
giovaniquizme: yes, I know that ... so?00:15
giovanijbbarnes: how is migrating data a lot of work?00:15
quizmegiovani: you asked what ps is for... oh nm.  i misread what you typed.00:15
giovaniquizme: ps gives you the output you're asking for00:16
=== root_ is now known as nilsbo
linkxsi was talking here earlier02:34
linkxsi'll explain my situation again02:34
linkxsi installed dovecot, and now, postfix. now, will pop3s and imaps work?02:34
linkxsif i try to connect to my server from say another computer, from thunderbird02:35
linkxserr, uhm02:35
linkxshow would i go about making accounts?02:35
linkxsand forward certain ones to one account?02:35
giovanilinkxs: read the postfix/dovecot documentation, on their respective websites02:36
irtYou should try it, and see if you can't, and them ask for a solution.02:36
linkxswell, i was going to try it and then realised that i ahven't made any accounts on the server for pop3 or imap02:37
jmarsdenlinkxs: Read the documentation, and try with a normal unix user account first.02:45
phylogenesissimplexio, By the way, it completed the transfer successfully.  I never had to even try the switch.  Thanks again for all the help.  (afk)02:46
linkxsi'm trying to connect to it from LAN, and it doesn't work.02:52
linkxstelnetting to it works02:53
linkxsam i not specifying the settings for the server right?02:53
linkxsi did send a message to myself ont he server, it worked, i recieved it.02:53
ycyhow come when I try to create a ext3 partition on a 15000.0GB hard drive, the greatest partition that both fdisk and parted is 1806GB?02:55
giovaniycy: can you be more clear, I don't understand02:57
jmarsdenycy: I don't think many people make 15TeraByte hard drives, are you sure you have one?  In the consumer marketplace I think 2 TeraByte is the biggest I have seen...02:58
jmarsdenThen that is not "a hard drive"...02:59
giovaniok, that's not a 15TB hard drive though02:59
twbCan't see anything about upper limits there...03:03
linkxscan anybody help me with my mail server?03:04
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:06
twbycy: if that really is a problem with the underlying MS-DOS disk label format, you could either switch to some other label format (e.g. gpt), or create a bunch of 1.8TiB partitions and make them all separate PVs for LVM.03:07
linkxsi, uhm, did ask the question03:08
twbycy: I guess another possibility is that you accidentally used RAID1 instead of RAID5 or something... check /proc/mdstat that you genuinely have 15TiB of effective storage.03:08
ycyi don't want an MS-DOS disk label format03:08
twbycy: MS-DOS is what fdisk ALWAYS uses, and parted uses by default.03:08
ycyi want to use ext3!03:09
twbycy: ext3 is a filesystem, not a disk label format.03:09
ycyis it mandatory to create a disk label format?03:10
twbWhat I am calling (per parted) "disk labels" are what you would call a "partition table" -- though it needn't be an actual table.03:10
twbYou *could* make the entire /dev/md1 device a LVM PV, but this is usually avoided because then other tools can think the disk is not in use.03:11
twbThis is assuming the RAID array is not your boot disk.03:11
ycyyes it's not on my boot disk03:12
ycyit's a RAID hardware03:12
ycyI only see a giant /dev/sdb03:12
ycyand I want to create a partition on that03:12
twbYou can't create a partition (i.e. /dev/sdb1) without using some kind of disk label.03:15
twbAll I'm saying is that you could use something other than the default ms-dos label format, if there is some kind of inherent limit in the size of its disk labels.03:15
giovaniyeah, the MBR has a maximum partition size of 2TB afaik03:17
twbSo use gpt03:18
twbparted -s /dev/sdb mklabel gpt && parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart 0 0 100% ext3, or so03:19
twb(Except of course you WILL be using LVM here, lest baby Amithaba cry.)03:20
=== lenios_ is now known as lenios
LiraNunaI host several websites using virtual hosts on my server04:55
LiraNunacurrently, because all files are grouped (read only) as www-data, php scripts can read (and write if permissions are set) to folders in other websites directories04:56
LiraNunaassume /var/www/www.website.com/stuff.php can read /var/www/www.another.com/index.php04:56
LiraNunahow can I restrict - or even chroot apache (like mod_chroot), per virtual host ?04:57
LiraNunaI don't really mind about php scripts reading outside of /var/www, as I use AppArmor to restrict read/writes to where needed04:57
giovaniLiraNuna: first of all ... #apache would be far more relevant ... second of all, I'm not sure that there's a good solution to your problem, presuming you're using name-based virtual hosting05:05
LiraNunasorry for asking in here, I thought it's a generic server discussion as well.05:06
giovaniit's an ubuntu server room05:06
giovanithis is a pretty specific, and specialized apache question -- you're more likely to get someone with an answer in #apache, that's all05:06
LiraNunayes, I use ubuntu server; I meant, I thought I'd find answer targeted for ubuntu server here05:06
giovanithe answer won't be specific to ubuntu05:06
LiraNunaI understand, I can adapt05:07
LiraNunathank you for pointing me to the right direction05:07
giovanianyway, I doubt there's a good solution05:07
giovanivirtual separation is never safe05:07
giovaniif you used ip-based hosting, you could start a separate apache process for each site ... however wasteful of resources that might be05:08
LiraNunaI was hoping for an MPM that will chroot+suid05:08
LiraNunampm-itk seems nice, but it won't chroot05:08
giovanihave you googled on this?05:09
LiraNunaof course05:09
giovanithis seems highly relevant05:09
giovaniand seems to have a bunch of solutions05:09
javaTNhi, is anyone availiable here to help me out with a server question05:12
artificialexitwhats the question?05:13
jmarsdenjavaTN: Don't ask to ask, just ask.  See /topic05:13
javaTNOh sorry, i didnt know if anyone was here, thats all.05:13
javaTNI am interested in setting up an "IPCop" like setup on my Ubuntu Server 9.04. Any way to accomplish this w/o a reformat to the IPCop distro?05:13
giovanisure ...05:14
giovanibut you need to be more specific about which features you're interested in05:14
jmarsdenjavaTN: Add whatever applications IPCop has in it to your Ubuntu server... :)05:14
javaTNThe web based management / monitoring of traffic, etc05:14
javaTNThats the part that stumps me ^05:14
giovanijavaTN: the web-based management of what?05:14
giovaniit's probably custom-written05:14
giovanifeel free to ask them05:14
jmarsdenFor traffic monitoring in real time, check out ntop05:15
javaTNWell, since IPCop can be managed through the web, thats what I would like to be able to take adavantage of on my ubuntu server05:15
giovanibut manage -what- through the web was the question05:15
jmarsdenjavaTN: For basic server admin using the web, you can use ebox05:15
javaTNjust monitor network traffic05:15
jmarsdenTry ntop :)05:15
javaTNI just googled it, it looks actually promising to my needs! im gonna check it out right now as im SSH'd05:16
jmarsdensudo apt-get install ntop    and then browse to port 3000 (I think that's the port it uses by default)05:17
javaTNah, i just installed05:17
artificialexityea 3000 is default05:17
javaTNdont know if i should be worried 'yet'... but its complaining about my eth0, but my internet is on eth105:17
javaTN"Starting network top daemon: eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found05:17
jmarsdenMinot config tweak should handle that.05:18
giovanithat's probably because it presumes you want to use eth005:18
javaTNyeah, im reading the man. lol i hate when i dont have "defaults" as apps would like.05:18
jmarsdenThen either use eth0 as your default interface, or else edit /var/lib/ntop/init.cfg and restart it.05:20
javaTNyeah  im gonna do that, i just started it with ntop -i eth105:21
javaTNim afraid if i change eth1 to eth0, then its going to complain in other applications05:21
javaTNoh! while im in here. maybe i can make a link? i that possible? link eth0 to eth105:22
giovanino, don't do that05:22
giovanijust reconfigure ntop ... it's simple05:22
javaTNok haha05:22
javaTNok now does ntop also provide a firewall setup?05:24
giovanino ... ntop is a monitoring application05:24
giovanithe iptables firewall can be managed dozens of ways05:24
jmarsden<javaTN> just monitor network traffic     -- that is what you said you wanted :)05:25
javaTNyeah im sorry, but also to do a firewall *blush*05:25
artificialexittry shorewall05:25
artificialexittext file config though...05:25
javaTNno web-based management?05:25
javaTNim checking out this ebox too as someone mentioned05:26
artificialexitwebmin has support for shorewall05:26
* giovani goes to cry about what #ubuntu-server has become05:26
javaTNebox looks promising05:26
giovaniartificialexit: webmin is totally not supported by ubuntu05:26
javaTNbut this looks like a distro05:26
artificialexitgiovani: my bad...05:26
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox05:26
javaTNsaweet! thanks im gonan try this now!05:27
artificialexitgiovani: never use it myself just heard about it05:27
javaTNubottu, ok how can i do this. the guide i was linked to i think has text formatting errors. to install all ebox packages, should i do "apt-get install ebox-*" ?05:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:28
javaTNlol im such an idiot for messaging a bot. shows how often i use IRC.05:29
javaTNim confusing myself so much! ah, maybe i shouldnt go with ebox. lol05:45
javaTNnow heres my other question as far as ntop goes... how can i have eth1 input the connection (from internet world), link to eth0 (to hub)?05:53
javaTNanyone here?05:57
jmarsdenjavaTN: ntop is moitoring whichever interface you ask it to monitor.  It will not link things together for you.05:59
jmarsdenWhat are you trying to do?05:59
javaTNi think i asked that the wrong way. what i want to do is have eth1 input the internet connection05:59
javaTNand eth0 share the connection to the network hub05:59
jmarsdenSo... connect the Internet hookup on eth1 and the hub on eth0.  Job done.  Are you wanting the server to act as a router doing NAT for the client machines on eth0 ?06:01
javaTNno, just share the connection.06:02
javaTNbasically the purpose of me using ntop is the monitor all network activity06:02
jmarsdenSo the client on eth0 all have public Internet addresses?  And the server will just route to them?06:03
jmarsdenSo... hook the Internet up on eth1, the hub and client PCs on eth0, enable routing.06:04
javaTNinternet cloud >(in from eth1) ntop server (out from eth0)> router > other computers on network06:04
jmarsdenOther computers all have PUBLIC IPs, right?06:04
jmarsdenYour ISP assigned you enough IP addresses you can give one to each client PC?06:04
javaTNthey are going to be LAN ip's. 192.168.64.XXX06:04
jmarsden<jmarsden> So the client on eth0 all have public Internet addresses?  And the server will just route to them?06:05
jmarsden<javaTN> yeah06:05
jmarsdenDo not say yes if you mean no!06:05
javaTNoh my bad. i wasnt sure what that meant exactly :-x06:05
jmarsdenThen say so!06:05
javaTNlol sorry06:05
jmarsdenDo you have a hardware device (router ) between the PCs and the Internet connection?  Or are you wanting the Ubuntu server to do that work?06:06
javaTNi have a device to do that work06:06
javaTNall i really need i guess is to route eth1 input to eth0 output on LAN. and ntop will monitor the eth1 connection06:07
jmarsdenI think you are confused... you can't have two subnets with the same IP addresses in them and expect routing between them to work.06:07
jmarsdenWell, you could try setting up the Server as a transparent proxy, but... I don't think that is really what you want or will be able to do...06:08
javaTNhow would it differ if i had no router and routed with the server?06:08
jmarsdenThen the server would *be* your router/firewall, and the eth1 address would be your public Internet IP, and the eth0 address would be a local private LAn address, so the two would be different.  Then you could set up the server to do NAT between the two networks.06:09
javaTNoh i see06:10
javaTN what if i did a simple masquerade between eth1 and eth006:10
javaTNwould that do?06:10
jmarsdenAs long as they are different subnets, yes.  NAT and "masquerade" are in essence the same thing.06:11
javaTNsubnet is the kind of thing, right?06:11
javaTNsorry, im still learning my way around networking06:11
jmarsdenI can't spend my evening teaching you basic networking.  http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/Unix-and-Internet-Fundamentals-HOWTO/06:13
javaTNjmarsden, http://www.howtoforge.com/nat_iptables do you think that guide would serve my needs to get this setup?06:16
artificialexitcd howie06:17
artificialexitdamn wrong keyboard06:17
jmarsdenjavaTN: I'm not sure, it seems fairly old, and I've never used it.  First learn enough to understand what you are trying to do, and then try to do it :)06:18
javaTNwell in theory i know what i want to do, but there are limitations apparently of things unbeknownst to me. like subnet issues.06:18
jmarsdenIf you know what do to, then why do you need to follow a guide on howtoforge? :)  OK, try it if you want.06:19
javaTNno its not that i know what to do, i know what i want to do.06:19
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
jbbarnesI could use some help making a disk bootable. I copied two partitions (swap, and an ext3) to a replacement drive. The system naturally won't boot, so I think I need to install GRUB. I have booted from knoppix. How do I install grub to make hda2 bootable on this disk?09:38
jbbarnesOnce in knoppix, I believe I run grub and then issue a command to install it on hda. Is that right?09:40
kinnazi think so09:40
Malekocan anyone comment on the last post in this topic09:52
Malekoufw under ubuntu server09:52
javaTNdoes anyone know how i can properly setup my ubuntu server as a checkpoint between my cable modem and router to monitor internet traffic on my network?10:21
javaTNis anyone here able to assist me or link me to a guide on how to setup 9.04 ubuntu server as a NAT10:26
twbYou used to be able to simply aptitude install ipmasq10:27
javaTNdoes thaat still work?10:27
twbnowadays I guess it involves adding -t nat -A -i eth0 -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE or so.10:27
twbjavaTN: TIAS10:27
javaTNnow, im so confused when it comes to iptables. whats the best way to add that to the table and keep it saved?10:28
javaTNiptables -t nat -A -i eth0 -o eth1 -j masquerade10:28
javaTNand your done?10:28
javaTNor add it to /etc/rc.local10:28
javaTNtwb, what do you think about firestarter?10:30
twbI don't trust iptables abstraction wrappers.10:31
javaTNi just found out firestarter is gui based, which is pointless for me being on ubuntu server with no GUI. haha10:32
Malekowhat about ufw10:34
javaTNdoes that do NAT?10:35
twbufw is an iptables abstraction wrapper10:37
twbIt *can* do arbitrary iptables rules, but only by a human writing iptables-restore segments into the appropriate file -- not by using the ufw CLI as such10:38
javaTNoh i see10:38
javaTNive spent the last 3 hours of my night trying to set this NAT/web traffic analyzer up- got no where. im frusterated trying to configure my server with my router and get them to talk to each other and the internet cloud.10:39
javaTNwhat exactly is a broadcast and how does it differer from the gateway?10:54
kinnazjavaTN, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadcast_address10:58
=== javaTN is now known as javaTN`afk
foxeyladymy machine won't turn off11:27
foxeyladysudo shutdown now yields this "recovery menu" screen or something11:27
foxeyladyi end up having to do a hard power-off every time11:28
foxeyladyany way to fix this?11:28
BrixSati always get 7 packages can be updated. 12 updates are security updates. but no matter how many updates i do they dont go away!11:34
foxeyladythis is what i'm getting when  I try to shut the machine down -> http://www.geeksquadwiki.com/gsw/images/e/ef/UbuntuReset6.jpg11:34
twbfoxeylady: the "recovery menu" is single-user mode11:39
foxeyladytwb: ahh, thanks.11:39
foxeyladynow is there any way to have it actually shut down when i tell it to do so, instead of going right into that?11:40
twbI do not know why shutdown is using mode 1 instead of 011:40
foxeyladyi think it may actually be shutting down first, and then re-booting into that11:40
twbHave you asked dmesg and/or /var/log/* ?11:40
twbfoxeylady: if that's the case, then you have "single" in your default boot menu item11:41
BrixSatis there any way to remove the updates on the main windows?11:42
BrixSatwhen i enter via ssh11:42
foxeyladytwb: well, if it helps tell you anything useful, if i then do a hard-powerdown and then boot up the machine, it'll give me a regular login screen11:42
foxeyladytwb: does it?11:46
twbBrixSat: what are main windows?11:46
twbfoxeylady: sorry, I still dunno what's wrong with your box.11:46
foxeyladyanyone else??11:49
BrixSattwb when i login in ssh11:56
BrixSati always get 7 packages can be updated. 12 updates are security updates. but no matter how many updates i do they dont go away!11:56
twbBrixSat: that's /etc/issue and /etc/motd, I don't know what updates it -- it was implemented after the last LTS11:58
BrixSatlast lts?12:00
foxeyladyBrixSat: *L*ong *T*erm *S*upport release, such as Hardy12:00
dayotrying to set up group-based quotas for home directories mounted on nfs. how does this apply to 8.04? http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sgi/faq/admin/section-68.html13:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quota13:23
dayoshame on u, ubottu. really.13:23
twbdayo: the quotas are applied on the NFS server side13:31
twbThat URL is a bit confusing.  Certainly the rquotad stuff has to be working, but unless you have a firewall in the way, it should be automatic13:32
dayotwb: so, if i set up quotas on the nfs server, it applies to client logging in from a desktop?13:39
twbI suspect quotad is only there so when you get "write failed!" you get a more meaningful message, like "write failed!  You gots no space!"13:41
dayotwb: i see. ok, thanks. well time to try it out. i'll let u know how it went.13:42
dayotwb: i have this line in my fstab: UUID=d9089c53-5d3b-4693-879d-c81098f33ef4 /srv           ext3    relatime,usrquota,grpquota   I don't want to apply quota to /srv, i want to apply it to a subdirectory of /srv. how do i do that?14:23
aladin_hello, i have a big problem.. someone can tell to me the equivalent to "dpkg --force all" in apt?14:43
twbdayo: not possible15:11
twbdayo: make a separate filesystem for the thing you DO want to have quotas on15:12
twbdayo: this is the part where you learn that you should have used LVM when you installed your server.15:13
dayotwb: i tried this but it's not working:  sudo quotatool -b -u testman -q 2072MB -l 2584MB -t 7days -v /srv15:23
dayoquotatool: Wrong options for -t, please see manpage for usage instructions!15:23
dayotwb: man page says number followed by seconds, minutes, days, weeks or months15:23
twbdayo: I don't even have a quotatool, just quota and edquota15:42
axio_does anyone know if python is installed by default?15:42
twbaxio_: likely; it's a requirement for many things15:42
twbaxio_: but that might be python2.5-minimal rather than "batteries included"15:43
Claw6_guten tag :)15:56
Claw6_ich als newbe brauch mal hilfe zum thema Vhosts15:56
Nafallo!de | Claw6_15:56
ubottuClaw6_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:57
Claw6_oh yes sure15:57
Claw6_httpd (pid 4460?) not running15:58
Claw6_(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
Claw6_no listening sockets available, shutting down15:58
Claw6_Unable to open logs15:58
Aisonhello all16:00
Aisoni've got a software raid116:00
Aisonbut the problem is, that I can't boot from it16:00
Aisonsomehow /dev/md/0 is not existing on boot16:00
Aisonit's created later16:00
Aisonhow can I bring the kernel to use /dev/md/d0 as root?16:01
dayotwb: and there is absolutely no way for me to add a line in fstab, underneath /srv that says /srv/home ?16:12
twbYou cannot have quotas for only part of a filesystem.16:13
twbNothing prevents you having a separate filesystem /srv/home16:14
dayotwb: yeah, i guess that's my most viable option right now16:14
twb00:13 <twb> dayo: this is the part where you learn that you should have used LVM when you installed your server.16:14
dayotwb: so, what i'll do is take free space from /srv and create a partition called /srv/home16:15
axio_twb: what would be missing from like the "python light" that you're talking about?16:17
twbaxio_: ask your package manager16:17
axio_oh, right :)16:17
axio_packages.ubuntu.com seems to be broken16:18
axio_or having problems16:18
twbdpkg -l, -L16:18
axio_how 'bout RoR?16:26
=== javaTN`afk is now known as javaTN
javaTNis it possible to have a samba server outside of a network, yet still accessable by the internal network? ie: samba > router > clients?17:29
giovanijavaTN: sure, just like any server17:30
javaTNthe thing that baffles me is, it wont be on the same network necessairly.17:31
javaTNcable modem > samba server > router > clients17:31
javaTNwhat does it mean when an ip is typed like this: whats the /24?17:36
ScottKjavaTN: CIDR range.17:37
javaTNScottK, so essentially a CIDR range is a range of IP addresses?17:39
ScottKjavaTN: Yes.  Google knows all about it.17:39
garymcanyone here?17:42
garymcjust reinstalled chatzilla not sure thisa is working17:42
giovaniwell it should tell you that you're connected17:44
giovanibut yes, clearly it's working17:44
garymcyeah im just trying to join another channel and it saya that i should have identifeid myself. I have but not working?17:44
garymcyeah it works now thanks17:47
javaTNhow do subnets masks work? i am trying to setup my server as a NAT, however should the subnet mask of the router and eth2 (output to router) be the same?18:00
szczymhelo, i have very strange problem: lsusb gives me nothing since 20 minutes. i have 2 devices turned into hardy server. please help18:25
szczymbut dmesg lists usb events ...18:26
MatBoyI have a md array that failed.. it's the /tmp array, but now it mounted one of the partitions as /tmp... what should be the best to unmount /tmp ? as it's busy atm ofcourse... remap it in fstab and make a temp one on the / partition ?20:27
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=== ircd is now known as aceirc
=== gewt is now known as aceircdotorg
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slapI'm using jaunty and I would like to understand hot to make a permanent change to /etc/resolv.con23:52
slapI read that '  If using DHCP, NetworkManager is _intended_ to replace default routes,' But I'm not using DHCP !!!23:56

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