
nexacthey guys, i have a netwinder with a strongarm processor, SA-110 ... do you think it would be possible to install Ubuntu on it ?05:46
loolnexact: No, StrongARM is v4; Debian supports it though09:53
ogralool, thanks for the grep suggestion, indeed my grep didnt work09:54
ogra(i dont know why it worked during my testing yesterday though)09:55
ograin the live boot we are sitzing for 80sec at the bouncing progressbar btw ... the actual boot progress once usplash switched takes only 15sec though ...09:56
loologra: it sounds like there's an issue in some component here09:57
ograwill be fine for installed systems, but i guess we need to release note the liveimage configuration phase, so people dont think their boot crashed09:57
loologra: It would be interesting to see what is so much slower on imx5109:57
ograno, casper takes just long on SD09:57
loologra: It looks like a bug somewhere09:57
ograi dont think it is09:58
ogracasper was always slow09:58
loologra: One thing I pondered was doing split SD + USB images for imx51; if you think it's only due to slowness of SD (which I find surprizing since it's random access) that might a path to explore?09:59
ograits just that you dont see it working with quiet and splash set ... i wonder if we should drop quiet for the live boot09:59
ograthat gives you usplash but some text lines so you see it's moving on09:59
ograhow would we do USB images without redboot support ?09:59
loologra: Well my idea was to split the images for various reasons10:00
loolOne was U-Boot10:00
loolThe other was the fact that the SD is used as boot media after install10:00
* ogra doesnt really like that ised 10:00
loolSo I had in mind that we'd ship a large USB image and a small SD live boot image which would become the SD boot media10:00
loolBasically my issue is that we're focusing on SD because it's the only controllable scenario we found, but it's very limiting in terms of use cases, for instance it doesn't work when you dont have access to the DIP switches / boot SD10:01
ograforcing people to download two images *and* making sure both are in sync all the time (at the user, not on cdimage) will be tricky10:01
loolPrecisely, but I dont think they need to be in sync10:02
ograthe kernel and initramfs are on the SD10:02
loolWhat I had in mind was using softbootloader here, but sadly it's not ready / working on imx5110:02
ograwell, with softbootloader putting redboot into flash could be worked out10:03
loolAnyway, I just had in mind to have more versatile images rather than a huge SD blob10:03
ograsomething for karmic+110:04
ogralets have a spec ;)10:04
loologra: But the time it takes to get out of the initramfs is still worryingly slow10:04
ograi would like to move to modular squashfs'es10:04
loologra: I dont understand what would explain such a slowness really10:04
ograits casper10:04
loologra: You have a SD card reader on your laptop right?  I wonder whether you could try booting from that and see how fast it is on x8610:04
ograits doing a ton of stuff to be as generic as possible10:05
loolStill this is supposed to be a capable netbook base board10:05
ograyou cant compare my 2.5GHz laptop with 3G of ram with a babbage board10:05
ograi didnt do any installs yet, its on my list for next week10:05
ograbut i'm 90% positive it will boot in 20-30 secs to a desktop10:05
ograrather 20 than 30 ...10:06
loolI can compare them, I actually do   :)   I see it was taking a minute in the initramfs which is more than 10 times than what it takes on x8610:06
ograthe slowness is caspers ton of scripts ... we might only need half of them10:06
ograbut that needs some very special hacking i guess10:07
ograhmm, which libc ends up in initramfs on armel would be intresting to research10:08
ograwe might win something by making sure it's the vfp one10:08
loolIt used to be and that used to be incorrect  :)10:09
loolIt was fixed to not take the vfp one; we could take both though, but it's not worth changing that since we're dropping the vfp glibc soon10:09
ograoh ?10:09
ograindeed, since everything will be vfp10:10
ograso lets see where that gets us speed wise ... and lets research how much it takes to limit the casper scripts ...10:10
ograi.e. we definately dont need to run dpkg-rexonfigure xserver-xorg ... it takes ages and we have an empty xorg.conf anyway10:11
ograthjen there is some gpg key generation that takes very long10:11
ograno idea why we dont dump them in the livefs at livefs buildtime10:11
ogra(i think it's the archive keys, but i didnt look deep into it yet, i only see the messages at boot)10:12
loolWow yeah we really dont want to generate a gpg key on boot, what's that for??10:12
loolI dont find that in casper10:12
ograconfiguring KDE should be made conditional as well, it takes a while too10:12
ograas i said, i didnt reseaerch that yet10:13
ograwill do so next week, for now my focus was to hide that stuff :P10:13
ogracasper should get a general cleanup next cycle, like keybuk is doing with initramfs atm10:14
ograit collected so much cruft10:14
ograBegin: Adding live session user... takes nearly 10sec10:16
ograBegin: Setting up console keyboard... takes long10:17
ograBegin: Configuring X... does too10:17
ograBegin: Regenerating SSL certificate... is the gpg stuff i guess10:17
ograah, no it isnt10:17
ogragpgv: Can't check signature: timestamp conflict10:18
ograthere we go10:18
ograkeyboard and live session user are the longest parts10:20
loolWe're still hit with clock issues   :-(10:21
ograBegin: Set ubiquity favourite for UNR...10:21
loologra: I wonder whether we should set the clock in a casper script on imx5110:21
ograwhy are all these scripts we dont need run on -desktop10:22
ograBegin: Disabling unnecessary KDE services...10:22
loolWell currently casper isn't aware of what it's booting10:22
ograBegin: Disabling trackerd... (do we even still install tracker ??)10:22
loolI guess we could change that though; I'd write this up on ubuntu-devel@ though10:22
ograi'll do a detailed table of what takes how long in the boot next week ...10:23
ograseems its really worth it10:23
ograwe definately still have a keyboard config prob10:23
ograi think thats the longest part10:23
loolI think I filed a bug about that10:24
loolIt needs to be looked into10:24
ograi also dont understand why we need to generate en_US.UTF-8 on boot10:24
ograits done in livecd-rootfs10:24
ograwhat does casper need it for ?10:24
ograoh, seems we dont do it in livecd-rootfs anymore10:26
ogra(we should though)10:27
loolIt's the default locale10:27
ograwas probably done to save some CD space10:27
loolAnd we dont have a package with this locale pregenerated10:27
ograyes, i know, and we used to call locale-gen in livecd-rootfs10:27
ograso the locales were in the squashfs already10:28
loolOh right; I dont know about that change10:29
ograok, i stopwatched the user creation, its actually 13sec10:29
ograBegin: Adding live session user... 10sec break ... Shadow passwords are now on. 3 sec break ...10:30
ogra# XXX - awful hack to stop xscreensaver locking the screen (#7150)10:33
ograecho 'RUNNING_UNDER_GDM="yes"' >> /root/etc/environment10:33
ograi remember adding that in breezy10:34
ograwe dont ship xscreensaver since post dapper i think10:34
* ogra looks at scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser10:35
ograit also sets up a lot of kde3 stuff10:35
ograwell, lots to do next week :)10:38

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