[00:00] hi [00:00] will virt-manager be update soon ? [00:00] teadict, most user apps do have a similar file i would just assume [00:00] is vbox better than wine? [00:00] we are on 0.8.0 and 0.6.1 is provided in ubuntu-last [00:00] dare i ask if there is a batch file renaming tool? [00:00] is there any ideas in /usr/share/doc/links [00:00] master_, vbox is different than wine [00:00] I'm running openbox and have another USB flash drive that mounts as it should [00:00] hey, i've http://pastebin.com/m452fdbc0 this smb.conf, is very very simply, only for share some movie in mediacenter [00:01] but in mediacenter i've a request of user and password [00:01] why? [00:01] asteroid im trying to install adobe cs3 and filezilla wont work on 9.04 connection errors is vbox for a os system [00:01] hi im having a problem installing Aleph One. http://pastebin.com/m41000fbf thats what i get when i try to install it. anyone know what to do? [00:02] teadict, i found a user's manual http://links.sourceforge.net/docs/manual-0.82-en/ [00:02] help? /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf line 90: unknown key rndc.key [00:02] bucky: I'll give it a check [00:02] master_, wine provide a "windows environement" in your linux. Vbox (and qemu, kvm, vmware, xen, ...) provides you a _complete_ virtual machine (hardrive, dcrom, net, display, ...) [00:02] vbox is for windows7 example [00:03] key rndc.key; [00:03] i dont want a vbox i use linux [00:03] thanks though hybrid [00:03] bucky: Oh lawd.. Hehe.. Not links the application for text-based web browsing.. Just links.. As in make a link to an executable file and make it Run by default (I want to avoid that pop-up question: [Run in terminal] [Edit] [Cancel] [Run]) [00:04] Do we have to wait for wine to configure cs3 adobe [00:04] see it with wine team master_ [00:04] Hi. Which software do you use for screen capture? (making videos) [00:04] Hi! I need a way to automatically upload a file that appears in a directory to my ubuntu server in a specified folder. It is from a windows environment. Do you know a way to do this? It should delete the file after it has uploaded it also. [00:04] hu [00:04] hi [00:05] zagabar1, upload where ? [00:05] teadict, is the file executable? [00:05] asteroid: From my windows computer to my ubuntu server. [00:05] hey, whats that movie with the "couples theapy" on a remote island [00:05] haa i see what vbox can do so how do i configure# [00:05] why would "df" be showing an out of date values? [00:05] zagabar1, ssh ? ftp ? sftp ? rsync ? [00:05] bucky: Yes.. I've never known when Ubuntu asks for the action... [00:06] Hi all, I'm writing a monitor script for my network traffic. [00:06] asteroid: ftp would be great, but any would do. [00:06] i just resized my LV but itsnt showing like that on "df" output [00:06] does anyone remember that movie, its coming our or just came out... === ubuntu is now known as eena [00:06] While getting values from /proc/net/dev does the counters there as well on 4G are resetting? [00:06] teadict, how are you running it? by clicking on it? [00:07] zagabar1 this is your choice : if you have an ftp server running on ubuntu, get a ftp client like ncftp (which is provided with ncftpput) helping you upload the file in one liner [00:07] bucky: Made the executable file, and made a link, normal procedure. Double clicking pops up the question [00:07] how can i make a backup of my current X and video setup, so I can go back to it, in case the Driver manager screws my vide ? [00:08] teadict, did you make a launcher on the desktop? and that's what your clicking? [00:08] bucky: Yeap [00:08] on vbox do i need to install windows? [00:08] asteroid: But it is uploading from a windows environment. [00:08] zagabar1, just find a client which can do it [00:08] teadict, you made a link with ln -s ? [00:08] YES you need [00:09] Couples Retreat!! [00:09] or4n_, run your ftp server on windows zagabar1 and use ncftpget to GET the file from windows [00:09] bucky: No, graphically interfacing [00:09] s/or4n_/or [00:09] teadict, with a path directly to the exectuable? [00:09] from the launcer [00:09] asteroid: Okay. Thanks fo the advices, I will look at them. [00:10] bucky: Yes.. [00:10] mar-sara: I think the best you can do is to backup xorg.conf [00:10] danbhfive1: but ubuntu doesnt use it any more ? am i right [00:10] guys.. Is there a way to do screen capture and save a video in ubuntu? There is one software in the packages list, but the quality of the video is very poor.. [00:11] i mean to capture screen. [00:11] mar-sara: well, that's still the only place that anything is hard configured. If it isn't in xorg.conf, it is autoconfigured [00:11] well, if someone from staff see that, "we need virt-manager-0.8.0 please" :) [00:11] ok [00:11] see you [00:11] !screencast | natrixnatrix89 [00:11] natrixnatrix89: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. [00:11] and would i have to do to use my current running driver for vga? [00:11] or most important how do i find out which one is it [00:12] thanks [00:12] mar-sara: what? [00:12] what driver for my vga am i currently using ? [00:12] whats a good realtime wireless network connection status program for ubuntu? [00:13] !xmss | Gouda [00:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about xmss [00:13] mar-sara: Watch out! Zerling invasion! RUNNN [00:13] !Audacious | Gouda [00:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about Audacious [00:13] !audacious | Gouda [00:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about audacious [00:13] Oh lol [00:13] !Songbird | Gouda [00:13] Gouda, please see my private message [00:13] teadict: lol [00:13] mar-sara: sudo lshw -C display | grep driver [00:14] danbhfive1: that came back blank [00:14] i did without grp, and showed my vga information [00:14] but not any driver [00:15] mar-sara: I dunno then. Maybe its just the vga or vesa driver or whatever the generic is [00:16] ok thanks [00:16] anyone know how to find out what driver am i using for my vga now ? [00:16] mar-sara: try this egrep "Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers" /var/log/Xorg.0.log [00:17] egrep "Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers" /var/log/Xorg.0.log [00:17] errrr [00:17] Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nv_drv.so [00:18] ok [00:18] so now , how can i go back to using that module if Driver manager crashes my X setup ? [00:18] hi all is there a way of uninstalling a dualboot one with kubuntu? [00:18] is it normal for an ubuntu box *not* to have usbfs mounted? i.e. /proc/bus/usb/devices is missing [00:19] hello everyone [00:19] master_, what's a "dualboot one"? can you be more specific? === kaie is now known as Guest75140 [00:19] how can I upgrade ubuntu 8.4 to ubuntu 9.4 ? [00:19] salty-horse: yes it is normal... iirc i added a line to fstab by hand to mount it === Someone67` is now known as Someone67 [00:19] erUSUL, ok. thanks [00:20] think_linux: 8.04 --> 8.10 --> 9.04 two step process [00:20] salty-horse i have a acer with kubuntu and ubuntu 9.04 installed in a dualboot...the kubuntu side is not working correctly [00:20] !upgrade | think_linux [00:20] think_linux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [00:20] think_linux, go to system administration software sources [00:20] erUSUL: thanks [00:20] master_, so you want to remove kubuntu? and prevent the grub menu from showing? [00:20] Aijse: yes... :) [00:20] think_linux: no problem [00:21] think_linux, then under updates Make release upgrade normal releases [00:21] teadict, i can't reproduce the problem, i don't get that pop up box.. tho i have heard of this in this channel before [00:22] afk! [00:22] woops [00:22] Aijse: is that it? [00:23] Hi [00:23] bucky: No problemo. It won't kill me. Ty [00:24] How to boot up Ubuntu 9.04 in safe mode? [00:24] Reboot and press I believe F8 if you have Grub running [00:25] Should give a menu of boot options [00:25] ok, thanks [00:25] i'll try it :) [00:25] Bye [00:26] any1 ever had firefox prevent you from clicking back/forware/refresh etc? [00:27] Slart, bucky: I wrote a script that made any file that dpkg wanted. [00:27] They're gone now. [00:27] :) [00:27] ive purged it and reinstalled it [00:27] techtronic: yeah, when I don't have history. [00:27] ive deleted the .firefox directory in my home directory and ran firefox --safe-mode === nannes is now known as LesPaul [00:27] very good MindVirus, good to see you have a sense of humor but, no im not that stupid, thanks for the input though === LesPaul is now known as nannes [00:28] hey.. my ubuntu-notify is appearing in the wrong place... it keeps showing up 1/2 way down my screen. I've rebooted a couple times and still does it, it's kinda of irritating any suggestions? [00:28] techtronic: I answered your question. Don't be a punk. [00:28] MindVirus: im not i enjoyed the laugh [00:29] MindVirus: and you could still refresh regardlessd of history [00:30] techtronic: don't forget about .mozilla. [00:30] MindVirus: never though of that, thanks [00:30] No problem. [00:30] hey how to enable terminal dir colors [00:30] ninjaslim: where? In your prompt? [00:30] hi, I'm trying to get ubuntu netbook remix to work from a partitioned sd card. all I have is one sd card, and I need half of it to download the image... I already split it into two partitions, now I want to write the image to the first partition and boot from it... but I'm reasonably sure that it won't work [00:30] MindVirus: yes in prompt [00:31] ninjaslim: .bashrc. [00:31] Google it. [00:31] ninjaslim: mine is http://pastebin.com/f77e4c2d8 [00:31] MindVirus: i use zshrc, on FreeBSD i just did "export CLICOLORS=1"" in .zshrc but that doesn't work on Ubuntu [00:31] how to log in and test my vsftpd????????????????/ [00:32] anybody know about booting from sd cards? [00:32] !punctuation | Hydrid [00:32] Hydrid: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability: Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences. See also !enter [00:32] Hydrid: ftp localhost [00:32] ninjaslim: just curious -- why zshrc instead of bash? [00:32] MindVirus: thanks [00:33] Hi --- I have an x31 thinkpad with an aironet cisco wireless device. I have intrepid installed on the computer but the networkmanager does not connect to anything. [00:33] Hydrid: make sure you understand the command before running it. [00:33] MindVirus: zshrc? i use zsh over bash, beter completion features, etc and more powerful [00:33] yay.. I love zsh [00:34] ninjaslim: OK. I am not well-versed with zsh, and I was copying "zshrc" from your line. [00:34] zsh completition lags for me :f [00:34] biovore: you wouldnt happen to know how to get dir colors in prompt? [00:34] ninjaslim: in zsh? or bash? [00:35] biovore: in zsh [00:35] ninjaslim: you looking to add some color to your zsh? [00:35] I have a nice looking one you can take and work from :-P [00:35] hello to all [00:35] could you please post your zshrc [00:36] hello [00:36] Hi [00:36] F8 didnt get me in to safe mode boot [00:36] ... [00:36] :/ [00:36] i need some help [00:36] Shasirax: do you need a recovery console? [00:36] how com deluge says no incomming connections when the ports are open in the router and firewall is disables [00:37] my volume is not loud enough [00:37] "f8 safemode" is Windows [00:37] I have openssh server setup so only one machine in lan can access it, but I want to enable login with a different username and pass then mine is... is there a way to do that and not create another user in my system? [00:37] and i cant do anything about it [00:37] Shasirax: select (recovery mode) in GRUB. [00:37] MindVirus: I have [00:37] gtk+ 2.4 or later (2.6 recommended) libgnomecanvas 2.4 or later- libgnomeprint and libgnomeprintui 2.2 or later , what names should i give to apt-get to install these packages? [00:37] MindVirus: What next? [00:37] where can I get a good basic html tutorial? [00:37] Shasirax: there is no safe mode GUI. [00:37] newser: don't ask here; try #html. [00:38] MindVirus: Fuck... [00:38] Shasirax: do you need help with the command prompt? [00:38] is there anything it can be done to increase the volume levels? [00:38] MindVirus: thanks for your help, that solved it - thanks alot, sorry for the confusion of us getting off to the wrong start! [00:38] for? [00:38] ntemis: are your volume levels set? [00:38] is on max [00:38] Shasirax: well, you need safe mode to do something. Perhaps I could help. [00:38] ntemis: all of them? Make sure you're not hiding any. [00:38] MindVirus: Yes, please :) [00:39] Bigshot_: there is a --install-recommends listed in the man page for apt-get. maybe what you are looking for [00:39] how? [00:39] Shasirax: what do you need to do? [00:39] ntemis: what program are you using to see volume? [00:39] ninjaslim: http://files.biometal-servers.com/redirect/biovore-zshrc [00:39] uper corner volume [00:39] MindVirus: http://www.gamespot.com/users/AirGuitarist87/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=m-100-25699962 [00:39] This is my problem... [00:39] ntemis: right click it and go to Volume Control Panel. [00:40] all top level [00:40] ninjaslim: rename as .zshrc and stick in your home [00:40] guys, i was wondering if there was a way to relay my mics sound input into my speakers, so i could hear myself talk? [00:40] not exactly, but almost anyway :) [00:40] Shasirax: I have heard of this problem. [00:40] ntemis: it hides some. [00:40] Great :D [00:41] Shasirax: alright. Get into a root console. [00:41] is there a pastebin for pictures i can take a snapshot [00:41] Hi, i need some help with my network. I want to see my browsers pc (windows pc), so he can transfire a file over to my ubuntu pc - can anyone help? [00:41] ntemis: one second. [00:41] I have a x1950 ATI card, installed som package from synaptic and now my login screen wont work -.- [00:41] anyone upgrade from a Q6600 to a Core i7 ? see much difference in Ubuntu? [00:41] sry bad eng [00:41] At the bottom right, ntemis, there should be a Preferences button. [00:41] Click it and enable all sliders. [00:42] Also, ntemis, make sure you select the right device at the top. [00:42] i have only : master playback and is ticked [00:42] MindVirus: im on a Live cd for Ubuntu 9.04 right now so you know... [00:42] Sirmimer: you can do that with samba [00:42] Shasirax: sure. [00:42] !samba | Sirmimer [00:42] Sirmimer: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [00:42] ntemis: go through your devices then. [00:42] Gnea, shouldnt i be able to see it when i press on network? [00:42] Hello : I'm trying to remove windows vista os and install ubuntu 9.04 but I can't get rid of vista is there a way to accomplish this??? [00:42] MindVirus: Open terminal, and then what? [00:42] Sirmimer: from where? [00:42] Sp0tter: you can but there won't be much performance difference as there should be almost no lag anyways. [00:42] Sirmimer: samba isn't installed by default [00:43] on a M1530 XPS [00:43] I press on places (in the top), and find a folder/driver called network [00:43] Shasirax: I would highly recommend you get on a different computer. [00:43] what do you mean ? [00:43] the device is correctly choosen [00:43] i am trying to install xournal i have that package downloaded how can i install it using apt-get? [00:43] others are not ok to choose [00:43] ntemis: please, if you're talking to me, type my name (easy way to do this is by typing the first few letters of my name and pressing tab). This way I know you're talking to me. [00:43] ntemis: why are they not OK to choose? [00:43] ok, but my brothers computer doesnt have any irc client [00:44] Shasirax: Pidgin has an IRC client, if he has that. [00:44] guys, i was wondering if there was a way to relay my mics sound input into my speakers, so i could hear myself talk? [00:44] He runs Vista... [00:44] Bigshot_: If you downloaded a .deb package, apt-get isn't the tool. dpkg is [00:44] Sirmimer: well, you'd need to make sure the windows pc is setup correctly to accept the smb connections like that. samba can help by makin the ubuntu pc accessible to the windows pc. [00:44] Shasirax: Pidgin is for all major operating systems. :) If he uses IM without Pidgin then he is missing out. [00:44] genii: how can i install the dependencies? [00:44] ooh okay [00:44] I'll try installing it [00:44] MindVirus: hda nvidia (alsa mixer) [00:45] MindVirus: He's a noob :) [00:45] ntemis: why can't you pick the others? [00:45] Sirmimer: is the windows pc part of a domain or is it a home edition? [00:45] MindVirus: i can [00:45] but the one selected is the correct [00:45] Shasirax: It is of no consequence. We need a place where you can talk without being disconnected on reboot. [00:45] Bigshot_: Usually there will be a readme or similar. Find out what the deps are and install them separately [00:45] ntemis: you'd be surprised. [00:45] Gnea: home edition [00:45] ok let me check [00:45] gtk+ 2.4 or later (2.6 recommended) libgnomecanvas 2.4 or later- libgnomeprint and libgnomeprintui 2.2 or later , what names should i give to apt-get to install these packages? [00:45] MindVirus: Installing Pidgin on vista... :D [00:46] how com deluge says no incomming connections when the ports are open in the router and firewall is disables [00:46] guys, i was wondering if there was a way to relay my mics sound input into my speakers, so i could hear myself talk? [00:46] Bigshot_: this is ugly but necessary when installing things outside of normal methods [00:46] yeah what to do man gotta have it :D [00:46] Is there a way to create an Ubuntu install disc adding packages and customizing settings? [00:46] Shasirax: please, tell your brother to use it, too. [00:47] Bigshot_: did you try install-recommends? [00:47] danbhfive1: it's not an apt-get package [00:47] MindVirus: i will :) [00:47] joako: not yet, I don't believe, but with Karmic you will be able to add packages. [00:47] i have tar.gz package [00:47] joako: yes.. not all the simple though.. [00:47] joako: Karmic allows you to make a "service pack" -- that is, a package with packages, basically. [00:47] ok fixed [00:47] MindVirus: thanks [00:47] ntemis: volume's set? [00:48] Gnea, does it matter if its home edtion or domain? [00:48] Great, man. [00:48] I'm 3/3 so far today. [00:48] :) [00:48] genii: you there bud what should i do? [00:48] Shasirax: you're next. [00:48] Bigshot_: tar.gz is not a package. It's usually source code [00:48] MindVirus: What I need is an install disc that has ssh, ldap/nsswitch/pam packages, certain username/password already created, and enabled by default ssh service and ldap logins [00:48] joako: it's pretty tricky. [00:48] MindVirus: my brothers computer = Slow! [00:49] Shasirax: as long as it works. [00:49] I thought there was something like www.susestudio.com for ubuntu.... [00:49] MindVirus: + i hate vista... :P [00:49] joako: there is ubuntu studio [00:49] genii: so how to install it and the dependencies [00:49] Don't we all, Shasirax? [00:49] Bigshot_: I see. Well, you can always just use apt-cache search That has worked for me in the past to find those kinds of packages, but I've only done it once or twice [00:49] MindVirus: Yes we do :) [00:49] MindVirus: hda nvidia (alsa mixer) chosen before was hda nvidia -alc883 analog (pulse audio) [00:49] hi i have question about ssh [00:50] !ask [00:50] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:50] Bigshot_: It's not something I'm ready or interested in to give support of. [00:50] ntemis: yes, don't forget about those other devices. [00:50] MindVirus: and i thought was correct because indeed my soundcard is alc883 [00:50] RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking [00:50] ntemis: the state of sound support in Linux is a shamble. [00:50] biovore: I don't think we are talking about this same thing... if you look at http://www.susestudio.com it isn't anywhere near the same concept as http://ubuntustudio.org/ [00:50] anyone knows how to switch consoles, i tried ctrl+alt+F(1-6), but it is not working. [00:50] MindVirus: what shamble means? [00:51] ntemis: think of a collapsed building. [00:51] genii: do you know any pdf annottator? [00:51] O__o: then when connecting? [00:51] "SUSE Studio builds: Your software and everything it needs, in one appliance; A custom distro, with your own software and branding" [00:51] ntemis: we need a daemon (PulseAudio) to delegate sound to a proper daemon because there are so many of them now that developers can't code for a specific one. [00:51] biovore, how to fix? [00:51] MindVirus: Done [00:51] Bigshot_: Not off the top of my head [00:51] O__o: havn't got a clear picture of what your problem is.. [00:51] Shasirox: I will talk to you here, yes? [00:52] MindVirus: why the dont fix it after so time pulse audio is out and all distros use it? [00:52] i try to ssh into other computer but cant because i have use that IP on different network [00:52] MindVirus: Yes, im on my brothers comp now :) [00:52] ntemis: fixing is harder than talking. There is a lot that needs to be done. [00:52] ntemis: it's amazing that sound even works. [00:52] asically, the SSH erver you contacted either renewed the authenicated/encyption key or reinstalled, which would also renew the key. If you're sure that the server is who/what you're contacted then deleted the known_hosts file and continue. [00:52] O__o: when you ssh.. is it saying something about the RSA key not matching? [00:52] Shasirox: great. [00:52] MindVirus: lol [00:52] how to delete known_hosts file? [00:53] Shasirox: now we'll need to take a look at xorg.conf. Do you know where that is? [00:53] MindVirus: thanks again [00:53] Hi guys. Trying to get embedded video player working in Firefox. I've installed xine and the mozilla plugin. Quicktime vids work everywhere but the Apple website. What's special about the Apple website that it doesn't recognise the Xine plugin? [00:53] O__o: its in your homedirectory in a hidden folder.. cd ~/.ssh/ [00:53] Can i join a 1 on 1 chat with you or do you want to stay in this chat? :) [00:53] ntemis: any time. [00:53] O__o: probably only need to delete the offending entry.. [00:53] i want to execute jarnal.jar file what package should i install? [00:53] Shasirox: if we stay in this chat then others can help, and I can help others. [00:54] biovore, thx dude [00:54] bye all [00:54] MindVirus: Ok :) What shall i do now? [00:54] Shasirox: do you know about xorg.conf? [00:54] a little [00:54] I cannot see my brothers windows pc on "network" i just installed Samba, what can be the problem? [00:54] Hi! [00:55] Sirmimer: Does you brother have samba? [00:55] I do not know, do he have to have that? [00:55] Is there little GUI program for making couple of JPGs into one PDF with one A4 page per JPG? [00:55] (Also do i have to set something up or just install samba, and thats it?) [00:55] local networks are a mistory, try installing it on his comp :) [00:55] Shasirox: alright. Do you know where your hard drive is located in that LiveCD? [00:55] ok [00:55] I will ask him to do so [00:55] MindVirus: Yes :) [00:56] Shasirox: could you tell me the drive so I don't have to guess? [00:56] Drive. I mean folder. [00:56] Shasirox: brb ill tell you when he installed it/if he already have it [00:56] ok nvm [00:56] why is it when i play a song from the home foldier its streaming..I cant ff or rewind.. [00:56] You mean the installed Ubuntu... [00:56] and im useing totem [00:56] Shasirox: yes. [00:56] MindVirus: W8 [00:57] Shasirox: hold on, you want to do those commands? [00:57] That you have in your blog? [00:57] Those fix the issue, right? [00:57] MindVirus: No, not exactly... [00:58] Shasirox: please then explain the issue further. [00:58] MindVirus: Pretty new to ubuntu [00:58] Shasirox: also, I wouldn't recommend removing fglrx. [00:58] I am awaiting a fsck on an external drive, but the CPU of the fsck.ext3 process is listing as "disk sleep" [00:58] Keep it around for safe measure. [00:58] i dont know how [00:58] shouldn't the process being doing something with the disk, if its checking it? [00:58] Shasirox: "sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx" [00:58] Shasirox: that removes it. [00:58] Shasirox: you shouldn't do that. [00:58] I wanted to have dual screen, my comp screen and my tv [00:59] Shasirox: OK, hold on. Start over. What is your problem? [00:59] so i fallowed some fucking guide how to install drivers for my video card (ATI x1950) [01:00] !language | Shasirox [01:00] Shasirox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [01:00] ... [01:00] the login screen on ubuntu wont work, i cant login.... [01:00] Would it be possible to use Hamachi to connect an Ubuntu computer with a Vista Home Edition computer? [01:00] Can someone help me troubleshoot an init.d problem (Trying to get a drqueue script to start on boot) [01:00] Shasirox: OK, before we deal with dual screen, let's get the login screen working first. [01:01] its just a black screen, but the videocard is sending to the screen... [01:01] yes [01:01] Shasirox: open, on the installed Ubuntu partition, the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. === bizkut-miau is now known as bizkut [01:01] thx for answering me found it [01:01] bye [01:01] ok [01:01] brb [01:01] Shasirox: that means use gedit. [01:02] yes [01:02] done [01:02] MindVirus: Done :) [01:02] Shasirox: OK. Put into a pastebin, now: http://pastebin.com, for example. [01:03] How can I safely end a remote ssh session that is connected to my computer? [01:03] W8 [01:03] queso_: that is a great question. [01:04] Ok, I can't for the life of me remember the command to automatically create init.d scripts in ubuntu server. [01:04] Can someone help refresh my memory. [01:04] 13021 [01:04] http://pastebin.org/13021 [01:05] Shasirox: ooh, a clean slate. [01:05] MindVirus: What? :S [01:05] MindVirus: Does that mean you have an answer? ;) [01:05] queso_: it means you've piqued my interest and I'm looking for one. [01:05] is there anything like floating stylus bar in ubuntu for writing with stylus??? [01:05] Shasirox: see where it says Section "Device"? [01:05] MindVirus: Where are you from btw? [01:05] Shasirox: I am currently in Cleveland, OH. [01:05] Yes [01:06] huh? [01:06] MindVirus: Yeah, I just connected to my home box from work, never closed the connection, and now I just want to end it. [01:06] Hello [01:06] oh, nice. You o not speak swedish then :) [01:06] Shasirox: see how it says Identifier "blah"? In the exact same format do Driver "vesa". [01:06] i need halp [01:07] queso_: check for ssh processes that are open on your box. [01:07] queso_: if I were you I'd just restart the SSH daemon. [01:07] when i try and run a full screen game, i get immense lag, 5 fps, and when i run it in windows mode, i also get immense lag, 3 fps [01:07] I don't think there's an easy way. [01:07] MindVirus: vesa? [01:07] JesusCake: what video card are you running? [01:07] Shasirox: I'll post it for you. [01:08] Ati radeon x1400 [01:08] JesusCake: Also what game are you trying to run [01:08] Shasirox: http://pastebin.org/13023 [01:08] warcraft III the frozen throne [01:08] JesusCake: Have you installed restricted drivers? [01:08] MindVirus: That doesn't sound like an orthodox method, though. There ought to be a way to end user sessions without restarting daemons, no? [01:08] no [01:08] im very new to linux [01:08] MindVirus: Should i copy that any save in the file? [01:09] is there a floating keyboard in ubuntu for TAblet pc? [01:09] queso_: the client connects to the daemon. The daemon takes control from there. If you can figure out a way to tell the daemon to kill the connection safely then by all means do it. [01:09] ubuntu was the only thing that would install on my hard drive.. so im trying to make stuff work :D [01:09] Shasirox: save what I wrote into xorg.conf. [01:09] Bishot_: A character map? [01:09] MindVirus: I will [01:09] Shasirox: xorg.conf is the de-facto Xorg configuration file. [01:09] Shasirox: you will be screwing with this file a lot. [01:09] what no for writing and inputting text with stylus Gouda [01:10] Not sure [01:10] i installed wacom-tools but then waht? [01:10] JesusCake: Linux is not the best with games. [01:10] i know [01:10] JesusCake: but only because game vendors have not begun to support Linux as widely yet. [01:10] but [01:10] its my only optoin right now [01:10] until i can afford a new hard drive [01:10] JesusCake: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers. [01:10] JesusCake: are you using WINE to run War3? [01:10] yes [01:10] and there is nothing in the drivers [01:11] MindVirus: Permission problem -.- [01:11] Cant save it.... [01:11] Shasirox: how did you open the file? [01:11] Double click :D [01:11] Shasirox: no, no. [01:11] gedit [01:11] Shasirox: here's what you need to do. [01:11] Alt+F2. [01:11] ok [01:11] Type in "gksudo gedit /path/to/file". [01:12] so now what.. [01:12] JesusCake: When you run it do you use the -opengl flag? [01:12] Hi i need help to install Hamachi (To install a program) [01:12] what is that [01:13] JesusCake: try doing it like this wine "Warcraft III.exe" -opengl [01:13] guys, if my desktop gets stuck cuz of an app, how do i launch the gnome system manager with a combination of keys? like ctrl+alt+canc was for task manager in windows (ctrl+alt+esc already tried, it wont work) [01:13] MindVirus: Done [01:13] okay [01:13] MindVirus: Saved it [01:13] Shasirox: great. [01:13] is there no alt tabbing on linux? [01:13] Now try to boot up. [01:13] JesusCake: there is. [01:13] Plenty of it. [01:13] MindVirus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:13] lol [01:14] Hey guys , whats the best version of flash to install in ubuntu 9.04 (on a macbook pro)? thanks [01:14] when i alt tab, it just goes back into the fullscreen game [01:14] but brb checking this [01:14] noobez: try ctrl-esc [01:14] pauljw: tried, nothing happens [01:14] duhu: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer. [01:15] You are on fire MindVirus [01:15] pauljw: cant i just decide what combiantion of keys to use in order to run application? how do i do that? [01:15] Gouda: :) [01:15] I try to give back to the community. [01:15] MindVirus: :( [01:15] Shasirox: still doesn't work, eh? [01:15] Don't fret! [01:15] works much much better [01:15] MindVirus: no [01:15] but when i alt tab [01:15] it does not go to the desktop [01:16] how can i use stylus to input into ubuntu? [01:16] Shasirox: did you already restart? If not, don't. [01:16] not sure noobez, i'm in a kde envir right now, but i'm sure there is someplace to set hotkeys [01:16] Yeah not sure about the alt+tab thing JesusCake but glad the game is running better :) [01:16] hi. master_ here installed both ubuntu and kubuntu from different live cd's into different partitions. his grub menu now has both kubuntu and ubuntu. what's the best and/or simplest way to remove the kubuntu partition? [01:16] :D [01:16] MindVirus: Im at "login screen" [01:16] now if i only had a mouse i could test it out [01:16] JesusCake: That means that the game is controlling the keyboard input and not responding to Alt+Tab. [01:16] Shasirox: so it does work. [01:16] how do i fix [01:16] MindVirus: no, it black... [01:16] JesusCake: this is the fault of the game, not of Linux. [01:16] hey pauljw is there a floating keyboard or stylus input in ubuntu for tablet pc? [01:16] ah okay [01:16] Shasirox: what do you mean? [01:16] so only way to alt tab [01:16] is to [01:16] quit [01:17] lol [01:17] JesusCake: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:17] JesusCake: there may be a different way but I don't know it. [01:17] god blizzard, way to ruin everything [01:17] WINE supports alt tabbing but War3 may not [01:17] on windows [01:17] you can alt tab [01:17] MindVirus: Figured it out. Just do 'w' to find which TTY the connection is. Then [01:17] with war3 [01:17] sry Bigshot_ i really don't know [01:17] MindVirus: Just a black screen... But it should be loginscreen, if i had not had the problem... [01:17] hmmm [01:17] queso_: of course; I forgot it's still a TTY. [01:17] what if i just used a windows loader, and installed it from there [01:17] Shasirox: so you don't have a login screen or you do? [01:17] would i have performance issues? [01:18] JesusCake: what do you mean, Windows loader? [01:18] MindVirus: (sorry, accidentally hit enter) then 'ps -u username' to find the process id for bash. then 'kill -9 processid' [01:18] MindVirus: I dont have a loginscreen [01:18] like [01:18] virtual machine [01:18] Shasirox: Ctrl+Alt+F1. [01:18] JesusCake: Virtual machines run better with less incompatibilities. You can try one. [01:18] MindVirus: Nothing hapens... [01:18] ah okay [01:18] MindVirus: I guess that's basically the safe way to log someone out, kinda, by just killing their bash process. [01:18] imma pump up the resolution on this game [01:18] brb [01:19] ****I need help to installing a program, i got a guide to it, but im not sure on how to use the terminal codes right - Can anyone help me? [01:19] queso_: right-o. [01:19] Shasirox: Hmm. You're at a black screen with no text, right? [01:19] Sirmimer, dpkg -i file.deb [01:19] MindVirus, how long you been using Linux? [01:19] i00nsu: It's not a .deb file [01:19] Gouda: 'bout 5-6 years. [01:20] Gouda: I started on Gentoo, though. [01:20] MindVirus: Yes, but it's smal colour parts here ant there [01:20] Shasirox: nothing that makes any sense, though, right? [01:20] I00nsu: hamachi- (Thats what its called) [01:20] MindVirus: no :/ [01:20] Mkay. I started on redhat and tried out mandrake back around 2000 but haven't dealt with Linux since until now [01:20] Alright. Go to the LiveCD, or the recovery command prompt (which I prefer; I don't know about you). [01:21] tar zxf for tar.gz or tar xjf for bz2 and ./configure --help for advanced options.. you should read the readme file before [01:21] !info unp [01:21] unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (jaunty), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB [01:21] MindVirus: It's a little text in the bottom [01:21] Gouda: Gentoo really teaches you. [01:21] Im lazy and use the 'unp' command :) [01:21] Shasirox: pardon? [01:21] MindVirus: How does it teach you? Is it very particular about how things are done? [01:22] Gouda: it is the least user-friendly operating system ever. [01:22] And I had to start with it. [01:22] i00nsu: Download the hamachi Linux package (I did that) Extract the package to a temp directory (I did at /Home/Christian/) Change to that directory in terminal (I tryed cd /home/christian/ but that didnt work, im stuck here) [01:22] if I do `dd if=/dev/sdb of=backup.img` where /dev/sdb is a 120GB usb disk, why might dd say it completed copying only 2.2meg? [01:22] More power to you brotha [01:22] MindVirus: 01/25/2008-1945-6a79tg0ac-00 [01:22] ironfroggy_: make sure your block size is correct. [01:22] MindVirus: Thats the text... [01:22] MindVirus: makes no sense at all [01:22] Shasirox: I don't know what that even means, dude. [01:23] MindVirus: how do i know that? [01:23] Where can i get Xplash for 9.04? [01:23] MindVirus: It's creapy... [01:23] Gouda: installation consists of being dropped into a root terminal with an Internet connection and asked to untar a big archive. [01:23] MindVirus: I'll boot in recovery mode [01:23] ironfroggy_: I'm guessing /dev/sdb is a CD, right? [01:23] Very interesting [01:23] no, its an older IDE harddrive connected via a USB adapter. [01:24] MindVirus: Now im in the recovery mode :) [01:24] okay [01:24] im trying to backup some discs from a defunct machine i was using as a sambda server [01:24] Shasirox: OK, in the root prompt, yes? [01:24] so i tried to join a game [01:24] and it crashes and my comp freezes [01:24] ironfroggy_: there are probably filesystem corruptions. [01:24] MindVirus: Pardon? [01:24] ironfroggy_: try to fsck. [01:24] JesusCake: Tried joining a WAN game? [01:24] ironfroggy_: if yoy use the 'BS' option with dd - it will copy much faster. theres also a 'dd_rescue' variant for drives with read errors. [01:24] a battle.net game [01:24] MindVirus: fsck frightens me when it asks lots of questions. [01:24] Shasirox: the recovery console gives you a few options. [01:24] Has anyone tested Ubuntu 9.10 alpha 4? I want to d/l Xplash for 9.04 [01:24] ironfroggy_: me too. You get over it, though. :) [01:24] Sirmimer, did you read the README file? did you make (1. make install, 2. hamachi-init, 3, hamachi start, etc) ? [01:24] ironfroggy_: I'm happy I can finally help you after you helping me so many times in #python. [01:24] MindVirus: Yes, witch one should i take? [01:25] MindVirus: it asks me to start overwriting blocks starting at block 10 [01:25] and every single block after that [01:25] ironfroggy_: extreme data corruption. [01:25] ironfroggy_: and you may want to 'dd' the individual partitions if you wish to access them via the loopback mount feature later.. you can do it with the whold 'disk' image. but its a little more involved. [01:25] MindVirus: Sry, i cant spell.... [01:25] Shasirox: it's no problem. As long as I can read what you're writing. [01:25] Sirmimer, is all there.. all instructions === yuvipanda is now known as YuviPanda [01:25] so.. any ideas now? [01:25] MindVirus: :) [01:25] Shasirox: go to the root prompt. [01:25] ironfroggy_: ive seen people 'dd' a drive to a file then fsck the file. :) that way they keep the original data/drive 'safe' and can attempt other recovery methods on the original data [01:25] thank you for all the suggestions [01:26] MindVirus: Yes [01:26] ironfroggy_: I'm fairly certain your drive's busted. [01:26] the worst thing is I started with the newest drive in the box, as a test run before i tried the ones i though tmight actually be faulty :-( [01:26] ironfroggy_: please tell me if this is not the case so I can keep trying to help. [01:26] MindVirus: ill try a few more things and come back if i can continue [01:26] MindVirus: Time here is 2:26 in the morning :) [01:26] Shasirox: give me a moment to think. [01:27] MindVirus: No, problem :) [01:27] Shasirox: you need to be heading to bed soon? [01:27] sigh [01:27] JesusCake: You changed your resolutions to high resolotion right? [01:27] MindVirus: Naaa... [01:27] yeah [01:27] i get to the dl map screen.. and it just freezes / crashes [01:27] Try again with a lower res. Try the lowest res and joining a game and see if it crashes [01:27] Shasirox: OK, good. [01:27] hi guys [01:28] Shasirox: now, type `less /var/log/Xorg.0.log`. [01:28] I am looking at buying a new motherboard [01:28] Shasirox: actually... [01:28] I was wondering what compatiblity it would have with ubuntu [01:28] Shasirox: `grep "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log`. [01:28] :) [01:28] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131354&Tpk=ASUS%20M3N78-EM [01:28] Shasirox: tell me what prints out. [01:28] w8 [01:28] Shasirox: no problem. [01:29] hey guys I asked this i #kubuntu with no results ... I installed kde 4.3 on ubuntu 9.04 on two systems via synatpic and I had this error on both system E: kubuntu-docs: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [01:29] mattwj2002: almost all motherboards work with Linux. [01:29] MindVirus: starts with a ' [01:29] ? [01:29] mattwj2002: you'd be hard-pressed finding a mobo that doesn't. [01:29] Shasirox: pardon? [01:29] how about the onboard graphics? [01:29] it has GeForce 8300? [01:29] mattwj2002: it will most likely (90%) work. [01:29] okay [01:29] :) [01:29] MindVirus: `grep "(EE)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log` What "thing" does it start with ? [01:29] acceleration too? :D [01:30] those ' alike things... [01:30] Shasirox: don't include the backticks. [01:30] this will go in mythtv box :D [01:30] aha [01:30] also what about hdmi support? [01:30] Shasirox: you can type them right above the tab key. They mean `this is a command`. [01:30] sorry about all the questions? [01:30] ok [01:30] mattwj2002: HDMI is supported AFAIK. I don't know very well about this, though. [01:30] alt tab works now.. [01:31] but i cannot host [01:31] like i used to be able to [01:31] mattwj2002: the card will work, guaranteed. Acceleration, however, is the 90% thing. [01:31] AFAIK? [01:31] mattwj2002: as far as I know. [01:31] oh okay [01:31] thanks :D [01:31] where is the firewall settings [01:31] and crap [01:31] !beer MindVirus [01:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about beer MindVirus [01:31] (EE) ? [01:31] like internet ports for ubuntu [01:31] !beer | MindVirus [01:31] MindVirus: Beer is always appreciated. [01:31] That is going to probably be in your iptables file jesus [01:31] dang it that isn't what I wanted [01:31] mattwj2002: I'll pull one out for you. :) [01:31] :) [01:31] lol [01:31] it says that "(EE)" thing is wrong... [01:32] Shasirox: what do you mean, wrong? [01:32] dd_rescue running now [01:32] succxfer: 32K [01:32] JesusCake: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo [01:32] ironfroggy_: the drive was dead? [01:32] errxfer keeps going up [01:33] JesusCake: iptables is a very powerful firewall, if you configure it to be one. [01:33] MindVirus: no matter the case i felt it best to get a copy of the image before touching the drive any further. if its any mechanical issues i dont want to risk something failing permanently before i get the raw image off [01:33] ironfroggy_: yes, good call. [01:33] MindVirus: it stands (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implement, (??) unknown [01:33] Shasirox: and that's it? [01:33] thanks guys! [01:33] ? [01:33] bye! [01:33] :) [01:33] yeah i dont get it [01:33] MindVirus: Dont know... [01:33] Shasirox: sudo apt-get install pastebinit [01:33] i wrote it exactly [01:33] i need no firewall [01:34] i need all my internet ports [01:34] to be open [01:34] i have all the ones i need open on the modem right now [01:34] Then you have to edit your iptables file [01:34] this is gonna take forever and its only the first drive. at least its also the largest. [01:34] would would i put in there === gnome is now known as lawford_ [01:34] Did you click on the link I gave you and read? [01:34] ironfroggy_: how many do you need to copy? [01:34] JesusCake: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo [01:34] 3 [01:34] MindVirus: Yes [01:35] Shasirox: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit [01:35] Shasirox: tell me the resulting URL. [01:35] where does shorewall install itself? [01:35] i tried to dump 100 gigs of this onto S3 a few months ago, but something failed in the transfer and i never worked it out. at least ive got a good chunk already up there === fred_ is now known as Guest40660 [01:35] MindVirus: | [01:35] Where do you find to wright | ? [01:35] and yes, you're reading that write, my eventual goal is uploading about ~150GB! [01:36] Shasirox: shift \ [01:36] oh no, thats ? for me -.- [01:36] its not even letting me get into it [01:36] Can anyone help me improve the sound level output on jaunty? It is extremely low..almost enough to go back to windows. [01:36] i need to be in the terminal correct? [01:37] MindVirus: Found it [01:37] how to install skype? [01:37] packetloss451: have you changed your volume settings? [01:37] O__o: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list [01:38] MindVirus: I am assuming not..other than the volume control in task bar [01:38] MindVirus, then? [01:38] O__o: one minute. [01:38] packetloss451: right click it and click Open Volume Control. [01:38] MindVirus, should I just goto skype homepage and download from there? [01:38] O__o: no. [01:39] O__o: this is the worst way. [01:39] O__o: skype is on the medibuntu repositories i think. [01:39] MindVirus, they have one for 8.04 or 8.10 but dont have 9.04 [01:39] MindVirus: It says that pastbinit isn't installed... but it is! [01:39] while im waiting for this i have a completely unrelated question! [01:39] Everybody who is not a sudoer is a......? [01:39] Shasirox: type it in correctly. [01:39] jMyles: 'non admin-rights user' :) [01:39] Dr_Willis, how to get mediubuntu repos? [01:39] MindVirus: I have [01:39] MindVirus: Ok...that is where I am stuck I suppose...not exactly sure where to go after the dialogue opens.. [01:39] so no help on this.. [01:39] am I totally blind, or is there no "system" menu on Ubuntu live USB "MID" edition? If so, how am I supposed to go to "open System > Administration > Software Sources." / [01:39] !medibuntu | O__o [01:39] O__o: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [01:39] Dr_Willis: Is that the least awkward name? [01:39] packetloss451: one minute. [01:39] O__o: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free [01:39] jMyles: 'normal user' :) [01:39] O__o: add that to the bottom of /etc/apt/sources.list [01:39] Dr_Willis: OK, thanks :-) [01:40] where can i learn about the policies in policykit autorizations? [01:40] O__o: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype [01:40] MindVirus: absolutely.... :-D [01:40] jMyles: which says very little.. may as well call them a user. [01:40] Is it possible to setup audio in a way that I can globally swap between two audio devices? [01:40] I just saw a racoon and I got a photo of it! [01:40] hi [01:40] Oh woops, wrong channel :P [01:40] Dr_Willis: I was thinking "simple user" [01:40] I have an integrated audio and a usb headset and at different times need to use one or the other. [01:40] packetloss451: turn the volume up on each device. Click Preferences and enable everything so you can turn the volume up on other channels. [01:40] bash: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free: No such file or directory [01:40] O__o: copy and paste. [01:40] deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free [01:41] O__o: � is not space [01:41] Those should be spaces, not ?. [01:41] O__o: it is some character other than space, it is ���� [01:41] MindVirus: i think i will sleep now... [01:41] Shasirox: I'm sorry I am not devoting my attention to you. [01:41] i did [01:41] I should be. [01:41] deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free [01:41] bash: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free: No such file or directory [01:41] MindVirus: No, its not a problem :) [01:41] MindVirus: I understand why [01:42] O__o: thats not a 'command' its an entry for your sources.list file [01:42] MindVirus: Beautiful.....Thank You! [01:42] Shasirox: I will try to find you tomorrow when you wake up. [01:42] O__o: no, no. [01:42] oh [01:42] O__o: into /etc/apt/sources.list. [01:42] wait [01:42] Shasirax or Shasirox :) [01:42] Bye [01:42] Shasirox: bye. [01:42] Thanks for you help :) [01:42] Hi I am trying to Print with CUPS but it keeps telling me that I am unauthorized, help? [01:42] Hi, somebody know where/how/when is created the default directories Documents,Photos,Desktop, etc. in home directory? I need to add a default desktop shortcut to every user created [01:42] Shasirox: we will get to the core of this tomorrow. [01:43] MindVirus: Great :) [01:43] Bye all :D [01:43] packetloss451: no problem. [01:43] rho: Throw them in /etc/skel/ [01:43] rho: from /etc/skel that skeleton dir gets copied as the template for the 'new users' home dirs. [01:43] Hi, I applied this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 tuto (optimal), evrything is fine but I get my mouse very slow sometimes (not always). I had already applied this tuto on another computer and have had the same issue but I had found a way to correct it. But I can't fine it again now. Anyone knows what to do please??? [01:43] Thanks! [01:44] rho: changes to /etc/skel will only affect new users made after the skel changes. [01:44] O__o: hello? [01:44] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype [01:44] E: Type 'deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free' is not known on line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list [01:44] O__o: you typed it in wrong, again. [01:44] O__o: those should not be weird symbols. [01:44] i copy paste [01:44] Those should be spaces. [01:44] like, seriously, how can every document instruct me to "Step 2: On your Ubuntu computer, open System > Administration > Software Sources." when there is no "System" menu on my ubuntu MID system? [01:44] O__o: replace the symbols with spaces. [01:44] what symbol? [01:45] there is no symbol here on my screen [01:45] i see no symbols [01:45] 'ubuntu 'mid' system>? === Paddy_EIRE is now known as Paddy_NI [01:45] O__o | E: Type 'deb?http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/?stable?non-free' is not known on line 54 in [01:45] i see funny ? ? here... [01:45] Me too. [01:45] i see no ? [01:45] Dr_Willis: yes, there is an official supported distro of ubuntu called "Ubuntu MID" [01:45] here is space [01:45] O__o: replace the spaces with spaces. [01:45] (Seriously.) [01:45] ? === matteo is now known as Guest84804 [01:45] computers are awesome! [01:45] Delete each space and put a space instead. [01:46] hola [01:46] alguien habla español? [01:46] ci ci [01:46] buenisimo!! [01:46] !es | marqui [01:46] marqui: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [01:46] Dr_Willis, Flannel i thought that, but that directories are translated into system language. I'm using spanish locale and Desktop is "Escritorio". I wish to know which script creates that directories, i don't wish to grep trough all system files :( [01:46] WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! [01:46] skype [01:46] Install these packages without verification [y/N]? [01:46] me instale ubuntu ayer, y estoy aprendiendo a usarlo [01:46] !english | marqui [01:46] marqui: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [01:46] !english | ichigogo [01:46] ichigogo: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [01:46] should i enter Y ? [01:46] ive neard of mini. but never a 'mid' Hmm.. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mid/ is epmty also. [01:47] i have my router domain set to "local" and nslookup .local gives me an ip, but I can't ping it. I can ping the ip directly, however. Any suggestions? [01:47] O__o: what now? [01:47] Hi, I applied this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 tuto (optimal), evrything is fine but I get my mouse very slow sometimes (not always). I had already applied this tuto on another computer and have had the same issue but I had found a way to correct it. But I can't fine it again now. Anyone knows what to do please??? [01:47] O__o: yes. [01:47] Thanks! [01:47] jerbear. What are you trying to ping? your router? [01:47] rho: the translating of directory namdes into languages and stuff is handled by some other service I recall. (ive neer looked into it) [01:47] O__o: you will install skype soon. [01:47] Gouda: no, .local [01:47] me gustaria que me recomienden algunos juegos para instalarle, porque mis hijos no se acostumbran a no usar la maquina par ajugar.... [01:47] O__o: it will be in Applications->Internet->Skype. [01:47] MindVirus, it is installing now thx === matteo is now known as Guest90596 [01:47] anyone? ubuntu mid has no "system" menu? how can I add apt sources, short of just manually adding them to /etc/apt/sources.list? [01:47] O__o: no problem. [01:47] 6/7 today. [01:47] Not bad. [01:48] y tengo entendido que hay muy buenos juegos en linux [01:48] es asi? [01:48] why ubuntu doesnt include all those stuffs? [01:48] !english | marqui [01:48] marqui: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [01:48] O__o: Skype is closed-source software. Closed-source software is frowned upon. [01:48] does "export CLICOLORS="YES"" not work on linux [01:48] ok, sorry, and really thanks [01:49] rho: here obn my gnome 'startup apps' theres one listed as --> xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update -> Update common folders names to match current locale [01:49] O__o, MindVirus: more specifically, if Skype was included in the official repos, there'd be no way for the people tending to those repos to fix bugs ni it [01:49] marqui: I do not mean to offend you. [01:49] ninjaslim: never heard of that variable befor.. whats it supposed to do? [01:49] Dr_Willis: it's for zsh. [01:50] MindVirus: yeah, it works on both FreeBSD and Mac OS X, but does not work on Ubuntu [01:50] !es | marqui [01:50] marqui: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [01:50] marqui porque no vas en #ubuntu-es no mas? [01:50] no, its all rigth, but mi english is no good..... [01:50] marqui: join #ubuntu-es [01:50] ninjaslim: perhaps the variable is renamed in Ubuntu. [01:51] Ok, sso nobody has haad mmy issue with an intel GC on ubuntu Jaunty applying this tuto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 ?? [01:51] i have my router domain set to "local" and nslookup .local gives me an ip, but I can't ping it. I can ping the ip directly, however. Any suggestions? [01:52] How do I keep Compiz from making the Metacity titlebar on windows transparent when they lose focus? [01:52] !intel [01:52] Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. [01:52] thiebaude: that guide has worked for me on 2 of my laptops fine. [01:52] Have you ever heard a keyboard keys (some buttons work and some do not!!) any ideas? [01:53] Dr_Willis, yea, i had to add "DRI" "off" which worked for me [01:53] Flannel: do you lurk a lot in this channel? [01:53] Dr_Willis: and you never had mouse sslowinf down sometimes? I applied this tuto 2 time (different computer) and got this touchpad slowing issue on both. [01:54] Dr_Willis, did your x freeze before? [01:54] thiblahute: never noticed that problem. [01:54] X was just sluggis befor. No compiz either. [01:54] ubottu: I know, but I solved it, just getting slow mouse somtimes. [01:54] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [01:55] Hello - I have a webcam that works in Ubuntu (see things fine in Cheese, the webcam program) but when I hit "test" in the video section of skype, i get "video static" of multiple colors. no discernable image. Does anyone know how to get the camera working in skype? [01:55] MindVirus: Yes, Flannel is a lurker. [01:55] MindVirus: I'm in here often, yes. [01:55] Flannel: you come up at random times and say a single line, then go back into hiding. Just very interesting. [01:56] Hey, good idea the bot on the channel!!! [01:56] hey I woke up this morning to "grub error 25" I can no longer boot the live cd either.. I wonder if the laptop HDD is broken or possibly something else in the laptop is broken === matteo is now known as Guest42077 [01:57] Paddy_NI: possibly could be a bios setting-- I saw one that would often forget the boot order-- Most of the time on some you can hit the f12 key to get to the boot menu. [01:57] caps lock does not work, enter button does not work, letter "b" does not work other buttons work and others do work?? any idea what is happening?? [01:57] non riesco a capire come si scarica [01:57] Have you ever heard a keyboard keys (some buttons work and some do not!!) any ideas? [01:57] vassler: do they work in the alt-ctrl-f1 console? [01:58] vassler: and/or on the login screen? [01:58] is there any way I can get 2.6.29 or .30 compiled and packaged for jaunty? [01:58] dr_willis: no [01:58] vassler: if they dont even work on the console.. do they work in the BIOS menus? This is a desktop or laptop machine? [01:59] dr_willis: Id have to check that out [01:59] vassler: also check with a live cd if you have any [01:59] never mind... [01:59] :P [02:00] im trying to add some entries to my fstab that i just can't seem to figure out.. they used to mount themselves and lately i've been manually doing it in terminal [02:00] guys i just installed a Turtle beach pci sond card how can i get ubuntu to use this instead of my onboard card? === linda_ is now known as mralexandro [02:00] david__: disable onboard sound card in teh bios is a good idea. [02:00] i have their uuid, so in fstab i put: UUID=2039849283 /storage ntfs [02:01] what application opens .deb files? [02:01] david__: you could go into sound under preferences and it should be in the selection on the drop down. [02:01] hi i was wondering if anyone know some good radioprograms? [02:01] !.deb [02:01] deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. [02:01] is there any way I can get 2.6.29 or .30 compiled and packaged for jaunty? [02:01] anybody know the status on the intel driver for 9.10? [02:01] thanks ubottu [02:02] caseyd: I think you need more to the 'fstab' line then what you just gave... (or did you trim it down for us) [02:02] i stay corrected i mean radio software, where you can choose differendt channels [02:02] no that's all i put [02:02] eljefe_, np [02:02] thiebaude: yes you, not the bot, sorry! [02:02] caseyd: then you are missing part of the fstab lines.. im supirsed they work at all. [02:02] eljefe_, :d [02:02] yep [02:02] caseyd: exapme on this box --> /dev/sda1 /media/Windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1 [02:02] it doesnt ;-) [02:03] ok [02:03] Lars_G: you could check the following-- under software sources-- Pre-released updates as well as unsupported updates- then close and let the list reload (it is possible that what you are looking for may be in those) [02:03] i dont see it under sound prefrences [02:03] you can replace /dev/whatever with UUID=XXX-XXX-XXX [02:03] Dr_Willis, thanks for the hint. xdg-user-dirs package is what i was looking for :) [02:03] david_: where it says sound in preferences (also it may say alsa) [02:04] rho: i just stumbled upon that one day while cleaning out my 'startup apps' :) [02:04] redvamp128: Ok, is this the same as backports? [02:04] rho: one of the things i disable. :) [02:04] Lars_G: I think I remember on my other install that it updated to the 2.6.28 when I clicked the pre-released [02:05] redvamp128: 2.6.28 is not enough :( [02:05] Lars_G: it may have the 2.6.29 or .30 there but only way it to check [02:06] redvamp128: I will. thanks [02:06] David_: under the sound options there should be a way to select the sound output [02:06] Lars_G: only other way is to download the compiler and compile it yourself [02:07] Lars_G: I have yet to compile my own kernel - (only done it for a few apps as well as wine) [02:07] How do I set my internal IP as static? [02:08] hey... i installed wine, something didn't work out, so i wanted to start from the beginning and removed /purged wine. However, when i re-installed it, it isnot longer in the Menu? [02:09] livingdaylight: open up your synaptic package manager and find wine-- then right click and choose completely remove then apply , then try again. [02:09] RPG_Master, ifconfig eth0 down || ifconfig eth0 up || ifconfig 192.168.?.? netmask [02:09] livingdaylight: sometimes you need to log-off for menu changes to show [02:09] redvamp128: I've done it lots of times but long ago and I wanted to avoid it right now [02:09] redvamp128: specially since this is for/in a netbook [02:09] redvamp128: odd... i did cotr. alt backspace [02:10] and it seems the driver I need from 2.6.29 uses net structre changes from 2.6.28 wont compile well in 2.6.28 [02:10] Hi i'm trying to install a app from source and it is not working. this= http://pastebin.com/m41000fbf is what im doing im trying to install Aleph One [02:10] sigh [02:10] So... a Lower nice number does mean more processing time right? [02:10] any help? [02:10] Lars_G: If it exists it is possible it is in the Pre-release updates in the software sources [02:11] RPG_Master, you can go to services and stop runing dhcpd services [02:11] livingdaylight: you could also try the following in the synaptic package manager-- right click on wine and choose reinstall === I is now known as Guest47668 [02:11] redvamp128: sigh it's not, they're all 2.6.28 there [02:11] thanks though [02:11] maybe it is time to pull my .30 and compile it [02:12] Lars_G: one thing you may or may not want to do [02:12] boas [02:12] boas [02:12] Lars_G: go into room #ubuntu+1 and ask them what kernel karmic is [02:12] yeah [02:12] i just tried the disabling of the onboard audio by bios but ubuntu still dosent recognize the turtle Beach pci soundcard [02:12] I might want to go karmic [02:12] Hey what kernal is karmic? [02:12] Lars_G: then you may want to update to the Alpha of Karmic-- [02:13] catmando: 2.6.31 [02:13] alguem sabe de algumapagina onde possa sacar programas para ubuntu [02:13] catmando: it is the next release of Ubuntu though it is last I looked Alpha 4 stage [02:13] trotis [02:13] sim [02:13] i00nsu, I get a bunch of permission denide erros :( === Guest47668 is now known as lukszc [02:14] Lars_G: though it may be your only option to get that kernel short of compiling [02:14] diz [02:14] witam all [02:14] redvamp128: yeah, thanks [02:14] How do I set my internal IP as static? So it will never change [02:15] RPG_Master, u are in ubuntu . and trying to configure administrative stuff, so you need to use the prefix sudo command [02:15] i00nsu: I would try gksu instead [02:15] what is gksu? [02:15] !gksu [02:15] If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [02:15] I did that next and then I didn't get any feedback at all [02:16] don't know that ;) but hey, is another solution, is what ppl want :P [02:16] i00nsu: it is preferable to try gksudo before using sudo -- (I had to learn that one the hard way myself) [02:17] why is that? [02:17] but can you tell me the diference? [02:17] sudo will mess up permissions, gksudo wont. [02:17] how will sudo mess with permissions? === uman_ is now known as duhi [02:17] i00nsu: only differences I saw is that sometimes sudo won't give you a choice for something -- like click it -- but gksudo will [02:17] sudo doesnt mess with permissions does it? [02:18] Hey guys do you know how i can monitor the temp of my macbook pro running 9.04? thanks [02:18] OK, so now my internal IP will never change? [02:18] RPG_Master, did you stop DHCP server? [02:18] how can i compule a driver that is opensource? [02:18] i00nsu, I didn't see that in services [02:19] redvamp128, hmm.. i thought it was just a interface [02:19] catmando: you should really use sudo just for things like getting and installing updates (as in sudo apt-get update / upgrade) [02:19] RPG_Master: It's running on another box, or in a router. [02:19] catmando: though never use sudo natilus (as to file changes will make it root and you have to change permissions to get it back) [02:19] Rabbitbunny, What do you mean? [02:20] I should put that command into the desktop that's wired to the router [02:20] ? [02:20] Hey guys do you know how i can monitor the temp of my macbook pro running 9.04? thanks [02:20] catmando: or even worse the sudo firefox [02:20] RPG_Master, Oo thats wierd.. every ubuntu box have dhcp server.. try sudo dhclient3 stop and if stoped add that line to rc.local in /etc [02:21] ah I see [02:21] This page is quite informative http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo [02:21] catmando: what i00nsu is telling him to do is a system wide change and should be done as root (but other tasks do not need root run or configure) [02:21] I need to make statistics of middle age ( linux users) wery apreciate who can help, just say your age :) [02:22] i am a litle bit new to ubuntu .. i do as i did in other linux version, but maby is wrong.. [02:22] Ivis: 35 tomorrow [02:22] 53 [02:22] What would prevent a user from writing to a samba share, if at the filesystem level they are a member of the group that has write privileges on the directory and the user is specified in the write list of the samba share? I'm running Jaunty [02:22] anyway, we learn making mistakes ;) [02:22] 26 [02:23] anyone know how to make apps on one workspace dissapear from the taskbar when on another workspace in gnome? Im used to KDE.. [02:23] i00nsu, That is true lol! [02:23] i00nsu, especially with linux. [02:23] Good eavening [02:23] Hey guys do you know how i can monitor the temp of my macbook pro running 9.04? thanks [02:23] i00nsu: I ran RH 6,7 and Mandrake 8 before going to window land for a while -- now back with Ubuntu (with Xubuntu , LXDE desktops installed) and am currently on XUbuntu desktop [02:23] oh yea [02:24] duhi: you can safely assume "holy shit thats hot" [02:24] Thanks you good people :) and still need ages [02:24] i00nsu, This is what I got :/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/261247/ [02:24] i was in slackware for years, but is true that ubuntu have many many solutions and better kernel update [02:24] SirStan, do you have a mbp? [02:25] actualy this statistic can help to improve linux a lot [02:25] RPG_Master, what command line you use? [02:25] i have problems with wubi [02:25] howto install kernel source [02:26] i don't have menu.lst === Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80 [02:26] !info lm-sensors | duhi [02:26] duhi: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.2-2ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 122 kB, installed size 556 kB [02:26] sudo dhclient3 stop [02:26] my friend [02:26] zero-cool: I would try if you have windows installed -- try wingrub - http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p9.html [02:27] ctmjr ive already installed lm-sensors but i cant right click the panel and add a sensor... [02:27] I also forgot to take out "and if stoped add that line to rc.local in /etc" [02:27] :/ [02:27] howto install kernel source on ubuntu [02:27] I re-did it and still I get a bunch of errors [02:27] o tnx today i was installed friend wubi === NAkeidosan is now known as TimothyA [02:28] duhi: it's one of those programs you need to read up one from terminal run sensors-detect [02:28] zero-cool: though if you installed wubi -- it could be as simple as going into windows and turning on the boot menu to show [02:28] *one/on [02:28] RPG_Master, hmm.. go to system / admin / services ... you should have one service named (DHCP server \ dhclient3-server) [02:28] ctmjr, thanks... did that already [02:29] i will t tell him [02:29] zero-cool: it could also be in the boot.ini [02:29] zero-cool: where the timeout is set to 0 which auto loads windows === ballzee is now known as Sinister [02:30] duhi: and if you run sensors from terminal nothing shows? [02:30] i know on my computer that is works [02:30] but he would linux for game [02:31] and i put wubi [02:31] ctmjr i see some temps but i wanted to add an applet to the panel... [02:31] excuse me, has anyone had using Ubuntu 9.04 LiveCD installer past partitioner stage? [02:31] had trouble* [02:31] Parsel: What do you mean with "past partitioner stage"? [02:31] Parsel, what did you have trouble with? [02:32] After it gave me "loading partitioner" dialog in installation wizard, it gets stuck with loading icon [02:32] it keeps loading but nothing happens [02:32] waited 1/2 hour [02:32] Anyone know how to completely disable bluetooth on ubuntu 9.04? Im using a macbook pro latest gen [02:32] So you don't get into partitioning? [02:32] duhi: oh i see did you install sensors-applet? it is for gnome panel [02:32] nope [02:32] Parsel: What are the specs of your system? [02:33] ctmjr actually i did, but i dont get a new applet for the panel... [02:33] Parsel: Specs, and current partitions would help [02:33] With the broadcom sta driver being distributed, there is a kernel patch for versions 2.6.29? What is this patch for? [02:33] Parsel: Current partitioning scheme. [02:33] how can i get ubuntu to recognize my riviera pci card? [02:33] this worries me very very much (this is regarding the ToshibaNB205, i have a Gateway blahblah with the same wireless card) "Wi-Fi must be enabled in Windows XP before installing UNR or else it is impossible to enable it." [02:33] Parsel: Specs are especially helpful because they will help us pinpoint the bottleneck [02:33] so windows was wiped immediately. am i screwed? how can this even be possible? [02:34] 1.5GHz, 700MB RAM, 60GB. Current machine has 30GB XP part, 30GB Ubuntu, wanted it on 60GB external HDD [02:34] hi [02:34] mmorrow: Did you reinstall Windows? [02:34] please 1 quick question, [02:34] mmorrow: interesting. you could try one of those not-quite-legal windows live cd's [02:34] Parsel: Could you paste a "fdisk -l" from within the ubuntu live system? [02:34] Hey [02:34] mnaines: i can't, since it didn't come with any sort of restore anything, nor does the laptop have a cd-drive (nor do i have a windows cd) [02:34] bank: what do you mean? [02:35] it is said that to make a disk dump (dd) you first need to u mount the device. But then, how can you dump a file if it isn't mounted? i can't get it [02:35] Parsel: Preferably as root, so enter "sudo fdisk -l" on the command line. [02:35] mmorrow: Does it have a USB port and can it boot from USB? [02:35] Dr_Willis: ooh nice. so it *is* possible to boot windows from a usb key? [02:35] miguelonnnn: you are dumping the DEVICE.. not a filesystem on the device. [02:35] mnaines: yes and yes [02:35] mmorrow: ive heard it is. [02:35] miguelonnnn: and normally you do this on 'un mounted' filesystems. [02:35] I have a question about fstab: my root, /home and /boot all are mounted with the option of 'realtime' what exactly is the option of realtime? [02:35] Is possible to have DIrectX9 or 10 in Ubuntu? [02:36] mmorrow: May I interest you in a Linux Live install? [02:36] ok Dr_Willis [02:36] Nubosal: wine handles that itself. its not 'in ubuntu' its In 'wine' :) [02:36] and where is the fs mounted? Dr_Willis ? [02:36] Nubosal: yes in a way-- in wine using -- something like winetricks [02:36] i know the "device" is on /dev/sda1 [02:36] mnaines: i've got fedora on it now, but can't seem to get the wireless card to work. so i'm now trying to install ubuntu since i've read that there's a prepackaged working solution in linux-backports-modules-jaunty [02:36] **How do i install a .exe program using wine?** [02:36] miguelonnnn: its Not.. you are dumping the 'raw' device. which is everything to a file [02:36] mnaines: That won't work to enable his wifi card [02:36] So, If I want to get completely rid of Windows with WInetricks I can play my games [02:36] Sirmimer: wine path/to/whatever.exe is what i do [02:37] Nubosal: wine may or may not work properly for all games. [02:37] mmorrow: Hmm...What wi-fi card is it? [02:37] !appdb | Nubosal [02:37] Nubosal: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [02:37] mmorrow: what kind of wifi card you have? - just curious [02:37] yeah Dr_Willis but where is the mounted fs so i umount it? [02:37] Anyone know how to get sound in ubuntu 9.04 on a latest gen macbook pro 15"? [02:37] Dr_Willis: sudo wine /home/Christian/program.exe etc? [02:37] Thanks [02:37] miguelonnnn: whever its at.. check the 'mount [02:37] miguelonnnn: whever its at.. check the 'mount' command [02:37] ok thanks jeheh [02:37] mnaines: atheros AR9285 [02:37] Sirmimer: What I do is create a prefix of wine and associate it with .exe files [02:37] Sirmimer: i never said to use 'sudo' :) you dont need sudo [02:37] err [02:37] hello [02:37] mdg: atheros AR9285 [02:38] mmorrow: Would you benefit from a Linksys Wireless USB Dongle? I hear Ubuntu has better compatibility with those [02:38] oooh okay i think its installed now. How do i open it with wine? [02:38] mnaines: right, i just tried the ubuntu live usb netbook image, and that dies with "can't find module/something" [02:38] i find running wine whatever.exe from the command line gives me better resul;ts. because i can 'see' any error messages wine may give. [02:38] ubuntu en español?? [02:38] irc://freenode/sexy%23 [02:38] Sirmimer: wine path/to/whatever.exe [02:38] irc://freenode/sexy [02:38] Sirmimer: it may have an icon in the menus [02:38] Sirmimer: You can do it like Windows double click, or like the doctor says [02:38] room sexy [02:38] mmorrow: If you can get the exact error message, we may be able to help you with that [02:38] Dr_Willis, please tell me /dev/disk2s1 is on /Volumes/USB_XP_710 means that the device disk2s1 is mounted on the filesystem folder /volumes/usb? so i should umount /volumes/usb_xp_710¿ [02:38] Sirmimer: what I do is this open - up nautilus then click the one that makes the menu into path instead of icons [02:39] Sirmimer: and by default wine stuff instlls to a 'fake' windows setup in .wine [02:39] goood [02:39] irc://freenode/sexy [02:39] then goto /.wine then find /drive_c and drag it to the left bottom and rename it as wine drive [02:39] Dr_Willis, its cause i got a full installed program, on cd. And i just need to open it with wine [02:39] then find the exe/s tere [02:39] Admin_: Please stop that [02:39] miguelonnnn: what sort of setup you have thats using such odd names? ive never heard of anything getting mounted to /volumes/ befor. [02:39] coman [02:39] irc://freenode/sexy [02:40] Admin_: Invite only [02:40] I alwyas make a link from .wine to 'Wine' in my Home dir - makes it easier to find. :) [02:40] Go To irc://freenode/sexy Room Sexy [02:40] redvamp128: I found the .exe file, what i do then? [02:40] its crapintosh xd, i'm trying to mount an ubuntu iso to my usb so i get rid off it [02:40] Go To irc://freenode/sexy Room Sexy [02:40] Sirmimer: pm? [02:40] how do i find the default gateway for a Internet connection? [02:40] yes please [02:40] mnaines: retrying boot now (i build the current snapshot of the drivers from linuxwireless.org, and still no dice. i think this is a hardware-being-disabled-somehow thing) [02:40] Im so confused :D [02:40] !wine | Sirmimer [02:40] Sirmimer: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [02:40] but am i right? willis? [02:40] Is there any way to know if the ufw firewall is running at startup? im pretty sure i saw a whole lot of white text on a black background when i booted up that said ufw was NOT starting... thanks [02:40] hi everybody [02:40] I know what wine is, its just what i should do, when the .exe program is already installed :S [02:40] mnaines: as in, somehow it needs to be enabled from windows (which strikes me as a huge wtf) [02:40] mmorrow: did you say you installed 9.04? [02:41] hi there [02:41] is there any way to make my webcam work? i have an msi laptop and gyachi gave me error message: 'ioctl VIDEOSPICT' Could not set camera properties. any ideas? [02:41] is it bad to unplug a graphic card when the computer is on power ? [02:41] is there a vmx (vmware file) with ubuntu installed (and the drivers/vmware-tools configured) that i can download? [02:41] thanks in advance [02:41] mmorrow : what laptop model do you have? [02:41] miguelonnnn: you are using 'dd' on a mac machine? ive no idea where/how they mount things.. Ive no idew what you mean by mounting an 'iso' to a 'usb' [02:41] paissad-hp: yes it's bad [02:41] paissad-hp, its bad to unplug anything when computer is on power... [02:41] ok thanks [02:41] paissad-hp: thas one way to blow a card... [02:41] mmorrow: do you know how to configure the BIOS? [02:41] paissad-hp, if you are asking that question.... you shouldnt have the cover off when computer is on power [02:41] or a motherboard [02:41] or a powersupply [02:42] Is there any way to know if the ufw firewall is running at startup? im pretty sure i saw a whole lot of white text on a black background when i booted up that said ufw was NOT starting... thanks [02:42] gwildor, why ? [02:42] Unplug the PC from the wall paissad-hp when wqorking on it.. dont just 'power it off' [02:42] the cover is already off [02:42] mnaines: yes, there doesn't seem to be any options in the bios setup related to the wireless card [02:42] i00nsu, avahi-daemon? [02:42] If I have 2 Drives, C: and E: (In Windows), and Unbutu is installed in the main (E:) is impossible to see the files in the E: drive, right? [02:42] duhi: Are you talking about Ubuntu's built-in firewall? [02:42] That's as close a name I could find [02:42] Dr_Willis, i'm just asking if the phrase "/dev/disk2s1 is on /Volumes/XP_710" means that the device is mounted on the filsystem folder /Volumes/XP_710 [02:42] that is for DNS [02:42] mnaines yes [02:42] oj [02:42] oh [02:43] mnaines, yes [02:43] thats really wierd [02:43] mnaines: the reason i think it's hardware or something is that i just read "Wi-Fi must be enabled in Windows XP before installing UNR or else it is impossible to enable it. " here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks/ToshibaNB205 [02:43] Does anybody know of a VPN server that's easy to set up? Doing some packet sniffing on my local network has made me paranoid of what could be accomplished in public [02:43] duhi: I just use firestarter, as its the GUI for the kernel firewall [02:43] miguelonnnn: looks like it.. but those are not now linux names devices.. so i just guessing.. [02:43] paissad-hp: the cover is there for a reason. It should only be off if your working on the system hardware. And if you;re working on the hardware you need to unplug and discharge the system before doing anything. Unless the task specifically requires the system to be on [02:43] mmorrow: did you say you installed 9.04 and tried the sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty? [02:43] yes but how can i know if ufw is starting at boot up [02:43] ok i'll have a little faith [02:43] Anyone know how to get sound working on ubuntu 9.04 on a latest gen 15" mbp? thanks [02:44] ufw is just a gui config tool that generates the proper firewall rules.. 'ufw' dosent start at boot.. the rules do. (i think i got that right) [02:44] Anyone know why trying to open display preferences freezes me up? Using the ATI proprietary drives. Doesn't freeze if I turn the drivers off. [02:44] i'm wishing to remove all this piece of *** OS and install a brand new xubuntu === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:44] I don't know how to help you RPG_Master... that should be very very simple. [02:44] duhi: The changes you make to the Linux Kernel firewall are saved and load at bootup, so even if the GUI does not load at boot, your last saved settings do [02:44] duhi: did you try double clicking the sound icon and checking all the settings to see if they are turned up? [02:44] If I have 2 Drives, C: and E: (In Windows), and Unbutu is installed in the main (E:) is impossible to see the files in the E: drive, right? [02:44] i00nsu, Well poop :( [02:44] mdg: no i was in the process of trying that when the live image errored out at boot-time [02:44] mmorrow: Can you try the Ubuntu Desktop version and see if that works? [02:45] Nubosal: if you mean frrom a 'wubi' install (installed inside windows) i think thats correct. [02:45] how do i find the default gateway for a Internet connection? [02:45] Nubosal, if you used ext3 for ubuntu, there is a driver for ext3.. your results may vary. [02:45] mmorrow: what kind of error? [02:45] Dr_Willis: Yes, I used a Wubi install. Well, Ill have to move all the E: files to my external drive [02:45] mdg, but i saw this message saying ufw was NOT starting before i even installed firestarter.. is there a way to know if its running at startup or if its not? [02:45] mnaines: hmm, is there any way to transfer that .iso to a usb key for boot? [02:45] gwildor: THanks [02:45] Nubosal, you can also boot ubuntu, transfer files to windows... then boot windows.. [02:45] Nubosal: i hate wubi. :) good luck withit. [02:45] howto install kernel source on ubutnu [02:45] mdg, mnaines: one sec, trying the boot again (have to re-dd the image..) [02:46] mmorrow: I cannot help you there...Someone else in here may be able to tell you how to do that [02:46] mmorrow: If you have an Ubuntu install (or a CD) you can use the USB creator (under system, admin) to convert/write an ISO to a USB for booting [02:46] Flannel: cool, thx [02:46] Does anyone know a work around for the display preferences locking up my computer when have the ati proprietary drivers on? [02:46] that usb-creator tool is very handy :) [02:47] Flannel, he's trying to install Ubuntu from a USB drive. He has Fedora right now, though [02:47] NO nmorrow! that's the easy way make it my way, make it by hand [02:47] i'm making the same, but with dd [02:47] and syslinux [02:47] Vox1: is it locking up on boot? [02:47] you'll learn a lot more [02:47] no, only when I try to open display preferences [02:47] miguelonnnn: Can you talk him through it, then? That would help [02:47] using simple programs is for lusers [02:47] (answer to myself and for the log: in http://chrysaor.info/?page=ubuntu i can get vmx files of ubuntu) [02:47] yeah [02:47] Is there a way to read Nautilus' stored passwords for things like sftp and ftp? [02:48] miguelonnnn: I am sure other people in here would benefit from the lesson as well [02:48] From the terminal. [02:48] i havn't done it yet though [02:48] miguelonnnn: ah right, /me googles for the incantation since i can't remember [02:48] bug 420889 [02:48] whoops [02:48] miguelonnnn: not everyone needs to be a guru [02:48] but at least i know a little [02:48] Vox1: If you havn't already tried redownloading the latest driver from ATI's site i would try that. [02:48] I'm affraid I odn't remember how to install them. Been a year or so since I've used ubu [02:48] miguelonnnn: maco is right. As long as you have done something at least once and succeeded at it, you can teach someone else [02:48] maco, i know but info is always good [02:48] mmorrow: UNetbootin(.sf.net) will write ISO images t usb devics and make them bootable. [02:49] mnaines: i also mean there's no reason that the easy way should be considered "bad" or why people who like things easy should be called losers [02:49] mmorrow: +1 for unetbootin! [02:49] and the feelling of having made a thing on your own, with little help is such a good one :) [02:49] mmorrow: Available for Windows and Linux. No installation requred, just start the binary after downloading from the homepage. [02:49] Vox1: if you go to ATI's website and navigate to support/downloads you should be able to find your gfx card there === kevdog_ is now known as kevdog [02:49] From there you just need to see if its directly supported by ATI for linux [02:49] hi kevdog ! [02:49] I have the file downloaded, it's just getting it installed that's the problem lol [02:49] * mmorrow notes all the suggestions :) [02:49] maco: I still require a GUI myself for everything because of my past experience with Windows, so I agree that even "the easy way" can still be a good way [02:50] Hey guys! I have a very nerdy question... [02:50] mmorrow: I'm using unetbootin as main tool for getting a ubuntu-based distro onto an usb stick. [02:50] yeah, but what you'll do whenever you need unetbootin and don't have internet? [02:50] maco: Sometimes its just a matter of which feels most comfortable to the user [02:50] dd will always be there.... [02:50] I have an encrypted home driver through the alternate installer. How do I reinstall Ubuntu and access the encrypted data? [02:50] drive* [02:50] or cat [02:50] bankix: me too! [02:50] miguelonnnn: Sure. [02:50] ;) bankix [02:50] Do anyone know where i can find the lyrics for "After darks" The Flying Toasters? [02:50] miguelonnnn: But then you wouldn't see this advice ;-) [02:50] HEHEHE [02:51] !ot | Niklas [02:51] Niklas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [02:51] i have a matter with getting images from one pc, actually, the LCD screens works nice, i tested it onto another PC, i wanted to know if the matter came from the graphic card, btw, i removed it and plugged another graphic card which works onto it, but i still have no image, so i just want to know where the matter may come from, or how to proceed in order to know the problem, thanks in advance [02:51] vox1: either within the file you downloaded or on the ati website they have install instructions [02:51] Niklas: Google, perhaps? [02:51] I'm adding a partition to my box and I'm trying to make sure that I have the fstab set right. I have /dev/sda1 /srv ext3 realtime 0 2 I think that's what I want for this share, any input? [02:51] jgould: What are you trying to set up> [02:51] ? [02:52] What's a good irc client (GUI) that can connect to multiple servers? [02:52] exapid_: Most people like xchat [02:52] paissad-hp: Is there anything on the screen after the bios when booting? [02:52] exapid if you want easy: xchat. if you want flexible irssi [02:52] it's the partition that was fat32 so I could migrate around 400 GB of data to the new linux servier [02:52] exapid_: +1 for irssi! [02:52] exapid, Xchat [02:52] Yeah I dont mind chat, just cant find how to get multiple servers going [02:52] bankix, i even don't see the bios on the screen [02:52] exapid_ I haven't tried it with Pidgin, but I can do that here...Just a sec [02:52] I use irssi now XD [02:52] i see nothing [02:52] paissad-hp: Or is just the graphical desktop missing and you get stuck with a text console? [02:52] jgould: you wish to mount the fileysstem on /dev/sda1 to the location /srv - that looks bout right.. You may want to try diffrent options (i dont recall what realtime does) [02:52] exapid, Xchat [02:52] exapid_: irssi can do that [02:52] Can I start an Ubuntu install on an external HDD from within an already installed and working version of Ubuntu? I want to skip the LiveCD [02:53] exapid_: instead of /server use /connect [02:53] well let's start. Disk drives are divided in physical sectors. A hard disk consists of a number of disks named platters, which are read on both sides by "heads" a kind of laser's . Each side is divided in concentric circles named tracks, and each track is divided in the forementioned sectors [02:53] I'm already doing it in irssi :) [02:53] has anyone heard of a solution to the kodak easyshare compatibility issue with linux? i would love to get it working. [02:53] well exapid Xchat is the best. [02:53] exapid, for xchat just click the xchat menu and choose network list [02:53] Want a gui ^_^ and cant work out how to setup multiple servers in xchat [02:53] paissad-hp: No bios screen either? Is the monitor definitely working? [02:53] sudo apt-get xchat [02:53] Good evening all. Anyone have a few minutes to point me in the right direction with some networking issues? I need to do the following: 10.x.x.x --> 192.168.0.x --> Internet [02:53] install* [02:53] exapid_: You should be able to do it in Pidgin as well. I don't see why pidgin won't let you [02:53] Parsley, do the DD command in terminal to copy into ext HDD [02:53] I have xchat, how do I get multiple servers through it? [02:53] bankix, the monitor is working nice, [02:53] paissad-hp: sounds like you either have driver issues or motherboard issues. [02:53] exapid_: /connect [server] should work [02:53] ok nik [02:53] exapid, for xchat just click the xchat menu and choose network list [02:53] paissad-hp: How do you know? [02:54] No probs Parsley [02:54] poent, bankix the matter is not the monitor, not the graphic card too [02:54] Parsley: Is Ubuntu already installed on the drive or are you trying to install it on the drive through Ubuntu? [02:54] Parsley, if your new, try just "dd --help" [02:54] so the error the netbook img booted from a usbkey dies with is (and this is after the selection screen "boot from usbkey, install to harddrive, verify, etc"): "modprobe: FATAL Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory" [02:54] Anyone know anything about bcmwl-kernel-source [02:54] paissad-hp: Why is there no bios screen then? [02:54] paissad-hp: i said driver or motherboard not graphics card [02:54] poent, ok [02:54] I seem to be having a problem playing a dvd [02:54] it is playing but very slowly [02:54] mnaines:second one [02:54] like 2 fps [02:55] mmorrow: Have you tried the Ubuntu Desktop image? [02:55] and dvds have played fine before [02:55] mmorrow: did you USB key boot on any other machines? [02:55] paissad-hp, does your motherboard have an onboard video card? [02:55] is there any way to make my webcam work? i have an msi laptop and gyachi gave me error message: 'ioctl VIDEOSPICT' Could not set camera properties. any ideas? [02:55] bankix, don't know how to explain that, but when i plug the monitor, i see nothing :) [02:55] paissad-hp: Is there a second graphics card or onboard monitor connector? [02:55] operating systems reside on those sectors. When bootstraping the system, the processor calls a little ROM memory installed at the chip, named BIOS,which in turn after a hardware test (POST) looks for a drive. When it founds one, it'll read it's first sector, looking for what it's called an active partition, flagged with an 0x80 hex mark [02:55] mdg: Its a problem with his netbook's wi-fi card... [02:55] bankix, no [02:55] paissad-hp, sounds like a motherboard [02:55] paissad-hp: There absolutely must be a bios screen. [02:56] Thanks Poent [02:56] mnaines: sorry was unclear he got the computer booted to a desktop... [02:56] vox1: yw vox [02:56] paissad-hp: If not, it might be something wrong with the bios or the board or another component. [02:56] bankix, i promise that i even get the bios screen :) [02:56] bankix: my laptop has an option for "fast boot" to not show the full bios screen [02:56] it still shows a post msg or 2 i belive... [02:56] Am I supposed to copy my entire HDD image over to the blank HDD using dd? [02:56] bankix, don't get * [02:56] mdg: His netbook wi-fi card had to be enabled through Windows before it could be used, but he didn't enable it before uninstalling Windows, and now he can't get it working [02:56] bankix: so it flashes the intel logo in the bottom right corner momentarily and starts to boot without even saying the "press f2 for setup" stuff [02:56] paissad-hp: I'm puzzeled now. [02:57] if it don'est found anyone, it'll search for another disk, if it finds, it'll execute a binary code recorded at it's first sector of that drive, which will point to a loader. In linux it's called grub, or lilo or anyone else. That loader will finally let you choose what you wan't to load. [02:57] mnaines: I got that part - I thought he had trouble booting into ubuntu as well as a problem with wifi card... [02:57] paissad-hp: When you power on your PC, is there a bios screen on your monitor, or could you enter the bios setup? [02:57] openfwwf == anyone using it for the bcm cards? [02:57] mdg: Yes, he tried the Ubuntu Netbook Remix with no success, so I suggested Ubuntu Desktop [02:57] mnaines: not yet, downloading the desktop version [02:57] F2, F10 and Del are the common keys to try to get into the bios [02:58] maco: But there is something on your screen. At least the logo. It's not totally blank. [02:58] F12 too [02:58] mdg: i haven't tried booting from that image on any other machines [02:58] bankix, no i can't [02:58] mdg: that's a good idea though [02:58] bankix: true. annoying that i had to smack keys til one worked though ;) [02:58] * Dr_Willis wishes these MB makers would all agree on what F keys for what features.. its annoying haveing to rember its Del for this box.. but F2 for this other one... [02:58] yes, F12 also :D [02:58] mmorrow: It probably will not give you the results you want, however [02:58] bankix, it's totally blank [02:58] so in order for you to make a bootable usb , you must dump an iso cd mounted onto your system to an usb, and make that piece of code and put the loader syslinux or grub or any other else into it, so when your bios looks for your drive active flag it founds it, and loads the grub which will load linux [02:58] paissad-hp: Okay. Got that. [02:59] mmorrow: how did you make the USB key you were trying to boot from? [02:59] paissad-hp: You could try to remove all RAM modules. Then the mainboard should beep a lot at power on. [02:59] to make it , it's easy, just mount -t iso9660 /dev/yourcdrom [02:59] paissad-hp: If not, I'd think of a defective mainboard. [02:59] Does anyone know where i can get blue ray support? [02:59] a1: In which way "support"? [02:59] bankix, i first try removing ram modules [02:59] then dd if=/media/yourMountPoint of=/yourUsbFAT16orFAT32FormatedUsbDrive [03:00] mdg: that one is an "asdf.img", which apparently is a directly-dd-to-a-usb-key-able img [03:00] Anyone know how to disable bluetooth on 9.04? (im using a macbook pro btw if thats relevant) [03:00] paissad-hp: Remove the RAM modules then replace them one at a time to see which one is causing it [03:00] mdg: whereas the desktop one is an .iso [03:00] Getting codex and recognizing the drive itself [03:00] finally, run fdisk and there you can make it bootable and write an mbr sector (the first sector i said before, which will map your hardrive so bIOS can read it) [03:01] a1: The drive should show up as normal DVD writer/reader drive. [03:01] what can I use to split a large .iso file? [03:01] never used as asdf.img... [03:01] a1: Without any modifications. [03:01] mdg: heh [03:01] as/an [03:01] mdg: s/asdf.img/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img/ [03:01] and that's all, now you can make it on your own, without the need of unetbootin and such programs, which are good for repetitive tasks, but can't beat the work made by oneself [03:01] so what do I do to make it recognize it as a blue ray drive? if its possible [03:01] dihi: System>Preferences>Main Menu>Preferences>Bluetooth then uncheck the box [03:02] did you get it nmorrow? [03:02] mmorrow: how do you prepare the USB for that? [03:03] mnaimes that sounds like it simply removes the icon from the panel... not turns it off.. [03:03] mdg: sudo dd if=ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img of=/dev/sdb [03:03] exactly [03:03] i'm fond you got it hehe [03:03] anything else, just ask [03:03] i'm happy to help [03:03] dihi, is it a laptop? [03:03] a1: For the system, there is no difference between a normal DVD drive and a BluRay drive. [03:03] bankix, i've removed all ram modules, i booted, but i have no beep, nothing [03:03] Is it feasible to fix the bugs generated from installing Ubuntu on one computer, then putting the HDD in another computer with different hardware? [03:04] paissad-hp: I fear you have a dead mainboard... [03:04] What do i need to do before it will play the movie? [03:04] hey Dr_Willis are u ther? [03:04] paissad-hp: Are there any LEDs on your board? E.g. at the network connector? [03:04] bankix, let me check [03:04] a1: So you're able to mount BluRay discs the same way as normal DVDs. [03:05] Anyone know of a webcam to apache page streaming program? [03:05] mnaime yes a macbook pro [03:05] I want to, for all future logins, disable compiz and enable metacity. I want to do this from the CLI. Effectively, I want to set preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects to none from the CLI. How can I do this? [03:05] No not at all [03:05] but it will recognize regular CDs and DVD's [03:05] a1: Ah. Okay. What happens when inserting a quite normal DVD into that drive. Will this show up? [03:06] nice question jMyles let's see if anybody know it hehe i'm intersted too [03:06] a1: Ah, it doesn't recognize BluRays. [03:06] when vista was previously installed, it played'em without a hitch [03:06] Parsley: Generally, the answer is no...Most operating system installs are set for the hardware on the machine they are originally installed on. However, if you do a live install, you can do that [03:06] greetings, anyone has info or a script about iostat used for checking activity of a partition? idea behind it : want to automatically set the pc to halt of no traffic is on that partition. other solutions welcome [03:06] a1: What kind of BluRays did you put in? [03:06] a1: Films? [03:06] hello, how can I limit the memory a certain application can use? [03:06] i've tried several, mostly blockbuster flavors [03:06] nothing brand new though [03:07] jMyles: i think somewhere in gconf. lemme look it up [03:07] bankix, no [03:07] no led [03:07] the motherboard's dead :-( [03:07] a1: The films are copy protected. You can't read them without some very strange software. [03:07] paissad-hp: No LEDs at all? [03:08] paissad-hp: Not even link LEDs on your ethernet port? [03:08] bankix, no led when i plug the RJ45 ethernet [03:08] i'm aware that it needs special DRM keys and etc. [03:08] paissad-hp: Ah, there are LEDs, but they are not lit, correct? [03:08] a1: Indeed. [03:09] but the Dell studio XPS 1640 is also shipped with ubuntu and has support for blu-ray [03:09] a1: Sorry that I'm not able to help you with that special topic. [03:09] bankix, lit ?? [03:09] i can't find any documentation though in regards to it [03:09] paissad-hp: There are LEDs, but none of them is illuminated/flashing. [03:09] bankix, it should have the green and orange led blinking or something like that, but nothing ! [03:10] paissad-hp: Okay. If you're lucky, it's just a matter of the power supply. Under-voltage or something. [03:10] ok, something is weird with my unetbootin now, it skips extraction of files as if i dont have 7zip, but i know i do [03:10] a1: see if this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD say's it's for 8.10 so might be old [03:10] alinicric: There's a few of them. Search the repos for "webcam" and you'll get a bunch. [03:11] Parsley: Just install that package. [03:11] install 7zip? [03:11] ctmjr: i've seen that link, but its not much help [03:11] Parsley: Yes. [03:11] it's in my add/remove list already, i think it's installed [03:12] jMyles: ok so i *think* this will output the current wm: gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current [03:13] jMyles: and to set it to metacity: gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/current "metacity" [03:13] jMyles: that help? [03:13] parsley: You need the package 7zip-full. [03:13] If I am going to do system and network administration, what programs do I need? [03:13] ah ok [03:13] maco: You are correct that the first command gave me my current wm [03:13] parsley: Try "dpkg -l 7zip-full" to see the status of that package. [03:14] mnaines, if you use Synaptic there even a Tab just for that, even Add/Remove has it i believe [03:14] ya none found, gotta get the full one i see [03:15] jMyles: hmm or maybe its /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default that you should set..... mine is "/usr/bin/xmonad" because its what i use, but i guess "/usr/bin/metacity" if thats what you want. well if current doesnt do it, try that one. one of the two should get it [03:15] nnull: are there any specific programs that will help? [03:16] maco: "must specify a type when setting a value" [03:16] i want to buy a tablet for linux; but it doesn't need 2048 levels of sensistivity like wacom; in fact~ just a few levels like 8 or so would suffice [03:16] mnaines, what are you trying to do? [03:16] mnaines, specifically [03:17] mmorrow: how is it going? [03:17] jMyles: --type=string [03:17] mnaines: you need a shell. and you need to learn to use it. linux and unix servers dont have guis [03:17] nnull: Well, basically, I started up my own computer company and I plan to offer a variety of services ranging from simple maintenance to system and network security to disaster recovery to data backup/encryption and secure storage and file deletion [03:17] maco: Yeah, I figured that after a quick bout of googling. :-) [03:18] jMyles: ok [03:18] maco: Interesting idea. [03:18] maco: Did it work out good? [03:19] bankix: what? [03:19] maco: Your company. [03:19] bankix: mnaines dude [03:19] maco: Most of the systems I would be dealing with would be Windows machines [03:19] mdg: i'm sidetracked with something else for a bit, but my plan is to get the desktop .iso (x86_64, since this little laptop has an athlon64) onto a usbkey bootably (a word?;), and see if i can get ubuntu installed that way. if that works i'm going to try the linux-backports-modules-jaunty pkg. [03:19] sudo apt-get install 7zip-full did not find any, am i supposed to use p7zip-full? [03:19] bankix: my business idea is very low tech [03:19] Parsley: Yes. Or just use Synaptic. [03:20] bankix: I just started it up, so I haven't had any interest yet...One person called to inquire about the services I offer, but I haven't been able to reach him to return his call [03:20] mdg: i'll report back with the outcome, however it goes [03:20] How do you get packages from a list? eg. ("aconnectgui alsa-tools alsa-tools-gui audacity audacious") without having to enter each? [03:20] mnaines: Then good luck! [03:20] mmorrow: good luck - looking forward to your report :) [03:20] <º))) )>< hola ><(((( º> [03:20] ok, pzip-full installed, so i guess unetbootin is fine now. i used it to put super grub on an empty HDD, then when I tried booting from said HDD, computer turns itself off instantly [03:21] mdg: thanks! :) [03:21] !es | simpatico [03:21] simpatico: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [03:21] mnaines: as I'll be doing the same very soon, good luck! [03:21] bankix: Thanks. I am trying to get used to CLI, but I moved to Linux from Windows and am not used to CLI. I still need a GUI to help me [03:21] ....sorry, how to restart X from the CLI? [03:21] mnaines: CLI = command line interface? Or something different? [03:22] bankix: yep [03:22] mnaines: I'm learning CLI too - been using an INX live CD for the basics [03:22] bankix: Aff...I need to learn that [03:22] jMyles, sudo /etc/rc.d/?dm restart [03:22] mnaines: Indeed, you'll have to get very familiar with the cli. [03:22] jMyles: Real question? How to restart X? [03:23] bankix: I only recently came to Linux (I have been using Linux full-time since July 1), so I still need a GUI to help me [03:23] bankix: Are you asking me? :-) Because I'm asking that right now./ [03:23] jMyles: I wanted to know if this is a real question. Seems to be. [03:23] jMyles, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [03:23] how can I use samba to share files? [03:23] jMyles: bastidrazor was faster than me. [03:24] dont use samba [03:24] its a pain in the ass [03:24] mostafa_: Just install system-config-samba via synaptic. [03:24] mostafa_, are you using 9.04? [03:24] bastidrazor: That restarts X? I'd think that would only restart gnome. [03:24] mostafa_: Then select "Samba" from the system settings menu. [03:24] poent: yeah [03:24] Why does Ubuntu make my access my internet very slow and any other OS runs the internet fast? [03:24] jMyles, that restarts X. [03:24] jMyles, gdm/kdm start X [03:24] jMyles: bastidrazor is right. [03:25] JohnCorbeau: My advice: Try to separate yourself from the competition. The way I do that is in the business strategy - I work by myself, which helps me ensure the best possible quality [03:25] bankix: I install it via this command "sudo apt-get install samba" [03:25] mostafa_, just make a folder that you wanna share andright click it. then go to sharing options [03:25] bankix: is it right? [03:25] Why does Ubuntu make my access my internet very slow and any other OS runs the internet fast? [03:25] Hmmm, the solution proposed by Maco to disable visual effects (essentially make metacity the default instead of compiz) from the CLI was not effectual. [03:25] mostafa_: Nope, the packae is named system-config-samba. [03:25] mostafa_: So "sudo apt-get install system-config-samba". [03:25] bankix: ok thnx [03:26] Jooder492: GIgabit ethernet or 100MBit/s? [03:27] bankix: k I get it then what should i do? [03:27] mostafa_, i'm telling you samba isnt the way to go [03:28] mostafa_: Have a look at you system settings menu in the system menu. [03:28] mostafa_: There you'll find samba. This will help you configuring your shares. [03:29] mostafa_: Of course, here are different solutions sharing files. [03:30] bankix: I can't find it can I use it by a command? [03:30] mostafa_: you can. the command is system-config-samba === iyunkateus_ is now known as Iyunkateus [03:31] I wish to make a a partition on a HDD to boot Ubuntu installation from, basically store the LiveCD on a seperate partition on a HDD without anything on it, so when computer starts, it goes to grub and asks me to install Ubuntu. What do I need to do besides use Unetbootin to place the LiveCD image and bootloader on to this "recovery partition"? (Did this and said "missing OS") [03:31] why is my ubuntu internet slow? [03:32] Jooder492: Gigabit or 100MBIt/s ethernet? [03:32] ? im on wireless. it dosent matter if im wired or not [03:32] Parsley: You want to boot the ISO image? [03:32] ya [03:32] Jooder492: Okay. [03:32] Parsley: No way AFAIK. [03:32] hi .. can any one give me software for blind people? [03:32] QQ [03:33] Jooder492: Which is you network device? wlan0? something different? [03:33] hajar, lookup braille [03:33] i only seem to have problems on my network though. i have completly reset my router and everything. what settings do i need to change? [03:33] hajar, not to sure otherwise :s [03:33] jMyles: have you tried gconf-editor? [03:33] jMyles: dang. maybe thats what that "note: deprecated" meant. so it must live somewhere else... [03:33] mdg: either i gave him the wrong gconf key or its not in gconf [03:33] Jooder492: I did get that. What is you network device for wlan? [03:33] bankix: K I opened it then what to do? [03:34] bankix: can it work if I actually extract the ISO to the recovery partition? I don't understand why having the install files and a boot loader doesnt work... [03:34] mostafa_: Configure your samba. Sorry, no samba basics lesson today... [03:34] thanks nnull ... I need software to say the name of place where the cursor on .. in ubuntu [03:34] im useing a linksys router [03:34] mostafa_, add a share. Create a new folder in your home directory or user dir [03:34] hajar, you mean something like a screen reader? gnome-orca does that [03:34] Parsley: Another question: Why not installing Ubuntu on that second partition? [03:35] yrd bazhang [03:35] yes [03:35] Jooder492: Okay, a linksys. But what I need to know is the networking device name in Ubuntu. [03:35] bankix: I want to, but my LiveCD is corrupted [03:35] mdg: But where oh where? [03:35] hajar, the package name is gnome-orca [03:35] Jooder492: You get a list of them (and their settings) when calling "ifconfig" on the comman line. [03:35] ok just a second [03:36] bankix: I made a LiveCD on a DVD and on a Flash Drive, both came out corrupted, both using manually downloaded 9.04 LiveCD ISO [03:36] jMyles: gconf-editor: Desktop> Gnome> Applications> Window Manager and change default to metacity from compiz [03:36] sorry im kinda new at ubuntu [03:36] thanks bazhang [03:36] Parsley, you need to md5 the iso and re download if it is corrupt [03:36] I mean they worked up to a point then froze up installation [03:36] !md5 | Parsley [03:36] Parsley: Did you check the checksums before writing them? [03:36] Parsley: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [03:36] ok [03:37] Jooder492: No problem. Just open a terminal, then enter "ifconfig" [03:37] poent: I've done that and you mean each folder I wanna share I add it with "Add Share" [03:37] !ifconfig [03:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig === levi1 is now known as Levi1 [03:37] jMyles: you having trouble getting to gconf-editor? [03:37] Jooder492: THis will produce a list. In the first column, there are names like "eth0" or "lan0" or "ath0". [03:37] this is all im getting "bash: ipconfig: command not found [03:37] " [03:37] mostafa_, yeah [03:37] Jooder492, iFconfig === Levi1 is now known as idiot_newbie [03:37] jordo2323, ifconfig [03:37] Jooder492, try "ifconfig" ;) [03:37] mostafa_, are you trying to share it with awindows computer over the network? [03:37] Jooder492: In the second column is a block with the settings of the device listed on the left. [03:38] Anyone out there have any success getting Catalyst::Devel installed on Ubuntu? [03:38] oops... use to windows. second [03:38] poent: yeah yeah exactly I want to say that [03:38] Jooder492: I need the contents of the left column, so eth0, wlan0, lo, whatever shows up there. [03:38] Catalyst :: Devel [03:38] Jooder492, or if that becomes too problematic, "alias ipconfig='ifconfig'" [03:38] :) [03:38] mostafa_, what version of windows are you using? [03:38] I used the pre-config settings for deluge with the Firewall app GUFW... but then I change deluge's ports and now when I press the button it just adds the old ports... how do I fix this? [03:39] hey 1 question please, i read that to dd my usb, i need to umount it first, but if i umount the mount point, the disk gets umounted too. How can i umount just the filesystem? [03:39] mdg: well now I am. I can't seem to connect via SSH. [03:39] you need all the contents that are beside the eth0 and the lo? [03:39] I have 2 PCs one with vista and the other one with XP [03:39] thats all thats listed is the eth0 and lo [03:39] poent: I have 2 PCs one with vista and the other one with XP [03:39] jMyles: oh you are doing this on another machine? [03:39] mdg: yep. [03:39] Jooder492: Okay, eth0 and lo. [03:40] Jooder492: Below etho, is there some "inet address" followed by an IP address? [03:40] jMyles: and you don't want to start X on that machine to fix this, right? [03:40] mostafa_, on the vista computers you'll need to dissable password protected sharing in the network configurations [03:40] mdg: true. [03:40] mostafa_, otherwise after rebooting the ubuntu system the share should be set up [03:40] mdg: Well, it seems that compiz is messing the machine up. I don't mind starting X and using X forwarding. [03:40] ubottu: what do I do with the numbers in the download link provided on that first page you showed? I don't get how that downloads md5; sudo apt-get md5 or md5sums didnt work [03:40] I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [03:41] mdg: But I can use gconftool-2 instead of gconf-editor, no? [03:41] mostafa_, i had issues setting up the network share, which is why i did it the other way and used the sharing option thats built into ubuntu [03:41] inet addr: Bcast: [03:41] ubottu: do you feel love? [03:41] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [03:41] miguelonnnn: dd if=/dev/DEVICENAME of=outputfile the device does not in any way need to me mounted. check sudo fdisk -l - to tell what the device name is [03:41] miguelonnnn: As long the device is connected, there is a device name associated. Such as /dev/sdb1 or simmilar. [03:41] poent: it has no difficulty with xp? [03:41] Jooder492: Great. Is that your wireless IP adress? [03:41] yea [03:41] anyone good with LIRC? [03:41] im running this on vertualbox right now if that makes a diffrance [03:42] yeah but when i umount it /dev/devicename gets out too [03:42] mostafa_, no windows xp doesnt demand a password to login with like vista and windows 7 do [03:42] Jooder492: In that block, below the IP adress, there is a "MTU:" followed by a number. Which number? Probably 1500. [03:42] I used the pre-config settings for deluge with the Firewall app GUFW... but then I change deluge's ports and now when I press the button it just adds the old ports... how do I fix this? [03:42] miguelonnnn: When you just unmount a drive, the device handle will not get lost. [03:42] jMyles: I've not used gconftool2 before - where did you find it? [03:42] miguelonnnn: see if 'fdisk -l' shows the device.. You can 'dd' things while they are mounted.. just be sure to not access it any othe way at the same tiome [03:42] yes it is 1500 [03:42] yeah it gets :S sadly [03:42] miguelonnnn: Only when removing the device physically it gets lost. [03:43] poent: thanks bro and another question how can i share sth from windows and get it from ubuntu? [03:43] miguelonnnn: use the umount command, not the icon/safely/remove/eject option [03:43] Jooder492: Okay. Then try "sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 999" Please no typing errors. [03:43] i can't ummount by umount [03:43] i just can do it the "remove button" way [03:43] jMyles: you want to use gconf2 [03:43] try umount -f [03:43] it's impossible [03:43] miguelonnnn, try umount -f [03:43] hi [03:43] some processes are running on my disk [03:43] Jooder492: This will lower your MTU (maximum transfer unit) to 999 bytes, which is a number guessed by random. [03:44] i kill them but reappear [03:44] ASShole, hi! [03:44] Jooder492: So ubuntu will sen smaller packages. [03:44] ok catmando === novneb is now known as zz_novneb [03:44] Its not impossible.. :) gnome-s auto mounting stuff is just confuseing things.. === ASShole is now known as Guest94323 [03:44] jMyles: within gconf2 is the app gconftool [03:44] poent: thanks bro and another question how can i share sth from windows and get it from ubuntu? [03:44] jMyles: or did you already install that [03:44] Jooder492: If this helps a bit, you can increase the number, close to 1500, till you get a good performance. [03:45] How to download 2.0 branch with bzr? thnx [03:45] gwibber's branch [03:45] oh man!!!!! i did it [03:45] i did itttttttt [03:45] ok thank you. i will see if that helped [03:45] Jooder492: Some routers wil create empty packages when ubuntu sends 1500 bytes packages, which will slow down the transfer a lot. [03:45] poent: I mean how can I get the shared files with ubuntu? [03:45] with the -f flag [03:45] great!!! [03:45] miguelonnnn, great job! [03:45] thanks cat ! [03:45] i 've been trying it an hour [03:45] miguelonnnn, you are welcome. === udk is now known as BlackKnight [03:46] by killing the processes [03:46] hi [03:46] any one [03:46] i need help [03:46] but they did appear again [03:46] ? [03:46] plssss [03:46] guys ? [03:46] the fseventsd daemon [03:47] I need to see some CBT in Project Management videos - the cd has some Wmv asf video and I cannot see anything - just sound - and get some message "video/x-asf-unknown decoder" not installed [03:47] bankix: poent: sharing files with ubuntu solved but how can I get the shared files from windows with ubuntu? [03:47] I used the pre-config settings for deluge with the Firewall app GUFW... but then I change deluge's ports and now when I press the button it just adds the old ports... how do I fix this? [03:47] i killed it but came again [03:47] Abdullah9, ask a question [03:47] Jooder492: If you did find the best value for your router, edit your connections via network manager (the signal strength symbol in the upper right panel) via right-click, in the first register card there is the setting "MTU". [03:47] someone :( [03:47] help [03:47] thanks man [03:47] i cant open os/linux/config.mk [03:47] mostafa_, go to places>network [03:48] Jooder492: Then the MTU will be restored after the next reboot. [03:48] i cant open os/linux/config.mk [03:48] Abdullah9, what version of ubuntu are you using, and what are you trying to do [03:48] Where can I download an image to boot from usb for ubuntu server 8.10? [03:48] 9.04 [03:48] Can't seem to find it on the website [03:48] Ubuntu 9.04 with all updates. System - Preferences - Keyboard. Disabling "Cursor blinks in text fields" no longer works, nor does adjusting the cursor's blinking speed. No desktop effects. Not exactly sure when it started (ie. can't say "right after applying this update"). Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot it? [03:48] tomlikestorock: You want a bootable USB stick with ubuntu on it? [03:48] Why doesn't sudo apt-get build-dep mpd work? :/ [03:49] mostafa_, you should see the windows computers on the same subnet in there. just use a username and password (if its vista, if its xp you shouldn''t need a password) and you'll be all set [03:49] bankix: yup [03:49] to install on my new box [03:49] it sayes there no such file by that name [03:49] ...without a cdrom [03:49] tomlikestorock: Either "usb-creator" or have a look on unetbootin(.sf.net) [03:49] I have a problem with my webcam. I've tried several programs and they just come up with black screens. When I close the program my webcam light flashes for a second but amsn is the only program that works. Anyone have this problem? [03:49] Abdullah9, what are you trying to do, please keep your info on ONE line [03:49] bankix: can I use that on osx? [03:49] poent: where is "places"? [03:50] tomlikestorock: These will create a bootable usb stick out of a ISO. [03:50] tomlikestorock: Sorry, usb-creator is linux only, and unetbootin windows and linux. [03:50] mostafa_, upper left corner right next to the applications toolbar [03:50] argh [03:50] tomlikestorock: I don't know any tool for macos. [03:50] please one more question [03:50] !info alpine [03:50] alpine (source: alpine): Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.00+dfsg-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 2844 kB, installed size 6480 kB [03:50] last i hope hehe [03:50] gah [03:50] !alpine [03:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about alpine [03:51] WTF IS APLINE? [03:51] pine client [03:51] latest pine client [03:51] bankix: well if I can find an img, I can write it to the drive on osx... just can't find the img. Which is weird, if you ask me [03:51] I need support but dont know where to get it [03:51] in dd, when input file is an iso mounted image, what should i do? should i umount it too? [03:51] Ok , i am trying to install a driver " rt2870 " , for my wirless card , when i plug it into the USB port nothing hapend, [03:51] want to enable click in pine on xterm [03:51] !info ifconfig [03:51] Package ifconfig does not exist in jaunty [03:51] LOL!!! [03:51] I think ubottu needs an update [03:51] dont laugh at me! [03:52] tomlikestorock: Sorry, I don't know where to find such an image either. [03:52] catmando: I'm laughing at ubottu :P [03:52] * tomlikestorock just realized he has a vm with ubuntu on his mac! [03:52] !info net-tools [03:52] net-tools (source: net-tools): The NET-3 networking toolkit. In component main, is important. Version 1.60-21ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 180 kB, installed size 852 kB [03:53] poyntz: That's the package providing ifconfig [03:53] catmando: but until you did that, I didn't realise ubottu had flaws [03:53] tomlikestorock: That'll do. [03:53] poyntz: Feel free to suggest factoids for ubottu (in a query is best) [03:53] please, tell me [03:53] Ok , i am trying to install a driver " rt2870 " , for my wirless card , when i plug it into the USB port nothing hapend, [03:53] ubottu has many flaws [03:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about has many flaws [03:53] if my input file at dd is a mounted iso image, should i umount it? [03:53] lol [03:53] miguelonnnn: Yeah, that'll work. [03:53] miguelonnnn: One question either: What are you trying to do? Read a CD and store it as image file? [03:53] Flannel: I wouldn't know how to explain it other than what's in the man file :/ [03:54] poyntz: What? [03:54] but then what should i do? set the "file.iso" straight into if? === stevie is now known as heHATEme [03:54] miguelonnnn: Yeah [03:54] i thought i had to mount the iso first [03:54] Flannel: in regards to suggesting factoids... [03:54] any one can help me ? [03:54] no bankix i'm trying to dump an iso image to an usb to make an installer usb [03:55] so does anyone here use alpine and would they know how to enable click? (I can't find a pine/alpine support channel) [03:55] miguelonnnn: Ah, then unmount and use dd. [03:55] poyntz: Lets take the ubottu discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic [03:55] k [03:55] but dd directly from the iso image? without mounting it? [03:55] miguelonnnn: Yes [03:55] miguelonnnn: But with a CD, it shold work also mounted. [03:55] plsssss [03:55] Abdullah9,what's the matter? [03:55] will dd know how is an iso image interally without setting a file system for it ? [03:55] miguelonnnn: that wont work. [03:55] i have a proplem , : Ok , i am trying to install a driver " rt2870 " , for my wirless card , when i plug it into the USB port nothing hapend, [03:55] it isn't a cd, is a downloaded iso in my computer [03:55] Abdullah9, please keep questions in here, ie not via PM; if someone knows they will answer. [03:56] You dont just 'dd' or copy an iso to a flash and make it bootable. theres other things needed [03:56] miguelonnnn: dd doesn't know anything about filesystems. [03:56] OK, [03:56] miguelonnnn: And it doesn't care for it either. [03:56] ok i know i need more things to do drwillis [03:56] miguelonnnn: All dd does is to read data from one file and write it to another file. [03:56] so you don't now ? [03:56] Abdullah9,sorry ,i am always using ubuntu without any driver. [03:56] first i need to format it and then make it fat32 [03:56] miguelonnnn: check out 'pendrivelinux.com' web site.. or use unetbootin tool. [03:57] when i plug it , nothing happend ?! [03:57] i know that Dr_Willis , but i want do it manually [03:57] You have to put a boot loader and get the proper kernel and initrd on there for starters.. then i dont even know IF they can handle a .iso file on the disk [03:57] miguelonnnn: So dd writes byte per byte into a file or onto a device. Wiping any previous informations, inlcuding filesystems etc. [03:57] my plans are format usb to fat32, dd the iso to it, and then install syslinux [03:57] won't that work? [03:57] miguelonnnn: No. [03:57] miguelonnnn: the pendrivelinux site often has guides on doing it 'manually' or with scripts that do the commands. [03:57] why [03:57] poyntz: what do you mean "click" - just curious [03:58] so ... anybody know any reasons why I might not be able to connect to gmail with firefox-3.5, arora, *or* links2? [03:58] miguelonnnn: formating, then 'dd' will erase the formating... you are going in circles [03:58] miguelonnnn: Formatting and writing the image afterwards will destroy the formatting. So save the time or formatting. [03:58] أهلا [03:58] why will dd erase it? [03:58] miguelonnnn: because 'dd' is a IMAGE dump of a filesystem. [03:58] miguelonnnn: Because dd just writes bytes. [03:58] ok [03:58] you could 'dd' a floppy disk to a flash drive.. and it wouldent be bootable. :) [03:59] miguelonnnn: dd won't copy files, it will copy pure data. [03:59] SO any one can tell me where i can find " os/linux/config.mk " [03:59] SO any one can tell me where i can find " os/linux/config.mk " [03:59] miguelonnnn: Byte per byte, sector per sector [03:59] !find config.mk [03:59] File config.mk found in dmake, gnustep-make, ivtools-dev, kernel-package, r-base-core (and 1 others) [03:59] yes [03:59] !package [03:59] You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search ", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! [03:59] what i want to do is put the iso in the usb, make an mbr at sector 0 and then set it bootable [03:59] in oneof those packges it seems Abdullah9 [03:59] does ubuntu have a firewall included with the default install? [03:59] poent,no. [03:59] miguelonnnn: I think you want to do something different: [03:59] yinlong, thanks [04:00] miguelonnnn: that wont work. you need to set up syslinux to boot the thing.. after you copy all files from the iso to the flash drive. [04:00] miguelonnnn: You want to copy the _contents_ of the ISO to the USB stick. [04:00] what packges [04:00] * Zappo leaves [04:00] * Dr_Willis seconds what bankix says [04:00] miguelonnnn: And then installing a bootloader, e.g. syslinux. [04:00] poyntz: ?? [04:00] and getting syslinux working right.. will be the harder part. [04:00] yeah that's what i want to do [04:00] i want to make my usb just like the cd [04:00] i have an ubuntu server at home, does anyone know if it's possible to check the hdd space from a Windows pc? [04:00] miguelonnnn: So, first you have to mount the ISO, then copy all the files form below the mount point to your freshly formatted stick. [04:01] but on my own, that is, without script programs help [04:01] whichis why the tool like unetbootin, and the tutorials at pendrivelinux.com are worth reading [04:01] miguelonnnn: As last step, you'll want to install syslinux. [04:01] but i heard that copy won't work well [04:01] miguelonnnn: you will proberly be spending the next day+ trying to figure out how to do it. [04:01] hi [04:01] Dr_Willis: Ack! [04:01] miguelonnnn: what 'that copy' ? [04:01] that dd is the way to go to make an exact copy of the cd [04:01] !audacious [04:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about audacious [04:01] how to install audacious [04:01] miguelonnnn: theres making a copy of the IMAGE.. of the cd.. then theres making copy of the CONTENTS.. 2 simier yet differen tthings [04:02] miguelonnnn: What do you want with an ISO9660 filesystem on your usb stick??? [04:02] seriously? [04:02] miguelonnnn: you will have a uphill battle untill you understand that differance [04:02] i duno bankix xdDD [04:02] Pawan,what's your problem? [04:02] then i'll format it to fat32 [04:02] miguelonnnn: When you take a CD, put it down on a photo copier, will this make you a copy of that CD? [04:02] i want to install audacious [04:02] and then cp? or xcopy or what? [04:02] sudo apt-get install audcious [04:02] miguelonnnn: yes.. Normally the live-flash things are fat16 or fat32 [04:02] make sure spelling is right. [04:02] should be in the repository [04:02] miguelonnnn: then you mount the iso and copy the CONTENTS to the flash [04:03] ok, then what to copy? xcopy, cp? what? [04:03] miguelonnnn: then you get to learn about syslinux === PuTrA_caem is now known as andre_cool [04:03] miguelonnnn: copy = cp. [04:03] Hate pulseaudio [04:03] i must ensure anything gets copies [04:03] copied [04:03] Pawan,movile player is ok. [04:03] miguelonnnn: Don't miss the hidden .disk directory included in the ISO [04:03] copy will work right? === andre_cool is now known as andree_culens [04:03] ct [04:03] is there a utility to access the airport express configuration menu? [04:03] yeah bankix, that's why i'm asking which command to use [04:04] i want a command or at least an option to cp to make an exact copy [04:04] miguelonnnn: cd /where/you/did/mounted/the/iso [04:04] i want every existing file on the cd to get copied to the usb [04:04] poent: Might check with a Mac channel... [04:04] miguelonnnn: cp -a .disk * /where/your/usb/stick/is/mounted [04:04] Does anybody know how should I install my VGA driver (ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650)? [04:04] yeah that's easy bankix [04:04] canthus13: Although the first thing I'd try is to browse to your default gateway. [04:04] heather [04:04] -a will make all? just like ls -a? [04:04] canthus13, know any off hand? channels that is [04:05] Does anybody know how should I install my VGA driver (ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650)? [04:05] miguelonnnn: Nope. -a has a completely different meaning here. See the manpage if you're relly interested. [04:05] I am getting a very aggrevating beeping noise how can I stop it [04:05] ok [04:05] poent: #mac [04:05] and what aobut .disk? [04:05] what does that mean? [04:05] mostafa_, go to ATI's website [04:05] miguelonnnn: .disk is that hidden directory. [04:05] catmando: rmmod and blacklist the pcspkr module (i think) is one way [04:05] mostafa_, you should be able to find and download a linux driver from there [04:05] miguelonnnn: Files and directory starting with a dot are hidden. [04:06] !beep [04:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about beep [04:06] f*ck!!!! on my mac there isn't the -a option, i f*king hate thisssssssss oh he*l!! [04:06] poent: I check there but there is not my driver there [04:06] normal cp should work i think.... [04:06] catmando: Is it a steady beep or a series of beeps? [04:06] mostafa_, gimme a sec i'll look [04:06] miguelonnnn: Okay, "cp -r .disk * /whereever" should do it as well. [04:06] ok i hope it does [04:07] http://strabes.wordpress.com/2006/10/16/remove-the-system-beep-in-ubuntu/ [04:07] Well depends if I hold the delete key down on a empty form it will beep continuously until i release it mnaines [04:07] Dr_Willis: On some machines, the beeping is a code, and the beeps indicate faults on boot [04:07] mnaines: thats not what hes talking about it seems... [04:07] miguelonnnn, watch the language [04:07] poent: thank you bro you r so generous [04:07] but what does .disk * /wherever mean? cause i would just put cp * /wherever why two input arguments? [04:07] No no Its no fault. [04:07] mnaines: thers the 'gnome alert beep' then the 'system beep' [04:07] its defaintly annoying however [04:07] catmando: That's not a problem...Its like the "idiot lights" on the dashboard of a car [04:07] yeah, i did put wildcards so i don't use expicit words bazhang [04:07] mdg: basically, instead of using the keys to navigate alpines functions, I could click instead - like you can do with Elinkgs [04:08] mnaines: the pcspkr handles one of the beep methods [04:08] miguelonnnn: "cp .disk * /whereever" == "cp .disk /wherever" + "cp * /whereever" [04:08] mnaines, well how can i turn the idiot lights off [04:08] i'm sorry anyway, this system is driving me crazy [04:08] mostafa_: try, instead of going to mobility radeon, downloading the normal radeon driver for the 3xxx series [04:08] miguelonnnn, we know what they mean, dont do any of them thanks [04:08] catmando: In some cases, you don't want to [04:08] mostafa_:thats what i did [04:08] i'm dying to get ubuntu finally, [04:08] mnaines: see if --> sudo modprobe -r pcspkr stops the beeping [04:08] poyntz: didn't know that was possible ...hmmm [04:08] ok sorry [04:08] mnaines, IDK if you realize how annoying this is [04:08] I am glad you told me to use modprobe === heHATEme is now known as vorian [04:09] I know nothing about rmmod [04:09] catmando: Why is it annoying? I just leave the default settings and its not annoying... [04:09] Problem don't know what to search for: Listening to songs, certain 'parts' of the song are missing, entire instruments for example. MP3 songs that I know are good. I have tried pulse, oss, etc. What should I look for? Thanks [04:09] miguelonnnn: We'll help you with that...................... I mean, dying at last ;-) [04:09] but then why cp .disk and cp *? isn't cp * sufficient? [04:09] catmando: That beeping reminds me to stop hitting the delete or backspace key [04:09] mdg: I'm private messaging you [04:09] miguelonnnn: No. [04:09] lol I dont want it [04:09] catmando: system -> preferences -> sound [04:09] miguelonnnn: Because "*" will not catch hidden files or directories. [04:09] ahaha bankix thanks a lot, you don't know how desperating is this system, i'm mad haha [04:09] poent: mobility is for notebook if I'm not mistaken and normal one is for desktops [04:10] catmando: you should be able to turn off the audible beep and theres an option to replace it with a visual bell as well [04:10] I dont think thers any hidden files on the iso image normally.. [04:10] hi catmando [04:10] mnaines: dude, just chill. he doesnt want it, thats his deal [04:10] Dr_Willis: On a Ubuntu CD, there is the .disk directory. [04:10] poent: can I use them instead of each other? [04:10] Dr_Willis: Without, the ubiquity won't work. [04:10] hi jmad980 [04:10] mostafa_, correct. some laptop makers like sony dont use mobility drivers. I mysely have a 3xxx series card in my laptop and i'm using the standard desktop driver [04:10] lolol [04:10] Dr_Willis: The more, the system won't even boot beyound busybox. === novneb is now known as zz_novneb [04:10] sebsebseb, wake up [04:11] bankix: i see a Disk. but dont notice a .disk on the flash i just made.. lets double check :) [04:11] mostafa_: i'm not sure if it works like that for all the ATI cards. but the 3xxx series seems to work like that at least [04:12] setting up a ubuntu live flash disk by hand from an ISO file - is going tobe quite a challange. [04:12] miguelonnnn, "man cp | espeak --stdin ; man cp | grep -e '-R' | espeak --stdin" -- terminal [04:12] aha . there is a .disk :) [04:12] why is the gnome volume control applet so inaccurate [04:12] * Dr_Willis finds the use of .Hiddenstuff - to be very annoying [04:13] Greetings. I have Hardy on an IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad T43. I have previously played MP3s on this through VLC, but now none of the media players produces any sound. I would appreciate any pointers on what I need to fix. [04:13] what do you mean nnull ? [04:13] what should i read there? [04:13] what is the name of irc on Mac? [04:13] I was using the cd mode of ubuntu and all of a sudden it restarted and now I cannot boot into the ubuntu boot menu from the cd or into the ubuntu cd os... what gives?? [04:13] * catmando agrees with Dr_Willis [04:13] Dr_Willis: I only know about because I recently remastered ubuntu and forgot that directory.... took me hours till I found out why it wouldn't boot. [04:13] alanpan, use xchat [04:13] I was just moving some files around [04:13] download fink [04:13] miguelonnnn, i made it so you don't need to read ;) [04:13] and apt-get xchat [04:13] does mac support xchat? [04:13] anyway, go for ubuntu it's far better [04:13] miguelonnnn, just "man cp" [04:13] miguelonnnn: you do know theres a Ubuntu netbook remix 'usb flash' image. that Might work? :) then again it might not... [04:13] Dr_Willis: better than hiding it with $sys$ :-P [04:14] hhaha thanks :) [04:14] anyone know? i can't even get the cd running now [04:14] I'm trying to get vnc running on a headless machine but having a heap of problems.. Is it possible to make ubuntu think it has a screen plugged in which will make the standard screen sharing program on ubuntu work? [04:14] btice: Check all the sound channels of your soundcard and set them to maximum, and unmute them. Then give it another try. [04:14] this computer is strong enough to bear with ubuntu [04:14] gnome volume control applet shows its down to 44% percent but i have no sound any IDEAS?? [04:14] but i'll look for the netbook remix for my mothers netbook [04:14] Alli can say on about the ubuntu live-flash stuff.. it its using a WAY WAY WAY too complex setup of syslinux for my tastes.. I can understand what most other disrto/flash installs do.. but Ubuntu's is just layers and layers of syslinux configs.. :) [04:15] thanks [04:15] What is "HTTP Cache Cleaner" and how do I stop it from launching at random? [04:15] Dr_Willis: Hey, don't stop the fun by mentioning that... [04:15] miguelonnnn: use the UNR to install.. then upgrade/update.... is the idea. [04:15] Dr_Willis: I longed for seing him instaling syslinux with macos... [04:15] hehe [04:15] Dr_Willis: ;-) [04:15] bankix: :) I made my own Uber-flash the othe rday with TinyCore, Puppy, Slax, slitaz, and others.. but Putting Ubuntu on there.. was out of the question. [04:15] well,i'm now going to make the copy [04:15] bankix: yea. that will be amuseing. [04:16] bankix: I'm looking at my Sound Preferences page, and see nothing that sets levels. Sound Events and Music and Movies [04:16] hello [04:16] Dr_Willis: I got a 16GB Flash Drive...Is that big enough for an Ubuntu Live setup? [04:16] btice: right-click the volume icon in the upper right panel. [04:16] bankix: i still wonder why the syslinux guys couldent go with the same sort of config format as grub uses.. translating the 2 - is a hassle. [04:16] bankis: "Sound Events" and "Music and Movies" are both set to Autodetect. [04:16] btice: Then choose settings from the menu. [04:16] mnaines: thats plenty big.. gettting it installed/working 'by hand' will be the BIG challange.. ive tried it and failed... [04:17] whish me luck please! ;:) [04:17] how much should i space should i use for my swap partition [04:17] mnaines: and ive done similer tasks with many other disrtos.. and succeded.... so i sort of kjow what im doing. :) [04:17] * nnull holds miguelonnnn's hand as he copies a file ;) [04:17] Dr_Willis: That's always the hard part...But drives that size come cheap these days [04:17] btice: Sorry, my fault. _left_ click the volume icon. [04:17] bankix: Thanks for the help. Master, Headphone, PCM, CD are all high. Line-in and Microphone are both muted. [04:17] miguelonnnn: this is why i suggested looking at the pendrivelinux web site. they proberly got some guides/tutorials [04:17] caseyd: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-swap-space.html [04:17] btice: THere are more sliders. [04:18] yeah drwillis but they use some tweaks as copying the boot directory files to the root directory [04:18] btice: In the window with all the sliders for line-in and so on, there is a settings button. [04:18] and such things, i don't want that, i want do it well on my own [04:18] where is the friend list? [04:18] friends lists? what's that hehe [04:18] btice: This will open a selection for the sliders displayed. Select them all. [04:19] btice: Probably it's the "front" slider you#re looking for. [04:19] alanpan, press ALT + V [04:19] lets say i just added you as a friend in my friend list, where can i find that list? [04:19] and select Userlist [04:19] alanpan: check your irc client docs/menus.. most irc clients dont have a 'friends' list [04:19] oh no idea about that heh. [04:20] btice: When you unmuted all channels and set them to maximum, your soundcard _should_ work. [04:20] I used the pre-config settings for deluge with the Firewall app GUFW... but then I change deluge's ports and now when I press the button it just adds the old ports... how do I fix this? [04:20] alanpan, you can use /notify to see when nicks come online [04:20] having a very strange problem on ubuntu 9.04 64-bit. sometimes, when i have an app maximized and in focus, i cannot make any app that is minimized in the notification area (like pidgin) come to focus. it will show up in the taskbar but never grab focus [04:20] btice: The thinkpads are normally supported pretty well. [04:20] is htere a way to make a weak wifi on an old laptop grap a connection more readily? [04:20] hey again please *lol* xd, how can i know the partition format of a /dev/disk so i can mount it well? [04:20] i need to mount the usb to copy to it haha [04:20] bankix: Everything now on max except Microphone and Phone are maxed, but still VLC is silent. [04:21] btice: And you enabled really all of the channels? [04:22] miguelonnnn: If I were you, I would leave my fingers from /dev/disk... [04:22] bankix: Playback tab: Master, master Mono, Headphone, PCM, Line-in, CD, Aux are all at max. Microphone and Phone at min and muted. [04:22] can you see it. [04:22] btice: What about front? [04:22] bankix: Recording tab has only Capture, which is at max. [04:22] btice: And SPDIF? [04:22] but i need to mount a partition on it, /dev/disk2s1 [04:23] bankix, [04:23] Can someone help me understand what I'm reading, regarding my harddrives (did fdisk -l) [04:23] nick alex [04:23] bankix: I do not see those listed. Let me take a second look at the options... [04:23] how can i know its format to make mount -t format /dev/disk2s1 /mnt/point [04:23] hello, my wireless is not recognized by the ubuntu... may be i should use ndiswrapper or what.. but i dont know how to configure/ install it.. ?? [04:23] not sure I'm getting what I'm reading [04:23] btice: in the sliders window, klick on settings. [04:23] bankix: I've confirmed everything is checked on the options. [04:23] btice: Then you'll have a dozend sliders now. [04:24] bankix: There is no Settings button in the sliders window. There is a Preferences option from the Edit menu. I have gone there and checked everything. [04:24] hi [04:24] However, still I have only the options I listed. [04:24] somebody knows who to convert pst to mbox ???????????????????? [04:25] btice: Sorry, I have a German ubuntu, so I don't really know what the name of the button is. [04:25] somebody knows HOW to convert pst to mbox ???????????????????? [04:25] hi, is there a shell application to check/select which apps/services starts on each init?? [04:25] whats the command to see your video card? modprobe? [04:25] bankix: Thank you for your assistance. There are no buttons at all. I am in Gnome. Are you in something else? [04:25] btice: Its the middle one, with the tool icon on it. [04:25] btice: Gnome here as well. [04:25] gabak, http://outport.sourceforge.net/ [04:26] btice: Just start from scratch: [04:26] bankix: The sliders window I have is labeled "Volume Control: Intel ICH6 (Alsa mixer)". Am I in the right place? [04:26] btice: left-click the small loudspeaker icon in the upper right corner of the screen. [04:26] froes, sysv-rc-conf [04:26] I have a server with Ubuntu Server 9 on it. I plugged my computer in to the server via a crossover ethernet cable, and used scp to copy files to it. I also tried to copy using sftp and nautilus. Either way, if I copy more than a few hundred megabytes, I randomly get disconnected, after which I receive the error: "No route to host" if I try to reconnect. [04:26] btice: Yes, that's the one. [04:27] bankix: If I left-click, I get a volume slider. It is at max. [04:27] caseyd are u sure? i think i have been reading about it [04:27] btice: Below the sliders, you have on the left a help button, on the right a cloose button, and one in the bidle. [04:27] mittle [04:27] Is there something that might disconnect me for copying too much data to the server? [04:27] Question: can we have private chat in this server? [04:27] I also _do_ get sound from, for example, YouTube videos. [04:27] what are the restrictions? [04:27] caseyd and it is for outlook express for dbx only [04:27] btice: Below the volume slider, there is one singe button. Left-click on that button. [04:27] bankix: I do not have those buttons. Perhaps you are on something newer than Hardy Heron? [04:28] btice: Will open the "Intel ICH6" window [04:28] alanpan: yes, though some people don't like it [04:28] btice: Oh -- hardy? I didn't get that, sorry. [04:28] btice: Could be the problem... [04:28] hi [04:28] btice: I'm on Jaunty here. [04:29] bankix: MP3s used to play on this laptop before -- though I would sometimes get one that wouldn't play, especially if playing over the network. [04:29] yeah ture, this is not aim nor msn. [04:29] I have two computers on the same network running ubuntu 9.04. I have set both of them up following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime to use ntp, but their times differ. [04:29] how to copy every file, including hidden files, symbolic links etc, from a folder? [04:29] bankix: However now I'm unable to play anything, it seems. [04:29] I also have to restart the server before I can connect again. I tried /etc/init.d/proftpd restart and /etc/init.d/ssh restart but I still couldn't reconnect until I restarted the server. [04:29] Help I don't know where to look: music and sound playback are abnormal! For example, songs are missing entire instruments. Can anyone point me in the right direction? [04:29] how do I force both to update? (I've selected the same ntp source for both) [04:30] how to answer somebody back? [04:30] sarthorks: doesn't cp -r do that? [04:30] btice: One common problem was, that the main volume slider would have to be "Front" and not PCM or "Main". [04:30] can you hide your mac address? [04:30] hi all [04:30] btice: By raising all to max, and later switch the main slider to "Front", I solved this. [04:30] ramiro, i don't know. it will do it? [04:30] btice: But I don't remember how to do this in hardy. [04:31] bankix: I see no place to set "Front" on any slider. [04:31] does anyone have experience with setting up openvpn on 8.04LTS? [04:31] so xchat can also be used on mac right? [04:31] Fri Aug 28 22:18:49 2009 Note: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such device (errno=19) [04:31] is the error i keep getting [04:31] btice: Got that. Maybe you could install "aumix" if it's in the repository. It's a commandline frontend, maybe this will give you access to the other channels. [04:31] alanpan: yes, its called xchat aqua [04:31] bankix: Perhaps I just need to upgrade to 10.04... [04:32] bankix: if you want IRC, adiumx 1.4 beta has IRC. [04:32] btice: development for 10.04 hasnt opened yet [04:32] are you using mac? [04:32] **alanspan: if you want IRC, adiumx 1.4 beta has IRC.3 [04:32] anyone here know how to install driver for intel GM4 series? [04:32] bankix: Um, I meant 9.04. [04:32] *IRC [04:32] btice, i use alsamixer, to enable certain settings, that would otherwise not be available to me [04:32] hmm, time seems to be slowly getting better on both machines... [04:32] thx [04:33] does anyone have experience with setting up openvpn on 8.04LTS? [04:33] I'm just getting ready to install ubuntu. I have 2 320 gb harddrives installed. However, one of them is reporting a size of 128gb ... where the heck is the rest? (currently have windows installed) [04:33] yep, ntp time is fine now, thanks, bye... [04:33] Hello. Is there a good command-line or otherwise non-gnome-dependant frontend for cpu frequency scaling in ubuntu netbook remix? I would like to scale my CPU from a non-gnome window manager [04:33] in 9.04 jauntu [04:33] jaunty* [04:33] mogunus: maybe cpufreq? [04:34] Humm I've been getting crashes recently that require a hardreset, possibly triggered by opening a new Nautilus window. How should I go about tracking down the issue. [04:34] bankix: Thank you for your help. [04:34] mogunus: you can use gnome apps without running gnome. and gnome isnt a window manager. [04:34] can anyone here tell me how i can install the latest intel GM4 series driver on 9.04 jaunty? [04:34] StupidWeasel: run a debugger? [04:34] hi guys [04:34] angie: For the whole system? [04:35] StupidWeasel: nautilus [04:35] StupidWeasel, that happened to me in jaunty, and was fixed by switching from ath5k to madwifi. it would force me to reset my machine after so long [04:35] :/ [04:36] Humm, might be worth a try. Also how would I go about debugging Nautilus angie, do you know of a guide/tutorial? [04:37] On how to attach a debugger etc. [04:37] can anyone here tell me how i can install the latest intel GM4 series driver on 9.04 jaunty? [04:37] maco: sorry, gnome desktop environment? (is that correct?). What I want to avoid is running the gnome panel. [04:37] StupidWeasel: gdb nautilus [04:37] i think theres a nautilus option for debugging [04:37] but i dunno being as i dont run it [04:37] I'm going to try the binary package "cpufrequtils," that looks promising. [04:37] mogunus: ooooh youre referring to the little applets? === jefinc_ is now known as jefinc [04:38] maco: Yeah, the little applets are what I don't want to deal with, the gnome-panel is a terrible match for my window manager. [04:38] I used the pre-config settings for deluge with the Firewall app GUFW... but then I change deluge's ports and now when I press the button it just adds the old ports... how do I fix this? [04:38] StupidWeasel, in my case, it was my wifi card's module [04:38] um, can anyone see my text? [04:38] I am about to give up === Guest25524 is now known as Ekushey [04:38] :( [04:38] johjk: no. you're invisible. [04:38] johjk, Yes [04:38] maco :P [04:38] haha, all right === Ekushey is now known as Guest51085 [04:39] RPG_Master, manually define the ports. you should not be limited to preconfigured values [04:39] i was just wondering ubuntu auto install my video driver, but there some applications dealing with graphics doesn't seem to work with it correctly [04:39] ah, cpufrequtils has exactly what I want! cli programs to manipulate it. === Guest51085 is now known as Ekushey [04:39] like beryl [04:39] thanks [04:39] RPG_Master: annoying neighbor kid came over one day and knocked "anybody here?" "no, we're not home!" "oh. when will you be back?" [04:39] sorry i can't help don't know the program :(. I have a question, i try to mount mount /dev/disk2s1 /mnt/point [04:39] can i update my firefox to firefox 3.5 ? [04:40] but i get "incorrect superblock" [04:40] «¤‹¤«¤‹¤«¤‹¤ [04:40] !ff3.5 | TheStone [04:40] TheStone: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY [04:40] johjk: yikes i hope you mean compiz cuz beryl went away a long time ago [04:40] maco: yes, sorry, compiz [04:40] why wine can't update ???? i see this site http://www.winehq.org/download/deb but Problem is the key !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls help me. [04:40] miguelonnnn: perhaps you need to tell it the filesystem.. since you are using OS-X (right?) the options may not be the same as linux uses [04:40] maco: do you know how to update to the latest intel driver? [04:40] WhiteCrow: calmly, and with sentences, please [04:40] do apt-get upgrade whitecrom [04:40] johjk: nope [04:41] it will update all downloaded packages [04:41] ok [04:41] sorry update [04:41] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [04:41] :) [04:41] but you'dd better run upgrade first, it will update apt-get before so it'll run better [04:41] miguelonnnn: ???? [04:41] come on guys someone help me out here; what happened to my harddrives ? [04:41] I'm just getting ready to install ubuntu. I have 2 320 gb harddrives installed. However, one of them is reporting a size of 128gb ... where the heck is the rest? (currently have windows installed) [04:41] yeah Dr_Willis , but i duno the fs [04:42] ubuntu: Please pastebin the output of `sudo fdisk -l` [04:42] miguelonnnn: "apt-get update" will update the package list of availiable packages === ballzee is now known as Sinister [04:42] miguelonnnn : i do it , but repository fail. [04:42] miguelonnnn: "apt-get upgrade" will install newer versions of installed packages, if available. [04:42] hehe bankix , Dr_Willis i'm making this because i do not know the fs, i don't know how can i know if. If i knew i'd put mount -t fs but i don't know. [04:42] i asked before how can i know the format of a partition but didn't get response xP [04:43] miguelonnnn: fdisk -l, [04:43] Disk /dev/sda: 320.0 GB, 320072933376 bytes [04:43] 240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 41345 cylinders [04:43] Units = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes [04:43] Disk identifier: 0x00000001 [04:43] yeah sorry bankix [04:43] ubuntu, look in gparted. there is likely another partition, or free space. sounds like a partitioning problem. you can switch between hard drives and look at what is/isn't taking up space [04:43] ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:43] Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System [04:43] miguelonnnn: What filesystem did you write onto that stick? [04:43] /dev/sda1 * 1 41346 312568832 7 HPFS/NTFS [04:43] Hmmm [04:43] i don't know bankix, that's why i need a command to know its filessystem [04:43] Does anyone know how to fix the following problem? If I want to create my own mount point, I go 'mkdir /mnt/new'. The problem is, if I go 'mount /mnt/new' I receive the message "mount: can't find /mnt/new in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab". [04:43] miguelonnnn: 'fdisk -l' [04:43] miguelonnnn: You have an usb stick, right? [04:43] i suppose it's fat32 or fat16, but i'll try fdisk thanks driwillis [04:43] Dr_Willis, [04:44] if you just formated it to fat32 then it may be vfat. [04:44] something_here, i believe mount /mnt/new is insufficient === arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri [04:44] but thats linux terms.. Apple uses BSD.. so it may not be the same [04:44] nztal: Oh? [04:44] lolllllllllllll? [04:44] WINDOS_FAT_16 partition? [04:44] i don't even have window slol [04:44] miguelonnnn: Did you _ever_ format that usb-stick? [04:45] no haha, why does it have a windows fat 16 partition? [04:45] miguelonnnn: so? if you foramted it to fat16 its using a windows filesystem [04:45] miguelonnnn: you seem to be missing the point. :) [04:45] yeah, but why windows fat 16? [04:45] miguelonnnn: becase you formated it to that? [04:45] miguelonnnn: _HOW_ did you format that stick? Which command? [04:45] what filesystem did you expect? [04:45] i didn't, but why is it WINDOWS fat 16? [04:45] i've never formatted it [04:45] miguelonnnn: becasue there is no LINUX fat 16? [04:46] would it mnake you feel better if it said 'MacOS Fat16' ? [04:46] miguelonnnn: Why did you tell me you did format it then? [04:46] ok Dr_Willis hehe i thought fat16 is universal, not "windows" [04:46] gparted is useless [04:46] Dr_Willis: I bow before your patience... [04:46] i didn't, i said i was planning to format it to fat32 [04:46] with fdisk [04:46] miguelonnnn: Then _please_ format it to fat32. [04:46] yeah [04:46] miguelonnnn: fdisk is _NOOOOOO_ formatting tool. [04:47] miguelonnnn: and your point is? [04:47] that's what i'm going to do just after i mount it [04:47] mount -t fat32 right? [04:47] sorry mount -t fat16 [04:47] xd [04:47] miguelonnnn: mount will mount, not format it [04:47] miguelonnnn: mount command on your Non-Linux OS may be different . check its man pages.. [04:47] isn't it bankix ? so what should i use to format? [04:47] miguelonnnn: _after_ you did format, you can mount it. [04:47] miguelonnnn: it may or may not worj with -t vfat [04:48] fdisk, format, mount... thats the order... :) [04:48] miguelonnnn: mkdosfs vor example. But I don't expect it under macos. [04:48] ok, sorry i'm costumed to windows where you format it after it's mounted hehe [04:48] * Dr_Willis thinks it may be time to point to #OSX [04:48] miguelonnnn: err.. techically you dont under windows either. :) it unmounts it then formats it.. [04:48] Dr_Willis: dd for copying files, fdisk and mount for formatting... sounds like a tale ;-) [04:49] dd for copying 'filesystems' :) [04:49] :) [04:49] dd can do it all! [04:49] * Dr_Willis bets miguelonnnn will still be working on this by next week [04:49] Dr_Willis: Yes, and if dd fails, there is still dd_rescue, even better dd... [04:49] i'm afraid to use dd. i've seen too many people in here, lose data :) i've not ever touched it because of the horror stories [04:49] does ubuntu create .spl files when spooling to a printer? [04:49] how does one make a "blank" iso? [04:49] ok i'll try willis, but i'm a little concerned about mac sites, they usually are mac fanatics [04:50] be right back! [04:50] gartral: Uh, why? [04:50] miguelonnnn: the command line on OS-X is the bsd 'stuff' not really OS-X specific.. [04:50] ty.us [04:50] hi guys, how do i set the preferred media viewer in linux? [04:50] miguelonnnn: and BSD is not linux... so there are going to be differances that we are not aware of in here. [04:50] then, is there any #bsd channel? [04:50] gartral: Just create an empty directory, put in everything you like, then burn that directory to a CD. [04:50] adante, depend on what desktop [04:50] CoJaBo-Aztec: ease of archiving [04:50] Try #bsd ? :) [04:50] ok heheeh [04:50] what are you using, Gnome or KDE? [04:51] thanks a lot Dr_Willis and all you :) [04:51] does ubuntu create .spl files when spooling to a printer? [04:51] bankix: id'e rather have a way of making "template" isos [04:51] ArkoldThos: gnome... i've tried system -> preferences -> preferred application -> multimedia -> custom set to vlc, but when i double click media files they still open in totem? [04:51] miguelonnnn: i would of just grabbed that UNR img file and tried it.. You proberly could of had it installed by now... [04:51] or is that a windows proprietary file type... [04:51] adante, does Gnome includes stuff to specify the file extension? [04:51] Does Linux on the new Apple Machines use grub? or some other boot loader? [04:52] gartral: Okay, what are you planning to do? [04:52] ArkoldThos: nope [04:52] gartral: There is nothing such as a "blank iso". [04:52] is grub2 working yet? [04:53] hehe i'm back, nobody at bsd [04:53] well actually the channel exists, but everybody's away [04:53] gartral: Often, the better answer is to show a better approach than to answer that direct question. [04:53] and #osx asks for id [04:53] adante, no clue then :P i use kde [04:54] bankix: it would be nice if i could have a iso mounted with the archive mounter, that "burns itself" when i dismount it... [04:54] gartral: That's why I'm askin what you're planning to do. [04:54] great true bankix hehe [04:54] gartral: Ah, like under macos? [04:54] bankix: wouldn't know, i never use mac [04:54] gartral: Just say "new CD", drag everything there, and burn it when ejecting? [04:54] bankix: ya [04:54] adante: open the folder with the file right click the file then properties then open with and chose vlc or whatever player you want [04:55] ctmjr: hm so i just do this for every file type? is there no way to set the global? [04:55] how do i find out which program is acessing the internet? [04:55] gartral: Hmm, I fear that's actually not implemented that way. [04:56] how do i get kopete to connect to yahoo messenger? [04:56] gartral: You yould open brasero, create a new CD project, drag everything to that window and press burn when you're finished. [04:56] gartral: Hmmm, wait a moment... [04:56] bankix: kinda defeats the point, seeing as i was hoping to use this to backup a headless server (eventually_ [04:56] hola [04:57] gartral: Nope, then that's no solution for you. [04:57] gartral: The way is to create an empty directory, copy (or link) everything there you want to backup, and then start burning [04:58] gartral: Why do you need this "burn on eject" feature? [04:58] adante: if it is an avi it will set it globally or whatever file type that it is. [04:59] bankix: primarily causer i backup twice a day due to frequency of power failure in my building lately [04:59] ctmjr: ok, thanks [04:59] ===Making an iso-image from existing files on harddisk=== [04:59] To make an iso-image just copy the needed files to one folder, then do a [04:59] $ mkisofs -V volume_name -J -r -o isoimage.iso ~/folder [05:00] how do i copy symbolic links? using "sudo cp -r from to" gives the error of "not able to create symbolic links". permission denied. [05:00] gartral: _maybe_ there is a way. But you'll have to script this all yourself. [05:00] adante: are you looking to set the player for all videos no matter what format? [05:00] ctmjr: was hoping to yeah [05:00] gartral: AFAIK there is a signal, maybe from hal, dbus or even udev, when pressing the open button of the drive. Which normally unmounts the disk and ejects it. [05:01] have you tried just sudoing the cp [05:01] is there an automated way to install the iwlwifi for intel 4965 driver? :D [05:01] gartral: Instead of unmounting, you could start burning and eject the disk afterwards. [05:01] adante: ok hold on will find it, it gets kinda of tricky [05:01] Discovery t- 31sec :) [05:01] gartral: But you'll have to find that signal first, catch it, and write the scripts for burning. [05:02] gartral: What about running the backup and burning the CD on certain times? Let's say, on 10am and 16pm? [05:02] doz any one no how to enable compiz settings [05:03] how do i get kopete to connect to yahoo messenger? [05:04] click on it [05:04] butoka>right click on desktop then change desktop background [05:04] its in there [05:05] graysilver> i have dun that but it is saying no drivers can be found [05:05] lol i've made a sudo cat to my hard disk ahah [05:05] anyone know anything about decompiling vb6? im willing to pay MO, paypal, check etc PM me [05:05] butoka>u got nvidia [05:06] butoka>u got nvidi [05:06] brb boys [05:06] butoka>u might have to install the restricted drivers [05:07] anyone know anything about decompiling vb6? im willing to pay MO, paypal, check etc PM me [05:07] graysilver>i am new to this how to i do that === _c0ky is now known as c0ky [05:07] .. === root is now known as Guest37730 [05:08] How do i find out which program is accesing the internet? [05:08] eh [05:09] graysilver>>i am new to this how to i do that or have u got a link so i can get them [05:10] butoka>do you have an icon in the tray which is nagging you to install drivers? [05:10] chez: try netstat -tuap the right column is the pid/program [05:10] nah. I have a dvorak kb too so that is why i am typing slow atm [05:11] graysilver>no notthink [05:11] graysilver: Oh man I don't know how anyone can do that. [05:11] * Snares barfs [05:12] graysilver>no notthink [05:12] Snares>its anoying to start. === toter is now known as toter_ [05:13] how do i get kopete to connect to yahoo messenger? [05:13] butoka> try the forums. sorry i'm not more help [05:14] Oh sweet. I can use totem with Jamendo, and youtube, etc.. [05:14] I have two ubuntu computers, i activate remote desktop on one of them, what program do i use or where do i type on the other computer to connect to the first computer? [05:14] What is "HTTP Cache Cleaner" and how do I stop it from launching at random? [05:15] graysilver>>ok thank's any way [05:15] wrong channel. :( [05:16] I have an ATI Radeon 9600 graphics card, and I chose the free-software-only installation option. Is the free-software driver for this card reasonably efficient? [05:16] when changing the sound preferences for startup/shut down is wav supported? [05:16] I have a dual boot with windows xp, how to make winxp default [05:16] what is and isn't supported === raven is now known as Guest25204 [05:18] mankash: edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file [05:18] ltl: thanks [05:18] mankash: suggest using nano instead of vi [05:18] vim > vi > nano [05:18] this is undeniable. [05:18] eg sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst [05:19] sorry DigitalKiwi i dont understand what are you saying that nano is crap? [05:19] adante: sorry i had the link bookmarked but cannot find it there is a way to change it globally to change the default dvd player open system preferences removable drives and media and change that for the others the only thing i can say is do it manually on each file type or google it [05:20] well i wouldn't say it's crap, but vim is superior in all aspects [05:20] ctmjr: no worries thanks, sorry i hope you didn't spend too much time on it, appreciate your effort [05:20] as a new comer to linux however vi is not very "user friendly" [05:20] i havent tried vim so can not comment on that [05:20] i'm a user and vim is more friendly to me than nano [05:21] techtronic: gedit, nano are alternatives.. nano for cli [05:21] I like nano over vim [05:21] very true [05:21] i appear to have let the cat out on this one [05:21] Myself, I use gedit in X, so I guess I'm on the 'evil gui' side ;) hee [05:21] i didnt mean to start a full on debate [05:21] DigitalKiwi: This isn't the place for editor wars. As a general rule of thumb, nano is the best editor to recommend to people here who need to edit something in a terminal [05:22] those that don't understand vim = hate vim [05:22] What about xedit? [05:22] oh i'll give you that nano is "easier" than vim when you know nothing about it, but it's worth learning, just saying [05:22] not even that hard to learn [05:23] I dont hate it but having grown up on note pad nano is easier for what i do. [05:23] http://www.vi-improved.org/tutorial.php [05:23] if i wanted to easily create a dhtml menu in ubuntu. is there any software i could use. to create these visually without the coding knowledge? [05:23] i totally agree its work learning vim and vi, but it takes time to learn [05:23] I should get to know vim better though [05:23] vimtutor command is alright, i like that guide better though [05:23] gedit>vim [05:23] gedit>emacs [05:23] mralexandro: yes.. it's kde based but will work in ubuntu.. I'll look hang on. [05:23] Hi all, i try to set a custom LogOn Soundfile but it does not work although its an .wav file <1MB.. anyone knows about what the problem could be?! [05:24] gedit> {lim (n->0) 1/ n} [05:24] for all n [05:24] n>0 [05:24] chez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [05:24] so can some one tell me if i can use wav files for startup and shutdown sounds [05:24] Scunizi, thanks:) [05:24] try again, I have two ubuntu computers, i activate remote desktop on one of them, what program do i use or where do i type on the other computer to connect to the first computer? [05:24] NFischer: im after the same thing [05:24] NFischer: i cant get wav to work [05:25] mralexandro: kompozer is the substitute for nvu which is no longer maintained. [05:25] techtronic, i read that the .wav file has to be in 16 Bit.. do you know how to convert it? [05:26] Scunizi, so i can make dhtml menus in kompozer? :) [05:26] NFischer: you could use audacity [05:26] mralexandro: what's the "d" in dhtml stand for? [05:26] NFischer: sorry i dont i downloaded some star treck voice saying initiating startup / shut down procedure, just want it to work, know they have it working on knoppix [05:27] "Initiating Startup Sequence" [05:27] Firefishe: thats the one [05:27] Scunizi, do you know the commands, didnt find it anywhere [05:27] mralexandro: kompozer will do lots as an html, css etc editor. [05:27] techtronic, mine is HAL9000 ;) [05:27] Scunizi, i am not sure excactly. all i know is that it is some sort of javascript menu creator. have a look at my page. www.home.no/armani and you will see the blue menu on top. i have a software for that in windows, but i a have for the last week converted all my needs to ubuntu. [05:27] techtronic: Did you siphon that sound file off of knoppix? [05:28] NFischer: sudo apt-get install audacity.. it's gui based.. not cli [05:28] Firefishe: no i didnt i know they have it running in their thats all [05:28] NFischer: not sure what HAL9000 is [05:28] techtronic: I wonder at what point in knoppix--with an eye to solving your own issue--the sound file gets called and executed. [05:28] mralexandro: in that case I'm not sure if it will work.. easy enough to install and check out though [05:29] hey boys i got another question [05:29] i've just formated to fat32 the usb [05:29] Scunizi, i have it. will take a exxtra detailed look:) [05:29] techtronic: 2001 a space odyssey === ballzee is now known as Sinister [05:29] Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle [05:29] built for two. [05:30] NFischer: HAL 9000 is the name of the fictional computer that goes haywire in Stanley Kubric's film "2001 A Space Odyssey" [05:30] that should be the factoid for hal, kthankx [05:30] DigitalKiwi: still none the wiser [05:30] Hello. How do I change the default action Ubuntu takes when I plug in my iPod? [05:30] Firefishe, uhm.. i know... [05:30] is via's vt1708a chipset fully supported or am i crazy [05:30] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_9000 [05:30] NFischer: k, no probs [05:30] but now i'm going to copy the mounted iso and i need to make a cp. The problem is if i make cp -r .* , ./ and ../ are upper folders, so i will copy folders out from the cd [05:30] DigitalKiwi, others - offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic, pls. Try to keep #ubuntu for tech support only. [05:31] Firefishe, techtronic wasnt sure ;) [05:31] Anyone know? [05:31] MindVirus1: does a box pop up when you plug it in? [05:32] lord_: no; I just see a nautilus window showing the iPod directory. [05:32] So does anyone know what sound formats are supported at startup/shutdown etc> [05:33] miguelonnnn: .* != ../ [05:33] Any suggestions? [05:36] MindVirus1: in nautilus preferences you may be able to change default behavior when plugging in a media player [05:36] any known problems removing pulse audio? [05:37] edit->preferences, last tab of dialog box [05:37] kevdog: i haven't had any problems since i removed pulseaudio [05:38] it didn't solve my no headphone sound problem though [05:38] which i can't seem to figure out [05:38] lord_: No conflict removing the ubuntu-desktop metapackage? [05:38] no kevdog === lb__ is now known as vo|d [05:38] NFischer: scrolling up after long netsplit ;) Ahhh, I see. techtronic :) [05:38] NFischer: I thankee you veddy much. [05:39] kevdog: your going to remove the ubuntu-desktop meta package? are you going headless? [05:39] lord_:Hating pulse audio [05:39] musikgoat: as i said, i removed pulseaudio with apt several reboots ago and have had no problems with it [05:39] Firefishe: i dont understand your last comment, sorry [05:39] kevdog: No -- known history of problems with gstreamer/pidgeon vv with pulseaudio -- it was recommended I remove the package [05:40] pulse audio... not very stable [05:40] kevdog: IDEA for Karmic -- get rid of pulse audio [05:40] has anyone had any problems with sound from headphones [05:40] everything google turns up about it is either irrelevant or outdated [05:41] kevdog: the ubuntu-desktop metapackage includes your gnome desktop, do you want to remove that? [05:41] techtronic: forget it, I'm getting confused tonight. [05:41] musikgoat: I dont think removal of the meta package will actually remove the individual packages listed in the meta package [05:42] Firefishe: cool, no worries, im getting the same way its 5.41am and im still at work from 7pm last night [05:42] hey please, how can avoid that cp -r .* goes up and copies .. (the parent directory)and recursively again its parent directory and so on? [05:42] i want to copy just the dot files (.file) at a directory [05:43] but not . and .. [05:43] techtronic: It's only 11:42pm here (missouri, us) and I'm just getting started for the night ;). Guess I'm off to a 'greaaaat' start, eh? :P hee [05:43] lol, im over in scotland [05:43] hey [05:43] deperatly want to go back to my bed [05:44] but im here till 7am [05:44] techtronic: at work? [05:44] firefishe: 4yup [05:44] my ubuntu wont let me in xD [05:44] i get to load screen then a busybox prompt comes up [05:45] Firefishe: 12 hour shifts [05:45] techtronic: tech support, perhap? [05:45] !busybox [05:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about busybox [05:45] me too techtronic xd i must work at 8 am and look at the time, i'vent sleep at all xd [05:45] :D [05:45] im so lost [05:45] cant find anything on the support either [05:45] IT Security Analyst at a Security Operations centre [05:46] BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilIties into a single small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU coreutils, util-linux, etc. [05:46] salut [05:46] :D i get the initramfs prompt [05:46] sa va malika [05:46] Credit goes to the dpkg bot at #debian [05:46] and it wont let me boot in [05:47] anyone know anything about decompiling vb6? im willing to pay MO, paypal, check etc PM me [05:47] TeeSix: If you're not getting past initramfs, then there may be a configuration problem, or just a plain, corrupt boot image or something... [05:48] Tee [05:48] TeeSix: Can you boot into terminal? [05:48] hmnn i dont think the image is corrupt [05:48] i checked the hashes [05:48] ichigogo: where you not told earlier to stop that [05:48] just intsalled ubuntu onto a ZOTAC IONITX-A-U, has an atom n330 and a GeForce 9400M. nothing shows up when i go to hardware drivers. did i miss a step? total noob btw [05:49] how can i add sources to streamtuner [05:49] Firefishe, how do i boot into terminal?(im noob :D) [05:49] anielsen: you should probably update .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [05:51] TeeSix: Are you having trouble with something like this: http://tinyurl.com/forteesix [05:52] any1 know a good gui irc i can use over ssh [05:52] preferably using SOCKS [05:52] yeah something like that [05:52] mayday mayday i have two firefox. one named shiretoko and one named mozilla firefox [05:52] except i get no errors [05:52] i just get busy box message [05:52] and initramfs prompt [05:52] techtronic: does it have to be gui? cli irssi and screen.. run screen first then irssi on top so you don't have to have multiple ssh sessions into a box. [05:53] Scunizi: thanks man - think youre right [05:53] Scunizi: whats screen [05:54] !screen | Scunizi [05:54] Scunizi: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen [05:54] ubottu: thanks ill look into it [05:54] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [05:54] Firefishe: thanks but techtronic needed that [05:54] Scunizi: Ya...just saw that :P Gaaaads...my eyes, my eyes [05:55] mralexandro: err... thats normal. [05:55] Firefishe: np :) [05:55] sorry Scunizi [05:55] why do most people use seem to use cli irc instead of gui irc [05:55] mralexandro: run what one you want. :) 3.0 or 3.5 [05:55] Dr_Willis, oh ok:) [05:55] techtronic: beause I like the cli better [05:55] !ff35 | mralexandro [05:55] mralexandro: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY [05:55] techtronic: more options, faster.. with screen you can leave it running and log off the machine and come back later.. [05:55] Dr_Willis: why, whats the advantage [05:55] techtronic: im using 'weechat' right now. [05:56] techtronic: Simple, fast, less memory. Myself, I'm using the latest recently compiled (on my system) of kvirc4 ;), so I'm not one to talk, I guess. [05:56] techtronic: I find it faster/easier and i can do it over ssh easier. [05:56] techtronic: some reason i need a big gui to hang in 2 channels? :) [05:56] techtronic: svn no less. It's fun getting to know how to use ccmake :) [05:56] hi all, in mounting lvm , i used this http://www.linux-sxs.org/storage/fedora2ubuntu.html [05:56] irssi is a very good, simple to use, easy to switch windows irc client for the command line. [05:57] but got an error in : sudo modprobe dm-mod [05:57] Firefishe: split windows too :) [05:57] module not found, any solution? [05:57] thanks all, im new to linux, been using it for about a week now, loving it [05:57] Scunizi: You can do that with irssi? Split windows in the same screen? [05:57] Firefishe: yep [05:58] Scunizi: How do you do it/ [05:58] ? [05:58] Firefishe: yes.. and weechat can also. [05:58] irssi is very much a 'read the docs' irc client. :) [05:58] Dr_Willis: I should also try weechat. [05:58] using the latest weechat from source here.. it has a few nice features [05:58] Firefishe: open two channels.. say on window 2 & 3.. then go to window 2 and type /window show 3 [05:59] anyone know if possible to remove gray area in open office. it would be much better looking having only the paper visiblie and not a area around it? [05:59] Dr_Willis: so do you get screen to run ssh or irssi [05:59] open office word that is [05:59] yes... [05:59] Dr_Willis: sorry, as above - noob [05:59] Hi all. Just had my Ubuntu server hacked and I'm looking for some guidance on making it more secure when I restore from backup. [05:59] Say, I am running Ubuntu Intrepid here, isn't network manager supposed to show the ESSID of wireless connections, especially if you are connected to one? [05:59] Does anyone know of a good howto? [05:59] the networkmanager aplet doesn't seem to do anything. It's just entirely greyed out [06:00] Five: look at bastille [06:00] techtronic: Thanks! [06:00] run as little as possible, using damn good passwords eg greater than 16 digits with uppercase lowercase numbers and characters [06:01] Scunizi: I'll try it next time I'm in irssi [06:01] Five: and look at putting in IDS [06:01] IDS? [06:02] Can you forward an X session through ssh if you are using screen on the remote computer? [06:02] five: Intrusion detection system - eg snort [06:02] Ah. [06:02] Thanks :-) [06:02] five: There is also an extension fwsnort: That helps with the snort analysis [06:03] kevdog: thanks, I'll take a look. [06:03] I had some rootkit checkers in there, but they were kind of lame. [06:03] kevdog, you mean, you're connected to a remote screen session via SSH and want to forward X back to your client? [06:06] hello? [06:06] Hello Dan48p [06:06] Question: If I don't have compiz enabled, the videos played cannot take advantage of hardware acceleration, right? [06:06] Dan48p: Do you need help with ubuntu? [06:06] hi, what is this thing that i happened upon? [06:07] how to upload more? I have a high speed bandwidth [06:07] well, i'm kind of trying to figure out which version to use ubuntu or kubuntu [06:07] Dr_Willis: how would i go about using screen over ssh [06:07] Dan48p: you can use both on the same machine.. load ubuntu then there's a way to load kubuntu and switch between them on the login screen [06:08] i have 3 different ones installed now [06:08] Dan48p: What are they? [06:08] i have been using ubuntu on this computer for about 6 months now, but in school we use the kde [06:08] techtronic: ssh in.. run screen... not too complex. :) [06:08] ubuntu, kubuntu & xubuntu [06:09] Dan48p: then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and use sessions on the login screen to switch [06:09] Dan48p: It's really all personal preference. Myself, I even like to use FluxBox and fvwm when I'm feeling really minmalistic [06:09] so scree is on the host machine?n [06:09] techtronic: yes [06:09] Dan48p: If you want to be able to control practically every element of your gui, install enlightenment [06:09] what does that do? [06:09] you could run screen locally... ssh to remote.. run screen there.. have scren in screen.. Ewww :) [06:10] jot down "sudo aptitude install gnome-desktop kubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop" to his to-do list [06:10] !enlightenment | Dan48p [06:10] Dan48p: Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. [06:10] leaf-sheep: i had issues with mixxing all the desktops like that recently. :( [06:10] Dr_Willis: menu's can be a mess [06:10] does anyone have any idea why the networkmanager applet in Ubuntu Intrepid would show no wireless connections at all, even though im obviously online? [06:10] Dr_Willis: That was intended to be an action but I am being forgetful today. :( [06:10] Dan48p: The current version is also known as e16, although the 'enlightenment' package does install it. (corrections?) [06:10] izinucs: the default file manager keep getting confused.. was the BIG issue [06:10] the networkmanager applet is just all greyed out [06:11] hello can someone tell me how to retrieve data from a formatted HDD ?? [06:11] the main thing in ubuntu that i use a lot that i haven't figured out is the multi compiz with the multi-desktops with icons in the boxes [06:11] it seems as though i have 4 boxes with nothing in them and have to guess or remember whats there [06:11] hello can someone tell me how to retrieve data from a formatted HDD ?? [06:12] sam_sam: you accidently formated a data drive? [06:12] am i typing in the main thing or since your text is red should i be typing in a different place? [06:12] sam_sam: mount it; copy data from it as needed. [06:12] :) [06:12] techtronic: Yes -- Run screen on the hostmachine. You'll have to learn how to use shortcut keys. [06:12] sam_sam: or is there some other issue? [06:12] Dan48p, if you look down at the lower panel you will see a place where it shows all your workspaces and an idea of what windows are open in them. You can switch workspaces there. It may be by the trash can. [06:12] Dan48p: My text isn't red...what irc client are you using? [06:12] xchat [06:12] i had /,/home etc on my HDD and while installing new version of os [06:13] * Dr_Willis dont see red [06:13] Dan48p: That's specific to that client...I'm using kvirc4...somewhat different. [06:13] Firefishe, your text is becoming red for him when you highlight him by saying his nick [06:13] Dan48p: The text is red for you because that message is highlighted for you. [06:13] huh? [06:13] oh [06:13] emma...thanks, that explains it [06:13] and these overwrote the previous folders which had my data [06:13] gm all [06:13] what do you mean specific to client? [06:13] gm vG|qum^ [06:14] sam_sam : do you have separate home partition [06:14] would anyone happen to know why network manager applet in Ubuntu Intrepid is all greyed out for me? It shows no wireless connections at all. But clearly I am online [06:14] i had it [06:14] Dan48p: Also, use nickname to specify who you're talking to.. Try typing "leaf" then press TAB key [06:14] Dan48p: 'Client' means, essentially, 'program.' As emma just pointed out, whenever I prefix my text line with your nickname, xchat recognizes it, and highlights my responses in read so you can easily see them. [06:14] sorry guys i replyed late.. plz help me [06:14] leaf-sheep, like this? [06:14] read=red [06:14] Dan48p: Yup. [06:14] sam_sam : during installation you probably check it for formating [06:14] leaf-sheep, that shows up a different color to you [06:14] Dan48p, we call the program that you use to get on irc a 'chat client'. There are many IRC chat clients. One of them is Xchat, which is the one you are using. Each do the same basic stuff but they each have unique features also. [06:15] Dan48p: Right. [06:15] ahh [06:15] its already done .. i want the data back ,is there any way :( ? [06:15] it's been about 10 years since i've been in a chat room... seems a lot more useful this time around [06:15] emm [06:16] Dan48p: We've come a long way, baby! *blows smoke* ;) hee [06:16] ubuntu on lenovo S10E is a good thing, better than xp 4 sure. xD [06:16] sam_sam : somebody else will halp you and you can look at the forums [06:16] can i install ubuntu in an extended partition ? [06:16] Dan48p: at least this one is.. there are others too.. as well as the one's that are populated by "other" ventures. [06:16] Dan48p, nahh... It just depends on what chat room (on IRC they are called channels, not chat rooms) you are in. This is a sort of 'serious' channel since it is strictly for support. [06:16] Dreamglider : yes [06:16] oh [06:16] i just clicked on stuff until i ended up here [06:16] Dan48p: ubuntu-offtopic is for more informal chat [06:16] i see [06:17] how do i convert a .wav file into 8-Bit w/ soX? [06:17] zvacet, alright, thanks. i'm gonna try out 9.04 [06:17] cant find the command anywhere [06:17] click on stuff till it explodes.. :) [06:17] Dreamglider : good luck [06:17] Dan48p, actually right now you are on the Freenode IRC network. Ubuntu is just one of thousands of open source projects that use Freenode to host their family of IRC channels. [06:17] Dr_Willis: Heh...sometimes, sometimes... *kaboom!* [06:17] zvacet, thanks, ill need it... [06:18] sox --bits BITS (from the sox docs) [06:18] Dan48p, there are thousands of other worthy channels on this IRC network that have nothing to do with Ubuntu. And some excellent Ubuntu related channels that are unoficial. [06:18] -1/-2/-3/-4/-8 Encoded sample size in bytes [06:18] so are the different versions of linux pretty much the same functionally? i tried kubuntu mainly because we have the kde on the machines at school... i like the look a little better than ubuntu but i can't find stuff as quick now [06:18] Dreamglider : nothing to be afraid of in it simple procedure [06:18] i guess what i'm asking is if i use ubuntu or kubuntu will everything transfer between them correctly [06:19] i'm mainly using kate to program in c, then your standard internet and open office stuff [06:19] Dan48p: kubuntu is ubuntu + KDE.. ubuntu = GNOME [06:19] zvacet, true true, but since 7.10 i have had a very hard time getting x to work after install is done. [06:19] Dan48p: you can install whateer apps you like on both.,, [06:19] Dreamglider : didn´t know that [06:19] Dan48p, ubuntu and kubuntu are very nearly the same exact thing 'under the hood'. But they are different in that they use different desktop enviroments with a different suite of applications. [06:19] Dan48p: the 2 are just different desktops. the underlaying stuff is still the same. [06:19] ok [06:20] so it's really all preference then? is there anyway to get a theme or something for ubuntu that makes everything some other color than brown? [06:20] Dan48p: gnome is themable --- check your users settings [06:20] Dan48p: You only should worry about your home directory (~) and nothing else. That's where all your personal files and configuration usually are stored on. [06:21] Dan48p: you want a Hot Pink theme or somthing? :) [06:21] !changethemes [06:21] To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes [06:21] that would work... maybe blue [06:21] Im in need of some help installing cups-pdf to use as a pdf print server, its a short term use, i need it to use a book that i purchaced....im new to ubuntu, but have it installed with the network working, but when i print a test page it tells me the service is idle [06:22] Dan48p: explore your system/settings menus :) [06:22] * leaf-sheep yawns [06:22] oh yea i forgot a real important question... i have a laptop in the mail that doesn't have a cd drive but i need to get it to dual boot both windows and linux are there any good tutorials you guys have around? [06:23] !dualboot | Dan48p [06:23] Dan48p: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [06:23] Dan48p: usb-creator? [06:23] Dan48p: you can set up ubuntu on a bootable flash drive for netbooks :) it works quite well [06:23] Dan48p:system>preferences>appearance [06:23] Dan48p: then use the usb-flash to install ifyou want. [06:23] does that work for normal laptops too? [06:23] Dan48p: of course. [06:23] or desktops with no hard drive... :) or with hard drives... [06:24] or your Pent 4 Toaster Oven.. [06:24] Dr_Willis, I think that will be a difficult project for someone who's brand new to linux. [06:24] Dan48p: Assuming Windows are already installed when it arrive in the mail, you could resize the partition to make room for Ubuntu and install away. [06:24] toaster oven? my desktop is a p4..but toaster oven? ;) hee [06:24] Dan48p: or test out Uubntu along side windows with virtualbox. [06:24] Another tall order [06:24] Dr_Willis: That's usually a safe way to do it. [06:25] i plan on using the ubuntu more often than windows on this computer... do you do 3 partitions or just 2? [06:25] like one for each os then one for data [06:25] hi all i want to install firefox latest version in ubuntu [06:25] Firefishe: http://www.boingboing.net/2004/06/28/toaster-oven-casemod.html [06:25] please help [06:25] !ff35 | krishnaprasad_ [06:25] krishnaprasad_: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY [06:25] Dan48p: i normally have (windows)(linux)(home)(swap) [06:25] Man FF3.5 is still a FAQ :) heh [06:25] Dan48p, the easiest way is to let the Ubuntu installer take care of the partitions. However, some people do like to create the partitions manually so that you can have a separate /home partition. That makes future re-installs potentially smoother. [06:26] Dr_Willis: I just downloaded 3.5 from the site and store it in my home directory...easier to mess with that way. [06:27] hey [06:27] Firefishe: i find it easiest to just leave 3.5 alone... :) [06:27] :D [06:27] hi everyone [06:27] whats the best partition type for linux [06:27] can anyone see what i'm typing it quit showing up on my screen [06:27] oh now it works [06:27] ext4? ext2? fat32? fat16? jfs? etc... [06:27] Im in need of some help installing cups-pdf to use as a pdf print server, its a short term use, i need it to use a book that i purchaced....im new to ubuntu, but have it installed with the network working, but when i print a test page it tells me the service is idle [06:27] LoCoBoi187: ext3 would probably be a good choice [06:27] is the /home partition only for linux? [06:27] i would like to use ubuntu in place of my windows OS for home purpose? So do i need install a antivirus to be installed? [06:28] Dan48p, yeah [06:28] !virus | krishnaprasad_ [06:28] krishnaprasad_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [06:28] rww can i PM you? [06:28] Dan48p: yes. [06:28] LoCoBoi187: no [06:28] ok [06:28] what size should all of these partitions be? [06:28] but isnt ext4 better since its newer? [06:28] Dr_Willis: That, too. [06:28] ;) [06:28] i am creating a flightplan for my schoolwork. i have to calculate fuel remaing in HH:MM not in etc 9.46 min, is there a easy formula for converting it into that, sorry for my bad math:) [06:28] LoCoBoi187: use ext4 if you want. [06:28] i just got a new acer netbook with intel atom 1gb ram and a 160gb hdd and installed Ubuntu 9.04 on it, with no windows partition [06:28] mralexandro: try #ubuntu-offtopic [06:28] i mean whats the huge difference here [06:28] im doing the peanut butter jelly dance [06:28] :D [06:29] LoCoBoi187: possibly, but it's not default in Jaunty because some felt it wasn't ready. Personally, I use it and it works fine. [06:29] LoCoBoi187: ext4 is faster [06:29] i got webcam problems can someone help me? [06:29] alright [06:29] rww, isnt there perhaps a more suitable room? any sugestion:p [06:29] and when i format [06:29] the /home partition is where most of the personal settings and all of your data ends up. So if you have a separate /home partition you can re-install but not format /home, and you have all your 'stuff' after the new installation. [06:29] do i leave Mount point: blank? [06:29] cuase u can put /, /boot, etc [06:29] LoCoBoi187: isn't necessarily better because the utilities for it arent' as mature and grub2 might have an issue with it when you upgrade to karmic [06:29] im dual boting with 7 [06:29] emma, oh ok [06:29] my webcam seems to work for gyachi and kopete but none of my friends can connect to a sent/request view [06:30] or they say it says webcam not available [06:30] mralexandro: I'm a flight student (inactive, but still am working on my Private): Perhaps I can assist?: [06:30] enen though the light is on and i see it on myself [06:30] Voer tekst hier in...morgen [06:30] what do i put on Mount point: ? [06:30] Dan48p, it's kind of like the user\documents and settings folder on windows (I think) [06:30] hi all [06:30] emma, so that should be the largest partition? [06:30] enen though the light is on and i see it on myself [06:30] Firefishe, yeah sure, but this has nothing to do with the aviation itself:) [06:30] Dan48p, yes. [06:30] *even [06:31] ??? [06:31] are these just bugs that will be fixed in karmic or what? [06:31] emma, what is the swap partition then? would 10gb each for windows and linux be about the right size? [06:31] I have a question... I have problems with my sound, how can I fix it??? [06:31] LoCoBoi187 : for root / for home /home [06:31] Dan48p, typically you have a partition for windows and then you give your root partition like 12 GB or so, and then make maybe 2 GB for /swap and the rest for /home [06:31] zvacet: can i leave it blank like it orgiganlly is? [06:32] anyone available to help with sound and ALSA? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=6373084b29a6908e9b608b3038a8ecb778301e20 [06:32] im very new to this [06:32] Dan48p, how much you give to linux and how much you give to windows depends on your preference and how big your hard drive is. [06:32] is there an Ubuntu-based distribution made specifically to replace Windows Server/Active Directory deployments, or should I just install Ubuntu Server and set up OpenLDAP and Keberos manually? [06:32] any help??? [06:32] emma, can you not access data like word docs from both? [06:32] and/or is there a simpler way to set up clients in such a setup? [06:32] a little confusing this new system [06:32] can someone help me with my webcam? [06:32] LoCoBoi187, you need at least the top level directory called / [06:32] LoCoBoi187 : you must create partitions so you have to tell witch ones and sizes [06:33] alright got it bucky [06:33] Dan48p, these days you can pretty well access any of your windows files while you are in linux. But you may not be able to access all your linux files while in windows. [06:33] marco have you checked /system /preferences/sound [06:33] yes [06:34] marco did you get any sound [06:34] emma, ok thanks for the help... any reading material on this sort of thing around here? [06:34] hello. does ati support Ubuntu 9.04? [06:34] Im not really sure what sort of thing you have in mind in this case. [06:34] Dan48p : you can access Ubunt ufrom windows if you install http://www.fs-driver.org/ [06:34] Dan48p: Google "Ubuntu Pocket Guide" It's in PDF form and is free. [06:35] i need help pls , any 1 ? [06:35] does anyone know sth about PartedMagic? [06:35] any 1? [06:36] thanks for all the help guys, i'm gonna click around some more and see where i end up [06:36] !ask | Abdullah9 [06:36] Abdullah9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [06:37] anyone know why under ALSA Version in the scripts output, there would be nothing next to Driver Version? [06:37] i need help with rt2870 wifi card [06:37] marco did you check your volume control [06:37] it's not working [06:37] no one know about parted image? [06:38] Dan48p, you can also find other channels on Freenode by typing /msg alis list #*-ubuntu [06:38] SO ? [06:40] i needt help with my rt2870 , any one pls , the system don't reqonuiz it [06:40] guys im trying to forward a usb wireless device to XP from a linux host, any pointers? ive tried adding it as a filter, and then selecting USB > device but they are all greyed out once booted. [06:40] can anyone help me get my onboard sound recognised? lspci lists it, but ALSA says no supported sound cards [06:41] hello can someone tell me how to retrieve data from a formatted HDD ?? [06:42] Anyone know the _command_ for the login screen manager? [06:42] can some one tell me what room should ilook for retrieving data frm a formatted HDD ? [06:43] gksu /usr/sbin/gdmsetup [06:43] DylanJ: i drag/drop the icon to the desktop and see what its launching. :) [06:43] was freenode down yesterday? couldn't connect [06:43] hello can someone tell me how to retrieve data from a formatted HDD ?? [06:43] sam_sam, #st-jude [06:43] !recover | sam_sam [06:43] sam_sam: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [06:43] sam_sam: depends on format method [06:43] sam_sam: if its really imporntant data. you may need to use a specialzed comercial data recovery service. [06:43] TY all io will try them.. [06:44] Ben64, no it was not down. [06:44] any one pls , i need help , i am stock with my wifi card [06:45] would anyone happen to know why network manager in ubuntu intrepid does not work or how to make it work? For me it is just all greyed out [06:45] Im talking about the network manager applet [06:45] Dr_Willis: I can't do that since it's not in my gnome-panel. I've got a terribly small system and i'm looking to install just that package. [06:46] emma : did you upgrade from hardy [06:46] I've cheched everything, and I have no sound at all [06:46] emma: you try wicd? [06:46] lots of people say it's a lot better [06:47] i need help with cups-pdf, i cant get it to not show as idle [06:50] Can someone please help me install this printer [06:51] look , i have a wifi adapter that use rt2870 driver , but when i plug it in the USB port , nothing happend === abms1116 is now known as abms11116_ [06:53] I need help here [06:53] Hi, i'm trying to set up Dual monitor on my Thinkpad z60m, it has an ATI X300 64MB, which is supported by the open source driver, mirroring is working, however if i want to extend my desktop, the second screen just shuts down, i tried guis for xrandr and the utility provided by ubuntu, any ideas? [06:54] marco: and how would you be paying today Sir? [06:54] marco: j/k ... whats up? [06:54] ghait instal multiple screens.... [06:55] marco: ? an app you mean? [06:55] marco: do not know that one, maybe someone else knows [06:55] Running 9.04 - I'm having Audio issues, when i try and make my USB Headset (HS-1200) i can select it in the Sound Preferences, but i get this error when i go to test it audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback [06:55] i have a question .. frostwire 4.17 somehow got deleted using computer janitor in mint. and when i looked for it in package manager it was no ther. i searched everywhere and couldnt find it so i installed the .deb from frostwire.com . but now when i go to my home directory i can see two frostwire folders one for 4.17 and one for 4.18 how can i get rid of the 4.17 ( the one that got deleted by janitor accidentaly) they are under the hidd [06:55] en files [06:56] yes it's an app [06:56] I got lenovo s10E, 1 gb ram - when i try to watch some thing on youtube, i can hear a sound but not a "picturE" [06:56] what shoud i do? [06:56] vg, are you sure your flash is up to date [06:57] no i'm not [06:57] how do i chekc it [06:57] check* [06:57] apt-get install flash [06:57] winnar [06:57] no you need a plugin that can handle swf [06:57] err flv, fla [06:57] i have a question .. frostwire 4.17 somehow got deleted using computer janitor in mint. and when i looked for it in package manager it was no ther. i searched everywhere and couldnt find it so i installed the .deb from frostwire.com . but now when i go to my home directory i can see two frostwire folders one for 4.17 and one for 4.18 how can i get rid of the 4.17 ( the one that got deleted by janitor accidentaly) they are under the hidd [06:57] mm, i didnt notice that i'm a newbie with ubuntu [06:58] vg, which flash plug in are you using? [06:58] raj: just delete it [06:58] marco: what's the app called then? sorry didn't quite get it [06:58] multiple screens... [06:58] so again???.. [06:58] ty renyef - i'll check it now [06:59] vg, u can just go to adobe.com and get the flash plug in [06:59] Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) [07:00] Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? [07:00] vG|qum^: put sudo before the command [07:00] sudo aptitude install === abms11116_ is now known as abms1116 [07:00] ty [07:00] vG|qum^: or try apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [07:00] weee [07:01] I need help with my sound... [07:02] ledgend thank you [07:02] Flash Plugin installed [07:02] ty [07:02] let's check youtube [07:02] if it's working :) [07:03] sam eproblem [07:03] same [07:04] i have sound [07:04] but no pic [07:04] it's like slow streaming [07:04] but i have a good connection [07:04] so what can it be? [07:05] is this firefox? [07:05] yes [07:05] you restarted firefox after installing the new flashplugin? [07:05] it was closed [07:05] i opened a new 1 [07:05] try with opera... [07:05] hey please one question [07:06] how do i install ALSA? /proc/asound/version doesn't exist (neither does /proc, /proc/asound, etc) [07:06] olol [07:06] lol [07:06] what does $ : (){ : |: &}; mean? i know it isn't good, i run it once and got my computers crashed [07:06] a solution to my problem - try opera? :) [07:06] rofl [07:06] but what does it actually mean? [07:06] what is the plug in in pidgin that notifies when there is new message from buddy === sean is now known as Guest84837 === kdnewton__ is now known as kdnewton [07:13] i have this problem with my keyboard .. i use mousekeys to enable one of my keyboard keys as middle click. problem is the stupid setting gets turned turned off when i plug in and then unplug an external keyboard. *so* i figured out how to fix this with gconftool-2, which is great [07:13] vG|qum^: did u get it working [07:13] then, because this always happens before i suspend my computer for the night, i figured out that i can put a script into /etc/pm/sleep.d, and that script runs whenever i suspend or resume. great so far! [07:14] so, here's the bitch of it: those scripts run as root. i need gconftool-2 to run in the context of my gnome session. anyone know how to do that? [07:15] su -c ? [07:15] DigitalKiwi: to me? [07:15] yes [07:15] can run it as your user instead of root [07:15] DigitalKiwi: i can try that but i kinda think that won't work either. since that would run as me, but not in my gnome session [07:16] MFen, i guess what you will need to do is run a daemon as the user in your gnome session and use IPC to communicate with it to run your intended command. [07:16] MFen, the folk in #bash should get you started - [07:16] unop: that makes sense, and i suppose i could write one myself, but ugh. surely there's something already available? [07:17] what is gconftool? [07:17] MFen, I'm not aware of such a thing (maybe it's my limited knowledge) -- but no, it's not very complex at all -- all you need really is a couple of named pipes, that's it really. [07:17] Back again ... still having wireless issues... now updated to Ubuntu 9.04... Kernel 2.6.29... Not getting connectivity... I c wireless on iwconfig now but doesn't say anything about atheros chipset which is what I have [07:17] nyef - nope [07:17] still same thing [07:17] some1 told me to install opera [07:18] should i ? [07:18] I have issues withe audio... th [07:18] renyef [07:18] DigitalKiwi, it's the command-line interface to manipulating the gconf 'registry' [07:18] vG|qum^: grab the .deb file from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ [07:18] Try with opera 9.96 or something like that.... [07:18] ah [07:18] what do u mean by grab? :) [07:19] vG|qum^: use wget or download it to a directory on ubuntu [07:19] get, obtain, download [07:19] i'll ask in #gnome first [07:19] sec [07:19] where you come from ,all [07:19] From Costa Rica [07:20] I come from nowhwere, I have always been [07:20] reneyf [07:20] vG|qum^: to install i think you can double click the file or run gdebi /path/to/file or dpkg -i /path/to/file [07:21] why should i grab if it was installed succesfully ( in terminal ) [07:21] who knows if you installed the right thing? [07:21] i see [07:21] systemsettings shows me empty windows, how I can fix it? [07:22] marco:nice to meet you. [07:22] hmm,i grabbed it.. how do i run it?? [07:22] vG|qum^: to install i think you can double click the file or run gdebi /path/to/file or dpkg -i /path/to/file [07:22] hmm [07:22] sec [07:22] nice meeting you too "ubuntu" [07:23] vG|qum^: place sudo in front if you your not the root user [07:23] kk [07:23] whats the best mp3 player on ubuntu linix [07:23] linux^ [07:23] do you know about wine? [07:23] do you know about wine?,macro [07:24] i just installed Amarok [07:24] its a nice mp3 player [07:24] syntax, [07:25] fceu (the NES emulator in repos) sometimes completely freezes during gameplay and I have to open the System Monitor to close it, because the window won't otherwise not close. Any idea what's causing it? [07:26] not much... I'm sorry ubuntu.... but I still need help with my sound... [07:26] systemsettings shows me empty window, how I can fix it? [07:26] O,thanks [07:27] anyone here uses xfce? there aint nobody talkin at xubuntu [07:27] i want to install amarok 1.49 or the latest kde3 amarok please help me [07:28] ive got myself a problem with rebooting and suddenly my panels are gone [07:28] if i go to the settings and then try to click on panel [07:28] nothign happens [07:28] http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/03/how-to-install-amarok-in-ubuntu-and-get-it-to-play-mp3s/ [07:28] satishbhagat, [07:30] Does anyone know how often ubuntu deploys new kernels? [07:30] but how to install older version of amarok [07:31] I have a friend who's wanting to try out ubuntu. She doesn't have a dvd burner or a flash drive. She does, however, have 4gb sd card and an sd card reader. Could she put ubuntu on that, run it as a live image, and install if she wanted? [07:31] LucidGuy: Every six months. Karmic Koala comes out oct. 29th.. i think. [07:32] Alright: Asus K8N after a BIOS update, is suddenly getting Black Screens of Death after starting X11. Both on known-good installs and on Karmic. [07:32] aj_444, but thats 9.10. Don't they put out updated kernel version earlier .. for like Jaunty? [07:32] aj_444, , no USB? [07:33] yes, she can install to 4gb [07:33] then yes [07:33] i just did the same this morning [07:33] LucidGuy, indeed. He must have mistaken "kernel" for "next OS version number" [07:33] LucidGuy: you mean like running the update manager? [07:33] ah i forget what app i used to make the usb stick bootable from the .iso file [07:34] drygrain: unetbootin works. would that work with an sd? [07:34] Seems that there is a kernel update once every month or so [07:34] Asus K8N after bios update getting black screens after starting X11 [07:34] i think so [07:34] aj_444, yahh I think i have already got 2 kernel updates since I installed Jaunty. [07:34] if you know what drive it is [07:34] assuming your doing that on windows [07:34] anyone know of 3com cards not working ubuntu server? [07:34] how I can make styles of KDE's apps just like Gnome/GTK? [07:35] LucidGuy: Just run that every so often. Its under system; administration; update manager [07:35] I find it a less stable then Intrepid which is sad . .hopefully and updated kernel will save me. Or maybe I should never have done an upgrade.. should have blown away and installed fresh. [07:35] Please, somebody help me. [07:35] aj_444, I apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade all the time ... dying for the next kernel update [07:36] LucidGuy: I'm stuck running the alpha 4 of karmic. Jaunty doesn't support my ethernet or wirelss. [07:36] wireless* [07:36] aj_444, did Intrepid? [07:36] aj_444, or hardy heron? [07:36] help me plz [07:36] LucidGuy: Nope. [07:36] ur having the same prob too aj? [07:37] hmmwhat: whats your problem? [07:37] aj_444, what system are you on? [07:37] LucidGuy: I'm on the Asus Eee PC 1005ha. Its a netbook. [07:38] aj_444, wow and Jaunty had issues ehh, thats sad. How do you like hte Eee PC? thats a 10.1 right. [07:38] aj_444, that netbook got nice reviews. I would love to get my hands on a Dell Mini. [07:38] I had UNR on my EeePC 1000HE [07:38] didn't get as good battery life as on windows 7. [07:38] however, I wouldn't run any other OS on my HP Mini [07:39] LucidGuy: Yup. It is. I checked out the dell too. The Asus's price was right. and at the time, I wanted XP. [07:39] aj_444, Dell minis can come loaded with Ubuntu. [07:39] aj_444, XP .. how dare you! [07:39] haha [07:39] ubuntu server wont recgnize my net card [07:39] LucidGuy: xD. I'm stuck dual booting until Karmic is fully released. [07:39] hello [07:39] how to install older version of amarok [07:40] hmmwhat: You're best bet is to run the alpha. [07:40] aj_444, wow it feels like Jaunty just came out. [07:40] april [07:40] aj, sorry how do i just mesg you? [07:40] ohh boy. [07:40] i need someones help [07:40] LucidGuy: its been like four months? Give or take. [07:40] i need a complete ubu nerd [07:41] lol [07:41] LucidGuy: two more until I can get rid of XP. [07:41] I assumed they kept their latest releases out for a year . .since thats how long they support them. [07:41] everyone stoped talking [07:41] plz help me how to install older version of amarok in ubuntu [07:41] meway: it would help, if you learned to type. [07:41] well im using a 32 bit version [07:41] renyef - r u herE? [07:41] aj_444 sorry about that im half awake [07:41] how do i run .deb in terminal? [07:41] plz help me how to install older version of amarok in ubuntu [07:41] ohh boy. [07:41] pkgd [07:41] and I thought I was a newbie. [07:42] yea yeah [07:42] dpkg [07:42] vG|qum^: dpkg -i file.deb [07:42] im not i total nubie [07:42] ty [07:42] sec [07:42] meway: I think, you'll get better luck later today. [07:42] hah [07:42] need big help. I ran a script trying to move a bunch of files in a directory to another. It hosed the files moving them all to /home/blah/\r which wrote them all to a file ? Is there any way to recover the files [07:42] (#-.-) [07:42] plz help me how to install older version of amarok in ubuntu [07:42] I'm a complete ubuntu newbie. xD I had to be explained how to install flash. [07:42] aj_444 maybe idk [07:42] lmao [07:42] I'm completely screwed need to recover about 3gigs of files [07:42] I Never even knew this freenode IRC server even existed til recently .. I used to sit on ubuntu channels on efenet etc. [07:43] I was using excel on window, what is the substitute for ctrl+D in ubontu open office === Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch [07:43] ok who here knows anything about windows and remote access????????????????????????????????????<------ [07:43] unop: thanks, i decided to do it myself. very simple. [07:43] how do i run .deb in terminal? [07:44] remote accesss windows ubuntu [07:44] anyone? [07:44] meway, .. give nomachine products a try. [07:44] fceu (the NES emulator in repos) sometimes completely freezes during gameplay and I have to open the System Monitor to close it, because the window won't otherwise not close. Any idea what's causing it? [07:44] lucidGuy is this a program? [07:44] meway: you mean like this http://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop [07:44] meway>Applications>Internet>Terminal Server Client ( If not get the package) [07:45] anyone good with file recovery? [07:45] meway, Yes it is. the remote software client is called NX. [07:45] I'm hard up for help with this one. [07:45] plz help me how to install older version of amarok in ubuntu [07:45] anyone here? [07:45] satishbhagat, fuck off with the repeat question. [07:46] LucidGuy: Please mind your language, and don't be rude. [07:46] did a bot just tell me to not be rude? .. or a real human? [07:46] LANGUAGE !!!! [07:46] fuck off with not answering my question [07:46] Question! I am installing Ubuntu on a laptop w/o CD,USB, or floppy via putting the LiveCD and Super Grub on one partition (hd0,2), a swap partition (hd0,1), and an intended install partition (hd0,0). I did that, Super Grub booted LiveCD, install going fine up until I get this: Installer needs to commit changes to partition tables but cant due to "/cdrom" cant be unmounted"....help?? [07:46] haha [07:46] LucidGuy: a real human, and I second that.. [07:46] Stop with the swearing people. xD Family forum. [07:46] xd i was all i said] [07:46] I third it. [07:46] Hi Everybody ! [07:46] alright .. Ill watch myself. [07:46] but that guy was driving me crazy. [07:46] reneyf dependency problems - leaving unconfigured [07:47] Errors were encountered while processing: [07:47] Asking a repeat question isn't against the rules in here. [07:47] LucidGuy: There are better ways to handle the situation. [07:47] is there any way to circumvent conflicting dependencies, except uninstalling programs ? [07:47] Andorin: You shouldn't be repeating it a few times a minute though [07:47] satishbhagat: perhaps you'd find what you're looking for at http://www.ubuntuforums.org Ask there. [07:47] Flannel: True enough. [07:47] is there a shorewall channel? [07:48] hola [07:48] quantum: #shorewall [07:48] Andorin, does your name have anything to do with StarTrek? [07:48] plz help me how to install older version of amarok in ubuntu i want amarok 1.4.9 [07:48] LucidGuy: Nope. === j is now known as Guest97760 [07:48] help....how I can make styles of KDE's apps just like Gnome/GTK? [07:48] satishbhagat-> have a look here: http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/232/get-amarok-1-4-back-in-ubuntu-jaunty-9-04 [07:48] vG|qum^: what dependency does it say ur missing [07:48] satishbhagat: check out http://www.ubuntuforums.org <--- ask there [07:48] my mistake typo .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andorian [07:49] thanks [07:49] Can anyone help with installing Ubuntu from one partition to another on the same HDD? [07:49] satishhbhagat: it make take awhile for someone to answer there, but I don't think anybody knows how to here. [07:50] Parsley: use the dd command? [07:50] how [07:50] ive never used the dd [07:50] yeah, no1 there [07:50] satishbhagat, uh does the amarok site have the old versions? [07:51] renyef - leaving unconfigured [07:51] i wanted that from repos [07:51] dependency problems - leaving unconfigured === Guest97760 is now known as Yo [07:51] other versions tend to be incompatible [07:51] Parsley: you want to copy your install from one partition to the other correct? [07:51] vG|qum^: which dependy does it say its missing above that line [07:52] vG|qum^: dependency* [07:52] renyef: no, i placed a liveCD on one partition, but I want to install Ubuntu fully on another [07:52] dpkg: error processing adobe-flashplugin (--install): [07:52] i am currently running ubuntu on vertualbox. i was wondering if there was a way to make ubuntu run at 1024x768 screen resilution so that i can go fullscreen [07:52] Parsley: what do you mean you've placed the LiveCD in one? [07:52] vG|qum^: if you use gdebi package.deb it will install th e dependency with it [07:53] aj_444: I extracted the LiveCD contents as well as SuperGrub to one partition via Unetbootin [07:53] Did some research the other day and found it odd nobody has tried to create a Mac OSX emulator, like for example WINE for windows. [07:53] aj_444: and it boots [07:53] emm [07:53] didn't get it m8 [07:53] Parsley: So you installed it? [07:53] Parsley: run the install and pick your install location [07:53] I soooooo wish I could get adobe products on my linux system working properly.. this is the only main reason why I dual boot. What does everyone else do? [07:53] renyef: i did that, but it aborts installation because i get the error: Installer needs to commit changes to partition tables but cant due to "/cdrom" cant be unmounted" [07:54] vG|qum^: can you post me the full error using a pastebin [07:54] i am currently running ubuntu on vertualbox. i was wondering if there was a way to make ubuntu run at 1024x768 screen resolution so that i can go fullscreen [07:54] ctrl-F [07:54] Parsley: umount /cdrom [07:54] LucidGuy: Like photoshop? Thats the one reason I still have vista on my desktop. <_< adobe needs to get with it. [07:54] that dosent work. it stays at the 800x700 with confrol f [07:54] why when a play a song it says streaming in rhythmbox,totem player [07:54] LucidGuy: not really a need for it.. most software is primarily made for Windows platforms and eventually ported to Mac by the manufacturer. usually Mac made software releases Windows ports around the same time.. as far as what I have seen [07:54] renyef: it doesn't have a cdrom, i think it's talking about unmounting the liveCD partition itself :( [07:55] LucidGuy: have you tried just adopting the Open Source equivalents? like GIMP? they even have a Photoshop like [07:55] LucidGuy: err hit the enter key... Photoshop like skin pack [07:55] WIGGMPk: GIMP isn't nearly as good as Photoshop [07:56] aj_444, I can get away with using photoshop in my XP virtualbox .. but video editing like Premier etc just wont cut it in VirtualBox. [07:56] WIGGMPk, Yes I use GIMP all the time now for simple things, but its noo photoshop. [07:56] Jooder492: install the guest additions [07:57] Video editing Ive tried a bunch ... cinelerra seems the best so far, but now Im running into compliling me work issues. [07:57] LucidGuy: aj_444: I agree it doesnt have all of the features.. but the more people to adopt and use it.. the faster development can pick up.. [07:57] I have a hp Pavilion dv5 laptop, with an ATi mobility radeon 512Mb video card. I think that the processor is in use more than the video card it self. The windows are breaking into parts while moving them. And if I choose to have extra effects on desktop, than for example, the films I play are blinking while they are played. What explains this? What is the rezolution for this? How could I make my Ubuntu to say: "Please, use my video card."? [07:57] Thank you ! [07:57] WIGGMPk, GIMP is missing lots of features Photoshop has, and it still cannot understand the CMYK color coded PSD files at all [07:57] renyef: when i do sudo umount /cdrom it says "/cdrom is busy" (again, this computer does not have a CDROM [07:57] renyef - did u saw my pm? [07:57] cinepaint > gimp [07:57] vG|qum^: ya sec [07:57] Parsley: so you created a boot usb using unetbootin? [07:58] WIGGMPk: Agreed. Its too difficult to learn though. I tried both, photoshop and GIMP on the same day, Adobe just makes it easier to find what you need. [07:58] jhattara: now you lost me.. I am not a designer lol.. [07:58] renyef: correct, because it cannot boot from anything except HDD [07:58] LucidGuy: Yep. Thats sadly why we have windows. [07:58] aj_444: well, the difference between a commercially developed app and a free one is relevant in this situation than. [07:59] You would think that a MAC OSX emulator would be pretty easy since OSX is bsd unix based. Then we could use the mac versions of Adobe products .. and maybe even Final Cut Pro... weee [07:59] and WINE I think is pretty crap. [07:59] WIGGPk: I'm all for open source, but GIMP isn't the way to go for photo editing. [07:59] Parsley: go into your bios and set boot from usb [07:59] aj_444: LucidGuy: how does a VM hold up when doing Photoshop projects? Memory? Processing Power? is the lack of 3D acceleration important? (again, not a designer lol) [07:59] WIGGMPk, meant that GIMP only understands RGB computer graphics palette, while PS by default saves everything in CMYK printing palette [08:00] renyef: already tried that, it doesnt support that [08:00] I dont want to find an alternative to Adobe products because MAC supports them. [08:00] WIGGMPk: I run vista on my desktop, so I run adobe products there. [08:00] Photoshop is one of the three reasons I still have XP on my laptop [08:01] Parsley: your bios wont allow you to c hange boot priority usb first? [08:01] jhattara: same with me and vista. its a love/hate relationship [08:01] WIGGMPk, I use photoshop for minor photo editing .. like sharpening colour level adjustments and more advanced stuff .and my virtual box runs just fine... a little slow compared to native. [08:01] renyef: what do i edit so it stops thinking of (hd0,2) as "/cdrom"? "/" is going on a seperate partition, they should not interfere [08:01] jhattara: oh I get what you were talking about.. but to me, I dont see the difference... however, someone like you do.. I am just not a picture guy in general [08:01] renyef: it does but it cannot boot from a usb storage device such as external HDD or flash drive [08:02] the other two is the lack of proper GUI for DVD authoring, and the (another Adobe thingy) lack of perfect Flash support [08:02] alright .. its 3am here in Toronto .. I think I should get some sleep. [08:02] Parsley: Burn to a CD then. [08:02] LucidGuy: Its two here. I probably should head to bed too. [08:02] aj_444: i dont have an external CD drive [08:02] yesterday i did an update and got the new.15 kernel, but i was in a rush and skipped the debconf update where i think it adds it to the boot list [08:02] jhattara, .. there is SOOOO much that the linux world is missing out on. Its tobad [08:02] is there any way to get it back [08:03] Parsley: You can order one for like $5. [08:03] I have a hp Pavilion dv5 laptop, with an ATi mobility radeon 512Mb video card. I think that the processor is in use more than the video card it self. The windows are breaking into parts while moving them. And if I choose to have extra effects on desktop the films I play are blinking while they are played. What explains this? What do I have to do? How could I say: "Plz, be so kind and use my video card, dear Ubuntu"? Thank you in advance! [08:03] WIGGMPk, it's not about preferences, it's just that as Photoshop is kind of an industry standard you eventually run into files you need to edit that GIMP cannot open [08:03] Parsley: What kind of computer do you have? [08:03] Can anyone help with wireless on my laptop? [08:03] aj_444: toshiba m200 portege, a real beast to reinstall [08:03] ·.¸¸.·´¯`> alguien de chile [08:04] aj_444: this model only boots for very particular and expensive cdroms [08:04] Callum_, nobody is from chile. [08:04] Tudna valaki segíteni nékem? [08:04] jhattara: industry standards are a pain in the arse most of the time.. I see what your saying though.. [08:04] What? [08:04] !es | carloncho25 [08:04] carloncho25: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [08:04] Parsley: you have a picky cd drive? Thats a new one. xD [08:04] ops that was for carloncho25 . sorry Callum. [08:04] Running into problems with large downloads, getting errors indicating that my drive is full (No space on device), though the Ubuntu part has 97GB remaining...anything I try to write fails, no matter where in the fs [08:04] ·.¸¸.·´¯`> thanks [08:04] Parsley: Were you able to get ubuntu running as a live image? [08:04] Heh, what the hell is happening in here [08:04] is ubottu a bot? === John_Cutless is now known as Quincas_Borba [08:04] LucidGuy: yeah [08:05] ubottu: Tell LucidGuy about yourself [08:05] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [08:05] aj_444: when placed on (hd0,2) yes it runs just fine [08:05] Yesterday ANOTHER Callum is in here, and today people are still mistaking me for someone else [08:05] Could someone help me with my video card? [08:05] because that was a fast spanish response [08:05] ubottu, HI [08:05] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [08:05] Parsley: Do you not want to install there? [08:05] someone please tell me how to get ubuntu to recognise the new kernel in the boot menu? [08:05] ubottu: what up? [08:05] I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [08:05] iorgu, whats your video card doing [08:05] wow [08:05] aj_444: but when installing onto (hd0,0), it seems to think (hd0,2) is /cdrom, thus interfering with assigning the mounting point / [08:05] wrsg: How did you install the new kernel? [08:06] update manager === Yo is now known as polloX [08:06] wrsg: It should do it automatically. If for some reason it didn't, do `sudo update-grub` [08:06] celthunder: I have a hp Pavilion dv5 laptop, with an ATi mobility radeon 512Mb video card. I think that the processor is in use more than the video card it self. The windows are breaking into parts while moving them. And if I choose to have extra effects on desktop, than for example, the films I play are blinking while they are played. [08:06] LucidGuy: you can also do certain things to get some points across. *hint hint, nudge nudge* like so [08:06] but didnt choose the debconf option stupidly, i was in a rush [08:06] ok thanks [08:06] Parsley: :S I'm not really an expert on this. I'd suggest coming back during the day. Thats where I've found there are more people to help. [08:06] aj_444: summary: liveCD on partition A, want to actually install full OS on partition B, refuses to do so [08:06] heh .. good stuff [08:06] okiii [08:06] alright .. im out of here. later folks! [08:06] i've used firefox-3.0 and daily firefox-3.5 builds together for some time now, but recently the firefox-3.5-branding package refused to update, and now the whole package manager seems to be stuck, can't upgrade or install anything [08:06] why when a play a song it says streaming in rhythmbox,totem player nor i cant fast foward tracks or rewind..any help [08:06] And with that, I'm off to bed. Nice talking with yall. [08:07] aj_444, lates! [08:07] later [08:07] iorgu, drivers you are using? Also do you have compiz crap turned on? [08:07] LucidGuy: Yup. I have to get up at 8.. like six hours. [08:07] aj_444, that I do not have to do ... weee [08:07] LucidGuy: ha. lucky you. sleep well. bye. [08:09] hello [08:09] celthunder: i'm not sure, i just think that i use drivers. How do i find out? [08:09] Flannel: that didnt seem to work, i did update-grub, but the boot menus the same as before [08:09] :S [08:09] wrsg: did you get any error messages? [08:09] no [08:09] help my wireless no workin in mode monitor [08:10] the update seemed to go ok === Phil_Ewert|aw is now known as Phil_Ewert [08:10] wrsg: Alright, please pastebin the output of of the update, as well as the output of ls -la /boot/ [08:10] sudo iwconfig eth1 mode monitor Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument. [08:10] why [08:10] can someone tell me how to fix a broken package manager ? === lutoma is now known as lutoma_ [08:11] http://pastebin.com/d67098a7a [08:11] Running into problems with large downloads, getting errors indicating that my drive is full (No space on device), though the Ubuntu part has 97GB remaining...anything I try to write fails, no matter where things are being written...any ideas? [08:12] http://pastebin.com/d161479b5 [08:12] help, nobody's helping me out at the xubuntu channel, i rebooted the computer and suddenly xfce-panel was gone, i tried to fix it and instead the system started acting weird, i added the xfce-panel to the startup apps and tried to log out and login on kde and what happened was that kde started and then the xfce panel started to, i want to log onto nicotine and it won't let me run the app, can someon help me figure out what's going on please this is very [08:12] frustrating [08:12] how do i convert m4v files to something ubuntu manageable? [08:12] isonomy: Those _should_ be Ubuntu-manageable... try simply renaming to .mp4 or whatever. [08:12] i cant get sound too work with http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=b65b30b81c0b07eb9f7d228f4786a3987741399a i have tried to compile the drivers allready [08:13] wtf for this problem sudo iwconfig eth1 mode monitor Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :SET failed on device eth1 ; Invalid argument === nathan7_ is now known as nathan7 [08:13] whats a good movie player to play the m4v files? [08:14] vlc? [08:14] grawity: how do you underline things? [08:14] Flannel: any ideas? [08:14] control u [08:14] Dayofswords: put a _ before and after the word [08:15] Dayofswords: Like _this_? [08:15] oh [08:15] how do i play m4v files [08:15] _sweet_ [08:15] anybody know whats a good movie player for m4v files? [08:15] Dayofswords: There is another method, using mIRC control characters, but it only works for some IRC clients, and is disabled on all Freenode channels. [08:16] isonomy: Totem, VLC, and so on. [08:16] isonomy: Totem comes with Ubuntu, it should be able to play them :\ [08:16] someone please help me! :'( [08:17] någon vaken? [08:18] wrsg: All of your kernels are there, found, etc. Does your menu.lst include all three? 13, 14, and 15? [08:18] nope [08:18] what movie player accepts m4v files? [08:18] just 13 and 14 [08:18] anybody? [08:18] * WIGGMPk all your kernels are belong to us! [08:18] please? [08:18] VLC [08:18] m4v movie files on what player? [08:18] !troll | isonomy [08:18] isonomy: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel [08:18] wrsg: Alright, mind pasting your menu.lst? That's odd indeed. [08:19] isonomy: vlc [08:19] Slart: What? [08:19] isonomy: you've been answered several times [08:19] yeah i know :-S [08:19] hi folks, I am confused: Regular ssh connections stay running forevr, while ssh -D 8080 -Nf domain.tld receive a "Connection reset by peer" after a certain idle-time. I cannot find an idle-time option in sshd_config discribig this behavior, though. Can anybody tell me how to avoid that? [08:19] http://pastebin.com/m36f5d10d [08:20] hi [08:20] I have installed ubuntu 9.04 and configured hsf modem. now the issue is i dont hear any sound when i play audio? [08:20] snd-hda-intel.ko.REPLACEDBYhsfmodem [08:20] how can i make it work for both hsfmodem as well as play audio ? [08:20] when i do aplay -l [08:20] i get aplay: device_list:217: no soundcards found... [08:20] sorry [08:20] yeah sorry you can help you did not really an ati mobility radeon 512mb video editing ive tried that, it is without being afraid of every facet about it [08:20] im new at this [08:20] enter! [08:21] Flannel: http://pastebin.com/m36f5d10d [08:21] thanks and take care! [08:21] laterzz! [08:22] anyone know about ape ? EtherApe ? thats the most fun program eh, I dunno what its doin but is very pretty lol, I can can see all the nodes on my network and stuff, just amazing work ppl,, [08:22] help [08:22] my system is acting weird [08:23] terminal is not opening up [08:23] can someone help me [08:23] iwobbles: etherape is a network visualization application. it sniffs network packets, katagorizes tem and displays the dataconnections grafically. [08:23] wrsg: Hmm, people have had this problem in the past, and have fixed it by purging grub and then reinstalling it (and then running update-grub). Obviously that doesn't tell us *why* it's doing it, but it's likely to work. [08:23] xsebsx: how do you try opening the terminal? [08:23] really, omg [08:23] xsebsx: can you open other stuff? [08:23] wrsg: sudo apt-get remove --purge grub, sudo apt-get install grub, sudo update-grub [08:23] k thanks [08:24] please, help me...i have problem with my video card... [08:24] sound problems with http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=b65b30b81c0b07eb9f7d228f4786a3987741399a need help, have tried to compiled the alsa-driver-snapshot.tar.gz snaphost allrdy still no sound [08:24] baccenfutter: its very beutiful eh [08:24] iwobbles, that is a cool program :) [08:24] checking in again for my query [08:24] pleeeez [08:24] iorgu: dont keep asking for someone to help you.. state your problem and anyone that can assist will answer you.. try not to get frustrated, sometimes people dont know the answer. [08:25] iwobbles: I as an admin would prefere: very usefull in debugging network issues, but yes [08:25] WIGGMPk:oh, thanks :) [08:25] i am having this trouble Slart i installed xfce, so i wanted to reboot, then when i reboot the xfce panel is gone so i open the terminal and type xfce4-panel and it comes up so i add it to the list of apps that automatically start on start up, what happens is then i try to log onto kde and i get the xfce panel, so i remove it, i open the k menu favorites and try to open nicotine and it won't open and now i just tried my favorites launcher to the termin [08:25] al and it wouldn't work either [08:26] Flannel: that sorted it, thanks [08:26] WIGGMPk: my problem is that my windows on the move ara braking apart, and while playing a film the picture breaks/blinks [08:26] Slart, look at what happens when i type nicotine into the terminal http://pastebin.ca/1546841 [08:26] xsebsx: hmm.. I wonder if starting the xfce-panel in KDE for some reason messed up the KDE equivalent === wing731 is now known as WingWu [08:28] Slart, what abotu the nicotine output? [08:28] can anyone tell me how to get rid of synaptic saying "broken package" and refusing to cooperate [08:28] iorgu: so your saying, when you play a video.. the video starts to blink and break? like pixelation? [08:28] xsebsx: have you tried logging out of KDE, disabling the xfce-panel autostart thing and then logging in to KDE again? [08:28] let me try [08:28] brb [08:28] xsebsx: I have no idea what that is about.. the first few lines is a python error.. it's just a warning really so it shouldn't be a problem.. but the later part with DB_PAGE_NOTFOUND sounds more serious.. have you tried reinstalling nicotine? [08:29] if I put LiveCD on a flash drive, how do I define whether it considers itself as "/cdrom" or "/media/usb" or w/e? [08:29] bios [08:29] http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=740be32d2a845c56cbb7d6b3fc674fbe5cc60917 [08:29] jhattara: are you trying to install something but getting errors? [08:29] baccenfutter: its just nice to see the node names all up there, i been building these networks for years so many IPs are familiar eh, ubuntu rocks but eh :) [08:30] ħ€ŀþ [08:30] µ← ß←ßŧ€µ→ß µ€ß߀€ð ↓þ [08:31] I have LiveCD running off hd0,2, when I use installer to put it on hd0,0, it's saying /cdrom cannot unmount where it thinks hd0,2 is /cdrom [08:31] hi all i got an issue with my firefox browser, it seems i have issues with the flash plugin is there anyone that can help me?? [08:32] Slart how do i get rid of xfce altogether? [08:32] WIGGMPk: when I play a video the sound is played continuosuly but the the picture is with breaking. But if i put in to full screen its played quite well. thougth this happens when i use extra effects... [08:32] something like that [08:32] xsebsx: doesn't "sudo apt-get remove xfce" work? [08:33] Slart, I just logged onto xubuntu and even the keyboard was weird i tried getting back itno the chat but the only thing that came out was [08:33] µ← ß←ßŧ€µ→ß µ€ß߀€ð ↓þ [08:33] which in broken xfce means my computer is messed up [08:33] hm GhostWolfy what version of ubuntu are you running I had issues with the latest version of firefox eh [08:33] legend2440, had problems with firefox-3.5 dailies with hardy [08:33] xsebsx: looks like it thinks your AltGr key is pressed. [08:33] /join #zsh [08:34] Slart, what if i sudo apt-get purge xubuntu-desktop ? [08:34] xsebsx: that should work too [08:34] 9.04 iwobbles but never had this problem before [08:34] legend2440, just uninstalled firefox-3.0 and now it seems to be fixed, but now i'll have to restart the computer [08:35] and iwobbles i just recently reinstalled 9.04 when i had 8.04 [08:35] is there a way to get the real-time power consumption in linux? [08:35] changed formats cause i was doing something to use a different type of ubuntu [08:36] Slart, does this look right to you? http://pastebin.ca/1546848 [08:37] GhostWolfy: mm i rolled back to Firefox 3.0.12 and everythign worked again, theres apparently a few bugs in the latest Firefox dsitro eh [08:37] Hey all my screen shows no composite can you help [08:37] iwobbles, it happened before new ff [08:37] iwobbles: thats why i dont worry about using 3.5 yet. :) [08:37] xsebsx: nah.. xubuntu-desktop is just a meta package.. it won't uninstall all the xfce stuff.. try uninstalling xfce4 [08:37] mm yeah sure thing Dr_Willis [08:37] it happened after i reinstalled 9.04 from the disk i gotten before they upgraded ff [08:37] few bugs in evry upgrade eh [08:37] Theres a few neat features in 3.5 and a few 'neat' issues also.. heh [08:38] Slart, Package xfce4 is not installed, so not removed [08:38] If I need some help with some issues in buntu, is this the right channel? [08:38] but reason my problem is cause i go to a specific site that lets me watch videos not youtube since i can watch those find and have issues [08:38] enemyz: yes [08:38] enemyz: yes. :) thats what the topic says. === becks_ is now known as ce_bahenol_broke [08:39] GhostWolfy: what issues ?? [08:39] well, sweet. I have a rather strange problem. [08:39] like won't play like with flash it just won't load === ce_bahenol_broke is now known as ce_bahenol_alone [08:39] i can play youtube videos fine but it has to be with the flash i might have problems with [08:40] :'( [08:40] Slart, ? [08:40] hehe, i just got a book from the library called "Beginning Ubuntu Linux " hope it helps [08:40] have yyou t reid usin Konqueror or another browser ?? GhostWolfy ? I found I got around a lot of the firefox issues that way , just installed a few different browsers eh [08:40] xsebsx: hmm.. try this "sudo apt-get purge xfce4.*" [08:40] iwobbles, like i said it never had this problem before just when i reinstalled 9.04 [08:40] i don't have konqueror with 9.04 [08:41] Slart, couldn't find package [08:41] i like firefox but it never had this problem i can't remember what i did wrong when i reinstalled 9.04 [08:41] ubuntu has a real nice one which is supported too eh i forget its name epiphany or something,, [08:42] and it seems the version if ff i have is 3.013 [08:42] I tried to fix my girlfriends computer and i installed the latest verision of Ubuntu from the CD. Everything worked fine. exept for the internet. The computer cannot connect to any other site than google if i use a webbrowser. nor can I connect with Synaptic. I can ping sites but it is really slow. From google I search for stuff, get hits. But I cannot load the other pages. I just cnt see whats wrong. I cannot connect to [08:42] the router eitther. When we use another computer on the same connection, it works fine. [08:42] xsebsx: hmm.. no typos? how did you install xfce? [08:42] 3.0.13 i mean [08:42] Dayofswords: any book may be a few releases out of date... just som thing to watch out for [08:42] A table in my db is too big. How can I fit it to the display in Screen? [08:42] in chapter one on this book it says "wouldn't it be terrific if you could just get rid of windows?" [08:43] question about Synaptic: On the Summary dialog before hitting Cancel or Apply there is an option to "Download package files only" What does this option do, should i enable it or not? [08:43] livingdaylight: It downloads the packages but won't install them [08:43] Proberly not what you want to do. ;) [08:43] Slart? [08:43] Flannel: ahh.. not what i want then :) [08:43] sound problems with http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=b65b30b81c0b07eb9f7d228f4786a3987741399a need help, have tried to compiled the alsa-driver-snapshot.tar.gz still no sound, only crazy loggers [08:44] do can anyone help me with my problem?? [08:44] help [08:44] i mean so.. eh typing problems tonight [08:44] i can't open nicotine [08:44] nor get rid of xfce [08:45] http://pastebin.ca/1546857 [08:45] ^xfce problem [08:45] what is the preferred method of installing wine? from repos or ppa? [08:45] http://pastebin.ca/1546859 [08:45] ^nicotine problem [08:45] hi.. [08:46] using ubuntu jaunty.. [08:46] iwobbles, btw my firefox version is 3.0.13 so i don't have the latest version of ff [08:46] livingdaylight: repos. If you need a more updated version than in the Ubuntu repos, wine has a repo. [08:46] help, tying to install ubuntu on my old desktop and the only resolutions I have to choose from is 640x480 and 320x240 [08:46] whenever i double click on a folder it kind of delays a 2 second and sometime more than that.. why is it? [08:46] hangs system for 2 sec.. [08:47] by install I meant set up [08:47] am new to IRC whats the best client to use? === VanDyke is now known as VanDyke_gone [08:47] is anyone else able to help me?? i have ubuntu 9.04 ff version is 3.0.13 and i think i have issues with flash on ff [08:47] mmm GhostWolfy Im running 3.0.12 eh works fine [08:48] slug i have flash installed says i have shockwave flash in the plugin but like for certain sites it doesn't load properly [08:49] wolfy. I had problems with falsh aswell. But it all stopped when I installed adobes flashplayer. [08:49] i never had this problem til i reinstalled 9.04.. i know i did something different [08:49] http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ [08:49] my gfx driver is not the problem [08:49] Anyone that can help me with my problem? [08:50] I tried to fix my girlfriends computer and i installed the latest verision of Ubuntu from the CD. Everything worked fine. exept for the internet. The computer cannot connect to any other site than google if i use a webbrowser. nor can I connect with Synaptic. I can ping sites but it is really slow. From google I search for stuff, get hits. But I cannot load the other pages. I just cnt see whats wrong. I cannot connect to [08:50] the router eitther. When we use another computer on the same connection, it works fine. [08:52] I wouldnt strike off the GFX.... [08:52] can someone help me please [08:52] slug i would [08:52] i can't open nicotine [08:52] cause like i said never had an issue before [08:52] but u upgraded to jaunty... are you using an old ATi ? [08:52] just when i re-installed 9.04 as i keep saying.. over and over again.. [08:52] no [08:53] again i reinstalled didn't upgrade [08:53] I see [08:53] tried a fresh firefox profile? [08:53] i had jaunty before tried something different and didn't quite worked for me [08:53] no cause i don't know how to do that [08:53] open a terminal type cp .mozilla mozilla.bak [08:54] sorry that should be mv .mozilla mozilla.bak [08:54] I'm trying to set up Ubuntu, I'm using Nvida Driver 173 and the max resolution I can get is 640x480 [08:54] ok did that slug [08:54] how can I fix? [08:54] ope firefox [08:55] brb [08:55] I made a mistake again - sorry not had coffe yet !! it shoudl be mv .mozilla mozilla.bak -R === janne is now known as Skiessi === Ubuntu is now known as bugger [08:55] umm [08:56] does anyone have any experience with Nvidia graphics cards? [08:56] crap lol i should've copied all the sites i had bookmarked lmao [08:56] you can get them back [08:57] well just a sec slug im still trying to least set my homepage back up [08:57] Lots of people use Nvidia cards Danbo19 - clarify your question to the channel. [08:58] I'm just setting up Ubuntu on my desktop, and the max resolution I can get is 640x 480 [08:58] Nvidia is hassle-free you only need to enable the propr. driver if you want 3e [08:58] 3d*\\ [09:00] Danbo19: in terminal type nvidia-settings set resolution under x server display configuration [09:00] !sudo [09:00] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [09:00] You may need gksu nvidia-setttings [09:01] fceu (the NES emulator in repos) sometimes completely freezes during gameplay and I have to open the System Monitor to close it, because the window won't otherwise not close. Any idea what's causing it? [09:01] what is difference between usplash and gdm? [09:01] gdm is the LOGIN manager/screen [09:01] usplash just shows the silly animation at boot time [09:01] boot -> grub menu -> usplash -> gdm -> login and get to X. [09:02] in nvidia-settings the maximum resolution I can find is 640x480 [09:02] what is difference between usplash and gdm? [09:02] livingdaylight: see what Dr_Willis said [09:02] !fixres | Danbo19 [09:02] Danbo19: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [09:02] Do i need to type LOUDER? :) [09:03] Istarnes i misssed it [09:03] Danbo19: you did install the nvidia drivers? [09:03] Danbo19: then rebooted? [09:03] yes [09:03] Danbo19: open system>admin>hardware drivers is 173 the only option? is there a 180 option? [09:03] thats.. weird then Danbo19 [09:03] there is 173 and 96 [09:04] Danbo19: vga or DVI or laptop monitor? [09:04] vga [09:04] Ive found ihave MUCH less hassles with DVI :) [09:04] sweet [09:04] in short.. if you can use DVI.. then DO it. :) [09:05] shame my netbooks dont have dvi out.. just vga [09:05] BRB [09:06] as an aside my laptop (which I'm typing on now) is using Nvidia 180 and has the 173 option [09:07] can someone help me? [09:07] i am having trouble getting rid of xubuntu/xfce [09:07] when i try to remove and purge it [09:07] on the terminal [09:07] it acts as though it wasn't there [09:07] help [09:07] after wiking DVI, i found out thats why i cant hook my pc to my projector [09:09] i just want vga on my projector ='( would make things easier [09:09] sound problems with http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=b65b30b81c0b07eb9f7d228f4786a3987741399a need help, have tried to compiled the alsa-driver-snapshot.tar.gz [09:09] Danbo19: the video card in the laptop must be a newer model than the other one. [09:09] yes thats for sure, the desktop is circa 2005 [09:10] finally!!!! dhcp + dns +masq works [09:10] whats the default password for www-data ? [09:11] Starcraftmazter: there isn't one [09:11] internet sharing!!! [09:11] lstarnes: blank gives me incorrect password error =/ [09:11] * quantum is extatic [09:11] Starcraftmazter: it's not an account that can be used with a normal login [09:11] Hi, I have a widget python code but I don't know how to install it on screenlets. Any help? [09:11] Starcraftmazter: it's a special-purpose account intended solely for use by web servers [09:12] lstarnes: ok, i need to start/stop postgres server from php, and im using shell_exec, but its not working, so i was hoping to debug it by logging in as www-data... [09:12] lstarnes: do you know why it may not work [09:12] Starcraftmazter: possibly because postgres is running as another user [09:13] lstarnes: its not running [09:13] lstarnes: exact same command works from my user [09:13] Starcraftmazter: it is considered insecure to use a web script for starting or stopping postgres [09:13] ok so i just did as adviced by this link http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome [09:13] to get rid of xubuntu [09:13] lstarnes: i know, this is purely for testing purposes [09:13] brb [09:13] Starcraftmazter: I'm not sure how to do it in PHP [09:14] et [09:14] lstarnes: is it possible to run a php script under a different user? [09:14] anyone has made a screenlet widget here? [09:14] Starcraftmazter: possibly, but that would likely be difficult [09:14] Starcraftmazter: I know apache has a suexec module [09:14] and then I'm having another question about cairo-dock: How can I make the dock smaller? [09:15] lstarnes: would it work if i run php from the commandline, as though it was perl and point #! to the php interpretor [09:15] Starcraftmazter: maybe [09:15] ANYONE can help me on how 2 make my web Cam 2 get worked..? [09:16] xtstx [09:16] anyone know anything about getting tribes 2 to work in linux [09:17] can it be done? Install XP onto a separate partition from an ISO (without using a disk?) [09:18] hi mattycoze... I think u can do it [09:18] uh, Anyone experience a package conflict with Konversation and Koffice? ( in Ubuntu) [09:19] In ubuntu's default Terminal, is there a hotkey to paste from the clipboard? [09:19] I AM REALLY ANGRY NOW [09:19] i wanted to get rid of xubuntu [09:19] Anyone? [09:19] and it got rid of kde as well [09:19] as well as some of the gnome applications [09:19] its CTRL+SHIFT+V [09:20] what the HECK has gone on...i hav ebeen here for over an hour [09:20] anyone know anything about getting "tribes 2" to work in linux [09:20] asking for help and nobody's helped me so i did the hacker thing to do [09:20] go look for info [09:20] google stuff [09:20] look at the forums [09:20] xsebsx: then just reinstall them [09:20] I DON'T KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO DO [09:20] when i go to system tools [09:21] the onlyt thing that shows up [09:21] whats the best client to use... I find it hard copying nick names.... [09:21] is akonadi tools [09:21] cdn do you have any idea how? [09:21] slug: try typing the first couple letters of the person's nick then pressing the TAB key [09:21] lstarnes: nice :) [09:21] can someone help me PLEASE [09:21] thanks [09:21] k thanks [09:22] i have been askign for help continously, and now i can't even open a terminal [09:22] cause there isn't one [09:22] there isn't a terminal [09:22] on my system [09:22] xsebsx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:22] xsebsx, dont use enter key after just a couple words [09:22] anybody find anything about my nvidia problem? I can only choose resolutions 640x480 or 320x240. I'm using nvidia driver 173 on a dell dimesion 4600 [09:22] does anyone know a way to make touchpad gestures work in linux? [09:22] thanks [09:22] xsebsx: try ctrl+alt+f2 to get to a terminal (ctrl+alt+f7 to switch back) [09:22] xsebsx: The first rule of IRC: They are not ignoring you, they simply don't know the answer. [09:22] grawity: then what do i do? [09:23] xsebsx, install the package kubuntu-desktop [09:23] xsebsx, as far as the rest of the apps, you know what they are , so reinstall them [09:23] bazhang: here let me show you [09:24] Danbo19: can you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? [09:24] !paste [09:24] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [09:24] anyone? [09:24] sure 1 sec [09:24] Running 9.04 | New Install | Having a issue with GFX Lockups, seems like X just flat out dies, seems like a driver issue, using Linux unimatrix 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux i have a HD3870 with the non-free ATI driver installed [09:24] bazhang: http://pastebin.ca/1546890 [09:24] tell me what's going on [09:25] Anyone experience a package conflict between Koffice and Konversation (Ubuntu)? [09:25] xsebsx: is synaptic open? [09:25] xsebsx: it looks like you have another apt-get process running [09:25] xsebsx, close other instances of apt [09:25] that's right i had to open synaptic [09:25] as there was no xchat on gnome [09:25] lovely [09:25] can anyone tell me how to install http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ComicStrips?content=74769 that? [09:26] you can't run multiple instances of an apt-get or synaptic at once [09:26] also when i go to open a program (any really.. does it real bad on anything wine) and it will get a MAJOR slow down, and speed right back up once the program is idle [09:26] xsebsx: you have synaptic or update manager running [09:26] yes i closed it now i am getting kubuntu-desktop [09:26] xsebsx: two programs can not access apt db simultaneously [09:26] ok im back people.. im having issues installing adobe flashplayer can anyone help me?? [09:26] and i should assume that all my former kde settings are gone with the wind right? [09:26] they might not be === Ekushey is now known as Guest42308 [09:27] jrwr: try to install the xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd driver. I've had nothing but trouble with the propietary driver [09:27] xsebsx: no those settings are kept on your home folder. [09:27] I think apt-get remove just removes application files, settings are usually untouched [09:27] Anyone experience a package conflict between Koffice (or specfically, Kformula) and Konversation (Ubuntu)? [09:27] acronica: thing is acting flat out retarted [09:28] btw someone is trying to pm me trying to join them on another server and a channel letting people know this since this is a help chan.. [09:28] jrwr: here's a HOWTO on how to install radeonHD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonHD [09:28] veinor: apt-get purge (or dpkg --purge) will remove system-wide settings too (from /etc, for example) [09:28] i came here about an hour and a half ago, i said i was having trouble with xfce at the xubuntu channel, no one helped, so i went to the kubuntu and the ubuntu channel, i said the panel had dissappeared, i tried to fix the problem and then everything went crazy, i come back to kde an dtry to remove xfce and it wipes kubuntu out too and part of gnome's packages [09:28] and nicotine is still not workign [09:28] jrwr: I know. I have the same videocard, it worked like a charm with OpenSuse, couldn't get it working with Ubuntu [09:28] grawity: even then, I've had stuff survive an apt-get --purge [09:28] GuidMorrow: If someone is advertising his own channel - notify #freenode, or use /ignore, depending on your preferences [09:28] er, apt-get purge [09:28] xsebsx, and now you have kubuntu again? [09:28] vOv [09:28] can anyone please help me?? im trying to install adobe flashplayer and i can't get it to install [09:29] veinor: 'purge' only removes files that apt knows about. [09:29] acronica: hows the 3d accel with that driver set [09:29] i even try in terminal and doesn't work [09:29] GhostWolfy: whats the output from terminal [09:29] bazhang: that's downloading, but nicotine is still not opening, and how do i know how many packages of gnome were lost to reinstall those specifically? [09:29] grawity - ??? [09:29] Nevermind. [09:29] when did that happen [09:30] * grawity is still very sleepy. [09:30] xsebsx, one issue at a time please, and be patient [09:30] Are VirtualBox Partitions able to be booted via the GRUB menu? [09:30] can anyone tell me how to install http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ComicStrips?content=74769 that? [09:30] Anyone experience a package conflict between Koffice (or specfically, Kformula) and Konversation (Ubuntu)? [09:30] I AM PATIENT! IMPATIENCE IS THE VICE OF THE LAZY [09:30] when i type sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin it loads it like its fine then says package adobe-flashplugin is not available, but is refered by another package. [09:30] I have a problem. I'm trying to login to my user home at my university. when I ssh from the terminal it works, when I "connect to server..." using the gui, it times out, help! [09:30] restart required brb [09:31] then says This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [09:31] is only available from another source [09:31] E: Package adobe-flashplugin has no installation candidate [09:31] is there a program to wipe partitions? I'm running a dual-boot with Ubuntu and Windows and my windows installation is screwed [09:31] GhostWolfy: Try flashplugin-installer [09:31] I am happy,, im running 9. on this acer aspire, and its working hahaha [09:31] GhostWolfy: try flashplugin-nonfree [09:31] QUESTION: Are VirtualBox Partitions able to be booted via the GRUB menu? [09:31] erm which one folks?? [09:31] mattycoze: no [09:31] mattycoze: no [09:31] GuidMorrow: There is, but usually it's more than enough to just remove and recreate the partition. [09:31] GhostyWolfy: what version of Ubuntu are you on? [09:31] GhostWolfy: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [09:32] ok thanks slug [09:32] mattycoze: I think grub only understands real partitions [09:32] GuidMorrow: No need to wipe data. [09:32] mattycoze: you need virtualbox container running to be able to use the virtual box partitions [09:32] I was wondering if I should put Windows 7 put there instead of reinstalling XP [09:32] GuidMorrow: that's your decision [09:33] well got flash back but still not working properly :S hmm never had a problem before :S [09:33] GhostWolfy: considering your problems you may be better getting the one from the flash site.... [09:33] Hi. I've got a file bigger than 2 gigs, and I'm trying to get it on my ntfs file system portable HDD by creating .rar files of fixed sizes, but when i try it with package manager, it just says "adding files to archive" and does nothing. How can i create for example 2 files of 1,5 gigs so that they fit. [09:33] slug i tried [09:33] but it gave me a file i don't know how to install or even open [09:33] ahh ok [09:33] uuv: ntfds can handle files bigger than 2 gig - leave it as 1 file [09:33] download it to desktop... [09:33] like some .so file [09:34] Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [09:34] GhostWolfy: if you use the package flashplugin-nonfree it won't give you that file - it will do it all for you [09:34] Oh, sorry! I meant fat32 of course [09:34] quantum, with sudo? [09:34] yeah [09:34] ikonia but i have problems with flash [09:34] sudo apt-get install samba libpam-smbpass [09:34] GhostWolfy: so downloading shared library files won't fix that [09:34] quantum, all other instances of apt are closed ? [09:34] dam; ikonia lstarness I've got an issue here, I've got XP on an ISO which I run through virtuabox but I figure I need it to run indepently (with a dualboot option at startup; I don't have a disk big enough, or a free USB to host the 835mB ISO, so would it boot off the ISO and install XP from that onto another partition? [09:34] yeah [09:35] can anyone tell me how to install a widget to screenlet from a python file? [09:35] im not downloading shared library files it was on adobe's site for flashplayer [09:35] mattycoze: no [09:35] How do i install Koffice with Konversation install in Ubuntu? [09:35] is the webmin an apt instance? [09:35] quantum: no [09:35] GhostWolfy: download the deb file http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ [09:35] quantum: webmin is not supported [09:35] yeah i know [09:35] mattycoze: theoretically, the ISO filesystem could be used on a partition, but I haven't attempted to do so [09:35] hello... can anyone help me to open my cdrom drive? (eject and cdrom button does not work) [09:35] just mentioning that its running [09:36] deb file says its for 8.04 i don't have that version of ubuntu.. [09:36] says 804+ [09:36] GhostWolfy: it works on jaunty i have it [09:36] back on kde [09:36] ok [09:36] i don't htink this is the kde i had installed [09:36] Could someone please help? I've asked many many times [09:36] i think this is an older version of kde [09:36] the current or soemthing [09:37] perscitus: whats up [09:37] lstarness ikonia; k thanks anywayz [09:37] legend2440, should i just open it or save it?? [09:37] xsebsx: install the package kubuntu-desktop and it will install the current ubuntu kde version for you [09:37] and the connection manager was different [09:37] it's not wicd [09:37] GhostWolfy: save it [09:37] ok [09:37] that's not the kde i had [09:37] GhostWolfy: save then open [09:37] i had kde 4. something [09:37] xsebsx: then you didn't get that version of kde from ubuntu [09:37] xsebsx, dont use a couple of words and enter key [09:37] and just open it?? [09:37] okay tell me if this paste works, I'm on two different computers, so I can't copy&paste. http://paste.ubuntu.com/261358 Just as a reminder my problem is "I can only choose resolutions 640x480 or 320x240. I'm using nvidia driver 173 on a dell dimesion 4600" [09:37] freebsd is taking forever to upgrade ports for me [09:37] perscitus, sudo aptitude install koffice konversation [09:37] GhostWolfy: you may want to uninstall flashplugin-nonfree before installing it [09:37] oops, wrong channel [09:37] xsebsx: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3 [09:37] ok legend2440 [09:37] yes that's what i think i had [09:38] the print out says that both samba and libpam-smbpass are the newest versions [09:38] how do i get that kde installed? [09:38] How do i install Koffice with Konversation install in Ubuntu? [09:38] xsebsx: read tha link [09:38] the [09:38] so i guess i can keep going no? [09:38] perscitus, sudo aptitude install koffice konversation [09:38] ok legend2440 did the remove [09:38] I have got a fat32-portable HDD on witch i should get a file bigger than 2 gigs on. How could i create a multiple part .rar -file? When i try it with package manager it just says "Adding files to archive" and does nothing. [09:38] Michalxo: uh package conflict. [09:38] perscitus, output? [09:38] can someone be so polite that would even answer to me? Im trying to install http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ComicStrips?content=74769 to screenlets but I can't because it's only a python file and screenlets can't install .py file. [09:39] Agion: run the python file [09:39] Michalxo: Konversation and Kformula cant be installed at same time [09:39] Agion: Have you tried running that .py? [09:39] GhostWolfy: close firefox and install new one [09:39] ok [09:39] perscitus, well.. have you tried it paste this line on google? :) [09:39] bazhang: can you help me make nicotine work? [09:39] Agion: or contact guitarboy000@gmail.com which is written in the file as he is the person who made the package [09:40] perscitus, is that WHOLE output?? (btw are you on gnome and want kde? :) ) [09:40] doesn't work.. I should get it installed by screenlets to get it work by it so.. [09:40] Michalxo: uh. I didnt say i wanted KDE [09:40] Agion: then contact the owner [09:40] okay tell me if this paste works, I'm on two different computers, so I can't copy&paste. http://paste.ubuntu.com/261358 Just as a reminder my problem is "I can only choose resolutions 640x480 or 320x240. I'm using nvidia driver 173 on a dell dimesion 4600" [09:40] Danbo19: so this is the xorg.conf from the desktop with the rez problems? [09:40] ok.. thanks for help =) [09:40] ikonia: bazhang: i get this output when i try to open nicotine http://pastebin.ca/1546896 [09:40] yep [09:41] what does that mean? that0s beyond my level currently [09:41] perscitus, paste please whole output (PM?) or on pastebin [09:41] xsebsx: you're missing dependencies and looks like a version conflict also at a glance [09:41] Its a fresh install, the only thing [09:41] ikonia: great, that''s more than before, what do i have to do to solve this? [09:41] I did was install the restricted drive [09:42] http://www.sharp.co.jp/netwalker/ [09:42] Michalxo: your assumptions of error output is funny. [09:42] xsebsx: first thing would be to install the dependency packages, then work out the conflict [09:42] nighty^: what's that fore ? [09:42] for [09:42] perscitus, if you have better idea, then go for it ;) [09:42] ikonia, look at it [09:42] nighty^: why [09:42] ikonia how do i install THOSE dependency packages? [09:42] nighty^: what is it for [09:42] ikonia, it is an ARM based machine [09:42] which specifically do i have to ge [09:42] Hello, my graphic card ATI Radeon X1950 Pro doesn't works correctly on Ubuntu 9.04 [09:42] nighty^: why are you posting that in here ? [09:42] Michalxo: I told you .... package conflict. [09:42] ikonia, replacement of Zaurus [09:43] ikonia, because it runs Ubuntu [09:43] nighty^: why are you posting that in here [09:43] The video games are slow [09:43] perscitus, remove it and start again.. install konversation first [09:43] nighty^: so ? why are you posting that in a support channel [09:43] what should I do? [09:43] ikonia, oh come on give me a break ok [09:43] ikonia: what are the packages i have to get and how do i get them? sudo aptitude install what else? [09:43] perscitus, apt-get purge kformula konversation [09:43] Danbo19: are you using crt monitor with vga connection? [09:43] Michalxo: tried that [09:43] ikonia, it is not like it is the end of the world [09:43] hey I have a q3 server, but I'd like to launch it automatically on startup, ubuntu server, could you please tell me how can I do that ? [09:43] nighty^: please keep to the channel topic, random links aren't needed [09:43] perscitus, apt-get update -ed too? [09:43] nighty^, dont spam [09:44] allright, if we can't figure this put pretty soon, I'm going to have to go to bed, its 3:45 here [09:44] bazhang, you call pasting one little link in this channel spam ? [09:44] Linaxys: one way would be launch it from rc.local [09:44] xsebsx: search the pyvorbis (python->vobis bindings_ package, that seems a good start [09:44] ummm [09:44] bazhang, whatever [09:44] CRT??? [09:44] legend2440, i isntalled the flash player and the site im having problems still says i need to install adobe flash player [09:44] nighty^: it's an offtopic link, please don't [09:44] nighty^, yes; offtopic links dont belong here [09:44] Michalxo: please just step aside for someone else to help. [09:44] Danbo19: cathode ray tube [09:44] ikonia on the package manager? [09:44] xsebsx: yes [09:44] my graphic card ATI Radeon X1950 Pro doesn't works correctly on Ubuntu 9.04, video games are slow, what should I do please? [09:44] perscitus, with pleasure [09:44] insane people [09:44] Danbo19: as in those old, bulky monitors [09:45] I'm pretty sure its not a tube, its a flat screen === Guest42308 is now known as Ekushey [09:45] Dr_Willis, do I just have to insert the command like "./home/linaxys/q3ded/q3launch.sh &" ? [09:45] Danbo19: is it like a flat panel? [09:45] Linaxys: basically use the proper path. [09:45] lemme google the stuff on the back of the monitor [09:45] Linaxys: the server will get ran as root this way.. you may not want that.. or you might [09:45] Linaxys: you could also run it as a cron job by adding it to your crontab [09:46] ikonia if i type pyvorbis it says there's no matching application available [09:46] Hey guys, I've got a bit of a long problem [09:46] xsebsx: what about python-vorbis? [09:46] !list [09:46] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [09:46] @find [09:46] legend2440, you there? [09:46] what does !list and @find do? [09:46] or slug?? [09:47] ikonia: no matching application available [09:47] x802: those are not supposed to be used [09:47] Michalxo: I have told you repeatly, there is a package conflict. All you do is assume i am noob who doesnt know how to troubleshot. The two packages will not let each install if it is installed. [09:47] ikonia: this doesn't make any sense, nicotine was workign well, hten i downloaded xubuntu and then i started having troubles with it [09:47] x802: as ubottu said, it's associated with file sharing channels [09:47] perscitus, cause of some libs ;) [09:47] GhostWolfy: yes try this page to test flashplayer http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/welcome/ [09:48] lstarnes: no results available [09:48] I've got two main hard disks on my computer - C: and F:. C is my amin drive, and F is for backups etc. I recently installed Ubuntu onto the F drive, but the F drive started failing and having errors so i decided to partition the C rive and reinstal it onto there [09:48] GhostWolfy: shockwave wont show anything but flashplaer should [09:48] My poblem is that grub is recognising my F drive as hd0 and when it installs ubuntu it copies grub to hd0 [09:48] legend2440, it doesn't [09:49] so I have to boot from the faulty HDD to start linux [09:49] it tells gives me an option to install plugin and says no suitable plugins [09:49] VuZe: C: and F: are Windows things, and using them on Linux channels may be confusing for many. [09:49] were found [09:49] alright then, F is hd0 and C is hd1 [09:49] grawity: even then, i've got a file says no shit [09:49] if i upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 alpha 3 now, will i be able to upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 release when it comes out in october, or will i need to reinstall everything? [09:49] echelon: Huh? [09:50] !ohmy > echelon [09:50] gajop: I think you will be able to upgrade [09:50] echelon, please see my private message [09:50] lstarnes, i c, thx [09:50] lstarnes, ok, ty [09:50] sound problems with http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=b65b30b81c0b07eb9f7d228f4786a3987741399a need help, have tried to compiled the alsa-driver-snapshot.tar.gz [09:50] Michalxo: either way. i filed a bug report. #420990 [09:50] Ubuntu works fine, but grub is installed onto hd0 which is faulty, can I transfer grub onto hd1 so I dont have to rely on a faulty HDD to boot? [09:50] ikonia: so if i wait till the next release i can get the kde i had before? [09:51] VuZe: You can isntall the grub boot loader to other disks.. but you may alwo want to copy the files from /boot/ to a safer place also. [09:51] Danbo19: you may need to enter resolutions manually under Section "Screen" here is how mine is http://paste.ubuntu.com/261367/ [09:51] legend2440, when i went to that site it asks me to install missing plugins and when i do it says it can't find the suitable ones [09:51] VuZe: or put it on both disks. :) and tell the bios to boot the more relieable one. [09:51] how can I do that? [09:51] grub install hd1? [09:51] !grub [09:51] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [09:51] http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=rub [09:52] Michalxo: What I really wanted to do is install KDE apps on gnome to use them. And perhaps then I can comfortably change to KDE [09:52] VuZe: I forget the exact commands.. its doable. theres several commands that can install grub. [09:52] my graphic card ATI Radeon X1950 Pro doesn't works correctly on Ubuntu 9.04, video games are slow, what should I do please? [09:52] yo yo yo [09:52] yugiohjcj: install the ati driver [09:52] perscitus: you can run kde apps on gnome and visa versa just fine. Ive had some issues with installing the 'full' desktops however . [09:52] !ati | yugiohjcj [09:52] yugiohjcj: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [09:53] another question - [09:53] thanks legend, I'll try that, and if it doesn't work, I'm going to go pass out [09:53] hi [09:53] lstarnes: does this page help at all http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/nicotine ? [09:53] Dr_Willis: Except Kformula and Konversation cant be installed at same time [09:53] hi [09:53] !hi | Pawan [09:53] Pawan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [09:53] ubuntu 9.04 doesnt shutdown quickly [09:53] have to select two times [09:53] GhostWolfy: click on install flash whats it do? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash [09:53] xsebsx: python-pyvorbis [09:53] Pawan: Niether does Windows or OSX. [09:54] can I change the title of the entries in grub? [09:54] xsebsx: I think the error you had earlier might be a database issue for nicotine's database [09:54] perscitus: never noticed.. never used either one. :) [09:54] any option to select only 1 time [09:54] and shutdown [09:54] Dr_Willis: try it? please? [09:54] Dr_Willis: i installed flash player from bash but whenever firefox encounters a page that needs it, it freezes and i have to reboot cuz NOTHING works anymore, what's happening? thanks [09:54] legend2440, on that site you just gave me or on the other one?? [09:54] VuZe: you can change most anything in grub if you want. [09:54] lstarnes: so what do i do? when i look for python-pyvorbis nothing shows up on synaptic [09:54] VuZe: sure: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:54] a windows comes indicating 60 sex [09:54] sec [09:54] GhostWolfy: this one click on install flash whats it do? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash [09:54] perscitus: in testing Kubuntu Alpha 4 right now.. so not a good test i imagine. [09:54] xsebsx: I'm not sure [09:54] how to get rid of it [09:54] ActionParsnip, thank you :) [09:55] yugiohjcj: simply edit the title lines [09:55] legend2440, ok did that and it says its already installed [09:55] If one program that plays sound is opened...sound won't play out of any other program (vlc, banshee, firefox, etc.) [09:55] Dr_Willis: oh darn. [09:55] yugiohjcj: you can make it say anything you want [09:55] Dr_Willis: bug #420990 [09:55] WHY THE HECK i can't see image on yotube but i can hear its sound? [09:55] legend2440, says this package "'lashplugin-installer' is alread installed [09:55] lstarnes: can i get them from this page? http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/python-pyvorbis [09:55] ? [09:55] xsebsx: I do not know [09:55] xsebsx: do you use 9.04? [09:56] vG|qum^: reinstall flash [09:56] hi [09:56] when does Ubuntu 9.10 come? [09:56] nimrod: october [09:56] !9.10 | nimrod [09:56] nimrod: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [09:56] GhostWolfy: maybe that should have been uninstalled also before installing the one from adobe's site [09:56] thanks for your help guys [09:56] nimrod on the 10th month [09:56] i installed flash player from bash but whenever firefox encounters a page that needs it, it freezes and i have to reboot cuz NOTHING works anymore, what's happening? thanks [09:57] legend2440, well i removed the nonfree one how do i remove the installer?? [09:57] ok :-) [09:57] nimrod: ubuntu release versions make it easy to know when they came out, e.g. 9.10 is release in october, 10th month in 2000 and 9 [09:57] GhostWolfy: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-installer [09:57] perscitus, I am trying that install... just for you... [09:57] nimrod: do intrepid 8.10 came out in october 2008 [09:57] lstarnes: how do i know if i have all the gnome apps i'm supsoed to have and how do i reinstall them if necessary? [09:57] ok thanks legend2440 [09:58] xsebsx: theres no such thing as an app you are supposed to have [09:58] i reintstalled it [09:58] doesn't seem to help [09:58] If one program that plays sound is opened...sound won't play out of any other program (vlc, banshee, firefox, etc.) Is there away around this. I'm using 9.04 [09:58] Michalxo: i wasnt gonna ask.. but thanks [09:58] ActionParsnip, ok, i see [09:58] legend2440, i did that should i try to reinstall it again or what?? not the installer the flash player [09:58] xsebsx: if you dont need certain apps you can remove them [09:58] I have a 160 hdd that bios will not boot from and a 1 gb hdd that is bootable,can I partition it somehow to get it to work ? [09:58] xsebsx: install the gnome package or ubuntu-desktop [09:58] frogzoo: suicides happen, and still ahven't managed to pull this shit pukey asked you on gnome and iris dement - tune 5 am chat on irc 24 hoursa i told you that on a regular ssh connections stay running into the first i'm going to anyone has made me end it matters. [09:58] ActionParsnip: i was trying to get rid of xfce before and it wiped out kde and some apps from ubuntu too [09:59] ActionParsnip: I want to have what i originally installed hwen i installed ubuntu [09:59] xsebsx: then reinstall what you need [09:59] echelon: wrong window much? [09:59] that's what i meant [09:59] is 9.04 a beta version of 9.10? [09:59] no [09:59] GhostWolfy: yes close firefox reinstall and try it [09:59] nimrod, YEAR.MONTH [09:59] nimrod: no [09:59] xsebsx, google pure gnome and i think that will do you right [09:59] ok legend2440 [09:59] ActionParsnip: but how do i know hwat i need? i don't know all the programs that come with ubuntu desktop? [09:59] i see [09:59] nimrod: it's a seperate version [09:59] xsebsx: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop will reinstall the default apps but if you have what you need then its a waste of time [09:59] oo i c~ [09:59] cool [10:00] nimrod: it's not a typical release numbering scheme [10:00] xsebsx: you need to evaluate what you use to achieve what you want to achieve [10:00] ActionParsnip, hum...But I already enable the hardware acceleration for my ATI Radeon graphic card...The problem is that the game are slow [10:00] thats normal yug :) [10:00] nimrod: most versions use MAJOR.MINOR [10:00] xsebsx, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome [10:00] xsebsx: you are using an OS where choice exists rather than a nazi style dictatorship, you need to actually think and look at what you use and what you do not [10:00] nimrod: ubuntu's versions are YEAR.MONTH [10:00] nimrod: Dont confuse Vista and 7. Each Ubuntu release is a relatively bug free [10:00] lstarnes: ok, i see [10:00] xsebsx: you need to look at what you actually want to do and have an app for each thing. the rest is surplus [10:01] ActionParsnip: can you help me get nicotine to work? [10:01] legend2440, ok still says i don't have it and when i went to the link to see if i have flash it asks to install or not [10:01] Michalxo: So, howd the packages work? [10:01] !info nicotine [10:01] nicotine (source: nicotine): graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.9+dfsg-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 823 kB, installed size 3696 kB [10:01] once more, then I'll try again tomorrow: If one program that plays sound is opened...sound won't play out of any other program (vlc, banshee, firefox, etc.) [10:01] xsebsx: not something i use [10:01] but i reinstalled the one i got from the site.. and still not showing up [10:01] my graphic card ATI Radeon X1950 Pro doesn't works correctly on Ubuntu 9.04, hadware acceleration is enabled but video games are slow, what should I do please? [10:01] xsebsx: reinstall it is all i can suggest [10:01] but then i'll lose [10:02] my previous downloads [10:02] yugiohjcj: check aticonfig [10:02] GhostWolfy: in terminal try sudo update-flashplugin [10:02] i installed flash player from bash but whenever firefox encounters a page that needs it, it freezes and i have to reboot cuz NOTHING works anymore, what's happening? thanks [10:02] ActionParsnip, how? [10:02] xsebsx: you may not, if the config is in your home dir then you wont lose anything at all [10:02] yugiohjcj: its a command line tool [10:02] ActionParsnip: ok, i will lose my previous downloads then but it seems like a viable solution, i have to get rid of it first though, how do i do that? [10:02] legend2440, says this sudo: update-flashplugin: command not found [10:02] perscitus, see PM ;) [10:03] ActionParsnip, it isn't installed [10:03] xsebsx: you dont need to get rid, you can use the --reinstall option [10:03] xsebsx, I have done this and it worked pretty good getting back to gnome only [10:03] http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome [10:03] ActionParsnip: bo [10:03] ActionParsnip, but my hardware acceleration is enabled [10:03] GhostWolfy: ok open firefox edit> preferences>content tab is java and javascript enabled? [10:03] ActionParsnip: how do i check that the congif is in my home folder [10:04] yugiohjcj: aticonfig is the command, if you dont have it then the driver isnt correctly installed [10:04] xsebsx: cd ~; ls -a [10:04] yes legend2440 [10:04] xsebsx: if you see a folder named .nicotine then that is the config for the app [10:05] ActionParsnip, ok. But if I follow the instructions when I type 'sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko' I got : No such file or directory [10:05] ActionParsnip: just used the reinstall option and when i clicked on the launcher i got the same thing [10:05] Anyone running Ubuntu 9.04 please try installing Kformula and Konversation? [10:05] hey is there way to force apt to reinstall package's config files when installing a package? [10:06] ActionParsnip: how do i get rid of nicotine and then reinstall it? [10:06] yugiohjcj: then the driver isnt installed correctly [10:06] syn [10:06] GhostWolfy: have you tried you tube yet? [10:06] naon [10:06] vdgvdg [10:06] jll [10:06] allright I'm not making any progress, (maybe I've had too many beers) thanks, I'll be back tomorrow... [10:06] ActionParsnip, but this is the instructions to install the driver! So I follow them and I got the error... [10:06] xsebsx: sudo apt-get --purge remove nicotine; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install nicotine [10:07] yugiohjcj: then use a different guide, there are millions throughout the web [10:07] hi all. I have a bash script, i would like to design a front-end for it to run on gnome desktop, where to start? [10:07] i deleted lighttpd configs in /etc/ after removing lighttpd from ubuntu but now when i reinstall lighttpd it doesnt add the config back [10:07] i deleted lighttpd configs in /etc/ after removing lighttpd from ubuntu but now when i reinstall lighttpd it doesnt add the config back [10:07] legend2440, no let me see what that says [10:08] Maleko: try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install lighttpd [10:08] legend2440, says either i have javascript turned off or an old version of adobe's flash player [10:08] brb [10:08] i installed flash player from bash but whenever firefox encounters a page that needs it, it freezes and i have to reboot cuz NOTHING works anymore, what's happening? thanks [10:08] noobez: not even restarting x? [10:09] legend2440, should i try rebooting my computer?? [10:09] ActionParsnip: everything freezes and i cant use anything i have to reboot from reboot button [10:09] GhostWolfy: cant hurt [10:09] legend2440, ok im goign to try [10:09] noobez: i understand, but does alt+prntscrn+k not make it ok? [10:10] noobez: just trying to reduce hard poweroffs [10:10] noobez: what is the output of: uname -a [10:10] ActionParsnip: i dont see --reinstall switch in apt-get help [10:11] ActionParsnip: Linux john 2.6.27-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Aug 18 16:25:45 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux [10:11] Maleko: http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get scroll about 50% of the way down [10:11] noobez: 32bit should be super supported [10:11] noobez: try uninstalling ALL flash plugins and restarting your browser [10:12] ActionParsnip: how do i do that? [10:12] ActionParsnip: i still get this output http://pastebin.ca/1546917 === ventti is now known as ventti_away [10:12] ActionParsnip: let me try a sec [10:12] ActionParsnip: im using compiz, could this create the cinflict? [10:12] xsebsx: loosk like a bug to me [10:13] ActionParsnip: by the way, when i rebooted, i noticed, kwallet asked me for my password in order to connect, how do i change from knetworkmanager to wicd? [10:13] noobez: very possibly, try after hitting alt+f2 and typing: metacity --replace [10:13] i remember someone had told me to get wicd which i did [10:13] legend2440, still nothing [10:13] and i liked it better [10:13] xsebsx: not sure. i dont use silly gui apps for network [10:14] GhostWolfy: you using firefox 3.0 or 3-5? [10:14] legend2440, 3.0 [10:14] ActionParsnip: what does one do about bugs? [10:14] ActionParsnip: alright, now i'll try to open a website that needs flash and let u no, thanks [10:14] !bug | xsebsx [10:14] xsebsx: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [10:15] noobez: np man, if you uninstall all flash plugins andpackages you have then restart your broser, if you hit a flash site then the plugin should be offered to you [10:15] GhostWolfy: not sure if this will work but read this http://geek.joshwaihi.com/content/adobe-flash-plugin-firefox-ubuntu-jaunty [10:15] how can i recover my deleted file ?? [10:15] ok legend2440 [10:15] its important [10:15] please help [10:16] ActionParsnip: nope..doesnt work [10:16] Maleko: you could find one online maybe [10:16] legend2440, i'll try that and see if it works for me [10:16] My FireFox freezes (it fades to black) all the time, what could be the main cause of this? === andi_ is now known as eltigre [10:16] ActionParsnip: it crashed anyway, how do i uninstall all the flash plugins? [10:17] I'd like to launch a script on startup, is it okay doing this way ? http://pastebin.com/m46aa4bb3 [10:17] how can I get the log of the startup to see if the script has been launched correctly please ? [10:18] DodgerDog, compiz (the cool graphic effects manager) shows this way applications which are busy and don't respond right now [10:18] noobez: dpkg -l | grep flash will show you the flash packages installed, you can then remove those [10:18] Linaxys: why not just add the script to your startup items? === easyboy is now known as aswa [10:19] ActionParsnip, it's ubuntu server [10:19] I don't really know it [10:19] velko: is there a way that i can disable it? [10:19] Linaxys: add the scripts name to /etc/rc.local [10:19] can i recover my files [10:19] legend2440, i copied n paste that code on that site and it told me this E: Couldn't find package mv [10:19] ActionParsnip: what do u think about this? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-firefox-crashes-on-flash-contents-when-using-libflashsupport-in-hardy.html [10:19] ActionParsnip, yes, it's /etc/rc.local, is it fine ? [10:19] bonjour a tous voila j'ai un ti souci c'est que j'ai mon disque dur externe qui est formaté en exFAT et donc il n'es pas reconnu sous ubuntu j'ai voulu installer le patch mais il etait prevu pour des structure i386 et non pas X86_64 comme moi donc si quelqu'un peut m'aider se serait extremement cool [10:19] is there anyone who can help me [10:19] !recover | optimus [10:19] optimus: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel [10:20] tiritchi, #ubuntu-fr [10:20] sorry [10:20] DodgerDog, go to system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects and select "none" [10:20] ActionParsnip: it's only one package > ii adobe-flashplugin Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10 [10:20] Linaxys: sure, just remove the . from th start of the line you have and add it to rc.local but above the exit line [10:20] ActionParsnip: put your hand on top of your heart, feel it beat, think sooner or later it's not gonna beat anymore, that's just how i feel about not being able to fix the nicotine problem when it was working perfectly before [10:20] okay thanks ActionParsnip [10:21] but hmm, this script will need an input, is it correct to add "nohup" near it ? [10:21] it's a dedicated server [10:21] noobez: sudo apt-get --purge remove adobe-flashplugin; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; firefox http://www.rathergood.com/blode2 [10:21] ubottu: on ext4 [10:21] Sorry, I don't know anything about on ext4 [10:22] Linaxys: then your system bootup will hang until you provide the input [10:22] okay so i still can add a "&" in the end of the line ? [10:22] optimus, ubottu is a prgram, not a human [10:22] Linaxys: i think so [10:22] okay thanks [10:22] optimus: just restore from your backups [10:23] ActionParsnip: backup?? [10:23] optimus: yes, if your data i important you will have a regular data backup [10:23] legend2440, are you there?? [10:23] optimus: no backup == data is dsposable [10:23] ActionParsnip: no, i was testing my data [10:24] a device works with modprobe usbserial vendor=0xXXXX product=0xXXXX ..to make it permanent adding "usbserial vendor=0xXXXX product=0xXXXX" to /etc/modules should work right? [10:24] GhostWolfy: yes third comment down on that page addresses that same error [10:24] shyam: sounds ok, give it a try [10:24] ActionParsnip: is there any way that i can get files, i am using ext4, those files are actually images [10:25] How do I upgrade my version of Ubuntu in the case of security vulnerabilities? [10:25] ActionParsnip: well i was also viewing some other guy making it a udev rule.. [10:25] i.e. http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-819-1 [10:25] legend2440, ok but i don't understand which part to change and fix?? [10:25] optimus: could try dd_rescue an foremost. the data should be backed up so you can easily restore [10:25] GhostWolfy: was this clean install of jaunty? did flash ever work? [10:25] ActionParsnip: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove > this command makes all the automatic installed packages to get removed, but not all of em belong to flash, lotz of em indeed belong to other apps, and if i remove em these apps wont work... [10:25] It says a "standard system upgrade" but I don't know what that is? [10:25] ActionParsnip, it doesn't start on reboot.. :/ is there a way to get the startup log so I can see why it didn't start ? [10:26] legend2440, it was a clean install [10:26] five: updating packages through the update manager is usually sufficient [10:26] lstarnes: does the update manager have a command line version? [10:26] shyam: worst outcome is the module isnt loaded. as it is non-essential you will still get a boot if you try [10:26] Because I'm running a server. [10:26] five: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [10:26] ActionParsnip: sure:) [10:27] legend2440, was clean install cause when i was bout to install had lost some stuff on another hdd which i wanted to switch so i just used killdisk and then installed jaunty [10:27] and which will be the best frontend for wvdial? [10:27] lstarnes: Ah, that does the base system as well? [10:27] j #ubuntu-my [10:27] five: yes [10:27] noobez: autoremove uninstalls orphaned packages that you no longer need as you have uninstalled the apps that use them and nothing else uses them [10:27] * shyam just installing gnome-ppp [10:27] lstarnes: Thanks! Wasn't sure :-) [10:27] five: almost everything in the base system is packaged [10:27] Thanks again. [10:27] Linaxys: not sure dude [10:27] !boot | Linaxys [10:27] Linaxys: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [10:28] oook gnome-ppp is so cool.. [10:28] legend2440, do you think it be better if i backed up everything i have and just do a reinstall of jaunty?? [10:28] thanks [10:28] see ya later.. bye [10:29] GhostWolfy: not sure. i think between the open source plugin and the adobe one things got messed up somehow [10:29] ActionParsnip: foremost will it help [10:30] legend2440, yea i know i had it worked before when i first installed jaunty and went to 8.04 and then came back to jaunty.. [10:30] legend but if you think of anything let me know i need to run up someplace real quick so i'll bbiab [10:30] optimus: should do [10:30] GhostWolfy: ok [10:31] ActionParsnip: location where from i deleted or trash folder [10:31] how can i change my sources list? [10:32] GhostWolfy: is this jaunty 64 or 32? [10:32] copy paste [10:32] adfmsadmf [10:32] is there a way to use ipod touch on ubuntu [10:35] xsebsx, for instance by adding lines in /etc/apt/sources.list === geo is now known as geo05 [10:36] Hy === ventti_away is now known as ventti [10:38] how do I grow a system partition (the same slice of hard disk that the OS is installed on)? [10:40] hey [10:40] how can i use ipod touch on ubuntu [10:41] I got some questions. I set up a old pc with ubuntu without GUI . My idea was that he servs as torrent seeder. I managed to set up ssh and I can login to him through wireless connection and routher. The problem is that when I log out my torrent client shoutdown, which is understanding. Question is how to managed that machine is automaticly log in without prompt for username and pass, because I dont have keyboard or mouse on. [10:44] lucas_: thers no i touch support in linux thank apple [10:44] lucas_: unless its jailbroken then you can do it wireless [10:44] jackdamiels: use 'screen' to sesshin manage the running cli programs. is one way. [10:45] jackdamiels: or launch things from /etc/rc.local actually you may be able to launch a screen session running the apps so you can ssh in and check on them also [10:46] that seem ok but I have to study that deepr. in other words I hardly understand [10:48] hola, funciona ubuntu-es.org? [10:49] !es [10:49] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [10:51] ActionParnsip: after i've done sudo apt-get autoremove as u suggested most of my apps dont work anymore, thanks! now how do i find out what packages and libs have been uninstalled in order to restore them??? [10:52] connect irc.hackthissite.org:6667 [10:52] wtf === Ben is now known as Guest33411 [10:52] oh right hang on [10:52] my bad [10:53] Can someone on Jaunty please try to install Konversation and Kformula? [10:53] perscitus: why? [10:54] Gnea.-> i want to see if it both of them install. it wont for me [10:54] hi [10:54] hello [10:55] perscitus: could you please pastebin the error message? [10:55] after i've done sudo apt-get autoremove as u suggested most of my apps dont work anymore, thanks! now how do i find out what packages and libs have been uninstalled in order to restore them??? [10:55] is there an app to check hash sums? [10:55] Gnea.-> uh. apt-get doesnt work like that why must people always ask for it [10:56] noobez: who suggested it and why? [10:56] noobez, it is very unlikely that autoremove removed anything that it couldn't please pastebin the errors that you are getting now [10:56] i discovered the following problem after 1 or 2 hours my hdd in my laptop spins all the time and work is impossibel beacuse 100% hdd spin [10:56] how do i play mp3 files? [10:56] perscitus: because we can't solve the problem otherwise. actually, it does work like that. is your mouse broken? [10:56] * artificialexit did: rm -rf /home on work laptop thinking he was in ssh DOH [10:56] ok i traced it back to hal-acl-tool --reconfigure [10:56] Gnea, it is safer to use autoremove, and it should be suggested if you need to release some disk space [10:56] is there an app to check hash sums? [10:56] Hi all. Say please where plugin WMP for Linux [10:57] i have no hope getting files back in ext3 do i? [10:57] joaopinto: good point [10:57] wmP? [10:57] Windows media Player [10:58] xsebsx: what's a hash sum? like an md5sum? [10:58] Gnea: yes, like to check the quality of an image download [10:58] what will be identifying my harddisk or /home folder in /dev folder [10:59] say what ? [10:59] xsebsx, you can use "md5sum file" [10:59] i have problem with my another Harddisk [10:59] !md5sum | xsebsx [10:59] xsebsx: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more [10:59] Gnea.-> http://pastebin.com/m588fb035 [11:00] joaopinto: well for example i have flash plugin installed indeed i can watch youtube but still firefox asks me to install it, if i run amarok it doesnt load, and then it takes ages to scan the collection [11:00] i cant make new folder to my another hard disk [11:00] it just says "You are not owner so you cant give premissions" i just formatted it [11:01] perscitus: okay, yes, I do get the same error. [11:01] perscitus: but if I do a: sudo apt-get install kdelibs5 it doesn't give any error [11:02] noobez, that is not related to the apt-get autoremove at all [11:02] i cant make new folder to my another hard disk it just says "You are not owner so you cant give premissions" i just formatted it [11:02] im formating it to ext3 [11:02] noobez: yeah, those are unrelated problems [11:02] joaopinto: alright it is not so why was it working before and now it isnt? [11:03] anyway guys, its not related, could u help me solving em? [11:03] hello all, i am having a problem with getting gnome-games, it says i need a lower gnome-game-data to install it but i cant find the lower version anywhere [11:03] toxin: then it defaults to root owning it. I would create a folder on it as root, then change the ownership (chown) to your regular user [11:03] noobez: we're here to help, you don't even have to ask that. :) [11:03] Gnea.-> Conflict!? [11:03] how do i check my OS version? [11:03] perscitus: with? [11:04] Gnea: c'mon!!! seriously i need help, im going nuts [11:04] krithika, lsb_release -a [11:04] Gnea.-> kdelibs5: Conflicts: kformula but 1:1.6.3-7ubuntu6 is to be installed E: Broken packages [11:04] Gnea.-> kdelibs5 and kformula [11:05] noobez: please, be careful with your attitude. I'm not getting paid to put up with it. Please, show some understanding and respect if you want it to be returned. [11:05] Gnea: o_O what did i say? [11:05] helo [11:05] perscitus: right, you need to take one step at a time. start with this: sudo apt-get install kdelibs5 [11:05] how do i go about finding a package of a lower version number or overriding a package to get the right number [11:06] !guidelines > noobez [11:06] noobez, please see my private message [11:06] http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=uidelines+>+noobez [11:06] ] [11:06] or rather how do i get a game that i jsut relized isnt in the package anymore [11:06] bummer [11:07] im looking for the game lights off [11:07] Starcraftmazter: help [11:07] !help [11:07] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:07] Gnea: listen, i've read the guidelines before and im sure i didnt break any rule cuz i didnt say anything rude but still if whatever i said hurted u im sorry, but i didnt mean it that way, alright? [11:08] How i can get to my SDB hard disk? [11:08] Gnea: im just going crazy cuz firefox crashes continuosly without an apparent reason (prolly flash?) and amarok now takes like an hour to scan the collection, etc etc [11:08] mistereverywhere: go to the website for the game, download and probably compile it :) [11:08] with terminal [11:08] noobez: I'm just letting you know, that tone can be interpretted quite well by most of us over the internet. We will help you solve the problem, but patience from your side will be required in order to do so. okay? [11:09] johncorbeau i dont think i got it off a website i think i may have found it \ [11:09] How i can get to my SDB hard disk with terminal? [11:09] Gnea.-> libs install fine. [11:09] toxin: what do you mean? [11:09] noobez: does flash crash firefox randomly or at some sort of regular interval? [11:09] perscitus: okay, try konversation now [11:09] toxin: did you mount it ? [11:09] perscitus, probably impossible to to have both packages.. dependencies of both are opaque.. they are exclusive :-( [11:09] I did [11:09] johncorbeau the real issue is that i cant get the gnome-games package to laod cause it has dependency that isnt met cause the file available in teh repo is to new [11:09] Gnea.-> Konversation installs fine by itself. So does Kformula [11:09] i wanna create file to it [11:10] perscitus: excellent. [11:10] perscitus, but as you could see on Karmic no problem [11:10] Gnea: of course i no, but still i dont think ive been that impatient, anyway i want to let u no if i seemed rude or non respectful toward ppl who r here volontarily i did not mean it that way, ok? [11:10] so all its stuff should be located in the folder to which you mounted it [11:10] Gnea.-> So its a conflict [11:10] noobez: yeah, it's cool [11:10] but i dont "own" that harddisk [11:10] and i wanna change ownership of it [11:11] perscitus: more like a safeguard - Ubuntu is primarily a gnome-based GUI, while Kubuntu is a kde-based GUI [11:11] Gnea: if i open up youtube for example (i have noscript enabled so i have to "allow temporarly the page") when it gets to reload the page in order to make flash interact with it it gets stuck [11:11] hm, I don't know what's best practice [11:11] Gnea.-> one that needs fixing [11:11] perscitus: we just fixed it. [11:12] toxin:but you can own it by "sudo chown -R [username] [foldername]" [11:12] if i dont specify the output directory in foremost command then where i should find the recovered files?? [11:12] noobez: okay (btw, noscript rules!!), are you using firefox 3.0 or 3.5? [11:12] Gnea.-> what you mean we>? [11:12] perscitus: but I will check to see if it's been reported [11:12] toxin: -R is for the command to be recursive [11:12] Gnea.-> i did. [11:13] perscitus: you and I, just now, solved the problem. the programs installed, they work. thus, the problem is solved on a per-user basis. [11:13] well there is no any folders so what i type to [Folder name] [11:13] how can i stop hal-acl-tool --reconfigure [11:13] Gnea: it's 3.0.13 [11:13] the folder name is the folder you used to mount your drive [11:13] perscitus: but I see what you're saying, it should be universal [11:13] Gnea.-> You mean, we troubleshooted it and narrowed it down. [11:14] ehh i dont know it [11:14] i used gui [11:14] perscitus: that's another way of looking at it, yes [11:14] what gui? [11:14] Gnea.-> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/koffice/+bug/420990 === taube is now known as Taube [11:14] toxin: do you mean you installed ubuntu and had a separate partition just for your data? [11:14] noobez: okay, and which version of flash do you have installed? [11:14] i have 2 harddisk [11:15] toxin: go to the /media folder and tell me what you see [11:15] Gnea: the latest one cuz i did it from bash [11:15] perscitus: okay, do you want to post a response or shall I? or shall we both? [11:15] Gnea.-> Just say it affects you too. [11:15] sudo -i [11:15] wrong [11:15] Gnea.-> i posted it. [11:15] -bash: /Media: is a directory [11:15] perscitus: oh! okay, I'll respond to it then, but I won't put it down as solved, okay? [11:15] OME URGENT HEKO==LP [11:16] i think the current gnome-games package is broke [11:16] SOME URGENT help [11:16] problem solved [11:16] !ask | DOW [11:16] DOW: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:16] how can i get my games back? [11:16] i am using cross over to install dawn of war dark crusade [11:16] toxin: ok, what did you do? what was the problem?? [11:16] and once im in the game how will ido the updates for it??1 [11:16] to go online [11:17] hymm [11:17] "sudo chown -R [username] /media" [11:17] DOW: not sure, there seems to be limited info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=325426 [11:17] gnea:i will look at it thank you [11:18] ok but you shouldn't have done this for security reasons [11:18] toxin: you should have specified the folder name, not only /media [11:18] Gnea: and it's really weird cuz evn now that im on youtube if i "allow the scripts totally" i can watch it if i try to "allow youtube.com and ytmg.com" when it re-loads the page it freezes, plus on the right-below corner next to the noscript icon there's a "plug icon" the one for missing plugins and if i click on it it asks me which plugin i want to install between "flashplugin nonfree, swf, gnash" but i already have flash installed... im not really under [11:18] standing what is going on, do you? thanks [11:18] but there is no other folders than lost+found [11:19] but anyway, appart from your dvd drive and your second disk, there shouldn't be much overthere! [11:19] iam running dark crusade its a single disk game [11:20] i still havent found how to apply the patches for the ames [11:20] game [11:20] toxin: when I happen to face the same situation, I just do the same, but to /media/storage (which is the directory where I mount my second disk) [11:20] i hope i can play WOW under Ubuntu [11:20] well [11:20] u can. [11:20] can i ???? [11:20] yes [11:20] everything is working now with /media [11:20] in Wine?? [11:20] u need cross over [11:21] cross over linux [11:21] cross over? [11:21] google it [11:21] Harddisk name is Media [11:21] oh, good, i will [11:21] toxin: then I "sudo chown -R root /media/storage/lost+found" to have it back to normal [11:21] perscitus: done. [11:21] how can i reorder items in the "Places" menu? [11:21] noobez, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [11:21] toxin: oh ok, so you have a folder /media/Media ! funny [11:21] HELLO [11:21] HELP PLEASE [11:21] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7496189 [11:21] AnNahar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [11:21] Hello. Stable version of Nvidia driver is, 185.18.36. Is there a reason why this isnt listed in Administration -> Hardware Drivers tab ? What are the possibilities installing it manually ? Thanks [11:21] i am having this problem, except the webcam works with other flash sites [11:21] !ask | AnNahar [11:21] AnNahar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [11:21] no [11:21] !caps | AnNahar [11:21] AnNahar: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [11:22] noobez: well, there are a few different versions of flash available, you can see which one is installed like this: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep flash [11:22] how do i install dirext x 9.0c on ubuntu?? [11:22] i just used /media and it is working [11:22] !webcam | AnNahar [11:22] AnNahar: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [11:22] Gnea: please read my question before knee jerking [11:22] my webcam works [11:22] is there anyway to turn stypid pc speaker off? [11:22] webcam, oh, i love webcams [11:22] but its having the problem on here [11:23] AnNahar: I did, it didn't say anything. [11:23] Gnea: ii adobe-flashplugin Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10 [11:23] >> so if i have this installed why firefox still asks me to install some flash plugin? [11:23] Gnea: did you read the link? [11:23] AnNahar: I don't know your problem. [11:23] toxin: ya anyway. Your hard drive should be mounted in a subfolder of /media, that's why it worked when you used my command on /media, because the -R made it recursice [11:23] AnNahar, please be friendly with the people that is trying to help you [11:23] toxin, you can add it to the blacklist so it wont start on boot [11:23] how do i install direct x 9.0c on ubuntu??! [11:23] toxin: in the sound control pannel yes, graphical UI in gnome [11:23] im friendly, Gnea the link explains the same problem [11:23] noobez: okay, try removing it, then install flashplugin-nonfree [11:24] toxin: well, I'm leaving now, be brave ;) [11:24] !wine | DOW [11:24] DOW: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [11:24] Where is that control panel? [11:24] AnNahar: Instead of "read this forum thing" you'll have better results summarizing the problem and asking it (perhaps with the forum link for more details) [11:24] well, i did that [11:24] im not using wine!! [11:24] toxin: look at the speaker at the top right hand corner of your screen,s see the options [11:24] cross over im using === Music is now known as nic [11:25] toxin: ok I'm gone, see ya everyone [11:25] DOW: crossover *is* a version of wine [11:25] hymm yes there is just alot of settings [11:25] it is? [11:25] * JohnCorbeau has gone for a refreshing shower + good meal [11:25] Gnea.-> i cant install kformula and konversation your way [11:25] AnNahar: so, the problem is your webcam isn't working with facebook's flash something or other, but works with other flash sites? [11:25] toxin, open a terminal and run "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" [11:25] but that doesnt explain how i get direct x [11:25] DOW: yep and are you using Crossover Games? [11:25] toxin, then add "pcspkr" to that file and save [11:25] does anyone know what kind of movie makers or video capture programs I can use with ubuntu? [11:25] b3rz3rk3r, that is not to be run, but edited ;) [11:25] YES! [11:26] I FIGURED OUT HOW TO FIX IT! [11:26] im using a disc [11:26] joaopinto, i meant run that line in term [11:26] AnNahar, please stop the caps ! [11:26] !caps | AnNahar [11:26] AnNahar: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [11:26] !caps [11:26] oops [11:26] im trying to help YOU people [11:26] perscitus: I thought you said you could... [11:26] b3rz3rk3r, you dont'r run ""/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" :), you run whatever editor you like with that file as a parameter [11:26] erm it just gives error back there is not such file [11:26] Guys, there's no need to call the factoid if someone's already said something. [11:26] Gnea.-> Nope. [11:26] We don't need things repeated three times [11:27] joaopinto, oops forgot " :p tyvi" [11:27] to err is human [11:27] is there a developer channel? [11:27] perscitus: 05:12 < perscitus> Gnea.-> Konversation installs fine by itself. So does Kformula [11:27] manuel: What are you looking for? What sort of development? [11:27] omg [11:27] toxin, "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" [11:27] perscitus: you mean, you can do them one at a time, but not like: sudo apt-get install konversation kformula ? [11:27] i dont have premmissions to save [11:27] Gnea: unistalled it, installed nonfree, tried the utube thing, firefox freezes anyway :( [11:27] why when a play a song it says streaming in rhythmbox,totem player nor i cant fast foward tracks or rewind..any help [11:27] toxin, see above [11:27] is linux ever going to become as good as xp to play games on?? [11:28] is there a program for creating and editing movie files [11:28] Gnea.-> I removed kdelibs5, autoremoved, then reinstalled kdelibs5 then installed kformula and konversation... separately or together [11:28] tox2ik, you need to use gksudo before the editor [11:28] DOW, nope, most likely not [11:28] ops, was for toxin [11:28] u no installing them easily and nobugs [11:28] Flannel: people who know hal stuff [11:28] noobez: odd. tried it with a new profile? [11:28] y not?? [11:28] Gnea: what u mean? [11:28] Gnea.-> Either way, both cant be installed [11:28] DOW, because MS has a monopoly on the market [11:28] now it worked [11:28] oh i see [11:28] manuel: I suppose that'd be #ubuntu-devel, although, I'm not sure if that's really what you're looking for. [11:28] DOW, there are plenty of open source games that run fine on linux [11:28] toxin, now just reboot and you are done [11:28] ok [11:28] toxin, no more beep! :D [11:29] but im looking for the game that i wanted to play for ages [11:29] Atleast ubuntu is faster than Windows [11:29] noobez: firefox -P [11:29] Gnea: from bash? [11:29] noobez: or firefox -ProfileManager [11:29] noobez: yeah [11:29] damn activision they shd make games for linux [11:29] manuel: May also be #ubuntu-programming, depending on what "HAL stuff" you're talking about [11:29] noobez: or alt-f2 [11:29] DOW, and please ask that question to the game producers, they are the ones that need to support their customers/users :) [11:29] DOW, write and tell them [11:30] !guidelines [11:30] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [11:30] Hello! On Ubuntu karmic there is tool that finds encrypted drives and shows them (and allows to mount) in nautilus. [11:30] Can I get same functionality on Jaunty? [11:30] Starcraftmazter: thanks [11:30] il email them. [11:30] will the ubuntu 9.10 have better support for ms apps?? [11:30] manuel, there is also #hal [11:30] Janhouse: Is it an addon to nautilus? or part of nautilus? or what? Without knowing specifics, it's a definate maybe. [11:31] Gnea: alright with a new p it works then the prob is noscript [11:31] DOW, if you mean games, then no [11:31] DOW: check out the 'game installer tool' (not supported here) -> http://en.djl-linux.org/ Its nifty [11:31] but canthe ubuntu developers do anything about it? [11:31] Flannel: I don't know. I installed karmic and I it displayed all my encrypted drives and offered to mount them. [11:31] DOW, if you dont have a support question please try #ubuntu-ot [11:31] DOW: Ubuntu dosent support 'windows apps' its 'wine' that can run them. [11:32] !appdb | DOW [11:32] DOW: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [11:32] but linux xp 2008 has built in wine? [11:32] Gnea.-> Whats funny is Kubuntu hasb oth installed by default [11:32] Janhouse: You might ask about it in #ubuntu+1 (the Karmic channel) and also do some research on internet to figure out what handles that. [11:32] Flannel: thank you :) [11:32] omg stypid speaker is still keeping noice [11:32] Hi [11:32] DOW: linux xp 2008? xD [11:33] yes it reals [11:33] real* [11:33] xylinux.com [11:33] anyone using it?? [11:33] huwenfeng: ? [11:33] DOW: Mind taking this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic? thanks [11:33] huwenfeng: this channel is for ubuntu support [11:33] ikonia: yes, i know, i know it , good [11:33] Anyone else use jaunty? [11:34] Heard like Ubuntu will be releasing a corporate edition .. is it true ? [11:34] huwenfeng: ok - so if you know it, please keep to the topic [11:34] noobez: ah ok [11:34] perscitus: yes [11:34] guys speaker is still annoying me [11:34] surendra-is: I've not seen anything about that [11:34] perscitus: makes sense [11:34] I would love for more people to verify https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/koffice/+bug/420990 [11:35] ikonia : if there is a corporate edition .. it will be easy to migrate from xp to ubuntu [11:35] !info kdebase [11:35] kdebase (source: kdebase): base applications from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 69 kB, installed size 180 kB [11:35] i need sme help with grub [11:35] wen i turn on my pc i have llike 15 stuff [11:35] perscitus, there is a better channel for people working with bugs, #ubuntu-bugs [11:35] joaopinto.-> True but not when no one is active === Caplain_ is now known as Caplain [11:36] wen grub loads i have like 15 stuff .... i just want it show ubuntu an windows xp [11:36] perscitus: Someone will get to it in -bugs soon enough, you don't need to come be noisy here [11:36] DOW: clear out /boot/grub/menu.lst if the stuff you don't want [11:37] which is the best audio chat software .. ( i used yahoo in XP .) i want similar type of chating software [11:38] Ventrillo [11:38] :DD [11:38] skype :) [11:38] can i get yahoo ids in skype ? [11:38] ekiga - skype [11:38] still i dont understand, no script is the prob alright, but i havent found any clue of this on google [11:39] !best | surendra-is [11:39] surendra-is: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [11:39] surendra-is: no, skype does skype, not yahoo [11:40] ok thank you [11:41] Can I talk about 9.10 here or is there another channel for that? [11:41] !karmic | d6chung [11:41] d6chung: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [11:41] Ah, okay, thanks. [11:41] d6chung: no probs === Gastion_ is now known as Gastion [11:45] hi everybody! I cannot find the python 3.1.1 package for ubuntu 904 .... do you know where to find it [11:45] ubuntu 904 64 bit [11:45] ct529, not in synaptic? [11:45] hi [11:47] hymm why is 64bit version called "amd-64"? i have intel core2duo e8500 [11:47] toxin: amd created the 64bit extensions for x86_64 hardware [11:47] toxin: AMD pioneered the x86_64 instruction set. [11:48] toxin, the architechture was developed by AMD [11:48] toxin: it's just a name [11:48] b3rz3rk3r: nope [11:48] i got it [11:48] :D [11:48] lol [11:48] i shuold find my windows XP cd [11:48] to install it to virtualbox [11:48] :D [11:49] toxin, dont go to the dark side [11:49] :p [11:49] i just came from land of Windows [11:49] quiet in here all of a sudden [11:50] toxin, who needs windows when with linux there are no walls [11:50] i think i goto ps3 [11:50] i have alot of games more than 20 [11:50] but not playing them much [11:50] cuz i got ps3 [11:51] gent - the topic is ubuntu support [11:51] ikonia, yeah ur right :( [11:52] Any search in synaptic manager is not giving any result. help? [11:52] krithika: what are you searching for [11:53] is there any firewalls to Ubuntu i want Graphich User Interface [11:53] ikonia, cheese, blender, xournal all independently [11:53] krithika: open a terminal and do "sudo apt-get update" see if that works first [11:53] toxin: there are tools like firestarter [11:53] toxin, I believe Firestarter has a GUI [11:53] hi, is there any way to put a cap on firefox downloads? it's eating up all my bandwidth :( [11:53] allo [11:53] im not using NAT [11:54] Xubuntnoob: you'd have to use techniques like qos [11:54] toxin: that doesn't matter [11:54] qos? [11:54] Xubuntnoob, do you mean a speed cap? [11:54] ikonia, i could only find texmaker. i'm downloading that right now. will try sudo apt-get update after it completes. i have already tried RELOADin spm and updated, by the way. [11:54] Xubuntnoob: packet shaping [11:54] it does i dont wanna that random paradox comes to this computer :D [11:54] oh, that's beyond me i think [11:55] toxin: no it doesn't, using nat or not has nothing to do with your ablility to use a gui for a firewall [11:55] yes but i want firefall :D [11:55] peddy: yes, example savage2 download, it's nice to get 1.2Mb/sec download, but i'd like to browse the internet while i wait [11:55] erm can someone help me to config Evolution for gmail? [11:55] toxin: so use one then, as I've just said, nat has nothing to do with it [11:55] toxin, Firestarter [11:55] toxin, good easy gui firewall [11:56] ok [11:56] well i have it [11:56] Xubuntnoob, what internet browser do you use? [11:56] firefox [11:57] hello can sombody helpme to install a lexmark z1420 [11:58] !cups | chipcat [11:58] chipcat: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [11:58] Hello [11:58] Oh. So many ppl in here. [11:58] chipcat: and Lexmark is known for bad Linux support, well they woudn't provide it themselves for the devices, the Linux community would [11:58] Does Ubuntu have DomU kernel shipped on DVD? [11:58] help! I installed another OS on another partition and it deleted my logical partitions from the partition table, but I did not overwrite them. There was/is my linux installation and I cannot access it anymore [11:59] gpart can't find it as it only finds ntfs and ext and I think it was ext or resierfs - not sure [11:59] Andy_: if you've deleted the partition, you'll need to create and re-install [11:59] gparted showns the primary partitons as before, only the logical ones have gone [12:00] Xubuntnoob, I'm still looking... seems like all the tools are for Windows. [12:00] ikonia: can't I simply recreate the partition? Shouldn't the data be still there? [12:00] Andy_: no [12:00] Xubuntnoob, I think DownThemAll may support speed limiting, I'll check [12:00] I was so dumb to not have a backup [12:00] Hi all, I've just installed and configured mpd, and when I try to run gmpc, it throws a keybinding error for XF86AudioPlay etc, can someone give me a hand? [12:01] ikonia then is there some recovery tool? I know that even after formating disks data can be recoverd, and here it was not even formated, only the partition table was overwritten [12:01] Andy_: it's not going to happen really [12:01] :-( [12:02] Peddy: what are you looking for? [12:02] Andy_: I think there's a way to add deleted partitions back into a partition table, but it won't be that easy in that case, you could try ##hardware and googleing, by the way there's a program called testdisk that can access data on deleted partitions [12:02] ct529, Xubuntnoob is looking for a way to throttle download speeds in Firefox. [12:02] is casper necessary for usb ubuntu? it's kinda big... installing on a 1GB drive [12:02] Xubuntnoob, I this ( http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/ ) can throttle downloads. [12:02] Xubuntnoob, I'm still looking for something with less bloat, though. [12:03] Peddy: thanks for your help [12:03] Xubuntnoob, ugh, it's Windows Only. I thought maybe since it integrated with firefox and it was licensed under GPL it would be cross-platform... [12:03] grr [12:03] i'm surpriesd there's not an addon for it within the browser [12:03] guys im new with Firestarter so does this ask when i open new connection to port example 1234? [12:04] sebsebseb: I already tried with gpart (not gparted), it also is said to be able to do that, but cannot find ext3 or reiserfs. It found only the old swap and the ntfs. but it says that already. I cannot find testdisk in synaptic if I start from ubunut livecd (intrepid) [12:05] sebsebseb with ##hardware you mean an irc channel here? [12:05] Xubuntnoob, actually, it looks like Download Them All supports throttling. [12:05] Xubuntnoob, it's a Firefox extension. [12:06] Peddy: throttle? [12:06] Andy_: yes I meant an IRC channal, and I Googled testdisk and yep it comes up [12:06] ct529, slow down, limit speed. [12:06] purefusion, yes. see http://www.ryancloke.com/ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-live-usb-how-to/ [12:06] Peddy: I think Kget allows for controlling download and upload speed [12:07] Peddy: it could be chosen as default downloa dmanager [12:08] guys im new with Firestarter so does this ask when i open new connection to port example 1234? [12:09] why isnt estimated time left showing up in my Power History? [12:09] Why does gmpc say it can't bind my multimedia keys guys? [12:10] hi, how can I make a program executable from console? [12:10] sebsebseb: great, yes, I found now the way to install it in ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=387922 and it says it caln also ext3 and reiserfs. I'M so happy. I promise I will never agian play around with my system unless I have a recent backup. Thank you so much for your help, sebsebseb!!! :-) [12:11] Andy_: ok no probs [12:11] Agion, chmod +x program [12:11] anyone using firefox encountered probs with flash and noscript? [12:12] cu, folks [12:12] Andy_: bye [12:12] some1 portuguese with good knowledges of ubuntu? [12:12] !br | Guest93663 [12:12] Guest93663: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [12:12] and thank you, ubuntu community!! you all are great!! [12:13] any gmpc users here? [12:13] peddy: thanks! [12:13] sebsebseb br is different of pt --' [12:13] You're welcome :) [12:13] !pt | Guest93663 [12:13] Guest93663: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [12:14] Guest93663: pt ok that's what to do for Portugal [12:14] Guest93663: I wasn't sure [12:16] I want to get a screenshot of my compiz cube, how can I do this? [12:19] Power Manager is not showing estimated time history. Help? === PuTrA_caem is now known as andre_cool [12:20] Hello what does this mean: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: nexuiz-data (>= 2.5) [12:20] what is the jaunty channel? [12:20] trying to boot to a usb drive, but getting 'cannot find kernel: linux' [12:21] any ideas what the issue might be? [12:21] purefusion, what are the contents of your syslinux.cgf file? [12:22] any mods here [12:22] purefusion, if the file is empty, open it in gedit and type: [12:22] include menu.cfg [12:22] default vesamenu.c32 [12:22] prompt 0 [12:22] timeout 300 [12:22] krithika: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:22] gfxboot bootlogo [12:22] ela [12:22] twraprepei na eimai ok [12:22] krithika, yes that's the current content [12:22] include menu.cfg [12:22] default vesamenu.c32 [12:22] prompt 0 [12:22] timeout 300 [12:22] purefusion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:22] gfxboot bootlogo [12:23] why does nobody use pastebins for files? [12:23] sorry, didn't think it was enough to bother with a PB [12:23] does anyone here have ubuntu server in the home [12:23] purefusion: if its more than 3 lines, pastebin [12:23] ActionParsnip: ,because a lot of them are new, and don't know about it yet? [12:23] barryt: wassup? [12:24] has anyone experienced this issue http://forums.informaction.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2295&start=15#p10263 ? [12:24] purefusion, the contents of syslinux folder should be present in the root directory of the usb, as well as inside the syslinux folder. keep both the folder, as well as copy its files to the root directory. [12:24] How can change System name on ubuntu ? [12:24] !hostname | raag [12:24] raag: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab [12:24] ubuntu server used for the home [12:24] yes [12:25] Can I run Ubuntu Desktop edition as domU ? [12:25] barryt: it can be used, whats your question? [12:25] kingping: whats a domU? [12:25] what packages do you install [12:25] ActionParsnip: Xen domU [12:25] barryt, depends what you want to do with it really mate [12:25] barryt: depends what you want the server to do [12:26] purefusion, same with the install folder, and initrd.gz and vmlinuz inside casper, besides the syslinux folder. [12:26] Anyone know how i can mount, but make it writable, Atm i get "read only file system" [12:26] Ridico [12:26] krithika, you mean they all need to be at root? [12:27] Bhavic: add the option -o rw,user,uid=1000 [12:27] I'm using kde 4.3, jaunty. I'm trying to do a screenshot of my compiz cube but the normal ways don't seem to be working. [12:27] ah thanks ActionParsnip [12:27] Firefishe: you'll get better support in #kubuntu or #compiz [12:27] the contents of install, syslinux need to be in the root directory of the usb, as well as inside their own folders. also, the same with the files vmlinuz and initrd.gz inside casper. [12:28] ty access the internet from a windows and linux machine [12:30] what is the irc channel for jaunty? [12:30] krithika: right here [12:30] krithika: this is it [12:30] samba netbios name not showing in "testparm" - does that effect the ADS? [12:30] ok [12:30] krithika: you're in the right place.. [12:31] is there a samba channel other than #samba? [12:31] quantum: neither does mine [12:32] ActionParsnip, are you running an ADS? [12:32] How can change Host Name in Ubuntu without using terminal [12:32] ? [12:32] quantum: i am nt aware of it so i'll say no [12:32] was wondering about a nice lanchat and I was told to look at Bonjour in pidgin and I have my ubuntu box already and when I try to set my wifes lappy it doesnt work? is there another way? [12:32] !hostname | RaaG [12:32] RaaG: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab [12:33] RaaG: sudo nano /etc/hostname [12:33] yes Host Name [12:33] ActionParsnip, is your samba a domain controller [12:33] ? [12:33] L3dPlatedLinux, ...lanchat? can't you just.. speak up? [12:33] :o [12:33] RaaG: change it there and save the file, then run: sudo nano /etc/hosts and change the entries there too [12:33] RaaG, real hardcore men use "vi" in place of nano :p [12:33] quantum: no its just a sambabox [12:33] b3rz3rk3r: its a cli editor, they are all as good as each other [12:34] i'm trying to setup this server as a small office all in one [12:34] ActionParsnip, i know im just playin ;) [12:34] unban [12:34] b3rz3rk3r: :D [12:34] ActionParsnip, not true. vim uber alles! [12:34] what to do ? [12:34] RaaG: i just told you [12:34] ok [12:34] ceil420, haha no when she is in the back room, and besides I like to try new things instead of just gaming all the time [12:34] i have started foremost for recovery in verbose mode, it i showing output like 111526: 301526549.jpg 8 KB 154381593277 [12:34] 111527: 301526566.jpg 16 KB 154381602248 [12:34] 111528: 301526600.jpg 14 KB 154381619214 [12:34] 111529: 301526629.jpg 14 KB 154381634204 [12:34] 111530: 301526657.jpg 18 KB 154381648857 [12:35] optimus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:35] 111531: 301526695.jpg 14 KB 154381668151 [12:35] L3dPlatedLinux, if it were me, i'd just run an ircd on my machine and tell my friends to connect to (or whatever) [12:35] optimus, use pastebin plz mate [12:35] RaaG: when both edits are done run: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [12:35] but there is no backup file in output file [12:35] optimus: the filenames have been lost [12:36] RaaG, let me quote you what ubottu told you a while ago [12:36] 'Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab' [12:36] ActionParsnip, there is no file i can see in corresponding output folder [12:36] optimus: then you will need to revise your command [12:37] hi all [12:37] ActionParsnip, process has not ended yet [12:37] optimus: ok then let it bake then see what you get [12:37] http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8094/s7302156.jpg [12:38] ActionParsnip, ok, but then output above is the file which i deleted right? [12:38] Hi all [12:38] MindVirus: Still here? [12:38] optimus: possibly [12:38] ActionParsnip, 111549 FILES EXTRACTED [12:38] [12:38] jpg:= 111549 [12:39] but i can see no files on disk [12:39] optimus: if you had a data backup you wouldnt be in this mess [12:39] ActionParsnip, admitted, then this is how u learn [12:39] hi all [12:39] [12:39] "ubuntuone" to unlock the keyring password which I can write [12:39] optimus: yeah the hard way.no backup == data is disposable [12:39] Does anyone know what the problem is when my login-screen looks like this http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/8094/s7302156.jpg and doesnt respand to any key commands? [12:39] ActionParsnip, i will always keep 5 to 6 backups from now onn [12:39] optimus: reread the foremost docs [12:40] optimus: i have a backup every 6 hours over firewire due to the age of my systems [12:40] ActionParsnip, 111549 FILES EXTRACTED [12:40] [12:40] jpg:= 111549 [12:40] , is it that suggest that the process has finished successfully [12:40] optimus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [12:40] ActionParsnip, 6hrs? how hard do you work your poor machines?? [12:41] yes i can modified it [12:41] b3rz3rk3r: they are all 10+ years old [12:41] thanks all [12:41] ActionParsnip, i find even 24hrs is overkill for me [12:41] ActionParsnip, ah.. lol [12:41] ActionParsnip, i see [12:41] hi, I have a script which starts a python-programm. what I have to write in this file: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/2103836189 -- when the start-file »unitree.pyc« is in the same folder? deleting line 2 and 3 doesn't help.. [12:41] FloodBot1, ok sir [12:41] lol optimus [12:41] further how can change my System Name ? [12:42] In the picture to the right i sais: 01/09/2008-1945-"some numbers"-00 [12:42] !hostname | RaaG [12:42] RaaG: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab [12:42] Shasirax, that's most likely a graphics card problem... what graphics does your machine have? [12:42] RaaG: i told you, its those 2 files you need to edit [12:42] hi but it saws only hosts file [12:42] b3rz3rk3r, yes nowdays automation has become very humanly [12:42] but how can i change currensystem namet [12:42] ? [12:43] RaaG, have you done those two changes? [12:43] Peddy: I have a ATI x1950, this happend when i was trying to install drivers for it, im running with a live cd now :) === manio_ is now known as manio [12:43] RaaG: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts [12:43] RaaG: ive told you three timesnow [12:43] ohh [12:43] RaaG, then reboot and the name will be changed [12:43] ffs [12:43] sorry i missed to reboot [12:43] thanks [12:44] * b3rz3rk3r strokes ActionParsnip - "calm boy.. sit." [12:44] b3rz3rk3r: i hate repeating myself [12:44] * b3rz3rk3r gives ActionParsnip a biscuit.. "good boy" [12:44] ;) [12:46] Shasirax, since ATI drivers v9.4, your card is not supported anymore [12:46] Shasirax, just before it boots, can you hit ctrl-alt-F1 [12:46] do you have a tip why this message spamming while running apt-get "sh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory" ? [12:46] Shasirax, before the GUI starts* [12:47] if you're using ubuntu jaunty (9.04), then that version of driver is most likely to be installed [12:48] Paddy: Do you have any clue? [12:48] Paddy, sry... my comp bugged :P [12:49] Paddy: GUI? [12:49] oh, sorry Shasirax [12:49] Paddy: before gnab [12:49] ? [12:49] Shasirax, I've heard of people just using 8.04 LTS or 8.10 to get older ATi cards to work... it's ridiculous and inconvenient, but you may have to do it. [12:50] Shasirax, don't worry about the ctrl-alt-F1 thing for now. [12:50] Hi ! Wondering if there are some ppl here using Zattoo (internet tv service). I am trying to use the website (zattoo.com) to watch tv (they had a linux client but they stoped supporting it !!) [12:50] yes, but i cant start my computer... thats the problem [12:50] has anyone experienced this issue http://forums.informaction.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2295&start=15#p10263 ? [12:51] when installing ubuntu, i never got to configure a root password. when i type su in the terminal, it asks for a password i don't have. sudo su works, however. what's the sense of this? [12:51] And the problem is that I can't seem to be able to use Zattoo in firefox (with flash support) on Ubuntu 9.04... I can't navigate on the website while logged on [12:51] Shasirax, is it a clean 9.04 install, or did you upgrade from a previous version? [12:51] it's clean [12:52] Shasirax, do you have wireless or wired internet on that machine? [12:52] wired, hate wireless :) [12:52] Shasirax, good. OK, I need you to boot the machine, and before the visual corruption happens, press ctrl-alt-F1 [12:53] Paddy: when ubuntu loads? [12:53] Shasirax, yep. [12:54] Keep in mind that I have no experience with ATi cards at all, so this might not work :P [12:54] ok, i will have irc open on my brothers computer [12:54] good. [12:54] basically i have this issue using ubuntu+flash+noscript, whenever i go to a webpage with flash content, as usual i have to "allow the content to be visualized" and it's always been like that and it always worked, recently instead whenever i do so firefox freezes and i have to kill it from tt1 cuz the all desktop gets frozen, ive tried many things and found out that it's a noscript-flash related issue, apparently not solved, till now, any idea? [12:55] Paddy: Now im on my brothers comp... :) [12:55] noobez: try resetting your noscript settings [12:55] why is freenode always netsplitting? [12:55] Gnea: and how do you that? [12:55] Peddy, freenode always sucked [12:56] Paddy: Ctrl+Alt+F1 ? [12:56] Shasirox, yep. [12:56] I've been here maybe 15 times the last month, and *every single time*, it's been like this. [12:56] Gnea: done it letz see if it works [12:56] JohannesSM64, I think Ubuntu need to reconsider the servers they use. It's a nightmare providing support in here. [12:57] Paddy: It did load somthing, but the problem is stil there... :/ [12:57] venuz [12:57] Shasirox, try pressing ctrl-alt-f2 [12:57] Gnea: no changes, still freezes [12:57] Peddy: New reboot? [12:57] <_nano_> Hi all, is there a way to enable network at boot time in ubuntu jaunty? Right now networkmanager enables network only after a person logs in [12:57] Shasirox, no [12:58] Shasirox, it should bring you to a text-only terminal, where you can fix things. [12:58] _nano_, are you using wired or wireless internet? [12:58] I'm in the process of repartitioning an NFTS disk. I want to resize the existing single partition to half its current size without losing that data. But when I do the shrink in gparted it says existing changes need to be written to disk. What exactly does that mean? [12:58] <_nano_> Peddy, wired ethernet [12:59] purefusion, basically, when you're 'resizing' it, it just shows what it'll look like, it doesn't actually make any changes... You'll want to hit apply. [12:59] why when a play a song it says streaming in rhythmbox,totem player nor i cant fast foward tracks or rewind..any help [12:59] Peddy: When i come to the weerd looking login screen the keyboard doesn't respond [12:59] _nano_, static IP, or are you getting it via dhcp? [12:59] <_nano_> Peddy, static ip [12:59] Peddy: Can i come back in 5 minutes? [12:59] Peddy, ok, so doing this is definitely not going to mess up any of the existing data then, right? [13:00] purefusion, no guarantees, something can always go wrong. But I've done it countless times, and it's always worked. Just don't interrupt it once it starts, it could take a while. [13:00] <_nano_> Peddy, I can configure static ip in networkmanager, but it only gets enabled once you login. I want the network on when the machine turns on, kind of like a server [13:00] purefusion, is the data being moved to the left or the right? [13:00] I assume to the left [13:00] _nano_, can I help you in a sec? it's rather straightforward to do, I've done it many times. [13:01] <_nano_> Peddy, really appreciate it , i'll wait [13:01] the data is 140 GB, probably from a backup (I believe this was a backup disk previously) [13:01] Shasirox, sure. [13:01] the drive itself is 300 [13:01] purefusion, the data is on the left, right? (the coloured in stuff). You're not moving the location of the data, are you? You're just resizing the partition 'boundary'. [13:02] purefusion, it should work either way, except it takes a very long time to move data (took up to 5 hours for me once). I want to give you an idea of how long it could take. [13:03] If you're just resizing the partition, it'll take less than 5 minutes :) === Taube is now known as taube [13:04] Peddy: I'm back :) [13:04] Peddy: What shall i do now? [13:04] _nano_, if you log in, and log back out, does the network stay connected? do you have another computer to talk on, while we set up the connection? [13:04] <_nano_> Peddy, let me set that up ..just a sec [13:04] do you have a tip why this message spamming while running apt-get "sh: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory" ? [13:05] Hello all. What's the command to open a simple dialog from an SH file? I've seen it in the past, but I completely forget. [13:05] Shasirox, you can't type, correct? At the grub prompt when you reboot, please hit escape, then highlight the first line, and press E. remove the 'quiet' and 'splash' lines. Don't worry about messing anything up, these changes are not saved. [13:05] <_nano_> Peddy, yup I'm ready [13:06] _nano_, good. Turn the computer off, reboot it. Don't log in at GDM (or whatever you use). [13:06] Peddy, ah yes, I'm not moving the partition boundary into the middle of the colored data region, no [13:06] <_nano_> Peddy, alright [13:06] purefusion, good, it should only be a few minutes then :) [13:06] _nano_, hit ctrl-alt-F2. log in with your regular username and password. === aksci is now known as thedancingdeer [13:07] <_nano_> Peddy, alright will let you know once I've done so [13:07] cool :) [13:07] Shasirox, how's it going? [13:07] Peddy:How to remove them? [13:08] Shasirox, can you see them? [13:08] whenever i ssh somewhere or do something similar, ubuntu opens up some dialog and asks me to enter some key, but this appears to be different from my password. what do i do if i dont know the key it's looking for? [13:08] this is a single-user machine, by the way [13:08] <_nano_> Peddy, logged in (in command line) [13:08] Peddy: I just have 1 of them, the "quiet" [13:08] Shasirox, remove that, then press b to boot. [13:08] Peddy: ok [13:09] _nano_, great. To start, please type lspci. [13:09] Peddy: Booting [13:09] Shasirox, do ctrl-alt-F1 again. Do you see scrolling text? [13:09] <_nano_> Peddy, yeah a list of devices [13:09] Peddy: Nothing has changed... [13:09] Peddy: Oh -.- [13:09] Peddy: W8 [13:09] <_nano_> Peddy, including the Ethernet controller [13:10] _nano_, OK. Try pinging ubuntu.com with 'ping ubuntu.com' === NCU1|gislan is now known as gislan === gislan is now known as gislan_ [13:10] I'm just seeing what works so far. [13:10] <_nano_> oh man its working! [13:10] <_nano_> Peddy, how ??? [13:10] _nano_, I don't know, I guess network manager configured it for you. Did you reboot after you logged out? [13:11] <_nano_> Peddy, yeah ! [13:11] <_nano_> i rebooted [13:11] Peddy: i saw a scrolling text, then the failed login-screen comes up :/ [13:11] _nano_, cool. You might not have static IP, though. [13:11] _nano_, type 'ifconfig'. See if your IP is the one you want. [13:11] <_nano_> Peddy, yeah you're right, it's automatically assigned IP [13:11] Shasirox, reboot, and select 'recovery mode' from the GRUB menu, please. [13:12] Peddy: Ok [13:12] <_nano_> Peddy, so which file should I set it at ? [13:12] _nano_, do dhclient -r interfacename [13:12] it could be eth0 [13:12] probably is [13:12] Yes i have it now [13:12] Shasirox, choose 'drop to root shell' [13:13] Peddy: done [13:13] <_nano_> Peddy, it's saying something like Listening on ... Sending On [13:13] _nano_, is the program closed, though? is your prompt there? [13:13] <_nano_> Peddy, yeah the prompt is there [13:14] _nano_, good. Type ifconfig eth0 down [13:14] those two should probably be the other way around, but that doesn't matter now. What we're doing isn't actually going to stick (yet) [13:14] <_nano_> Peddy, done, no confirmation message, came back to the prompt [13:14] is 4GB enough ram to not use swap? [13:15] Shasirox, can you type 'sudo apt-get install envyng-core' please [13:15] Peddy: Yes, one sec [13:15] Shasirox, you don't actually need the sudo, but whatever :-P [13:16] chmod: invalid mode: `root:users' [13:16] _nano_, do 'ifconfig eth0 192.168.x.x netmask up' [13:16] chmod: invalid mode: `root:users' [13:16] Peddy: I alreaday had that package [13:16] quantum@quantum:~$ chmod -R root:users /home/samba/ [13:16] chmod: invalid mode: `root:users' [13:16] !fontsfolder [13:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about fontsfolder [13:16] how? [13:17] kyja, ~/.fonts [13:17] !fonts [13:17] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [13:17] users is a group [13:17] ah ok thanks peddy [13:17] (with users in it) [13:17] kyja, it might not exist by default [13:17] <_nano_> Peddy, did. can't ping [13:17] perhaps sudo will do it :) [13:18] Shasirox, do 'envyng -t' please. [13:18] ok [13:18] _nano_, what does ifconfig say? [13:18] <_nano_> Peddy, is there a way to put gateway in that command? [13:18] nope [13:18] <_nano_> Peddy, well the ip and netmask is showing [13:18] <_nano_> Peddy, but cant ping [13:18] chown... [13:18] _nano_, can you ping another machine on the network? [13:18] Peddy: Now im in EnvyNG Menu :) === yamokidzu-it is now known as rainy-it [13:19] hello, what filesystem types does the casper-rw file support? for saving persistent changes? [13:19] any one here plays AOE on linux ?? [13:19] <_nano_> Peddy, yes I am able to ping other machines in my network, just not outside hosts [13:19] Shasirox, you probably want to choose option 3 [13:19] sam_sam, which version ? [13:19] _nano_, that's great, we haven't configured DNS servers yet. [13:19] Peddy: Install ATI drivers? :) [13:19] AOE 2 conquerors expansion [13:19] Peddy: I will [13:19] Done it === rainy-it is now known as yrainy-it [13:19] Not working that well though since the fonts fucks up [13:20] under wine [13:20] How do I brighten my laptop display? [13:20] <_nano_> Peddy, I don't know about DNS servers, it's connected from a router, in networkmanager it never asked me and it worked :( [13:20] sam_sam, http://appdb.winehq.org will let you see what Windows apps may run reliably in Wine [13:20] do u play thorugh WINE ?? [13:20] _nano_, don't worry about it, it's easy :) [13:20] How else? [13:20] <_nano_> Peddy, alright [13:20] _nano_, do 'nano /etc/resolv.conf' [13:20] pagix, crossover? vm? [13:20] er no pun intended. [13:20] crosscover sucksass imo. [13:20] vm yea [13:20] <_nano_> Peddy, lol, yeah i see two nameserver entries [13:20] Didnt think bout that [13:21] pagix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:21] Peddy: There is now only one option, and that one is already installed... [13:21] i've never had a problem with CrossOver [13:21] Shasirox, try uninstalling it with option 4 and reinstalling it. [13:21] ok [13:21] i've only used it for StarCraft (inc. BroodWar) and Cisco's Packet Tracer, though [13:21] _nano_, what exactly does it say? [13:21] i have played it with wine previously but now i have a video card and it gives an error ur card doesn't support directdraw.. [13:21] Its a matter of taste I guess [13:21] maybe another program or two i can't think of atm [13:21] someone knows how to increase the value of the height of the gnome windows title bars ? [13:21] <_nano_> "# generated by networkmanager \n nameserver \n nameserver" [13:21] sam_sam, have you installed drivers for the card? [13:22] yes [13:22] <_nano_> Peddy, above message [13:22] nooneelse, prolly in gconf-editor [13:22] hy [13:22] i let it searchj the drivers automatically [13:22] ceil420: there's no parameter called titlebar of something in there [13:22] search* [13:22] _nano_, OK. when you uninstall NM, it;'ll delete that file, so you might want to make a backup if you don't want to manually edit it again. [13:22] sam_sam, dunno then, sorry :x good luck, i gotta go to work [13:22] ty :) [13:22] i need something like sistem -administration -network tools [13:22] _nano_, for the gateway, you need to do 'route add default gw 192.168.x.x' [13:22] ceil420: i've searched before you tell [13:22] nooneelse, well GNOME's a PITA, so best of luck ;x i recently had difficulties with another part of it [13:23] <_nano_> Peddy, is there a file where i can put all this ? [13:23] * ceil420 works [13:23] _nano_, then you should be able to ping the outside world. [13:23] ☮+♥ [13:23] Peddy: Restart after unistall is done? [13:23] but more complicated [13:23] _nano_, we'll save these commands so they're executed at bootup later. [13:23] Shasirox, yep. [13:23] ok [13:23] <_nano_> Peddy, ok i've backed it up [13:23] windows xp pro client can't contact domain [13:23] _nano_, great. [13:24] TY all for ur time :) good day all [13:24] _nano_, do the 'route add' thing. Can you ping ubuntu.com? :) [13:24] i need something like sistem -administration -network tools [13:24] <_nano_> Peddy, yes it's working :) [13:24] <_nano_> Peddy, i meant by routed add thingy [13:24] _nano_, great. Almost there. [13:24] Peddy: Should i try to start the comp without installing the drivers? [13:25] Shasirox, oh, I thought you reinstalled them. You need to install them again, then try rebooting. EnvyNG should detect which ones work with your card. [13:25] _nano_, now, it's time to configure everything to be run at startup. [13:25] Peddy: Ok, i will [13:25] <_nano_> Peddy, i'm all set [13:26] <_nano_> Peddy, for the next step i mean [13:26] _nano_, firstly, you can delete network-manager and network-manager-gnome [13:26] I mean, uninstall [13:26] <_nano_> Peddy, aptitude remove? [13:26] <_nano_> Peddy, ok [13:26] sudo apt-get remove network-manager [13:26] _nano_, I think ...-gnome will be uninstalled as well, it relies on the first one. [13:26] i need something like sistem -administration -network tools [13:27] <_nano_> Peddy, yeah 2 packages removed [13:27] Peddy: It wont install it... [13:27] Shasirox, what happens? [13:27] _nano_, OK. do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [13:28] <_nano_> Peddy, it's saying ignoring interface eth0=eth0 [13:28] That's OK [13:28] <_nano_> Peddy, now what? [13:28] _nano_, then, restore the backup of /etc/resolv.conf, if its been deleted. [13:29] Peddy: I click to install it and the option fore what drive i should use comes up, theres only one option. I pick that one and it "installs" and it sais Faild to fetch some things on internet... [13:29] <_nano_> Peddy, restored [13:29] Shasirox, quit envy, and type 'ifconfig' please [13:29] <_nano_> Peddy, (the network went down when I did the networking restart thing) [13:29] Peddy: Ok [13:29] _nano_, do 'sudo nano /etc/rc.local' [13:30] Peddy: Done [13:30] <_nano_> Peddy, did, nothing's there except exit 0 [13:30] <_nano_> Peddy, I mean apart from comments [13:30] Peddy: i have internet to the comp... [13:30] nano: as it should be. you will add to it [13:30] Shasirox, try doing 'ping ubuntu.com' please. [13:30] <_nano_> Boohbah, ok [13:31] Peddy: unknown host.... [13:31] Shasirox, OK, hold on 1 second [13:31] Peddy: ok :) [13:31] hey, in my init.d script to start a q3 server, I must "chdir" to the server's directory so it can load everything it needs, would I have to chdir back into the init.d director once I've launched the server ? [13:32] _nano_, before exit 0, add 'ifconfig eth0 down /n dhclient -r eth0 /n ifconfig eth0 192.168.1.x.x netmask up /n route add default gw 192.168.x.x' [13:32] <_nano_> Peddy, ok [13:32] replace x.x with the appropriate things, the first set of Xs are for your static IP, the second is the routers address. [13:32] tavi: what sort of system -administration -network tools are you looking for? [13:33] why is the option of formatting a logical partition with NTFS grayed out in gparted? [13:33] Shasirox, do you have any other machines on your LAN? Do you know their IPs? [13:33] <_nano_> Peddy, ok done [13:34] _nano_, try doing 'sudo /etc/rc.local'. Is your internet working now? [13:34] Peddy: I can look it up :) [13:34] Peddy: W8 [13:34] what's the battery applet called? I need to file a bug report about it [13:34] <_nano_> Peddy, yes!! its working :) [13:34] Boohbah: more complicated that that [13:34] <_nano_> Peddy, does that mean it's enabled at boot ? [13:34] _nano_, great :) try rebooting [13:34] <_nano_> Peddy, ok [13:34] Peddy: its the comp im using right now :) [13:35] Shasirox, do 'ping' [13:35] Peddy: It's on wired internet [13:36] Shasirox, OK. Still, do it. Does it say anything? [13:36] !gparted | noon32 [13:36] noon32: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [13:36] Peddy: It sais unreachable... -.- [13:36] vigo: helpful comment! [/sarcasm] [13:36] Shasirox, do you know if you use DHCP or static IPs? [13:36] tavi: please enlighten me [13:37] Peddy: protection? a code? [13:37] <_nano_> Peddy, yes its working at boot :) , now the nameservers .. someway to get it configured automatically ? [13:37] noon32: Also the MAN pages explain that as well as much data on the Forums and the Official Documentation sections. [13:37] _nano_, the nameservers (DNS) aren't working? [13:37] Peddy: I have a open connecting, no codes or anyting like that :) [13:37] Shasirox, OK... do 'dhclient eth0' please. [13:38] <_nano_> Peddy, they are ..just that if network manager was able to automatically detect it [13:38] <_nano_> Peddy, anyways for now it's working so thanks a lot :) [13:38] vigo: no, they don't. [13:38] <_nano_> Peddy, really appreciate your time and help :) [13:38] _nano_, you could change /etc/resolv.conf to the name of your routers IP [13:38] noon32: Please hold, I have them on a backup,,,, [13:38] _nano_, you're welcome :) [13:38] <_nano_> Peddy, ok [13:38] <_nano_> Peddy, thanks again [13:38] _nano_, NM was only detecting the router's IP. [13:39] OK you're welcome, have a good night (or day) [13:39] Peddy: That wored :) [13:39] i can ping to my Router to... [13:39] Shasirox, the internet works now? Try the Envy thing again. [13:39] Shasirox, great. [13:40] Shasirox, brb [13:40] hey everybody [13:40] noon32: Here is Official , https://help.ubuntu.com/search.html?cof=FORID%3A9&cx=003883529982892832976%3Ae2vwumte3fq&ie=UTF-8&q=gparted+NTFS&sa=Search [13:40] Peddy: It wont stop pinging :S [13:41] Shasirox, hit ctrl-c XD [13:41] noon32: Do you want Read/Write access or is it another issue? [13:41] * JohnCorbeau is back [13:42] Peddy: Haha, im a little nooby somtimes ^^ [13:42] Shasirox, ping will go on forever without interruption. [13:42] vigo: have you actually read my question? [13:43] No worries XD it just seemed funny, you seemed a little frightened :) [13:43] Peddy: installing now :) [13:43] Shasirox, good. [13:44] Boohbah: what? [13:44] Peddy: Succes: [13:44] Operation Completed :D [13:44] Peddy: Restart? [13:44] Shasirox, good. Reboot. I don't think it's going to work, though [13:44] -crosses fingers- [13:44] Boohbah: i wanna a tool for network more complicated that that from sistem administration network tools [13:44] noon32: Yes, I lead you to those so that you might understand the GParted utility better, second link about middle page sorta explains that, I can get a bit more precise on that cause though,,,, [13:45] tavi, what exactly do you want to accomplish? [13:45] guys, i hve an issue with my amarok. after reboot. i can play my playlist. need to clear the playlist and re add. it cost my time === imduffy15|away is now known as imduffy15 [13:46] Peddy: Didnt work :( [13:46] just find out whit who i talk trought pidgin [13:46] vigo: your second link does not explain anything. neither does the first. [13:46] any news about an ati drivers for old card that would be able to have fxglgears drivers on jaunty ? [13:47] well HD4850 works [13:47] yeah that's why i'm talking about old cards [13:47] Shasirox, ugh. Basically, the drivers from AMD don't support the version of X server Jaunty uses. [13:47] it's an known issue [13:47] yep Peddy that's it [13:48] I am trying to connect samba with AD, after successfully running KINIT and NET ADS JOIN , all windows shares are not accessible by windows clients, can anyone help me out here? [13:48] Peddy: Ok... [13:48] What version in Jaunty? [13:48] noon32: Section (3), near the bottom: 3) NTFS tools - The major issue is that NTFS partitions run best when created with Windows partition tools (diskpart), and (usually) when created with Windows formatting tools (format). Linux utilities for dealing with NTFS file systems are incredibly flexible, clever, and useless [13:48] 1.6.x [13:48] Shasirox, you could try an earlier version of Ubuntu, such as 8.10. It should work out of the box. [13:48] hi can any one help me with this plz i am new to this Desktop effects could not be enabled [13:49] wtf [13:49] i was downloading 880kt/s [13:49] D [13:49] Ubuntu isn't actually at fault here, it's an issue of AMD not supplying legacy drivers for the latest X server (which is the Graphical User Environment, essentially) [13:49] I can reinstall Ubuntu, but i want it to run without that... [13:49] Shasirox, without what? the problems? [13:49] without reinstalling ubuntu i mean :) [13:49] omg [13:50] downloading speed 1.41 Mt/s [13:50] toxin: please control your language - we know what wtf means and don't need to see it [13:50] toxin: we also don't need a running total of your download speed [13:50] what is more than my capacity [13:50] can any one help me with this [13:50] Desktop effects could not be enabled [13:50] budtoka: what video card are you using ? === NAkeidosan is now known as TimothyA [13:50] how can i get it to work [13:51] But i can reinstall it... i will install Windows 7 to then :) [13:51] it is on board [13:51] Peddy: Thanks for all the help :D [13:51] guys my pc speaker wont shutdown its keeping annoying sound [13:51] Shasirox, oh, right! I actually don't think there's any way to do that. Installing an older version of X server would cause incompatibility with a whole bunch of programs. There was quite an uproar about this very same issue a while back. [13:51] toxin: hello there, still encountering a few problems toxin? [13:51] yes [13:51] :D [13:51] budtoka: maybe your video card does not support hardware acceleration on linux [13:51] ok so I ran into what I think is a huge problem. I deleted my top menu bar. I know we can re-create it but I want all the old stuff and well I can't find out how. any help? [13:51] guys, i hve an issue with my amarok. after reboot. i can play my playlist. need to clear the playlist and re add. it cost my time [13:52] toxin: tell me about them :) [13:52] Shasirox, I'm very sorry that your experience with Ubuntu hasn't been satisfactory :/ hopefully you get it working. [13:52] ikonia>it is onboard video card [13:52] budtoka: what make ? [13:52] hey i'm having issues w/ ubuntu and sound .. fresh install .. here's my output from 'wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh' [13:52] http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=08452a493f1a61c9619f7aeaaec60bbabffde869 [13:52] Shasirox, 8.10 should work, and for the future, nvidia tends to play better with GNU/Linux... [13:52] JohnCorbeau Stypid pc speaker wont shutdown [13:52] I'm getting weird oscillating feeback [13:52] Peddy: I love ubuntu, its great... But it isnt Windows... [13:52] ikonia>winfast motherboard [13:52] budtoka: no - what make is the video card [13:53] anyone can help me pls [13:53] ikonia>dont no [13:53] Peddy: Ubuntu has worked before... it's just that it doesnt work now [13:53] budtoka: do you know how to use a pastebin [13:53] ikonia>as it is onboard [13:53] I will format it and so on :) Bye... [13:53] ikonia>no [13:53] !pastebin | budtoka [13:53] budtoka: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [13:53] couldn't you find a "pc speaker" option in the sound control panel? [13:53] Shasirox, old ATi cards won't work with 9.04 until AMD fixes it, period. [13:53] Peddy: Thank You! [13:53] budtoka: check out that link, do you think you can use that ? [13:53] Shasirox, I'm going now, I'm sorry I couldn't be of more assistance :) have a good night. :D [13:53] If no one can help I guess I will just re-install it [13:53] ikonia>ok thank [13:54] Peddy: Time is 15:00 here :P [13:54] I've got a mounted ntfs partition at /storage/, I look at its properties and its Owner: Root, Access: Read & Write, Group: plugdev Access: Read Write, Others: None... I change Others to read&write it changes, then it just changes back on its own. [13:54] Bye!!!! [13:54] I'd like it to be where everyone can read and write it [13:54] budtoka: open up a terminal from applications -> accessories -> terminal menu and type "lspci" then use the pastebin link to show me the output [13:54] (i'm running thunar as sudo) [13:55] budtoka: does that make sense ? [13:55] anyone know how to fix an oscillating feedback sound? [13:55] ok so I ran into what I think is a huge problem. I deleted my top menu bar. I know we can re-create it but I want all the old stuff and well I can't find out how. any help? [13:55] is it possible to run compiz on a netbook? [13:56] kmosh: if your card supports it [13:56] How can i install from .sh file? [13:56] Akalbulusikus, ./file.sh [13:56] siema [13:56] grub_booter has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) [13:57] Akalbulusikus: run it, it's a shell script [13:57] i think i dun it right http://paste.ubuntu.com/261453/ [13:57] Akalbulusikus: what are you trying to install [13:57] budtoka: lets see [13:57] helllo ikonia [13:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/261453/ok [13:57] helllo ikonia [13:57] budtoka: looks fine [13:57] ok [13:57] zsdfbvldrtg [13:57] thsdh [13:57] gsfh [13:57] tghsf [13:57] radeko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:57] hgsfhs [13:57] fh [13:57] so the problem is that pc speaker is still working eaven it is in Blacklist [13:57] ikonia, I want to but a netbook and i love using compiz,so how will i know which netbooks support it?can you tell me of any you may know? [13:58] kmosh: look at the video card support for compiz with the xserver [13:58] ikonia>so do u no wot the problem is [13:58] budtoka: I'm sorry to say I do [13:59] is there away to sort it [13:59] budtoka: you're using a Silicon Intergrated System (SIS) video card, these have very very bad support in the Xorg xserver, and even worse 3d support, [13:59] !sis [13:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about sis [13:59] so the problem is that pc speaker is still working eaven it is in Blacklist [13:59] which version of php is going to be in karmic? [13:59] toxin: did you reboot after blacklisting? [13:59] so i cant use it or i can [13:59] budtoka: there are specific Xorg configurations for the SIS video card drivers but to even have a chance of it working you have to do a fair bit of research [13:59] Yes [13:59] i did [13:59] ok if I want to set a ntfs partition in fstab where everyone can full read/write it... anyone know the syntax? [13:59] when installing ubuntu, i never got to configure a root password. when i type su in the terminal, it asks for a password i don't have. sudo su works, however. what's the sense of this? [13:59] budtoka: 9 times out of 10 it never works [13:59] !usod | JohannesSM64 [13:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about usod [14:00] !sudo | JohannesSM64 [14:00] JohannesSM64: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [14:00] toxin: can you paste the line you put in? [14:00] !root | JohannesSM64 [14:00] JohannesSM64: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [14:00] ok so just get a new card then yer [14:00] cant remember how i see that blacklist thing [14:00] caseyd: Use these options: auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0,utf8,uid=0,gid=0 [14:00] i know how it works [14:00] budtoka: a better supported card is always going to be a better option [14:00] thanks =) [14:00] how to makesure that the partition is mounted when i start the computer [14:00] JohannesSM64: ok - so why are you asking why you didn't get a chance to set a root password [14:00] JohannesSM64: if you know how it works - why ask ? [14:00] ok thank's for your help [14:01] budtoka: I'm sorry it's not more positive [14:01] because i find it strange that the su command is broken in ubuntu [14:01] because you never set a root password [14:01] toxin: its in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf [14:01] JohannesSM64: it's not broken [14:01] JohannesSM64: you can't su as you don't set a root password so it's encypted and you don't know it [14:01] no it is ok i though it would be the case any way [14:02] i can, however, become root with my USER password [14:02] JohannesSM64: of course [14:02] it defies all logic [14:02] tank [14:02] JohannesSM64: not at all [14:02] <_eG1k> hello, why poweroff button dont work without GDM ? === All is now known as Guest20265 [14:02] ooh right [14:02] now i see [14:02] it was wrong file [14:02] so what i shuold to add here? [14:03] could u help me make my mp3 player workin with ubuntu? Rythmbox doesn't recognize it [14:03] toxin: if you put my name in your reply and say it all in one line, its easier to follow [14:03] how to makesure that the partition is mounted when i start the computer [14:03] in most distros, you set a root password when installing, and you need that root password to become root. in ubuntu, you never set a root password in the installation, making the su command useless by itself, but you can become root if you have the password for a REGULAR user [14:03] ok so what i shuold to add to Blacklist.conf [14:03] how does that make any sense? [14:04] toxin: where did you put it first? you should remove it in case it causes weird errors [14:04] toxin: add the line blacklist pcspkr to the end of that file [14:04] it was some ramdom file probably it dosent eaven exist [14:04] t [14:05] hello! I installed sun java jdk on my pc but it does not work [14:05] how should i make recognizeable my mp3 player? [14:05] someone can help me? [14:05] JohannesSM64: does perfect sense [14:05] JohannesSM64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#Administration:%20Root%20vs%20Sudo [14:05] toxin: remember that pcspkr warns you when something goes wrong, so think before you remove it [14:06] JohannesSM64, only the user you install with is added to the adm group [14:06] i know but i think it will start to play like doorbell when computer gets overheat [14:07] is there any way how should i make my mp3 workin with my pc? [14:07] how to makesure that the partition is mounted when i start the computer? [14:07] <_eG1k> hello, why poweroff button dont work without GDM ? [14:07] sorry, i meant my mp3 player [14:07] toxin: i dont know that, just giving a warning before i help you do something potentially harmless ;) [14:07] *harmfull [14:08] Guest20265: what brand? [14:08] ill reboot after i get my WinXP to Virtual Box [14:08] nobody for sun jdk on ubuntu??? [14:08] graysilver: samsung [14:09] adrenalink: what exactly is the issue? [14:09] #ubuntu [14:09] oh thanks... the problem is that i can't use my jdk [14:09] Guest20265: what progs do you have installed? banshee? [14:09] I installed it in my usr folder from a bin file [14:10] any openbox user here can help me [14:10] graysilver: rythmbox [14:10] !ask|crunchbang [14:10] crunchbang: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [14:10] but if I write on terminal java --version no version is found [14:10] graysilver: i didn't find anythink else [14:11] adrenalink: why not use apt-get? [14:11] because i know that it will install open jdk [14:11] i need to permanetly mount network into pcmanfm of openbox [14:11] while i want sun jdk [14:12] !info sun-java6-jdk | adrenalink [14:12] adrenalink: sun-java6-jdk (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-14-0ubuntu1.9.04 (jaunty), package size 18084 kB, installed size 56628 kB [14:13] but if i would install it manually? [14:13] i would learn something on ubuntu [14:13] :) [14:13] adrenalink: you would learn about how to break ubuntu [14:14] Hello. [14:14] Hello all, would anyone in here happen to know how to set a bash variable equal to a commands output? [14:14] Jimmio: set VARIABLENAME=`command` [14:14] why? i don't want to use package manager and install programs manually [14:14] Jimmio: export VAR=`something` [14:14] hi [14:14] !hi [14:14] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [14:14] adrenalink: well, you would learn something about gnu/linux in general, but I just don't know anything about the bin you ran. It could do anything. Maybe you just need to put the executable in /usr/bin instead of /usr? I don't really know. [14:15] anybody here, that knows how to configure tightvncserver on ubuntu server 9.04? [14:15] adrenalink: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre [14:16] i tried already some other vnc clients, but vnc is my favourite [14:16] x11vnc is too slow... [14:17] any idea? [14:17] I recently got a new repository for Firefox and I got 3.5. So I removed the repository and now I want to revert back to 3.0. However, removing firefox-3.5 also removes the firefox meta-package. [14:17] Any suggestions? [14:17] MindVirus1: That doesn't work. Boohbah: That doesn't work. :S [14:17] MindVirus1: why is removing the meta package bad? [14:18] danbhfive: I want to get Firefox upgrades from the main repo. [14:18] hi [14:18] MindVirus1: can't you just reinstall the meta after the fact? [14:18] with my media players, is there a way to make vlc only start a single instance? [14:18] from a pendirve linux perspective (or live perspective), any point in scrapping ubuntu 8.04 for 9.04 when all I need it for is troubleshooting and such tools? [14:18] Jimmio: what is the command? [14:18] also is there any way i can access the shares mounted by whatever-it-is-gnome-uses-for-accessing-smb-shares from command line? [14:19] MindVirus1: uninstall and re-install fireefox [14:19] ikonia: that makes firefox manually selected. [14:19] Boohbah: export projectTitle=`gdialog --title "Enter Project Title" --inputbox "Enter Project Title"` [14:19] MindVirus1: yes, that's right [14:19] MindVirus1: but you can re-install the meta package from the main repo [14:20] Hmm. Why not? [14:20] is there any chance i make my mp3 player workable with pc? [14:20] MindVirus1: no, you "can" [14:20] !mp3 > Guest20265 [14:20] Guest20265, please see my private message [14:20] Hi i want to use mdadm + dm-crypt + lvm on a storage device, in what order does linux setup the 3? should i crypt each of the raid drives before making a raid array our of them or should i create the array and crypt it after [14:20] ikonia: If you remove firefox, you'll never ever get it working properly again, Trust me.. O.O [14:20] ikonia: only thing: I'd remove firefox-gnome-support. [14:20] ? [14:20] ikonia: I for sure don't want that as manually installed. [14:21] MindVirus1: why - what different does it make if you're just going to re-install it [14:21] Jimmio: so, that command outputs nothing to STDOUT so the variable is set to nothing as expected. Did you expect something different? [14:21] Jimmio: I've done it many times when testing [14:21] MindVirus1: maybe you could just use tasksel to reinstall. I don't think that marks things as manual [14:21] Boohbah: Ohh, it outputs to stderr doesn't it? x.x [14:21] ikonia: manually installed means that it won't be removed with autoremove if it's not a dep. [14:21] og01, lvm then madmd then dmcypt [14:21] ubottu:there is no privete message from u [14:21] MindVirus1: it will never be removed - it's a meta package [14:21] generally speaking, how well is 64bit supported? I plan to install ubuntu on a new PC, but wondering if I shall install 32bit or 64bit... [14:21] now, I looked up the whole br0, and no such device, and I do have bridge-utils installed, any idea what else could be causing the whole error of SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device [14:22] xrfang: very well [14:22] especially things like wine [14:22] ikonia: firefox-gnome-support? [14:22] how do I go about setting up my network bridge for my KVM? [14:22] MindVirus1: what about it [14:22] I have bridge-utils [14:22] ikonia: does wine have a 64bit version? [14:22] xrfang: dont think so [14:22] ikonia: I would actually like firefox to be manually installed but not firefox-gnome-support. [14:22] megra: i expected lvm to be last! how can i ensure that everything is ercerated in order [14:23] megra: my ? key doesnt work :) [14:23] MindVirus1: what does it matter - you've messed around with the repos and dependencies, now this is how you'll need to deal with it, or install something that depends on firefox [14:23] ok, so, can we run 32 bit software (not only wine) on a 64bit ubuntu? [14:23] xrfang: some software yes [14:23] ikonia: is there any way to install without setting manually installed? [14:23] xrfang: ia32 libs. Search aptitude xP [14:23] <_eG1k> hello, why poweroff button dont work without GDM ? [14:23] ok, thanks ikonia, [14:23] ? [14:23] MindVirus1: no, unless something needs it as a dependency [14:23] I was planing on having a raid array setup, encrypting it, then adding it to a lv so that i could add tfurther drives if nesseary [14:23] og01, lvm is first if you want to setup a soft-raid, then you create you partition and tell lvm to encrypt it [14:24] Jimmio: that's for wine? or generally (32bit software on 64bit linux)? [14:24] xrfang: generally. [14:24] tks, I will earch for that [14:24] megra so i add all the devices to lvm before they are raided or encrpted? [14:25] the encryption is handled by lvm? [14:25] My sound has suddenly stopped working. [14:25] Can't write to /dev/dsp, reports "device or resource busy", but `lsof /dev/dsp` reports nothing [14:26] another question, by installing 64 bit linux, can I expect a noticeable performance improvement? [14:26] xrfang: no [14:27] xrfang: the average home user won't see a difference [14:27] ikonia: so it does not really make sense, [14:27] xrfang: but its required for the extra address space (ie for loadsa ram) [14:27] I suppose I will not have more than 4G memory install on a desktop... [14:27] xrfang: sure it does [14:27] og01: that's what I am thinking [14:27] why ? [14:27] xrfang: plus larger numbers are easier to crunch [14:28] what is the benefit of 64bit, if not for extended capacity (address space)? [14:28] xrfang: for the average home user at this time - very little [14:28] I hope it is faster, but you say no...? [14:28] I need some help with a problem that has arisen with compiz /emerald on 8.04. The window borders are now missing. Can anyone tell me where to get help on this? [14:28] xrfang: I think it would be slightly faster at working with large integers [14:28] steve_i: are you using an nvidia video card ? [14:29] xrfang: i *think* [14:29] ok. [14:29] og01: nothing you will notice though === natureshadow1 is now known as natureshadow [14:29] thanks all. [14:29] ikonia: under normal circumstances i agree === steve_i is now known as dnibbler [14:31] The shadow file has md5 hashes of the passwords ? [14:31] hmmm.... im lost now with how to do lvm/md/crypt I thought it would be as easy as creating the array then encrypting the array and then adding the resulting device to a vg [14:31] Lunixed: yes [14:32] Ohh...can i move them to other file ? [14:32] I am not able to open the file in gedit [14:32] Lunixed: gksu gedit /etc/shadow [14:32] k [14:33] Lunixed: why are you editing the shadow file? [14:34] is there anything that uses a canon mv 850i?? [14:34] Boohbah, I am not...Actually i am setting up a mail server ..I need to migrate all the password and usernames to a LDAP server [14:34] Hi everybody [14:34] Lunixed: ahh i see [14:34] hi dr. nick [14:35] Boohbah, I will do it with a backup file [14:35] Hi , I inserted a disk and i don't have access to its contents. i cannot see any icon on my desktop and when i go Computer - >CD-RW/DVD±RW Drive i get: Unable to mount location. No media in the drive. any ideas? thanks. [14:35] Lunixed: good idea [14:36] Thanks Boohbah :) [14:36] Yo guys! [14:36] i 'have a probòem with my camcordesr. [14:36] llima: yo man [14:37] does anyone have a solution for a women ? [14:37] compile from source [14:37] whats the su default pass for ubuntu? [14:37] anyone use jolicloud [14:37] mgray5159: ask your question [14:37] llima: i think its randomized? [14:37] zamba i dont heve her source code :) [14:37] llima: use 'sudo su' and then set it [14:38] llima: use sudo passwd to change password for root [14:38] i use kino.. when i push capture under appear a 'loading dv' and after 10 sec kino stopp camcorder [14:38] przemo_one: yeah, true.. she's probably closed source and proprietary.. it explains everything :) [14:39] zamba: she says just friends but i dont wanna [14:39] if i do: dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdb bs=1M [14:39] przemo_one: and that stupid patch week :) [14:39] llima: i think the default is the normal user's one. [14:39] will it stop when it reaches the end of the device? [14:39] oh understood [14:39] the passwd cmd now! [14:39] I'm trying to edit a postgre configuration, but now its ok, thx u guys [14:40] hi there [14:40] zamba yeah :) patching that bothers me now :) [14:40] id like to move my sda6 / partition to sdb2 - how to do that? [14:41] knoppix: you cant to copy the data? [14:41] knoppix: *you want to copy? [14:41] i think ive managed to lock myself out with ecryptfs. i changed the login password to "bar" when it was "foo" (just an example) and naturally the ecryptfs password didnt update. [14:41] so next boot i went to a failsafe terminal, did a ecryptfs-mount-private and entered "foo". After succesful mount i did an ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase, typed "foo" then "bar" [14:41] this boot however it still doesnt log in, and in failsafe neither the "foo" or the "bar" pass works for mount-private [14:41] linduxed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [14:41] knoppix: dd if=/dev/sda6 of=/dev/sdb2 [14:42] og01: have i simply to copy all the data using copy? not more? [14:42] knoppix: make sure you understand before perfoming that command! [14:42] og01: ah dthx :) [14:42] how can i see size of a file on cli? [14:42] ohi ?? is there anybody that help me? [14:42] knoppix: partitions should be identical in size! [14:42] google is your friend :D [14:42] knoppix: or destination bigger (either way) [14:42] ipazione: if you state your problem... [14:42] knoppix: use gparted and partimage (systemrescuecd recommended) [14:42] og01: of course [14:43] przemo_one: gparted is running now. whats about partimage? [14:43] knoppix: man dd first [14:43] knoppix: make sure this is what your trying to acheive [14:43] knoppix: i dont want to be responsible for destroying your data [14:43] og01: while copying data i cannot lose data? [14:44] how do i recover grub after a windows instalation in a dual boot system? [14:44] knoppix: you would be overwritting /dev/sdb2 [14:44] i mean: i could simply copy all the data using cp, then change the fstab and then i could rm the old data [14:44] knoppix: if your happy with that go ahead and try [14:44] og01: sdb2 is definitly emtpy [14:45] knoppix: dd would creat a perfect copy of the data [14:45] knoppix: cp would not [14:45] when i push capture on kino under appear 'loading dv' and after 10 sec kino stop my camcorders [14:45] knoppix: first make a copy of partition using partimage. then restore it to the second drive. if partiton size is different than use gparteds "check" option to correct [14:45] thedancingdeer: ls -l [14:45] cp changes things last "last modification-time", doesnt it? [14:45] przemo_one: whats wrong with the dd command? [14:45] knoppix: and files would be reentered into the partition dile at a time [14:45] knoppix: partimage would be faster [14:46] knoppix: but you would have to create the image somewhere and then restore it [14:46] thedancingdeer: or try ls -lh (its a bit more "friendly") [14:46] knoppix: partimage does some cleaverness to make the image smaller [14:46] i should save a partition into a file? [14:46] knoppix: but dd would doa byte for byte copy [14:46] knoppix as far as i know dd command will dump entire surface without checking what is the file system or where the partiton ends. i know my way and it's tested [14:47] przemo_one: og01: ah, ok [14:47] knoppix: dd works perfectly [14:47] hmm, i must have been flood-squelched... [14:47] knoppix: dd might take all date [14:47] well, the time i would invest into reading the partimage manpage, i could simply using dd :) [14:47] *day [14:47] here i put a screnshot http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/7012/schermata1i.png [14:48] og01: for 8gig? [14:48] knoppix: nah not all day [14:48] knoppix: dont want to guess how long though [14:48] og01: hm kay :P [14:48] knoppix: it would be a litteral byte by byte copy [14:49] guntbert: thanks! :) [14:49] og01: i see. knoppix copies _empty_ space and needs a long time for that [14:49] thedancingdeer: :-) [14:49] hi can any one help me with a problem finging ati gfx drivers? [14:49] finding* [14:49] hey guys, i get erros when i try to apt-get install or apt-get update -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/261461/ anyone has any ideas how to fix that remotely? [14:49] knoppix: you mean dd copies empty space, yes partimag doesnt [14:50] haiiiiiiiiiiii [14:50] Where can I get the full set of Asian text fonts? [14:50] knoppix: bu parimage neds to create an image fie [14:50] ebro: tell you problem [14:50] knoppix: just dtpe the dd command and wait [14:50] *type [14:50] hello === funkyHat is now known as funkyHat_ [14:50] knoppix: m keyboard sucks === funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat__ [14:51] hey.. [14:51] i just installed gpointing-device-settings from the debian repositories, and its working great, but i have a feeling its conflicting with the gnome control centers own "gnome-mouse-properties" [14:51] somebody can help me with remote login on ubuntu? [14:51] og01: hm, kay then i use dd :) === funkyHat__ is now known as funkyHat [14:51] trying to work out why I can't ping my backend IP address: when I have a full fledged network already running. I'm tryign to create a bridge with only one interface [14:51] http://pastie.org/private/odkoadjhrnqlux2ix01oq [14:51] can i somehow deactivate it and leave control over the mouse to gpointer-device-settings without removing the entire gnome-control-center? [14:51] hi, i switched my monitor to a 60hz lcd from an 85hz crt. i get an out of range message after login. can someone please tell me how to change the refresh rate to fix this? [14:51] i have an notebook with a ati igm 340m gfx, i have tried installing the lagacy drivers availble from ati but when i run ati config is says that there are no adaptors [14:51] I can't ping from any other system [14:51] How to make an .img??? [14:51] there so are too many people in here :) [14:51] knoppix: do whatever you want [14:51] knoppix: both will work [14:51] ok [14:52] all servers are on the same subnet [14:52] so i assume thats the wrong drivers [14:52] uiopu === qbproger is now known as high132 [14:53] Is there any way to set the default cflags in ubuntu? [14:53] ebro: I would assume the same, I think I once ran into that kind of problem [14:54] mae [14:54] and I think that was the driver which was wrong, if my memory serves [14:54] mame [14:54] yeah i cant seem to find the right drivers, did you ever find them? [14:55] g0tcha: gutsy is no longer supported. i think the repos may have been discontinued. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [14:55] ebro: can you "lspci -nn | grep VGA" [14:56] Anyone in here happen to have any experience with setting up a build environment in Ubuntu? I was curious how I could set default CFLAGS? [14:56] legend2440, so how can i fix that then? [14:56] ebro: then give me the line [14:56] g0tcha: upgrade i guess [14:57] ok ill pm you [14:57] legend2440, upgrade the whole OS? [14:57] !asian fonts [14:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about asian fonts [14:57] do diablo news server support buffer spooling ? [14:57] can anyone tell me where where gnome-mouse-properties and gpointing-device-settings save their settings? [14:57] you seriously theres no way to just update reposts or whatever they are called? [14:57] and how exactly the control works? === bambam is now known as Guest73028 [14:59] Can anyone suggest a simple and good video editor ? [14:59] especially capable of editing MP4 files [14:59] Hi agian :) [15:00] g0tcha: I think there is an old-releases subdomain [15:00] I have 3 partitions on my computer. One with Vista(~250 gb), one with a broken Ubuntu 9.04 (~30 gb) and one empty (~90 gb). I want to uninstall Ubuntu, Install Windows7 on the empty partition and then install Ubuntu again on the 30 gb partition... And my question is, How to uninstall Ubuntu from a live cd? [15:00] Hi, I have a dell xps M1530, I am reinstalling ubuntu because of some crap i did ^^ and was wondering if the 64 version would run on my laptop, somebody has any info about 64bits ? [15:01] why uninstall it? [15:01] in windows 7 partition you should delete the partition set on that hdd [15:01] me? [15:01] Brolleus, just reinstall on the top of it [15:01] yes [15:01] Brolleus: I agree no need to uninstall [15:01] Guest73028: avidemux i think should work [15:02] Brolleus: just delete and re-allocte the space with whatever new operating system needs it === niels_ is now known as NielsE [15:02] Windows7 fails to install and i think it becous of the Ubuntu install... [15:02] or when it comes to installing ubunto click the option to make new partition [15:02] lollan: I have not seen a laptop that can run 64-bit software [15:02] Brolleus: not likely [15:02] make sure windows 7 is the hd0 [15:02] ubunto hd1 [15:02] and so forth [15:02] Brolleus: but you could boot up livecd and use fdisk to delete the paartitions [15:02] Vista is hd0 [15:02] I'm developing something and I want to know if the package python-notify is installed as default in the latest ubuntu [15:02] damn! [15:02] buy another pc.. [15:03] there is your problem then. Vista. [15:03] mnaines, that's what i thought, better install 64 on a home computer, thanks [15:03] linduxed:any other ? [15:03] windows7 fails massively after the 7100 beta [15:03] I have all my movies and musik on the vista partition... Thats the real problem-.- [15:03] it's just another windows vista, except even more bloated [15:03] can you boot up from windows 7 cd/dvd? [15:04] B00: Windows 7 doesnt have a live version... :P [15:04] live cd version* [15:04] never triedi t but on XP you would delete the ubunto partition then select that hdd as the XP [15:04] Brolleus: also you can on vista installer [15:05] Brolleus: i would expect you could with win7 [15:05] ah u want to use the 30gb as ubunto.. [15:05] danbhfive1, i have 7.10 running on the one im facing problems with.. how can i fix it? [15:05] Brolleus: if it really concerns you use fdisk from ubuntu cd [15:05] * SimulianT aw lakt [15:05] then just delete that partition then select hd3 for windows install [15:05] og01: Yes, i think so to... but i can boot win7 [15:06] g0tcha: use the info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#7.10%20to%208.04%20(Gutsy%20to%20Hardy) [15:06] anybody want to take a guess on how long dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdb bs=1M would take on a 750GB drive? [15:06] within vista there should be options to select boot options on boot [15:06] in msconfig ;>_> [15:06] or boot.ini [15:06] it should show you a list of O$ in the boot loader [15:07] Vista doesnt start... Partition something and Windows dies... -.- [15:07] B00; it shows you an list of OS's in the bootloader if the bootloader is setup correctly [15:07] reinstall vista without formatting! [15:07] all files will be kept [15:07] that's an option === NAkeidosan is now known as TimothyA [15:07] hi [15:07] have to go, thanks for the help... :) [15:07] danbhfive1, ill read up on that thanks [15:08] indeed NAkeidosan [15:08] gl Brolleus [15:08] quien habla español [15:08] guys, have a question. which is the best vmware or vbox? [15:08] !best | tOli [15:08] tOli: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [15:08] !es > llima [15:08] !es | llim [15:08] llima, please see my private message [15:08] llim: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [15:09] ikonia: does i need to pay to use vwware? [15:09] yes [15:09] tOli: depends on the version of the product you use [15:09] tOli: check out their website [15:10] I'm looking at an /etc/network/interfaces file that has lines in it like " addresses-1 a.b.c.d/e" and I can't find any documentation about what this configuration does. Does anyone have any pointers? [15:10] I need some help with my sound.... [15:11] anyway to make dd more verbose? [15:12] og01: not that i know of [15:12] og01: maybe you could use another tool to monitor the progress of dd [15:12] Boohbah: sujestions would be welcome [15:13] Boohbah: im getting bored of waiting and want to see how fast its working [15:13] df, du [15:13] og01: check iostat [15:13] ikonia: thanks [15:14] Boohbah: I dont think they'll help in this case [15:15] og01 [15:15] theatro [15:15] from, info coreutils ’dd invocation’ can I pm you a few lines? [15:15] theatro: please [15:19] heya there! :) what would be the best way to do the following: move directory A (incl. sub-dirs) to location B and place links in location A to location B? [15:19] mv A B; ln -sf B A [15:19] Boohbah: thanks :) === enzotib_ is now known as enzotib [15:23] hi, i'm recompiling a my kernel on an ubuntu-server, i'm supposed to find "include/asm-amd64/param.h" and change USER_HZ to 1000, but there's no asm-amd64 subdir in include and asm-generic doesn't contain a param.h, any idea that where should i find it then? [15:24] i am looking to have my transmission web interface run over my apache webserver, now, i have found the necessary proxy file (from the transmission website) but i dont know where to put it or append it to, does anyone have any ideas? http://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/WebInterface [15:24] i get timeouts and network errors trying to access openusenet.org/diablo, Is diablo discontinued ? [15:26] Hi there. Has there been a (default) firewall change from 8.10 to 9.04? I am asking because on my fathers computer, after upgrading, skype doesn't work anymore, giving some p2p connection errors ... [15:27] Hello, is there an edge repo for php5 pegged at gt or equal to 5.3? Want to start playing with the new features but standard repo's are at 5.26 === enzotib_ is now known as enzotib [15:28] BeerSerc: there is no firewall installed by default [15:28] sentix: your best bet would be to look at a PPA - but be aware they are unsupported [15:28] Boohbah: OK, thank you. [15:29] Necrologist: not positive. been a while since i compiled a kernel but i think that setting is configured when you do make menuconfig [15:29] ikonia: Not to worried about support, just playing on my workstation and thanks to PHP's growing library of unit tests I can usually fix my own problems... I'm just trying to avoid directly from source [15:30] hi all [15:30] any help to make my mp3 player compatible with my pc?? [15:30] sentix: could be a PPA around though, nothing official I'm comfident [15:30] in my machine update-alternatives seem not working [15:30] Guest20265: what mp3 player is it ? [15:30] i have 3 version of java [15:30] but alternatives --config didnot have effects [15:30] how i can fix it? [15:30] ikonia: samsung yp-3sj [15:31] hello [15:31] ikonia:samsung yp-3sj [15:31] Guest20265: can you mount it [15:31] Guest20265: the notes I'm reading suggest it's not compatible [15:31] ikonia: no i,m not [15:31] Guest20265: looks like it's not compatible then [15:32] hi! [15:32] why is not working the internet conection with ubuntu still today??? [15:32] ikonia:if it's not is there anythink what i could do? [15:32] Guest20265: no [15:33] ikonia: thank's than [15:33] Guest20265: Unless you can convince your device to attack like a portal/flash harddrive then you're stuck [15:33] err act [15:33] I'm developing something and I want to know if the package python-notify is installed as default in the latest ubuntu? [15:33] y [15:33] hey please 1 question. I got a macbook computer. On the mac OS there's an application that if you plug an ethernet cable to the macbook it can make a wifi lan so other computers can attach to it. My question is, do you know how this works and an equivalent appilcation for ubuntu? [15:33] NielsE: looks like it is [15:34] hi, i have i prob with the new kde 4.3 under ubuntu, kde 4.3 always start /usr/bin/conky but is istn`s in service and under gnome in startprograms i have deactivatet [15:35] greetings. I used Open Sound System because Alsa isn't working. Any tips on making skype work with OSS? Ubuntu 9.04 [15:35] I get errors like this when copying files over that have names with Japanese text: Error while copying "COMIC ���K�X�g�A 2006-07_010.jpg (invalid encoding)". [15:35] NielsE: I don't think so, I just wiped my / a couple days ago and don't see it in site-packages or /var/options [15:35] My wifi is broken after sleep. I type "sudo modprobe ath_pci" to get it back online. How can I do so automatically? [15:36] i have an ati 3850 hd 512mb agp and i have installed the proprietary drivers.When i play media files .avi .mpg .mkv etc with totem or vlc the movies are going very slow and if eventually they unstack when i go to full screen (24" screen) there they completely stack and or slow motion and sound comes before the frame! Can somebody help? [15:36] codazoda: Do you need sleep mode? [15:36] sentix: hmm..that would be a pity.. [15:36] mnaines: Not sure what your question means. [15:36] Perhaps I should have said: suspend rather than sleep. === Zathara_OFF is now known as Zathara [15:36] NielsE: double checking right now, you know the package name, I can do a quick cmdline import test [15:37] NielsE: the python package name that is [15:37] codazoda: I mean I have the same problem, so I do my best not to let the computer go into sleep mode [15:38] mnaines: Mines a laptop, so I always suspend instead of shutting it off. Boots much faster that way. I was able to fix this under 8.10. [15:38] codazoda: Does hibernate mode do that to you? [15:38] hi [15:38] NielsE: For Kubuntu 9.04 - import pynotify == ImportError: No module named pynotify [15:38] mnaines: Yup, it fails after hibernate also. [15:38] hellou. DOes enybody know hot to mount mdf file in ubuntu? thnx [15:38] I've created the file /etc/pm/config.d/atheros with the line "SUSPEND_MODULES=ath_pci". This automatically fixed the problem under 8.10 but doesn't seem to work under 9.04. [15:38] sentix: ah too bad [15:39] codazoda: I don't know how to make the process automatic [15:39] mnaines: What version of ubuntu? [15:39] sentix: then I'll have to create some sort of warning that you need the package [15:39] sentix: thanks for checking :-) [15:39] NielsE: Could always try wrapping the import with a try catch then throwing a console/messagebox alerty telling the user to.... heh your 2 steps ahead of me [15:39] codazoda: Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition [15:40] i have an ati 3850 hd 512mb agp and i have installed the proprietary drivers.When i play media files .avi .mpg .mkv etc with totem or vlc the movies are going very slow and if eventually they unstack when i go to full screen (24" screen) there they completely stack and or slow motion and sound comes before the frame! Can somebody help? [15:40] mnaines: I wrote up a simple wiki on how to do it under 8.10, maybe it will work for you (maybe not). http://www.joeldare.com/wiki/linux:netgear_wpn511_fails_after_sleep [15:41] How can i change my hdisk name from disk 2 --> disk2 [15:41] ? [15:41] Hydrid tried disabling compiz? [15:41] Hybrid: Probably an over kill but I use gparted for managing my harddrives [15:41] intok: i dont have copmiz [15:42] codazoda: My laptop uses an ExpressCard/54 and I use the internal wifi, which is the Intel 3945 abg adapter [15:42] sentix: what? [15:42] If you select a sleep system in /etc/pm/config.d/00sleep_module will all 3 options run things in /etc/pm/config.d/? [15:42] quien eres? [15:42] sorry [15:42] mnaines: If you find out the driver its using, you should be able to stop that driver when the machine goes to sleep and start it when it starts back up. All automatically. [15:43] Hydrid: "How can i change my hdisk name from disk 2 --> disk2" - gparted is a GUI for managing/modifying harddrive partitions [15:43] sentix: ok thanks [15:43] My system takes 30 seconds to sleep under 9.04 but only 5 seconds to sleep under 8.10 any idea why? [15:43] Hi guys. i need to know what file is being executed when i shut down the system [15:43] hellou. DOes enybody know hot to mount mdf file in ubuntu? thnx [15:43] RanyAlbeg: what do you mean ? [15:44] RanyAlbeg: what the shutdown command is or the shutdown process [15:44] RanyAlbeg: Like the settings for run levels? [15:44] I know that .profile is being executed when the system starts [15:44] helooooo [15:44] is anyone here [15:44] RanyAlbeg: No, .profile is executed when you login to the console. [15:45] hio [15:45] i thought there might be a file that is being executed when i shut down my computer [15:45] grawity: i think its .bashrc no? [15:45] RanyAlbeg: /sbin/shutdown is the shutdown command, however init will step down through the run levels scripts [15:45] RanyAlbeg: And .bashrc is exec'd every time you open a shell (Terminal or the console). [15:45] RanyAlbeg: There is the runlevel settings in /etc/rc#.d/ === Deadly is now known as Guest31862 [15:46] so to do a simple thing like changing the disks name you must install a prog? Xa rediculus [15:46] so i get lots of answers . i dont get it yet. [15:46] hellou. DOes enybody know hot to mount mdf file in ubuntu? thnx [15:46] RanyAlbeg: all the answers say the same thing [15:46] Hydrid: There is fdisk and a slew of console tools [15:46] such file exists? [15:46] RanyAlbeg: what are you tyring to do - that may help us answer you better [15:47] RanyAlbeg: it's not 1 file [15:47] i need something very simple [15:47] RanyAlbeg: it's a sequence of scripts and executables [15:47] hello i was trying to setup a local network between my xubuntu desktop and windows vista home laptop to exchange files.. but they cant seem to identify each other!..any help? [15:47] RanyAlbeg: tell us what you want [15:47] sentix: and where i find these ? [15:47] jaunty to koala what do you think abput that [15:47] Jork: maybe convert them to iso first, I'm nt sure there's anything for this proprietary format under linux (though I might be completely wrong) [15:47] i have tried both ways.. connect them directly using a rj45 cord and also using the rwireless router [15:47] lucas_: if you have to ask - don't do it [15:47] tp_: I am looking for the same solution...I am trying to get my Linux machines to communicate with a Windows box to share a network printer [15:47] Hydrid: at the console 'man fdisk' can get you started [15:48] I want to run a backup script i wrote every 7 days when i shutdown the system [15:48] ikonia, [15:48] why [15:48] :D [15:48] mnaines, any solutions? [15:48] Hydrid: console partition tools can be entertaining [15:48] i need to find the location to execute it from [15:48] lucas_: because it's unstable and you'll need a certain level of experience to get the most out of it, which if you have to ask suggests you don't have [15:48] tp_: I haven't found any yet [15:48] sentix: ok thanks i will read and try hope to manage [15:49] tp_: I might try Samba, but I don't know if that will work [15:49] I need to reload my atheros driver (ath_pci) after I suspend. Does anyone know how to do so? [15:49] Hydrid: just remember, if in doubt with fdisk say no when it asks to save changes [15:49] have intalled it. will try [15:49] can enyone help my with wireshark?? [15:50] jacobo: What help do you need? [15:50] what Ubuntu China channel is? [15:50] and my wirless card?? [15:50] !cn > KYO [15:50] KYO, please see my private message [15:50] thank you. [15:50] RanyAlbeg: Does it have to backup on shutdown? Alternative and simpler solution would be a cronjob to backup your stuff at regular intervals [15:51] hi is there some good video converter(for flv) in the lastest ubuntu? [15:51] Comand. sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path to mdf file.mdf /mnt/ will do the work [15:51] command* [15:51] helo [15:51] sentix: before i shut down the computer i want it to run in the terminal and start its backup proccess of course if the user accept. [15:51] helo [15:52] regis: tryffmpeg or mplayer [15:52] naines, the software doesnt recognize the wirless card [15:52] RanyAlbeg: then I suggest you write an inscript and give it a run level priority [15:52] ftab, with a GUI [15:52] regis: !ffmpeg [15:52] !format [15:52] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [15:52] regis, don't know but you can try VLC [15:52] RanyAlbeg: sorry an "init" script, typo [15:52] jacobo: I've never had that problem, so I can't help [15:53] ikonia: got it :) [15:53] ftab, the person that will use them loves GUI,so there are 2 options: install an already made converter or make a bad one [15:53] !upstart > RanyAlbeg [15:53] RanyAlbeg, please see my private message [15:53] ftab, ok I'll ask if vlc is ok [15:53] RanyAlbeg: check out that info, it may help [15:53] what do i have to start catching packets? [15:54] ikonia: ok , thank u i'll try that [15:54] hello. i have an hp2133 mini running a specially tailored version of ubuntu 8.04 (called minbuntu). I was using kile and a pdfviewer and suddenly, the machine froze... [15:54] regis: a good one can be developed quickly in python :-) [15:54] Please help me with my wireless issues on my compaq laptop....:'( [15:54] Anyone in here have ubuntu on a SSD? Was wondering if anyone else had problem making / a ext2 filesystem ( to minimize writes ) [15:54] sentix: working like magic here [15:54] after it froze, i shut it off. i have not been able to boot up ubuntu again [15:54] ftab, I've not a lot of time to do it [15:55] hi [15:55] in fact, now the machine will not show the normal hp boot screen. it does nothing. HELP!!! [15:55] ftab, btw how's the media repository called [15:55] ftab, thanks for pointing me to vlc [15:55] regis: media repository ? [15:55] oberdada: if you can't see the HP bios screen - it's nothing to do with ubuntu, it's a hardware problem [15:56] ikonia: With 9.04 I had to nurse it along because the installer tried to take on FS features that don't work with ext2 ( ext_attrs and I believe resizable_inodes) just seemed weird to have them crop up [15:56] ikonia: tack not take [15:56] the first few times i urned it on, it did show the bios screen. and tried to boot ubuntu [15:56] ftab, for having mp3,libdvdcss etc... === vorian is now known as buttercup [15:56] anyone can help me with wireshark [15:56] sentix: I was using ext3 and ext4 on my ssd's [15:56] mp3 not in gstremer but in ffmpeg based players such as vlc or mplayer [15:56] one of those times it gave me a screen dump saying at the end : kernel panic. attempting to kill init [15:56] regis: I fouind this http://movieconvert.sourceforge.net/ [15:57] which uses mplayer, but the project is no longer supported [15:57] ftab, thanks is it integrated in ubuntu? [15:57] ah ok [15:57] the other time, it showed the ubuntu logo upon bootup with the process bar, it froze right there [15:57] ikonia: Yeah, I was being ultra paranoid about squeezing out as much life from the SSD so I went with a non-journalled FS [15:57] ftab, there is also handbrake but it's not in ubuntu [15:57] regis: I am not sure but you should be able to compile that. [15:57] and now, it does not show the bios screen [15:57] sentix: not tried ext2 personally with it. [15:58] ftab, ok [15:58] oberdada: then you have a hardware problem [15:58] oberdada: It sounds like your laptop might have died [15:58] regis: if a software is written for linux then it is for ubuntu [15:58] ubuntu is just a distro [15:58] ftab, btw do you know how I could retrive RTMP url [15:58] ? [15:58] ikonia: where can I find stats about the different file systems? [15:58] mnaines: what sort of stats ? [15:58] ikonia: ext3 and ext4 from a certain distance is just ext2 without journaling and some other cool features [15:58] aw sh*TTR [15:59] ikonia: The benefits of each [15:59] sentix: I'm aware of what it is [15:59] mnaines: wikipedia has a solid overview [15:59] regis: you can try that in totem [15:59] hope the information on the disk is recoverable at least === root is now known as Guest11156 [15:59] mnaines: Wikipedia has some pretty good articles on that subject [15:59] Compaq cq60-211dx --> Ubuntu 9.04 --> Kernel 2.6.29... Atheros wireless ath5k is installed... it is in the kernel. I get info with iwconfig although I am not sure that the wireless info is correct... [15:59] hey all [15:59] ikonia: Link, please [15:59] and totem stores it's temp files /tmp [15:59] Ubiedoodie: that's a custom kernel [15:59] mnaines: wikipedia.org [15:59] mnaines: Dude there's this cool thing called Google [15:59] nowai [15:59] ftab, I need a sniffer and only vlc work [16:00] 64 bit ubuntu rules =) [16:00] is that kernel to new..? [16:00] Ubiedoodie: 9.04 has .28 kernel [16:00] ftab, I've ~1fps with totem and mplayer [16:00] 64 bit is a bit buggy with a crap GPU [16:00] regis: wireshark [16:00] ftab, I've the xv driver [16:00] <__theIdiotBox> hello everyone [16:00] ftab, I've tried without success [16:00] I'm trying to connect to my wireless network. It's a WEP 40/129 bit Key, but when I type in the correct pass the "Connect" button in the lower right hand corner is greyed out [16:00] regis: wireshark? [16:00] ftab, same for urlsnarf and tcpdump [16:00] ikonia: I know I have installed the 2.6.29 kernel because it was supposed to fix more of the wireless issues [16:00] Any thoughts as to how to get the connect button working? [16:01] ftab, yes for wireshark [16:01] my pc is not buggy, it runs like hell =) [16:01] regis: let me find another one [16:01] ftab, I've got an ip with wireshark but no url [16:02] regis: ettercap [16:02] ravn_: So by hell you mean its molten lava? [16:02] ftab, ok thanks a lot [16:02] No thoughts? [16:02] regis: you can also try etherape [16:03] ftab, good idea...I hope it shows the url [16:03] ftab, btw etherape is funny [16:03] english or germaNß [16:04] iknoi, I when I hit backspace at the beginning of a file my screen flickers do you know what could be the reason? [16:04] regis: how come [16:04] ? [16:04] ftab: That sounds normal, the flash is a silent bell warning you that you're doing something wrong [16:04] ftab, last time I used you got a graphic of each connection [16:05] I have a stupid question about Ubuntu Studio. Isn't Blender and the other programs supposed to be installed when I install Studio from DVD? [16:05] regis: yes, and I guess it shows the url too, but not sure :-) [16:05] ok [16:05] hi.. my local network having trouble to connect to zynga games in facebook through my ubuntu firewall (using netfilter), browsing & downloads are fine... can anyone help me with this? [16:05] sentix, but there should be a way to get rid of that flickering as it's annoying [16:06] use firestarter tbh [16:06] its a smart enough firewall to not mess with any programs [16:07] I'm trying to connect to my wireless network. It's a WEP 40/129 bit Key, but when I type in the correct pass the "Connect" button in the lower right hand corner is greyed out [16:07] Blacksimon: it's an ubuntu server, there's no X [16:07] oh server === bambam is now known as Guest45107 [16:07] oh no x [16:07] oh ballocks :D [16:07] Good morning, I am having some random shutdowns, it's like someone just pulled the power out. no errors and the pc boots up without any errors after pressing the power button. any ideas what could cause this? [16:07] How Can I recover my root password ? I am using Intrepid ! [16:07] Blacksimon: a firewall is as smart as you set it up [16:07] regis: if you want to analyze images over the network then Drifnet might be helpful [16:07] Guest45107: there is no root password, use sudo [16:07] !root [16:07] Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [16:07] Blacksimon: & i prefer netfilter (iptables) [16:08] IdleOne: hardware problem, bad ram, dying PSU ? [16:08] what is intrepid? [16:08] ftab, I'd like to get something like rtmp://some/address.mp4 [16:08] Guest45107: version of ubuntu [16:08] ikonia: sudo or su doesnt work, gives authentication failure error ! [16:08] !intrepid [16:08] Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 [16:08] ikonia: how can I diagnose it? [16:08] ikonia: Intrepid means 8.10 [16:08] tbh, not a fan of soft firewalls [16:08] ftab, etherape didn't give me that [16:08] Guest45107: I know what it means, I meant that for GuidMorrow [16:08] so when it comes down to it, I want something blindingly easy [16:08] !jaunty | Guest45107 [16:08] Guest45107: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents [16:09] regis: try totem for that [16:09] his computer might not be up to par to run Jaunty [16:09] GuidMorrow: & ubottu: I am using Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 and I can not upgrade to Jaunty for few reasons [16:09] i need some help from someone... I cant download linpus anywhere [16:09] GuidMorrow: Exactly my system is low resource laptop [16:09] Blacksimon: what do you mean by soft firewall? firestarted is based on netfiler as far as i know [16:10] !firestarter [16:10] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist [16:10] aye, what i said was I dont like sing soft firewalls at all. but IF i have to, i stick to something easy to use [16:10] i tested to install ubuntu on it before but the screen resulotion was wrong [16:10] ikonia, [16:10] ftab basically I've a flash movie that plays rtmp from m6 replay...how could totem tell me the url? [16:10] what you talkin' about willis? [16:10] ubuntu see my ipod touch as digital cam [16:10] this is silly [16:10] AspireOne: om someone... I cant download linpus anywhe [16:10] using cisco asa500s for routing so i let the soft wirewall do the easy work [16:11] here is the link http://www.linpus.com/ [16:11] lucas_: not really, [16:11] ikonia|GuidMorrow|ubottu: Any solution to my problem ? [16:11] !ipod > lucas_ [16:11] lucas_, please see my private message === xbmc is now known as CrazyER [16:11] Guest45107: what problem ? [16:11] AspireOne: http://www.linpus.com/download.php any further support will have to go to linpus forums or irc if they have it [16:11] regis: could you send me a rtmp url? [16:11] what does your laptop have that won't let you run sudo anything [16:12] did you forget the password [16:12] ftab, that is the problem...I'd like to get the uri from an html file [16:12] or flash file [16:12] ikonia, [16:12] I am not able to install any software, cannot sudo or use su commands ( which gives authentication failure), I can not upgrade due to low system resources, I have important data on system,so cant format, I had changed the root password long time back when I made some changes to gnome [16:12] Blacksimon: so, any other suggestion? i've google'd & found out that zynga apps use port 9339. but when i open the access to the port still... not successful [16:12] regis: sorry, but I am not clear about your exact problem that you are facing [16:13] i looked this page but i am little scare.It hurts my ipod touch is it possible [16:13] Guest45107: System specs would help [16:13] ftab, I'll try to be more clear [16:13] Guest45107: Boot into recovery mode, reset the root password? [16:13] Guest45107: what happened to break it [16:13] hm, look at your logs, see if your firewall is what is denying the traffic [16:13] Guest45107: Google for booting your machine into single user mode and change your root password [16:13] Guest45107: you know you use your user's password for sudo [16:13] I have no sound in my computer... can someone help??? [16:13] marco: which sound card are you using? [16:13] GuidMorrow: I have 2 ram sticks of 256 each, and 1 is refurbished, I am using amd turion 1.4 ghz processor [16:13] sentix: In Ubuntu that's called "recovery mode", and is in grub menu already. [16:13] marco > and was that working before? [16:14] I'm trying to connect to my wireless network. It's a WEP 40/129 bit Key, but when I type in the correct pass the "Connect" button in the lower right hand corner is greyed out [16:14] ftab, I open firefox,I go on the M6 replay website that permit you to view again tv shows,when you select a movie it's in flash but flash uses rtmp as the underlying protocol [16:14] Sorry for the repost hoping for a reply of some kind [16:14] grawity: I tried to boot in recovery mode but its asking for old password [16:14] Guest45107: you can also run a live CD to backup your data onto a USB flash drive [16:14] regis: ok and? [16:14] Guest45107: Ah,hmm. [16:14] grawity: its still single user mode regardless of what any distro brands it as [16:14] Guest45107: that's what happens when you set a root password [16:14] Guest45107: you'll need to boot from a cd, mount your root file system and remove the password from /etc/shadow [16:14] ftab, I've got some tools that can read or dump rtmp [16:14] sentix: I know - but you don't need to google to find your boot menu, no? [16:15] Blacksimon: i did. looks like the connection use different port every time it make a new connection... :( [16:15] anyone know how to force https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades Step #5 from 6.06 to 8.04 since its not appearing as stated? [16:15] Guest45107: On grub menu, press the 'e' key [16:15] ftab, the only lacking thing is the real URL of the rtmp streal [16:15] from dump you mean download to the local machine regis? [16:15] Guest45107: Then choose the 'boot' line and press 'e' again. [16:15] ftab, yes [16:15] ubuntu_606_upgra: the cd rom is not working properly and often gets stuck, usb ports are usb1 and are not compatible with usb2 sticks which I use [16:15] Guest45107: And finally, add init=/bin/sh to the end of that line. [16:15] Guest45107: Then 'b' to continue booting. [16:15] s/streal/stream [16:15] Guest45107: upgrading RAM wouldn't hurt it; Jaunty needs at least 512MB for a 32-bit environment, or 1GB for 64-bit [16:15] Guest45107: USB2 is backwards compatible with USB1, just slower [16:15] regis: so you want to know the exact url for the video which is using the rtmp protocol? [16:15] is it within a defined port range? and doesnt your program give you the ability to trust a certain app no matter what ports it asks for? [16:15] Blacksimon: i mean the zynga apps [16:15] ftab, yes === imduffy15 is now known as imduffy15|away [16:15] I will try to reboot and see if that works :P [16:16] is there anyway to get apt-get to run on a user basis (nonroot) where it installs to the users home directory instead? [16:16] !away > imduffy15|away [16:16] imduffy15|away, please see my private message [16:16] any suggestions though? It's sort of an annoying issue [16:16] regis: there are many ways to do that, brows the source code, CTRL + U in firefox and find the the embed tag [16:16] ubuntu_606_upgra: I tried the performance is damn poor and often data transfer stucks [16:16] syrnux: i wish there is but i haven't found a way on the internet, try to compile from source code using ./configure --prefix=/home/user/folder && make && make install [16:16] ftab, I've the beginning of the URI in an xml file [16:17] This is really old rig and alot of its components are refurbished, I am stuck guys [16:17] Guest45107: Can you afford a hard drive? [16:17] Blacksimon: dunno how to do it...:) can you tell how to do that? [16:17] syrnux: the package locations are set in the packages [16:17] order a CD? [16:17] nanies where do i find the capture file? [16:17] grawity: Could you please give me steps in PM ? [16:17] regis: but the url to work in the browser should be included in the html file. [16:17] hi [16:17] ill give it a try [16:17] jacobo: I am unable to answer that [16:17] !livecd [16:17] The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. [16:17] ftab, ok I'll look thanks a lot [16:17] mnaines: Sorry spending money on this laptop is not an option [16:18] regis: if you send me a link that would really help me understand your problem :-) [16:18] Guest45107: In a simular situation I just pulled the harddrive from the laptop, got the appropriate adapter ( IDE -> USB ) and copied what I needed off it... lot easier then doing the laptop version of ship in a bottle [16:18] Guest45107: get a live floppy version of linux and copy to the USB flash drive, then md5 the files or the zip to ensure it copied correctly [16:18] im wondering wich mode of operation the ubuntu juanty alternate install uses by defualt [16:18] regis: I am sorry if I wasn't able to help, some times it happens [16:18] ftab, you would need a proxy unless you are in france [16:18] ubuntu_606|ikonia ok thanks, that gives me good things to check out [16:19] anyone know how to force https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades Step #5 from 6.06 to 8.04 since its not appearing as stated? [16:19] Blacksimon: the application is firefox... the zynga games run from the facebook [16:19] ftab, because they filter people with the geolocalization of ip [16:19] ftab, http://www.m6replay.fr/#/emissions/total-wipeout-ca-va-deraper-/1128 [16:19] regis: i see. but as for as I understand you might need to write a crawler to extract the rtmp protocol [16:19] oh great [16:19] intel atheros 85801 and it doesn't work since I install ubuntu... [16:19] Blacksimon: :) [16:19] marco: i am afraid of that after upgrading as well [16:19] well normally youll have a connect port and then a couple ports [16:20] can you log in to the games? [16:20] ftab, yes but I need to find it out manually first or sniff the network connection [16:20] Blacksimon: yes after i turn off my firewall [16:20] proxychains firefox [16:20] 9336, 9339 [16:20] unblock those and try again [16:21] Hey guys-- I'm trying to log into my wireless network--- but tying in the correct key the "connect" button is greyed out [16:21] also 7101 [16:21] regis: the site is in french, and I don't understand french, and can't even translate that using google as it's flash :( [16:21] ftab, I don't find the stream in the html [16:21] guys how do I force the connection? [16:21] ftab, but only in the xml [16:21] because the site is in flash regis [16:21] ftab, ok [16:21] regis, let me see the xml [16:21] The key is correct I just need to "connect" button to not be greyed (which is ridiculous that it's greyed out at all) [16:21] Dartagon: sudo iwconfig essid NAMEOFNETWORK wep KEY [16:22] Blacksimon: is that all of them? [16:22] Dartagon: you can man iwconfig or iwconfig --help for more details as well [16:22] i hope so [16:22] ubuntu_606_upgra: Ahh try this in terminal? [16:22] just to be sure, make it a range of 9336 to 9339 [16:22] hello [16:22] ftab, would the pastebin of the html code and the xml help? [16:22] or if the originals work, keep it that way [16:22] Hello [16:22] sure [16:22] Dartagon: yes, its encryption KEY though, but yes [16:22] regis: go ahead and use pastebin [16:23] anyone know how to force https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades Step #5 from 6.06 to 8.04 since its not appearing as stated? [16:23] ftab, ok thanks a lot [16:23] Blacksimon: ok, i'll try... thanks... [16:23] :D [16:23] y-a t-il des français ici ? [16:23] i need some help here... [16:23] ubuntu_606_upgra: Just for clarification its-- sudo iwconfig essid [NETWORK NAME] wep [KEY] [16:23] Dartagon: yes, thanks for the italicise [16:24] Dartagon: but its encryption instead of wep [16:24] ftab, here's the xml: http://www.pastebin.ca/1547215 [16:24] Dartagon: doing a man iwconfig (q to quit) and iwconfig --help gives you more connection options [16:25] anyone know how to force https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades Step #5 from 6.06 to 8.04 since its not appearing as stated? [16:25] ftab, html: http://www.pastebin.ca/1547217 [16:25] regis: i found these kind of links in xml [16:25] http://groupemsix.vo.llnwd.net/o24/u/production/jingles/jinglegris__20081030__61D77341_M6Replay16-9.fl [16:26] which are flv files. [16:26] ubuntu_606_upgra, Hmmm strange it came out "unknown command "networkname"" [16:26] ftab, yes they are not the stream [16:26] ftab, yes they are introductions and adds [16:26] Dartagon: you replace your network name with networkname [16:26] of course [16:26] regis: and we are looking for rtmp right? [16:27] sudo iwconfig essid [network name] wep [encryption code] [16:27] ftab, I think so...I've heard on the net that the stream is rtmp [16:27] Dartagon: change wep to encryption, but all else looks good (to check try iwconfig --help) [16:27] i cant figure aout how to change the name of my hard disk. I want from disk 3 --> disk2 [16:28] Hi, Is there a software to monitor stock market all over the world in Ubuntu? [16:28] Hybrid: Have you checked the man pages? [16:28] rtmp is server by flash media server regis [16:28] sy1, I want that as well [16:28] Hydrid: you can umount /dev/hda3 && mkdir /media/disk2 && sudo mount /dev/hda3 /media/disk2 (or man pages it) [16:28] sy1: Idk, but you can add a widget with stock market stuff to igoogle, if you have a google account [16:29] ubuntu_606_upgra :http://paste.ubuntu.com/261494/ [16:29] zvacet: checking now, thanks [16:29] ftab, I think so...I bet they don't use red5 [16:30] Hydrid: e2label should be the tool you want e2label device_pathname label [16:30] Who is good with wireless issues ... Ubuntu 9.04 trying to get this atheros to work... [16:31] Ubiedoodie: FYI, atheros programmers are working on an open-source version of atheros drivers called athk5 that should make atheros smoother in regards to installation [16:31] so, what prevents someone who has root in a schroot environment from getting root on the host? Nothing? [16:32] I have kernel 2.6.29 installed with ath5k installed [16:32] Ubiedoodie: custom kernels are not supported [16:32] hi all [16:32] TeamViewer on ubuntu hahah [16:32] perfect [16:32] I could revert to 2.6.28 and then could someone give me a hand? [16:33] Hydrid: see post # 6 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=372440 [16:33] legend2440: ok [16:33] zvacet: Failed with error could not download all repository indexes (in fact, it could download none and i have no third parties) === imduffy15|away is now known as imduffy15 [16:33] hello all [16:34] !hi |lolek [16:34] lolek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [16:34] um, guys i have a questioyn, i'm fighting right now with hp un2400 umts module [16:34] i almost got it working i.e. in wammu i can.. send/recive sms message.. and i can also answer the call... but i can't make any call ;/ [16:35] hey i just resized my swap partition and now i can't turn on my swap partition wapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-uuid/11ce5a54-3f26-479c-a2b7-4863320420af: No such file or directory [16:36] i followed this thread: http://vaioz31.blogspot.com/2009_04_01_archive.html to enable the modem.. i also loaded f/w from windows drivers.. and... as i said.. the only thing that is not working is to make a call [16:36] OK ANY ONE OUT THERE [16:36] kismet: in terminal type sudo blkid make sure uuid in blkid matches uuid in fstab [16:36] !ask [16:36] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [16:37] spikestar: no need to yell [16:37] legend2440: oky i ll try [16:37] opps [16:37] man im bored [16:37] !ot|spikestar [16:37] spikestar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! === z is now known as fgdsfdsfsdadsa [16:37] spikestar: #ubuntu-offtopic [16:38] Yeah same here... Haven't taken my adderall yet [16:38] you can use TeamViewer on ubuntu using wine, and should be able to view the remote desktop but can't share yours [16:38] legend2440: where i can find fstab uuid [16:38] kismet: vol_id --uuid /dev/sdXX [16:38] Trijntje: should i also go to ubuntu-offtopic for my problem with hp un2400 umts module ? [16:38] kismet: /etc/fstab file [16:38] so whats everyone doing [16:39] spikestar just ask what you need to please [16:39] lolek: no but check the ubuntu forums might be some more help there [16:39] okay sorry [16:39] spikestar: this is ubuntu support channel if you want to chit chat please got to #ubuntu-offtopic [16:39] IdleOne: well as i said, i followed one of ubuntu threads and got the page i link posted here few lines above.. [16:39] IdleOne: and.. almost everything is working except making a call ;/ [16:40] My english language not perfect sorry bro. [16:40] idleone u r not my boss [16:40] legend2440: so i just can edit it with the new uuid [16:40] IdleOne: i'm just looking for someone who has got that kind of modem.. and i wanted him to ask about the frimware.. wich file he used.. [16:40] IdleOne: that's all ;) === Fail is now known as Guest79059 [16:40] spikestar: its just channel rules [16:40] I know i can't share my desktop [16:40] spikestar: and you are not a boss here sdo follow the rules please [16:40] what you would want from teamviewer? [16:40] kismet: to edit it in terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/fstab [16:40] what rules [16:40] Yo [16:40] not every one is native english speaker here :) [16:41] I'm Kanye West [16:41] ohh good :D [16:41] !rules | spikestar [16:41] spikestar: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [16:41] Those rules. [16:41] :P [16:41] I help my friends [16:41] k1||0rdi3, there might be a support channel in your local language if you prefer that. Where are you from? [16:41] kismet: change the uuid in fstab to match uuid in blkid [16:41] thank you grawity [16:41] Im from Turkey. [16:41] spikestar : ask for support i you need it or try #of-topic [16:41] zvacet: it's #ubuntu-offtopic [16:42] !turky|k1||0rdi3 [16:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about turky [16:42] !turkey|k1||0rdi3 [16:42] k1||0rdi3: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [16:42] !tr [16:42] ubuntu-tr is not good my friend [16:42] Trintje: You spelled Turkey wrong [16:42] This channel is good. [16:42] Trijntje: Also, the nick is k1ll0rdi3, not k1||0rdi3 [16:43] ok im bored [16:43] spikestar: Then I have an idea, leave. [16:43] spikestar: addictinggames.com [16:43] spikestar, what issue are you facing? [16:43] have a nice day [16:43] im play it all time and new grounds [16:43] , please don't ask people to leave channel [16:43] but im not quiteing [16:44] grawity: argh, why do people have such difficult nicks [16:44] Trijntje: Learn to use tab-completion. [16:44] Do not ask me? [16:44] you seems to be one of them :) [16:44] Trijntje: k1[tab] [16:44] so scr** u [16:44] I too am kanye west. [16:44] hi. anyone know a package for editing pdf bookmarks? [16:44] anyone here able to assist w/ getting oss4 working? [16:44] hello, out of curioisity is there a way to download .deb packages and all their dependencies to a folder without installing them? [16:44] im not leave ing [16:44] grawity: thanks I never notice that before [16:44] :) [16:44] grawity: thats cool, i mastered it already ;) Thanks [16:44] ok brb [16:45] xmnt: try installing oss2alsa or alsa2oss packages and try your app again [16:45] spikestar: we have told you 3 times already that if you want to chat #ubuntu-offtopic is the place to do it. this channel is dedicated to ubuntu support issues [16:45] handbrake doesn't compile on 9.04 [16:45] i come back mins okay [16:45] ubuntu_606_upgra, thanks ... will try [16:45] is there a good video converter on ubuntu 9.04? [16:45] for converting flv [16:45] regis: did you install build-essential? [16:45] IdleOne, of course [16:46] and IdleOne if you guys are not comfortable answering questions then please ignore that, but never ask people to leave the channel it's unethical [16:46] regis: what errors you getting? [16:46] L: libxvidcore.a...failed updating 3 target(s)... [16:46] linking error [16:46] ftab: I did not ask anyone to leave [16:46] ftab: guilty. [16:46] in a static lib [16:47] regis: try the -dev packages for those libs [16:47] omg i have tried everything and sound will not work on my hp dv5 [16:47] LoCoBoi187: dv5 pavilion ? [16:47] LoCoBoi178: whats wrong with it? [16:47] lolek: yes [16:47] IdleOne, ah but handbrake seem to download and build the lib itself [16:47] LoCoBoi187: what snd card? [16:47] it's libxvidcore [16:47] LoCoBoi187: hda intel ich9 ? [16:47] aj_444: ive went into vim and everything reinstalled ALSA [16:48] on windows it says [16:48] IDT sound drivers [16:48] regis: I see. I don't know how to help then sorry. [16:48] along with high def codec [16:48] basically it download and build libxvidcore itself and fails at the linking of libxvidcore.a but in libxvidcore not in handbrake [16:48] LoCoBoi187: lspci | grep -i audio [16:48] out of curioisity is there a way to download .deb packages and all their dependencies to a folder without installing them? would help me alot :P [16:48] LoCoBoi187: then send me the output on pm [16:48] ok [16:48] regis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=575120 [16:49] PSPdemon: use -d [16:50] heh [16:50] what would be the line though? [16:50] :? [16:50] IdleOne: can he do that and specify the folder outside from teh default fonder? [16:50] PSPdemon: sudo apt-get -d package I believe [16:50] i get a few different varrying lines -_- [16:50] thanks [16:50] IdleOne, that's why I asked if there is another one that is easy to use [16:50] Hello. [16:50] ? [16:50] !hi | bankix [16:50] bankix: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [16:50] ubuntu_606_upgra, i've already got it (alsa-oss) [16:50] ftab, the link for compiling is generic [16:50] regis: you can search in Synaptic package manager [16:51] xmnt: darn, that is my only suggestion i know of [16:51] IdleOne, I looked in video without success [16:51] regis: but explains how to compile, compilation in linux is distro independent [16:51] xmnt: ensure your sound card does not require pulse [16:51] xmnt: pulse being a package [16:51] is this the room to ask about features on upcoming releases mainly 9.10 [16:51] ubuntu_606_upgra, i've tried w/ and w/out pulse and neither works [16:51] regis: the folks in #ubuntu-studio might know more [16:51] ftab, but the deps are distro dependant and the errors are sometimes package dependant [16:51] IdleOne, ok thanks [16:52] ftab, for the deps it require jam,g++;gcc;nasm [16:52] ajamison5579: that would be #ubuntu+1 [16:52] ajamison5579: Not really, this is the support channel. [16:52] IdleOne, thanks [16:52] regis: hmm may be I don't know that then :) [16:52] ok thanks [16:53] Hello i have the Mobility FireGL V5250 any idea what I need to install to make that work? [16:53] anyone know how to upgrade to 8.04 from 6.06 since neither changing repos, apt-get dist-upgrade, or do-release-upgrade will upgrade me? [16:53] !upgrade [16:53] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [16:53] !upgrade [16:53] Read those, no help [16:53] ubottu: can you define "neither works" [16:53] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:54] iknoia: gotcha [16:54] ey fresh ubuntus!?!?!?! [16:54] :) [16:54] ftab: what ? [16:54] ihr seid voll ubunutuig! [16:54] !de > Der_Trolly [16:54] Der_Trolly, please see my private message [16:54] Der_Trolly: not here please [16:54] wer ist githca oda so?!?!?! [16:54] Der_Trolly: english only please [16:55] Hä? wat ist los? [16:55] ikonia, you tried some thing which ubottu won't know [16:55] btw IdleOne, does that download the dependencies too? [16:55] ftab: ubottu responded [16:55] wenn ihhr da doch nur in sonner blöden sprache sprecht versteh ich gar nix! [16:55] i know the main debs i need but i dont know the full list of dependencies....do i have to list the dependencies as well? [16:55] ikonia: he does as his nick sounds [16:55] !dutch | Der_Trolly [16:55] Der_Trolly: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl [16:55] wat soll dat?!??!?!? [16:55] PSPdemon: man apt-get scroll down a little and you will see the -d option [16:55] ikonia, but isn't that an error? === bambam is now known as Guest40720 [16:55] ftab: isn't what an error ? [16:55] Hey Guys ! I am back [16:55] computer-linux: open system>admin>hardware drivers any drivers in there? [16:55] the root issue isnt solved [16:56] cant make it work [16:56] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:56] BOR EY [16:56] grawity [16:56] grawity: You there ? [16:56] Guest40720: ? [16:56] #linuxac [16:56] and then are you me noch telling that i would be a holländer! but i arenot! [16:57] legend2440: nope :( [16:57] Yeah, I was the one who asked about root password recovery [16:57] Der_Trolly: what langue do you speak ? [16:57] Der_Trolly: lass das, benimm dich [16:57] I tried your steps but it didnt work [16:57] why do you are speaking solch a blödsinn? [16:57] arabic [16:57] Hi all! [16:57] i speak Englisch, German, French, Spanish and Danish! [16:57] ikonia: Der_Trolly's language is german [16:57] ha! [16:57] guntbert: I thought so [16:57] !gr | Der_Trolly [16:57] Der_Trolly: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes [16:57] Der_Trolly: then please speak in english in here [16:57] I was able to get till the prompt and run passwd command [16:57] sorry Der_Trolly [16:58] !fi | Der_Trolly [16:58] Der_Trolly: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-) [16:58] ftab: why have you just given him a greek channel [16:58] hä? i am doch not a griechian! [16:58] aaaaaaaaaaa [16:58] Der_Trolly: last warning - English only in this channel [16:58] i arent a grechian and not a finnian! [16:58] iknoia: may be i misspelled :-) [16:58] sorry [16:59] ikonia: Thank you very much! === |Zippo|__ is now known as |Zippo| === chaky_ is now known as chaky [17:01] Guest40720: what is your problem? please state it in one line [17:01] hellole, i am back again! [17:01] teddy kenedy funural on most tv networks now :( [17:01] !ot [17:01] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [17:01] majnoon: that's not the topic of this channel [17:01] majnoon: as you know [17:02] somebody has saided that i would not be englisch speaking, but i am just doing spaking englisch! [17:02] Der_Trolly: ok - so please ask your ubuntu support question in english [17:02] Root password not working, sudo or su gives authentication failure, root was allowed about a year ago when I had configured gnome conf file [17:02] it sorta importanat (sp) though [17:02] Does anybody know where GFce Ultra (nes emulator) stores the progress of each game at. For example if you're playing Final Fantasy 1, and you beat up to a certain castle it remembers that. where is that information stored? [17:02] i have ben lerning it sinche 16 yers now! [17:02] majnoon: no - it's not important to this channel [17:02] Der_Trolly: as I explained to you - this channel is for ubuntu support ONLY [17:02] hi there [17:02] USB ports doesnt work properly, old system cant upgrade OS, [17:02] that why said SORTA :P [17:02] hey i try gconftool-2 -s -t bool/desktop/gnome/remote_access true ( enable remote desktop) but don't work why :( thx [17:02] cdrom also not working properly [17:02] any once can please explain who is ChanServ ? [17:03] Guest40720: you don't need the root password - see !root [17:03] *one [17:03] can i get the deb file of ubuntu store some where? [17:03] ftab: irc process [17:03] and you then also say that i would be a holländer, a grecian or a fin - but i arent! [17:03] ftab: #freenode can explain [17:03] ikonia thanks let me see that [17:03] Der_Trolly: STOP - this is your only warning. This channel is for Ubuntu support questions ONLY and in English ONLY [17:03] Der_Trolly: please stop. do you need any help with ubunut? [17:03] ubuntu* [17:04] yellabs: file of ubuntu store? What do you mean? [17:04] i dont ned ani help - i just look you to! [17:04] Is it possible that GFCE ultra stores the saved games inside of the roms? [17:04] yellabs: #ubuntu+1 [17:04] Idle: No he don't. [17:04] hey, i have a huge problem... i have ubuntu 9.04, and i try to login to facebook, and it won't... it says waiting for login.facebook.com, and just hangs on that... i decided to start fresh, and reinstalled ubuntu altogether, and I'M STILL HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM!!! i don't think it's my internet cuz my other laptop running windows is working fine... how do i fix this???? please help! [17:04] IdleOne: He's just another troll. [17:04] ok [17:05] Houba1986, are u using Firefox? [17:05] edge: yes [17:05] Houba1986: All other sites are working properly? [17:05] Houba1986, perhaps a better bet is to ask in #firefox , as they may be more suited to assist you [17:05] IdleOne, i get Invalid operation autoconf [17:06] just did a test to see if it can get it [17:06] btw why tor has been removed from 9.04 [17:06] guntbert: What does that mean ? [17:06] PSPdemon: I have no idea what your talking about...explain please [17:06] i did sudo apt-get -d autoconf [17:06] regis: tor from the repo is outdated, folow the installation guide on torproject.org [17:06] !root | Guest40720 [17:06] Guest40720: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [17:07] !tor | regis [17:07] regis: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks [17:07] Trijntje, ubuntu_606_upgra thanks [17:07] ubuntu_606_upgra: i don't think thats what he asked [17:07] ben64: i know its the bots fault [17:07] PSPdemon: apt-get -d install package will download only [17:08] ubottu: What do you mean ? I have enabled root account on this system and configured a few things and also modified gnome,user accounts with root account [17:08] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:08] PSPdemon: sorry about the wrong info earlier [17:08] Hi my Nvidia driver has stopped working after a hard reboot - how do I force a reinstall? [17:08] what is the main difference between aptitude and apt-get ?\ [17:08] ftab: they are different front ends to dpkg [17:08] exit [17:08] ;P [17:08] sorry [17:08] Guest40720: we don't support an "activated" root account here [17:09] ikonia, that's it ? [17:09] hey, i try gconftool-2 -s -t bool/desktop/gnome/remote_access true nad gconftool-2 -s -t bool/desktop/gnome/prompt_enabled false (i want to enable remote desktop) but don't work why :( thx [17:09] Guest40720: you have to empty your shadow file on your machine to get access to your root account again [17:09] ftab: yup [17:09] IdleOne, thats what i want it to do [17:09] i just want it to download [17:09] not install [17:09] ikonia, and they share the same repositories ? [17:10] PSPdemon: yes I know. the command would be apt-get -d install package [17:10] ftab: they are nothing to do with the repositories, dpkg is what installs it and they are but front ends to it [17:10] Guest40720: please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo on that subject [17:10] PSPdemon: the -d tells apt-get you only want to download the install package === rp3_ is now known as rp3 === rp3 is now known as Rp3 [17:11] ikonia where can I find good helping material for repositories ? [17:11] ftab: helping material ? [17:11] Hi everyone [17:11] Hi Gabriel. [17:11] I would like to know how the ubuntu repositories works [17:11] !hi | gabriel__ [17:11] gabriel__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [17:12] ikonia: why would " empty your shadow file" be necessary/helpful for Guest40720 ? [17:12] I have a small proble: I reinstalled grub and I can boot in ubuntu but I can't boot to windows xp, how can I fix this? [17:12] Ola [17:12] guntbert: to allow the password for root to be set to null so he can login and set it again [17:12] #bage [17:12] gabriel__: Either something is wrong with your menu.lst or you did overwrite the windows bootloader. [17:12] have Xubuntu 9.04 on my iMac and cannot get the color mode to work correctly iMac 500 ati 128 any suggestions it is at 256 color mode [17:13] gabriel__: How did you reinstall grub? [17:13] Im going to put my pastebin for menu.lst [17:13] JoeZiehmer: #xubuntu [17:13] wait a sec [17:13] Yes IdleOne? [17:13] JoeZiehmer: /join #xubuntu and ask [17:13] This is my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d7c0eddbd [17:13] ikonia: I guess for that it would be sufficient to "redisable root" as stated in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Re-disabling%20your%20root%20account [17:14] I reinstalled grub from the live cd [17:14] guntbert: depends on his situation but yes [17:14] gabriel__: How did you? Which command? [17:14] ikonia: ok, didn't want to be picky - I supposed there was something I overlooked :-) [17:15] guntbert: not at all, nothing wrong with checking up [17:15] grub, find /boot/grub/stage1, root (hd0,1), setup (hd0) [17:15] ikonia: :-) [17:15] I have grub installed on a usb hard disk; in that hard disk there are 3 partitions, 1 boot (sda1), 1 data (sda2), 1 swap (sda5); grub is installed in the mbr but when it tries to start I get grub error 2, any ideas? [17:16] gabriel__: Okay. And your windows partition is /dev/sda1? [17:16] there's no program called pause ;_; [17:16] where do I get one? [17:16] let me check [17:16] Can't live without the convenience of system("pause") [17:16] JoeZiehmer: #xubuntu might be a better channel for your problem [17:17] sda1 is my windows partition [17:17] I have the pastebin from my menu.lst: http://pastebin.com/d7c0eddbd [17:18] gabriel__: I did see your menu.lst, just wanted to be sure the right disk is mentioned there. [17:18] ok [17:18] gabriel__: When you select windows from your grub boot menu, what happens? [17:18] it appears error 22 [17:19] gabriel__: Ah, have to look it up, just a moment. [17:19] ok [17:19] Hi I posted this in the main ubuntu chan with no response :( I hard rebooted the over night and now my nvidia driver isn't working - is there anyway to reinstall it? [17:19] ops I mean I posted here a bit ago [17:19] hi, i need to manually download the ndiswrapper package for 8.04 and all dependant packages, where should I look for a download? [17:20] gabriel__: Hmmm, grub says there is no such partition... [17:21] gabriel__: Did you change anything in the partition table? [17:21] how can I fix it? I recently installed windows xp [17:21] No [17:21] greetings gentlemen [17:22] gabriel__: Maybe it could help to rewrite the partition table via "fdisk /dev/sda", checking the contents via "p" and then write it again using "w". [17:22] !hi | sidh [17:22] sidh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [17:22] how can I do that? Im not a linux expert [17:22] gabriel__: from the command line. [17:23] gabriel__: E.g. after booting from an ubuntu cd in live mode. [17:23] could you help me out? I dont know that much about ubuntu [17:23] hi [17:23] gabriel__: "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" would be the command then. [17:23] My gedit is not working anymore after I've disabled the Gedit Latex plugin. Running gedit on the terminal show no error and the program exits. Any tips? [17:23] I do it now or from the live cd? [17:23] hello can anybody help me i have a wireless headset logitech pc clear cheat but it does not work unter my jaunty jackalpüe [17:23] gabriel__: Within fdisk (it's interactive), list the partitions using the "p" command, and if everything seems to be okay, write the table again using "w". [17:24] gabriel__: fdisk will exit then. [17:24] Im going to do it now then [17:24] I dont have to reboot [17:24] several months ago i install kubuntu package (kubuntu-desktop ?) on a default ubuntu installation, after a several disapointments of kde4.2 i decided to remove this package and get back to gnome, but i still have one minor problem: the kubuntu boot splash screen is still present, and a bigger problem, my laptop doesn't suspend to ram now [17:24] gabriel__: Better from live cd, but you can run it now as well. Only the changes wouldn't be active till next reboot. [17:24] does someone had the same problem ? and how to fix that ? [17:24] sidh: don't assume we are only *men* (of whatever sort) in here :-) [17:25] ok, ill do it now then I reboot [17:25] wait a sec please [17:25] gabriel__: But caution, you're using a partitioning tool. Be aware, in worst case, you could loose all your data. [17:25] guntbert: sorry : greetings gentle(wo)men [17:25] sidh: ;-) [17:27] how to rename an ntfs disk in 9.04 [17:27] Is there some tool to find similarities between files in source code? [17:27] gabriel__: I told you which way I would use, and I don't know one without any risk of loosing data. [17:27] heoa: diff ? [17:27] !puregnome | sidh have you seen [17:27] sidh have you seen: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal [17:28] salut a tous [17:28] I typed the fdisk command and I see >, what do I do next? [17:28] !fr [17:28] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [17:28] gabriel__: (please no private messages, others wouldn't be able to follow and offer their help) [17:28] hello [17:28] all === ck is now known as Guest59611 [17:28] gabriel__: Type "p" [17:28] ubottu: no i didn't see [17:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about no i didn't see [17:28] thanks [17:28] gabriel__: This lists the current partition table. [17:28] i need some help please [17:28] ikonia: is it possible to set it to compare all dependencies between ... [17:28] ... files in a directory? [17:28] !ask | Guest59611 [17:28] "sudo fdisk /dev/sda p, thats it? [17:28] Guest59611: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [17:29] gabriel__-> h for help, but exit out first and man fdisk please [17:29] gabriel__: Is that partition table okay? [17:29] heoa: files don't depend on each other [17:29] heoa: you can write scripts using commands like "strings" to search for common words [17:29] gabriel__: No. fdisk is interactive. [17:29] gabriel__: by "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" you entered interactive mode. [17:29] ikonia: by dependency, I meant matches. [17:29] gabriel__: Now you can use the fdisk commands. "p" will list your current partition table. [17:30] heoa: grep and strings are two commands to make a script [17:30] I typed that and all I see after that is > [17:30] I'm setting up ubuntu on a computer which will not have a monitor (mini-server). However, I want to be able to access it using VNC. I managed to get the wireless card working, but how can I set it up so it automatically makes it's own network when it boots (eg after a power failure, I want to be able to connect to it without needing to hook up a monitor to enable wireless, etc). Note that I... [17:30] ...need to use ndiswrapper for my card [17:30] gabriel__: ">" is the fdisk command prompt. [17:30] gabriel__: After using "p", did fdisk list any partitions? === soni_ is now known as Guest41 [17:30] how is version 8 called? hardy? [17:31] tPl0ch: There is no "version 8" [17:31] I wrote p and I still see > [17:31] tPl0ch: what do you mean how ? [17:31] ikonia: Thank you, I will do it with ack-grep, find etc [17:31] hardy? [17:31] tPl0ch: There are 8.04 (Hardy) and 8.10 (Intrepid). [17:31] Newbuntu2-> man interfaces, it may have the sample configuration displayed, or look in you /etc/network/interfaces [17:31] tPl0ch: But no version 8. [17:31] tPl0ch: there is 8.04 hardy heron and 8.10 intrepid ibex [17:31] gabriel__: And after hitting "p", you pressed enter? [17:31] yeah [17:31] and nothing [17:31] Okay, then there is no partition table. [17:31] on the next line it only appears > [17:31] Quit fdisk. [17:31] Using "q" [17:32] ok [17:32] what are supercow powers?i read about it online but i dont understand it [17:32] gabriel__: pastebin "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" please. [17:32] i typed q and the > is still there [17:32] ok [17:32] wait a sec please [17:32] gabriel__: Press Ctrl-C, break fdisk. [17:32] Guest41: Open the Terminal, then type: apt-get moo [17:32] Install OpenOffice failed - where do I go - Ubuntu or openoffice.org? [17:33] DaveDixon: Depends on how it failed. [17:33] DaveDixon: openoffice is installed by default [17:33] i still cant get my audio to work [17:33] DaveDixon: you don't need to install it [17:33] usually it's user fault [17:33] gabriel__: Or just close the terminal. [17:33] hello all! [17:33] Nope - openoffice not installed. [17:33] grawity,lol!a cow? [17:33] DaveDixon: what version of ubuntu [17:33] jaunty [17:33] Here it is: http://pastebin.com/d732f83aa [17:33] Does anyone knows how to disable the dsck at startup? [17:33] can anyone help me with this error? Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnss3-1d (>= 3.12.3) [17:33] DaveDixon: openoffice is installed by default then [17:33] hello, i m new [17:33] DaveDixon: applications -> office [17:33] Guest41: I even have seen a bug report about it being "not as cow-like as the Gentoo Linux cow" [17:34] must have been removed [17:34] can anyone help me with my ubuntu installation? [17:34] my keyboard cant be detected [17:34] DaveDixon: how are you trying to install it ? [17:34] gabriel__: Okay ;-) [17:34] :) [17:34] gnome applications add/remove [17:34] !info openoffice [17:34] Package openoffice does not exist in jaunty [17:34] gabriel__: sda1 is _not_ your windows disk. [17:34] i need an info, i want to install ubuntu on my ext hdd and boot it from there when usb is plugged in, but i (friend, actually :D) don't want mess up with mbr, so i don't want grub installed on internal hdd. possibilities? [17:34] Helpplease: tune2fs [17:34] DaveDixon: and what is the problem ? [17:34] gabriel__: you have to change your /boot/grub/menu.lst [17:34] then which one is it? [17:34] guys , i need help here [17:34] Guest41: Such features are usually called "easter eggs" [17:35] please, tell me how [17:35] What is that Daz? [17:35] E: openoffice.org-writer2latex: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127 [17:35] gabriel__: Either /dev/sda3 or /dev/sda5 is your windows disk. [17:35] hmmm.... [17:35] DaveDixon: Hmmm, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file please. [17:35] gabriel__: Tell me, do you have two drives under windows? Which one is bogger? === saulus_ is now known as SauLus [17:35] it's a tool :f [17:35] gabriel__: s/bogger/bigger/g [17:35] pastebin? [17:35] !pastebin > DaveDixon [17:35] DaveDixon, please see my private message [17:35] hello [17:36] any help, maybe? or tips? === soni_ is now known as Guest21389 [17:36] I have a 250 GB hard Drive, one partition has ubuntu 9.04 64 bits, the other windows xp Pro and another is an empty NTFS partition [17:36] I cannot boot from my system, so i am in a Livecd session. [17:36] gabriel__: Which is the bigger, the xp partition or the empty one? === Guest21389 is now known as sonni [17:37] the windows xp partition, the empty one has like 9 GB [17:37] gabriel__: Then your xp partition is /dev/sda5. [17:37] yes [17:38] gabriel__: Funny, the boot flag is set for the 9 gig partition. Sure, the 9 gig is the empty one? [17:38] yeah, Im pretty sure [17:38] the linux partition has like 45 GB, something like that [17:38] gabriel__: Okay, edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst via "sudo pico /boot/grub/menu.lst" [17:38] help pls! [17:39] ok, im there [17:39] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, whats the isssue? [17:39] I pastebinned [17:39] newbie12345: Please no private messages. Just ask whatever you like here. If somebody can help, he'll probably do. [17:39] hello there plzzzzz help me I miss my grub plz help [17:39] okay sorry [17:39] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, use livecd to restore your grub [17:40] gabriel__: Look at the end, fouth last line, starting with "rootnoverify". [17:40] I installed ubuntu, but when i launch it, i come to a screen where i have to type in my password but my keyboard and touchpad is not working [17:40] __theIdiotBox: how could i do that now I am online with the live cd [17:40] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, do you know how to do that? [17:40] it works perfectly on vista though [17:40] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, coool...wait a min [17:40] newbie12345: What type of keyboard/touchpad? Maybe a notebook or something? [17:40] yes a nec laptop [17:40] __theIdiotBox: unfortunately nope [17:40] gabriel__: Found that line? [17:41] I see tittle Microsoft Windows XP Professional rootnoverify (hd0,0) savedefault [17:41] You have to change the line with "rootnoverify". [17:41] gabriel__: Instead of "(hd0,0)", insert "(hd0,4)" [17:41] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, go through this link: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 and let me know if you still have issues? [17:41] ok [17:41] newbie12345, [17:41] __theIdiotBox: ok man but don't forget me [17:41] gabriel__: Then save and exit pico. [17:42] newbie12345: Hm. _should_ work out of the box. [17:42] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, be more specific about your h/w brand of laptop etc... [17:42] and how do I save? [17:42] so sorry about the private msgs... [17:42] Hi all. I just set up OpenVPN yesterday on my router. I set it up as a bridge (TAP instead of TUN). So I connect to the VPN, it says everything is fine, then it starts throwing out "read UDPv4 [EHOSTUNREACH]: No route to host (code=113)" error. And even though my tap0 IP is, I can't even ping the server @ I can't find a solution on Google, and I don't know where to begin troubleshooting. Can anyone pleas [17:42] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, nopes i'm here, so go ahead and let me know where ever you get stuck [17:42] e help? [17:42] my laptop is NEC e6510 [17:42] gabriel__: look at the help lines at the bottom of pico.... [17:43] WriteOut? [17:43] hmmm... it is a centrino core duo 2, 4GB ram, [17:43] newbie12345: no problem. [17:43] __theIdiotBox: now I'll go through it [17:43] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, did you try googling? there must be some posts on that issue... [17:43] 320GB hard disk [17:43] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, cool [17:43] gabriel__: Yes. [17:43] seems like all that i google involves typing stuff into the terminal [17:43] ok, how I do it? [17:43] Im new at this [17:44] gabriel__: Just press Ctrl-O [17:44] except i cannot go pass the password bit [17:44] gabriel__: THen exit pico via Ctrl-X [17:44] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, ohhh yeh [17:44] so i cannot go to the terminal to try all those commands... [17:44] ok, Im out [17:44] __theIdiotBox: before I continue I should say [17:44] gabriel__: Then try booting. [17:44] I reboot now and try to enter windows right? [17:44] widget framework on linux that supports the use of jquery within? [17:44] gabriel__: Exactly. [17:45] ok, Ill be back after I reboot to tell you if that work [17:45] gabriel__: It would be fine if you could return for a moment and tell if everything worked. [17:45] Thanks a lot, really appreciate it [17:45] __theIdiotBox: that I have the grub work perfect but when I delete a fat32 partition and changes it into 2 fat32 partitions [17:45] i had a crash, can someone pm me the grub guide for gabriel? :) [17:45] yeah, ill come back after I do that to tell you if it worked [17:45] thanks a lot [17:45] anyone ever tried installing ubuntu on an externall HDD? [17:45] i tried some suggestions of CTRL + ALT + F3... doesn't work.... [17:45] hey [17:45] __theIdiotBox: this happends to me ie. missing the grub [17:46] newbie12345: Are you sure it isn't just locked up tightlu? [17:46] tightly* [17:46] newbie12345: Okay. You see a graphical login screen after booting. Where you have to enter your user name. right? [17:46] are there any text to speech software for ubuntu? [17:46] yes i see that [17:46] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, the grub must be on the fat partition that you delete in the first step, hence you loose it everytime , rigth? [17:46] DVA5912, yes [17:46] and i have to key in my password [17:46] could i use like neospeak? [17:46] DVA5912: Try Orca, for example [17:47] newbie12345: That's step two with the password. [17:47] but my keyboard and touch pad isnt working, so i m stuck...... [17:47] newbie12345: You were able to type your user name? [17:47] !info espeak [17:47] espeak (source: espeak): A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.40.02-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 244 kB [17:47] grawity, airtonix ok but now how "realistic" are they? are they like ms sam,mike,marry? [17:47] __theIdiotBox: no no it is not there the grub is on the ext4 partition [17:47] no.... there was no username, i think because it was auto selected as its the default [17:47] it went straight to password [17:47] DVA5912, not as good as the software at&t provide [17:48] DVA5912: I have neever tried any. [17:48] newbie12345: That's absolutely strange. [17:48] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, i guess the best option would be to let grub chose the default i.e and let the grub take care of the MBR [17:48] hi again [17:48] newbie12345: Was there some sort of user selection? [17:48] gabriel__: Hi. [17:48] i only seem to be able to get the cursor to move with my usb mouse [17:48] not with my touch pad.... [17:48] airtonix, ehh. well im not too fond of theirs anyway. i really like neospeak's but that seems that they are dll based [17:48] there was no user selection, oddly [17:48] DVA5912, and not as good as the txt2speech on win7 [17:48] It appears error 12, Invalid device requested [17:48] __theIdiotBox: by reading this link that you send it for me? [17:48] newbie12345: another way: boot with the live CD, does your keyboard/mouse work there? [17:49] i am reading the grub help for gabriel. but i missed some in the middle. [17:49] newbie12345: Okay, you have an USB mouse, which works fine? [17:49] no it does not [17:49] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, if you have the grub on the ext4 in that case also when you remove the fat partition you are essestially removing all references to the grub sitting on the ext4 partition... [17:49] airtonix, well i havent tryed that. just tell me this. are they going to know its defenently a computer talking? [17:49] the usb mouse works fine [17:49] gabriel__: Error 12? Have to look up this one... [17:49] can someone pm me the text for the last 10min or so? [17:49] DVA5912, i think all current version of ubuntu v8 and up come with orca pre-installed [17:49] DVA5912: You could just try and see. [17:49] DVA5912, yes tehy will know [17:49] i manage to get into the live CD where i used the on screen Keyboard [17:49] airtonix: There's no v8 [17:49] d [17:49] newbie12345: For the moment, keep the usb mouse. You have to change the configuration to have both touchpad and mouse. [17:49] grawity, ?? [17:49] newbie12345: Next is the keyboard. [17:50] newbie12345: no keyboard in the live CD session? then why did you install ;-) - and how? [17:50] hard question... OpenBSD has a feature called "Network Traffic Normalization", also known as Scrub... does any such security feature exist in the linux network stack? [17:50] My problem is that I reinstalled grub so I can enter ubuntu, after that when I try to enter windows it appears error 12, Invalid device requested [17:50] airtonix: There are only 8.04 and 8.10 [17:50] airtonix: Named by year.month [17:50] grawity, .... [17:50] grawity, well its a big step. cause i got to back up everything then spend an hour trying to install ubuntu then re install everything and vm windows again so i got visual studio. a whole bigg mess [17:50] I started off with installing it within the windows partition [17:50] gabriel__: Could you pastebin your current menu.lst again please? [17:50] ok [17:50] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, hence you loose track of the grub...assuming you have the standrad dual boot use the default and let grub take care of everything...in summary put the grub on mbr and let grub have an entry for your other OS i.e winbows etc [17:50] wait a sec please [17:50] Hey does anyone know a good c++ oriented irc channel? [17:50] i could not go pass the password scrreen [17:50] sudo usermod -d /media/Storage Disk/ftp i try to do it but it returns me usermod: user /media/Storage Disk/ftp does not exist [17:50] JooDoo: Probably ##C++ [17:50] so i tried the live CD [17:50] Is there another app besides mythtv to capture video from my tv card? [17:51] hi everyone, can someone help me with openvpn on hardy pls? [17:51] which does not require password [17:51] __theIdiotBox: just this happends when I change the fat32 partition the mount point of ext4 partition before the changing was /dev/sda7 but after changing it transfer to /dev/sda8 [17:51] newbie12345: ok - listen to bankix please - he has the better ideas... [17:51] Hydrid: You need to put the path in quotes, because it has spaces in it. [17:51] there after, i used the onscreen keyboard === bambam is now known as Guest16758 [17:51] but i would like to install it within the windows partition... [17:51] I have a problem with hibernate, whenever I use it, the monitor turns off, but the computer's power never turns off. The keybiard does not revivie it, and the only way to get it to power down is holindg the power button for a few seconds. Anyone else had this problem? [17:51] okay thanks! [17:51] newbie12345: As I said, skip the touchpad for a moment. I'll tell you later how to get both working, USB mouse and touchpad. [17:51] ok! [17:51] gratuit: How big is your swap file? [17:52] grawity [17:52] newbie12345: Still strange that you don't need to enter your username anyway... [17:52] grawity: It didnt work ! [17:53] Here it its: http://pastebin.com/d28430b8f [17:53] mnaines: around a GB [17:53] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, i guess things are getting messy. c there are two options: either let grub take care of everyting [default option] or manually put grub on a separate partition [your case] in the second everytime you change the MBR you loose track of the linux partition from MBR and hence you have to put that manually which i don't recommend [17:53] gratuit: How much RAM you got? [17:53] hmmm.... i don't know.... [17:53] around a GB [17:53] newbie12345: Try pressing caps lock and num lock. Will the appropriate LEDs get illuminated? [17:53] i could take a screenshot with my camera? [17:53] my laptop doesn't have LEDs for those [17:53] gratuit: Methinks you don't have enough swap space [17:54] newbie12345: Great idea with the camera. Just do a reboot, then, without touching anything, take the photo. [17:54] bankix> here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d28430b8f [17:54] okay.... i ll do that, and come back.... [17:54] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, so the simplest/easiest option is the default one..so i think you should swtich from the 2nd option to the first one i.e put grub in the first sector of your HDD i.e the mbr [17:54] mnaines: so does hibernate write to the swap file? what if the swap file has memory contents as well? [17:54] it ll take a while though as i removed the installation. thanks so much though! [17:54] sudo usermod -d /media/Storage Disk/ftp i try to do it but it returns me usermod: user /media/Storage Disk/ftp does not exist [17:55] gabriel__: Okay, try changing (hd0,4) to (hd0,3) and reboot. [17:55] how do i increase my video memory??? [17:55] ok [17:55] how do I create an ad hoc wifi network? [17:55] Can Anyone Help With Root Password or Sudo problems ! [17:55] gratuit: The rule of thumb about the swap file is it needs to be at least 1.5x the amount of RAM. When the computer goes into hibernate, it writes everything in RAM to the swap space and shuts down [17:55] can I install Banshee 1.5 for jaunty? [17:55] when installing should i select anything for the accessibility profile? [17:56] !ask | Guest16758 [17:56] Guest16758: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [17:56] newbie12345: Nope. [17:56] newbie12345: Just use the defaults. [17:56] ok, ill be back very soon, after I reboot to see if it worked [17:56] thanks;-) [17:57] guntbert & ubottu : I am same guest user who was asking about root password issue a while ago ! [17:57] i followed the advices of ubottu and remove all kde stuff, then i get the normal ubuntu splash, but my main problem isn't solve : suspend to ram doesn't work anymore, it suspend correctly (it seems so) but awake is KO (black screen with nothing to do except hard reboot) [17:57] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, lets get back to the point.... [17:58] Guest16758: ubottu is a bot :-) - and you still don't need the root account enabled - believe me - what is the real problem about that? [17:58] __theIdiotBox: I run "sudo grub" then type the command "find /boot/grub/stage1" [17:58] How can I recover root password , when root account is enabled (modified),ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid [17:58] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, yep... right... [17:58] Hi again [17:58] hi to you [17:58] __theIdiotBox: then this is the result === MidasManchu is now known as Refefer [17:58] I still get the same error 12: invalid device requested [17:58] guntbert: I can not install a software or use sudo or su commands [17:59] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, pastebin? [17:59] gabriel__: Hm. [17:59] Guest16758, user might not be in sudoers [17:59] yup [17:59] ftab: so what can be done about it ? === metacube_ is now known as metacube [17:59] __theIdiotBox: pastebin? :-? this is the result (hd0,7) [17:59] you need to add the user to sudoers [18:00] should I fdisk again so you can see it? [18:00] gabriel__: Sorry, no clue what's wrong so grub doesn't see your disk when booting. [18:00] ftab: how do I do it ? [18:00] Guest16758: lets check the sudo thing: type sudo ls - what happens? [18:00] gabriel__: Looks all fine your configuration. [18:00] __theIdiotBox: then waht should I do ? [18:00] If I installe grub, will it recognize it? [18:00] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, cool. now the next step runt this: root (hd0,7) [18:00] gabriel__: Grub is running, but it doesn't find your partition, however, the partition table is fine. [18:01] Guest16758: without the - [18:01] Guest16758, sudo adduser name_of_user admin [18:01] Output is "username is not in the sudoers file, the incident will be reported" [18:01] what can I do then? I really need to enter windows, I recently installed it [18:01] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, then this: setup (hd0) and next this: quit [18:01] gabriel__: Also strange: It boots ubuntu without a fuss. [18:01] yeah, I can boot into ubuntu without any problem [18:01] gabriel__: can you mount /dev/sda5 and see if windows is there? [18:02] ok [18:02] how do I mount it? [18:02] gabriel__: To get back to windows, you could boot from the windows install cd, choose the repair console, and use fixmbr and fixboot to remove grub. [18:02] ftab: I told you cant use sudo or su command [18:02] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, after running these steps grub will be restored to the MBR and we're done [18:02] Guest16758, or do this using GUI [18:02] can one manipulate the main menu from the cli? if so, how? [18:02] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162867 [18:02] gabriel__: After that, windows should boot again, but then you loose grub and can't boot ubuntu. [18:02] If I enter from the explorer I can see it [18:02] <__theIdiotBox> jamiejackson, why do you want to do that, btw? [18:03] guntbert: Any breakthrough ? [18:03] hi all [18:03] hey ryanrhee90 [18:03] Guest16758: the you will have to boot into recovery mode, "drop to root session", and edit the file /etc/group - there should be a line starting with admin - add your account to that line, save the file and exit/reboot [18:03] gabriel__: Which means that you either give grub another try afterwards, or instlal grub into the bootsector of your ubuntu partition and use the windows bootloader for selecting. [18:03] ryanrhee90, hi [18:03] __theIdiotBox: then I reboot and things are going to be correct? [18:03] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, are you there? ...then rebooting will show the basic grub on startup... [18:03] *then [18:03] i have trouble with setting up openvpn. can anyone help me? i'm running 8.04 lTS [18:03] LTS [18:03] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, yeh...do a reboot [18:03] __theIdiotBox: ok now i reboot [18:03] guntbert: I would require root password in order to use "drop to root session" [18:03] <__theIdiotBox> ubuntu_, coool [18:03] __theIdiotBox: be back soon [18:03] __theIdiotBox: i'm setting up my machine, and i like to log what i've done to make it repeatable. gui is tedious for repeating a process, imo [18:03] ;) [18:04] Guest16758: Adding the user to sudo didn't work? [18:04] Is there any expert about wireless lan? [18:04] I have a problem: I had to install windows xp because of a virus, and after that when I try to boot into windows I see error 12:invalid device requested, Can somebody help me, please? [18:04] Guest16758: no, not in recovery mode [18:04] guntbert: Recovery mode _does_ ask for root pass if one is set. [18:04] anyone~? :( [18:04] grawity: Nope I can not write the filesystem, it gives only read access [18:04] <__theIdiotBox> jamiejackson, then the best option would be to use gui and record the video and i guess nothing would be better than that for repeating the steps later, rigth? [18:04] thanks anyway bankix, you did everything you could, really appreciate the help you gave me [18:04] Guest16758: Hmm. [18:04] grawity: ah - thx [18:05] Guest16758: mount -o remount,rw / [18:05] guntbert: It is asking for root password even in that option [18:05] I have a problem: I had to install windows xp because of a virus, and after that when I try to boot into windows I see error 12:invalid device requested, Can somebody help me, please? [18:05] grawity: Explain [18:05] Hey all, I don't remember the person that helped me get my partition mounted in Ubuntu, but it's not allowing anything to be marked as executable now.. [18:05] Guest16758: That command will remount the root filesystem, and turn on read/write mode. [18:06] where to put better my ftp folder from vsftpd ? better under home/ftp or /srv/ftp or there is no difference in security [18:06] hi all, can anyone help me with openvpn? [18:06] Guest16758: then its a bit longer a way, boot into live CD, mount you local harddisk, but it will be easier when you are once in the live session to come back here [18:06] <__theIdiotBox> Jimmio, does not matter...tell us the prob...you are able to mount ... [18:06] Hydrid: There's no difference in security. [18:06] __theIdiotBox: i just prefer to use the cli, when possible. when it's not possible, that's fine, but i like to try to find cli ways to do things [18:06] guntbert: I think his CD drive wasn't working. [18:06] <__theIdiotBox> Jimmio, then its a permission issue... [18:06] grawity: thanks [18:06] i'm not sure what's wrong, but my tun interface isn't found by openvpn [18:06] <__theIdiotBox> jamiejackson, coool....in that case someone would give to better suggestion for cli [18:07] guntbert: cdrom isnt working properly, it gets stuck often while reading from cd [18:07] grawity: the srv folder is the folder for the all server things? [18:07] nls=iso8859-1,umask=7133,dmask=7022,gid=jimmi,owner,uid=jimmi is my current Options portion of the fstab line. What do I do? [18:07] <__theIdiotBox> jamiejackson, *you [18:07] Guest16758: can you boot from usb? [18:07] Jimmio: What filesystem is this -- ext? ntfs? vfat? [18:07] guntbert: USB hangs [18:07] grawity: NTFS [18:07] Please, any help [18:07] I have a problem: I had to install windows xp because of a virus, and after that when I try to boot into windows I see error 12:invalid device requested, Can somebody help me, please? [18:07] the hardware is USB1.0 [18:08] grawity: could i shortcut a folder from somewhere else in there and make it accesible for my ftp users [18:08] gabriel__, that could be a problem specific to windows [18:08] gabriel__: you might try ##windows for help with Windows problems. or is this a GRUB error? [18:08] Jimmio: NTFS does not support Unix permissions, and it is not possible to mark something as "executable" if it's stored on a NTFS partition. [18:08] <__theIdiotBox> gabriel__, you have the win OS installed, right? [18:08] and the sticks which I have are 2.0 and they are really giving issues, very slow and often hangs [18:08] <__theIdiotBox> mneptok, i guess this a grub error [18:08] guntbert: already tried those issues [18:08] how could that be a problem with windows when the problem is with grub? [18:08] I used to have my windows ntfs partition mounted and it would always show up in the Places menu and on the desktop. I still mounts automatically, but doesn't show up there. How can I get it to show up in these places when it is mounted? [18:08] Guest16758: are there important data in you installation? if not I'd suggest you just drop it [18:08] * I mean those solutions [18:09] I have ubuntu 9.04 64 bits installed and windows xp pro [18:09] __theIdiotBox: I am back again thank you my dear friend you are so good :-* [18:09] grawity: Sorry, but it is. I do it all the time. .sh is executable. Says me. I have the masks set wrong I'll bet [18:09] guntbert: Yes, its a user system not mine, so cant not delete or uninstall stuff here [18:09] Hey, I just installed the 64 bit version of Jaunty and I am having issues with sound and the flash plug in :( [18:09] <__theIdiotBox> mostafa_, do i know you? [18:09] Jimmio, .sh files are never executable unless chmod +x is set [18:09] Jimmio: First, Unix doesn't use extensions - it uses the "executable" bit that's stored in the file system. [18:09] anyone have experience with openvpn? i'm stuck trying to set it up.. [18:10] <__theIdiotBox> mostafa_, nyways you're welcome... :-) [18:10] ftab: I can't set it, it unsets. [18:10] Jimmio: Second, that "executable" bit CANNOT be stored in NTFS systems. [18:10] __theIdiotBox: all thing works well [18:10] Guest16758: sorry then - I'm at the end of ideas - wait - do you have a floppy? [18:10] Jimmio: There is simply NO PLACE to store it. [18:10] I just tried banshee 1.5.0 and it doesn't play files, it shows a red icon meaning it couldn't play the file. it seems like I can't change the engine banshee uses to play media files. what could I try? [18:10] any ideas guys? i tried searching and reached some old posts about using a 32 bit browser [18:10] grawity: chmod +x can't be applied on NTFS ? [18:10] gabriel__: I would try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub" but not sure how safe is to do that [18:10] grawity: I know that. So I either have to deal with everything trying to execute or nothing? How lame. [18:10] __theIdiotBox: I am the person that have a grub problem know me? [18:10] guntbert: no floppy drives on this system [18:10] <__theIdiotBox> mostafa_, oohh are you ubuntu_? i guess yes [18:10] i read on several topic that pulseaudio can occurs suspend to ram problem, does pulseaudio do part of the default basesystem ? [18:10] ftab: Nope. NTFS was designed for Windows, and it does not support Unix permissions. [18:11] <__theIdiotBox> mostafa_, ohh hcoooll :-) that worked fine right? glad to know that.... [18:11] Jimmio: NTFS simply is not for Unix. It's for Windows. Those are two very different operating systems. [18:11] __theIdiotBox: yep U R right i am ubuntu :D [18:11] grawity: thanks for the info, and what about FAT? [18:11] ftab: no. But you could put a loopback file in the ntfs partition and format the loopback as a linux filesystem [18:11] ftab: FAT is even simpler. [18:11] <__theIdiotBox> mostafa_, :-) [18:11] grawity, so FAT do support ? [18:11] ftab: No. [18:12] ftab: FAT supports a lot less than NTFS. [18:12] i swear there was one time i executed a .sh file without +x, but i did run it with sh instead of ./ [18:12] Guest16758: are you sure that isn't "a test, how well ubuntu support works" ? ;-) just kidding - I have really no more ideas, sorry [18:12] __theIdiotBox: thanks bro [18:12] traveller: Then you didn't execute the .sh file - you executed /bin/sh instead. [18:12] traveller, that file might already had the chmod +x applied to it while copying [18:12] <__theIdiotBox> mostafa_, you're always welcome dude! [18:12] After waking up from suspend or hibernate I have to run "sudo modprobe ath_pci" to get my network reloaded. How can I do that automatically? [18:12] :( no one in ##openvpn will help me either... [18:13] grawity: I realize. I also realize I need >4 gig files, I need to be able to use Windows with the partition, and I also realize I need to run shell scripts without CDing to it from a terminal. [18:13] i checked later with ls -l, no +x, but i guess /bin/sh took it and ran it anyway [18:13] i have a laptop with a hotkey for enabling and disabling the wlan radio.. how do i get that working? [18:13] traveller: That is correct, because you executed /bin/sh, and not the file directly. [18:14] if you have a physical switch button, then it's no problem, because the hardware is detached.. but with a button it's up to the software to remove the drivers and such, right? [18:14] hi apologies, i wass wrong, it says username, not password [18:14] grawity, thanks, that was my guess and i suppose you just confirmed that [18:14] Jimmio, if a file has chmod +x set then you can even execute that from the GUI [18:14] Hi guys, I have a couple of network drives connected via samba and scp bookmarked. How can I access these folders via the command line and how can I access them from within programs? [18:14] I mean file explorer [18:14] ftab: Can't. NTFS. [18:14] zamba: That gives me an idea for mine. I could assign a hot key to modprobe the card. You could also, although it might not be the "special" key. [18:14] ftab: But the file is on a NTFS filesystem - he _can't_ set +x [18:14] hey, anyone has an idea of installing the flash plugin on a 64 bit Jaunty? [18:14] Jimmio: Must the scripts be on that filesystem? [18:14] Jimmio, as grawity said NTFS don't support chmod +x so you can't [18:14] Also having trouble with my audio :( [18:14] !who | newbie12345 [18:14] Jimmio: Can't you move them to, for example, ~/bin/ ? [18:14] newbie12345: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [18:15] titan_ark: You install flash-plugin in aptitude... Simple. [18:15] grawity: You there [18:15] bambam: ? === bambam is now known as Guest65559 [18:15] !tab [18:15] You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [18:15] ubottu: can you help me? [18:15] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:15] oops i executed this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub [18:15] Excuse me ? [18:15] weel it seems ubuntu-desktop depends on pulseaudio [18:15] now how can i undo that? [18:15] titan_ark: flash plugin works on 64 bit either via aptitude or direct download from adobe - both works [18:15] i tried apt-get but it gives an error [18:16] !bankix sorry u were right, it says user name [18:16] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:16] does someone know how to fix suspend to ram issues [18:16] ? [18:16] grawity: They have to be, yes. Why? I'm programming. The script builds. The scripts change for different projects. I also need to access it from Windows without using a file manager. [18:16] Is there a way that I can have gedit open up all the files that were open before I closed the previous instance of gedit? [18:16] when I try to create an adhoc network, I do "create new network", it shows the little green icon spinning, and then says 'wireless disconnected'. What's wrong/which log file do I look for? [18:16] Gastion: what do you mean? [18:16] newbie12345: Don't put the ! before nicks [18:16] It worked before , i'm sure of ti ? [18:16] newbie12345: type ban, and then the message [18:16] grawity: When should I run the command ? [18:16] newbie12345: Great. [18:16] Guest65559: Before trying that echo. [18:16] Zamba: You might find it in System, Preferences, Keyboard Shortcuts. Add a new one for you wifi. I put the command "sudo modprobe ath_pci" there and assigned it to CTRL-W. [18:16] newbie12345: But still the keyboard is not working? [18:17] aicra: i looked in /boot and some things where changed === xomas_ is now known as xomas [18:17] !bankix yup it is not working [18:17] Jimmio: Are there many scripts? You could make aliases in bash for them. [18:17] ok [18:17] i want to undo it [18:17] I downloaded the .deb installer and it gave me an error during installation, so did the terminal. [18:17] One more thing [18:17] shall try again [18:17] newbie12345: But it was working all during the install? [18:17] Zamba: Your special key might work too. To make it smart, you might have to write a shell script to turn it on or off depending on current state. [18:17] Incase I give it a shot with cdrom , then what can be the process ? [18:17] cisao [18:17] ciao [18:17] !list [18:17] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [18:17] titan_ark, might be a dependency error [18:17] codazoda: yeah [18:18] codazoda: but my primary focus is to save battery power and "radio noise" [18:18] ftab, am a noob, dont understand what that means [18:18] !bankix i installed it in Vista, so it was working perfectly [18:18] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:18] grawity: It's easier to just change it so everything says it's executable. That's what I'm doing. [18:18] codazoda: so i'm not sure if that's enough for that.. just removing the module, i mean [18:18] Jimmio: So umask=7022? [18:18] Gastion: I don't think you can undoit, what is missing? [18:18] Hi [18:18] zamba: Yeah, I think that would do it. [18:18] * c0ky is away (Offline.........) [18:18] Guest65559: With a CD? I'd imagine it would be the same. [18:18] Anyone know where folders mapped via 'Connect to server' are actually linked? I'd like to access it but I'm having difficulties doing so. [18:18] titan_ark, could you please paste the error on pastebin.com? [18:18] Refefer: ~/.gvfs/ [18:18] aicra: so you think its not totaly messed up, i can saftly reboot? [18:18] titan_ark, and paste the url here [18:19] !bankix while vista was still loaded, i inserted the cd, and installed ubuntu as an application within vista, then after that it asked be to restart the computer and i get to choose between vista and ubuntu. [18:19] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:19] zamba: I don't know for sure, but I imagine the WiFi card is "off" if the module is removed. [18:19] codazoda: how do i check which module the interface uses? [18:19] Please, I really need some help, after grub reinstall I cant boot into windows, it appears error 12: invalid device requested, can somebody help me? [18:19] grawity, excllent, thanks [18:19] newbie12345: Ah, you're using wubi? [18:19] i have dual monitors. how can i have both of them detected in use extended feature? [18:19] Refefer: They are mapped using GNOME's GVFS system - there are commands such as gvfs-mount too. [18:19] bankix yes i am! [18:19] !info dpkg-reconfigure [18:19] Package dpkg-reconfigure does not exist in jaunty [18:20] ftab, "sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin" is this the right command? [18:20] bankix: i shouldnt use that? [18:20] Gastion: dpkg-reconfigure reconfigures your grub [18:20] oh.. iwlagn.. that's the module [18:20] newbie12345: That's something very special... [18:20] !info dpkg-reconfigure [18:20] Package dpkg-reconfigure does not exist in jaunty [18:20] titan_ark: That looks right, yeah. [18:20] <__theIdiotBox> gabriel_, seems missing entry for windows [18:20] zamba: I don't remember. Someone here will probably know how to list active modules though. [18:20] bankix: oh sorry i had no idea, first time... [18:20] ok, but how can this be fix? [18:20] Gastion: i think is safe but you can see in menu.lst if everything looks fine [18:21] ftab, it gives a could not find package adobe-flashplugin error [18:21] i bought new pc parts .. so i built my pc .. i installed everything like motherboard manual says ... and the system starts ... fans spining , dvdrom going in and out , but it doesnt proceed to boot ... it doesnt make the first beep sound... what should i do please? [18:21] titan_ark, yes, but flashplugin is restricted and you won't find that in default Ubuntu Repositories [18:21] codazoda: didn't work removing the module, it seems.. i still have the light on the laptop indicating that it's in use [18:21] grawity,guntbert and others: Thanks for your help , if it works gr8 and if it doesnt then.... [18:21] Bye guys ! [18:21] sudo dpkg-reconfigure -h implies that it is existing in jaunty [18:21] If you want I can pastebin my menu.lst [18:21] you need to download the .deb file from adobe website and execute that [18:21] I need HELP [18:21] well, thanks aicra :) [18:21] zamba: lsmod [18:21] ftab: Isn't that exactly what the flashplugin-installer package does? [18:22] ftab, yeah i tried that and while executing it, i got another error, just a second il try it again and post it [18:22] I just installed Skype on ubuntu 9.04, but for some reason it won't start with my boot. Any ideas? [18:22] i have dual monitors. how can i have both of them detected in use extended feature? [18:22] codazoda: yeah, i know that.. and i have removed what i think is the module.. [18:22] zamba: I actually have 5 different related modules. Wonder if removing all of them would do the trick. [18:22] Hi , i need your helo here ->http://codepad.org/QdV2zauM thanks! [18:22] codazoda: i tried the same :) [18:22] :-) [18:22] ftab, i get this Error: Wrong architecture 'i386' [18:22] Here is my menu.lst pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d89f03dd [18:22] hello all... [18:22] but i'll try some more [18:22] is the extended feature available in ubuntu? [18:22] grawity, restricted softwares arn't maintained in Ubuntu Repository he can try Mediubuntu instead [18:22] i have a plan and we'll see if it works [18:23] Gastion: np [18:23] I just installed Skype on ubuntu 9.04, but for some reason it won't start with my boot. Any ideas? [18:23] I just installed Skype on ubuntu 9.04, but for some reason it won't start with my boot. Any ideas? [18:23] I just installed Skype on ubuntu 9.04, but for some reason it won't start with my boot. Any ideas? [18:23] mykol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:23] ftab: But the package just downloads it from Adobe. [18:23] when I try to create an adhoc network, I do "create new network", it shows the little green icon spinning, and then says 'wireless disconnected'. Do I need to connect to another computer for it to work? It won't just work on if it doesn't find anyone else? [18:23] :( [18:23] RanyAlbeg: Choose any number you want. [18:23] i dont understand [18:23] <__theIdiotBox> interrupt, i guess its available [18:24] I've got some problems installing jabberd14 from source... [18:24] actually, it configures and installs without problem, but can't find mysql header files... [18:24] though mysql-devel, mysql and mysql-server are properly installed on the system... [18:24] can anyone help with this issue?.. [18:24] anyone alive here?... [18:24] RanyAlbeg: Duplicate numbers are okay too. [18:24] xok: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:24] grawity, he is was trying apt-get install flashplugin which I guess downloads through source.list [18:24] bankix: any idea what i should do? [18:24] *sources.list [18:24] I just installed Skype on ubuntu 9.04, but for some reason it won't start with my boot. Any ideas? [18:24] I'm having this problem : When i listen to some music, Even after plugging in the front-line jack , the headphone starts to play, but the jack at the rear-end continues to send music waves to the monitor-inbuilt speaker. [18:24] ftab: apt-get install flashplugin-installer [18:24] the the monitors are not identified. it only sees 1 monitor. [18:24] ftab: The "flashplugin-installer" micro-package, once installed, will download the real plugin. [18:24] grawity: in case that i create another 02 , what script will run first? [18:24] newbie12345: Sorry, busy at the moment... [18:24] witam [18:24] RanyAlbeg: In alphabetical order, I think. [18:24] wszysrkich [18:25] greetings from venezuela [18:25] grawity, I didn't knew that,so have no idea about that. [18:25] bankix: no problem [18:25] Can someone please HELP [18:25] http://pastebin.com/d89f03dd, thats my menu,lst pastebin, When I try to boot into windows I get error 12:invalid device requested [18:25] mykol: what's the issue [18:25] I just installed Skype on ubuntu 9.04, but for some reason it won't start with my boot. Any ideas? [18:25] ftab : i'll rather recommend to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [for newbies] everything u need to play other file formats as well as jre is built in this package [18:25] <__theIdiotBox> Newbuntu2_, seems you have some network parameters...is that the case? [18:25] <__theIdiotBox> Newbuntu2_, parameters missing * [18:25] RanyAlbeg: Just symlink it to K01backup, for example. [18:25] anyone please?.. [18:25] grawity yeah, now it seems to be downloading something [18:25] mykol: what do you mean won't start with your boot [18:25] czesc [18:25] anyone having keyboard issues on installing ubuntu? [18:25] RanyAlbeg: By the way, the "usplash" thing is that graphical shutdown screen. [18:25] help! [18:25] help [18:25] mykol, if you want skype to start automatically when your computer boots up, try System > Preferences > Startup Applications [18:26] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, be more specific [18:26] ftab :) thanks to you too [18:26] guys - saying help is pointless, ask a question and wait for a reponse [18:26] <__theIdiotBox> !ask | user__ [18:26] user__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:26] installed ubuntu, but i cannot key in my user name to enter ubuntu as my keyboard and touch pad is not functioning [18:26] titan_ark, you are welcome, and grawity seems to be a geek :-) [18:26] When I add "sudo modprobe ath_pci" to my keyboard shortcuts, nothing happens. Where should I look for log files that might help? [18:26] traveller, I tried that but it's not on the list [18:26] Please, help, anyone, when I try to boot into windows I get error 12:invalid device requested, here is my menu,lst pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d89f03dd [18:26] grawity: oh thanks :) so in case i use xmessage to display "Backup" message and renaming the sym link to 01 i'll be able to see that message since gdm isnt killed yet. am i right? [18:26] groupadd: unable to lock group file [18:26] halo halo [18:27] why i have this error? [18:27] user__: do you have a question ? [18:27] mykol, could you use the Add button to add it to the list? [18:27] RanyAlbeg: I don't know actually (I use Arch Linux now, which has the BSD-style init) [18:27] user__: we here you - what is your problem? [18:27] ftab, grawity, did i miss something, th einstallation completed but plug in doesnt seem to work [18:27] RanyAlbeg: But I think they will be executed at the same moment. === saulus_ is now known as help [18:27] RanyAlbeg: Ubuntu uses Upstart, which only has the symlinks for compatibility. [18:28] titan_ark, restart your browser [18:28] RanyAlbeg: Also, how about using Zenity instead of Xmessage? [18:28] I thought ubuntu had good community... :-( [18:28] kurcze o co chodzi [18:28] installed ubuntu, but i cannot key in my user name to enter ubuntu as my keyboard and touch pad is not functioning [18:28] xok: IT DOES [18:28] oops [18:28] sorry === help is now known as Guest405 [18:28] Please, help, anyone, when I try to boot into windows I get error 12:invalid device requested, here is my menu,lst pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d89f03dd [18:28] user__: what's the problem in English ? [18:28] grawity: im not familiar with Zenity . is it recommended? [18:28] anything i can do, in order to mute the rear sound jack ? [18:28] ikonia, am asking same question half an hour... no response, no attention... :-( [18:28] RanyAlbeg: It comes with Ubuntu, and it looks prettier than xmessage. [18:28] traveller, I don't know the command [18:28] xok: if someone knows they will answer, what's the problem [18:29] ikonia, my program isn't in the list of startup apps [18:29] installed ubuntu, but i cannot key in my user name to enter ubuntu as my keyboard and touch pad is not functioning, anyone knows what can be done? [18:29] mykol could you please paste your problem again? [18:29] grawity: well i'll try that too :) . it was very nice talking with you. i'll use your advice. thank you very much [18:29] ftab, I just installed Skype on ubuntu 9.04, but for some reason it won't start with my boot. Any ideas? [18:29] installed ubuntu, but i cannot key in my user name to enter ubuntu as my keyboard and touch pad is not functioning, anyone knows what can be done? I used the Wubi installer package [18:29] !sessions > mykol [18:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about sessions [18:29] Please, help, anyone, when I try to boot into windows I get error 12:invalid device requested, here is my menu,lst pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d89f03dd [18:29] !session > mykol [18:29] mykol, please see my private message [18:29] Oh yeah my bad! works now. now to my next problem of audio not working. this is an HP dv4t notebook [18:29] installed ubuntu, but i cannot key in my user name to enter ubuntu as my keyboard and touch pad is not functioning, anyone knows what can be done? I used the Wubi installer package [18:29] newbie12345: stop spamming [18:29] ok goto System->Preferences->Startup Applications [18:29] ikonia, I've got some problems installing jabberd14 from source... actually, it configures and installs without problem, but can't find mysql header files... though mysql-devel, mysql and mysql-server are properly installed on the system... [18:29] newbie12345: you asked wait for a response [18:30] and add it there [18:30] the hp site doesnt provide any drivers for linux for this model :( [18:30] ok [18:30] sorry [18:30] <__theIdiotBox> ! patience | newbie12345 [18:30] newbie12345: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [18:30] mykol, System->Preferences->Startup Applications [18:30] !startup > mykol (Please see the private message from the bot) [18:30] i have dont that, sorry for spamming [18:30] xok: how can it install without a problem if it can't find the headers ? [18:30] mykol: i would recommend you use GnomeMeeting or Skiga , Skype does not have softwares made specifically for Ubuntu Jaunty , and they are still in beta version [18:30] xok: if it can't find the headers it won't make [18:30] rww: thank you [18:30] RanyAlbeg: On the second thought, I don't think any of them will work... [18:30] i need some advise i am running kubuntu kde 4.3 and i aloso have gnome installed, ok so i installed kxdocker onto my desktop and when i run the docker it opens but insted of seeing the dock i see a outline of the dock and in the outline i see my wallpaper to my gnome desktop ,kinda like ab little dock shaped window to my gnome desktop any ideas how to fix this [18:31] GPL he might have skype contacts :-) [18:31] and skype works best with Ubuntu GPL [18:31] RanyAlbeg: Both xmessage and zenity probably won't work, because they're not run by you - and so they won't have access to your screen. [18:31] ftab: i do too. i 've skype credit :too: [18:31] Please, help, anyone, when I try to boot into windows I get error 12:invalid device requested, here is my menu,lst pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d89f03dd [18:31] i have dual monitors. how can i have both of them detected in use extended feature? [18:31] grawity: well , i can use the --display option to chooose X display [18:32] ftab, grawity, any idea on getting audio to work on a notebook? Is there a driver problem with HP dv4 series? [18:32] ikonia, it configures and compiles without problem... but woning appears saying that jabberd will run without mysql or posgresql support... [18:32] Does anyone konw if Thinkpad docking station works on Ubuntu? I need to get a few linux laptops with external monitor option ASAP for work. [18:32] titan_ark, were you able to get the flash work? [18:32] xok: it can't compile correctly if the header files are missing [18:32] ftab, yeah like a charm :) [18:32] installed ubuntu, but i cannot key in my user name to enter ubuntu as my keyboard and touch pad is not functioning, anyone knows what can be done? I used the Wubi installer package [18:33] GPL, how are those different? [18:33] xok: ok so you have warnings, you'll need to use the correct configure options to point at the headers [18:33] titan_ark, lspci | grep Audio [18:33] RanyAlbeg: But I'm not sure if it'll work without Xauthority data. [18:33] ikonia, I've told triple times already "it does compile without problems".. what to do now?.... I can't sing here... :-D [18:33] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, back to you, be more specific about your h/w detaisl etc...did you use google by any chance? [18:33] xok, lol === hayden is now known as hwilliams [18:33] is anyone using extended dual monitors?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [18:33] xok: rebuild it with the correct configure options [18:34] grawity: oh , so it will be easy to not use GUI in this case. i only need for a simple backups for recently modified [18:34] interrupt: adding ????????????????????? will just get you ignored === hwilliams is now known as hayden [18:34] ftab, okay thanks. shall check it up [18:34] i had used foremost to recover my deleted images, foremost ran successfully, but the corresponding backup folder does not show anything in GUI mode, when i go to access it using cd command it says permission denied [18:34] titan_ark, that should return the type of hardware you are using. [18:34] ikonia, I've already done that, still the same... --with-extra-include-path=/usr/include/mysql [18:34] mykol: Skiga is a complete different package / VOIP solution / especially built for Gnome users :) [18:34] _theIdiotBox: yes i did, it only came up with suggestions to key into the terminal if the keyboard is not working, however, I cannot get access to the terminal [18:34] RanyAlbeg: Besides, gdm will probably be killed immediately anyway. Does the script require a GUI? Or is it only for notifications? [18:34] and the same with libraries... [18:34] titan_ark, then try /etc/init.d/alsa force-reload [18:34] <__theIdiotBox> interrupt, plz dont spam...have patience.... [18:34] xok: then speak to the softrware maintainers then, it may not have support for it yet, could be a bug in the source [18:35] ftab, I really do not know how to check the return type. pardon my ignorance! [18:35] anyone advices against getting software updates from the getdeb repo? [18:35] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, then how are typing into this channel... [18:35] foremost?? [18:35] _theIdiotBox: i am using vista at this moment [18:35] grawity: no , i wont use user interface in that case. [18:35] mykol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekiga Visit this for more... [18:35] xok: also worth doing a make clean removing your config.cache file and re-configuring [18:35] GPL, will I keep my contacts and such? [18:35] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, okey.... [18:35] titan_ark, lspci | grep Audio didn't worked? [18:35] grawity: just notify the user for completed backup [18:35] mykol: Nope, not Skype Contacts [18:36] mykol: Ekiga is not compatible with Skype [18:36] xok: check your config.log to see what it does to test for the headers, then see if it detects/finds them in the log and if not why not [18:36] grawity: as you said i can rename the sym links so killing gdm will be second [18:36] _theIdiotBox: itt works fine here.... using the Wubi package... and installing it as an application in windows [18:36] RanyAlbeg: No, it won't work. [18:36] GPL, that's kinda the point though. I have contacts over the world that use that.... so it would make sense to change progs [18:36] _theIdiotBox: i loaded the cd with vista on, and it installed from there [18:36] mykol Ekiga uses SIP and Skype uses it's proprietary protocol [18:36] mykol: agreed,then. lol [18:37] ftab It returns "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)" [18:37] RanyAlbeg: Ubuntu uses Upstart, which only keeps the symlinks for compatibility reasons, but they are actually executed asynchronously [18:37] grawity: oh , so i'll go for 02 and hope it will run alphabetically [18:37] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, what exactly is the issue? is the keyboard working fine through wubi? [18:37] _theIdiotBox: the keyboard does not work with live cd as well [18:37] titan_ark, try /etc/init.d/alsa force-reload [18:37] _theIdiotBox: no the keyboard does not work at all with ubuntu. only with windows vista [18:37] grawity: so it won run alphabeticallyy? [18:37] ikonia, thank you, I'll try to find out in logs... [18:37] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, i assume you're using the latest version of ubuntu i.e 9.04/jaunty? [18:37] RanyAlbeg: Probably not. [18:37] titan_ark, alsa provides you the sound drivers so it will force reload that for you [18:37] how do i enable voice mic in gyachi? [18:38] _theIdiotBox: so how can i get the keyboard to work? [18:38] xok: config.log is the core one, also, make sure you remove config.cache before your re-configure [18:38] _theIdiotBox: yes i am using the latest one on the site [18:38] xok: maybe config.status too [18:38] ftab, wouldnt I need to install them first? === VanDyke_gone is now known as VanDyke [18:38] titan_ark, did you try /etc/init.d/alsa force-reload [18:38] grawity: maybe this is the reason that i 01 02 and then a jump to 20 and 30+ [18:39] titan_ark, alsa is automatically installed so you don't need to [18:39] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, there are two possibilities. either the base linux sys is not able to detect your h/w and hence not able to load the proper kernel module for that or in the second case its not able to find a proper module though it detects the h/w [18:39] ftab, ah! I need a little more help here, need to get to that directory :P [18:39] one moment [18:39] Can someone please help me install kdvi on my ubuntu 9 install? [18:39] how come audio cd's made from Brasero don't play in any of my cd players? [18:39] _theIdiotBox: does that mean i cannot use ubuntu? [18:39] titan_ark, you need to restart that as sudoer [18:39] RanyAlbeg: I already said, Upstart itself doesn't actually care about the names -- but older software might, and so the names are kept. [18:39] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, i suspect it must be the first case if your notebook have some new h/ws for which moudle/device drivers are not available as of now [18:40] _theIdiotBox: oh okay, then do u think it would work with 8.04? [18:40] grawity: so for conclusion if i'll name my script K02Backup it will run but i wont be able to use GUI. am i right? [18:40] My xorg.conf lost its modelines, and while I can edit it and save it, I cannot get the changes to stick past a restart of the x server. [18:40] _theIdiotBox: or should i layoff ubuntu for now? [18:40] RanyAlbeg: Well, yes. [18:41] I need help in Xubuntu [18:41] grawity: So i just need to open a terminal to show the user the total proccess [18:41] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, i'm more than sure there must be some way out for this...u can get that working in ubuntu. btw you dint answer me, are you using ubuntu 9.04? [18:42] hi, I want to flash the eeprom on my phone from ubuntu, is flashrom the correct program to use? [18:42] _theIdiotBox: yes i am using 9.04 [18:42] grawity: or even create a log file with info about the last backup. i think i'll go for that. [18:42] Running Xubuntu 9.04 on an iMac 500 flower power with ati and need to get the xorg.conf file right [18:42] _theIdiotBox: should i try 8.04 insted? [18:42] I found this forum posting, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1174999.html, which links to http://snapshot.debian.net/package/kdvi, but I can't understand what to do next... Do I have to compile the source files myself?? [18:42] RanyAlbeg: Technically, a terminal is a GUI program too. [18:42] I figured a tomahawk and hatchet to the iMac wouldn't really fix it at all./ [18:42] ftab, I get this: sudo: /etc/init.d/alsa: command not found [18:43] titan_ark, ah [18:43] grawity: but its not a part of gdm right? [18:43] Anyone have any idea on how to fix it? [18:43] hello.... i am transfering a bunch of data from one computer to the other with scp... my connection dropped midway, is there any way to start the transfer again and not redo any files that i already have downloaded? [18:43] My xorg.conf lost its modelines, and while I can edit it and save it, I cannot get the changes to stick past a restart of the x server. [18:43] RanyAlbeg: Any GUI, including gnome-terminal and such, goes through X -- and X is killed when GDM is killed. [18:43] titan_ark, do you have pulse audio installed? [18:44] ftab, hmmm now how do i check that? [18:44] ok so nobody in the world is using dual monitors or the extended feature with ubuntu... no one. [18:44] joakimk: I thing kdvi is superseded by okular [18:44] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, you can try the last version or the current testing version ie. use either 8.10 or 9.10 [18:44] grawity: i know that pressing ctrl+alt+f4 will pass me to a non grahpical interface.the process will be displayed there in that case? [18:44] aicra: Ah, ok, I thought perhaps so. I'll get that instead :) [18:45] How I get my xorg.conf changes to stick past a X restart? [18:45] audio output not so good [18:45] titan_ark, aptitude search pulseaudio and if it's set to i then it's installed [18:45] any help [18:45] Hi all, any advice on how to install a 32 bit lib*-dev package on amd64 ubuntu? [18:45] _theIdiotBox: okay.... which should i use? 8.04, 8.10 or 9.10? [18:45] RanyAlbeg: I think shutdown message to to the 8th tty... Ctrl-Alt-F8. [18:45] <__theIdiotBox> interrupt, quite a lot of ppl are use that but there might not be any one hanging around in here [18:45] RanyAlbeg: err... shutdown messages go* [18:45] <__8472> Hi, I have a question about the "Gnome Menu"(Applications, Places, System). is it possible to change somewhere to not to display the content of some category in just one column? Like e.g. in "Applications\Sound & Video" I have a really lot of stuff, and the only thing which I see is a plenty of items in only one column http://testujem.freeweb7.com/gnome_menu_full.jpg , and when I need something more, I must scroll down or up to find it [18:45] <__8472> . Is it possible to rearrange it somehow to display it side by side, in more columns without any scrolling? thx. [18:46] __8472: System>Preferences>Main Menu allows you to choose what is in the menu [18:46] __8472, you could move some things into a submenu [18:46] and what mnaines [18:46] said [18:46] can anyone help me i cant find the recycle bin [18:46] oli1 lower right corner [18:46] grawity: :) well thanks for that i appreciate your help. [18:47] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, first try 9.10 testing then you might try 8.10 but i guess you can use google to do basic changes here and there and it shoud work ...but yuou need to spend some time googling and fixing the bug...you just need a bit of time...nothing else [18:47] yeah i know idiotbox but i unfortunately have some people waiting around on me and i am not sure where to go. let me search google all over again.. [18:47] ftab yeah its set to 'i' [18:47] traveller, awesome [18:47] how do I get the details of the path that launch's for an item in ubuntus applications menu i cant seem to right click on it to see it's path for the launcher [18:47] <__8472> mnaines: i know about it, but what if i want it all in there? this is not the solution i want [18:47] mykol, cool [18:47] <__8472> Kittykis: no submenu's [18:47] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, i meant changes in your current linux version i mean 9.04...some hacks shud do the job [18:47] which one is the right corner? [18:47] ftab but there are a few more things that are set to 'p' [18:48] i dont see it [18:48] grawity: say you welcome so i know my thanks are accepted :) [18:48] any help on audio [18:48] HELP, trying to setup Evolution mail with Exchange server 5.5. NOT compatible, anyone know of a program that will work instead? [18:48] ubuntuisloved: have a look in menus under the system menu [18:48] RanyAlbeg: You're welcome :) [18:48] my audio output is not so good [18:48] _theIdiotBox: oh okay, i think thats too technical for me. thanks though! [18:48] oli1, then just add it from panel menu "Add Applet".. :-D [18:49] grawity: :) [18:49] oli1, and choose "trash"... :-) [18:49] HELP, trying to setup Evolution mail with Exchange server 5.5. NOT compatible, anyone know of a program that will work instead? [18:49] ftab, should I do what is mentioned in this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio [18:49] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, if you find that a bit difficult then just try the 9.10 version and hopefully you'll get that working... [18:49] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, you're welcome buddy [18:50] HELP, trying to setup Evolution mail with Exchange server 5.5. It's NOT compatible. Anyone know of a program that will work instead? [18:50] oli1, right click on the panel, select "add to panel" and choose trash from menu..... :-) drag whatever you wont and use it.. :-D [18:50] Up until yesterday, My xorg was working perfectly. [18:50] Since then, it lost all of its custom content. I can edit that back in, but when I restart x the changes are gone and I'm still at 800x600 instead of 1440x900 [18:50] Why aren't the changes sticking? [18:51] _theIdiotBox: okay thanks! [18:51] b-f: Make sure you actually _save_ the changes to xorg.conf. (It requires root privileges to change.) Also, look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log [18:51] <__theIdiotBox> newbie12345, cool .... :-) [18:51] <__8472> Hi, I have a question about the "Gnome Menu"(Applications, Places, System). is it possible to change somewhere to not to display the content of some category in just one column? Like e.g. in "Applications\Sound & Video" I have a really lot of stuff, and the only thing which I see is a plenty of items in only one column http://testujem.freeweb7.com/gnome_menu_full.jpg , and when I need something more, I must scroll down or up to find it [18:51] <__8472> . Is it possible to rearrange it somehow to display it side by side, in more columns without any scrolling? thx. [18:51] titan_ark, yest please, it take time and patience to configure sound on linux [18:52] :) [18:52] HELP, trying to setup Evolution mail with Exchange server 5.5. It's NOT compatible. Anyone know of a program that will work instead? [18:52] how do i enable voice mic in gyachi? [18:52] anyone come across a problem with mounting dvds in 9.04? I can mount cd in drive but not dvd. lspci, lshw & fstab - http://paste.ubuntu.com/261556/ [18:52] mykol: Repeating your question won't help if nobody knows the answer. [18:52] Can any one tell me how can i stop sum of my services to not start at boot of my ubuntu 9.04. [18:53] grawity, well I guess I was hoping. I can't figure it out. Stayed up trying to search for an answer. [18:53] ftab oh oki. :( the last time I installed ubuntu on my desktop everything worked like a charm, one the notebook its frustrating and it came shipped with Vista! :'( heights of torture [18:53] mykol: Is it your Exchange server, or someone else's? [18:53] dadrock, system>administration>services [18:53] grawity, it's the Universities [18:53] mykol: Do they have IMAP enabled? [18:54] grawity, ??? [18:54] <__theIdiotBox> __8472, i guess you can make it display side-by-side...that shoud be fine , right? [18:54] __8472: you cah hide some entries with "alacarte" [18:54] grawity, let me look at their site and check if there's any info [18:55] <__8472> __theIdiotBox: based on what knowledge you guess like that? because i would love to know how to make it. [18:55] <__theIdiotBox> __8472, alacarte would be better option === star is now known as Guest88387 [18:55] hi [18:55] hajmola: that is fine but at boot my my tomcat application also starts which is not listed in that . How to remove that. ? [18:55] <__8472> aicra: i don't wan't to hide anything, i wan't it there all [18:55] <__theIdiotBox> __8472, from the link you posted ...rather than scrolling put it aside [18:56] please guys, just a quick question, why ls -r .* won't go up to root ( / ) level if recursively should take .. and its parent .. and so on to the end? [18:56] grawity [18:56] <__8472> __theIdiotBox: not with the alacarte, i know about that "tool", that's not it, or i didn't find there any option to make it side-by-side [18:56] miguelonnnn: It ignores . and .. [18:56] miguelonnnn: Otherwise it would loop endlessly. [18:56] the only i get is the ls -r of the parent directory .., but not its .. and so on [18:56] <__8472> __theIdiotBox: well, but how can i put it aside? that's the problem man. [18:57] actually not endleslly, just to / [18:57] miguelonnnn: And then it would see all the directories in / [18:57] miguelonnnn: And go inside. [18:57] <__theIdiotBox> __8472, even i dont remember the name in that case....lets ask other geeks out here [18:57] miguelonnnn: And then it would see /bin/.. and go up again. [18:57] hehe ok i get it, the / parent is / [18:57] how do i convert a .wav file into 8-Bit?? [18:57] grawity, it says something about Outlook for IMAP. Is that what I'm looking for? [18:57] selam [18:58] well grawity , the problem is [18:58] i want to cp a whole mounted filesystem to a usdb [18:58] mykol: Yes - set up Exchange for an IMAP account, server imap.uky.edu, SSL enabled. [18:58] How from my winxp i will see my vsftpd server and log in? [18:58] <__8472> __theIdiotBox: i'm already asking, and few people including you answered, mostly advised the alacarte [18:58] grawity, will I get use of my Calander and things? [18:58] hey guys just had a fast question to suse or not to suse. has anyone tried opensuse and liked it [18:58] mykol: Nope :/ [18:59] and there are dot named files, so i thoughjt i will do cp .* , but then it went up ( .. ) to the parent directory, yeah it did go the upper, but then stopped going up recursively. That's why i asked [18:59] grawity, well I guess beggers can't be choosers. :P [18:59] miguelonnnn: .* is expanded by your shell, not by cp. [18:59] <__theIdiotBox> __8472, have you tried that, btw? [18:59] how do i enable voice mic in gyachi? [18:59] miguelonnnn: So cp cannot know if you just typed .*, or if you actually told it to go to .. [18:59] <__8472> __theIdiotBox: if i've tried what? [19:00] is there any good programs that read the ID3 tags on a MP3 to look for dumplicated? [19:00] mykol: It's _Microsoft_ Exchange. And Microsoft is not one of those companies who like Linux... [19:00] grawity, lol I could see that being an issue [19:01] <__theIdiotBox> __8472, yep? alacarte [19:02] Is there any way around connecting to a printer that has no drivers for Linux? Perhaps some way through wine, or installing the printer on a Windows machine and sharing to for use with a Linux machine? [19:02] mykol: But their mail (IMAP) server seems to be down, too. [19:02] <__8472> __theIdiotBox: the alacarte is well known tool to me already for several years, and i don't see there any option to rearrange the category submenu items side-by-side instead of scrolling in one column. [19:02] We just bought a Kodak ESP7 printer, and of course, no support for Linux or Unix... [19:03] grawity, did you look at the site? [19:03] mykol: I did. [19:03] torn_: Drivers won't work with Wine - and for sharing, you'll need Linux drivers too. [19:03] grawity, so now what? Just can't print from the Linux machines? [19:03] grawity, sorry that was the Computer SCience page.... try the one I just sent you [19:04] torn_: I have heard ndiswrapper can help with devices which work in windows using the inf or ini files ..not sure though. [19:04] That really hurts. No being able to print just because I'm using Linux. I wish these manufacturers would have some more respect. [19:04] ndiswrapper for wireless cards, I know about. [19:04] torn_: i had an issue like yours with a lexmark printer, the only solution i had was to access the files via network from the windows machine and print them. [19:05] they have your money torn, why should they need respect ? they run a business after all [19:05] Is there any reason why they won't release an open source version of their drivers, and let the community handle these open source drivers on their own? They wouldn't need to support them or gaurantee anything. [19:05] ok i got it Granis [19:05] grawity, sorry Granis [19:06] <__8472> Hi, I have a question about the "Gnome Menu"(Applications, Places, System). is it possible to change somewhere to not to display the content of some category in just one column? Like e.g. in "Applications\Sound & Video" I have a really lot of stuff, and the only thing which I see is a plenty of items in only one column http://testujem.freeweb7.com/gnome_menu_full.jpg , and when I need something more, I must scroll down or up to find it [19:06] <__8472> . Is it possible to rearrange it somehow to display it side by side, in more columns without any scrolling? thx. [19:06] so what shoulda do to copy absolutely any file at the mounted point? [19:06] x404x, I would write an email to Kodak telling them about my greivance, but I already know how they'll simply reply with an automated response about how they're "working hard" to support Linux, which is baloney. [19:06] miguelonnnn: Copy . -- the current directory. [19:06] i mean, recursively, invisible dot named files, and so on, everything [19:06] torn_: no idea which company we are talking here, but sometimes its because they dont even own all tech in driver [19:06] Kodak, simplexio. [19:06] what? copy . -- directory? [19:06] hi all are there any good resources for "getting the most out of ubunutu", I've been using for about a year, and would like to find out useful additions to my system, i like planet ubuntu for this, are there any other good blogs/guides? [19:06] miguelonnnn: . means the current directory [19:06] pauljw, you shared the files and printed them? How? [19:06] miguelonnnn: (just like .. means parent) [19:07] will just cp directory_containing_files destination work well? [19:07] ahh sorry but i can't do that [19:07] pauljw, wouldn't you still need Linux drivers, even to access a shared printer on a Windows machine? [19:07] cause i want to copy the wiles into it, not the folder [19:07] melvster: It's usually better to start from "here's what I want to do" then find alternate ways of doing it. Changing things just to change 'em is difficult. [19:07] yeah [19:07] anyone know a command line recording utility? [19:07] torn_: You would need Linux drivers. [19:07] er, sorry, commandline audio recording utility [19:08] torn_: which driver we talking about [19:08] simplexio: Kodak ESP7 [19:08] torn i always get the answers that "it is so exciting" every time they mess up something lol, sure. I would use the word tragic more appropriate. well 80% are using windows so thats what they write drivers for. not many companies make drivers for linux, unless they run a niche market designed just for that [19:08] torn_: If you have a Windows machine, I can only think of one solution: print to a PDF file, then copy that PDF to Windows machine, print it there. [19:09] Has anyone managed to compile ufo ai with amd64 - 9.04? I am getting errors with SDL_ttf. [19:09] KB1JJWQ: thanks, ill try that, are there any other good blogs other than planet ubuntu? [19:09] these days we are lucky to get any drivers at all ;( [19:09] x404x: What drivers are you looking for? [19:10] grawity, yeah, but that kills the whole point of printer from another machine. [19:10] Hey guys is there anyshortcut to Terminal? and my pc speaker wont go off >:( its eaven in Blacklist file [19:10] Kodak ESP7, simplexio. [19:10] torn_: Is there any other way? [19:10] I was talking to torn mostly, I could use some stuff to convert a webcam/twain source to send to a linux server tho, im building a website to do webcam sharing [19:10] does anybody know how can i connect my sweex webcam? [19:11] torn_: if its usb printer then easiest solution is just install binary vbox for "personal" use and get "windows lisence" and tell vbox use that usb straight... install drivers into vboxed windows and everything works [19:11] Hey guys is there anyshortcut to Terminal? and my pc speaker wont go off >:( its eaven in Blacklist file [19:11] how do i enable voice mic in gyachi? [19:11] toxin: Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Look for "Run a terminal" [19:11] offcourse there is that windows license problem in that solution [19:11] toxin: I have mine set to ctrl+shift+T [19:12] Berzerker Thx _again_ [19:12] does anybody know how can i connect my sweex webcam? [19:12] :P === techp is now known as purvesh [19:12] I made a bootable usb drive to install ubuntu server on my new box that doesn't have a cdrom. The ubuntu install fails because it's looking for a cdrom, though... how can I change that? [19:13] torn_: it does prevent you from printing remotely, but if you're saving your docs in a windows compatible format and the folder is shared, you just go to the windows machine, access the shared folder on the linux box, open the document and print it. and save up some money and buy a HP printer that is compatible with linux... :) [19:13] simplexio, so basically I would have to boot into a virtual machine, share the files and copy them over the the virtual hard drive, or browse the web with the virtual machine every time I want to print something? [19:13] ciao [19:13] !list [19:13] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [19:13] pauljw: I have a Canon printer that is compatible with Linux [19:13] Does anyone know how i can reorder items in the "PLACES" menu? Right-click->edit menus dosent work [19:13] toxin: try drag the teminal menu item from the applications->system->terminal to the menu bar itself, then you should have a shortcut icon on screen all the time [19:13] does anyone know of sourcecode to send twain webcam sources to a linux server ? [19:14] hi all. i'm having trouble with setting wifi hotspot on my ubuntu 9.04.. may someone please help? [19:14] pauljw, it's too late though. My dad already bought this Kodak printer, since he thinks it will save him money on ink. [19:14] j1nn: We can't help unless we know what the problem is [19:14] Pcspeaker is still breaking my brains and ears [19:14] my apologies to anyone who looked at my dvd problem. the drive seems to be bu**ered [19:15] FunkyDiscoMan: Time for a new drive? [19:15] toxin, i answered that for you today already [19:15] toxin: what? [19:15] hey all [19:15] how can I disable sounds in LXDE? [19:15] that maximize window one and such [19:15] lol.. hey Berzerker [19:15] toxin: me and b3rz3rk3r are two different people. [19:15] torn_: well, you can but that windows to listen real network, plus vbox has this system that you cann allways rollback to last snapsho.. ofcourse it is hack [19:15] He stole my name. :P [19:15] yes but it is in blacklist but not working its "Pcspkr [19:15] " [19:15] mnaines: the problem is that i'm setting everything up, but my nokia cannot connect. it seems that it cannot get an ip. nokia is 100% ok, as it conencts to other networks, so the problem is somewhere in spot's config.. [19:15] torn_: I use laser printer. It's not color printer but it can print 2000 pages per ink toner where a regular printer can go up to 200 pages per ink cartridges. Think big business or corporation. :) [19:16] !g [19:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about g [19:16] torn why not just use samba and share a folder with dox you want to print [19:16] any idea? :? [19:16] toxin, im pretty sure that how i did it [19:16] then print from the windows box, [19:16] shuold it be Pcspeaker OR pcspkr? [19:16] toxin, let me google it, havent done that in a while, so i might be remembering wrong === pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw [19:16] torn_: you can use samba to share printer on other machines too.. i think [19:17] toxin, all lowercase [19:17] simplexio, I'd still need a Linux driver. [19:17] toxin, 2nd one [19:17] leaf-sheep, some ink printers can do 2,000+ pages per cartridge, like the HP Officejet 8500 series. [19:17] yup, i did the unthinkable - booted a windoze hdd i had lying about, same - cd ok, dvd knackered [19:17] actually, i will appreciate any advice regarding sharing wifi... [19:18] FunkyDiscoMan: The DVD drive is dead? [19:19] hi === jesus is now known as Guest96989 [19:19] toxin, "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" then: "blacklist pcspkr" [19:19] Just needed help regarding setting up a file server in ubuntu [19:19] how can I get a command I schedule in cron or whatever to run under the current X session? [19:19] there's a python module [19:19] It's really not fair, this lack of support for Linux. [19:19] I hope Windows 7 tanks, and people start looking at alternatives. [19:19] j1nn: normally quite easy, you got a wireless routher and a computer with a connection? [19:20] ye [19:20] recon69_lap: i want to share wifi _from_ my ubuntu [19:20] torn_: what lack of support? [19:20] toxin, got that? [19:20] torn email kodak and ask if there is any linux drivers, they might have some but not ship to all customers. if they dont have tell them to make some ;=) [19:20] is there a way to point the installer to the usb stick instead? [19:20] the command is python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9900 where 9900 is the port [19:21] recon69_lap: all article on the net says it's easy, but i just can't gert working.. [19:21] dead, cds will read, not dvds [19:21] please help [19:21] Gnea, lack of printer drivers, lack of support for some mobile devices, lack of support for some software (Silverlight 2.0, Shockware, etc.),and so on. [19:21] pradeep: what's your question? [19:21] pradeep: oh, just install samba [19:21] okie [19:21] torn_: I don't have problem with printer or PDA drivers [19:22] x404x, Kodak has an automated reply for those types of emails. I've seen them same reply on many message boards about Linux support from Kodak. [19:22] when i execute tat command it says starting on 900 [19:22] torn_: yeah, a scant few companies don't put out linux drivers (seems odd that kodak doesn't) [19:22] it is not showing my IP [19:22] torn_: considering that their cameras work just fine in linux [19:22] torn, ouch, well then you know they care right ;=) [19:22] Gnea: I use Canon printers and cameras, and they work just fine on Linux [19:22] is it ok i see my wlan device twice in route -n output? [19:22] aicra: how to set up file share server [19:23] mnaines: I've had good luck with canon and hp printers [19:23] Got to blacklist file but what i write to here? [19:23] j1nn: yes [19:23] Gnea, they don't think we're important enough to waste their time. After all, no one has to shop carefully for computers/laptops when they're running Windows, because they know it's supported for practically any device on the market. Unlike us, who use Linux, we need to shop carefully to make sure Linux will support our hardware / devices. [19:23] torn_, Gnea: _Cameras_ are different from printers. A camera presents itself as a simple ordinary standards-defined USB Storage Device. [19:23] toxin, the other half i sent you [19:23] Gnea: thanks... [19:23] toxin, "blacklist pcspkr" [19:23] Gnea: I use the Canon Pixma iP4500 printer. The default drivers aren't all that great, but the Linux Gutenprint drivers work rather well [19:23] pcspkr or blacklist pcspkr? [19:23] "blacklist pcspkr" [19:24] ola [19:24] ok [19:24] torn_: you also have to look at where they're based out of and how the corporate climate around there is - yeah, it's pretty much MS dominated [19:24] hi all [19:24] without ""? [19:24] alguem do brasil [19:24] how do i enable voice mic in gyachi? [19:24] toxin, yeah [19:24] !br | rastafari [19:24] rastafari: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [19:24] and is there any log with incoming connections for hotspot? [19:24] valeu [19:24] portugal..... [19:24] gnea: wats samba [19:24] torn_: Here...Check this link for a list of printers that have Linux drivers: http://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi [19:24] !samba | pradeep [19:24] pradeep: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [19:25] pradeep: it also does linux-to-linux for filesharing [19:25] Why don't these companies release open source drivers (without having to support them, since the community will support the drivers themselves)? [19:25] d [19:25] mnaines, I know about that site. But I didn't pick out the printer, that's the problem. [19:25] pradeep: sorry man, problems with my irc... just do what gnea said [19:25] how i can see temps in linux? [19:25] Gnea : thanks [19:25] pradeep: real file servers use CIFS, which is the protocol that samba uses. dunno about that python script, sounds third-party [19:25] torn_: What do you mean? [19:25] j1nn: think you should describe the network you what to set up, what hardware you got (computer+connection type/nics, and internet connection type + hw) [19:25] gnea : works for adhoc networks also rite [19:25] toxin, temps of what? [19:25] hi, i just built a kernel (with "make all" in kernel source dir after makeing the config file) i got a System.map a config file and a vmlinuz file in my boot? am i missing an initrd.gz here?? [19:26] mnaines, dad purchased this printer, thinking Kodak will save him money on ink. [19:26] my computer [19:26] pradeep: as long as the network is there, yearh [19:26] pradeep: *yeah [19:26] toxin, i use "sensors" pkg [19:26] gnea: the python script is the default module in python 2.5 [19:26] toxin, just do "sudo apt-get install sensors" [19:26] torn_: do you have a windows system to hook it up to? [19:26] ;\ [19:27] torn_: He shouldn't believe everything he sees on TV...I have a Canon Pixma iP4500 and it has a rather surprisingly long ink life...I can print up to 80 pictures at 9600x2400dpi before the ink is dry [19:27] gnea: should both client and the server have installed samba [19:27] pradeep: I just don't understand the port 9900, that makes no sense for a file server [19:27] Gnea, yes, but then that will be the only machine to print from... [19:27] pradeep: server, yes. client, maybe. [19:27] toxin, did you blacklist the spkr? [19:27] torn_: so just share it out on the network to your ubuntu system [19:28] yes [19:28] Gnea, my laptop is running Linux Mint 7, my netbook is running Ubuntu 9.04 NBR, and my desktop is running openSUSE 11.1 [19:28] pradeep: that python command work flawlessly for me [19:28] toxin, did it work this time? [19:28] pradeep: but is not the better way to share files tough [19:28] Gnea, but even if it's shared on the network, I can't print to it without Linux drivers. [19:28] have to restart computer [19:28] torn_: you should be able to share it out then and have all 3 of those system connect to the windows system to print [19:28] toxin, yup [19:28] torn_: all you need is the PPD file [19:28] Gnea, I'd still need Linux drivers. [19:28] gnea : http://txt.binnyva.com/2008/05/share-current-folder-over-the-web/ [19:28] Gnea: Samba will do that? [19:28] HELLOL [19:28] 2 ALL [19:29] aicra: any alternative [19:29] mnaines: do what? [19:29] ola [19:29] use samba [19:29] pradeep: use samba [19:29] alguem pode me ajudar [19:29] Gnea: Samba will share compatible printers over a network that has multiple operating systems? [19:29] mnaines: of course [19:29] anyone here know how to mount a failed ntfs raid0 drive? [19:29] alguem pode me ajudar [19:29] aicra: thanks will try now [19:29] pradeep: or use a robust server, like apache [19:30] !raid | raidfail [19:30] raidfail: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [19:30] pradeep: gook luck [19:30] alguem pode me ajudar [19:30] alguem pode me ajudar [19:30] alguem pode me ajudar [19:30] alguem pode me ajudar [19:30] rastafari: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:30] rastafari: This channel is english only. [19:30] hi, I've editted /etc/environment to add LANGUAGE and LANG, only problem is how to make this active without a reboot ? I can do source /etc/environment but that will only set the variables for the current session [19:30] Flannel: dont you sleep [19:31] foi [19:31] foi [19:32] rastafari: How can we help you today? [19:32] como faso para entra em portugues [19:32] !pt | rastafari [19:32] rastafari: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [19:32] valeu [19:32] Hi im on step 5 here:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=942664 and im getting these errors: http://pastebin.com/m41b5a741 [19:32] erm ... where am i? ... nowhere = near home ... ... ;\ [19:33] :-/ [19:33] To get Shipit Ubuntu AMD64 i need to make a special request? [19:33] Maulsd: they no longer ship amd64 builds [19:34] ok [19:34] asd stypid pcspeaker wont go off [19:35] Hiya folks, at the moment (after each fresh boot) when I add in my headphones, I'm having to force alsa to force-reload. Can anyone think why this might be, why the force-reload changes things? [19:35] Hi Guys [19:35] help [19:36] !helpme | ysouyno [19:36] ysouyno: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [19:36] I need some help and guidance....and i hope i will get a good advice here [19:36] !ask [19:36] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [19:36] can anybody spare a minute for me [19:36] RohitC: don't ask that. [19:36] d00d! Ask RohitC [19:37] /me sighs === rangel is now known as Pretto [19:37] * b3rz3rk3r facepalms [19:37] RohitC: just ask your question. if someone can help, they will. [19:37] hi, i just built a kernel (with "make all" in kernel source dir after makeing the config file) i got a System.map a config file and a vmlinuz file in my boot? am i missing an initrd.gz here?? [19:37] I wanted to make a server for myself....i tried for windows sbs 2003 [19:37] sigh... [19:37] but its too costly and i have no knowledge for it [19:38] b3rz3rk3r got it working with modprobe -r pcspkr [19:38] nice one [19:38] that just removes it now though [19:38] RohitC: Ubuntu server is fairly solid, although I'd personally use a headless debian install. [19:38] as i am trying to make it for myself it not for business use [19:38] RohitC: There is a version of Ubuntu called Ubuntu Server that is an affordable alternative. It takes time to learn if you know nothing about linux. [19:38] hi, i received a comment stating that webmin is not secure and i should use Ebox... I installed ebox but now i can't find the place to edit anything i could previously edit... why did someone tell me to do that... now i can't edit my system users, i can't edit my vhosts, and such [19:38] hi alls!!!! [19:38] toxin, you need to run those commands i gave you to stop it coming back [19:39] RohitC, you have yet to ask a question my friend... [19:39] so next time i turn ubuntu on or restart it will be back? [19:39] someone know if skype can run on ubuntu? [19:39] Gnea... can i use ubuntu server as an alternative to sbs [19:39] RohitC: yes. [19:39] i have got 2 laptops [19:39] RohitC, YES [19:39] toxin, unless you edit that file i told you before, yeah [19:39] UbuntEr: Yes, skype 2.0 works perfectly fine. [19:39] will ubuntu server work as a domain controller [19:39] RohitC: I use it, it works. [19:39] tnx a lot.... [19:39] RohitC: yes. [19:39] toxin, "sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" then: "blacklist pcspkr" [19:39] this is the first time i run a linux distro! ;) [19:40] toxin, it wont come back then [19:40] i'm sorry to bother u but i have no knowledge of linux [19:40] and i don't even know the commands for it [19:40] RohitC, what can we help you with? [19:41] RohitC: then I suggest installing Ubuntu on one of your laptops in order to get acquainted with it before installing server. [19:41] ok [19:41] can anyone help me with my problem? (Ebox doesn't seem to allow me to manage my httpd vhosts) [19:41] RohitC: I am the same way...I still require the GUI on Ubuntu. Gnea is right. Ubuntu is a good distro to learn on [19:41] is there any step by step guide available for server [19:41] RohitC: www.ubuntu.com has free .iso files that you can download and burn to cd or dvd [19:41] i have already downloaded it [19:41] RohitC: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html [19:41] !server [19:41] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support [19:41] RohitC: I would not recommend building a Linux server until you become familiar with Linux [19:42] RohitC: if you have no experience of Linux at all you will probably struggle to set up a windows domain controller on Linux, but see www.samba.org [19:42] RohitC, here is a step-by-step guide on setting up an Ubuntu Server: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts [19:42] RohitC, yes, there are MANY guides on the net, but try out a desktop version of Ubuntu first [19:42] I've got a wierd problem. On another computer i installed ubuntu into windows using wubi, then moved it to my usb HD using this tutorial: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/move-wubi-ubuntu-install-to-an-external-usb-drive/. However, the computer that i'm at right now dosen't support booting from usb. I tried a boot cd i made a while ago, and it didn't work. How would i boot ubuntu on an external disk using wubi on a computer that dose [19:42] RohitC: how familiar are you with windows and computers and networks in general? [19:42] i [19:42] with windows yes [19:42] but with networks not very good [19:42] Xsensors wont show anything execpt gray o.0 [19:42] should i install ubuntu on a separate drive from windows 7 or on a different partition on the same drive? [19:43] frescoraja: just install it on the same partition [19:43] as windows 7 [19:43] RohitC: Linux servers require knowledge of command line. I would recommend familiarizing yourself with Linux before setting up a server [19:43] same partition [19:43] yep [19:43] RohitC: okay, the reason we ask this is because the learning curve for linux is VERY steep. you will run into problems and become frustrated at times. [19:43] i installed desktop and server once in virtual node [19:43] format ntfs->ext3 [19:43] hmm one question.. how can i disable wpa supplication from log info into /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log file ? [19:43] how do i enable voice mic in gyachi? [19:43] SirStan, fescoraja: using Wubi? [19:43] what's wubi? [19:43] i managed to complete setup but then i got stuck with domain things and all [19:43] !wubi | frescoraja [19:43] frescoraja: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [19:43] !wubi [19:43] Gnea: I installed samba on my laptop [19:44] LordQuackstar: I believe you'll need a *windows* boot disk [19:44] ?wubi [19:44] lolek have read man page? [19:44] fescoraja: don't format ntfs -> ext3 [19:44] i know [19:44] Gnea: How do i start sharing [19:44] RHorse: well i would read if i knew which one ? [19:44] zdrasti [19:44] !samba | pradeep (read these websites, and ask around in #samba for more specific help) [19:44] pradeep (read these websites, and ask around in #samba for more specific help): Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [19:44] :P [19:44] anyone know of a decent activesync alternative [19:44] Flannel: I'm confused [19:44] lolek, wpa_supplicant [19:44] cool, i think i will try wubi [19:44] RHorse: ok, i'll try [19:45] :) [19:45] mrwes i had a look onto the link you gave me that one is for 8.04...will i be able to use the same thing for 9.04 [19:45] pradeep: btw, swat is a separate install [19:45] frescoraja: if I were you, I'd install it on the same drive [19:45] gnea: swat wats that [19:45] evening all [19:45] i'm going to use wubi to install it on the same drive as my windows 7 [19:45] frescoraja: is the second drive external? [19:46] no, internal [19:46] RohitC, search that site for that version, however 8.04 is the Long Term Support server version right now [19:46] RHorse: ok i got it, but where i wpa_supplicant.conf located in ubuntu, cause i don't see it [19:46] which is what I run [19:46] ok [19:46] Flannel: how would a windows boot disk help me? [19:47] Gnea: i installed samba package [19:47] i will try to go through it today and see how it goes [19:47] do i still need the ubuntu iso to install wubi [19:47] Hello. I'm trying to install Ubuntu via LAN by following the HOWTO at . I already downloaded the ISO file (for the server edition) and I don't know what value I should use for the "kernel" option in ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default [19:47] LordQuackstar: hmm, well, I suppose it depends on what the boot disk does. But, you need to start ntldr on the USB (that's the windows boot loader) [19:47] Gnea: wen i say i type samba at the terminal it says install samba4 [19:47] frescoraja, no, Wubi will download it for you [19:47] The howto suggests "kernel ubuntu-desktop/casper/vmlinuz", but I'm not using the desktop cd [19:47] RHorse: cause i see only wpa_supplicant.conf in /etc/dbus-1/system.d directory [19:47] Gnea: wats the difference between them [19:47] Hi, how can i start PlayOnLinux? [19:47] what should I use for a 64-bit server ISO? [19:48] Hi, I'm having some issues with my graphics driver installation: When I go to install my driver I get a few error messages but it finishes loading. Then when I try to reboot I am entered into Low Graphics Mode. [19:48] Can anyone help? [19:48] !info swat [19:48] swat (source: samba): Samba Web Administration Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.1 (jaunty), package size 1367 kB, installed size 4356 kB [19:48] Wubi supports server installs now? [19:48] Flannel: Is there a way to do that simply? I'd prefer not to start messing around with grub. [19:48] frescoraja: yes, that's easiest way [19:48] lolek I use the -c option and put it in home directory. You can have more than one. It depends on your exact distro. I would do a locate or find search. [19:48] mrwes: I don't think it ever didn't [19:48] I don't know if it supports Windows 7 though [19:48] why do i get to choose the installation size for ubuntu? is this asking me how big i want the ubuntu partition? [19:48] RHorse: it's of course ubuntu, default [19:49] Flannel, oh...shoot never would have thought of using Wubi for a server install...shrug. === traveller is now known as traveller_ [19:49] LordQuackstar: I'm not all that well versed in USB and windows booting. You might ask in ##windows, what sort of boot disk you can get to boot to a USB drive === traveller_ is now known as traveller__ [19:49] Flannel: thanks for the help [19:49] frescoraja: wubi doesn't partition, but yes, that's how big your Ubuntu space will be. === traveller__ is now known as traveller [19:49] is there anybody that has a canon mv850i?? === Ph`AFK is now known as Ph` [19:49] ok is 17GB reasonable? [19:49] Flannel, people are dual booting Windows and Ubuntu Server with Wubi? [19:50] lolek have you man wpa_supplicant.conf. Some useful info there. [19:50] can someone help me with partimage this problem " can't read bitmap blcok 0 from image"? [19:50] RHorse: k [19:50] I've been playing with piwik recently, one thing I love about it is how easy it is to send feedback, report bugs or suggest features [19:50] RHorse: thx ;) [19:51] you click the link and type your message in, no need for an account, no need to check for dupes, no need for anything like that [19:51] it just send the dev team an email [19:51] worldwarcheese: Which is the graphics card ?.. If its Nvidia , are you tryin to install proprietary drivers ? [19:51] Woo managed to fix it. Heh, finally. [19:51] gustavonarea: If you look further down on that page "hands off, preseeded network server install" there's an example for the alternate/server CDs [19:51] There should be something like that as standard in Ubuntu/GNOME [19:51] thanks a lot guys...i will try for this [19:52] frescoraja: doesn't look like Wubi supports windows 7 yet so I'd install on a separate partition [19:52] http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html I have installed it and now i dont know how to open it... Help? [19:52] mrwes: I have no idea. But it'dbe possible [19:52] cheezespread: Proprietary, sir [19:52] !wine | Shasirax [19:52] Shasirax: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [19:52] oh ok [19:52] Flannel, doesn't make sense to me...shrug, to each their own I guess [19:52] Boa tarde pessoal! [19:52] mrwes i believe server doesnot come with gui [19:53] cheezespread: It's an Nvidia 9800gt [19:53] so i should just go back to plan 1 and download the ubuntu iso and install it to another partition/drive? [19:53] !pt | Rafael [19:53] Rafael: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [19:53] so i will have to install gui afterwards [19:53] worldwarcheese: Check in system > Admin > Hardware drivers.. would show the recommended drivers for it .. [19:53] Try #2, can anyone help me install the ebox module to manage the httpd server on ubuntu? [19:53] RohitC, ahh..yah -- I'm well aware of that [19:53] Flannel, I know... i have wine to, but how do i get the window for PlayOnLinux open? [19:53] which gui i should be installing [19:53] ok sorry [19:53] RohitC, my opinion? None [19:53] frescoraja: yes [19:54] worldwarcheese: and any more details on whats the error that you encounter when you install the drivrs .. [19:54] thanks [19:54] RohitC: depends on your hardware, how much RAM do you have? === papapep-afk is now known as papapep [19:54] 2gb [19:54] Shasirax: I have no idea, I've never heard of it before. It's based on wine though, so I don't believe you'll have any better luck with it versus wine proper. [19:54] cheezespread: it says [19:54] RohitC: then ubuntu-desktop ( gnome ) or kubuntu-desktop ( KDE ) [19:55] Shasirax, you would have better results with Cedega [19:55] do you think having no knowledge of linux i will be able to use without gui [19:55] cheezespread: 'No such file or directory found: /usr/lib//nvidia/libglx.so.xserver-xorg-cor' [19:55] RohitC: will be a steep learning curve [19:55] b3rz3rk3r: I will try PlayOnLinux first :) [19:55] RohitC, it would certainly be a good challenge [19:55] how can I keep track of what programs are being run and for how long? [19:55] What are you running? [19:55] i'm trying to mount a failed ntfs RAID0 drive, even using the -o force command it reports NTFS signature is missing. is there anyway to repair this? [19:56] Shasirax, ok, but its really just a front end to help configure Wine for those that are technically challenged [19:56] in fdisk -l it reports it as a ntfs disk [19:57] right guys...thanks for encouraging....so i'm gonna start operation Ubuntu...... [19:57] i hope i will be getting your help when needed [19:57] RohitC: always someone here [19:57] RohitC: help.ubuntu.com covers a bunch of things you might need to know [19:57] RohitC, good luck man.. see you soon :p [19:57] b3rz3rk3r: Ok, do you know how to use it? [19:57] take care guys [19:57] yeahh :D [19:58] Shasirax, its much like the "Add/Remove" version of games for WINE [19:58] RohitC: after you login to install a GUI the command would be sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop. [19:58] is there anyway to repair the NTFS signatures of split RAID drives so they can be mounted? [19:58] worldwarcheese: Can you just check the same place .. System > Admininstration > Hardware drivers and see if the driver you installed is active ?.. btw , which version are you installing ? [19:58] thanks Idleone [19:58] b3rz3rk3r: Yes, but how do i start it? [19:59] b3rz3rk3r: Can't find it anywhere -.- :( [19:59] use terminal type playonlinux === lb_ is now known as vo|d [19:59] Shasirax, Cedega gets all the fixes first, and tehy contribute to WINE (as they are the same devs) so if u are serious about gaming in UBuntu, get Cedega is my recommendation [19:59] Shasirax, you need to DL it from their site i think [19:59] cheezespread: I'm running an xserver now that I must kill. I'm going to try using the program EnvyNG right now which hopefully will work. === templar_ is now known as empirica [19:59] cheezespread: I'll be hopefully right back [19:59] Shasirax, but really, dont bother, if you have WINE, its the same thing [20:00] b3rz3rk3r: Ok, is cedega free? [20:00] No [20:00] NEW VIDEO/GRAPHICS CARD NEEDED - Requirement: 16x PCI-Express, max. 10.2-10.3inch length (260mm), FLAWLESS 3D Linux Support in Ubuntu. - Any recommendations ???? [20:00] Shasirax, the install and demo is (though u need to get an account -also free) [20:00] is it possible to add a repo, and only allow certain packages from it? [20:00] just one quick question: if i login to ubuntu server from my laptop it assigns me a temporary drive or workplace on the server..is this possible [20:01] !hardware | DEBUNTU73 [20:01] DEBUNTU73: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [20:01] Shasirax, but they charge you a small fee each month for contiued updates [20:01] How can I add the ability to write ISO files to file-roller? [20:01] b3rz3rk3r: :/ i hate paying to play games... [20:01] ipatrol: I don't think you can. [20:01] Shasirax, me too man [20:02] Shasirax, luckily there is always dual-boot ;) [20:02] grawity:It needs a seprate program? === dani is now known as Guest10734 [20:02] i need some help setting up some python stuff ... I need to customize setup.py in which I have to : " Set the library_dirs_list, libraries_list, superlu_defs, f77_defs variables according to your local configuration. " [20:02] RohitC: your workplace would be part of the /home directory and can be partition on a separate drive if you wanted to. [20:02] my dualboot is ****edup -.- [20:02] Flannel: Thank you, but I cannot see that example. I mean, I can see several sample labels, but I cannot see one for servers. Do you know if in the case of a Jaunty ISO I should use "kernel install/vmlinuz"? The HOWTO suggests "kernel ubuntu-desktop/casper/vmlinuz" but it doesn't exist [20:02] Shasirax, use a Livecd to fix it :) [20:03] have Windows 7, but it wont start... [20:03] does file-roller have channel? [20:03] its actyally pretty booring time passes and you just start using windows XP because you get bored to change OS [20:03] that's what i'm looking for....as i'm tired of keeping my data on different drives...so i wanted to have a centra;lized place for all my data [20:03] b3rz3rk3r: I have tried evrything... [20:04] toxin, i found it was the other way round.. [20:04] RohitC: user data is confined to the /home directory.. so you can partition it to be on a separate PHYSICAL drive if you need it to be.. (for redundancy) [20:04] i played VERY much [20:04] ou [20:04] RohitC: probably you should read how directory structure work in *nix [20:04] gustavonarea: casper is only for the desktop images (because casper is the type of image the liveCD is in). Yes, you're just looking for the vmlinuz thing for the kernel, wherever it happens to be. [20:05] how can I count the total number of lines of files ending in .php that are all in a folder? [20:05] RohitC: simplexio: i agree with Simplexio on this.. the directory structure and what users are able to access system wide is a lot different from Windows based systems. [20:06] istvan: If they are all in a single folder, wc -l *.php might work. [20:06] istvan: ls -la | wc -l [20:06] <|lilo|> hi everybody [20:06] Flannel: ok, thank you! [20:06] <|lilo|> good afternon from cartagena colombia [20:06] istvan: and yeh.. add that *.php after ls -la [20:06] will -r make it recursive? [20:06] Good night from FINLAND [20:06] istvan: nope :\ [20:07] RohitC, i can send you a PDF i found useful on File System Hierarchy in Unix if you like? [20:07] simplexio: he wanted to count lines, not the files themselves, I think. [20:07] please [20:07] istvan: then one solution is find ./ | grep php | wc -l . which find all lines that have php in it [20:07] lollll wc? haha [20:08] how i can change my language to english in Ubuntu? [20:08] ah, ok [20:08] simplexio: Um, -name '*.php' [20:08] maybe at configuration or options or anything simmilar [20:08] istvan: find . -name '*.php' -print0 --files0-from=- === StupidWeasel is now known as StupidWeasel_ [20:08] istvan: errrr, wait [20:08] istvan: find . -name '*.php' -print0 --files0-from=- [20:08] grawity: im yeah. thats it. i have used to use grep allways [20:08] |DAMMIT [20:08] istvan: find . -name '*.php' -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- [20:08] istvan: that one should work. [20:08] grawity: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === StupidWeasel_ is now known as StupidWeasel [20:09] FloodBot2: I know, right. [20:09] hey boys, how can i make a whole copy of the files in a mounted point=? [20:09] To install the server edition of Ubuntu via PXE, the tutorial at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet suggests that I set "initrd=ubuntu-desktop/casper/initrd.gz" in ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default. I've found that there are two files called "initrd.gz", install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz and install/initrd.gz, which one should I use? After all, the one in the HOWTO doesn't exist (at [20:09] least in Jaunty) [20:09] how i can change my language to english in Ubuntu? [20:09] cp * won't work cause * doesn't look for invisible files .file [20:09] miguelonnnn: tar cf foo.tar /from/bar/dir [20:09] miguelonnnn: I told you, cp . [20:09] miguelonnnn rsync is the answer [20:09] miguelonnnn: makes tar ball which has all data in that dir [20:09] tar¿ but isn't tar for archiving? [20:10] yeah grawity sorry, but i can't cp because i don't wana grab the directory to my usb, i want grab ITS files [20:10] miguelonnnn: yup,, you can allways untar it to get stuff out, it also keeps stuff like created/modified timestamps right [20:10] but i don't wnat a tar, i want just the files [20:10] miguelonnnn rsync will solve your problem, guaranteed. [20:10] haha nice simplexio :P [20:11] ok rhorse [20:11] grawity: for the current folder wouldnt a simple wc -l *.php | grep total ( hoping there are no files by the name totat ) .. Any reasons to go for find ? [20:11] miguelonnnn: rsync is one solution [20:11] cheezespread: He wanted it to be recursive. [20:11] lol, rsync man is huge haha [20:11] grawity: ooops . Din see that . Apologies. [20:11] miguelonnnn: tar cf - -C "/source" | tar xf - -C "/destination" [20:11] miguelonnnn one of the best man pages [20:12] the tar way looks so nice :P [20:12] <|JZ|> hey i am new to ubuntu i need help setting up my logitech mx5000 keyboard and mouse [20:12] miguelonnnn: and im not sure that it handles .something dirs. and use grawity line to tar and untar all in same line :) [20:12] |JZ|: that should be no problem at all.. just plug them in [20:12] damn, I am yet to get the sounds on :( [20:12] <|JZ|> it doesnt connect for soem reason [20:12] I often use that tar|tar thing over SSH [20:12] is there a floating bar for tablet pc in ubuntu to use in tablet mode? [20:13] what you mean simplexio ? [20:13] rsynx won't handle .sth? [20:13] grawity: i use it now and then.. i allways forgot that line [20:13] or is tar who won't? [20:13] miguelonnnn: tar will handle everything. [20:13] so rsync won't? === janne is now known as Skiessi [20:14] rsync should too. [20:14] ok [20:14] hey, any ideas to get the audio on a 9.04 installed on an hp notebook? i tried a few things, doesnt seem to work [20:14] and a stupid question, why cp hasn't such an option? [20:14] miguelonnnn: it has, -r [20:14] miguelonnnn: rsync handles dotfiles and dirs perfectly [20:14] ... um ... help ... i'm overnurished and starving ;\ [20:14] it wouldn't be too hard, just copy all the files , something like cp -a simmilar to ls -a, which lists all files, dotted or not [20:14] miguelonnnn: cp * /to/somedir -R, dosent copy .something files if i recall right.. .something means literally that file name is ".something" which is usually "hidden" file [20:15] yeah grawity but will -r copy the dotted too? [20:15] <|JZ|> any idea? [20:15] miguelonnnn: Yes. [20:15] miguelonnnn: Unless you use * [20:15] miguelonnnn: cp -Ra /path/to/original /path/to/destination [20:15] anybody around that groks getting translated messages to show up? I'm doing export LC_ALL=de_DE and everything is still in english... [20:15] The * is expanded by your _shell_ (not by cp), and the shell decides to not include dotfiles. [20:16] mtaylor: in the shell, or in the GUI? [20:16] miguelonnnn: and cp somedir/ tosomeotherdir -R work right [20:16] mneptok: shell [20:16] miguelonnnn: just tested it [20:16] yeah, that's why i wonder why not an entire copy doted files included to cp [20:16] mtaylor: most shells require a logout/in to source the new environment [20:16] yeah, but problem is that i'm on mac and -a doesn't exist here [20:17] mtaylor: and which shell? [20:17] mtaylor: od source /etc/profile [20:17] mtaylor: (and "hey dude!") :) [20:17] mtaylor: if you updated profile file [20:17] mneptok: um. bash ... and export LC_ALL="de_DE" should effect my current shell [20:17] simplexio: nope, just wanting to change the current session [20:17] mtaylor: true [20:17] mneptok: (hi!) [20:18] miguelonnnn don't fear the rsync boogeyman - it hasn't killed anyone yet. I promise! [20:18] simplexio, do you mean -r copies doted files included? [20:18] * mtaylor is trying to verify a bug someone had that's caused by a translated message, which means I have to get the program to actually run in that language [20:18] but I can't get _ANY_ programs to run in a locale atm, so it seems there may be some locale-enabling magic that needs to happen? [20:18] miguelonnnn: cp does not care about .dotfiles [20:19] miguelonnnn: "cp somedir/ newdir -R" works.. i tested it just few mins ago [20:19] miguelonnnn: It only cares about what arguments you give to it. [20:19] hahaha yeah rhorse, i'll use it for sure, but for just a simple thing like copying i wana now how to make it with cp [20:19] mtaylor: try "export LANG=de.UTF-8" [20:19] miguelonnnn: And if you use cp *, then it's not cp's fault. [20:19] but will cp somedir copy the somedir directory or its contents? [20:19] mneptok: nope [20:19] mtaylor: could it be that you dont have de.DE locales, and if there is no asked locale it uses default which is en i think [20:19] i don't wana copy the dir, but its contents [20:20] yeah i know, cause of autoexpanding shell wildcard [20:20] simplexio: I had that thought - but I'm trying ls --help, and it _does_ seem that /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo is there [20:20] mtaylor: try "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8" [20:20] Every time I try to add or remove an application from GNOME:Applications:Add/Remove I get "E: openoffice.org-writer2latex: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [20:20] mneptok: still nope [20:20] Lo all. Would anyone have time and patience to walk me through a (imho simple) packaging deal? [20:20] well i will try [20:21] brb soon [20:21] miguelonnnn try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=638853 [20:21] !ask | blizzkid [20:21] blizzkid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [20:21] guntbert: that was my question! [20:21] miguelonnnn: yeah.. it creates newdirectory which has all stuff what was in first dir [20:22] !details | blizzkid [20:22] mneptok: ooh... ok, LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 worked on one box, but not the other [20:22] blizzkid: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [20:22] my updater tells me it cannot check for updates (The update information is outdated... Please update manually...) and manual update doesn't seem to work [20:22] mneptok: I'm getting somewhere then.. [20:22] mneptok: so now why does it not work as expected on that other box... [20:22] mtaylor: on that machine "lsb_release -a" [20:23] mtaylor: what version are you running? [20:23] mneptok: (well, the other machine is plain debian, the one that works is ubuntu) [20:23] guntbert: I have a script, I want to create a package, I need it to depend on at least version 2.0 of another package, and the script should be placed in /usr/bin upon apt-getting it [20:23] mtaylor: #debian, please ;) [20:23] mtaylor: *snicker* [20:23] mneptok: yup. seems so - I thought the problem was going to be more general :) [20:23] mtaylor: but that *is* really odd [20:24] mtaylor: does the Debian box have UTF-8 support? [20:24] mneptok: I tried both utf8 and not utf8 [20:24] mneptok: I'm wondering if there is some support package I'm supposed to install [20:25] I have a windows question but even tho theirs 401 people in their no one replies, So hopefully the more helpful ubuntu help channel will come to my aid [20:25] mtaylor: on the Deb box, try "export LANG=de_DE.iso88591" === andi_ is now known as elTigre [20:25] mneptok: nope [20:25] Basically im running a tinyXP OS on my virtual pc, But its missing ipconfig.exe, If anyone has a windows xp pc, can you upload it for me? [20:25] mtaylor: Debian hates you. :( [20:25] yeaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it works, i just need to add a trailing slash to cp sourceDirectory like this SourceDirectory/ so it doesn't copy the directory but it's contents, and doted files included oh my g*** great!! [20:26] mneptok: dpkg-reconfigure locales [20:26] How would one edit boot.ini to point to wubi on an external usb drive? [20:26] thank all youuu grawity simplexio and RHorse !!!! i love you (not literally but almost haha) thanxxxxxxx [20:26] LordQuackstar was that you who asked that in the windows section? [20:26] is there a floating bar for tablet pc in ubuntu to use in tablet mode? [20:26] blizzkid: I'm no packager, but if you don't give details ho do expect do get the help needed - so please ask the channel again, but keep in mind that packaging is not a "central" thing here [20:26] *hwo [20:26] LordQuackstar, I think it's sysedit or something like that [20:26] *how [20:27] How would one edit boot.ini to point to wubi on an usb drive? [20:27] mtaylor: given Debian's release cycle, maybe you have to use de_FDR and de_DDR >;) [20:27] LordQuackstar: You should ask in ##windows, they'll know about boot.ini [20:27] LordQuackstar: You should ask in ##windows, they'll know about boot.ini [20:27] Basically im running a tinyXP OS on my virtual pc, But its missing ipconfig.exe, If anyone has a windows xp pc, can you upload it for me?, ##Windows has no one helping. [20:27] Free-Lancer: ##windows, please [20:27] mneptok: hehe [20:28] ##Windows has no one helping. 400 people and the room is silent [20:28] guntbert: I'll ask in -motu [20:28] i used to use both dvddecrypter and dvdshrink back in the windows days. what are the leading linux alternatives? [20:28] Free-Lancer: that does not make it an Ubuntu issue [20:28] True, But i would have a better chance here then in windows :-( [20:28] !ot > Free-Lancer [20:28] Free-Lancer, please see my private message [20:29] free lancer, u tryed #help ? === BfrOv3rfl0w_ is now known as BfrOv3rfl0w [20:29] x404x Thanks ill tey their [20:29] the one on efnet is often helpful [20:30] guys which partition i should create... i have got 160 gb === BfrOv3rfl0w is now known as BfrOv3rfl0w_ === Deadly is now known as Guest92066 === BfrOv3rfl0w_ is now known as BfrOv3rfl0w__ [20:31] RohitC: easiest 40G / , 1G swap , rest for /home/ [20:34] Should I set "boot=install" instead of "boot=casper" in installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default if I want to install Ubuntu Jaunty Server edition via PXE? [20:34] I haven't found the answer in Google [20:35] mneptok: fwiw, on debian dpkg-reconfigure locales and then selecting the locale I was interested in in the list causes things to work [20:35] mneptok: _and_ I was able to verify that I'd fixed the bug :) [20:35] Would 10GB of space be enough to install ubuntu and take it for a test drive? [20:35] I can't seem to get DVDs to play in ubuntu, it spews a permissions error. I can access all the files on the DVD fine, just playing with totem seems ot mess things up. [20:37] why my firefox play the music from the pc speaker and not from my speakers while videos from vlc and totem play properly?? [20:37] mtaylor: today you get the "Good Monty" moniker ;) [20:37] mtaylor: (my boss is on an airplane, and can't retaliate) [20:38] mneptok: ROCK! [20:38] win one for plane flights [20:39] Hello [20:39] Is there any reason that I would have fast wireless at times, and other times the wireless operates slower then dial-up? [20:40] hi [20:40] some1 can help me with the soundcard? [20:40] i'm running a live distro [20:41] xiven: too much traffic on air ? [20:41] system > preferences > sound [20:42] is setted on auto [20:42] but it doesn't work [20:42] who can help me? [20:42] xiven: and define wireless, as wlan, yeh someone has ap near which has same channel in use, 3G, yeah there max what one 3G ap can handle, and probably there is even more users tha in one wlan ap has [20:43] It can happen when I'm the only one using the internet [20:45] xiven: and that access method was wlan/gerps/edge/3G wlan+ground line [20:45] how can I disable the XINERAMA extension? Sun's Java 6 runtime has some issues with that X extension [20:46] I try putting in ServerFlags the Option "Xinerama" "false", but alas, it's a builtin module and loads anyway [20:46] Hi why does xvidcap not let me make a multiframe cast [20:47] only single frame xwds [20:47] Hey, can anyone please help me get the audio on for the Jaunty on an HP dv4 [20:47] kenneth_: it's a bit broken :( [20:47] is this because of the new HAL stuff? [20:47] kenneth_: try recordmydesktop [20:47] xiven: besides you are newer alone in the internets :), maybe there just too much traffic between you and host [20:47] popey: I can't it will only do ogv I need avi [20:48] kenneth_: ok, there's another alternative.. one mo [20:48] kenneth_: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2009-June/013251.html [20:48] Wireless Lan [20:48] There is another wieless close enough to detect it...but I don't know who owns it [20:48] And I don't know what channel they(or I) am using [20:48] I'm not the network administrator of this network [20:48] Sometimes a simple system restart does the trick..sometimes not [20:48] xiven: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:48] Don't understand... [20:48] Good Night from Finland [20:49] Why is the bot saying I'm flooding? [20:49] xiven: the bot gets triggered on X lines in Y time [20:50] Hmm [20:50] Hope it didn't just ban me then..it did +xb [20:50] your here arent you [20:50] xiven: because you keep hitting the enter key between sentences [20:51] popey: that's too troublesome [20:51] kenneth_: its one line you paste [20:51] thats all [20:51] Sorry, I'll work on that. But anyway there are two cable connected machines, and I'm usually the only one connected via wireless..so I don't know why it'd be a bandwidth issue as the other two machines do not use much internet [20:51] popey: I want to use xvidcap, how can it get working? [20:51] ello puppet [20:51] my windows xp install is on /dev/sdb1, what do i have to add to grub for it? [20:51] ello puppet [20:51] kenneth_: i haven't had it working for over a year [20:52] :( [20:52] anybody know? [20:52] popey there are many examples online for doing that. [20:52] popey: I don't have that codec [20:52] I can't seem to get DVDs to play in ubuntu, it spews a permissions error. I can access all the files on the DVD fine, just playing with totem seems ot mess things up. [20:52] I have a program I compiled in a folder on my desktop. I want to make it so when I type the program's name in a terminal it will run it, without having to specify its location. How do I do this? [20:53] delete bash file after restart how I recover the file [20:53] hlfshell> Add the program's executable directory to your path [20:53] my windows xp install is on /dev/sdb1, what do i have to add to grub for it? [20:53] in which mode [20:53] xiven - I don't follow. waht do you mean? [20:53] PATH=$PATH%; for windows and PATH=$PATH: for linux [20:54] k [20:54] thx [20:54] anybody know? [20:54] kenneth_: what codec? [20:54] xiven: doing what ? [20:54] kenneth_: the one is says to use [20:54] maf54, didnt ubuntu already add it during install? [20:54] hlfshell I've seen a little xp discussion here, so ..you are on linux correct? [20:54] maf u just repair MBR [20:55] hi thre [20:55] deany: nah, its on a seperate harddrive. i figured itd see it, but it didnt [20:55] after repair MBR it will works properly [20:56] popey: huffyuv [20:56] I'm looking for a tutorial on how to set up a pop/imap server with squirrelmail on ubuntu 8.04 server edition, and I found a few but some commands seem to not work. [20:56] Hmm...is there any way at all that I could tell how much bandwidth is available within the network router? [20:56] can someone recomemnd me a good, simple tutorial? [20:56] it'd be great if it explained what it's doing, also [20:56] animesh: uh, its not in grub already though. theres no entry for it [20:57] oho [20:57] !e17 [20:57] Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. [20:58] Grr..my connection is at like 65-70%.... [20:58] linkxs: First you set up the mail server (https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html -- I suggest dovecot personally) [20:58] !xfce [20:58] Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels [20:58] !enlightenment [20:58] linkxs: Then you just install squirrelmail and set it to log in to your localhost mail server [20:58] im actually just trying to figure out the rootnoverify (hd0,0) part [20:58] linkxs: I think #ubuntu-server will be a better place for your problem [20:58] what should it be for sdb1? [20:58] i dont really need help with the rest [20:58] Flannel: thanks [20:58] maf54, im quite sure its 1,0 [20:58] guntbert: thanks [20:59] deany: alright, ill try [20:59] I'm going to see if disconnecting from Yahoo/MSN will make my bandwidth much better [21:00] new to ubunto/linux, can anyone help me. I have no sound on web. I have followed several threads on support board but no luck [21:01] maf54, http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterprise/RHEL-3-Manual/ref-guide/s1-grub-terminology.html [21:01] maf54, "the a in hda for the kernel is analogous to the 0 in hd0 for GRUB, the b in hdb is analogous to the 1 in hd1, and so on. " [21:02] Should my network connectivity percent be jumping around by 15% every couple of minutes? [21:02] why youtube and flash from firefox is playing sound from my pc speaker and not from my speakers [21:03] I've been able to successfully install some apps skype, filezilla, but cannot for the life of me get sound working for youtube etc. [21:04] deany: it doesnt appear that was the correct entry [21:04] deany: so, what is sdb1? [21:04] 1,2? [21:05] gr8expectations have installed latest flash from Adobe site? [21:05] yes [21:05] I don't suppose my laptop being right next to an external monitor could cause wireless issues? [21:06] gr8expectations have you checked about:plugins to confirm it's being seen by browser? [21:06] last installed ubuntu-restricted-extras [21:06] maf54, im lost then. [21:06] how do i enable voice mic in gyachi? [21:06] gr8expectations no, you have to dl from Adobe site and put it manually in plugins dir [21:07] also installed chromium browser to see if it was a firefox issue, but it is the same in both browsers [21:07] robert> #gyachi is probably where you want to be ..I believe they have a channel [21:08] hiya, can anyone tell me the way to do tables of uneven widths please, where the text wraps [21:08] gr8expectations this is such a common issue, you have to find out where your plugins dir is and put the libflashplayer.so from the .gz file into it. Guaranteed to work. [21:08] in html/css [21:08] ok thanks I will look [21:08] gr8expectations if you have 2 plugins dir's put the file in both to be sure. [21:09] maf54, maybe its an mbr issue? [21:09] ftp> cd [21:09] (remote-directory) /srv [21:09] 250 Directory successfully changed. [21:09] PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I DID [21:09] Hydrid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === janhouse_ is now known as Janhouse [21:09] Hi all ! Since the last update of the kernel 2.6.28-15-generic, I have no sound at beggining of connection. could someone help me ? [21:10] Hydrid: You changed your directory. [21:10] Flannel: which directory? [21:11] guys howq could i change my number of desktops [21:11] cant get gFTP to log into my friends FTP site. He is using Serv-U for windows. Any idea why? Help me with settings? [21:12] Flannel: you know or you just translated the directory succesfully changed [21:12] tanner2007 : right click on desktop zone, preferences, and choose === william is now known as Guest66533 [21:13] Since the last update of the kernel 2.6.28-15-generic, I have no sound at beggining of connection. could someone help me ? === Guest66533 is now known as superscion === MidsummerDawn is now known as AllUnderHeaven [21:16] please help [21:16] nobody ?? :-( [21:16] someone [21:18] I recetly uptated my kernel on a 64 b laptop machine, but some sound issue happened... [21:19] rhlin99, passive ports usually something to look at// [21:19] how do i enable voice mic in gyachi? [21:20] nobody answers... thanks anyway, and bye. [21:21] is there any significant difference between *.tar *.tar.gz and *.tar.bz2 ? === holger_ is now known as ElChaotik [21:22] deany: what do u mean? [21:22] Okay, I moved my monitor away from the laptop (it was an inch away, now its like 5-6) and that increased my speed quite a bit looks like. [21:22] buttons840: tar is just tarred up. tar.gz is tar+gzip tar.bz2 is tar+bzip2 [21:23] deany: are you talking about settings within gFTP? [21:23] Genii what is the command to extract .tar?? [21:23] Sudo tar - [21:23] genii, is there any basic difference? i expect not, althought i'm sure i could google up some performance tests that show small differences? [21:23] Then?? [21:23] omgd: tar -xf filename [21:23] Kk [21:23] Ty [21:24] omgd: If .gz then -z option. If .bz2 then -j option [21:24] rhlin99, no, the server side. you need to provide more info anyway. cant help with "it doesnt work" [21:24] omgd, you could also use "man tar" and then read, i often look at man pages when i [often] forget how to do things [21:24] genii: if I remember correctly, bzip2 takes a little longer to compress. [21:24] Is there anybody that might want to take some time in private to help me with a priority process and nice value issue? If we figure out what the problem is and repair it I will gladly share the solution here. I just don't want to take up valuable channel space for the amount of discussion that will be needed. [21:24] omgd: and if its a large archive, -xvf might be nicer than -xf, as it shows the status of the individualf iles. [21:24] er, buttons840: (see above) [21:24] grawity: Yes, higher compression than gz [21:25] buttons840: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bzip2 actually has a comparison with gzip and Deflate. [21:25] \quit [21:25] grawity, thanks, i'll read on the net for the details [21:25] K thx [21:26] how music can stream when there is no live connection to the internet. [21:26] i get an SPLC ERRor - insufficient memory when i try to print a 5mb image on a smasung color laser printer. It seems weird, any ideas ? [21:27] Genii also hot to convert .bz2 to .tar ? [21:27] -xjf?? [21:27] omgd: There is no "converting" [21:27] Hmm [21:28] omgd: You're saying you want to convert from "zip" to "rar" when there are no way. Just unarchive it. Create a new archive with it. [21:28] Ok [21:28] omgd: If you have a .tar.bz2 file you can use tar -xvjf tarname,tar.bz2 to uncompress it [21:28] Oki [21:28] replace the comma in filename I have there with a period (typo) [21:29] deany: sorry but not exactly sure what you need. He uses Serv-U for windows and I used FlashFTP in windows, [21:31] Can you forward an X session through ssh if you are using screen on the remote computer? [21:31] omgd: if its a tar.bz2 you can just do "bunzip2 foo.tar.bz2" and it will give you "foo.tar" [21:31] Ok [21:32] <|JZ|> noob question [21:32] kevdog: as long as x-forwarding is enabled, sure why not [21:32] omgd: Or if you type tar jxvf foo.tar.bz2 it will give you a directory named foo with all the contents inside [21:32] <|JZ|> i need to install https://edge.launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+build/1149337 this package how can i do that? [21:32] PPA | |JZ| [21:32] Err, !ppa | |JZ| [21:32] Ben64: I believe the problem may be with running screen [21:32] Oh I fail. [21:32] !ppa | |JZ| [21:32] |JZ|: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. [21:32] Cooolie i just found wine [21:33] (program) [21:33] kevdog: screen isn't a problem... [21:33] rhlin99, then you need to be in a windows channel [21:33] Forwarding a session through screen? [21:34] Is there anybody that might want to take some time in private to help me with a priority process and nice value issue? If we figure out what the problem is and repair it I will gladly share the solution here. I just don't want to take up valuable channel space for the amount of discussion that will be needed. [21:34] kevdog: i really don't see what screen has to do with X [21:34] rhlin99, but more often than not, with ftp servers and accessing them over the internet (if they are behind firewall/router) its down to setting passive ports.. [21:34] trimmer: dude just ask here [21:34] Alright [21:34] I know but if I don't run screen - everything forwards. If I run screen, nothing gets forwarded [21:34] <|JZ|> leaf-sheep can i pm [21:34] <|JZ|> ? [21:34] deany: why windows channel? It is an issue with gFTP and linux that I am having... [21:35] Does this happen to you? [21:35] |JZ|: Why not here? [21:35] <|JZ|> ok [21:35] kevdog: nope, works fine. unless you're not explaining it right [21:35] <|JZ|> so the line i would copy is fglrx-installer - 2:8.632-0ubuntu1~jaunty [21:35] <|JZ|> ? [21:35] Ben64: Shoot -- I must be messing something up [21:36] G2g bbl [21:36] kevdog: shouldn't be that hard. "ssh -X [ip_address]" [21:36] For no apparent reason, all of my process will switch to priority 20 and the nice value stays at zero. I turned on my add helper in compiz so I can get visual notification when this happens. If I renice whatever I am using to -1 everything seems to fixitself and start operating again, but until I do that the comp just sits with nearly 100% process operation. [21:37] Ben64: Yea I know that part -- Ill have to debug a few things to give more info [21:37] |JZ|: Run "gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list" -- You'll see a text editor with bunch of line. You'll want to go to https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/xorg-testing and set up your distro, copy and paste the lines into that file. [21:38] |JZ|: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list <-- Sorry. [21:38] kevdog: try doing "echo $DISPLAY" when you ssh in and use screen [21:38] why like a localhost i dont have rights to open a folder in the ftp? [21:38] Any suggestions what will be causing my priorities and nice values to go out of whack like that? [21:39] Hi, I've got a Dell latitude d600 which I'm currently booting with a live USB stick (which is /dev/sdb). I also have a hard drive installed in it (/dev/sda). I opened up gparted to secure-wipe the hard drive, but gparted reports that both drives are mounted to /cdrom. How can I unmount /dev/sda without screwing up /dev/sdb? [21:40] trimmer: 20 is default priority with nice value 0 [21:40] heya guys could someone please tell me how to stop the x server please [21:40] Any idea what the :0.0 <--- The zeros actually refer to? [21:40] ubuntu sucks [21:40] kevdog: Display Screen 0. [21:40] can anybody explain how to use fstab to unmount a drive [21:40] kevdog: thats not how it should look for x-forwarding [21:41] stlsaint: "umount [mount point] OR [device]" [21:41] rhlin99, well try another client, like fireftp plugin for firefox or filezilla [21:42] rhlin99, its hardly likely down to gftp [21:42] Alright, I stand corrected, I am going to have to get the correct info. When it happens I will re-report. [21:42] Ben64, here is waht i did...i used the ntfs config tool to mount my recovery drive for vista and my dual booting partition for xp...now i cant use that same tool to remove the mount [21:42] and everytime i reboot my recovery mounts which i dont want it too [21:43] hello [21:43] does the ubuntu 8.10 live/install CD come with gparted? [21:43] <|JZ|> leaf-sheep: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3B22AB97AF1CDFA9 [21:43] ardnew: the 9.04 one does [21:43] i'm using jaunty and broadcom sta driver randomly freezes my computer [21:44] i tried to disable the wl module [21:44] stlsaint: you could edit the fstab to remove it, and it wouldn't automount again [21:44] LinuxMercedes: does that mean 8.10 doesnt? [21:44] |JZ|: You're getting there. Now you need to add key. Hold. [21:44] hello [21:44] how can i give the software from one ubuntu to another [21:44] i'm having troubles printing anything :( [21:44] and install b43-fwcutter [21:44] i need some help [21:44] Ben64, yes that is what im trying to do but i dont know what to edit [21:44] oddly my pc prints from virtualbox but doesnt natively [21:44] |JZ|: You see "Signing Keys" on https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/xorg-testing ... Right? === neil__ is now known as blahblah [21:44] ardnew: no clue [21:45] stlsaint: "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" [21:45] i blacklisted wl in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf [21:45] but still loads [21:45] Can some one please help me [21:45] brb [21:45] <|JZ|> yes [21:45] and when i do rmod wl my wireless connection is down [21:45] <|JZ|> Signing key: 1024R/854C4636 ( [21:45] !ask | brian2 [21:45] brian2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:45] |JZ|: Do this --> "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 854C4636" [21:45] does anyone knows how to remove wl and use b43 instead? [21:46] anyone know how to compile (presumable using helium) haskell files and execute (the .lvms that come from helium compilation)? [21:46] i'm using jaunty [21:46] I have a .bin file, and need to execute it. I don't know how to. HELP! [21:46] brian2: what is it for [21:46] something called octoshape [21:46] hello? [21:46] its a media player [21:47] i need it to eatch the mlg halo tournament, but i can run it [21:47] <|JZ|> leaf-sheep: i would use this key https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates - 1024R/AF1CDFA9 [21:47] how to get rid of broadcom sta and use b43 fw-cutter in jauntty?? [21:47] can anyone help me? [21:47] <|JZ|> right? "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com AF1CDFA9" [21:48] Ben64, go it..just wasnt sure about what to change or remove so made a copy and just removed partition line...thanks [21:48] |JZ|: That's fine. Just know which PPA repo you want to include in the sources.list and then sign the key with the command. [21:48] |JZ|: Yes. Run it -- You should see "OK" and little information displaying the name of PPA. [21:48] Ben64: do you know how to do it? [21:48] <|JZ|> then sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com AF1CDFA9 [21:48] brian2: sh file.bin [21:48] <|JZ|> oops [21:48] <|JZ|> sudo apt-get update [21:48] tct13: You sure your card is supported with b43 [21:49] tct13, have you checked that you card is supported [21:49] simplexio: what do you mean? [21:49] tct13, oopps sorry for duplicate question [21:49] brian2: ./filename [21:50] brian2: start cmd line, go dir where file is and type command sh ./file.bin where file is that file which you want run.. === user__ is now known as todd [21:50] Anybody know how to change your video driver in 9.10? [21:50] it's on my desktop, please walk me through it [21:50] man, you ubuntu guys sure are patient...... [21:51] |JZ|: When you're down, sudo apt-get update, then search for the package. [21:51] how much video memory and RAM should i give to ubuntu 9.04 so that i get PEAK performance? [21:51] is md5 more reliable than regular crc32 sfv ? [21:51] DSn0wMan, are you using a proprietary driver? [21:51] aicra and simplexio: its on my desktop, please walk me through [21:51] how much video memory and RAM should i give to ubuntu 9.04 so that i get PEAK performance? in VIRTUALBOX [21:51] brian2: sh ~/Desktop/[thefile].bin [21:51] kevdog: stlsaint: I haven't checked [21:51] I want to use radeon which has worked before, but I dont see a xorg.conf file [21:51] my card is BCM4312 [21:51] how do i see what x sessions i am running? [21:51] x404x: intel x25 ssd hd's 16G RAM, best graphics card you can but into it === default is now known as xinit2 [21:52] i appear to have a memmory leak as im not running any apps and im using over 900mb of ram [21:52] Bigshot_1, your not gonna get the peak you may want in vbox...also it depends on how much you want to use it for [21:52] brian2: how about google using console in ubuntu, learn and love the best way use computers [21:52] any one know any good system moniotrs that could help === wANd_ is now known as w_a_n_d [21:52] Des gens sur Twitter ici ? Histoire de m'faire quelques followers de plus .. (/amsg) [21:52] <|JZ|> another noob question how do i search for the package [21:52] !fr | Sky3RN [21:52] Sky3RN: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [21:52] Tweet @Sky3RN [21:53] techtronic: try "free -m" [21:53] Sorry, that was an /amsg message? :) [21:53] stlsaint: right now the system is lagging the compiz and keystrokes are lagging how much mem and video mem should i allocate so that it stops [21:53] Ben64: can you tell me what that does [21:53] techtronic: shows how much memory you're using? [21:54] i kno im using over 900mb because system moniotr says sso [21:54] Witam [21:54] Bigshot_1, give right below your halfway mark for best performance as vbox doesnt like to go over that [21:54] Hi I have a problem with my internet connection [21:54] Bigshot_1, also what driver are you using with compiz in your vm [21:54] total used free shared buffers cached [21:54] Mem: 2919 1428 1490 0 87 399 [21:54] techtronic: well do you kno if it's cache? [21:54] I can't get /etc/gdm/Xsession working I think it's due to premissions issues [21:54] how do I fix it? [21:54] ATI radeon stlsaint 64mb [21:55] I get an error saying cannot execute /etc/gdm/Xsession [21:55] it's a tablet pc tx2z stlsaint [21:55] how do I fix that error? [21:55] Bigshot_1: in vbox, disable compiz and 380 is ok [21:55] Ben64: any ideas from the figures i posed [21:55] posted [21:55] no i want compiz :D [21:55] Bigshot_1: in vbox ? [21:55] yea [21:55] Bigshot_1, are you using the driver that ubuntu gives or a proprietary driver [21:56] guest additions stlsaint [21:56] what permissions must etc/gdm/Xsession need? [21:56] techtronic: doesn't seem bad, really [21:56] Bigshot_1: are you aware that 3d is heavy, and virtualized 3d is eve more [21:56] Bigshot_1, do you have 3d accelerator active [21:56] yes [21:56] kevdog: stlsaint: it seems my card is suported [21:56] I have tried making pings to google.com, but the response is very slow (+400ms) [21:56] Ben64: im doing nothing, thats idel [21:57] using a gigof ram to idel [21:57] Bigshot_1: i tried it fast, but didnt get anything good from it. 3d accel i mean [21:57] tct13, give your issue again? [21:57] when i installed a few days ago i wasnt using 200mb of ram [21:58] Bigshot_1: and i have 1G ram for vbox, radeon 3300 (on mobo) and phenom2 4X at 3Ghz using 2cores on vbox [21:58] techtronic: pastebin "ps aux" [21:58] Ben64: I tried typing this :sh ~/Desktop/octoshape-linux_i386.bin ... it didnt work HELP [21:59] simplexio: is it working good? [21:59] brian2: what didn't work [21:59] brian2, didn't work means what exactly ? [21:59] !doesn't work [21:59] Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [21:59] stlsaint: the broadcom sta driver (wl module) randomly freezes my computer [21:59] hello [21:59] It said it could be excecuted [21:59] stlsaint: I tried with b43-fwcutter but it doesn't work [21:59] what do u mean freeze...as in you have to reboot or lags? [21:59] Bigshot_1: yeah.. it much faster to use than win visva which is host machine.. but i did use linux desktop 2years before getting new windows machine so.. [22:00] brian2, try this. chmod +x ~/Desktop/octoshape-linux_i386.bin; ~/Desktop/octoshape-linux_i386.bin# [22:00] !netbook [22:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about netbook [22:00] Hi, is there a member from ubuntu-women here? if so please PM me [22:00] Bigshot_1: only thing i could add to tis computer is more ram so i could run vbox with 4G ram and still play [22:00] stlsaint: I mean kernel panics and stuff. the caps lock blinks, I found that the reason for this is the proprietary sta driver [22:01] !UNA [22:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about UNA [22:01] Ben64: http://pastebin.com/d63cfbd37 [22:01] can you roll back to driver that comes with ubuntu? [22:01] <|JZ|> ahh leaf-sheep i figured it out it worked thanks alot man ! [22:01] stlsaint: sta driver comes with ubuntu jaunty [22:01] how can i provide internet access to a friend via my wireless when i am connected to the only cable? [22:02] I want the alternative: b43 [22:02] <|JZ|> noon wireless router? [22:02] !drivers [22:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about drivers [22:02] sta driver breaks my system [22:02] techtronic: firefox, pidgin, X, and compiz are taking a big chunk of ram [22:02] <^See_Mbah> hi all [22:02] |JZ|: my normal box should become the router now. somehow.. [22:02] techtronic: but like i said, it's fine. you have like 2GB free [22:02] Using pulse audio w/ recordmyDesktop is great! Now all I need is a way to stream my desktop to streaming sites. Anyone know of a good way to do this? [22:03] techtronic: usually those mentioned program tend to eat all that system has [22:03] unop: when I type in ~/Desktop/octoshape-linux_i386.bin# it says the directory can't be found [22:03] Dorne: vlc? [22:03] how do I dist-upgrade to the latest alpha? [22:03] noon: try soft-ap [22:03] <|JZ|> noon: no you have to purchase a wireless router [22:03] r2wj: what are you currently running? [22:03] any ideas how to get /etc/gdm/Xsession able to execute? [22:03] would vlc work for streaming sites like justin.tv? I only know that they take webcams [22:03] fresh jaunty install [22:03] hahahan: it's a packet? [22:04] r2wj: sudo update-manager -d [22:04] stlsaint: how to get b43 working? [22:04] brian2: first command 'cd' then cd 'Desktop' assuming that file is on your Desktop, then 'sh filename.bin' [22:04] brian2, well, ok, use tab-complete to get the filename right then. ~/Desktop/oct [22:04] thanks popey [22:04] Dorne: most of those require a webcam supported by flash [22:04] noon: take a look at aircrack.org [22:04] simplexio, a .bin file is not necessarily a shell script. [22:04] tct13, checking some stuff right now...thinking its going to be alil too much to give in here [22:05] tct13, will send you a link when i get it for full directions [22:05] ben64: even if i close all of the above i can watch my system eat ram, doing nothing other than monitoring system monitor [22:05] Hi, has anyone noticed this bug? it's been here since Intrepid: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/373797/out.avi [22:05] stlsaint: thanks [22:05] anyone here use compiz? [22:05] hola [22:05] techtronic: well that can't be true, i doubt you closed X [22:05] popey: yeah, seems complex =/ [22:05] techtronic: BUT... you have ~2GB free, don't worry! be happy! [22:05] I'm specifically talking about compiz's "scrolling" to the next desktop. The scrolling effect happens on windows! [22:06] ok [22:06] i need help with compiz i cant get the rotate cube initiate to button combo i choose to stick [22:06] soon as i close it down its set back to disable [22:07] tct13, try this if you havent already.... [22:07] tct13, synaptic package manager and marking b43-fwcutter for re installation [22:07] . [22:07] tanner2007_:i do, what do you need [22:07] brian2 read above [22:08] stlsaint: apt-get autoremove b43-fwcutter, install [22:08] done it already [22:08] tanner2007_, i use cube rotation just fine whats your error [22:08] have you tried from synap...should ask you to do alil more than apt will [22:08] h [22:08] tanner2007_:ok wait a sec while i start up compiz, come into my private chat [22:09] help me wanted to connect internet via bluetooth while other computer has internet [22:09] any software [22:09] hey all, i'm new to ubuntu. i run apt-get update and upgrade and it's telling me it's holding back a linux-image-server package. is this a package to update the kernel? if so how do i get it to apply these packages. [22:09] kkiuk [22:09] brian2, tanner joined me...send him a message to start a private chat [22:10] xibalba, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [22:10] dist-upgrade is for upgrading to a newer release or for security packages in the same releasE? [22:10] i thought dist-uipgrade was for going from 6lts to 8lts, or something like that [22:10] help me wanted to connect internet via bluetooth while other computer has internet [22:10] xibalba, I don't really know how it works myself, but earlier this week I needed to run it in order for the kernel to update [22:11] usin ubuntu 9.04 vboth [22:11] xibalba: that does upgrade ubuntu [22:11] i want to keep the same version off ubunutu, just upgrade it for security patches. i'm running 8.04 lts [22:12] xibalba: open synaptic and check for upgradable packages [22:12] xibalba, oh, my bad, then. I assumed you were on Jaunty. Sorry [22:12] xibalba: you want "sudo apt-get upgrade" then [22:12] i only have the command line., i did run upgrade but it's holding back those images. if you dont mind i can paste it [22:12] xibalba: sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude upgrade <--- will pull in linux-image-server. [22:13] leaf-sheep do i need to reboot for it to finalize the linux-image install? [22:13] what is linux-image anyways? [22:13] xibalba: Very likely. It's kernel. :) [22:13] i'm assuming it's the kernel package [22:13] ok thanks [22:13] hello all, I [22:13] linux-image is the kernel image which gets placed in /boot [22:13] wrong channel, sorry. [22:14] help me wanted to connect internet via bluetooth while other computer has internet [22:14] need help for jaunty [22:14] need help [22:14] bhaskar: Bluetooth is for devices to connect with each others. [22:15] whats a program i can use to make party invitations in linux? [22:15] Hi all, I'm running Windows Vista and trying to install ubuntu using the WUBI installer. I extracted wubi.exe and it extracts the ISO just fine, however, when I reboot my PC, it says "unknown boot option ISO" and boots into busybox. What do you think is wrong? thanks in advance. === Milligan is now known as milligan [22:16] whats a program i can use to make party invitations in linux? [22:16] kfan: scribus [22:16] thanks [22:17] I accidently wrote 1.5Mb of raw data to a NTFS partition, can anyone suggest how I would repair this damage? [22:17] hi [22:18] kfan: oowritter as openoffice just like ms word is usually easier option [22:18] leaf-sheep: i wanted to connect as lan so that we can share internet but how i dont know sorry for late reaction [22:18] can someone help me? [22:19] Neonexus: did you use dd ? [22:19] ok, so I'm new to this whole linux/ubuntu thing, and I just really needed an os on my laptop and since I didn't have windows I decided to use thisold kubuntu 7.1 cd i found. OK, so I've been burning cd's with ubuntu 9.04.iso on them and all of them haven't been working and come up as corrupted. Right now I'm posting from the laptop that has kubuntu on it so I wanted to know if there was a way to download + install ubuntu directly [22:19] I was trying to make a grub rescue disk [22:19] help me wanted to connect internet via bluetooth while other computer has internet [22:19] yo, anyone know how to reset enigmail? [22:19] thought it was the floppy [22:19] can I get help? my computer crashed hard and now the ext4 partion is unknown? [22:19] !puregnome|ceneee [22:19] as in where all it's configuration files are when purge doesn't get rid of thhem all? [22:19] how do I symlink to all files in a folder at once? [22:19] ceneee: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal [22:20] Neonexus: :) boot windows and run chkdsk, but i think you lost all data.. all important stuff is usually at start of partition [22:20] bhaskar: The logical solution would be to buy a wireless router. [22:20] now disk in other box and the other partion is ok but the / is unknown [22:20] whats !puregnome? [22:20] Im told ntfs has a backup index at the end of the drive [22:20] Hey, I have ubuntu jaunty and I've setup a dual monitor with twinview (nvidia) but the gnome's panels doesnt expand to the second screen nor the windows can be miximized. Does anyone have an idea ? [22:21] Neonexus: or boot to windows and try use some file recover program, those work quite well [22:21] the partition aint recognised [22:21] ceneee: The ! command is the trigger for ubottu to respond message corresponding to your question. [22:21] ceneee: you now have kubuntu and want to make it an ubuntu install? Then follow the instructions that ubottu gave you [22:21] Neonexus: did you write sda or sda1 .. [22:21] ceneee: check the md5sum of the iso, if ok burn at lowest possible speed, check md5sum of burned disk, should be the same, then you kan install, i dont think its possible to upgrade from 7.* to 9.04 [22:22] sda1 [22:22] oo ok [22:22] nightrid3r: It is possible. Just longer route. [22:22] Neonexus: so you still have partition there [22:22] ow nice [22:22] unop: are you still there and do you remember my question? [22:22] yes [22:22] wait, but the ubottu didn't answer my question. did I have to put the ! infront of the question for it to be answered? [22:22] !upgrade | ceneee look at the first link [22:22] ceneee look at the first link: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [22:23] when i use the windows install disk it wants to fresh install [22:23] leaf-sheep: nightrid3r leap frogging versions is not recommended ( LTS to LTS is supported ) [22:23] ceneee: No. It's a bot. If you wanted something and people can help you by sending the necessary information right way to you. [22:23] ooh ok [22:23] its as if the ntfs partition signature is gobe [22:23] gone [22:23] idleone_: thats what i thought [22:23] well it is, 1.5Mb of it [22:23] ceneee: Do you have Jaunty ISO on the Kubuntu machine? [22:24] yea [22:24] I have the cd for it [22:24] its in the computer right now [22:24] is there any programs that have a preset "Invitation" option to make party invitations? [22:24] but not connected to the internet [22:24] How can I find the ./configure commands that built packages? For example alsa-drivers? [22:24] ceneee: upgrading from 7.10 goes stepwise 7.10-8.04-8.10-9.04 [22:25] ceneee: did you check the iso before burning it to a CD? [22:25] ooh. so is there like a file i can download that once I open it the upgrade to 8.04 starts? [22:25] ceneee: I don't mean the CD, I mean the ISO you have on the machine. [22:25] Neonexus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=417761 i found that [22:25] ooh no I don't. I burned the iso onto the cd myself so I have the iso on another computer [22:25] anyone else ever have similar issues with wubi ^ ^? [22:25] !upgrade | ceneee follow the link please [22:25] ceneee follow the link please: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [22:25] and this is kubuntu. i dont think it really matters if I switch to ubuntu [22:26] is there any programs that have a preset "Invitation" option to make party invitations? [22:26] !md5sum | ceneee [22:26] ceneee: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more [22:26] ceneee: ISO on other computer --> Is it Windows? [22:26] Neonexus: sudo apt-get install testdisk , says google [22:26] yea the other comp is windows xp pro [22:27] ceneee: Do this and see if you have same ISO hashes --> http://tinyurl.com/lj6y9q --> and http://tinyurl.com/23rmgm [22:27] unop: please help me or go to my private chat. [22:28] !pm | brian2 [22:28] brian2: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [22:28] ceneee: Then you will know if your downloaded ISO is clean; not corrupted. Burn the ISO at lowest speed. It'll take a while. [22:28] for the network update, can I do that for kubuntu? I can't seem to find the update manager [22:28] Neonexus: testdisk look very promising [22:28] and I did burn it @ 2x speed. I think I'll try 1x this time [22:29] ceneee: same link as before has instructions I believe [22:29] alrite [22:29] ceneee: Just check the MD5sum first. Then that's why it didn't work.; [22:29] ceneee: 2X is fine. I think your ISO may be corrupted. [22:29] ceneee: for the upgrade process *read* the page from the link you got from ubottu [22:30] anybody know the irc room for karmic koala [22:30] !karmic | stlsaint [22:30] stlsaint: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [22:30] thanks everyone. im going to do the md5sum thing first. all i see is the text file for it though [22:30] #ubuntu+1 [22:30] leaf-sheep, thanks [22:30] ceneee: That's hashes (or "codes" to ensure that the file are same -- not modified after release. === DodgerDog is now known as DodgerDog^Out [22:31] oooh thanks for clarifying [22:31] I'm really new to all this obviously lol [22:31] ceneee: Just compare and see if the hashes are same then you know your ISO is fine. [22:31] !md5 > ceneee [22:31] ceneee, please see my private message [22:31] !ignored [22:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about ignored [22:31] !ignore [22:31] If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname [22:31] anyone recomend some channels to caht on..? [22:31] #sex [22:31] slug: #ubuntu-offtopic [22:31] slug what kind of chat? [22:31] guntbert: I have a .bin file that i need to execute. how do I? please write the code. [22:31] xibalba: Is that really necessary? [22:31] !ohmy > xibalba [22:31] xibalba, please see my private message [22:31] sorry [22:31] stlsaint: cheers [22:32] i thoguht it was funny [22:32] xibalba, whoa [22:32] pl [22:32] it wasnt [22:32] *ok [22:32] brian2: what file, what are you trying to do? [22:32] hi [22:32] you guys are too uptight =P [22:32] idleone_: cheers [22:32] xibalba: no, you are offtopic [22:32] oooo you in trouble [22:32] stlsaint: dunno just general crap, kinda stuff you see on bash.org [22:33] is there an ftp program that allows for local/remote syncronization? [22:33] MK13: rsync [22:33] a small google search will pull up alot of rooms for you [22:33] brian2: "sudo chmod +x fileName.bin ; sudo ./fileName.bin" [22:33] MK13: and it isnt ftp program, but does same [22:33] !ftp | MK13 [22:33] MK13: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd [22:33] anyone here familiar with skillsoft player for e-learning? [22:33] guntbert: a file called octosetup-linux_i386.bin, it is a media player for the mlg website [22:34] guntbert, that doesn't help me when looking for specific features [22:34] brian2: 1 moment please [22:34] yea on windows...what are you trying to use if for gtacs [22:34] can i install ubuntu onto a dvd and run it that way/ [22:34] MK13: I realize - sorry [22:34] aj_444: yes [22:34] sebsebseb: How would I go about doing that? [22:35] stlsaint, can i use it on ubuntu? [22:35] aj_444, yes...dont even need a dvd...cd will do just fine [22:35] aj_444: altough a waste of a DVD really space wise, since the ISO is really for a CD [22:35] stlsaint: I can't find a cd. xD [22:35] aj_444: its called livecd. it it allready does that [22:35] gtacs, what explorer are you using [22:35] All I have is a dvd. [22:35] guntbert, just seeing what ubottu had to say on the subject? [22:35] aj_444: CD or DVD will work. [22:35] aj_444: you can use the dvd if you chose yes [22:35] aj_444, well yea dvd will do [22:35] aj_444: download the ISO, and check the ISO before downloading that's a good idea [22:35] aj_444: uh before burning I meant [22:35] !md5sum | aj_444 [22:35] aj_444: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more [22:35] stlsaint, firefox 3.013 [22:36] leaf-sheep: it says "No such file or directory [22:36] aj_444: and make sure your burning the contents of the ISO, rather than the ISO itself [22:36] brian2: What command did you run? [22:36] sebsebseb: Is there a certain program I should use? [22:36] aj_444: I assume your on Windows right now? [22:36] brian2: Change fileName.bin with the actual .bin file you're trying to run. [22:36] brian2: cd to the location where the .bin file is ( cd Desktop probably ) [22:36] sebsebseb: Vista. Yes. [22:37] gtacs, skill soft should come with the site you are using...ie skillports or whatever...have you tried going to the site and running from there...not install just use the site [22:37] brian2: please go to http://www.octoshape.com/plugin/linux.asp, there are install instructions (under "Setup procedure") [22:37] aj_444: imgburn is good and will do it, but most proper burning softwares, can do this these days [22:37] leaf-sheep: wait a sec [22:37] sebsebseb: is that a free program? [22:37] MK13: sorry, I'm lost at the moment? [22:37] aj_444: if not all the proper ones, Nero etc, and yes Imgburn is free [22:37] aj_444, poweriso, magiciso,imagburn,gburner....i perfer poweriso tho [22:37] can i get help setting up a printer in 9.04? :) [22:37] aj_444: as in price, not freedom, for imgburn [22:37] !freedom | aj_444 [22:37] aj_444: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing [22:38] stlsaint, yes, it says "since you do not trust skillsoft applet you cannot view te content", but it is not asking me to allow scripting or anything like that. [22:38] mralexandro, have you tried just plug and play...as ubuntu comes with a large built it database of printer drivers [22:39] guntbert, when you called ubottu for "ftp" [22:39] gtacs, you must either excpet the certificate by getting and adding it [22:39] stlsaint, it is wireless printer:) hp photosmart c4590 [22:39] hello [22:39] is there any programs that have a preset "Invitation" option to make party invitations? [22:39] stlsaint, that is c4580 i meant === polter is now known as Guest79568 [22:39] mralexandro, oohh ok so whats the issue your having...does your wireless printer have a ip address yet...if not thats where you may want to start [22:39] sebsebseb: so I want to write and image file to a disk? [22:40] MK13: I misunderstood, thought you were just looking for a ftp client - I read the "sync" part only later [22:40] aj_444: yes [22:40] stlsaint, it does [22:40] is there an (automatized) way to know the current user’s default file manager ? [22:40] kfan: No. Look in Scribus or OpenOffice.org Writer / Drawing. Check if there are any templates (preloaded pages) that you could use. [22:40] aj_444: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [22:40] aj_444: and I suggested checking that your download is good before burning [22:41] guntbert, ahh, k [22:41] sebsebseb: how do if the download is good? [22:41] stlsaint, it has local ip i can acces it in firefox etc [22:41] !md5 > aj_444 [22:41] aj_444, please see my private message [22:41] aj_444: already gave the bot thing to you, but won't hurt doing it again, but hmm someone beat me to that [22:41] mralexandro, ok so whats the issue again? [22:42] aj_444: there is some reading involved but please look at the links that ubottu gave you. They are very helpful [22:42] stlsaint, need help adding it to jaunty 9.04. like how do i add it, and does it require me to locate some driver? [22:42] now [22:42] mralexandro, one moment please [22:42] i wanno say something [22:42] <_Tristan> new dell laptop, sound not working. Will pay $20 via paypal if you fix it. [22:42] mralexandro: System > Administration > Printing [22:42] is anyone familiar with mplayer? [22:42] aj_444: here's my reply to what you told me in pm] [22:43] !install | aj_444 [22:43] aj_444: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [22:43] first ubuntu doesnt recognize ipod touch regularly [22:43] _Tristan: ask your question [22:43] it mounts ipod touch [22:43] nadar: it all depends on what you call familiar [22:43] and it umount [22:43] !sound > _Tristan [22:43] _Tristan, please see my private message [22:43] then again it mount ipod touch [22:43] second [22:43] it mounts ipod touch as digital cam [22:44] third it mounts ipod touch with capacity 3 gb but ipod capacity is 8 gb [22:44] ubuntu sucks [22:44] !enter | lucas_ [22:44] lucas_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [22:44] lucas_: that's not Ubuntu's fault [22:44] i am trying to convert video files to audio files in the terminal using mplayer but i am unfamiliar with the what to right [22:44] lucas_: Blame Apple for not supporting Linux [22:44] #linuxac [22:44] stlsaint, idleone_, strangly it was easy, just add one and it found it and installed it. will see if it works [22:45] idleone_, stlsaint |Solved| thanks:) [22:45] mralexandro: glad it installed for you, try a test print ( crosses fingers ) [22:45] mralexandro: your welcome [22:45] no prob. [22:45] you're === idleone_ is now known as IdleOne [22:49] anyone have issues with wireless connection going unstable after coming out of standby mode? [22:49] GSF1200S, everyone has problems with that...Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has found a solution to that problem yet [22:49] IdleOne, not perfect test page, but good enough will play around [22:50] mralexandro: that is in the settings for the printer. important thing it is recognized and working [22:50] mnaines: wow really? It doesnt happen on my laptop, but it does on my netbook [22:50] GSF1200S, happens on my lappy all the time [22:50] madwifi or ath0 setup? [22:50] huh.. that sucks.. [22:51] err ath5k i mean [22:51] mnaines: not *everyone* - obviously :-) [22:51] Hmm, I just had some problems with oom-kill killing processes after gnome-sound-applet went loopy. Then I noticed that swap had swapped itself off. No messages in dmesg, but swap was off. Whats going on? [22:51] !purekde > IdleOne [22:51] IdleOne, please see my private message [22:51] guntbert: Well, the majority of people do...I haven't seen anyone provide a solution, so I assumed they all had the problem and failed to find a solution [22:51] AR9285 atheros chipset [22:52] GSF1200S, mine is the Intel 9345 chipset [22:52] sup guys [22:52] hmm.. mnaines- what distro you on? [22:52] hey anyone with ideas to set the audio going on a hp dv4t notebook? [22:52] I mean the intel 945 chipset, intel pro wireless 1345 abg card...Ubuntu Desktop 9.04 [22:52] haha you are using ubuntu? [22:52] hey my ethernet card is Fast Ethernet VIA Compatible Adapter, is that compatible with Linux (Ubuntu jaunty)??? [22:52] Install gentoo [22:53] imgoofygoober: stay on topic, please [22:53] Chimaera: most probably [22:53] do i need a driver for it? [22:53] imgoofygoober: I use arch on my lappie and desktop- UNR on the netbook [22:53] Chimaera: the distro comes with one that will work. [22:54] i still have this problems connecting to the itnernet [22:54] mnaines: my iwl3945 works nearly perfect since 8.04 [22:54] mnaines: you might try 9.10 beta or Arch linux and see of that helps. I would think that chipset would be problem free [22:54] anyone know a guide listing all the chipset and potential problems/fixes? [22:54] Chimaera: can you ping the ip address of your system? can you ping your local router? [22:55] hmm could anyone help me with my audio problem? [22:55] guntbert: The only problem I have with it is it disappears after resuming from suspend or hibernate [22:55] I'll try that, thanks. Here is a really detailed description of my problem, with a diagram, output of ifconfig, and all [22:55] http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=797234 [22:56] On karmic, my computer has started to suspend as soon as I unplug/plug the power.... anyone got any hints on how to track down what's causing the suspend instead of continue running on batteries? [22:56] mnaines: well - mine doesn't at all - but of course that info doesn't help *you* - so I stop it :-) [22:56] !karmic | fatal [22:56] fatal: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [22:56] Karmic is bad [22:56] two splash screens *shivers* [22:57] :S [22:57] will karmic koala allow full screen flash movies on hulu? [22:57] :( [22:57] what do you mean two splash screens? [22:58] imgoofygoober: #ubuntu+1 for karmic support === Ph` is now known as Ph`AFK === Ph`AFK is now known as Ph` [23:02] this might sound stupid, but i have some refresh issues on my screen, like openoffice will not show the changes i make before i minimize the window and maximize again, and in irc i can not see this line when it is excecuted, before draging scroll bar up and down [23:02] mralexandro [23:02] <_Trinity_> hi all [23:02] no one seems to be here [23:02] _Trinity_: hi [23:03] <_Trinity_> say what's the difference between a server CD and a alternate CD? [23:03] _Trinity_: the alternate is instead of the desktop, and the server is for proper servers [23:03] !alternate | _Trinity_ [23:03] _Trinity_: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal [23:03] hello, I need help with sound..... [23:03] titan_ark, really, some sort of netsplid then ? [23:03] <_Trinity_> k [23:03] I have no sound [23:03] <_Trinity_> > _Trinity_: the alternate is instead of the desktop, and the server is for proper servers [23:03] <_Trinity_> < [23:03] !server | _Trinity_ [23:03] _Trinity_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support [23:03] !sound [23:03] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [23:04] !darlek [23:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about darlek [23:04] !UNR [23:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about UNR [23:04] <_Trinity_> > _Trinity_: the alternate is instead of the desktop, and the server is for proper servers [23:04] <_Trinity_> < [23:04] !government [23:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about government [23:04] mralexandro I am stuck with an audio pronblem for over 12hrs now and cant get a solution :( [23:04] darn.. [23:04] !botabuse > darlek_ [23:04] haha [23:04] darlek_, please see my private message [23:04] !LOL_U_TROLLIN [23:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about LOL_U_TROLLIN [23:04] zeighy, same here [23:04] !server [23:04] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support [23:04] <_Tristan> I have no sound, I've tried everything on google, clicked every link in here, and have a lot of money. I'll pay if someone fixes it for me. [23:04] _Trinity_: yes I meant since it has a proper server kernel, unlike the desktop/alternate where you can also run a server [23:04] !ubuntu netbook remix [23:04] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:04] !askthebot | Chimaera [23:04] Chimaera: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [23:05] !safe_sex [23:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about safe_sex [23:05] lol [23:05] ah ha! [23:05] !personal higiene [23:05] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:05] !botabuse > Chimaera [23:05] Chimaera, please see my private message [23:05] Chimaera: stop that please [23:05] still no sound, even with alsa selected [23:05] k [23:05] titan_ark, what audio problem do you have? [23:05] !botabuse | Chimaera [23:05] anyway... [23:05] darlek_: stop that please [23:05] <_Tristan> I have no sound, ubuntu 9.04, tried all links for !sound and much on google [23:05] alrightie [23:06] mralexandro I did a fresh installation of Jaunty amd64 on my hp pavilion dv4 and dont seem to hget any sounds [23:06] <_Tristan> I have money. Will pay money for working sound. [23:06] _Tristan, System Prefs Sound what do you have? [23:06] neither for boot, nor flash videos nor mp3s [23:06] _Tristan: stop offering money [23:06] <_Tristan> IdleOne: why not? :( [23:06] _Tristan: money is good for a new soundcard? [23:06] _Tristan: Do you have onboard sound? [23:06] I need help with sound too, I have no sound, even with also selcted in sys prefs [23:07] I tried quite a few things and am frustrated, vista sucks and now ubuntu troubling me too :'( [23:07] <_Tristan> darlek_: all alsa stuff now, used to be all pulseaudio stuff, neither worked [23:07] zeighy: have you gone through the sound troubleshooting steps? [23:07] <_Tristan> mnaines: yes [23:07] _Tristan: If you have money to spend, you can pay canonical for support. [23:07] how can i tell dhcpd to listen on a device? [23:07] titan_ark: are you running a lap top? [23:07] _Tristan: Does the onboard sound work? [23:07] sebsebseb yes its a hp pavilion dv4t [23:07] <_Tristan> mnaines: nosir [23:07] what steps?? @Gnea [23:07] !sound | zeighy [23:07] zeighy: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [23:07] came preloaded with vista home premium [23:08] titan_ark: that explains it, it's usauly lap tops, that get sound and wireless issues with Ubuntu, since lack of proper manufacture support [23:08] noon: in /etc/default/dhcp3-server [23:08] yeah i know [23:08] _Tristan: You got money for a new motherboard? [23:08] ok thanks [23:08] my desktop works like a charm [23:08] Gnea: which parameter ? [23:08] titan_ark: there we go, really your lap top was made for Vista, and so you can't just expect everything to work just like that with Ubuntu [23:08] noon: it's blatantly obvious. [23:08] <_Tristan> kapizilla: I thought they only did paid support for companies/organizations/schools etc? [23:08] Gnea: no it's not [23:08] sebseb now i dont think ubuntu was made so uncompatible [23:08] noon: really? mine shows a INTERFACES="" [23:08] titan_ark: have you added this: options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1 ? [23:09] Gnea: omg. i have DHCPD_INTERFACE [23:09] _Tristan: check out www.ubuntu.com >> support [23:09] yeah i tried that [23:09] <_Tristan> mnaines: yeah, but I had the same problem on my desktop so I'd rather fix this... [23:09] titan_ark: oh loads of good hardware support in the Linux kernel, thing is most of it has been reverse enginered, because of closed hardware specs [23:09] noon: ah ok [23:09] _Tristan: or try your luck here first :-D [23:09] a friend has the same notebook and he helped me try his settings but it dint seem to work [23:09] how can i get firefox 3.5 w/o shiretoko [23:09] i had tried something before that, so i am wondering if its conflicting now [23:10] commander_: shiretoko is ff3.5 [23:10] and he is using the i386 and not amd64 [23:10] titan_ark: well no computer is 100% the same === krazkidd_ is now known as krazkidd [23:10] titan_ark: your on 64? [23:10] yeah [23:10] yeah i know but w/o the shiretoko icon [23:10] titan_ark: sometimes 32bit Ubuntu is better than 64bit Ubuntu [23:10] i love the firefox icon better [23:10] commander_: change the icon. [23:11] well i did see about a lot of compatibility issues [23:11] Gnea: do you know the whole INTERFACE line ? i get configuration file errors when i change it to only interface [23:11] titan_ark: you could sort yourself out with a 32bit Live CD, and try the sound using that [23:11] but was hoping things have been ironed out [23:11] noon: what package does the file belong to? [23:11] Gnea: dhcp3-server [23:11] <_Tristan> baaaw [23:11] well i had tried the i386 live CD and dint seem to work [23:11] i got cairo dock which i use can i change it on there? [23:11] ok ii have a question about using the terminal [23:11] i dint try tweaking it though [23:12] _Tristan: what kind of computer do you have? [23:12] commander_: add to panel then right click,properties and click on the icon it will open a window and select the icon you want to use [23:12] noon: what version? [23:12] <_Tristan> danbhfive: dell studio laptop [23:12] !ask | nadar [23:12] nadar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [23:12] _Tristan: can you specify the model? [23:12] 3.0.6 [23:12] how do i get a list of all users on my system via the command line? [23:13] noon: hrm, I have 3.1.1 what version of ubuntu are you on? [23:13] when i am trying to select a specific file that has multiple words in it how do i type that into terminal [23:13] meoblast001: cat /etc/passwd [23:13] hi, how and where do i change conky settings ? [23:13] 8.04 [23:13] noon: can you pastebin the whole file please? [23:14] <_Tristan> danbhfive: Studio 15 Notebook (Studio 1555) [23:14] PAP Authentication Failed = what is it???? [23:14] Chimaera: sounds like PPP to me [23:14] wat [23:14] Quick question - I deleted a load of files, but df doesn't show any change - is there anything I can flush to make it work? [23:14] !PPP [23:14] You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up [23:15] Chimaera: how are you connected to the internet? [23:15] _Tristan: are you running 9.04? [23:15] <_Tristan> yes [23:15] meoblast001, if you mean logged in right now, try "finger" or "users" [23:15] any more ideas? [23:16] i don't know much about internet hardware, but this should explain it (pic at the bottom): http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=797234 [23:16] when i am trying to select a specific file that has multiple words in it how do i type that into terminal [23:16] nadar: I think an underscore character could do it [23:17] _Tristan: well, if you are good at partitioning, I would setup a test install of 9.10. It looks like there may be some fixes there for you. In the mean time, have you tried this: options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m6 in alsa-base.conf? [23:17] night guys [23:17] i have a common problem: [23:17] Chimaera: Thats what i tried to do originally but it says file not found [23:17] no way to boot on 8.04 LTS [23:17] SQUASHFS error. [23:17] <_Tristan> danbhfive: I've tried every single version in the universe except dell-m6. I just installed ubuntu a couple days ago, I guess I could repartition [23:17] no way to sort this out [23:17] Chimaera: LOL that's an awesome shot - did you post that? === janne is now known as Skiessi [23:17] !SQUASHFS [23:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about SQUASHFS [23:17] use \ to escape the spaces nadar [23:18] there should be a escape character for that [23:18] yes [23:18] i can t burn anything here, i have no good downolading either, [23:18] meaby NULL? [23:18] IdleOne: i dont understand [23:18] azerty: use shipit [23:18] how and where do i change conky settings ? [23:18] my\NULLfile.odt [23:18] _Tristan: want to try dell-m6? [23:18] Chimaera: dude, if you're going to talk to someone, put their name first, otherwise we have no idea who you're talking to (the air?) [23:18] <_Tristan> danbhfive: I am [23:18] Squashfs error: i tried ide=nodma [23:19] acpi=force [23:19] NeXstaR, /etc/conky/conky.conf [23:19] acpi=off [23:19] bbut no way [23:19] Gnea: sorry [23:19] Chimaera: did you post that picture? [23:19] same error about SQUASHFS at boot time ! [23:19] heyyy !! ;) [23:19] Gnea: yers [23:19] yes* [23:19] <_Tristan> Wheeee [23:19] IdleOne: so you mean that the command would look like: /The File Name Here.mp4 [23:19] nadar: gedit My\ Test\ File [23:19] Chimaera: wow. okay, so uhm, did you get your dsl connection to work? [23:20] in Ubuntu? nope [23:20] IdleOne: i think i got it let me try it [23:20] <_Tristan> danbhfive: After days on the internets, you helped. Want $20 [23:20] <_Tristan> ? [23:20] thanks knopwob... [23:20] Chimaera: what about in windows? are you also running windows? [23:20] _Tristan: no thanks :) did it work? [23:20] Gnea: also, when i try to fill in some variables (MAC address for example), the Apply button goes inactive [23:20] Gnea: yes i'm running and posting from win [23:20] <_Tristan> danbhfive: It did, or else I wouldn't offer $20 [23:21] Chimaera: variables? apply button? [23:21] am i missing something here? should i do something in order to be helped? [23:21] Gnea: text fields. when editing connections [23:21] Chimaera: that's very interesting, but for WHAT?> === Ph` is now known as Ph`AFK === Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf [23:22] <_Tristan> bye all [23:22] IdleOne that did not work. The File is All I Ever Wanted.mp4 [23:22] azerty: just ask your question, in as much technical detail as possible. [23:22] IdleOne: how would i type that in [23:22] Chimaera: do you mean for the belkin router? [23:22] Gnea: when i edit the Autho eth0 connection, i can fill in the username, service and pw text fields, but the apply button becomes inactive when i try to type up the MAC address [23:23] Gnea: no, the wire is connected directly to the modem [23:23] Gnea: the router is busted [23:23] Gnea, well: i insert 8.04 LTS to install it (and i have no access to any other CD) in my computer: i get a SQUASHFS error [23:23] memtest is ok. [23:23] Chimaera: okay, is the phoneline plugged into the modem? [23:23] CD is OK [23:23] yes [23:23] Gnea: yes [23:23] Any software recommendations for converting and audio CD to flac? [23:23] Hey, I would like to make a LiveUSB of a custom remaster of ubuntu. [23:24] Any help? [23:24] memtest is ok. CD is ok too. I tried boot options like ide=nodma or acpi=off or force, and no luck; same problem as read in a lot of places in forums [23:24] Chimaera: ok, good. now, where are you typing all of this in on ubuntu? please tell me, in excruciating detail, the steps you took to get to the fields to type this info in. [23:24] hey guys is there anything for ubuntu x64 that is like daemon tools for windows, wher eu cant mount an bin or cue file to a virtual cd rom.... i couldnt get acetoneiso to work properply in the 64 bit environment [23:24] azerty: did you burn the cd yourself? [23:25] need help with setting passwd in x11vnc [23:25] ForzaPalermo: I compiled acetoneiso on 32bit Karmic alpha 4, and yep it works great [23:25] sebsebseb: what about for 64bit though [23:25] im having some trouble with cups-pdf printer, the document im trying toprint is several pages, but need to be printed page by page, cups assings the same name, and the files are overwritten.....what can i do to change this? [23:25] ForzaPalermo: I think that's basically the only one, and it's really just a GUI for commands it seems [23:25] Gnea, i don t have at BIOS the possibility to change any IDE settings [23:25] lakcaj: I quite like GriP [23:26] azerty: that's not a 'yes' or 'no' answer. [23:26] acetoneiso: error while loading shared libraries: libQtWebKit.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [23:26] i gt that error when itry running i [23:26] Walex, thanks - I was leaning towards grip [23:26] Gnea so all I read in forums is useless. i still can t boot from livecd [23:26] ForzaPalermo: the other computer has Ubuntu 9.04 64bit on it now, but I don't have a reason to try out acetoneiso on it, altough I could, and well I woudn't now [23:26] Gnea: k, i right clicked on the icon in the right hand side of the upper panel, clicked on "edit connections", selected the one on the left, and a list appeared, and the only item was auto eth0. I selected it and clicked on edit. I typed up usrname, pw, and service, but when i typed up the MAC address the Apply button became white (inactive) instead of bright green (only the arrow is green). [23:26] azerty: the fact that you're not answering my troubleshooting questions means that, yes, it is useless. [23:26] ForzaPalermo: did you compile actoneiso from source, or get a Deb for it? [23:27] deb for it [23:27] dont know how to compile [23:27] Can anyone tell me if a application for ubuntu exists that allows me to play and queue up media of different sorts, say I wish to play a set of videos and display some images in a precise order but it's undecided until it's required is there anything which allows me to assemble a queue and they are played as I queue them up and play them? [23:27] if u could help me i cna try now [23:27] ForzaPalermo: apparantly the get deb website debs can be a bit dodgy [23:27] sebsebseb: yeah i cant even remove it lol [23:27] ForzaPalermo: I assume that's where you got it from [23:28] having trouble with setting up passwd for x11vnc [23:28] yep thats where the website pointed me to for ubuntu [23:28] ForzaPalermo: well that site isn't offical by the way [23:28] Chimaera: okay. for that procedure, did you read about it somewhere or did you just guess at what you had to fill in the fields with? [23:28] Gnea: i guessed some of them, for the others, i checked linuxhelp@irc.dal.net [23:28] ill download the source if you can help me quickly compile [23:28] ForzaPalermo: ah yes it wasn't a standard compile for the source for acetoneiso, but you do extract it to a folder yep, then just follow the instructions [23:29] azerty: so did you burn the cd yourself or did you get it in the mail? [23:29] gnea: but jphase is not on now, otherwise i would be there [23:29] ForzaPalermo: maybe you would end up with two acetones though I don't know, you sure you can't remove the one you installed? [23:29] yeah [23:29] gotta go [23:29] i tried apt-get remove acetoneiso [23:30] says cnt find i [23:30] Chimaera: alright. just FYI, #linuxhelp on dalnet is not an official ubuntu help channel. this channel that we're talking in, is an official ubuntu help channel. we can help you get the problem taken care of correctly. [23:30] Need help setting the password on x11vnc!!! Can someone help??? [23:30] pastebin addy please ? [23:30] !pastebin [23:30] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [23:30] ForzaPalermo: what about if you open Synaptic and search for it? [23:30] !pastebin [23:30] not there either [23:31] Please can someone help me?!?! [23:31] x11vnc password1 [23:31] how do i install visualboyadvance? [23:31] Chimaera: the name of the application you're typing the info into is called NetworkManager, and have you tried inputting the info without the MAC address? [23:31] zigi, we can't help if we don't know what the problem is [23:31] ForzaPalermo: well it will of put files in differnet folders, and I guess you could manually remove that, but would need to know where it put stuff and all that, so uhmm I can't be of much help with that [23:31] mnaines: I need help setting the password on x11vnc [23:31] yeah idont care if i have two [23:31] i just need one that works! [23:31] can you help me complie [23:32] !photobin soz ;/ [23:32] Sorry, I don't know anything about photobin soz ;/ [23:32] i download the sourece [23:32] ForzaPalermo: true, but they might conflict with each other, I am thinking, or possibily not, Ubuntu isn't WIndows after all [23:32] !photobin [23:32] Sorry, I don't know anything about photobin === muse_ is now known as SultansElephant [23:32] how do i install visualboyadvance? [23:32] #ubuntu-es [23:32] mnaines: do you know how to set the password for x11vnc? [23:32] ok so im ternminal [23:32] in the folder [23:33] No, zigi, I do not [23:33] ForzaPalermo: you can extract the source manually, or hold on and I can give you a command [23:33] Does anybody know how to set the password for x11vnc? [23:33] ive extracted already [23:33] ForzaPalermo: manualy I meant to put graphicalley [23:33] ForzaPalermo: open the read me and do what it says [23:33] and am in the directory [23:33] Chimaera: also, what version of ubuntu did you install? [23:33] im having some trouble with cups-pdf printer, the document im trying toprint is several pages, but need to be printed page by page, cups assings the same name, and the files are overwritten.....what can i do to change this? [23:33] <|JZ|> hey is it possible for me to sync my ipod on ubuntu 9.04? [23:34] all right now I'm really ticked off [23:34] gettys do not respawn [23:34] |JZ| Banshee can do it [23:34] X does not respawn [23:34] x) if you want to uninstall AcetoneISO, [23:34] simply type from acetoneiso2/src/ folder: [23:34] make uninstall (must be root user) [23:34] haa look whats int here! [23:34] Can someone help me?!?!?!? With x11vnc [23:34] there is no /etc/inittab [23:35] ForzaPalermo: yep pretty straight forward [23:35] !patience | zigi [23:35] zigi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. === Irishmanluke is now known as Irishmanluke1 [23:35] and writing a complete set of bootscripts is not what I had in mind today [23:35] ubottu: srry, just didn't know i am heard, i will check, thank you for your advice [23:35] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [23:35] ForzaPalermo: oh I just saw, you copied in for uninstalling, not installing [23:35] ForzaPalermo: ,but yes the stuff in the read me file is pretty straight forward [23:35] we;; that worked [23:36] zigi: whats up [23:36] that was easy [23:36] thanks now i gotta see if t will mount! [23:36] ForzaPalermo: what are you mounting by the way? [23:36] Anyone really able to help? SQUASHFS Error at boot time when running liveCD 8.04 LTS. A classic Error it seems, but no one able to answer/sole it in channels [23:36] hello [23:36] I want to ask about Antivirus software. [23:36] !virus | modeller [23:36] modeller: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [23:36] opensource antivirus. [23:36] zigi: http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/ [23:36] is apt-get install sysvinit even safe? [23:36] no way to finish the booting process. can t install ubuntu then [23:36] yeah i know. [23:37] slug: how do i set the password for x11vnc [23:37] !ask | modeller [23:37] modeller: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [23:37] but I'll in stall it on Virtual PC. [23:37] hello [23:37] <|JZ|> sebsebseb: thanks [23:37] I have install windows XP on it. [23:37] and it already got virus. [23:37] so bored..... [23:37] I use ssh, but am guessing it would be vino-preferences or vino-passwd [23:37] |JZ| no probs [23:38] cue file [23:38] modeller: if you are running Windows in a virtual machine, you still need to treat it like a Windows install [23:38] I have a logitec webcam with mic and want to use the mic with skype. How do I set up the usb mic as my source for skype? [23:38] modeller: and learn how to keep it secure without the need for anti virus, or at least install an anti virus [23:38] modeller: boot live cd (or your ubuntu) and instal avast to scan windows drive [23:38] modeller: Ah, the memories. I, too, had to go through that, and I eventually gave up and gave Linux a try. [23:38] the webcam itself works fine in skype, and the mic works fine in older versions of skype [23:39] which it doesnt seem to mount.... [23:39] I have just installed jaunty on my grand father in law's pc, he uses dialup....any ideas on how to connect him to the net? [23:39] :( [23:39] modeller: or don't have Windows connected to the net, that's another way that tends to work for keeping it secure [23:39] SilAmeth: external modem ? [23:39] sebsebseb, slug mnaines hey, I tryed CLAMWIN is it good ? I think I can detect virus but it can't kill virus. [23:40] internal 56k [23:40] sebsebseb: The ONLY way to keep a Windows box secure is to bury it in a vault of concrete [23:40] modeller, clamAV has limits [23:40] kino doesn't play audio - ^Prefs says "audio device: default" - I am guessing I need to set that to something? any guesses ? [23:40] any good way of searching through all installed .debs? [23:40] SilAmeth: 99.9% chance its a winmodem, probably won't work with linux [23:40] mnaines your kind of comment there, is a classic [23:40] modeller, i didn t detect conficker virus on a windows machine [23:40] modeller: I did this for a friend latley... I found avast the best. It found and fixed more than clam did [23:40] ack...nooooooo === apc_ is now known as Peddy [23:40] hello all can someone please help me with gettting videos to work in firefox? [23:40] |JZ| rather keep it here instead of pm, what kind of ipod? [23:41] !codecs | caddy [23:41] caddy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [23:41] SilAmeth: google for modem brand & model + linux [23:41] !init [23:41] Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [23:41] <|JZ|> ipod touch [23:41] slug, avast ? [23:41] <|JZ|> 1g [23:41] I d like to install UBUNTU but the8.04 LTS CD (properly burnt) has a SQUASHFS ERROR when booting [23:41] yer google it - there is fee versions - one for ubuntu [23:41] I'm trying to install from a usb stick, but I keep getting the "Failed to detmine the codename for the release." error. Anyone have a work around? [23:41] slug, clam win can't kill and fix it right ? [23:42] it is a compaq...so you are prolly right now that I think about it [23:42] it will scan your windows drive [23:42] avast is better than clam [23:42] What is a good antivirus for Ubuntu? [23:42] azerty: Have you checked the MD5 of the cd? [23:42] |JZ| I know the standard Ipod can sync in Banshee, but I have never done this kind of thing myself, since I don't have an Ipod. [23:42] all right, what's it take to make gettys and X respawn when they die? [23:42] <|JZ|> Does Banshee support iPhones or iPod Touch devices? No. These devices are very different from iPods and support for them has not been undertaken yet. [23:42] <|JZ|> =/ [23:42] Flannel, the md5 is ok [23:42] !sysvinit [23:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about sysvinit [23:43] !init [23:43] Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [23:43] slug, it can run on windows XP ? [23:43] azerty: Do you have another computer you can test the CD with? [23:43] yes [23:43] Flannel, the memtest is ok too. [23:43] how do i upgrade SimpleXML for php5 ? [23:43] but install via live cd and scan === Irishmanluke1 is now known as Irishmanluke [23:43] Flannel, yes and it works [23:43] im having some trouble with cups-pdf printer, the document im trying toprint is several pages, but need to be printed page by page, cups assings the same name, and the files are overwritten.....what can i do to change this? [23:43] then install on windows [23:43] |JZ| Well if only Apple made for Linux as well, but no. [23:44] so I ran `dd_rescue /dev/sdb1 photos.img` to grab a snapshot of my external drive and it ran all night long and left me with an image that is 2.3 megs. that harddrive was 120GB. what gives? [23:44] |JZ| they make for Windows though here and there, and so a Windows virtual machine for your device? [23:44] <|JZ|> nope [23:44] Flannel, i tried passing options at boot like ide=nodma or acpi=off as suggested in some forums. I can t edit my IDE settings in BIOS [23:44] <|JZ|> only ubuntu [23:44] azerty: If you're just trying to install, I'd suggest just using an alternate CD [23:44] often external drives want sdb4 or similar nonsense [23:44] <_Trinity_> I se what's happened. The old debian-installer is what's probably used in the alternate CD, while the Desktop uses the newer graphical one. [23:45] What is a good antivirus for Ubuntu? [23:45] mnaines: avg [23:45] _Trinity_: Correct. Alternate and Server CDs use debian-installer, and then the Desktop CD uses ubiquity [23:45] mnaines: they basically only scan for Windows viruses that don't infect Linux distros [23:45] mnaines: do you need one ?! [23:45] !virus | mnaines [23:45] mnaines: I believe clam is a popular one [23:45] mnaines: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [23:46] Flannel mnaines yep ClamAVA is popular [23:46] slug: No, but I have problems with bots forcing an add request on pidgin every time I log in, and I just want to make sure its not from an exploit [23:46] ClamAV above [23:46] more like spam on your email address [23:46] Flannel, _Trinity_ I m using SERVER CD i think (LTS) [23:46] mnaines: oh MSN spam? [23:47] AVG and avast wich one is better ? [23:47] Hi all. I am trying to create a custom live CD through a program called "reconstructor", but there is one thing that I can't seem to do. When the Live CD initially loads up, you get the menu where you can " [23:47] azerty: ah. Try the alternate CD. Sometimes the server CD chokes on desktoppy hardware [23:47] modeller: there isn't really such a thing as a best virus scanner [23:47] modeller: avg for speed , avast for getting the crap out [23:47] dorkface: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization [23:47] modeller: since they don't all pick up on exactly the same stuff [23:47] hmm [23:47] no, seb...Its an add buddy request...If I accept it, I get spam emails with links to porn videos...But it happens every time I log in [23:48] mnaines: your in need of a new emaill address [23:48] Flannel, OK. so i can t do it right now cause no other CDs [23:48] sebsebseb, is there the way to use opensource antivirus to scan it and kill ? I just want to install on Virtual PC do't want to spend money for McAfee . [23:48] mnaines: yeah I get spam bots or whatever with email address's giving me spam on MSN to, but that's since I didn't do the privacy setting to stop that [23:49] mnaines: after installing OS again [23:49] slug: The problem is, every time I create a new email address, the bots seem to find me and I get flooded with spam email [23:49] mnaines: I used to do that [23:49] "try ubuntu without changing the system". In that same screen, I want to remove the lower options that are accessed through the "F" keys. Has anyone had experience with that? I looked through that link you gave me, Flannel, but that didn't seem to have that in it. Thank you though :) [23:49] in screen, whats this white on red with an exclamation? [23:49] mnaines: anyway after going through what plugins were available for pidgin I saw some anti spam stuff for Pidgin, but this was the karmic repo which I assume for this kind of thing will be simlar to the 9.04. [23:49] sebsebseb: So I don't need an AV for Linux? [23:50] mnaines: no [23:50] not really [23:50] sebsebseb: I have all the anti-spam plugins for pidgin and they're all active, but they aren't doing anything [23:50] maybe put a av on linux if you have it as a gateway for your windows machines, sure [23:50] who can give me a script that runs with root priveledge on both going into standby and coming out of standby? [23:50] mnaines: MSN = spam these days it's as simple as that, it's either these weird spam bots or whatever they are, or people on your contact lists, there accounts doing it [23:51] sebsebseb: Most of the MSN spam bots can infect email addresses and most MSN users won't know [23:51] mnaines: I assume it's mainly those that didn't keep Windows secure enough, that end up having their MSN accounts sending SPAM IM messages [23:51] more like the idiots that click the urls that get the spam bot on their in the first place XD [23:51] [23:51] can somebody explain the funcionamineto of "nmap" [23:52] hi all. does anyone know a definitive way to find out what caused my server to reboot? [23:52] eXapid: So since I'm running Ubuntu, I don't have anything to worry about? [23:52] <_Trinity_> Question. IS a server install more leaner than an instal without a window manager? [23:52] wilson, network scanner, port scanner [23:52] wilson: nmap is a port scanner [23:52] im having some trouble with cups-pdf printer, the document im trying toprint is several pages, but need to be printed page by page, cups assings the same name, and the files are overwritten.....what can i do to change this? [23:52] mnaines: not at all [23:52] someone kindly writes the command to be given to see if I installed graphics drivers properly [23:52] _Trinity_: The alternate CD can install a non-GUI system too. (which yes, is leaner because it doesn't include the GUI packages) [23:52] In a bash shell script, why can't I get a this to return a status code? [23:52] local someVar=$(somecommand) [23:52] echo "return status: $?" [23:52] Removing "local" makes it work, otherwise $? ALWAYS returns 0... [23:52] ziesemer_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:53] ziesemer_: try #bash [23:53] Thx, was wondering if there was a better group... [23:53] mnaines: Linux distros are not immune to viruses and other types of malicious programs, but at this time, you don't exactly need to worry, altough should have a hardware firewall ideally, and a good password for Ubuntu [23:53] !eeepc [23:53] Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC [23:54] Slug:"nmap" command but that work? [23:54] there a way to specify a default by name (instead of ordinal value) in menu.lst? [23:54] sebsebseb: I keep the kernel firewall in restrictive mode and I have it set to only allow the IM protocols, HTTP, DNS, and DHCP [23:54] !clone > ActionParsnip [23:54] ActionParsnip, please see my private message [23:54] Is there noone willing to help me with cups-pdf? [23:54] mnaines: and you can't just get malware installed on Linux, without knowing what you are doing [23:54] wilson: try man nmap or nmap --help , what are you tring to do? [23:55] I'm having a problem where every time I reboot my machine my harddrives change device names.. can any one tell me what I can do to stop that from happening? [23:55] sebsebseb: So my firewall settings are good enough? [23:55] Blaidd: look into boot settings in BIOS set a static ] [23:55] does anyone have Globalmenu [23:55] mnaines: probably [23:55] slug: thanks [23:56] Hoodman: sudo apt-get install evince [23:56] alot easier and will get you viewing pdfs right away [23:56] sebsebseb: The kernel firewall is set for restrictive mode and is set to only allow the IM protocols, HTTP, DNS, DHCP, and HTTPS [23:56] Greetings. I'm trying to set up a fixed IP Adress for wlan0 following this guide "http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/319" but All I get is a broken connection. Any suggestion? [23:56] I don't know if that's secure enough, though [23:56] Hi all. Not sure if my last got through. How do I find out what caused an unexpected restart on my server? [23:56] •eXapid• not having troble viewing [23:56] im having some trouble with cups-pdf printer, the document im trying toprint is several pages, but need to be printed page by page, cups assings the same name, and the files are overwritten.....what can i do to change this? [23:56] part of my top bar is at the bottom and when i open up a webpage this always stops it from covering the whole screen .HELP PLZ [23:56] slug: I'm having the problem with other hardware devices too. is it likely to still be the bios in that case? [23:57] mnaines: neither do I, but it sounds like it probably is [23:57] hi all [23:57] TNk: you can specify ips if you edit /etc/network/interfaces [23:57] Blaidd: like what>? [23:57] what is equivalent to mstsc.exe for linux that allows me to log into windows machines? [23:57] Hood: Try a alternative pdf viewer to print, you might have better luck then cups [23:57] TNk: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/ [23:57] mnaines: also I think you don't have to worry to much about open ports, because of the way things are done [23:58] is there a difference if i echo /foo/bar or just manually edit it? [23:58] slug: i have tuner cards that are doing the same thing, and every once in a while my nic card does too [23:58] mnaines: with Linux above [23:58] eXapid is there soming else you use as a pdf print server? [23:58] ActionPasnip, Thanks, I'll check out that page. [23:58] TNk: its a real easy file to edit [23:58] what does it do..? [23:58] sebsebseb: Yeah...Also, the restrictive mode should close them down by itself, right? [23:58] TNk: your page is pretty much the same [23:58] TNk: make sure you add the name servers to /etc/resolv.conf [23:58] shamm: terminal server client [23:58] mnaines: I guess so, but your firewall questions maybe you will get better replys to them in ##linux or ##networking [23:59] sebsebseb: Yeah...I'll go there later [23:59] TNk: you will need to change the eth0 to wlan0 / ath0 or whatever your wifi adapter is named as [23:59] slug: for the harddrives, it will switch drives from hda to hdb.. for the tuner cards it will switch which tuner card is on which "device", and with the nic card it will swtich from eth0 to eth1 and so forth [23:59] Hoodman: sorry but I dont, but im quite sure there would be other alternatives out there