
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)02:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:01
nh2_ubottu: what makes you different from male bots?02:03
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:03
bazhangnh2_, did you need some assistance? for help with the bot you can /msg ubottu02:08
bazhangnh2_, if you do not seek assistance, please don't idle in this channel, as per the topic, thanks.02:14
spOcan you guys please unabn me from #ubuntu , i have learned my lesson. I was trolling in #launchpad because i wanted to get banned and was tired of the channel... however, that ban resulted in a multiban03:54
spOthe reasons were because of feelings and karma03:55
spO"[17:43:00] <+mneptok> spO: you were banned because i felt your behavior in #launchpad was egregious enough to warrant the bad karma in other Ubuntu-related channels."03:55
spOi was not nor am i a general threat to all of freenode03:56
spOi just wanted a single channel ban03:56
* genii hands mneptok a coffee03:56
geniispO: The op who banned you is currently not responding. Please try again later.03:59
spOmneptok, i am sorry that i upset you... i think this whole issue is stupid04:00
spOgood night, see you tomorrow04:00
elkyspO, so you're not going to troll other channels, ever?04:00
spOwell it depends if it is a single channel ban or a multi channel ban04:01
spOi didn't take that into my consideration of planning04:01
elkyspO, that's not what i asked.04:01
spOi see04:01
spOis this a witch hunt against trolls then?  Are you guys trying to exterminate trolls?  You act like trolling doesn't have any benefits04:02
spOtrolling is highly entertaining/is entertainment04:02
elkynot in a support channel that has 1200 people on average in it, it isnt.04:02
elkysee, I was going to lift the ban as I disagree with banning in our channels for stuff done elsewhere. However, I am not going to do it if you think trolling channels is a good thing. We do not need more trolls in #ubuntu.04:04
spOi do not troll in #ubuntu04:05
elkyyou do not troll in any channel in the namespace either, correct?04:05
spOthe namespace?04:05
spOwhat about #defocus04:06
elky'the namespace' being #ubuntu*, #kubuntu*, #edubuntu* etc04:06
spOi don't troll in those channels04:06
elkyis that a promise?04:06
elkyand you're familiar with the guidelines of the channel?04:06
spOto be nice and respectful04:07
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:07
elkyi imagine you've been directed to that document before?04:08
spOokay, i read it now04:08
spOi will try to help other people if i can  as accorded by those guidelines04:09
spOthank you04:10
elky>spO< if you had waited half a second more, i'd have told you you're unbanned in #ubuntu.04:10
elky<spO> okay, thank you04:11
geniiThey seem generally reasonable04:12
elkyhe left because he'd already figured he was unbanned.04:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:16
spOmneptok, hi, i am sorry i trolled in #launchpad04:16
* elky blinks04:22
* elky wonders if |lilo| is a lilotroll04:43
* genii makes a pot of coffee for the gang before he leaves for sleep06:03
mneptokelky: did you see spO's #lp troll?07:01
elkymneptok, i saw that you set a ban in #ubuntu for minor trolling in a different namespace.07:04
mneptokelky: and jussi was going to discuss that with the council.07:05
elkymneptok, i am not going to set bans in #ubuntu for those who get bans in #wordpress, #wikipedia, #drupal, ##php... and nor should you.07:05
elkymneptok, and he did.07:05
mneptokelky: then Freenode should not k: line someone just for trying an exploit in a single channel.07:05
elkymneptok, that's their rules. Not ours.07:05
mneptokthey should wait until that person does it in all channels.07:05
FlannelI'm really wary of his "I trolled because I wanted to get banned because I'm too lazy to take a channel off of my autojoin"07:53
elkyFlannel, which is why i still put him through the regular unban process of confirming understanding.08:19
elkyFlannel, but banning in our namespace based on actions elsewhere is something to be reserved for extenuating circumstances such as *extreme* crapflooding.08:20
elkyit's not for every little ban elsewhere, or we'll be constantly with full ban lists.08:21
elkythis is the views of the council, not solely mine.08:21
naliothI concur.08:23
FlannelThoughts on the nick issue in #u?08:26
FlannelI really don't see it as a big deal, but some people apparently are getting rather worked up over it08:26
jussi01I agree with elky on the above issue.08:32
naliothanyone talking to I-Shot-Kennedy?08:34
darthanubisWho is modding #ubuntu?08:36
darthanubisWhere can I report an offensive nick in that channel?08:36
darthanubis[03:33] [Whois] I-Shot-Kennedy is n=Shaman@24-136-16-166.stn-bsr1.chi-stn.il.cable.rcn.com (I-Shot-Kennedy)08:36
naliothdarthanubis: have you been paying attention ?08:36
darthanubisto everything going on in the world or what?08:37
naliothwell, there is nobody by that nick in #ubuntu08:37
darthanubis[03:35] <-- I-Shot-Kennedy has left this channel (requested by nalioth: "please change your nick").08:38
darthanubisthe 2mins it took to find a mod he left, and you ask me if I'd been paying attention?08:38
Flanneldarthanubis: nalioth removed him from the channel, he didn't leave on his own accord.08:39
naliothdarthanubis: i think you need to read what you pasted08:39
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg13:03
ikonia@mark #ubuntu arquebus advertising ##club-ubuntu after being told a day ago to not do it in #ubuntu-offtopic13:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:03
ikoniawho was the guy who used to troll using "U" on purpose ?13:10
elkythere was only one of them14:10
jussi01Nafallo: you may want to remove this channel from your autojoin list  ;)14:49
nhandlerDid anyone ever talk to dwidmann about his connection? It looks like he might have gotten it under control16:50
nhandlerryanakca: ^^^17:15
ikonianhandler: tried a pm but he didn't respond17:23
nhandlerWell, I'll leave it up to a named #kubuntu-devel OP to decide when to remove the ban forward17:24
ikoniaI'll try him again later17:25
ikonianhandler: also as staff are you aware of there being a #4chan channel ?17:25
nhandlerikonia: Yes17:25
ikoniaok cool17:25
ryanakcanhandler: I never did.17:27
=== buttercup is now known as vorian
ubot3`In ubot3`, sayakb said: what is moose18:20
ikoniahello sayakb18:21
sayakbikonia: sorry, just dropped in as ubot3 apparently forwarded some request to here :(18:21
* sayakb eckons it as an accident18:21
sayakb*reckons even18:21
ikonianot a big deal,18:22
ikoniano need to apologise18:22
sayakbah thanks.18:22
* sayakb goes to play with his own supybot ..18:22
* ikonia is tired of seeing mnaines talk rubbish18:47
Myrttihe seems to be out there like a snow man19:25
Myrtti!away > D3f020:24
ikoniaMyrtti: I'd already done him ;)20:25
Myrttiikonia: more nagging makes him stop it?20:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu, guntbert said: !guys is "don't assume that only males are helping here"22:50

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