
=== gafton_ is now known as gafton
=== Bolle1961_ is now known as Bolle1961
thisfreddesktopcouch group therapy session start13:50
* aquarius grins13:50
thisfredProblem: we want to restrict users from writing/replicating specific views to the cloud13:51
thisfredNot because we like restricting people, but the views we actually execute on the cloud could bring our whole system to its knees if a clever person put some bad JS in them13:52
thisfredthat is probably the *only* thing we want to restrict though13:52
statikgot an example of one that needs to be blocked?13:52
thisfredand that seems to be hard13:52
statikwe're not restricting _utils?13:52
statikhola jan13:53
thisfredstatik: not sure yet13:53
thisfredstatik: would be awesome if we didn't have to13:53
aquariusstatik, the views that funambol exchange uses, for example; we don't want someone to hack that view so it loops infinitely, hanging our funambol exchange process and eating our cpu time13:53
aquariusstatik, I'd really like people to have access to futon in the cloud, if we can't think of a reason why they shoudln't have it13:53
aquariusjan____, the problem we're discussing is as thisfred says above: we want to give a user control over all their DBs in the cloud, but we don't want them to be able to edit views that we put in those DBs13:54
aquariusjan____, but I don't know how to limit an admin, cos they're, well, an admin13:54
statikaquarius, because they can replicate their db and use futon on the desktop13:54
thisfredthey might start building websites that use it as a datastore, and traffic might get too big13:54
aquariusstatik, part of the point of the web UI is that you can get at data from other platforms, no?13:55
aquariusstatik, and from computers that aren't yours. Else, why have a web UI at all? We don't need to do extra work to create futon, it already exists.13:55
jan____aquarius: I'd block view URLs GET requests via nginx13:56
thisfredstatik: I'm not saying that we should open _utils, just that it'd be kinda cool if we could. The real problem is: how do we use validators in a way that admin users can't get around them.13:56
aquariusjan____, GETting a view isn't a problem, I don't think, it's PUTting a view...13:57
statikwe will be running apache as a proxy already to unwrap the SSL and do load balancing, so jans suggestion seems pretty good13:57
thisfredand since replication is as yet unfiltered, blocking PUT isn't a solution if I understand everything (which I may not)13:58
jan____aquarius: putting a view doesn't burn any CPU cycles. indexes are generated on-read13:58
thisfredjan____: the problem: we run views on the cloud, if a user maliciously or stupidly modifies that view, we're hosed13:59
thisfredso we want a validator13:59
aquariusjan____, ah, but we do need to GET the view. What I mean is, the user PUTs a view which eats CPU time when executed, and then later we GET it (not protected by nginx because we're already in the cloud)13:59
thisfredthat disallows specific views to be written to the cloud13:59
thisfredwhich is hard, if the user is an admin, or isn't it?14:00
jan____creating a view means updating a design doc.14:00
thisfredperhaps not, if we block all write access to the user database14:00
thisfredjan____: 1. can I create a write validator that only allows write from a single specific user?14:01
thisfredand 2. what happens if validation fails during replication? I read some disturbing messages on the mailing list that seemed to imply replication fails entirely in that case?14:02
jan____thisfred: this was probably mattetti, we don't have a bug report yet.14:05
jan____thisfred: validate_doc_update has userCtx to work with.14:05
jan____thisfred: replication is supposed to skip docs it isn't allowed to write. if there's a crash, that's a bug. but I've seen it work correctly14:06
aquariusjan____, if we protect "our" views with a validator, can that validator also protect itself (so the admin user can't overwrite or remove the validator itself?)14:07
thisfredok, so that's good news14:08
statikhey kenvandine, i want the ubuntuone hackers to get a lot more hands on with packaging of our stuff, especially with desktopcouch so that we are handing off stuff that is ready to be uploaded by a sponsor directly. currently Vcs-Bzr points to a branch that I don't have commit access to, and I want to change that. any thoughts?14:09
thisfredaquarius' question is a good one, though, but I think the validate_doc can protect itself14:09
jan____aquarius: thisfred: I'd put "admin" views into their own design doc14:10
aquariusjan____, and then check for (and prevent) updates to that design doc in validate_doc_update, unless those updates come from a specific user (us, not the db owner)14:11
thisfredjan____: and then protect them to be only writable by the "superadmin" and all other admins would not be able to sneak anything past, right?14:11
statikthisfred, jan____, did you guys figure out the SSL thing? without that, we won't be exposing couchdb to any users at all14:11
dobeystatik: do what we do with ubuntuone-{storage-protocol,client}14:12
aquariusjan____, if we (our user, not the user's user :)) are an admit, does the actual user have to be an admin as well in order to write documents and create databases?14:12
aquariusdobey, what's that?14:12
jan____statik: I don't know of any "that SSL thing"14:12
statikdobey, tell me more!14:12
thisfredah, right, another question (I asked on #couchdb before, but at a bad moment I guess) can we use https for replication at all?14:12
jan____aquarius: no, but to create design docs he needs to be14:12
jan____there is no SSL in couchdb14:13
jan____there's a patch to mochiweb that enables it14:13
dobeystatik: lp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/karmic/$PROJECT/karmic <- this is what we have in Vcs-Bzr for them, and it's where i do the packaging14:13
jan____but I don't know how good it is14:13
statikdobey, that sounds perfect14:13
dobeypoauth will be the same14:13
aquariusjan____, ah, ok, which means that if he creates a design doc in his local couch and then replicates it to the cloud, he'd need to be an admin14:13
aquariusso he needs to be an admin, OK. :)14:14
aquarius(because apps that use desktopcouch will write views into their DBs, especially in the New World Order of no _temp_view :))14:14
thisfredaquarius: but we do want to allow all design docs to be replicated that we *don't* run14:14
statikjan____, the patch is in the bugtracker or something? the thing about https is that we won't be allowing anyone to replicate couchdb from ubuntuone.com except via https, we sorta assumed all http clients also supported https. so this could block the whole thing from being turned on for karmic14:14
statikdobey, do those branches have just the debian/ dir or everything?14:15
jan____statik: I remember talking to you guys about SSL and it wasn't an issue before14:16
thisfredthat may have been a miscommunication then14:16
thisfredwe can't send stuff over the net in the clear, especially things like contacts information14:17
dobeystatik: the contents of the release tarball, plus the debian dir14:17
kenvandinestatik, what you want to do is always pull from the branch in Vcs-Bzr and make your changes and push it somewhere14:17
dobeystatik: as that is how james_w explained to me that source package branches work14:17
kenvandinestatik, then propose that branch fro sponsoring14:17
jan____thisfred: you need ssl client support for the replicator then?14:17
kenvandinestatik, hopefully we will start using merge proposals :)14:17
aquariusjan____, it's not an issue for peer-to-peer replication (two machines on the same network), but it is for desktop-to-cloud14:18
statikkenvandine, so i want to change the package so the official Vcs-Bzr branch is not pointing to an ~ubuntu-desktop owned branch14:18
thisfredjan____: yep, most importantly, the server we could handle in a proxy I guess14:18
* dobey wonders if anyone actually uses OAuthClient14:18
kenvandinestatik, also when you do that, you always want to set the release to UNRELEASED14:18
kenvandinestatik, ideally the branches in Vcs-Bzr is a branch maintained by the distro team14:18
kenvandineso core-dev, desktop, etc14:18
statikthats not how it's been explained to me in the past14:19
jan____thisfred: i.e. POST /_replicate {"source":"user", "target":"https://ubuntuone.com/user"} should work?14:19
kenvandinestatik, well everyone seems to have different opinions14:19
thisfredjan____: yes14:19
kenvandinestatik, hang on a few14:20
jan____thisfred: lessee14:20
statikkenvandine, btw i'm planning to put desktopcouch into debian so i might delete Vcs-Bzr completely depending on how discussions go with debian14:21
kenvandinestatik, well our's will need Vcs-Bzr14:21
kenvandinebut in debian no14:21
statikso my understanding is that using sourcepackagebranches is totally optional, and there is a daemon somewhere that is automatically making sourcepackagebranches based on what is uploaded to the archive14:23
jan____thisfred: for SSL in the past, I think SteveA talked about a transport thingie that you guys have (forgot the name) that makes an SSL tunnel to the server and give couchdb a local http endpoint14:24
statikjan____, thats on the server side. we don't want to set up stunnel on every single ubuntu desktop14:24
thisfredjan____: ah yes, that was an earlier plan, we didn't end up having that channel though14:25
* thisfred kicks self14:25
jan____alright, I didn't know that14:27
thisfredof course nobody thought the implications through when we abandoned that, because there wasn't an actual point in time where we sat down and made the decision14:27
statikthat would be far too practical14:28
thisfredwho's not here that we can blame?14:28
jan____/kick stevea14:28
aquariusI'll be gone in a few hours if you need a scapegoat. :)14:29
jan____aquarius: I'd like to resolve the oauth issue14:29
aquariusjan____, yes. Does my test script correctly exhibit the problem for you? (that users from the ini file are not read by the oauth handler?) jasondavies acknowledged that that was an issue with the original code, and his patch was meant to fix it, but it doesn't work for me14:30
jan____aquarius: whoops, I missed that link14:31
* aquarius pokes dobey in the eye about the wireless power comment :)14:34
aquariusdobey, by wireless power I mean: I can make it work in my living room, so if I'm anywhere in that room my phone is being charged. WHlie the Touchstone is sweet, it's not what I was talking about :)14:38
aquariusjan____, got the link now? (sorry)14:38
rmcbrideAh you have a big tesla coil then?14:38
* rmcbride stabs his router14:39
jan____aquarius: yeah14:39
aquariusrmcbride, I did not mention there: I can walk about in my living room without (a) my skeleton flashing on and off and (b) being infertile for a month afterwards14:39
jan____fucking autotools, btw14:39
aquariusjan____, there is a reason I hack Python. ;)14:39
jan____aquarius: you can't get around it though :/14:39
dobeyaquarius: yes, sure. but the touchstone doesn't fill the room with EMR either :)14:40
rmcbrideaquarius: yea but with a tesla coil you can cackle like a mad scientist convincingly. Add a Jacob's Ladder and you can build golems out of body parts14:40
kenvandinestatik, yes source package branches are optional... but far easier to deal with :)14:40
kenvandineevery time you want to get something sponsored, you should rebase your branch on what is in Vcs-Bzr and merge in your changes... being careful to maintain the changelog entries14:42
statikkenvandine, for sure! i need to get the dozen or so packages that ubuntuone-hackers are maintaining into a cohesive state, and having the official packaging branch owned by ~ubuntu-desktop doesn't fit into that plan very well14:42
dobeystatik: i'm guessing any packages that become straight imports from debian will continue to be automatically stuffed into source package branches14:42
kenvandineso the changelog is identical to the latest source package, with no ~ppa versions... etc14:43
dobeystatik: whether or not ~ubuntu-desktop owns the "official (as in ubuntu)" branch is irrelevant14:43
kenvandinestatik, actually i think it should make it easier14:43
kenvandinestatik, you probably want a ppa packaging branch too14:43
kenvandineso you maintain that, then when you need to get a version sponsored for ubuntu14:44
dobeystatik: in the end the "official (ubuntu)" one should just be a copy of our "official (u1)" branch14:44
kenvandineyou checkout the official one, merge in your branch... and clean up the changelog14:44
kenvandinejust collapse all the changelog entries since the last version in ubuntu14:44
kenvandineinto one14:44
kenvandineand set the release to UNRELEASED14:44
dobeykenvandine: eh, our PPA builds are going to be totally automated soon enough14:45
kenvandinepush it somewhere, create a bug for it and link your branch14:45
statikyeah. so what is the problem with ~ubuntuone-hackers owning the official one? if someone fixes a bug in the packaging they can just propose it for merge, right?14:45
dobeystatik: nothing. we should be maintaining the packages :)14:45
kenvandinenot really a problem14:45
dobey~ubuntuone-control-tower should own it14:45
kenvandineas long as you don't generate lots of noise14:45
kenvandineyou want the changelog to be pristine14:46
dobeykenvandine: we don't stick PPA build changelog entries into the package branch14:46
kenvandinedobey, good14:46
kenvandinedx team does :)14:46
statikwhat does it mean to generate lots of noise?14:46
kenvandineand dxteam doesn't maintain their official packaging branches14:46
aquariusjan____, is there anything I can do to help you track down the oauth issue?14:46
kenvandinestatik, changelog entries for versions never in ubuntu14:46
kenvandineso versions that only got published to your ppa14:47
dobeystatik: "stuff we don't do anyway" :)14:47
statikwell, the difference is that the dxteam has no interest in becoming ubuntu developers, while ubuntuone guys have specific goals assigned to earn ubuntu developer privileges. so i want to remove all layers of indirection14:47
kenvandinedx team always have like 50 versions i collapse into one14:47
kenvandinestatik, that is good to hear :)14:47
jan____aquarius: in a bit, need to get autotools to cooperate first14:48
aquariusjan____, kk14:48
kenvandinealthough... if the uploader doesn't have perms to push to your branch, i guess you can't set it to UNRELEASED14:48
kenvandinedobey, do you do that?14:48
dobeyi don't even know what that means :)14:49
statikkenvandine, your work has been AWESOME with helping us. i woke up last night worrying that we are not progressing as fast as we should be toward earning upload privileges because you have been fixing things for us, i think we need to learn that stuff14:49
kenvandinewith the branches we maintain, we set it to UNRELEASED instead of karmic14:49
kenvandinethen the uploader changes it when they upload it14:49
statikthats what we do in the debian erlang team too14:49
statikbut the difference is they gave me commit rights to the packaging branch :)14:50
kenvandinethat way only versions actually uploaded to karmic get tagged as karmic14:50
dobeywell seb/pitti never complained about it14:50
kenvandineso you know if you see a branch that says "karmic" you know if you need to make a change, you have to create a new version14:50
kenvandinei need to talk to pitti about it... but i think it would be a good practice for you to do the same14:51
dobeyi guess i just need to get upload rights sooner :)14:51
kenvandineuse UNRELEASED until you request sponsoring14:51
statikkenvandine, i think what we are saying is that if the uploader needs to make a change, they should be telling us to fix it14:51
kenvandinethen set release14:51
* kenvandine doesn't have upload rights yet :)14:51
kenvandinesoon i hope :)14:51
dobeystatik: well, in my experience, that's what has happened14:51
dobeystatik: seb bugs me to fix things, and then i fix them :)14:51
kenvandinei look forward to the day that none of this matters14:52
kenvandineall the source and packaging is in one branch... :) and you just request merging into the distro14:52
kenvandineusing merge/review system14:52
dobeythe source and packaging is in one branch14:52
kenvandineyes... for your's14:53
dobeyno, for all source package branches :)14:53
statikkenvandine, i think thats part of the problem. we need to be working directly with sponsors. For example, the couchdb and desktopcouch packages I worked on this week show up in launchpad as uploads credited to you (and you did great work on them), but when it comes time to apply for MOTU the measurement is based on how many good uploads you've done, so those will be ignored for the purposes of my MOTU application14:53
kenvandinedobey, no... many of them are packaging only branches... of course not want james_w is working on14:53
kenvandinestatik, true... well ... that was cause we used my changelog i already prepared :)14:54
kenvandinethe couchdb upload did too?14:54
kenvandinei thought i had preserved your's when i collapsed the changelog14:54
statikkenvandine, yes14:54
kenvandinesorry about that14:55
kenvandinei collapsed all the changes since the last karmic version into one version14:55
statikkenvandine, i promise i'm not trying to give you a hard time about it :) just trying to work out how the ubuntuone team can get more directly engaged with ubuntu devlopment, particularly for these packages14:55
kenvandinei am all for that :)14:56
kenvandinedobey already does a great job with his packages :)14:56
statiki think it's a shame that even the guys who built soyuz don't have upoad rights14:58
statikso i'm trying really hard to push this team into becoming ubuntu devs14:58
* kenvandine needs to apply for motu14:58
* dobey is trying really hard to make it so he doesn't have to actually do any work for packaging :)14:59
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountor does it? Say "me" if you want to choose your own adventure. Typical format is DONE / TODO / BLOCKED, but feel free to switch it up.15:00
statikkenvandine, i've been rejected once already and gotten comments this week about how i don't have enough uploads. so i'm fixing it :)15:00
jblountDONE: FACE duty, which felt productive until I look at the email I wrote to tell everyone what I did.15:02
jblountTODO: Review day (which seems like it will be relatively lightweight), I'd like to throw together a 'fixes' branch that has 10 or 12 small 1-line fixes in it, finish work on human readable machine names15:02
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:02
* jblount tags rodrigo_ 15:02
rodrigo_• DONE: Looked at Tomboy syncing certificates exception. More _changes polling15:02
rodrigo_• TODO: Add more tests in couchdb-glib test suite. Add social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. oAuth authentication and signing of all couchdb-glib requests. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). Tomboy syncing fixes15:02
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: none15:02
rodrigo_teknico: bai signore15:02
teknicoDONE: discussed the contacts CRUD web ui with matt, fought with encrypted partitions not working anymore in karmic (#420355), worked on the contacts CRUD web ui15:02
teknicoTODO: more work on the contacts CRUD web ui15:02
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:02
tekniconext: CardinalFang15:02
CardinalFangDONE: Gwibber debugging. Car-tag hassle.  Harassed IBM.15:02
CardinalFangTODO: Greet IBM repairman in about 5 minutes, and go offline for a few.  Gwibber fixes.  3 new d-c bugs, each easy.15:02
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:02
CardinalFangaquarius, prithee sir, what news have you?15:02
teknicorodrigo_, bai? :-)15:02
aquarius⚀ DONE: discussions with couch people about various couchish things like 301 redirects, admin accounts, doc validators15:02
aquarius⚁ TODO: continue piston oauth in snowy; write DC talk for Ubuntu Developer Week; work with jan to fix oauth problem; look at doing username URL at U1; make pairing not offer to repair15:02
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: couchdb patch which lets OAuth read users from the ini file doesn't seem to work (this is being worked on, yay!)15:02
aquariusdobey, dobey, pudding and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry15:02
rodrigo_teknico: "go" in Italian? how do you spell it?15:03
teknicorodrigo_, "vai"15:03
rodrigo_teknico: ah :)15:03
dobey☭ DONE: Dealt with minor catastrophe with latest packages, released 0.93.1, started OAuth fork, Fixed infinite respawning15:03
dobey☭ TODO: finish OAuth forking, Reviews15:03
dobey☭ BLCK: None.15:03
dobeystatik: you have the power15:04
aquariusCardinalFang, thought number II -- pairing app should not suppress already-paired servers from the list, it should display them in a new "unpair" list whichis hidden if you have no pairings15:04
CardinalFangaquarius, Agreed.15:04
aquariusCardinalFang, I'd update the bug but for some reason I can't find it?15:05
teknicorodrigo_, also, "vai" is confidential, and "signore" is deferential, so it's either "vada, signore" or "vai, amico" (but you probably did that on purpose) :-)15:05
statikDONE: worry about contacts sync missing feature freeze.15:05
statikTODO: worry about couchdb not supporting SSL. unify packaging stuff15:05
statikBLCK: nope15:05
CardinalFangBug #419973, Bug #419975, Bug#419969.15:05
rodrigo_teknico: ok, "vai amico" is what i wanted :D15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419973 in desktopcouch "in replication daemon, be sure local couchdb bind address is not 127/8 ." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41997315:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419975 in desktopcouch "for pairing, do not display hosts or servers that are already paired" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41997515:06
rodrigo_teknico: my Italian is very rough, specially written :)15:06
jblountMEETING ENDS15:06
statikrodrigo_, are you still adding stuff to about-me? will that be a problem since we are past feature freeze?15:07
teknicorodrigo_, so you almost unlimited improving potential! (as I have with spanish) :-)15:07
teknicoso you *have15:07
rodrigo_statik: haven't had time to do it, I think I'll leave it for upstream gnome 2.3015:07
rodrigo_statik: unless we really need it for karmic15:07
rodrigo_statik: which I don't think, since only gwibber uses it, right?15:07
statikrodrigo_, 2.30 is perfect15:08
rodrigo_statik: I'll start the upstream discussion then this weekend15:08
rodrigo_teknico: I only learnt a bit Italian when living in the UK, working in Italian restaurants, so very basic stuff, and having an Italian brother-in-law doesn't help me improve, since he speaks in Spanish, with some words in Italian, and he understands all my Spanish15:09
rodrigo_teknico: but will be back to Italy for the 2nd time this next December, so hope to improve, yeah :)15:10
teknicorodrigo_, will you be around Rome, by any chance?15:10
rodrigo_teknico: no, Cervinia, in Aosta15:10
dobeyrodrigo_: "che cazzo dici?!" is all you need to know, as i'm told15:10
teknicooh, december, snow, right :-)15:10
rodrigo_teknico: Rome next time :)15:10
rodrigo_dobey: :)15:11
rodrigo_dobey: "va fan culo" is also useful :)15:11
teknicodobey, try that with police, or mod ;-P15:11
rodrigo_or however you spell it :D15:11
teknicorodrigo_, that's usually one word :-)15:11
teknicoyes, both with and without the "va"15:11
* dobey knows a little more than that though15:12
teknicoehm, that was "...police, or mob"15:12
rodrigo_statik: so, you're applying for MOTU then?15:12
rodrigo_teknico: you live around Rome?15:13
statikrodrigo_, i will apply once i have a lot more uploads. i'm also trying to work on debian packages, dunno how hard it will be to become a DD15:13
rodrigo_statik: ah, you need lots of uploads to apply?15:13
teknicorodrigo_, yes, in the countryside though15:14
rodrigo_teknico: nice, really want to go there, but I always get holidays in winter, for skiing. Need to get some "normal" holidays one of these days :)15:14
statikrodrigo_, you need several advocates who are comfortable with your knowledge of packaging and policy, and who can trust that you know when to say no and will keep garbage out of the archive. usually the way people gain confidence in your abilities is sponsoring uploads for you where they can review your work15:14
rodrigo_statik: ok, only dholbach suggested me to apply, apart from you, so I guess I need to send more packages before trying to apply15:15
teknicorodrigo_, try to avoid july and august though, usually too hot and crowded15:15
statikthe equivalent of a branch review in code is a sponsored upload in ubuntu.15:15
rodrigo_teknico: yeah, same here, summer is better spent at home with air conditioning15:15
statikrodrigo_, maybe not if dholbach thinks you are ready15:15
rodrigo_statik: ah, ok, I'll ask him15:16
teknicorodrigo_, or an adequately insulated and shaded home :-)15:16
rodrigo_teknico: yeah, that works also :D15:16
statikrodrigo_, i have been able to ship code in mission critical backup systems, in MySQL core, in launchpad, all without as much work as i've had to do to try and prove myself to be able to upload a 4 line rubber-stamp rules file to ubuntu ;)15:17
kenvandinestatik, don't you get karma for an upload if you are referenced in the changelog?15:23
kenvandinelike [Elliot Murphy]15:23
* dobey hopes 0.93.1 gets uploaded soon15:28
=== facundobatista_ is now known as facundobatista
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Help contact: | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 191, Protocol Revno is 69 | Release 0.93
kenvandinedobey, yeah... me too15:30
kenvandinewe need an uploader :)15:30
kenvandinethere is nobody on my team around with upload rights :/15:30
rmcbrideTesting packages are now current. Enjoy15:31
dobeyok, back to OAuth pain15:33
* kenvandine is trying to find a core-dev15:34
kenvandinedobey, i am trying to get james_w to do the upload15:39
kenvandinewe have no uploaders on my team today :/15:39
kenvandinejames_w hasn't responded yet though15:39
aquarius_battery life fail15:46
statikkenvandine, launchpad only looks at the email address in the changelog, not at who signed the package when figuring out 'uploaded by'15:47
statikthe gpg signature is used to guard the package actually going into the archive though15:48
statikkenvandine, so if you look at https://edge.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/+related-software you will see all your uploads, even though you aren't motu yet :) you have been working hard!15:49
kenvandinestatik, interesting list... i hadn't looked at that... kind of all over the place :)15:51
statikit is reviewed by the motu council when you apply, you are probably in good shape to apply now!15:51
statiki'm going to be working on getting debian back in sync with our couchdb and erlang stack15:52
kenvandinethat will make life easier15:52
statikright now we're very divergent from debian, which is extra work for everyone15:52
aquariusthere's 45 minutes of my life I won't get back. stupid wifi.16:13
dobeyaquarius: maybe if you up the wattage on it enough, you can charge your phone with it :)16:16
aquariusdobey, heh :)16:16
urbanapeaquarius, "Karmic fail" has a rather dramatic ring to it.16:23
urbanapeOr you deserved it.16:24
aquariusurbanape, yeah, that's what I was thinking :)16:25
dobeyok, lunch and then finishing up the initial release of poauth16:27
jblountdobey: po boys oauth?16:29
urbanapedeep fried16:29
dobeyjblount: exactly16:32
aquariusright, gang, I'm off. Will try and be around over the weekend at least a little.16:36
LordMetroidCan one create an UbuntuOne host on one's own server?16:37
gkey_ubuntuone sucks16:45
gkey_it keeps crashing my whole system16:45
gkey_anyone who is able to assist?16:46
urbanapethat's probably the best way to get help, too.16:46
urbanapeWhat part is crashing? What version of Ubuntu?16:46
gkey_login probably16:47
Chipacagkey_: yes16:47
gkey_1st time I set it up - didn't complete the whole sign-up sequence16:47
Chipacagkey_: the applet and the syncdaemon brought the system down16:47
Chipacagkey_: it's already fixed in the beta16:47
Chipacagkey_: in the beta ppa, I mean16:48
gkey_since then been trying to completely remove it from my system and start all over again16:48
gkey_just can't get back to the part where I couple my system to the ubuntuone account16:48
gkey_bugs the hell out of me - 1st time ever I just can't figure out where to fix this16:49
Chipacagkey_: u1sync --authorize should do that - although I understand you should no longe rneed to do that16:50
Chipacagkey_: we log a lot of info, in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log16:50
Chipacagkey_: that usually helps us fix things / figure out what broke / etc16:50
gkey_I know - that crashes karmic too16:50
Chipacagkey_: what crashes karmic?16:51
LordMetroidIt is a known problem and a fix has been submitted16:51
ChipacaLordMetroid: the fix is already in the beta ppa16:51
LordMetroidWill the update-manager pull it?16:51
ChipacaLordMetroid: at least, the applet restarting the syncdaemon in a loop, that brought karmic down, that is fixed16:52
ChipacaLordMetroid: if u1sync also brings down karmic, that's new16:52
ChipacaLordMetroid: depends on if you're using the ppa or not :)16:52
LordMetroidI simply installed the alpha 4 by doing -d16:52
ChipacaLordMetroid: ok, it'll be a while until you get the update (a day? two? I dunno)16:53
gkey_the apport logging - gnome slows down to a grinding halt16:53
gkey_gkey@Madrid:~$ u1sync --authorize16:53
gkey_Traceback (most recent call last):16:53
gkey_  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/dbus/connection.py", line 576, in msg_reply_handler16:53
gkey_    reply_handler(*message.get_args_list(**get_args_opts))16:53
gkey_  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/oauthdesktop/auth.py", line 241, in got_state16:53
gkey_    self.acquire_access_token(description, store)16:53
gkey_  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/oauthdesktop/auth.py", line 311, in acquire_access_token16:53
ChipacaLordMetroid: if you're as impatient as I am, you can add the beta ppa; in software sources, you can add ppa:ubuntuone/beta16:53
gkey_    self.open_in_browser(oauth_request.to_url())16:53
gkey_  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/oauthdesktop/auth.py", line 222, in open_in_browser16:53
gkey_    raise Exception(errors)16:53
gkey_(gnome-open:5626): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_path_get_basename: assertion `file_name != NULL' failed16:53
gkey_Er is een fout opgetreden bij het tonen van url: Uitvoeren van dochterproces ‘https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/authorize/?oauth_token=042NC0DSWPFqzN74f55q&description=Madrid&oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A33812%2F%3Fnonce%3D2949292’ is mislukt (Bestand of map bestaat niet)16:53
Chipacagkey_: please use a pastebin16:53
LordMetroidok, I shall do that16:54
Chipacagkey_: also, you just told us some secret stuff, there16:54
Chipacagkey_: :-/16:54
Chipacagkey_: ok... let's do it slowly16:54
Chipacagkey_: first, do this: gnome-open http://google.com16:55
Chipacagkey_: does that open google in your web browser?16:55
Chipacagkey_: second, go to http://ubuntuone.com/, log in, and clear all tokens from your account, so that what you pasted above can't be used to get at your files16:57
Chipacagkey_: are you reading me?16:57
gkey_done that17:00
Chipacagkey_: did it work?17:01
Chipacagkey_: also, I told you to do two things; did you do both? :)17:01
kenvandinedobey, james_w is uploading u1 client17:07
ChipacaLordMetroid: ^17:07
gkey_sorry - how do you remove tokens?17:08
Chipacajblount: can you walk gkey_ through that?17:08
gkey_good thing - I don't seem to have any tokens yet -17:09
Chipacagkey_: also: what kenvandine said just now means that you should have a fixed client soon, even if you _aren't_ using the beta ppa17:09
Chipacagkey_: sweet :)17:09
gkey_so now - how am I going to get one connected?17:10
gkey_Obviously with a different token17:10
kenvandineit might take a couple hours to get built, etc17:10
kenvandinebut the fix is out there :)17:10
Chipacagkey_: did gnome-open work? i.e. did it open firefox with google?17:10
Chipacagkey_: because we use xdg-open, which uses gnome-open (in gnome, at least :) ), and if you don't have that configured right, things won't work17:11
gkey_(gnome-open:8002): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_path_get_basename: assertion `file_name != NULL' failed17:12
gkey_so no gnome-open failed17:12
Chipacagkey_: I don't know how it's labelled in Nederlandse, but in Engish it's "Preferred Applications", under System -> Preferences17:12
LordMetroidChipaca, ?17:13
Chipacagkey_: good! so next, try the --authorize thing again17:14
LordMetroidWHat shall I add to software sources?17:14
ChipacaLordMetroid: that a new client version is being landed in karmic soon (it's being built, etcetera)17:14
ChipacaLordMetroid: so if you wait a couple of hours you should be set :)17:14
LordMetroidAhh, good17:14
gkey_Chipaca - You Rock!17:14
gkey_It works17:14
LordMetroidTHat is so awesome17:14
Chipacagkey_: now, the client version you have, if you're not on the beta ppa, has some known and fixed issues that might prevent things from working17:15
Chipacagkey_: especially if you have used ubuntu one before17:15
gkey_I'm noticing that17:15
Chipacagkey_: if you haven't, it shouldn't be an issue (the bug was in an upgrade path that we hadn't forseen, plus bad behavior on the applet)17:16
gkey_the beta ppa - does it have a karmic version?17:16
Chipacagkey_: if you _do_ start getting a lot of "syncdaemon crashed", kill the applet17:16
Chipacagkey_: yes, the beta ppa has a karmic version17:16
ChipacaI say kill it quick, because it'll bomb your machine with a millon syncdaemons before you can say "een beetje"17:17
LordMetroidyes you have to kill the ubuntuone-client and not the syncdaemon, all syncdaemons are children of the ubuntuone-client it seems17:17
Chipacait's what we call "suboptimal behaviour"17:17
Chipacawell... more or less17:17
Chipacathe applet tries to launch syncdaemon via dbus, but if that fails, it goes to spawning it by hand17:18
Chipacadobey: I still think that's a bad idea17:18
Chipacaand there was a bug in that spawning that made it continually retry if syncdaemon crashed17:18
gkey_spawned some huge amount of processes17:19
Chipacayes, sorry, yes17:19
Chipacaeither switch to the beta ppa (ppa:ubuntuone/beta should work, otherwise follow instructions from ubuntuone.com), or wait a couple of hours for the next version17:20
gkey_k will do17:21
gkey_have to eat my dinner :-)17:21
gkey_I'll be back17:21
Chipacagkey_: if _that_ fails in any way, feel free to contact me directly17:21
gkey_will do17:21
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
dobeyi don't know that the beta ppa has the fix to avoid respawning17:29
dobeybut it has fixes for the particular crashes that exposed the issue17:29
Chipacadobey: ah! you're right, beta is 0.93.117:30
Chipacadobey: that fix is 0.93.2, right?17:30
Chipacaor something like that :)17:30
urbanapestatik: are we clear now to pqm-submit ubunet branches? Or are we still waiting for some other critical fixes to land?17:31
dobeyit's post-0.93.117:31
dobeyi haven't made another release for that one issue17:31
dobeyChipaca: and i welcome better ideas, but given that we're dealing with dbus, i'm not sure there are any17:32
Chipacadobey: one day, I'll sit down and read that code, and from that, who knows, maybe ideas will arise17:32
Chipacadobey: until then, I will continue to criticize, as is my birthright :-D17:32
Chipacadobey: (it's in our bill of rights - or it should be!)17:34
dobeyen union y libertad17:35
Chipaca...y criticando17:38
Chipacalunch! what an excellent idea17:39
=== Chipaca is now known as ChipAway
urbanapeman, some days I really miss full-screen virtual TTYs and no X/Gnome/KDE/&c17:49
dobeyurbanape: press F11 in gnome-terminal17:49
CardinalFangpfibiger, so Joe Ibm came and fixed by b0rken fan.  Yay, IBM!  But, Great Cthulhu! it was nerve-wracking to watch him work.  He was handy with a screwdriver, but it was obvious he had never opened this model before.17:50
dobeyurbanape: put one on each desktop, and et voila!17:50
statikurbanape, even better apt-get install awesome17:50
dobeyawesome, the thing that's not awesome17:50
urbanapeI prefer Ion17:51
urbanapewhen I was doing minimal window management.17:51
dobeyi wonder if couchdb-glib is following any SONAME conventions17:51
dobeyurbanape: or alternatively you could just create a session which does "exec gnome-terminal --full-screen"17:51
urbanapeIt might *look* similar, but I'd still know it's not the same.17:52
statiki have GFXBOOT set in my grub.cfg now, so i get 1440x900x32 in my grub menu, but as soon as I boot it goes back to 640x480, and my vttys are all 640x48017:53
dobeyi wish my terminals were 2048x115217:53
gkey_I got the latest from the beta ppa17:54
statik[sudo] password for dobey:17:55
CardinalFangstatik, fb console?17:55
gkey_seems to me the spawning issue isn't resolved17:55
statikCardinalFang, yes17:56
statikCardinalFang, i'm just not sure what to set for fb. i *think* i remember the kernel saying that vga= in the boot line was deprecated, but i've confused myself at this point17:57
CardinalFangstatik, yeah, it has changed a few times.  I don't know either.  If it still requires VESA mode numbers, you're screwed.17:57
dobeygkey_: he's at lunch17:58
dobeygkey_: but yes, the issue is fixed in trunk, which is slightly newer than the PPA package at the moment17:59
gkey_dobey - I seem to have another issue17:59
gkey_In one of my many efforts to do a complete reinstall17:59
gkey_I removed the ubuntuone folders17:59
gkey_now how do i recreate those?18:00
statikanyone got recommendations on a good braille display18:00
dobeygkey_: are they still there in the web ui?18:01
dobeygkey_: quit the applet/syncdaemon, and rm -rf ~/Ubuntu One and ~/.cache/ubuntuone, and then start the applet again, and it will re-download all your files18:03
gkey_on my pc I have no /home/myname/UbuntuOne folder/subfolders anymore18:03
gkey_but won't the applet crash and spawn many childs?18:04
CardinalFangThat would be terrible programming.18:04
gkey_it seems to be working18:05
=== ChipAway is now known as Chipaca
gkey_k - so now I have everything back - data working system etc. - but now I've lost the applet from my UNR18:06
pfibigerCardinalFang: is he Joe Ibm or Joe Lenovo?18:06
CardinalFangpfibiger, "IBM."18:07
Chipacagkey_: back18:07
dobeygkey_: it's only visible when connecting, updating, or offline now18:07
dobeygkey_: you can set it to show always in the preferences though, if you prefer18:08
gkey_so now - how do I make it visible again?18:09
Chipacagkey_: dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon --type=method_call /events com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Events.push_event "string:SYS_NET_DISCONNECTED" "array:string:"18:10
Chipacathat should do it :)18:10
dobeysomeone really should add --connect/--disconnect to u1sdtool18:10
tcoleah, indeed18:11
gkey_Chipaca / Dobey: thanks guys18:11
gkey_it works - changed settings etc18:11
Chipacadobey: pah! :)18:12
Chipacadobey: (agreed)18:12
Chipacaalso, I could've just said "disconnect"18:12
Chipacabut I had that ^ in my bash history :)18:12
Chipacadisconnect would be ...18:12
Chipacadbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon --type=method_call / com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.SyncDaemon.disconnect18:12
statikChipaca, thats so interesting that you said "pah!" i've only heard that from people xlating ASL18:26
statikdoes it mean something in other languages?18:26
Chipacastatik: uh...18:27
Chipacastatik: http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict1&Query=pah&Strategy=*&Database=*&submit=Submit+query18:27
Chipacastatik: sense #118:27
Chipacastatik: English as taught to me by my Nan :)18:28
statikChipaca, wow! the ASL sense means hurrah, success, triumph, mission accomplished, relief18:30
ChipacaI had no idea18:31
dobeyBill Withers is good hacking music18:31
Chipacastatik: also: you had me wondering why you'd need to translate A/S/L18:32
dobeyChipaca: in spanish it would be A/S/I no? :)18:33
ChipacaE/S/U I guess, but it's not used18:34
dobeydoes desktopcouch not actually use oauth.py?19:08
dobeystatik, urbanape: are we not doing a source pkg branch for bindwood?19:09
urbanapehmm, that I don' t know.19:11
urbanapeI wouldn't think we'd need a separate package for its source.19:12
dobeythat's not what it means exactly :)19:14
urbanapeAh, your note makes more sense19:20
urbanapeI think that'd be fine. Statik?19:21
* dobey wonders how to stuff named arguments into kwargs for passing along, but only if they are not None19:27
dobeydoh, i totally forgot i had a frosty in my freezer19:28
rmcbridedobey: did you ever get your pizza last night? or does dominos.com say its still on the shelf?19:29
tcolemy freezer has a frost19:29
urbanapedobey: passed_kw = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in orig_dict.items() if v])19:31
urbanapelike that?19:31
dobeyyes i got it19:31
dobeyurbanape: original named arguments aren't in the kwargs dict19:31
dobeyat least, from my short venture into the python console19:32
urbanapeincidentally, is there any harm in passing None-valued kwargs?19:35
dobeyit means i have to write more code, when i want to write less :)19:38
dobeybut i figured out a way to do it19:38
* dobey wonders where that statik character is20:34
dobey(probably doing the parenting bit)20:34
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
urbanapeHmm... rain rain go away20:41
LordMetroidHmm, the new files which I uploaded to the Ubuntuone didn't synchronize until I disconnected and reconnected20:42
LordMetroidShouldn't this be automatic?20:42
jblountLordMetroid: It sure should, but we're not yet sending notifications down to the client.20:42
LordMetroidI see20:42
jblountLordMetroid: So if you make changes in "other place" then you'll have to re-connect for now. Hopefully we'll have this corrrected soonish.20:43
LordMetroidThen I should probably not file a bug report20:43
dobeythere are many already :)20:43
LordMetroidAlso the upload/download arrow icons do not show in alpha 420:43
statikdobey: i'm here, just talking to too many people at once20:44
LordMetroidDunno if it should be so, probably cause I can't get them to dissapear in Jaunty20:44
jblountLordMetroid: That seems a bit odd. Have you logged in / out or rebooted since installing? Karmic should have those, but they (I think) require re logging in.20:44
jblounturbanape: Are you at a coffee shop?20:45
LordMetroidYes, I rebooted cause I killed Ubuntuone20:45
dobeystatik: it's good practice for beeing a manager20:45
LordMetroidI shall see again20:45
CardinalFangstatik, what do you think of this?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/261108/20:45
dobeyd zed stroke oh one five20:45
CardinalFangThe version numbers stuff confuses me.20:46
dobeystatik: http://launchpad.net/poauth20:46
statikdobey: i don't particularly want to be a manager, but it's addictive being able to pick who is on your team20:47
statikCardinalFang: that's cool, i didn't know distutils had that20:48
dobeystatik: ah, you're just in it for the pick up games?20:49
statikdobey: maybe the "fork of leah culvers code" part is a bit inflammatory?20:49
CardinalFangstatik, I imported the right thing since that patch, fwiw.20:49
statikprobably just because launchpad shows it in a huge font on my screen20:49
statikdobey: maybe "forked from googlecode/whatever" ?20:50
statikor "based on"20:50
CardinalFangafk a few.20:50
dobeybased on20:51
urbanapejblount: I am, but looks like the rain has let up.20:52
urbanapeGonna make a break for it.20:52
lordmetroidHmm, UbuntuOne didn't want to delete my file I uploaded when I moved it from the server to my HDD on my laptop20:53
lordmetroidThe file was still in the folder on my stationary even after I connected and disconnected20:53
rmcbridelordmetroid: can you file a bug on that and attach the logs from both systems?20:58
lordmetroidWhere do I find the logs?20:58
hagisbasherukgood evening folks21:00
rmcbridelordmetroid: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/logs21:01
lordmetroidAhh I find them21:02
lordmetroidSo many and the biggest one is over 3M21:07
lordmetroidExcept for the one on the stationary computer which is over 10M21:07
lordmetroidDamn, these are big logs21:07
=== hagisbasheruk_ is now known as haggisbasheruk
haggisbasherukubuntuone hasn't made it into kuki linux , some one was too adventurous and made the new iso today before they read my email :( awe well next release then21:14
statikhaggisbasheruk: thats cool you are integrating it, file bugs if there is anything you need from us to make it easier to integrate21:17
haggisbasherukcool , np21:18
lordmetroidHmm, I can't reproduce it, actually I can not do anything21:20
lordmetroidThis is so out of sync21:22
lordmetroidI need to file some bug reports21:22
rmcbridelordmetroid: Please do. BTW are you on today's client (0.93.1)?21:24
lordmetroidI am on my laptop, the stationary is using Jaunty21:25
haggisbasherukstatik, a left click menu instead of right click on the applet icon would be useful for tablet pens21:26
statikbugs pls :)21:31
lordmetroidbug 42075821:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420758 in ubuntuone-client "Deleting files do not sync properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42075821:35
slestakhey guys.  how are u1 deletes propogated?21:37
haggisbasherukbug 42075921:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420759 in ubuntuone-client "Request for left click menu on applet" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42075921:37
slestakI deleted a pretty full tree from one client, and expected the deletion to propogate.  However, ater several days, it has not.21:37
lordmetroidSeems like related to the bug I just filed21:38
slestaklordmetroid: whats the lp #>21:38
dobeyhaggisbasheruk: the applet has a left click menu21:40
dobeyhaggisbasheruk: it doesn't open the folder any more21:40
haggisbasherukdoes nothing here21:40
dobeyhaggisbasheruk: it either opens the status menu, or if there is an error, runs ubuntu-bug to report an issue21:40
dobeyhaggisbasheruk: what version?21:40
lordmetroidohh you just entered right after I filed it21:40
dobeyslestak: 230758 is what he just filed21:41
dobey420758 rather21:41
dobeybug #420758 even21:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420758 in ubuntuone-client "Deleting files do not sync properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42075821:41
slestaki'll subcribe to 758, tyvm21:42
haggisbasheruk0.92.0+r168 dobey21:43
dobeyhaggisbasheruk: upgrade to 0.93.1 :)21:43
lordmetroidbug 42076221:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420762 in ubuntuone-client "Uploading files are not synced properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42076221:45
haggisbasherukdone ;)21:45
haggisbasherukoooO mesa and dri updates21:46
dobeylater. i am spent :)21:46
haggisbasheruk:) lets hope video is better now21:46
haggisbasherukcya dobey21:47
lordmetroidbug 42076721:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420767 in ubuntuone-client "Upload and download icon does not disappear" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42076721:50
lordmetroidDang, it just takes a long while21:55
haggisbasheruk0.93 seems better , i have icon in menu under lxde now22:00
haggisbasherukapplet icon is showing connected22:00
haggisbasherukleft menu is working , whats on right click menu anyway , what am i missing out on ?22:01
lordmetroidI assure you, UbuntuOne will have users that are using different clients, so of course it will has to work inbetween client versions as wel22:01
haggisbasherukfheck applet icon dissapeared22:02
haggisbasherukits back now but in dissconnected state22:02
haggisbasherukahh but at least i can now access conect menu now#22:02
haggisbasherukand that works22:03
leakgood evening :)23:18
haggisbasherukhay leak brb 523:18
leakhi hag23:19
leakany dev?23:22
haggisbasherukhi vw7223:22
haggisbasheruki think they are all having a beerfest23:24
leakwe need info from them23:25
joshuahooverhaggisbasheruk: hi23:26
haggisbasherukwho is dev in here ?23:26
haggisbasheruki know jblount has canonical email :P23:27
leakwhy so many j?23:28
leakjust notiched23:28
joshuahooverhaggisbasheruk: do you have a question? (i'll do my best to answer or point you in the right direction)23:28
haggisbasherukmany joshuas23:28
joshuahooverpopular name of late ;)23:29
haggisbasherukleak, vw72 ask and see23:29
vw72ok, i'll try23:30
haggisbasherukpopey, :P23:30
joshuahooveri do have to leave in about 10 min. but will do my best to get you an answer23:30
vw72i noticed that ubuntuone-client has a lot of gnome dependencies, are they really needed?  I hope not, because that makes it difficult for non-gnome use23:30
joshuahoovervw72: currently, they are needed...we're targeting ubuntu with gnome at the moment...i've tested u1 on xubuntu and kubuntu...yes, it installs all those gnome dependencies, but it works just as well (based on my testing over the months)...in the future we're looking at supporting other desktops like kde, etc. in a more "native" way23:32
haggisbasherukgood , we would like to have it as part of kuki linux on openbox based window manage without gnome dependency23:33
vw72i am having a problem with the panel icon on xubuntu23:33
vw72always shows disconnected, even though it works23:34
haggisbasheruki am also in lxde23:34
haggisbasherukversion 0.93 icon dissapears23:34
joshuahoovervw72: hmmm...ok, i haven't seen that on my test setups before...how long have you been having this problem?23:34
vw72just today, since I installed it23:35
joshuahooverhaggisbasheruk: yes, that is by design...we're improving things there...check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/KarmicClient#Status for details on the future direction23:35
joshuahoovervw72: ah, ok...i'll need to update my xubuntu test install with the client today and see if i can reproduce23:35
joshuahoovervw72: would you mind filing a bug and run the following command after you submit it? apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client ######23:36
joshuahooverreplace the bug number where '######' is :)23:37
joshuahoovervw72: and i'll update my install and see if i can reproduce when i get back on later this evening23:37
joshuahoovervw72: great! thanks!23:37
joshuahooverwell, sorry i can't stay longer right now...need to take my son to a taekwondo graduation ceremony :)23:39
joshuahooverbye all23:39
haggisbasherukthanks joshuahoover23:39

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