
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training || Upcoming: Mon 31 Aug - Fri 4 Sept 2009: Ubuntu Developer Week; Fri Sep 4 @ 21:00 UTC: How to run a successful Jam || Run 'date -u' in a terminal to find out the UTC time
pleia2hi flicea, next class is dev week coming up on monday :)01:26
Dicker1moing moin ^^05:19
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parkieHey is the the place for the ubuntu developer week?13:48
jawnsyyup :-)13:48
jawnsythe schedule of stuff is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek13:49
parkiei have never helped out in something like this ( open source )13:49
parkiei know how to code in c++ java...  think i will be  a help13:50
jawnsyopen source is always in need of help :-)13:51
jawnsyparkie: is there a particular session you're interested in attending? or just going to sit in on them?13:51
parkiewell i think i might just sit in and then if i think i am up to it i could try help13:51
parkiei am 2nd year IT student13:52
parkieso i have done quite a bit of C++13:52
parkiebut i would love to get into this, but at first i think i will just sit in a bit13:52
parkiejawnsy: what sessions would you say i should sit in on if i want to get started in the this?14:10
jawnsyparkie: I'd suggest just sitting in on as many as you have time for, and see what you might be interested in :-)14:10
parkiewill do14:11
=== Traveler is now known as Guest71645
somaunnhello everyone15:11
somaunnhello ikt15:17
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Rishhi, can anyone help regarding ubuntu development week?17:09
pleia2Rish: sure, what do you need help with?17:10
Rishpleia2: what's the programme all about and how can I be a part of it17:10
macothere should be a schedule somewhere17:10
pleia2Rish: you can check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek17:11
macoa bunch of devs are giving classes on their area of focus, and you can attend in here and then use what you learn to help make ubuntu better17:11
Rishmaco: did I missed any classes? where is the schedule?17:11
Rishpleia2: thankx, But i followed to the irc after that link.17:11
pleia2Rish: the schedule is on that page17:12
pleia2you haven't missed anything :) it starts tomorrow17:12
Rishplia2: gosh! i'm lucky. Just in time!! So, the week is all about learning ubuntu stuff eh?17:12
pleia2yep :)17:12
pleia2the sessions are held in this channel, and you can join #ubuntu-classroom-chat for discussing the sessions and submitting your questions17:13
Rishpleia2: so the expert will be delivering tomorrow for the first time17:13
pleia2some of them have done classes in the past17:14
Rishtomorrow 16:00 UTC.  which time zone is that? i'm from India17:15
pleia2UTC is the time zone17:15
ulysses__in terminal: date -u shows the UTC time17:15
Rishpleia2: thanks, I wish i could someday develop for ubuntu! I can give anything for that day :)17:16
Rishulysses__:  thanx!17:17
Rishcan anyone please help me convert 16:00 UTC to my time zone? or else i'll miss the class17:24
pleia2Rish: http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=8&day=31&year=2009&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=017:25
Rishpleia2:  woo, thanks dear! In India, the class is at 9.30 pm. Perfect!17:26
pleia2welcome :)17:26
Rishpleia2: by the way, just asking, where r u from?17:27
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=== Guest56495 is now known as zer0theher0
zubin71i`d like to know, in how many hours does the first session start?22:02
ulysses__the lessons start at 16:00 UTC22:03
pleia2zubin71: http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=8&day=31&year=2009&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=022:03
zubin71ulysses__ : Thank you22:04
zubin71pleia2 : Thank you22:04
illovaebonsoir waloo :)22:22
illovaeioups sorry wrong canal22:22
Rishanyone from India here?23:05

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