=== bodhi_zazen is now known as Guest9181 === bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen [17:18] Hi is anybody here [17:18] umm its just that i have a question [17:18] coz i was planning on setting up a server its just that i dont know which distro to select [17:19] the choices ive been choosing from is ubuntu,redhat or arch [17:19] wat do you guys think? [17:48] Red Hat. [17:49] Wait, is this for work or at home? [17:55] umm for home actually [17:55] so ill still stick wid red hat [17:55] ? [17:56] For home maybe you want to use ubuntu, since it wouldn't cost any money. [18:09] hmm yeah i guess so [18:09] wait i taught that red hat was for free also [18:11] Free speech, not free beer. [18:14] You could use fedora for free. [18:16] lol [18:16] so how are you [18:16] thanks for the tip [18:16] fedora hmmm yeah i was thinking about it [18:16] its just that i prefer gnome GUI [18:16] well i guess ill get started on the download [18:16] thanks [18:17] No prob. Personally, I use ubuntu for my home server. [18:41] Where's the #ubuntu channel now? [18:42] !ubuntu [18:49] although a server shouldn't have any GUI === doctormo__ is now known as doctormo [20:47] moks107: Fedora uses Gnome , kde, or xfce [20:50] Server side I have always preferred Centos to Fedora (more stable) , but now I question the viability of Centos moving forward [20:50] RHEL may be including some proprietary packages, especially with virtualization technology and there has been some unrest in the Centos community