
doctormopaultag: hey there04:20
* BiosElement pokes doctormo04:39
doctormoBiosElement: Hey!04:39
doctormoBiosElement: You want to go now/?04:40
BiosElementdoctormo: Just about any time is fine with me. It's up to you and pleia2 I think.04:40
BiosElementAlready been flipping through the bzr docs. Looks like a combo of SVN/Git to me >.>04:41
doctormopleia2: going to do a quick run through of bzr04:41
pleia2ok, I need to get to bed, but I'll read the buffer in the morning :)04:42
BiosElementpleia2:  Would tomorrow be better for you? Assuming that's fine with you doctormo.04:42
doctormopleia2: sounds good04:42
doctormoBiosElement: Sure, what time is good for all?04:42
pleia2I'll be around all day tomorrow, but you really don't need to wait for me04:43
BiosElementIt's up to pleia2. Maybe 2 hours earlier from now?04:43
pleia2that's fine04:43
doctormopleia2: Sure we do! Getting students together for the class is important04:43
pleia2fair enough :)04:44
* pleia2 zzz04:44
BiosElementNight then pleia2, See you tomorrow.04:44
doctormopleia2, BiosElement: ok we'll go tomorrow at between 2pm and 5pm EST, give or take04:45
doctormoIt should take about 30 mins tops04:46
BiosElementSounds good. And yeah, I don't think it'll take long.04:46
doctormoThanks BiosElement, your most excelent to email :-D04:51
BiosElementdoctormo, You're welcome. ^_^ I'll be around at 2PM EST tomorrow and probably idle through the night. Lemme know if you need anything else.04:52
=== tim__sharitt is now known as tim_sharitt
pleia2ok everyone: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/TeamReports18:08
pleia2and our meeting is in about 2.5 hours :)18:19
BiosElementpleia2, I'll be back at around 2:30-3:00. Sorry for being late. I'll let DoctorMo know.18:37
BiosElementThat's EST.18:37
pleia2no problem18:39
BiosElementdoctormo, pleia2 I'm back.19:56
BiosElementpleia2, Thanks.19:56
doctormoI figured i had until 3:3020:27
BiosElementAhh, you were close enough doctormo.20:27
doctormowell, i'll be 13 mins > shower, I want you both to open up a terminal window, make sure you have a projects or documents directory and get into it and put any work you've done somewhere where we can move them from.20:30
doctormopleia2: ping20:39
doctormoBiosElement: Wasn't pleia2 just here?20:45
BiosElementdoctormo, Yep. Just a few ago.20:45
doctormoWe'll wait20:46
BiosElementFine with me.20:46
pleia2we have a team meeting in -meeting in 5 minutes20:55
doctormopleia2: Well that's damn inconvienient ;-)20:57
doctormoIt's in #ubuntu-meeting20:58
doctormoand then afterwards we'll do this checkout walk through20:58
pleia2Bodhi said he probably can't make it, and cprofitt has some family stuff20:58
doctormopleia2: Looks like your in charge20:58
pleia2I haven't seen Vantrax :(20:58
pleia2yeah, won't be a long meeting20:58
* BiosElement pops over >.>21:44
GrantbowGidget_Kitchen: DCC won't work for me, try /msg Grantbow foo21:46
doctormook editing done21:49
pleia2thanks doctormo :)21:49
doctormoEveryone ready?21:51
BiosElementWell I am.21:51
doctormoGet open a command line terminal windows and cd into your projects directory21:51
BiosElementGot it. Lets make sure pleia2 is ready though.21:51
pleia2maybe we should start from the top, for those who have no idea where our bzr branch even is? :)21:51
doctormoWhat we have here is a workflow for the creation and publication of creative materials21:53
doctormoFor the creation and peer review process it seems like the best tool for the job is bzr on launchpad21:53
doctormobzr is a peer based content versioning system, unlike cvs and svn which are master/client based systems.21:54
doctormoThis means that each person's branch is just as equal as anyone elses.21:54
=== tim__sharitt is now known as tim_sharitt
GrantbowI know bzr, just need the repo address21:55
Grantbowfound it21:55
doctormoYou should make sure your computer has bazar installed, you can do this from the command line by typing in "sudo apt-get install bzr"21:55
Grantbowoops, no branches at code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-learning21:55
doctormoGrantbow: These instructions are from the top and for the record.21:56
BiosElementGrant, relax. doctormo will get to it.21:56
doctormoOnce bzr is installed, you should create a directory for your projects and inside that directory there should be a directory for the ubuntu-learning work.21:56
doctormo(I assume people know how to use mkdir)21:57
doctormoOnce inside your project directory you can use a bzr command to create a fresh branch from the trunk:21:57
doctormo`bzr branch ubuntu-learning-materials`21:58
doctormoer sorry21:58
doctormo`bzr branch lp:ubuntu-learning-materials`21:58
doctormoonce that's complete, you should have a new directory and inside that should be all the materials.21:59
doctormothose of you who have written parts, take note of the systems-admin directory, which contains all my current work's sources (but not the pdfs or the compiled versions)22:00
BiosElementAye, I'm poking around it. ^_^ I like the organization system you have.22:01
doctormoBiosElement: Organisational systems are my forte22:01
BiosElementdoctormo: That's a very good thing. ^_^22:02
doctormoSo BiosElement and pleia2 should now create their directories. desktop and teaching as required.22:02
BiosElementAny particular name you want for the folder mo? I really don't care.22:02
doctormoBiosElement: 'teaching'22:02
Grantbowdoctormo: thanks, got a copy22:02
doctormoInside of the topic sections directory, there is a number of folders, each one contains a class and each class contains all the odf, svg files for that class.22:03
doctormoEach course and class contains a NOTES file where ideas and thigns missing should be kept22:03
BiosElementdoctormo: One thought. Perhaps contact information for the current author should be in the notes or "CONTACT" file?22:04
doctormoBiosElement: Good idea, do that22:04
BiosElementdoctormo: Ok then.22:04
doctormoI'd like it if those with files could now create their class directories. "01 - Desktop Familarity" and "01 - Class Writing" respectivly.22:05
doctormoyou might have to use double quotes with mkdir22:05
BiosElementOr backspaces should work. >.> I used those for almost a year before learning double quotes... :S22:05
pleia2and maybe lowercase, to keep with your convention :)22:06
doctormoOnce you have your new directories, move your odf and svg files into it. You may want to make a seperate parts directory for any images which are imported into the odfs22:06
pleia2BiosElement: backslashes?22:06
BiosElementpleia2: Yeah, my bad. >.> I always mix the two up.22:06
Grantbowunderscores ftw - spaces are evil22:06
doctormoGrantbow: Mind the gap22:06
BiosElementdoctormo: I'm quoting that. >.>22:07
pleia2ok, the only .odt I have so far is the one BiosElement wrote22:07
pleia2my notes thus far are separate22:07
BiosElementI've currently only got the one .odt. I'm going to be working on a flowchart eventually here.22:08
doctormoso your notes might go into the NOTES file for that class, i.e. ubuntu-learning-materials/desktop/01 - desktop familarity/NOTES22:08
BiosElementdoctormo: Contact info inside the NOTES file right?22:08
* pleia2 nods22:08
doctormoBiosElement: Seperate file please, I'll commit one and you guys can follow the structure22:08
BiosElementOk, that'll work.22:08
doctormoBiosElement, pleia2: once you have your files and folders layed out, you can use the command22:11
doctormobzr add [filenames]22:11
doctormoIn this case just a `bzr add desktop` will do the trick as it will add all sub directories too.22:12
doctormoBut in future you'll have to be sepcific22:12
pleia2so I'm a bit of a bzr n00b, I checked this out anonymously I think22:12
BiosElementpleia2: Follow the help instructions. I already finished that bit. Should work fine.22:12
pleia2BiosElement: where?22:13
BiosElementHang 122:13
BiosElement"bzr launchpad-login [NAME]"22:13
BiosElementYou probably need to upload SSH keys to launchpad though, I'm not sure.22:13
pleia2yeah, my keys are up there22:14
doctormoAh that part I missed, I have a config that does that for me22:14
doctormoAnd the SSH part, we should have those as prerequisits.22:14
* pleia2 nods22:14
doctormoBiosElement: Can you make a note of these things for the second class? (commiting and peer review?)22:14
BiosElementWill do.22:14
doctormo(this is why we write materials, as guides for teaching lol)22:15
BiosElementbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/william/Documents/Ubuntu Learning/teaching/".22:15
BiosElement*cough* I goofed something. >.>22:16
BiosElementHelps if i cd into the directory I suspect22:16
pleia2oh yes, what is the next step here?22:17
doctormoOK so cd into the parent directory before you add22:18
BiosElementI got it, just had to cd in.22:18
BiosElementYep. I shoulda known. >.>22:18
doctormoThen you have to do `bzr commit`22:18
doctormothis command adds the files and any modifications to your local branch22:18
pleia2Committed revision 11.22:18
doctormoYou'll be asked for a commit message, please make sure it says what you've done.22:18
doctormoNow once you've got your commited branch, you want to `bzr push lp:~username/ubuntu-learning-materials/mybranchname`22:19
doctormoYou can call your branch something relivent or just name it after yourself22:19
BiosElementWhat's the save commit notes command? >.> I don't use console editing much. (Though I want too.)22:19
doctormoI thought it was -e "blah"22:20
doctormoBut I don't use that option much22:21
doctormoLet me know when your ready for the next bit22:21
BiosElementIRC Handles or Real Names? We have a standard for that yet? >.>22:22
doctormoBiosElement: Both if you can22:23
doctormodoesn't matter for the branches though22:23
doctormoOnly for notes and contact22:23
BiosElementI meant for the branches. Ahh, ok. RL name it is then.22:23
pleia2I just put my lp name22:24
doctormoNormally once you've got your stuff live, you'll want to pull down other people's changes. The command you use depends on if your branch is different from theirs. If yours hasn't changed since their's diverged, then use 'bzr pull lp:~theiruser/ubuntu-learning-materials/theirbranchname'22:24
pleia2ok, so how do I get doctormo's stuff?22:24
doctormoIf your pulling something down and it's from an older diverence, then use `bzr merge lp:~theiruser/ubuntu-learning-materials/theirbranchname`22:25
doctormoOK so we're going to merge in the change I just made, just to show you22:25
doctormoI've updated the branch lp:ubuntu-learning-materials to rev 11 and so have both of you22:26
doctormoSo technically we have a conflict22:26
doctormoBut it's easy and cheap to merge and branch with bzr22:26
doctormoJust use `bzr merge lp:ubuntu-learning-materials` and your branch should be up to date22:27
doctormoThen use bzr commit and bzr push as above to move those changes into your live branches22:27
pleia2+N  CONTACTS22:27
pleia2+N  systems-admin/CONTACT22:27
pleia2All changes applied successfully.22:27
doctormonow add in your own CONTACT file as shown with my systems-admin one into your own directory and commit and push everything22:28
doctormoBiosElement: Are you keeping up or would you like me to give you some time?22:28
BiosElementAlmost got it, Just finished commiting it. vim was giving me a headache so i found the commandline version.22:29
doctormopleia2: OK have you visited https://code.launchpad.net/~lyz/ubuntu-learning-materials/lyz ?22:30
doctormoOn your branch page on launchpad, you'll notice a link that says "Propose for merging into another branch"22:31
doctormoUse this link once you've completed a class, that will allow us to know when your ready for peer review and we can go through the changes and aprove it.22:31
doctormoMake sure to note what's been done and such22:32
doctormoOnce it's gone into the main repository (I do a bzr merge and commit) then we can compile and publish it on moodle.22:33
doctormoOK that concludes our quick introduction to bzr and the loose workflow we have,22:34
pleia2thanks doctormo :)22:34
doctormoI have to go now, but I will be back to help BiosElement complete this first class and make a stab at the second.22:34
doctormonow that we have bzr set up for him, we can propperly collaberate over not-google-docs :-D22:34
BiosElementhaha, That'd be nice :P22:35
doctormook guys, you might want to practice amongst yourselves.22:35
* pleia2 nods22:35
BiosElementSee ya later doctormo.22:36
BiosElementMiracles happen >.> https://code.launchpad.net/~williamchambers/ubuntu-learning-materials/williamchambers22:39
BiosElementFinally got it. haha22:39
BiosElementWell one good thing happened. I found 15 new ways to goof it to tell people 'not' to do. ^_^22:40
BiosElement"See what I did there? Just do the exact opposite of what I did and you'll do great."22:40
BiosElementpleia2: Are you still around?22:51
BiosElementpleia2: The Bazaar docs are surprisingly useful if you want to flip through them. http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html22:53
pleia2BiosElement: thanks :) I have that link and started going through it, was just tricky without being immediatley applicable (it is now)22:53
pleia2if I could type that'd be neat too22:53
BiosElementpleia2: I know what you mean. I was reading it last night. Pretty easy to read compared to most docs. And yes, typing is good :P22:54
Gidget_Kitchenthank you Grant - Criticism is always appreciated - I want to be able to present my message as clearly as possible23:02

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