=== yofel_ is now known as yofel [02:48] Hello. [02:48] Can I change my Ubuntu One folder? [02:52] Hello, anyone? [02:52] MindVirus1, what do you mean with change it? [02:52] I don't want it to be ~/Ubuntu One. [02:53] facundobatista: ^^ [02:54] MindVirus1, in the future, you'll be able to use any folder you want [02:54] For now it's just ~/Ubuntu One? [02:54] MindVirus1, but that's a yet-to-be-written feature [02:54] MindVirus1, yeap [02:54] facundobatista: in what language is Ubuntu One written? [02:56] MindVirus1, Python [02:56] mostly ;) [02:56] facundobatista: :) Are you a dev? If so, are you looking for developers? [02:57] MindVirus1, yes, and I think that we're full at this time, but you always can check the Canonical jobs page... [02:57] MindVirus1: you can change the location/name of ~/Ubuntu One, but "it's not supported (tm)" [02:57] I don't want to get a job. [02:57] I want to submit code to you guys. [02:58] Because I think it's a great thing you're doing. [02:58] verterok: Of course. I don't want to monkey patch the code; it should have a GUI. [02:58] MindVirus1: it's not monkey patch, a config change :) [02:59] MindVirus1: only a config change if you never started the daemon :p [02:59] I figured this early the directory would be hard-coded. [02:59] MindVirus1: it's not :) [02:59] MindVirus1, well, the client is open source, you can check its launchpad page [02:59] facundobatista: great. Are you guys looking for only improvements or also new ideas? [03:00] MindVirus1, both, always :) [03:00] MindVirus1: if you already started the deamon a metadata migration is needed or a cleanup of the metadata and start with a clean envirnment, plus the config change is enough to change "Ubuntu One" dirname [03:00] facundobatista: I wanted to suggest that you add the ability to upload ~/.* so that settings can be transferred. [03:03] MindVirus1: adding the file ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf with "root_dir.default = ~/" in it and nuke or migrate the metadata (in order to get it working properly) should be enough [03:06] facundobatista, verterok: sorry, what did I miss? [03:06] MindVirus2: but it's not supported as you can see (you 'll get a broken deamon if the metadata isn't migrated) === MindVirus2 is now known as MindVirus [03:07] MindVirus: a what line did you lost the connection? [03:10] facundobatista, verterok: apologies, instabilities. [03:11] Please repeat for the last time. [03:11] MindVirus1: adding the file ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf with "root_dir.default = ~/" in it and nuke or migrate the metadata (in order to get it working properly) should be enough [03:11] MindVirus1: that's all :) [03:11] 23:06 < verterok> MindVirus2: but it's not supported as you can see (you 'll get a broken deamon if the metadata isn't migrated) [03:12] MindVirus1: also it's in "beta", I'ld be carefull regarding config files ;) [03:12] Right. [03:12] What are your opinions of the idea? [03:13] MindVirus1: I think there is a bug requesting a similar feature [03:13] I see. I shall have to subscribe. [03:13] MindVirus1: instead of using ~/ the request (if I remember correctly) just says: "sync my config files" [03:14] Not ~/ -- ~/.*. [03:14] MindVirus1: yes, sorry [03:14] Same thing, though. Sync my config files means the same thing. [03:15] MindVirus1: yes...but ~/.* includes .ssh, and e.g: I don't want my private keys to be sync'd [03:15] :) [03:15] Right. [03:16] MindVirus1: the same for .gnupg and possibly other security sensitive dot files/dirs [03:18] verterok: I can't find the bug. [03:18] MindVirus1: let me check [03:21] MindVirus1: Bug #397489 [03:21] Launchpad bug 397489 in ubuntuone-client "backup system configuration" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/397489 [03:24] verterok: the Launchpad search is made of shit. [03:24] MindVirus1: please file a bug! :) we need better search [03:31] verterok: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugzilla-launchpad/+bug/421324 [03:31] Launchpad bug 421324 in bugzilla-launchpad "Launchpad bugzilla search needs improvement" [Undecided,New] [03:31] In case you're interested. [03:32] MindVirus1: great [03:32] MindVirus1: bugzilla? [03:32] verterok: yes; I assume it is a Bugzilla problem. [03:33] MindVirus1: ubunutone-client uses launchpad, not bugzilla [03:33] verterok: I was talking about the bug search. [03:33] MindVirus1: bugzilla is the thingy which links LP<>BZilla not the thing that searches LP. [03:34] arand: thanks :) [03:34] arand: ahh. To where shall I reassign? [03:34] Pardon for my cluelessness. [03:34] MindVirus1: np [03:36] MindVirus1: launchpad itself [03:38] MindVirus1: done [03:38] ubottu: Bug #421324 [03:38] Launchpad bug 421324 in bugzilla-launchpad "Launchpad bugzilla search needs improvement" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/421324 [03:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about Bug #421324 [03:39] hmm, ubottu discard your cache [03:39] Awesome. [03:44] Thanks guys; I've found what I wanted. === jamalta_ is now known as jamalta [15:00] does ubuntuOne support notes synchronization provided by tomboy ? [15:31] What is this whole desktopcouch thing about? It looks and sounds like something I want to use, but I can't find any examples or good explanation what it exactly does. It is a part of UbuntuOne, so it has probably to do with sharing settings and application data, but that's nearly all I could find. [23:26] can someone please share a file with me, just to see how it works [23:26] thanks