
=== Guest85855 is now known as hjbehling
joshua__genii: found a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/33000400:00
pulaskiWalex: Thank's for your patience.  I use Amarok also and I have used it in the past to play CDs.  I haven't played any music from CDs with either Amarok or KsCD for that matter.  Right now Amarock also shows no CD as inserted.  Perhaps this is a larger problem than I realize.00:01
joshua__how much damage would apt-get install sysvinit do?00:02
Walexpulaski: unlikely to be a larger problem. You can anyhow check that the drive and/or the CD in the drive is recognized in severaql ways.00:02
geniijoshua__: If I recall, the system is moving away from sysvinit00:03
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:03
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joshua__they seem to not have the utter reliability that sysvinit still has00:05
macohow so?00:06
joshua__maybe you've got it too00:06
joshua__try exiting from a console login00:06
joshua__I don't get another login prompt00:06
avihaybjoshua__: are ya trying to restart x-server with ctrl+alt+backspace?00:10
joshua__I re-enabled that keystroke after an X hang that brought the system down00:10
joshua__unfortunately it doesn't respawn X00:10
joshua__or exit from a console shell doesn't restart that either00:10
avihaybit happens to me sometimes00:11
avihaybkilling and reruning kvm usualy does the trick00:11
avihayberr kdm00:11
joshua__a getty not coming back though (same bug different instance) is absolutely unacceptable00:13
geniijoshua__: What reports result of: runlevel00:16
pulaskiWalex: Yes my device manager allows me to rip tracks using K3b which I have just done successfully.  It also allows me to view the contents of the CD audio disc using Dolphin however none of the files appear.  I don't want to waste your time.  All I want to do is play a cd.  I wil struggle with this further on my own.  Thanks for your help.00:16
joshua__N 200:16
geniiHm, N 2 is correct00:17
joshua__are those files in /etc/event.d shell scripts?00:18
joshua__I'm preparing to do something absolutely drastic00:20
geniijoshua__: Posting 9 here looks hopeful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105896400:20
joshua__well let's see if that works00:23
joshua__going down for reboot00:23
* genii makes more coffee00:23
blikouhi everybody00:26
joshua__that did it alright00:26
blikoui need some help00:26
blikoui have deleted my network by mistake00:26
blikounetwork manager sorry00:27
blikoui can t reinstall because i don t have casse to internet anymore00:27
joshua__double oops00:27
joshua__but how are you on irc?00:28
blikouwith my second pc yes00:28
joshua__become root on no-network pc00:28
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joshua__run ifconfig on second pc00:28
joshua__ping each IP address in subnet until you find an unusable one00:29
joshua__probably in the 192.168.0 or 192.168.1 range00:29
blikou192.168.1.1 doesn t work00:29
joshua__that's probably your router00:29
joshua__therefore try assigning the dead pc
blikouhow i can re install the network man,ager without downloading ?00:30
joshua__you will be downloading00:30
joshua__to assign by hand, use ifconfig eth0 up00:30
joshua__route add default gw
blikoualways with ifconfig?00:32
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joshua__the second command does not use ifconfig00:32
joshua__route is its own command00:32
blikouthanks joshua__00:32
joshua__try traceroute and see if it goes anywhere00:32
joshua__it should get a few hops before dropping00:33
blikou1.2.3.4 is a pentagon ip i don t want to go to guantanamo00:34
geniiifconfig eth0 up     and dhclient eth0       should work in most situations where ppl have a router00:34
joshua__I'm not used to having consistant names for dhcp client00:34
joshua__last I checked is unallocated00:35
blikoui was kidding :)00:35
joshua__oh man ubuntu doesn't install traceroute by default00:36
joshua__I'd go ahead and try dhclient and hope that works00:37
joshua__if not, the last step is a bit more painful00:37
blikouno ezffect00:40
blikoui can ping outside00:40
blikoubut i can t see the packages00:40
blikouit can t see00:40
joshua__try to reach www.google.com00:40
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blikoui can t00:40
joshua__I was afraid of that00:41
joshua__you will need to transfer /etc/resolv.conf from your working system to this one00:41
blikoui can t00:41
blikouit is win xp00:41
geniiblikou: sudo dhclient -r eth0 ; sudo dhclient eth0                   and then try ping goole or so again00:41
blikouok thanks genii00:42
joshua__I thought he just said dhclient didn't work00:42
geniino one gave him command syntax00:42
blikou'r for remove?00:42
geniiblikou: Yes -r is "release"00:42
takoskihi i want to download video from daylimotions but with the addons of firefox say me Unrecognized Site Input: Could not retrieve .flv file.00:42
takoskiwhat i can do?00:43
joshua__reagle, o how I wish00:44
blikougreat it is working :)00:45
blikouthanks joshua__ and genii00:45
joshua__you know, I miss my old trick of keeping an emergerncy toolset in /proc/1/fd/300:46
joshua__I had a nice set of static binaries from the initial initrd00:48
jinzougenI'm trying to connect to a microsoft VPN with PPTP. I installed the network-manager-pptp package but my no PPTP option is available under manage connectinos.00:51
jinzougenJust OpenVPN and VPNC00:52
jinzougenI also rebooted since the install.00:52
Laeborgi just installed zenwalk on sda1 and now i want to add it to GRUB Bootloader where I already have kubuntu00:59
Laeborgbut how can I see what hd(0,?) sda1 has ?00:59
Laeborg0,0 ?00:59
sebastien_sup guys01:01
Laeborgneed some help with grub01:01
blikouthat is stupid but i have lost my clock on the task bar01:02
blikouhow i can recover it?01:02
kathrinblikou: right click the panel, select add widget, selcect digital watch and it should be back in01:03
blikouthanks kathrin01:05
Laeborgany who can help me with grub?01:20
Laeborgi want to add Zenwalk to it, but it wont work01:21
Laeborgthis is menu.lst01:21
geniiLaeborg: sda1 usually corresponds to 0,0 sda2 to 0,1   sdb1 1,0                 etc01:21
Laeborgtitle           Zenwalk 6.0.101:25
Laeborgroot            (hd0,0)01:25
FloodBotK1Laeborg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
Laeborgchainloader     +101:25
geniiLaeborg: The examples I see at http://wiki.zenwalk.org/index.php?title=Fresh_grub_install  shows not a chainloader entry but a line like: kernel vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda5       so you need to know the vmlinuz  name in it's /boot01:27
Laeborgokay will try that01:28
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Laeborgdidnt work :/01:32
MTGap_Is there anyway for me to change the icon of chromium-browser (besides the hicolor ones) so that it is always that icon even when it updates. I can only change it for the menu and launching but not what shows in the task manager. Anyway to make it permanent?01:52
ByronIt seems that I have something playing in a WINE window. It does not appear to be playing audio. Any way to check why that is?02:06
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Byronthe window is labeled "X-System"02:10
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xandermillerI messed up my "trash bin". I accidentally deleted it with the mouse. Then I undid the deletion. After that it fails to work in every respect, it has nothing in it, it won't empty, I can't fine the Trash file (I forgot it's name but it's a hidden file) and other users can't use trash either.02:22
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:23
xandermillerI have the newes version02:25
xandermillerI just downloaded and installed this week02:25
xandermillerok found it02:26
xandermillershould I simply delete it? I want to restore the functionality02:27
xandermillerbazhang: what does !trash do?02:29
xandermillerwhat I'd like to do is to purge the application that governs trash and then reinstall it02:30
bazhangxandermiller, its a factoid request to the bot. tells you info about the location change of the trash02:30
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:30
xandermillerthanks, I thought the bot was a person02:31
xandermillerkind of like my wife02:31
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zuz__is there an easy way to open a kate file as root instead of using terminal?04:08
zuz__through dolphin04:09
leinlogin to kde/gnome/whatever as root04:12
geniilein: That is strongly NOT a good suggestion04:13
CoJaBo-AztecIs there a good terminal based editor for editing config files? lol04:13
geniiCoJaBo-Aztec: I usually use sudo nano /etc/filename04:14
leingenii: didn't say it was a good idea. just an answer to  zuz__ question04:14
zuz__im scared of using nano04:15
CoJaBo-Aztecgenii: Needs to be something simple, but nano breaks the syntax with its word wrap... why?04:15
zuz__im trying to config privoxy04:15
zuz__wanted to use kate04:15
zuz__but then when i saved it was it couldnt04:15
zuz__so im trying to open it as root04:15
leintry emacs or vi04:15
CoJaBo-AztecNano is pretty easy, but beware of word wrap. Is there a better easy one?04:15
zuz__but i dont know the commands04:15
geniiCoJaBo-Aztec: vi/vim then04:15
CoJaBo-AztecI had to use kill to get out of vi last time I started it lol04:16
geniizuz__: alt-f2     then:  kdesudo kate04:16
zuz__genii thats exactly what i wanted, thanks alot04:19
geniizuz__: You're welcome04:20
zuz__ok now this is something ive been wondering for a long time, but always forget to search since I only remember when im closing firefox, lets see if someone knows04:25
zuz__why is it that sometimes when you close firefox the option of close and save tabs is not available04:25
webbbdo you guys like Akonadi i dont know if i likie it or not04:28
webbba little confused about it04:28
zuz__hmmm let me see if i know what akonadi is04:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about akonadi04:30
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mike_yungHi, I'm considering switching to Ubuntu.  Can anyone here tell me how the package management works in real life?05:24
mike_yungI'm faced with my 5th Gentoo reinstall, in 3 years.05:25
mike_yungObviously, I want to put something in which won't break.05:25
geniimike_yung: debian derivativeslike *buntu use dpkg and apt.05:25
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)05:26
geniiThe front-ends vary as you can see by the factoid05:27
mike_yungI used debian, 6 years ago.  apt-get didn't work that well for me, back then.05:27
mike_yungbut now we have front ends05:27
mike_yunghow are they?05:27
geniimike_yung: I tend to just use the CLI with apt-get or aptitude05:27
geniiYou get more useful info if something fails05:28
mike_yungso things fail here to?05:29
mike_yungthat's my experience with debian, years back.05:29
geniimike_yung: Usually not when installing packages from official repositories05:29
mike_yungthings fail.  when you try to fix it everything breaks05:30
mike_yungah, I see05:30
geniiHowever many people add Launchpad PPA repositories, medibuntu, etc etc05:30
mike_yungOK.  Thanks.05:31
mike_yungWhat's Ubuntu hardy?05:31
geniimike_yung: It's the 2008, April release05:32
genii(hence the 8.04 designation)05:32
geniimike_yung: LTS (longterm support) releases are every 2 years...it was the previous LTS version05:32
geniiThe next will be 10.0405:33
mike_yungIs it official?  I need MediaTomb.  It's currently in Debian unstable, Debian testing and Ubuntu hardy.05:33
geniimike_yung: Still supported for a while yet :)05:33
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases05:33
geniiThe above link shows what releases are supported until when05:34
mike_yungOK, thanks.  Nice to get it first hand.05:36
mike_yungAll the web sites claim to be the one.05:36
luiferaresi have problems activating screen edges05:50
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pescadois there anybody who can help me with kylix06:05
pescadohello there06:06
yamishican someone help me with a problem i have with svn?06:17
Dr_WillisKylix is somthing ive not heard of  in a Long time06:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kylix06:20
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/06:20
zuz_ohhh so its like a new pharmacy...  like CVS06:21
pescadokylix is for programming in delphi06:21
zuz_can i refill my adderall there?06:21
yamishiwhen i try to upload a new version of an arhive i keep getting this problem06:22
zuz_yeah 3 years of computer science about 5 years ago, i unlearned most of it06:22
yamishisvn: Failed the commit (details below):06:22
yamishisvn: Authorization failed06:22
FloodBotK1yamishi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:22
pescadoi got kylix already but gave it errors that right now i can not solve it06:23
zuz_im trying to understand tor06:23
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks06:23
pescadowhat in the name of the lord is tor06:23
zuz_ok so lets not use tor for irc.....06:23
zuz_makes you stealth  :)06:24
zuz_so you can surf online anonymous06:24
zuz_this laptop only has kubuntu, no windows, no mac os06:25
Dr_WillisTor on 9.04 had 'issues'06:29
Dr_Willislike .. it not being in the repos.. even tho other packages depended on it. :)06:29
navetzcan someone please help me fix krunner07:04
navetzthis is the error i get07:05
Serpardumpage not found navetz07:05
Serpardumit's there without the S:07:06
navetzoh shit didn't notice that07:06
Serpardumtry gooleing for "org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukstorag'07:06
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navetzokay thanks07:07
groowyhello, i have a strange problem when i was using ubuntu never happened but now i m using kubuntu but it happened.. while i m listening music on audacious i cant hear anything else eg. pidgin sounds or another aplications. I tryied to play video on youtube but cant hear anything only the played music on audacious07:10
groowyany idea?07:10
groowyhello anyone here??07:17
dwidmann_groowy:  I think I know why07:33
dwidmann_groowy: fixing is probably complicated07:33
groowydwidmann: can we try? i ll be appreciate if you can help07:35
dwidmann_groowy: I've never been very good with this sort of thing actually ... I'll take a peak around and see if I can find a good forum post in the mean time though07:36
dwidmann_groowy: anyhow, it has something to do with the program taking exclusive control of the sound device07:37
dwidmann_groowy: setting up some sort of software mixing with alsa config or maybe pulseaudio would be the fixes I'd look for07:37
groowydwidmann: thank you, i googled it but it s very strange to search "cant hear other aplications while one running"07:37
groowydwidmann: thank you07:38
dwidmann_Here's how to setup alsa level software mixing: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Dmix#The_Dmix_Howto ... provided the document isn't too intimidating07:39
groowythank you dwidmann_ let me check it07:41
groowydwidmann_: thank you!!! :) it works07:49
dwidmann_groowy: oooh, cool07:50
groowydwidmann_: it s done after "apt-get install alsa-oss alsaplayer mpg321 alsaplayer-alsa alsa-base07:51
dwidmann_hmmm, whatever works!07:55
Mamarokdwidmann_: did you fix you connection since yesterday?07:55
dwidmann_Mamarok: Don't really know what was going on yesterday07:55
dwidmann_Mamarok: I assume it was temporary because I don't usually have much trouble07:56
Mamarokwello, it looked scary07:56
dwidmann_Mamarok: think it happened while I was out, so I came home to a boatload of crazy in Quassel, but it seems pretty normal now07:57
Mamarokgoing on for almost 2 hours07:57
MamarokI was not around neither, I've only seen it when I came back, too07:57
mamasueGuten morgen, brauche bitte eine einweisung für quassel kann mir jemand helfen?07:59
Mamarok!de | mamasue08:00
ubottumamasue: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.08:00
mamasueThanks mamarok08:01
Mamarokyou are welcome mamasue08:02
btoogoodhi there all08:48
ShishKababHello. The default session type on my computer keeps going back to Gnome, even though I've selected KDE multiple times. Is there a config file somewhere I can check or something?08:53
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prestoncertian packages are blocked is this supposed to be the case08:54
prestonon my install and upgrade08:54
jeerumi have some question08:55
jeerumircd refuse connection from outside08:55
jeerumwhat i must change on ircd.conf08:56
Dr_Willisare you behind a router/firewall?08:59
jeerumbut port is redirected09:00
jeerumit connects only with loaclhost09:01
jeerumauth {}: allow users to connect to the ircd (OLD I:09:02
jeerumthere is only user = "*@";09:02
jeerummust i add some lines?09:02
Dr_Willisive never configured  'ircd' so  no idea.   when in doubt check its docs/faq i imagine.09:04
jeerumok, i have googled 2 days now :)09:04
jeerumbut thanks09:05
Dr_Willisif the irc server is that poorly docmented.. time to try a different irc server im guessing09:21
jeerumi will :)09:23
jeerumi`m still to noob and all stuff takes time09:24
jeerumyes i get it to work :)09:25
* Dr_Willis wont ask why you even want to run an irc server....09:26
jeerumfriend ask09:27
jeerummu pc 24/7 online09:27
jeerumdo have anonymous chat09:27
Dr_Willishe could just join/make  some channel here...09:28
xineohpMaybe he/she would like to play with an irc server...09:28
jeerumyes he have09:28
Dr_Willis'i want to play with somthing, so will you install some services on your box that may put your pc at risk in ways you dont understand for me?' :)09:29
jeerumi learn linux09:29
jeerumfirst risk is power up pc :p09:30
Dr_Williswhats the specific IRC server youa re trying to run? theres several you can use.09:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ircd09:30
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:30
jeerumi have running now :)09:30
xineohpDr_Willis: Ugh.. "on your box"?09:31
jeerumwhat is best kubuntu irc client?09:31
Dr_WillisYou  have 'what' running now?09:31
Dr_Willistheres 3 irc servers in the reposiutories.09:31
xineohpJust get inspircd.09:31
xineohpSimple-er. (Okay, fine, so I only tried one, big deal).09:32
Dr_WillisIRC contact: #ircd-coders on irc.ircd-hybrid.org09:32
Dr_Willistheir web page is very lacking in the docs area.. i dont even see a forum09:33
xineohpjeerum: You could try Inspircd.09:34
jeerumis this command line irc client?09:34
xineohpAre we talking about clients now or servers??09:35
jeerumi have server09:35
Dr_WillisYou have a server you cant figture out how to configure.. :)09:36
jeerumi only need to allow outside connection and now i have09:36
jeerumanother stuff is easyer09:36
Dr_Willisseeing the quality of the ircd-hybrid docs/web site..i would have to suggest some other IRC server to play with.09:37
jeerumdont plan make nothing big09:38
Dr_Willisunless thers some man pages  or other guides on using it.09:38
xineohpHmm, I thought I may of been sort of help, whatever floats your boat.09:38
Dr_WillisIm not seeing any.. and it seems to not be very popular.09:39
Dr_WillisThe docs give that IRC channel and a URL to a forum site that seems to be down.09:39
jeerumwhat is best server then?09:39
Dr_Willisbest depends on your needs.09:39
xineohpjeerum: I used inspricd and it's good for what I need it to do.09:39
Dr_WillisTyeres irc servers written in perl and ruby and other languages as well.09:39
xineohpUnrealIRCD is good too.09:39
xineohpmibbit.com uses that.09:40
Dr_Willis06/05/02 - pircd Beta One is out! Not quite as exciting as Beta Zero, but if it were, then it would be called Gamma Zero09:41
Dr_Willisheh,,, last update was 02 :)09:41
xineohpWow, Dr_Willis. Does www.unrealircd.com work?09:41
Dr_Williswork as in the web site works? or the sever functions?09:41
xineohpThe page isn't loading for me.09:41
Dr_Willissems dead here also09:42
xineohpBleh, then it's down.09:42
Dr_Willisheh heres a basic irc server  in about 100 lines of Python code09:44
Dr_Willisand one in ruby09:44
* Dr_Willis goes backto cleaning out his hard drive.09:46
ForgeAushey all :)09:52
Dr_WillisHiiddly Hoo!09:53
ForgeAusis there a command to show the boot process messages, etc that linux goes through in konsole?09:53
ForgeAussame kinda stuff as in the console tty screen09:53
Dr_Willistheres the /var/log files09:56
Dr_Willisyou could  show them in a terminal with 'tail -f /var/log/WHATEVER'09:56
Dr_Willisthers other 'log tail' tools out also09:56
ForgeAustop shows running processes... hmm...09:56
Dr_Willishtop is more info then top :)09:56
Dr_Willislooks nicer also09:56
ForgeAusyes and more user friendly10:09
apparlehow to manually set ipaddress,subnet mask, gateway10:10
ForgeAusifconfig? I guess10:18
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apparleForgeAus: any method with GUI10:22
ForgeAusgui, use the system-settings applet for network settings10:23
apparleWhen I open network manager, click on add wired network connection and then select Manual Ip..............the 'add' becomes enabled but nothing happens when I press it10:23
ForgeAusuh maybe ask in #KDE? I don't know, it could be a bug... I would just assume it should work normally...10:24
corafaik network-manager can't do static IPs10:24
ForgeAuscor? interesting...10:25
corI prefer /etc/network/interfaces, way easier10:25
Dr_WillisHmm.. I thought network manager could set static ips10:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about static10:25
corif you want static, remove gui rubbish and do it direct. or use wicd10:25
corI don't use it, but last time I checked it could not10:25
corthe best way to setup static IPs is with fixed leases on your gateway. a piece of cake with IPCop/othe Linux gateway10:26
Dr_WillisMy router has settings to rember mac/ip  so i get 'static' ip's bsically :)10:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about IP10:26
corsame thing, yup10:26
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:26
apparleActually I think network manager can set it up but as we all know the current GUI is buggy...........................it may be a bug10:27
ForgeAuslol wireless... hmm... what about non-wireless? lol10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ethernet10:27
apparlecor: now it seems you yourself have to tell me10:27
corseriously, most network configurations can be done with a single line in /etc/network/interfaces10:27
ForgeAuscor, possibly but one needs to know what they're doing in there don't they?10:28
corin konqueror>> man:interfaces10:28
ForgeAus:) that sounds helpful :)... at least10:28
corit's all there10:29
apparleI'll restart into kubuntu and then try10:29
corall the network managers do, is configure that file, and then do ifup -a10:29
corand /etc/resolv.conf, of course10:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:30
apparleexactly speaking...........I got this image from the college server for network conifguration....... http://imagebin.org/61678 now I want to configure linux10:32
apparlecor: tell me then10:33
cordid you remove the network-manager?10:33
corthen any changes you make will be obliterated10:35
corby the network manager10:35
apparlethen what should I do10:36
apparleshould I purge it?10:36
corsimple remove is fine for now10:37
corthen simply enter a line for your ethernet connexion, and add a line for each parameter you wish to set10:37
corauto eth010:37
apparlecor: tell me the exact name of package10:38
apparlecor: which packge should I remove then10:39
corwhatever it's called that is the network manager, maybe knetwork-manager, dunno10:39
apparlecor: Ok I'll search it10:40
coronly take a second in synaptic or similar, ceariainly longer than to type a sentence here10:40
apparlenext tell me what lines to add in /etc/network/interfaces10:40
corsee the man page for the rest10:41
apparlecor: Can't search now as I am on windows...........net did not start on linux :)10:41
cori see10:41
corcan you get to the linux file system from there?10:42
apparlecor: no. anyways no problem I'll search later10:42
ForgeAusext2ifs or e2fsd ....10:42
ForgeAusapparle you can install one of those to do it10:43
corthe underlying package is "networkmanager"10:43
ForgeAusread/write your linux disk from in windows (XP at least, probabaly Bista too but I don't know)10:43
corcan they handle ext4 yet?10:43
ForgeAusgrr Vista.. if I can type it right (still shudders when saying that word...)10:43
corI liked it better when you mispelled it10:44
ForgeAusext4? uh I don't know, doubt it, but I could be wrong10:44
apparleok..........................but I don't want windows to read my linux files10:44
ForgeAusapparle fair enuff10:44
corapparle, it's easy enough to bring up the interface manually from the shell, if you know what you are doing. see the ifup man page10:44
corand ifconfig10:45
apparlecor: after removing the network manager I have to add http://paste.ubuntu.com/261870/ to the interfaces file and then what should I do?10:45
coryou got the gateway address wrong10:45
ForgeAusslax6 (linux) in hawkPE boot disk shows a console window with services, etc info I think its same stuff you normally get in tty console...10:45
ForgeAus(only with a scrollbar, etc)...10:46
ForgeAusbut I aren't running it to find out what the command is right now lol...10:46
ForgeAusI think its just a shell command given to a konsole window...10:46
apparlecor: typed wrong by mistake...............I'll correct it.............what next10:46
corthe gparted boot sidk is handy for all sorts of manouveres like this10:47
corapparle, that, and ensure /etc/resolv.conf has some valid entry in it10:47
cornameserver <IP HERE>10:47
corifup should setup your routing automatically, and you just forget about it from that point10:48
apparlecor: which Ipaddress should I put in resolve.conf.............10.200.5210:48
cortry the gateway IP10:49
apparleok..............I have to put the 'nameserver' in resolv.conf and then10:50
apparleafter that it will automatically configure it??10:50
coryou have a "lo" entry in interfaces, too, yeah?10:51
apparleI dunno10:51
corauto lo10:51
cor    iface lo inet loopback10:51
corput that one first.10:51
corthe listed interfaces are brought up in order, see10:51
apparlethis should be there first right?10:52
apparleauto lo iface lo inet loopback address netmask
apparleobviously with line feed10:52
apparlecor thanks....................................and what should I do to remove all this if ever required10:55
corinstall networkmanager10:56
apparlecor: ah...........yes .............thanks :)10:56
corand no, the lo lines are exactly as I pasted, no other details10:56
cortwo lines only10:56
apparleok two lines only10:57
apparlethanks for your patient response.10:57
corI'm avoiding a shell script10:57
apparleI have heard that the network manager has improved a lot in KDE4.3/karmic10:58
corI didn't notice that in my recent tests10:58
corI setup karmic on a m8s laptop a couple of weeks back, and after a half hour struggling with his wifi, removed it. instant success.10:59
corremoved network manager, that is.10:59
linuxevolutionhi all, kernel 2.6.31-5-generic have support videcard GeForce 2 MX440 or not???11:01
Dr_WillisThe nvidia drivers support that card I do belive.. but its an old card...11:07
Dr_Willischeck the !nvidia docs to see what version drivers are supportred for what cards.11:07
linuxevolutionDr_Willis: thank you.11:10
apparleDr_Willis: is 9.10 coming with GRUB 2.0 ??11:12
nidalHi all, I am using kubuntu Jaunty on a Thinkpad T61. After upgrading the RAM from 2 GB to 4 GB, I installed PAE kernel version from latest kubuntu repositories and it showed FULL 4 GB RAM in free command. But then I formatted and installed 64bit version of Jaunty . But now it shows only 3830 MB of memory. Where is the 266 memory vanished ? Please suggest11:13
apparlenidal: do you have a shared graphics controller integrated on your motherboard11:14
nidalThanks apparle, even I was suspecting that, but why was it showing full 4 GB with PAE kernel then ?11:15
nidalhow do I confirm this ?11:15
apparlenidal: I dunno.........11:16
nidalapparle, where do I check the shared graphic controller memory value ?11:18
nidalits an NVIDIA one11:18
apparlenidal: I am a new person in linux.........I don't know11:18
nidalno problem  ; thanks for the interest11:18
tharibonewbie question:12:17
thariboI'm trying to update to KDE 4.3 by kdesudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:17
tharibobut it stops after displaying the necessary disk space12:18
thariboany hint?12:18
corclear some space?12:19
tharibothere is enough12:19
tharibothe problem is that the command doesn't stop (no going back to prompt)12:19
tharibobut it doesn't do anything12:19
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zebaztianwhat was the command to open the sources.list file?12:48
zebaztiankdesu kate?12:48
zebaztiankdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:48
zebaztiani want to install kde 4.312:48
mamasueWie kann ich mich in kubundu.de einloggen?12:49
ForgeAus4.3 doesn't backport to intrepid?12:57
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apparlecor: I am not able to connect13:20
apparleafter I did as you said13:20
apparleI was able to ping the gateway but not the main server I want to connect to13:20
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corthe dns entries in your image are blank. why?13:23
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Dickerschreibt da einer deutsch13:37
[-Haza-]Is there a key combination to duplicate a line in Kate ?13:59
BluesKajHey folks14:37
kaddihi, I'm sorry to say that I have intel graphics card and my pc has become more or less useless again :/14:44
kaddiI have a dualcore with 2.5Ghz and 4 Gb of RAM, but as soon as plasma is running both cores are used a 100% and opening a browser gives you the time to brew AND drink your coffee14:45
kaddiI'm already using the 2.6.30 kernel and the xorg from ppa and nothing seems to help14:45
kaddianything else I can try?14:46
kaddiI need the PC to work ...14:46
kaddi(it's 32bit so strictly speaking I only have 3Gb of RAM.. but it should still be sufficient to run kubuntu.. )14:47
BluesKajkaddi, 3g is lots , I run just fine with 2g14:52
twolf_is ther any one here ?15:32
[-Haza-]twolf_: Silly question really :)15:32
[-Haza-]twolf_: There is 254 people here15:33
twolf_are ther any one her :)15:34
linuxlinksand the vast majority are having 40 winks15:34
* [-Haza-] gives twolf_ a funny look15:34
kaddiwhat does that mean?15:34
[-Haza-]Can i have some of whatever it is you're smoking please?15:34
lebuhelp me for..... net connection15:34
lebukubuntu 8.1015:34
lebuwht is the cmd?15:35
[-Haza-]Anyway, i'll get the ball rolling.15:35
kadditwolf_: if you have  a question or need help with something. state your problem (on one line) and if we know the answer we'll help15:35
twolf_is ms_dos15:35
[-Haza-]Can i add a custom button to the dolphin toolbar (under configure toolbars - dolphin). I want to be able to create a new Open Office document15:35
[-Haza-]Hows that? :)15:35
[-Haza-]What i need really is a launch button i can add and customize15:35
kaddithere's a toolbar in dolphin? :p15:36
[-Haza-]kaddi: There is indeed15:36
twolf_some one know how can i play quak 4 under ubuntu? :)15:37
twolf_because i played it on XBOX360 and that's looked great15:38
mUrshEdhelp me for UBUNTU15:39
mUrshEdhello any1 KUBUNTURU15:39
kadditwolf_: maybe look at this guide:15:39
twolf_thanks ;)15:40
kaddi!ask | mUrshEd15:40
ubottumUrshEd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:40
mUrshEdi want help for NET connection 8.1015:40
[-Haza-]Damn... you get this alot then? The whole asking if you can ask :)15:40
kaddiwhat kind of net? wireless? wired? what networkmanager are you using?15:40
mUrshEdkaddi i push my IP eth015:40
mUrshEdmy IP15:40
FloodBotK1mUrshEd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:40
mUrshEdFloodBotK1 sorry dear15:40
mUrshEdsam__ hi15:40
kaddimUrshEd: are you using a networkmanager?15:41
mUrshEdi'm try to always fast typing. its not flood :( FloodBotK115:41
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mUrshEdalready i poot my IP and DNS15:41
kaddiok, go to your start-menu go to internet, click on knetworkmanager15:41
kaddithat is a networkmanager, set up your connection in it. does that work?15:42
mUrshEdi want to need COMMAND15:42
mUrshEdno its not waork15:42
mUrshEdalready i do it my bro15:42
mUrshEdi'm new KDE15:42
kaddimUrshEd: maybe try sudo dhclient -r eth0 followed by sudo dhclient eth015:42
mUrshEdbut i knw DEBIAN :) ubuntu , linuxmint,15:42
kaddiwell on the commandline ubuntu and kubuntu are the same15:42
kaddiexcept if you use specific kde/gnome programs15:43
mUrshEdrecently i like KDE....15:44
mUrshEdalso i like SLAX :D15:44
mUrshEdits good.. but very quit little OS :)15:44
Cuppais there a way of renaming an app so its shorter to type in the terminal?15:44
kaddiyou can set alias in your bashrc15:45
mUrshEdkaddi i try ur CMD. thanks for HELP.15:45
mUrshEdlove u15:45
kaddiCuppa: that's one of the default alias I use: alias la='ls --color=auto -lahF' but you should have them in your bashrc, just need to remove the #.. it should give you the idea for the syntax ;)15:46
Cuppaahh good one15:47
Cuppait was a problem I couldn't think of a way of googling haha15:47
kaddiindeed... but you get so used to it, you have to edit bashrc on every system you touch, because otherwise you keep getting "ll command not found", "la: command not found" and so on :p15:48
mUrshEdkaddi : its not work15:48
CuppaI do love terminal nowadays though :)15:49
kaddimUrshEd: type ifconfig into your konsole, is eth0 present and does the mac adress match the one from your ethernet adapter?15:49
kaddiCuppa: terminal is great! :) Especially if you only have a really messed up touchpad on your machine :p15:50
mUrshEdok.. thanks.. try now15:50
kaddimUrshEd: are you using a modem or are you connecting to a router?15:51
mUrshEdi tell u my all IP15:52
mUrshEd192.168.54.1 thats it15:53
kaddimUrshEd: here's a guide, that might helpt: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html15:53
mUrshEdmargarita hii15:54
mUrshEdI'm Away. Reason: Idle Timed Out [900s].  [mUrshEd Auto Away System]15:54
mUrshEdI'm Back From Away. Reason was: Idle Timed Out [900s].  [mUrshEd Auto Away System]. 00:00:15 15:54
margaritaim new at this ubuntu thing..15:54
mUrshEdwelcome to UBUNTU world :) margarita15:54
margaritathx :)15:54
kaddigotta run :)15:55
kaddihave a nice afternoon15:55
mUrshEdafter 2 years i kik WINDOS :).. its disgusting15:56
mUrshEdkaddi bro15:56
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mUrshEdits not work...15:59
ZuzOnlineanyone know how I can set my usb headset to work with kubuntu?15:59
mUrshEdsorry for disturb15:59
ZuzOnlineaparently its not plug and play15:59
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ZuzOnlinenevermind, google told me just fine  ;P16:02
ZuzOnlinewhere is amarok located in kubuntu?16:07
MamarokZuzOnline: in multimedia, and on the favorites menu16:10
ZuzOnlineto set as open with, aparently i made mplayer my default app16:11
ZuzOnlinehmmm its not even playing16:12
corI notice Totem now has a BBC plugin16:14
ZuzOnlinea restart fixed16:14
rubyistcan someone share their sources.list for me?16:27
rubyistchanged to karmic, screwed up flash..16:28
rubyistlike to install the plugin from kubuntu16:28
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ravhello. i'm trying to share a folder over a LAN, but it is not working16:34
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ravi use the sharing tab on the properties of the folder, but there is nothing there16:35
Dragnslcrrubyist- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/262027/16:37
rubyistDragnslcr: thx16:37
rubyistDragnslcr: damn16:40
rubyistDragnslcr: i installed flashplugin-nonfree, but doesnt work for FF16:40
ravdoes anyone know how to share a folder over samba?16:42
apparleI uninstalled the network manager to configure static Ip. Now I have the connetion working but I am not able to see the tray icon or widget. Is there anyway to see this?16:42
rubyistok, flashplugin-installer installs npwrapper.libflashplugin.so but its broke16:44
rubyistvideos dont play, or i cant interact with the videos at all16:44
ravapparle: you need network manager to have the widget, AFAIK16:45
Xnet0Hey, Im looking for a good VOIP communication program so I can chat with friends. I would like to have a channel and server specification controls, so I am able to talk to randoms like in a chat room. Any ideas??16:46
apparlecor: are you here??16:50
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martalliHow can I turn off my trackpad in 4.3 if I have a mouse plugged in?16:52
ravon system settings > file sharing, i don't have any option to input the workgroup of the LAN. is this right?16:54
kblinhi folks16:54
kblindoes it make sense to go from 8.04 to 9.04 via upgrades, or is a fresh install the better way to go?16:55
apparlecor: I have configured static ip and net is working but now there is no icon to show whether I am connected or not.16:56
coryou are16:56
martallikblin - With a fresh install you will of course have to reinstall all your files, but I think if you are planning to skip a release or two, it is probably less hassle to rinstall16:56
apparlecor: what do you mean 'you are'16:57
corkblin, if your home folder and such is on separate volumes, and you keep backup of any system changes you made, a clean install is best.16:57
cordo you need an icon to let you know something which is obvious?16:57
will_Does anyone know what software i could use to rip a DvD into an ISO?16:58
coranother icon for "computer is running"16:58
corin bold letters, wide16:58
apparlecor: But many times the server is down, its not always working.16:58
apparlecor: :)16:58
ravwill_: k3b16:58
corhmm.. and how do you know this?16:59
will_So k3b does work for it?16:59
apparlecor: yes16:59
corwill_ dd will do it16:59
ravwill_: yes16:59
corapparle, HOW do you KNOW?16:59
kblincor: I'm still rsyncing off /home (it's on a separate partition, but better safe than sorry), I'll go backup /etc next, thanks for the hint :)16:59
rubyistwrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6417:00
rubyisti get this trying to play flash17:00
corand any changes in /usr/local ;o)17:00
rubyistany ideas....?17:00
apparlecor: Earlier experience when the server didnot require static ip17:00
kblinmartalli: yeah, I chickened out and skipped 8.10, kde4 didn't look ready17:00
apparlecor: its a college server in hostel17:00
coryes, but apparle you are missing my point. if the server goes down, how will you know this?17:00
apparlecor: Usually I used to get 'eth0 failed to connect' but I don't know now17:01
corwhere do you get that???17:01
kblincor: hm, nothing I'd mind losing there.. most important thing in there is the /usr/local/bin/gcc link to /usr/bin/ccache17:01
apparlecor: A message from network manager which I removed17:02
cordon't forget any /var/spool/cron mail/etc17:02
corapparle, but aside from the annoying icon, how would you actually know?17:02
corbecause the net wouldn't work, right?17:02
apparlecor: :)17:03
corso there's your notification! if the net works, the server is up!17:03
corif not, it's down. no icon required.17:03
coryour won side of the ethernet, from now on, will NEVER be the source of the issues, unless you mess with it17:04
apparlecor: I am behind a proxy server......and proxy address gets changed sometimes......so net does not work......but eth0 is connected meaning the server is up but proxy server is diffrent17:04
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will_What was the default video player from KDE HArdy Heron?17:14
will_Nvm, i found it.17:15
will_Does Kaffeine let me pause a video and take a screen capture?17:15
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luiferareshola, alguien q pueda darme una mano configurando kubuntu17:51
tiggahey how can I install the lexmark x5470 driver on kubuntu?17:52
tiggathe only driver I found was the 5000 one17:52
tiggaI heard that the x5270 works but i couldnt get it to work17:53
tiggawell not get it but i couldnt find it17:53
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vltOh noes, I just switched from Kubuntu 8.04 LTS to 9.04 with KDE4. Where's amarok's media player support gone? I can't connect my Ipod. Any additional pkg necessary?17:56
BluesKajvlt did you do a clean install of 9.04 or an upgrade ?17:59
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frustratedis there a compatible driver for the lexmark x5470 printer?18:00
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vltBluesKaj: Clean debootstrap.18:04
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BluesKajfrustrated, wife has the same printer on her windows pc , and i tried to use it as a network printer connecting to my klinuxbox , but so far i haven't found a driver . lexmark doesn't give much linux support if any . :(18:09
frustratedaww ok18:10
frustratedthnx for the update18:10
BluesKajvlt , amarok is known to be iffy in it's new version , that's why i switched to vlc18:12
vltBluesKaj: To manage tracks on your media player?18:13
BluesKajwell, vlt , i'm not much into managing tracks etc , I just choose the tracks from the Music file and load them into the vlc playlist18:17
dennisterwtf? now we can't watch youtube videos because of copyright laws in canada? anyone know a good proxy server that doesn't slow things down and make it seem as if we're in germany or something like that? giving german hits to searches?18:36
dennisteri think i tried tor previously...everything was soooooo sloooowwwww18:36
dverweiredoes youtube.ca work?18:37
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dennisterdverweire: ok, youtube.com does...i18:39
dennisterI'd gone to a blog, which had the youtube video, and tried to watch it there like i'd done previously, and got the nasty message18:40
dverweireoh... but if you go to youtube directly, it works?18:41
dennisterwhew! what with the copyright battle here, and no new law yet, I'd wondered if youtube had caved...yes, when i searched on the actual video title on youtube.com, it did work without the copyright in your country message18:42
rabbyhow to set a process to stop after 10 sec?18:42
dverweiredennister: potiltics and copyright... sigh. at least you got to see the video you wanted!18:43
dverweirerabby: what process?18:43
rabbyi start e.g. nano and want it to terminate 10 sec later.18:43
rabbynano|count-down 10 or so ;-)18:43
dverweirerabby: nano & pid=$$; sleep 10; kill $pid;18:45
dverweirerabby: unfortunately, that doesn't allow you to interact with nano18:46
rabbydverweire: i will test this. nano was only a example...18:47
rabbyit does not terminate. it still runs :-(18:49
dverweiresorry, i think it should actually be $!18:49
dverweire$! is the pid of the last process run in background18:49
rabbydverweire: it works with nano and pid=$$18:50
rabbyi will try to find a better example where it does _not_ work :-(18:50
dverweireanyone know how to hide the irc join/leave messages? i'm using konversation.18:52
corisn't there a #konversation channel?18:52
dverweirecor: there may be! let me try!18:52
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BluesKajcor, yes18:58
corI would have thought their IRC client would auto-launch right into there19:01
dennisterdverweire: yes, I got to see it on youtube, but for some reason the same video that I'd downloaded to my hard drive won't play on any of my video players anymore, not vlc, not mplayer, nothing...and it was a flv file19:03
dverweirecor: yes, the #konversation that you wrote in your message is a clickable link that takes me right to that channel.19:03
coraren't I unwittingly clever!19:05
coror maybe konversation is actually not crap after all19:05
cormy test versions were too early I think. At the time I just wanted a client that worked.19:05
dverweirelol.  well... konverstaion version 1.2-alpha4 is working well enough for me. :)19:06
corI liked it, but it kept doing weird stuff19:06
corI know Xchat from Mac OSX days, and it's still around. works great.19:07
corI'm past needing anything more than basic chatting19:07
dverweirethat's all i need. i don't understand enough about irc to do much more.19:09
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one4alldo i need a dual screen video card? or can i use two different cards to get dual video?19:22
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BluesKajlots of single cards support dual heads19:23
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama19:23
one4allBluesKaj: does the card have to support it?19:23
rubyistim having some trouble with flash - sound is only played as root19:24
rubyistpermissions look OK, so im really at a loss19:24
rubyisti can play sound as my user outside of FF.19:24
rubyistany ideas19:24
BluesKajrubyist, 64bit?19:24
rubyistye 64bit19:24
rubyistand using 64-bit flash plugin19:24
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:25
rubyist(without nswrapper)19:25
rubyistugh thats really not useful.19:25
rubyistthe flash plugin in the repo is broke.19:25
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rubyist(at least for 64-bit)19:25
BluesKajI thought those flash probs were already solved with 64 bit plugins19:26
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rubyistnot for me19:26
rubyistI get repeated errors.19:26
rubyist(ELF Class wrong : ELF64CLASS)19:27
rubyistor similar.19:27
corweird. it's been flawless here.19:27
rubyistso, installing 64-bit plugin manually worked, but there is no sound(although it fixes lots of problems with the 32-bit plugin)19:27
coradmittedly, I don't visit many flash sites19:28
rubyistnow, i can only hear sound as root, and obviously don't want to use FF as root.19:28
rubyistthe 32-bit plugin "worked"(sort of), but you couldn't interact with the video in anyway(no play/pause, can't track the video(forward/back))19:29
geopolqvc, the command is "w" in terminal of course19:29
corgoogle returned 4,280 hits for "firefox as root"19:29
rubyisti've been there cor.19:29
rubyistthats why im here.19:29
corI had to know if anyone was that mad19:30
corOMG! My torrent queue is empty!!!!!!!!19:30
rubyistwell it seems logical to check if sound works as root, if it doesn't for other users19:30
rubyistto narrow it down to possibly a permissions problem19:30
rubyistbut it doesn't seem to be.19:31
corsure, it just seems such a crazy notion.. web browser as root19:31
rubyistwhich is why im looking for a fix =P19:31
cordamn str819:31
BluesKajrubyist, is this the plugin you are using ? http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html19:32
rubyistBluesKaj: yup19:32
BluesKajrubyist, you mentioned the repos was broken, maybe this will help : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html19:35
rubyistBluesKaj: ill try19:37
corI got mine from Adobe, works great19:39
BluesKajcor, 64 bit?19:40
rubyistBluesKaj: no good19:44
rubyistthat script wasn't written very well, it basically errored itself out19:44
rubyistso.. youtube as root :/19:44
BluesKajrubyist, strange that you can't change permissions19:48
rubyistI can.19:48
rubyistthey're all set properly afaik19:49
rubyistI'm in the audio group.19:49
BluesKajdid you group yourself before or after installation ?19:49
BluesKajof the plugin19:50
rubyistI was in the audio group since installation19:50
rubyistor maybe not, but since a long time ago19:50
BluesKajmaybe you should re-include yourself in the group19:51
BluesKajI've heard that group recognition doesn't always work19:52
schmidt_anybody know how pulseaudio works?20:06
BluesKajschmidtm, it depends it works on some setups and others not, or not so well20:13
BluesKajif you have a pci sound card , pulseaudio will prolly be set to second or third default since the latest kernel audio modules seem to link with the card thru the alsa driver more directly bypassing the pulseaudio sound server20:16
BluesKajschmidtm, this is the way I understand audio setup atm20:17
* redopz im such a noob :'(20:40
wishbonehow do I disable the touchpad click in kubuntu?20:40
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Darohi...I am using kubuntu 9.04 and oulseaudio on a zeto laptop.....i would like to get my internal mic to work, but in my alsamixer I can't change a capture device...my headset works fine..any ideas?20:48
Daroit shpuld be pulseaudio20:48
zaxazis there away to add more repositories to apt ?21:09
zaxazi mean adept21:10
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Dragnslcrzaxaz- pretty sure Adept has a dialog for adding repositories, but I haven't used it in a while21:12
Dragnslcrzaxaz- worst case, you can add the repositories to the sources file manually21:13
cor_walkies/etc/apt/sources.list bbiab21:13
BluesKajzaxaz, have you ever edited your sources.list text ?21:19
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scoopexwhere can i get current kde4.3 package for kubuntu? the apt-source listed on the kubuntu website does not contain 4.3 packages anymore....21:22
EagleScreenscoopex: they are preparing 4.3.1 right now21:33
BluesKajscoopex, read the motd , http://kde.org/announcements/4.3/21:34
EagleScreenscoopex: you can use this repository by the moment:21:34
EagleScreendeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu jaunty main21:34
scoopexEagleScreen: ah ok - cool....so it will be available on the announced package source tomorrow ?21:37
EagleScreenmay be21:38
scoopexbreaking package sources is not so cool :-)21:38
scoopexthanks for helping :-)21:38
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kblinhm, I just noticed that I don't seem to be able to access an encrypted LVM volume during the install. can I set that up without having to nuke the whole lvm somehow?21:48
mimehi all22:00
mimeis someone reading me?22:00
EagleScreen!ask | mime22:02
ubottumime: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:02
mimeok, thnx. my problem appeared in an HDD USB after removing it unsafely, and that error appears ''org.freedesktop.hal.device.volume.unknownfilesystemtype: unknown file system 'ntfs-3g'', and redirects me to home when trying to open22:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:06
EagleScreenyou may need to pass a filesystem check to it22:06
Walzmynwhoa, the quassel update has changed all the colors22:07
mimehow? in the false msdos pressing f?22:07
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EagleScreenmime: is that USB NTFS or FAT32?22:08
mimenot sure22:08
mimemost probably nfts22:09
EagleScreenyeah, by the message22:09
EagleScreenlets try to mount it with ntfs-3g driver22:09
EagleScreenmime do you know what name has it got? like sdb1, sdc1 etc22:10
mimemaybe sdb522:10
mimebut not sure, is like it does not exist22:10
mimeI installed the driver following forums, but not result, maybe did it wrong22:11
EagleScreenmime: paste text in http://paste.ubuntu.com22:11
EagleScreenhow, which driver?22:11
mimethe ntfs-3g22:11
EagleScreenmime: what is your Kubuntu version?22:11
EagleScreenthen it is already installed by default22:12
mimeok....... :P but my problem apperas22:12
EagleScreenif plugged, unplug and plug it afain and pastebin the output of dmesg | tail command22:12
mimemaybe is a fstab config problem22:12
EagleScreenyou do not need fstab config in 9.0422:13
EagleScreenpaste "dmesg | tail" output22:13
mimei did it?22:14
EagleScreenpastebin it in http://paste.ubuntu.com22:15
mimeit says i post it22:15
kblinI managed to blow my system trying to access my encrypted lvm during a new install22:16
EagleScreenmime then, paste here the URL22:17
corI find it's better to setup a raid tower in your loft rigged with C422:17
corthan encrypted LVM22:17
mimenow, i forget to plug it22:18
kblincor: not for a laptop22:18
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corwhy not? use netwurkin22:18
kblinright, when I'm on a plane, train, wherever22:18
kblinsmart idea22:18
corencrypt real volumes, and deny physical access22:18
corthere's this thing called the internet, dude22:18
EagleScreenas you can see, mime, the disk is sdb and its unique partition is sdb122:18
corit's really cool!22:19
kblincor: that's rubbish and you know it22:19
mimeok, i thoght sdb1 was the internal hdd22:19
JWokkycor: Personally, I refuse to ever use the internet.22:19
corI can drop pics into my "images" folder here at home from anywhere. any where22:19
kblinthe reason to encrypt laptop hard drives is to avoid having to revoke a heck of a lot of keys when the laptop is stolen/lost22:19
EagleScreenmime try to run this command: 'sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt22:19
corexcept underwater, cuz the wifi craps out22:19
mimeperfect, one moment22:19
kblinand I'm sure you can't do that when you're abroad on a high speed train22:20
corwell, possibly, maybe there are other places. I admit22:20
kblinat least I don't have the money to pay roaming fees for mobile internet22:21
mimenothing happens'sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt22:21
kblinand then there's this whole "laptop being stolen" thing22:21
cormy point is, there are usually more direct solutions to our problems. raid in the loft is actually great security.22:21
phhkblin: the fastest commercial train does have wifi onboard.22:21
cor-t ntfs should be enough22:21
coror did I install some ntfs extras? hmm22:22
kblinphh: yeah. most planes I fly with don't22:22
phhstop using cheapest companies22:22
EagleScreenmime: now run: 'ls -l /mnt' and watch if the content is the content of the disk, (you also can see it in Dolphin)22:22
mimei try it in sudo bash, and says dont recognize the file sistem archives ''ntfs-3g''22:22
kblinphh: give me the money for it22:22
phhwait a century or two.22:23
kblinphh: because otherwise your comment is pretty useless22:23
corI'm lazy. I mount stuff in dolhin, and then look at /etc/mtab22:23
kblinyeah right22:23
EagleScreenmime: you may have broken your ntfs-3g installation, lets fully reinstall it now22:24
mimebecause no content i can read22:24
mimeroot@mime:~# sudo apt-get install ntfsprogsls -l /mnt22:25
EagleScreenmime run: 'sudo aptitude purge ntfs-3g' and later 'sudo aptitude install ntfs-3g ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard kubuntu-desktop ntfs-3g'22:25
mimeperfect , so thank22:25
EagleScreen!it | massimo22:25
ubottumassimo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:25
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mimethat sounds good22:26
EagleScreenmime: installing?22:26
mimeeagle... install it and SOLVE IT. so many thanks22:27
EagleScreenah okay, I understand that you can now mount it with Dolphin22:27
mimeits a pleasure contacting with humans like u, so many thank, i will send u good thoughts, that was the kind of info i was searching for :) THANK YOU22:28
mimenow it works, also see the ''play buton'' for mount/unmount22:28
mime :))))))))))22:28
corit's a pity ntfsfix, doesn't.22:28
mimei dont know why that is so hard to search on web :O22:29
corit tells you to boot into Windows. Very helpful when you don't have windows!22:29
mimeSO MANY THNX EAGLE :)22:29
EagleScreenyou're welcome22:29
mimeas u see im so new in linux22:30
mimethnx, and bye bye all22:30
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achmedis this forum about ubuntu?22:32
EagleScreenthis is about Kubuntu22:33
EagleScreenKubuntu = Ubuntu + KDE22:33
coreverything here has a k in front of it22:35
cordoes anyone here wish they could hash (or verify) files from a right-click?22:37
coror folders, or whole disks, even22:37
EagleScreencor: do u mean show md5sum, for instance?22:41
coryes, but from inside dolphin/konq22:42
corand with folders and trees taklen care of, and with nice KDE gui notifications22:42
EagleScreen_that would be great22:44
corlike this: http://corz.org/windows/software/checksum/ sorta, but for KDE22:45
corjust finished it. pretty alpha, but works great22:46
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Maxnietalguien sabe español o conoce un canal ubuntu en español??22:51
trakinashi all!23:23
trakinasIm facing some strange problems with Kopete. this is a fresh kubuntu install.23:23
EagleScreen_trakinas: what network do u use in kopete?23:32
trakinasEagleScreen_: to be honest, in MSN, not IRC.23:33
EagleScreen_what is that "strange" problem?23:33
trakinasEagleScreen_: deadkeyes work in the first tab/window until I open a new one23:34
BluesKajtrakinas, i don't see an irc option in kopete23:35
trakinasthen the first window only shows 'e ^e and not é ê23:35
EagleScreen_I rememeber that Kopete has IRc support, BluesKaj23:36
EagleScreen_trankinas check the kayboard layout in KDE Systemsettings23:36
EagleScreen_Systemsettings -> Regional and Language checked?23:37
* BluesKaj looks for irc in the add account page , but no irc seems listed23:37
trakinaseverything seems fine. Im installing the portuguese language, though the layout was already correctly set.23:38
EagleScreen_BluesKaj: how do you do that special message in IRC?23:38
trakinasand these "é" "ã" work fine here and in kate. the problem seems to be with kopete... but lets wait till the new language is installed23:39
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin23:39
EagleScreen_trakinas: be sure you have package 'kde-l10n-pt' installed23:39
BluesKajaha in kde3 , but not in kde423:39
EagleScreen_trakinas: it sounds like a kopete bug, for MSN protocol chant, consider using kmess, and quassel or konversation for IRC23:40
_motti_hi all. I tried installing diablo 2 and kde went crazy on me. now all I can see is black. I can laounch application using alt+F2. any thoughts?23:41
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BluesKaj!amsn | trakinas23:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn23:41
BluesKaj!info amsn23:42
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.2~debian-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 266 kB, installed size 880 kB23:42
trakinasfor irc i just typed "irc" on the launch app. Im used to irssi. =P23:42
EagleScreen__motti_: try running 'plasma'23:42
trakinasi will have a look on kmess. nothing against amsn, BluesKaj, but I don't want to use it right now.23:43
trakinasEagleScreen_: Im using Quassel, right now.23:43
EagleScreen_trakinas: you have ppa's for kmess23:43
trakinasI thought about using kopete becuause I also use gtalk a lot.23:44
BluesKajtrakinas, just a suggestion ...personally I don't particularly care for IM at all :)23:44
trakinasBluesKaj: thank you, anyway. =]23:44
_motti_EagleScreen_: here is the output from the terminal : Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "23:44
EagleScreen__motti_: is diablo 2 the famous Windows game?23:45
EagleScreen_running with wine?23:46
EagleScreen_look for help in Wine HQ23:47
ubuntujust launched Kubuntu live DVD and can not see any sound recorder out of the box? any ideas?23:56
ubuntuanyone, please?23:57
ubuntuEagleScreen: ok,23:59

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