegend2440: thanks but in that path i have other images i've never seen and that don't get shown in "change desktop background/wallpaper"16:09
UuuPaavi2_0: for now, I cannot make the problem with irssi to appear (but I remember that was not the first time the bug-not-bug happened). However, thanks for your time :)16:09
noobezPaavi2_0: thanks but in that path i have other images i've never seen and that don't get shown in "change desktop background/wallpaper"16:09
legend2440noobez: yes they dont get shown until you Add them16:10
UuuCodeRed: I think the filesystem you are trying to copy files to with Samba does not support Linux symbolic links. Maybe just omit these files. --- I suppose.16:10
g0tchahey guys, is this normal when installing ubuntu 9.04 http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/7896/28082009049.jpg ?16:10
noobezlegend2440: so where are those 2 ubuntu default images shown in there?16:10
erUSUL[tla]: afaik you can add the cdrom as a normal source16:10
Paavi2_0noobez: but that's the proper place to copy them and you can add them by using the add thingy in change desktop/wallpaper :)16:11
CodeRedIs omitting those going to mess up any of the other scripts?16:11
erUSUL[tla]: man apt-cdrom16:11
Paavi2_0noobez: then you at least will propably remember best where you left them16:11
legend2440noobez: hover your mouse over them and path to files will show where they are16:11
[criipt]Is there a applet similar to kpf in gnome.16:11
Plankt0nhow can i protect my wallpaper?16:11
noobezPaavi2_0: i know i can but i've already told you before, the files i want to add are in an hd that doesnt get automounted at boot, so if i add them, at the next boot they're not there anymore :D16:11
Paavi2_0noobez: just copy those files to /usr/share/backgrounds and _then_ add them!16:12
noobezlegend2440: thanks, now i can see where they are :D16:12
noobezPaavi2_0: thanks16:12
FloridaGuymy_key, phatch wont open...it opens a little picture on the screen with a crama....and stuff that says phatch and thats all it does16:13
UuuCodeRed: You try to copy files with a script? Command in terminal?16:13
Lint01how can I share a folder between users?16:13
CodeRedUuu: No i just tried copying and pasting16:13
Paavi2_0noobez: you're welcome! i'm off to work now -->16:14
my_keyFloridaGuy: After processing the images with phatch (check http://photobatch.stani.be for how to use it, it's really simple once you uderstand the process) you can put multiple photo's on one page easily with photoprint or gnome photo printer (they are in the repo's)16:14
FloridaGuymy_key, ok thanks16:14
my_keyFloridaGuy: hmm. you installed it from the rep's right?16:15
mark__hi my name is jimmy16:15
FloridaGuymy_key, yep16:15
netyirehello fluffy teddy bears!16:15
netyirewell, that went well...16:16
Le-Chuck_ITAA friend of mine downloaded ubuntu 9.10 and he gets a prompt at boot instead of the language selection screen, do you know what could have happened? He is 1000km far away from me16:16
my_keyFloridaGuy: and you don't get the phatch screen with "click + to add actions" and the logo and stuff?16:16
majnoonjust need to figure out how to setup wifi in commandline in linux16:17
FloridaGuymy_key, nope...just the loading screen16:17
xoriginLe-Chuck_ITA: #ubuntu+1 for karmic16:17
Le-Chuck_ITAI mean he gets the prompt at boot on the livecd16:17
FloridaGuymy_key, ill figure it out..i gota run the mother enlaw somewherer16:17
my_keyFloridaGuy: does it give an error message when you try and run it from the teminal?16:17
Le-Chuck_ITAsorry xorigin I meant 9.0416:17
my_keyFloridaGuy: ok! good luck.16:18
sebastian_hey guys, im trying to install a sound theme but i dont know how to install is xD i tried the sound option in prefences but i could find anything there either, anyone got any ideas?16:18
sebastian_no one know how to install a sound theme?16:20
pehi, can I scale my windows automatically to the half of my screen?16:20
FloridaGuymy_key, http://pastebin.com/m105acf09    .....send me a pm...with if you figure it out..and ill look at it when i get back16:20
sebastian_wow what a worthless channel..16:21
DungeAnyone can tell me where does libtool search for libs? I though it was /etc/ld.so.conf but everythign seems right there.. it search libstdc++.la in a path of my crosstool tests that shouldn't exist anymore16:22
FloridaGuymy_key, guess i got about 15 min16:22
my_keyFloridaGuy: I 'm afraid I cannot help you with that. Can't make any sense of it...16:24
FloridaGuymy_key, i know the loading screen is still open..i do i close it16:24
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my_keyIf anyone else might be able to check floridaguy's error message? It's concerning the python package "phatch" installed from the repo's16:25
nationcan i remote to this laptop over the internet?16:26
my_keyFloridaGuy: press alt+F2 then type xkill  > cursor changes into a cross and you can "kill" the process creating the window16:27
bobbob1016How would I setup a software RAID-1?  Everything I'm finding is how to install to one, but I don't need that, I just want to use it as storage, not as /16:28
erUSULbobbob1016: just use mdadm to assemble thw array. then mount it whatever you want16:29
GrimJackerUSUL: Still there?16:29
erUSULGrimJack: yep16:30
erUSUL!raid | bobbob101616:30
ubottubobbob1016: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:30
GrimJackerUSUL: The man page for rsync is very complex. Is there a generally known command to backup a /home directory that inclused all recursive directories and hidden folders?16:31
squigleis there a way to see what and when things were installed? I have an issue where x keeps on crashing on me and I want to see if an auto update may have affected X1116:31
bobbob1016erUSUL: So basically it isn't hard at all?  I'd assume mdadm lets me specify the drives to raid?16:31
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mrwesGrimJack, rsync --verbose -ae /path/to/folder /path/to/folder16:32
tyler_dkeystore.ubuntu.com is not responsive from terminal... timeout... anyone have a suggestion or know anything about this?16:32
macoGrimJack: the manage shows that -a does the whole combination necessary for a backup. i use -av so itll list what its backing up as it goes16:32
mrwesGrimJack, you could also use the --delete option for files you delete from the source16:32
DungeI wonder what will be the fastest.. getting an answer from this channel or waiting for my "find / | xargs grep "/opt/crosstool"16:33
DungeAnyone can tell me where does libtool search for libs? I though it was /etc/ld.so.conf but everythign seems right there.. it search libstdc++.la in a path of my crosstool tests that shouldn't exist anymore16:33
ecolitanI cannot get rsakey authentication working to a particular host, the config I am using works with other hosts but one in particular doesnt work, i need hwlp with troubleshooting it16:33
GrimJackerUSUL: I'm starting a 'rsync --verbose -ae /path /path" now.16:34
squigleDunge, did you run ldconfig or what ever after changing it?16:34
mrwesGrimJack, this is what I use in my crontab:  rsync -av --delete --progress  /media/external/Documents /data/backup16:34
Dungesquigle : after changing what?... well yes I just tried ldconfig but it didn't do anything16:34
mneptokGrimJack: you don;t want or need --progress on a homedir rsync. but --stats si helpful.16:35
Dungesquigle : ldconfig -p | grep std gives me the correct path, not the erronous one16:35
squigleDunge, the only 2 other places that get checked  is in your LD_LIBRARY_etc env variable and you can hard set binnaries to search for paths (though I dont know how to do that)16:35
legend2440squigle: there is          /var/log/dpkg.log       or open synaptic > File>History to see whats been installed16:36
Dungedoes X have it's own env var session? cause my terminal env var seems fine but maybe I should restart X16:36
squiglethanks legend244016:36
meglohey I get a bunch of ATA DRTY errors upon boot. This is probably because I shoved like 3 disks in the box plus like 4 disc drives in and(oh they aren't all detected because i screwed up the IDE jumpers). ANyway afterwards I boots fine, are there any scripts I should look at and modify so its skips those checks? I really don't want to open this box again.16:37
megloI can't find any of the preboot checks16:37
GrimJackerUSUL: Apparently, I don't have permission because the permissions of the drive cannot be determined. I'll have to remount.16:37
meglothey don't show up in dmesg16:37
mrwesGrimJack, you might need to preface that with sudo16:37
Spike1506sometimes compiz glitches (mostly after using the system for a while). I have to press alt+f2 and restart compiz to fix it (windows just show half etc.) im having a ati graphics card16:39
lluaafter i installed my nvidia drivers x wont start16:39
erUSULGrimJack: use sudo or root16:39
mrwesyah :)16:39
IonutBshould i use an antivirus on ubuntu ?16:39
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2116:40
mrwesIonutB, are you sharing files back and forth with Windows' machines?16:40
IonutBmrwes, no16:40
mrwesIonutB, then no16:40
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IonutBtnx :D16:41
lluaafter i installed my nvidia drivers, xserver wont start16:41
hazzyllua: What driver version did you install?16:42
GrimJackerUSUL: Is my thinking wrong? I was under the belief that files I backup ought to have user permissions, not su/root ones... so I ought to be able to rsync from /home to /home_backup as a user, right?16:42
shazbotmcnastyhallo, simple problem now, I installed a new gtk theme, and it's dark. This made it so I can't read input fields in firefox because the input box and the text is dark.16:42
erUSULGrimJack: you should be able yes... but who know maybe soe permissions got foobard during the fsck...16:43
shazbotmcnastySo does anyone have a userChrome.css (or know of one) that would help me out?16:43
lluahazzy: NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.run16:43
GrimJackerUSUL: There are no premissions on the freshly formatted backup HDD.16:43
hazzyllua: Are you at tty1 right now?16:43
GrimJackerUSUL: I can't, as a user, even create a folder.16:43
lluano im not16:43
lluahazzy: no im not16:44
sidpHi does anyone know whether the ati display driver issue has been fixed in the 9.0416:44
hazzyllua: Did you try 'startx'/'gdm start'?16:44
lluahazzy i tried both16:45
lluahazzy: but get a error16:45
erUSULGrimJack: that's the permissions on the backup disk. just create a folder with sudo and xchange ownership to your user. then copy the files to that folder16:45
nationis there a comand similar to ipconfig  for the konsole ?16:46
apisdtry ifconfig16:46
th0rnation: ifconfig16:46
lluahazzy: ubuntu 2.6.28-15 wont start, but i can log into ubuntu 2.6.28-11 kernal and get x running16:46
sidpth0r: would you know if the ati driver issue has been fixed in 9.0416:46
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th0rsidp: I am using 9.04 with an ati card, but it worked out of the box and I don't use compiz, so not sure how good the driver is16:47
ivenkysmoin gents - does anyone know if FreeType in Latest Ubuntu comes with BCI enabled ?16:47
hazzyllua: Ok, I've had a few of those...'sudo apt-get purge nvidia-kernel-source-* nvidia-glx-*' then wget a different version of the drivers16:47
azlonhow can i stop proftpd?16:47
nationdoesnt show my dns or gateway in there16:48
nationi need to know my gateway16:48
nationso i can setup my network bridge16:48
lluahazzy: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-kernel-source-* nvidia-glx-* is the whole command?16:49
th0rnation: route16:49
sidpth0r: i have an ati200m, its ancient and i have no idea if there are going to be open source drivers because of the rumours i have been hearing about ati dropping the support for cards older than the hd200016:49
th0rsidp: I have no idea....mine worked out of the box and I never looked any closer16:49
nationi can set the dns to my router but still the briged nic get some random wierd ip that doesnt come from my router ??16:50
Guest2604i have an external sound blaster extigy sound card, anyone knows if its compatible with ubuntu??16:51
azlonnevermind i got it16:51
Machtinhm.. when i use thunderbird on windows with googlemail imap, i receive my emails when they arrive - with maximum 2s delay, i'd say.. when i use claws-mail here, it's just the usual delay like on pop (client checks every 10minutes).. why is that so fast on thunderbird?16:51
lluahazzy: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-kernel-source-* nvidia-glx-* is the whole command?16:51
hazzyErr, wait..'sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*-kernel-source nvidia-glx-* && nvidia-common'16:51
nationstill wont show my gateway :(16:51
nation shows astrics :(16:51
=== PoLiCiA is now known as InDrO
Guest2604i have an external sound blaster extigy sound card, anyone knows if its compatible with ubuntu??16:52
lluahazzy: i get this after doing the second command you gave me "E: Couldn't find package nvidia-*-kernel-source"16:53
nationi hate not being good at this lol16:53
th0rnation: type route -n and look for the line with UG16:53
Severity1what does ifconfig -a show16:53
Oli``argl USB has crashed (new devices aren't being picked up) -  how can I restart it without restarting everything?16:53
GrimJackerUSUL: Clearly, I'm a bigger ass than I suspected... I create a folder I have permissions to, I issue 'rsync --verbose -ae /home/user "/media/Backup/home backup" and it just dumps me back to the prompt. Is my syntax wrong?16:53
binarymutantwhat provides the application `wh` ?16:53
thefirstdudeI installed freeciv but I noticed it has none under add city governer and it doesnt draw trade routes like in windows, are those features supported in linux (GTK)16:54
thefirstdudelike in windows GTK16:54
th0rSeverity1: check 'man ifconfig16:55
Severity1sorry thor i wa asking nation what ifconfig -a was showing for him16:56
nationth0r  ty man what im trying to do is set my nic that is bridged to static  instead of auto dhcp  give it one of the ips  from my router not sure how the bridged nic gets the ip its getting16:57
vincenzoho metal gear solid 1 su windows xp con scheda nvidia 256 mbyte funziona, ho cambiato scheda con nvidia 512 mbyte non funziona più, qualcuno sà il motivo perchè non funziona? grazie16:57
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nationcant the bridge just  be cloned to my wlan ip ??16:58
Severity1nation try ifconfig eth0 <ip you wanna give it>16:59
prakash_is there a download accelerator present in linux ? plz help ?17:00
MTeckprakash_: firefox has its own built in download manager17:00
Severity1nation, is that a wireless?17:01
prakash_Mteck, but i cant download mp3 songs.17:01
prakash_in firefox17:01
nationi have my a wirede nic bridged to my wireless17:01
nationi think that worked  when back  my comp name in the console17:02
sachaeldoes anyone know of a file manager that has this column view like osx finder: http://distortion-to-static.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/picture-9.png17:03
nationis there  a list posted of these common commands ???17:03
th0rsachael: mc is a command line version, and I think there is a gnome version...gmc maybe17:03
MTeckprakash_: why can't you - what kind of error do you get?17:04
[criipt]!find v4l-tool17:04
ubottuPackage/file v4l-tool does not exist in jaunty17:04
sachaelman, finder has so much features I want in a file manager. I wish someone makes a clone :|17:04
yoniHi all :)17:05
g0tchahey guys, im trying to install a fresh version of 9.04 but its giving me this error http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/8682/28082009052c.jpg17:05
yoniI'm using the uptime command to see, from time-to-time, how long my system is up.17:05
g0tchait cannot mount the filesystem it needs, so what should i do?17:05
MTecksachael: You could add a patch to nautilus for it.. it already has most of the features needed for that17:05
dvz-is there a way to prevent gnome's desktop from coming to the front when switching apps/workspaces?  i.e. I use screen in terminator (fullscreen) and when i switch to a diff. workspace and prog and switch back to the terminator workspace, i have to click terminator to bring it to front17:05
dvz-any ideas?17:05
fahadsadahLordLandon: Hi17:06
yoniToday I've heard about the "procinfo" command and installed it; though I notice that the uptime value from the uptime command is different from the uptime value that produce by the "procinfo" command, why is it?17:06
prakash_i installed d4x now thanks.17:06
MTeckdvz-: are you using compiz?17:06
fahadsadahyoni: What are the two uptimes?17:06
yonifahadsadah, never mind my wrong :P17:07
dvz-MTeck: i have a config file for it but it's not actively installed atm17:07
yoniAgain I was looking on the first part of uptime value as uptime, and not as clock time =\ lol17:07
dvz-MTeck: it didn't act like this before I upgraded to the Karmic alpha17:07
yoni*my mistake ^^^17:07
vikbvpnc asks me for 2 password one is an XAuth and another along with the IP address ... Are the 2 same?17:08
g0tchaanyone know what should b done next?17:09
vikbvpnc doesn't recognise my second password at all... So not sure what to provide there?17:09
MTeckdvz-: I'm on Karmic without that issue17:09
MTeckdvz-: but you should go into #ubuntu+1 for support17:10
azlonis there something similar to task manage where i can see a gui of my processes and their cpu/memory usage?17:10
sidpMTeck: where did you get karmic from?17:11
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:11
US\mrobertsI have a problem creating users, and with authorizations in general, can anyone here help please ?17:11
ubottuUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.17:11
fahadsadahJust checking17:12
g0tchaso anyone knows wht i should do witht his install partition error im getting?17:12
MTeckazlon: system > administration > system monitor17:12
sidpMTeck: are you aware of whether the ati display driver issues have been resolved in 9.04?17:12
th0rg0tcha: you need to create a partition (ext3 or ext4) to install to17:12
MTecksidp: not really - I don't follow video issues17:13
krangHe all, I just pressed some keys that zoomed in on my desktop, and now I'm stuck. How do I get out?17:13
g0tchath0r, i did it automaticly,17:13
g0tchath0r, so i should Go Back?17:13
th0rg0tcha: well, you can't go forward17:13
US\mrobertsWhen I try to use 'Users and Groups' from the Administration menu, it says 'The configuration could not be loaded"17:13
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krangI guess this is cheaper than glasses, but I'd love to see my whole desktop again17:14
g0tchath0r, ok.. so i shouldnt click on "Use the inter disk" ?17:14
US\mrobertsWhen I try to create a user using adduser, and then try to set the password it says 'passwd: Authentication token manipulation error'17:14
MTeckUS\mroberts: what commands did you run?17:15
th0rg0tcha: I don't know...don't know what you are using, what you are trying to do, what you already told the install to do.....17:15
US\mrobertsFrom Gnome just 'Users and groups"17:15
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g0tchath0r, its a new machine with a formatted harddrive, im planning to install 9.04 in it17:15
US\mroberts@MTeck and from a terminal adduser and passwd17:15
g0tchath0r, when i choose "Use the entire disk" it ends up with that error i postead earlier17:16
MTeckUS\mroberts: that doesn't exactly tell me what commands you ran17:16
th0rg0tcha: how big is the hard drive?17:16
g0tchath0r, only 40gb17:16
vikbwhat are the 2 passwords asked in vpnc??17:16
US\mroberts@MTeck I did 'sudo adduser eyew' and then 'sudo passwd eyew' . During the adduser it said : passwd: Authentication token manipulation error17:18
g0tchath0r, thats what i see right now http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/8818/28082009054.jpg17:18
th0rg0tcha: how much memory?17:18
distinctblurHey team. When I start up in 9.04, my notebook picks up the wireless network for about 10 seconds, then drops it, then picks it up again. After it picks up again I have no further issues until I restart.17:19
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MTeckUS\mroberts: sudo -s; userdel eyew; useradd -m -s /bin/bash eyew; passwd eyew17:19
th0rg0tcha: ok...if you check use the entire disk, and then click OK or GO or whatever...it should reformat the drive to ext317:20
g0tchath0r, thats what i did, but it gave me that error everytime =/17:21
RanyAlbeghi , im installing gtk+ 2.17 from source. i now there are 2 dependencies , pango and glib. i installed them both. now after unpacking gtk+2.17 i go to the created library and ./configre. then i try to execute make , and it tells me that he can not find the make file. when i ls the dir i see there are 4 makefiles : Makefile.am /.decl/.in/.msc . can u help me think what do to ? thank you very much17:21
MTeckdistinctblur: That sounds like a bug - you might want to report a bug report about it. You could also join #ubuntu-bugs to find details to reporpt with that17:21
Machtinhm.. when i use thunderbird on windows with googlemail imap, i receive my emails when they arrive - with maximum 2s delay, i'd say.. when i use claws-mail here, it's just the usual delay like on pop (client checks every 10minutes).. why is that so fast on thunderbird?17:21
th0rg0tcha: I see what it is....the drive is already partitioned and there isn't enough for ubuntu. Choose custom partitioning17:21
distinctblurMTeck: I figured as much. Just wanted to know if anyone saw the same. Thanks.17:21
US\mroberts@Mteck - same thing, getting the "passwd: Authentication token manipulation error" when I do the passwd command17:21
MTeckUS\mroberts: pastebin everything17:22
grawityMachtin: IMAP has a feature called 'IMAP IDLE'. When IDLE is used, then, after you open Thunderbird, it keeps the connection open, and tells the server to notify about new messages.17:22
MTeckRanyAlbeg: you had an error in ./configure17:22
th0rg0tcha: then delete all three partitions, and we will start over. First create a / partition of about 10GB17:22
fahadsadahUS\mroberts: Also, is there an entry in /etc/shadow for the user?17:22
Machtingrawity: now that's cool.. thanks :917:22
g0tchath0r, so specify them munually?17:22
RanyAlbegMTeck: are you sure?17:22
g0tchath0r, ok let me try that17:22
RanyAlbegMTeck: or you are asking17:22
th0rg0tcha: create a swap partition of 768MB17:22
tyler_dkeystore.ubuntu.com is not responsive from terminal... timeout... anyone have a suggestion or know anything about this?17:22
th0rg0tcha: and use the rest to create a /home partition, both / and /home should be ext317:23
MTeckRanyAlbeg: pastebin the output17:23
grawitytyler_d: Try using pool.sks-keyservers.net instead.17:23
US\mroberts@Mteck pastebin is new to me - is that an IRC feature ? I'm using XChat17:23
fahadsadahtyler_d: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/keystore.ubuntu.com17:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:23
grawitytyler_d: also, the server name starts with 'keyserver', not 'keystore'17:23
g0tchath0r, so i should manually add 10gb for / and then go back and use "install on entire disk" ?17:23
grawityUS\mroberts: A pastebin is basically a website where you can paste a lot of text. See ubottu's message for more information.17:23
th0rg0tcha: no17:23
US\mroberts@fahadsadah - yes, it's in /etc/shadow17:24
grawityMachtin: Claws doesn't support IMAP IDLE, so it can only check every few minutes - http://www.nabble.com/-Bug-1748--Please-add-support-for-IMAP-IDLE-td19842994.html17:24
RanyAlbegMTeck: you are right. i ran it again and i see that GLIB 2.21.3 or better is requierd. its weird cuz i already installed glib-2.21.517:24
th0rg0tcha: delete all three partitions that exist now. Then define the three the way I just laid out, and then just go forward...don't tell it to use the entire disk...you do that when yo uuse the whole thing for partitions17:24
Machtingrawity: just found the same one :) thanks17:24
krangSeriously, does *anyone* know how to unzoom the desktop?17:24
MTeckRanyAlbeg: welcome to the world of compiling ;) - can be a pita sometimes - even with configures17:25
g0tchath0r, ah ok .. i understand... ill try that now17:25
RanyAlbegMTeck: do you have any idea?17:25
RanyAlbegMTeck: :)17:25
AvonGenesisI can't seem to install the repo key for wine ubuntu. The link seems to be down. Any ideas?17:25
US\mroberts@MTeck http://paste.ubuntu.com/26099617:26
US\mroberts@grawity - thanks17:26
grawitykrang: Try holding the key with Windows logo, then use the scroll wheel on your mouse.17:26
MTeckRanyAlbeg: not without that pastebin I asked for ;)17:26
g0tchath0r, i dont remember going through all that when i installed ubuntu 8 once a while ago17:26
kranggrawity: Ahhh, blissful. Thanks!17:27
RanyAlbegMTeck: just a sec my dear17:27
RanyAlbegMTeck: :)17:27
grawitykrang: You can disable the Zoom plugin, if you want.17:27
grawity!ccsm | krang17:27
ubottukrang: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz17:27
th0rg0tcha: you don't have to usually, I think you confused it by defining the partitions and then telling it to use all the hard drive17:27
th0rg0tcha: but it is always a good idea to have a separate home partition17:27
ceil420where are the workspace settings in ubuntu 9.04? i wanna be able to just move the cursor to the edge of the desktop and move on to the next one, without clicking the pager.17:28
mralexandrois there anyway i can remove the empty gray space around the white sheet in open office?17:28
g0tchath0r, yeah.. thats true..17:28
grawityceil420: Are you using Compiz?17:28
MTeckUS\mroberts: ok... you screwed something up..17:28
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kranggrawity: Naw, just need to learn my shortcuts. I managed to google my may to a page full of them while zoomed in. It was like groping my way around the internet with a pocket flashlight.17:28
MTeckUS\mroberts: is there an entry in /etc/shadow for the user?17:28
ceil420grawity, just gnome, to my knowledge. i turned off all visual effects17:28
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US\mroberts@MTeck yes17:28
MTeckUS\mroberts: and in /etc/passwd ?17:28
grawityceil420: Then it's Metacity. Which, to my knowledge, doesn't have any configuration - besides that on gconf-editor.17:29
US\mrobertsMTeck: yes17:29
klenz87hey i need some help creating a file share i have an external usb drive connected to my desktop and have have it share according to when i right click and look at sharing options but when i go to my laptop it says un ablle to mount???17:29
ceil420grawity, i knew gnome didn't deserve a third chance from me >< thanks anyway17:29
john_doeI have a server connected with lan, and a client connected over wlan (both ubuntu). What would you recommend using for sharing files/folders? I set up nfs but it makes the server's nic stall. Maybe it's not recommendable using nfs over wlan.17:29
fridaywat is the command to check ram and hard disk on ubuntu?17:30
grawityceil420: Metacity, not GNOME itself.17:30
ceil420friday, check hard disk with "df -h"17:30
john_doefriday: what do you mean by checking?17:30
MTeckUS\mroberts: remove the single line for that user in /etc/shadow /etc/shadow- /etc/passwd /etc/passwd- ; then rm -Rf /home/eyew17:30
ceil420if you mean free/available size17:30
RanyAlbegMTeck:      http://codepad.org/rgWd4Og017:30
RanyAlbegMTeck: thanks17:30
MTeckUS\mroberts: then do that exact same thing I told you to again17:30
grawityceil420: You could go back to Compiz, and then disable all effects that you don't want.17:30
grawity!ccsm | ceil42017:31
ubottuceil420: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz17:31
fridayand ram?17:31
ceil420friday, there's info on your RAM if you do "cat /proc/meminfo"17:31
ceil420kinda... verbose, though17:31
ceil420grawity, cheers17:31
dob1hi, while using nautilus on some folder i have the "create link" option in right click menu and on other folder i don't have it ? i just want to put a link on desktop on some folder on the fs17:32
MTeckRanyAlbeg: It says you need to remove GLib 2.18.217:32
tyler_dtrying to import my key using --- gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --recv-keys --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net 67265eb522bdd6b1c69e66ed7fb8bee0a1f196a8 fails????17:33
US\mrobertsMTeck: Still the same thing. The weird thing is that when I try to change any of the authorizations in System -> Administration -> Authorizations that doesn't work either - could these be related ?17:33
mralexandromy ubntu system just crashed. is there anywhere i can see a log file of that?17:33
RanyAlbegMTeck: so i need to cd to 2.18 dir and make uninstall?if yes , can you help me find the location?17:33
US\mrobertsMTeck: And when I tried running Users and Groups under sudo the whole GUI was greyed out17:33
elvis4This account is ineligible for Scroll of Resurrection. This is generally due to one or more of the following conditions:17:33
elvis4This is not a World of Warcraft Classic account. Only World of Warcraft Classic accounts can be resurrected.17:33
elvis4i cant get scroll of ressurection !17:34
elvis4anybody know if it cant be send to wotlk accounts ?17:34
ceil420mralexandro, logs are stored in /var/log - you can browse around in there til someone else comes along that knows which long is relevant :x17:34
MTeckRanyAlbeg: ..... why aren't you using apt?17:34
geniielvis4: Your issue is not really an Ubuntu support question17:34
MTeckRanyAlbeg: synaptic17:34
fridayin cat /proc/meminfo, i got a big list, which one among that is ram?17:35
MTeckceil420: too late :P17:35
* elvis4 sets mode +b!n=genii@unaffiliated/genii17:35
ceil420friday, it's the specs of your RAM. physical amount is at the top17:35
MTeckfriday: "free -m"17:35
mralexandrois there anyway i can check or pastebin an error report from my last ubuntu system crash, couple of minutes ago?17:35
MTeck11:34 < ceil420> mralexandro, logs are stored in /var/log - you can browse around in there til someone else comes along that knows which long is relevant :x17:36
* genii sips17:36
ceil420wtf am i using 3.5gb RAM on...17:36
humboltis firefox 3.5 the standard browser in jaunty now?17:36
arvind_khadrihumbolt, it is in karmic17:36
macalanIts still 3.0.1 I think17:36
RanyAlbegMTeck: a stuipd question since im not familiar with installing from source . i thought it will be also not so easy.17:37
ceil420humbolt, gave me 3.017:37
Lint01how can I share a folder between users?17:37
mralexandroMTeck, sorry fell out or something, can you help me to select file, perhaps narrow it down to a copule of logs?17:37
humboltarvind_khadri, macalan, ceil420: but when I deinstall it and reinstall firefox, I always get 3.517:37
humboltbut not as firefox but as shiretoko17:37
* c0ky is away (Offline.........)17:38
BearfootLint01, change premission on that folder17:38
arvind_khadrihumbolt, enabled any PPA?17:38
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:38
ceil420free -m shows i'm using 3502 Mem, but top shows Firefox as having the most usage at only 4.7% (of 4gb) and Xorg at 2.7%17:38
g0tchath0r, it gaves me the same error on /home ... thats weird17:38
ceil420are free and used backwards for me on free for some reason? :x17:38
MTeckryanakca: what are you trying to obtain by installing the source version17:38
grawityhumbolt: http://is.gd/1reB3 has an explanation on the Firefox name.17:38
RanyAlbegMTeck: well i see many libglib here.do you remember what the configure log told me to delete?17:38
arvind_khadrioh cool, i didnt know about that...17:39
ivenkysdoes anyone here use truetype fonts on Jaunty17:39
US\mroberts@MTeck (and all) I think it may be because I'm using likewise to have my machine in a windows machine. I'll have a hunt around. Thanks for trying though17:39
US\mrobertsin a windows domain, rather17:39
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MTeckRanyAlbeg: It says you need to remove GLib 2.18.217:40
grawityivenkys: Almost everyone does.17:40
Lint01Bearfoot: I have the same groupname as my username, how can set permissions for all users?17:40
humboltwhen I try to install firefox it comes with this installation list firefox firefox-3.5 firefox-3.5-branding sun-java6-plugin ubufox17:40
RanyAlbegMTeck: so i guess if i mark one of the libGlib packages for uninstalling it will mark all related. am i right? or do i need to carefully make a selection of packages to remove?17:41
BearfootLint01, you can creat an new group, add both the users into it (a user can be in several groups) and change the premissions on the folder so that the group can access it17:42
itswhatevis there a way to reset aptitude's package install/upgrade/remove states?  i accidentally told it to install an entire group of packages that i don't want17:42
ivenkysgrawity: one of the things i want to do is turn autohint on - i know how to do so - however if i understand this correctly , there is freetype autohinting and bytecode interpreter autohinting - i want to find out if the bytecode interpreter is enabled or not in Jaunty .. how do i do that17:42
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MTeckRanyAlbeg: when you remove that package - you could be removing half your system17:42
RanyAlbegwell , i already applied17:43
RanyAlbegMTeck: shit.:D17:43
baldrick1help: Evolution 2.26.1 ( in Ubuntu 9.04) - How do I widen the margin when composing an email ?17:43
mralexandrowould it be perhaps a syslog or auth log that would tell me what error happend in my ubuntu 9.04 system crash?17:43
MTeckmralexandro: check out dmesg17:44
RanyAlbegMTeck: but its ok if i'll install a newer version.isnt it?17:44
MTeckRanyAlbeg: not always17:44
mralexandroMTeck, thanks, can you check it out http://pastebin.com/m6b1ffb6117:45
MTeckbaldrick1: I've never used it - but it should in in the preferences somewhere17:45
Michalxoitswhatev, maybe you can ls -l /var/apt/cache |grep 28.8. :)17:46
baldrick1MTeck: I've been digging through there but see no mention even of wordwrap. Tks anyhow17:46
Michalxoitswhatev,  maybe it will filter packages installed taht day :)17:46
US\mrobertsthx all17:47
gartral /quit17:47
itswhatevMichalxo: i did 'g' then set '=' on each of the package groups..17:47
jkohlmannpower management question - is there a way to disable hibernation over a remote terminal session?17:47
gangilhi when I am trying to mount an iso with furious mount , I am getting this error http://imagebin.org/61463 , what's the problem?17:48
parapanghelescuI have pidgin installed as a multiple messenger ; I had no problem with it until 3-4 weeks ago when the file trasfer stopped working; please help until I become insane about this issue ;)17:48
grawityDid it stop working for all protocols, or just any one of them?17:48
Michalxoitswhatev, sorry I am lost.. but when you have that list of packages there is no problem to do apt-get remove 'cat file_where_stored_package_names'17:48
parapanghelescuonly for YM ; never tried other protocols anyway17:49
MTeckmralexandro: I have no idea - unless it happens again though - I wouldn't worry about it17:49
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:50
DJones!yahoo | parapanghelescu17:50
ubottuparapanghelescu: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.17:50
parapanghelescugrawity > at some particular point, reinstalling-it over and over again I managed to send files but never to receive17:50
gangilhi when I am trying to mount an iso with furious mount , I am getting this error http://imagebin.org/61463 , what's the problem?17:50
itswhatevMichalxo: my problem was that in inadvertently selected all "packages not installed" to be installed, then presssed 'g'.. not sure what apt-get remove will help with there17:50
mralexandroMTeck, alright, think it was something due to graphics, cause it freesed by flashing firefox from screen one, when i was in terminal in screen 3, then i pressed window selector to choose screen one, and it freesed while changing window, in the middle of a cube roation, i saw "pixels" discolored and stufff, then i restarted17:51
parapanghelescuDJones > thanks bro ...I did this ..changing the pager server ...solved some issues regarding the connection between pidgin and yahoo ....17:51
rameshworis Ubuntu only for newbie ? i mean is there's anything that a expert would want to do and is not available in Ubuntu ??17:51
Michalxoitswhatev, seems like you did that in synaptic... so maybe it will help you to remove most of the packages ;)17:52
MTeckmralexandro: ya, that sounds like a compiz glitch17:52
Michalxorameshwor, you can do everything in ubuntu.. it's still linux :)17:52
gangilhi when I am trying to mount an iso with furious mount , I am getting this error http://imagebin.org/61463 , what's the problem?17:52
MTeckrameshwor: it's fr all users17:52
mralexandroMTeck, hardware related?17:52
MTeckrameshwor: very highly advanced users use Ubuntu as well17:53
MTeckmralexandro: compiz is still young - glitches happen17:53
aaaaanybody can give me ati beta drivers link on launchpad pls17:53
Michalxogangil, is it proper iso file? try mouting with -t udf17:53
mokafoliohello, I would like to know if there is a way to render crisp, aliased pixelfonts in ubuntu, opengl using freetype? i failed for now and read something about apple having a patend on doing it on unix systems, is there any way to do that anyways?17:53
fizk_hey guys, I can't find the "new volume control and new Sound Preferences tool." according to GNOME 2.26 release notes17:53
mralexandroMTeck, alright17:53
rameshworok thanks all guys..17:53
fizk_i'm using gnome 2.2617:53
jinnstaris there anyway to combine arguments in grep -v instead of adding addition | grev -v "line" entries to the command?17:53
JaneDoemy windows computers suddenly don't recognize my ubuntu server by its hostname ("server").  what can i try?17:53
Michalxogangil, sudo mount -t udf -o loop /iso/image/path /mount/path17:53
MTeckJaneDoe: sounds like the fault of the router17:54
aaaaanybody can give me ati beta drivers link on launchpad pls17:54
JaneDoeMTeck: oh, that's served by the router?  what kind of a thing am I looking for in router settings?17:54
parapanghelescuDJones > however , my last installation is with this settings cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com : 5050 and filetransfer.msg.yahoo.com : 80 .....and still it does not work; the pidgin version is 2.6.1 from Ubuntu's rep; I also compiled version 2.5.8 the latest one available from sources but with no luck ....17:55
XQbithello people17:55
XQbitany ideas how to make gba roms work?17:55
klenz87hey i need some help with file sharing i have an external drive with all my media on it connected to my desktop and shared when i try and access it on my boxee box it says unable to mount windows shares..im running ubuntu on both machines by the way..also in boxee i see the share but it asks for a user name and password i type the one that im guessing it is and it doesnt work either17:55
__theIdiotBoxmokafolio, i guess that'll be a bit difficult...17:56
Enissaywhile trying to install jaunty on my laptop, the process stops because af a partitionning error, i restart the machine, but the live cd wont load, and i have error messages =(17:56
klenz87is there a way mabye to get ride of the user name and passwortd thing17:56
mokafolioso there is not really a possibility to do that?17:56
MTeckok - I'm going to try to tackle it17:56
__theIdiotBoxklenz87, why do u want it that way?17:56
__theIdiotBoxmokafolio, i'm afraid not17:56
klenz87__theIdiotBox: want what?17:56
klenz87__theIdiotBox: i want to share my media files between 2 ubuntu computeres17:56
MTeckJaneDoe: I can't remember the name of it17:56
mokafoliowhat a shame, how can a company have a patent on aliasing fonts :)17:57
DJonesparapanghelescu: I don't use yahoo messenger, so other having read that theres problems and being aware of that factoid, I haven't got any experience with it17:57
__theIdiotBoxklenz87, okey....how do share now? and what do want to do17:57
sarthorkscan i install jaunty from the iso file without burning to a cd? how?17:57
__theIdiotBoxsarthorks, yep provided u already have linux on ur box17:57
sebsebsebsarthorks: maybe if you do a  CDFS  partiton or something with the ISO contents17:57
klenz87well im sharing using smb i believe via right clicking on the folder and going to sharing options and checking the three boxes17:57
sebsebsebsarthorks: and  you can run an ISO in a virtual machine,  but yeah that's not a real proper install17:58
klenz87__theIdiotBox: but i cant access my external usb drive that is shared on my other desktop it says unable to mount windows share17:58
mcphailmokafolio: i'm not sure what you are looking for, but the newer nvidia drivers can hardware accelerate font anti-aliasing17:58
sarthorks_theidiotbox, i do. please tell me! i used : sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop packages/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso /media/disk17:58
sarthorksbut when i restart, i dont get any boot options.17:58
ninelafter I upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 I cant get my wifi activated. I tried with many kernels 2.6.27 to 2.6.31 latest RC none seemed to work for that17:58
mokafolioi want aliased fonts :P17:58
mokafoliocrisp, pixel fonts17:59
__theIdiotBoxsarthorks, you just have to make a directory and put the iso there then extract the vmlinuz and initrd and put them in proper place and finally put an entry in grub for that..during boot chose that  and there u are17:59
mokafoliono anti aliasing17:59
mcphailmokafolio: sorry - didn't read properly!17:59
__theIdiotBoxklenz87, are you able to access other stuffs from that machine?17:59
mokafoliono problemo!17:59
Brent_RothI'm trying to learn every tidbit of info about memory in ubuntu, anyone have any good sources they recommend?17:59
__theIdiotBoxBrent_Roth, what exactly u wnat to learn?18:00
JaneDoeMTeck: WINS service perhaps?18:00
Brent_RothI'm wanting to know everything from the structure to allocation, deallocation, metadata, etc.18:00
arvind_khadrisarthorks, use system->admin->create a boot up disk.... using the already downloaded iso, and then make bios to boot from it18:00
klenz87__theIdiotBox: yes18:00
klenz87__theIdiotBox: just the external is giving me the issue18:00
ninelwould like to have ideas how I could enable the WiFi  my system is HP 520 laptop18:00
Brent_Roth__theIdiotBox, pretty much everything about it ... I want a complete understanding of how it works ... I'm already familiar with the abstract concepts, but I want to know the details of Ubuntu's implementation18:00
__theIdiotBoxklenz87, okey....18:00
sarthorks_theidiotbox thanks i'll try that18:00
sarthorksarvind_khadri thanks18:00
ninelthe wifi works from live CD fine18:01
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:01
klenz87__theIdiotBox: i was reading that there is some kinda bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/209520/18:01
__theIdiotBoxBrent_Roth, then a good point to get started wuld be ubuntu wiki...at least u can get some basic stuffs18:01
klenz87__theIdiotBox: i dont know it that appies18:01
arvind_khadri!u > __theIdiotBox18:01
ubottu__theIdiotBox, please see my private message18:01
wahjavahi all18:01
Brent_Roth__theIdiotBox, do you know any general Linux sources as well18:02
__theIdiotBoxklenz87, lemem have a look and c if that make sense to me18:02
wahjavaanyone using debootstrap to bootstrap Ubuntu GNU/Linux ?18:02
arvind_khadriBrent_Roth, tldp.org18:02
wahjavaI'm trying to bootstrap on my box and getting issue about missing 'Packages' file18:02
wahjavathe Packages file is mentioned in Releases file but is not present on any of the mirror, wtf.18:03
sarthorks_theIdiotBox , can you explain what you meant by all this in more detail : extract the vmlinuz and initrd and put them in proper place and finally put an entry in grub for that. ?18:03
__theIdiotBoxsarthorks, wait a min....will give u full details on that18:04
slemmingHi, how can I remove an user from the userlist in the shutdown menu? Users like "lighttpd" and root don't exist there18:04
parapanghelescuDJones : oK18:05
parapanghelescufile transfer does not work between pidgin and YM ....can someone help pls ????18:05
arvind_khadriparapanghelescu, tried asking in #pidgin ?18:06
sarthorks_theIdiotBox, yes sure18:07
MestoraI have two networks, (eth0) and (eth1) connected to my ubuntu box. How do I get all traffic from eth0 destined to and vice versa to forward to the appropriate network?18:07
xendonparapanghelescu have you done portsettings ?18:07
David-TMestora: see /etc/sysctl.conf:  Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv418:08
NFischerHi all.. i try to set a custom sound-file for login.. its a wav file, its selectable in SoundPreferences, but it does not play.. y is that?18:08
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xendonparapanghelescu join #pidgin on irc.freenode.net18:10
__theIdiotBoxsarthorks, you can get some ideas out here: http://imthi.com/blog/linux/install-fedora-core-5-linux-without-burning-cd.php18:10
parapanghelescuxendon > right18:10
sarthorks_theIdiotBox thanks :)18:10
__theIdiotBoxsarthorks, u're welcome...18:11
klenz87__theIdiotBox: mabye i can share the drive using a different protocal like nfs?? i just have no idea how to do that18:11
MestoraDavid-T: Do I have to restart anything to make that effective?18:11
FoolsRunHi, any quick ideas on why a parallel printer might not be working in Hardy? Printer is on, connected, the gnome printer tool lets me add a printer on "LPT #1" but I cannot print (nothing ever prints).18:12
sarthorks_theIdiotBox, i'm on ubunut hardy heron. not on windows!18:12
__theIdiotBoxsarthorks, have a look here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/general-10/install-linux-from-iso-image-on-hard-disk-without-using-a-dvd-rom-or-cd-drive-741322/18:13
FoolsRunI have checked my BIOS, the port is enabled and is set to EPP. lsmod | grep para returns nothing. Modprobe paraport says module not found18:13
arvind_khadri!usb > sarthorks18:13
ubottusarthorks, please see my private message18:13
sarthorks_theIdiotBox ah thanks18:14
sarthorksarvind_khadri  thanks18:14
sarthorksubotto thanks18:14
VCoolioFoolsRun: you could check working drivers for your printer here http://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi18:15
__theIdiotBoxsarthorks, and this one as well : http://tinyurl.com/kpgvc318:15
FoolsRunVCoolio: I did that; it's a LaserJet 2.18:15
vikbvpnc asks me for 2 passwords ..what the diff?18:15
MTeck!info vpnc18:18
ubottuvpnc (source: vpnc): Cisco-compatible VPN client. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.3-1 (jaunty), package size 76 kB, installed size 264 kB18:18
MestoraI've enabled forwarding in sysctl.conf, and run sysctl -p, but it still won't forward my packets18:19
MTeckvikb: I'd assume that's just the way cisco works..18:21
Halabundtrism: I finally managed to get that wireless thing working, using this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=731177 and this http://gostewarts.wordpress.com/2009/06/05/getting-dell-inspiron-1521-wireless-to-work-under-ubuntu-9-04/  The problem was that ssb still got loaded in spite of blacklisting18:21
vikbMTeck: The first one is authenticated ....Am not sure what the second one is?18:21
David-TMestora: any firewall set up?18:22
MestoraDavid-T: Yes, but I disabled it to test out the forwarding18:22
MestoraI set to accept all18:22
vikbMTeck: and me working for Cisco isn't helping me getting any info on the same18:22
MestoraDavid-T: I'm using ufw for my firewall, and I normally have it setup for masquerading.18:23
MTeckvikb: I've no idea - sorry18:23
MTeckvikb: I assume you looked through the man pages?18:23
David-TMestora: try sysctl -a | grep forwarding18:24
David-TMestora: you should see net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 118:25
DeeleHello erUSUL18:25
MestoraDavid-T: Yup, net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 118:26
David-TMestora: I assume "route -n" shows 192.168.x.0 being routed to the appropriate interfaces?18:28
David-Tand that tcpdump -i eth0 shows the incoming packets?18:28
hacim1can some tell me how to connect to a wireless print server or point me to some relevent info.18:28
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DeeleI have a problem with Mozilla's Firefox, not opening as default browser, when clicking links, but it is set as default browser...18:30
eMyllerguys, how much space a clean ubuntu server installation takes?18:30
LamaZHi all. I'm having issues with ext4 in Ubuntu 9.04. It keeps hanging when I copy large files. I heard there is a fix released but I dont know how to install it. Could anyone help me out please?18:30
grozadeele:in what browser it opens?18:31
sebsebsebLamaZ: install the ppa for the later kernel18:31
sebsebsebLamaZ: that  will hopefuly help18:31
Deelegroza, in Ubuntus Firefox18:31
LamaZsebsebseb: How would I do that exactly?18:31
grozadeele:then what is the problem18:31
Deelegroza, you know difference between Ubuntu Firefox and Mozilla Firefox?18:32
sebsebsebLamaZ: google for  2.6.30  ppa or some such, it will be on luanchpad,   also  check out the  Ext4 stuff in the 9.04 release notes18:32
sebsebseb!notes |  LamaZ18:32
ubottuLamaZ: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes18:32
grozaenter ubuntu firefox and search for default browser option and uncheck it18:32
LamaZ:sebsebseb: I checked out the releases notes but didnt find a fix. I'l google that kernel patch, thanks.18:33
sebsebsebLamaZ: it's, because of things like that, why  some people think  it's not stable enough  in  9.04,   that and  the kernel it has,   however  it will be nice and stable and default  for Ubuntu 9.1018:33
macoclaude: fr?18:33
sebsebsebLamaZ: it's not a patch, it's a later kernel18:33
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: ext4 is fine here in karmic :D18:33
Deelegroza, one is created specially for Ubuntu as paralell project, another is shipped from Mozilla, default is already set\18:33
maco!fr | claude18:33
ubottuclaude: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:33
LamaZsebsebseb: Oh ok, shouldnt be to hard to install then if its in a repository.18:33
sebsebsebActionParsnip: it has been for me, but  not for LamaZ when it comes to deleting large files,  by the way I haven't deleted any really large files  with  Ext4 on 9.0418:33
trismHalabund: glad you got it working, guess you had to blacklist them both18:33
MestoraDavid-T: I used tracert from the machine on eth0 and it says that it comes to my ubuntu box, but no farther.18:33
BerzerkerHow can I hide thunderbird to the notification area?18:33
grozadeele:u didnt understood!18:33
grozadeele:u want default browser mozzila firefox!18:34
sebsebsebActionParsnip: know of any other   possible fix for his issue?  other  than installing the later kernel's ppa?18:34
David-TMestora: does tracrt from your ubuntu box reach the right place?18:34
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sebsebsebLamaZ: it's not in a repo, well it is kind of, but you got to add it18:34
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: me neither, my system partition i ext4, my home is ext318:34
MestoraDavid-T: yup18:35
Deelegroza, you mean unset Ubuntu Firefox as default?18:35
grozadeele : YES18:35
David-TMestora: hmm, i'm pretty much out of ideas, sounds like it should be working...18:35
MestoraMy ubuntu box can talk to both eth0 and eth1 networks fine, it's just they won't talk to each other.18:35
Deelegroza, already done18:35
LamaZsebsebseb: I found this; http://www.ramoonus.nl/2009/06/10/linux-kernel-2-6-30-installation-guide-for-ubuntu-and-debian-linux/18:35
deanyBerzerker, new mail icon18:35
MestoraDavid-T: Thanks anyways, I'll keep working on it.18:35
sebsebsebLamaZ: well   the ppa you get is on luanchpad18:35
sebsebsebor should be18:35
Berzerkerdeany, new mail icon? what is that18:35
ActionParsnipMestora: you need to use bridge-utils18:35
grozaDeele:did u tried to restart the browsers?18:35
Deelegroza, yes :P18:36
grozaDeele:delete one browser18:36
deanyBerzerker, sorry, wrong one... there was one I used, cant remember its name18:36
Deelegroza, huh, how? wont it drop out error?18:36
Halabundtrism: That's not enough because b44 is the driver for the wired card, so I can't just blacklist that.  But if the modules are unloaded and reloaded in a different order, like in that blog post, then it works.  I am very glad I managed to get it working too.18:36
David-TMestora: actually, one last thought - try sudo iptables -L FORWARD18:36
David-TMestora: make sure the default policy is ACCEPT18:36
grozaremove ubuntu firefox and install mozzila firefox18:36
grozadeele:it shouldnt18:37
MestoraDavid-T: I did that. I also flushed it so it was default accept and no rules.18:37
Berzerkerdeany, it's not alltray, is it?18:37
Deelegroza, maybe there is place, where I can choose what application to open http links?18:37
sebsebsebLamaZ: that looks ok, kernel.ubuntu.com yeah18:38
MestoraActionParsnip: I'm actually looking for routing from (eth0) to (eth1), not a full bridge.18:38
David-TMestora: then i'm definitely stumped... you could try adding logging entries to the iptables input/forward/output tables to see where the packets are going...18:38
grozadeele:if ubuntu firefox and mozzila firefx are 2 separate browsers then removing one should fix the problem18:38
MestoraDavid-T: I think I'll try that.18:38
ActionParsnipMestora: then use: sudo route add -net netmask dev eth0; sudo route add -net netmask dev eth118:39
deanyBerzerker, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/283118:40
MestoraActionParnsip: Both routing entries are already setup. I can access both from the ubuntu box.18:40
deanyBerzerker, scrub that, wrong one.. thought it was the one18:40
deanylooked similar options18:40
fluxyHello. I'm using Jaunty and I "lost" my pdf printer. Tried installing cups-pdf, in vain. Could anyone please help? Thanks18:41
deanyBerzerker,  the one I used had a similar option menu to the screenshot of that one I posted url for18:41
ActionParsnipfluxy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14081518:42
Butterflyjust observing, not away (read the guidelines)18:42
StumpieHello, can anyone tell me the name of this docking program? it is at the bottom of the picture... http://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=55578&file1=55578-1.jpg&file2=55578-2.jpg&file3=55578-3.jpg&name=Schwermetall&PHPSESSID=3eec35916e5bdd763e2b18b48e46be5218:43
Berzerkerdeany, It was regular minimizetotray maybe, and that doesn't work on linux18:43
ActionParsnipStumpie: avant-window-navigator is my gues18:43
xanguaStumpie: Gnome-Do is better - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SipFRTFaFA18:44
mcphailStumpie: GNOME-Do?18:44
Stumpiethanks ActionParsnip ,and xangua and mcphail  :)18:44
LamaZsebsebseb: Ok I installed the new kernel and its running now. I hope this fixes it, thanks!18:45
ActionParsnipxangua: i find terminal much more powerful18:46
bigDaddyhey all18:46
ltcabralhow can i add /usr/local/bin to path?18:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about path18:46
kvasirmehi all guys18:46
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kvasirmecan anyone help me please'18:46
kvasirmei've a problem18:46
kvasirmewith intel 3945abg18:46
kvasirmewireless card18:46
bigDaddyCant get TTY 1-6; goes to blank/black screen18:46
FloodBot2kvasirme: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:46
__theIdiotBoxltcabral, add that to your PATH variable in ~/.bashrc18:46
credoStumpie: thats new gnome?18:46
__theIdiotBox!enter | kvasirme18:47
ubottukvasirme: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:47
__theIdiotBox!ask | kvasirme18:47
ubottukvasirme: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:47
ActionParsnipltcabral: gedit ~/.bashrc   and at the bottom add: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:"${PATH}"18:47
deanyBerzerker, no, it was a linux one.. I cant see it anymore.  :(18:48
CodeRedDoes anyone know anything about transferring files into samba?  I'm getting an error of symlinks are not supported18:48
__theIdiotBoxltcabral, are you done? or still facing problems?18:48
grozahello.last month i was downloadin torrrents with plenty of seeders at 500 kbs but now i can download from 600 pers and i cant go faster than 75 kbs !why?18:48
ltcabral__theIdiotBox: is there a terminal command to do that from terminal?18:49
__theIdiotBoxgroza, which client? transmisison or else?18:49
ltcabralActionParsnip: is there a terminal command to do that from terminal?18:49
ActionParsnipgroza: restrictions by provider, people restricting upload speed18:49
Butterflyso many questions, not enough answers.  i am a newbie, where should I go?18:49
__theIdiotBoxltcabral, yeh18:49
ActionParsnipltcabral: nano ~/.bashrc18:49
grozaActionParsnip:can i fix this?18:49
th0rButterfly: tldp.org18:49
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ActionParsnipltcabral: or you can simply run: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:"${PATH}    in the terminal, but it will not be permanent18:50
bigDaddyCan someone help? Can't get TTY 1-6; goes to blank/black screen18:50
ActionParsnipgroza: no as you can only download as fast as the data comes to you18:50
kvasirmewell. i'ev an intel 3945abg wireless card, i cant connect with it... i can see it in lspcie but i can't activate it.. neither in windows.. i dont know ho to make it work again, my toshiba bluetooth is gone too.. led is active but i don't see it... now i've notebook working with ubuntu 8.04 live... this is the only version that has always worked for me fastly.. but now.. i've NO WIFI NO BT.. can anyone help me to activate wifi again? fn+f2 don't work.18:50
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ltcabralActionParsnip: i mean... append the export thing in the end of .bashrc with one command18:50
__theIdiotBoxecho " export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc18:50
ActionParsnipltcabral: echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:"${PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc18:50
ltcabralActionParsnip: thats what i wanted... thanks :)18:51
CodeRedDoes anyone know anything about transferring files into samba?  I'm getting an error of symlinks are not supported18:51
__theIdiotBoxltcabral, echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc18:51
gabriel__Hi everyone18:51
kvasirme well. i've an intel 3945abg wireless card, i cant connect with it... i can see it in lspcie but i can't activate it.. neither in windows.. i dont know ho to make it work again, my toshiba bluetooth is gone too.. led is active but i don't see it... now i've notebook working with ubuntu 8.04 live... this is the only version that has always worked for me fastly.. but now.. i've NO WIFI NO BT.. can anyone help me to activate wifi again? fn+f2 don't work.18:51
ActionParsnipkvasirme: lspci will not make anything work, it only shows the hardware attatched to the pci bus18:52
__theIdiotBoxgroza, are u sure you have all the parameters set properly in the config  and thats not causing the problem of speed?18:52
__theIdiotBox!hi | gabriel__18:52
ubottugabriel__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:52
mcphailkvasirme: sounds like a hardware failure, unless you have pressed an "off" switch or deactivated in BIOS18:52
kvasirmei only say18:52
gabriel__I have a little problem: I have to reinstall windows xp because of a virus and I have a partition for Ubuntu 9.04 bits, another partition for windows xp and an empty NTFS partition, I want to know how to get grub bootloader back after windows XP install18:52
kvasirmethat i see wifi in lspci18:52
kvasirmeand in windows18:52
Slart!grub | gabriel__18:53
ubottugabriel__: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:53
ActionParsnipkvasirme: that doesnt mean it will work, the hardware is only identifying itself18:53
kvasirmemcphail i've not pressed any switch18:53
CodeRedDoes anyone know anything about transferring files into samba?  I'm getting an error of symlinks are not supported18:53
Slartgabriel__: that link "Lost grub after installing windows" should explain it all18:53
gabriel__I want an easy way to restore grub after I install windows xp18:53
bigDaddyCan someone help? Can't get TTY 1-6; goes to blank/black screen18:53
kvasirmei was only working18:53
groza__theIdiotBox: i didnt changed the settings.i am using the same setting just like the last month when i was downloading with 500kbs18:53
kvasirmeand it has lost connection18:53
kvasirmein windows18:53
gabriel__Once I tried it and it didnt work, is there another way?18:53
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:53
kvasirmei see18:53
__theIdiotBoxgroza, ohh18:53
kvasirmethe card18:53
mneptok!enter > kvasirme18:53
ubottukvasirme, please see my private message18:53
kvasirmebut i can't see any wifi18:53
syn4pseis there a way to change the location of the messages in the black rectangles that come from the network manager and pidgin (when pidgin is out of focus)?  formerly, these messages were in the upper right corner but now they are at mid height at the right side of the screen18:53
Slartkvasirme: let the enter key rest for a while.. write the whole sentence.. everything you want to say.. then press enter18:54
mcphailkvasirme: if it isn't working in multiple operating systems and it used to, you have either switched it off or it is broken18:54
ActionParsnipkvasirme: does   sudo iwlist scan    show any APs?18:54
kvasirmesry guys. mcphail in windows18:54
kvasirmeif i try press fn+f218:54
CodeRedDoes anyone know anything about transferring files into samba?  I'm getting an error of symlinks are not supported18:55
__theIdiotBoxkvasirme, alongwith alt, right?18:55
bigDaddyCan someone help? Can't get TTY 1-6; goes to blank/black screen in Jaunty18:55
kvasirmeit stay always in OFF i cant put it on. - ActionPasnip. wait i see.18:55
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, i guess you're trying to transfer some files linked by softlinks and hence the error18:55
gabriel__I want to know the easy way to restore grub after a windows xp install, can somebody help me, please?18:55
mcphailCodeRed: that sounds reasonable - don't think samba can handle such things18:56
aqqdhi everyone. I have a Gateway lt3103u sub notebook with an AMD Athlon 64 processor. I am not able to change the cpu frequency (downclock) to 800 Mhz. please help18:56
alanpanhow to switch between consoles i tried ctrl+Alt+F1, and it won't work.18:56
Slartgabriel__: the easy way is in the link from ubottu18:56
CodeRedim not good in linux.. obviously.. i mean is that going to affect other scripts on the mmc?18:56
MichalxobigDaddy, fresh installed jaunty?18:56
__theIdiotBoxgabriel__, pretty easy, use livecd and grub-install tool18:56
aqqdi am running a fresh copy of Ubuntu 9.04 NBR18:56
bigDaddyMichalxo: fresh as day old bread18:56
Michalxoalanpan, alt+(ctrl in gui) + f1 .. F12 ;)18:56
kvasirmeActionParsnip, in scanning im only view lo and etho.. no wifi is active... :(18:56
gabriel__exactly how do I grub-install, sorry, but Im not an expert in ubuntu18:57
Slartalanpan: if you're in a tty already you can use alt+f1, alt+f2 and so on.. from Gnome/X you have to press ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+f2 and so on18:57
MichalxobigDaddy, well I think there was a bug in it.. try just updating all18:57
ActionParsnipthen you need to websearch for the chip to see what makes it work18:57
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, that depends on the context...if you're trying to transfer some files which are mandatory and they have soft links then its quite obvious that they will lead to some issues eventually18:57
MichalxobigDaddy, i believe they fixed it in patches very fast18:57
__theIdiotBoxgabriel__, wait a min...18:58
kvasirmeActionParsnip to activate it, i've to press fn+f2 but this function in ubuntu doesnt work, in windows it stay always in off :( and.. i don't have any other switch or bios function.18:58
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: So then how can i get those files over?18:58
alanpani tried  ctrl+alt+f1 in Desktop, and it won't switch.18:58
trismbigDaddy: I had that problem on this laptop, I had to set UseBIOS to false in xorg.conf to fix it, but yours could be a completely different problem18:58
ActionParsnipkvasirme: then you may need to set it as always on in the bios18:59
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, how exactly you are transfering those files, btw?18:59
ActionParsnipkvasirme: if its a laptop, you can websearch the make and model to maybe find a guide18:59
__theIdiotBoxgabriel__, this one is for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435118:59
Michalxoalanpan, did you updated system?18:59
kvasirmeno action, i've changed bios, there arent options about it in bios. i was searching somethings when this problem is arrived...18:59
alanpanit is 7.0418:59
Michalxoso it's up to date, right?19:00
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, don't do that do it from command line and make the cp command follow the symlinks so as to take care of those files as well19:00
kvasirmesry for my bad english, im italian.... i'ven't changed anything before the wifi stops...19:00
bigDaddycopy that19:00
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:00
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: what do you mean by make the cp command follow the symlinks?19:00
mcphailkvasirme: to be quite clear - is it still working in windows?19:00
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, wait a min...i'll give you the command for the same...19:00
kvasirmethere is a mode to restart wifi in ubuntu?19:00
gabriel__Thanks a lot for the help19:01
__theIdiotBoxkvasirme, restart the network manager19:01
ActionParsnipkvasirme: check allonline docs for your make / model, There may be a guide19:01
grozaaqqd:what is the problem19:01
Michalxoaqqd, there has to be some tweaks for it ;)19:01
ActionParsnipkvasirme: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:01
bigDaddywhats the proper syntax for update all?19:01
alanpanso what is the problem??19:01
ActionParsnipbigDaddy: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade19:01
Michalxogroza, <aqqd> hi everyone. I have a Gateway lt3103u sub notebook with an AMD Athlon 64 processor. I am not able to change the cpu frequency (downclock) to 800 Mhz. please help19:02
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, are you familiar with the cp command ?19:02
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
aqqdthx Michalxo19:02
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: ehh.. not all that familiar, i mean i know what it does and the general way to use it but past that i dont have a clue19:02
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, i guess YES, rigth? then you just have to use the extra flag -L to handle the softlinks19:02
ActionParsnipMichalxo: you'll need cpufreq19:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Xhema2
MichalxoActionParsnip, aqqd problem.. I've just copied it ;)19:03
aqqdActionParsnip: do you mean me?19:03
ActionParsnip!info cpufreq19:03
ubottuPackage cpufreq does not exist in jaunty19:03
vG|qum^gather is running.. pme for a channel.19:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpufreq19:03
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: so what would be the syntax19:03
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, okey fine...then do this: cp -vrL <source directory> <destination director> , v for verbose, r for recursively all folders and L for following softlinks...check using man cp19:03
aqqdhow do i install cpufreq now?19:04
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: Perfect thanks, greatly appreciated19:04
ActionParsnipaqqd: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/11/04/enabling-cpu-frequency-scaling/   may help19:04
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, you're welcome19:04
Michalxoaqqd, sudo aptitude install cpufreq19:04
grozaaqqd: sudo apt-get install cpufreq19:04
myk_robinsonneed some help with NetworkManager and VPN. I am able to successfully connect to my VPN and browse remote network shares. However, whilst connected to the VPN, I am unable to browse the internet on my local machine. I assume it is a setting in the Network Manager somewhere, but could use a hand....19:04
ActionParsnipaqqd: its installed by default19:04
aqqdbut i added a panel on my gnome menu and it shows no options19:05
aqqdits stuck at stock frequency with no options available19:05
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: one last question.. how would i do it if the source was media/disk or whatever and the destination was a folder that was /export in the samba folder?19:05
fluxyI tried reading the forum posts regarding cups-pdf, I'm still unable to figure out what to do :S19:07
aqqdcat fails19:07
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, din't get you Qs propery..i'm not that much comfortable with samba, btw...but the same command may handle that as well, i guess19:07
aqqdcat: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/: No such file or directory19:07
grozaaqqd:your cpu supports freq scaling?19:07
aqqdas per the link provided19:07
aqqdgroza: yes i am able to underclock using Rightmark to 800 Mhz @ 0.67V in windows .. but i think the gateway bios / processor does not do it automatically19:08
grozaaqqd: why do you want to do that?19:09
aqqdgroza: better battery life?19:09
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: well it's not a samba question really, my question is basically that the folder im trying to copy to requires a / before it19:09
grozaaqqd:i thought you use desktop19:10
aqqdgroza: i mentioned it was a gateway sub notebook19:10
Deelegroza, I deleted it, now, it opens cliked links in new window, not a new tab, in already opened...19:10
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, then may be you need to add sudo for taking care of permission issues, right?19:10
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: Is that a permissions isssue though?  I don't think it is the permissions are 777 .. i just wouldn't know how to write the path to it19:11
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, is that ok, or still stuck?19:11
grozadeele :in the right browser?19:11
Deelegroza, yep19:11
grozadeele:search the preferences for something lie open links in a new tab!19:12
aqqdunder the cpu/cpu0 i see no cpufreq folder. why is tht?19:12
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: Can it be written as /etc/samba//export?19:12
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, 777 for the destination, right? then its not a permission issue? put the full path for the destination19:12
DeeleerUSUL, hello again, I have a question for you too :)19:12
=== xorigin_ is now known as xorigin
erUSULDeele: hi19:12
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, how do you access the folders shared under samba?19:12
bigDaddyMichalxo: rand the update and upgrade, restart x , no change, any  other ides to try?19:12
__theIdiotBox!hi | blade19:12
ubottublade: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:12
ActionParsnip__theIdiotBox: dont use 777 ever, its massively unsecure19:12
MichalxobigDaddy, yes.. I had a link for you :)19:12
bigDaddytrism: dont have that as an optionin xorg.conf, was that added? if so where?19:12
__theIdiotBoxActionParsnip, rightly said...agreed!19:12
bladehi ubotto dont worry i know you are a bot19:13
bladehi ubottu dont worry i know you are a bot19:13
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: I go in the folder like this: cd /etc/samba .. from there, It can only be accessed as cd /export .. the / is necessary or it wont go in the folder19:13
Deelegroza, there is only "Open new windows in a new tab instead" which is checked and "When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately" which is unchecked19:13
MichalxobigDaddy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=396806  but I think probles was in xserver.. so try reboot first :-/19:13
bladeok does any one know a program in ubuntu that is more a less the same as virtual dj thanks19:14
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, no idea on that dude :-(... Any samba guy out there?19:14
CodeRed__theIdiotBox:  Ok, well I appreciate the help, i'im gonna give this a shot and see what i come up with, i'll likely be back, thanks though19:14
bigDaddythanks will try19:14
grozadeele:check the other one too19:14
__theIdiotBoxActionParsnip, do you use samba? plz help CodeRed fix the issue19:14
DeeleerUSUL, after yesterday, my appearance manager does not allow turn on custom set effects "Desktop effects could not be enabled"...19:15
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, you're welcome dude19:15
bladeActionParsnip, just a hi and to says for all the help in the past that you given19:15
erUSULDeele: maybe you do not have 3d acceleration enabled19:15
grozadeele:do you have a video driver?19:15
DeeleerUSUL, umm, you think, that can be switched off? Why would anyone would like to do that? :P19:16
Deelegroza, I have :)19:16
ActionParsnip__theIdiotBox: i do use samba but i dont use symlinks in my own files19:16
Deelegroza, I just understood my problem :D19:16
ActionParsnipblade: np man :D19:16
grozadeele:did you modified any setings?19:16
erUSULDeele: maybe you do not have the right drivers... which graphic card do you have ?19:16
DeeleerUSUL, should I change it in NVIDIA X SERVER?19:16
__theIdiotBoxActionParsnip, cool...just thought if you can help that guy ...no issues...  :-) thanks19:17
Deelegroza, I am opening my browser with admin rights, when activating link, it opens browser, with standart user rights/settings19:17
erUSULDeele: do this on terminal « glxinfo | grep -i direct »19:17
CodeRedok im back19:17
grozadeele:so whats the problem19:17
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, whats the update?19:17
DeeleXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".19:18
DeeleError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig19:18
parapan!yahoo | pidgin19:18
ubottupidgin: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.19:18
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, still facing some probs?19:18
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: Well, the thing i need to know before i try this is the path to a folder that requires a slash before the folder19:18
derek_Hello folks. What's a good help channel for a command-line beginner?19:18
derek_I have a simple question. I think it's easy to answer19:18
erUSULDeele: you do not have 3d enabled... System>Admin>hardware drivers19:18
DeeleerUSUL, there is no other options, than REMOVE current driver19:19
erUSUL!ask | derek_19:19
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, a suggestion: is that /etc/samba folder mounted under some other folder actually? does this make sense?19:19
ubottuderek_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:19
erUSULDeele: :|19:19
radioman-ltwhats the time? ;}19:19
radioman-ltanyone? ;D19:20
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: I have no idea man19:20
Deele"If you wish to enable desktop effects, this driver is required.19:20
DeeleIf this driver is not enabled, you will not be able to enable desktop effects and will not be able to run software that requires 3D acceleration, such as some games."19:20
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, or may be you can just put the same path with double // escaping the 2nd one with a \...19:20
DeeleBut it is installed19:20
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: Now were talking.. didn't try escaping it19:20
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: I'm gonna give that a shot.. i think you understand the problem now though im having19:20
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, just give it a shot...19:20
DeeleerUSUL, this driver is activated and currently in use19:20
erUSULDeele: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:21
__theIdiotBox! hi | kev_19:21
ubottukev_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:21
derek_If I'm instructed to type: "find /lib/modules/'uname -r' | grep snd" (sans quotes), should I type that exactly? Or should I put something else in the 'uname -r' space?19:22
DeeleerUSUL, send it to you?19:22
wildc4rdevening all19:22
buckyradioman-lt, 6:23 PM GMT19:23
DeeleerUSUL, there is not only 0 but 1 and 99 files too19:23
__theIdiotBoxderek_, for uname -r use backtick like this: `uname -r`19:23
mcphailderek_: are you sure it is 'uname -r' rather than `uname -r`?19:23
__theIdiotBoxderek_, using the backtick will do the replacement for you , so you don't need to worry for that19:24
derek_you're right, it's a backtick (`). Never even noticed.19:24
derek_thank you19:24
__theIdiotBoxyou're welcome19:25
grawityderek_:, __theIdiotBox: That's why everyone should use $( ) instead of `` :)19:25
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, how far have you been?19:25
erUSULDeele: paste it in pastebin19:25
erUSUL!paste | Deele19:25
ubottuDeele: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:25
__theIdiotBoxgrawity, yeh,,, thats the best to avoid such mistakes...right19:26
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: Not working, good thought though19:26
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: Any other ideas?19:26
parapanmy USB modem is not working anymore ......ICON 225 on Jaunty > any help for this issue please ???19:26
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, oops!19:26
wornofI want to add an EmulateWheel option to xorg.conf for my mouse (a trackball, in fact). Can I do this easily with the new xorg.conf setup, which doesn't include any of the automatic mouse stuff?19:26
DeeleerUSUL, like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/261064/19:26
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, nothings strikes to my mind now.... :-(19:27
CodeRed__theIdiotBox: Ok well i at least appreciate the help for the copying in the terminal that's half the battle19:27
__theIdiotBoxparapan, did you try googling the same issue? if not try that,,you might get some help out there19:27
vavarwhat vim versions are out there? i seem to have a version which totally fucks up arrow keys and other keys also19:27
erUSULDeele: check lines 144-14819:27
__theIdiotBoxCodeRed, yeh we're half way done.. at least :-)19:28
erUSULDeele: something went wrong with the nvidia install19:28
grawityvavar: You probably have vi, not vim.19:28
grawityvavar: The original vi did not support arrow keys.19:28
parapan__theIdiotBox: done this and found out something on the net except that they say if kernel bigger then 2.6 I should use the driver on the kernel ...which is not working :d19:28
__theIdiotBoxparapan, if you can't do that be more specific and let me google it19:28
grawityvavar: You might try using :set nocompatible, in case that's vim in compat mode.19:29
__theIdiotBoxparapan, oops19:29
* erUSUL vi only has to modes one in which it beeps and one in which it does not19:29
DeeleerUSUL: so, what I should do now?19:29
vavargrawity: well, itś the version that came with ubuntu.. so it should be vim rightht.. the version tells: VIM - Vi IMproved 7.119:30
__theIdiotBoxvavar, i better suggest you install vim....19:30
DeeleerUSUL: reinstall driver?19:30
parapantheidiotBox: http://www.pharscape.org/hso.html19:30
erUSULDeele: reinstall the driver? or find out what may have messed ther install... kernel update recently?19:30
vavar__theIdiotBox: it is vim already isnt it?19:30
q0shey guys. is it a problem to use ext4 under jaunty?19:30
__theIdiotBoxparapan, okey wait a  min19:30
grawityvavar: It might be in compatibility mode - did you try the command I gave?19:30
__theIdiotBoxvavar, yeh the version details says that19:30
grawityvavar: Or, just install vim-full and be done with it.19:30
vavargrawity: i will try it19:31
q0shey guys. is it a problem to use ext4 under jaunty?19:31
DeeleerUSUL: that "stupid" nvidia driver did something with kernel update, cause it could not connect to its ftp address, so it used something that he had, compiled for my system specially and tried to use that (when I tried setting up 185 version), that did not worked (started low graphics mode and error)19:31
erUSULq0s: shouldn't be19:32
DeeleerUSUL: so I reset back to back up, and set up back 180 driver19:32
mcphailvavar: remember the version of vim that ships with ubuntu is crippled (although the arrow keys _should_ work). Install vim-full or vim-gnome19:32
erUSULDeele: so you installed it with the package from nvidia.com ?19:32
q0serUSUL, heard of stability problems. thats the reason why i first comes with karmic as default.19:32
__theIdiotBoxparapan, whats the kernel version you're having? it says the driver is working fine for 2.6.2719:32
DeeleerUSUL: yes, tried to use their instructions... eaven turned off graphics engine :P19:32
erUSULq0s: is somewhat new. if you do not want risks use ext319:33
DeeleerUSUL: from alt f119:33
trismvarar: or just get used to hjkl19:33
__theIdiotBoxparapan, btw, as a last resort you have to compile it from source..did you try that ?19:33
parapan__theIdiotBox: 2.6.28-1519:33
DungeAnyone can tell me where does libtool search for libs? I though it was /etc/ld.so.conf but everythign seems right there.. it search libstdc++.la in a path of my crosstool tests that shouldn't exist anymore19:33
erUSULDeele: ok; so now you have installed both versions ? the one from repos and the one from nvidia.com ?19:33
__theIdiotBoxparapan, in that case may be we need to compile it from source right?19:33
q0serUSUL, would it help to install the newest karmic kernel?19:33
parapan__theIdiotBox: wasn't sure if I'm not going to screw something else :d so I didn't19:33
racecar56if i generated a debian package (somehow) would it work reliably in debian also?19:34
vavargrawity: thank you. i asked that question on #vim once and noone had an answer..19:34
erUSULq0s: i dunno really19:34
Michalxoracecar56, imo yes, bu I am not an expert19:34
__theIdiotBoxparapan, we're going to compile just that module only, do you have other dependencies on that which might break if there are some issues during compilation?19:35
racecar56Michalxo: k19:35
DeeleerUSUL: I dont know unix, I am windows guy :D I dont know how are drivers managed in ubuntu... Maybe it is still in there... I dont know... In hardware drivers manager, it only shows version 173 and 180 (with recommended tag)19:35
DeeleerUSUL: and that 180 is with green circle and activated19:36
parapan__theIdiotBox > well ...you tell me :d should I try this or not ? could it be more damaging for the network manager for example ????19:36
__theIdiotBoxparapan, the links you gave me talks about compiling from src in depth...so i think you can easily follow that, right?19:36
parapan__theIdiotBox : yeap I can follow ....19:36
__theIdiotBoxparapan, its segregated...no impact on others..try it out...it shud work...but make sure you follow the steps religiously19:37
parapan__theIdiotBox : only that I wanted to check that first ....and not to jump on the process19:37
__theIdiotBoxparapan, coool...go for it...19:37
perlsyntaxHow do i change this to just usr  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root     95 2009-01-16 12:46 wing-personal19:39
RPG_MasterHow do I check my internal IP?19:39
DeeleRPG_Master: use ifconfig19:39
__theIdiotBoxperlsyntax, you are not clear? do you want to change the permission? or the owner?19:39
__theIdiotBoxRPG_Master, use ifconfig utility19:40
Deele__theIdiotBox: I am newbie, sorry for answering :)19:40
=== techp is now known as purvesh
perlsyntaxi want to change the persmission to just usr that it so it wil not mess up my ubuntu.19:40
RPG_Masterso it's the inet addr19:41
buckyperlsyntax, sudo chmod 751 <file_name>19:41
__theIdiotBoxDeele, i think your answer is same....no probs ...19:41
purveshany 1 know abt drupal.........?  ,purvesh19:41
EvaLuaTein opera, on some pages the fonts are too big. I tried changing the default font for opera and the size but it doesn't really help (the fonts still remain too big). Also changing the dpi value don't seem to do anything to that...19:41
mneptokEvaLuaTe: you might have better luck asking on OperaNet19:42
__theIdiotBoxparapan, still stuck? ....i hope not....gotta go...c ya19:42
DeeleRPG_Master: try seraching in returned answer a line with eth0 (if you are using cable) or wlan0 (if you are using wireless) and inet addr, but that will help only if you are connected directly to internet (not with router)19:42
buckypurvesh, does apt-cache show drupal6  say you have it in the repos?19:43
EvaLuaTemneptok: well, i also used another linux distro before, with the same opera version, and the fonts looked perfect there. that's why i thought i'd ask in here first...19:43
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
DeeleerUSUL: are you still here?19:43
mneptokEvaLuaTe: you're always welcome to ask here19:43
purveshbucky,  i stuck at /localhost/drupal6.13/19:44
DaZ-EvaLuaTe: microsoft fonts maybe? :f19:44
purveshbucky, at drupal installation ...19:44
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode19:44
buckypurvesh, did you install the deb from the repos?19:44
EvaLuaTeDaZ-: don't know, i just have the default ubuntu installation and installed opera 10 from their website. any idea if/what i did wrong?19:44
purveshbucky, no from its site.. i downloaded the tar.gz pack19:45
Yopusome app on my ubuntu machine is creating a whole bunch of .gifs in my home folder. with the names "0].gif" "1].gif] "2].gif" etc, anyone know whats causing it?19:45
DaZ-EvaLuaTe: check font packages in the repository19:45
buckypurvesh, hmm.. don't know purvesh19:45
purveshbucky, k thanx 4 reply19:45
buckypurvesh, try /join #drupal19:46
EvaLuaTeDaZ-: could you please name what exactly i should look for? i'd prefer to search for them with apt-cache cause synaptic doesn't seem to work right for me either19:46
purveshbucky, i tried but der is no channel der may be19:46
erUSULDeele: sorry; been away a few minutes19:47
buckypurvesh, there are 448 users in  #drupal19:47
BookmanDoes the MagicJack service work with Ubuntu?19:47
DeeleerUSUL: check back my msg's pls19:47
purveshbucky, ya now i connected to dat channel19:47
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:47
purveshbucky, thanx byeeee19:47
ilyaCan I copy ~/.mozilla/firefox/kmxur05t.default/Cache to a home folder of a new ubuntu system and use cahsed pages, providing that "kmxur05t.default" wil be changed to the prooper directory name?19:47
erUSULDeele: i checked. but did you removed the drivers installed with the nvidia.com pkg ?19:47
DaZ-EvaLuaTe: msttcorefonts :F19:48
DeeleerUSUL: I should? Ok, how it's done?19:48
EvaLuaTeDaZ-: ok, i'll try to install that. thanks for now :)19:48
erUSULDeele: i think you have to pass the --remove option to the package19:49
dotblankwow skype just added pulseaudio support19:49
Kuifje111hello all. what is the difference between "!" and "*" in the /etc/shadow file in the place where the hash normally is?19:49
DeeleerUSUL: =-O19:49
ilyaCan I copy "~/.mozilla/firefox/kmxur05t.default/Cache" to a home folder of new Ubuntu system and use cached pages, providing that "kmxur05t.default" wil be changed to the prooper directory name?19:50
geniiKuifje111: ! is account explicity disabled19:50
Michalxoyes? :)19:50
H4rl4nhi there19:50
H4rl4ndoes anyone speak italian?19:50
Berzerker-!it | H4rl4n19:51
ubottuH4rl4n: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:51
aarkeriono, spanish only ;-)19:51
grozahow do i unistal ie4linux?19:51
EvaLuaTeDaZ-: omg, that seems to have solved the problem. thank you so very much <319:51
Kuifje111genii: what do you notice about that in reality?19:51
erUSULDeele: sudo NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.31-pkg2.run --remove19:51
DeeleerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/261080/19:51
geniiKuifje111: That if you try to su to an explicitly disabled account you get booted back out19:52
Lunisaccording to http://is.gd/2EiXE a fix for a problem I'm having is "echo -1 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend". will this work in a chrooted enviroment with sys properly mounted after chroot`ing?19:52
erUSULDeele: is --uninstall19:52
grawityLunis: chroot only affects the root directory. It doesn't affect device access or anything else. So I think it should work.19:52
Kuifje111genii: all right, thanks. that is what I wanted to know! Is it possible that an user somehow gets disabled? I think that happened with one of my accounts19:53
DeeleerUSUL: it shows that annoying message again: "WARNING: Your driver installation has been altered since it was initially installed; this may happen, for example, if you have since installed the NVIDIA driver through a mechanism other than nvidia-installer (such as your distribution's native package management system).  nvidia-installer will attempt to uninstall as best it can.  Please see the file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details. OK"19:54
erUSULDeele: skip it19:54
DeeleerUSUL: it made something like "graphics engine restart"?19:56
DeeleerUSUL: and now, I lost all my opened windows :D19:56
Lunisanother question: is it possible to boot into a system from a virtualbox? i.e. set up a virtualbox for ubuntu, then point it to my usb hard drive where ubuntu's already installed?19:56
erUSULDeele: now i would reinstall the driver offered in System>Admin>hard. drivers19:56
perlsyntaxis there away to change back to root for permisson?19:57
DeeleerUSUL: that includes "Remove" and "Activate"?19:57
DeeleLunis: Tu Latvietis? :)19:57
LunisDeele, huh?19:58
erUSULDeele: then i would remove it and then activate it again. to be safe19:58
DeeleerUSUL: use one some other package --remove function?19:58
erUSULDeele: no the options offered by the gui19:58
DeeleLunis: never mind :) Your nickname just looks like you would be from my country :P19:58
DeeleerUSUL: so, just "Remove"'button?19:59
erUSULDeele: yes then activate it again19:59
DeeleerUSUL: I hope, no "mini restart" again19:59
trismLunis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664692 seems to go over what you want19:59
erUSULDeele: could be19:59
erUSULDeele: i have to go for a while20:00
erUSULDeele: good luck20:00
DeeleerUSUL: :(20:00
DeeleerUSUL: thanks... sadly, I wanted some more support, but I think, its ok :P Bye!20:00
Deelethis pidgin thingy will notice me of you anyway :D20:01
grampajoeDoes Ubuntu 9.04 have good touchscreen/tablet support?20:01
shelbyI am having a problem with disc space20:02
DeeleerUSUL: ok, it asks for restart...20:02
Al2could somebody help me to make my samsung mp3 player compatible with ubuntu? At least able to put music in it... please20:02
geniiKuifje111: Apologies on lag. I'm currently at work. It's conceivable but unlikely a regular user account got disabled. If your current user has sudo rights you can set a password for the disabled user with something like: sudo passwd disabled-username-here20:02
Kuifje111genii: ok, thanks.20:03
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buckygrampajoe, for net book?20:03
grampajoebucky: It's a full-size tablet pc20:04
Al2is there help to make my mp3 player compatible?20:04
buckygrampajoe, which one?20:05
apisdHello everybody, building a new machine. What would be a good choice Core 2 Duo or Core 2 Quad. $$ not an issue..need an efficient/fast Ubuntu Desktop20:06
deanyLunis, what about using portable ubuntu instead?20:06
Kuifje111su: Authentication failure20:06
DeeleerUSUL: yeah, it works now 8-) +1 for you20:06
Kuifje111genii: I am facing something peculiar. I am logged in as "root" and su into an user like this: "su test", then I execute "/etc/init.d/daemon start", and it asks me for a password! "Password: <NEXT LINE> su: Authentication failure"20:07
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buckygrampajoe, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks20:07
mneptokKuifje111: because that user does not have rights to start init processes20:07
mneptokKuifje111: and why on earth did you set a root password?! ;)20:07
SealedWithAKissI have installed a new graphics card - under Ubunutu everything appears to be fine. Under Windows however, the display doesn't seem as sharp as it was when I had integrated graphics. The fonts just aren't as crisp, and appear a little rough around the edges. Any reason why?20:07
detonationWell, I've had a small breakthrough on my acpi issue. How exactly does linux affect bios settings? What program can set bios settings?20:08
grampajoebucky: It's an HP Pavillion TX250020:08
mneptokSealedWithAKiss: bad Windows driver?20:08
Kuifje111mneptok: ah, all right! but when I enter my root password, it says wrong password. why does it ask for a password?20:08
llutzSealedWithAKiss: join #windows20:08
grawityKuifje111: 'su test' asks for the password of user 'test'.20:08
mneptokKuifje111: why not just use sudo like you are supposed to?20:08
apisdKuifje111: first create a root passwd > sudo passwd root20:09
SealedWithAKissllutz, okie doke.20:09
Kuifje111grawity: it is not like that. I su into a user with root, everything fine. then I execute that command and it begins to ask for a password..20:09
mneptokKuifje111: ignore apisd. do NOT set a root password.20:09
mneptokKuifje111: just use sudo.20:09
Kuifje111I have already set a root password!!20:09
Kuifje111I never use sudo.20:09
apisdKuifje111: ok20:09
grawitymneptok: Why not set a root pass? It isn't as if it automatically removes sudo or anything.20:09
mneptokgrawity: it's a security risk20:10
SealedWithAKissWoahhh! My keys are mixed up man! When I press hash it does a backslash, never had this happen before. When I press backslash a < comes up. Any idea why?20:10
Kuifje111I know it is, but its not related to my problem here20:10
treble54anyone in here use DockBarX ? I'm trying to combine tasks and launchers, similar to how the windows 7 taskbar works and I can't figure out how to do it20:10
grawitymneptok: Umm. Explain?20:10
Kuifje111could be used for ssh brute force, if the root user is enabled.20:10
mneptokgrawity: there is one account i know exists on every Unix box everywhere. and it's an account that gives me god-like powers. so guess which account i'll taget a brute force attack at?20:11
apisd building a new machine. What would be a good choice Core 2 Duo or Core 2 Quad. $$ not an issue..need an efficient/fast Ubuntu Desktop20:11
buckygrampajoe, doesn't look too good, i googled and found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7093065&postcount=10420:11
Kuifje111core i720:11
Kuifje111Intel i720:11
Necrologisthi, how can i see the free space left on a partition from a console environment?20:11
mneptokgrawity: not to mention both Ubuntu and other distro and OS teams have decided sudo is better and safer. and neither you nor i are qualified to dispute them.20:11
Kuifje111Necrologist: df20:12
llutzKuifje111: ssh rootlogin is to be disabled20:12
grawitymneptok: I am however qualified to add 'PermitRootLogins no' to sshd_config.20:12
Kuifje111I am aware.20:12
mneptokgrawity: there are other ways to cnnect than ssh20:12
NecrologistKuifje111: thx20:12
detonationWell, I've had a small breakthrough on my acpi issue. How exactly does linux affect bios settings? What program can set bios settings? A script somewhere is disabling onboard wireless in bios settings during a suspend, and not reenabling it after waking up.20:12
grampajoebucky: Thanks, I'll take a look20:12
binaryflowAmarok 2 Question: I am trying to enable mp3 support.  Have installed libxine1-ffmpeg & kubuntu-restricted-extras per the support wiki.  Running Ubuntu Jaunty.  Rhythymbox works just fine.  Any ideas?20:12
Basil???Q:i used Unetbootin to make a bootable image on a formated slave drive, but does not boot, why???20:12
detonationBasil, did you run it as administrator on Vista? I had that problem before.20:13
H4rl4nhello guys, i'm tryng to link my 2 ssd on my eee. is it possible?20:13
Basildetonation: ran it from both XP and Ubuntu on a diff machine, neither worked20:13
treble54DockBarX question: anyone know how to combine tasks and launchers (to save on screen real-estate)? similar to the new windows 7 taskbar20:13
omgdUbuntu loadsa redscreen instead of the login screen20:14
omgdAny ideas?20:14
geniiomgd: YRoot user20:14
detonationTry a different drive Basil, I had a Kingston usb key that refused to be set bootable by anything.20:14
genii*Root X screen is red20:14
binaryflowI tried asking this question in #amarok and they referred me here.20:15
Basildetonation: that HDD used to boot fine, then I reformatted thinking I could easily install again :(20:15
detonationHmm, you're using unetbootin to put an image on it?20:15
Basildet: ya, if there's another way i'd be open to it20:16
Basiltried copying over a boot disk image, but dunno how to put grub on it20:16
Basilclarification: tried unetbootin entire livecd, then tried just a boot disk20:16
enderAnyone know how to set up surround sound?20:17
detonationBasil, onto a hdd?20:17
earthlinghow to add programs to startup .. not using gui .. which file do we edit20:17
Basildet: yes, a SATA HDD, originally internal to a laptop, extracted and enclosed for purposes of use on alt machine20:17
Basili intend to put it back in to boot20:17
* bucky sends earthling into xml hell20:18
Basilthat laptop does not boot from usb and has no floppy/optical20:18
enderanyone here familiar with configuring alsa?20:18
youcanlinuxjoin #ubuntu-ca20:18
earthlingbucky, ???20:18
detonationThat's quite a pickle Basil20:18
Basilindeed :(20:18
Deeleearthling: ~/.config/autostart20:19
Basilthought about network install, but dunno how to do it just using an ethernet between 2 machines20:19
detonationIf I may ask, why no USB boot?20:19
BasilBIOS does not support USB boot, just USB drives20:20
treble54WICD question: anyone know how well it deals with hidden networks? I'm using network-manager atm and its extremely difficult with hidden networks20:20
trismBasil: for the laptop I'm using, I just ripped out the hd and put it in an enclosure and installed to that20:20
Basiltrism: how? im tryin to do that with unetbootin but not working20:20
grawityBasil: Ubuntu/Debian has a tool 'debootstrap'.20:20
deanyearthling,   maybe .config/autostart20:20
buckyearthling, there's a file... you're gonna love this20:20
trismBasil: just a normal ubuntu command line install, just using the enclosed hd as a partition20:21
earthlingDeele, i dont have a autostart file there... what do i do.. is there something like inittab of redhat ?? ,bucky20:21
Basiltrism: won't that install it assuming the host PC's chipset and hardware?20:21
trismBasil: although, all you really have to do is get grub on the hard drive and copy a kernel image over and you can boot from usb20:21
Deeleearthling: hmm, try using sudo nautilus :P20:21
buckyearthling, with no desktop?20:22
enderCan anyone tell me how to configure surround sound using alsa?20:22
trismBasil: it will leave you with some incorrect stuff like fstab that you'll need to fix20:22
endercool ignoring me20:22
Basiltrism: how do i install grub easily to the HDD? (say from Ubuntu on the host PC)20:22
SealedWithAKissThe people in the Windows channel are utterly useless.20:22
ubottuender: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:22
NatFI have a question about downgrading packages.  I have Jaunty installed and running but a tool I am using requires perl 5.8.  Jaunty has perl 5.10.  I have added the hardy repositories to sources.list so synaptics can see 5.8.8-12 but it's now about to remove a TON of packages when I attempt to force version for perl5.8.8-12.  Is there a better way to downgrade perl?20:23
trismBasil: you can use the grub shell or grub-install to do it20:23
buckyearthling, i think you want to put a start up script in /etc/init20:23
earthlingDeele, bucky i am on 9.04 desktop .. no file in either root or /home/mylogin20:23
SealedWithAKissmneptok, I don't think it's a bad driver. I downloaded the driver from the ATI website.20:23
buckyearthling, if you can't System=>Preferences=>Startup Applications20:24
Basiltrism: alright, I'll give that a try and come back crying success or failure20:24
Basilthank you trism & detonation20:24
buckyearthling, System=>Preferences=>Startup Applications20:24
detonationGoodluck Basil20:24
earthlingbucky,  i know the gui thing but wanted to add it directly to the concerned file ..20:25
buckyearthling, which concerned file?20:25
omgdIm on ubuntu 9.04 after the ubuntu logo comes up there is a redscreen with green and blue lines, any ideas???20:25
detonationI'm having some issues with Jaunty disabling my wireless after a suspend. It literally disables Wifi in the bios settings on suspend, and doesn't re-enable it on wakeup. What command issues that command?20:25
g0thI am trying to get thunderbird working properly20:25
g0thI created several accounts20:26
g0thbut one account I created doesnt show up in the list somehow20:26
deanyearthling,  create a .desktop file in the autostart folder20:26
trismomgd: sounds like either incorrect resolution or bad drivers20:26
g0thwhen I try to recreate it it says that I can't since there already is an account of that sorts20:26
Flannelg0th: Which list?  Also, it's easier to keep track of your question if you ask it all on one line20:26
g0thso basically I can't download mails from that server :(20:26
deanyearthling, navigate to ~/.config/autostart and look at the others there for a template on how to make one20:26
deanyearthling, and make sure X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true is there20:27
omgdHmm should i try reinstall???20:27
H4rl4nhello guys, i'm tryng to link my 2 ssd on my eee. is it possible?20:27
g0thI was rather quick so everything is in place, hmm about the list: it is the list on the lift side I get when I click on "view settings for this account"20:27
earthlingdeany ok ,looking into that thing20:27
omgdI hAd ubuntu on this machine before20:27
deanyearthling, ive just made one for test.. works20:27
grawityg0th: You could take a look at the file prefs.js inside your Thunderbird's profile, and remove that hidden account... sorry, can't help more at the time. Need sleep.20:28
Deeleearthling: hey, you should check that out https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-June/040568.html20:28
g0thyes it shows up in prefs.js20:28
g0thbut how do I delete it?20:28
g0thI mean: if I delete it there would be an "id" missing20:28
hdonhow can i test the stereo channel orientation of my sound?20:28
dmitryntcan anyone help with internal mic on my HP MINI20:29
grawityHmm. I don't have Thunderbird installed at the moment :\20:29
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grawityg0th: Would it work to just create a new, clean profile?20:29
g0thoriginally I used mutt20:29
g0thgrawity, hmm well I already spent about 2 hours20:29
g0thbut that would work I suppose20:29
g0thbut what if something similar happens in the future?20:29
g0thI dont want to start from the beginning each time20:29
* grawity actually switched to the opposite direction, from thunderbird to fetchmail+mutt.20:30
g0this it a bug or did I missunderstand something20:30
Flannelg0th: You could file it as a bug (since it seems like it may be) and someone will take a look at t.20:30
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Flannel!bugs | g0th20:30
ubottug0th: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:30
g0thI wanted a mail system that is very common, ie.  available at several places20:30
yoniHi all20:30
NatFHi all.  Does anyone have experience with downgrading packages such as perl on ubuntu?20:30
* grawity really has to go now :[20:31
yoniI know that for getting a lot of info about my display I should use the "xdpyinfo" command, though how can I output only my screen dimension (resolution)?20:31
g0thFlannel: I dont think it is an ubuntu issue, but I was asked to ask in this channel, I didnt find a thunderbird channel20:31
earthlingDeele, deany thanks i was looking for something like that link .. thanks.. actaully was a little bumoed to not find the rc.local file .. but i will try that post and see if it getst the work done.. thanks a load20:31
Flannelg0th: #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org20:31
HobbleAlonghdon: double click on the speaker icon which brings up the volume control, turn one channel down-see if it's the correct one20:31
Deeleearthling: no problem, I am new to unix but I am veteran internet searcher :D20:31
x404xis there a support place for usenet /news server setup ?20:32
bucky!ask | dmitrynt20:33
ubottudmitrynt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
Deeledmitrynt: just say your question :)20:33
deanymm, I like my way better :)20:33
dmitryntMY INTERNAL microphone does not work20:33
buckycan anyone help with internal mic on my HP MINI20:33
dmitrynti use 9.0420:33
losherx404x: here's as good a place as any I'd guess. What's your problem?20:33
buckydmitrynt, is the mic vol turned up in alsamixer?20:33
HobbleAlongdmitrynt: ask for help.  If someone knows the answer they'll probably answer20:33
dmitryntrecording is all mutes20:34
dmitryntand i cant unmute it20:34
durtIn nvidia-settings->OpenGL/GLX Information should I get Direct Rendering No for a 6200?20:34
buckydmitrynt, http://blog.beuchelt.org/2009/06/19/Ubuntu+904+Jaunty+Netbook+Remix+On+HP+Mini+1010nr.aspx20:35
x404xim struggling with all the settings losher, and also i got a mail from the package maintainers that inn 2.5.0 that i try to install does not support separate headers and bodies which even leafnode supports, unfortunately leafnode does not support cnfs (large groups storage)20:35
HobbleAlongdmitrynt: I'm on 8.04 but double clicking the speaker icon brings up the controls20:35
x404xso basically i want an easy to install news server that can filter spam by subject topic lines (preferably before downloading) and can host headers only and also support very large newsgroups20:36
losherx404x: sorry, you're *way* beyond my ability to help...20:37
x404xhehe hence the need for advanced news support ;=)20:37
CodeRedDoes linux offer daily backups or anything?20:38
CodeRedubuntu i mean20:38
xivenCodeRed: Just back up your system20:38
DeeleCodeRed: if you dont set anything special, then no20:38
x404xcodered use a cron job daily and rsync ?20:38
CodeRedIs there an easy way to set up like daily backups?20:38
x404xuse man to read about them20:38
krihi i need a sound capture program... i have streamripper allready but now i need to record a stream from like myspace... any ideas ? Hi-Q Recorder or Sound Capture20:39
CodeRedis rsync included on ubuntu or is it something that must be downloaded?20:39
buckyx404x, apt-cache show papercut  that's the only server in the repos20:39
kribut couldnt find that in the resps..20:39
tamerSomeone help me please. apt-get asked me to  'dpkg --configure -a', and when i issue it, i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/260602/. Any ideas on the problem?20:39
NatFSo no one here has experience with major downrevs of packages on ubuntu?  How about turning a Jaunty install into a Hardy install?  Possible or is it better to start again from scratch?20:40
earthlingDeele, deany thanks people.. added the required script to the the rc.local on the /etc/init.d and its working like charm .. thanks ..20:40
MatBoyit would be nice when you can install ubuntu on a box without a monitor20:40
x404xwhat do you mean bucky ? there is lots of news servers in the ubuntu repos, inn. inn2, leafnode , cnews to name some20:40
Deeleearthling: ;)20:40
DeeleCodeRed: I have rsync installed by default20:40
x404xsome basic others advanced, none sadly with good dox as to what features they offer20:40
CodeRedDeele: ok, now my other question is does ubuntu allow for use of external hard drives?20:41
FlannelNatF: It won't work if lots of packages need the higher version (which is the case, since many packages will be removed) but that doesn't mean it can't be done in other ways.  Why do you need 5.8 again?20:41
Chimaeralol hi20:41
DeeleCodeRed: I think, OF COURSE20:41
losherNatF: downgrading is explicitly not supported. You're supposed to have backed up your system before upgrading if you want to revert it. Otherwise, you need to do from-scratch install to downgrade, just as you suspected.20:41
jer_Are there any problems using a wireless keyboard and mouse on ubuntu 9.04?20:42
CodeRedDeele: Ok, that's good, and im assuming you can use rsync to do a backup onto that external drive?20:42
DeeleCodeRed: rsync is a program that allows files to be copied to and from remote machines in much the same way as rcp.  It has many more options than rcp, and uses the rsync remote-update protocol to greatly speed up file transfers when the destination file already exists.20:42
krii need a name of tool that can record music from myspace or another streaming audio website that dosen't have a download option or streamin solution for external players... any ideas?20:42
NatFlosher: A specific set of perl modules require 5.8, or at least work with 5.8 and don't work with 5.10.  They are fairly specialized packages such as perl-verilog and perl-systemc20:42
losherx404x: yes, no shortage of choices. What are your requirements btw?20:42
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DeeleCodeRed: that does not sound like ordinary backup application20:43
HobbleAlongkri: audacity - record20:43
FlannelNatF: If you don't mind getting your hands dirty, you may be able to get them both installed20:43
kriHobbleAlong: thanks. does it record in mp3 right on?20:43
x404xsupport for large groups (more than 32.000 headers) which rules out tradspool, only store spamfiltered headers, the bodies i get from another server20:43
cmpHello, how can i install new icons themes on my system?20:44
jer_Hi all. Just wondering if there are any generally known problems using a wireless keyboard and mouse in Ubuntu 9.04. If so, are there any suggestions on which brand to buy?20:44
x404xsome groups i want to read contains the levels of spam to overload my readers ;(20:44
losherIs this any help? You've probably already seen it: http://www.newsreaders.com/unix/servers.html20:44
NatFFlannel: I've got 5.8.9 installed from a .deb package in /opt/perl but the perl scripts related to those packages have /usr/bin/perl hard coded which is perl5.1020:44
tamerguys, this post here suggests that there's no solution to this problem, and i should reinstall ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7640460. Any ideas that can make me avoid reinstalling ???20:45
HobbleAlongkri: I think so, but have never used it that way.  Did that kind of thing in windoze when I was dumb enough to use it20:45
jer_anyone? Hi all. Just wondering if there are any generally known problems using a wireless keyboard and mouse in Ubuntu 9.04. If so, are there any suggestions on which brand to buy?20:45
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:45
dmitryntbucky, thanks that link helped20:45
losherNatF: the programmer should be shot. Might be easiest to edit the scripts to use /usr/bin/perl5.820:45
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync20:45
CDubsHey everyone - I'm trying to run a webserver on my Linode using Ubuntu 9.04.  I've got the DNS setup and Apache configured to a vhost for my domain, and I want it set to redirect domain.com to www.domain.com.  When I do a rewrite on the Apache config to do the 301 for domain.com to www.domain.com, it puts me in an infinite redirect loop.  Thoughts?20:46
FlannelNatF: You can dpkg divert to move /usr/bin/perl away to maybe /usr/bin/perl10 or something, and then symlink /usr/bin/perl to 5.8 (no idea what other side effects this will have, on your Jaunty stuff that uses perl)20:46
NatFjer_: I've used a microsoft bluetooth mouse model 5000 with xubuntu no problem20:46
HobbleAlongjer_: no problems, most USB stuff just works20:47
jer_NatF, thanks. Do I need to use bluetooth then, oe will Logitec or MS do the trick?20:47
losherNatF: Flannel: that's radical enough to warrant testing out in vmware before you go to production...20:47
x404xthanx losher. as you see the choices are many and none tell what features they support, looks like i have to install it to see if it will do what i want. leafnode is too basic for my needs and even inn2 seems to lack some important features. maybe ill try diablo next20:47
mikobuntukri: audacity will do this ,but you will have to run it through jack (qjackctl) and also have jack-pulse modules installed..if you want to go this way i can help, put it like this i canm record anything i can hear on my speakers20:47
Flannellosher: Well, it's less radical than just installing the 5.8 package from hardy and removing the one from jaunty.  And it is reversible.20:48
x404xwell nobody said news was easy ;=)20:48
tamerguys, is there a way to reinstall Ubuntu in a fixing mode, i don't want to lose all the programs i installed. Ideas?20:48
NatFlosher: yes they should, I might do that but the scripts are source controlled and other developers machines (ie the overloaded dev server I am attempting to move away from) are CentOS machines without this problem and I can't break them.20:48
NatFjer_: bluetooth should work, no idea about other wireless interfaces20:48
jer_Thanks NateF20:48
NatFlosher: good idea20:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bridge20:48
jer_Thanks NatF20:48
x404xmaybe i can use several servers ? if i use leafnode as a transit server and inn2 to store it ? then leaf can filter out the headers and inn2 filters the spam and stores it20:49
brummbaerhey guys. i just upgraded Firefox to 3.5.4pre and am suddenly only able to run via sudo. obviously not optimal, anybody know a fix for this?20:49
b_jonaswait, wrong channel, sorry20:49
losherNatF: if centos is known to not have this problem, I'd stick with it. Ubuntu doesn't have much that you can't find on Centos...20:49
x404xor maybe even rewrite the source for inn2 to support separate headers hm20:49
NatFlosher: Flannel: thanks, I've got some more ideas to work on now.20:49
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ra21vii am planning to buy a HP Probook. I will have Ubuntu on that. I need to know if Probook is really compatible with the Ubuntu. Is all drivers available.. Anyone here using the probook.20:50
livingdaylightwonder whether someone can help me with file sharing? installed smb-client. In fact i had it all set up for laptop and Desktop to share files, but for some reason Desktop can't find laptop anymore. Communication is one way. anyone know what to do?20:50
c4pthello i am trying to use /dev/video0 with a usb webcam but i dont see the device there in /dev20:50
Lancen833I just installed the fglrx graphics driver on 9.04 and I can no longer use the visual interface of my computer. After the loading screen the monitors display only lines. Is there a way to fix this?20:50
ra21viThe Network Ethernet in ProBook is MARVELL. Is Marvell drivers available and supported in Ubuntu20:50
mikcIn my PC  I have 3 hdds : 1 IDE, 2 SATA, Vista is on 1st sata, XP on the second, and I just installed Ubuntu on the IDE disk. I chose to install grub on this disk, but at boot grub doesn't show up... I used the BIOS boot menu to select the right HDD. Even a manual reinstallation of grub on the disk doesn't help. Any ideas?20:50
losherx404x: considered outsourcing the whole thing? Might be cheaper & much less maintenance/hassle in the long run...20:50
x404xcheaper than doing it myself ? thats tempting. so who wants the project ? ;=)20:51
losherlivingdaylight: can desktop ping laptop?20:51
chaoslynxi am trying to update to karmic with update-manager -d but it reports back that the hashes don't match (i am using a localized version), is there a way to get the alpha anyway (besides installing from cd)?20:51
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losherx404x: so many news providers out there. I use easynews myself. Some of them claim to pre-filter spam I think...20:52
livingdaylightlosher: dunno...20:52
x404xif i have to host all bodies for a years worth then ill need a pretty hefty storage array for sure20:52
losherlivingdaylight: uh, well it's not gonna solve itself...20:53
x404xthey all claim to care about spam20:53
buckyx404x, who does usenet anymore20:53
x404xso why are the groups all full of it ?20:53
livingdaylightlosher: laptop can see Desktop,  but Desktop can't see laptop20:53
x404xi do bucky ;=)20:53
deanybucky, I do :)20:53
livingdaylightlosher: i did have it set up but a long time ago and can't remember how. Don't know why they're not connected anymore20:53
x404xi use astraweb now, its good and cheap, reliable20:54
mikcWhat does "Buffer I/O Error on device sdc" mean ?20:54
losherlivingdaylight: sorry, if you can't ping them, I can't help you....20:54
chaoslynxbucky it is the best way to get wares, thats for sure20:54
=== kingmano1 is now known as kingmanor
mikcShall I throw away my HDD?20:54
deanyhitnews for me.  £4.95 a month20:54
cmpany one can tell me how to install new icons themes?20:54
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:54
x404xI am surprised they want to spend big bucks on storing spam however but they must have such insane storage that they dont care20:54
HobbleAlongbucky: lots of people. and there is a very good Ubuntu group, though it does have a lot of flaming20:55
Lancen833I just installed the fglrx graphics driver on 9.04 and I can no longer use the visual interface of my computer. After the loading screen the monitors display only lines and static. Is there a way to fix this? It's a rather fiddly thing to use a computer without a UI of any kind.20:55
buckyflaming and wares and the p word20:55
losherx404x: astraweb advertises 'Anonymous Posting'. I'm beginning to see why there's so much spam...20:55
J_Phi all20:57
J_PAnyone know if are there a effort to port ubuntu to Nokia N900?20:57
HobbleAlongx404x: text news doesn't take a lot of storage, pron or other video; that;s different20:57
losherx404x: far easier & cheaper to just store everything, spam and all, than pay anyone, even 3rd. worlders, to wade through and try & eliminate it. But I thought there were providers who claimed to try & de-spam your feed before you get it. But why bother cacheing locally? Just access your provider...20:57
loshermikc: probably the drive failing. You can get more info using SMART: http://ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/10/gsmartcontrol-hard-disk-drive-health-inspection-tool.html20:59
x404xyeah pron takes a lot, sadly most groups are full of porn that are about any other topic20:59
marcoshello everybody20:59
x404xeven text groups are full of porn spam, often taking up 10 times the storage of the actual content that belongs there21:00
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geniilosher, x404x This conversation has not much to do with Ubuntu support. Consider going to #ubuntu-offtopic21:00
x404xand yes i guess hiring someone to get rid of spam and working fulltime might be more pricy than just stuffing in a few more drives21:00
marcoscan anyone help me with the fuckin che s3d game dutff21:01
HobbleAlongx404x: just put a limit on the size of posts to download.  In text groups 200 lines is lots and eliminates video21:01
x404xsadly not that easy hobble21:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:02
losherx404x: wanna continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic?21:02
x404xthe content if both pictures and video and good messages can be a few lines of info or 700 megs21:02
DWonderly!lang | marcos21:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lang21:02
DWonderly!Language | marcos21:02
ubottumarcos: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:02
x404xsure losher21:03
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coolkourthow do i chmod a+x a file in my home folder21:04
kermitis there a pdf viewer that lets me click on embeded links?21:05
Lancen833 I just installed the fglrx graphics driver on 9.04 and I can no longer use the visual interface of my computer. After the loading screen the monitors display only lines and static. Is there a way to fix this? It's a rather fiddly thing to use a computer without a UI of any kind.21:05
kermit..okular and xpdf dont seem to21:05
itajeNhello i was wondering if someone could PM me and help me out. kinda have a problem21:05
shayhello folks21:05
shayFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on21:05
shay/dev/sda1             459G  433G  2.7G 100% /21:05
xivenAre there any settings in linux which would cause wireless internet to be dial-up, on a DSL connection?21:06
shayi think this is a bug, i mnot sure how to solve it21:06
shayi just ran fsck on the disk and everything seems to be fine21:06
itajeNi have windows 7 installed on my sata drive with ahci turned on, and i want to install ubuntu, but the partitioner says that my entire drive is empty, how do i fix that so i can install ubuntu on the drive without screwing up my windows install?21:07
HobbleAlongshay: check log files, you might have something trying to tell you somthing; often!21:07
noooophi guys. anyone got to get "code completion" working on openoffice.org 3 macro editor?21:08
itajeNi have windows 7 installed on my sata drive with ahci turned on, and i want to install ubuntu, but the partitioner says that my entire drive is empty, how do i fix that so i can install ubuntu on the drive without screwing up my windows install? anyone? please, i need help with that.21:09
xivenMy wireless goes dial-up speed on Jaunty, but I have DSL. Runs fine with vista, just Jaunty that is so slow...any known fixes?21:10
detonationAth5k and ath9k modules had a few issues with that. What wireless card xiven?21:10
guest_007hi, i have problem with mapping. on some stages hd0 = sda and sometimes - sdb. I've changed /boot/grub/device.map  and updated grub. On boot, when i go to grub shell hd0 is what i need. But when it boot - it drops to shell in initramfs and i see that my drive now sdb. How to fix that?21:10
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urthmoverugg has anyone been able to install and run enemy territory on jaunty....I'm having alot of trouble getting punkbuster installed and updated21:11
collinhow do i update to the latest version of ubuntu? im running 8.10 i want the latest version of 9.x21:11
noooopcollin do you see the start menu on the bottom left corner of the screen?21:12
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noooopdo you see a similar menu?21:12
colliniim running ubuntu 8.10 desktop21:12
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Galbadorexiven: Have you run kismet to help diagnose?21:12
noooopi know21:12
collinyea i c the menu at the top21:12
toniiis it possible to send files from my Cell Phone to the computer via BT?21:12
noooopclick on the start menu21:12
noooopthen open the aol browser21:12
noooopdid you open?21:13
cmpguys any kind of Voice reader program for ubuntu?21:13
collinnoooop: ,no i mean the command in the terminal to put21:13
HobbleAlongcollin: you need to upgrade 1 version at a time 8.10->9.04 etc or do a fresh install21:13
noooopi dont know how to do it in DOS21:13
collinhow do i upgrade one version from what i am?21:13
noooopsudo apt-get upgrade :p21:13
noooopbut i guess you won't be updating to the latest version21:14
cmpguys , is there any kind o f voice reader for ubuntu ?21:14
macocmp: text to speech? festival21:14
trismcollin: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade according to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:14
cmpmaco , can you give me the link to download it ?21:15
macocmp: applications -> add/remove ?21:15
macocmp: or system -> administration -> synaptic21:15
cmpmaco, i didnt ask for installation now - i asked for downloading it21:15
macocmp: oh ok then. apt-get install -d festival21:16
macocmp: thatll download the package to /var/cache/apt/archives and not install it21:16
macocmp: i think it still needs sudo though21:16
macocmp: if you want source code... apt-get source festival21:16
noooopsauce pl0x!!21:17
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cmpiam installing it now by sudo21:18
cmpmaco, what if this sudo was something wrong . how can i fix wrong sudo installation21:19
xivenAny known issues to cause very slow wireless in Jaunty (Vista wireless works fine)?21:19
Out_Coldwhen trying to use a nvidia driver and s-vid out my tv res is slightly smaller than the s-vid res. **the screen is cropped all the way around. anyone got some ideas to fix it?21:20
=== matteo is now known as Guest2665
cmpmaco, iam very new in ubuntu - and i know that in XP it was like installing new programs files into registery .....any thing same in ubunut ?21:20
Guest2665ce un italiano ?21:20
maco!it | Guest266521:21
ubottuGuest2665: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:21
linux_irHi, I can't connect to secure wireless lan21:21
HobbleAlongcollin: Administration->software sources->updates tab - release upgrade21:21
mintuxI have a directory with important information that I don't want read anyone how can I lock this folder or those files are there any way in linux?21:21
macocmp: sudo means "super user do" its just giving apt-get admin privileges so it can install stuff21:21
Guest2665ok grazie21:21
Out_Coldcmp, sudo is a command to give you super user rights.. it has nothing to do with installations21:21
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collinty HobbleAlong21:21
macocmp: the packages are built specifically for ubuntu. their system-wide configs go in /etc and per-user configs go in the files that start with . in your user directory21:21
linux_irsomebody please help me21:22
mattixcome ti kiami te ?21:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:22
macocmp: if you purge a package, it means the program and its system-wide configs are removed. if you just remove, the configuration is maintained.21:22
mattixce un italiano ?21:22
cmpmaco, hey hey hey wait21:22
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collinFRUA: ?21:23
macocmp: that was my interpretation of your registry question21:23
cmpmaco , i said iam new in this  and i want to understand21:23
genii!it | mattix21:23
ubottumattix: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:23
macocmp: you asked about how it corresponds to the registry right? the registry is where windows stores system-wide configs21:23
cmpmaco, if you will give me link to study about ubuntu - i will not understand it too - so i want some one who has experience just to transfare his experience to me21:23
youknowmehow do I get past the password on a .odt file? Its mine, but it was awhile ago and I've since forgot..21:23
Out_Coldthere are .odt crackers21:24
buckyyouknowme, the passwd is mydogsname21:24
Out_Coldgoogle for them.21:24
lincoln_Hello, my sound has stopped working.  Does anyone know if Ubuntu has a system volume that may be off or something?21:24
xivenWhy would you need a cracker for an ODT file??21:24
Out_Coldlincoln_, try alsamixer from the terminal21:25
UdarHaving some problems with getting Ubuntu 9.04 to install, when trying to either go with live setup or check the disc for dmg I only get "Loading please wait..." and get thrown into Busybox, I got no clue what to do,please help21:25
youknowmebucky: OMG IT WORKED!     ......21:25
cmpmaco, now the command you told me about it - its done21:25
Out_Coldxiven, apparently it's locked..21:25
cmpmaco, what todo next21:25
xivenCouldn't you just open it up in Text Editor, and remove whatever it is requiring a password?21:25
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buckyyouknowme, we think of everything21:25
Out_ColdUdar, i have a rough idea it may be you had a bad burn.. (seen it before) burn the iso at a very low speed21:26
apparlewhich nvidia-glx version should I use for geforce 8400 gs21:26
MsMacocmp: my other client just died21:26
lincoln_Out_Cold, How do I interpret the mixer?  I see my "Master" looks to be all the way down...21:26
treble54anyone know how to make a background image for a panel stretch vertically?21:26
MsMacocmp: ok im trying to explain. in windows, the registry is a database holding systemwide configs. in linux, a bunch of files in /etc serve that purpose21:26
Out_Coldxiven, perhaps.. ever tried... but i have had to use crackers on pdfs and seen some for odts21:26
Out_Coldlincoln_, use the arrow keys21:27
MsMacocmp: my other client just died, so im over here now21:27
DJNoMaDtreble54,  good question I hate how it tiles21:27
Out_Coldlincoln_, also m is for mute21:27
MsMacohmm actually...21:27
linux_irare there any expert in wifi?21:27
lincoln_Out_Cold, oh haha... Thanks!  Lets see if that fixed it...21:27
cmpmsmaco, what are you talking about - what other client - and what died ?21:27
treble54DJNoMaD: every image I've found to use as a background image always duplicates itself vertically if the panel is larger than 23 pixels21:27
UdarOut_Cold, Ok I will try that ^^, thanks, gonna check in here again if it fails for me again21:27
MsMacocmp: the other program i was using for irc21:27
MsMacocmp: the server it's on seems to hve gone offline21:28
DJNoMaDtreble54,  I got gnome configured to use only one panel and it does it nicely21:28
Out_Coldi use 1 panel on gnome...21:28
cmpmsmaco, can you please focus on what i really need to know21:28
Out_Coldfits nicely too21:28
treble54DJNoMaD: meaning you got the background image to stretch ?21:29
Riobe_Has anyone in here ever used PCSX?21:29
DJNoMaDOut_Cold,  takes a lil time but in the end its worth it21:29
linux_irmsmaco i have a linksys wmp300n wireless lan card, I can't connect to secure wifi21:29
MsMacocmp: ok what specifically do you want to know? you asked about how apt handles the registry-type stuff, right? im trying to explain that21:29
linux_irit work fine with ath9k driver21:29
DJNoMaDtreble54, no I use horizontal21:29
Riobe_I got an emulator program called PCSX and put a game in my PC and it works, but only when I'm moving the window around. I can hear it, and see it when I'm dragging the window, but otherwise it's a black screen. Anyone have any ideas?21:29
Out_ColdDJNoMaD, another one you can try is tint2 which needs a lot of configuring but puts out some very pretty eye candy21:29
linux_irbut just connect to unsecure wifi21:29
treble54DJNoMaD: so your panel itself is on the right/left side of the screen then?21:30
DJNoMaDtreble54,  no it is horizontal along the bottom21:30
treble54DJNoMaD: ok I'm confused then, is your panel larger than 23 pixels ?21:30
Out_Coldtreble54, ie: looks like a windows panel21:31
cmpmsmaco, then no need to talk about died and client and so on , coz iam so digitized person21:31
cmpmsmaco , i understand only the language of questions and answers21:31
treble54I guess I don't understand, are you trying to answer my question with a resolution? b/c I'm not picking up on the resolution21:31
MsMacocmp: ok i was just explainin why im over here (MsMaco) instead of maco now21:31
Out_Coldsome people's children.....21:32
cmpmsmaco, you have guided me to ( sudo - and so on ) i did it and it tells me ( download complete and it download only mode)      then what i have to do now21:32
DJNoMaDmy panel is near 3021:32
MsMacocmp: well you chose not to install it, so its in /var/cache/apt/archive/ now21:32
DJNoMaDI do NOT have a panel like what you want  treble5421:32
treble54okie dokie so thats a no21:32
cmpmsmaco, i didnt choose - i said what you only told21:33
DJNoMaDI chimed in earlier cause I was wondering the same thing as you cause I tried doing the same you are trying21:33
treble54DJNoMaD: right on21:33
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cmpmsmaco, i want to know only what to do now to get this program working with me21:33
MsMacocmp: i said how to install it and you said you only wnat to download, so then i told you how to download without install21:33
DJNoMaDafter I failed doing what you are trying to do I figured out how to make one panel along bottom look nicely21:33
jamiejacksonhi all. just upgraded from 2 to 4 gigs today. running jaunty 32 bit. didn't realize ubuntu 32 bit had a *3* GB ram limit. I read that i could "sudo apt-get install linux-server linux-headers-server" to get more ram used, but my system goes through the boot status bar, then goes to black screen. solutions?21:33
Keifferi try to play a stream in movie player but it keeps buffering for 4-5 secs. and it's not a connection problem, since o windows, media player works fine21:34
AvonGenesisHow exactly do you change your audio device from pulseaudio to ALSA?21:34
durtjamiejackson, nvidia?21:34
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jamiejacksondurt, no intel21:34
MsMacoAvonGenesis: do a google for jaunty faq and click the ubuntu linux tips & tricks blog. i have directions on there21:34
AvonGenesisMsMaco, alright thanks :)21:35
DJNoMaDAvonGenesis,  system preferences then sound21:35
TimothyAI have a question; anyone knows how to extract files in an rar archive to an specific directory?21:35
Out_ColdAvonGenesis, pulseaudio and alsa work together..21:35
treble54anyone know how to change this property? it looks like a directory but I cannot seem to find it: /schemas/apps/panel/toplevels/background/stretch (meaning, maybe its since changed locations)21:35
=== vorian is now known as stevie
Keifferca anyone help? sts is about to be launched...21:35
cmpmsmaco, i want to know now how to intsall it21:35
AvonGenesisOut_Cold: They do o.o, who do i have different playback devices? one named alsa and one named pulse audio?21:35
MsMacocmp: pretty much anything you want to install you can do by going to system -> administration -> synaptic package manager and clicking the checkbox for the thing you want and then clicking the Apply button21:35
Out_ColdAvonGenesis, i think pulse is more of a interpreter for applications where alsa is the actual sound app21:36
GSF1200Swill an .ISO image of 718mb work when burned to a DVD?21:36
lakotajamesI have about 6 months to learn to program to make a computer game.21:36
MsMacoOut_Cold: in 1.5 hours there will be a class on figuring out audio bugs in #ubuntu-classroom21:36
lakotajameswhat language should I learn?21:36
MsMacoOut_Cold: it may be worth attending if youd like to learn some21:36
Out_Coldcool MsMaco21:36
cmpmsmaco, with what i have done now , guide me step by step what to do to install it now - dont give me generic notes please21:36
xivenlakota> If you don't even know that, I'm gonna say you've already failed.21:36
AvonGenesisMsMaco, Alright! Sounds like fun.21:37
MsMacocmp: ok system -> administration -> synaptic package manager. scroll down to "festival" click its checkbox, and hit apply button21:37
MsMacocmp: thats all there is.21:37
Out_Coldlakotajames, learn python.. i hear you can do anything with that21:37
TimothyAthe unrar utility in ubuntu seemingly only comes with the option to extract in the current directory. is there a way to extract rar files into a different directory from the commandline?21:37
lakotajamesOut_Cold:  thanks.21:37
MsMacocmp: if youre used to hitting next 30 times and being asked questions....thats not how it works here21:37
Keifferno one?21:38
roadfishI use .bashrc to set aliases and environment variables for when I use bash. But is there some rc-file that I could use that would set environment variables for all shells such as ksh or plain old sh?21:38
xivenTimothy> Maybe try piping it?21:38
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TimothyApiping it?21:38
TimothyAwe're talking about RAR here, not zip :|21:38
Out_ColdTimothyA, maybe you are missing the understanding of a pipe21:39
J_PAnyone know if are there a effort to port ubuntu to Nokia N900?21:39
TimothyAOut_Cold; rar doesn't output to STDOUT21:39
Out_Coldmy bad21:39
TimothyAat least, rar/unrar don't for as far as i know21:40
SlartJ_P: what kind of processor is in that?21:40
jamiejacksonhow can i get all 4GB used by jaunty 32 bit? i tried "sudo apt-get install linux-server linux-headers-server" as i've read, but that leads to a blank/black screen after the ubuntu boot progress bar.21:40
MsMacoroadfish: .profile?21:40
GoudaHey all21:40
J_PSlart: arm contex-821:40
J_PSlart: is a smartphone21:40
cmpmsmaco, i have found many festival's    do i have to checkbox all of them ?21:40
xpauloxhola a todos21:41
GoudaCan anyone suggest the best mp3 media player for Ubuntu(Jaunty Jackalope)21:41
TimothyAwhy isn't the most expection option supported out of the box with this utility21:41
Out_Coldcmp, look for the main one... maybe just the file name by itself21:41
MsMacocmp: the main one and itll grab anything it depends on21:41
Slartjamiejackson: I think that you either need to compile your own kernel or use a precompiled kernel with PAE enabled (which the server kernel has).. but I'm guessing you'll get that blank screen problem either way21:41
MsMacocmp: ie the one that is just "festival" not "festival-czech" (unless you want it to speak czech?)21:41
Out_ColdGouda, there is no "best" try amorock or vlc or rythembox or dragonplayer21:41
pannerjoin #hikikomero21:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arm21:42
MsMacopanner: missed your /?21:42
jamiejacksonSlart, do you happen to have any insight into the blank screen problem itself, then?21:42
GoudaI was reading up on Audacious and xmms2. I tried installing xmms2 but had issues.21:42
AvonGenesisDJNoMaD, thanks for the help on changing my audio device?21:42
SlartJ_P: I'm not sure if that mobile version of ubuntu might work.. not sure it's available for ARM processors though21:42
jamiejacksonGouda, add songbird to the list of music players to try.21:43
Out_ColdGouda, both are more KDE orientated i believe21:43
cmpmsmaco , i do what you tell me now and thanks for your help, hope you will support me in my next needs21:43
SlartJ_P: if I recall correctly there was an arm port some time ago.. don't know what happened to it though21:43
TimothyAoh wait, there is the stdout21:43
Goudaahhh, I see21:43
MsMacoOut_Cold: what? xmms is gtk. qmmp is the kde one21:43
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TimothyAOut_Cold; so how would i 'pipe' it?21:43
treble54anyone know a good panel applet for combining tasks and launchers ?21:43
GoudaWell when I get home I guess I could try songbird21:43
GoudaFairly new to ubuntu21:43
GoudaUsed redhat back in the day21:43
Out_Coldlol TimothyA with a 2 1/4 in iron bar?21:44
Slartjamiejackson: nope.. not as such.. I would start looking at graphics drivers though.. trying the recovery mode.. checking logs to search for errors and so on.. the general stuff21:44
J_PSlart: are there a porto to N8x0, not (as I know) to n900, are there?21:44
DJNoMaDAvonGenesis,  you are welcome21:44
TimothyAOut_Cold; what?21:44
grendal_primeeverytime i boot my hardy laptop i get an error about the kio server.21:44
GoudaAny other must have ubuntu apps I should look into?21:44
Out_Coldjust unrar it then mv21:44
jamiejacksongouda, the new amarok is terrible. they rewrote it and they're still trying to achieve parity with the old codebase's features. i found that songbird was what i settled on, after trying some of the others.21:44
GoudaI already got VLC installed21:44
SlartJ_P: I don't really know.. I've only got this vague memory of an arm-port.. I might be mistaken though21:44
TimothyAOut_Cold; this is for automation. the less I have to write, the better21:44
DJNoMaDsorry if you asked anything else to me I was away trying to network windoz and linux21:44
GoudaIs there skins available for songbird?21:44
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kermitwhich pdf reader supports embeded http links?21:45
TimothyAand extracting in the same directory where there are a bunch of other files isn't going to make it any easier21:45
sh4d3sl4y3r_hello all. is there an option to get a complete 5-6 DVD set of Ubuntu like Debian ?21:45
DJNoMaDGouda,  songbird has "feathers" lol21:45
Out_Coldcouldn't you pipe unrar file | mv /dest/21:45
TimothyAespecially if there is chance of overlapping21:45
jamiejacksonGouda: probably, not sure though. songbird is really slick though, it's a mozilla offering, i believe21:45
DJNoMaDsongbird is pretty decent in my mind21:45
DJNoMaDit does have skins to be clear,they are called feathers21:45
GoudaCool. I will check it out. Slowly but surely learning linux. I use some command line at work but I need to get more familiar with it so I can be a stronger tech21:46
roadfishMsMaco: ok, thanks21:46
GoudaI just love how smooth and fast ubuntu runs. I go back to windows and Im like god this is so damn sluggish21:46
sh4d3sl4y3r_can anybody help? I asked is there an option to get a complete 5-6 DVD set of Ubuntu like we get in Debian ?21:46
jamiejacksonGouda, what kind of stuff do you do? there are so many apps around, it's hard to tell you about must haves21:46
TimothyAOut_Cold; not quite sure how that would work with rar/unrar21:47
Slartsh4d3sl4y3r_: have you checked the torrents on ubuntu.com?21:47
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
Slartsh4d3sl4y3r_: I know there is a 1 dvd release.. not sure if I've seen a multi-dvd version21:47
Out_ColdGouda, the thing about linux is there is no definitive best.. there is you apt repositories that are full of thousands of apps for different people and uses21:47
GoudaWell I am a network engineer for a dsl company but at home, I just want to be able to do most things I would be able to do on a windows machine21:47
sh4d3sl4y3r_1 dvd release is there21:47
DJNoMaDGouda, I like songbird pretty good21:47
sh4d3sl4y3r_but not the snapshot of the whole repo21:47
Out_ColdTimothyA, whats the unrar command you are using??21:47
Goudaoffice, mp3's, movies, surfing, archiving, photo editing21:47
DJNoMaDGouda network my xp to my linux real fast lol21:47
RaverWildhello guys. big problem - is there any video player on linux that can do subtitle time adjustment in real-time? please help21:48
cmpmsmcao, i have hit apply and it says that its installed successfully ... but i dont see where to open this festival program... can you tell me where will i find the application icon to i can call this festival to work ??21:48
GoudaAre you setting up samba?21:48
NeXstaRcan anyone please help me with my xampp, i get a error on the localhost on myphpadmin....21:48
jamiejacksonGouda, have you added the medibuntu repo?21:48
DJNoMaDI tried doing samba setup and failed i guess21:48
GoudaBack in the day I used samba to fileshare between my xp and redhat machine21:48
FlannelNeXstaR: Why not just use a regular LAMP stack?21:48
GoudaI don't believe so jamie21:48
Out_Coldcmp, check your applications or press AlT+F2 and enter festival21:48
jamiejacksonGouda, then hang on a sec. that's a must have21:48
juanmipues chao21:48
GoudaWhat does it include?21:49
njbairis there a specific chan for netbook remix?21:49
NeXstaRFlannel: xampp install in /opt/lampp dir ....21:49
GoudaOh also, I need to setup VNC for my linux machine as well21:49
DJNoMaDI use ultrmatix to install all that stuff21:49
FlannelNeXstaR: Yes, but why not use the proper packages?21:49
cmpout_cold, i did it before to ask the question . but it did not work21:49
Flannel!es | juanmi21:49
ubottujuanmi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:49
NeXstaRFlannel: proper packages meaning /21:49
FlannelNeXstaR: The ones in the repos21:49
FlannelNeXstaR: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP21:50
juanmiok gracias21:50
quantumhelp with rndc.key and bind9 unknown key 'rndckey'21:50
jamiejacksonGouda: do this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu21:50
RaverWildhello guys. big problem - is there any video player on linux that can do subtitle time adjustment in real-time? please help21:50
NeXstaRFlannel: will check it out thanks21:50
FlannelNeXstaR: That page will get you all set up with a LAMP stack that will get updated and bug fixes automatically21:50
jamiejacksonGouda: otherwise, you'll struggle with codecs, etc.21:50
quantumrndc.key is valid and exists21:50
Slartsh4d3sl4y3r_: this looks interesting.. not sure how up-to-date it is though http://www.howtoforge.com/dvd_images_of_ubuntu_repositories21:50
Out_Coldcmp, you can also try from a terminal: festival &21:50
TimothyAah, there we go...21:50
=== mj is now known as Guest11427
GoudaThis installs a load of codecs then>?21:50
Out_Coldcmp try just typing fes-TabKey21:50
sh4d3sl4y3r_let me see21:50
jamiejacksonyes, Gouda, mainly that's what it is.21:51
GoudaWill do that when I get home. Need to get VNC working so I can do alot of this stuff while I am at work with nothing else to do :)21:52
DJNoMaDif anyone knows where a GOOD network ubuntu to windoz tutorial is I would love you forever21:52
Slartsh4d3sl4y3r_: you're welcome21:52
NeXstaRFlannel: can joomla be installed on the lampp stack ?21:52
Flannel!ics | DJNoMaD21:52
ubottuDJNoMaD: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:52
cmpout_cold, you want me to type in terminal ( fes-tabkey)?21:52
jamiejacksonthat's something i do on all ubuntu systems i install Gouda, otherwise you're left with a user who wonders why a bunch of stuff that ought to work doesn't, Gouda21:52
quantumrndc: connect failed: connection refused21:52
FlannelNeXstaR: Yeah21:52
Out_Coldcmp, you know where the tab key is on your keyboard??21:52
DJNoMaDGouda, I used tight vnc on windoz in the past ,what do you use ?21:52
SlartDJNoMaD: network? basic network connectivity should work out of the box.. or you want to ask about some specific service?21:52
GoudaOne thing I am having issues with is my root account21:52
FlannelDJNoMaD: If that's what you were trying to do.  Your question was somewhat vaue21:52
DJNoMaDSlart,  basic does not work21:53
GoudaI have tight vnc installed on this machine. i've also tried ultravnc but it has issues21:53
NeXstaRFlannel: only thing is that its nt really userfriendly aka gui as xampp21:53
GOADi a newbie on the linux world21:53
NeXstaRwelcome goad ;)21:53
GOADcan some one give me cool tips to start21:53
GoudaWelcome to the dark side GOAD21:53
jamiejacksonsee ya21:53
Out_Coldvinegar is pretty handy as a vnc21:53
DJNoMaDhow do I change what domain my ubuntu is on ?21:53
GOADtanks gauda21:53
SlartDJNoMaD: the lights on the network cards light up? the network cards are recognized in both windows and ubuntu? you can set a fixed ip and ping back and forth?21:53
Out_ColdDJNoMaD, explain that question better21:54
NeXstaRFlannel: wouldn't wamp be a beter choice ?21:54
DJNoMaDI have dchp ,but it is a lifetime lease on each machine ,would that matter if the ip's do not change ?21:54
quantumany1 familiar with bind9?21:54
Goudadoesn't really matter what your IP is21:55
DJNoMaDI want to put files and take off files from my ubuntu and a windoz21:55
MsMacocmp: whats up?21:55
quantumcan't get it to work after 4 days of hacking at it....21:55
Goudayou set the domain on your computers, not your router21:55
GoudaI believe samba can do that DJNomad21:55
DJNoMaDthe windows being the one I am acessing21:55
SlartDJNoMaD: ah.. you're asking about sharing files.. that would be "samba"21:55
Slart!samba | DJNoMaD21:55
ubottuDJNoMaD: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:55
quantumtrying to set up a local home domain, with dhcp3-server and bind921:55
DJNoMaDI installed a samba package21:55
quantumgot dhcp to dish out address ok21:55
quantumbut can't get the bind9 to work21:56
losherquantum: tried #bind on efnet?21:56
GoudaDid you configure Samba with SWAT?21:56
cmpout_cold, yes i know where is the tab key - then what you want me to do?21:56
cmpmsmaco, can you tell me how to get this festival working - i did all what you wanted me to do - i downloaded it - i installed it the way you guided me - but i cant find the Icon to call the application21:56
quantumno, but thanks!!21:56
DJNoMaDswat ...no had no clue what it is21:56
zebulon_join #brionne21:56
Out_Coldcmp, open a terminal, type these 3 letters "fes" then hit the tab key on your keyboard. Then add a space and put "&" should look something similar to festival &21:56
DJNoMaDso I need to get swat ?21:56
buckyquantum, /join #dns21:57
GoudaAccording to what the bot said probably. It's been years since I configured samba but I am probably going to be doing it soon21:57
SlartDJNoMaD: SWAT is a web-gui for setting up samba... it's just an alternative to editing the config files manually21:57
DJNoMaDI get the error "cannot mount windows share"21:57
buckyquantum, and checkout #dns homepage http://dns.slashusr.org/21:57
SlartDJNoMaD: but read the links that ubottu gave you.. lots of good info there21:57
DJNoMaDSlart,  I need to get swat then I need gui lol21:57
Slart!samba > DJNoMaD21:57
ubottuDJNoMaD, please see my private message21:57
MsMacocmp: i think if you just type "festival" and hit enter itll speak anything you type in21:57
DJNoMaDI read that one and failed horribly lol21:58
GoudaGlad I found this channel. This is a good channel21:58
Out_Coldtab completion is sometimes the hardest thing to teach to noobs.... :o/21:58
Out_ColdMsMaco, he said he tried that..21:58
SlartDJNoMaD: then you need to tell us what you tried.. what the results were and so on..21:58
Slart!details | DJNoMaD21:58
ubottuDJNoMaD: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:58
DJNoMaDOut_Cold,  is tab completion in terminal or does it have a gui ?21:58
Out_Coldit might be a festival-* name21:58
Out_ColdDJNoMaD, no gui21:58
MsMacoOut_Cold: man festival says interactive mode is default21:58
quantumbucky, what sever?21:58
DJNoMaDOut_Cold,  I was jk lol21:58
buckyquantum, this one21:59
Trijntjegouda: there is also a dutch channel, #ubuntu-nl21:59
cmpguys are you here to help - or you are here to show off ?21:59
Out_ColdDJNoMaD, Alt-F2 has a semi-completion tool21:59
Goudalol Tri, but I'm not dutch :)21:59
DJNoMaDsmbfs I installed that package21:59
GoudaI am just nicknamed after the Dutch cheese....but I have been to Amsterdam :)'21:59
GoudaAmsterdam is awesome!21:59
Trijntjegouda: I see, your name is a dutch city also22:00
MsMacoive never actually used it. i just remember jdong making festival read rap lyrics22:00
GoudaYeah, I was an hour north of there when I was in Amsterdam22:00
DJNoMaDthen I go to Places" -> "Network22:00
quantumthanks bucky22:00
DJNoMaDput the windows ip in22:00
Out_Coldcmp.. we have tried everything short of showing up at your house and doing this ourselves...22:00
buckyisn't Gouda on that show with Kathy Lee Gifford22:00
GoudaI wanted to go visit but I only had 2 days there22:00
rhlin99Hello, can anyone tell me how to stop ddclient from running. It seems to be slowing my system down.22:00
Out_Coldcmp pay attention and learn to read help files and forums22:01
DJNoMaDand username ,click connect and nothng happens22:01
Goudakill it?22:01
DJNoMaDI downloaded the samba pdf help file from package manager but I have no clue where it put it22:01
tavisomething help me against floods?22:02
GoudaWhat did you use to download it DJ?22:02
buckyrhlin99, sudo /etc/init.d/ddclient stop22:02
cmpyou all people gone22:02
DJNoMaDpackage manager synaptic or whatever22:02
Out_Coldrhlin99, go to terminal, type: ps aux | grep ddclient22:02
cambrioleurDJNoMaD, try somewhere in /usr/share/doc/samba or something similar22:02
DJNoMaDcambrioleur,  thanks22:02
Out_Coldrhlin99, then use the first large number (PID) and type: kill -9 (PID)22:03
DJNoMaDcambrioleur,  nope not in there22:03
DJNoMaDI found the config file tho22:03
buckyrhlin99, update-rc.d -f ddclient remove to stop it from starting at reboot22:03
cambrioleurDJNoMaD, you can open synaptics, find the package, and view it's content. It shows paths as well.22:04
GoudaGood stuff right there Bucky and outcold22:04
rhlin99bucky:  how can I check it to see if it is stopped?22:04
DJNoMaDin the config file I am in the right workgroup22:04
Out_Coldrhlin99, use: ps aux |grep ddclient22:05
Out_Coldrhlin99, use: ps aux | grep ddclient22:05
buckyrhlin99, ps aux |grep ddclient22:05
Out_Coldspace after | ;o)22:05
buckyrhlin99, sometimes  /etc/init.d/ddclient status works22:05
Out_Coldhi colleen22:05
ChaoticXSinZCan anyone hellp me with a problem I'm experiencing?22:06
colleenhow are you22:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:06
cmpout_cold, dont you think that in forums they are showing off with very complicated words ?????? dont you think that its really hard to understand something very new by the complicated words ???? or you dont feel it difficult ????????22:06
DJNoMaDif anyone knows where to look for something for me to change in my samba config here it is22:06
Out_Coldi am troubleshooting several systems lol22:06
DJNoMaDdont look at it if it will take a long time22:06
spirosviiekana malakia22:06
quantumit looks like a permission problem22:06
spirosviiprepei na epanaferei to grub22:06
DJNoMaDI need to be able to figure it out on my own I guess lol22:06
quantum/etc/bind/named.conf:14: open: /etc/bind/rndc.key: permission denied22:07
Slart!gr | spirosvii22:07
ubottuspirosvii: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes22:07
rhlin99bucky and Out_Cold:  thanks for the help!22:07
quantum(no1 on #dns or efnet #bind)22:07
Out_Coldcmp....... take your time and read.... i will tell you what. I will install this application and tell you what to do in a minute22:07
DJNoMaDi'm trying to get a job at ibm as a call tech guy thingy majigger22:07
ChaoticXSinZI don't know why but I am unable to set my brigthness level on my laptop. A quick look at dmesg shows: "[ 7703.962873] ACPI: Failed to switch the brightness". I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 my kernel is "2.6.30-020630-generic"22:07
spirosviikala pou eimai edw? pou einai o kostkon kai o headles?22:07
DJNoMaDChaoticXSinZ,  is there not a panel app for brightness in gnome ?22:08
DJNoMaDif you are using gnome22:08
Slartspirosvii: this channel is english only.. join #ubuntu-gr22:08
ChaoticXSinZI tried setting brightness using fn buttons. It worked as recently as this morning.22:08
spirosviieyxaristw re file Slart22:08
tavisomething against flood22:09
Out_ColdChaoticXSinZ, did you update this morning??22:09
Slart!gr > spirosvii, last chance.. english ONLY in here22:09
DJNoMaDK ChaoticXSinZ  ,you are way past my level ,figured I would give it a shot tho22:09
Slart!gr > spirosvii22:09
ubottuspirosvii, please see my private message22:09
Out_Coldbot's lagging lol22:10
Flannelspirosvii: /join #ubuntu-gr for the greek speaking channel22:10
spirosvii/join #ubuntu-gr22:10
Slarttavi: what kind of flood?22:10
tavion irc22:10
mosterhouti'm new22:10
buchAnyone have experience with the application "Weatherget" i get this error when i type in the correct station ID http://paste.ubuntu.com/261146/22:10
tavii do not know what jkind22:10
taviic annot acces some websites22:11
tanjirmosterhout, welcome new folk :)22:11
anymousehi aptitude safe-upgrade wants to update 'sudo' for me tofay, though its not mentioned on ubuntu.com/usn  - is there another website where I can see the new released updates like I can for the security stuff? (and what they should do)22:11
Out_Coldoops.... trying to open apps in CLI while you are ssh'd in another box doesn't work so well22:11
DJNoMaDthanks to all for the help ,I think I can get it after i read those ubotto links22:11
taviand i saw in the time i couldn't acces the network a guy who was quit because ping time22:12
Slarttavi: not really a lot you can do in the client about that..22:12
revygttamHas anyone setup Hyperic HQ on ubuntu succesfully??22:12
ChaoticXSinZ1So anyone have any suggestions?22:12
Slarttavi: it might be your internet-connection that is messing things up.. I would at least look into that first22:12
tavisome aplications on internet works22:13
Out_ColdMsMaco, so festival seems to be a cli only app..22:13
tavibun some sites works bad22:13
revygttamChaoticXSinZ1: what was your question?22:13
MsMacoOut_Cold: yeah....and?22:13
Out_Coldwell might be a bit much for our noob cmp..22:13
ChaoticXSinZ1I'm ChaoticXSinZ, internet got disconnected.22:13
MsMacoOut_Cold: ive never used it before though :( jdong would know how but he's not around22:13
MsMacoOut_Cold: oh someone else suggested some kde htingy22:13
Slarttavi: does everything work if you shut down the irc client?22:14
mosterhouti need help i have installed ubuntu on a 8gb firefly flash drive and it oulny works on the laptop i installed ubuntu form why?22:14
tavii do not intend to close it22:14
buckybuch, invalid number of days?22:14
shadowhywinddoes anyone know if its possible to manually turn on/off say the caps lock or num/scroll lock light?22:14
Out_Coldcmp, i think your solution may be to use orca22:14
tavibut exacly when that guy quit because of ping happened me that stuck22:14
DJNoMaDwhere would I get to this "swat" you people was mentioning ?22:14
cmpout_cold, so what you want me to do ?22:15
DJNoMaDubotto also mentioned it22:15
cmpout_cold, how to remove this festival then ?22:15
Out_Coldcmp what is it exactly you are trying to accomplish??22:15
Hydridi am trying to create from terminal a folder sudo mkdir /media/Storage Disk/Mine and it says me back mkdir: cannot create directory `Disk/Mine': No such file or directory What i do wrong???22:15
revygttamDJNoMaD: I think you can install it from the repos, sudo apt-get install swat22:15
tanjirmosterhout, what do you mean "only works on the laptop"? what happens when you boot it in other pc? if you want to do that then why don't you use live cd in usb?22:15
mosterhoutdo i need 64 to run on dual dore2 computers?22:15
Slartmosterhout: nope.. 32bit will run nicely22:16
anymouseHydrid: if you want 'Storage Disk' as one letter you may want to escape the22:16
cmpout_cold, i want a program which can read text ( voice Reader ) like to read PDF  or books - or somethingl ike that22:16
anymouseHydrid: if you want 'Storage Disk' as one letter you may want to escape the  ' ' eg Storage\ Device22:16
revygttamAnybody use Hyperic HQ?22:16
AvonGenesisHydrid: If I am not mistaken, I think the terminal takes the "space" as another argument.22:16
mosterhouti didn't know what to do i have tryied in other systems it says starting grub adn the the screen just goes black and sits ther doing nothing22:16
Out_Coldcmp, then orca is the way to go..22:16
anymouseHydrid: otherwise read the helptext ofthe -p switch on mkdir   (this will create 2 folders!)22:17
cmpout_cold, how to get it work ?22:17
Out_Coldcmp, go to terminal and type: sudo apt-get install orca22:17
buchbucky: hmm i dont know22:17
Slartcmp: pdf's are tricky.. but if you can use a pdf-to-text converter you could feed that to festival, espeak, orca or something like that22:17
buchbucky: what can i posibly do wrong?22:18
gartralanyone know why there are _4_ libgpod packages?!?22:18
=== Ekushey is now known as Guest25524
Hydridsudo mkdir media/StorageDisk/ftp22:18
Hydridmkdir: cannot create directory `media/StorageDisk/mine': No such file or directory22:18
Phantom_Hoover1400+ users? Wha?...22:18
Out_ColdSlart, thats not a bad idea..22:18
buckybuch what does this do weatherget --lookup="Wilmington, NC"22:19
Out_ColdPhantom_Hoover, welcome to the ubuntu community ;o)22:19
cmpok ok ok .... is there any way that i can install application which is for Windows to be set up for ubuntu ?22:19
Slartgartral: 4? I see 2.. one is nogtk and one normal.. whatever that means22:19
J_Litewski1is there a way to add a local folder in evolution to a keyring?22:19
mosterhouti want a full version of ubuntu any where i got all my save and what not. i'm going to swtich to a 160gb passport22:19
al3ksanderwhats up?22:19
anymouseHydrid: now mkdir is telling oyu that it cannot create supfolders eg a/b cannot create b when a/ is not present (see the -p switch in the mkdir manpage/helpsystem / infopage)22:19
Slart!wine | cmp22:19
ubottucmp: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:19
=== Piet_ is now known as Piet
Out_Coldcmp.. using wine but that's going to cause you more headaches. you should follow the advice you were given22:19
buchbucky: it gives me the id and location as requested22:19
Slart!find libgpod22:20
ubottuFound: libgpod-common, libgpod-dev, libgpod-doc, libgpod-nogtk-dev, libgpod4 (and 1 others)22:20
mosterhoutdoes it make a differance using a usb drive instead of a usb flash?22:20
buckybuch, your input line is wrong somehow22:20
Bow2`Shinowhen i install the nvidia drivers when i reboot i just get a prompt, i have two video cards22:20
Out_Coldmosterhout, depends on the formating?22:20
Phantom_HooverThis place scares me...22:20
gartralSlart: i see libgpod0 libgpod2, 3, and 4. With 3 and 4 haveing -nogtk varients22:20
Out_ColdPhantom_Hoover, usually never more than 100 people ever really talking22:21
mosterhouti burned ubuntu 9.04 iso to cd then ran it, selected install and that was it22:21
Slartgartral: then you're probably using some 3rd party repos22:21
mosterhouti used the whole drive for ubuntu22:21
waseemWhen I use firefox and visit a specific forum, ubuntu freeze's. I have to hard reset.22:21
gartralSlart: any easy way of sorting them out?22:21
Slartgartral: unless you're looking at the "installed packages" list.. there you might have old packages that aren't available from the repos any more22:21
Out_Coldmosterhout, sounds like you didn't do your grub properly22:21
omnydeviwaseem: go to applications/add-remove/ and look for iced tea22:21
Slartgartral: can you pastebin your sources.list?22:21
Slart!pastebin | gartral22:22
ubottugartral: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:22
DJNoMaDwaseem pm me the site if its public I will see whats on it22:22
mosterhouthummm i'n new to all this i guess some more resaech is in order22:22
gartralSlart: i know what pastbin is22:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:22
cmpout_cold, i have a very good program with very clear voice reader in a very clear bronouncing  as if real man with you is reading what you want -by this festival i dont even understand a word coz of the way of speaking22:22
waseemDJNoMaD, www.neoempire.com/forum22:22
Slartgartral: yea, sorry.. just running on automatic22:22
mosterhoutif i use live cde on my flash drive will it be like the desktp install and be able to save settins and stuff22:22
buchbuch, okay - hmm but cant figure out were or what to do22:23
Out_Coldwell cmp you cn try to install wine and your windows program but there is absolutely no guarantees any of it will work22:23
buckybuch http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=2375722:23
DJNoMaDwaseem,  that site appears to be pretty simple22:23
guntbertmosterhout: you know that you can create a "live usb" from inside ubuntu?22:23
gartralmosterhout: no, it will be like the live cd, use unetbootin to create a real bootable environment22:24
waseemDJNoMaD, yeah but the computer freeze's nonetheless.22:24
buchbucky: yeah22:24
mosterhoutif i make a usb live cd will i beable to save settings and what not?22:24
arvind_khadrii want to move a file to /usr/src but when i move it must still remain to me, the ownership changes to root, how do i achieve it?22:24
Out_Coldmosterhout, kind of... if you made your flash drive with a empty partition and mounted that as /home or something else.. then yes.. a live usb would keep your files22:24
DJNoMaDwaseem, I figured I would see lots of java or flash22:24
Phantom_HooverOut cold... I've never been on a channel with over 5 users before.22:25
Slartmosterhout: that's called a persistent usb install iirc22:25
cmpout_cold, well - do you know any professional program which is very clear in pronouncing ?22:25
Slart!usb | mosterhout22:25
ubottumosterhout: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:25
buchbucky: but check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/261157/22:25
Out_Coldcmp no... why don't you try orca or search google22:25
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me... i'm having a problem with virtualbox. When i try to boot windows xp through ubuntu instantly shows this massage in the virtualbox window(like a DOS msg): "FATAL: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted." Someone knows what can i do?22:25
DJNoMaDI am far from genious but it looks to not have either22:25
MsMacoarvind_khadri: chown it after you move it22:25
guntbertmosterhout: yes, if you tell it to make enough room for that, see System/administration/usb startup disk creator22:25
Lenin_CatI have a 15 in 1 card reader built into my system but lspci wont sohw it.22:25
lluai have two video cards, when i install the video driver and restart, xserver wont start22:25
gartralUm_cara_qualquer: ask in ##windows22:26
mosterhoutpersistent is live cd?22:26
erUSUL_Lenin_Cat: probably is usb connected. try lsusb22:26
mosterhoutok i will go check this stuff out later22:26
DJNoMaDwaseem,  in other operating systems cookies have been known to give sites issues like that22:26
Out_ColdLenin_Cat, try lshw22:26
Lenin_CaterUSUL_, no its internal22:26
Lenin_Catand I tried that anyway22:26
guntbertUm_cara_qualquer: I guess you didn't attach a HD image to your VM - but #vbox will be a better channel for this (I guess)22:27
erUSUL_Lenin_Cat: it can be internal and be connected via usb22:27
Um_cara_qualquerok thx22:27
ChaoticXSinZ1Question should "Composite" be enabled in xorg.conf?22:27
aliciapganyone use windows in irssi?22:27
waseem_My ubuntu keeps freezing.22:27
mezquitalewaseem_, what version do you have?22:28
erUSUL_aliciapg: nope22:28
waseem_It freeze's when i use firefox and go to a forum, but it also freeze's sporadically now too.22:28
aliciapgi mean like separate windows22:28
waseem_mezquitale, 8.04 LTS22:28
cmpout_cold, ok then tell me now - how to make my system going more smooth and faster ?22:28
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=== J_Litewski1 is now known as ghost
waseem_what command is the equivelent to cntl + alt + del22:28
=== ghost is now known as J_Litewski1
aliciapgi'm trying to figure out how to switch between them22:28
mezquitalewaseem_, try uninstall firefox and reinstalling it again22:28
waseem_i dont know when it may freeze again and ill have to hard reset comp again22:29
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL
zleapreboot i guess22:29
Lenin_CatBus 004 Device 037: ID 0461:4d16 Primax Electronics, Ltd or Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0a48:5014 I/O Interconnect Mass Storage Device coulxd be it22:29
waseem_its not firefox now.22:29
Out_Coldcmp, that's kind of like asking "how do i make my car go faster" it really depends on what you drive22:29
zleapor init 0 perhaps22:29
gartralwaseem_: we dont have a taskmanager like windows, we have top22:29
Lenin_CaterUSUL, do you know the drivers for one of those?22:29
waseem_mezquitale, it freeze's even without firefox.22:29
mezquitalewaseem_, so your machine doesnt freeze with just firefox then?  It just freezes randomly?22:29
=== J_Litewski1 is now known as J_Litewski
mezquitalewaseem_, do you have a laptop or  a desktop?22:29
erUSULLenin_Cat: i'm afraid not...22:29
waseem_mezquitale, I have a laptop22:30
noobezhi guys, could someone explain me how to set an internal hd to get automounted at each boot? thanks22:30
=== Piet is now known as mommy
aliciapgdoes anyone know how to use separate windows in irssi?22:30
erUSULLenin_Cat: google "ubuntu + Primax Electronics Interconnect Mass Storage Device"22:30
waseem_mezquitale, if its any help it freezes on firefox and right now it froze when add/remove programs was on.22:30
mezquitalewaseem_, do you have a dual boot ??? are you experiencing the same problem on windows, if you have it installed?22:30
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erUSULaliciapg: why not ask in #irssi ?22:30
mrweserUSUL, still here aye? heh22:30
aliciapgerUSUL: okay i guess i'll try that22:31
DJNoMaDwaseem_, do you have compiz enabled ?22:31
lluai have two video cards, when i install the video driver and restart, xserver wont start22:31
waseem_mezquitale, yes I have dual boot but I have not logged into windows yet. also windows was fine when I last used it.22:31
buckybuch, i don't know... can you just use --lookup="Wilmington, NC"22:31
waseem_DJNoMaD, I think I may have, but im not sure.22:31
Out_Coldnoobez, depending on the drive you would add a line to your /etc/fstab that would be similar to /dev/sda3 /mount/point rules fsckrules22:31
erUSULmrwes: :)22:31
mezquitalewaseem_,  I suspect it might be hardward,  I would say it's your hard drive, if your hard drive is making clickity sounds you know it's about to die22:31
marcelo__In witch package are the essential math functions?22:31
diabolic_how to unrar a file in ubuntu 9.04?22:31
waseem_DJNoMaD, I can use all the advance window effects so i think i do have it enabled22:31
buchbucky: yeah, it seems as i wanna get the actual weather info and not the station info - the code brokes somewhere22:32
cmpout_cold,  well in Microsoft windows - there are many tricks which makes the soft ware going smoother faster like clean registery - like clean the TEMP files , and so on ....is there any way which could do the same for ubuntu ? or its very blind system which is not easy to be learn...... and if there - please tell me in steps not in GENERIC22:32
DJNoMaDwaseem_, maybe start with turning that off22:32
waseem_DJNoMaD, how do i turn it off?22:32
DJNoMaDjust as a precaution22:32
noobezOut_Cold: thanks but isnt this a bit too generic? i need a guide step by step which i didnt find on the web22:32
mezquitalewaseem_, your machine used to work fine for a good time?  You didn't just upgrade anything, like software?22:32
Lenin_CaterUSUL, according to gatway it should just be gatway TM 15 in 1 card reader22:32
x404xwhy is fstab under etc ? is that like miscellangelous ?22:32
Out_Coldnoobez, what's the drive name?22:33
Out_Coldnoobez, and mount point22:33
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview22:33
waseem_mezquitale, I had this huge mess up with my previous install of ubuntu and clean installed 8.0422:33
DJNoMaDoops system>preferences>appearances22:33
buckybuch, might be some python versioning problem.. have you got the latest weatherget and what are the requirements.. maybe get an svn version22:33
J_Litewskican i encrypt Evolution using a GPG key?22:33
=== Boulevardie is now known as addler
Out_Coldcmp, google around. there are many tweaks for many different uses22:33
waseem_mezquitale, i had upgraded to 9.04 and it had turned out my machine didnt get along.22:33
addlerCould someone help me get a canon lbp 2900 printer working?22:33
DJNoMaD>>>>visual effects tab then none22:33
cmpout_cold , very useful answer22:34
noobezOut_Cold: im sorry but something happened and i have to go right away, i'll be back, thanks22:34
erUSULJ_Litewski: encrypt and sing email? sure22:34
Out_Coldnoobez, what file system is on the partition?? where do you want it mounted??22:34
J_LitewskierUSUL, I mean the application itself22:34
mezquitalewaseem_, so you just recently reinstalled 8.04 and now it's crashing all the time???  Sounds like it's your hard drive, I would check the hard drive first22:34
Out_Coldcmp, you know most of us learn our own answers with google... and we don't disrespect those that help us22:34
erUSULJ_Litewski: why would you want to do that ?22:34
waseem_mezquitale, yeah ok. How would I check my harddrive though? also my vista is working fine.22:35
buckybuch, there are some weather apps in the repos apt-cache search weather22:35
J_LitewskierUSUL, to keep others from accessing my home and work email22:35
guntbert!google | Out_Cold , but22:35
ubottuOut_Cold , but: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:35
Out_Coldlinux runs WAY differently from windows and as such, each linux build is different from the next one.22:35
erUSULJ_Litewski: just do not tell anyone your login password. email is private and kept in the home folder of each user22:35
cmpout_cold, do you know something cold ( G key ) ??22:36
erUSULJ_Litewski: tighten up if you want the permissions of your home folder22:36
DJNoMaDwaseem_,  you shouldn't lie people are trying to help you "vista working fine" lol jk bro22:36
jMylesIs there a way to hear sound with X Forwarding in SSH?22:36
mezquitalewaseem_, use a live cd and then run "fsck -f"22:36
J_LitewskierUSUL, it autologins to my account because this computer doesn't like multiple accounts22:36
waseem_also mezquitale its pretty fishy that it freezes on a specific forum too22:36
lluai have two video cards, when i install the video driver and restart, x wont start22:36
yurganovhello can u help me? i'm using ubuntu 904 and i need to change mtu on eth1 always after connecting22:36
DJNoMaDllua, I dont think ubuntu likes 2 video cards I tried before and got nothing22:37
waseem_lets see if it freezes now22:37
buchbucky: I have 2.6 python22:37
Out_Coldllua, what happens?22:37
diabolic_what is the equivalent of ipconfig/all in ubuntu 90422:37
buchbucky: should i try install 2.5 aswell and then reinstall?22:37
cmpout_cold, why you dont answer? do you know what is Gkey?22:37
mezquitalewaseem_,  i thought you said it freezes randomly, like with firefox and when you clicked on "add/remove software"?22:37
erUSULJ_Litewski: !!?? what does "this computer doesn't like multiple accounts" exactly means ?22:37
lluaOut_Cold, it reboots then a prompt log in comes22:38
erUSULdiabolic_: ifconfig -a22:38
Out_Coldmezquitale, try ifconfig22:38
buckyaddler,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanon  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_2900   http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=2342222:38
lluaOut_Cold, it reboots then a prompt log in comes no gui22:38
mezquitalediabolic_, ifconfig and "iwconfig" for wireless22:38
buckybucky, where did you get this weatherget file?22:38
Out_Coldllua, it asks you to log in?22:38
Out_Coldllua, sign in and try: startx22:39
yurganovhi, anybody hear me, or something wrong with my settings of irc?22:39
cmpout_cold, you didnt answer .... are you trying to avoid?22:39
GoudaYeah I can hear you22:39
Out_Coldyes cmp.. i am ignoring you22:39
lluaOut_Cold, i get "fatal error, no screens found"22:39
J_LitewskierUSUL, I tried multiple accounts on xubuntu 8.10, 9.04, and Ubuntu 9.04 and each one screwed up the login screen22:39
buckyyurganov, what did you say22:39
mezquitale!ask| yurganov22:39
ubottuyurganov: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:39
Out_Coldlol llua your driver seems to have messed up your xorg22:39
yurganovbucky, hello can u help me? i'm using ubuntu 904 and i need to change mtu on eth1 always after connecting22:39
Out_Coldllua, you tried to install a nvidia driver?22:40
J_Litewskiso I got tired of it and stuck with the single user22:40
lluaOut_Cold, yes22:40
Out_Coldllua, 9.04 upgrade or a fresh install??22:40
mezquitaleJ_Litewski, you can configure the login screen22:40
lluaOut_Cold, fresh install22:41
entroIs there a way to a gnome panel to display mp3 information, such as song title and artist?22:41
cmpyes this is what i was sure about ---- why dont you go and google it ( G key ) .....and tell me if you could get it or not ....i would be so happy to understand it IF you could find it22:41
buckyyurganov, is it a static address?22:41
yurganovi've try /etc/ppp/ip-up adding:22:41
yurganovif [ "${REALDEVICE}" != "eth1" ]; then22:41
yurganovifconfig ${REALDEVICE} mtu 138622:41
J_Litewskimezquitale, i know, it doesn't matter, it will hang until i completely disable GDM or whatever it's called22:41
FloodBot2yurganov: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:41
Deelehey, what does ./config means?22:41
Out_Coldi just had a very similar problem and found that an upgrade does not allow you to fix this problem...22:41
Deeleterminal refuses to understand22:42
jMylesIs there a way to hear sound from forwarded X Applications?22:42
yurganovbucky, no.22:42
J_LitewskiI'm pretty sure it's my harddrive failing22:42
cmpout_cold, just wanted to show you that you also could be ignorant same as me in something , and even if you google it you will not be able to find it easily22:42
mezquitaleJ_Litewski, check your hard drive then using a live cd and then "fsck -f" on the drive22:43
addlerbucky: thanks for those links, but since I've amd64 and these instructions for amd64 seem to actually be for lbp-1210: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/Canon_LBP_2900#Compiling%20the%20driver%20(amd64)%20Steps:   Wouldn't that affect the whole procedure somehow?22:43
BrixSat_my machine does not have internet :S but my friend can acess it via ssh over the net22:43
Out_Coldcmp, before i lose it on you and get a nice little kick try things like "ubuntu 9.04 system tweaks fixes upgrades"22:43
J_LitewskiliveCD is fine, i got it from canonical22:43
=== hey` is now known as grumete
buckyyurganov, one problem.. in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf you have interface-mtu so it's getting the mtu from your router.. prolly should comment that out22:44
Out_Coldcmp, or try "commercial text to speech applications for linux"22:44
DeeleerUSUL: hello again :P22:44
hashbrowncipherdoes anyone know of any issues in Jaunty where  bootup hangs for nearly exactly three minutes, and then continues correctly22:44
livingdaylightwhen is koala coming?22:44
erUSULDeele: hi22:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kola22:44
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:44
Out_Coldcmp, or try " how to use your stupid windows application on ubuntu 9.04 through wine22:44
DeeleerUSUL: graphics is working :)22:45
hashbrowncipherubottu: thanks22:45
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:45
buckyyurganov, or set up a seperate alias or lease for that eth1 that excludes interface-mtu22:45
DeeleerUSUL: but now, I cant understand what should I do, to make one game working with wine, will you help?22:45
livingdaylightwhy am i banned from #ubuntu+1 ?22:45
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Out_Coldgoogling one simple word like "G-key" is pretty f'n useless don't ya think22:45
mezquitalehashbrowncipher, i had the same problem on an old laptop, turned out it had something to due with the wireless card, I got a new laptop and it works just fine22:45
erUSULDeele: congrats to get graphics working ?22:46
erUSUL!appdb | Deele22:46
ubottuDeele: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:46
DeeleerUSUL: yes... http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=312622:46
ubottuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org22:46
DJNoMaDis there a pastebin for screenshots?22:46
DeeleerUSUL: How to get Battle.net working? part22:46
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:46
buckyaddler, it says on the compatible hardware/printer page that the driver source from canon works for amd64 iirc22:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:47
GOADhello i am a newbie on the world of lenux is ther some one how can give me some tips??22:47
mezquitaleDeele, youre trying to install battlefield 2 using wine?22:47
yurganovbucky, there is no router - there is direct connect to provider. now after connecting i do sudo ifconfig eth1 mtu 1386 and it is working. it si possible to do it without me?22:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tips22:47
Deelemezquitale: no, its Warcraft 322:47
DJNoMaDGOAD,  welcome to ubuntu22:47
bobbycheetahneed help with getting microsd card in blackberry 8310 recognized as a drive in ubuntu 8.0422:47
cmpout_cold, there was no need to use such ( stupid or Kick ) i didnt give the same to you - and when i said Ignorant i said also ( same as i do ) so not to insult you . just try be little bit nicer22:47
mezquitaleDeele, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4540722:48
DJNoMaDif you have a specific question shoot ,this is a great place with great people to help you out22:48
Out_Coldpiss off22:48
stefg!faq | GOAD22:48
ubottuGOAD: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage22:48
bobbycheetahor at least point to a more appropriate chat22:48
Deelemezquitale: war3 is working :) I need bnet to make work now :D\22:48
guntbert!ohmy | Out_Cold please***22:48
ubottuOut_Cold please***: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:48
buckyaddler, read this thread to make sure http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=615067722:48
addlerbucky, aite, thanks22:49
Out_Coldi asked for that..22:49
BrixSat_my machine does not have internet :S but my friend can acess it via ssh over the net22:49
buckyyurganov, is it dsl ?22:49
DeeleerUSUL: what you say?22:49
Out_ColdBrixSat_, how so?? you must be connected to the internet for ssh to take place..22:49
BrixSat_but nothing else opens22:50
ichigogohey guys, anyone know anything about dissambling? vb6?22:50
DJNoMaDwhats up with dcc chat ?22:50
buckyyurganov, you can always make a script to ifconfig eth1 mtu 1386 and put it in /etc/init22:50
Out_ColdBrixSat_, perhaps your IP settings are faulty22:50
yurganovbucky, you probably dont know - it is wimax. i am using connect to wimax from windows mobile - that not the point22:50
buckyyurganov, you can always make a script to ifconfig eth1 mtu 1386 and put it in /etc/init22:50
erUSULDeele: if you dwonload the last version of wine from winehp.org maybe the issue is resolved22:50
Out_ColdBrixSat_, can you pastebin your ifconfig?22:50
mezquitaleDeele, i dont think Battle.net is tested on wine: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=117722:50
DJNoMaDit asked me if I wanted to accept it in private and since it asked I assumed it might be dangerous22:50
erUSULDeele: they have ubuntu debs just dl and double click22:50
mralexandrodoes anyone know if there excists a program like .irrsi that will integrate into terminal, and let you edit text?22:51
abstraktwhich are the code names for which release? hardy is what? karmic is what?22:51
Slartichigogo: there's not a lot of vb development happening on linux, I'm guessing.... there might be something you can run in wine though22:51
guntbert!ot | ichigogo22:51
ubottuichigogo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:51
yurganovbucky, i'm not always using eth122:51
abstrakt8.10 9.x?22:51
DeeleerUSUL: you read that guide? "How to get Battle.net working?"22:51
erUSULDeele: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb22:51
BrixSat_Out_Cold http://pastebin.com/m3573554e22:51
stefg!hardy | abstrakt22:51
ubottuabstrakt: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.22:51
DeeleerUSUL: I cant understand how to make "Get the p­atched WINE source:                            "22:51
stefg!intrepid | abstrakt22:51
ubottuabstrakt: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81022:51
erUSULDeele: yes; but maybe is no longer neccesary. first try with the last version of wine22:51
zopiachmm, my sound is out again and it isnt just a problem with muted, etc...22:51
stefg!jaunty | abstrakt22:51
ubottuabstrakt: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents22:51
DeeleerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/261167/22:51
Out_ColdBrixSat_, why are you using 192.168.2.*??22:52
ubottuUbuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more22:52
BrixSat_because that is what my router uses22:52
stefgSlart: brilliant ... didn't know about that factoid22:52
Out_ColdBrixSat_, try ping google.com22:52
mrwesDeele, nice box name Hilter22:53
abstraktso which one is "karmic"22:53
Out_ColdBrixSat_, ping -c 4 google.com22:53
Slartstefg: 2 minutes ago, neither did I =)22:53
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:53
quantumok, looks like the bind9 issue is over....22:53
erUSULDeele: i repeat hopefully you do not need to compile nor patch wine. try first the last version to see if it works with it22:53
Deelemrwes: thats my friends laptop :)22:53
quantumwhat user is dhcp3-server running under?22:53
DeeleerUSUL: ok, I will try, main problem is... looks like firewall problem, it just trying to connect, but it cant22:53
_chunHi - how can I open the "Run Application" window from the terminal?22:54
erUSULDeele: dunno; never tried22:54
erUSULDeele: that game...22:54
mrwesDeele, ahh -- inglourious basterds aye?22:54
quantumerror from dhcp3-server Can't open /etc/bind/rndc.key: Permission denied22:54
Out_ColdBrixSat_, does it fail??22:54
BrixSat_Out_Cold root@SnowFlake:~# ping -c 4 google.com22:54
BrixSat_out_cold ping: unknown host google.com22:54
DJNoMaDin terminal you just type what you want to run and it runs,right?22:54
DeeleerUSUL: but have you tried to.. manage wine internal firewall?22:54
DJNoMaDI know sudo nautilus opens nautilus as root22:55
Out_ColdBrixSat_, can you ping -c 4 or whatever your router is??22:55
BrixSat_yes i can Out_Cold22:55
_chunDJNoMaD - if you're talking to me, yep, it does, I need to know for another reason22:55
BrixSat_Out_Cold 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=127 time=0.540 ms22:55
Out_ColdAdmin_, do not send viruses to people... especially considering that .exe's don't run natively on linux22:56
DJNoMaDwho the heck is Admin ?22:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vorbis22:56
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:56
Admin_video sexy22:56
DJNoMaDubotto thanks22:56
erUSULDeele: wine does not have a firewall afaik22:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about afaik22:57
ichigogohey, anyone can help me decompile something? ill pay them22:57
DJNoMaDI know that wmv should be in the mb not the kb lol22:57
jMylesI'm looking for a simple vorbis encoder that I can run from the CLI.  What's the best one?22:57
=== ventti_away is now known as ventti
BrixSat_Out_Cold Any ideia?22:57
mrwesjMyles, ffmpeg?22:57
Out_ColdBrixSat_, it's a setup issue.. are you using dchp??22:57
jMylesmrwes: oh really?!  I didn't know ffmpeg did audio at all, much less vorbis22:57
erUSULjMyles: oggenc22:58
jMyleserUSUL: That's what I thought - what's the package name?22:58
jMyles!info oggenc22:58
ubottuPackage oggenc does not exist in jaunty22:58
erUSULjMyles: vorbis-tools ?22:58
ichigogohey, anyone can help me decompile something, i can pay them22:58
jMyleserUSUL: bingo.  thanks :-)22:58
BrixSat_Out_Cold dhcp yes22:58
Slartichigogo: this isn't really the right channel to ask this22:58
mrwesjMyles, you going from the audio cd to vorbis?22:58
erUSUL!ot | ichigogo22:58
ubottuichigogo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:58
Slartichigogo: find a better one22:58
BrixSat_Out_Cold but i get the same with static22:58
ichigogoSlart: what is?22:58
Out_ColdBrixSat_, it may be a gateway issue... perhaps your router is poorly set??22:59
erUSULDeele: afaik --> as far as i know22:59
Slartichigogo: /list will give you a list of channels.. you could try asking in #freenode if they use some other system for classifying channels.. there are some alternatives since /list has it's share of problems22:59
MyrttiSlart, ichigogo: /msg alis help23:00
SlartMyrtti: ahh.. alis.. that's the one.. thanks23:00
mrwesjMyles, if you are ripping audio cd's -- ABCDE is command line and will rip to ogg vorbis23:00
BrixSat_maybe :/23:01
DJNoMaDthats awesome ...someones offers to pay for help and no one jumps on it23:01
mrwesjMyles, ffmpeg -i input.wav -acodec vorbis -aq 50 output.ogg23:01
DJNoMaDI love this community23:01
Out_Coldi would offer more help but i am sitting in at #ubuntu-classroom23:01
DJNoMaDpeople come here to help just to be helping23:01
MyrttiDJNoMaD: it just might be that nobody can help23:02
entroI'm trying to install a program and it says another synaptic is running, even though I'm not installing or updating right now23:02
DJNoMaDMyrtti,  you are ruining it for me lol23:02
duanebanyone use the latest macbook pro 13 inch?23:02
duanebHad ubuntu updated their drivers?23:02
jMylesmrwes: No, I have a huge wave file on my home computer and I just want to see what it contains at various parts, so I want it on my laptop.  So I'm just heavily compressing it into ogg and downloading it23:03
DeeleerUSUL: looks like wine repo is broken23:03
SlartjMyles: isn't a wav file just simple data? ie you can take a slice out of it and still be able to play it?23:04
Out_ColdBrixSat_, try resetting your router to default then try again to ping those 2 i told you about.. i think it's a gateway issue but not 100% certain23:04
DeeleerUSUL: and I have latest wine, according to data in homepage and synaptic pmngr shown version23:05
zopiacwhat is the command for compiz's Razr animation to make it go up? razr_direction:Up doesn't work23:05
mrwesjMyles, well, ffmpeg will do it23:05
nannesQUESTION ---> are the .deb packages binary files?23:05
Slartnannes: yes.. unless they are source packages..23:05
buckynannes, yes23:05
zopiacim trying to get the Open animation set to Up and the Close set to down23:05
DJNoMaDi came to a spot installing swat that I am in need of immediate help23:06
Slartnannes: but the ones ubuntu uses to install software is precompiled binaries23:06
quantumhow do i change permissions of a file to 644?23:06
DJNoMaDtheres the screenshot ,what do I do to exit ?23:06
buckynannes, but you can recompile  your whole system if you want to23:06
Slartquantum: chmod 644 yourfile , I think23:06
dverweireDJNoMaD: ctrl-x to exit23:07
coreymanhow can i get my Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000 working under linux?23:07
quantumhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dhcp3/+bug/341817 claims the dhcp error workaround is Change permissions of /etc/bind/rndc.key to world readable (from 640 -> 644)23:07
nannesslart, bucky: and now.... how to tell apart     .deb packages     and, for example,     binary files that are in /usr/bin ???23:07
DJNoMaDthanks dverweire ,I was scared to do anything,I tried x and after that I got stumped and scared lol23:07
quantumubuntu 9.0423:07
quantum(damn scared of altering anything....)23:08
nannesbecause i was explaining this to a ubuntu-it user but I didn't find any difference between them  :)23:08
dverweireDJNoMaD: lol. np. it should have asked you if you want to save your changes (if you made any).23:08
Slartnannes: .deb packages are just packed archives.. which then are unpacked to different places in the linux system.. including the files in /usr/bin and whatnot..23:08
DJNoMaDit did and I am again stumped23:08
nannesslart, ok, i know23:08
DJNoMaDshould I save to file ?23:08
Slartnannes: the actual .deb files are saved in a package cache.23:09
nannesSlart: but...23:09
dverweireDJNoMaD: if you want to save your changes, then yes.23:09
Slartnannes: or you meant something else? how to tell if a binary comes from a package or from some other place?23:09
x404xwhere slart ?23:09
Slartx404x: oh.. /var somewhere.. something with apt in the name..23:09
jMylesSlart: Yeah, wav is simple, but I don't know which part of the wav I want - I need to listen around to find it.23:10
x404xhm dang, wish linux would use simpler paths23:10
SlartjMyles: ah.. well.. compressing ought to work nicely then23:10
x404xhalf the job is finding a file hehe23:10
erUSULx404x: /var/cache/apt/archives/23:10
ichigogohey, any programmers here want to make some extra money for their help? pm me23:10
dverweireDJNoMaD: just hit enter23:10
DJNoMaDdverweire,  just being cautious ,sorry for asking too much23:10
coreymanhow can i get my Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000 working in ubuntu?23:10
DJNoMaDkk thanks23:10
Slartx404x: /var/cache/apt/archives seems to be the place on my system23:11
dverweireDJNoMaD: understand. :)23:11
xiongi don't find batch operations easy under gimp -- suggestions?23:11
x404xapt stores deb files ?23:11
stefg!webcam | coreyman23:11
ubottucoreyman: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:11
erUSULx404x: yep23:11
buckynannes, everything in /usr/bin is binary... that's why it's called bin short for binary23:11
DJNoMaDdverweire, whew I got out of that unscathed lol23:11
erUSULxiong: use imagemagik ?23:11
dverweireDJNoMaD: :) good job! swat working now?23:11
quantumis there a dhcp channel?23:11
quantumthough i know its a permission error that i can't fix....23:12
DJNoMaDdverweire,  dunno I am catching my breath atm lol23:12
dverweireDJNoMaD: lol. ok. gl!23:12
xiongerUSUL, may be good idea -- i'm planning on IM for working with images with a perl cgi script23:12
quantum[53137.721978] type=1503 audit(1251497458.025:34): operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=112 name="/etc/bind/rndc.key" pid=26982 profile="/usr/sbin/dhcpd323:13
DJNoMaDdverweire,  where would one look if one wanted to se if swat works ?23:13
=== mido_ is now known as mashakl
stefgcoreyman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88579523:13
mashaklhey all23:13
erUSULDeele: then maybe the last option is to compile wine as per the instructions on the appdb.23:13
baby_mammoth1hello all23:13
Slartquantum: that might be apparmor-related23:13
tavi_i need a irc client in ubuntu whit timer ability23:13
mashaklguyz .,, how to knw what's the opend port in my linxu?23:14
quantumok, so stop the apparmor?23:14
Slartquantum: (and please don't use abbreviations for things you wouldn't spell out in the channel)23:14
DJNoMaDdverweire, I found it23:14
nannesSlart: I'll explain better:  i told him "oh, sorry, these drivers are pre-compiled for opensuse!", another user told "nannes, use alien... it works with rpm!" so my answer "I want to mine binary files..." and he answered "but rpm are binary files, too!" and I didn't find a method to explain me.... so I told him "as binaries stored on /usr/bin !!!"23:14
dverweireDJNoMaD: great!23:14
quantumok, sorry :)23:14
coreymanstefg these are all old instructions and the commands aren't working.23:14
DJNoMaDits a freaking terminal start thing23:15
DJNoMaDman I hate the terminal23:15
mashaklguyz , i need help, how to open a port in linux?23:15
Slartquantum: nah.. apparmor is a good thing, if I understand things correctly.. but you can nudge it a bit.. there's something called "complain mode".. I can't really say I understand it myself but try googling for "apparmor complain mode" or that error message you got.. basically you run a one line command and it works again23:15
DJNoMaDya know there is a good reason why they call terminal cancer terminl23:15
coreymanstefg at least on those documentation pages23:15
nannesSlart: can you find different "names" for explain me to that user?? <---- excuse me for the bad english  ;) I hope you're understanding me23:15
DJNoMaDmashakl,  ports should be opened in firewall,probably your router has one23:16
stefgcoreyman: in short: it seems a problematic piece of hardware to get going ... you might be better of to just buy a compatible webcam as mentioned in the webcam howto23:16
zopiacDJNoMaD: well i love the terminal :D cant say that about cancer23:16
dverweireDJNoMaD: the command line can be intimidating. did you find the swat interface in your browser at http:/localhost:901 ?23:16
DJNoMaDdverweire,  I decided to breath a little more when I found this terminal thing to be next23:16
mashaklDjNoMaD: how to open a port in ubuntu?23:17
quantumapparmor status reveals that /usr/sbin/dhcpd3 is in "enforce mode"23:17
GoudaYeah command line can be tricky because you have to know what it's doing23:17
quantumy, oh y did i take on this project :)23:17
coreymanstefg this is a load of bull, operating systems are designed to work with hardware, hardware is not designed to work with operating systems i'm going back to windows.23:17
Out_ColdBrixSat_, i seem to remember a way to properly set your route via iptables but can't remember the exact commands23:17
stefgcoreyman: have fun23:17
DJNoMaDmashakl, I am not sure on that ,I assume that the ports would be open ,I do not run a ubuntu firewall23:17
Slartnannes: the english is fine.. both .deb packages and .rpm packages are archives (like zip or rar files) that contain the binary files.. but ubuntu packages are made for ubuntu and might not work on Suse or even Debian.. for that same reason rpm's made for Fedora or some other distro probably won't work on ubuntu.. libraries might not be in the same places/folders, some use different configurations and so on..23:17
buckynannes, deb packages aren' installed, deb packages have a .deb extension on the end of a file name... if you want to know which deb package a file came from then type dpkg -S /path/to/<filename>23:18
MindVirusI have a bunch of linux-ubuntu-modules-<version>-generic whose configuration files I cannot remove. Can someone help?23:18
Slartnannes: alien can be used to install rpm's on ubuntu.. but it's not recommended.. it will probably mess things up more than compiling from source will23:18
mashaklDjNoMad.. by default the port that below 1024 need a root to open it <<,but how?23:18
Slart!alien | nannes23:18
ubottunannes: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)23:18
DJNoMaDwhew I was worried when it said it was shutting down the net in terminal lol23:18
dverweiremashakl: sudo will get you root23:19
MindVirusWhat do I do about this?23:19
DJNoMaDnow I am at the web browser,I am good with firefox so its gravy now lol23:19
dverweireDJNoMaD: awesome. have fun.23:19
Goudahaha, I love people who come in here and complain about ubuntu. It's not designed for people who don't know what they are doing. If you know what you are doing and can set it up, It's so much better then winblows and a hell of a lot more stable23:19
mashakldverweire :I know that23:19
mashakldverweire : how to open a port in linux?23:19
dverweiremashakl: oh, so you need to know how to specificall open the port. is the service running that uses that port?23:19
DJNoMaDits crazy how you can put lipstick on a pig and I dont think about bacon ,I see a woman lol23:20
nannesSlart && bucky: ehm.... I know what alien and rpms are!! ;) Simply I didn't find a name that tells appart the two things!23:20
mashakldverweire : yes23:20
BookmanDoes Magic Jack work with Ubuntu?23:20
dverweiremashakl: what firewall package are you using?23:20
DJNoMaDkk swat is asking for a username and a password ...do I use my creditials or make up new ones23:21
MindVirusAny advice?23:21
dverweireDJNoMaD: try yours23:21
cablguyhey guys..  just installed Jaunty and skype for some reason is closing down by itself..  anyone else getting this and is there a fix yet?23:21
Goudalol magic jack? you didn't buy that crap from that infomercial did you!?23:21
guntbertGouda: I understand - but still your rant is off topic :_)23:21
mashakldverweire : i got firestarter ,,,but  i didnt run it yet23:21
DJNoMaDBookman, magic jack website should tell you requirements23:21
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
GoudaNot offtopic23:22
Gouda<coreyman> stefg this is a load of bull, operating systems are designed to work with hardware, hardware is not designed to work with operating systems i'm going back to windows.23:22
Goudathis is why I said that23:22
Slartnannes: if I understand things it's not the fact that it's an .rpm package that makes it bad to use it on ubuntu.. it's that the .rpm package probably isn't built for ubuntu that is bad.. (since anyone making a package for ubuntu would use a .deb instead)23:22
x404xhow many years is common to learn the basic ubuntu commands ?23:22
cablguyLinux is the sheezy..23:22
Slartnannes: sorry about the long explanation =)23:22
cablguyjust give it a chance and you'll love it..  trust me. ;)23:22
BookmanDJNoMaD: If I had to rely on manufacturers sites for compatibility information, I would not be able to use anything with Linux.23:22
DJNoMaDdverweire,  can I have your username and pass? mine didn't work23:22
dverweireDJNoMaD: lol. mine won't help. i promise you that.23:22
GoudaYeah, it just takes awhile to learn. It's not so much as point and click as windows but once you learn it, it's very powerful and hard to go back to windblows23:23
mashaklDjNoMad : lol23:23
DJNoMaDdverweire,  I was just kidding it worked23:23
dverweireDJNoMaD: :) you made me laugh.23:23
Slartx404x: it would depend on how much you use it.. I would say a couple of months to get the hang of the basic stuff.. faster if you use it more often.. slower if you rarely open a terminal23:23
cablguyGouda,  my opinion as well.  ;)23:23
nannesSlart: sorry???! I should be grateful to you because you're only listening to me!! :)23:23
cablguyso, anyone on the Skype thing??23:23
GoudaI prefer to do things by CLI23:23
GoudaI'm an old DOS geek23:23
mashakldverweire : I'm here23:23
EraserHeadcablguy i'm on skype23:24
DJNoMaDGouda,  what is CLI ?23:24
zopiacGouda: right there with you :D23:24
ichigogoGoauda: can i run a vb6 prog on dos?23:24
GoudaCommand Line Interface23:24
Slartx404x: spending time in this channel also helps.. lots of good advice being thrown around in here.. hopefully something sticks =)23:24
DJNoMaDkk thanks23:24
x404xand setting up news servers, nas, intelligent ai firewalls and email servers ? 10 lifetimes or so abouts ? ;=)23:24
DJNoMaDI am part near genious being in the presence of ya'll23:24
Goudavisual basic 6 program??23:24
mashaklplease help me guyz23:24
cablguyEraserHead,  I just installed on Jonty and it's closing down by itself for some reason,..   U get this??23:24
hanasakiGtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:  remotecmoputer:0.0    why would this be?23:24
mashaklhow to open a port in linux ?23:24
EraserHeadcablguy nope, mine is working properly23:25
Goudagoogle how to open a port in linux23:25
GoudaThat's what I do usually whenver I try to find an answer23:25
dverweiremashakl: did you run firestarter?23:25
erUSULmashakl: ports are not closed in ubntu by default. unless you set up a firewall23:25
cablguyGouda,  you'll love Linux once you get used to it..   It's great!!  and open source and FREE..  You really can't go wrong.23:25
cablguyEraserHead, Hmmmmmm23:25
mashakldverweire : no23:25
MindVirusWhat do I do about this?23:25
GoudaYeah I already love it cableguy. When I was in the USAF, I had a redhat linux box setup running apache, samba and ftp23:25
dverweiremashakl: if you need to, from consle run sudo firestarter, there is a startup wizard23:25
GoudaI am just now getting the motivation back up to learn it again23:26
MindVirusAny APT pros?23:26
guntbert!ot > Gouda23:26
ubottuGouda, please see my private message23:26
GoudaMy skills are rusty as hell23:26
MindVirusAnyone know their dpkg?23:26
DJNoMaDwinbindd:not running   is that critical to me networking to windblows23:26
SlartMindVirus: try... ask the question23:26
MindVirusSlart: I did.23:26
tavi_a irc client whit /timer abolity in ubuntu?23:26
mashakldverweire , i need to open port # 8123:27
MindVirusMany times, Slart.23:27
guntberthanasaki: are you working with ssh?23:27
EraserHeadSlart do you have have the answers to ease my curiosity?23:27
SlartMindVirus: ahh.. the pastebin link.. try adding -f23:27
DJNoMaDmashakl,  is that a im port or a mail one ?23:27
hanasakiguntbert:  no23:27
cablguyMindVirus,  what exactyl ya doin?  I'm not an Ubergeek yet but, I know some about aot..23:27
MindVirusSlart: I didn't run the command, so I don't know what it is. It's from gtkorphan.23:27
dverweiremashakl: once you go through the setup wizard, under the policy tab, you can add services under the policy tab23:27
hanasakiguntbert:  its all on the same subnet and internal23:27
MindViruscablguy: I'm removing packages that have been uninstalled but still have configuration files.23:28
cablguyorphan..  Hmmmm23:28
Goudaiptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --sport 81 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT23:28
cablguythat's not good..23:28
Goudamaybe that command23:28
SlartMindVirus: ok.. try running this.. "sudo apt-get install -f"23:28
Goudatry it. might work23:28
mashakldverweire : I'll try , dont go away23:28
MindViruscablguy: gtkorphan is a program that finds all orphaned packages.23:28
cablguyand if you didn't run the command..  than some else had to run it..23:28
erUSULmashakl: it does. loose the caps23:28
guntberthanasaki: what are you trying to do?23:28
FlannelMindVirus: Yes23:28
xanguamaster_ don't scream23:28
Flanneler, master_23:28
hanasakiguntbert:  is there some system settnig that turns off all abiilty to display from remote?23:28
SlartEraserHead: I didn't see your question.. can you repeat it?23:28
master_hey all23:28
GoudaThe power of google PREVAILS!23:28
MindViruscablguy: an orphaned package is a package without a parent -- that means it isn't a dependency.23:28
Slart!info filezilla23:28
ubottufilezilla (source: filezilla): Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1115 kB, installed size 2860 kB23:28
DJNoMaDanyone know where the network notification icon is stored ? I installed the theme "mashup" and it is now hijacked to the world with a ethernet plug hole in it and I dont like it23:28
MindVirusSlart: you want me to install it?23:29
DeeleerUSUL: what means ./config ?23:29
Slartmaster_: it seems to be available from the repos at least23:29
hanasakiguntbert:  on the remote system "export DISPLAY=mydesktop:0.0"  then xterm23:29
DeeleerUSUL: terminal refuses to open23:29
erUSULDeele: is command you have tu run23:29
EraserHeadSlart i haven't done none yet, i was simply asking if you had them or not.23:29
cablguyMindVirus,  ok, well apperently u know more than me already..  so, that's about my limit..  :p23:29
buckyMindVirus, according to that paste you're missing stuff.. did you just go around and rm things?23:29
master_i installed it but i cant connect to my site23:29
SlartMindVirus: no.. that command will just run through any old stuff hanging around from previous installs23:29
MindViruscablguy: :)23:29
guntberthanasaki: take the easy + secure way: use ssh -X remote.host23:29
MindVirusbucky: I rm'ed old kernels, being used to Gentoo.23:29
erUSULDeele: in the help is  ./configure --with-gnutls23:29
cablguyso, no one else havin any issues with Skype closing down by itself??23:29
DJNoMaDI do not and will not use skype23:30
buckyMindVirus, you should always let apt do that23:30
MindViruscablguy: Skype is closed-source software. We don't like that kind.23:30
buckyMindVirus, now apt is confused23:30
Slartcablguy: nope.. sadly my skype keeps running.. not that it does me any good since I can't use it.. but no.. it doesn't shut itself down =)23:30
master_does filezilla work on 9.0423:30
MindVirusbucky: I'm well aware.23:30
DeeleerUSUL: bash: ./configure: No such file or directory23:30
EraserHeadcablguy which is your skype version?23:30
Hydridhow to log in vsftpd.I am a local user that installed and configured vsftpd23:30
GoudaWho was asking about opening a port23:30
MindVirusbucky: I need to unconfuse apt.23:30
cablguySlart,  I use it fine on my install...23:30
hanasakiguntbert:  when I go on the net I will.. for now .. on the local box DISPLAY=:0.0   works if I type xterm..   DISPLAY=myhostname:0.0   doesn't not work23:30
cablguyI don't have any issues with it at all..23:30
DJNoMaDskype has the same agrrement that the cash for clunkers website has "we own your computer and can do whatever we want while you are connected to us"23:30
MindVirusSlart: I ran `sudo apt-get install -f` without any interesting output.23:31
erUSULDeele: are you on the right folder ?23:31
dverweireGouda: mashakl was asking about opening port 81 using firestarter23:31
DeeleerUSUL: that is what I am asking :)23:31
MindViruscablguy: just curious, do you know how to tab-complete?23:31
DJNoMaDI seen that about skype on glen beck,so its gotta be true ,right lol23:31
erUSULDeele: run "pwd"23:31
cablguyEraserHead,  never mind.  I think I see why now..   I'm using 2.1 BETA...  :p23:31
SlartMindVirus: actually.. I think the easiest thing would be to reinstall that old kernel.. and just hope it's still available from the repos23:31
MindVirusSlart: it's not.23:31
buckyMindVirus, can you sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.24-8-generic23:31
MindVirusI tried. :P23:31
EraserHeadcablguy well, that explains23:31
MindVirusbucky: nope.23:31
GoudaMashakl:    you need to cd /etc/sysconfig and vi iptables and check out that file for the ports23:32
cablguyHmmmm   sorry MindVirus  not sure how to do that yet..23:32
DeeleerUSUL: I know, in whitch dir I am now, I need to know, from where I need to run that config23:32
SlartMindVirus: hmm.. hang on..23:32
MindViruscablguy: check this out. Type the first few letters of my name and press tab.23:32
cablguyanyone I'm out..  thankls guys..23:32
Goudalater cable23:32
buckyMindVirus, maybe sudo dpkg --purge  linux-image-2.6.24-8-generic23:32
cablguyGouda,  enjoy the ride.. and read lots..  ;)23:32
Goudaalready am browsie23:32
mashaklGoada : thnx man .. I'll try23:32
guntberthanasaki: I understood - if you want it easy - use ssh, the xhost thing is "a little" more complicated, because remote X sessions are disabled by default23:32
erUSULDeele: from the source code directory you dl with the git command23:32
buckyMindVirus, what does uname -r say ?23:32
cablguyMindVirus,  yes, I've know about that for a while..23:33
hanasakiguntbert:  what is it that disables them23:33
EraserHeadcan someone guide me through ninja gainden's third level?23:33
cablguynow,m I know wha it's calle.d.23:33
Hydridhow to log in vsftpd23:33
MindViruscablguy: OK. That's tab completion. You can do that in the terminal too.23:33
quantumapparmor is hell!23:33
buckyMindVirus, good  try sudo dpkg --purge  linux-image-2.6.24-8-generic23:33
x404xhow many million man pages can the eyes handle ?23:33
DeeleerUSUL: but Initialized empty Git repository in /etc/wine-war3/.git/ fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly23:33
MindViruscablguy: I figure you're a new Ubuntu user so you might be interested.23:33
erUSULDeele: in step 4 --> cd ~/wine-war3 and then you have to run tools/make_requests23:33
erUSULDeele: :| seems like the git server is busy...23:33
MindVirusbucky: dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove linux-image-2.6.24-8-generic which isn't installed.23:34
guntberthanasaki: several settings - I didn't try it for about 10 years - take my advice - use ssh with X forwarding23:34
DeeleerUSUL: same as wine server23:34
erUSUL!caps | master_23:34
ubottumaster_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:34
danbhfive1MindVirus: were you having trouble with eee?23:34
MindVirusdanbhfive1: YES!23:34
danbhfive1MindVirus: 1000he?23:34
master_ive tried to installcs3 adobe in wine no luck23:34
MindVirusdanbhfive1: 1000. :(23:34
buckyMindVirus, what does dpkg -S /boot/System.map-2.6.24-8-generic  say?23:34
Lord_DeviHow can I take a CLI Text stream, (think for awk/sed etc etc) and capitalize it? I mean the whole word. I.e. make 'example' into 'EXAMPLE'?23:35
v3ritasI have a dumb question:  How can i prompt a user for a value in a script?23:35
MindVirusbucky: not found.23:35
Hydridmaster why dont you use virtual box23:35
Hydridafter everything will be working23:35
master_hybrid virtual box?23:35
Hydridinstall virtual box23:36
danbhfive1MindVirus: ah, I see (though, I thought they all had some letters, like 1000h 1000ha 1000he)  I have the 1000he.  I can run some tests if you like...  Its been several days since I've last upgraded it23:36
Hydridinstall your desired os23:36
master_hybrid i shall do now23:36
MindVirusdanbhfive1: what do you mean?23:36
Hydridgo to sun23:36
Hydridand download the proper file23:36
Hydridand install23:36
master_hybrid sun?23:36
Hydridsun microsystems23:36
buckyMindVirus, do you have a /boot/System.map-2.6.28-15-generic ?23:36
deanyadd the repo, much easier in the long run.23:36
master_hybrid ill do now23:37
erUSULLord_Devi: tr can do it fairly easily23:37
MindVirusbucky: I do, good friend.23:37
DJNoMaDsun? for virtual box?23:37
buckyMindVirus, sudo cp /boot/System.map-2.6.28-15-generic /boot/System.map-2.6.24-8-generic  and try again23:37
deanyvirtualbox.org even23:37
Hydridmake a virtual host23:37
master_im on sun23:37
Hydridyes sun23:37
Lord_DevierUSUL: Takinga  look at 'man tr' here.. I don't see a mechanism with tr that lets me..23:37
Lancen833I recently updated the drivers on my 9.04 computer with proprietary drivers, the ATI/AMD FGLRX ones. I used the apt-get command to get them, because the gui download would freeze up and hang. Now after the loading screen the monitors only show lines and static. Does anyone know how I can fix this?23:37
gabuntuhello! i'm having a little issue with my screen resolution, it's set to 1280x960@60hz (a bit straining to the eyes) but when i try to change it to 1024x768@85hz it fails... xrandr shows that option, is there any other way to change it?23:37
DJNoMaDshould one use the ose or the other virtual box ?23:37
Lord_Devierr lookING at 'man tr' rather. sorry..23:37
quantumsudo aa-complain /path/to/bin what does /path/to/bin mean?23:37
deanyDJNoMaD, other23:37
MindVirusbucky: still not found.23:38
buckyMindVirus, ls -l /boot/System.map-2.6.24-8-generic23:38
quantumaa-complain is transferring to complain mode23:38
DJNoMaDdeany, thanks I being a ubuntu fan would choose the ose23:38
MindVirusbucky: I have 20 kernels like this.23:38
MindVirusbucky: please don't make me do this to each one.23:38
Hydridmaster you want to install windows as i understood23:38
master_hybrid i have many options23:38
erUSULLord_Devi: echo "lowercase" | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]23:38
master_is it open source23:38
deanyDJNoMaD, good for you23:38
buckyMindVirus, add it up to expiriments23:38
MindVirusbucky: permissions are 644.23:39
deanyDJNoMaD, I want decent USB support.23:39
Lord_DevierUSUL: Ah yes, thank you very much USUL23:39
erUSULLord_Devi: no problem23:39
DJNoMaDdeany, bad for me cause I have no clue what a cli is and my networking aint networking lol23:39
Hydridmaster http://dlc.sun.com/virtualbox/vboxdownload.html#linux23:39
Lancen833Can anyone help me out here?23:39
deanyDJNoMaD, seems they update the "non-free" version a lot more and a lot better imo.23:39
MindVirusDJNoMaD: a CLI is a command-line interface.23:39
erUSUL!ask | Lancen83323:39
ubottuLancen833: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:39
buckyMindVirus, you rm 'd some files and now the package manager is looking for them because it still believes it's database from when it installed those files23:40
MindVirusbucky: I know.23:40
Lancen833 I recently updated the drivers on my 9.04 computer with proprietary drivers, the ATI/AMD FGLRX ones. I used the apt-get command to get them, because the gui download would freeze up and hang. Now after the loading screen the monitors only show lines and static. Does anyone know how I can fix this? --copypaste from above23:40
MindVirusI rm'ed a bunch of files.23:40
DJNoMaDdeany, I need the usb ,the only reason I want to use xp is so I can connect my cell phone23:40
MindVirusSilly me.23:40
MindVirusI'm used to doing things the hard way.23:40
MindVirusI'm not used to all this automation.23:40
x404xis it hard to setup ubuntu to boot 4 terminal windows 1 x11 and a diagnostic console ?23:40
Hydridmaster i hope you have enough memory in your pc23:41
gabuntuhello! i'm having a little issue with my screen resolution, it's set to 1280x960@60hz (a bit straining to the eyes) but when i try to change it to 1024x768@85hz it comes up weird... xrandr shows many options including the one i desire, is there any other way to change the screen res?23:41
x404xguess i have to battle with grub then ?23:41
deanyDJNoMaD, virtualbox.org, add the repo, install virtualbox-3.023:41
DJNoMaD404 you 404'd me withg that (cannot connect) lol23:41
SlartMindVirus: this article looks interesting http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/troubleshooting-debian-ubuntu-package-upgrades-removals.html23:42
DJNoMaDdeany I shall do that23:42
SlartMindVirus: you'll still have to find and edit a file for each package you can't uninstall23:42
x404xdid I ? maybe thats why i have no friends23:42
x404xmust be my firewall23:42
MindVirusSlart: there are too many files like this.23:42
DJNoMaDunless anyone has a lg rumor they can connect either bluetooth or usb23:42
MindVirusI have 20 kernels.23:42
SlartMindVirus: oh... I'll keep looking.. see if I find anything useful23:43
x404xwhy have 20 ? I struggle enuff with 123:43
gtacshow do i enable USB detection for a wireless mouse.  lsusb shows the item is detected but wont run unless i restart?  I am new and just trying to learn to how to get devices detected an enabled w/o restsrting.23:43
master_hybrid same version in a software channel?23:44
deanyDJNoMaD, nope23:44
deanyDJNoMaD, only a SE w98023:44
deanyDJNoMaD, works as a mem stick in ubuntu, to put songs to23:45
master_hybrid- i am installing23:45
v3ritasCan anyone tell me how i can prompt a user for a variable value in a script?23:45
MindVirusSlart, bucky: I couldn't even dpkg --force-all --purge the package.23:45
deanyDJNoMaD, and also with "wammu" for managing sms etc23:45
master_so i should be able to run programs or straight os23:45
buckyMindVirus, it hates you23:45
=== Ph` is now known as Ph`AFK
MindVirusbucky: I guess that is the case. Any suggestions, dude?23:45
buckygtacs, what does lsmod |grep usbhid b say?23:45
buckyMindVirus, you can't reinstall that kernel version because this was a release upgrade right?23:46
MindVirusbucky: most likely.23:46
gtacsbucky, i didnt try that, i just restarted, and it works now, but was j/c on avoiding the restart in the future23:47
master_all will i learn all this like you guys23:47
Lancen833Is there a way to disable a driver without going into the GUI23:47
MindVirusdanbhfive1: you there?23:47
HydridHooooooooooow to log in my vsftpd???23:47
danbhfive1MindVirus: yeah23:47
MindVirusdanbhfive1: what were you saying, man?23:47
master_hybrid installed23:47
buckygtacs, i just wanted to know if your driver was loaded23:47
danbhfive1MindVirus: hrm, well, I was trying to find a way to help, since I have an eee myself.  But I don't actually know what the problem is.  I just saw you mention something about a broken kernel maybe? yesterday.23:48
br0ken85i have a question and hopefully someone may be able to help me out. every few minutes, my mouse freezes where it is and clicking doesn't do anything, etc. the computer is not frozen and i can still alt-tab and anything else really. and in my dmesg, i get this: "[694245.939781] psmouse.c: resync failed, issuing reconnect request"23:48
DJNoMaDmy phone has a setting to set it as a flash drive but it does not work correctly23:48
buckyMindVirus, if it was me i'd reinstall the os...23:48
MindVirusbucky: any way to regenerate the database?23:48
Lancen833For instance, can I disable a driver by using the root that one can get into from grub?23:49
DJNoMaDI need to break down and pay for a memory card reader,I washed my last one lol23:49
MindVirusdanbhfive1: the problem is in my trackpad.23:49
ZappoHi, im having a problem installing a app from source. im installing Alephone and it gives me a error when i try to install it. does anyone know what i should do?23:49
MindVirusdanbhfive1: no matter what I do I can't disable tap-to-click.23:49
DJNoMaDmaybe I can fix it with duct tape and wd 4023:49
master_virtual box said installed....but cant find it23:49
buckyMindVirus, not that i know of but you might google for it23:49
danbhfive1MindVirus: are you running jaunty or karmic?23:49
MindVirusdanbhfive1: my Eee's running Karmic.23:49
gtacsbucky, the driver is loaded23:50
buckygtacs, good23:50
DJNoMaDkarmic,is that the next generation ubuntu ?23:50
buckydanbhfive1, here's his paste http://pastebin.com/m6512b544 he rm'ed a bunch of stuff do you know anyway around it?23:50
master_how do i use virtualbox?23:50
MindVirus!karmic | DJNoMaD23:50
ubottuDJNoMaD: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:50
MindVirusdanbhfive1: ignore that.23:51
MindVirusThat's a different problem.23:51
Hydridmaster_    go to virtualbox.org23:51
DJNoMaDi like the name Karmic23:51
danbhfive1bucky: you mean nuke the post-removal script? I sure do23:51
SlartMindVirus: bah.. I've tried searching the ubuntu site for older packages but 2.6.24-8 just isn't there... and it's not one big repository you can add to reinstall them and then remove them..23:51
gtacsbucky, will it auto-start in the future?  Is the just something required on initial installation?23:51
DJNoMaDHydrid,  he downloaded it jus cant find it23:51
master_hybrid i shall23:51
Hydridand there is a very simple help its so easy even for newbies23:51
MindVirusSlart: hmm.23:51
SlartMindVirus: I would go with a reinstall at some later date and just leave the kernel packages as they are for now23:51
DJNoMaDohh ok23:51
DJNoMaDi will be afk for a bit23:52
MindVirusSlart: they don't bother me at all.23:52
master_hybrid it said install cant find on system though?23:52
MindVirusSlart: but they feel like an itch to be scratched.23:52
DJNoMaDmaster try  opening terminal and typing virtualbox23:52
SlartMindVirus: mm.. I wish apt had a "remove the package as good as you can but don't worry if you don't find every file"-option23:53
DJNoMaDnevermind I wouldn't take advice from me about terminal things23:53
MindVirusapt's written in Python, right?23:53
Hydridi had the same prob23:53
SlartMindVirus: not sure.. haven't really thought about it23:53
Hydridbut i reinstall the package and everythign whent goos23:53
MindVirusSlart: I think I'll write a patch right quick.23:53
MindVirusNo. Too lazy.23:53
master_ok it says cant find in terminal should i try ap iy23:54
darkhamhey people, i need help with samba, does anybody can help me?23:54
SlartMindVirus: hehe23:54
Neonexusanyone testing Karmic?23:54
MindVirusNeonexus: yes. Ask in #ubuntu+1.23:54
teadictIs there a trick so links run by default instead of asking for one of those 4 options?23:54
=== jabagawe` is now known as jabagawee
Hydridmaster_ try to reinstall the package23:55
buckyNeonexus, yep and a lot of people in #ubuntu+123:55
master_hybrid i shall try23:55
buckyteadict, irssi will start with no options23:56
Hydriddouble click the file and at the right corner it says reistall23:56
Hydridif it doesnt work23:56
Hydriddo a reboot and after try again23:56
teadictbucky: How does that solve my problme?23:56
buckyteadict, but there's prolly a .links file that you can store defaults23:56
teadictbucky: Where?23:57
master_I just ran sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose and its doing something23:57
jrtaylorivWhen a process segfaults, are all of the file descriptors that were opened in that process get closed?  I'm wondering if a filehandle for a file opened as O_TEMPORARY would be destroyed if the process crashed without doing close() on it23:57
Hydridits installing its ok23:57
=== boleh is now known as eena
master_still installing23:58
master_Now to configure is it for a os system or similiar to wine23:58
aljoshkaI have trouble mounting a USB flash drive. Does anyone think that they could possibly help me?23:59
teadictbucky: Ubuntu keeps a .links file for default configuration of links?23:59

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