
lex79JontheEchidna: can you ack this?  bug 421187 thanks00:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421187 in kalternatives "Please sync kalternatives 0.13-1 with debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42118700:17
geniiShould "Screensaver" really be making it's way onto the most-used programs area of the menu? Seems.... odd03:46
javihi, i'm seeing some (but not all) packets from 4.3.1, is it out? are you prepparing them or is something wrong with the ppa? cause i've read nothing on planet or the dot...11:13
neversfeldejavi: which ppa?11:38
javineversfelde: how can i know wich one are the packages from?11:48
javibtw, don't you think this could be a interesting feature for kpackagekit?11:52
neversfeldejavi: show me your sources.list12:19
neversfelderemove this #12:26
neversfeldedeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu jaunty main12:26
neversfeldewe are preparing the packages there and after we finished and 4.3.1 is released, we'll copy them over to the backports ppa12:27
neversfeldeFor the love of the blue gears, DO NOT USE.12:28
neversfeldeThis is where we build and stage the packages for final release, so this will never have usable packages.12:28
javithank you for the clarification :D12:28
Monika|Kfor the love of the blue gears, lol12:30
javiback to what i said before, is it technicaly possible to make kpackagekit tell where a package comes from?12:31
javiah nevermind, they are on in already https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13918212:32
ubottuKDE bug 139182 in general "[3 1] Should be possible to see repository of a package" [Wishlist,Assigned]12:32
javiso awesome :D12:33
Monika|KI have been waiting for that, too12:39
Madkisshi folks14:26
ScottKHello Madkiss14:27
SputScottK: thanks for fixing my misspelt alter ego ;-)14:31
Monika|KThere's this discussion about Oxygen, Ozone and Nitrogen, and people are all for: Let's remove the ugly stripes from Oxygen. But what visual indication is given which winow is active when even removing the stripes?16:33
ScottKMonika|K: That's probably more of a #kde-devel question.16:37
Monika|Kmaybe, but sure someone here is also using Oxygen ^^16:37
ScottKSure, but certainly not changing it.16:37
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=== buttercup is now known as vorian
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Feature Freeze in effect | apachelogger loves you all | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/karmic-alpha-4 | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
shtylmaneveryone: this guy left this comment on my post on the installer... "22:44
shtylmanHi there,22:44
shtylmanI got here from Digg, and follow Ubuntu’s progress closely. Currently, I don’t have the know-how to contribute much more than bug reports, and even then I get myself a bit lost, but I’m in courses in Computer Science to learn more.22:44
shtylmanAnyway, that being said I currently use Ubuntu and wanted to let you know (Because I don’t know how to pass it on the ALL of the Kubuntu team :P ) that your changes to the LOOK & FEEL of Kubuntu have made me VERY excited to switch to it when Karmic is released. I used to find Kubuntu too big and ugly for my tastes, but with Oxygen and Plasmoids, and your tweaks to the installation process, it feels much more modern, and22:44
shtylmanwelcoming. So I just wanted to give you Kudos. And if you could, pass this on to your fellow devs. :)22:44

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