
penguin42andresmujica: How does uuid assignment work - never had to do that?00:00
andresmujicapvcreate -u UUID, lvcreate -u UUID... etc00:00
* BUGabundo taps billybigrigger00:01
penguin42andresmujica: Does it not just keep UUIDs unless something really bad happens?00:01
* billybigrigger slaps BUGabundo with a fish00:01
judgenHow do i downgrade to grub1*00:01
* penguin42 takes billybigrigger's fish00:02
* BUGabundo fries the fish and doesn't give anything to billybigrigger00:02
BUGabundojudgen: you install grub-legacy00:02
billybigriggerguess i'll have to go fire up the bbq and have steak and corn :P00:02
andresmujicaoh yeap!  with that trick you can recover from that "really bad" happenings00:02
judgenBUGabundo, thanks00:03
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule00:03
judgenBUGabundo, i cant find any files from grub shell00:11
judgenill try a reboot00:14
judgenhope this works00:14
billybigriggeryou need to specify a root before you can find files iirc00:18
billybigriggertoo bad your gone00:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
drs305http://www.wiebeswheels.com/notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1_i386.deb for 32bit00:59
drs305http://www.wiebeswheels.com/notify-osd_0.9.19-0ubuntu1_i386.deb for 32bit00:59
BUGabundodrs305: ?00:59
drs305Wrong channel BUGabundo , sorry.00:59
drs305That was a reference from yesteday on moving osd notification back to the original position. I was trying to copy it to the beginners forum.01:02
DanaGargh, my gnome-power-manager brightness indicator stopped working.01:02
BUGabundoDanaG: does it ever stay stable ?01:03
DanaGWell, it worked for a while, until they reintroduced the "use notify-osd" patch to gnome-power-manager.01:03
DanaGNote that I am using the "don't use notify-osd" gnome-stracciatella-session.01:04
DanaGI got tired of the suckage that is notify-osd.01:04
DanaGIt used to use the same thingy as the volume thingy.01:05
DanaGBut now there's no indication at all.01:06
sdestim having some issues installing wordpress, anyone famillar to help?01:39
BUGabundosome are01:41
BUGabundobut I'm not familiar with WP on Ubuntu01:41
sdestwell i apt-getted and installed apache/php5/mysql and everything, and that seems to be okay... but when going through the wordpress install through the web browser when getting to a point it tries to open install.php as a file instead of processing it01:42
nzmmstlsaint: hey do you know open source version of virtualbox does 3d01:42
sdesti do have a php test file that works just fine so i have no idea01:43
BUGabundonzmm: not sure. should be the same as in sun's branch. check release notes of both, please01:44
BUGabundosdest: did you tasksel webserver?01:44
nzmmo thnx01:44
BUGabundocan you check permitions on that dir?01:44
stlsaintyou have to use additional  guests01:44
stlsaintnzmm, best to go with version 3.0 vbox for now01:45
nzmmok, is that not in repo's01:45
sdesti just used apt-get to install apache, its running fine01:45
BUGabundo!info virtual-box01:45
ubottuPackage virtual-box does not exist in karmic01:45
BUGabundo!search virtual-box01:46
BUGabundobad bot01:46
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy virtualbox-ose  Candidate: 3.0.4-dfsg-1ubuntu101:46
stlsaintnzmm, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-3.0 dkms01:47
stlsaint this is the one i use01:47
stlsaintadd the vbox repo and the sun public key then update then run that  cmd to get vbox01:48
geniiBUGabundo: It seems to happen when no package exists but it's referred to by some other package which does exist01:48
* BUGabundo just got a knot on his head01:48
BUGabundostlsaint: why are you adverting an user to go OFF archive?01:49
BUGabundowe *want* our users to use archive versions, and we need testers during devel cycle01:49
BUGabundogenii: come again ?01:49
stlsaintnot trying to just suggesting what works for me...he can take any route he would like to...no malicious activity going on here01:50
geniiBUGabundo: "<ubottu> Found:"           with no result01:50
BUGabundogenii: typo. no '-'01:50
sdestBugabundo: how do i check the permission?01:51
stlsaintBUGabundo, i have had issues using archive in past...still working on them now01:51
nzmmstlsaint: thanx dude01:51
sdestnm, i got drwxr-xr-x 5 www-data www-data 4096 2009-08-29 20:34 wordpress01:52
BUGabundosdest: a simple ls -l should do it01:52
BUGabundoand the php file?01:52
sdest-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data  5259 2009-05-19 11:29 install.php01:53
stlsaintno prob01:54
sdestits just straight from the download off the website, i havent changed anything01:55
BUGabundono idea01:55
sdestif i do it from localhost/wordpress it fails, but from it works fine01:58
sdestand once installed, both work fine02:00
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
GSF1200S_anyone in here know the scripts 9.10 uses for sleep and resume?02:05
BUGabundoI sometime use pm-suspend02:06
GSF1200S_well.. I have UNR installed on a Asus 1005HA-P, and when the lid is closed it suspends fine. My wireless is goofy on resume, so I just want to rmmod ath9k before  resume, and modprobe ath9k after resume02:07
GSF1200S_if I could find the scripts that are run when those events happen, it would be easy02:08
stlsaintso what can i expect to not be able to do in karmic since i put it on a vm02:49
arandstlsaint: fancy video drivers/acceleration/compiz... although I don't know about the latest 3D support in Vbox...02:55
stlsaintarand, yea that much im tracking as i have already tried but i was thinkin more along the line of technical stuff...ie encryption, coding, theme change, etc etc02:58
arandstlsaint: I'm not sure, but in theory I don't see why any of that would be impaired... I'd guess the only issue with vms are issues with "hardware".03:02
stlsaint yea i thats what im thinking as well...just trying to get a feel before i dive in03:05
arandstlsaint: If there's anywhere diving in murky waters is safe it's when using WMs ;)03:09
macoanybody using a wacom? im wondering if the docs from jaunty are still applicable?03:10
stlsaintlol...yea you aint lying...ok ok ill be honest...im just to lazy to re-install karmic on the vm right now...you busted me!!03:10
stlsainti have it installed already but if i jack something up im prolly gonna install something like gentoo or mepis or mint03:10
stlsaintto lazy to focus on karmic right now03:11
arandstlsaint: Yea, I noticed that as well, when I had some interesting issues that I could work on in jaunty and my multiboot setup... However, as far as that worked perfectly, it got kinda booring, and I picked up Karmic again, for some interesting breakage ;)03:20
stlsaintoh yea im def gonna end up going back to karmic here shortly...and before october03:22
* arand meant something like "you want a small daily fix of breakage and if other things fulfill that, you leave alphas be" but due to fatigue, he phrased it very badly...03:23
stlsainthey arand got a issue already...03:27
stlsaintarand, care to help03:27
arandstlsaint: For your information, you probably know more than me about virtualization, but fire away, else the channel might have ideas...03:29
stlsaintk...so i opened my sources list and added the jaunty repo03:31
stlsaintreloaded and updated03:31
stlsaintnow when i try and open again it errors out and says SEGMENT FRAGMENTATION: CORE DUMPED03:31
arandFrom which release was this?03:32
stlsaintnow even when i go directly to the sources list thru dir and not terminal i still get nothing03:34
stlsainti can access the backup i made prior to editing it but i want to know what went wrong03:35
stlsaintcorrection: Segment Fault: Core Dumped was the correct error03:36
stlsaintok so now i can access it thru the dir but not terminal still03:38
geniiShould "Screensaver" really make it's way onto the most-used programs list?03:39
arandstlsaint: Um, why did you add the jaunty repo? (To me it sounds like a thing prone to mess up quite a bit...)03:39
=== Lars_G_zombie is now known as Lars_G
arandgenii: "most used programs"? What is that scary stuff?03:40
geniiarand: On my KDE menu the programs used often get listed at the top of the menu. Just seemed odd03:41
stlsaintno ive done it before...like when you add the medibuntu repos just for extra stuff...i googled the error and it says something about it being a error with reading from memory03:41
stlsaintim going to remove them and see if it works03:42
Lars_GI'm here on my netbook, on Karmic03:42
* Lars_G dances03:42
arandstlsaint: could it be that you miss-pasted/typed the entry.03:42
=== lenios_ is now known as lenios
arandgenii: Ah, ok, for a moment you had me pretty scared that our dear gnome menu was up for a lovely "mindset-remake".03:43
geniiarand: Maybe I'll bug someone in #kubuntu-devel about it03:44
arandgenii: Or bug LP ;)03:45
stlsaintnope i copied and pasted them from another site then matched them with the ones on my host machine03:45
stlsaintyou know anything about changing permissions on a file03:45
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:46
* arand hugs ubottu03:47
stlsaintgood bot03:47
stlsaintarand, brb03:47
arandstlsaint: I'm heading off to bed real soon, I think.03:48
stlsaintthats cool thanks anyway...ttyl03:50
=== Lars_G is now known as Lars_G_zombie
stlsaintarand, you there04:04
arandstlsaint: yea04:06
stlsaintalright so i fixed it04:06
stlsaintyour right it was the jaunty repo04:07
stlsaintjacked up sources list...but i couldnt remove them from /etc/apt/sources i had to remove them from  sources list gui then i was able to get back into my list04:07
stlsaintand in good time as well...i was two minutes away from mint or mepis04:08
arandstlsaint: so "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" no-worky?04:13
arandbefore, when it was faulty?04:13
stlsaintnope but i use gedit instead of nano...but thats when i would get the seg. frag. error...so i changed permissions but before i tried to access it after i did that i removed from gui and it worked so...04:14
arandstlsaint: Hmm, odd issue, I don't know at all..04:25
stlsaintyea but its fixed for now...on to mepis04:25
arandstlsaint: Just a note that using non-default permissions on that file might not be a good idea (default seems to be -rw-r--r-- (644) root:root)04:29
stlsaintyou know i thought about that but like you said...murky waters + vm = safe04:29
FlakeparadigmI've been using Karmic for a little while and I'm having an issue with my download speeds.04:39
Flakeparadigmand just web surfing over all.04:40
FlakeparadigmWhen loading a web page, it says "Looking up (website...)..." for a while then the download/upload speeds a really slow04:40
Flakeparadigmoutside of Karmic, this isn't a problem.04:40
Dr_Willis#1  questions that you will get asked for clarification.. wireed? wireless? what card. what driver?      (and ive no other ideas on trouble shooting) :)04:42
Flakeparadigmit is on both wired and wireless04:43
FlakeparadigmWired: 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 01)04:44
FlakeparadigmWireless: 04:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)04:44
Dr_WillisBoth enabled at the same time?04:45
Flakeparadigmand sepperately too04:46
Dr_Willisi would disable wireless and  trouble shoot from there.. Just to eliminate any potential conflicts..04:46
Dr_WillisIve had some wired nics wth flakey drivers that cause many error messages in dmesg.04:46
Dr_Willisassuming its a NIC issue..04:46
Dr_WillisYou could 'test' with various live cd's to see if its  UBUNTU specific also.  but im not sure what a good 'test' would be.04:47
Dr_WillisIm just rattling off  'trouble shooting methods' :) that i have used in the past.04:48
Flakeparadigmhaha :D04:49
FlakeparadigmI upgraded from Jaunty which worked perfectly fine, along with windows vista which is on another partition.04:49
Dr_Willistry downloading with 'wget' to monitor speeds perhaps. vs with a web browser also.04:52
Dr_Willissee if you can narrow it down to specifc apps.. or all apps04:52
FlakeparadigmIt's in everything.04:54
FlakeparadigmTakes forever to connect with apt-get04:54
Flakeparadigmtorrent speeds are extremely slow04:54
Dr_Willissee now.. 'slow to connect' would seem ti imply one set of problems.. but slow downloads.. would imply differnt problems...04:54
Dr_Willishow about just Ping times?04:55
Dr_Willishow about Lan to lan machine speeds also...04:55
Flakeparadigmwget takes a while to Resolve server name.04:55
Dr_Willisthat sounds almost like a ipv6  or dns issue.04:56
FlakeparadigmAH HA!04:56
Dr_Willisbut once getting the name..   those wouldent affect speeds of downloads.04:56
FlakeparadigmI had an issue with that before and I had figured out how to disable it.04:56
Dr_WillisI wouldent think.. and ipv6 hasent been much of an issue  lately04:56
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv404:57
macothe old ipv6 thing was just about dns resolution timeouts, not download speeds04:57
Dr_Willislsmod | grep inet604:58
Dr_Willissee if ipv6 is even enabled...04:58
alteregoai still wonder why those providers do not provide ipv604:58
Dr_Willisits not enabled here on this sytem04:58
Dr_Willismaco:  yea.. thats why hes having 'bigger' problems then just ipv6    i think we can logically say that. :)04:59
Flakeparadigmmaco: Part of the issue though is long dns resolution time04:59
alteregoasomeday there are no more ipv4 adresses and then its game over05:00
macoFlakeparadigm: you can test the ipv6 theory by disabling ipv6 dns in /etc/hosts if you like05:00
macoits hosts, right?05:00
macoyeah thats it05:00
macobut it was supposedly fixed in jaunty05:00
Dr_Willislsmod | grep inet6              will show if the moduile is even loaded..05:01
macodude, its not a module anymore05:01
macoits built in05:01
Dr_Willismore guides to update then it seems05:01
Dr_Willisso much for wiki pages. :P05:01
macoi can access ipv6.google.com and i dont have that module loaded05:01
Dr_Willisaccess it 'how' exactly? Ping? in a browser?05:02
Flakeparadigmmaco: So in the /etc/hosts would I comment out the lines about ipv6?05:02
alteregoaheh megaman killed dr. willy05:02
=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
alteregoai still wonder why samba shares do not automaticly use the owner of the user who created the share05:05
alteregoathat such stupid thing anybody should assume it uses the user who created the share05:06
geniialteregoa: Compartmentalization is a useful thing. So each user should have their own area, and a public area where everyone can use.05:24
Dr_Willisalteregoa:  you mean the 'gui app' that generates the shares?    or what exactly?05:57
Dr_Willisalteregoa:  i just set up where each users HOME's are shared  and leave it at that normally.05:57
buckyhe just doesn't like the default behavior05:57
Dr_Willistheres more ways to set up shares then that 'right click on a folder -> share'  :) so i guess its a moot point.05:58
Dr_Willisthe fact we actually HAVE that feature  - is  impressive. :P05:59
Dr_WillisIm still not sure how it works. (magic?)05:59
buckyi love samba06:11
mpontilloDr_Willis: that seems kind of scary, actually. I don't see a way for an administrator to actually determine from the Samba CLI/config that something is shared. unless they're connected, in which case smbstatus helps06:16
mpontillowhen you create a share in Nautilus like that, the share is invisible to even "/usr/bin/testparm -svt UTF-8" - which purports to generate a "normalized" config...06:17
Dr_Willismpontillo:  i tend to use findsmb,  and smbtree06:19
Dr_Willisyea - that share by nautilus is.. somehow special. :)06:19
Dr_Willisi dont think it even shows up in /etc/samba/smb.conf06:20
mpontilloyeah, must be using some kind of internal API to poke at Samba without changing the config. smbtree - heh, the first thing it asked me was "Enter root's password:"06:25
Dr_Willisi was thinking smbtree can also run as a user..  but i rarely use it. :)06:26
Dr_Willisi like 'findsmb' :)06:26
mpontilloI figured that (was running 'sudo' to make sure I could query the Samba daemon) but even when I entered the password I thought I used with "smbpasswd -a" it didn't work for my normal user either.06:26
mpontilloif I press "enter" I simply get no output though.06:27
Dr_WillisKubuntu/kde4 dosent have the 'right click to share' feature. :)06:27
geniic4pt: dmesg ungarbled now?06:27
Dr_WillisSo i cant test it out06:27
geniiSorry, misdirect06:28
GSF1200Sanyone here know what scripts are called for sleep/suspend and for resume?06:31
alteregoathe gui app06:32
geniiGSF1200S: They're usually in /etc/acpi06:32
alteregoaif you add a share from within nautilus06:32
alteregoait should have at least a tab where you can enter the permissions06:32
alteregoaowner and group06:32
GSF1200Sgenii: hmmm, yeah I found a sleep.sh but I was looking for a resume script- does it call the same one?06:33
geniiGSF1200S: That I'm not sure on06:33
alteregoai hate this text editing crap, and someday gnome should use a  XML configuration for anything else06:33
alteregoaa tree, like windows or mac06:34
GSF1200Shmm.. ok.. i wonder if any scripts are called on resume06:34
alteregoainstead putting new functionality into gnome, put usability into it06:34
MindVirus1All of the sounds from alerts are only going out to my left speaker.06:35
alteregoalinux is still to conservative, i hope this changes asap06:35
MindVirus1Any suggestions?06:35
mpontilloDr_Willis: aha! looking at the deb source for samba gave me a clue. (there is a usershare.patch in debian/patches) starting with Samba 3.0.23 you can use "net usershare" to add user specific shares. so "net usershare info" gets the info for your own user. but, I still don't know how an admin would do it06:36
alteregoayeah get a few programmers from mac06:36
alteregoaask wozniac06:36
buckyhe'll work for free... those guys a generous06:36
GSF1200SLinux doesnt need revolutionary changes in using text files- it needs revolutionary changes in advertising06:37
mpontilloalteregoa: gnome does in fact widely use XML... have you have seen gconf-editor?06:37
buckyproprietary software on proprietary hardware... that's the ticket06:37
Dr_Willisa net command? :)06:37
alteregoahow can you advertise such a complex OS? it should be easy for anybody06:37
Dr_Willisnet - Tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers.06:37
alteregoampontillo: i think system wide, including the kernel06:38
Dr_Willisnever noticed the 'net' command befor. :)06:38
alteregoaecho 1 > blah  (sorry such switches are obsolete)06:38
mpontilloalteregoa: as for entering the share permissions, I wonder if they are the same as the filesystem permissions - IOW you'd edit Properties > Permissions in Nautilus, or chmod or (etc)06:38
GSF1200Saltergoa: linux is not that hard06:38
GSF1200Sespecially ubuntu06:39
mpontilloalteregoa: and of course there's sysctl for kernel options, but even a MacOS kernel hacker could appreciate that separation between kernel and user space settings, no?06:39
GSF1200Si use arch and it can be a pain sometimes, although it has its merits06:39
alteregoai hope mark shuttleworth is getting a few chinese and indian geeks and build it from scratch06:39
alteregoawithout depending on debian06:39
GSF1200Si understand what you mean though- im not discrediting you. I dont think linux will ever be more than 5% market share before the traditional OS is phased out06:40
MindVirus1Does anyone get PulseAudio instability?06:40
buckythis all started because symbolics wouldn't give RMS the printer drivers06:40
GSF1200Severything will move to cloud computing if corporations get there way, and they usually do06:40
MindVirus1GSF1200S: I don't see what that has to do with Linux.06:41
MindVirus1One still needs an operating system.06:41
mpontilloDr_Willis: yeah I had forgotten that 'net' had a Samba counterpart. sadly, "net usershare list" core dumps for me06:41
Dr_Willisheh,,, lets try it here mpontillo06:41
Dr_Willisnet usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory06:42
Dr_WillisPlease ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.06:42
GSF1200Syeah, but it will diminish the purpose of the OS serving the user versus it serving the corporations06:42
Dr_WillisIT works here mpontillo but ive no iudea how to enable 'user' shareing....  using Kubuntu here.06:42
mpontilloDr_Willis:  of course - I have a user share defined (using Nautilus) - I'm curious if yours crashes since you didn't have one defined.06:42
Dr_Willisit dident crash.06:42
GSF1200Smaybe linux  will exist at that point, but everything in such a case will be a shell of what it once was06:42
mpontilloDr_Willis: could try "net usershare add" - maybe narrow it down to something Nautilus is doing or not06:42
Dr_WillisI dont even have the samba service installed yet.. I think06:43
GSF1200Sjust my opinion06:43
alteregoasometime i feel like the gurus act like amish peoples, but thats just a subjective manner of view06:43
mpontilloDr_Willis: right, I didn't either until I tried to right-click and run "Sharing Options" on a folder - then it installed Samba for me. surprised me with its smarts ;)06:43
Dr_Willisnet usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares.06:43
Dr_WillisI got to figure out how to enable user shares on kubuntu. :)06:44
buckyalteregoa, i want Linus to get a grant to hire theo de raadt to do a security audit on the kernel06:44
SwedeMikeyou have to edit smb.conf (that's at least one way of enabling it)06:44
mpontilloDr_Willis:  ah! there would be the system-wide place to look for them. now it just needs a CLI...06:45
mpontilloDr_Willis: you can make one manually with something like: mkdir ~/foo ; net usershare add foo ~/foo06:45
Dr_Willisok. looks like its enabled in  smb.conf06:46
Dr_WillisI imagine i NEED to install teh samba package also. :)06:46
Dr_WillisInstalling samba helped. :)06:49
Dr_Willisnet usershare add Shared /home/willis/Shared/ SharedStuff06:49
Dr_Willisso - we learned some samba stuff today at least.06:50
mpontilloDr_Willis: yep - and "net usershare info" works for me, but "net usershare list" segfaults even with an only-CLI-defined user share, forme.06:50
Dr_Willisnet usershare list06:50
Dr_Willisits working here.06:50
Dr_WillisI did add  a smbpasswd for my user also06:51
mpontillojust did a short GDB session - it's crashing for me net_lookup_name_from_sid () - maybe a problem with my user, though I swear I did the smbpasswd correctly06:52
Dr_Willisall i did was edit smb.conf to be the right workgroup. installed samba,  gave the user  'sudo smbpasswd -a username' then tried the  net usershare add shared command06:59
mpontillookay - I did the same, except without modifying the workgroup...06:59
mpontilloDr_Willis: does "smbstatus" work for you as your normal user? it gives me a "Permission denied" error unless I run it under sudo07:01
Dr_WillisERROR: Failed to initialise messages database: Permission denied07:02
Dr_Willismessaging_tdb_init failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED07:02
Dr_Willissudo smbstatus shows nothing connected.. but thats because.. nothing is connected.  to my share :)07:02
Dr_WillisHmm.. i can see the share.. but cant copy things to it.. or see things in it.. :()07:05
mpontilloDr_Willis: that must be part of the magic of Nautilus.... in /var/lib/samba/usershares/<share-name> there should be an acl and a guest_ok line ... it set the usershare_acl to usershare_acl=S-1-1-0:F if you set it writable by all07:12
mpontillostill can't figure out this core dump - 3 tries and it's crashed in 3 different places. I think they are real bugs but they seem a bit ... random07:12
Dr_Williswell i can copy from.. but not to the share. :)07:14
mpontilloyeah the 'F' should allow "full access" - but Nautilus also warned me that it was setting the filesystem permissions on that directly (i.e. chmod g+w)07:15
Dr_Willisyep that was it,'07:16
mpontillo(ooh - I like gnome-packagekit)07:16
buckyi'm looking for a bug report on that http://tinyurl.com/lou3r207:17
bucky515 pages matching "net usershare list"07:18
bucky20 reports per page07:19
DanaGoff-topic, but interesting: http://www.wincustomize.com/zoom.aspx?skinid=6941&libid=107:20
mpontillobucky: thanks; I was trying to narrow the search down a bit but launchpad is now timing out =(07:21
buckyi narrowed it down to 1300 possibilities ;)07:21
DanaGoh yeah, for me, /var/lib/samba/usershares does not exist, at all!07:23
Dr_WillisI dident have a 'usershres' untill i isntalled the samba package07:26
Dr_Willis!find usershares07:26
ubottuPackage/file usershares does not exist in karmic07:26
mpontilloI think it's created at runtime.07:27
Dr_Willisyea.. its a directory with a file for each share07:28
DanaGFor me, I installed samba, and still didn't have a usershares dir.07:31
Dr_Willisi installed it. then ran that one command07:31
Dr_Willisnet usershare add Shared /home/willis/Shared/ SharedStuff  <some extra options here also i think>07:32
mpontillostill confused about these crashes. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/261789/ looking at the code, it's crashing because there is a NULL pointer, but the storage the pointer is supposed to point to was allocated way down on the stack07:41
Dr_Willisover my head. :)07:42
Dr_WillisI know Null about Pointers.07:42
mpontillodoes that mean that if you try to access your knowledge about them, you segfault? ;)07:43
* Dr_Willis is null terminated07:43
mpontilloI'm worried it's some kind of compiler issue.07:44
mpontillowhich would be over my head ;)07:44
buckyin the changelog on samba.org it says07:45
buckyThe default passdb backend has been changed to 'tdbsam'!07:45
buckympontillo, your segfault is looking for krb507:46
buckymaybe in /usr/share/doc/samba*/Debian.README or other they changed this07:46
buckymaybe that has something to do with this?07:47
mpontillointeresting - but the 2nd one is more sinister. static int net_usershare_list() allocates a structure on the stack, in a static function. then it passes it around, and somehow it becomes NULL...07:47
mpontilloI'm not sure how to troubleshoot the passdb backend. this system was upgraded from Jaunty so I might have something mismatched.07:48
mpontillothough, samba was never installed.07:48
buckythey made a lot of changes in samba http://us3.samba.org/samba/history/samba-3.4.0.html07:49
MindVirus1How do I automatically install suggested packages?07:49
Dr_WillisI hate to 'suggest' it - but Ubuntu could almost use a 'samba-help-setup-wizzard' to check/trouble shoot common issues. :()07:56
buckyMindVirus1, sudo wajig installrs <package_name>07:58
MindVirus1What now?07:59
DanaGwhat's a "wajig"?07:59
* MindVirus1 's eyes glaze over07:59
buckyDr_Willis, there's a gadmin-samba in gadmin-tools08:03
Dr_Willishmm.. Installed gadmin-tools and it also installed several services.. :)08:05
Dr_WillisNever understood the logic of that. :)08:05
darthanubisMindVirus1: if you don't know the basics of installing software, you should not be running development software that is still alpha. And if you stubbornly do so, don't except too much in the form of help.08:18
MindVirus1darthanubis: pardon me? I very well know the basics of installing software.08:18
DanaG(11:58:49 PM) bucky: MindVirus1, sudo wajig installrs <package_name>08:18
DanaGThat's what the "Eyes glaze over" sounds like it's about, to me.08:18
darthanubis[02:49] <MindVirus1> How do I automatically install suggested packages?08:18
DanaGwajig?  what the heck is a wajig?08:18
Dr_Willisi dont even rember how to tell  it to install the suggewted.. :) I tend to just see what it suggests and cut/paste install  them also.08:18
MindVirus1darthanubis: read my question slowly.08:18
darthanubisyou don't know how?08:19
MindVirus1darthanubis: I looked through the man page of apt-get. There is --install-recommends but no --install-suggesteds.08:19
MindVirus1darthanubis: people tend to get insulted when you make stupid assumptions about them.08:19
DanaGI use the aptitude ncurses ui to do that.  go to package, list details, select a dependency, select to install, and then hit shift-M to markauto.08:20
darthanubisthere was no assuymption08:20
darthanubisyou asked a "stupid" question08:20
MindVirus1darthanubis: how was my question stupid?08:20
darthanubisread it slowly08:20
RAOFsudo aptitude install -o APT::Install-Suggests=true $PACKAGENAME08:20
MindVirus1RAOF: thanks.08:21
MindVirus1darthanubis: I wrote it. Why the hell would I read it slowly?08:21
darthanubisthere someone did your homework for you08:21
MindVirus1darthanubis: yeah, because God knows even basic users know how to do that.08:22
RAOFThat's certainly something _I've_ never used, and only knew because I'd run across that question being asked before.08:23
MindVirus1I see that line fly by #ubuntu ALL the time.08:23
Dr_WillisWell.. i dident,,but i did find  a good answer just now on google. Via editjng the apt.conf file.08:23
MindVirus1darthanubis: your attitude was misplaced.08:23
RAOFThat's not a good line to add to apt.conf; if you do, installing practically anything will install practically everything :)08:23
Dr_WillisYep thats what the thread says..08:24
Dr_WillisThis OTHER thread says08:24
Dr_Willis!info wajig08:24
ubottuwajig (source: wajig): simplified Debian package management front end. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.43 (karmic), package size 95 kB, installed size 444 kB08:24
Dr_WillisTo use wajig :)08:25
Dr_WillisSo, for example if you wanted to install the mozilla-thunderbird package with all suggested and recommended packages you would issue the following command:08:25
Dr_Willissudo wajig installrs mozilla-thunderbird08:25
arvind_khadrihi, is anyone experiencing a lag in sound when they click on some other app, and even when the song starts, then also there is a lag. a lag as in the sound gets stuck08:36
Dr_WillisNot seen that issue here.08:42
Dr_WillisSo you are playing a song... launch some other app and the sound player hants for a few  moments?08:42
MindVirus1Is anyone getting massive pulseaudio instability?08:43
arvind_khadriDr_Willis, yes... for a sec or two08:48
Dr_WillisMindVirus1:  not seeing any sound issues here. (Hmm... is that logical?) :)08:50
Dr_WillisHowever i am testing Kubuntu also. Not Ubuntu08:50
MindVirus1Dr_Willis: pulseaudio dies every few minutes.08:50
arvind_khadriDr_Willis, also i dont hear login sound... the default theme sound when a successful login happens09:04
richardcavellarvind_khadri: I don't get login sound either09:05
richardcavellmate, I'm uninstalling Karmic until the final release09:05
arvind_khadririchardcavell, ohh... ok09:05
richardcavellarvind_khadri: When they put the notify-osd window at the middle right and didn't apologize for it or make it configurable, I thought 'nah'09:06
richardcavellI've done my fair share filing bug reports09:06
richardcavellthe rest is up to them09:06
arvind_khadriMistakes happen ... and i guess we should be happy that someone is fixing it for us, this community is really helpful than any other...09:07
richardcavellThe Ubuntu community does seem a fair bit better09:07
richardcavellthe debian people are the worst09:07
arvind_khadrinotify-osd , imho, is some tint part.09:07
richardcavellyet, their distro is arguably the most mature, has the most features, and the most platforms09:08
richardcavellSo Ubuntu is right to leech from it09:08
richardcavellBut Ubuntu improves on the debian snobbery09:08
arvind_khadririchardcavell, why do you say so? their community is really good.. they stick to their standards...09:08
richardcavellarvind_khadri: You find a bit of attitude among debian people09:09
richardcavelllike slackware09:09
richardcavellthey don't want newbies09:09
arvind_khadririchardcavell, every community has those kind of people...09:09
richardcavellIf I ran a big corporation, I would switch it from Microsoft to Ubuntu09:10
richardcavellBut I wouldn't switch it to debian09:10
arvind_khadriand debian is arguably the most stable OS ever... i can run a development kernel on it and still not be worried about things breaking09:10
arvind_khadripatches which happen their dont break your apps... see its all about what you want.. if you want stability nothing better than debian, their community is really too good.09:12
Machtinwhat can i do about this? it's the new -8-kernel.. -7 was never installed, i directly upgraded yesterday from 9.04 to 9.1009:14
richardcavellMachtin: that sucks09:17
richardcavellMachtin: did you only just take that photo now?09:17
Machtinnope, yesterday09:18
Machtinbut i could take it now, nothing changed.09:18
richardcavellMachtin: do you understand the message at the bottom?09:19
Machtinafter the orange star? i think yes.09:19
richardcavellhave you tried it?09:20
Machtini did "fsck"09:20
Machtinwith no options at all.. but i think it can't write anything.. i mean.. it's read-only, no?09:20
Machtini had the same problem with the machine i'm online now.. but it worked with 2.6.31-8 being released.09:21
richardcavellmind you the problem is with the superblock, not with the filesystem09:22
Machtin(reinstalled, though.. because i didn't know how else to fix the problem)09:22
richardcavellSo what happened after you did fsck?09:22
Machtini think it checked sda1 in 5 steps.. then it finished and i ctrl+d'd09:22
richardcavelldid it fix anything?09:22
richardcavellafter you did Ctrl+D, did it boot okay, or same problem?09:23
Machtini think it said it did, but it still doesn't work.09:23
Machtinsame problem.09:23
richardcavellWe could try to fix it09:23
arvind_khadriMachtin, did you do fsck ?09:23
richardcavellBut since you don't have any data that you're trying to preserve, you might as well reinstall09:23
richardcavellMachtin: what you can also do is boot from the live CD and do fsck /dev/sda1 *without* mounting the internal hard disk at all09:24
Machtinhm.. will try that.09:25
Machtinstrange thing, though. bbl, will report back :) thanks for now richardcavell09:25
richardcavellMachtin: no problem09:25
richardcavelland it's not even close to the strangest error I've had on Karmic09:25
cbr_hi, my karmic locks up during init09:26
cbr_previously init crashed and used 100% cpu during shutdown09:26
cbr_but it wont work on startup either09:26
cbr_what could be the problem_09:27
arvind_khadricbr_, which kernel?09:27
cbr_at least thats the version of the linux-image package09:30
cbr_but the version of linux-image-2.6.31-7-generic seems to be 7.2709:32
Machtinhehe.. that -7-kernel seems to suck.09:32
cbr_also, why doesnt grub present me with a menu anymore_09:32
cbr_it just keeps going09:33
cbr_not allowing me to choose kernels09:33
arandcbr_: if you single-boot that's the new proposed behaviour, using some shift+F#  combo to show the menu.09:34
arvind_khadricbr_, as its grub2 ... check /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:34
arandAs far as I know at least, I'm guessing they've put it into KK then...09:34
richardcavellMachtin: that -7 kernel should be nuked from orbit09:35
arvind_khadricbr_, upgrade to -809:35
cbr_yeah, im trying from a chroot09:35
cbr_im in knoppix at the moment09:35
cbr_aww shit09:36
cbr_i have no /dev tree09:36
cbr_and apt-get seems to fail09:36
cbr_i have another kernel though, whats the combination to get a grub menu or smth?09:36
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:37
* arand imagines the chaos that will ensue in #ubuntu after release, and no one knows which version of grub that people have/help ...09:39
Machtinrichardcavell: okay.. i did that, rebooted.. and the same thing happens.. but i forgot to mention something:09:39
Machtinthe first time i boot, it boots until the splash-screen-bar is filled completely.. then nothing happens for a while and i think the system is broken (can't activate num-lock e.g.)09:40
cbr_# update-grub09:40
cbr_grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /.09:40
Machtinthen i hit the reset-button and the same thing happens again.09:40
cbr_thats bad09:40
cbr_i cant run update-grub in a chroot09:40
arvind_khadricbr_, ask in #grub09:40
richardcavellMachtin: well at least you're getting further than last time09:41
richardcavellWhat sort of set up do you have?09:41
richardcavellThat sounds like the point at which X should start09:41
arandcbr_: hmm you can always edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg manually, although it's in general not the preferred way...09:42
cdE|Woozycbr_, have you mounted /dev?09:42
Machtinmeaning hardware? it's a gigabyte board with an intel i7-920 and a ATI-Card09:42
Machtini think ~4800 or something.09:42
cbr_cdE|Woozy, prolly not09:42
richardcavellMachtin: can you boot the live CD?09:43
Machtini did, yes09:43
Machtin(to run that fsck)09:43
richardcavelland it's only after installing updates that you're not able to boot, right?09:43
richardcavellso you've got an issue with the latest updates09:43
Machtinwell.. but.09:43
cbr_cdE|Woozy, how do i do that09:43
Machtinno, wait a sec.09:43
cdE|Woozybefore you chroot, do sudo mount --bind /dev /whereyoumountedyourfs/dev09:43
Machtinit could be anything in karmic - i updated that machine from 9.04 yesterday.09:44
cdE|Woozythe whole process is described on the wiki page arand pointed out09:44
fakeermy 9.04 is broken for almost 3-4 months now..tried everything..but now use...there's no sound and for last 2 months this new problem "you session lasted for less than 10 seconds..." .... i want a complete revamp but i've gigs of packages installed and i've now a very slow internet connection....what to do??09:44
cdE|Woozy"Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD"09:44
richardcavellMachtin: what live CD do you have?09:44
richardcavellKarmic or Jaunty?09:44
richardcavellOkay, my bad09:44
richardcavellI thought your live CD might have been Karmic09:45
richardcavellWell, I guess all we can say is that Karmic is broken on your hardware09:45
MachtinHm, trying a karmic live cd would be a logical thing to do, though.09:45
richardcavellyou might not even be fully updated, since in order to properly update you need to at least get into X09:45
Machtini see09:46
richardcavellMachtin: can you at least get to a root shell09:46
richardcavellsame way you did before09:46
cbr_ok, i will try a reboot09:46
Machtinuhm, yes..09:46
richardcavellor hold down escape while booting09:46
Machtinlike on that picutre09:46
richardcavelland type09:46
richardcavelltype apt-get update09:47
Machtinno networking09:47
richardcavelland then apt-get upgrade09:47
richardcavellah damn09:47
richardcavellif you hold down escape you ought to be able to get a grub menu09:47
richardcavelland it will give you a recovery mode option09:47
richardcavelland one of them is root shell with networking09:47
richardcavelltry that09:47
Machtindidn't work either :/09:47
richardcavelldo you get a grub menu?09:48
Machtinyes, always09:48
Machtinno need for escape btw..09:48
richardcavelland one of the options will be (recovery mode), right?09:48
richardcavellso select that one09:48
richardcavelland it gives you some choices, right?09:48
arvind_khadrifakeer, create a apt on cd09:48
Machtini know, i already did :)09:48
arvind_khadri!apton | fakeer09:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apton09:48
richardcavellone of them will be root shell with networking or something like that09:49
Machtinrichardcavell: no, actually it doesn't :/ but i get to the choices you mean when i "shutdown now" in the root shell09:49
arvind_khadri!aptoncd | fakeer09:49
ubottufakeer: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline09:49
Machtinhowever when i select root-shell with networking there, i still have no networking.. don't get why.09:49
richardcavellwhat sort of net connection are you on?09:49
Machtinthough i only tried once.. i can retry, wouldn't do any harm.09:49
Machtinethernet.. didn't get wlan to work09:50
richardcavellyeah, use ethernet cable09:50
Machtinthough it's dlan, actually.09:50
richardcavelluse ethernet cable09:50
richardcavellsee if you can boot to root shell with networking and do a full upgrade of your puter09:50
richardcavellin fact, do it several times because sometimes new upgrades come available only after an upgrade09:50
Machtinwell.. i'll try that again, will be back in a few minutes!09:51
fakeerarvind_khadri: ubottu : thanks but shall they contain every app installed?? and how to solve this "your lasted less than 10 seconds .." problem..because for the last 12 months this error is not letting me use Ubuntu.. not even in Safe Gnome09:53
Machtinrichardcavell: the update worked this time :) though it didn't help fixing the problem.. i rebooted and the system again hangs, when it finishes the loading-bar09:58
richardcavelldid you upgrade and update as much as you could?09:59
Machtinuhm, i used dist-upgrade, but yes09:59
Machtin(and upgrade.. and safe-upgrade.. just to be absolutely sure)09:59
richardcavellwell then Karmic's rooted on your machine09:59
richardcavellare you using ext file system?  Have enough spare hard disk space?  All the obvious boxes are checked?10:00
Machtinext3, should be about 500gbyte10:00
cbra newer kernel helps me boot10:02
richardcavellyeah -7 was a bit of a hiccup10:03
cbralthough i had some additional fun cuz knoppix had mounted my filesystems in the future10:04
Machtinread that before. :)10:04
cbro btw, can karmic boot without an initrd?10:06
arvind_khadrifakeer, i think your .ICEauthority files are toasted... every app installed only through apt-get or aptitude... not the ones you compiled10:09
fakeerarvind_khadri: fine then.. i didn't compiled anything..... so, how to go about .ICEauthority files???10:11
arvind_khadrifakeer, i have no idea.its just a wild guess, did you google about your issue? and once again are you on Karmic or Jaunty?10:12
Machtinrichardcavell: thanks again for trying! guess i'll try that karmic live cd, just to have double checked10:13
fakeerarvind_khadri: oh sorry..shud've told... Jaunty...10:13
fakeerarvind_khadri: yeah..googled and tried many things that were listed at different places...10:13
fakeerno help10:13
arvind_khadrifakeer, then, try asking in #ubuntu also...10:14
fakeerarvind_khadri: tried ..no response .. :(10:14
arvind_khadrifakeer, backup your packages and re-install jaunty10:14
fakeerarvind_khadri: how to backup then?? because it's unlikely i will be able to login because of this "...10 seconds " problem......10:15
arvind_khadrifakeer, the 10s login is just for X or even for the tty?10:15
fakeerarvind_khadri: once i was able to log in using Gnome-Safe adnd their i managed to copy .xsession-erros file10:16
arvind_khadrifakeer, oh ok...do you still have it? if yes, paste it.10:17
fakeerarvind_khadri: http://pastebin.com/m7a022d7710:18
arvind_khadrifakeer, doesnt give anything useful , afaik... what you can do is, login to a tty and the do a cp -Rf on /var/cache/apt/ to some local drive and then install Jaunty freshly10:21
fakeerarvind_khadri: will this command be able to reinstall my packages.....once i was told in #ubuntu some times back that this is like copying Program Files folder of windows and doesn't install s/w ...just curious ...10:24
arvind_khadrifakeer, that will only backup your apps and stuff... after you install jaunty, place them back into that folder10:25
fakeerarvind_khadri: alright.thanks.. and tty is terminal where i go after CTL+ALT+F1 after my safe gnome freezes.. right?10:27
arvind_khadrifakeer, yes10:28
fakeerarvind_khadri: thanks...hope it works..10:28
arvind_khadrifakeer, np, just copy the files onto a local drive first, and then install jaunty10:29
fakeerarvind_khadri: ok...10:29
zeeblehi. i have 9.04 running fine. are there some big time problems if i dist-upgrade to koala?10:36
Dr_WillisYou may want to wait. :) unless you can risk 'problems'10:56
apparledoes karmic come with GRUB211:15
arandapparle: indeed it does, but not if you upgrade to it.11:16
* Dr_Willis conferims that statement11:16
Dr_Willisagrees with....11:16
* Dr_Willis is now studdying the art of Grub-2-Fu!11:17
arandi.e. you'll need a new install for grub211:17
apparleDr_Willis: You told me yesterday you are studying GRUB 2 :)11:17
apparlecan I acheive this in GRUB 2 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=sum-text-splash.png11:17
apparleand how to do that in GRUB 111:18
arandapparle: isn't that just done by removing the "quiet" boot parameter?11:18
apparlearand: I don't know...........or I wouldn't have asked :)11:19
Dr_Willisgrub 2 has some gfx features...  and settings..  whats the actual thing youa re trying to do?11:20
Dr_Willisthat looks like some fancy usplash setup to me11:20
Dr_Willisi disable that stuff. :)11:20
apparleDr_Willis: nothing................just getting to know things :)11:20
arandapparle: hm, yea, I'm not sure (so I was kinda asking the channel there), but if it's like I think it is...:11:20
apparleDr_Willis: I am not doing anything till I install karmic11:20
Dr_WillisFor booting up.. simple is better...11:20
Dr_Willistoo many fancy gfx/stuff and you have to work to see the actual error messages/info when things do happen.11:21
arandin grub1 you just remove "quiet" from the concerned kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst11:21
Dr_WillisI will say that Karmic boots to the login screen in like 20 sec here... or less..11:21
Dr_Willisits amazing fast.11:21
Dr_WillisMy GRUB delay is longer then the boot time. :P11:23
arandIn grub2, to go with recommended things you would edit /etc/default/grub remove "quiet" from the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" and then run the command "update-grub2"11:23
Dr_WillisYou may want 'nosplash' also to get rid of that little animated bar also11:23
apparlethanks all11:24
apparleI am just waitin for karmic.....................11:24
arandapparle: bye :)11:24
shappieIs it right that KPackageKit is replaced with Synaptic?11:25
arandDr_Willis: is there such a thing as "nosplash" I though it was just "splash" or blank?11:25
Dr_Williscould be nosplash just  replaces splash so it dont see splash so it dont do splash. :)11:25
Dr_Williseasier to rember i guess and undo.11:25
Dr_Willisyou could use noquiet to remove quiet also i guess11:25
Dr_Willisi do know theres also 'nofb' to disable the framebuffer11:26
shappieAm i the only than that finds synaptic in his Kubuntu menu?11:27
Dr_WillisI installed synaptic :) imjust so used to it...11:28
Dr_Willisusing Kubuntu here.. first thingi did was install synaptic heh11:28
shappieOk, i didnt install it myself... And KPackageKit disappeared...11:28
Dr_Willisi really HATE the way the kubutnu menus are laid out.. too hard to find anything11:29
shappieI didnt liked KPackageKit anyway it always crashed and it didnt work fine for me11:29
Dr_Willisi end up just typing the names11:29
Dr_Willisthat lancelot widgit thing seems a little better11:29
Dr_WillisAha - thers a 'switch to classic style' option11:30
Dr_WillisMUCH better11:30
shappieDr_Willis: Do you know what the indicator display widget does?11:30
Dr_WillisNow i can explore the menus and not have to click 100 times11:30
Dr_Willisshappie:  never did fiure that one out11:30
shappielol me to :(11:30
Dr_Willistheres a lot of... trash widget things11:30
shappiei doesnt do anything...11:30
Dr_Willisoh wait.. we  should be using the correct term...11:30
Dr_WillisLike in  That Game.. BioShock..11:31
shappieplasmids of plasmoids?11:31
Dr_WillisOh wait.. thats Plasmioids?11:31
* Dr_Willis steams the Adam!11:31
Dr_Williswhen in doubt use Silly catchy names.11:31
Dr_Willisthat everyone gets wrong.11:31
shappieIm going to delete my old kernels (before -8) which packages i need to remove?11:31
Dr_WillisA whole 'biological' type nameing scheme would be cool.11:32
Dr_Willisi seem to have 4 different package manager tools now11:33
shappieIn kubuntu 9.10?11:33
Dr_Willisyea..  Looking through the menus at what i got installed.11:33
shappieshould be enough...11:33
Dr_Willis'/usr/share/apport/apport-kde' needs your password....11:33
Dr_Willisthat is CONSTANTLY poping up.. when.. it shouldent.11:34
shappieCan i remove old linux-headers?11:34
Dr_Willisit must be the kde UAC equilivent.11:34
shappiei hate UAC...11:34
shappieI put it off on my vista install11:34
Dr_Willisbut it makes your system Safer!11:35
shappieYea and it makes me angry...11:35
arandapparently vga=xxx don't work no more as a kernel parameter, where can I find documentation on the replacing parameters?11:35
Dr_WillisGuy had a 'new' windows laptop at work.. I gave him a pad of paper and tole him to keep a Tally of how many times the UAC thing showed up.. (he was a big windows fanboy)11:36
Dr_Willisin the course of like 2 hrs..it was close to 100 times. :P11:36
* ikonia nudges the topic 11:37
Dr_WillisWe want the same security in.. oh.. never mind.. :P11:37
ikoniaarand: who said that didn't work - and what kernel. It works for me11:37
Dr_Willisi was just thinking tha vga= also works here for me...11:37
Dr_Willisunless the framebuffer is disabled.. or am i confused again?11:38
ikoniacould be11:38
Dr_Willisframebuffer is such a neat idea.. that causes so many issues...11:38
arandOh, I got some message "blah... deprecated blah... use payloadgraphicssumething...blah" last time I tried in KK.11:38
ikoniayes, when not used correctly. I'm curious to arand's kernel version and who said it didn't work11:38
shappieCan i remove old linux-headers-2.6.31-X packages?11:39
ikoniashappie: if you're not using it11:39
shappieOk ty11:39
arandI think this was on -711:39
arandGuess I could have a look now.11:39
Dr_Willishttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1248302    mentions the vga= and payload= stuff11:41
* Dr_Willis does some reading11:41
Dr_Willisnow lets see where does that go...11:42
shappieI got the idea my internet is much slower on kubuntu... (compared to XP/vista)11:43
shappieLoading pages takes way to long...11:43
Dr_WillisHmm I have No idea what /etc/grub.d/40_custome is actually doing...11:45
Dr_Willissouldent you set gfxpayload=true   in the 00_header or 05_debian_theme?11:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416772 in grub2 "[karmic] please add config option for 'set gfxpayload' to /etc/default/grub" [Unknown,Confirmed]11:47
arandSeems like vga=xxx are supposed to work still, however I get the blank screen that reporter speaks of, I'm guessing the other option would make no diff.11:49
Dr_Willisi cant figure out where to get some background images either. :)11:49
Dr_Willisrereading the config scripts and seeing..11:50
Dr_Willisi wonder if grub-invader actually adds a proper grub entry now. :)11:50
Dr_Willisoops its 'grub-invaders'11:51
Dr_Willishay. I think it did! :)11:51
penguin42did someone say there was a set of debug symbol files that I could get after I got a core?12:07
* penguin42 has a ff core and a pretty backtrace and I think it would be better if I had about 70 stack frames just at offsets in xulrunner12:08
ug_tinkeris compiz workin for anyone with koala12:11
Dr_Willisusing KUbuntu at the moment.. so cant say12:11
Dr_Willisive not heard anyone else in here asking about it.. so im guessing its working12:12
shappieUsing kubuntu to (vid driver doesnt even support effects...)12:12
maxbfine for me12:12
ug_tinkermy theme plays up.. so i had to change that too.. ..  (should i reinstall nvidia drivers12:13
BUGabundoug_tinker: not very well12:13
BUGabundoI'm having trouble with composite :\12:13
maxbpenguin42: ddebs, as mentioned here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash, maybe?12:13
penguin42maxb: Yep I think that's it - thanks12:13
shappieWhen i tried putting on compositing on kubuntu 9.10 with radeonhd driver i couldnt login anymore... So i had to change kwinrc config file in recovery mode.12:14
BUGabundothis should be better now12:16
BUGabundokilled and restarted Compiz12:16
shappieI'm using 2 screens (idential 20inch samsung screens) but my DVI-1 is the mainscreen and DVI-0 the second screen. Kubuntu 9.10 automaticly puts all windows on DVI-0 but i like them on DVD-1. Is there a possibility to change the default screen?12:20
ug_tinkertry nvida settings?... "make primary display" ?12:21
shappieug_tinker: Forgot to tell im using ATi graphic card (radeon HD3850)12:22
shappieAnd im using radeonhd opensource driver (screens configured using RandR)12:22
penguin42maxb: Tht's given me a much much prettier backtrace12:22
penguin42shappie: So you can move the windows onto the 2nd screen - your issue is just the initial placement?12:23
shappiepenguin42: Yea everything works fine but KDE uses DVI-0 as default screen. So if i start firefox it pops up on DVI-0 but i can move it to DVI-1...12:23
penguin42that sounds like hopefully KDE settings could change - in Gnome most stuff seems to put the window on the display where my mouse cursor currently is12:24
shappiepenguin42: KDE4 display settings doesnt does anything good here... When i open it up it changes the config to cloning again. I cant do anything with that tool...12:25
penguin42shappie: No, I don't think this has anything to do with the display config - I think you need to be looking for more to do with the window manager/window placement behaviour12:25
shappieIts completely anti-dualscreen or something... Guy in this treath mentions the same (problems with display settings in kde4): http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=62111&start=012:25
shappiepenguin42: I guess its a KDE setting indeed but when i open up the display settings i get 2 cloning screens again...12:26
shappieSo i think if there is an option for this i need to edit a config file...12:27
penguin42shappie: Last time I tried KDE I also found the display settings stuff flaky - in particular if you change something in those settings it forgets it next time you start KDE until you restart that display setting app12:29
shappieYea the display settings dialog aint doing a good job configuring my screens... See this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20186612:29
ubottuKDE bug 201866 in kcm_randr "Does not function usefully with dual displays" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]12:29
ug_tinkeropening on one is cool. if ur going to bed and switching one screen off.. (windows anoys me,, with opening on turned off screen but untramon beta fix)12:31
Dr_WillisHmm.. Dual displays are working herer.12:32
shappieDr_Willis: What graphics card you use?12:32
shappieHere the original bug report on this problem: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18043712:32
ubottuKDE bug 180437 in kcm_randr "cannot set screen position via "Configure Display"" [Normal,New]12:32
Dr_WillisIm using twinview :)  nvidia 8600 gtsxxx12:32
shappieSeems nobody tries to repair it... :(12:32
shappieOk, this bug is about using XRandR12:33
Dr_Willison 9.04  you have to use the nvidia-settings tool  instead of the built in thing on gnome.12:33
shappieso: intel + radeon + radeonhd uses RandR for setting up screens this is a pretty bad bug...12:33
shappieThis program does the job: http://projects.dvdmeer.nl/python-randr/ ; but after reboot its gone again. The dutch guy who made it is going to implement a function to implement the setup into xorg.conf.12:36
shappieBut i dont have an idea on when it will be finished12:36
penguin42shappie: I do have my basic dual head setup just in my xorg.conf12:41
shappieYea i got it setup in my xorg.conf now to. But when you open up system settings it screw things up...12:41
shappieAnd i think that KDE should fix this and add an option to setup dualscreen using the display settings tool. There are programs that do the same so it is possible...12:42
penguin42shappie: When it gets screwed up, try setting it back the way you want it (if it will go) and save that - the problem is the two kind of need to agree12:42
shappiepenguin42: I can set it back to working by using xrandr in terminal but next time you open up system settings it reverts to cloning again...12:43
shappieDisplay settings just dont have an option for dualscreen... So when you open it it uses his own settings which are cloning again..12:44
penguin42shappie: Nod, it's rather flaky - my experience of KDE is that it has all the dual head setup but the damn thing never works!12:44
penguin42BUGabundo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/421438  finally managed to capture my ff crashes12:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421438 in firefox-3.5 "BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) - with symbols and backtrace" [Undecided,New]12:45
shappiepenguin42: Yea it looks like things are working fine coz i can move windows, its stable and i dont have any problems..12:45
shappiebut the configuration tool just doesnt work12:45
shappiewhat means nod?12:46
penguin42I agree12:46
shappieI read on KDE forum that the guy assigned to the bug is working on K3B > KDE4 or something12:47
shappieso he isnt working on this bug...12:47
penguin42anyway, time for breakfast - it's nearly 1pm :-)12:47
penguin42sunny Manchester12:48
shappieIts almost 2pm here...12:48
ug_tinkerbrunch lol12:48
ug_tinkera lot of ppl no .. chat  here ( http://stagevu.com/video/gwzdhxyvgedb ) Substitute For Love (Extended Remix Slideshow Video13:03
denndaHi. I can't click in flash apps. Is that a known problem?13:32
ug_tinkersorry.. may be dumb question can anyone tell me why.. i can see a flash video(firefox -utube) and buttons but won't play..13:38
* penguin42 burps13:50
penguin42ug_tinker/dennda: Clicking in flash is working here - ff3.5 with nspluginwrapper+32bit flash13:56
KarmicFull Circle Magazine #28 - OUT NOW!13:59
shappieAnybody knows if the radeon (or radeonhd) driver in karmic support 3D (kwin effects...)?14:04
Karmicshappie: There's only one way to find out! Install and test!14:05
shappieKarmic: i'm now using radeonhd driver but composite doesnt work now...14:06
penguin42http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/ATIRadeon seems to be a reference for different Radeon cards and what acceleration they have14:10
shappieBtw: Is there a way to improve my internet speed on kubuntu? Loading pages takes way to long (compared to vista/xp)...14:11
penguin42there shouldn't be any difference in that14:11
shappieThere is :( firefox, arora and konqueror are all very slow :(14:14
penguin42hmm odd; how are you connected?14:21
shappieJust cables (100mbit lan)14:23
shappieNow i get something else real weird: on kde-look.org : 1GB Bandwidth Exceeded14:24
shappieI only downloaden few files... max 5mb...14:24
penguin42and updates? and the karmic install itself?14:26
shappieUpdates dont download from kde-look.org...14:26
penguin42I meant is it your ISP giving you a bandwidth limit?14:27
shappieNo sure not14:27
shappieSometimes i download more than 100GB a week..14:28
shappieNever had problems before...14:28
kklimondaahaha, notifications in the middle of the screen look funny..14:30
kklimondain a bad way ;)14:30
penguin42yeh everyone is complaining about that14:31
shappieCan i delete a folder without going to trash?14:32
shappieThe folder is to big for my trashbin... (want to delete HD movie on USB disk)14:32
Karmicshappie: You can do it from the command line or graphically14:33
arandshappie: shift+delete or just use rm form terminal14:33
shappieok ty :)14:33
KarmicGnome or KDE?14:33
KarmicThere is a right click function in Nautlius Properties called "Delete" instead of Move to Trash14:34
KarmicBut you must enable it first14:34
shappieOoh ok, i only saw del to trash14:34
shappiemove to trash*14:34
KarmicIf you have Nautilus as your FileManagement program, open a folder or something in the VFS and go to Edit->Preferences->Behaviour and there should be something called "Enable delete function that bypasses trash"14:36
shappieKarmic: I'm using dolphin but i think i can remember shift+del14:37
BluesKajHey folks14:37
LademordHi people, I'm not sure why, but apparently my OSD has moved itself down. Take a look at this: http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8977/skarmbillede.png14:39
LademordHow can I fix that?14:39
penguin42Lademord: Halfway down the screen?14:39
penguin42yeh, apparently it's a feature - there's a bug against it14:40
LademordAh okay, so it has been reported?14:40
LademordThen I'll just live with it until a fix presents itself14:40
BluesKajmust be exclusively a gnome thing14:42
aboSamoor#join ubuntuone14:59
BluesKajaboSamoor,  /join #ubuntuone15:00
aboSamoorBluesKaj, yeah, I know. Typos ! Thanks :)15:01
BluesKajok :)15:01
aboSamoorBluesKaj, my question was " does ubuntuOne support notes synchronization provided by tomboy ?"15:02
BluesKajhave no idea what tomboy is :)15:02
shadeslayerBluesKaj: the tomboy notes thingy15:03
BluesKajdunno , must be a gnome app15:03
shadeslayerin gnome.... kinda like the sticky notes widget in KDE15:03
BluesKajheh, I still don't know , sorry i can't help ,shadeslayer, aboSamoor15:05
shadeslayer!info tomboy15:05
ubottutomboy (source: tomboy): desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component main, is optional. Version 0.15.6-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2723 kB, installed size 9224 kB15:06
BluesKajI just use a text file in /home/user/ for important addresses, notes and commonly used cli commands etc15:08
aboSamoornow, in the latest tomboy in preferences -> Synchronization -> Service [choose web]. Ubuntu one will show up "http://www.ubuntuone.com/notes". but trying to connect gives no response. am I missing something15:09
aboSamoorBluesKaj, does your solution provide synchronization ?15:09
penguin42aboSamoor: It's not letting me connect either - I get a little ubuntuone icon in the tray but with a x on it15:10
aboSamoorpenguin42, do you know any server that provide tomboy synchronization ?15:13
penguin42aboSamoor: I've never tried to use either tomboy or any sync stuff15:14
aboSamoorif you want to know more about tomboy synchronization http://tinyurl.com/mytqzc15:14
penguin42but I guess you could do worse than checkout opensync to see if it has anything15:14
* shadeslayer still has no idea why coverflow is not working on KDE15:14
shadeslayerany idea where the window decoration settings are stored?15:15
penguin42on gnome?15:17
shadeslayerpenguin42: on KDE....15:17
penguin42ah, no15:17
BluesKajaboSamoor, synchronization with ?15:33
aboSamoorBluesKaj, with web server15:34
penguin42aboSamoor: Id' be tempted to think something like WebDAV might be involved somewhere15:34
aboSamoorBluesKaj, this really will be helpful for my Ubuntus15:36
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
TwigaathyMan... the install of ubuntu on my fileserver/media center machine is screwed. Somehow the kernel version and userland tools for the nvidia drivers has gotten out of sync... is madness :|15:53
=== polter_ is now known as polter
alteregoai got a strange problem16:13
penguin42any particular strange problem?16:13
alteregoaafter a X certain connection of samba shares the ubuntu server interrupts the connection16:14
alteregoai think something with the samba is messed up16:14
tgpraveenthe latest skype doesnt use notify-osd16:16
tgpraveenis there any place we can request for it to me changed to add support?16:17
penguin42tgpraveen: Skype is closed source commercial software; you need to ask them to do it16:17
Polterge|stwhat are the improvements said to be in the future release of Karmic Koala16:27
KarmicPolterge|st: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/TechnicalOverview and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic16:30
nemohm. getting a lot of things crashing after switching to karmic - odd unexplained crashes16:41
nemonon-reproducible ones16:41
nemowell. maybe is just temporary16:42
nemooh. and tried to enable compiz and got a crash and complaint that it couldn't switch, but starting it from commandline worked fine16:42
joaopintonemo, there is no such thing a temporary crashes, unless something is done to fix them :)16:42
nemojoaopinto: well, I was just thinking perhaps the updates were not totally correct16:42
nemoand my system has some invalid packages.16:43
nemothe whole "unreproducible" thing is a bugger though16:43
penguin42unreproducible bugs are very important16:44
nemohm. and now gconfd-2 is sucking up a big chunk of CPU16:45
penguin42they're just really hard to track and categorise and figure out which ones aren't just someones broken machine16:45
BUGabundomostly related to either HW or configuaraitions16:45
BUGabundorun a memtest16:45
BUGabundoand see if it accuses anything16:45
nemoBUGabundo: worth a shot I guess, although everything was well behaved prior to update16:45
arandI've probably been naggin' before, but would anyone care to confirm/refute Bug #418135 ?16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418135 in nautilus "Permissions of symlinked source file/folder set to 777 if symlink is copied via nautilus" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41813516:47
BUGabundomore bugs on symlinks16:47
BUGabundodon't those ever get fixed ?16:47
nemoI did have one odd thing on upgrade too. pdflush sucked up 100% of CPU - I gave it a half hour, then just did Magic Sysrq S-U-B16:47
BUGabundonemo: what GPU ?16:48
nemothat was on attempt to shut down and reboot16:48
arandBUGabundo: it's nautilus that's doing something seriously wrong..16:48
nemoanyway, I had some file system damage, unfortunately, due to unclosed writes16:48
nemoperhaps my current issues are related16:48
nemoin which case reapplying some packages might help16:48
arandnemo: or try an offline fsck?16:49
nemoarand: well. it did the fsck on restart16:50
nemobut could try another16:50
nemoarand: oh. I was on ext4 btw.16:50
BUGabundonemo: try from livecd16:50
BUGabundofor some reason system is not doing a proper remount in RO16:50
nemoBUGabundo: isn't enough to just run from singleuser ro?16:50
* nemo hunts around for a CD16:51
BUGabundonor the recovery menu forces a reboot once you fsck :(16:51
BUGabundoI should file that bug16:51
BUGabundosugesting an user to boot on a RO system is a mess16:51
arandnemo: I'm not really sure yet, but I get the feeling ext4 uppes my fsck-needs a bit...16:51
nemoarand: at least the fscks are a lot faster :)16:52
nemoon my modest 225GiB partition I used to just go out for a swim while waiting16:53
SzymonI was redirected here, so I will copy my message. Hello. I have yesterday's daily od 9.10, and when I try to install it, after splash there is just black screen, I can't go ctrl+alt+f1... nothing. As far I know it's problem with my video card - it's Radeon HD 3650 Mobility. But... even graphics safe mode doesn't work. :|16:54
nemoSzymon: already tried disabling apic/acpi/non-free on boot menu?16:55
nemo'cause that helps w/ my sucky dell :)16:55
macodo any of you have a wacom working all the way in karmic?16:55
SzymonHaven't tried, so I'm going to try it now. :) If it doesn't help... I'll be back. 8)16:56
nemo... not sure which of those 3 was problem on my dell, but given I was only booting to do a dd/nc/bzip network copy, I never bothered to figure it out16:57
nemooh well. if it works, Szymon can narrow it down.16:57
nemoBTW, for people actually doing dd/nc/bzip2 - very important before doing the copy is:  dd if=/dev/zero of=zeros bs=16M   :)16:58
nemofirst time didn't occur to me to do that, and I aborted it after about an hour16:58
arandnemo: You mean the bs= ?16:59
nemonaw. just writing zeros period17:00
nemodidn't occur to me17:00
nemobs is important on the actual copy too of course17:00
nemoso, I had a 120 gibibyte partition, of which I was only using 25, but as far as the copy was concerned, whole thing was probably filled with random bits :)17:01
arandnemo: what? you're saying one has to zero the file firs?17:01
nemoarand: well. zero out the unused partition space17:01
arandnemo: ah, yea, that's true.17:01
arandnemo: what's "nc" by the way?17:03
nemobzip2 -c /dev/sda1 | nc 999917:04
nemonc -l -p 9999 | bzip2 -d | dd of=/dev/sda1 bs=16M17:04
nemogoogling WRT gconf, appears it has happened to other people on upgrade17:05
nemoapparently ~/.gconfd can get into an inconsistent state17:05
arandnemo: ah, right. I've never dabbled in net backups really, only local.17:05
nemosooo, guess I'm going to move it out of the way17:05
nemoarand: well. I was moving to a new home at work17:06
nemothey let me have an old desktop for dev, and soon I was running darn useful services on it, but was getting crowded for actual dev17:06
nemoso I cloned it to a newer model.17:06
nemolinux is so much more cooperative on that front than windows is.17:07
nemomv .gconf gconf-bad17:09
nemosolved my CPU useage and random crashes17:09
nemobut now I lost alll my settings17:10
nemoso I get to redo them17:10
nemoat least gconf xml files aren't too unreadable17:10
SzymonI'm back. :P noapic, only OSS etc. doesn't help. Still black screen. Maybe there is boot option to enable graphics safe mode? Because I have feelings that it's not activated when I choose it in F4 menu.17:11
nemoSzymon: disabled acpi too right17:12
Szymonnemo: Yes17:13
nemoSzymon: what also might be interesting would be on kernel boot line in boot menu17:13
nemoremove the quiet and splash options17:13
nemothen you could watch it progress17:13
nemomight give a clue as to where it fails17:13
SzymonYeah, I've tried that yesterday, It goes black on startin Gnome display manager...17:15
nemooh. really17:15
nemowell. start the non-graphical runlevel17:16
nemothen you should at least get some VTs17:16
nemoand you could try starting gdm from one of those17:16
nemoincluding maybe a sleep kill in case ctrl-alt-f1/alt-f1 fails17:16
nemoand you could then check stderr/xorg log/sys log17:16
nemoSzymon: hm. now to be honest, I've never actually tried doing that on a livecd - hopefully it is same as on a regular install17:19
SzymonYeah, I'm wondering now how to run it on runlevel 3 from livecd :))17:20
nemoadd a 317:21
nemoto boot line17:21
nemoand cross your fingers :)17:21
SzymonOk, I'm going to try that. :)17:21
penguin42init=3 ?17:21
SzymonThanks. :)17:22
penguin42hmm no, that would replace the shell17:22
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
nemoI do wish drive mounts remembered their position on the desktop better17:34
nemoI have a lot of 'em17:34
DKcrosshi dear friends!:17:56
BUGabundohey DKcross17:58
DKcrossBUGabundo,  hey:D17:59
DKcrosswhat is the name of the new virtual terminal of karmic koala?17:59
DKcrosshave a new menu, and when you push F9  start menu18:00
DKcrossno problem, now i know https://launchpad.net/byobu18:01
DKcrossBUGabundo,  hey  what happened?18:01
BUGabundostill here18:03
BUGabundobut identica just tanked :(18:03
BUGabundonot funny18:05
BUGabundoso what was your question?18:05
DKcrossnothing now i know about ByoBu18:08
DKcrossin karmic koala are the virtual terminal18:08
nemohm. the "wrong password" screen wiggle seems a lot slower in karmic, and has some graphics artifacts18:10
nemowonder if that's my driver18:10
DKcrossi think that karmic is more slow..18:11
BUGabundowell inicialy I felt it was faster then jaunty18:12
BUGabundoI no longer feel like it :(18:12
DKcrossBUGabundo,  :O18:13
penguin42still feels faster on my machine18:14
penguin42DKcross: I think the virtual terminals are different but I've not entirely worked out how; I think it's some interaction with the way that the kernel now controls the graphics card more - so e.g. if I ctrl-alt-f1 I only get a text console on one head18:15
tgpraveenBUGabundo: which graphics card?18:18
BUGabundotgpraveen: ???18:19
tgpraveenif u what u are saying is true then ubuntu is going to be in big problem as it is facing competition from win 7 and mac osx snow leopard18:19
tgpraveenBUGabundo: which graphics card u have? maybe that is18:19
BUGabundoits not GPU related18:19
tgpraveendetermining cause of slowness18:19
BUGabundoits system wide18:19
BUGabundocpu slugninsh18:19
tgpraveenoh =-O18:20
KarmicUbuntu Software Store -> http://bit.ly/15WM2T18:22
BUGabundoI guess I have an old system now :D18:22
BUGabundotgpraveen: and get me started on Firefox (3.6, 3.7)18:25
hashbrowncipherthe udevd on my Thinkpad x200s seems to have gone haywire.  It's taking up ~50% CPU when the system is otherwise idle.  udevadm --monitor spits out a bunch of #$!@ regarding the bluetooth rfkill, a sample of which I have pastebinned at http://pastebin.com/m2ca5f02d  .  Finally, PowerTOP reports that acpi is generating ~2700 wakeups/second.   Has anyone heard of such a problem?18:27
penguin42hashbrowncipher: No I haven't - what happens if you flick the rfkill switch?18:28
RainCTHow is Karmic looking by now? Is it halfway stable or still doing bad stuff? :)18:29
penguin42RainCT: Seems mostly OK for me; some others have had problems - your mileage may vary18:30
hashbrowncipherpenguin42: testing now18:30
hashbrowncipherpenguin42: absolutely no change, other than that my wireless dies18:31
penguin42hashbrowncipher: Hmm - not sure then18:31
BluesKajBUGabundo, there have been some probs with cpu scaling not working properly on the latest ubuntu versions , could be worth looking at18:33
tgpraveenBluesKaj: by latest u mean latest alphas or latest versions of ubuntu?18:33
BUGabundooh yeah18:33
BUGabundoI've had those on every two pairs of kernels :|18:34
keithI have been playing with empathy, and it doesn't seem like it will let me change my MSN alias. Has anyone else had this issue?18:35
* BUGabundo uses pidgin18:37
keithPidgin is what I am used to, but I wanted to give Empathy a try since it is the new default messaging client.18:38
tgpraveenthough i love empathy and have been following it for a year now i still think it is a little early to switch to pidgin18:38
RainCTpenguin42: OK, thanks. I think I might upgrade today :)18:39
penguin42RainCT: What video card do you have?18:39
RainCTpenguin42: NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT18:40
penguin42RainCT: It might be worth checking with other Nvidia users ehre - we've had a few come here with problems, but I use Intel myself18:40
BluesKajBUGabundo, I used to just remove powernowd , but it keeps getting reinstalled by default with version upgrades18:48
BluesKajBUGabundo,  check your cpu frq : cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz18:51
BUGabundo$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz18:51
BUGabundocpu MHz: 1200.00018:51
BUGabundocpu MHz: 1200.00018:51
BluesKajdual core 2.4 ..looks ok18:52
eurythmia_yo, I just installed karmic from the "alternate install" CD, partly because I thought I would get the option to install without the ubuntu-desktop metapackage, but such is not the case. How would I go about removing all the packages contained in ubuntu-desktop?18:53
BUGabundowith a lot of hard work eurythmia_18:55
BUGabundoshould have used MINIMAL image18:55
BluesKajeurythmia_,if you want to install kubuntu desktop as a replacement for the gnome desktop then : sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo aptitude install kubuntu-dektop18:56
penguin42actually; how about apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop   apt-get autoremove ?18:56
BUGabundopenguin42: doesn't work as it does on debian18:56
BUGabundoit will still leave packages installed by default18:57
BUGabundoeven if no metapackage still forces them18:57
BluesKajerr kubuntu-desktop18:57
penguin42I've had autoremove clean some stuff up for me?18:57
BUGabundoyou can change apt.conf to do that, though18:57
* tgpraveen wants this by default on ubuntu http://jackyf.livejournal.com/104418.html18:57
BUGabundotgpraveen: care to be a bit more verbose?18:57
tgpraveensaving lots of bandwith gr8 especially for testing alpha versions18:59
eurythmia_BluesKaj: doing a simple removal of ubuntu-desktop doesn't cut it ... it just removes the metapackage, and kubuntu-desktop is not what I wanted to install.18:59
penguin42eurythmia_: Does autoremove after the remove of ubuntu-desktop remove anything at all?18:59
eurythmia_penguin42: I doubt it, but I'll try it.18:59
eurythmia_penguin42: nope.19:00
penguin42eurythmia_: So what do you actually want left on it?19:00
eurythmia_penguin42: base system. *maybe* xorg.19:00
penguin42eurythmia_: OK, remove libglib2.0-019:00
eurythmia_penguin42: that won't affect base-system?19:01
penguin42I think all of the rest of GNOME will disappear if you pull that pin out19:01
penguin42eurythmia_: Hmm, actually instead of that - take libgtk2.0-019:02
penguin42gtk should just be gnome stuff19:02
penguin42and gtk stuff - but shouldn't be any non-gui stuff19:02
eurythmia_penguin42: cool. thanks, I'll give it a shot.19:02
penguin42eurythmia_: And if you pull x11-common out everything else should follow - watch out for things that have false dependencies on them19:03
eurythmia_penguin42: I ran the libglib2.0-0 one, it looks like it's pulling out everything (including xorg), so it's probably pulling gdm as well, which is okay.19:05
penguin42eurythmia_: Yeh be a bit more careful with glib; certainly gtk and x11-common are gui apps only - I guess something else might have used glib19:05
keithDoes Empathy have any control over where the notifications appear?19:22
keithinternally, not for my use.19:22
MindVirus1What is the difference between .28 and .31?19:23
keithThe notifications are halfway down the screen from where they should be, and I am try19:23
keithtrying to figure out if it is a bug in Empathy or the notification system19:23
penguin42MindVirus1: .319:26
MindVirus1penguin42: the kernel versions.19:26
penguin42keith: The half-way-down-annoyance-of-doom is a new bug in the latest release of the notification system - apparently it was designed as a feature; no one likes it though19:27
penguin42MindVirus1: www.kernelnewbies.org has change information in a human readable way19:27
keithpenguin42, a feature?19:27
penguin42keith: Apparently - someone thought it was better down there19:27
SwedeMikespeaking of which, I miss kerneltrap19:27
keithpenguin42, ........... it's... weird. =)19:28
penguin42keith: Agreed19:29
keithpenguin42, I see the benefit, but It's something I would have to try for longer to see if it's better or worse.19:30
penguin42keith: It's much too distracting for me19:31
penguin42keith: bug 41989419:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419894 in notify-osd "notify-osd images appear at the middle right of screen" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41989419:33
edoceoThe Karmic builds, use the Ubuntu (orange) splash and not the xubuntu (blue) splash?19:40
=== mpontillo1 is now known as mpontillo
mpontillo... so am I the only one seeing "low level" problems with Karmic? http://imagebin.ca/img/EHbwUD.png -- if I run "valgrind echo foo" it reports problems in libc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/262077/20:07
sdgWhenever I open a bookmark in the places menu or click on a "Open Folder" button, Totem opens instead of Nautilus.20:10
edoceoThe Karmic builds, use the Ubuntu (orange) splash and not the xubuntu (blue) splash?20:16
mpontillosdg: not sure why that would be, but I'm curious - does the same thing happen when you type "nautilus ." in a terminal?20:17
sdgmpontillo: No.20:18
sdgmpontillo: I think some file in my ~/ directory may be misconfigured.20:18
sdgIt's such a nuisance because I rely so much on my places menu for quick file navigation.20:19
connexHi, is there a way to play audio through pulse without x running?20:21
sdgconnex: Yes.20:22
malnilionpulse should be started in the background as its own daemon by default, right?20:23
connexsgd, Please elaborate.20:23
malnilionI mean, it would seem silly to have the sound system running as a child of X...20:24
malnilionconnex, are you looking for a command line media player?20:25
connexI am trying to use mpd with pulseaudio that worked great20:26
connexnow it doesn't20:26
connexi want to cry20:29
mpontillosdg: I'd poke around ~/.local/share/applications and grep for "totem", maybe...20:30
malnilionconnex, you said it used to work?20:30
connexyeah. on jaunty20:31
connexpulse just refuses to work without x20:31
geniiDoes ext4 want partition type of 27 for some reason?20:32
connexi think logging is not working for 2 hours already20:36
mpontilloconnex: I've seen it take awhile to update... not sure it's real time20:37
connexa 2 hour lag is impressive20:38
mpontilloyeah; I'd like to know how it works.20:38
alteregoaim afraid20:40
alteregoawhat happens if the 255 partition types do not reach out?20:41
mpontillo... wait a second, the last timestamp logged is 19:40 - is that UTC? isn't that that in the future [at the time of your link, anyway]20:41
alteregoawe should adress the partition types with 128 bit20:41
mpontilloalteregoa: already being done - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table20:47
kazagista1right, I am trying to install Server alpha 4 on an EeeBox... DHCP is failing. Right now I am using 9.04 Desktop on the exact same cable, and it is DHCPing fine20:59
kazagista1and I have heard that Ubuntu 9.04 works just fine on my particular hardware20:59
malnilionkazagista1, how are you trying to connect to the dhcp server, wireless or ethernet?21:00
kazagista1it fails autoconfig on install21:01
malnilionThat's odd, hmm.21:02
kazagista1ifconfig -a shows eth0 just fine21:02
malnilionThat was going to be my next question.21:02
malnilionHave you tried doing sudo dhclient21:02
kazagista1but typing ifup eth0 fails21:03
kazagista1er, no21:03
malnilionOh, it won't bring up the interface?21:03
kazagista1it gives a weird error21:03
kazagista1something like "cannot find interface eth0=eth0"21:04
dougmmmsi recently updated karmic and have been experiencing a lot of freezes (have to hard reboot my laptop) with alt + tab21:04
dougmmmsdesktop effects have been on21:04
peepsaloti just upgraded and got some error on rebooting.  "superblock last write line is in the future"  i ignored it and continued booting.  i'm assuming some part of the upgrade process just reset my clock?  it was only about 2 minutes in the future21:06
David-TI'm assuming that _everyone_ doesn't see this problem (but I can't see why not), but I've just upgraded to karmic with do-release-upgrade, and when I login as a non-root user I get 'open: permission denied\nError locking counter" from mount.ecryptfs_private because /dev/shm is writable only by root (mode 0755) - this seems to be 'deliberate' as /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh doesn't pass a -omode=1777 option (which /etc/init.d/mountkernfs.sh does for /21:07
peepsalotanyone know what this new "ibus" app is about?21:11
David-Talso my capslock/scrollock leds seem to have stopped working in the console...21:11
David-Terr, sorry, just caps lock21:11
peepsalotDavid-T, that is strange, i just confirmed capslock LED does not work here either21:12
BluesKajDavid-T, consider yourself lucky ,most would think that's abonus :)21:13
peepsalotBluesKaj, the key still functions, only the indicator LED does not light up21:13
BluesKajpeepsalot, David-T ok21:17
peepsalothmm, num lock indicator is a bit weird too.  it appears that the GUI and consoles keep separate states for num lock and caps lock, and the indicator doesn't get updated when you switch between them.  so if num lock is on in GUI, then you switch to console, the light stays on, but the console will not produce numbers from those keys]21:17
peepsalotbut if you cycle the num lock a couple times it finally syncs up.21:18
sebsebsebAnyone got slow boot up time after doing updates?   someone told me that they have21:27
xray7224i wonder who that was21:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purgegnome21:30
xray7224what command did you say sebsebseb21:30
KrimZoni currently can't seem to change cursor theme or size without logging out and back in21:42
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KrimZonoh... it's probably in an odd state though, needing to do a partial update21:43
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peepsalotI upgraded today and adobe flash player no longer outputs any sound. does anyone know a solution?21:48
malnilionpeepsalot, I get pulse/alsa issues a lot.  Usually restarting my browser (firefox) seems to do the trick assuming sound is working everywhere else in Ubuntu.21:50
malnilionpeepsalot, I know that's not a *fix* though.21:50
edoceoThe xubuntu Karmic  builds, use the Ubuntu (orange) splash and not the xubuntu (blue) splash?21:51
* penguin42 finds restarting browser/flash when pulse isn't playing thing can do it - in principal it should feed itself through pulse21:51
reggieP123any ideas if karmic has correct drivers for intel pro/wireless 5501 shiloh antenna because there was a bug using Jaunty was getting intermittent wireless performance21:53
peepsalotgonna restart the whole thing again, brb21:54
BluesKajdepending on your soundcard pulseaudio is better off not installed in some case , i uninstalled it and now the fall back is the soundcard module acting as the soundserver with the alsadriver...no more choppy sound , it works for most pci cards now due to kernel modules including most audio card drivers21:56
aboSamoorsebsebseb, since kernel -5 the booting process is getting slower21:56
edoceoWHen I'm told 'the following packages have bene kept back' how can I force them?21:58
penguin42edoceo: apt-get install packagename    - but they're often held back for a reason21:59
bjsniderBluesKaj, not sure dtchen would agree with you on that21:59
sdgmpontillo: samuel@samuel-desktop:~/.local/share/applications$ grep totem ./*22:01
BluesKajbjsnider, well, maybe my choice of words could be more correct so to speak , but I'm no longer using pulseaudio and my audio probs went away ..pulseaudio never worked properly on my setup22:01
bjsniderhave you talked to dtchen about it?22:02
mpontillosdg: for me that line is: inode/directory=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop;kde4-kfmclient_dir.desktop;kde4-dolphin.desktop;f-spot-view.desktop;22:02
sdgmpontillo: You're using Kubuntu whereas I'm using Ubuntu.22:03
mpontillosdg: no, I'm on Ubuntu.22:03
sdgmpontillo: WTH?22:03
sdgmpontillo: Do you have KDE installed?22:03
penguin42BluesKaj: To be fair other than the flashisms pulse is working better for me on current karmic than it has for at least 6 months, maybe a year22:04
edoceompontillo: those kde4 entries look odd for an Ubuntu machine - did you try some KDE4 or Kubuntu?22:04
mpontillosdg: I may have parts of it installed. I usually install konsole22:04
BluesKajbjsnider, yes i have a week or 2 ago22:04
mpontillosdg: in any case, you might try at least removing the "totem.desktop;" part of that line.22:05
sdgmpontillo: Changing totem.desktop to nautilus.desktop fixed it.22:05
sdgActually, removing totem.desktop altogether would be the smartest thing to do.22:06
BluesKajpenguin42, I think it's more to do with your soundcard and how pulseaudio interacts with it and alsa22:06
bjsniderBluesKaj, did he tell you to remove pulse?22:06
sdgmpontillo: How do you think totem.desktop managed to get there anyway?22:06
penguin42BluesKaj: I think both the kernel sourndcard driver and pulse are getting some bug fixes over time - Jaunty was basically unusable for me22:06
mpontillosdg: no clue, maybe a stray click of a "always use this application to open this" checkbox somewhere?22:06
BluesKajbjsnider, no he didn't22:06
sdgmpontillo: Well, thanks for your help.22:07
mpontillono prob22:07
mpontilloIt would be nice if there was a good UI to manage these files. anyone know of one?22:07
sdgmpontillo: Gedit22:07
mpontilloheh ;)22:07
sdgSorry if I'm being smartassed.22:07
BluesKajbjsnider, he extolled the benefits of pulseaudio as a sound server , but I told him that my sound was awful with pulse, choppy and full of dropouts22:08
mpontilloI meant one that, you know, my grandmother could use ;)22:08
BUGabundostupid question22:08
BUGabundowhat's the name of the open source nvidia driver?22:08
edoceoWoah - this new Grub is freaking me out!22:08
sdgmpontillo: Does Ubuntu Tweak handle them?22:08
bjsniderBluesKaj, i can believe you've got a pile of garbage for sound hardware and/or rotten alsa drivers, but i'm not sure that's pulse's fault22:08
bjsniderBUGabundo, nouveau, or nv22:09
sdgPulseaudio is a buggy piece of shit.22:09
penguin42bjsnider: Pulse seems to be trying to do things with the sound card that noone has done in the last 15 years of linux sound22:09
sdgPulseaudio should not be default in Ubuntu yet.22:10
alteregoai made a vnc honeypot with a ultra slow pc and KDE, and effects enabled22:10
BUGabundobjsnider: archive package name?22:10
sdgPulseaudio has problems on all of my computers.22:10
BUGabundoedoceo: I think im buying a gun and shooting it! I WANT MY GRUB MENU BACK22:10
bjsniderpulseaudio is not as buggy as alsa is garbage22:10
alankilathe one thing that pulseaudio gets right, from application programming viewpoint, is the API.22:11
BluesKajbjsnider, penguin42 , I have a cheap pci soundcard that I bought at the source for 25 bucks , and works fine withouit pulseaudio so who cares ...i'm merely suggesting that there are others out there that might have the same situation, and that's my fix if they want to try it .22:11
bjsniderwhat card is that?22:11
sdgalankila: Sure, in theory it's great, but it's just too buggy and unstable right now.22:11
alankilaIt's dead simple to produce output with that API -- you just call something like open() with simple struct style arguments, then write(), then close() when done. It could not be any simpler -- it's even simpler than OSS programming.22:11
penguin42BluesKaj: Me included, my Intel sound card (which frankly must be the bulk of users) has had serious problems in jaunty and intrepid but was fine prior to that22:11
alankilaperhaps libraries like libAO are as easy to use, though, so it's not unique. But a lot of harm with pulseaudio comes from non-pulse apps, and at least they are often very easy to port.22:11
bjsniderpretty much everything uses pulse these days, even skype now22:12
BluesKajbjsnider,Diamond- CMedia1873822:12
penguin42bjsnider: Does it actually use it, or does it get redirected through it?22:13
BUGabundodamn pidgin memleaks22:13
BUGabundoso where was I?22:13
BUGabundooh yes22:13
BUGabundoBAD GRUB 222:13
bjsniderpenguin42, skype 2.1 actually uses it if i'm not mistaken22:13
arandBUGabundo: Are you using pidgin for irc? o_O22:13
BUGabundothe _beast_ is making me reboot the machine a few times, cause I never get to see the menu22:13
bjsniderit was just released a day or two ago22:13
BUGabundoarand: of course !!22:14
BluesKajI don't bother with skype22:14
penguin42arand: I do22:14
alankilaBUGabundo: I noticed the other day you have to hold down left shift during boot to see the menu22:14
* penguin42 finally let me move off ksirc22:14
edoceoleft shift huh?22:14
BUGabundoalankila: right!22:14
EagleScreengrub2 is genial22:14
BUGabundoand it doesn't work most of the times22:15
alankilaat least I hope I'm remembering it correctly. I was really pissed off by the decision to just boot straight into the OS instead of giving one a chance to interact with the bootloader, even 1 second would have sufficed22:15
penguin42BUGabundo: So, tell me how do I open a new channel on a server that I had open but have now closed all the chat windows on?22:15
edoceoYea - I get a 'Loading', then the standard Grub menu - how do I look at that first one?22:15
BUGabundoalankila: +122:15
BUGabundopenguin42: ehehe22:16
BUGabundopenguin42: you can always use MENU!!!22:16
BluesKajalankila, grub2 defaults the timeout to 0 seconds , so just change it in /etc/default/grub22:16
BUGabundoadd chat22:16
penguin42BUGabundo: huh?22:16
edoceoBluesKaj: for that first Grub menu or for the second (standard) one?22:17
BUGabundoJoin Chat22:17
BUGabundonot add .... :D22:17
* BUGabundo follows BluesKaj lead22:17
alankilaBluesKaj: right. Well, I suppose most normal users do not need to interact or anything, but I'd *love* if it told me what to do to interrupt the boot sequence just in case things aren't going too well. It could have written a message before loading the kernel. "Press shift for menu."22:17
penguin42BUGabundo: But I think that only shows me accounts that are currently connected22:17
BluesKajedoceo, grub222:18
BUGabundonow what?22:18
BUGabundodon't I need to update grub?22:18
BUGabundopenguin42: true! how would you join #s on servers you are not connected????22:18
BluesKajyes update grub after changing22:18
penguin42BUGabundo: The only way I've found to do it is to disable the account in question and then reenable it - but there has to be a less obscure way22:19
BUGabundoerror: cannot open `/dev/sdb' while attempting to get disk size22:19
penguin42as root?22:19
BluesKajalankila, i dunno22:19
BUGabundo/dev/sda2             289G  154G  121G  57% /22:19
BUGabundopenguin42: im lost! lets start again22:20
BUGabundopenguin42: in 140 chars or less: what do you want?22:20
penguin42I have pidgin open and connected to anumber of irc servers; I've closed all the chats on a particular account and now want to open one - how?22:21
BUGabundopenguin42: Buddies->Join Channel22:21
penguin42BUGabundo: I'm not convinced that the account drop down there has all the accounts; maybe it only has the connected ones?22:22
BUGabundoof course22:23
BUGabundopenguin42: how would you join #s on servers you are not connected????22:23
penguin42BUGabundo: That's my question - so lets say you start pidgin up and you have autoconnect on 3 servers, and you close all the channels on one of the servers - how would you open one on that server again?22:24
mpontillopenguin42: I always use "Buddies > Add Chat" so that the channels appear in my "buddy list" in a separate IRC group. you can select to autojoin the channels and/or remain in the chat when the window is closed22:25
BUGabundopenguin42: you don't! just channels22:25
BUGabundompontillo: he means the server winwond. not chat22:26
BUGabundohence my doubt22:26
penguin42mpontillo: Oh useful22:26
mpontilloah. good question then22:26
* penguin42 tries this to be sure22:26
sdgI kind of think that the right click>Sharing Options for 'folders' should have an option to share files over the internet as an FTP server or something.22:27
sdgRationale: My friend from down the road wants me to transfer a film to him.22:27
sdgBut he's too fucking lazy to come here and get it.22:27
* penguin42 gets confused22:28
sdgAnd MSNP file transfer is poopoo for a file 700MB in size.22:28
mpontillosdg: good point; the sharing options window doesn't even specify the protocol. I guess it's just assumed that it's a "local network" use case, similar to the Windows use model22:28
sdgmpontillo: Definitely. The sharing options needs options for samba and FTP and it needs to specify which protocols.22:29
sdgmpontillo: A papercut perhaps?22:29
peepsalotWhen i log in to Gnome, i now get this error message:               The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet"22:29
sdgmpontillo: I think there are two bugs here. 1. it doesn't specify the protocol 2. it only has options for Samba22:30
mpontillosdg: I think "share as FTP" would have its own unique set of issues. (1) security, (2) NAT traversal - would need upnp at a minimum, but I'm not sure what other issues you have since NAT and FTP don't usually cooperate well22:30
mpontilloI think it'd have to be a larger effort than a papercut.22:31
sdgmpontillo: Maybe we can have a "share folder with Bittorrent" option or something?22:31
BUGabundosdg mind your language. and use Dropbox or Ubuntu One22:32
BUGabundopeepsalot: remove it. its dead now22:32
sdgBUGabundo: Ubuntu One and Dropbox are commercial, proprietary applications.22:32
sdgBUGabundo: Not open ones.22:32
BUGabundouse OpenSSH :D22:32
sdgBUGabundo: FTP and Bittorrent are open and everyone can use them.22:32
mpontillosdg: interesting idea, but with whose tracker? I'm sure Canonical would not want to be responsible for it, especially with how TPB and other torrent servers are currently being pursued.22:32
sdgmpontillo: I wish the stupid media industries would stop trying to criminalise Bittorrent trackers.22:33
mpontillosdg: I'd just open port 22 and let him sftp the thing (of course, that might be rather slow with large files... ugh)22:33
sdgmpontillo: What does the S in SFTP stand for?22:33
sdgI don't really care if he gets his file, I'm just annoyed that Ubuntu isn't yet ready for the desktop.22:34
penguin42mpontillo: IMHO it's a bad idea to suggest people open 22 to the net - it tends to get hammered by bots22:34
sdgBecause the sharing options are pants.22:34
mpontillosdg: you would have the same set of issues with any OS though, wouldn't you?22:34
sdgmpontillo: Would I?22:34
mpontillopenguin42: good point, I actually forward mine from my NAT to a different port when I open it, myself ;)22:35
penguin42mpontillo: Ditto22:35
penguin42mpontillo: Not quite; on WIndows there is one standard sharing protocol (Samba); on Linux there are many - and hence if you're going to provide a 'share' dialog you should make it clear what it's doing or preferably support multiple forms22:35
mpontillosdg: if you share something on Windows, wouldn't it do exactly what the Nautilus "Sharing Options" window does - namely share it via SMB over the local network?22:36
sdgmpontillo: Yes, but Windoze is supposed to be poopoo.22:36
sdgUbuntu is supposed to be easy.22:36
=== aboSamoor1 is now known as aboSamoor
buckyubuntu hasnt' been easy since Hardy and I welcome the change22:37
sdgJust because Windoze is poopoo, doesn't mean Ubuntu can't be better in that area.22:37
buckyhaving a share file over torrent menu item?  puh leeeze22:38
sdgbucky: WHY NOT?!?!?!?22:38
sdgbucky: Ubuntu has no simple, integrated GUI for sharing a 'folder' over the internet!!!22:39
buckywhy?  make your own, it would be easy enough22:39
sdgbucky: I guess you just don't think Linux should be for Human beens.22:39
buckydo it... that's what linux is all about22:39
sdgbucky: You hate end users.22:39
peepsalotagh, i removed nspluginwrapper, and now firefox crashes every time I go to youtube.com22:39
buckyit's not for stupid people22:39
sdgbucky: You're a knob.22:39
penguin42sdg: Please file a bug on that and show us the bug number - I'll agree with it22:40
sdgbucky: I propose something simple and integrated into the Gnome environment and you throw it right back into my face.22:40
buckyyou're the one that can't live without one simple feature and isn't smart enough to integrate one little menu item22:40
sdgpenguin42: bucky has put me off.22:40
buckygood... go back to windows22:40
penguin42sdg: Well just because he's being a pillock doesn't mean you can't help by filing a bug - you're right22:41
sdgpenguin42: I'm going to go to my room, cry and cut my wrists, as I think about bucky telling me I'm an idiot and not getting with that 14 year old girl I really like.22:41
sdgpenguin42: My self esteem is now too low to file that bug report.22:41
penguin42sdg: OK, but before you do that can you file the bug?22:41
buckyoh.. it's a bug that you can't just share a file over any number of available torrent clients with one click on the desktop?22:42
sdgpenguin42: What, and get more people telling me how much of a loser I am?22:42
BUGabundopenguin42: ahah22:42
penguin42sdg: I'll confirm the bug and comment on it22:42
BUGabundosdg: calm down22:42
sdgpenguin42: No thank you.22:42
BUGabundolets all try to fix this, ok ?22:42
sdgI'm so depressed and upset now.22:42
buckysdg, why are you using alpha ware? (karmic)22:43
penguin42bucky: It's a bug that the 'share directory' option is restricted to one of many protocols and doesn't tell you which ones it does22:43
* mpontillo looks for a gavel to call for order in the channel22:43
* guntbert hands a gavel to mpontillo 22:44
penguin42bucky: Bug as a wishlist for that it should be modular; and a UI isue that it doesn't actually tell you what it's doing22:44
mpontilloif a gavel is struck in an IRC channel, and no one's client makes a noise, did it really make a noise?22:45
buckyi'm sorry.. i don't have any patients with vista users22:45
buckyand he runs this crap http://itshidden.com/22:45
penguin42bucky: He's right though - and there's no reason why easy things should be hard22:46
buckyi need a shower22:46
dupondjeAny idea where I could start looking if printing doesn't work ?22:52
BUGabundodupondje: on the recent cups updates22:53
dupondjeWaiting untill printer is availible ...22:54
dupondjeand keeps waiting :(22:54
dupondje[47368.128335] type=1503 audit(1251669040.050:84): operation="open" pid=14037 parent=14032 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=7 ouid=0 name="/dev/bus/usb/"22:55
BUGabundothere you go22:56
BUGabundofile it22:56
penguin42right, there we go   http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59358822:57
ubottuGnome bug 593588 in File and Folder Operations "Sharing option needs to be more modular and provide some info" [Normal,Unconfirmed]22:57
dupondjeBUGabundo: stopped appamor23:01
dupondjedoesn't show error now23:01
dupondjebut still no printing :(23:01
xcdfgkjhgcvpenguin42: Thanks.23:02
dupondjei need to print something :(23:03
dupondjeand it doesn't even work23:03
dupondjehow sad23:03
BUGabundowelcome to alpha23:04
dupondjeremoved the printer23:07
dupondjetrying to readd, it can't even find it anymore now23:07
dupondjehell yea !23:07
BUGabundois it connected ?23:08
BUGabundocan you telnet to its port?23:09
BUGabundoor  access cups on the webbrowser?23:09
penguin42yeh, bring it up on the webbrowser and see what it says about the printer23:10
BUGabundowhat's the port?23:11
BUGabundosomething like that23:11
dupondjei'm on it23:11
dupondjeclicked 'Add Printer'23:11
nemoargh. I hate the new sound configuration23:11
nemoit has completely screwed up the output channels23:12
nemoand there appears to be no sane way to fix it23:12
dupondjeSCSI Printer23:12
dupondjeHP Printer (HPLIP)23:12
dupondjeHP Fax (HPLIP)23:12
dupondjeand nothing elsed23:12
dupondjecan't add 'USB Printer'23:12
dupondjehell yea !23:12
nemoI can go in alsamixer and manually alter the volume on the channel it is outputting to, but the actual sound config in gnome is completely screwed up23:12
penguin42dupondje: Is it not showing you 'network printer' ?23:13
penguin42dupondje: Or anything else?23:13
dupondjeyes penguin42, it show network printer stuff23:13
dupondjebut its a local printer, connected to USB ...23:13
penguin42dupondje: What make/model?23:13
penguin42is it on?23:14
TwigaathyI bought a USB -> Parallel widget to hook up my printer. It worked once, then the dongle died :| Check your cabling! :D23:14
penguin42dupondje: Does it show up in lsusb ?23:15
dupondjeBus 001 Device 013: ID 04a9:10a5 Canon, Inc. iP520023:15
penguin42sounds promising23:16
dupondjepenguin42: It worked 2 weeks ago23:19
penguin42dupondje: well that's agood start then - is it still listed in the cups printers?23:20
dupondjepenguin42: I tried to remove it23:22
dupondjeas it didn't want to print, so I tought reinstalling it would help23:22
dupondjebut if I can't find it anymore :(23:22
penguin42dupondje: Keeping a copy of /etc/cups is a good idea before doing things like that23:22
penguin42dupondje: OK, so are you trying to add it via system->administration->printing?23:23
BUGabundodupondje: try to see if you have any update stuck that requires a full-upgrade23:23
BUGabundoafaik  we had a broken cups package the other day23:23
dupondjepenguin42: it makes an auto backup so :)23:24
dupondjeand yes i'm trying to add it tru system->admin->printing23:24
penguin42BUGabundo: Actually, I can see the same on my cups dialog - I've not actually got any local printers - but it's not giving me an option to force add one and select the device23:24
penguin42dupondje: OK, add a printer - any printer even with bogus settings and then edit it's properties23:26
dupondjepenguin42: seems it never scans the USB port or something23:27
penguin42dupondje: Yeh, I'm just wondering if you can force it to once there is a printer there and then change it23:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211604 in gnome-applets "trash icon disappears in panel" [Low,Fix released]23:30
nemohttp://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg1656268.html this helped23:31
nemobut my sound control is still completely and utterly screwed up23:31
nemowhy do they keep mucking w/ sound? :-/ seems worse every release23:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420015 in udev "usblp Kernel module needs to be removed and /dev/bus/usb/*/* made accessible for USB printers to work with CUPS 1.4.x" [High,Triaged]23:33
dupondjeseems fucked23:33
mpontillodupondje: if you really need to print, why not try a quick hack like: sudo chmod o+w /dev/bus/usb/*23:33
penguin42ah, well at least it's debugged23:33
nemoSo. according to alsamixer, pulseaudio is now outputting on SigmaTel STAC9227 Speaker 3 channel23:34
nemothe volume control appears to impact the master23:34
nemobut not the actual channel it is out on, so doesn't control volume at all23:34
nemofurthermore, it controls the master badly, if I drag it down to 0%, that works ok, but if I drag it up to 100% alsamixer informs me it is at only 38%23:34
GhotiPhudhello, I've had an odd problem with my internet crop up lately on Jaunty and also when tested on Karmic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7872350#post787235023:35
nemois like the slidey thingy isn't properly doing increments23:35
dupondjempontillo: did it, still can't find it :(23:35
GhotiPhudI think this may be a possible regression23:35
BUGabundodupondje: good old way: boot a jaunty liveCD/USB23:36
mpontillobummer, dupondje; I guess the only other thing I can suggest is poke around in http://localhost:631/admin - don't know much about how the printing subsystem works.23:38
penguin42if it's a perms problem on the device though poking around there probably ain't going to help23:38
dupondjefixed perms23:41
dupondjestill doesn't work :(23:41
dupondjeits shit23:41
penguin42dupondje: You restart cupsd ?23:42
penguin42printers are a pita23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400682 in linux "[Karmic stac927x regression] No sound after upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic" [Medium,Triaged]23:42
nemothat's probably me :-/23:43
idyleHi, I'm on kubuntu karmic and I'm running into issues with software update -- I googled and it said to do aptitude full-upgrade which failed to find the packages for my nvidia  (Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/restricted nvidia-glx-185 185.18.36-0ubuntu1) -- full paste http://pastebin.com/d25c780ac23:44
dupondjewoow its back23:45
dupondjeafter 10 restarts23:45
idyleI also can't seem to open up the sources.list through my kpackagekit, the window mutes then nothing happens :|23:45
dupondjeit is actually printing23:46
* Neonexus cheers23:47
dupondje/dev/bus/usb permission problem + appamor permission problem + usblp module problem ...23:47
idylealright I just did aptitude update and it updated all the sources...maybe it will work now!23:47
penguin42dupondje: Remember to go and buy a few more sacrificial animals for next time you need to print23:48
penguin42printer? Check.  Paper? Check.  Toner? Check.  Sacrificial animals? Hmmm.23:49
Neonexusidyle, have you tried in System > Admin > Hardware Drivers?23:49
Neonexusmay have to enable it as its restricted23:49
dupondjenite !23:50
idyleneonexus: yeah I think I did that a while ago when I first installed the restricted driver -- funny thing is that now it's working fine...once I did aptitude update it totally changed it's plan for a full-upgrade23:50
Neonexusthings stop and start working for me on a daily bases!  thats the fun of testing!23:52
idyleNeonexus yeah but I'm going to school soon so I'm really hoping I can get karmic running in a near production state -- karmic kde is really sweet overall, but my printers NEVER show up for some reason23:55
penguin42idyle: Probably the same problem dupondje was fighting23:58
Neonexusbut then I rarely print stuff so I have no idea if it working or not!23:59
BluesKajidyle, lexmark?23:59

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